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frrresh visual arts magazine


It’s nice to be here, among the pages of the issue no. 18 isn’t it? :) Months fly by so quickly that it feels like only yesterday we started this magazine. Since then some things have changed and we now have a super secret jury, or a group of art selectors if you will, that choose the artists for each issue and also pick who gets to be in Frrresh magazine (since we had a lot of people writing to us wanting to get featured). In the past month they found some interesting new artists that will surely quench your artistic thirst! These 10 amazing creatives were kind enough to share with us their lovely work and open their hearts to us all- let’s see what they have in store for us shall we?

Artists featured in issue 18 are: Sabota je al Monta je Evelin Danko Mina Fina Heike Weber Alija Kamber CHRYSTAL CHAN Resatio Bence Bakonyi Zvonimir Haramija Hans Richard Alexander Heckert

A Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Santa Cruz de Tenerife Laguna in 2003, and painting on the street, carrying out projects and participating in both national and international events since 1998, Sabotaje al Montaje is most recognised for his large scale murals. The subjects are always people he encounters on the spot and all his work is done freehand, without a grid. The winner of numerous awards, most notably first place at Artaq Paris & Berlin in 2010, his art can be seen in The United States, Senegal, Argentina, France, Italy, Germany, Spain... and the Canary Islands.


I am a first year Master student in Graphic Design. My aim is to create a complete new world with my drawn creatures. I decorate paper products, leather and textile with my illustrations. I am interested in many different types of art. I’m inspired by everything around me, all the small things, a lovely melody, a good cup of green tea, the colors of nature and my little doggy, named Nanuk.

Mina Fina

Recently Mina Fina explores drawing, animation and live video. She has published several publications, zines and artists books and is a member of design group Ee and audio-visual collective Your Gay Thoughts. She lives and works in Ljubljana.

H e i k e

W e b e r

In her work Heike Weber tests drawing processes beyond the usual format, sounding the depths of their dynamic potential in different dimensions and media. She creates installation-interventions in the form of expansive murals and drawings on the floor, as well as interventions that take over spaces and surfaces, using diverse industrial prefabricated materials such as carpet pieces, clothesline, and pieces of mobile, textural silicon. They all have a kind of double reality in common, which is the result of the intense relationship between placement and limitation, or between the specific drawing and the optical illusion. This also makes them physically effective, since her works disturb and alter the usual parameters of spatial perception.

Weber has also employed this expanded principle of three-dimensional drawing in her video works, most of which are loops featuring sequences of everyday observations, whose circular motion seems to obey its own set of non-functional rules. In another sense, this is also true of her figural drawings, whose motifs translate states of floating and weightlessness. Whether with pencil, thread, scalpel, or camera, whether as an ornamental pattern or as a projected figure: Weber’s works permit viewers to recognize a decided interest in the processes of exploration and transformation in drawing, specifically passing on to them a sense of their own motion and perspective. This creates open areas and situations that subjectively explore (both physically and mentally) the phenomena of time and motion in the construction of space. Stefan Rasche Gallery Rasche Ripken Berlin

Alija Kamber

-Tuzla, Bosna i Hercegovina I shoot a variety of cameras using them depending on the situation and the feeling about the place. I use photography in so many ways it’s almost impossible to abstract the presentation. Thats why I decided to abstract the abstraction out of my work, as a present to Frrresh. a wider variety of “my visual research, which ever way it might take me” can be found on


Chrystal Chan was born and raised in Northern California. Being fascinated by the spiritual world since the age of seventeen, most of her works present subjects in metaphorical situations that are derived from visions, supernatural experiences, and beings. Each piece states facts of the physical and the supernatural.


Resatio was born in Bandung, Indonesia. His artworks have appeared most notably in Elle, Nylon, Amica, Jakarta Post Weekender, and Beautiful/Decay. His processes include mark making, collage and photography combined with digital and manual processes. He works with found and created elements, figurative, abstract and typographic, bringing us dreamy and nostalgic feel. Resatio has his works exhibited in many cities.

Bence Bakonyi

The photographic works of Bence Bakonyi represent the symbols of freedom, airiness and transubstantiation. Below their contemporary and young aesthetics, they provide us with deeper layers of interpretations. Body and mind – these qualities are entirely intertwined in the unique pictoriality he creates: a human blends into the landscape, the body extends, or we see a deep black mark on the bright white cliff that appears as a gate which at-

tracts its visual pair on the picture: a human figure. The consequently emerging drama dissolves either in bright spaces or in the soothing aesthetics created by the color lines – making his works easily accessible. The generous spaces of his photographs and their capacity to connect reality and fantasy turn us away from the problems of everyday life and direct our thoughts toward the much more universal and dignified questions of human existence. artworks - commercial works

Zvonimir Haramija Hans

Zvonimir Haramija Hans is an artist from Croatia. He works as an art profesor but most of all he enjoys drawing, painting, making collages, murals and animations.

Richard Alexander Heckert “The Pop Amok artist” Born in the streets of Weststadt was a premonition about the term “No Future”. In the vacuum of the industrial sound of this city, the idea of Pop Amok formed. Imagine that your brain is a defective archive and everything breaks down and gets confused. Movies, music, comics, art, literature and everyday life fall into a mental meltdown in which boundaries of the inside condition are no longer separated from outer life. A panopticon of superlatives in a fast world of moments, which is more fragile than we think. We live restless and without compromise and lose the sense of the essentials out of sight. The Pop Amok makes situations in us and around us visible again. Art must be there the eye to the world, where crucial times begin. It’s Showtime, the 21th century on air and starts the final round! It revolves around yourself! This art is the swallow that will accompany Enola Gay!

Photos and text: Courtesy of each author unless stated otherwise Editors: Rafael MilÄ?ić and pekmezmed Contact:

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