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frrresh visual arts magazine


Thank you! We don’t say it as much as we should. And we don’t just say it because thanksgiving was a few days ago- heck, we don’t even have Thanksgiving in our country! We just want to say it from the bottom of our hearts: thank you. Thank you artists and thank you readers. Thank you art lovers and art makers- with you in it this world is a beautiful place to live in! And now since your heart grew a little bigger and is filled with love and thanks, you can surely fit some of the lovely visuals from our featured artists in it ;)

artists featured in issue 33 are: Anna McKay Camille Vannier Paul Pajot Rebecca Bagley Zijun Li

Anna McKay

Anna McKay is an artist and illustrator based in Christchurch, New Zealand. Her distinctive digital style blurs the lines between painting and design, resulting in work that is beautifully graphic and highly emotive. Women as subject matter has always interested Anna, and in each piece she endeavours to represent the multi-faceted aspects of the fairer sex. Vibrant colour palettes and wild feminine energy feature prominently in her 2015 work.

Camille Vannier

Camille Vannier is from Paris, but she came to Barcelona to study arts 11 years ago and has been here ever since. She does illustration for different kinds of magazines and she also did two graphic novels where she wrote and drew about her personal life and the people she knows, in intimate details. She has a fixation

for the little details of everyday life and she especially loves it when things don’t go the way they’re supposed to because she believes that makes the best anecdotes for her books. Camille also loves gossip, food in general and whales.



Paul Pajot is a London digital and environmental designer with a strong colorful approach. Originally from France, he studied at ESAG Penninghen, Paris, the skills of art direction, typography and technical drawing. After completing his technical formation of 3 years, he integrated a Master in Communication Design at Central Saint Martins, London, learning to strengthen his concept and research methodology. Beyond estheticism, Paul wants his design to be problem solving. By expanding his range of collaborative works and personal projects, he is everyday get-

ting closer to cross-disciplinary and innovative design solutions. Two of his recent collaborations have been featured in Eye Magazine (billboard experiment) and Etapes Graphiques (alarm-clock/ news-feed app). His practice also includes filming (The French Fromage), writing on a design blog he founded (Morning Spank) and painting murals (London Marmalade) which helps him to always keep his work frrresh.


Often found meandering, staring blankly, around zine fairs, conventions and supermarkets, Rebecca Bagley is a consumer of most things caffeinated and all things ‘Design’. Having worked within publishing for a short time out of uni, she now operates as a full time (sort of) illustrator, primarily for fiction and editorial purposes. Her work is derived from stories and characters that pop up in the everyday, although a splash of the imaginary is often invited along for the ride too. She collates, writes and draws her urban fables for everyone, from picture books or single image narratives right through to

comics and graphic tales; although her work says it often feels at it’s happiest in the company of children and young adults . When not doing some upside-down yoga thingy, Rebecca is likey creepily drawing people without their knowledge in coffee shops, quietly gathering well designed menus and artefacts from various hughstreet outlets or force feeding any number of people baked goods. She also lives in the internet on her portfolio site, blog, Facebook and twitter and welcomes you to pop by any on of them for tea or to look at some things she did.

Zijun Li

I am Zijun Li, born in China and studied illustration in New York. I had a very traditional painting background such as oil painting and drawing. Back then my major inspirations were from the old masters of the Europeans. Once I started doing commercial illustration, I’m trying to combine a more playful and humorous style because I found a great

joy making people laugh. Therefore I expand my inspirations to comic book, Japanese prints and entertainment industry. No matter how much I’ve learned, there is always great knowledge and inspirations to be discovered. So I consider myself as a life-long student of art and culture.

Editors: Rafael MilÄ?ić and pekmezmed Contact:

Photos and text: courtesy of each author unless stated otherwise

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