Women Of Wealth Winter 2016

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Features 44 Phyllis Newhouse 50 Britnie Turner 56 Denise Wilson 62 June Davidson



Departments HEALTHWISE 12 Dr. Sharleen Lord 16 Audrey Hope 20 Dr. Linell King FINANCIAL WEALTH 22 Cozette White 26 Alexius Branch 30 Kristen Henry POLITICS 32 Ambassador Suzan Johnson Cook TRAVEL 38 Chill out in Cancun 40 5 Great Beaches HER STORY 42 Chong King CONVERSATIONS WITH WEALTHY WOMEN 66 Kay Kent 72 Archbishop Ruth Smith Holmes 78 Sasha Koto 82 Rules of Empowerment ENTERTAINMENT/MEDIA 84 Tomeka Holyfield 86 Sise Marie 91 Endyia Sterns

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Dr. Lei Lewis Frank Lewis Opulence Johnson Shivonne Taylor Ashton Moore Dawn Bolton Michelle Williams Shondalon Hoffler Somalia Ramin Trisonia Lewis Fran Sherman Eric Null Daphine Long Remi Oyeyemi Nykole Wyatt Lydia Pace Ayana Finch Sheryl Nance-Nash Pamela Johnson Marilyn Helgeson Kenneth Turner Photography Jared Zem Photography Cris Baker Sekem Ramin Alyiah Thomas Dee Moore Satia Thomas Carl Milner Info@womenofwealthmagazine.com www.womenofwealthmagazine.com womenofwealthmagazine@gmail.com Magazine Availability Issues are available at Barnes and Noble and national airports. In addition to freelance writers, Women of Wealth seeks experienced advertising sales executives. Inquiries should be sent to womenofwealthmagazine@gmail.com

Letters to the editor at womenofwealthmagazine@gmail.com Correspondence may be edited for length and clarity. Please include name, address and email address. Published 4 times a year | Subscription Rate: U.S. 1 year $49.95 CopyrightŠ2014 Women Of Wealth Magazine USA Inc. 404-590-2013

from the

Publisher DR. LEI LEWIS


OW! How time fly’s! It seemed just a few years ago when I conceive this idea of publishing a magazine about wealthy women. Now, seven years later that first magazine of 7 pages has grown to over 146 pages and sits on shelves in Barnes and Noble, Books-a-million and several international airports throughout the U.S., as well as established Offices in 3 different locations around the nation, Los Angeles, Miami and headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia.

Let me go down memory lane of the many triumphs and equal tragedies along the way. First, I must give God the glory for all that I and my children have accomplished. I have prayed, cried, laughed, screamed, loved and hated too. I have experienced anger from others and been angry with myself. I have been lied on, loved on and most of all I have met phenomenal women and men along the journey and friends for life (FFL) too. Our milestones have been too many to mention, but I really think that 2016 is the year of acceleration. This year marks our entry into 8 major airports including Atlanta, Miami, Los Angeles, Dallas Fort Worth and by our next edition we will add additional airport newsstands in Chicago, New York, Washington D.C. and Canada. I am elated to share with you that my son, Frank D. Lewis, is the President of our new division, Men of Wealth Magazine, entitled MQ Magazine. This is going to be a stellar year with the launch of MQ Magazine in South Beach, Miami in June 2016. We are expecting an unstoppable, accelerated growth year with a Board of Directors and Advisers who believe in the vision and mission of affluent women leveraging power and influence. There have been many people who have helped WOW

grow and expand, thank you! I want to acknowledge eight women who, along my journey, blew air beneath my wings at times when it didn’t seem I could flap them one more time. Edie Fraser, Colleen Payne, Anna McCoy, Angela Barfield, Landera Murray, Phyllis Newhouse, Dr. June Davidson, and Brenda Ragland thank you for stepping in, blowing life into my heart to carry on. Dan Moss, thank you too! These I have mentioned stepped inside the vision of WOW to work alongside me and our family and we will continue to honor others who did the same throughout this seven year celebration in our upcoming issues. One of the highlights this past summer was the continued growth of our WOW Global Summits. This year the summit was held in Martha’s Vineyard, and the reports of the strategic connections, deal making and mentoring opportunities continue to pour in. This is why we exist, to expose, educate and enable women to connect and enlarge their spheres of influence. Plan to attend this year’s Global Summit, TBA but we are eyeing ST. Thomas, Virgin Islands, more to come in our next issue. In summary, from the trenches of 7 pages to the White House, and yes I made it there too! Although I and we, have had some epic failures in these seven years, we are still winning!

What I know for sure are these lessons of faith 1) The Spirit of the Living God Jehovah and His Angels travel with me. He is ever present even in the times I throw up my hands and want to give up, He’s there! 2) My losses have made me stronger and the wisdom I gained is immeasurable. 3) When opportunity knock don’t just sit but dance no matter how the song ends…dance anyway! And someone tell Lee Ann Womack when opportunity came, I gave faith a fighting chance and I danced! I am thrilled about the prospect of the next seven years of WOW’s contribution to the world. To my children, my WOW team, my FFL and my readers who believed in me, thank you for your support. In the words of Lee Ann Womack, from my heart to yours, “When one door closes, I hope one more opens, I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance, never settle for the path of least resistance! Living life means taking chances, and remember they are worth taking. When you come close to selling out; reconsider. Give the heavens above more than a glance. Promise me that you will give faith a fighting chance. When you have the choice to sit it out or dance…dance, I hope you dance.” Dance your dance and share your journey with WOW at lei.



Winter can be harsh on your skin. Ready for some Insider Skin Care Tips? Dr. St. Surin’s Winter Skin Tips: Moisturizing soaps. Dove soap or body wash (sensitive skin versions available), Aveeno skin relief body wash, and if you must have fragrance - Lever 2000. My male patients love Dove for Men face and soap bar & body wash (they even have a shampoo). Men need smooth skin to! Stay away from antibacterial soaps as they are drying to the skin, unless you were advised to use them for a specific condition. For eczema, there is a plethora of moisturizing cleansers from Cetaphil, Cera Ve, and Aveeno. Emollients. As unsophisticated as it may seem to some, Vaseline or white petrolatum, is the best moisturizer. Aquaphor, a thicker white petrolatum is also an excellent alternative. Vanicream has developed Vaniply – an ointment for very sensitive skin without lanolin or mineral oil (for those who have sensitivities to these ingredients). If the thought of dousing yourself in Vaseline doesn’t excite you, I also recommend Curel Ultra Healing, Aveeno Skin Relief cream or ointment, Cetaphil or Vanicream skin creams. Creams are

heavier than lotions, and therefore more moisturizing. After showering or bathing, pat your skin dry, and immediately apply your moisturizer to lock in moisture. You may have been able to get away with lighter lotions during the summer, when the air was humid. However, winter weather may require heavier creams or ointments. There are even exfoliating prescription lotions and creams and exfoliating body washes prescribed by dermatologists. In my practice, we sell prescription-strength alpha hydroxyl acids and retinol containing products to exfoliate dry skin, making a healthy glow possible even during the winter. Humidifiers. Many newer homes are heated with forced air, which is drying. If your home does not have a built-in humidifier, using a safe, cool mist, or warm mist humidifier at night will humidify the air and keep your skin moist. This can be especially helpful for those with eczema. Nonsteroidal Moisturizers. These products, such as Hylatopic Plus and Tetrix were formulated for individuals with eczema or dry skin to restore the skin’s barrier function.

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Sensitive skin may do better with just a bland cleanser (no added active ingredients) such as Cetaphil Foaming Cleanser, Neutrogena Foaming Wash, or Vanicream Soap Bar.

A prescription is required to obtain these products, so see your dermatologist. Scrubs: Sugar scrubs are great for exfoliating dry skin of the body, hands and feet. The smell good and leave you feeling butter soft. They should not be used daily and they should not be used on broken skin as that may be irritating. For the face, I use and dispense fine cosmetic facial scrubs with alpha hydroxyl acids such as glycolic acid. I wound beware of scrubs with large or coarse beads as these products can be irritating and cause redness. In skin of color, redness is oftentimes followed by dark patches. In this case, less is more. Now what about your beautiful face? I named my dermatology practice Visage, which means “face” in French, because your face speaks volumes even when your lips aren’t moving – your eyes, your smile, and your skin tell a story. In our selfie- and social media – obsessed culture, everyone is focused on being camera-ready. We now go “all out” for Face Time and Skype. So how do you give “good face”? It starts with healthy skin. Are you ready? Start with a cleanser. You should wash your face twice a day and definitely wash your make up off. Sensitive skin may do better with just a bland cleanser (no added active ingredients) such as Cetaphil Foaming Cleanser, Neutrogena Foaming Wash, or Vanicream Soap Bar. There are also creamy versions of many washes that are more moisturizing. If you are too tired to wash your face, they even make Cetaphil cleansing cloths and Neutrogena Make-up Removing wipes. Just open, wipe, and ditch. They are perfect for your gym bag and for travel!

Many cleansers contain active ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid, which are beneficial for those with acne-prone skin. You may find that these products still do not fully control acne, and you should then seek care from a dermatologist. If you develop irritation or an allergic reaction after using these products, you should then seek care immediately and follow up with dermatologist. I treat a large number of patients for dark spots and dry patches left over from irritating skin care products. The truth is that we don’t know what irritates our skin or what we may be allergic to until after we’ve tried it. A non-comedogenic moisturizer with sunscreen (SPF 30) is recommended, even during winter months, especially if you ski (SPF 50). UV rays may cause dark spots and wrinkling, even in winter. Wearing sunscreen on snowy days is advised as the sun reflects off of the snow and onto you. Many people believe that are wind burned when they are actually sunburned after shoveling snow. Hyaluronic acid (HA) is the latest craze. It has actually been around for decades in our hyaluronic acid fillers used for filling flattened cheek, sagging jowls, facial folds, and plumping lips ( Juvederm®, Restylane®, etc). Hyaluronic acid is a humectant naturally found in your skin, which holds up to 1,000 times its weight in water. It’s no wonder that HA has found its way into our beauty products. In my practice, I use many different formulations of HA, depending on the patient’s skin. The Visage product line features a specially-formulated hyaluronic acid serum which imparts moisture immediately. Neutrogena HydroBoost is available over the counter. It even

soothes dry hands. Your dermatologist may prescribe Bionect is a hyaluronic acid moisturizer. Be red carpet ready with HA + facial Vitamin C serum. For dry lips - Aquaphor works well. Aquaphor with SPF 30 is perfect for winter getaways to sunny areas. Neutrogena also makes colored lip balms with sunscreen. Lip gloss wearers - just make sure gloss stays on the lips and not past the vermillion (“lip line�) border of the lips as this may cause black heads and acne around the lips. For dry Hands. The winter season is also associated with cold and flu viruses. We are all washing our hands frequently (I hope) or using antibacterial gels and liquids. Many of these are alcohol-based, and can be drying, as is hand washing. So when you reach for your Purell, be sure to reach for your moisturizer. My patients appreciate and enjoy the Nonsteroidal Moisturizers mentioned above as well as Neutrogena Norwegian Hand Formula to keep their hands soft and healthy. Your skin not only keeps you beautiful, it actual-

ly envelopes you. Your skin is your protective barrier against pollutants, dust, and microbes. Dry skin can crack, and this compromises the integrity of the skin barrier. Moisturized skin is healthy skin. Other great hand moisturizers include Cera Ve Therapeutic Hand cream and Aquaphor. The list goes on, but we do not have enough time to discuss it all. These are recommendations and should not be taken as medical advice. You will have to try a few products before discovering the perfect one for you. Schedule an appointment with your dermatologist, especially if you have a skin condition that is not improving or worsening. Dermatologists are medical doctors who specialize in skin, hair, and nails. A dermatologist can evaluate your skin and help you customize the best skin care regimen for Sharleen St. Surin-Lord, your unique skin type. There M.D., FAAD, FAACS www.Visagederm.com is no substitute for a great 301-773-SKIN dermatologist. WOW

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have observed Audrey Hope’s re-evolution and her wish to tell HerStory rather than HisStory for almost 25 years. Back then, this London-trained actress was selling Birkenstocks to support her LA-based cable television program, Real Women.

At one point she deviated and became the spiritual counselor at a world-renowned Malibu rehab center. There, based on her clientele, she earned the right to call herself “Healer to the Stars”. Recently, I reconnected with Audrey at her lovely, peace-filled home in Brentwood, California to catch up on HerStory— the ways it deviates from HisStory— and to have a conversation about Women of Wealth. Through her brilliant smile, Audrey let me know that for her, stars have come to include the Heavenly Stars as well as the Hollywood stars. At that point, I put on my mental seatbelt; I knew this was going to be radical. Audrey reminded me that her lifelong mission has been to eradicate self-doubt in women. She considers it the worst of crimes as it is a double crime. First there is the original wounding— what is done to us— followed by what we do to ourselves because of it. If this is healed, women will heal and if women heal, the men and the world will heal. Women first, and then everybody and everything else. We don’t need any form of societal permission. Audrey thinks in universal principles. She believes it is time for the Goddess to return. Right now women have the power to realign the planet. This requires monetary resources, an inner revolution, and a re-storying. Dorothy had it right. We’ve had our red shoes on all along. What began as a mission on the ground, fighting for respect, for our basic rights, wages, opportunities, votes, physical safety and freedom from abuse, is now an inner journey. This is a time for women, a time to reactivate ancient codes, balance what has been unfair and unequal and set things right. We must change the narrative in preparation for leading the way to uber feminine wealth and peace on this planet. As Joseph Campbell pointed out in The Hero’s Journey, where we stumble, where our wound is, there lies our treasure. This is the key that explains those who have monetary wealth but who miss the wealth of happiness and peace of mind. This unresolved self-doubt is where the Judy Garlands, Whitney Houstons and so many others sadly miss the joy they should have found in their creative and financial successes. Where are we blind? What is the path on which to move forward? Audrey says that first we women need to recognize that we have been brainwashed. We need to see the value in learning to use two words, “no” and “enough”. Each of these words is a complete sentence. We need to say loudly, “I will not let anyone hurt me again!” The steps forward according to Audrey are: Step 1: Educate ourselves as to how we have been brain-

It is time for the Goddess to return.

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washed about our intrinsic value. This requires stopping the lies about ourselves that HisStory tells. It requires leaving the party that isn’t really satisfying us. The Mayan prophecies about the end times are really about a new golden age where the Goddesses take back their power. Yes, it is an inner journey all about ending our loss of self. Step 2: Heal the soul’s wounds which we suffered around the age of 5 or 6. Everyone has one. Dig a little and you will identify yours. Once you’ve identified your soul’s wounds, then recognize the soul contracts that we have come here to heal and complete. Step 3: Marry ourselves first. Step 4: Stop the self-inflicted slaps. HisStory, which has hidden the story of women, has been a crime against women. Recognize that the greater crime, the double crime of HisStory, has been the self-doubt that has been instilled in us. Step 5: Recognize that we can change our lives in a moment, much like how the caterpillar becomes a butterfly, by entering a chrysalis of feminine spiritual law, self-love, and self-care. In love with ourselves, and in honor of our inner beauty, there is nothing we cannot do. We can reach for the stars and take everyone with us. Self-love, what Audrey calls the sovereignty of the self is the key to success in each and every one of our endeavors. Here are three tools to implement that don’t require checking into a pricey Malibu recovery center: 1. Live the cliché— become the change you want to see in the world. What you wish to receive from others, be to yourself. 2. Become your list. Those attributes that you want in a man or a profession: accomplished, powerful, fulfilled, etc. Become them yourself. 3. Embrace the spiritual law, ‘I am the creation of my own reality filled with the miraculous ‘power of the divine.’ This conversation compelled me to re-evaluate the things that I consider important for my peace and satisfaction. I left with a resolve to capture any power that has leeched from my spirit and harness it for my future. I am more determined than ever to saturate the lives of the women in my sphere with love and positivity and encourage them to find their power. What started off as an interview has become a life lesson that I intend to marinate on and grow from for many years to come. Audrey and I ended our reunion by raising our glasses to toast you and your journey with and to Wealth from the Inside Out. It’s time for you to claim your greatness. WOW

We must change the narrative in preparation for leading the way.

For more information about Audrey Hope and a more in-depth experience with her system that has ‘Healed the Stars’, go to www.AskAudreyNow.com

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hat time of year where everyone has the best intentions for changing something about their lifestyle. While over 80% of Americans make resolutions, only 8% achieve their goals.


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A January 2015 Nielson survey indicates that health and wellness were top priorities for U.S. consumers last New Year.“Staying fit and healthy” was the top resolution, coming in at 37%, followed closely by “lose weight” (32%). And based on the survey results, just a handful of people didn’t make any resolutions (16%). The good news is that people who make a resolution are 10 times more likely to meet their goal eventually than those who never make a resolution. If like many Americans your resolution is to lose weight, then the only remaining question is where to start. There are so many weight loss and diet books available all claiming to have the one and only secret to successful weight loss. For this reason, it’s easy to become overwhelmed. Feeling overwhelmed is a great way for the mind to make excuses to do nothing. Therefore, I have created a basic checklist for you to use to evaluate any plan or book before you buy into the plan and potentially head down yet another road to confusion and inaction. Beware of weight loss plans that . . . • Promise dramatic rapid weight loss (“Lose 30 lb. in 30 days”) • Suggest that there is one easy permanent solution to weight loss • Promise permanent weight loss with no effort • Say “Studies show that . . .” but provide no references from reputable scientific journals • Suggest that consuming or elimination any one food or food group is the secret to successful weight loss • Promise weight loss without exercise • Encourage consuming less than 1,200 calories per day • Include magic potions such as pills, creams, or patches • Say you can lose weight and eat all you want • Encourage you to buy their food or supplements • Use the word miracle • Provide no maintenance or follow-up plan • Do not encourage permanent lifestyle changes There is not a one size fits all approach

to weight loss. There are lots of great plans out there, the trick is to find one that works for you. Try to find one that works for your lifestyle and preferences: If you don’t like vegetables choosing a vegan plan is probably not going to work… choose one where you can add and experiment with vegetables but still include other healthy foods you like. Choose one that has some flexibility to accommodate eating out and traveling. With all of the weight loss plans and books available, it makes you wondering, why are so many people still overweight? And those who do lose weight just gain it back! Make this year the last year you resolve to lose weight! Dont go on a diet, rather make a lifestyle change. Master these 4 keys to success to achieve your ideal body weight once and for all. KEY #1: KNOW YOUR WHY. You must know why you want to change your health and improve your life. What do you plan to achieve by taking action? You can’t do anything until you have a very clear why. The why becomes your vision, your goal, the reason you keep going when you want to quit. It has to be about you and what you want from living a healthier fuller life. It has to be realistic, being younger may not be possible but feeling younger can be! KEY #2: THE CORRECT INFORMATION. If you don’t have clear and correct information to guide your actions, then your mind will create confusion with the misinformation surrounding it every day, and it will sabotage your efforts. It is very easy to feel overwhelmed with so many diet plans and conflicting information and lists of what to eat and what not to eat, with no lists being the same. This confusion can become a line of defense against taking action. It is important to use your judgment. Ask yourself who is providing the information you are following? What are their credentials? Do they promise unrealistic or unsustainable outcomes? Are they selling a cure-all magical solution? A licensed medical professional can provide you with current and correct information to make decisions

about what is best for your health. KEY #3: A PERSONALIZED PLAN. You need a plan that fits you and your lifestyle. There is no one size fits all. The plan must be sustainable, this is not a temporary fix. Therefore, it is critical that it fit easily into your every-day life and that it is adaptable for special occasions, dining out and travel. Be patient, developing a personalized plan will inevitably take some trial and error to figure out what is easiest for your schedule and your lifestyle. Your health care expert can help you to fine tune this plan by providing accurate information and suggestions for success. KEY #4: ACCOUNTABILITY. You need someone, whether it is your friend, your health care practitioner, your spouse or someone you just met also in action to change their health, you must have someone to be accountable to, an accountability partner. This person will be there when you face challenges along the way when you face temptations or feel that you want to quit. This person will remind you of your why when you need it. They also provide a person to report to. So if you don’t do what you planned to do on any given day, you will have to tell them and tell them why. If you master these four areas, you will accomplish your goal and achieve ultimate vitality. WOW DR. LINELL KING is the #1 Bestselling author of Mastering Vitality. He has helped over 50,000 people achieve ideal body weight and overcome medical illness. FREE GIFT: Go to www. masteringvitalitybook.com for a free download of Dr King’s #1 Best Seller, Mastering Vitality.

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ozette White is a woman of strength, passion and intelligence. As a wealth strategist and money coach, Cozette spends her days helping others create, manage and wisely utilize their wealth. Her life, however, has not always been a picture of perfection.

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Losing both her parents as an adolescent, Cozette experienced a lot of hardship and difficulties growing up. These tough times served to build her up into the woman she is today. She has risen on the wings of every storm (and there have been many) and purposefully taken steps to build the kind of life and reality she always wanted. Today, she is able to empower others to do the same. Passionate about women’s finances and uniquely qualified to teach and coach on these issues, Cozette is on a mission to transform lives and families through the application of sound principles of financial management. In this thought-provoking interview, she speaks to WOW about her personal journey, her work, passion and future pursuits. WOW: For our readers who are not familiar with you, do tell us in your own words, who is Cozette? CW: My name is Cozette M. White. I am a successful, single mother of two (Briana, 24 and Roderick, 22), both currently in college. I am the Founder and CEO of My Financial Home Enterprises. Based outside of LA, California, My Financial Home Enterprises is a nationwide consulting business specializing in wealth management. I am known as “The Money Coach” on an unapologetic mission to transform lives and bank accounts. As a leading wealth strategist and certified coach, I am an exceptional business communicator, as well as the author of Smart Finances For Smart People, which offers strategies and tactics to manage your personal finances effectively. WOW: Tell Us About Your Childhood. What Was Growing Up Like For You? Were There Any Experiences That Shaped Your Outlook On Life CW: I faced many obstacles early on as an adolescent — my parents were murdered, and my siblings and I went to stay with my grandmother who would eventually raise us. That experience left a lasting impression on me and I decided I would achieve all God had in store for me; nothing would get in my way. I wanted more out of life. I wanted to succeed, so I laid out a plan for my life and I

She has risen on the wings of every storm (and there have been many) and purposefully taken steps to build the kind of life and reality she always wanted. Today, she is able to empower others to do the same. was determined to soar; but as Mike Tyson says, “Everyone has a plan ‘till they get punched.” Well, my plan “punched” me right in the face, and I did not see it coming. Life took me on a roller coaster of events — I became divorced with two small kids. Just when I thought I was getting out of one storm, then came another one; I lost my corporate executive job and ended up on public assistance. I was ashamed, embarrassed, and humiliated; but I was a fighter, willing to take the bumps and bruises. One thing is certain: I walked out of the storms a totally different person than I went in. WOW: You Have Overcome Many Obstacles and Are Now Able to Help Others. How Exactly Do You Do This? What Difference Do You Make For your Clients As A Wealth Strategist? CW: I help my clients achieve “bankable results” by making sense of their money. As a champion for professional, personal, and business financial well-being, I teach my clients how to ditch debt and develop a plan to create wealth that leaves a secure financial legacy. This allows them to transform their negative money story into a limitless sky of possibilities. We accomplish this through several modules, which include: coaching programs, content contribution, and national speaking engagements. Clients are then more confident, empowered and inspired to make wealth a priority, understanding and implementing principles that make a meaningful difference in their lives and families.

WOW: You Are Obviously Passionate About What You Do. What’s Your Driving Force? CW: I love working with my clients. I am thrilled when clients tell me they have eliminated debt or started contributing to a retirement fund, or tapped into smart ways to diversify their portfolio. This excites me because I know I am the force behind their efforts and I have been able to contribute to their success. I am sure they can feel the energy in my voice! WOW: A Good Number Of Your Clients Are Women; Is This A Conscious Choice? CW: Absolutely. I am a champion for women. I once read an article that stated that 40% of American households now have women as breadwinners and about two-thirds of those women are single mothers. Also, 24% of all married women are now the primary breadwinners in their families. This trend has been on the rise for years. It is unfortunate, therefore, that while more women are bearing the responsibilities of caring for their families very few of them have been taught how to be SMART with their finances. This is one of many reasons I wrote Smart Finances For Smart People. With relevant statistical data and practical information, I educate and empower women to manage their finances effectively. I feel it is my responsibility to be a change agent and impact households headed by women. After all, as a single mother and the head of my household, I know first-hand how important and challenging this is.

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WOW: How Did You Decide On This Career Path? CW: A loving and caring teacher from Banning High School in Wilmington, California fostered my love of Accounting/Finance. Mrs. Paramore served as my mentor, and she instilled in me the power to pursue such a demanding career. Under her guidance, I developed a passion for Finance, and I began to soar! I hold a Bachelor of Science Degree in Accounting and an MBA Degree. I am also a Certified Tax Planner and a Certified Registered Tax Preparer.

WOW: What Else Do You Want People To Know About You? What Is Your Life Like Outside Of Work? CW: I am a mother, daughter, granddaughter, sister, and aunt to many. Most would tell you that I am witty, yet down to earth with a kind and giving heart. I love having intelligent conversations. I have a passion for what I do. I love to collaborate and network with like-minded people. When I am not working, you will likely find me home enjoying family, traveling or reading. I am the Founder and Executive Director of Achieving My Dreams Foundation, Inc. (AMDF), a 501(c)3. Founded in 2011, AMDF provides a multi–faceted experience designed to not only address the financial needs of students who aspire to attend college but also to guide them through the process of higher education, molding them into dynamic leaders with a commitment to public service. Awards are given to outstanding high school graduates who plan to earn a baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution of higher education. I am an active member of various civic and community organizations including Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. and National Association of Black Accountants, Inc. While I juggle multiple hats, working with the community and giving back is also one of my priorities.

Wealth is one of those words that hold so much meaning. It is much more than money. It is about wisdom, confidence, family and love.

WOW: There Are Many Financial and Wealth Gurus Today; What Sets You Apart? CW: I am a realist. I was not born with a silver spoon in my mouth. I know what it feels like to experience financial difficulty, and it is for this reason that I keep it real with my clients. I give them real life solutions to address their finances. I do not only draw from numbers, but also from emotional intelligence, psychology, and even neuroscience to increase their financial awareness, and to enable them to acquire new skills to navigate the complexities of personal finance. I empower, inspire and transform mindsets. WOW: What Financial Advice Would You Give To Our Readers? CW: The number one thing I want the readers to learn is to ‘Always Pay Yourself First’. This is one of the oldest rules of personal finance. However, it is not applied as frequently as it should be. It pays for your freedom, so why avoid rewarding yourself? When you pay yourself first, you are mentally establishing wealth saving as a priority. You are establishing that you are worthy of your own care and attention before everything else. It encourages sound financial habits, and by paying attention to this area of your life you are building a cash buffer. Secondly, it is important that you make reading a habit. Yes, read books on money and finances. You have heard the saying, “Iron sharpens iron.” Well, reading sharpens the mind. When I was overcoming my hurdles, I read personal finance books and articles to sharpen my knowledge of wealth and financial freedom. WOW: What Inspires You? Where Does Your Drive And Work Ethic Come From? CW: My life experiences hugely impact my drive and work ethic. I was raised by my grandmother, Queen B. She took no excuses and set high expectations for us. While raising three grandchildren in her later years, she worked two, sometimes, three jobs to maintain her household. She had an impeccable attendance record, never missing a day of work and was always on time. After watching Queen B, I was determined to do whatever it took to get the job done and to be successful at whatever I set out to accomplish.

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WOW: What Matters Most For You? If There Was One Thing You Could Say You Knew For Sure, What Would That Be? CW: I am here right now because of God, my family, and my clients. I have gained so much gratitude since my humble beginnings. What matters is that I continue to be a change agent, and financially impact the lives of others, building wealthy families and leaving legacies for generations to come. After all, “one team, one dream.” I also know that I am blessed and loved unconditionally by my family — even when I am working on something ‘new’, and they want me to take a break. It is in my blood. I love staying busy and trying new things. I am unstoppable! WOW: What’s On The Rise With Cozette? CW: Another exciting milestone is on the rise for me! I am set to release a book this winter entitled Wealth, Prosperity, and Abundance. Wealth, Prosperity, and Abundance is about transforming your mindset and centers on daily affirmations. I am a true believer in the law of attraction — what we think about, we bring about; what we verbalize will manifest. Wealth is one of those words that hold so much meaning. It is much more than money. It is about wisdom, confidence, family and love. Abundance is so much more than money. It is about freedom, choice, and deciding what will manifest in your life. It is about a spiritual

awakening that also translates financially. Then, of course, there is prosperity. The word itself is not an action word. You must take the verb root of it— prosper, and then put that into action. So if I endeavor to make a bold, non-negotiable decision to experience wealth and abundance, the only way I can do so is through taking action to prosper. Otherwise, it is just a thought, and thoughts without action are merely a waste of time. It is vital to have continuous conversations around this topic. It is very much needed in the marketplace to help as many people as possible tap into these spiritual principles that have the ability to shift and change their reality. My Financial Home recently launched programs from our Infinity Wealth Circles for kids, parents, and entrepreneurs. These series will help build strong money habits for our children and their families. After all, we cannot rely on the school system to teach Money 101! WOW: Finally, How Would You Motivate Our Readers To Reach For Their Best? CW: Be the captain of your ship. Always anchor and

position yourself for a blessing. Start by positioning your mind, attitude, action and words. Speak wealth into existence. Do not allow excuses to be your stumbling block. Have faith, believe, and know that there is light at the end of every tunnel. Be confident and know that you are God’s children, and He will always care for and watch over you. Things may not happen when you want them to. However, as long as you put in the work and do what you are supposed to do, the Father will take care of you. Just know that when you fall He will be there to pick you up. Remember… ‘Never Give Up!’ WOW COZETTE CAN BE FOUND AT: Facebook: www.facebook.com/myfinancialhome Facebook: www.facebook.com/cozettemwhite Twitter: @MyFinancialHome Twitter: @cozettemwhite Website: www.myfinancialhome.com Email: cozette@cozettemwhite.com

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Dr. Alexcius J. Branch

Dr. Alexcius Branch is an avant-garde and self-made boss with a myriad of profession accomplishments. Alexcius proudly proclaims the status of a sophisticated and set ap excellence and elegance in every facet of her life. Her story is a combination of comp heroic feats. As the daughter of a drug-addicted mother and unknown father, the vo Alexcius was filled with misfortune; (1) her younger brother died in a house fire at th was only 8; (2) her two older brothers were both incarcerated for charges of murder and (3) she became the mother of two children by the tender age of 19. Determined childhood aspirations of becoming a military officer, Alexcius enlisted into the U.S. A her second child. This was a defining moment in her life and marked the beginning o tragedy to triumph.

Dr. Branch entered the Army as a Private First Class and transitioned into one of Ame scholastic, and military pioneers. As a sergeant and later 1st Lieutenant in the United led America’s sons and daughters in training and real world missions for nine years. herself as r.aAlexcius leaderBranch among Army’s by earning coveted Airborne (Parachu is anthe avant-garde andelite self-made boss with athe myriad of professional (Repelling)and badges well as beingAlexcius the first black female Class academicasaccomplishments. proudly proclaims the status of aPresident of the Army set apart diva with a spirit of excellence elegance every facet of Air Assault A school andsophisticated the first and black female Executive Officer and of the Fortin Campbell


her life. Her story is a combination of complex problems and heroic feats.

As the daughter of a drug-addicted mother and through ranks of Corporate America where she held After serving hervolatile country, Dr. Branch quickly rose through Corporate Americ unknown father, the childhood of Alexcius several managerial and executiveranks positions of including was filled with misfortune; (1) her younger brother PMO Director and Brand Manager for global, Fortune several and executive including Director and Brand Manag died in managerial a house fire at the age of 4 when she was onlypositions 500 companies such as PMO International Paper, FedEx, 8; (2) her two older brothers were both incarcerated Ford Motor Company, Wal-Mart, and Microsoft. 500forcompanies as International Paper, FedEx, Ford Motor Company, Wal-Mart, charges of murdersuch and Alexcius has started busiarmed robbery; and (3) she nesses from the ground up, Alexcius has started businesses from ground up, rescued failing organizations, inc Dr. Branch is the a truly a rising became the mother of two rescued failing organizations, children by the tender agedollar of increased market share, nego-Alexcius is also negotiated billion contracts, and spoke before crowds of 2500+. star that is determined to 19. Determined to achieve tiated billion dollar contracts, her childhoodWho’s aspirations Who of and spoke crowds Cambridge Among Executives, Professionals, andbefore Entrepreneurs and a N becoming a military officer, of 2500+. Alexcius is also a reach her zenith of success. Alexcius enlisted into theAdditionally, Alexcius nurtures the minds member of Who’sgeneration of Society inductee. ofCambridge the next U.S. Army after the birth of Who Among Executives, Proher secondprofessionals child. This was a defining in her fessionals, andAdjunct EntrepreneursProfessor and a National Scholbusiness asmoment an Associate Dean and of Business for Be life and marked the beginning of the transition from ars Honor Society inductee. Additionally, Alexcius tragedy to triumph. nurtures the minds of the next for generation entrepreUniversity. Alexcius is the founder and Executive Director theofAlexcius Branch Fou Dr. Branch entered the Army as a Private First neurs and business professionals as an Associate Dean Class and transitioned one of America’sunder-served social, and Adjunct Professor of Business for education Belhaven and organization thatinto empowers students through in the form o scholastic, and military pioneers. As a sergeant and later Strayer University. Alexcius is the founder and Executive Alexcius holds a United Doctorate ofAlexcius Business Administration with a concentration in Marke 1st Lieutenant in the States Army, led Director for the Alexcius Branch Foundation, a non-profAmerica’s sons and daughters in training and real world it organization that empowers under-served students University GPA), an Master Administration in Supply Chain Managem missions for (4.0 nine years. She distinguished herself of as a Business through education in the form of scholarships. Alexcius leader among the Army’s elite by earning the coveted holds a Doctorate of Business Administration with a Strayer University, is a(Repelling) Summa Cum Laude in(3.9 GPA) with Airborne (Parachutist) andand Air Assault badgconcentration Marketing fromgraduate Walden University (4.0 a Bachelor of es as well as being the first black female Class President GPA), an Master of Business Administration in Supply from Excelsior Alexcius alsoChain a women’s diversity of the Army OfficerCollege. Candidate school and the firstis black Management (4.0 GPA) from champion Strayer University,and published Executive Officer of the Fort Campbell Air Asand is a Summa Cum Laude (3.9 GPA) graduate with a Herfemale research Examination offrom Experiences sault Academy. entitled a Phenomenological Bachelor of Science in Sociology Excelsior College.of Black Wom After serving her country, Dr. Branch quickly rose Alexcius is also a women’s diversity champion and pubCorporate America was published in 2012.

Her passion for all things high fashion and corporate chic coupled with her dynamic delivery make her presentation style inimitable.�

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lished author in the field. Her research entitled a Phenomenological Examination of Experiences of Black Women Executives in Corporate America was published in 2012. Dr. Branch is a truly a rising star that is determined to reach her zenith of success. After a debilitating divorce and corporate downsizing, Alexcius moved from Memphis, TN to Atlanta, GA in November of 2014 for a fresh start. In eight short months, she has earned a position as one of the top retirement and wealth building agents in State Farm. She is the owner and CEO of the Alexcius Branch State Farm Insurance and Financial Services Agency where she assists clients with managing the risks of everyday life, recovering from the unexpected, and realizing their dreams. She is a subject matter expert on asset protection, individual and business retirement planning, generating life-time income, and utilizing life insurance to transfer wealth. Dr. Branch’s financial services acumen and command presence is one that leaves an indelible impression. Her passion for all things high fashion and corporate chic coupled with her dynamic delivery make her presentation style inimitable. Dr. Alexcius Branch offers a unique experience, a self-made boss from inner-city Memphis, TN that is unapologetically sophisticated, educated, and has an unrelenting desire to educate and empower audiences across the globe to secure their financial future. WOW

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esilience and a strong determination to succeed are traits often born out of painful experiences and difficult circumstances. This is true for 25-year-old Kristen Henry, a sales professional and Marketing Director for MetLife Premier Client Group of Atlanta. Henry is your quintessential millennial; focused, driven and with a passionate desire to succeed. However, life hasn’t always been easy for her. WOW recently caught up with Henry and she shared about her childhood, her desire to help and encourage other women and the giant career strides she has made. Henry was born and raised in Saint Louis, Missouri where she lived between her mom’s apartment and her dad’s home in Chesterfield, Missouri. According to her, her early childhood was split between two homes and for a small child, she was exposed to drastically different lifestyles. Her mom worked third shift at the Federal Reserve Bank and slept during the day while her dad had another family on the other side of town. “I remember always packing overnight bags to go somewhere different and mentally having to adjust to the very inconsistent feeling of family and togetherness.” This experience of loneliness as a child motivated her to do everything with purpose and intention. She needed a vehicle to uplift her out of her inherited circumstances and felt a responsibility to

create a happiness of her own. While her experiences were not the ideal, her mind and intellect were alert and open to the fact that she could create her own reality. “I believed that academics would be a platform for me to create my own independence within the dysfunction and I began writing poetry and narratives at the age of nine. I found focus and maturity from expressing my feelings on paper and was able to transfer this concentration to my academics which produced excellence,� Henry recalls. She went on to graduate from Central Methodist University with a B.A in Marketing and worked as a caregiver for The Braun Group Home in Fayette, Missouri. Working at the Group Home became her way of networking within the university and she soon realized her natural ability to connect with people of all ages irrespective of their nationalities, and backgrounds. Henry believes that being down to earth and able to connect and empathize with others is proof that one has overcome pain and learned from painful experiences. She has found her purpose in being an inspiration for discouraged young females in her community. She continually strives to tell her story of sadness and resilience, reconfirming why God blessed her and hoping to inspire others to overcome the limitations of their past and circumstances. A determined and focused young woman, Henry went on to begin her professional career as a Senior Legal Recruiter in Charlotte, North Carolina at Tower Legal Solutions. Thereafter, she quickly gravitated toward marketing, prospecting and networking in local communities and began recruiting full-time career financial advisors for Transamerica Agency Network. Obtaining her insurance licenses, Henry transitioned her career into sales and marketing. After discovering a natural desire to support and oversee development training in the financial services industry, she soon obtained her MBA at the age of 25. Henry has

also managed to build a strong sales career as an independent General Agent in the senior market, as she is licensed in Life and Health. Despite success in her career and her love for her roles in the marketplace, the things Kristen loves most in life are building lasting relationships, spending time with her family, and mentoring young female athletes. Today, she is the

Marketing Director for MetLife Premier Client Group of Atlanta and continues to dedicate her time and energy to making a difference in the lives of others. Henry is proof that it is not how we start off that matters, the important thing is to keep going until we finish strong. This young professional is well on her way to doing just that. WOW

Despite success in her career and her love for her roles in the marketplace, the things Kristen loves most in life are building lasting relationships, spending time with her family, and mentoring young female athletes.

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Suzan Johnson Cook


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rom the pulpit to academia and politics, Ambassador Suzan Johnson Cook continually creates an indelible impression on the minds of many as a strong leader and purpose-driven woman.

She was born and raised in New York to parents who valued education and a life of service and contribution to society. While her beginnings were humble, Johnson Cook credits her parents for giving her and her brother a good life. She believes wealth is much more than money and that a wealthy person is one who follows her heart and doesn’t give up on her dreams, something she has consistently done over the years. Ambassador Sujay, as she is fondly called, has diligently filled every position she has been privileged to occupy. She is a pastor, Professor of Communications at Harvard University, a speaker and author, among other things. She has served as a white House Fellow and was an advisor to President Clinton and a consultant to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Henry Cisneros from 1994-1997. In 2011, she was nominated by President Obama as the United States Ambassador-at-large for International Religious Freedom, a position she held until October 2013. Johnson Cook was the first woman and first African-American to hold that position. A strong and determined professional, Johnson Cook is not one to shy away from sailing in uncharted waters. Today, she is the only female in the race to represent New York’s 13th Congressional

Today, she is the only female in the race to represent New York’s 13th Congressional District in the United States Congress, a challenge she is excited to accept.

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District in the United States Congress, a challenge she is excited to accept. According to her “Our wonderful community is facing many challenges. The skyrocketing cost of living means too many long-time residents can no longer afford to live and work here. And too many of our young people aren’t sure that there’s a better future. The people of the 13th District matter, and our diverse, collective voices and values need to be heard in Washington.” She believes that the answers to the district’s most pressing challenges will come from the mobilized communities standing for change and sending a different kind of leader to Washington; a leader she knows she is. This isn’t her first foray into politics at this level. 30 years ago her brother, Charles Johnson, was the first African-American to win a seat in the Bronx, New York State Assembly. Johnson Cook got a lot of first-hand experience at that time by serving as his campaign manager. She also met political figures like Senator Charles Schumer and Congressman Charles Wrangle at a young age. Her combined experiences as a respected local and national faith leader who served in the administrations of Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton and for three cabinet secretaries, including Hillary Clinton has prepared her for this next phase of her career. She has also worked with Republicans and Democrats on both sides of the divide and has a good knowledge of how congress works. These are significant experiences that set her apart and will likely

Today, she is the only female in the race to represent New York’s 13th Congressional District in the United States Congress, a challenge she is excited to accept.

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Johnson Cook believes that everyone comes from somewhere and we as a nation have to be open to change. She recalls growing up in a racially diverse environment

give her an advantage over the other candidates in the race for the seat. A woman of the people, Johnson Cook leans on her 30 years as parish pastor, 21 years as a police chaplain and an understanding of the needs of the district in other to give what is needed to her community. She believes the people need to know their leaders and feel their understanding and connection. On the issue of immigration, Johnson Cook believes that everyone comes from somewhere and we as a nation have to be open to change. She recalls growing up in a racially diverse environment with large African and Dominican Republic communities. Immigration is an important issue for her and she is open to seeing how it can be resolved in the interest of everyone concerned. On the possibility of the United States of America having its first female president Johnson Cook says she is optimistic about Hilary Clinton’s chances. She believes it is time for America’s first female president and looks forward to that happening even as she [ Johnson Cook] becomes the first woman to represent the 13th congressional district in New York. While she has occupied many positions, served in a variety of capacities and traveled the world, Johnson Cook is ready and excited to take on this challenge. She continues to be a loving wife to her husband, Ronald, and a great mother to their two sons. She is an inspiration to women; an encouragement for them to pursue their dreams, aim for the best and make no apologies for it. WOW To read more about her vision or to donate to her campaign visit http://suzanjohnsoncookforcongress.com.

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Have a three part plan. Focus on your mind, body and spirit. In just three days you can get your groove back. Start with an early morning walk on the beach. You’ll be able to hear yourself think and breathe. The biggest noise will be splashing waves. Next up -- your body. Take a boxing class at the JW Marriott Cancun Resort & Spa’s gym. Relax, it’s not like one of those intimidating gyms at home, it’s full of windows and breathtaking ocean views. There’s more equipment than you might know what to do with, an aerobics studio, indoor pool, whirlpool, sauna and more. Burn some calories and some stress. Soak up all you’ve accomplished so far and

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celebrate with a healthy lunch at the resort’s BeachWalk restaurant. Think blackened grouper sandwich or grilled greens Mediterranean salad. Spend the afternoon lounging on the beach in a gorgeous thatched roof private Bali daybed. Warning: don’t be surprised if you fall asleep. Pamper yourself further with a trip to the 35,000 square foot Mayan spa. Your toughest decision will be what treatment to choose. There are plenty of choices, and none that will disappoint you. You’ve probably never had the Hunab Ku Ritual, a traditional Mayan massage. Go for it. Relish 20 minutes of heaven that uses a mixture of rituals and unconventional healing movements, with a very unique abdominal massage technique performed according to the traditional beliefs of energy flow. Cap off a fab day with dinner at the resort’s Gustino Italian Grill. Be ready to be wowed. It’s gorgeous with large glass windows, many candles, live saxophone music, excellent

Photos courtesy of JW Marriott Cancun Resort & Spa.

aybe you think of Cancun as one big party town, for sure there’s that kind of action there, but it’s also a place where you can find that inner peace. Situated on the south-east coast of Mexico in the state of Quintana Roo in the Yucatan Peninsula, Cancun’s warm, white powdery sand beaches and turquoise crystal clear waters welcome weary souls.

service and more. Tomorrow, get your sunrise beach walk in and then test yourself with yoga in the gym. Don’t freak out, there are classes for all levels. Cool off in one of several pools. Eat an early lunch and then venture beyond the resort. Try deep sea fishing, golf, or take in the interactive aquarium, Tulum, an ancient Mayan fortress city, or Xplor Park, where you can zipline and raft on underground rivers. For another memorable dinner, go to Porfirio’s. It takes an unique twist traditional Mexican flavors, textures and colors. It’s guaranteed that you haven’t had tacos, enchiladas or quesadillas like this. Porfiro’s is contemporary, yet doesn’t lose all traditions. Enjoy the lively Mariachi band and drink up. There are more than 100 different labels of Tequilas and Mezcales. Call it quits before it gets ugly. Get a good night sleep because tomorrow adventure awaits. Get one last morning beach walk, sip a cup of tea and get ready to embark on a guided snorkeling

Focus on your mind, body and spirit. In just three days you can get your groove back.”

expedition. Don’t chicken out. Get in the water and give it a try. You’ll be happy you did. The sea creatures and coral reefs are a sight to behold. Feeling good about your bragging rights that yes, you indeed snorkeled, or at least attempted to snorkel, treat yourself to Le Natura, a quaint café with vegetarian and healthy food that is loved by locals. Back at the resort, go get one last snooze in the daybed. Relax, reflect. Let the sea again, serenade you to sleep. For your last meal in Cancun, hit Sasi Thai nearby. It’s an elegant fusion of Japanese and Thai food with al fresco ambience. As you pull away from the resort and head back home, you won’t even remember what you had been fretting about or worried about what comes next. WOW

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5 beaches GREAT




here are great beaches everywhere. Sure, there are some that everyone knows about, but intrepid travelers know the gems off the beaten track. Here’s a look at some of the hidden beaches you should add to your must-see list.

Klein, Curacao Mostly die hard divers, snorkelers, fisherman and sun worshippers know about this remote island, which is uninhabited and lies 15 miles off the southeast point of Curacao. Its diving spots and underwater caves appeals to all manner of water fans. The island’s coral reefs and waters are pristine, and marine life abundant. Klein has bragging rights, as its whitesand beach is longer than any other on Curacao proper.

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Photo Courtesy of Curacao Tourist Board

Photo Courtesy of Visit Tybee

Tybee Island, Georgia Many people have no idea this jewel on Georgia’s coast exists. But given Tybee’s proximity to Savannah, it may not be secret for much longer. There is an array of affordable accommodations from beachside hotels, vacation rentals, motels, and B&Bs. The seafood is fabulous and plentiful. The Tybee Island Marine Science Center offers beach discovery walks and tours of their indoor coastal gallery of tanks filled with marine life. Tybee Island is home to the historic Tybee Island Light Station and the Fort Pulaski National Monument, a Civil War monument with guided tours, historic weapons demonstrations and a museum/gift shop.

Photo Courtesy of Roger Andre-Morin with Achilles Morin Galleries

Photo Courtesy of Jim Stephens

Maracas Beach, Trinidad When you want to keep it real, forget the tourist stuff, this is the beach for you. Trinidadians love Shark and Bake, and there’s a good chance you will too. Picture fried shark on a fried bun, with as many toppings as you can handle. Locals love Richard’s, but there are many vendors to tempt you. The beach, surrounded by lush mountains and tall palm trees is unforgettable. It’s hard to say though, which people love more, the beach or the sandwiches.

Photo Courtesy of TJA Advertising

Driftwood Beach, Jekyll Island, Georgia Located on the north end of Jekyll Island, Driftwood Beach is striking with its driftwood and trees that resemble a tree graveyard because of the erosion of the north end of the island. Driftwood Beach, with its mystical feeling is a favorite of photographers looking to shoot the spectacular and couples wanting to celebrate their special day in setting unlike any other.

Avila Beach, California Halfway between San Francisco and Los Angeles there’s Avila Beach, on the Central Coast of California. The Avila Beach Promenade offers oceanfront dining, seaside cafes, art galleries, boutiques, premium wine tasting rooms and more. There’s also the Avila Hot Springs and the Central Coast Aquarium. WOW

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tories of freedom and survival are to be cherished and celebrated; they are the foundations upon which hope and possibilities are built. One such story is that of Chong Kim, a national speaker, author and an advocate for the eradication of sex trafficking.

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Kim is dedicated to helping communities, schools and organizations succeed in the fight against all human trafficking. Her work is a passion born out of personal experience. As a child, Kim experienced abuse and violence perpetuated by a culture of silence. She was sold into sex trafficking and spent many years searching for freedom. Let’s listen in. WOW: Kim, please Tell Us About Your Childhood And Your Experience With Abuse And Human Trafficking. CK: I was born in South Korea with a congenital defect. The doctors told my parents that I would not live. My family emigrated from South Korea to Dallas. By the time I reached the US I was stable and healthy. Growing up, I experienced sexual abuse, bullying, racial discrimination and domestic violence. I even went through foster care. Children with a history of broken families, neglect and abandonment are very vulnerable to abuse. Eventually, I met a man who said he loved me and wanted to marry me. He took all of my documents, moved me to Florida, and started me in prostitution. After years of sexual abuse, I met a woman who said that she would get me out of my situation. She sent me to Nevada. That’s when the trafficking began. I began to rise through the ranks and the goal was to become a ‘Madame’ so that I could get out. Instead of getting out, I started doing drugs and became involved in even more inappropriate behavior.

With time, I came up with a plan and was able to escape. I met different Christian people along the way who gave me a place to rest and food to eat. They told me that God had a plan for me. They gave me the encouragement I needed to change my life. One day I was listening to gospel radio, and I felt like God was speaking to me, and confirming that things were going to get better. In 2003, I went to a forum on human trafficking and there decided to become an advocate against sex trafficking. WOW: As A Society What Do You Think We Should Be Doing To Combat Child Abuse And Sex Trafficking? CK: We need to get into schools, churches, and community centers. Teachers and parents need to be trained on identifying students who have been affected by abuse or sex trafficking. Parents need to know who their neighbors are and who their kids are hanging out

with. Cultural dynamics and lack of understanding has also contributed to the lack of awareness on these issues. In the Caribbean and Asian culture, people rarely talk about domestic violence. I could not speak about my abuse because I would have brought shame on my family and community. WOW: Do You Think Progress Has Been Made On this Issue? CK: Yes, a lot of progress has been made. In 1993, human trafficking was discovered as labor trafficking. In 2000, labor trafficking was discovered as sex trafficking. In 2003, federal funding began. In 2005, George Bush approved funding for state and federal organizations. In 2008, the Obama administration recognized human trafficking as a global problem. We have come a long way. WOW: Please Tell Us About Your Book. What Are You Working On? CK: The title is “Broken Silent: The Triumphant Story of A Human Trafficking Survivor.” It’s a detailed story of my journey and can be found on Amazon.com. WOW: What Would You Say To Encourage Young Men And Women Who Find Themselves Involved In Sex Trafficking? CK: One thing I will tell them is to hold on to your purpose. No matter how many times you fall, don’t stay down. Keep rising up until you find your freedom. If you need help, you can reach me at Ckim75@me.com. WOW

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Phyllis Newhouse


he may have experienced the kind of tough situations that make others cower and settle for the path of least resistance, but this purpose-driven woman took every opportunity to forge a unique path for herself and, more importantly, generations to come. PHOTOGRAPHY BY JARED ZEM

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Phyllis Newhouse is a thorough-bred professional. An Army veteran, her career in the military and years of military leadership spanned 22 years including leadership roles as a senior non-commissioned officer definitely prepared her for the leaders she is today. Perhaps Newhouse’ early career has a great deal to do with her steel determination and laser focus as an entrepreneur and change maker in a rapidly evolving industry. Today, she is the President and CEO of Xtreme Solutions, an Atlanta-based company at the forefront of cyber security innovation. Newhouse credits her success, leadership strengths and empowering outlook on life to the values instilled in her at an early age. “I knew at a very, very young age that I was born to lead. I just knew that.” Newhouse says. “It was just a passion that I had. It wasn’t about telling people what to do. It was about really taking a situation, taking charge of it, and making it the best.”* Needless to say that this inner strength and leadership quality has been a strong factor in her ability to overcome the challenges life threw her way.

I knew at a very, very young age that I was born to lead. I just knew that.”

A Turning Point Everyone gets tempted to give up when life gets too hard. This is a critical point that separates the winners from those who just get by. For Newhouse, this turning point happened during an intensely trying time of her life. She had begun to walk into a new phase as a single mother and the sheer jolt such an experience brings produced in her the desire to thoroughly examine her life. She began to question who she was and what her real purpose was. This period proved to the most chaotic yet creative and innovative time of her life. She realized the strength within her and the next step was to figure out the way forward. But her courage would be tested because it became clear that what she was meant to do

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was create her own reality. She decided she was an entrepreneur at heart. At the core of her being was a desire to build something that would last and make a difference in the world. With this new found determination, Newhouse along with others created Xtreme Solutions, Inc. to provide cutting edge information technology services & solutions. 18 months after it was launched the company hit the $1 Million dollar revenue mark, a feat that is achieved by only 2% of women-owned businesses. Today, the company is a trail blazer and has won many prestigious awards. In 2015, the Women Presidents Organization and American Express Open ranked it # 9 out of the top 50 fastest growing woman-owned/woman-led companies worldwide. Taking Global Territory While her company has continued to grow and innovate in the IT/cyber security industry, her goals, and expectations for the business has changed with time. The company was founded with the mindset that there needed to be constant innovation in order to anticipate changes in the peculiar IT market — particularly in cyberspace as the main focus. However, because the market has changed drastically over the years, the expectations of the company has also evolved. The market has seen increasingly complex cyber security attacks on businesses and financial institutions. This has created for the company the need to focus not only on improvements that will make a difference for their customers but also on the opportunity to be innovative leaders. Today one of her goals for the company is to align strategically with partners that have the latest products, innovations, cutting-edge technology, and solutions. And because of the global nature of cyber security the company is continually developing innovative and creative solutions. These kinds of solutions require connections with international business partners who are also thinking at this level and offer the business new opportunities to grow. The Power Of Connection Having made huge strides in her career, Newhouse strives to give to others the same guidance and support she has received from her mentors. One woman who has made a strong and lasting impact on her is Janice Bryant Howroyd. Meeting Howroyd, founder and CEO of ACT-1 Group, the largest minority woman-owned employment agency in the U.S., was a defining moment in her life. Howroyd chose to connect with Newhouse and take her on as a mentee. It was during that time of

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learning that Newhouse’ business revenue more than doubled. She credits mentorship in aiding her company to reach unprecedented levels. She learned the importance of defining her goals and her reasons for wanting to grow and expand her company. These are crucial lessons she is pleased and blessed to pass on to other women at different stages on their entrepreneurial journeys. Through mentoring and guidance, these women are able to duplicate the same kind of results Newhouse experienced in her business. Family and Vision Family has always been important to Newhouse and her ability to impact positively on her loved ones is a task she doesn’t take lightly. As she moved through her journey, she always knew that her son was watching. He watched her dream and do what was necessary to bring her dreams to life. Now as a young man in college, the ideals he has learned from his mother have prepared him for success and achievement. One great lesson that Newhouse has passed on to her son is the power of vision and how it has the capacity to make big things happen. Newhouse has always had a vision board. Her goals have always been clear and intelligently expressed, something that was not lost on her young son. Today he is an inspiration to his own friends because of the greatness his mother displays. “He watched me pin and pray over all these things on that vision board for 17 years. So as a parent, I say keep dreaming for your child – no matter how old they are,” Newhouse advises. “I taught my son that a dream is only as big as you. My son was the absolute motivator for me becoming successful. I knew, for legacy purposes, It was important that I place my son on the board as part of the vision and as part of the dream. So now I am able to see him being able to build his own dream.” On The Impact Of Wealth Although she has achieved a lot of success, Newhouse is continually on the quest to improve not only her organization but her impact on her team, customers and the world. She has garnered insight on the importance of wealth and how making impact and leaving a lasting legacy is more important than the amassing of riches. According to her, wealthy people create positive impact on the

Tell people about your truth whether your truth is good or bad. It is your truth and it is important that you accept it and let others understand it.

lives of others. They not only create opportunities in their industries and spheres of influence they leave a positive and lasting impact in the minds and hearts of people. “I think riches eventually run out,” she says. “But wealth sustains because wealth is impactful. When I think of wealth, I instantly think of Oprah. Why? Because she has used her riches to be impactful, which makes her very wealthy in that she gives to major communities and causes creating a cause and effect.” According to Newhouse, her journey to wealth has been about learning how to be impactful. She has always wanted to be a significant leader and to leave a positive legacy. As the first entrepreneur in her family, she realized that her gift would enable her give back to the seventy-two plus grandchildren in her family. She would also have the opportunity to give back to the community and to the Veterans who had served their country. And because she is a champion for women, Newhouse is also on the quest to increase the revenue of women-owned business from less than 1 percent to a million dollar revenue stream.

Her Absolute Truth In talking about her journey to significance Newhouse reveals her belief in the power of shared experiences. “You can never run away from your own truth,” she says. “Tell people about your truth whether your truth is good or bad. It is your truth and it is important that you accept it and let others understand it.” Her truth resonates throughout her journey because all her experiences, good and bad, have been an opportunity to live out her faith and belief in God and family. She looks to the future with hope and optimism as she continually expresses gratitude for her accomplishments so far. Many achievements may have been crossed off her list, but this determined lady still has even more giant strides to make. WOW

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verwhelming passion, a fiery drive, and a determination to succeed no matter what are traits that set apart the great and successful; and Britnie Turner is an excellent example of such attributes. A highly successful visionary, entrepreneur and philanthropist, Turner has made her mark in the real estate industry as a force to be reckoned with


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Once struggling to find direction for her next step in life, Turner now spends her time and energy helping others find hope and encouragement. She is the President and CEO OF Aerial Development Group, a Nashville, Tennessee-based residential and commercial development company. Through her company Turner seeks to elevate the lives of people, communities and everything else she touches. She is a strong and WOW: Britnie Tell Us About Your Family And Growing Up Years. I was raised on a farm as the second of 6 children. With an engineer/entrepreneur as a father and my mother as our schoolteacher, my childhood was a humble one. There were no handouts, name brands or “mine.” Value was placed on hard work and good character. From a young age, I learned how to work and how to make it fun. With an 8-person family, everything becomes a team event; this is something that has become an identifying part of my leadership style.

Purposeful young woman with wisdom beyond her age. He has won several awards and has been recognized on credible stages as a rising, young professional. Britnie Turner speaks to WOW about her journey to significance. She opens us about her past, her struggles, the difficult road she had to walk through and her determination to make it all count for good.

WOW: What Schools Did You Attend? I was homeschooled until 8th grade and graduated from North Augusta High School in South Carolina. I then went to MorningStar University, a 1-2 year leadership and survival school. I never attended a formal college. WOW: Survival And Leadership School, Whose Idea Was That? It was my idea. Near the end of my high school career, I felt very lost. I felt like I was going to implode with stress because I had no direction on what the exact next step should be.

After a powerful experience at the age of 12 my vision was to do work in the roughest parts of Africa and this “calling” had been my guiding force throughout those 6 years. I now had to figure out what I needed to learn so I could actually be of any value when I went over there. After not having peace about any of my options, I happened to start a deep conversation with a random waiter at an Applebee’s in North Carolina. He was in the leadership school. What he was learning and his resulting perspective on life was so inspiring and exactly

Once struggling to find direction for her next step in life, Turner now spends her time and energy helping others find hope and encouragement.”\ womenofwealthmagazine.com | 51

In my mind, we are all valuable human beings – male or female.”

what I wanted to develop in myself that I signed up the next day. I learned they had a survival school that teaches you not only how to survive in the wilderness but how to stay focused on the mission when everything you planned fails. During training, we were pushed past everything we thought were our mental limits, physically and emotionally resulting in our ability to face the rawest side of our insecurities, weaknesses, and mental blocks. We had a final test at the end of the year, which was a 70mile Appalachian Trail hike that had to be completed in less than 60 hours. If you didn’t finish your whole year was technically for nothing. The instructors planned almost insurmountable obstacles throughout the trip, including but not limited to losing all supplies and our campsite. I successfully finished the hike in 54 hours with two fractured ankles. Little did I know then how often those skills would be used in business and life. WOW: So You’re A Young, North Carolina Beauty Queen Working In A Male Dominated Industry. What Is That Like? I never thought about it. I didn’t see why being a woman would matter to anyone. Who cares, right? I realized early on that not everyone feels this way, as I have had to work very hard to have the basic options men would in business. It’s not always going to be this way but it is going to be a tougher sell when people haven’t seen it done before. I do not let this bother me. It is actually a motivation for me to be open about how we’re setting the example as a company. In my mind, we are all valuable human beings – male or female. Some women get caught up in statistics and it can become a great excuse. I like to warn against the use of any excuses. If you want something find a way to figure it out and get it done. Though real estate development is currently a male dominated industry, I have shown how a woman cannot only exist in this industry as a leader but also how a woman’s perspective can lead to quite the industry disruption. WOW: Where Did The Idea Of Aerial Development Group Come From? A man by the name of Gene Strite taught at my leadership school when I was 18. He spoke about how real estate can create cash flow, and you can use that cash-flow to fund your mission. I was so jazzed about this idea that I went out and bought my first house a few weeks later. In the process of buying it I started learning more about real estate investing and how to create a business that would have significant funds to then make a bigger difference in the world. One can do this because you don’t have to ask people for money; you have revenue that can be used to positively impact anything. Smitten with the concept, I decided to dedicate the next several years to building a successful real estate renovation company. I decided to do this in 2007— needless to say it was more than a struggle to get it off the ground during the largest economic crash in American history. WOW: Describe A Social Venture Development Company. A social venture is a for-profit business that makes money while doing good

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things. All businesses are started to fill a need, but the social venture fills a need while making giving back to people, the planet, and the community an intrinsic part of how the business operates. Although we are still learning more every day and growing towards many goals in this arena, Aerial is a social venture because we revitalize blighted areas as a defining core of our business. We have a give back program that benefits from our own success. For example, for every house we sell, we sponsor an orphan in the name of the homebuyer for 1 year and give them the option to continue their sponsorship after that. Another example is as we build in neighborhoods, we intelligently engage with the community to figure out the best way to execute that will benefit all stakeholders so as to address social needs through the built environment. One of the projects we are building right now addresses the issue of Tennessee being #4 in the nation for the highest rating of obesity. We are building East Greenway Park, Nashville’s first Health and Wellness community promoting an active lifestyle through development. We are constantly looking for more ways to meaningfully engage in activities that will grow our social venture platform. WOW: What Would You Say Is The Most Rewarding Part Of Your Journey? I had a vision when I was 12, and I have successfully created a business to fund that vision in a powerful way. Instead of going to work to make money then someday donating it to a good cause, I created a business that makes a difference every single day through its very operations and donates to good causes locally and globally. The big picture is totally integrated into how my company operates on a fundamental level (thus the name Aerial). As a values-driven person, I love seeing how so many elements of what Aerial is doing creates positive change. I see this change in neighborhoods, in the cities we work in, in Aerial’s team members, and so many other places most will never see. WOW: Changing The World Through The Eyes Of Britnie, What Does That Look Like? Creating opportunities for those who have none, job-by-job, community-by-community, and country-by-country. In the next 10-15 years, Aerial will be a global brand disrupting multiple industries and accelerating positive transformation in all of them. WOW: Who Are Your Role Models, Your Mentors And How Have They Helped To Shape Your World? Richard Branson is my role model for doing business differently, staying true to my values, starting companies around a mission, and doing a lot of heavy lifting around several tough issues I believe needs to be done by business leaders, not just politicians. In addition, he is really fun to hang out with! I regularly spend time on Necker Island with Richard, his family, and other global entrepreneurs (I am actually on the island while conducting this interview). I feel very fortunate to have his insight about growth, multi-vertical branding, and being an industry disrupter. Phyllis Newhouse is both a powerhouse role model and a mentor. She has been

A social venture is a for-profit business that makes money while doing good things.�

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am going to choose to be every day regardless of the outside situations, which still ground me to this day. I possess a grit that gives me an edge, and this grit will never fade because of those powerful yet painful experiences. WOW: Tell Us About Your Very First House Rehab? My very first solo house rehab was quite the adventure. I had to get the seller (who was also an investor) to owner-finance the house because I didn’t have any money and no banks would lend to me. After starting the renovation on the house, I had a buyer approach me to buy it for a great price when I was finished. I was doing most of the work myself and had to max out my friend’s credit card for renovation materials because mine were already all maxed out. After the renovation was complete and only two days before selling it, the entire back door and door frame got kicked in, the oven was stolen and dragged across the brand new hardwood floors completely destroying them. After being tipped off about the thieves’ plan to come back for more appliances, I decided I would sleep in the house that night to protect the refrigerator in the dead of winter- during a massive snowstorm- with no electricity or heat. I brought my own heat though if you know what I mean… The thieves did, in fact, come back that night. I had set up alarm booby-traps that went off when the thieves got to the house. When they realized they weren’t alone, thankfully they ran away. As if this wasn’t dramatic enough, the day of closing the buyers lost their financing. Everything that could go wrong went wrong, but I ended up pulling it off, making $40,000, and using that to start my career.

In the next 10-15 years, Aerial will be a global brand disrupting multiple industries and accelerating positive transformation in all of them. a living example of how to stay strong and provide leadership for a company that is scaling astronomically. I respect her as a person because of what she has persevered through and the attitude she maintained throughout. I’ve never met a stronger woman in my life. Phyllis spends time talking me through my business leadership insecurities and helping me to become the best version of myself. Gene Strite is the first person to show me how success and money can be tools to do good things in the world. Before 18 when he came into my life, I thought that charity and mission work were the only way to make an impact. He not only shed light on a different mindset that I could have, he taught me how to scale. He has been my mentor since early 2012. I am still in business because he has mentored me through my most challenging situations and helped me find the strength and inspiration to keep going. WOW: You Once Lived In Your Car. What Was That Like? It was scary. Being totally alone was a huge test for me. In that situation, in the deepest core of my being, I was faced with the questions: Who are you when you don’t have anywhere to live? Who are you when you have consuming debt and no way to pay it off? Who are you without support from those you hold most dear? Who are you when you don’t have stability in any sense of the word? I started making very serious promises to myself on who I

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WOW: Contractor Steals A Million Dollars From You, What Made You Not Give Up? This was, in fact, the hardest part of my journey to date because more than everything I had ever made was stolen. There are 2 reasons I didn’t give up: 1. Every time I wanted to quit I remembered the image of a little girl I met in Costa Rica who was sexually abused by her father at the age of 1. The brokenness in her eyes and the realization of my inability to be able to do anything about this atrocity at the time is burned into my memory. It is the driving force behind my ability to overcome. Every time I think my life is hard, I see her small face and remember that I started this business to help people like her. 2. I had to fight for my investors. I decided I had to pay them back regardless of what happened to my personal

financial status. I knew this was the right thing to do because they believed in me enough to lend me the money for these projects. I refused to let them down. I did, in fact, get through it, paying everyone back plus interest. The lessons learned from that horrific event were so powerful that I was forced to create systems in my business so that wouldn’t happen again. This resulted in the company growing significantly, 5 months later we were 5 times bigger. WOW: Tell Us About Horizon Initiative. Horizon is our partner in Africa and our vehicle to sponsor orphans. HI creates self-sustaining micro communities in Kenya and trains the children to become self-sustainable themselves. This is fixing one of the biggest issues for orphans when they leave the orphanage throughout the world. I believe in this organization because they give a hand up not a handout. I am on the board and love the opportunity to contribute to their overall mission and growth. WOW: Developing Third World Countries, A Dream Or A Reality? It is currently a dream but my team and I work every day towards making it a reality. That is my ultimate goal. I want to be the company that governments call when they need help revitalizing their cities to ignite positive change and create opportunities for their people to thrive. WOW: What is a piece of advice you would give to young women? I get through the toughest days by remembering it is always worth it, and for me it is worth it because I have my success tied to blessing others. My favorite quote I have found to be overwhelmingly true is: “Every obstacle carries with it a seed of equal or greater opportunity.” – Napoleon Hill WOW: 10 Quick tips for startups and scaling companies: 1. Take notes! Evernote app. I take notes on every conversation I have in my life, which has made me very successful. Evernote helps me keep all notes organized so I can actually use them later. 2. Keep the goals in your face! Aligntoday. com. This will keep your team on track and accountable for goals and daily tasks as you scale. This is hugely important for entrepreneurial companies. 3. FOCUS! Unrollme.com rolls up all of your subscriptions and spam. Your mind is too valuable to be distracted by the noisy updates, review once a day. 4. Synchronize! Google Drive/Sheets is a great tool for ever-changing documents

with multiple editors. No more excuses about not having the most updated version of something. 5. Stay on brand! All of your social media needs to reflect how you want your company to be perceived. You represent the company more than anyone else. Not being on social media is not an option. *Bonus Tip: Have a legit email address by owning the web domain. No @comcast. net or @hotmail.com if you want to be taken seriously. 6. Be relevant! Keep updated pictures and press. Gone are the days where one can get away with the picture from 20 years ago. Your pictures and media being relevant shows that you know what you’re talking about no matter how busy you are. 7. Be findable! Yelp Having a Yelp profile is important for customers to feel comfortable with doing business with you. * Bonus tip: This increases your SEO for popping up first online. 8. Embrace technology! Docusign can change your busy life. Keep you on the road while and never miss a signature. Our office will never have a fax machine. 9. Be interesting! TED Talks. Listen to 1 TED Talk a day. As focused as you need to be on your business this will keep you fascinating to talk to. 10. Have the “A Team!” Be extremely intentional about hiring high level “A” players for your organization. Most startups fall into hiring friends or family, this is one of the biggest reasons companies struggle to scale. WOW: Top 5 Favorite Books: 1. Think and Grow Rich Napoleon Hill 2. The Secret - Rhonda Byrne 3. Outwitting the Devil Napoleon Hill 4. Conscious Capitalism - John Mackey 5. The Virgin Way - Richard Branson WOW

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enise Wilson is a trail-blazing entrepreneur with a great track record. She is the President and CEO of Desert Jet, a group of companies specializing in providing aircraft charter, maintenance, and management services to the aviation industry.

Growing up, Denise was always interested in flying but opportunities did not readily present themselves. Fast forward two demo flights, a degree in Music performance, a minor in Aviation safety and many years later, this optimist and big dreamer was ready to fulfill her passion. Over the years, she worked in the industry as a recreational, airline and corporate pilot. After a few bumps in the road and, in a bid to create her own reality, Denise started Desert Jet to fill a void in the marketplace. Three businesses later, she is still going strong. Her achievements have not gone unnoticed as Denise has been featured on many platforms including Los Angeles Times, Inc. Magazine and Aviation for Women Magazine, for her business prowess and fearless ability to innovate and positively impact the aviation industry. She was also named one of 2013′s Enterprising Women of the Year. She is an inspiration to women and we are pleased to present her story and journey to success. WOW: Aviation Has Long Been Seen As Male Territory. How Common Is It Today To See Women As Active Participants In The Industry? Approximately 5% of all licensed pilots are women. Women are represented in aviation by the international organization Women in Aviation. They can be found in diverse aviation career fields such as airport management, aircraft manufacturing and maintenance, and hold roles such as pilots, flight instructors, flight attendants and air traffic controllers. However, there is just a handful of women-owned aviation businesses in the country. WOW: Tell Us About Denise Wilson And Her Journey In The Aviation Industry. What Routes Did You Take To Get Where You Are Today? Growing up, I was interested in aviation but didn’t know anyone who was a pilot. I asked my parents to let me try flying but they were not

The thought of starting Desert Jet came from the desire to create some stability in my career. ”

supportive. On the day I turned 18, after school, I went to the local airport and took a “demo flight”. The flight instructor didn’t take me seriously, though, and didn’t try to engage me in the flight. It was a fun experience, however, as it was something I always wanted to do. But then I moved on with my life as a classical musician. Ten years later I met another flight instructor and took another demo flight – this time, it wasn’t simply fun, it was a life-changing experience and I fell in love with flying. In the last 20 years, my career has evolved from flying recreationally to becoming an airline pilot, corporate pilot, and now the owner of three aviation businesses. WOW: How Did You Get The Idea For Desert Jet? My career as a pilot experienced a lot of ups and downs. After 9/11, I was furloughed as an airline pilot. Then I went to work for Aloha Airlines, an airline that had been in business for 62 years. Out

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We also represent buyers and sellers of jet aircraft, as well as provide a turn-key service for the operation and management of jet aircraft owned by corporations and individuals.� \

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of the blue, the airline folded with only a day’s notice to the employees. I loved being a pilot but the profession proved unstable and I did not like that. The thought of starting Desert Jet came from the desire to create some stability in my career. As the company grew I realized I offered a service that many people wanted – the ability to fly privately without onerous commitments, such as owning an aircraft, a fractional share of an aircraft, or a membership. In 2013, I started a jet maintenance company, Desert Jet Maintenance, to fill the void in our region. Before we started

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this company, there was no jet maintenance provider within 100 miles of our location – a huge inconvenience to operators of jet aircraft. We also represent buyers and sellers of jet aircraft, as well as provide a turn-key service for the operation and management of jet aircraft owned by corporations and individuals. WOW: How Many Aircraft Do You Operate And Where Do You Fly? What Kind Of Clients Do You Work With? We currently operate 8 jet aircraft and fly throughout the Western Hemisphere. Our clientele includes a wide mix of our

society; from former Presidents, Vice-Presidents, Governors, Secretaries of State and Defense, to small business owners, entrepreneurs, Fortune 500 companies, private individuals, retirees, celebrities, professional athletes, musicians and even pets! WOW: What Sets Desert Jet Apart From Your Competition? What Does Your Promise Of ‘Private Jet Travel Your Way’ Really Mean? Our people are our most important asset. They are what set us apart from other companies. We select people that naturally want to help others;

that have a deep desire to make people happy. We know that our clients deserve excellence so we invest in great people, with great attitudes that can bring our brand promise to life. The goal is to personalize the experience to meet and anticipate our clients’ needs. Our responsiveness is the top in the industry as is our safety rating. WOW: What Was Career Progression Like For You? Do You Still Work As A Pilot? I was fortunate to have a varied career as a pilot. I flew for several airlines, as both a first officer, and as a captain. I also flew a mix of private/business/ charter aviation, in small and large jets. I am still a pilot for the company, but these days my flying is limited to my duties as a Check Airman, providing quality oversight to our roster of exceptional pilots. I’ll also fly occasionally to be able to get feedback directly from our customers on how we are doing; if we are exceeding their expectations, and how we can improve. WOW: What Advice Do You Have For The Young Woman That Has Just Graduated From College But Thinks Outside Of The Box? To The Young Entrepreneur That Is Determined To Reach The Top. Where Should They Start? What Do They Need To Know To Succeed? The biggest lesson I have learned in life and in business is that you must keep going –despite failure, through difficulty, keep going. That is assuming you have done your homework and you have put the work in to become the expert at what you do. Too many people give up at the

first sign of difficulty, or don’t put the work in to really learn. I mean learning proactively as well as learning accidentally, such as when mistakes are made. Mistakes provide a huge potential to learn something new. This type of learning can be painful, but extremely valuable. Learn to appreciate the \ ability to recover from mistakes, be continuously optimistic, and have the confidence to believe in what you can do, even if you don’t have it all figured out yet.

We know that our clients deserve excellence so we invest in great people, with great attitudes that can bring our brand promise to life.”

WOW: Do You Coach Or Mentor Others In Your Field? I do coach my direct reports at Desert Jet. Leadership is an important aspect of my job and it makes a huge difference. I also mentor several up-and-coming professional pilots and a couple of women in aviation who are growing successful businesses. WOW: In What Ways Do You Give Back To The Community? How Does Philanthropy Play Out In Your Business? It’s our core value – help from the heart. We give by doing what we do best – flying aircraft. We donate our aircraft to several organizations such as Angel Flight West, a nonprofit, volunteer-driven organization that arranges free, non-emergency air travel for children and adults with serious medical conditions and other compelling needs, and to various pet rescue organizations. Our employee group raises funds independently each quarter and chooses three different charities to support. And we support other charities locally through various sponsorships and fundraising activities. In 2015, we raised over $35,000 for the organizations we support.

WOW: So What’s Next For You? What New Career Moves Are On The Horizon? Exciting things are in the works. I am starting a third business, Desert Jet Center. We are building a 10,000 square foot, private jet terminal facility plus a 22,500 square foot hangar to store aircraft. We will also be extending our business offerings by selling jet fuel and providing all the services needed by any jet aircraft. Our goal is to continually envision new and innovative ways to meet our clients’ needs. WOW

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elping others succeed and make the best of their gifts and talents has always been a driving force for Dr. June Davidson. From the board room to the classroom, June has impacted countless lives with her wisdom and insight.



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As a coach, she believes in the power of human capital and gives her best to developing others. As a trainer and business leader, she has trained and empowered other entrepreneurs and leaders to become successful seminar leaders, coaches and stronger individuals with a clear vision for their lives and careers. June has been a platform speaker over the years at major corporations across the US and has won numerous awards. She has been featured in the Jim Rohn book “Rising to the Top.” She is also the author of the books “Coaching the Millionaire Within” and “Marketing Your Coaching Seminars with Seminars.” While wearing many hats and making a difference on various platforms, June never ceases to radiate energy and life. A strong and dedicated Visionary, she is an inspiration and encouragement to many.

While wearing many hats, June never ceases to radiate energy and life. A strong and dedicated Visionary, she is an inspiration and encouragement to many.

WOW: Who Is June Davidson The Woman? JD: I am a high visionary and can listen beneath the words of others and give them guidance through a series of questions. I have been written up in a doctorate regarding my energy and talent. 55 percent comes through in perception. I like to think I might have just a tad of the energy carried by Leonardo da Vinci as he perceived and had visions for the future. Once a person can tap into this phase of energy, they cannot stop learning, searching and helping others. WOW: Who is Dr. June Davidson the business woman? JD: I am dedicated to training and coaching professional women, non-stop to the top. I have developed and trained others in Jim Rohn’s works; one being the ‘Challenge to Succeed’ for Women. I am dedicated to Women International Leadership Academy (WILA) and giving others University credits to the study. I am also dedicated and grateful to Dr. Lei Lewis for seeing the importance of what I do and promoting my work through her connections. I have a PhD in Psychology and I’m dedicated to training women to step up to the plate. I am the CEO of American Seminar Leaders Association as well as Coaching Firm International in partnership with Dian Anderson. We train Coaches to write books and curriculum for their specialties. I am also an International Ambassador to the United Nations and work every day to help women achieve their goals and build a better and stronger future.

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Don’t grow up, continue to bring out the child in you without reservations

WOW: Let’s Talk About Passion. What Drives You? What Makes June Jump Out Of Bed In The Morning? JD: Educating and helping others succeed, writing curriculum and just dancing in the rain. Another passion of mine is to help and support an Organization called Women against Child trafficking. Bringing attention to the cause will make a difference. (http://womenagainstchildtrafficking.weebly.com/ ) WOW: What Is The One Thing That Has Had The Most Impact On Your Life? JD: My Family. I am one of twelve children and the meaning, love and connection is so important. Mother lived to be over 100 years and she was my very best friend. WOW: As A Coach, What Is The Single Most Powerful Advice Would You Give A Young Woman Trying To Find Her Way? Knowing That She Does Not Have To Live With The Negatives That Have Been Put Into Her By Others. JD: As a coach, I say you are not who you are until you can clear the poison of the past. You have to live your life, your story, not what others have told you. You are born into life with a God-given talent. When you leave all the negativity behind, then you can find your calling and live in your purpose. Holding on to the pains of the past or letting the words and opinions of other dominate your thoughts and actions will only hold you back. There’s greatness ahead of you, but you have to let go of the limits so you can advance. WOW: What Does It Mean To Be A Visionary? JD: Seeing for others. Listening beneath their words for the vibrations. There is no power in our words… there is power only in God’s word. Our words have vibrations which resonate with what is happening around us and with who we are. They create a shifting process to take us through a clearing to step into our greatness. As a visionary, I help others see beyond the surface, draw out the gifts and greatness hiding

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beneath and give them the tools to reach for more. This is an important process that can change the course of a person’s life, an organization or a nation. Visionaries are needed in every sphere of life. WOW: What Would You Say It Takes To Become A Millionaire? How Did You Make Your First Million? JD: I truly believe it is living and working in your talent. When you do this you are not working, you are allowing and recognizing the flow of money. You also have to be grateful for your opportunities; you need to know when they are knocking. My first opportunity came to me when I was 19-years-old and I cried because I did not want to buy this business and sign for owing $3,000. However, the person who led me down this path could see something in me that I could not see in myself. From there I built a great real estate business specializing in a niche market for different buyers and sellers. I specialized in probate selling; in relocating people, leasing, auctioning and teaching. I never managed any of my offices or any of my sales people as that was not my talent.

do the same work. I love to quote Nicola Tesla, he said women have been so suppressed through the ages and when we start to rise— which I believe is now— our energy will come forth as a healing energy and we will be recognized as the energy that will shift the world. I believe in 50/50 leadership and this is one of the greatest challenges facing us today.

WOW: June, You’re A Mature Diva With Knowledge And Pizazz. Can You Tell Our Readers Your Secret To Keeping Young And Full Of Energy? JD: Living in the moment, enjoying others, and drinking a little champagne. Don’t grow up…continue to bring out the child in you without reservations. WOW

WOW: Dr. Davidson, You’re A Key Player In An Academy For Women. Can You Tell Us About That? JD: Yes, and I am so excited about this. Women International Leadership Academy (WILA) is all about training women around the world to accept their places and make a difference using their talents. I have already written courses and curriculum on these and I can’t wait to start. Great things happen when women are empowered and encouraged to make a difference, to believe in their own strengths and put them to use. WOW: What Do You Think Is The Greatest Challenge Women Face In Today’s Business Arena? JD: In the corporate environment, it is still that women are not paid the same amount of money that men get even when they

I truly believe it is living and working in your talent. When you do this you are not working, you are allowing and recognizing the flow of money. womenofwealthmagazine.com | 65


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People know when they are being sold “the business”, but they also know when they are receiving the Spirit of truth —Kay Kent


OW was able to get up close and personal with the gracious Kay Kent just moments after a Benny Hinn service in Bradenton, FL. I knew this would be no ordinary interview, as the tone was already set by the Holy Spirit. Come on in, grab a seat and enjoy this unique experience as WOW has just asked the question “Who is Kay Kent?” KK: I was born into a Christian family deeply rooted in the Pentecostal movement. It all began with my great grandfather who began his ministerial journey in England at Oxford University. He eventually migrated to Los Angeles during the early 1900’s where there was a phenomenal move of God called the Azusa Street revival. He began an apostolic ministry and began reaching out to every sphere of society. My great grandfather Mabley was also impacted by the movement; he went to see what was going on with Reverend William Seymour and during that time my great grandfather got filled with the Holy Spirit. His life was forever changed. My great grandfather prayed that his children and his children’s children and their children would come to know Jesus Christ and that his lineage would be filled with the Holy Spirit. As time progressed that is exactly what happened. My great grandmother and Mother were also powerful intercessors, they experienced the Lord at a meeting with Kathryn Kuhlman, who was a mighty woman of God. So I come from a long line of ministers and intercessors, ministry is in my DNA. I couldn’t run from it if I tried; those generational prayers have been prayed. WOW: What a powerful lineage! When did you finally have your personal encounter with Christ? KK: My mother sat me down and told me about the Holy Spirit and, as a Methodist, you can imagine that was a lot for me to understand but my life began to gradually change because of the presence of the holy spirit in my mother and

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grandmother’s life. My actual turning point and hunger for Christ came the day my baby sister received the Holy Spirit, as the oldest I became jealous; I went to my parents and asked them to help me tarry for the Holy Spirit and I got it! After my encounter with God, I would have visions of things that were to come such as the tsunami and a few other global disasters. I also saw a move of God where people were coming to the Lord by the multitudes, so when certain things take place today, they are actually things I’ve already seen. WOW: As a woman of God, what most concerns you about the church and the world we live in today? KK: What I’m noticing is that so many people know the Lord to a degree but they don’t know how to practice his presence. We’re living in a time where the Lord wants to pour himself out on all flesh; with the anointing comes wellness, deliverance, and the sick can recover. There are many who are walking around like the walking dead because they have no hope. I see people who have “stuff ”, they have the latest car, the greatest house, a good job, and a thriving business but they have no hope. WOW: What do you feel is your assignment in this season? KK: We are living in a time where Christ wants to draw all men unto Him. Christ was all about reaching out to people from all scopes of life. In his word, Mark chapter sixteen, He has commissioned us to “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” So my charge is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ and to be real because people are looking for the reality of Christ and not the superficial. People know when they are being sold “the business”, but they also know when they are receiving the Spirit of truth. When you follow the life of Jesus Christ you see a man that was real and a man that lived in total surrender to the Holy Spirit. WOW: Is there a special world of wisdom that you would like to share with the readers of WOW magazine who are striving to be successful role models? KK: Yes, you should always do your best to see people as the Holy Spirit sees them because after all the first commandment is that we love one another; this is the basic need of everyone: to be loved, treasured, and valued. When people feel these three powerful forms of affirmation, transformation is inevitable. We should look at people in

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the way that God sees them and not as they actually appear before In Jeremiah 33, God says “I know the plans that I have for you one that is filled with hope and a future. People are looking for hope. By His stripes we are healed. I believe the Lord wants all of us to be healed, set free and delivered from this lack of peace that we are experiencing today. WOW: What does being a “Woman of Wealth” mean to you? KK: Corinthians 2:4-7 says “But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.” I find with women who are searching for significance they don’t realize what a treasure they already are and what a treasure they have in the Lord; for me He is the treasure you must first go for. WOW: Of all the powerful women in the Bible, which do you most identify with and why? KK: Esther, because she took a risk that could mean life or death, but she was fearless; she knew what the cost would be, but she did it to change the course of a nation and I believe the Lord wants to use women in that same way today, we can change nations if we come together in Christ and take the necessary risk to stop human trafficking, poverty, and many disturbing illness in our land. We must first humble ourselves and prepare ourselves for the work ahead. WOW: I can’t think of a more fitting culmination than prayer for such a powerful interview. Will you say a prayer for our WOW readers? KK: Father we just come before you acknowledging that your name is above all names. You are the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Father, give your ladies in waiting their new position of authority, give them to know how to come into the Royal chamber. Give us a glance into your vision for our lives that will change our total reality. Father we are undone, we humble ourselves before you. You are mighty and there is no God like you. Bless us to bring your kingdom wherever our feet are planted; let there be change as we come into the fullness of the government which is upon your shoulders. Let us be love agents full of purity and holiness; let us be salt and light in the earth. Father we pray your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus name, Amen! WOW

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There are many who are walking around like the walking dead because they have no hope. I see people who have “stuff�, they have the latest car, the greatest house, a good job, and a thriving business but they have no hope.

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Ruth Smith


ishop Ruth Smith Holmes serves as the co-founder of Light of the World Christian Tabernacle International, a multi-site ministry headquartered in Stockbridge, Georgia. Bishop Ruth is known throughout the world as a “Messenger with a Word in Season” and has become a world traveler, sharing her gifts of administration, teaching, and Pastoring. She is a native of Greensboro, Alabama.

Bishop Ruth Smith Holmes serves as the co-founder of Light of the World Christian Tabernacle International, a multi-site ministry headquartered in Stockbridge, Georgia. Bishop Ruth is known throughout the world as a “Messenger with a Word in Season” and has become a world traveler, sharing her gifts of administration, teaching, and Pastoring. She is a native of Greensboro, Alabama. In 1982 Ruth Williams married the founder of Light of the World Christian Tabernacle International Inc., the Late Archbishop Jimmie Lee Smith. In 1990 she answered her call to the ministry and played a vital role in the organization of Light of the World Christian Tabernacle International, Inc. affectionately referred to as “The Light”. She was ordained in 1991. Under their leadership, The Light grew from 400 to 1,500 members in a 4-year period. They served as the dynamic leadership team of The Light until Archbishop Jimmie Lee Smith went home to be with the Lord. Bishop Ruth was consecrated as Archbishop in 2009 and became the first female consecrated to the office of Bishop over an International Association or Diocese Worldwide. She also serves as Archbishop of The Light of The World Christian Tabernacle International Association which has ministries in 15 countries with a membership over 200,000.00

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Bishop Ruth has a passion for helping people advance the Kingdom of God. At an early age she proved to be a woman of faith by participating in the integration of schools in Hale County, Alabama. She holds a Master’s in Biblical Counseling and Doctorate in Ministry from Biblical Life College and Seminary in Marshfield, Missouri. She is the published author of two books entitled A Word on Love and Keep Moving. Through her leadership at The Light she champions community support through food and clothing drives. In 2013 she received the “Torch Bearer” award by the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) for her many years of work as a scholar and spiritual leader committed to the ideals and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the SCLC founder. Bishop Ruth’s passion is to empower young people thus she has recently opened the Jimmie Lee Smith Community Center which provides sports, education and entertainment to the surrounding community. As I arrived at the home of the illustrious Bishop Ruth Smith Holmes to conduct this interview, one of the first things that impressed me was the peace I could sense within this beautiful home. She greeted me from the Christ within her. I could feel a sweet anointing resting upon her. Immediately she made me feel at home. She invited me to come back many times. I asked her:

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In your own words, tell me just who you are. She smiled ever so gently and began: BSH: I have always led a very colorful life. I was married to the renowned late Archbishop Jimmie Smith, who founded the Light of The World Church and what an amazing ministry it is. He founded this work that I am now leading over 25 years ago. We had 5 children and they all work in ministry. Bishop went home to Glory 8 years ago. I was his co-pastor at that time. After his death, I took on the mantle of Senior Leader. During our tenure together, I occupied the Second Chair and unlike the First Chair, it was a comfortable place. But First Chair has taken me on an amazing journey. The First Chair is the one the Senior Leader occupies. In 2008 I received my Doctorate Degree in ministry from Biblical Life Seminary, right after Bishop Smith passed on. The Lord was preparing me to take over the leadership of the ministry when He told me to enroll in Seminary.

Bishop Ruth’s passion is to empower young people thus she has recently opened the Jimmie Lee Smith Community Center which provides sports, education and entertainment to the surrounding community.

I am fascinated about this ministry, so tell us about your worldwide ministry. BSH: As I stated, it is an amazing work. We have churches established in 15 countries and I have traveled to all of them. Just to name a few, India, Cayman Islands, Europe, German, Africa, to include South Africa, Kenya and so many other parts of Africa, too numerous to mention. I just came back from India. It was my best mission trip even with or without Bishop Smith. I saw the power of God moving like I have never seen Him move before. Ministry is so different in 3rd world countries. They praise and worship God like He is all they have to depend on.

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What about the Ministries in Light Of the World? BSH: I am glad you asked that, we have every ministry that you can think of, too include Grief Ministry, we call it grief sharing. I know that one quite well because I attended one right after Bishop Smith died. It took me a while to get over that and at the same time I had to take on the First Chair. Yes, we have children, teen, men and women ministries. We have young adults, prison and jail ministry. We even have divorce ministry, whether in the church or not, people still get divorced and need help dealing with it. We have the Light Learning Institute here and in McCormick, South Carolina State Prison for men. We send our Curriculum to them. They have the opportunity to receive their Associate and Bachelor’s Degree. Our prison ministry is really growing. In addition, and I am really excited about this, we have just completed work on the Jimmie Lee Smith Community Center which was a part of our vision even before he passed on. This Community Center is not necessarily a part of the spiritual piece of the church, it is more for Sports, Education and Entertainment (SEE). He wanted to offer more to our young people.

What challenges have you had to face as a woman Bishop leading the way? BSH: First one was with the men playing politics. I addressed it at a Luncheon meeting. I let them know that it is a free organization and can stay if they desire. I was very assertive. A standard was set and I was never challenged again. My second challenge came when the first person left the ministry. I got over that too. God sent someone to help me in the ministry and 2 years after Bishop passed on, I married Dr. Rickie Holmes. He came out of the military, he was always a part of the church. Bishop asked me to allow him to help me with the ministry. I never got around to it before Bishop passed on. He stepped in to help me after Bishop left.

The office of Bishop is really an overseeing ministry, it is not a call to ministry, and you need only desire it.

Awesome! Do you all have other churches established other than in Stockbridge? BSH: Yes, we have churches all over the world. We have 52 Pastors in ministry. We are considered a Spiritual Birthing Center. Several churches were birthed right from here. We have consecrated several Bishops and we do so every year at our Holy Convocation. You see, the office of Bishop is really an overseeing ministry, it is not a call to ministry, and you need only desire it. The Bible say it is a good thing to desire the office of the Bishop.

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Do you all teach entrepreneurship in the church? BSH: Yes, I teach a Kingdom economics. We teach children to create, to own their own business and to develop their own talent. We train businesses, we retool for the future. Because of this teaching, we did not even see a downturn when we entered into the recession. I have always had a heart for business because I was trained in corporate America. Last 4 or 5 years we offered free daycare. We believe in having multiple streams of income. I was in UGANDA when the Lord spoke to me and told me to set up free day care. Any last words for our readers? Yes, I would like to extend an invitation to your readers to visit us at The Light. Please visit our website and learn about our many ministries and our service time at www.comeintothelight.org or Email us at: lotwct@comeintothelight.org. We are committed to Connecting People to People and People to God. Matthew 17:20-26. WOW

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Pass on our oral history so the struggle to assimilate won’t be forgotten.


he legendary Sachi Koto has spent her life as a trailblazer. She was the first Asian American newscaster on television in the Southeast and in Atlanta. She was also the first Japanese American anchor on CNN. .

She etched out a place for herself in the media from the moment she graduated from college and even served as a news anchor for CNN for sixteen years. During her distinguished and award winning career, she worked at various radio and television stations in Atlanta and Tokyo for nine years prior to joining CNN and now runs her own communications company, Sachi Koto Communications, LLC; which is a full-service public relations firm that specializes in supplying unique communications services that include public relations, marketing, voice work, media training, speaking engagements and executive coaching. With all of her experiences and accolades, Sachi is most proud of her role as community servant. She is a third-generation Japanese American and prides herself on the legacy passed on by her parents who were farmers. Their work ethic served as a model for how Sachi and her siblings would grow and learn to be citizens of the world. Prior to her birth, Mr. and Mrs. Koto were sent to an internment camp in Wyoming. This was during World War II and right after the bombing of Pearl Harbor by the Japanese. The US government rounded up 120,000 Japanese citizens because the country was fearful of an additional attack. There were ten internment camps and each contained roughly 10,000 people who lived in barracks. When the government realized the burden of the expense of caring for all of those people while incurring the expense of the war, her parents, along with other Japanese Americans, were released with $25 and whatever they could carry. They traveled to

Georgia, the chicken capital of the South, and worked on a chicken farm. Mr. Koto became a Chicken Sexer. Chicken sexing is a scientific process where the gender of the newborn chicken is identified. There is a very small window of time when a chicken’s gender can be determined after birth. Once that window expires, the genitalia retracts into the body of the chicken and its gender cannot be determined until the rooster grows its red cone. Once the cone grows, it’s too late to separate them because the rooster has had the opportunity to fertilize eggs. Fertilized eggs are useless for marketplaces. This piece of family lore is important to Sachi. Her parents were American citizens who contributed to society and she is proud of their legacy. PJ: So you were born and raised in Clarkston, Georgia. What was it like growing up in the south as a Japanese American? The south isn’t historically friendly to outsiders and you definitely would have been considered an outsider. SK: You’re absolutely right. As a young girl of just five years old, I was attending the Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church and it was five miles from Stone Mountain, home of the Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, Samuel Hoyt Venable. I remember coming home one night and asking my mom, What’s a chink? Their eyes sort of glazed over and they wouldn’t answer me directly; but, they told me to tell my friends that I am Japanese. (At that time American was not tagged to other ethnicities like it is today.) The next

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night I came home and said, Mom, what’s a Jap? My parents realized that night that they had to tell the Koto children what had happened to them. They never wanted to tell us about the internment camps and World War II or anything about how the Japanese had been treated. By the end of the night, I felt like the blinders had been taken off my eyes and for the first time in my life, I was color blind up until that night. For the first time in my life, I saw color. Kathy had blond hair with blue eyes and Allen was a brown haired boy with green eyes. I’d never noticed our differences before. I realized then that I was an enemy of the state and I personally put myself in the back of the bus – so to speak. This was 1956, way before the Civil Rights Movement, so I automatically became second class in my mind.

When I grow up I want to be Zernona Clayton!

PJ: You mentioned Pearl Harbor and its impact on the Japanese Americans. What kind of backlash did your family experience? SK: My parents were on the west coast and they were rounded up after the attack with 120,000 other Japanese Americans. These were American citizens and Japanese nationals and they were sent to any of ten internment camps located in the central part of America. My parents ended up in an internment camp located in Heart Mountain, Wyoming. My mother was from Los Angeles and my father was born in Idaho. They were American citizens. But because they were identifiably Japanese; they were rounded up and put in that camp. They stayed there for the better part of three years. When they were released, they came to Georgia.

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DL: Who are your role models? SK: When I grow up I want to be Zernona Clayton! What she has done for the African American community is just amazing. Watching her grow her Trumpet Awards and taking it outside of Turner Broadcasting and then making it into a foundation and now she’s broadcasting in 185 countries! That’s my goal. If I could have one one-hundredth of what she’s done for her community, I will have made my contribution! I was awarded the Coretta Scott King Heritage Award. There’s something special about getting an award within your own community; but, there’s something really special about getting an award from outside of your community. That’s my most treasured award because I grew up reading about Coretta, that strong silent woman behind this very powerful man who kept the family together through all of their adversities.

DL: How do you empower women? SK: We have an annual conference. There are a lot of progressive Asian women and we want our young people to see them and know they can do this too. DL: What legacy have you created for yourself? SK: I would hope that Asian Americans get the gumption and the fortitude to speak up and get a voice – but get it in the right process. Not from a place of poor, pitiful is me, but make sure that you understand what you’re fighting for. Fighting is not a violent word. It means perseverance. If you want a seat at the table, get educated and have the skill where people want you. That’s my thing. I would love to be part of that push for the up-and-coming generation. I think

like any young generation, they forget their forefathers and all they fought for. But get smart. Do your research and go after something that is worthwhile for all of us.

mented and in the system, the Christian side of me says that we must work to help make this happen. It might take years; but, we must work together for the good of mankind.

DL: What are some of your aspirations for the Atlanta community? SK: I would like to see the Asian culture improve their public speaking. Eighty percent of the Asians in America are immigrants and many of them haven’t invested the time to learn English. I work with Buick, and they have given us a grant to help with public speaking. I want to give Asian Americans a step up and help them speak better.

PJ: If you were to speak to an up and coming Asian American woman who wants to follow in your footsteps, what would you tell her? SK: I would tell them don’t forget. Don’t forget the pioneers who have gone before you. There were so many people – from my parents and grandparents’ generation – who came here to work on the railroads that were pushed into enclaves of China towns and Japanese town and Korean Town. Each Asian community faced some sort of adversity. There’s no need to dwell on it; but, be appreciative and be aware of our history. Pass on our oral history so the struggle to assimilate won’t be forgotten. Sachi Koto continues forging forward making a mark that will impact the Asian community, metro Atlanta, Georgia and the world. Through Sachi Koto Communications, she is once again paving the way for the next Asian American woman to receive the baton. For more information on Ms. Koto, visit her website www.SachiKoto.com. WOW

DL: What was one of the most powerful stories you covered in your career? SK: That would probably be covering 9/11. I think any reporting anchor from that time would say the same thing. It was just depressing. Like when Princess Diana died and when John F. Kennedy died – the whole world was crying. The magnitude of catastrophe of that event and how it just unfolded before everyone’s eyes was just amazing. This was the second time in American history when a foreign country had come onto our soil and bombed our country. I wasn’t alive when Pearl Harbor happened; but, the impact of that attack carried through against the Japanese American citizens and it still impacts us even today. The attack on 9/11 was just unbelievable. LL: What do you think about the immigration bill that President Obama has signed off on? SK: My grandparents were immigrants and I have a very soft side for the feelings about immigrants. I think that all Americans should. But, do we foot the bill as American citizens for immigrants? I think to a certain point we must; but, then again there has to be some sort of control and legalization. Also, regarding the immigrants that we read about who are brought in on trucks, they open the trucks and their dead. That has got to stop. If there could be some control that would work for both sides where they enter as legal immigrants, get documented, and then help foot the bills for their medical benefits. But for the ones who are already here, there’s nothing inside of me that says we’ve got to send them back. If we could get them docu-

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• IF YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR MIND, you can change your season, If you can change your season, you can change your life. Seek God in all that you do,one word from God can change your whole life. • GET A MENTOR, allow yourself to be teachable. • BE HUMBLE on the inside but strong & assertive on the outside. • THE ART OF COMMUNICATION is essential. • DO NOT LET WHERE YOU CAME FROM DICTATE WHERE YOU ARE GOINg. Do not let your past rearrange your future. • SET YOUR GOALS, your limits and do not cross the line. • BECOME UNSTOPPABLE and necessary in your approach. • THERE IS A BLUEPRINT of your life, find it! • SEE THE INVISIBLE and make your impossibilities become possible. • DARE TO DREAM 3 DIMENSIONAL, Sing your song and not someone else’s song. • LEARN FROM THE VALUE IN THE PROCESS, go through your valley,do not faint.

Do not be too proud to ask for hellp

• LET THE NEGATIVE WORDS pouring forth from others become your stepping stones to success. • POWER IS ONLY A PLACE, so position yourself in your future. • RISE UP EARLY and position yourself in the day. • DEFINE YOUR FAILURE or your failure will define you! • LOCATE GREATNESS and study it. • TAKE NOTE of who you are following. • YOU HAVE TO BEAT THE BEST, to be the best. • GO WHERE OTHERS dare not go. • DON’T JUST SET AN EXAMPLE, be an example. • KNOW WHEN TO TURN BACK and know when to go forth. • THERE IS POWER in going through the process. • DISCERN YOUR SEASON and you empower yourself. • THE MIND IS A BATTLEFIELD, choose your battles carefully. • PURPOSEFULLY FORCE your outcome. • ON THE PATH TO EMPOWERMENT you will encounter obstacles too heavy for you to lift alone, do not be too proud to ask for help.

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The Machine Bringing Gospel Music & Inspiration to Hollywood Introducing the supercharged, high-energy, determined, strong-willed and tenacious Tomeka B. Holyfield! Appropriately labeled as the Red Carpet Mogul, Holyfield has made a name for herself in high places by hosting highend, faith-based productions during Huge Secular Events. Holyfield, Creator/ Executive Producer of All-Star Gospel Celebration, Gospel Goes To Hollywood Award Luncheon, All-Star Inspiration Celebration, The Essence Of A Woman Award Luncheon—to name a few— is on a global path of success. As a marketing mogul, Holyfield makes no excuses about being a Christian, and she is on a path to bring Inspiration to sensitive areas of our society. Both the NBA All-Stars and the Oscar Awards are known for shows, concerts and the like. Everything except a spiritual component. Yet, Holyfield has embarked on bringing high praise and a faithbased platform to huge Secular Events. “So many athletes, celebrities and stars all “celebrate their faith”, you just never hear about it in the media until now. Our number one reason for creating these faith-based platforms, is simply to give God the glory,” she says. This year, Holyfield and her company The HELPPPP Agency are gearing up to produce four major faith-based productions. In 2017, the agency will be adding their 5th faith-based production with TV shows in the horizon as well. “We are so excited, it’s been 11 years now and our properties keep expanding. We’re so grateful for His grace & mercy,” says Holyfield. “I always knew Tomeka would be successful, she was never at a shortage of words,” says Evander Holyfield. Tomeka, a native of Houston Texas began her career as a Motivational Speaker while matriculating at Texas Southern University as a Communication Major. She quickly became known as the lady with big dreams, the lady who makes things happen. However, not only was she making things happen for

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herself, she was also helping others to realize their dreams and potentials. She found more satisfaction in helping others! “I’ve always been everyone’s biggest cheerleader,” she says. Tomeka had a life changing moment while in college (actually a 9 month storm) that really set the path and confirmed her calling. The path of her destiny was set with the God-given ability to touch the lives of people everywhere. So the journey began, she was determined to show the world that any and everybody had a purpose, plan and platform...and she would be the one to help them put it into play. After relocating to Atlanta, hearing only a Word from God, she left everything and everyone to follow the Holy Spirit.

Without a job, no place to live and no friends, the next phase of the unknown began. Within one month, she became the Executive Director for the Evander Holyfield Foundation. A position that allowed her to touch lives on another level and also gave valuable experience in combining corporate entities with Non-Profit visions. Two months later, she began to travel on the road with gospel’s premiere saxophonist, Angella Christie of Angella Christie Sound Ministries (ACSM). She worked for both companies for almost two years before becoming Road Manager/ Armor Bearer for ACSM for 15 years! A Motivator since birth, Tomeka B. Holyfield has been helping, empowering, loving and preparing people for their purpose, plan and platform long before being crowned Ms. Black Texas 97’. As part of her platform, she created The HELPPPPing Hands Foundation in 1997 which eventually lead to theHELPPPP agency in 2005 and RCM Media Productions in 2012! Holyfield is a servant, visionary, negotiator and leader as well as President/ CEO of RCM Media Productions, the HELPPPP agency, the HELPPPPing Hands Foundation and Creator/Executive Producer of: • All-Star Gospel Celebration during NBA All-Star Weekend. • Gospel Goes To Hollywood Awards Luncheon during Oscar Week in Hollywood. • All-Star Inspiration Celebration during MLB All-Star (Major League Baseball) Week. • The Essence of a Woman Awards Luncheon (a SHERO

event) during Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Her widely popular uCAN uWILL uMUST™ motivational series is in high demand and sweeping the nation as she travels the world motivating individuals on the importance of “Taking Their Life Back”. Having a calling on her life to speak to women on issues that are typically taboo in the Christian community as well as self-esteem building for singles on the importance of integrity, work ethic, patience and being goal driven! Tomeka is passionate about speaking to women and young ladies at women conferences, singles conferences, schools, detention centers, panels, etc. to inspire and give hope in the midst of life’s most dire situations. Her overall message is one of enormous faith to accomplish one’s dreams and goals even when individuals feel they themselves are “over the hill”. She has a natural ability to relate to all kinds of individuals. Tomeka has a bubbly personality, dynamic poise, style, and a great sense of protocol, however, her morals and beliefs are never compromised. This makes her a dynamic powerhouse of a Speaker, one of the most powerful speakers your audience is likely to experience. She incorporates simple but practical examples, humorous stories, and a transformational style to inspire people of all walks of life to take responsibility, overcome obstacles and achieve success. WOW

“I always knew Tomeka would be successful, she was never at a shortage of words,” —Evander Holyfield.

To learn more about Ms. Holyfield and her “Faith-Based Properties” please visit her at: www.theHELPPPPagency.com

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SISSE MARIE is a Grammy award winning artist, songwriter, entertainer and entrepreneur and she has come to America to expand her fan base. She was born in Aalborg, Denmark in Northern Jutland and began her career as a teenager by winning the most prestigious song competition for young people on Danish National Television. Sisse’s introduction to the music industry was a gold certified album and her Grammy award because of her “Best Teen Album”. What a way to burst on the scene. Today, she’s known as a branding magnet. She has been endorsed by many A-List brands such as Smirnoff, Pilgrim and Citroën. In addition to that, she has worked with several elite international brands such as Volvo, Heineken, Tiffany Bridal,

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John Frieda, Wonderbra, Bianco Shoe Company, Dyrberg/Kern jewelry, Vero Moda and O’Neill. One would think that with all of these accolades at such a young age, this beauty would be self absorbed and aloof. That was certainly not the case on the beautiful afternoon we spent together laughing and drinking bottled water. Her essence consumed the room when she walked in with hugs and hellos for everybody. Every person in the room was hugged and she made everybody feel important. I couldn’t wait for my chance to speak PJ: Your entrance to the music industry started very,

I do more than see people, I feel people.”

very young with a singing competition. Tell me about it. SM: I’ve been doing music all of my life. I’m from a really little village outside of Aalborg in Denmark.. The one thing we have is choirs that do traditional, classic music. I started singing in them when I was around five years old. We travelled all over the world singing in the choir. So it’s been in my blood all of my life. I’ve always written music since I was really young, I also had a keyboard. One day I wrote a song and sent it into this competition. I was able to be in the competition singing my own song. I won the whole thing. It was pretty scary. I was a country chick coming to the capitol for the first time in my life and the next thing I knew, I was on television and the news and in the papers. Instant fame!

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PJ: How did you get into modeling? SM: I decided that I didn’t want to be a teen star anymore. So I moved to Istanbul, Turkey when I was around 17 years old all by myself, without my parents. I went there to start my modeling career. It was tough because they had so many restrictions. The culture there is really different. We couldn’t go out at our age. I broke every rule they had, of course. So I modeled and traveled around Europe Milan, London, and Germany – just all over. But I really missed the music. PJ: How did you get back into music with all of the success you were experiencing as a model? SM: I came back in Denmark and got signed by a label. I released a song that went number one. I mainly perform electronic dance music (EDM). I love it because its fun and a lot of partying. You can express yourself and I’m all about having fun and expressing myself. PJ: What about touring? Where are some of the places you’ve visited? SM: I’ve been on three tours in China. I’ve played at the Playboy Mansion and New York Times Square. For New Year’s Eve I played at this

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huge gay party that was awesome. That’s what I love about what I do. I get out and express myself. I get to meet people and inspire them and play my music. That’s really my thing and I really love it. It’s okay to be in the studio but I definitely prefer to be out there. PJ: What has been your most favorite memory? Perhaps someone that you have met. SM: Well, I’ve met a lot of people; but, I was most excited about meeting Usher. It was the first time in my life that I was so nervous. He was such a cool guy. It was really interesting to me because I’m not used to being that nervous and almost unable to really perform. It taught me a whole lot about always being prepared all the time. The voice is an instrument and you can hear when you’re nervous. There’s so much psychology that goes into singing. PJ: What was your most exciting experience? SM: The Skanderborg Festival in Denmark, there were miles of people partying with their hands up. It was amazing playing for about 40,000 people. WOW Please visit www.SisseMarie.com for more information about this exciting young artist.

If you really want something and really go for it, you can do it.�

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7 Years Of Women of Wealth WoW Magazine

Nation’s Top 87 Women Mentoring Leaders

Winter Edition 2011

EdiE FrasEr Diversity Activist and Philanthropist

And more in this special issue… First Lady Michelle Obama, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney, Bonnie McElveen-Hunter Judith McHale, Lulu Flores, Kathy Calvin, Betty Hudson Dr. Paula Whetsel-Ribeau, Rosa Whitaker, Dawn Sweeney Ambassador Julia Chang Bloch, Joi Gordon



First Lady Michelle Obama on the Importance of Mentoring and Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s Journey to Living the American Dream

winter 2011




A Tribute to

WHITNEY 1963-2012



Winter edition 2015

Women of Wealth SPRING 2015



Kristina Ratliff Deborah Williams


Dee Dee Abdur-Rahim

Jazette Lane- English


Tomi Rose

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“You too can live your wildest dreams. No matter where you come from, no matter what life has given you.”

— Endyia Kinney-Sterns



WOW was able to catch up with the much sought after VP of programming and development for the Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN), Endyia Kinney Sterns. We found her in the fabulous OWN office in Los Angeles. The gracious host gave us a tour and much insight about working for one of the most famous women in the world. Amazingly, her office was very colorful, warm and inviting, as was her staff. My photographer, Thomas Anderson with Live Designs and Productions, found Endyia to be a wonderful subject to photograph. She was very funny and engaging. When asked, what was it like working for the infamous Oprah Winfrey, she stated “It is a pleasure and an honor to work for Ms. Winfrey. She has a clear vision and direction for her Network to not just entertain viewers but to inspire and uplift them as well. I am so blessed to be able to be a part of that vision.” Endyia said she has learned so much from working within OWN. Kinney-Sterns has recently been promoted from Executive Director of Programming and Development to Vice President of Programming and Development. She goes on to say that it is her dream job. She stretched out on faith, with unwavering tenacity determined to pursue her dream until accomplished. Kinney-Sterns will be the first to tell you that her God got her to this much sought after position. One thing I know for sure is that Endyia loves her God and Savior the Lord Jesus Christ. She sang His Praises throughout the entire interview. “Without my God opening all of the necessary doors, I would not be here” she says. God has shaped her life from the moment she began studying theater at 4 years old in Fort Worth, Texas which began her Journey to NOW. >

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As we began to go down memory lane with Kinney-Sterns, we learned that she never hesitated when opportunity knocked. It was true for her, when one door closed another one opened as she traveled her path on her Journey to NOW. Prior to her life changing opportunities, she produced reality TV, talk and variety lifestyle shows to name a few; The Wayne Brady Show, Big Brother 4 and The Other Half and many more! Now she is on her way and her journey reveals that she was evolved in not one…but now three dream jobs of immaculate proportion, this is short of a small miracle. Like batting a home run, three times in the same game. It is clear Endyia’s batting average is “out of this world”! Having worked for television moguls like TV-One’s Cathy Hughes, where she held the title senior director of programming and development and was responsible for the day-to-day supervision of production and

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programming for popular series including “Baisden After Dark,” and “Who’s Got Jokes.” Never moving far from her chosen path or veering off from the journey, she took her turn with BET’s Debra Lee, where she served as Executive Director of Original Programming and Senior Executive of Original Programming. At BET she was responsible for the network’s series College Hill and Keyshia Cole’s: The Way It Is. Also, she had a distinctive hand in the development and launch of the production “The Mo’Nique Show.” The winding path of her journey finally brought her to her NOW, this very prestigious and most covetous position at OWN. Endyia Kinney-Sterns joined OWN in May 2011 as Executive Director of Programming and Development. Currently as VP of Programming and Business Development she oversees dayto-day development of new original programming for the network.

Put God first in all that you do and use your gifts and talents to serve Him and others and the sky is the limit for you.� \

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I began to develop a hunger to work behind the scenes in Television so that I could effect change. I wanted to be a decision maker. I wanted to make a

She was instrumental in the selection of new programming such as the docu-series Raising Whitley and Life with LaToya, Millionaire Mama’s Boy with Sony Studios and Houston Beauty with Park Slope Productions. One wonders, when she started out did she see with her mind’s eye the path that was laid out before her, like a red carpet. One thing we know for sure, it came because of her faith, prayer, dedication and hard work coupled with formal training, diligence and over a decade of experience in the entertainment and television production industry. When asked if she had mentors, she said yes. A Mentor is a much needed guide and that we all should have one. I asked her if she would be my Mentor. Her answer was yes. I do admire her so much. In keeping with the Endyia Kinney-Sterns style, she has now established her own production company; “Seraphim Entertainment” with two original shows, a drama series and an animated project previously under her belt. She is equally passionate with supporting children’s organizations like the Children’s Hunger Fund which initiates distribution of food

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so that children are provided meals and Zoe Ministries to stop child trafficking overseas. Endyia continuously speaks to the youth about the importance of pursuing their dreams. One can only assume that her love for her own two kids and husband nurtures her compassion about those issues that matter, family and the world they live in. This is evident from a message she sent via video to the Trimble Tech Students, a school her mother is affiliated with: “You too can live your wildest dreams. No matter where you come from, no matter what life has given you. Just look at how a little African American girl from Fort Worth, Texas is now working with Oprah Winfrey.” Kinney-Sterns currently resides in Porter Ranch, California with her husband, Brigg Sterns, and her two sons, Judah and Cairo. Women Of Wealth Magazine host a yearly women’s conference in Atlanta, Georgia and we invited Endyia Kinney-Sterns to speak at this conference. Women from all over the world were in attendance and learned much about the television industry. It was awesome to hear and see Endyia as she spoke and shared her heart, knowledge and faith with our audience!

THE INTERVIEW Endyia we know that you are the VP of Programming and Development for the Oprah Winfrey Network. What are the responsibilities associated with this position?

EKS: All of the ideas for the Network comes to me first. It is my job to sift through ideas and concepts to see what would be great for the Brand and then be very confident enough to pass it on to my senior level team which includes Ms. Winfrey. It is a very good and very rewarding job.

How did you get started in your career?

EKS: I actually started out in front of the camera. I was a child actress. I always had this idea that I really love television. When I was 4 years old my mom asked me what I wanted to do. I told her I wanted to be an actress. We lived in Fort Worth, Texas and she said to me, there is not a lot of actors coming out of Fort Worth but I will do what I can to help you get there. My mom is so great! She is a single mom. She is my hero. My dad died when I was very young. She enrolled me in the biggest theater company in the city. I was in play after play. I got my equity card at 5 years old. My career was off to a great start. I was constantly doing plays and someone saw me and asked to manage me and my young career really took off. I was doing movies, television and more plays. My mom instilled in me that with hard work I can do anything that I set my heart to do. I wanted to do television.

Where did you go to college?

EKS: I went to Pepperdine College in California to study theater. I became discouraged because of the expectations of the television industry, so I retreated to law school. I hated it, my worst year ever. While I was there, I was getting so many auditions and then I realized that so much of what was on television then was not speaking to me. It was not lining up with my beliefs. I began to develop a hunger to work behind the scenes so that I could effect change. I wanted to be a decision maker. I knew that I wanted to use all my gifts and talents to the Glory of God. My mom was encouraging me all the way.

number two person. I had been praying for such a position. Eventually, I left there and went over to TV One. I helped a guy develop his project Unsung heroes. It is still going on and in its 4th season. It actually received a NAACP Award for its magnitude. BET called, they had a new regime and wanted me to be a part of it, so I left TV One and went back over to BET and worked on Sundays Best, Exalted and so many more projects.

Endyia, so many wonderful things were happening for you at this point, so I need to ask did you experience any challenges doing this phase of your Journey?

EKS: As a matter of fact there were some challenges. I use to think that I really cared what God thinks. I was working for a woman that ruled with an iron fist. She tore you down to build you back up later. I had to learn that you cannot please man and God. I was in this crazy cycle with this woman and it really got bad. I got laid off and my faith was really put to the test. I had to learn to do it God’s way. I was unemployed for over six months, had to change my lifestyle my way of living etc. I had to downsize. I had to humble myself and come back to my purpose. The minute I said yes to God, Oprah Winfrey called. Now, my whole life really changed. The lesson that I learned from all of this is that I must care what God thinks first, without compromise.

Endyia one last question, my readers would like to know how to get their project on the OWN?

EKS: We do not accept unsolicited projects from individuals, and that is to protect you and us. We cannot review unsolicited projects because of the potential legal ramifications. You want your ideas and content protected at all times. Now that being said, you can possibly get your project to OWN but it has to be via of a known production company, show runner, agent or manager. We love to receive great projects, it just have to be handed off to us by a credible and experience agent or production company and there are many of them around.

How did you break into the Industry and begin working as an Executive behind the scenes?

EKS: I started out working for free for Tracey Edmonds, she had several shows on the air i.e. Soul food etc. Someone asked me if I wanted to be an assistant story editor. I said yes. I worked at that for a while but I wanted more. I wanted to know what it would be like to work for a Network. I started sending out my resume to every network even if they were not soliciting for resumes. I got a call from VH1 and I was on my way. I ended up working for an amazing woman by the name of Jane Lipsitz who later started a production company called; “Magical Elves.” They produced “Project Runway”, “Top Chef ” and so many more. She was my Mentor. She taught me how to be a producer so I worked as a producer for so many shows there. I left VH1 and the rest is history. I was doing some work for Universal and ended up meeting a woman who was working for Sci-Fi. This was very interesting to me because I had never seen a female executive in television let alone an African American one. I went into her office, introduced myself to her and gave her my resume. Six months later she called me and let me know that she was going over to BET and would like to take me as her

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Dr. Antoine Jasmine

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