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Editors’ note

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Seminar programme

Seminar programme

The role of research in education is to deliver evidence to stakeholders responsible both for grassroot actions and policy changes. Such tasks primarily aim at measuring which abilities and competences (as well as to what extent and in which learning contexts) were acquired on an individual and institution level.

Our seminar was addressed to every person dealing with research activities in the Erasmus+ programme: researchers, external experts, representatives of academia as well as of Erasmus+ National Agencies. It aimed at: → delivering results of research activities related to measuring the quality and effectiveness of Erasmus+ across Europe; → sharing experiences and good practices in methodology and research tools; → enhancing cooperation and building partnerships for new joint research activities.

For the first time we managed to bring together NA representatives and researchers from 5 Erasmus+ sectors: higher education, vocational education, adult education, school education and youth. Nearly 90 participants from 21 countries came together to share experiences and research practice.

This publication is a set of seminar proceedings of those authors who agreed to contribute to the seminar in addition to the presentations they gave or other input they had. Papers on the impact on individuals are placed at the beginning, followed by those measuring institutional impact and other contributions.

We would like to thank everyone who submitted papers, presentations and posters for an interesting programme. All presentations can be found on our website.

We would also like to thank all participants who attended the seminar, contributing to discussions and professional networking.

We look forward to welcoming you at our future seminars.

Agnieszka Rybińska, Özgehan Şenyuva

Özgehan Şenyuva is an Associate Professor in the International Relations Department at Middle East Technical University, Ankara, where he works on youth, public opinion, TurkeyEuropean relations and the politics of European football. He has extensive experience in international research projects. He has worked for more than two decades as a youth worker/trainer. A steering group member of European Platform on Learning Mobility and member of the Pool of European Youth Researchers of the European Commission and the Council of Europe. Author of numerous research publications and articles.

Agnieszka Rybińska Research and Analysis Department and Publications Unit Director of the Foundation for the Development of the Education System. Experienced in coordination and monitoring of state aid programmes. Her research addresses mostly the evaluation of public interventions, including EU funds earmarked for SMEs and education sectors. Recently engaged in evaluation of various aspects of education policy, including assessment of education sector performance and transition from school to work.

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