2 minute read
Seminar programme
Day 1 – October 25, 2017
18:00.....................Ice-breaking meeting and dinner
Day 2 – October 26, 2017
8:30-9:00...........Registration 9:00-9:10............Welcome address by Paweł Poszytek, Director General, Foundation for the Development of the Education System (FRSE), Polish E+ National Agency 9:10-9:40 ...........Sebastien Combeaud, European Commission, DG Education and Culture Keynote speech Objectives, opportunities and limitations: the experience of the mid-term evaluation of Erasmus+. 9:40-10:00.........Introduction to the seminar Özgehan Şenyuva, Pool of European Youth Researchers of the Youth Partnership 10:00-10:15.......Coffee break 10:15-11:25 .......Session 1 EMPLOYABILITY, ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND CAREER PATHS Chair: Agnieszka Rybińska, FRSE, Polish E+ National Agency → Arnaud de Champris, Cabinet E.C.s., The national observatory of impact Erasmus+: what is common measurement of impact for multi-stakeholders mobility policies? → Sari Turunen-Zwinger, Finnish National Agency for Education (Finish E+ National Agency), New competences for SMEs – lowering companies’ threshold for recruiting international talents. → Joanna Dąbrowska-Resiak, FRSE, Polish E+ National Agency, Tracer study of mobility participants: students in higher education – methodology and the results of pilot study. → Michał Pachocki, FRSE, Polish E+ National Agency, Impact of VET student mobility in Poland. Career paths of project participants. 11:25-12:40.......Group work/discussion 12:40-14:00 ......Lunch 14:00-15:10.......Session 2 INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Chair: Michał Pachocki, FRSE, Polish E+ National Agency → Paulo Morgado, University of Lisbon, Mapping of higher education networks developed with Erasmus support. → Siru Korkala, Finnish National Agency for Education (Finish E+ National Agency), Exploring the institutional level effects of staff mobility in VET. → Kevin Robinson, Ecorys (UK E+ National Agency), Measuring impact: the role of the Impact+ Exercise in changing professional and organisational practice in measuring impact. → Magdalena Jelonek, Jagiellonian University, Mateusz Jeżowski, FRSE, Polish E+ National Agency, The index of higher education engagement with the business community. 15:10-16:15 .......Group work/discussion 16:45 ....................Exploring Warsaw
Day 3 – October 27, 2017
9:00-10:30.........Session 3 TRANSNATIONAL COOPERATION Chair: Joanna Dąbrowska-Resiak, FRSE, Polish E+ National Agency 1. Liutauras Ivoška, Education Exchanges Support Foundation (Lithuanian E+ National Agency), Transnational mobility of staff – impact on Lithuanian schools. 2. Michał Pachocki, FRSE, Polish E+ National Agency, Transnational mobility of staff – impact on Polish schools. 3. Lorenza Venturi, Indire (Italian E+ National Agency), Survey on the impact of the Erasmus+ programme – outcomes. 4. Nicolai Netz, German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies, Determinants and career effects of studying abroad. 5. Alix de Saint-Albin, Pluricité, Impact minded European cooperation: education and training partnerships diversity analysed. 10:30-10:45 ......Coffee break 10:45-11:30.......Group work/discussion 11:30-12:40.......Session 4 SOCIAL AND INTERCULTURAL DIMENSIONS OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Chair: Mateusz Jeżowski, FRSE, Polish E+ National Agency 1. Helmut Fennes, Institute of Educational Science, University of Innsbruck, Research-based analysis and monitoring of the Erasmus+ Youth programme. 2. Irma Garam, Finnish National Agency for Education (Finish E+ National Agency), Global Mindedness Survey: Does international mobility change students’ attitudes and the way students engage with difference? 3. Sandra Zaidova, Pool of Trainers of Lithuanian National Agency, The impact of European Voluntary Service on local communities in Poland, Lithuania and Hungary. 4. Marco Brüeckner, German Academic Exchange Service DAAD (German E+ National Agency), NA DAAD Study 2017/2018: Impact of Erasmus+ with regard to the Paris Declaration 2015. 12:40-13:15.......Group work/discussion 13:15-13:30.......Closing remarks Özgehan Şenyuva, Pool of European Youth Researchers of the Youth Partnership Tadeusz Wojciechowski, FRSE, Polish E+ National Agency 13:30.....................Lunch