Evidence-based policy in Erasmus+
Seminar programme Day 1 – October 25, 2017 18:00......................Ice-breaking meeting and dinner Day 2 – October 26, 2017 8:30-9:00............Registration 9:00-9:10............. Welcome address by Paweł Poszytek, Director General, Foundation for the Development of the Education System (FRSE), Polish E+ National Agency 9:10-9:40............ Sebastien Combeaud, European Commission, DG Education and Culture Keynote speech Objectives, opportunities and limitations: the experience of the mid-term evaluation of Erasmus+. 9:40-10:00.......... Introduction to the seminar Özgehan Şenyuva, Pool of European Youth Researchers of the Youth Partnership 10:00-10:15........Coffee break 10:15-11:25........ Session 1 EMPLOYABILITY, ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND CAREER PATHS Chair: Agnieszka Rybińska, FRSE, Polish E+ National Agency → Arnaud de Champris, Cabinet E.C.s., The national observatory of impact Erasmus+: what is common measurement of impact for multi-stakeholders mobility policies? → Sari Turunen-Zwinger, Finnish National Agency for Education (Finish E+ National Agency), New competences for SMEs – lowering companies’ threshold for recruiting international talents. → Joanna Dąbrowska-Resiak, FRSE, Polish E+ National Agency, Tracer study of mobility participants: students in higher education – methodology and the results of pilot study. → Michał Pachocki, FRSE, Polish E+ National Agency, Impact of VET student mobility in Poland. Career paths of project participants. 11:25-12:40........Group work/discussion 12:40-14:00.......Lunch 14:00-15:10........ Session 2 INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Chair: Michał Pachocki, FRSE, Polish E+ National Agency → Paulo Morgado, University of Lisbon, Mapping of higher education networks developed with Erasmus support. → Siru Korkala, Finnish National Agency for Education (Finish E+ National Agency), Exploring the institutional level effects of staff mobility in VET. → Kevin Robinson, Ecorys (UK E+ National Agency), Measuring impact: the role of the Impact+ Exercise in changing professional and organisational practice in measuring impact. → Magdalena Jelonek, Jagiellonian University, Mateusz Jeżowski, FRSE, Polish E+ National Agency, The index of higher education engagement with the business community. 15:10-16:15........Group work/discussion 16:45.....................Exploring Warsaw