Języki Obce w Szkole 3/2019

Page 114



Problems with Comprehending Spontaneous Speech in a Foreign Language. Empirical Study The paper discusses the results of the empirical study which focused on subjective and objective comprehension of spontaneous speech by secondary school graduates. The data confirm that phonetics plays a crucial role in listening comprehension and is inextricably connected to the features of spontaneous speech, which differs from careful scripted speech typically presented in coursebooks. The study has pedagogical implications and points out the need for making students aware of certain features of spontaneous speech and increase their exposure to everyday language of English native speakers. MARIA CZEMPKA-WEWIÓRA, ANNA GAŁĘZIOWSKA-KRZYSTOLIK

Work with Simplified Texts as a Method Developing other Language Competences Reading in a foreign language significantly influences the development of other language skills. However, learners with a low level of knowledge of a particular language are not able to receive the socio-cultural reality obtained from authentic texts or messages. The condition of accessibility is fulfilled by the simplified text, which should be a pleasure to read. Such text must fulfil certain criteria and assumptions. However, the ability to read a continuous, longer text is not always appreciated and included in the curriculum, on the contrary, it is often limited in favor of dialogue texts. MARLENA DUDA

Non-Verbal Language Dimension: Multilingualism and Multi Kinesics Both what we say and do carry a lot of messages, also on a non-verbal level. Therefore, to achieve the goal of teaching a foreign language – effective communication – the messages must be presented in a correct and conscious way at all levels. This awareness will be achieved only through sensitizing the learners to the non-verbal dimension of the language. This paper aims to highlight the important role of non-verbal elements in exolingual communication and in the process of teaching and learning a foreign language, and to propose methods of sensitizing students to possible intercultural differences.

114 3/2019

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