Weekly Bulletin 10th December 2023

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Services at St Mary’s Church Monday: Mass 9 - 11 am Tuesday Liturgy 5:30 - 7am 7:30pm The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am Wednesday 6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults Thursday Mass 9 - 11 am - English English Midnight Praises 7:30pm English Bible Study 7:30pm Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am Friday Youth 25 and above 7-9pm Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am Saturday Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm English Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:307pm Scouts 1:30 - 3pm School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm Sunday: Sunday 1st Mass6 - .7:45am Arabic & English 2nd Mass.7:45 – .9:30am English 3rd Mass 9:30 - 11:15am Arabic Hymns Class - English 11:45 12:30pm Church Priests: Priests Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251 Email: frtadros@me.com Fr Habib Girgis Younan: 0401238177 – 94498871 Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail. com Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821 Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kensington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651 Fr Kerillos Tawadros 0411 518 399

Fr John Makary 0433 445 636

:‫مواعيد الخدمة بكنيسة العذراء‬

:‫األثنين‬ ‫ صباحا‬١١ - ٩ ‫القداس اإللهي‬ ‫ صباحا‬7 - 5:30 ::‫اإللهي‬ ‫ القداس اإللهي‬:‫الثالثاء‬ )‫(انجليزي‬ ‫ ذا‬- ‫ مساء أجتماع للكبار باإلنجليزي‬7:30 ‫واى‬ ‫ صباحا‬11 – 9 ‫ القداس اإللهي‬:‫األربعاء‬ ‫األربعاء‬ :‫الخميس‬ ‫ انجليزي‬- ‫ صباحا‬١١ - ٩ ‫القداس اإللهي‬ ‫ مساء‬7:30 ‫ انجليزي‬- ‫تسبحة نصف الليل‬ ‫ مساء‬7:30 ‫ انجليزي‬- ‫درس الكتاب المقدس‬ ‫ صباحا‬11 – 9 ‫ القداس اإللهي‬:‫الجمعة‬ ‫الجمعة‬ ‫ سنة فأكثر‬25 ‫ مساء الشباب‬9 – 7 - ‫ مساء أجتماع إعداد الخدمة‬8:30 - 7 ‫انجليزي‬ ‫ صباحا‬١١ – 8,30 ‫القداس اإللهي‬:‫السبت‬ ‫السبت‬ 5,30 – 4 ‫مدارس األحد‬ ‫ مساء‬٨:٣٠ –٧ ‫العشية واجتماع الشباب‬ ‫انجليزي‬ ‫ مساء عربي‬7 - 5:30 ‫العشية ودرس كتاب‬ :‫األحد‬ ‫ص عربي‬,7:45 – 6 ‫القداس األول‬ ‫وانجليزي‬ ‫ ص – إنجليزي‬9:30 – ,7:45 ‫القداس الثاني‬ ‫ ص عربي‬11:15 – 9:30 ‫القداس الثالث‬ 12:30 - 11:45 ‫ انجليزي‬- ‫فصل ألحان‬ ‫مساء‬ :‫األباء الكهنة بالكنيسة‬ ‫األب القمص تادرس شاروبيم‬ 0414251251 Email: frtadros@me.com :‫األب القس حبيب جرجس يونان‬ 94498871 - 0401238177 Email: habibgirgisyounan@ hotmail.com 0422431821 :‫األب القس مايكل صليب‬ Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Epsom Rd, 3031:‫عنوان الكنيسة‬ :‫ تليفون‬5 Kensington Vic 93766651 ‫األب القس كيرلس تاوضروس‬ ٠٤١١٥١٨٣٩٩ ‫األب القس جون مكاري‬ ٠٤٣٣٤٤٥٦٣٦

‫نياحة القديس بطرس الرهاوى أسقف غزة‬ The Departure of St. Peter Elrahawy, Bishop of Gaza. ‫ كيهك‬٢ - ‫ ديسمرب‬١٢ 12th December - 2nd Keiahk ‫يف مثل هذا اليوم تنيح القديس بطرس الرهاوي‬ This day marks the departure of St. Peter Elrahawy (the Iberian), Bishop ‫ ولد مبدينة الرها يف أوائل الجيل الثالث‬، ‫أسقف غزة‬ of Gaza. He was born in the year 49 A.D. in the City of Raha (Edessa)(1) ‫ وملا بلغ من‬،‫من أبوين رشيفي الحسب والنسب‬ to a noble family. When he was twenty years old, his parents gave him to ‫العمر عرشين سنة قدمه أبوه إىل امللك ثاؤدسيوس‬ the Emperor Theodosius II, to be one of his attendants. But because he had forsaken the world and its glories, he practiced asceticism and worship while ‫ ولكن لزهده يف أباطيل العامل وأمجاده‬، ‫ليكون مبعيته‬ ، ‫ كان ميارس النسك والعبادة وهو يف بالط امللك‬، living in the king’s palace. He had parts of the relics of the holy martyrs of ‫وكان يحمل أجساد بعض القديسني الشهداء من‬ Persia with him. Abba Peter left the royal court and became a monk in a monastery. He fought ‫ وترك البالط امللويك وميض فرتهب بأحد األديرة‬،‫الفرس‬ ‫ عيل غزة‬- ‫وبعد قليل رسموه أسقف – دون رغبته‬ a great spiritual fight. Shortly after, they ordained him Bishop of Gaza and ‫ وقيل عنه انه يف أول قداس له‬، ‫وما يليها من الضياع‬ its surroundings, against his will. It was said that when he celebrated his first ‫ وملا نقل‬، ‫فاض من الجسد دم كثري حتى مال الصينية‬ Liturgy, blood flowed from the Holy Body and filled the Paten. ‫جسد القديس يعقوب املقطع إىل أحد األديرة بالرها‬ Abba Peter took the body of St. James, the mangled(2), and relocated it to ‫ وحدث إن مرقيان امللك الخلقدوين رشع يف اضطهاد‬، a monastery in the city of Raha. When Marcian the Chalcedonian Emperor, ‫ حرض هذا االب ومعه جسد‬، ‫األساقفة األرثوذكسيني‬ started persecuting the Orthodox Bishops, Abba Peter took the body of St. ‫القديس يعقوب إىل مرص وذهب إىل البهنسا وأقام‬ James and came to Egypt where he dwelt in a monastery in El-Bahnasa. There ‫ وهناك اجتمع بالقديس اشعياء املرصي‬، ‫بأحد أديرتها‬ he met the holy man Abba Isaiah the Egyptian. ‫ ثم عاد إىل ارض فلسطني بعد انقضاء ايام مرقيان‬، After the end of Emperor Marcian’s reign, Abba Peter went back to the land of ‫ وقد حدث يف أحد األيام‬، ‫وداوم عيل تثبيت املؤمنني‬ Palestine and went on confirming the believers. ‫وهو يقوم بالقداس اإللهي إن بعضا من أعيان الشعب‬ One day while he was celebrating the Divine Liturgy, a few of the people present in the church were conversing about earthly matters and were distracted ‫املوجودين بالكنيسة قد انشغلوا عن سامع الصالة‬ ، ‫ ومل ينههم القديس عن ذلك‬، ‫باألحاديث العاملية‬ from listening to the prayers. The angel of the Lord appeared to him and ‫فظهر له مالك ونهره ألنه امتنع عن زجر املتكلمني يف‬ reproached him because he did not admonish those who were talking in the ‫ فاشتهي إن يراه‬، ‫ وسمع عنه امللك زينون‬، ‫الكنيسة‬ church. ‫ فلم يتمكن من ذلك الن هذا القديس كان ال يحب‬، Emperor Zeno heard of him and longed to see him, but was not able to do so because Abba Peter did not like the glory of this world. Abba Peter went to the ‫ يف عيد القديس‬، ‫ فميض إىل بالد الغور‬، ‫مجد العامل‬ area between Jerusalem and Damascus in Palestine, called Gaur(3) On the feast ‫ وملا أقام القداس يف ذلك‬، ‫بطرس بطريرك اإلسكندرية‬ ‫ إن السيد‬: ‫ ظهر له القديس بطرس وقال له‬، ‫اليوم‬ day of St. Peter(4), 17th Pope of Alexandria, Abba Peter celebrated the Divine ‫ فاستدعي الشعب‬، ‫املسيح قد دعاك لتكون معنا‬ Liturgy during which St. Peter appeared and told him, “Christ the Lord is ‫ ثم بسط‬، ‫وأوصاهم بالثبات عيل اإلميان املستقيم‬ calling you to be with us.” Abba Peter called the people and commanded them . ‫صالته تكون معنا امني‬، ‫يديه واسلم الروح‬ to be firm in their Orthodox Faith, then he stretched out his hand and delivered ‫تذكار تقديم القديسة العذراء مريم اىل الهيكل‬ up his soul in the hands of the Lord. ‫سنوات‬33 ‫بأورشليم سن‬ ‫سنوات‬ His prayers be with us. Amen. ‫ كيهك‬٣ - ‫ ديسمرب‬١٣ The Entrance of Saint Mary into the Temple at Jerusalem. ‫يف مثل هذا اليوم تذكار دخول السيدة البتول والدة‬ 13th December - 3rd Keiahk ‫ وهي ابنة ثالث‬، ‫اإلله القديسة مريم إىل الهيكل‬ On this day we commemorate the entrance of our holy Lady, the Virgin, Saint ‫ وذلك انه ملا كانت أمها‬، ‫ ألنها كانت نذرا لله‬، ‫سنني‬ Mary, the Theotokos, into the Temple when she was three years old, for she ‫ وكانت لذلك مبعدة من النساء يف‬، ‫حنة بغري نسل‬ was dedicated to God. Her mother, Anna (Hannah), was childless. The women ‫ فكانت حزينة جدا هي والشيخ الكريم‬، ‫الهيكل‬ who were in the Temple stayed away from her. She was exceedingly sad and ‫ وصلت إليه بحرارة‬، ‫ فنذرت لله نذرا‬، ‫يواقيم زوجها‬ so was her husband Joachim who was a blessed old man. She prayed to God fervently and with a contrite heart saying, «If You give me a fruit, I will devote ‫وانسحاق قلب قائلة «إذا أعطيتني مثرة فإين أقدمها‬ ‫ فاستجاب الرب لها ورزقها‬، »‫نذرا لهيكلك املقدس‬ the child to Your Holy Temple.» God answered her prayers and she brought ‫ وملا رزقت‬، ‫هذا القديسة الطاهرة فأسمتها مريم‬ forth this pure saint and called her Mary. ‫بها ربتها ثالث سنوات ثم مضت بها إىل الهيكل مع‬ She reared her for three years, after which she took her to live with the virgins ‫ كانت‬، ‫ حيث أقامت اثنتي عرشة سنة‬، ‫العذارى‬ in the Temple. Saint Mary dwelt in the sanctuary for 12 years. She received her ‫تقتات خاللها من يد املالئكة إىل إن جاء الوقت الذي‬ food from the hands of the angels, until the time when our Lord Christ came ‫ ويتجسد من هذه التي‬، ‫يأيت فيه الرب إىل العامل‬ into the world, and was incarnated through her, the elect of all women. ‫ حينئذ تشاور الكهنة إن يودعوها عند من‬، ‫اصطفاها‬ When she had completed 12 years in the sanctuary, the priests took counsel together concerning her, so that they might entrust her to someone who would ‫ إذ ال يجوز لهم إن يبقوها‬، ‫ ألنها نذر للرب‬، ‫يحفظها‬ protect her, for she was consecrated to God and they were not allowed to keep ‫يف الهيكل بعد هذه السن فقرروا إن تخطب رسميا‬ her in the temple after this age. They decided that she be engaged to a man who ‫ فجمعوا‬، ‫لواحد يحل له إن يرعاها ويهتم بشئونها‬ ‫من سبط يهوذا اثني عرش رجال أتقياء ليودعوها عند‬ could take care of her and who would look after her. They gathered 12 righteous men from the house of David of the Tribe of Juda ‫ فاتت‬، ‫ واخذوا عصيهم وادخلوها إىل الهيكل‬، ‫أحدهم‬ ‫ فعلموا‬، ‫حاممة ووقفت عيل عصا يوسف النجار‬ so they might place her with one of them. They took their staffs inside the ‫ الن يوسف كان صديقا بارا‬، ‫إن هذا األمر من الرب‬ Sanctuary, and a dove flew up and stood on the staff belonging to Joseph the

‫ فتسلام وظلت عنده إىل إن آىت إليها املالك جربائيل‬، carpenter who was a righteous man. They knew that this was God›s will. . ‫وبرشها بتجسد االبن منها لخالص آدم وذريته‬ Joseph took the holy Virgin St. Mary, and she dwelt with him until Gabriel, . ‫ ولربنا املجد دامئا ابديا امني‬، ‫شفاعتها تكون معنا‬ the Angel of the Lord, came to her and announced to her that the Son of ‫استشهاد القديس اندراوس أحد االثنى عرش رسوال‬ God was to be incarnated from her, for the salvation of Adam and his ‫ كيهك‬٤ - ‫ ديسمرب‬١٤ posterity. ‫يف مثل هذا اليوم استشهد القديس إندراوس الرسول‬ Her intercession be with us and Glory be to our God forever. Amen. ‫ وقد اختري عيل إن مييض إىل مدينة اللد‬، ‫أخي بطرس‬ The Martyrdom of St. Andrew the Apostle, the Brother of St. Peter. ‫ وكان أكرثها قد‬، ‫ فدخل مدينة اللد‬، ‫وإىل بالد األكراد‬ 14th December - 4th Keiahk On this day, St. Andrew the Apostle, the brother of St. Peter, was martyred. ‫ وهو‬، ‫ وكان معه تلميذه فليمون‬،‫أمن عيل يدي بطرس‬ ‫ فأمره إن يصعد املنرب ويقرا‬، ‫شجي الصوت حسن املنطق‬ He was chosen to go to the city of Lydd and to Kurdistan. He entered the city of Lydd, where most of its people had believed at the hands of St. Peter. ‫ اخذوا‬، ‫ فلام سمع كهنة األوثان مبجيء إندراوس الرسول‬، He was accompanied by his disciple, Philemon, who had a sweet voice and ‫حرابهم وأتوا إىل الكنيسة ووقفوا خارجا ليسمعوا ما إذا‬ was a good reader. St. Andrew commanded Philemon to go up to the pulpit ‫ فسمعوه يقرا قول داود‬، ‫كان يجدف عيل آلهتهم أم ال‬ ‫ لها‬، ‫النبي «أصنامهم فضة وذهب عمل أيدي الناس‬ and read. ‫ لها أذان وال تسمع‬، ‫ لها أعني وال تبرص‬، ‫أفواه وال تتكلم‬ When the priests of the idols heard of the arrival of Andrew the Apostle, they took their spears and went to the church. They stood outside the church ‫ لها أرجل وال‬، ‫ لها أيد وال تلمس‬، ‫ لها مناخر وال تشم‬، ‫ مثلها يكون صانعوها بل كل‬، ‫متيش وال تنطق بحناجرها‬ to hear if he was cursing their gods or not. They heard Philemon reading ، ‫ فابتهجت قلوبهم من حسن صوته‬،« ‫من يتكل عليها‬ the words of David the Prophet, «Their idols are silver and gold, the work ‫ ودخلوا الكنيسة وخروا عند قدمي‬، ‫والنت عواطفهم‬ of men›s hands. They have mouths, but they do not speak: eyes they have but they do not see: They have ears, but they do not hear: noses they have, ‫ فعلمهم ومن ثم أمنوا بالسيد املسيح‬، ‫إندراوس الرسول‬ ‫ ثم خرج‬،‫ فعمدهم وكل من بقي من عابدي األوثان‬، but they do not smell: They have hands, but they do not handle: feet they ‫من عندهم وأىت إىل بالد األكراد ومدن اكسيس وارجناس‬ have, but they do not walk: nor do they mutter through their throat. Those ‫ وكان قد ميض مع برثوملاس قبل ذلك إىل‬، ‫واسيفوس‬ who make them are like them; so is everyone who trusts in them.» (Psalm ‫ فلم‬، ‫ وكان أهلها أرشارا ال يعرفون الله‬، ‫مدينة عارينوس‬ 115:4-8) ‫يزاال يبرشانهم ويعلامنهم حتى اهتدي إىل معرفة الله‬ Their hearts rejoiced because of his sweet voice and their emotions mellowed. They entered the church, and bowed down at the feet of Andrew ‫جمع كثري منهم بسبب اآليات والعجائب التي صنعاها‬ ‫ وأرسلوا‬، ‫ أما الذين مل يؤمنوا فقد تآمروا عليه‬، ‫أمامهم‬ the Apostle. He preached to them and they believed in the Lord Christ. Then he baptized them with the rest of those who worshipped idols. Andrew ‫يستدعونه حتى إذا اقبل عليهم يهجمون عليه ويقتلونه‬ ‫ ورأوا‬، ‫ فلام وصل إليه الرسل وسمعوا تعاليمه القيمة‬، the Apostle, then left them and went to Kurdistan and to the cities of Aksis, ‫ آمنوا بالسيد ومل يعودوا إىل الذين‬، ‫بهجة وجهه النورانية‬ Aregnas and Henefores, to preach there. . ‫أرسلوهم‬ He also went with St. Bartholomew to the city of Azrinos. Its people were wicked and knew not God. They went on preaching and teaching them until ‫ فلام‬، ‫حينئذ عزم غري املؤمنني عيل الذهاب إليه وحرقه‬ ‫ صيل الرسول إىل الرب‬، ‫اجتمعوا حوله لتنفيذ عزمهم‬ they lead many of them to the knowledge of God, because of the signs and ‫ وشاع‬،‫ فخافوا وآمنوا‬، ‫فرأوا نارا تسقط عليهم من السامء‬ wonders they performed before them. Those who did not believe plotted ‫ذكر الرسول يف جميع تلك البالد وأمن بالرب كثريون‬ against him. They sent for him so that when he arrived, they would attack ،‫ ومع هذا مل يكف كهنة األوثان عن طلب إندراوس‬، him and kill him. When their messengers came to St. Andrew and heard his sincere teachings and saw his shining face, they believed in our Lord Christ ‫ وبعد إن طافوا‬، ‫حيث ذهبوا إليه وأوثقوه ورضبوه كثريا‬ ‫ حتى إذا كان الغد‬، ‫به املدينة عريانا القوه يف السجن‬ and did not return to those who had sent them. The unbelievers decided to ‫ وكانت عادتهم إذا أماتوا أحدا صلبا فانهم‬، ‫يصلبونه‬ go to him and burn him. When they gathered around him to do what they ‫ فظهر‬، ‫يرجمونه ايضا فقيض الرسول ليله يصيل إىل الله‬ had intended, the Apostle prayed to the Lord, and immediately fire came ‫له السيد املسيح وقواه وشدده وقال له «ال تقلق وال‬ down from heaven and surrounded them. They were terrified and believed. ، ‫ فقد اقرتب موعد انرصافك من هذا العامل‬، ‫تضجر‬ The report of St. Andrew the Apostle, was heard throughout all these ‫ وملا‬، ‫ فابتهجت نفسه مبا رأي‬، ‫وأعطاه السالم وغاب عنه‬ countries and many believed in the Lord. Nevertheless the priests of the ‫كان الغد آخذوه وصلبوه عيل خشبة ورجموه بالحجارة‬ idols did not cease looking for him in order to kill him. Afterwards, they ‫ فأىت قوم من املؤمنني واخذوا جسده‬، ‫حتى تنيح‬ gathered and went to him; they bound him and beat him severely. After they ‫ وقد ظهر منه آيات‬، ‫املقدس ودفنوه بإكرام يف قرب خاص‬ dragged him around the city naked, they cast him into prison, so that they ‫ ولربنا املجد دامئا‬، ‫ صالته تكون معنا‬، ‫وعجائب كثرية‬ might crucify him the following day. Their custom was to stone those who . ‫ابديا امني‬ were to be killed by crucifixion. The Apostle spent his night praying to God. 62«« ‫نياحة البابا إبرام ابن زرعة‬ « 62 The Lord Christ appeared to him and strengthened him saying, «Do not fear ‫ كيهك‬٦ - ‫ ديسمرب‬١٦ or worry for the time of your departure from this world is near.» He gave ‫ ميالدية تنيح القديس‬970 ‫يف مثل هذا اليوم من سنة‬ him peace and disappeared. St. Andrew›s soul rejoiced for what he saw. ‫ كان هذا االب‬، ‫أنبا ابرام بابا اإلسكندرية الثاين والستون‬ On the next day, they hanged him upon a tree and stoned him until he ‫ وهو ابن زرعة الرسياين وكان تاجرا‬، ‫من نصارى املرشق‬ departed. Certain believers came and took his holy body and laid it with ‫ وكان بتحيل‬،‫ثريا وتردد عيل مرص مرارا وأخريا أقام فيها‬ great honor in a private grave. Many signs and wonders were made ‫ وشاع‬، ‫ منها الرحمة عيل ذوي الحاجة‬، ‫بفضائل كثرية‬ manifest from his body. ، ‫ وعندما خال الكريس البطريريك‬، ‫ذكره بالصالح والعلم‬ His prayers be with us and Glory be to our God forever. Amen.

The Departure of St. Abraam (Abraham), Ebn-Zaraa, 62nd Pope of Alexandria. ‫اجمع رأي األساقفة والشيوخ العلامء عيل اختياره‬ 16th December - 6th Keiahk ‫ فلام جلس عيل كريس الكرازة املرقسية‬،‫بطريركا‬ On this day, of the year 970 A.D., the saint Anba Abraam, 62nd Pope of Alexandria, ‫ ويف أيامه‬، ‫وزع كل ماله عيل الفقراء واملساكني‬ departed. This father was a descendant of the Christians of the East, whose name ‫عني قزمان الوزير القبطي ابن مينا واليا عيل‬ was Ebn-Zaraa the Syrian. He was a rich merchant who visited Egypt often, then ‫ فأودع عند االب البطريرك مئة آلف‬، ‫فلسطني‬ finally settled there. ‫ وأوصاه بتوزيعها عيل الفقراء‬، ‫دينار إىل إن يعود‬ He was blessed with many virtues, including mercy to the needy. His reputation ، ‫واملساكني والكنائس واألديرة إن مات هناك‬ of righteousness and knowledge became well known. When the Patriarchal Chair ‫فلام بلغ البطريرك خرب استيالء هفكتني عيل بالد‬ became vacant, the bishops and the learned elders all agreed to choose him as Patri- ‫ فوزع‬، ‫ ظن إن قزمان قد مات‬، ‫الشام وفلسطني‬ arch. When he sat on the chair of the See of St. Mark, he gave all his possessions to ‫ ولكن قزمان كان قد‬، ‫ذلك املال حسب الوصية‬ the poor and needy. ‫نجا من املوت وعاد إىل مرص فاخربه االب مبا‬ During his days, Cosman Ebn-Mina, the Coptic minister, was appointed a Governor ‫ ومن‬،‫فعله بوديعته فرس بذلك وفرح فرحا جزيال‬ over Palestine. Before his departure to his new position, he entrusted one hundred ‫ ومنع وحرم كل‬، ‫مآثره انه ابطل العادات الرديئة‬ thousand dinars to the father, the Patriarch, asking him to hold them until his return. ‫من يأخذ رشوة من أحد لينال درجة بالكنيسة‬ He asked the Pope to give the money to the poor, the needy, the churches and the ‫ كام حرم عيل الشعب اتخاذ الرساري وشدد‬، monasteries, if he died there. When the news of the taking over of Syria and Pales‫ فلام علم بذلك الذين اتخذوا‬، ‫يف ذلك كثريا‬ tine by Hafktin (Kormati), reached the Patriarch, he thought that Cosman had died. ‫ كام‬، ‫ استيقظ فيهم خوف الله‬، ‫ألنفسهم رساري‬ He distributed that money according to Cosman’s instructions. But Cosman was ‫ فأطلقوا سبيل رساريهم‬، ‫خافوا ايضا من حرمه‬ saved from death and returned to Egypt. The father, the Patriarch, told him what he ‫ ما عدا رجال من رساة الدولة‬، ‫وذهبوا إليه تائبني‬ did with the money, and Cosman was glad and exceedingly happy. ‫ فانه مل يخف الله تعايل وال حرم هذا االب الذي‬، Among his accomplishments was the abolition of some corrupt and erroneous ‫ حيث مل يرتدع‬، ‫وعظه كثريا وأطال أناته عليه‬ customs. He prevented and excommunicated everyone who took bribes from anyone ‫ ومع هذا مل يتوان االب‬، ‫ومل يخش إن يهلكه الله‬ for the purpose of gaining a clerical position. He also strongly forbade the keeping ‫ بل أتضع كاملسيح معلمه‬، ‫عن تعليمه إصالحه‬ of concubines. When the people who were practicing that knew his orders, the fear ‫ فلام سمع الرجل بقدوم االب‬، ‫وذهب إىل داره‬ of God moved them, for they also feared that the Patriarch might excommunicate ‫ فلبث االب زهاء ساعتني‬، ‫إليه اغلق بابه دونه‬ them. ‫ وال كلمة‬، ‫أمام الباب وهو يقرع فلم يفتح له‬ They set all their concubines free and went to the Patriarch repenting, except for one ‫ وملا تحقق إن هذا املسكني قد فصل نفسه‬، of the rich men of the country. This man did not fear God nor did he heed the fact ‫ واصبح بجملته عضوا‬، ‫بنفسه من رعية املسيح‬ that this father, who chided him repeatedly and was very patient with him, would ‫ رأي انه من الصواب قطعه من جسم‬، ‫فاسدا‬ excommunicate him. He did not return from his evil way and was not afraid lest ‫ فحرمه‬، ‫الكنيسة حتى ال يفسد بقية األعضاء‬ God should destroy him. In spite of that, this father did not slacken in teaching and ‫ ثم نفض غبار نعله‬، ‫قائال “ إن دمه عيل رأسه‬ rebuking him. Furthermore he humbled himself like Christ, his teacher, and he went ‫ فاظهر الله آيته يف تلك الساعة‬، ‫عيل عتبة بابه‬ to that man’s house. When the man heard of the arrival of the Patriarch to his house, ، ‫أمام أعني الحارضين إذ انشقت عتبة الدار‬ he shut the door and refused to let him in. The father remained standing at the door ‫ وبعد ذلك اظهر‬، ‫ إىل نصفني‬، ‫وكانت من الصوان‬ for two hours knocking but the man neither opened the door for him, nor did he ‫الله قدرته حيث افتقر حتى مل يبق معه درهم‬ speak to him. The father realized that this wretched man had intentionally separated ‫ وأصابته بعض‬، ‫ كام طرد من خدمته مهانا‬، ‫واحد‬ himself from the flock of Christ and became a corrupt member. ‫ وصار‬، ‫األمراض التي آدت إىل موته ارش ميتة‬ The Pope saw it fit to cut him from the body of the church, so as not to corrupt the ‫ إذ اتعظ به خطاة كثريون وخافوا‬، ‫عربة لغريه‬ rest of the body. He excommunicated him saying, “Let his blood be on his own . ‫مام أصابه‬ head,” and then the Pope shook off the dust from his sandals at the door of the house ‫ويف زمان هذا االب كان للمعز وزيرا اسمه‬ of that man. At this moment God manifested a sign before the eyes of those who ‫ وكان‬، ‫ كان يهوديا واسلم‬، ‫يعقوب بن يوسف‬ were present, for the doorstep, which was made of granite, had split in two. Later ‫ كان يدخل به إىل املعز اكرث‬، ‫له صديق يهودي‬ on, the Lord showed his might, and the man lost all his wealth and he was fired from ‫ فاتخذ ذلك اليهودي‬، ‫األوقات ويتحدث معه‬ his position in disgrace. He became ill which led to his death in a horrible way. He ‫دالة الوزير عيل املعز وسيلة ليطلب حضور االب‬ became an example to the others; since many sinners learned a lesson and were ‫ وحرض االب‬، ‫ فكان له ذلك‬، ‫البطريرك ليجادله‬ afraid as a result of what happened to him. ‫ابرام ومعه االب االنبا ساويرس ابن املقفع أسقف‬ During the days of this father, El-Mu’izz, the Khalifa, had a Jewish Vizier; his name ‫ وأمرهام املعز بالجلوس فجلسا‬، ‫االشمونني‬ was, Jacob-Ebn-Yousef, who adopted the Muslim faith (Islam). That minister had a ‫ فقال لهام “ ملاذا ال تتجادالن ؟فأجابه‬، ‫صامتني‬ Jewish friend (Ebn-Killis), who used to go with him frequently to the Khalifa and ‫األنبا ساويرس “ كيف نجادل يف مجلس أمري‬ converse with him. That Jew took advantage of the favor that his friend had with the ‫املؤمنني من كان الثور اعقل منه “ فاستوضحه‬ Khalifa, and found this to be an opportunity to ask for the presence of the father, the ‫ فقال إن الله يقول عيل لسان‬، ‫املعز عن ذلك‬ Patriarch, in order that he might have a debate with him. ‫النبي « ان الثور يعرف قانيه والحامر معلف‬ Abba Abraam came along with Anba Severus Ebn-EI-Mukafaa, Bishop of Ashmu« ) 2 : 1 ‫صاحبه أما إرسائيل فال يعرف ( اش‬ nein. El-Mu’izz ordered them to sit, so they sat down silently. He asked, “Why are ‫ثم جادال اليهودي وأخجاله مبا قدما من الحجج‬ you not debating?” Anba Severus answered, “How can we argue in the presence ‫ وخرجا‬، ‫الدامغة املؤيدة لصحة دين النصارى‬ of El-Khalifa, with a man who is less intelligent than an ox?” El-Mu’izz asked for ‫ فلم يحتمل اليهودي وال‬، ‫من عند املعز مكرمني‬

‫ وصارا يتحينان الفرص لإليقاع‬، ‫الوزير ذلك‬ an explanation. Anba Severus said, “God has declared by the mouth of the prophet, ‫ وبعد ايام دخل الوزير عيل املعز‬، ‫بالنصارى‬ ‘The ox knows its owner, and the donkey its master’s crib: but Israel does not ‫وقال له إن موالنا يعلم إن النصارى ليسوا‬ know.”’ (Isaiah 1:3) They debated that Jew and shamed him with all the unrefutable ‫ وهذا إنجيلهم يقول «لو كان‬، ‫عيل شئ‬ arguments that prove the soundness of the Christian faith. Then they left El-Mu’izz ‫لكم إميان مثل حبة خردل لكنتم تقولون‬ with great honor. ‫لهذا الجبل انتقل من هنا إىل هناك فينتقل‬ The minister and his Jewish friend were not able to bear the insults. So they sought ‫« وال يخفي عيل أمري املؤمنني ما يف هذه‬ the chance to take revenge of on Christians. ‫ وللتحقق من‬، ‫األقوال من االدعاء الباطل‬ A few days later, the Jewish Vizier; Jacob-Ebn-Yousef went to El-Mu’izz and maliciously told him, “Your royal highness knows that the faith of the Christians does not ‫ذلك يستدعي البطريرك ليك يقيم الدليل عيل‬ ‫ ففكر الخليفة يف‬، ‫صدق دعوى مسيحهم‬ have a sound base. Their Bible states, ‘If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you shall say to this mountain, move from here to there, and it will move.’ (Matthew ‫ذاته قائال «إذا كان قول املسيح هذا صحيحا‬ ‫ فان جبل املقطم‬، ‫ فلنا فيه فائدة عظمي‬، 17:20) Prince of the faithful(1)knows the falsehood of these sayings. And to verify this, we will summon the Patriarch to give us the proof that their Christ’s sayings are ‫ إذا ابتعد عنها يصري مركز‬، ‫املكتنف القاهرة‬ ‫ وإذا مل‬، ‫املدينة اعظم مام هو عليه اآلن‬ true.” The Khalifa thought to himself, “If the saying of Christ is true, that would be of great ‫ تكون لنا الحجة عيل النصارى‬، ‫يكن صحيحا‬ ‫ ثم دعا املعز االب‬، ‫ونتربز من اضطهادهم‬ benefit to us, for the Mukatam mount is too close to Cairo. If the mountain can be ‫ فطلب‬، ‫البطريرك وعرض عليه هذا القول‬ moved away, that would make the position of the city greater than what it is now. If the saying is not true, that will give us the justification to persecute the Christians.” ‫ وملا خرج من‬، ‫منه مهلة ثالثة ايام فأمهله‬ ، ‫لدنه جمع الرهبان واألساقفة القريبني‬ El-Mu’izz called the father, the Patriarch, and placed this saying before him, and ‫ومكثوا بكنيسة املعلقة مبرص القدمية ثالثة‬ asked for the proof of its soundness. The Pope asked for a three-day respite, which was granted. When the Pope left El-Khalifa, he gathered the monks and the bishops ‫ ويف سحر الليلة‬، ‫ايام صامئني مصلني إىل الله‬ ‫ وأخربته‬، ‫الثالثة ظهرت له السيدة والدة اإلله‬ nearby and they all stayed in El-Mualaqua (the Suspended) Church in Old Cairo, ‫ سيجري الله عيل‬، ‫عن إنسان دباغ قديس‬ three days fasting and supplicating God. ‫ فاستحرضه االب البطريرك‬، ‫يديه هذه اآلية‬ Before dawn of the third day as Abba Abraam dozed off out of sheer weariness, our ‫وأخذه معه وجامعة من الكهنة والرهبان‬ Holy Lady, the Virgin, St. Mary, the Mother of God, appeared to him and told him ‫ ومثلوا بني يدي املعز الذي خرج‬، ‫والشعب‬ to rise up and go to the street which leads to the market. There he would find a oneeyed man bearing a pot of water on his shoulder. She instructed Abba Abraam to tell ‫ورجال الدولة ووجوه املدينة إىل قرب جبل‬ ‫ فوقف االب البطريرك ومن معه‬، ‫املقطم‬ him that he was the man designated by God to perform this sign. ، ‫ واملعز ومن معه يف جانب أخر‬، ‫يف جانب‬ This holy man’s name was Simon and he was a Tanner. The father, the Patriarch, ‫ثم صيل االب البطريرك واملؤمنون وسجدوا‬ took him along with some of the priests, monks and people to see El-Mu’izz, who was out with the government leaders and the nobles of the city nearby the Mukatam ‫ ويف كل سجدة كانوا يقولون‬، ‫ثالث سجدات‬ Mountain. The father, the Patriarch, stood with those who were with him on one side ‫ وكان عندما يرفع‬، ‫كريياليسون يارب ارحم‬ ‫االب البطريرك والشعب رؤوسهم يف كل‬ and El-Mu’izz and his entourage stood on the other side. ‫ وكلام سجدوا ينزل إىل‬، ‫سجدة يرتفع الجبل‬ The father, the Patriarch, and the believers prayed and knelt down three times, and ‫ فوقع‬، ‫ وإذا ما ساروا سار أمامهم‬، ‫األرض‬ every time they knelt, they said, “Kirya-layson” Lord have mercy. Whenever the Pa، ‫الرعب يف قلب الخليفة وقلوب أصحابه‬ triarch and the congregation lifted up their heads after each bow, the mountain would ‫ وتقدم‬، ‫وسقط كثريون منهم عيل األرض‬ lift up and when they bowed down, the mountain was lowered down to the ground, ‫الخليفة عيل ظهر جواده نحو االب البطريرك‬ and whenever they walked, the mountain moved before them. ‫ لقد علمت اآلن انك‬، ‫ أيها األمام‬، ‫وقال له‬ A great fear came on the Khalifa and his companions and many fell on the ground. ‫ فلم يرض‬، ‫ فاطلب ما تشاء وأنا أعطى‬، ‫ويل‬ The Khalifa advanced on his horse toward the Patriarch and said, “O great teacher, ‫ وملا ألح عليه قال‬، ‫إن يطلب منه شيئا‬ I now know that you are a holy man, ask whatsoever you wish and I will give it ‫له «أريد عامرة الكنائس وخاصة كنيسة‬ to you.” The Patriarch refused to ask for anything; but when the Khalifa insisted, ‫القديس مرقوريوس ( أبو سيفني ) التي مبرص‬ he asked the Governor to allow him to build churches, especially the church of ‫ فكتب له منشورا بعامرة الكنائس‬، ‫القدمية‬ St. Mercurius (of the two swords) which was in Old Cairo. He wrote him a decree ‫ فشكره‬، ‫وقدم له من بيت املال مبلغا كبريا‬ permitting the building and the renovation of churches and he gave him a large sum ‫ودعا له وامتنع عن قبول املال فازداد عند‬ of money from the treasury. The Patriarch thanked him and prayed for him, but he refused to take the money. As a result, El-Mu’izz revered and respected him more for ‫ وملا رشعوا‬، ‫املعز محبة نظرا لورعه وتقواه‬ ‫ تعرض‬، ‫يف بناء كنيسة القديس مرقوريوس‬ his piety and righteousness. When they started building the church of St. Mercu‫ فذهب املعز إىل هناك‬، ‫لهم بعض األشخاص‬ rius, some evil men prevented them from working, whereupon El-Mu’izz came to ‫ أستمر واقفا حتى وضعوا‬،‫ومنع املعارضني‬ the sight and kept the troublemakers away. He remained there, standing until they ‫ كام جدد هذا االب كنائس كثرية يف‬.‫األساس‬ completed laying the foundation. This father renovated many churches all over the See of St. Mark. When he complet- ‫ وملا اكمل سعيه تنيح‬، ‫أنحاء الكريس املرقيس‬ ‫بسالم بعد إن جلس عيل الكريس ثالث سنني‬ ed his course, he departed in peace after he sat on the chair for 3 years and 6 days. ‫صالته تكون معنا ولربنا املجد‬. ‫وستة ايام‬ His prayers be with us. Amen. . ‫دامئا ابديا امني‬

‫تأًمالت فى انجيل القداس‬ Liturgy’s Gospel Meditations ‫المبارك‬ ‫أالحد أالول من شهر كيهك‬ First Sunday of the blessed month of Keiahk ٢٥-- 1: 1 ‫لو‬ ٢٥ Luke 1: 1-25 “Do not be afraid, Zacharias, for your prayer is ‫ال تخف يازكريا الن طلبتك قد سمعت‬ 3 ::1 1 ‫لوقا‬ heard” (Luke 1: 13) ‫لماد ال نصدق مواعيد هللا ؟؟؟ رغم‬ Why don’t we believe God’s promises??? Though .. ‫أننا نطلبها ونلح فى الطلب بلجاجة‬ we ask and request more earnestly.. We pray for ‫ ولكننا ال نصدق‬.. ‫ونصلى من أجلها‬ it, but we don’t believe that our prayers will be ‫ لماذا ؟ هل‬.. ‫أنها سوف تتم‬ fulfilled. But why?? Is it because the answers ‫ألنها تتأخر فى التحقيق أحيانا ؟؟ هل‬ are delayed sometimes? Is it because they are it ‫ألنها تبدو بمقاييس العالم مستحيلة‬ appears impossible with the world’s standards? Or ‫؟ هل ألننا غير مستعدين لنقبل هذه‬ ‫المواعيد ؟‬ is it because we are not ready yet to accept thee ‫هكذا وقف زكريا الكاهن هذا الموقف‬ promises? .. ‫ فهو أنسان بار أمام هللا‬.. ‫الصعب‬ Thus stood Zachariah the priest in this ‫وأحكامه‬ ‫سالك فى جميع وصايا الرب‬ difficult situation; he was righteous before God, ‫طويلة‬ ‫سنين‬ ‫ وهو يصلى منذ‬.. ‫بال لوم‬ walking in all the commandments and ordinances ‫ وفى سن‬.. ‫ولدا‬ ‫من أجل أن يعطيه هللا‬ of the Lord blameless. Praying for years to get a ‫ وكان صعبا‬.. ‫الشيخوخة أستجاب هللا‬ child; and God accepted his prayers in old age. ‫ رغم‬.. ‫على زكريا الكاهن أن يصدق‬ However, it was difficult for Zachariah to believe .. ‫انه يؤمن بقدوة هللا على إتمام األمر‬ though he believes that God is able to fulfil it. ‫ولكن ماذا نقول أيضا عن األشرار‬ What do we say about the evil people that despise ‫الذين يستهينون بإنذارات هللا المتكررة‬ the frequent warnings of God, believing that these ‫ويعتقدون أن هذه اإلنذارات لن تتحقق‬ ‫ وأن ما يحدث‬.. ‫ وأن الكالم ليس لهم‬.. warnings will not happen? And these words are ‫لآلخرين ال يمكن أن يحدث لهم ؟؟ أال‬ not for them. That what happens to others will ‫صورة‬ ‫ ولكن فى‬.. ‫يقفون نفس الموقف‬ not happen to them? Are they not in the same ‫فى‬ ‫يستمرون‬ ‫ النهم‬.. ‫أسوأ وأصعب‬ situation, but even worse because they continue in .. ‫خطاياهم وشرورهم‬ their evil deeds. ‫إن أعذارنا فى عدم التصديق دائما‬ Our excuses of unbelieving are constantly ‫ وكلها أعذار أمام هللا غير‬.. ‫موجودة‬ present, and they are all unaccepted from God. .. ‫مقبولة‬ Two famous excuses we use them; impossibility, ‫ونضع هنا عذرين اعتدنا ان نتعلل‬ ‫ والوقت‬.. ‫ االستحالة‬: ‫ وهما‬.. ‫بهم‬ and unacceptable time. Those were the same ‫ ونفس العذرين وجدا‬.. ‫غير مناسب‬ TWO excuses said by Zachariah and Elizabeth; ‫ لقد كانت‬.. ‫عند زكريا وأليصابات‬ Elizabeth was barren and both were old and ‫ وكانا شيخين‬.. ‫اليصابات عاقرا‬ advanced in years. .. ‫متقدمين فى أيامهما‬ + Elizabeth was barren .. .. ‫عاقرا‬ ‫ إذ كانت أليصابات‬+ Here is the excuse of impossibility according to ‫هذأ هو عنصر االستحالة حسب طبيعة‬ the flesh and the laws of nature. Many times we ‫ وما‬.. ‫ وحسب قوانين الطبيعة‬.. ‫الجسد‬ use this excuse in our lives though there is nothing .. ‫أكثر استعمال هذه الكلمة فى حياتنا‬ impossible to God. Our forefather Abraham got .. ‫رغم أنه ليس مستحيل أمام هللا‬ Isaac when he was hundred years old and Sarah ‫فابراهيم أب أالباء ينجب أسحق‬ ‫وعمره حوالى مئة عام وامرأته سارة‬ was ninety. He accepted to give his son as an ‫ ويرضى أن‬.. ‫عمرها تسعين عاما‬ offering to God knowing that God is able to fulfil ‫يقدمه محرقة للله وهو يؤمن أن هللا‬ His promises; with Isaac or without him. ‫ بإسحق أو‬.. ‫قادر أن يحقق مواعيده‬ The children of Israel saw the unmanageable .. ‫بدون إسحق‬ in front of their eyes; they were liberated from ‫أمام‬ ‫المستحيل‬ ‫أسرائيل‬ ‫شاهد بنو‬ Egypt after 430 years in cruel bondage. God has ‫ فبعد عبودية مرة قاسية لمدة‬.. ‫أعينهم‬ delivered them with almighty hands and saved ‫ سنة فى أرض مصر يخرجهم‬430 them from Pharaoh’s hands, dried the Great ‫الرب بذراع شديدة من أرض مصر‬ Sea and arranged for them a path to walk in the ‫ويخلصهم من قبضة فرعون‬ midst of the sea. He made the manna to fell from ‫ويجفف أمامهم البحر الكبير ويقيم لم‬

‫ ويمطر‬.. ‫وسط البحر طريقا ليعبروه‬ heaven, and He brought water for them out of ‫ ويخرج لهم‬.. ‫لهم من السماء المن‬ the rock to drink. The water were made sweet ‫ ويحول لهم الماء‬.. ‫من الصحرة ماء‬ for them (Ex. 15: 25). The Lord sustained them ‫ ويعولهم أربعين سنة فى‬.. ‫المر حلوا‬ forty years in the wilderness. Their clothes ‫ال‬ ‫ومالبسهم‬ ‫ أحذيتهم لم تتمزق‬.. ‫البرية‬ have not worn out on them, and their sandals ‫وشعوبا‬ ‫ملوكا‬ ‫ طرد من أمامهم‬.. ‫تبلى‬ have not worn out on their feet (Deut. 29:5). ‫ أليس هذا كله فى حكم‬.. ‫أقوياء وعمالقة‬ He pushed away kings, mighty nations, and ‫ ولكنه ليس‬.. ‫المستحيل بالنسبة ألى إنسان‬ giants before them. Isn’t this impossible to ‫ وال تنسى أيضا أن‬.. ‫مستحيال امام هللا‬ any person?.. But it is not impossible for God.. ‫ سنة من االنتظار‬٤٣٠ ‫هذا كله يتم بعد‬ However, we ought not to forget that all these .. ‫والصراخ الى هللا‬ ‫ هل‬.. ‫هوذا الرب يفتح كوى فى السماء‬ things happened after 430 years of waiting and ‫) كان‬2 :٧ ‫ (ملوك األول‬.. ‫يكون االمر‬ praying to God… ‫هذا تعبير جندي من جنود ألملك على نبوة‬ Look, if the LORD would make windows ‫أليشع عن فك الحصار من حول السامرة‬ in heaven, could this thing be?”(2 Kings 7: ‫حتى‬ ‫فى ظرف يوم واحد وأنتهاء المجاعة‬ 2) That was the phrase said by the officer for ‫الشعير‬ ‫تكون كيلة الدقيق بشاقل وكيلتا‬ Elisha prophecy concerning Samaria besiege ‫بشاقل‬ in one day ending the famine; to the extent that ‫وعندئذ أخبره النبي أنه سوف يرى بعينيه‬ a seah of fine flour shall be sold for a shekel ‫ فليس‬... ‫ولكن لن يأكل منه وفعال تم هذا‬ and two seah of barley for a shekel, at the ‫ كم من أشياء تبدو‬.. ‫عند هللا مستحيل‬ gate of Samaria (2 Kings 7:1). At that time the ‫مستحيلة وغير ممكنة ولكن هللا قادر أن‬ .. ‫يغيرها‬ prophet told the officer that he will see it with his eyes, but he will not eat of it, for nothing is ‫ أو‬.. ‫وكم من أشياء أيضا تبدو غير ممكنة‬ .. ‫ ولكنها قد تحدث‬.. ‫ربما بعيدة جدا‬ impossible for God. . So many things appear ‫ ونراها‬.. ‫كم نسمع عن حوادث سيارات‬ as impossible and incredible but God is able to ‫ كم نسمع عن كوارث وأمراض‬.. ‫كل يوم‬ change them.. And many things seem far away ‫لنفسك‬ ‫ وربما تقول‬.. ‫وأشياء كثيرة صعبة‬ from happening … and happen…. How many .. ‫غير ممكن أن يحدث لى شىء مثل هذا‬ times we heard about car accidents, disasters, ‫ ولكن أحذر‬.. ‫أنا بعيد عن هذه األشياء‬ pandemics, and many difficult things.. you may ‫ أنها أنذارات من بعيد‬.. ‫أيها الحبيب‬ say that nothing of these things could happen ‫للتوبة وإن لم تتب فالهالك ليس بعيدا عنك‬ to me.. I am far from these things… Be aware .. ‫أنت أيضا‬ ‫فقبل أن ياتى الطوفان على األرض كانوا‬ beloved, these are warnings for repentance, if you don’t repent then these disasters are not far ‫جميعهم فى لهو ومرح ولم يكن أحد يتخيل‬ ‫أن‬ from you. .. ‫العالم كله سوف يغرق ويهلك بالطوفان‬ Before the flood on earth happened, people ‫ لكنة‬.. ‫فى نظر الكثيرين كان هذا مستحيل‬ were living indulgent and careless life. No ‫ وما أشبه أحداث اليوم التى يمر‬.. ‫حدث‬ one thought that that the whole world would ‫ إن لم تتوبوا‬.. ‫فيها العالم بأحداث األمس‬ drown and die from flood. In their eyes that was .. ‫فجميعكم هكذا تهلكون‬ impossible, but it did happen. How similar what ‫قد تقف أمام عادة استعبدت لها ومررت‬ happened yesterday to what is happening today. ‫ وتقول لنفسك مستحيل أن‬.. ‫حياتك كلها‬ “unless you repent you will all likewise perish” ‫حاولت مرارا ولم‬ .. ‫أتخلص منها‬ (Luke 13: 3) ‫ حاولت وسائل العالج المختلفة‬.. ‫أنجح‬ ‫ عادة متعبة كالتدخين مثال‬.. ‫وفشلت‬ You may stand in front of a habit that enslaved ‫ تستيقظ‬.. ‫أصبحت مركز تفكيرك وحياتك‬ you and made your life bitter.. you start to ‫ تنام وتدخن‬.. ‫ تتكلم وأنت تدخن‬.. ‫لتدخن‬ believe that you cannot get rid of it. You ‫ ولكن ليس صعبا أن ينقذك هللا من هذه‬.. tried many times but failed.. Tiring habit like ‫استطاعوا‬ ‫ كم من كثيرين‬.. ‫العادة الصعبة‬ smoking became the centre of your life and ‫أن يتخلصون منها عدما وضعوها بين‬ thinking. You wake up to smoke.. you speak ‫ وكم من مستحيالت نضعها‬.. ‫يدى اللد‬ while smoking, sleep and smoke.. Remember, ‫ فهذا إنسان‬.. ‫فى عالقاتنا مع الناس‬ it is not difficult for God to save you from this ‫ وهذا شخص‬.. ‫مستحيل التفاهم معه‬

‫ وهذه انسانة مستحيل‬.. ‫مستحيل أصالحه‬ difficult habit. Many people were able to get ‫ وهذه إنسانة مستحيل التعاون‬.. ‫أرضاءها‬ rid of it when they put it in the hands of God. .. ‫معها‬ Many impossibilities we put in our relations with .. ‫وهكذا ما أكثر المستحيالت‬ people.. This person is impossible to negotiate ‫ياترى ماذا تقول لو سمعت عن مريم‬ with him/her. This person impossible to correct ‫ ربما‬.. ‫المجدلية التي بها سبعة شياطين‬ them.. This woman is impossible to please her.. ‫تقول هذه إنسانه مستحيل أن تفعل شيئا‬ This lady is impossible to cooperate with her. .. ‫صالحا‬ Many impossibilities we imagine. … ‫ماذا تقول لو سمعت عن أالمرأة السامرية‬ What would you say if you heard about Mary ‫التى لها خمسة أزواج والذى معها ليس‬ Magdalene that was possessed with seven ‫ ربما تقول هذا إنسانة يستحيل‬.. ‫زوجها‬ .. ‫التفاهم معها‬ demons? You may say that she will never do a ‫ماذا تقول عن عشارا جالسا فى مكان‬ good thing. .. ‫ ربما تقول أنه ال رجاء منه‬.. ‫الجباية‬ What would you say if you heard about the ‫ماذا تقول عن شاول الطرسوسى‬ Samaritan woman that used to have five ‫راضـيا‬ ‫كان‬ ‫ الذي‬.. ‫مضطهد الكنيسة‬ husbands and the one that she dwells with is not ‫ هل كتت تصدق أنه‬.. ‫بقتل أستفانوس‬ her husband? You may say that it is impossible to ‫سوف يصبح هو نفسه بولس الرسول‬ deal with her.. .. What would you say about a tax collector sitting ‫ فاهلل‬.. ‫حتى لو كنت عاقرا فى روحياتك‬ at the tax office, you may say this is a hopeless ‫ ليس‬.. ‫ فال تيأس‬.. ‫مازال يجد فيك رجاء‬ person. .. ‫أمام هللا مستحيل‬ : ‫ أنا شيخ وإمراتي متقدمة فى أأليام‬+ What would you say Saul of Tarsus the .. ‫الوقت يلعب دورا كبير فى حياتنا‬ persecutor of the church. He was pleased with ‫فكثيرا ما نضع عنصر الوقت عقبة فيي‬ Stephen death. Would you believe that one day ‫ وفى طريق معامالتنا‬.. ‫طريق روحياتنا‬ he will be St. Paul the apostle himself? ‫ فكثيرا ما نقول عن شيء‬.. ‫مع اآلخرين‬ Even if you are barren in your spirituality.. The ‫ موش معقول يكون‬.. ‫ لسه بدرى عليه‬.. Lord still finds hope in you.. Don’t ever give up.. .. ‫ ونقول الوقت متأخر جدا‬.. ‫اآلن‬ Nothing is impossible for God .. ‫الفرص كلها ضاعت‬ +I am an old man, and my wife is well advanced ‫كان فى أمكان شخص مثل اللص اليمين‬ in years.” ..‫أن يعلل لنسه الهالك بمثل هذه أألعذار‬ Time plays an important role in our lives and ‫ بل أنه معلق‬.. ‫أنه محكوم عليه باإلعدام‬ many times we put time factor as an obstacle in ‫ هل معقول أن له‬.. ‫على آلة أإلعدام نفسها‬ our spiritual path… in our dealings with others.. ‫ لقد انتهي الوقت وضاع‬.. ‫رجاء فى شيء‬ ‫ ولكن كان فى قلب هذا اإلنسان رجاء‬.. Many times we say about something that it is .. ‫ال يموت‬ too early. It cannot be now.. Or opposite, we say ‫الساعة‬ ‫أصحاب‬ ‫من‬ ‫كثيرين‬ ‫كم من‬ about something it is too late.. all chances are ‫فى‬ ‫رجاء‬ ‫يجدون‬ ‫سوف‬ ‫عشرة‬ ‫الحادية‬ lost. It was easy for the Right Thief to excuse ‫ وكم كثيرون من المشارق‬.. ‫السماء‬ himself with all these words.. He is condemned ‫والمغارب سوف يأتون ليتكؤوا فى‬ to death but moreover he was hanged on the ‫ ربما‬.. ‫أحضان إبرهيم وإسحاق ويعقوب‬ cross itself.. was there any hope for him? Time ‫شخص مثل تيموثاوس تلميذ القديس‬ has passed away and lost. But in the heart of ‫ كان يمكن أن يقول عن‬.. ‫بولس الرسول‬ ‫نفسه أنه مازال صغير عن أن يصير‬ this man there was an immortal hope. How ‫ ولكن القديس يقول‬.. ‫أسقفا أو بطريركا‬ many people from the 11th hour will find hope .. ‫ ال يستهن أحد بحداثتك‬: ‫له‬ in heaven, but how many from east and west ‫وريما ً شخص آخر مثل القديس يوسف‬ will come to recline on the bosoms of Abraham, ‫النجار عن نفسه أنه شيخ كبير متقدم‬ Isaac and Jacob.. A person like St. Paul’s disciple ‫فى‬ ‫للعذراء‬ ‫األيام ال يصلح أن يكون خطيبا‬ Timothy ..he could have said I am still a youth to ‫للجميع أنه هو‬ ‫ ولكن هللا أوضح‬.. ‫مريم‬ be a bishop or a Patriarch. But listen to St. Paul .. ‫الشخص المناسب‬ saying to him: Let no one ]despise your youth (1 ‫إن عنصر السن والوقت ليس هو الشيء‬ Tim.4 :12). .. ‫الذي يقف فى وجه مواعيد هللا أبدا‬ Another person is Joseph the carpenter, could ‫فاهلل لم يرد أن يعمل مع موسى وهو‬

have said that he is too old to be betrothed to St. ‫سنه اربعين سنة ولكنه أستخدمه وهو‬ Mary. But God showed that he is the right person. ‫ فلماذا نيأس بسبب‬.. ‫سنه ثمانون سنة‬ Age and time will never stand against the ‫الوقت ولماذا نضع من عنصر الوقت‬ promises of GOD. For He did not want Moses to ‫ثقال ووزنا كبيرا فى رجاؤنا وحياتنا‬ .. ‫الروحية‬ deliver His people when he was 40 years old but rather while he was 80 years old.. so why do we ‫إنسان يصلى ويجاهد من أجل التخلص‬ ‫ ولكن عندما يطول‬.. ‫م خطية معينة‬ despair because of time and why we give time ‫يبدأ‬ .. ‫الوقت وال نتيجة سريعة‬ importance in our hopes and spiritual lives? .. ‫ييأس‬ A person prays and struggles to overcome a ‫معينة‬ ‫فضيلة‬ ‫على‬ ‫نفسه‬ ‫يدرب‬ ‫إنسان‬ certain sin.. but when time passes and there is no ‫ولكن الحروب تشتد كل يوم أكثر‬ result, they start to despair. ‫ وعندئذ يبدأ في التخلي عن‬.. ‫وأكثر‬ A person train himself on a certain virtue and ‫ هللا بالتأكيد سوف‬.. ‫هذه التداريب‬ wars become more fierce day after day.. then they ‫ وثق أن هللا يرى جهادك ويسمع‬.. ‫يعمل‬ stop these struggles.. God will work.. believe ‫ ولكنها مثل الجذور المخفية‬.. ‫صلواتك‬ ‫فى باطن األرض وتتعمق تدريجيا بينما‬ that God see your struggles and listen to your prayers and groaning. But they are like roots that ‫النبات على السطح ربما ال يكاد يظهر‬ ‫ وفى الوقت المناسب وعندما تصل‬.. are hidden under the earth and deepen gradually ‫الجذور الى عمقها الصحيح ينمو النبات‬ though the plant is not seen yet.. wait. Do not ‫ ال تيأس‬.. ‫ أنتظر‬.. ‫وتظهر الثمار‬ lose hope.. God works, may be quietly, .may be ‫فىأن‬.. ‫ربما‬ .. ‫ ربما فى هدوء‬.. ‫هللا يعمل‬ unseen.. But He is working. .. ‫ ولكنه بالتأكيد يعمل‬.. ‫الخفاء‬ Be aware to say it’s too early or too late, ‫أحذر جداً أن تقول على شىء ما أنه‬ particularly in spiritual manners. ‫ وخوصا فى‬.. ً‫مبكر جدا أو متأخرا جدا‬ Every time is a time for repentance. . There is no .. ‫أمور حياتك الروحية‬ such thing as too early or too late.. Every age is ‫ ليس‬.. ‫أن كل وقت هو وقت للتوبة‬ suitable for spiritual growth and gaining a virtue. ‫ أن‬.. ‫هناك وقت مبكر أو وقت متأخر‬ ‫كل سن مناسب للنمو الروحي واقتناء‬ There is no such thing as too young or too old. ‫الفضيلة ليس فى هذا أألمر صغيرا أو‬ There… in the midst of sea’s waves and .. ‫كبيرا‬ darkness.. there the Lord is walking on the water.. ‫ وفى‬.. ‫هناك فى وسط البحر واألمواج‬ you don’t see Him but He watches you. He is ‫ هناك الرب قادم ماشيا‬.. ‫ظلمة ألليل‬ coming to you .. He will come to you. He will ‫ أنت ال تراه لكنه يراك‬.. ‫على المياه‬ save you and guide you to haven. Thus we put ‫ سوف ينقذك وينجبك‬.. ‫ أنه قادم إليك‬.. our hope in our beloved Lord.. wait for the Lord, ‫ هكذا أيها‬.. ‫ويرشدك الى بر األمان‬ let your heart be strong, the Lord is coming.. be ‫الحبيب ضع رجاءك فى الرب المحب‬ ready ‫ وعندما‬.. ‫ ليتقو قلبك‬.. ‫ أنتظر الرب‬.. Zachariah and Elizabeth waited very long .. .. ‫يأتى الرب كن مستعدا‬ ً‫إن زكريا وأليصابات انتظروا كثيرا‬ not unworthily.. they waited for the birth of a ‫ انهم انتظروا‬.. ‫ ولكن ليس عبثا‬.. ‫جدا‬ great child. He is John the Baptist .. and John ‫ أنه يوحنا‬.. ‫من أجل ميالد طفل عظيم‬ the Baptist was the greatest among those born ‫ ويوحنا المعمدان كان أعظم‬.. ‫المعمدان‬ of women. He came to prepare the path before ‫ جاء ليعد الطريق أمام‬.. ‫مواليد النساء‬ the Saviour of human kind.. strange enough, ‫ والعجيب أن أمه‬.. ‫مخلص البشرية‬ his father and mother did not rejoice with him ‫ ففى شهور‬.. ‫وأبوه لم يتمتعوا به كثيرا‬ greatly… for after few months and after Herod’s ‫قليلة وعند قتل هيرودس ألطفال بيت‬ killing to Bethlehem children.. the angel took him ‫ حمله المالك الى البرية وهناك‬.. ‫لحم‬ to the wilderness and there he stayed for thirty ‫ أتم‬.. ‫ وعندما ظهر‬.. ‫أستقر ثالثين سنة‬ years. But when he appeared, he accomplished ‫ دخل التاريخ‬.. ‫رسالته سريعا وبقوة‬ ‫بسرعة‬ his calling on life quickly and strongly.. He ‫وخرج منه بسرعة ولكنه ترك أعظم‬ entered life swiftly and left it swiftly leaving the greatest footsteps in human history.. Isn’t great to .. ‫أثار تركها إنسان فى تاريخ البشرية‬ .. ‫أليس عظيما مثل هذا يستحق االنتظار‬ wait for such thing?

+ The Advent Fasting: :‫ صوم الميالد المجيد‬+ Sunday 26th November the Advent Fasting ‫ نوفمبر بدأ صوم الميالد المجيد‬٢٦ ‫يوم األحد‬ started. It continues for 42 days and ends by ‫ يوما وينتهي يوم عيد الميالد المجيد‬٤٢ ‫ومدته‬ the Feast of Holy Nativity at 7th January. It is ‫ وهذا الصوم من األصوام التي‬.. ‫ يناير القادم‬7 allowed to eat fish during this fasting except ‫يسمح فيها بأكل األسماك ماعدا أيام األربعاء‬ on Wednesdays and Fridays and usually we ‫والجمعة ويصام فيها انقطاعيا حتى الساعة‬ abstain from food until 3pm. For those who ‫الثالثة بعد الظهر وفى حاالت المرض يستشار‬ got health reasons they can consult their ‫ وصوم الميالد هو أستعداد لعيد‬.‫أب االعتراف‬ father of confession. The Advent Fasting is ‫التجسد اإللهي الستقبال الرب الكلمة المتجسد‬ a preparation for the Feast of Incarnation of ‫ويصام أربعين يوما كمثال صوم الرب األربعيني‬ our Lord. We fast 40 days taking an exam‫وكمثال صوم موسى أربعين يوما قبل تسلمه‬ ple of the Lord’s Fasting and from Moses ‫الوصايا والناموس ويصام أيضا ثالثة أيام أضافية‬ Fasting for 40 days before receiving the Law ‫كمثال صوم الكنيسة في أيام البابا أبرآم ابن زرعة‬ and Commandments. We fast also extra three ‫ من أجل أتمام معجزة نقل الجبل‬62 ‫البطريرك‬ days in commemoration of the days fasted ‫ ويتخلل هذا‬.‫المقطم أيام الخليفة المعز الفاطمي‬ by people during the time of St Abraam the ‫الصوم أيضا شهر كيهك الذي تركز فيه الكنيسة‬ 62th Pope of Alexandria for the miracle of ‫على القراءات الخاصة بقصة تجسد الرب يسوع‬ moving the mountain. The blessed month of ‫وتسبح فيه الكنيسة التسابيح الخاصة بالتجسد‬ Keiahk falls during the Advent days in which ‫ الرب‬.. ‫وبوالدة األله القديسة العذراء مريم‬ we sing and read all about the Incarnation of ‫المحب يعطينا بركة هذا الصوم المقدس فنصومه‬ the Lord. Let us all pursue fasting in humil‫بطهارة وبر وخشوع ونقدم فيه صوما روحيا‬ ity and repentance and offer our hearts to be ‫ممزوجا بدموع التوبة ومعدين قلوبنا لتكون هيكال‬ holy sanctuary for our Lord the Child of the ‫مقدسا لطفل المزود الرب المتجسد‬ Manager the Incarnated Lord. :‫ تسبحة شهر كيهك‬+ + Doxologies of Keiahk ‫فى كنيسة العذراء مريم تبدأ تسبحة شهر كيهك‬ Doxologies and Praises of the blessed month ‫ أى سبع‬- ‫(المعروفة أيضا بسبعة وأربعة‬ of Keiahk starts at St. Mary’s church next ‫ئيؤطوكيات وأربعة تسابيح) كل يوم سبت أبتداء‬ Saturday 9th December 7 - 11 pm. During the .‫ مساء‬11 - 7 ‫ ديسمبر‬٩ ‫من السبت‬ week it will be held on Tuesdays & Thursday ‫كما تقام التسبحة خالل األسبوع يومي الثالثاء‬ every week 6:30 - 9 pm. ‫ مساء‬9 - 6:30 ‫والخميس‬

Coptic Hope Charity Announcement “So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7 Dearest Congregation, Coptic Hope Charity is writing to you today to share some important news about our charity and how you can help us continue our mission of providing essential and most basic of needs to the most vulnerable members of our community in Egypt. On behalf of CHC Nagy Banoub visited Egypt in October 2023 and had the pleasure of meeting Pope Tawadros II and 30 representatives from the 16 Dioceses CHC supports. As you may know, the cost of living in Egypt has increased significantly in the past year due to various factors such as inflation, rising energy prices, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Unfortunately, this means that the people we serve are facing more hardships and difficulties than ever before. Many struggling to afford the necessities of life, such as food, shelter, clothing, and medical care. Some are experiencing homelessness, hunger, or illness. We need your help more than ever. We are asking you to please consider making a generous donation to our charity today or increasing your regular contribution to $70 per month if you are already a supporter. Don’t forget our Christmas Hamper appeal 2024. With your love, support, and generosity this appeal allows us to send much needed food hampers containing day to day needs for the less fortunate in all regions of Egypt. Each food hamper will cost $65, which provides enough food for up to a family of 4. Larger families will receive multiple hampers. You can join us by donating to the below bank account (a tax deductable receipt will be provided to all donors) Account Name: Coptic Hope Charity Limited ATF BSB: 063-159 Account Number: 10 686 722 Please use the reference ‘Food Hamper’ If you would like to become a regular donor and sponsor a family for as little as $70 per month, please fill in our sponsorship form on our Facebook page (a tax deductible receipt will be provided to all donors). For any further information please contact Nagy Banoub on 0423 411 715 / nsbanoub@yahoo.com May our Lord reward you all, wishing you all a blessed fast of the Holy Nativity

Saturday 9 Dec Vespers and Gen Meeting at St Mary Church, Kensington 5:30pm Sunday 10 Dec Divine Liturgy at Archangel Michael Church, Oakleigh at 8am Wednesday 13 Dec Dec Divine Liturgy at St Macarius Church, Yarrambat at 9am Thursday 14 Dec Dec Departure of HG Bishop Daniel - QF440 at 12pm

Friday 15 Dec Vespers and Gen Meeting at St George Church, St Albans at 6:30pm Saturday 16 Dec Vespers Dec Vespers and Gen Meeting at St Severus Church, Pakenham at 6pm Sunday 17 Dec Dec Divine Liturgy at St Mary Church, Kensington at 8am Monday 18th Dec Departure of HE Metropolitan Asheia - VA685 at 12:50pm

Expression of Interest Enrolment Form: https://forms.gle/ wXJj3fKVEksWzTJu5 (or scan the QR) ‫إستمارة التقديم للحضانة‬ )‫ سنوات‬٤ - ٣ ‫(سن‬ ٢٠٢٤ ‫ابتداء من يناير‬ ‫ الموضح‬QR ‫أستخدم ال‬

Financial Summary for St. Mary’s Church New Project

Anemia of Love Pope Tawadros II Pope of Alexandria & Patriach of the See of St. Mark Anemia is a common condition of iron deficiency that results in lack of a sufficient number of healthy red blood cells that carry oxygen to all the organs of the body. which then leads to tiredness, weakness, faintness, shortness of breath, and the inability to work, think, study or act on the physical level. As for the spiritual level, we can call it “an anemia of love,” that is, the lack or absence of love in the heart and life of a person, which causes anxiety, frustration, pain, suffering, hopelessness, despair, and getting caught into psychological, physical, and spiritual illness. The word “love love” is derived from “leof leof” found in Old German and English, which means beloved or cheerful, cheerful and is like “life life.” Thus, we can say that: “life is love,” or “love is life, and whoever knows love understands life.” We are on the threshold of a new year in which we wish goodness for everyone, but around us are conflicts, wars, famines, and atrocities committed everywhere, and the suffering of humans amid climate change, the economy, destitution, and pain for individuals, families, and peoples in many parts of the world. A person stands and wonders about this cruelty that destroys mankind—cruelty that has become a human invention in which man tortures his fellow man without mercy or pity, while animals do not even do that—a person is perplexed and asks, “What is happening? What are the reasons for human beings drifting towards this pain that they cause for themselves?!” Although humanity has advanced agriculturally, industrially, and technologically, and man has become dazzled by his inventions and discoveries in all fields resulting in the mind becoming his idol because of the multitude of what he accomplished and invented—he forgot that the mind itself is the gift of God the Creator for mankind and creation, and it is an adornment for the human life that is sublime, happy, and loving, and not belligerent with the many simple or lethal weapons with which the other is killed without thinking for a moment: “What is he doing?” Man’s puzzlement increases concerning what is happening in the world, what is right, and what are the reasons that have brought humans to be lower than animals, those that do not torture each other, do not fight each other, do not manufacture weapons, and do not carry out wars and battlers! We return to the real reason for what human life has become, which is “the absence of love” or “the anemia of love.” The human heart has dried up from true love, and therefore it has lost sound view or thought for existence, life, and the purpose for being created. He no longer loves himself or others, close or distant, and above all, he no longer loves his great Creator: God. He forgot Him, ran away from Him, drowned in himself and his selfishness, and God is no longer the just judge in his calculations. This is the Devil’s greatest trick, and the trap that man fell into because of the dryness of feelings and the heart from perfect love for God, for others, and for himself: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength” (Mark 12:30; Deuteronomy 6:5) and “You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Mark 12:31; Leviticus 19:18). Hear King David with me, singing in his Psalms, saying, “I will love You, O

Lord, my strength.” (Psalms 18:1). Although he is king, rich, commander of the army, a poet, a psalmist, and a shepherd, yet his strength is God first, and it is the love derived from God and flows into His heart every day. Now, my friend the reader, do you suffer from this anemia of love?! You can check yourself as we are approaching the end of the year, to rearrange your priorities and your life in light of the Gospel commandment that you may live in His pleasure, knowing that love is patience and affection, and not jealousy, vanity, or arrogance, nor disrespect, selfishness, or irritability. For love does not keep a record of wrongdoings, is not full of evil, and does not extinguish its faith, hope, or patience. Love has the power to heal wounds, to be consoled, supported, helped, and cared for. There is a story about a prison that had several individuals sentenced to death within a few months. The prison administration asked them to choose some books to read in this difficult period, and presented a list of available genres that include law, adventures, philosophy, pornography, biographies, astronomy, cartoons, humor, crime, love letters, poetry, and others. The astonishing result was that they chose poetry and love! Although they will be executed in a short time, they have put love and poetry at the center of their interests. I would like to present to you the following principles as you measure the love in your heart, life, dealings in your home with your family and your friends, and in your work, your service, and your relationships: 1. Give yourself the opportunity to love: this is true strength. Strength does not remain in materialism, status, or ability, but in spiritual love and affection, knowing that love never falls and is never defeated. 2- Pay attention to the suffering of others because humanity, that is every single person, is limited by human weakness, and everyone suffers, whether from life experiences, old age, illness, or the loss of loved ones. It is written: “… comfort the fainthearted, uphold the weak” (1 Thessalonians 5:14). 3- Be content because if you learn how to love and respect yourself, and be satisfied with everything in your life, then you will be able to love others and respect their lives and their differences from you and even more, as you will thank God for all the blessings and gifts, no matter how small or few, but it is enough that they are from the hand of the divine providence for your beloved person 4- Avoid cruelty in all its forms, forms whether in talk, words, facial expressions, or hand gestures. Take the side of calmness, softness, and leniency with every young and old person in all areas of your life. The Lord Christ in all his dealings, took the side of tenderness, compassion, and mercy, as we see in many situations including his attitude towards the woman who was caught in the act (John 8). 5- Always meditate on God’s mercy that surrounds you and you pray and entreat with it, saying: “Lord have mercy,” and God who has mercy on you every day, directs your feelings and thoughts towards all creation: humans, animals, plants, and nature; you will pour out love and kindness towards them, and pray from your heart, saying, “Lord, give me this love and mercy to be the theme of my life in the New Year, and heal me from the anemia of love and from the cruelty of the heart.” Happy New Year

Building Site 21st November 2023

Construction of New Buildings started Thursday 28th April

The new Building is expected to be ready February 2024. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downloaded from church website.

Cost of building works is around $13,000,000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreciated. 2022 ‫ أبريل‬٢٨ ‫أعمال اإلنشاءات بدات يوم الخميس‬ ‫ خدمات الكنيسة تتم حسب المعتاد حسب‬.٢٠٢٤ .٢٠٢٤ ‫من المتوقع االنتهاء من المشروع فبراير‬ .‫الجدول الموضح داخل النشرة‬ .‫ مليون دوالرا‬١٣ ‫تبلغ تكلفة المشروع حوالى‬ ‫ينكنك المشاركة بتبرع شهرى بملء أستمارة السحب‬ ‫البنكي الموجودة بالكنيسة أو طبعها من خالل مركز‬ ‫الكنيسة اإللكتروني‬ ‫الرب يبارك تبرعاتكم ومساهمتكم فى هذا العمل‬ Donations to St Mary’s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link ‫للتبرعات لكنيسة العذراء مريم ومشروع المباني أضغط على الرابط‬ https://www.stmc.org.au/donate (Copy & Paste on Web Browser)

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