Weekly Bulletin 11th February 2024

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Services at St Mary’s Church Monday: Mass 9 - 11 am Tuesday Liturgy 5:30 - 7am 7:30pm The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am Wednesday 6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults Thursday Mass 9 - 11 am - English English Midnight Praises 7:30pm English Bible Study 7:30pm Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am Friday Youth 25 and above 7-9pm Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am Saturday Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm English Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:30-7pm Scouts 1:30 - 3pm School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm Sunday: Sunday 1st Mass6 - .7:45am Arabic & English 2nd Mass.7:45 – .9:30am English 3rd Mass 9:30 - 11:15am Arabic Hymns Class - English 11:45 - 12:30pm Church Priests: Priests Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251 Email: frtadros@me.com Fr Habib Girgis Younan: 0401238177 – 94498871 Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821 Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kensington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651 Fr Kerillos Tawadros 0411 518 399

Fr John Makary

:‫مواعيد الخدمة بكنيسة العذراء‬

:‫األثنين‬ ‫ صباحا‬١١ - ٩ ‫القداس اإللهي‬ ‫ صباحا‬7 - 5:30 ::‫اإللهي‬ ‫ القداس اإللهي‬:‫الثالثاء‬ )‫(انجليزي‬ ‫ ذا واى‬- ‫ مساء أجتماع للكبار باإلنجليزي‬7:30 ‫ صباحا‬11 – 9 ‫ القداس اإللهي‬:‫األربعاء‬ ‫األربعاء‬ :‫الخميس‬ ‫ انجليزي‬- ‫ صباحا‬١١ - ٩ ‫القداس اإللهي‬ ‫ مساء‬7:30 ‫ انجليزي‬- ‫تسبحة نصف الليل‬ ‫ مساء‬7:30 ‫ انجليزي‬- ‫درس الكتاب المقدس‬ ‫ صباحا‬11 – 9 ‫ القداس اإللهي‬:‫الجمعة‬ ‫الجمعة‬ ‫ سنة فأكثر‬25 ‫ مساء الشباب‬9 – 7 ‫ انجليزي‬- ‫ مساء أجتماع إعداد الخدمة‬8:30 - 7 ‫ صباحا‬١١ – 8,30 ‫القداس اإللهي‬:‫السبت‬ ‫السبت‬ 5,30 – 4 ‫مدارس األحد‬ ‫ مساء‬٨:٣٠ –٧ ‫العشية واجتماع الشباب‬ ‫انجليزي‬ ‫ مساء عربي‬7 - 5:30 ‫العشية ودرس كتاب‬ :‫األحد‬ ‫األحد‬ ‫ص عربي وانجليزي‬,7:45 – 6 ‫القداس األول‬ ‫ ص – إنجليزي‬9:30 – ,7:45 ‫القداس الثاني‬ ‫ ص عربي‬11:15 – 9:30 ‫القداس الثالث‬ ‫ مساء‬12:30 - 11:45 ‫ انجليزي‬- ‫فصل ألحان‬ :‫األباء الكهنة بالكنيسة‬ ‫األب القمص تادرس شاروبيم‬ 0414251251 Email: frtadros@me.com :‫األب القس حبيب جرجس يونان‬ 94498871 - 0401238177 Email: habibgirgisyounan@ hotmail.com 0422431821 :‫األب القس مايكل صليب‬ Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Epsom Rd, 3031:‫عنوان الكنيسة‬ :‫ تليفون‬5 Kensington Vic 93766651 ‫األب القس كيرلس تاوضروس‬ ٠٤١١٥١٨٣٩٩ ‫األب القس جون مكاري‬

‫عيد دخول السيد املسيح اىل الهيكل سن اربعني يوما‬ ‫ أمشري‬8 - ‫ فرباير‬١٦ ‫الجمعة‬ ‫عيد سيدي صغري‬ ‫ صباحا‬11 - 9 ‫يقام القداس بكنيسة العذراء مريم‬ The Feast of Presenting the Lord Christ in the Temple. Friday 16th February - 8th March Minor Lord’s Feast Divine Liturgy at St. Mary’s Church 9 - 11am


‫استشهاد القديس اغابوس احد السبعني‬ The Martyrdom of St. Agabus, One of the Seventy Disciples. ‫رسوال‬ 12th February - 4th Amsher ‫ أمشري‬٤ - ‫ فرباير‬١٢ On this day, St. Agabus, one of the seventy disciples, was ‫يف مثل هذا اليوم استشهد القديس أغابوس‬ martyred. The seventy disciples were chosen by the Lord ‫ الذين اختارهم الرب‬، ‫أحد السبعني رسوال‬ to go before Him to preach the gospel. St. Agabus was ‫ وكان مع التالميذ االثني عرش‬. ‫ليكرزوا أمامه‬ with the twelve disciples in the upper room on the day ‫ وامتأل من مواهب الروح‬، ‫يف علية صهيون‬ of Pentecost, and he was filled with the Holy Spirit, the ‫ كام‬، ‫ ونال نعمة النبوة‬، ‫القدس املعزي‬ Comforter. ‫نحن‬ ‫وبينام‬ « ‫يخربنا سفر أعامل الرسل بقوله‬ He received the gift of prophecy, as the Acts of the ‫نبي‬ ‫اليهودية‬ ‫مقيمون أياما كثرية انحدر من‬ Apostles tells us, “And as we stayed many days, a certain ‫بولس‬ ‫منطقة‬ ‫واخذ‬ ‫ فجاء إلينا‬.‫اسمه أغابوس‬ prophet named Agabus came down from Judea. When he ‫يقوله‬ ‫هذا‬ : ‫وقال‬ ‫ورجليه‬ ‫وربط يدي نفسه‬ had come to us, he took Paul’s belt, bound his own hands and feet, and said, ‘Thus says the Holy Spirit, so shall the ‫الروح القدس « الذي له هذه املنطقة هكذا‬ ‫سريبطه اليهود يف أورشليم ويسلمونه إىل‬ Jews at Jerusalem bind the man who owns this belt, and .‫ وقد متت هذه النبوة‬. « ‫أيدي األمم‬ deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles.’” (Acts 21:10‫و تنبأ أيضا عن حدوث جوع عظيم باملسكونة‬ 11) This prophecy was fulfilled. (Acts 21:17-36) , ‫ وقد تم ذلك يف ايام كلوديوس قيرص‬. ‫كلها‬ He also prophesied about a famine on all the earth, and ‫ثم كرز ببشارة اإلنجيل مع الرسل القديسني‬ this was fulfilled during the time of Claudius Caesar, the Roman Emperor. (Acts 11:27-28) ‫ وطاف بالدا كثرية معلام وهاديا حتى رد‬. He preached the gospel together with the holy apostles. ‫كثريين من اليهود واليونانيني إىل معرفة‬ He went to many countries, teaching and converting many ، ‫السيد املسيح وطهرهم باملعمودية املحيية‬ of the Jews and the Greeks to the knowledge of the Lord ، ‫فقبض عليه اليهود بأورشليم ورضبوه كثريا‬ Christ. He sanctified them by the life-giving baptism. ‫ثم وضعوا يف عنقه حبال وجروه خارج املدينة‬ This moved the Jews of Jerusalem to arrest him, and they ‫حيث رجموه بالحجارة إىل إن اسلم روحه‬ tortured him by beating him severely, and putting a rope ‫ عند ذلك نزل نور من السامء راه‬. ‫الطاهرة‬ around his neck, and they dragged him outside the city. ‫الجمع الحارض كأنه عمود متصال بجسده‬ They stoned him there until he gave up his pure spirit. At ‫فقالت‬ ‫ أبرصت ذلك امرأة يهودية‬. ‫وبالسامء‬ this moment, a light came down from heaven. Everyone ‫ وصاحت بأعىل‬، ‫ حقا إن هذا الرجل بار‬: saw it as a continuous column between his body and ‫ انا مسيحية مؤمنة باله هذا‬: ‫صوتها قائلة‬ heaven. A Jewish woman saw it and said, “Truly this ‫ وتنيحت ودفنت‬. ‫ فرجموها أيضا‬، ‫القديس‬ man was righteous.” She shouted in a loud voice, “I am . ‫معه يف مقربة واحدة‬ a Christian and I believe in the God of this saint.” They ‫ ولربنا املجد دامئا أبديا‬. ‫صالتهام تكون معنا‬ stoned her also and she died and was buried with him in . ‫آمني‬ one tomb. ‫نياحة القديس ابوليدس بابا روما‬ Their prayers be with us and glory be to our God forever. Amen. ‫ أمشري‬٥ - ‫ فرباير‬١٣ The Appearance of the Body of St. Apolidus (Hippolytus), ‫يف هذا اليوم تعيد الكنيسة بتذكار ظهور‬ Pope of Rome. ‫ كان‬. ‫جسد القديس أبوليدس بابا رومية‬ 13th February - 5th Amsher ، ‫هذا القديس رجال فاضال وكامال يف جيله‬ On this day the church celebrates the appearance of the ‫فاختاروه لكريس رومية بعد األب اوجيوس‬ body of St. Apolidus (Hippolytus), Pope of Rome. He was ‫ وكان ذلك يف أول سنة من جلوس القديس‬. a virtuous and a perfect man in his generation. ‫األنبا كالديانوس البابا التاسع عيل كريس‬ He was chosen to the Roman See after Father Augius. ‫ وكان مداوما عيل تعليم شعبه‬.‫اإلسكندرية‬ This was in the first year of the enthronement of Abba ‫ مثبتا إياهم عيل‬، ‫وحراسته من اآلراء الوثنية‬ Cladianus, 9th Pope of Alexandria. Pope Apolidus was ‫ فبلغ خربه مسامع‬، ‫اإلميان بالسيد املسيح‬ always teaching his people and guarding them from the pagan influences, confirming them in the faith of the Lord ‫ فقبض عليه‬، ‫امللك الكافر قلوديوس قيرص‬ ‫ وأخريا ربط يف قدمه‬، ‫ورضبه رضبا مؤملا‬ Christ. When reports of St. Apolidus reached the infidel Emperor ‫حجرا ثقيال وطرحه يف البحر يف اليوم الخامس‬ ‫ وملا كان الغد وجد أحد املؤمنني‬.‫من أمشري‬ Claudius Caesar, he arrested him and tortured him ‫ والحجر‬، ‫جسد القديس عامئا عيل وجه املاء‬ severely. The Emperor then tied his feet with a heavy ‫ فأخذه إىل منزله وكفنه‬. ‫مربوطا يف قدمه‬ stone, and cast him in the sea on the 5th day of Amshir. ‫وذاع هذا الخرب يف مدينة رومية وسائر البالد‬ On the following day, one of the faithful found the body of the saint floating above the water, and the stone ‫ حتى وصل إىل القيرص فطلب‬، ‫التابعة لها‬ was bound to his feet. The man took it to his home and ‫ ولهذا‬. ‫الجسد ولكن الرجل أخفاه ومل يظهره‬

‫األب تعاليم كثرية بعضها عن االعتقاد وعن‬ shrouded the body. The news spread in the City of ‫ ووضع‬. ‫التجسد وبعضها عظات لتقويم السرية‬ Rome and in all the neighboring cities, and it reached ‫ صالته تكون معنا‬.‫أيضا مثانية وثالثني قانونا‬ Caesar, who asked for the body, but the man hid it. .‫آمني‬ This father left a great wealth of teachings about the Incarnation, and several sermons about Christian ‫استشهاد القديسني اباكري ويوحنا والثالثة عذارى‬ teaching. He also established 38 bylaws. ‫وامهن‬ His prayers be with us all. Amen. ‫ أمشري‬٦ - ‫ فرباير‬١٤ The Martyrdom of the Saints Abakir, John, the Three ‫يف مثل هذا اليوم استشهد القديسون اباكري‬ Virgins and Their Mother. ‫ ثاؤذورا التي تفسريها‬،‫ويوحنا والثالث عذارى‬ 14th February - 6th Amsher ‫ وثاؤبستي التي تفسريها أمانة الله‬، ‫عطية الله‬ On this day also, the saints Abakir; John; the three ‫ وأمهن‬. ‫ وثاؤذكسيا التي تفسريها مجد الله‬، virgins, Theodora (which means the gift of God), ‫ وذلك إن‬.‫أثناسيا التي تفسريها غري املائتة‬ Theopisti “Theophana” (which means the faithfulness ‫القديس اباكري كان راهبا متعبدا منذ‬ ‫حداثته‬ of glory the of God), and Theodosia (which means ‫وكان القديس يوحنا جنديا من‬ ‫خاصة‬ ‫امللك‬ . God); and their mother, Athanasia (which means the ‫وقد تركا اإلسكندرية وطنهام‬ ‫األصيل‬ ‫وأقاما‬ ‫يف‬ immortal), were martyred. ‫ وملا أثار امللك دقلديانوس االضطهاد‬. ‫إنطاكية‬ St. Abakir was a monk since his young age, and St. John was a soldier in the private guards of the Emperor. ‫ اعرتفا مع العذارى وأمهن أمامه‬، ‫عيل املسيحيني‬ ‫ وإذ عرف انهم من اإلسكندرية‬.‫بالسيد املسيح‬ They left Alexandria, their own home town, and lived ‫ فلام وصلوا إىل هناك‬. ‫أمر بإعادتهم إليها‬ in Antioch. When Diocletian incited the persecution against the Christians, they confessed their faith in the ‫قدموهم إىل الوايل فاعرتفوا بالسيد املسيح فأمر‬ Lord Christ along with the virgins and their mother. ‫ وكانت القديسة أثناسيا تثبت‬. ‫بقطع رؤوسهم‬ When the Emperor knew that they were from ‫بناتها وتصربهن وتعرفهن بانهن اذا استشهدن‬ Alexandria, he returned them to the governor of ‫ وهكذا قطعوا رؤوسهن‬. ‫يرصن عرائس املسيح‬ Alexandria. When they came to Alexandria, and were ‫ وبعد‬. ‫اوال ثم امهن فالقديسني اباكري ويوحنا‬ brought before the Governor, they confessed their ‫ذلك طرحوا أجسادهم للوحوش وطيور السامء‬ faith in the Lord Christ. He ordered them beheaded. ‫ ولكن بعض املؤمنني أتوا واخذوا األجساد ليال‬. St. Athanasia was comforting and confirming her . ‫ووضعوها يف تابوت‬ daughters and telling them that if they were martyred, .‫صالتهم تكون معنا ولربنا املجد دامئا أبديا آمني‬ virgins The they would become the brides of Christ. ‫دخول السيد املسيح اىل‬ were beheaded first, then their mother, then St. Abakir ‫الهيكل سن اربعني يوما‬ ‫ فرباير‬١٦ 8 ‫أمشري‬ and St. John. ‫يف هذا اليوم نعيد‬ ‫بتذكار‬ ‫دخول‬ ‫السيد‬ ‫املسيح‬ Their bodies were cast to the wild beasts and to the ‫ بعد‬.‫إىل الهيكل‬ ‫أربعني‬ ‫يوما‬ ‫من‬ ‫ميالده‬ ‫املجيد‬ and came birds of the sky. However, some believers ، ‫ حيث قدمه يوسف الصديق والعذراء والدته‬، took their bodies by night and they placed them in a ‫ليكمال ما فرضته الرشيعة املوسوية‬ coffin and hid them until the end of the ‫ ويقول لوقا‬. ‫عيل شعب إرسائيل‬ time of persecution. ‫البشري انه عندما قدمه أبواه‬ Their prayers be with us, and Glory be ، ‫ليصنعا له حسب عادة الناموس‬ to our God forever. Amen. The Feast of Presenting the Lord Christ ‫أخذه سمعان الشيخ عيل ذراعيه‬ in the Temple. ‫وبارك الله قائال « اآلن تطلق عبدك‬ 16th February - 8th March .« ‫يا سيد حسب قولك بسالم‬ On this day we celebrate the feast of ‫أما سمعان هذا فهو أحد السبعني‬ presenting the Lord Christ to the temple ‫شيخا الذين ترجموا التوراة من‬ after 40 days of His blessed birth. St. ‫ وذلك انه‬. ‫العربانية إىل اليونانية‬ Joseph the righteous and His mother, ‫ملا ملك بطليموس امللقب بالغالب‬ the Virgin Mary, presented Him in the . ‫ قبل امليالد‬269 ‫حوايل سنة‬ temple, to fulfill the Mosaic Law. ‫أرسل بتدبري من الله إىل‬ ‫أورشليم‬ St. Luke the Evangelist says that when ‫ واستحرض سبعني رجال‬، ‫من‬ ‫أحبار‬ His parents brought Him according ، ‫اليهود وعلامئهم‬ ‫وأمرهم‬ ‫إن‬ to the custom of the law, the just and ‫يرتجموا له التوراة‬ ‫من‬ ‫الع‬ ‫رب‬ ‫انية‬ ‫إىل‬ in devout Simeon the elder took Him ‫اليونانية ثم عزل كل اثنني منهم‬ his arms and blessed God and said, ‫يف مكان خاص ليك ال يتفقوا عيل‬ “Lord, now You are letting Your servant ‫ وليضمن نسخة‬، ‫ترجمة واحدة‬ depart in peace, according to Your ‫ وكان‬. ‫صحيحة بعد مقارنة هذه الرتجامت‬ Word; for my eyes have seen Your salvation which

You have prepared before the face of all people, a light ‫سمعان الشيخ من بينهم وحدث انه ملا وصل‬ to bring revelation to the Gentiles, and the Glory of Your ‫إىل ترجمة قول اشعياء النبي « هو ذا العذراء‬ people Israel.” (Luke 2:29-32) ‫تحبل وتلد ابنا « خيش إن يكتب « عذراء‬ Simeon was one of the 70 elders who translated the Old ‫تحبل « فيهزا به امللك فأراد إن يكتب كلمة‬ Testament from Hebrew to Greek. This was in the time of ‫« فتاة « عوض كلمة عذراء وملا تأمل يف داخله‬ Ptolemy Soter in the year 296 B.C., who was sent by the ‫ أعلن له الله يف‬، ‫لهذه الرتجمة غري الصحيحة‬ will of God to Jerusalem. He brought 70 men from among ‫رؤيا انه ال يري املوت قبل إن يري مسيح الرب‬ the learned Jewish teachers and scholars and commanded ‫ وقد تم ذلك وعاش هذا‬. ‫املولود من العذراء‬ them to translate the Old Testament from Hebrew to ‫املسيح‬ ‫البار نحو ثالمثائة سنة حيث ولد السد‬ Greek(1). ‫ وكان برصه قد كف فلام حمل الصبي عيل‬. He put every two of them in an isolated place so they ‫ذراعيه ابرص واعلمه الروح القدس إن هذا‬ would not agree on one translation, and to ensure a ‫هو الذي كنت تنتظره « فبارك الله وقال اآلن‬ correct text after comparing all of the translations. ‫ الن‬. ‫تطلق عبدك يا سيد حسب قولك بسالم‬ Simeon the elder was one of them. When Simeon was translating the verse from Isaiah 7:14, “Behold, the virgin ‫ الذي أعددته قدام‬. ‫عيني قد أبرصتا خالصك‬ ‫ نور إعالن لألمم ومجدا‬. ‫وجه جميع الشعوب‬ shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel,” he was afraid to translate that a virgin would . « ‫لشعبك إرسائيل‬ conceive, because the King would mock him. He wanted ‫بركة صالة هذا البار تكون معنا ولربنا املجد‬ to translate the virgin as a “young lady.” . ‫دامئا أبديا آمني‬ He was disturbed because of this inaccurate translation, : ‫ملحوظة عيل طقس اليوم‬ and God revealed to him in a vision that he would not die ‫ إذا وقع العيد يف صوم نينوي أو يف الصوم‬+ before he would see Christ the Lord born of a virgin. .‫الكبري أو يوم أحد تقرأ فصول العيد‬ This was fulfilled and he lived about three hundred years. ‫ تعمل الدورة بعد إنجيل القداس ويلف‬+ When Christ was born; he was very well advanced in age ‫ مرات يف‬3 ‫اإلنجيل بسرت حرير ابيض ويزف‬ and his sight dimmed. . ‫الهيكل‬ When he carried the child Jesus in his hands, his sight ‫نياحة القديس برسوما أب رهبان الرسيان‬ came back to him, and the Holy Spirit told him, “This is ‫ أمشري‬9 – ‫ فرباير‬١٧ the child that you have been waiting for.” He blessed God ‫ م تنيح األب‬458 ‫يف مثل هذا اليوم من سنة‬ and said, “You are letting Your servant depart in peace ‫ وكان‬. ‫املغبوط األنبا برسوما أب رهبان الرسيان‬ according to Your Word, for my eyes have seen Your salvation which You have prepared before the face of all ‫ وتنبأ عنه رجل قديس قبل‬، ‫أبوه من ساموساط‬ ‫والدته قائال لوالديه سيخرج منكام مثر صالح‬ peoples, a light to bring revelation to the Gentiles and the ‫ وقد تم هذا القول إذ‬. ‫وينترش ذكره يف األرض‬ Glory of Your people Israel.” (Luke 2:28-32) The prayers of this righteous man be with us, and Glory ‫انه عندما شب برسوما قليال ترك أبويه وقصد‬ be to our God forever. Amen. ‫نهر الفرات حيث أقام زمانا عند رجل قديس‬ The Departure of St. Barsauma, the Father of the Syrian ‫ وبعد ذلك انفرد يف الجبل‬. ‫يدعي إبراهيم‬ Monks. ‫ وكان يصوم‬. ‫ فاجتمع حوله تالميذ كثريون‬, 17th February – 9th Amshir ‫ وقد اجري الله عيل يديه‬. ‫أسبوعا أسبوعا‬ On this day of the year 458 A.D., the blessed father Anba ‫ وحدث يف بعض األيام غالء يف‬. ‫أيات كثرية‬ Barsauma, the father of the Syrian monks, departed. His ‫ وكان معارصا‬. ‫ فعرفه الرب بصالته‬، ‫تلك البالد‬ father was from Samosata. One of the saints prophesied ‫ الذي ملا علم به‬، ‫للقديس سمعان العمودي‬ about him before his birth, saying to his parents, “There ‫ وقد اشتهر‬. ‫زاره وتبارك االثنان من بعضهام‬ shall go forth from you a righteous fruit, whose fame ‫مجمع‬ ‫ وشهد‬. ‫مبقاومته لشيعة نسطوريوس‬ shall spread out everywhere,” and this prophecy was ‫أفسس بدعوة من امللك ثاؤدسيوس الصغري‬ fulfilled. ‫ بعد إن يسعى به البعض‬، ‫الذي أكرمه كثريا‬ When Barsauma grew up, he left his parents and went ‫ وإذ استدعاه ورأي‬، ‫إليه بأنه يعيش ببذخ‬ to the river Euphrates where he stayed with a holy man called Abraham. Afterwards, he lived a solitary life in the ‫ أعاده‬، ‫ وكذب املتقولني عليه‬، ‫صالحه ة تقشفه‬ ‫ وملا جمع مرقيان‬. ‫إىل ديره باإلكرام واإلجالل‬ mountain and many disciples gathered around him. The water in this place was salty, and the saint prayed to God ‫ طلب األباء من امللك‬، ‫امللك املجمع الخلقدوين‬ ‫إال يدعي برسوما إىل املجمع لعلمهم بالنعمة‬ and the water became sweet. He used to fast for a week at a time. God wrought through him many miracles. St. ‫ وملا قرر املجمع القول بالطبيعيتني‬. ‫التي فيه‬ Barsauma was a contemporary of St. Simeon the Stylite. ‫ قاوم القديس برسوما هذه التعاليم الباطلة‬، When St. Barsauma knew about him, he went to visit . ‫فنالته شدائد كثرية من شيعة الخلقيدونيني‬ him, and they blessed each other. He was well known for ‫وبعد ذلك ملا أراد الرب إن ينقله من هذا العامل‬ his resistance to the heresy of Nestorius and his followers. ‫أرسل إليه مالكه يعرفه انه مل يبق له إال أربعة‬

‫ فأوىص تالميذه إن يذهبوا إىل‬، ‫ايام‬ He attended the Universal Council at Ephesus at the invitation of Emperor Theodosius the Less, who gave him a great ‫ ويثبتوا أهلها‬، ‫بعض البالد املجاورة‬ honour. Some accused St. Barsauma of eating, drinking and ‫ ثم باركهم‬، ‫عيل اإلميان األرثوذكيس‬ living a luxurious life. The Emperor called him and saw for ‫ وقد ظهر وقت‬. ‫وتنيح بسالم‬ himself St. Barsauma’s righteousness and his ascetic living. ‫نياحته عمود نور قائم عيل باب‬ The Emperor vindicated him and allowed him to return to his ، ‫ أبرصه املؤمنون من بعد‬، ‫قاليته‬ monastery with great honour. ‫ فتباركوا‬، ‫فأتوا ووجدوه قد تنيح‬ When Emperor Marcian called for the Council at Chalcedon, ‫ صالته تكون‬. ‫منه ودفنوه بإكرام‬ the fathers asked the Emperor not to call upon St. Barsauma, . ‫معنا آمني‬ for they knew of the grace that was in him. When the council ‫الرسياىن‬ ‫بولس‬ ‫القديس‬ ‫استشهاد‬ agreed on the two natures of Christ, St. Barsauma resisted these ‫أمشري‬ ٨ ‫اير‬ ‫رب‬ ‫ف‬ ١٧ heretic teachings and he was persecuted by the Chalcedonians. ‫يف مثل هذا اليوم استشهد‬ When the Lord wanted to take St. Barsauma from the world, ‫ الذي‬، ‫القديس بولس الرسياين‬ He sent him an angel to tell him that 4 days were left in his life ‫ولد مبدينة اإلسكندرية من أبوين‬ on earth. He gathered his disciples and told them to go to the neighbouring cities to confirm its people in the Orthodox faith. ‫ ثم شكنا يف مدينة‬، ‫رسياين الجنس‬ ‫ واقتنيا أمواال كثرية عن‬، ‫االشمونني‬ He blessed them and departed in peace. ‫ وسمع القديس‬، ‫طريق التجارة‬ At the time of his departure, a pillar of light appeared at the ‫بولس بتعذيب الوالة للمسيحيني‬ door of his cell which the faithful saw from afar. They came and found that St. Barsauma had departed. They took his bless‫ وزع األموال‬. ‫ فلام تويف أبواه‬. ings and buried him with great honours. ‫عيل املساكني وصيل إىل الله إن‬ His prayers be with us all. Amen. . ‫يهديه إىل الطريق الذي يرضيه‬ The Martyrdom of St. Paul, the Syrian ‫فأرسل له مالكه سوريئيل وقال له‬ 17th February - 8th Amsher ‫ قد رسم يل الرب إن اكون معك‬: On this day also, St. Paul, the Syrian, was martyred. He was ‫ فقام وأىت إىل‬. ‫وأقويك فال تخف‬ born in the City of Alexandria to Syrian parents who lived ‫وايل انصنا واعرتف أمامه بالسيد‬ afterwards in the City of Ashmunin. They were very rich . ‫ثيابه‬ ‫ فأمر بان يعري من‬، ‫املسيح‬ merchants. St. Paul heard about the persecution of the Roman ‫توضع مشاعل‬ ‫ ثم‬، ‫ويرضب بالسياط‬ governors to Christians. He gave up his money to the poor, after ‫ ثم حاول‬. ‫ فلم يخف‬. ‫يف جنبيه‬ the death of his parents, and prayed to God to guide him in the way that pleased Him. God sent him His angel Soriel, who said ‫ قد ترك يل‬: ‫إغراءه باملال فقال له‬ ‫أبواي كثريا من الذهب والفضة فلم‬ to the saint, “The Lord has commanded that I be with you and ‫التفت إليها حبا يف الرب يسوع‬ strengthen you, so that you should not be afraid.” ‫ فكيف انظر إىل مالك اآلن‬، ‫املسيح‬ The saint arose and came before the governor of Antinoe (Ansena) and confessed the Lord Christ. The Governor ordered ‫؟ فغضب الوايل وعذبه بكل أنواع‬ him to be stripped naked, beaten with whips, and burned in the ‫ فجاء إليه املالك سوريئيل‬. ‫العذاب‬ sides with torches. The governor tried again to entice him with ‫ وبعد ذلك‬. ‫وشفاه وعزاه وقواه‬ money, but the saint said to him, “My parents left me a fortune ‫أمر الوايل إن يطلقوا عليه حيات‬ of gold and silver, and I rejected them for the sake of the love ‫ وملا ميض الوايل إىل‬. ‫سامة فلم تؤذه‬ of the Lord Christ. How can I look to your money now?” ‫ آخذه معه إىل هناك‬، ‫اإلسكندرية‬ The Governor became angry to hear that and he tortured him ‫ حيث التقي‬، ‫وأودعه يف السجن‬ with different kinds of tortures. The angel Soriel came to him, ‫بصديقيه القديسني األنبا إيىس‬ healed and strengthened him. The Governor ordered to release ‫ فصافحهام وابتهجت‬، ‫وتكله أخته‬ venomous serpents on him, but they did not harm him. ‫ وأوحى إليه الرب انه‬. ‫أرواحها‬ The Governor then went to Alexandria and took the saint ‫عزم‬ ‫وملا‬ . ‫سيستشهد يف هذه املدينة‬ with him and put him in prison, where St. Paul met his two ‫اس‬ ‫ر‬ ‫فقطعوا‬ ‫الوايل عيل العودة أمر‬ friends: Anba Esi and his sister Teckla. His soul rejoiced when . ‫القديس بولس عيل شاطئ البحر‬ he saw them. God inspired him that he would be martyred in ‫فأىت قوم من املؤمنني واخذوا جسده‬ Alexandria. ‫ صالته‬. ‫وكفنوه وحفظوه عندهم‬ When the Governor wanted to go back to his city, he ordered that the head of St. Paul be cut off at the sea shore. The faithful ‫تكون معنا ولربنا املجد دامئا أبديا‬ . ‫آمني‬ came and they took the body and prepared it for burial, and they kept it in their possession. His prayers be with us and Glory be to our God forever. Amen.

Meditation on the Gospel of the first week of ‫األحد األول من شهر أمشير المبارك‬ ‫تأمالت فى إنجيل القداس‬ Meshir ٢٧ - ٢٢ : ٦ ‫يوحنا‬ John 6: 22-27 ‫للطعام‬ ‫بل‬ ‫« أعملوا ال للطعام البائد‬ Do not labour for the food which perishes, but ٠ . ٦ ‫يوحنا‬ »‫الباقى للحياة األبدية‬ for the food which endures to everlasting life ٢٧ (John 6:27) ..‫باق‬ ‫طعام‬ ‫وهناك‬ ...‫هناك طعام بائد‬ There is food which perishes and there is ‫كليهما‬ ‫الى‬ ‫اإلنسان‬ ‫وفى الواقع يحتاج‬ everlasting food. In reality, human needs both. ‫بائد‬ ‫أنه‬ ‫رغم‬ ..‫البائد‬ ‫ فالطعام‬... Although the food that perishes ends, but it is ‫حياة‬ ‫الستمرار‬ ‫ضروريا‬ ‫مازال‬ ‫لكنه‬ still necessary for the continuation of a per‫فاإلنسان‬ ...‫األرض‬ ‫على‬ ‫اإلنسان‬ son’s life on earth. A person cannot live with‫ال يستطيع أن يعيش بدون‬ out food, but the problem is that he has made ‫الطعامحياته‬ ‫ولكن المشكلة أن اإلنسان جعل‬ his whole life revolves around food; instead ‫ فبدال‬... ‫كلها تدور حول الطعام‬ of eating in order to live, a person lives to eat. ‫ صار‬...‫أن يأكل اإلنسان ليعيش‬ Instead of a person’s senses become his helper ‫ وبدال‬..‫اإلنسان يعيش لكي يأكل‬ for the continuation of his life, his whole life is ‫من أن تصير حواس اإلنسان هي‬ devoted to satisfying the senses. And they will ...‫المساعد له على استمرار حياته‬ never satisfy. ‫صارت حياته كلها مكرسة من أجل‬ As for the everlasting food, it is really what we ‫ وهيهات أن يشبع‬...‫إشباع الحواس‬ need. Though the perishing food gives physi... cal life, the everlasting food gives eternal life. ‫ فهذا حقا‬...‫أما بالنسبة للطعام الباقي‬ Despite this, there are many people give the ‫ وإن كان الطعام‬...‫ما نحتاج اليه‬ ‫ فالطعام‬...‫البائد يعطي حياة جسدية‬ everlasting food less attention and less time while their whole lives rotate around the per- ‫ ورغم هذا‬...‫الباقي يعطى حياة أبدية‬ ‫فهناك الكثيرون جدا الذي يعطون‬ ishable food. + Because you ate of the loaves and were filled ‫هذا الطعام الباقي أقل اهتمام وأقل‬ ‫وقت بينما تدور حياتهم كلها حول‬ After the miracle of the five loaves of bread ...‫الطعام البائد‬ and the two fish, the crowds returned in the ‫وشبعتم‬ ‫الخبز‬ ‫من‬ ‫ ألنكم اكلتم‬+ following days searching for The Lord Jesus +++ diligently. They did not think about the beau‫خبزات‬ ‫الخمس‬ ‫معجزة‬ ‫بعد‬ tiful and wonderful day they spent with Him, ‫في‬ ‫الجموع‬ ‫عادت‬ ‫والسمكتين‬ listening to His teachings and talks. Rather, ‫األيام التالية تبحث عن الرب يسوع‬ they thought about the loaves they ate and ‫ وكل ما يفكرون فيه ليس‬...‫باجتهاد‬ were satisfied. ‫اليوم الجميل الرائع الذي قضوه معه‬ How difficult is this bread but how much do ‫ بل‬...‫يستمعون الى تعاليمه وأحاديثه‬ people care about it? Though a person needs ... ‫انهم أكلوا من الخبز وشبعوا‬ only what fills his hunger which will give him ‫ما أصعب هذا الخبز وما أكثر‬ full energy for the various activities he practic‫ رغم أن‬...‫اهتمامات الناس به‬ es. But we see these days, many people make ‫اإلنسان ال يحتاج إال فقط ما يسد‬ for themselves severe diet programs to lose ‫جوعه ويعطيه الطاقة الكاملة‬ weight and get rid of excess obesity in their ... ‫لألنشطة المختلفة التي يمارسها‬ bodies. And for this they endure a lot of hard‫وها نحن نرى هذه االيام الكثيرين‬ ship, fatigue, and hunger. It is really strange ‫الذين يصنعون ألنفسهم برامجا‬ that a person eats more than he needs; he ‫قاسية إلنقاص وزنهم وللتخلص من‬ endures a lot to eat much, and then endures a ‫ ومن‬...‫السمنة الزائدة في أجسامهم‬ lot again to lose what he ate. It would be better ‫أجل هذا يتحملون الكثير من المشقة‬ from the beginning to control himself and save ‫ شيء عجيب حقا‬...‫والتعب والجوع‬

...‫أن يأكل اإلنسان أكثر من حاجته‬ himself all this hardship. ‫أي أنه يتعب كثيرا من أجل أن يأكل‬ We live in a strange world. In the devel‫ ثم يتعب أكثر من أجل أن يفقد‬...‫كثيرا‬ oped countries, people spend thousands but ‫ وكان من األولى من البداية‬...‫ما أكله‬ millions for extra things that they do not ‫أن يضبط االنسان نفسه ويوفر على‬ need such as food, clothes, entertainment, ... ‫نفسه كل هذه المشقة‬ and physical amenities. Then they spend ‫دول‬ ‫في‬ ...‫عجيب‬ ‫آننا نعيش في عالم‬ Tens of millions more to cure the damages ‫اآلالف‬ ‫الناس‬ ‫العالم المتقدم ينفق‬ caused by this extravagance. It is strange ‫ال‬ ‫زائدة‬ ‫أشياء‬ ‫أجل‬ ‫بل الماليين من‬ that rich countries increase their production ‫والمالبس‬ ...‫كالطعام‬ ...‫اليها‬ ‫يحتاجون‬ and consumption of foodstuffs per capita, ‫الراحة‬ ‫ووسائل‬ ...‫الترفيه‬ ‫ووسائل‬ while the poor countries decrease. That is, ‫ بل‬...‫ ثم ينفقون ماليين‬...‫الجسدية‬ the rich people are getting fuller while the ‫عشرات الماليين األخرى فقط من أجل‬ hungry people get hungrier. This is the story ‫عالج االضرار التي نجمت عن هذا‬ of humanity; they become more insatiable, ‫ والغريب أن البالد الغنية‬...‫اإلسراف‬ greedier, and hence more tired. ‫يزداد معدل انتاجها واستهالكها للمواد‬ How many wars, crimes, and problems befell ‫الغذائية بالنسبة للفرد بينما الدول الفقيرة‬ due to this indulgence in the pleasures of the ‫ أي‬...‫يتناقص معدل انتاجها واستهالكها‬ body? Does a person really need all this??? ‫ أما الجياع‬...‫أن الشباعي يزدادون شبعا‬ The Bible testifies with many stories that a ...‫فيزدادون جوعا‬ person does not need all this extravagance; ‫ يزداد‬...‫هذا هو االنسان يزداد نهما‬ rather he harms himself with it. Elijah lived ..‫ وأيضا يزداد تعبا‬..‫طمعا‬ for many months living on the bread and ‫ كم‬...‫ كم من جرائم‬...‫كم من حروب‬ ‫من مشاكل تحدث بسبب هذا االنغماس‬ meat that the crow sent on the river Crete. ‫ وهل حقا يحتاج‬...‫في ملذات الجسد‬ The Children of Israel lived for forty years ‫االنسان الي كل هذا؟؟؟‬ in the wilderness on mere manna and drank ‫الكتاب المقدس يشهد بوقائع كثيرة أن‬ water from the Rock. Elijah walked with the ‫اإلنسان ال يحتاج الى كل هذا اإلسراف‬ power of one meal for forty days and forty ...‫بل يضر نفسه به‬... nights. Saint Paul the first hermit lived for ‫على‬ ‫يعيش‬ ‫طويلة‬ ‫لقد ظل ايليا شهورا‬ decades on just half a loaf which the Lord ‫له‬ ‫يرسله‬ ‫الذي‬ ‫واللحم‬ ‫مجرد الخبز‬ sent by a crow every day. Saints stories are ... ‫كريت‬ ‫نهر‬ ‫على‬ ‫الغراب‬ full of examples of the lives of those who ‫أربعين‬ ‫يعيشون‬ ‫إسرائيل‬ ‫بنو‬ ‫لقد ظل‬ lived at the very least, and despite that, their ‫المن‬ ‫مجرد‬ ‫على‬ ‫البرية‬ ‫في‬ ‫سنة‬ activity did not decrease and their health was ... ‫الصخرة‬ ‫من‬ ‫الماء‬ ‫ويشربون‬ not exhausted. But rather the opposite, their ‫لقد سار ايليا بقوة أكلة واحدة أربعين‬ activity and health were better. ...‫يوما وأربعين ليلة‬ Look at the three youth in the emperor’s ‫لقد ظل االنبا بوال يعيش عشرات‬ palace in Babylon; they lived on vegetables ‫السنين على مجرد نصف خبزه يرسلها‬ and legume; their health and their level of ... ‫الرب على فم غراب كل يوم‬ thinking were better than all the others. Even ‫وتاريخ وسير القديسين مملوءة باألمثلة‬ from medical point of view, the body needs a ‫لحياة هؤالء المجاهدين الذين عاشوا‬ certain amount of energy but anything more ‫على أقل القليل ورغم ذلك لم ينقص‬ than that turn into fats that are very harmful ‫نشاطهم ولم تتعب صحتهم بل العكس‬ to human health and affect the level of activ- ... ‫تماما كان نشاطهم وصحتهم أفضل‬ ity and thinking ‫أنظر الى الفتية الثالثة في قصر‬ Perishing food is not the physical food, that ‫ يعيشون على‬...‫االمبراطور في بابل‬ ‫مجرد القطانى والبقول وكان صحتهم‬ is, food and drinks only, but under this all

‫ومستوى تفكيرهم أفضل من كل‬ the pleasures of the other senses; such as the ... ‫اآلخرين‬ lust of the eyes .and pride of life. How many ‫ فالجسم‬...‫وحتى من الناحية الصحية‬ things a person rushes to see and try and ...‫يحتاج الى قدر معين من الطاقة‬ say that it is curiosity, but it is curiosity that ‫دهون‬ ‫ومازاد على ذلك يتحول الى‬ cannot satisfies. He is driven from within by ‫اإلنسان‬ ‫وشحوم مضرة جدا لصحة‬ the lust and love of sin. Beloved, beware of ... ‫وتفكيره‬ ‫نشاطه‬ ‫وتؤثر على مستوى‬ perishing food, you need it in order to live but ‫الطعام‬ ‫هو‬ ‫وليس الطعام البائد‬ you do not live for it. ‫والمشروبات‬ ‫المأكوالت‬ ‫أي‬...‫الجسدي‬ + Do not labour for the food which perishes, ‫ملذات‬ ‫كل‬ ‫هذا‬ ‫تحت‬ ‫فقط بل يدخل‬ but for the food which endures ‫ مثل شهوة‬...‫الحواس األخرى‬ The enduring food deserves more effort from ‫ فكم من‬...‫ وتعظم المعيشة‬...‫العيون‬ us. Let us learn how to save effort and time ‫أشياء يندفع االنسان ليراها ويجربها‬ that we spend on perishing food. Do not be ‫ ولكنه فضول ال‬...‫ويقول إنه فضول‬ afraid, beloved, and do not justify the lack of ‫ تدفعه من الداخل شهوة ومحبة‬...‫يشبع‬ time; It is true that time is short and it will re... ‫الخطية‬ mains short and shorter as long as all of your ‫ أحترس من الطعام‬...‫أيها الحبيب‬ interests are carnal. ‫ إنك تحتاجه من أجل أن‬...‫البائد‬ Take an example of King David; he was king ... ‫ ولكنك ال تعيش من اجله‬...‫تعيش‬ over all of Israel. He used to lead armies and ‫ بل للطعام‬...‫ إعملوا ال للطعام البائد‬+ manage the vast affairs of the kingdom but he +++ ‫الباقي‬ used to find time to pray seven times every ‫إن الطعام الباقي يستحق منا مجهودا‬ day, to write and recite his wonderful psalms, ‫ لنتعلم كيف نوفر من المجهود‬...‫أكثر‬ to sit on the threshold of the house of the Lord ...‫والوقت الذي نبذله في الطعام البائد‬ to teach his people. In front of David’s much ‫ وال تخف أيها‬...‫من أجل الطعام الباقي‬ ...‫ وال تتعلل بضيق الوقت‬...‫الحبيب‬ preoccupation who can say that he is busier ‫صحيح أن الوقت ضيق وسوف‬ than him. ‫كل‬ ‫يظل ضيقا ويزداد ضيقا طالما‬ Look at King Solomon; a very wide king...‫اهتماماتك جسدية‬ dom, very rich, and yet he has time to teach, ‫على‬ ‫ملكا‬ ‫كان‬ ...‫الملك‬ ‫خذ مثاال لداود‬ say parables, utter wisdom and offer many ‫الجيوش‬ ‫يقود‬ ‫وكان‬ ...‫كلها‬ ‫إسرائيل‬ prayers. Constantine, the righteous king sub‫ولكنه‬ ..‫الواسعة‬ ‫المملكة‬ ‫أمور‬ ‫ويدبر‬ jected to him the whole huge Roman Empire. ‫مرات‬ ‫سبع‬ ‫ليصلى‬ ‫الوقت‬ ‫يجد‬ ‫كان‬ Nevertheless, he held councils, conversed ‫مزاميره‬ ‫ويرتل‬ ‫ليكتب‬ ...‫يوم‬ ‫كل‬ with bishops, and spent long hours in prayer ‫ ليجلس على عتبة بيت الرب‬...‫الرائعة‬ and spiritual practices. ‫ أمام مشغولية داود الكثير‬...‫ليعلم شعبه‬ Where are you, beloved, in your endless ‫ وفى نفس الوقت كل هذا االنشغال‬... busyness from all those great people? All of ‫ من يستطيع أن يقول‬...‫بالطعام الباقي‬ them had enough time to save their souls. As ...‫إنه مشغول أكثر منه‬ for you, where is your time spent? At work? ‫ مملكة واسعة‬..‫أنظر الى سليمان الملك‬ In front of the TV or the Internet? In friends’ ‫ ورغم ذلك عنده‬...‫ غنية جدا‬...‫جدا‬ talks? In phone conversations? In entertaining ‫الوقت ليعلم ويقول األمثال وينطق‬ readings? How busy are you? ... ‫بالحكمة ويقدم الصلوات الكثيرة‬ But beware, beloved, that you may lose the ‫ تخضع له‬..‫قسطنطين الملك البار‬ kingdom of heaven. It is true that you are win- ...‫االمبراطورية الرومانية الضخمة‬ ning the world but you are losing Heaven. For ‫ رغم ذلك كان‬..‫مشغوليات كثيرة جدا‬ what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole ‫يعقد المجامع ويجالس االساقفة ويقضى‬ world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a ‫ساعات طويلة في الصالة والممارسات‬ ... ‫الروحية‬ man give in exchange for his soul?

‫أين انت ايها الحبيب في مشغولياتك التي ال‬ There are those who excuse themselves that they live in a difficult world, an evil ‫ كلهم كان عندهم وقت‬...‫تنتهي من كل هؤالء‬ ...‫كافي لخالص نفوسهم‬ world, a world in which there are no val- ‫وأما أنت فأين‬ ‫يذهب وقتك؟؟ في العمل؟؟؟ أمام التليفزيون‬ ues or principles. Living for the fittest, the only view in it for the loudest. But all ‫أو األنترنت؟؟؟ فى جلسات األصدقاء؟؟؟ في‬ ‫أحاديث تليفونية؟؟؟ في قراءات مسلية ؟؟؟‬ of these are not excuses. ‫كم أنت مشغول؟؟؟‬ The saints of the wilderness in their ‫ملكوت‬ ‫تخسر‬ ‫أنك‬ ...‫الحبيب‬ ‫ولكن احذر أيها‬ calmness, solitude and isolation left in‫تكسب‬ ‫إنك‬ ‫صحيح‬ ...‫السموات‬ delible traces in the history of mankind. ‫ينتفع‬ ‫وماذا‬ ...‫السماء‬ ‫تخسر‬ ‫ولكنك‬ ...‫العالم‬ There traces were stronger than what ‫وما‬ ...‫نفسه‬ ‫وخسر‬ ‫كله‬ ‫العالم‬ ‫ربح‬ ‫لو‬ ‫اإلنسان‬ kings and great people left and died and ... ‫الذي سوف يعطيه فداء عن نفسه‬ the whole world forgot them. ...‫هناك من يعتذر اننا نعيش في عالم صعب‬ What makes the world difficult and ‫ عالم ليس فيه قيم أو‬..‫شرير‬ ‫عالم‬ tiring for you is that the world is hustling ‫ الرأي فيه‬...‫ البقاء فيه لألقوى‬...‫مبادئ‬ while you are running after it. You alone ...‫ ولكن كل هذا ليس عذرا‬...‫لألعلى صوتا‬ are the reason for that because you do ...‫كما أن هذا أيضا غير صحيح‬ not want to pause and revise yourself. ‫أن قديسي البرية في هدؤهم ووحدتهم‬ Let the world hustles as it pleases, as for ‫ تركوا آثارا في تاريخ البشرية‬...‫وعزلتهم‬ you, in calmness, meekness and deep ‫ أقوى وأكثر مما تركها ملوك‬... ‫ال تمحى‬ inner peace, you can achieve what the ...‫وعظماء ماتوا وانتهوا ونسيهم العالم كله‬ whole world cannot obtain; the Kingdom ‫إن ما يجعل العالم صعبا ومتعبا بالنسبة‬ of Heaven. ‫ إن العالم يجرى وأنت تجرى ورائه‬...‫لك‬ The endure food is present and available. ‫ وأنت وحدك السبب في‬...‫ إنك أنت‬... ‫الهثا‬ It is the Word of God. It is found in your ‫ ألنك ال تريد أن تتوقف قليال وتراجع‬...‫ذلك‬ ‫أما‬... ‫ أترك العالم يجرى كما يشاء‬... ‫نفسك‬ Holy Bible that is left and neglected in ‫انت ففي هدوء ووداعة وسالم داخلي عميق‬ your house. It is the Body and Blood of the Lord raised on the altar every day but ‫تستطيع أن تحقق ماال يستطيع العالم كله أن‬ ..‫ وهو ملكوت السموات‬...‫يحصل عليه‬ you stand outside watching as if it was a ‫إنه‬ ...‫ ومتوفر‬...‫إن الطعام الباقي موجود‬ theatrical play. Although it is a heavenly ‫والمهمل‬ ‫كلمة هللا في كتابك المقدس المتروك‬ feast and you are invited to It. Can you ‫المرفوعين‬ ‫ أنه جسد الرب ودمه‬..‫في بيتك‬ imagine a person attending a feast and ‫خارجا‬ ‫تقف‬ ‫ وأنت‬..‫على المذبح كل يوم‬ just watching? ‫أنها‬ ‫رغم‬ ..‫مسرحية‬ ‫تتفرج كما ولو كانت‬ It is your dialogue with God in your ‫تتصور‬ ‫هل‬ ...‫لها‬ ‫مدعو‬ ‫وليمة سماوية وأنت‬ prayers and meditations which is suffi... ‫إنسانا يحضر وليمة ويكتفي بالفرجة فقط‬ cient to fill you with peace from within ...‫ في صلواتك وتأمالتك‬...‫أنه حديثك مع هللا‬ and give you the comfort and peace that ‫الكافية أن تمألك سالما من الداخل وتعطيك‬ the whole world, with all its pleasures, ‫الراحة والسالم الذي ال يستطيع العالم كله‬ cannot give you. ...‫بكل ما فيه من ملذات أن يعطيك اياه‬ Invest your time in devouring the endure ...‫استثمر وقتك في التهام الطعام الباقي‬ food and you will discover wonders. ‫ أن هذا أفضل‬..‫وسوف تكتشف عجبا‬ You will discover that this is the best ‫ أنه‬...‫وأربح استثمار صنعته في حياتك كلها‬ and most profitable investment you have ... ‫االستثمار الذي لن تندم عليه أبدا‬ made in your whole life. It is an invest...‫بل سوف تندم كثيرا إن لم تفعله‬ ment that you will never regret. On contrary, you will regret it a lot if you don’t.

The Presentation of the Lord Christ in the Temple BACKGROUND Meshir 8, also known as Candlemas, commemorates Christ›s entry with the Virgin Mary, forty days after His birth, into the temple at Jerusalem, one of the seven minor feasts of the Lord. In accordance with the law of Moses, a mother had to present her newborn child at the temple, give thanks, and offer the appropriate sacrifice. The mother would enter the temple to present her child at the end of the prescribed period of purification, which was forty days in the case of a male child and eighty in the case of a female child (Lev. 12:2-8), a tradition followed by the Coptic Orthodox Church to this day in regards to the mother taking of the holy communion. St. Mary the Theotokos and the righteous elder St. Joseph «performed all things according to the law of the Lord» (Lk. 2:39). Candlemas is also the celebration for the meeting between the infant Jesus and Simeon the elder, who was «righteous and devout, looking for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him» (Lk. 2:25). From the reading for Meshir 8 in the Coptic Synaxarion we learn that Simeon was one of the translators of the Septuagint. While translating the text of Isaiah 7:14, «Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call His name Immanuel», Simeon was skeptical, and felt inclined to use the word «maid» instead of «virgin.» In a vision the Lord promised him that he would not see death until he had seen the Lord Jesus Christ in person, born of the Virgin. In the course of celebrating this feast, the congregation used to carry candles to signify that Christ is the light of the world and that, in the words of Simeon, He is a «light for revelation to the Gentiles.» The date for Jonah’s Fast is set to two weeks before the Holy Great Fast, and the Holy Great Fast is fifty-five days before the Holy Resurrection. Therefore, calculation for the date of the Holy Resurrection causes these two fasts to fluctuate in the Coptic calendar. Since the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord Christ in the Temple is fixed at forty days after Chirst’s birth, that fluctuation can cause this feast to fall after Jonah’s Fast in the Coptic calendar. The late Bishop Gregorios, the General Bishop of Theological Post Graduate Studies, Coptic Culture and Scientific Research. “Feasts, Minor.” Claremont Coptic Encyclopedia SPIRITUAL APPLICATION “Lord, now You are letting Your servant depart in peace according to Your word. For my eyes have seen Your salvation which You have revealed to all peoples. A light to bring revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of Your people, Israel” Luke 2:29-32 The church gives significance to this day as one of the important events in Christ’s life for many reasons: • As with His circumcision, He likewise kept the custom of the law in this feast to show us that He did not come to destroy the law but to perfect it. • Simeon was now able to depart in peace after finally seeing the Savior and the Virgin from whom He was born. His doubts were removed about the mystical virginal birth as he was led by the Holy Spirit and was able to see with his eyes the fulfillment of the prophecy in Isaiah 7:14. The church, therefore, is also celebrating the revelation of this prophecy.

• Simeon, as with the other devout Jews, was awaiting the Messiah promised to them, Who would console the nation of Israel. Once he received the Messiah in his arms, he rejoiced not only for the glory that will be brought to Israel but also because He will be a Light that will bring revelation of the God of Israel to all Gentiles: “For my eyes have seen Your salvation which You have prepared before all peoples: a light to bring revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of Your people, Israel.” (Lk. 2:30-32). So, the church also celebrates this meeting as the revelation of His messianic identity as the One who came to save all people, Jews and Gentiles. Spiritual exercise Let us celebrate the revelation of Jesus Christ as the Messiah, born of the Virgin Mary, who came to save the world. Simeon’s song is read in the Compline Hour of the Book of Hours (Agpeya), in Vespers services, and during the Litany for the Holy Gospel. When we pray this passage, let us always come to the realization that the Lord Jesus Christ is still the salvation God has prepared for all people. RITES The Feast of the Presentation of Christ into the Temple is prayed in the Festive Tune. After the gospel, during the Divine Liturgy, the priest wraps the golden gospel in white and carries it, as Simon the Elder carried the Lord Christ. Candles are lit by the deacons and the priest censes incense while they circulate around the altar three times while chanting the hymn «Galilee of the nations» (Ti Galilea). Then the priest stands at the gate of the sanctuary and the attending clergy, deacons, and congregation come forward and kiss the wrapped gospel. As a Minor Feast of our Savior, if it falls on a Wednesday or Friday, the fast is observed but without prostrations or abstaining. If the feast falls on a Sunday, the readings of the feast are read instead of the readings of that Sunday. HYMNS VERSES OF CYMBALS • After forty days from His wonderful birth, He entered into the temple. PSALM RESPONSE • Alleluia, Alleluia. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, entered into the temple. Alleluia, Alleluia. GOSPEL RESPONSE • You were carried in the arms of Your servant Simeon. In your grasp are death and life. Simeon called “Let me depart according to Your Word in peace”; he was released from the bonds of life. • Alleluia (4) Jesus Christ, the Son of God, entered into the temple. • This is He to whom is due glory, with His good Father, and the Holy Spirit, both now and forever. PSALM 150 RESPONSE • Jesus Christ, the Son of God, entered into the temple. CONCLUSION • The Son of God blessed the waters and made them wine. Save us and have mercy on us…

Refrence https://www.stvnashville.org/presentation-of-the-lord-christ-in-the-temple

Marriage Preparati.n Course 22 ND) 23 RD and 24TH March 2.24 Marriage is a Sacrament and a Sacred Institution established by God and revered by the Orthodox Church. It is vital of all couples entering into this Holy Estate to give it the full and honest attention that it deserves. The Marriage Preparation Course is designed to help couples planning for a marriage or who are newly married to explore and deepen their relationship. Important topics included in the course include the following witfi a variety of speakers: ‹Art of Communication›, ‹Conflict Resolution›, ‹Discovering yourself›, ‹The Engagement Period›, ‹Boundaries›, ‹Physical & amp; Sexual Health›. ‹Budgeting›, ‹After the Honeymoon›. ‹The Christian Family› and ‹The Crowning Ceremony›. The Diocese of Melbourne Marriage Preparation Course provides a great opportunity to enrich your relationship and prepare for the lifelong commitment of marriage. The Course runs from Friday 22/03/2024 (6:30 - 9:00 PM), Saturday 23/03/2024 (10:00 AM - 6: 15 PM), and Sunday 24/03/2024 (1:00 PM - 8:00 PM). All sessions are held at the Pope Shenouda III Auditorium, Donvale (100 Park Road Donvale). We strongly encourage every engaged couple, those about to become engaged and those in their first year of marriage to attend this course. Based on the evidence of the benefits of such courses, the Holy Synod of the Coptic Orthodox Church has deemed it a compulsory prerequisite before Marriage is granted in the Church. The cost is only $100 per couple, which includes course booklets, lunches, tea/ coffee, etc. Please Register at: http://tinyurlcom/Mar2Q2^MPC or use the QR Code. For further details please Contact Fr Daniel Ghabrial on 0403 336 725 or Fr Samuel Elias on 0412 884 434. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSes8gzUEbz27syBJKHTelck2L5Ps2MeeTcPG2g7jvk8dWA0qw/viewform?usp=sf_link

Liturgy for Term1 2024 at St Mary’s Coptic Orthodox College Thursday 8th February 2024

+Remember O Lord the Departed: Reposed to the Lord Late Mrs Linda Eskander wife of Late Mr Wadie Eskander and mother of Mr Michael Eskander and Mrs Elena Naffe wife of Mr Richard Naffe and sister of Mr George Morcos. Funeral will be next Tuesday 13th February at St. Mary’s Church 9:30am. Untie Lind has served at St. Mary’s Coptic College for over 20 years from the first day of the school opening 1991 - 2011. We can always remember her love and dedication for all the staff and students. She has prepared for the reception of His Holiness Pope Shenouda IIIof blessed memory during his four visits at the school. May the Lord repose her soul and gerant peace for all her family members and friends.

:‫ أذكر يارب الراقدين‬+ ‫رقدت عىل رجاء القيامة السيدة الفاضلة لندا أسكندر زوجة‬

‫ ميشيل‬/‫ وديع أسكندر ووالدة كل من السيد‬/‫املرحوم السيد‬ ‫ ريتشارد نافع وشقيقة‬/‫ أيلني نافع زوجة السيد‬/‫أسكندر والسيد‬ .‫ جورج مرقس‬/‫السيد‬ ‫ صبحا‬٩:٣٠ ‫ فرباير الساعة‬١٣ ‫يقام الجناز يوم الثالثاء املقبل‬ .‫بكنيسة القديسة العذراء مريم‬ ‫وال ننىس أبدا ا تعب وخدمة طنط لندا ىف كلية القديسة العذراء‬ ‫ سنة متواصلة منذ أفتتاح املدرسة ىف‬٢٠ ‫مريم ملدة تزيد عن‬ ‫ وقد شاركت ىف األعدادات لزيارات مثلث‬.٢٠١١ - ١٩٩١ ‫فرباير‬ ‫الرحامت طيب الذكر قداسة البابا شنودة الثالث ىف خالل هذه‬ ‫ أننا ل ننىس تعبها وخدمتها املتفانية لكل فرد وخدماتها‬.‫الفرتة‬ ‫أيضا ىف كنيسة مارمرقس‬ .‫وكنيسة العذراء مريم‬ ‫الرب ينيح نفسها ويعزى‬ ‫كل أفراد الرسة وكل‬ .‫أحبائها‬ School Staff 2003

Financial Summary for St. Mary’s Church New Project as on 31st Jan 2024

Building Site 18th January 2024

Construction of New Buildings started Thursday 28th April

The new Building is expected to be ready February 2024. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downloaded from church website.

Cost of building works is around $13,000,000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreciated. 2022 ‫ أبريل‬٢٨ ‫أعمال اإلنشاءات بدات يوم الخميس‬ ‫ خدمات الكنيسة تتم حسب المعتاد حسب‬.٢٠٢٤ .٢٠٢٤ ‫من المتوقع االنتهاء من المشروع فبراير‬ .‫الجدول الموضح داخل النشرة‬ .‫ مليون دوالرا‬١٣ ‫تبلغ تكلفة المشروع حوالى‬ ‫ينكنك المشاركة بتبرع شهرى بملء أستمارة السحب‬ ‫البنكي الموجودة بالكنيسة أو طبعها من خالل مركز‬ ‫الكنيسة اإللكتروني‬ ‫الرب يبارك تبرعاتكم ومساهمتكم فى هذا العمل‬ Donations to St Mary’s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link ‫للتبرعات لكنيسة العذراء مريم ومشروع المباني أضغط على الرابط‬ https://www.stmc.org.au/donate (Copy & Paste on Web Browser)

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