Weekly Bulletin 12th February 2023

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Services at St Mary’s Church

Monday: Mass 9 - 11 am


Liturgy 5:30 - 7am

7:30pm The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages

Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am

6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults

Arabic ; 7-8:15pm English (Zoom)

Hymns Class Arabic 8-9pm (Zoom)


Mass 9 - 11 am - English

English Midnight Praises 7:30pm

English Bible Study 7:30pm

Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am

Youth 25 and above 7-9pm

Family Meeting 7-9pm (fortnightly)

Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm

Year 10-12 Sunday School 6-9pm

Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am

Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm

Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm


Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:307pm

Scouts 1:30 - 3pm

School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm


1st Mass6 - .7:45am Arabic & Eng-


2nd Mass.7:45 – .9:30am English

3rd Mass 9:30 - 11:15am Arabic

Hymns Class - English 11:4512:30pm

Church Priests:

Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251

Email: frtadros@me.com

Fr Habib Girgis Younan:

0401238177 – 94498871

Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail. com

Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821

Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au

Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kens-

ington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651

Fr Kerillos Tawadros

0411 518 399

Fr John Macary 0433 445 636

:ءارذعلا ةسينكب ةمدخلا ديعاوم:نينثلأا احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا احابص 7 - 5:30 :يهللإا سادقلا :ءاثلاثلا )يزيلجنا( ىاو اذ - يزيلجنلإاب رابكلل عامتجأ ءاسم 7:30 احابص ١١ – ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا :ءاعبرلأا يبرع - رابكلل ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8 - 6:30 يزيلجنا - ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8:١5 - 7 يبرع - ناحلأ لوصف ءاسم٩ - 8 :سيمخلا يزيلجنا - احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - ليللا فصن ةحبست ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - سدقملا باتكلا سرد احابص ١١ – ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا :ةعمجلا رثكأف ةنس 25 بابشلا ءاسم ٩ – 7 )نيعوبسأ لك( ةرسلأا عامتجأ ءاسم٩-7 يزيلجنا - ةمدخلا دادعإ عامتجأ ءاسم 8:30 - 7 ١0 تاونسل دحلأا سردم لصف ءاسم ٩ - 6 ١2احابص ١١ – 8,30 يهللإا سادقلا:تبسلا ءاسم 3 - ١:30 ةفاشكلا عامتجا ءاسم 4 - 3 ةسمامشلا ةسردم 5,30 – 4 دحلأا سرادم ءاسم 8:30 –7 بابشلا عامتجاو ةيشعلا يزيلجنا ىبرع ءاسم 7 - 5:30 باتك سردو ةيشعلا :دحلأا يزيلجناو يبرع ص,7:45 – 6 لولأا سادقلا يزيلجنإ – ص ٩:30 – ,7:45 يناثلا سادقلا يبرع ص ١١:١5 – ٩:30 ثلاثلا سادقلا ءاسم ١2:30 - ١١:45 يزيلجنا - ناحلأ لصف :ةسينكلاب ةنهكلا ءابلأا ميبوراش سردات صمقلا 0414251251بلأا Email: frtadros@me.com :نانوي سجرج بيبح سقلا بلأا 94498871Email: - 0401238177 habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com 0422431821 :بيلص لكيام سقلا بلأا Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Epsom Rd, 3031:ةسينكلا ناونع :نوفيلت 5 Kensington Vic 93766651 سورضوات سلريك سقلا بلأا 0411518399 يراكم نوج سقلا بلأا 0433445636

The Appearance of the Body of St. Apolidus (Hippolytus), Pope of Rome.

12th March - 5th Amsher

On this day the church celebrates the appearance of the body of St. Apolidus (Hippolytus), Pope of Rome. He was a virtuous and a perfect man in his generation. He was chosen to the Roman See after Father Augius. This was in the first year of the enthronement of Abba Cladianus, 9th Pope of Alexandria. Pope Apolidus was always teaching his people and guarding them from the pagan influences, confirming them in the faith of the Lord Christ. When reports of St. Apolidus reached the infidel Emperor Claudius Caesar, he arrested him and tortured him severely. The Emperor then tied his feet with a heavy stone, and cast him in the sea on the 5th day of Amshir.

On the following day, one of the faithful found the body of the saint floating above the water, and the stone was bound to his feet. The man took it to his home and shrouded the body. The news spread in the City of Rome and in all the neighboring cities, and it reached Caesar, who asked for the body, but the man hid it. This father left a great wealth of teachings about the Incarnation, and several sermons about Christian teaching. He also established 38 bylaws. His prayers be with us all. Amen.

The Martyrdom of the Saints Abakir, John, the Three Virgins and Their Mother.

13th March - 6th Amsher

On this day also, the saints Abakir; John; the three virgins, Theodora (which means the gift of God), Theopisti “Theophana” (which means the faithfulness of God), and Theodosia (which means the glory of God); and their mother, Athanasia (which means the immortal), were martyred.

St. Abakir was a monk since his young age, and St. John was a soldier in the private guards of the Emperor. They left Alexandria, their own home town, and lived in Antioch. When Diocletian incited the persecution against the Christians, they confessed their faith in the Lord Christ along with the virgins and their mother.

When the Emperor knew that they were from Alexandria, he returned them to the governor of Alexandria. When they came to Alexandria, and were brought before the Governor, they confessed their faith in the Lord Christ. He ordered them beheaded. St. Athanasia was comforting and confirming her daughters and telling them that if they were martyred, they would become the brides of Christ. The virgins were beheaded first, then their mother, then St. Abakir and St. John.

Their bodies were cast to the wild beasts and to the birds of the sky. However, some believers came and took their bodies by night and they placed them in a coffin and hid them until the end of the time of persecution. Their prayers be with us, and Glory be to our God forever. Amen.

The Feast of Presenting the Lord Christ in the Temple.

امور اباب سديلوبا سيدقلا ةحاين يرشمأ ٥ - سرام ١٢ دسج روهظ راكذتب ةسينكلا ديعت مويلا اذه في سيدقلا اذه ناك . ةيمور اباب سديلوبأ سيدقلا سيركل هوراتخاف ، هليج في لاماكو لاضاف لاجر ةنس لوأ في كلذ ناكو . سويجوا بلأا دعب ةيمور عساتلا ابابلا سونايدلاك ابنلأا سيدقلا سولج نم ميلعت ليع اموادم ناكو .ةيردنكسلإا سيرك ليع مهايإ اتبثم ، ةينثولا ءارلآا نم هتسارحو هبعش عماسم هبرخ غلبف ، حيسلما ديسلاب نايملإا ليع هبضرو هيلع ضبقف ، صريق سويدولق رفاكلا كللما لايقث ارجح همدق في طبر ايرخأو ، المؤم ابضر المو .يرشمأ نم سماخلا مويلا في رحبلا في هحرطو ائماع سيدقلا دسج يننمؤلما دحأ دجو دغلا ناك هذخأف . همدق في اطوبرم رجحلاو ، ءالما هجو ليع ةيمور ةنيدم في برخلا اذه عاذو هنفكو هلزنم لىإ صريقلا لىإ لصو ىتح ، اهل ةعباتلا دلابلا رئاسو . هرهظي لمو هافخأ لجرلا نكلو دسجلا بلطف نعو داقتعلاا نع اهضعب ةيرثك ميلاعت بلأا اذهلو عضوو . ةيرسلا ميوقتل تاظع اهضعبو دسجتلا .ينمآ انعم نوكت هتلاص .انوناق ينثلاثو ةيناثم اضيأ ىراذع ةثلاثلاو انحويو يركابا ينسيدقلا داهشتسا نهماو يرشمأ ٦ - سرام ١٣ يركابا نوسيدقلا دهشتسا مويلا اذه لثم في اهيرسفت يتلا اروذؤاث ،ىراذع ثلاثلاو انحويو ، هللا ةنامأ اهيرسفت يتلا يتسبؤاثو ، هللا ةيطع ايسانثأ نهمأو . هللا دجم اهيرسفت يتلا ايسكذؤاثو يركابا سيدقلا نإ كلذو .ةتئالما يرغ اهيرسفت يتلا انحوي سيدقلا ناكو هتثادح ذنم ادبعتم ابهار ناك ةيردنكسلإا اكرت دقو . كللما ةصاخ نم ايدنج كللما راثأ المو . ةيكاطنإ في اماقأو ليصلأا ماهنطو افترعا ، ينيحيسلما ليع داهطضلاا سونايدلقد ذإو .حيسلما ديسلاب همامأ نهمأو ىراذعلا عم . اهيلإ مهتداعإب رمأ ةيردنكسلإا نم مهنا فرع اوفترعاف لياولا لىإ مهومدق كانه لىإ اولصو مالف تناكو . مهسوؤر عطقب رمأف حيسلما ديسلاب نهفرعتو نهبرصتو اهتانب تبثت ايسانثأ ةسيدقلا اذكهو . حيسلما سئارع نصري ندهشتسا اذا نهناب يركابا ينسيدقلاف نهما مث لاوا نهسوؤر اوعطق شوحولل مهداسجأ اوحرط كلذ دعبو . انحويو اوذخاو اوتأ يننمؤلما ضعب نكلو . ءماسلا رويطو . توبات في اهوعضوو لايل داسجلأا .ينمآ ايدبأ ائماد دجلما انبرلو انعم نوكت مهتلاص اموي ينعبرا نس لكيهلا لىا حيسلما ديسلا لوخد يرشمأ 8 - ريابرف ١٥ لىإ حيسلما ديسلا لوخد راكذتب ديعن مويلا اذه في ثيح ، ديجلما هدلايم نم اموي ينعبرأ دعب .لكيهلا لامكيل ، هتدلاو ءارذعلاو قيدصلا فسوي همدق . ليئاسرإ بعش ليع ةيوسولما ةعيشرلا هتضرف ام اعنصيل هاوبأ همدق امدنع هنا يرشبلا اقول لوقيو خيشلا ناعمس هذخأ ، سومانلا ةداع بسح هل اي كدبع قلطت نلآا « لائاق هللا كرابو هيعارذ ليع

On this day we celebrate the feast of presenting the Lord Christ to the temple after 40 days of His blessed birth. St. Joseph the righteous and His mother, the Virgin Mary, presented Him in the temple, to fulfill the Mosaic Law.

St. Luke the Evangelist says that when His parents brought Him according to the custom of the law, the just and devout Simeon the elder took Him in his arms and blessed God and said, “Lord, now You are letting Your servant depart in peace, according to Your Word; for my eyes have seen Your salvation which You have prepared before the face of all people, a light to bring revelation to the Gentiles, and the Glory of Your people Israel.” (Luke 2:29-32)

Simeon was one of the 70 elders who translated the Old Testament from Hebrew to Greek. This was in the time of Ptolemy Soter in the year 296 B.C., who was sent by the will of God to Jerusalem. He brought 70 men from among the learned Jewish teachers and scholars and commanded them to translate the Old Testament from Hebrew to Greek(1). He put every two of them in an isolated place so they would not agree on one translation, and to ensure a correct text after comparing all of the translations. Simeon the elder was one of them. When Simeon was translating the verse from Isaiah 7:14, “Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel,” he was afraid to translate that a virgin would conceive, because the King would mock him. He wanted to translate the virgin as a “young lady.” He was disturbed because of this inaccurate translation, and God revealed to him in a vision that he would not die before he would see Christ the Lord born of a virgin. This was fulfilled and he lived about three hundred years. When Christ was born; he was very well advanced in age and his sight dimmed.

When he carried the child Jesus in his hands, his sight came back to him, and the Holy Spirit told him, “This is the child that you have been waiting for.” He blessed God and said, “You are letting Your servant depart in peace according to Your Word, for my eyes have seen Your salvation which You have prepared before the face of all peoples, a light to bring revelation to the Gentiles and the Glory of Your people Israel.” (Luke 2:28-32) The prayers of this righteous man be with us, and Glory be to our God forever. Amen.

The Departure of St. Barsauma, the Father of the Syrian Monks.

13th February – 9th Amshir

On this day of the year 458 A.D., the blessed father Anba Barsauma, the father of the Syrian monks, departed. His father was from Samosata. One of the saints prophesied about him before his birth, saying to his parents, “There shall go forth from you a righteous fruit, whose fame shall spread out everywhere,” and this prophecy was fulfilled.

When Barsauma grew up, he left his parents and went to the river Euphrates where he stayed with a holy man called Abraham. Afterwards, he lived a solitary life in the mountain and many disciples gathered around him. The water in this place was salty, and the saint prayed to God and the water

15th February - 8th March
.« ملاسب كلوق بسح ديس اخيش ينعبسلا دحأ وهف اذه ناعمس امأ لىإ ةينابرعلا نم ةاروتلا اومجرت نيذلا سوميلطب كلم الم هنا كلذو . ةينانويلا لبق ٢٦9 ةنس لياوح بلاغلاب بقللما ميلشروأ لىإ هللا نم يربدتب لسرأ . دلايلما دوهيلا رابحأ نم لاجر ينعبس ضرحتساو ، ةاروتلا هل اومجتري نإ مهرمأو ، مهئمالعو يننثا لك لزع مث ةينانويلا لىإ ةينابرعلا نم ليع اوقفتي لا كيل صاخ ناكم في مهنم ةحيحص ةخسن نمضيلو ، ةدحاو ةمجرت ناعمس ناكو . تماجترلا هذه ةنراقم دعب لىإ لصو الم هنا ثدحو مهنيب نم خيشلا ءارذعلا اذ وه « يبنلا ءايعشا لوق ةمجرت ءارذع « بتكي نإ شيخ « انبا دلتو لبحت بتكي نإ دارأف كللما هب ازهيف « لبحت لمأت المو ءارذع ةملك ضوع « ةاتف « ةملك ، ةحيحصلا يرغ ةمجترلا هذهل هلخاد في لبق تولما يري لا هنا ايؤر في هللا هل نلعأ . ءارذعلا نم دولولما برلا حيسم يري نإ ةئاثملاث وحن رابلا اذه شاعو كلذ مت دقو هصرب ناكو . حيسلما دسلا دلو ثيح ةنس هيعارذ ليع يبصلا لمح مالف فك دق وه اذه نإ سدقلا حورلا هملعاو صربا نلآا لاقو هللا كرابف « هرظتنت تنك يذلا . ملاسب كلوق بسح ديس اي كدبع قلطت هتددعأ يذلا . كصلاخ اتصربأ دق ينيع نلا مملأل نلاعإ رون . بوعشلا عيمج هجو مادق . « ليئاسرإ كبعشل ادجمو دجلما انبرلو انعم نوكت رابلا اذه ةلاص ةكرب . ينمآ ايدبأ ائماد : مويلا سقط ليع ةظوحلم موصلا في وأ يونين موص في ديعلا عقو اذإ + .ديعلا لوصف أرقت دحأ موي وأ يربكلا فليو سادقلا ليجنإ دعب ةرودلا لمعت + تارم ٣ فزيو ضيبا ريرح ترسب ليجنلإا . لكيهلا في نايسرلا نابهر بأ اموسرب سيدقلا ةحاين يرشمأ 9 – ريابرف ١٣ حينت م 4٥8 ةنس نم مويلا اذه لثم في نابهر بأ اموسرب ابنلأا طوبغلما بلأا أبنتو ، طاسوماس نم هوبأ ناكو . نايسرلا هيدلاول لائاق هتدلاو لبق سيدق لجر هنع في هركذ شرتنيو حلاص رثم ماكنم جرخيس امدنع هنا ذإ لوقلا اذه مت دقو . ضرلأا رهن دصقو هيوبأ كرت لايلق اموسرب بش سيدق لجر دنع انامز ماقأ ثيح تارفلا لبجلا في درفنا كلذ دعبو . ميهاربإ يعدي موصي ناكو . نويرثك ذيملات هلوح عمتجاف , هيدي ليع هللا يرجا دقو . اعوبسأ اعوبسأ ءلاغ مايلأا ضعب في ثدحو . ةيرثك تايأ ناكو . هتلاصب برلا هفرعف ، دلابلا كلت في الم يذلا ، يدومعلا ناعمس سيدقلل اصراعم

became sweet. He used to fast for a week at a time. God wrought through him many miracles. St. Barsauma was a contemporary of St. Simeon the Stylite. When St. Barsauma knew about him, he went to visit him, and they blessed each other. He was well known for his resistance to the heresy of Nestorius and his followers.

He attended the Universal Council at Ephesus at the invitation of Emperor Theodosius the Less, who gave him a great honour. Some accused St. Barsauma of eating, drinking and living a luxurious life. The Emperor called him and saw for himself St. Barsauma’s righteousness and his ascetic living. The Emperor vindicated him and allowed him to return to his monastery with great honour.

When Emperor Marcian called for the Council at Chalcedon, the fathers asked the Emperor not to call upon St. Barsauma, for they knew of the grace that was in him. When the council agreed on the two natures of Christ, St. Barsauma resisted these heretic teachings and he was persecuted by the Chalcedonians.

When the Lord wanted to take St. Barsauma from the world, He sent him an angel to tell him that 4 days were left in his life on earth. He gathered his disciples and told them to go to the neighbouring cities to confirm its people in the Orthodox faith. He blessed them and departed in peace.

At the time of his departure, a pillar of light appeared at the door of his cell which the faithful saw from afar. They came and found that St. Barsauma had departed. They took his blessings and buried him with great honours. His prayers be with us all. Amen.

The Martyrdom of St. James the Apostle, Son of Alphaeus. 17th February - 10th Amsher

On this day, St. James the Apostle, son of Alphaeus, was martyred. After he had preached the Gospel in many cities, he returned to Jerusalem and entered the temple of the Jews. He preached the gospel publicly and proclaimed the faith of the Lord Christ and His resurrection.

The Jews abducted him and brought him to Claudius, the deputy of the Roman emperor, and told him that he was preaching another king instead of Caesar. Claudius ordered him to be stoned to death, until he departed in peace. The faithful took his body and buried him beside the temple. His prayers be with us all. Amen.


Martyrdom of St. Justus, Son of Emperor Numerian.

On this day also, St. Justus, son of Emperor Numerian, was martyred. When he returned from war, he found that Emperor Diocletian had married his sister and had become the new emperor. Emperor Diocletian had apostatized the faith in the Lord Christ, and St. Justus was greatly sorrowful for what happened.

When the nobles of the empire met together to enthrone him in place of his father, he did not accept, for he preferred the heavenly kingdom over the earthly. He came before Diocletian and declared his faith in the Lord Christ. The Emperor sent St. Justus with his son Abali and his wife Theoclea to the Governor of Alexandria, and commanded him to persuade them first and to behead them if they did not obey.

دقو . ماهضعب نم نانثلاا كرابتو هراز هب ملع دهشو . سويروطسن ةعيشل هتمواقبم رهتشا سويسدؤاث كللما نم ةوعدب سسفأ عمجم هب ىعسي نإ دعب ، ايرثك همركأ يذلا يرغصلا هاعدتسا ذإو ، خذبب شيعي هنأب هيلإ ضعبلا هيلع ينلوقتلما بذكو ، هفشقت ة هحلاص يأرو عمج المو . للاجلإاو ماركلإاب هريد لىإ هداعأ ، ءابلأا بلط ، نيودقلخلا عمجلما كللما نايقرم مهملعل عمجلما لىإ اموسرب يعدي لاإ كللما نم لوقلا عمجلما ررق المو . هيف يتلا ةمعنلاب هذه اموسرب سيدقلا مواق ، ينتيعيبطلاب ةعيش نم ةيرثك دئادش هتلانف ةلطابلا ميلاعتلا نإ برلا دارأ الم كلذ دعبو . ينينوديقلخلا هفرعي هكلام هيلإ لسرأ لماعلا اذه نم هلقني هذيملات صىوأف ، مايا ةعبرأ لاإ هل قبي لم هنا اوتبثيو ، ةرواجلما دلابلا ضعب لىإ اوبهذي نإ مهكراب مث ، سيكذوثرلأا نايملإا ليع اهلهأ دومع هتحاين تقو رهظ دقو . ملاسب حينتو نم نونمؤلما هصربأ ، هتيلاق باب ليع مئاق رون هنم اوكرابتف ، حينت دق هودجوو اوتأف ، دعب . ينمآ انعم نوكت هتلاص . ماركإب هونفدو لوسرلا بوقعي سيدقلا داهشتسا يرشمأ ١0 - ريابرف ١7 7 بوقعي سيدقلا دهشتسا مويلا اذه لثم في يدان امدعب هنا كلذو . افلح نبا لوسرلا ، ميلشروأ لىإ داع ةيرثك دلاب في يشربلاب اراهج ليجنلإاب زركو ، دوهيلا لكيه لخدو . تاوملأا ةمايقو حيسلما ديسلاب نايملإابو ، بئان سويدولكا لىإ هب اوتأو دوهيلا هفطتخاف رخأ كلبم شربي اذه نإ هل اولاقو ةيمور كلم هومجرف ةراجحلاب مجري نإ رمأف ، صريق يرغ يننمؤلما نم موق ذخاف ملاسب حينت ىتح نوكت هتلاص .لكيهلا بناجب هونفدو هدسج .ينمآ انعم سويرامون نب سطسي سيدقلا داهشتسا سطسي سيدقلا دهشتسا مويلا اذه لثم في نم داع الم هنا كلذو . سويرامرون كللما نبا هتخأ جوزت دق سونايدلقد نإ دجو ، برحلا ديسلاب نايملإا نع دترا دق هناو ، اكلم راصو هوجو عمتجا المو .ايرثك كلذ هيلع زعف حيسلما لم ، هيبأ ضوع اكلم هسلجتل اهرباكأو ةكلملما .ةيضرلأا ليع ةيئماسلا ةكلملما لاضفم لبقي مساب همامأ فترعاو سونايدلقد لىإ مدقتو هتجوز ايلكؤاثو هنبا ليابأ وه هلسرأف حيسلما ، لاوأ مهفطلاي نإ هرمأو ، ةيردنكسلإا لياو لىإ اولصو مالف . مهسوؤر اوعطقي اونعذي لم نإو ، مهنمالغ نم ضعب مهعمو ةيردنكسلإا مهليوحت عطتسي لم ذإو ، فطلب لياولا مهلباق سطسي لسرأ دجلما هل حيسلماب نايملإا نع هتجوز ايلكؤاثو . ةطسب لىإ ليابأ ، انصنا لىإ ىتح ، هعم املاغ مهنم لك ذخا دقو . اص لىإ مهوبذعف . هدسجب متهي هداهج لمكا اذإ

When they arrived in Alexandria, the Governor received them and treated them well to persuade them. As he could not change their deep conviction in their faith in the Lord Christ, to Whom is the Glory, he sent St. Justus to Antinoe (Ansena), Abali, his son, to Basta (near Zagazig, Sharkia), and Theoclea to Sa (Salhagar, Gharbia). Each of them took a servant with him so when they completed their strife, the servant would take care of the body. They tortured them, beheaded them, and they received the crown of martyrdom. Their prayers be with us all. Amen

St. Isidore of Pelusium

On this day also, the ascetic, scholar and holy man, Anba Isidore of Pelusium (El-Pharma), departed. His parents were among the rich and noble people of Egypt. He was related to Pope Cyril and Pope Theophilus, patriarchs of Alexandria. He was the only child of his parents, who cared about his education. They taught him the books of the church, and the Greek language in which he excelled and surpassed many. He was also ascetic and humble. When he knew that the people of Alexandria and the bishops wanted to make him the Patriarch of Alexandria, he took flight by night to Pelusium and became a monk in a monastery there.

Then he went to a small cave where he lived alone for several years. During these years, he wrote many books about emperors and governors. He also commented on many books of the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. His epistles that he sent to bishops and patriarchs were counted as eighteen thousand epistles. The gifts of the Holy Spirit poured upon him, and he reached a good old age, then departed to the Lord in peace. His prayers be with us all. Amen.

The Martyrdom of St. Fabianus (Fabrianus), Pope of Rome.

18th February - 11 Amsher

On this day, St. Fabianus, Pope of Rome, was martyred. This father was a righteous scholar. He was ordained Pope for the city of Rome, so he taught his people and guided them in the way of Christian perfection.

Decius, the head of the army, killed Emperor Philip, and replaced him as emperor. Decius incited a severe persecution against the Christians, and many were martyred. This infidel built a huge temple in the middle of the city of Ephesus, and erected in it idols, where he offered sacrifices to them. He then ordered to behead everyone who refused to sacrifice to these gods.

When Decius knew that St. Fabianus was against the worship of idols and that he was teaching the faithful to be steadfast in their faith, he brought him to Ephesus. Decius commanded St. Fabianus to sacrifice to the idols. St. Fabianus did not yield to him and ridiculed his idols. The Emperor punished him with many tortures for a long time and at the end, he beheaded him with the sword. St. Fabianus thus received the crown of martyrdom.

This pope stayed on the throne for 12 years, the major part of which was tranquil and peaceful. His prayers be with us and Glory be to our God forever. Amen.

. ةداهشلا ليلكإ اولانف مهسوؤر اوعطقو .ينمآ انعم نوكت مهتلاص ىمرفلا سروذيسيا سيدقلا داهشتسا كسانلا سيدقلا حينت مويلا اذه لثم في ناك . يمرفلا سوروذيسيا ابنلأا لماعلا ناكو ، اههوجوو صرم ءاينغأ نم هاوبأ يواباب سليركو سليفؤاث ينسيدقلل ابيرق ، هاوس ةوخا هل نكي لمو ، ةيردنكسلإا ةسينكلا بتك همالعو بدأ لكب هابدأف عربو اهنقتأو ةينانويلا ةغللا ملعت مث . كلذ عم ناكو . نييرثك قاف ىتح اهيف دلابلا لهأ نإ ملع المو . اعضاوتم اكسان اكريرطب هتمدقت لع ينمزاع ةفقاسلأاو لبج لىإ لايل بره ، سيقرلما سيركلا ليع لقتنا مث ، كانه ريد في بهرتو امرفلا هدحو اهب ماقأ ، ةيرغص ةراغم لىإ هنم ةدع اهئانثأ في عضو دقو . تاونس ةدع حشرو ,ءاسؤرلاو كوللما نع اهثركأ بتك ديدجلاو ميدقلا نيدهعلا نم ةيرثك ابتك نإ يرسلا بتك ضعب في دجو دقو . ةكراطبلا لىإ اهلسرأ يتلا لئاسرلا ددع فلآ ةشرع نياثم غلبي مهيرغو ةفقاسلأاو سدقلا حورلا بهاوم تناكو . ةلاسر ةخوخيش لىإ لصو المو . هيلع قفدتت هتلاص برلا لىإ لقتنا ةيضرم ةحلاص . ينمآ انعم نوكت امور اباب سونايباف سيدقلا داهشتسا يرشمأ ١١ - ريابرف ١8 8 سيدقلا دهشتسا مويلا اذه لثم في بلأا اذه ناكو ، ةيمور اباب سونايباف ليع اكريرطب مدقف . ادهاجم احلاص الماع هدوقيو هبعش ملعي ذخاف ، ةيمور ةنيدم سويكاد نإ ثدحو .لماكلا قيرط في سلجو هلتقو كللما سبليف ليع ماق دئاقلا اداهطضا يننمؤلما ليع راثأو ، هناكم .نويرثك هيدي ليع دهشتساو ، اديدش طسو مايظع لاكيه رفاكلا اذه ديش دقو مدقي ناك امانصأ هيف ماقأو سسفأ ةنيدم حبذي لا نم لتقب رمأ مث . حئابذلا اهل سونايباف سيدقلا نإ هغلب مالف . اهل يننمؤملل هميلاعتب مانصلأا ةدابع لطعي سسفأب هضرحتسا ، نايملإا ليع مهتيبثتو ملف مانصلأل ةحيبذلا مدقي نإ هنم بلطو تابوقعب هبقاعف . همانصأب رخس لب لبقي فيسلاب هلتق ايرخأو ، ةلماك ةدم ةديدش ابابلا اذه ماقأ دقو . ةداهشلا ليلكإ لانف ارطش ضيق ةنس ةشرع يتنثا سيركلا ليع هتلاص . نانئمطإو ءوده في اهنم ايربك . ينمآ ايدبأ ائماد دجلما انبرلو . انعم نوكت
لكيهلا ىلا برلا لوخد ديع ريشمأ 8 - رياربف ١5 5 نينثلأا (١2 نييولا( ىسرم ةعيرش بسحو برلا ةدلاو نم اموي نيعبرأ دعب لكيهلا ىلا عوسي برلا لفطلا لمحت نأ ميرم ءارذعلا ةسيدقلا ىلع ناك وأ مامح ىخرف مثأ ةحيبذو ةقرحم ةحيبذ مدقتو اهريهطت مايأ تمت نأ دعب اومدقي نأ نوردقي لا نيذلا ءارقفلا نم ةبولطملا ةحيبذلا ىهو مامي ىخرف تناكو .. مثأ ةحيبذ مامح ىخرف عم ةفرحم0 ةقرحم يلوح فورخ ادحأ لباقت لا ةسجن مايأ ةعبس لظت اركن دلت يتلا ةأرملا نأ صنت ةعيرشلا لفطلا ناك اهتساجن مايأ ءاهتنا دعبو نماثلا مويلا ىف ىصلا نتتخي مث نتتخي نأ انكمم نكي ملو اهنم دولوم وه ذا ةساجنلا مايأ ىف اهكراشي ةيطخلل زمري ناك اذهو مايلاا هذه ةياهن لبق الله بعش ىلا مضي نأ ىأ انع برلا تام اهلجأ نمو هلسن ىلا اهلقنيو ناسنلأا اهلمحي يتلا ىلولاا يف اموي نيثلاثو ةثلاث ةدمل ةأرملا لظت مث .. بيلصلا ىلع همد كفسو اهنأ ذا اهريهطت مايأ لمكت ىتح تاسدقملا نم ائيش سمت لا اهريهطت مايأ اهقايتشا ةفلعم لكيهلل مدقتت مث ةثوروملا ةيطخلا لقن ىف تكراش ةدلاولاب نع نلعت اضيأو ةقرحم ةحيبذ مدقت ذا عوسي برلا ىف ءادفلا ةحيبذل تظفاح دق ةسينكلاو .. مثأ ةحيبذ ةمدقم ةبوتلاو سيدقتلا ةايحل اهقايتشا اموي نيعبرأ ىهو ريهطتلا مايلأ ةأرملا ظفح ةرورض ىلع نلاا ىتح انع عفرت لاو ةدلاولاب ةيدجلا ةيطخلا لاقتنا وهو امئاق لازام ببسلا نأ ذا تنبلل اموي نينامثو دلولل ناتخلل ةرورض كانه دعي مل نكلو عوسي برلا عم انتمايقو انتومو ةيدومعملا يف انفند للاخ نم لاا كانه دعي ملو انع تام دقو وه برلا نأ ذا حئابذ ميدقتل ةجاح كاتم دعي ملو ةيدومعملل زمر هنأ ذا هجايتحا مدع مغر سومانلل امامت عضخ دق برلا نأ دجن انهو .. ةيناويحلا ةيومدلا حئابذلل جايتحأ رشب عرز نم دلوي مل هنأ مغر مايأ ةعبس همأ عم ةساجن مايأ ىضقي نأ برلا ىضر ذا .. اذهل اقلاطا لكيهلل مدقي ىتح اموي نيعبرلأا لامك ىلا همأ عم ىقبي نأ ىضرو ىلولأا ةيطخلا لمحي مل هنأ يأ سومانلا برلا متأ اذكهو .. ىدافلاو صلخملا وه هنأ مغر ةيومد حئابذ همأ نع مدقي نأ ىضرو انلجأ نم ةيطخ راص ةيطخ لاب يذلاف ءيش لك يف انع ابئان راص هنأ ةقيقح انلعم انع هعضو ىذلا راص كلذلو هلك انفعض لمح ذا .. الله هب انبحأ ىذلا بيجعلا بحلا رس ىلع اننيعأ حتفي اذكهو .. دهاشي لمحك اعضاخ هدهاشنو هعاضتاو هبح ةمظع نياعن ذا هب حرفن ايديس اديع لكيهلل برلا لوخد .. انلجأ نم اهيلع بلصي ىكل هل دعت بيلصلا ةبشخ ىري هنأك هتاذ هيلا زمرت ىتلا ةيومدلا حئابذلا هتونهكب لاثمم هلك ميدقلا دهعلا دجنف .. ىقيقحلا دهعلا توبات مامأ صقري دواد نأك رعشن اضيأ انهو دهعلا تونهكو ةعبرشلل لاثمم نهاكلا نبا نهاكلاو خيشلا ناعمس .. ايسملل قايتشاب هراظتناو هئايبنأو نيعبسلا دحأ ناك هنأ ديلقتلا هنع لوقي .. زومرلاو تاوبنلا لك ادج ةمدقتملا هتخوخيش ىف لاماح ميدقلا اذوه ةيآ دنع فقو هنأو ةينانويلل ةيربعلا نم ميدقلا دهعلل ةينيعبسلا ةمجرتلا لمعب اوفلك نيذلا اخيش لادب ةاتفلا اذوه اهبتكي نأ ركفو اهتمجرت ىف ددرتو ليئونامع همسأ نوعديو انبا دلتو لبحت ءارذعلا هينيعب ىري ىتح شيعي فوس هنأو يه امك اهبتكي نأ هرمأو هل رهظ برلا كلام نكلو ءارذعلا نم نيتئام هرمع براق ىتح ةليوط انينس رابلا سيدقلا اذه رظتناو .. هيدي ىلع هلمحيو ءارذعلا هذه نبا وه هنأ هزيمو حرلاب ناعمس هفرعو لكيهلل برلا ميدقت موي بسانملا تقولا ىتأ ىتح ةنس نيسمخو ةسينكلا ددرتو .. ملاسب كدبع قلطت نلاا ةدلاخلا هتحبستب امنرتم هيعارذ ىلع هلمحو لايجلأا ىهتشم نهاكلا اهددريو ىوامسلا اهسبرع ىلا اهقايتشأ ةنلعم ليللا فصن ةحبست ىف موي لك ةحبستلا هذه هعم انرص ىتلا الله ةملكب هقايتشاو هحرف انلعم هلباقم سامشلا عم ةراشبلا لاماح حبذملا لوح رودي وهو اهرمع ناك امبر ىتلا ليئونف تنب ةنح لكيهلا ىف اضيأ دجنو .. اضيأ اهلكأنو اهعم سملاتنو اهنياعن زمرت ىهو .. تاونس عبس ريغ مدي مل جاوز دعب ةلمرأ ةنس نينامثو ةعبرأ اهنم ةنس ةئاملا ىلع ديزي .. ىوامسلا هسيرع برلا رظتني ابيرغ راصو سودرفلا نم جرخ ذا ملاعلا ىف ناسنلاا ةبرغ ىلا تتأ ىتح تاولصو تادابعو داهتجإو قوشب هترظتنأو ناميلاا نيعب اهسيرع ةيرشبلا سفنلا تأر نياعن نحن مويلا .. ميلشروأ ىف ءادف نيرظتنملا عيمج دنع هنع دهشتو دسجلا ىنيعبو هارتل ةعاسلا برلا نأ .. كلجأ نم هتاذ امدقم هتان برلا دجت جذملا ىلا علطتت امدنع .. اهيف شيعنو داجملاا هذه انناو .. هدحو وه هيف كملاسو كتجهب رسو كحرفو كاقايتشا لعجتو هيف شيعتو هب حرفت نأ كوعدي دق اننكلو يدسجلا توملا مكح تحت انلزامو ءاقشلاو مللأا ملاع ىف ىناعن انلزامو دسجلا ىف انلزام انك حورلل برلل لكايه انرص دق لب حيسملا ىف ةسدقم ةكرش انل راصو يدبلأا توملا مكح نم انقلطنا ىلا انقايتشا نينلعم انلخاد ىف برلا لمحنو موي لك مدقتنلو بيجعلا حرفلا اذه يف شعنل .. سدقلا .. ةيئامسلا ميلشروأ

The first Sunday of the month of Amshir Reflections in the Gospel of Liturgy

John 6: 22-27

“Do not labor for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to everlasting life” (John 6:27) When man was in Paradise, man was in a state of permanent joy. Human was living in deep spirituality and his mind was not occupied with bodily matters. It did matter that he was naked, he was not interested in food items and forms. Human lived as a celestial creature, despite wearing a physical garment. When the man sinned, his bodily eyes were opened and his thoughts began to descend from heaven to earth, from the spiritual to the physical. When human was expelled from paradise because of sin human took with him a harsh judgment, to work and sweat and toil for these things which he loved and caused him to sin. In Paradise, he did not think of physicality and he would receive all his needs without asking or thinking about it, and on earth he must work hard and toil in order to meet the needs of his body. So, the earthly work reminds the children of God of sin that caused the loss of life in Paradise. Therefore, the children of God strive to make the physical work not to delay or hinder them to live in the spiritualities which they long for. When they work for physical food, they remember that they were deprived of all the trees of Paradise, which represented food of the Spirit because of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, which opened their physical eyes. When they work for clothes, they remember that they need these clothes only because of the sin that have exposed and shamed them, and when they strive for any worldly position, they remember that they were deprived of the heavenly and celestial status, which the Lord was pleased to grant them, as a result of sin. In all this, they lift their eyes upward, longing for that hour in which they return to their heavenly homeland, which is now open to receive them with the blood of the Lord Jesus who has was shed to redeem their sins and the sins of the whole world. And you, beloved, what are you working for?? Do you work for the perishing food?? Or for the lasting food of eternal life? And work for the lasting food does not cancel the work for the perishing food, but the intention is to change the goal, even when a man works for perishing food his goal is for the lasting food, how ?? through carrying out the commandments of God, and to glorify God’s Name. + You seek Me, not because you saw the signs. How hard that physical work becomes a goal in itself. Man works because he wants to satisfy needs of the body only. In this case, the person takes the curse of fatigue and bitterness that accompanies the work of the body. He is deprived of the blessing of carrying out the commandment. He cannot turn his toil to be for the of joy of the heart of God. The work is in itself a duty and necessity. The Bible forbids laziness and condemns the un-working hand. King Soliman says in the Book of

كرابلما يرشمأ رهش نم لولاا دحلأا سادقلا ليجنإ فى تلامأت ٢7 - ٢٢ :٦ انحوي ىقابلا ماعطلل لب دئابلا ماعطلل لا ولمعأ” ٢7 7 :٦ وي »ةيدبلاا ةويحلل ناسنلإا ناك .. سودرفلا في ناسنلاا ناك امدنع فى اقلطنم ناسنلأا ناك .. مئاد حرف ةلاح فى لم .. هلغشي دسجلا ركف نكي لمو .. تايحورلا فانصاب ماتهم نكي لم .. نايرع هنأ همهي نكي ةقيلخك شيعي ناسنلاا ناك .. اهلاكشأو ماعطلا امدنعو .. ايدسج ابوث سبلي هنأ مغر ةيوماس ينتيدسجلا هينيع تحتفنأ ناسنلاا أطخأ ضرلاا لىا ءماسلا نم هركفب ردحني أدبو امدنعو .. تايدسجلا لىا تايحورلا نم .. هتيطخ ببسب سودرفلا نم ناسنلاا درط قرعيو لمعي نأ .. ايساق ماكح هعم ذخأ اهبحأ ىتلا روملاا هذه لجأ نم بعتيو ركفي نكي لم سودرفلا ىفف .. اهببسب أطخأو اهنم هتاجايتحأ لك لاني ناكو تايدسجلا فى ضرلاا لىعو .. اهيف ركفي وأ بلطي نأ نودب ىفي نأ لجأ نم بعتيو دكي نأ هيلع راص ضىرلاا لمعلا كلذلف .. هدسج تاجايتحإب نأ فى تببست ىتلا ةيطخلاب هللا دلاوأ ركفي دلاوأ دهتجي كلذلو .. سودرفلا ةايح اودقفي جايتحلاا ردقب ىدسجلا لمعلا نوكي نأ هللا ىتلا تايحورلل اوغرفتي كىل طقف ىروضرلا لجأ نم نولمعي امدنعف .. اهيلا نوقاتشي نم اومرح مهنأ نوركذتي ىدسجلا ماعطلا حورلا ءاذغ لك وه ىذلا ةنجلا رجش عيمج تحتف ىنتلا شرلاو يرخلا ةفرعم ةرجش ببسب لجأ نم نولمعي امدنعو .. ةيدسجلا مهنويع سبلالما هذه اوجاتحأ مهنأ نوركذتي سبلالما مهتحضفو مهترع ىتلا ةيطخلا ببسب طقف ىلماع زكرم ىأ لجأ نم نودهتجي امدنعو .. ةيئماسلا ةبترلا نم اومرح مهنأ نوركذتي هيف مهعضي نأ برلا سر ىذلا ئىماسلا زكرلماو مهنويع نوعفري اذه لك فىو .. ةيطخلا ببسب نودوعي ىتلا ةعاسلا كلت لىا ينقاتشم قوف لىا احوتفم حبصأ ىذلا ىوماسلا مهنطو لىا اهيف انثم مدق ىذلا عوسي برلا مدب مهلابقتتسلإ اهيأ تنأو .. هلك لماعلا اياطخو مهاياطخل له ؟؟ هلجأ نم لمعت ىذلا ام .. بيبحلا لجأ نم مأ ؟؟ دئابلا ماعطلا لجأ نم لمعت ؟؟ ةيدبلاا ةويحلل ىقابلا ماعطلا ؟؟ لمعلا ىغلي لا ىقابلا ماعطلا لجأ نم لمعلاو وه دوصقلما نكل .. دئابلا ماعطلا لجأ نم فى ناسنلاا لمعي امدنع ىتحف .. فدهلا يريغت ماعطلا وه هفده نوكي دئابلا ماعطلا لباقم .. هللا اياصو ذيفنت لجأ نم ؟؟ فيك .. ىقابلا .. هللا مسأ ديجتم لجأ نمو .. تايآ متيأر مكنلا سيل ىننوبلطت + فده لىا ىدسجلا لمعلا لوحتي نأ بعصأ ام تاجاح ديري هنلأ ناسنلاا لمعي .. هتاذ دح فى ناسنلاا ذخأي ةلاحلا هذه فى .. طقف دسجلا

Proverbs: “Go the ant, you sluggard! Consider her ways and be wise “ and “A little sleep, a little slumber, A little folding of hands to sleep. So shall your poverty come on you like a prowler, you’re your need like an armed man” (Proverbs 6: 6, 10-11). The book also forbids the work of cheating and stealing whatever its goal. “People do not despise a thief if he steals to satisfy himself when he is starving. Yet when he is found, he must restore sevenfold; He may have to give up all the substance of his house” (Proverbs 6: 30-31). “Dishonest scales are an abomination to the Lord. But just weight is His delight” (Proverbs 11: 1) And about the lazy man also said: “The lazy man will not blow because of winter; He shall beg during harvest and have nothing” (Proverbs 20: 4). And St. Paul the Apostle was working while preaching saying “these hands have provided for my necessities and for those who were with me” (Acts 20: 34). Since the beginning of the monastic life, fathers taught that the monk must work with his hands not only to meet his own needs but to have enough to help and provide for those in need and get the blessing of implementation of commandment of helping and giving to the needy. God may use the physical work of man to be the cause of a blessing for him and those around him, especially the man who is faithful in his work. The history of the Church tells us of a story of a comedian named Perviros who was very good at his work. One day he was summoned by Emperor Julius the infidel enemy of Christianity to provide some comic acts at the celebration of his birthday. It was among one of the acts, the presentation of Christian baptism. The emperor’s intention of course is the mockery of the doctrines of Christianity. Perviros memorized his role perfectly. At the ceremony they brought him a large basin and the actor was dressed as semi-naked and began to anoint himself with little oil and recited parts from the prayer of renouncing Satan, and then he turned toward the east, and recited parts of declaration of faith, and then plunged into the water three times after signing the cross on the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. But when he came down to the water, he saw that the sky is open, and a wonderful light surrounded him, and amazing divine blessing filled him. And God illumined his mind for understanding the mystery and strength of baptism. When he came out of the water, he raised his hands and shouted I am a Christian, I am a Christian. The king thought that it is part of the play and started applauding him with the attendees on the magnificence of his acting and his qualities. But Perviros declared in a very serious way that he does not act but has already become a Christian. Attempts of the king to persuade him to deny the Faith failed. Then he received the crown of martyrdom and the Church

.. دسجلا لمع بحاصت ىتلا ةرارلماو بعتلا ةنعل نأ عيطتسي لاو .. ةيصولا ذيفنت ةكرب نم مرحيو .. هللا بلقل حرف ببس هبعت لعجي باتكلاو .. ةروضرو بج او هتاذ دح فى لمعلاف .. ةلاطبلا ديلا نيديو لسكلا نع ىهني سدقلما بهذأ ” : لاثملاا رفس فى ميكحلا نمايلس لوقيو مايكح نكو اهقرط لمأت نلاسكلا اهيأ ةلمنلا لىا لايلق نيديلا ىطو ساعن ليلق دعب مون ليلق .. :٦لاثمأ( « زاغك كزوعو عاسك كرقف تىايف دوقرلل .. )١١ -١0 ، ٦ شغ هيف ىذلا لمعلا نع اضيأ باتكلا ىهنيو قراسلاب نوفختسي لا« .. هفده ناك ماهم ةقسرو ةعبس دري دجو نأ .. ناعوج وهو هسفن عبشيل )٣١ - ٣0 :٦مأ( »هتيب ةينق لك ىطعيو فاعضأ حيحصلا نزولاو برلا ةهركم شغ نيزاوم « .. نلاسكلا« :اضيأ نلاسكلا نعو )١١ مأ ( »هاضر لاو داصحلا فى ىطعتسيف ءاتشلا ببسب ثرحي لا .. )٢0 0 مأ( »ىطعي شربي وهو لمعي ناك لوسرلا سلوب سيدقلاو اهتضق ىعم نيذلا تاجاحو تىاجاح« لوقيو ذنمو ..)٣4 4 :٢0 0 لسرلا لماعأ( »ناديلا ناتاه نأ دب لا بهارلا نأ ءابلآا ملع ةنبهرلا ةيادب تاجايتحأ ضىقيل طقف سيل هيديب لمعيو بعتي لىع هب قدصتي ضئاف هدنع نوكيل لب .. هدسج ءاطعإو ةقدصلا ةيصو ذيفنت ةكرب لانيو ءارقفلا .. ينجاتحلما كىل ىدسجلا ناسنلاا لمع هللا مدختسي دقو اصوصخ .. هلوح نلمو هل ةكرب ببس نوكي خيرات انل كىحيو .. هلمع فى ينملاا ناسنلال .. سويرفرب همسأ ىديموك لثمم نع ةسينكلا روطابرملاا هاعدتسأ امويو .. ادج هلمع ديجي ناكو ضعب مدقيل ةيحيسلما ودع دحاجلا سونايلوي نم ناكو .. هدلايم ديع لفح فى ةيهاكفلا تارقفلا ناكو .. ةيدومعلما ةيليثتم ةبولطلما تارقفلا نمض دئاقع نم ةيرخسلا وه اعبط روطابرملاا دصق هداجأو اماتم هرود سويرفرب ظفحو .. ةيحيسلما مدقتو عستم ضوح هل اوضرحأ لافتحلإا فىو .. تيز ليلقب هسفن نهدي أدبو راع هبش لثملما وحن هجتأ مث ناطيشلا دحج ةلاص نم ءازجأ ددرو سطغ مث نايملإاب رارقلاا نم ءازجأ ددرو قشرلا اهيلع بيلصلا مسر نأ دعب تارم ثلاث ءالما فى امدنع نكلو .. سدقلا حورلاو نبلااو بلاا مسأب ابيجع ارونو ةحوتفم ءماسلا نأك ىأر ءالما لىا لزن هللا ءاضأو .. هلأتم ةيهلإ ةبيجع ةمعنو هب طيحي جرخ نأ امو .. ةيدومعلما ةوقو سر مهفو هلقع انأ ىحيسم انأ خصرو هيدي عفر ىتح ءالما نم ةيحسرلما نم ءزج اهنأ كللما ركتفأو .. ىحيسم هليثتم ةعور لىع نيضراحلا عم هل قفصي راصف هنأ مات دج فى نلعأ سويرفرب نكلو .. هتداجأو تلشفو .. لاعف ايحيسم راص دق لب .. لثيم لا ةداهشلا ليلكأ لان مث .. هرجز فى كللما تلاواحم فى ماع لك هداهشتسأ ىركذ فى ةسينكلا هل ديعتو .. توت رهش نم شرع عساتلا .. هصلاخإو هتنامأب فورعم ىحيسلما ناسنلااو

celebrates his martyrdom every year on the nineteenth day of the month of Tote. The history of the Church tells us how the rulers and kings trusted the Christian to do the works that needed honesty and sincerity. Even in the worst times of persecution, these rulers could not extricate themselves from employing the Christians. There was no substitute for them because of their total loyalty and their trustworthy faith. But the Christian man is not honest in his work because he wants to be praised by the presidents and rulers but he is carrying out the commandments of God. And to have a good and blameless conscience before God and in front of people also. Therefore, he does not need such a person to monitor him. He satisfies God in his work even if he is not held accountable or seen by anyone. And are you a person who makes your work a blessing for your life and implement the commandments of God, or are you working for yourself and for your worldly goals. The difference is great. The person who works for money and for his desires and pleasures becomes a person who is looking for twisted ways to get money, how to skip work and how to get the largest amount of money with the least amount of work and resort to fraud and forgery, skipping work and claim sickness and seek compensation that he does not deserve. And, may be trying to evade taxes, disclaim responsibility and act negligently. Dear Beloved, do you carry out the commandments of God in your work?? Do you make your work a reason to satisfy yourself and your conscience and a way to please the heart of God? Whom do you please at your work?? God or the people, God or yourself and your desires. Do you work for the perishing food or for the everlasting food for the eternal life? + Do not work for the perishing food .. Failure is not part of the nature of the children of God. God did not give us the spirit of failure, but the spirit of success. Despair also is not the nature of the children of God. Children of God always have hope and hearts filled with peace even in the most difficult times. Therefore, the success of the children of God is the cause of glorification for the name of God and not for themselves. They are not looking for their self-glory, but the glory of God first. Joseph was a successful man because God was with him. He was successful even in the depths of the prison and his success was a blessing for everyone around him. It was a blessing to Pharaoh, a blessing for his family and a blessing for the whole world at the time. God gave Solomon a richness and wisdom that did no person ever had. In this wisdom he glorified the name of God everywhere. We are still learning from his wisdom in the books of the Bible, in his teachings, prophecies, proverbs and songs and in his biography. The first astronaut in history, “Yuri Gagarin” )April

ماكحلا نمأتسأ فيك انل كىحي ةسينكلا خيراتو لىا جاتحت ىتلا لماعلاا لىع ينيحيسلما كوللماو لم داهطضلاا ةنمزأ دشأ فى ىتح .. صلاخلااو ةناملأا ينيحيسلما نع اونغتسي نأ ماكحلا ءلاؤه عطتسي لماكلا مهصلاخأ ببسب مهنع لايدب كانه نكي ملف ناسنلإا نكلو .. يرظن اهل نكي لم ىتلا مهتنامأو حيدم ديري هنلأ هلمع فى صلخي لا ىحيسلما كىلو .. هللا اياصول اذيفنت لب .. ماكحلاو ءاسؤرلا سانلا مامأو هللا مامأ مول لاب حلاص يرمض هل نوكي بيقر لىا ناسنلاا اذه لثم جاتحي لا كلذلو .. اضيأ هبساحي نأ نودب هلمع فى ههلا ضىري وهف .. هيلع .. ناسنإ هاري وأ دحأ نم لعجت ناسنإ تنأ له .. بيبحلا اهيأ تنأو .. هللا اياصو هيف ذفنتو كتايحل ةكرب ببس كلمع ةيدسجلا كفادهأ لجلاو كسفن لجلا لمعت كنأ مأ لجأ نم لمعي ىذلا ناسنلإاف .. يربك قرفلاو .. ثحبي اناسنإ هدجت هتاذلمو هتاوهش لجلأو لالما ننفتي .. لالما لىع لوصحلل ةيوتللما قرطلا نع بركأ لىع لصحي فيكو لمعلا نم برهتي فيك لىا أجليو .. لمعلا نم ردق لقأ عم لالما نم ردق بلطو ضرلما ءاعدإو غيوزتلاو .. ريوزتلاو شغلا نم برهتلاو .. اهقحتسي لا ىتلا تاضيوعتلا .. لماهلااو .. ةيلوئسلما نم لصنتلاو .. بئاضرلا ؟؟ كلمع فى هللا اياصو ذفنت له .. بيبحلا اهيأ كيرمضو كسفنل ةحار ببس كلمع نم لعجت له كلمع فى ضىرت نم .. هللا بلقل ةسرم ببسو له .. كدسجو كسفن مأ هللا .. سانلا مأ هللا ؟؟ ةليسو دئابلا ماعطلا لباقم فى كلمع نم لعجت .. ةيدبلأا ةويحلل ىذلا ىقابلا ماعطلا لىع لوصحلل .. دئابلا ماعطلل لا اولمعأ + انطعي لم هللا .. هللا دلاوأ ةعيبط نم لشفلا سيل سأيلا نأ ماك حاجنلا حور لب .. لشفلا حور دلاوأ .. هللا دلاوأ ةعيبط نم سيل اضيأ طونقلاو املاس ةءولمم مهبولقو لمأ مهدنع ائماد هللا هللا دلاوأ حاجنف كلذلو .. تاقولأا بعصأ فى ىتح لا مهف .. مهسفنلأ سيلو هللا مسلأ ديجتم ببسوه .. لاوأ هللا دجم لب .. تىاذلا مهدجم نع نوثحبي .. هعم ناك هللا نلأ احجان لاجر فسوي نايك دقل هحاجن ناكو نجسلا قماعأ فى ىتح احجان ناك .. نوعرفل ةكرب ببس .. هلوح نم لكل ةكرب ببس فى هلك لماعلل ةكرب ببس .. هتسرأ دارفلا ةكرب ببس .. تقولا كلذ اهلثم لاني لم ةمكحو ىنغ نمايلس هللا ىطعأ .. ناكم لك فى هللا مسأ دجتم اهببسبو .. ناسنأ سدقلما باتكلا رافسأ فى هتمكح نم ملعتن انلزامو . هتيرس فىو هديشانأو هلاثمأو هتاوبنو هميلاعت فىو .. ناناسنإ نع ماهنع عمسن ناتبيجع ناتقرافم ىروي« خيراتلا فى ءاضف دئار لوأ وه ماهلوأ ناحجان ءاضفلا لىا قلطنأ ىذلا )١9٦١ ليربأ ( »نيراجاج ينتعاس نم لقأ ءاضفلا فى ضىق نأ دعب داعو هللا ء اشيو « هللا ىري لم هنأ« ابيجع اقيلعت لوقيل هعصرم ءاضفلا ازغ ىذلا ناسنلاا اذه ىقلي نأ ءاضفلاا دئار وه رخلاا .. ةرئاط طوقس ثداح فى لىع نوطبهي ةثلاث لوأ دحأ ناك ىذلا »نيردلا«

1961), who went into space and returned after spending less than two hours in space to say a strange comment that “he did not see God” and God willing to this the man who invaded the space that he was killed in a plane crash. The other is the astronaut Aldrin, one of the first three to land on the moon (July 1969) and spent about 195 hours in outer space. He returned to Earth to become a missionary who travels everywhere telling People about the existence of God. His success story was a blessing for many.

There are also those who sacrificed even the world’s success in order to have a greater share with God. We hear of St. Arsanius the teacher of the children of kings who left the palace of the king and left all the glory in which he lived and went to the wilderness to spend his life in with God. Also, of the Saints Maximus and Domadius, the children of the emperor who left their father’s palace and left everything and went to the wilderness of Shehet, to become disciples of St. Macarius the Great. It is true that their worldly success glorifies the name of God, but their love for God was stronger than anything. They would not spend extra hour in the world for the sake of love of God in their hearts.

To be successful in your life is something blessed, but to make your success goal is to glorify the name of God, this is something very blessed. Beware of the success that only leads to self-glory. It is a failed success which will soon despair and may lead to destruction. A person like Hitler was seen in the eyes of many as successful and was considered by many in his time that he is a great hero. But in fact and in the eyes of God he was a failed man who only cares about his glory and the praise of the world only at the expense of others, even at the expense of the peace of the whole world. Look, beloved and check with yourself, lest your success is of this kind of miserable success, success for the world, success that tramples on the commandments of God, success that destroy others and even yourself, success that is leading to destruction. The success that leads to heaven is a success that glorifies the name of God, which causes others rest, peace and success. There are those who succeed at the expense of the failure of others. This is called success for failure and there is a success for the success of others who succeeds to glorify the name of God in His life and works.

+ but for

the food which endures to

everlasting life .. Make your goal to be heaven. Do not ever forget this goal in all your works and in all your toils. Remember that you are a citizen of heaven and you should not live for the earthly pleasures and desires. On your works do not ever forget the commandments of God. And when you succeed glorify the name of God in your success and then the perishing food will be destined to become a fuel to charge you to continue the path of eternal life.

ءاضفلا فى ضىقو )١9٦9 ٦ ويلوي ( رمقلا حطس ضرلاا لىا داعو .. ةعاس ١9٥ ٥ لىاوح ىجراخلا برخي ناكم لك فى لوجي شربم لىا لوحتيل ةكرب ببس هحاجن ناك .. هللا دوجو نع سانلا .. نييرثكل ىلماعلا حاجنلاب ىتح اوحض نم اضيأ كانهو هللا عم مظعأ بيصن مهل يرصي نأ لجأ نم دلاوأ ملعم سويناسرأ سيدقلا نع عمسنف .. دجلما لك كرتو كللما صرق كرت ىذلا كوللما ضىقي ةيبرلا لىا قلطنأ و هيف شيعي ناك ىذلا عمسنو .. هللا عم ةسدقم ةشرع فى هتايح سويدامودو سوميسكم ينسيدقلا نع اضيأ اكرتو ماهيبأ صرق اكرت ناذللا روطابرملاا دلاوأ نوذملتتي بدهبش ةيرب لىا اقلطنأو ءشى لك مهحاجن نأ حيحص .. يربكلا سويراكم سيدقلل ناك هللل مهبح نكلو هللا مسأ دجيم ىلماعلا اوضقي نأ اولمتحي ملف رخآ ءشي ىأ نم ىوقأ هللا بح نع مهلغشت لماعلا فى ةدحاو ةعاس .. مهبولق فى ىذلا كرابم ءشى اذهف كتايح فى احجان نوكت نأ وهو دحاو فده هل كحاجن لعجت نأ نكلو رذحأ .. ادج كرابم ءشى اذهف هللا مسأ ديجتم حاجن اذهف تاذلا دجم هفده ىذلا حاجنلا نم هبحاص كلهيو لشفي فوس ام ناعسر لشاف ينعأ فى ودبي ناك رلته لثم صخشف .. هعم هنأ هتقو فى نييرثكلا هبرتعأ و احجان نييرثكلا هللارظن فىو عقاولا فى هنكلو .. ميظع لطب وه همهي ام لك ناك دقف لاشاف اناسنإ ناك باسح لىع ولو طقف لماعلا دجمو هسفن دجم .. هلك لماعلا باسح لىع ولو نيرخلآا لائل كسفن عم ققدو بيبحلا اهيأ رظنأ حاجنلا لشافلا عونلا اذه نم كحاجن نوكي لىع سودي ىذلا حاجنلا لماعلا لجأ نم ىذلا نم نيرخلآا مطحي ىذلا حاجنلا هللا اياصو امأ .. كلاهلا لىا ىدؤي حاجن هنأ .. هسفن لجأ حاجنلا وهف ءماسلا لىا ىدؤي ىذلا حاجنلا ةلوح نم هب لاني ىذلا هللا مسأ دجيم ىذلا ملاسو ةحار نيرخلآل ببسي ىذلا ةمعنو ةكرب لشف باسح لىع حجني نم كانه .. احاجنو لشفلا لجأ نم حاجن همسأ اذه .. نيرخلآا .. نيرخلآا حاجن لجأ نم حجني نم كانهو هتايح فى هللا مسأ دجيم نأ لجأ نم حجني نم .. هحاجن فىو .. ةيدبلأا ةويحلل ىقابلا ماعطلل لب + فدهلا اذه سنت لا .. ءماسلا وه كفده لعجأ ركذت .. كبعت لك فىو كلماعأ لك فى ادبأ شيعت نأ كب قيلي لاو ىوماس نطاوم كنأ اياصو سىنت لا لمعت امدنعف .. تايضرلأا فى فى هللا مسأ دجتم حجنت امدنعو .. ادبأ هللا دوقو لىا دئابلا ماعطلا لوحتي ذئدنعو كحاجن .. ةيدبلأا ةايحلل قيرطلا فى رارمتسلأل

The Presentation of the Lord Christ in the Temple BACKGROUND

Meshir 8, also known as Candlemas, commemorates Christ›s entry with the Virgin Mary, forty days after His birth, into the temple at Jerusalem, one of the seven minor feasts of the Lord. In accordance with the law of Moses, a mother had to present her newborn child at the temple, give thanks, and offer the appropriate sacrifice. The mother would enter the temple to present her child at the end of the prescribed period of purification, which was forty days in the case of a male child and eighty in the case of a female child (Lev. 12:2-8), a tradition followed by the Coptic Orthodox Church to this day in regards to the mother taking of the holy communion.

St. Mary the Theotokos and the righteous elder St. Joseph «performed all things according to the law of the Lord» (Lk. 2:39). Candlemas is also the celebration for the meeting between the infant Jesus and Simeon the elder, who was «righteous and devout, looking for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him» (Lk. 2:25).

From the reading for Meshir 8 in the Coptic Synaxarion we learn that Simeon was one of the translators of the Septuagint. While translating the text of Isaiah 7:14, «Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call His name Immanuel», Simeon was skeptical, and felt inclined to use the word «maid» instead of «virgin.» In a vision the Lord promised him that he would not see death until he had seen the Lord Jesus Christ in person, born of the Virgin. In the course of celebrating this feast, the congregation used to carry candles to signify that Christ is the light of the world and that, in the words of Simeon, He is a «light for revelation to the Gentiles.»

The date for Jonah’s Fast is set to two weeks before the Holy Great Fast, and the Holy Great Fast is fifty-five days before the Holy Resurrection. Therefore, calculation for the date of the Holy Resurrection causes these two fasts to fluctuate in the Coptic calendar. Since the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord Christ in the Temple is fixed at forty days after Chirst’s birth, that fluctuation can cause this feast to fall after Jonah’s Fast in the Coptic calendar. The late Bishop Gregorios, the General Bishop of Theological Post Graduate Studies, Coptic Culture and Scientific Research. “Feasts, Minor.” Claremont Coptic Encyclopedia


“Lord, now You are letting Your servant depart in peace according to Your word. For my eyes have seen Your salvation which You have revealed to all peoples. A light to bring revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of Your people, Israel”

Luke 2:29-32

The church gives significance to this day as one of the important events in Christ’s life for many reasons:

• As with His circumcision, He likewise kept the custom of the law in this feast to show us that He did not come to destroy the law but to perfect it.

• Simeon was now able to depart in peace after finally seeing the Savior and the Virgin from whom He was born. His doubts were removed about the mystical virginal birth as he was led by the Holy Spirit and was able to see with his eyes the fulfillment of the prophecy in Isaiah 7:14. The church, therefore, is also celebrating the revelation of this prophecy.

Simeon, as with the other devout Jews, was awaiting the Messiah promised to them, Who would console the nation of Israel. Once he received the Messiah in his arms, he rejoiced not only for the glory that will be brought to Israel but also because He will be a Light that will bring revelation of the God of Israel to all Gentiles: “For my eyes have seen Your salvation which You have prepared before all peoples: a light to bring revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of Your people, Israel.” (Lk. 2:30-32). So, the church also celebrates this meeting as the revelation of His messianic identity as the One who came to save all people, Jews and Gentiles.

Spiritual exercise

Let us celebrate the revelation of Jesus Christ as the Messiah, born of the Virgin Mary, who came to save the world. Simeon’s song is read in the Compline Hour of the Book of Hours (Agpeya), in Vespers services, and during the Litany for the Holy Gospel. When we pray this passage, let us always come to the realization that the Lord Jesus Christ is still the salvation God has prepared for all people.


The Feast of the Presentation of Christ into the Temple is prayed in the Festive Tune. After the gospel, during the Divine Liturgy, the priest wraps the golden gospel in white and carries it, as Simon the Elder carried the Lord Christ. Candles are lit by the deacons and the priest censes incense while they circulate around the altar three times while chanting the hymn «Galilee of the nations» (Ti Galilea). Then the priest stands at the gate of the sanctuary and the attending clergy, deacons, and congregation come forward and kiss the wrapped gospel. As a Minor Feast of our Savior, if it falls on a Wednesday or Friday, the fast is observed but without prostrations or abstaining. If the feast falls on a Sunday, the readings of the feast are read instead of the readings of that Sunday.



• After forty days from His wonderful birth, He entered into the temple.


• Alleluia, Alleluia. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, entered into the temple. Alleluia, Alleluia.


• You were carried in the arms of Your servant Simeon. In your grasp are death and life. Simeon called “Let me depart according to Your Word in peace”; he was released from the bonds of life.

• Alleluia (4) Jesus Christ, the Son of God, entered into the temple.

• This is He to whom is due glory, with His good Father, and the Holy Spirit, both now and forever.


• Jesus Christ, the Son of God, entered into the temple.


• The Son of God blessed the waters and made them wine. Save us and have mercy on us…



Blessed Baptism

Albie Oliver Joey )Joseph) son of David & Michelle Nagle

Saturday 4th February 2023

St Mary’s Church

Marriage Preparation Course 10 Th , 11 TH and 12 TH March 2023

Marriage is a Sacrament and a Sacred Institution establ›shed by God and revered by the Orthodox Church. It is vital of all couples entering into this Holy Estate to give it the fu I and honest attention tha: it deserves.

Tie Marriage Preparation Course is designed to help couples panning for a marriage

O› who are newly marr ed to explore and deepen the r reationship. Important topics included in the course include the fo lowing with a variety of speakers: ‹Art of Communication›. ‘Conflict Resolution’, ‹Discovering yourself. The Engagement Period’, ‹Boundaries›. ‘Physical Samp; Sexual Health›. ‘Budgeting1, ‘After the Honeymoon›, ‹The Christian Fami y’ and ‹The Crowring Ceremony›.

Tie Diocese of Me bourne Marriage Preparation Course provides a great opportunity to enrich your relationship and prepare for the lifeloig commitment of marriage. The Course runs from Fr›day 10/03/2023(6:30 -9:00 PM), Saturday 11/03/2023 (10:00 AM-6:15 PM), and Sunday 12/03/2023 <1:00 PM - 8:00 PM).

All sessions are held at the Pope ShenoLda III Auditorium, Donvale (100 Dark Road Don vale). We strongly encourage every engaged couple, those about to become engaged and those in rheir first year of marriage to attend this course. Based on the evidence of the benefits of such courses, the Holy Synod of the Coptic Orthodox Church has deemed it a compulsory prerequisite before Marriage is granred in the Ciurch.

Tie cost is only $100 per couple, which includes course booklets, lunches tea/coffee, etc.

Please Regisrer at: https://tinyurl.ccm/March23Reg For further details please Contact Fr Daniel Ghabrial on 0403 336 725 or Fr Samuel Elias on 0412 884 A34.


Fourtieth Day Commemoration:

Late Mrs Raous Boctor, wife of the late Mr Wassif Sargious.

Church: St Macarious Coptic Orthodox Church

Date: Sunday 19th February 2023

Time:9 - 11am

Address: 615 Yan Yean Road Yarrambat

•Raous is the mother of Mervat (Mona) Salib wife of Joseph Salib and grandmother of George Salib, Gina Boutros (wife of Fr Shenouda Boutros) and Michael Salib (husband of Natalie Salib).

•Raous is the mother of Magdy Wassif Anis (Egypt) husband of Kamilia Azmy and grandmother of Mina & Marina.

•Raous is the mother of Susan Wassif (Egypt) wife of the late Nagy Abdallah and grandmother of Nermeen & Nader.

• Raous is the mother of Hoda Attia, wife of Adly Attia and grandmother of Peter Attia, Bishoy Attia (husband of Marina Attia) and Mary Attia (wife of Youssef)

•Raous is the mother of Oddette Shafik, wife of Nagy Shafik and grandmother of Ninette & Youssef (Egypt)

•Raous is mother of Seham Goubrial, wife of Nashaat Goubrial and grandmother of David Goubrial (husband of Monica) and Diana Goubrial

•Raous is the mother of Naglaa Anis, wife of the late Mofdy Makari and grandmother of Fr John Makari (husband of Marina) and Andrew Makari (husband of Marina) She was survived by 16 grand children and 27 great grandchildren. A loving mother, devote Christian and a servant to all.

“Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life.John 5:24

Program of HE metropolitan Anba Thomas

Visit to Melbourne (18th - 25th February)

Saturday 18th February

HE arrives in Melbourne at 11:20 pm - QR1302 from Doha.

Sunday 19th February

9 AM - Liturgy at St George Church – St Albans

6 PM – Youth Meeting at St Mark’s Church – Preston

Monday 20th February

8:30 AM – Liturgy at St Mary’s Coptic College – Coolaroo

12:00 PM – Private visits

7:00 PM – Clergy Conference

Tuesday 21st February – Clergy Conference

Wednesday 22nd February - Clergy Conference

Thursday 23rd February AM – Conclusion to Conference

7:00 PM – Congregation Meeting – St Mina & St Marina ChurchHallam

Friday 24th February

6:00 AM – Liturgy at St Athanasius Church - Donvale

12:00 PM – HE departure to Sydney on QF 440

سويجرس ىفصو /ديسلا موحرملا ةجوز نيمايني ثوعار /ةديسلا ةموحرملل نيعبرلأا ىركذ

Construction of New Buildings started Thursday 28th April

The new Building is expected to be ready within 9 months. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downloaded from church website. Cost of building works is around $13,000,000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreciated.

Donations to St Mary’s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link

Special Thanks

for all who keep working tirelessly for the success of this project. May the Lord reward them all and bless all their works

ليربأ 28 سيمخلا موي تادب تاءاشنلإا لامعأ بسح داتعملا بسح متت ةسينكلا تامدخ .روهش ٩ للاخ عورشملا نم ءاهتنلاا عقوتملا نم .ةرشنلا لخاد حضوملا لودجلا .ارلاود نويلم ١3 3 ىلاوح عورشملا ةفلكت غلبت اهعبط وأ ةسينكلاب ةدوجوملا يكنبلا بحسلا ةرامتسأ ءلمب ىرهش عربتب ةكراشملا كنكني ينورتكللإا ةسينكلا زكرم للاخ نم لمعلا اذه ىف مكتمهاسمو مكتاعربت كرابي برلا
طبارلا ىلع طغضأ ينابملا عورشمو ميرم ءارذعلا ةسينكل تاعربتلل https://www.stmc.org.au/donate
Building Site 2nd Februaryy 2023
(Copy & Paste on Web Browser)

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