Weekly Bulletin 12th May 2024

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Services at St Mary’s Church


Mass 9 - 11 am


Liturgy 5:30 - 7am

7:30pm The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages

Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am

6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults


Mass 9 - 11 am - English

English Midnight Praises 7:30pm

English Bible Study 7:30pm

Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am

Youth 25 and above 7-9pm

Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm

Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am

Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm

Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm


Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:307pm

Scouts 1:30 - 3pm

School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm


1st Mass 6:30 - 8:30 Arabic & English

2nd Mass.8:30 - 10:30 English - St

Mary’s Church

3rd Mass 8:30 - 10:30 Arabic - St

John’s Chrysostom Church

Hymns Class - English 11:4512:30pm

Church Priests:

Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251

Email: frtadros@me.com

Fr Habib Girgis Younan: 0401238177 – 94498871

Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail. com

Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821

Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au

Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kensington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651

Fr Kerillos Tawadros 0411 518 399

Fr John Makary 0433 445 636

:ءارذعلا ةسينكب ةمدخلا ديعاوم :نينثلأا احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا احابص 7 - 5:30 :يهللإا سادقلا :ءاثلاثلا )يزيلجنا( ىاو اذ - يزيلجنلإاب رابكلل عامتجأ ءاسم 7:30 احابص ١١ – ٩ يهللإا سادقلا :ءاعبرلأا :سيمخلا يزيلجنا - احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - ليللا فصن ةحبست ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - سدقملا باتكلا سرد احابص ١١ – ٩ يهللإا سادقلا :ةعمجلا رثكأف ةنس 25 بابشلا ءاسم ٩ – 7 - ةمدخلا دادعإ عامتجأ ءاسم 8:30 - 7 يزيلجنا احابص ١١ – 8,30 يهللإا سادقلا:تبسلا 5,30 – 4 دحلأا سرادم ءاسم 8:30 –7 بابشلا عامتجاو ةيشعلا يزيلجنا يبرع ءاسم 7 - 5:30 باتك سردو ةيشعلا :دحلأا يبرع ص 8:30 - ٦:30 لولأا سادقلا يزيلجناو يزيلجنإ – ص ١0:30 - 8:30يناثلا سادقلا ميرم ءارذعلا ةسيدقلا ةسينك يبرع ص ١0:30 – 8:30 ثلاثلا سادقلا بهذلا مف انحوي سيدقلا ةسينك ءاسم ١2:30 - ١١:45 يزيلجنا - ناحلأ لصف :ةسينكلاب ةنهكلا ءابلأا ميبوراش سردات صمقلا بلأا 0414251251 Email: frtadros@me.com :نانوي سجرج بيبح سقلا بلأا 94498871 - 0401238177 Email: habibgirgisyounan@ hotmail.com 0422431821 :بيلص لكيام سقلا بلأا Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Epsom Rd, 3031:ةسينكلا ناونع :نوفيلت 5 Kensington Vic 93766651 سورضوات سلريك سقلا بلأا 0411518399 يراكم نوج سقلا بلأا 0433445636

The Departure of St. Macarius of Alexandria.

14th May - 6th Bashans

On this day also of the year 395 A.D., the blessed father St. Macarius of Alexandria departed. He was a contemporary of St. Macarius the great (Senior(, the father of the monks, and for this reason, he was called St. Macarius, the Junior. He became a monk at one of the monasteries near by Alexandria. For his asceticism, he became the father and the spiritual guide for all the monk’s cells in the area that near by Alexandria, so he was also called the father of the cells. He practiced many worships and possessed many virtues in his ascetic life. Among these practices, he once stayed for five days with his thoughts in heaven, occupied with early Saints, prophets, angels, apostles and the Lord Christ, while he was standing on his sleeping mat. After two nights, the devils started to scratch his feet, twisting themselves as snakes around his feet. They also showed him fire in his cell, however with patience, the fire and the phantoms disappeared. On the fifth day, he could not control his thoughts with regards to the needs of life. This happened so that he would not become proud of what he had spiritually achieved. He said to himself: “I have remained in the ascetic life for 50 years, and they had not been like these five days.” After he had managed the schools of those were seeking to be baptized, he lived alone (Recluse( in the year 335 A.D. in el-Natroun desert, where he became the abbot of all the monasteries in this desert. It happened that he walked in the desert for several days in unpaved road, and was placing sticks of reed during the way to help him recognize the way to come back. When he wanted to return, he found the devil had removed all the sticks to mislead him. When he became thirsty, God sent him a wild cow, and he drank from its milk, until he returned to his cell.

One day a hyena came to him and pulled his garment. He followed her to her den, and it brought out her three young ones. He found that they were all malformed, and was amazed from the intelligence of the animal. He prayed and put his hands on them, and they were healed. The hyena disappeared for a while, and she came back with a sheep skin which he used to sleep on until his departure. At one time, the thoughts of pride disturbed him until he was weary of it. These thoughts invited him to come to Rome to heal the sick there, instead of them suffering the travel to him. He slept in his cell, and extended his feet outside the cell, and said to his thoughts: “You can travel now if you can.” When his thoughts went on disturbing him, he carried on his shoulder a basket full of sand, and walked in the desert until he became physically tired, the thoughts of pride left him, and he rested. Once, he went to the monastery of St. Pachomius in a layman’s garment, and stayed there during the forty days of Lent. No one saw him eating or sitting down. He was making baskets of palm leaves while he was standing. The monks said to St. Pachomius: “Cast out this man from

ىردنكسلاا سويراقم سيدقلا ةحاين سنشب ٦ - ويام ١4 م 3٩5 ةنس نم مويلا اذه لثم يف سويراقم سيدقلا يوابوطلا بلأا حينت ارصاعم ناك بلأا اذهو يردنكسلإا نابهرلا بأ ريبكلا سويراقم سيدقلل ريغصلا سويراكم مسا هيلع قلطأ اذلو نم ةبيرقلا ةريدلأا دحأ يف بهرتو كسنلا يف هديازتل ارظنو ةيردنكسلإا يللاقلا عيمجل ادشرمو ابأ راص بآ يعد اذلو ةيردنكسلإا نم ةبيرقلا ةريثك تادابعب ماق دقو . يللاقلا عيمج اكسن رشابو ةميظع لئاضفب يلحتو ةسمخ ةرم ثبل هنأ كلذ نمو ، ادئاز هسفن لغشو ءامسلا يف هلقعو مايأ نيسيدقلاب هتريصح يلع فقو نأ دعب تامغطو ءايبنلأاو ةكراطبلا نيقباسلا املو لسرلاو حيسملا ديسلاو ةكئلاملا شدخت نيطايشلا تراص ناتليل تلمك امهلوح فتلت نيباعثلاك لمعت مث هيلجر اونظو ةيلاقلا يف اران اورهظأ امك . هربصب – رملآا رخأو ، قرتحي هنأ مويلا يفو .تلاايخلاو رانلا تشلات - يف ركفلا طبضي نأ عطتسي مل سماخلا مظعتي لا يكل كلذ ناكو ملاعلا تامامتها ةنس نيسمخ كسنلا يف تيقب ينأ لاق مث . مايلأا ةسمخلا هذه لثم نكت ملو مث دامعلا يبلاط سرادم ةرادإب ماق يف ةيدلايم 335 ةنس يف فكتعا ناك يتلا يهو نورطنلا يداو ءارحص تاذ . يللاقلا مسا ذئتقو اهيلع قلطي قيرط يف مايأ ةدع ةيربلا يف راس ةرم قيرطلا يف سرغي ناكو ، ةدهمم ريغ املو ةدوعلا يف هيدهتل صوبلا نم اعطق اهعلق دق ناطيشلا دجو عوجرلا دارأ الله لسرأ شطع املف ، هلضيل اهلك ىتح اهنبل نم برشف ةيشحو ةرقب هل هتتأو ، هتيلاق ىلإ داع نأ ىلإ يوترا ىلإ اهعبتف هبوث رجت تأدبو هعبض ةرم ةثلاثلا اهدلاوأ هل تجرخأف اهتراغم نم بجعتف تاهاع تاوذ اهدجوف اهيلع هدي عضوو يلصو ناويحلا ةنطف تداعو هعبضلا تباغو ةحيحص تداعف اهشرتفي لظو هل اهتمدق ةورف اهمف يفو ءايربكلا راكفأ هتبعتأ دقو ، هتافو ىتح يضرملا يفشيل ةيمور ىلإ هوعدف ةرم هيلإ رفسلا بعت يساقي نأ لدب - كانه لاق مث مانو ةيلاقلا نم هيلجر جرخأف نيعيطتست تنك نا تنأ يبهذا : هراكفلأ هفتك يلع لمح هراكفأ هتبعتأ املو « ةيربلا ىلإ هب راسو لمرلا نم افطقم ءايربكلا ركف هكرتو هدسج بعت نأ ىلإ . حارتساو سويموخاب سيدقلا ريد ىلإ ةرم يضمو

here, for he is not human.” He asked them to be patient until God reveals his story to them. St. Pachomius inquired of God about him, and God told him that he was St. Macarius of Alexandria. They were all happy to hear that, they welcomed him and received his blessings. When he found that his virtues have been revealed, he returned to his monastery.

It happened that it did not rain for some time in Alexandria, and the Patriarch called him. When he arrived to Alexandria, the rain started to fall, and it continued to rain until they asked him to stop it. He prayed and God stopped it.

Emperor Valens exiled him with St. Macarius the great to one of the islands. They guided its people to the Christian faith, and then they returned to their monasteries. He considered that the virtue that was revealed and became known to everyone, was rendered useless. When he heard that someone had a virtue that he did not have, he practiced this virtue until he mastered it more than him. He completed his life in a good spiritual conduct until he reached a good old age, and departed in peace. May his prayers be with us. Amen.

The Departure of St. Athanasius the Apostolic the 20th. Pope of Alexandria.

15th May

7th Bashans

On this day of the year 89 A.M. (373 A.D.( the great Pope Anba Athanasius the apostolic, the 20th. Pope of Alexandria, departed. He was born to pagan parents about the year 295 - 298 A.D. It happened that when he was in school, he saw some Christian children acting the Christian rituals some as priests, some as deacons and one of them as a bishop. He asked their permission to participate with them, but they refused saying: “You are pagan, and you are not allowed to mix with us.” He answered them: “I am from now on a Christian.” They rejoiced with him, they made him a patriarch over them in the play, they enthroned him on a high place, and they offered him honour and respect. At that time pope Alexandros passed by, when he saw them, he said to those who were with him about Athanasius: “This child would be in a great position one day.”

When Athanasius’ father died, his mother brought him to Pope Alexandros, who taught them the principles of the Christian faith and baptized them. They gave their money to the poor, and stayed with the Pope, who taught Athanasius the church subjects, and ordained him deacon and made him a personal secretary. The gifts of the Holy spirit increased in him. He was chosen Patriarch on the 8th. of Bashans of the year 44 A.M. (May 5th., 328 A.D.( after the departure of Pope Alexanderos. Pope Alexanderos had recommended Athanasius, his deacon, for the Papacy, who lived with St. Antonios the father of the monks and followed his example in asceticism. He manifested his brilliancy in exposing “Arius” in the universal council, when Arius said about Christ that he

ةدم كانه ماقأو يناملع يز يف يف دحأ هرظني مل ةسدقملا نيعبرلأا لك يف ناك لب اسلاج وأ لاكآ اهئانثأ فقاو وهو صوخلا رفضي ةدملا هذه جرخأ سويموخاب سيدقلل ةوخلاا لاقف لاقف دسج هل سيل هنلأ لجرلا اذه انع هرمأ الله انل فشكي ىتح لايلق اونأت مهل سويراقم هنأ هفرع هنع برلا لأس املف اميظع احرف هب اوحرفف يردنكسلإا دق هتليضف نأ يأر املو هنم اوكرابتو . هريد ىلإ داع ترهتشا رطملا لوزن عنتما امل هنأ ثدحو كريرطبلا ابابلا هاعدتسا ةيردنكسلإاب لزت ملو راطملأا تلطه هلوصو نيحف ىلإ يلصف اهفاقيإ هنم اوبلط ىتح لطهت . تعنتماف برلا ىلإ يسويرلأا زنلاف كلملا هافن دقو سويراقم سيدقلا عم رزجلا ىدحإ ناميلإا ىلإ اهلهأ ةيادهب اماقف ريبكلا ناكو امهيرقم ىلإ اداعو يحيسملا عاذتو فرعت يتلا ةليضفلا نأ ربتعي ناسنإ نع عمس اذإو ىودجلا ةميدع لا وه اهسرامي مل ةليضف سرامي هنأ لمكأ دقو هنم رثكأ اهنقتي ىتح هلاب أدهي ىلإ لصو ىتح ةيحور ةريس يف هتايح هتلاص ملاسب حينتو ةحلاص ةخوخيش نيمآ . انعم نوكت 20لا ىلوسرلا سويسانثأ ابابلا ةحاين سنشب 7 – ويام ١5 ش 8٩ ةنس نم مويلا اذه لثم يف ابنلأا ميظعلا ابابلا حينت ( 373 ( نم نيرشعلا يلوسرلا سويسانثأ اذه دلو دقو ةيسقرملا ةزاركلا تاواباب 2٩5 يتنس وحن نيينثو نيوبأ نم بلأا نأ بتكملا يف وهو ثدحو . م 2٩8 و نوموقي نييحيسملا دلاوأ ضعب يأر اولعجف ةيحيسملا سوقطلا ليثمتب ةسمامش ضعبلاو اسوسق مهنم ضعبلا مهعم كرتشي نأ بلطف افقسأ مهدحأو كل زوجي لاو ينثو نأ : نيلئاق هوعنمف نلآا نم انأ : مهل لاقف انب طلاتخلاا مهيلع هولعجو هب اوحرفف ينارصن لاع ناكم يف هوسلجأو اكريرطب قفتاو عوضخلا هل نومدقي اوراصو ةعاسلا كلت يف سوردنسكلا ابابلا روبع نيذلل لاق لاحلا هذه يلع مهآر املف اذه يقتري نأ دبلا سويسانثأ نع هعم . ام اموي ةيماس ةجرد ىلإ يبصلا تتأ سويسانثأ سيدقلا دلاو تام املو امهملعف سوردنسكلا ابابلا ىلإ همأ هب اقرفو امهدمعو يحيسملا نيدلا لوصأ دنع اثكمو نيكاسملا يلع امهلام لك مولع سويسانثأ ملعف كريرطبلا ابابلا اريتركس هلعجو اسامش همسرو ةسينكلا

was “similar” in essence with the Father, St. Athanasius said: “One in essence with the Father.” In this fashion he manifested his excellence.

St. Athanasius hid himself in the mountains, after the departure of Pope Alexanderos for he believed of his unworthiness to this serious and important position. The people sought him until they found him, and brought him to the bishops, and was ordained Pope in 328 A.D.

The historian Socrates testified about him saying: “Athanasius fluency in speech and his outspokenness in the council of Nicea brought over him all the hardships that he encountered in his life.”

After he became a Pope, he ordained for Ethiopia its first Metropolitan whose name was Anba “Salama”. The church of Ethiopia have followed the church of Alexandria since that time. The spiritual and religious state in Ethiopia had established and settled since that time. St. Athanasius was exiled away from his Chair five times: Although Athanasius reached the age of 72, he did not compromise in performing his duties. For his steadfastness and his firm stand for justice, the world described him by the saying: “Athanasius against the world.” He wrote several books about the Arians, on the Incarnation, and other subjects. Abba Cosma (The 44th. Patriarch( praised these publications by saying: “I ask anyone who would find the books of Athanasius to write them on paper, and for those who could not find paper, to write them on their clothes.”

Athanasius was the first Pope to wear the monastic tunic from the hand of St. Antonios. He made it the uniform for bishops and patriarchs. He was the one who ordaine St. Antonios a priest, and then Archpriest. He departed in peace after he had been on the Apostolic Throne fr forty-five years. May his prayers be with us, and glory be to God forever. Amen.

The Departure of the Three Hebrew Young Men Hananiah, Azariah and Mishael.

18th May - 10th Bashans

On this day is the commemoration of the departure of the three young men the Saints: Hananiah (Ananias(, Azariah (Azarias( and Mishael (Misael(. These Saints were the sons of Jehoiakim king of Judah. They were exiled by Nebuchadnezzar to Babylon. When Nebuchadnezzar chose some of the exiled young men to be in his service. These young men and Daniel, their cousin, among those who were chosen. Ashpenaz the master of the eunuchs gave them other names: he gave Daniel the name Belteshazzar, to Hananiah : Shadrach; to Mishael : Meshach; and to Azariah : Abed-Nego. These young men purposed in their heart that they would not defile themselves with the portion of the king’s delicacies, nor with the wine which he drank; therefore they requested of the chief of the eunuchs that they might not defile themselves. The chief of the eunuchs said to them, “I fear my lord the king, who has appointed your food and drink. For why should he see

بهاوم هيلع تفعاضتف هل اصاخ سنشب 8 يف ةيكريرطبلل ريتخاو حورلا ةحاين دعب م 328 ويام 5 ش 44 ةنس سوردنسكلا ابابلا يصوأ دق سوردنسكلا ابابلا ناكو درفنا يذلا هسامش سويسانثأ باختناب نابهرلا بأ سوينوطنأ سيدقلا عم يف هغوبن رهظ يذلاو كسنلا هنم ذخاو ينوكسملا عمجملا يف سويرأ حضف ( حيسملا ديسلا نع سويرأ لاق امدنع سويسانثأ لاقف ( رهوجلا يف هباشملا رهظ اذهبو ( رهوجلا يف يواسملا ( .هغوبن يفتخا ابابلا ةافو دعب سويسانثأ نكلو هتيلهأ مدعب هداقتعلا - لابجلا يف بعشلا يعسف - ريطخلا زكرملا اذهل ىلإ هرضحأو هيلع رثع نأ ىلإ هءارو . م 327 ةنس اباب هومسرف ةفقاسلأا ف2 ك يف ( خرؤملا طارقس دهش دقو سويسانثأ ةحاصف نا « لائاق ( 387 لك هيلع ترج يواقينلا عمجملا يف . « هتايح يف اهفداص يتلا ايلابلا لوأ ايبويثلأ مسر اباب راص نأ دعبو ترقتساف ةملاس ابنلأا وه اهل نارطم تعبت نأ دعب اهيف ةينيدلا روملأا . ةيسقرملا ةزاركلا تارم سمخ هيسرك نع ابابلا يفن دقو نم غلب دق ناك سويسانثأ نأ عمو يف رصقي مل هنأ لاإ ةنس 72 رمعلا يتأ قحلا يف ابابلا تابثلو هتابجاو دض سويسانثأ « يجنرفلإا لثملا ةدع بتك سويسانثأ ابابللو . « ملاعلا اهريغو دسجتلا يفو نييسويرلأا نع تافلؤملا هذه نامزق ابنلأا ظرق دقو ، هبتكيلف اهنم ائيش دجي نم : هلوق يف هنوديلف دجي مل نمو ساطرق يلع لااح سبل نم لوأ وه ابابلا اذهو ، هبايث يلع سوينوطنأ سيدقلا دي نم ةنبهرلا يز ةفقاسلأاو ةكراطبلا لكل ايز هلعجو اسق سوينوطنأ سيدقلا مسر يذلا وهو يلع يضق نأ دعب ملاسب حينتو اصمقف ةنس نيعبرأو اسمخ يسقرملا يسركلا امئاد دجملا انبرلو انعم نوكت هتلاص . نيمآ . اينانح نيسيدقلا ةيتف ةثلاثلا ةحاين ليئاصيمو ايرزعو سنشب ١0 - ويام ١8 ةثلاثلا ةحاين راكذت مويلا اذه لثم يف ايرازعو اينانح : نيسيدقلا ةيتف دلاوأ مه نوسيدقلا ءلاؤهو ليئاصيمو مهابس دق ناكو اذوهي كلم ميقايوهي اذه راتخأ املو لباب ىلإ رصنذخوبن هتمدخل نيبسملا نايتفلا ضعب كلملا نم مهتخأ نبا لاينادو ءلاؤه ناك

your faces looking worse than the young men who are your age? Then you would endanger my head before the king.” They said to the steward whom the chief of the eunuchs had set over them: “Please test your servants for ten days, and let them give us vegetables to eat and water to drink. Then let our countenances be examined before you, and the countenances of the young men who eat the portion of the king’s delicacies; and as you see fit, so deal with your servants.” So he consented with them in this matter, and tested them ten days. And at the end of ten days their countenance appeared better and fatter in flesh than all the young men who ate the portion of the king’s delicacies. As for these four young men, God gave them knowledge and skill in all literature and wisdom; and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams. Now at the end of the days, when the king had said that they should be brought in, the chief of the eunuchs brought them in before Nebuchadnezzar. When the king interviewed them, and among them all none was found like Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah; therefore they served before the king. And in all matters of wisdom and understanding about which the king examined them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and astrologers who were in all his realm, and he appointed them governors on all the provinces of Babylon. (Daniel 1:8-20( When the king made an image of gold, and the three Hebrew young men did not worship it, those envious of them, accused them before the king that they did not worship the image. The king brought them and asked them about that and they confessed that they only worship the true God. He commanded them to be casted in a burning fiery furnace. The Lord sent His angel, who protected them and made the fire as a cool dew although it burnt the men that threw them in the fiery furnace. When the king saw that, he believed in their God and promoted them in the province of Babylon. On the tenth day of å three beds made of ebony be made, and their bodies be wrapped in silk, and then placed on the beds. He also ordered a bed made of gold for himself, so that when he died, they would place him on it among them. Pope Theophilos, the 23rd. Patriarch, built a church after their names and wanted to relocate their bodies to it. He delegated St. John the short and sent him to Babylon. When he arrived to the place where they were buried, he heard a voice saying: “The Lord has ordained that our bodies remain in this place, but because of your labor of love, when you return, say to the Patriarch to fill the oil lamps with oil on the night of the consecration of the church, and the power of God will be revealed.” When he returned, and told the Pope, he did as he was commanded, and the oil lamps (Kandeels( lighted up. They glorified God, and completed the consecration after the names of these Saints. May their prayers be with us and glory be to God forever. Amen.

زنفشا مهامسف . مهراتخا نيذلا نمض يمسف . يرخأ اءامسأ نايصخلا سيئر خردش اينانحو ، رصاشطلب لايناد وغاندبع ايرازعو ، خشيم ليئاصيمو لا نأ مهنيب اميف اوررقف ءلاؤه امأ . ليئارسا ينب حئابذ ريغ نم اولكأي مهيفعي نأ نايصخلا سيئر نم اوبلطو لاقف . لاوقب مهيطعيو موحللا ماعط نم مكهوجو رظنم ريغتي نأ ىشخأ مهل . انبرج « هوباجأف كلملا ينكلهيف ديرت ام لعفاف انهوجو حلصنت مل اذإو تناكف لوقبلا نولكأي اوراص مث « ةمعنب لاامجو انسح لألأتت مههوجو كلملا ينيع يف ةمعن اودجوو . الله لباب لامعأ لك يلع اماكح مهلعجف اودجسي ملو بهذلا ةروصلا ماقأ املو مهنودسحي اوناك نيذلا مهب يعس اهل نع مهلأسو رصنذخوبن مهرضحتساف مهاقلأف يقيقحلا هللإاب اوفرتعاف كلذ لوحو هكلام برلا لسرأف نوتلأا يف قرحأ هنأ عم دراب يدن ىلإ بيهللا يأر املو نوتلأا يف مهومر نيذلا . ةعفر مهدازو مههلإب نمآ كلذ كلملا رشاعلا مويلا ناك املو مهتلزنم يلعأو يف نولصي نيمئاق اوناكو سنشب نم مهسوفن اوملسأ مهدوجس دنعو مهلزنم ةميظع ةلزلز تقولل تثدحف برلا ديب نم يصقتو كلملا بعتراف ةنيدملا يف ةثلاثلا نأ هملعأف ببسلا نع لايناد نزحو ناكملا ىلإ يتأف اوحينت دق ةيتف ةرسأ ةثلاث مهل لمعت نأ رمأو مهيلع ريرح نم للحب اونفكي نا, جاع نم هل لمعي نأ رمأ مث اهيلع مهوعضيو عضوي تام اذإ ىتح بهذ نم ريرس . ناك اذكهو . مهداسجأ نيب هيلع كريرطبلا سليفؤاث ابابلا سلج املو يسركلا يلع نورشعلاو ثلاثلا لقن دارأو ةسينك مهل ينب يسقرملا كلذل دفوأو . اهيلإ نيسيدقلا داسجأ لباب ىلإ بهذف ريصقلا انحوي سيدقلا عمس داسجلأا ثيح ىلإ لصو املو دق برلا نا « : لوقي مهنم اتوص عضوملا اذه انداسجأ قرافت لاأ مسر كعوجر دنعف كبعت عيضي لا يتحو . ةليل ليدانقلا رمعي نأ كريرطبلل لق اهيف الله ةوق رهظتسو تيزلاب سيركتلا كلذب كريرطبلا ابابلا ملعأ داع املو . ليدانقلا تلعتشاف هورمأ امك لمعف يتلا ةسينكلا سيركت اومتأو الله اودجمف , انعم نوكت مهتلاص نيسيدقلا ءلاؤهل نيمآ . امئاد دجملا انبرلو

The First Sunday of the Holy Pentecost

Today, Sunday, May 12th May 2024 - 4th Bashans, 1740 AM, is the first Sunday of the holy Pentecost.

Readings for First Sunday of the Holy Pentecost: Pauline: Eph 4: 20-32

Catholicon:1John 2:7-17


Gospel:John 20:19-31 Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed (29( And today is St Thomas Sunday which is considered one of the minor feasts of the Lord. The Lord revealed the truth of His resurrection in a tangible and clear way to his disciples, in order to strengthen them during their preaching in the whole world. The Gospel of the Liturgy (John 20: 19-31( tells us about the Lord entering to His disciples while they were gathered together, and the doors were shut on the first day of the Resurrection, and Thomas was not with the Apostles. A second time the Lord appeared to them on the eighth day of the Resurrection where Thomas was with them. Thomas had announced before his desire to touch the Lord to believe the truth of the resurrection and in action. The Lord granted him to place his hands on the nails marks and in His open side so that he would be a believer and a witness to the resurrection of the Lord from the dead.

Today’s Gospel bears witness to the power and effectiveness of the resurrection when it tells us about the entrance of the Lord and the doors were shut, and there is no doubt that the Lord came out of the tomb like this also, as the Lord did not need someone to open the tomb. The two angels rolled the stone so that the disciples would see the reality of the empty tomb from which the Lord came out even without moving the shrouds. Many shut doors today need grace and the power of the Resurrection so that hope, light and life can return to them. Today’s world is full of shut doors and souls imprisoned behind walls of misery, pain, fear and doubt. We are deceived today by people’s outlook and their external adornment. We are deceived by the cover of showing off beauty, the fake body. These all reflect a shut door hiding behind it a tired, unhappy soul, dissatisfied, angry, and suffering person.

ةسدقملا نيسامخلا نم لولأا دحلاا سنشب 4 –2024 ويام ١2 دحلأا مويلا نم لولأا دحلأا وه ءادهشلل ١740 ..ةسدقملا نيسامخلا :يه مويلا سادقلا ليجنأ تاءارقو اوسبلأو 32 - 20 :4 سسفأ :سلوبلا يف الله ريظن قولخملا ديدجلا ناسنلأا .قحلا ةسادقو ربلا ١7 - 7 :2 ىلولاا انحوي :نوكيلوثاكلا يقيقحلا رونلاو تضم دق ةملظلا نأ وهو رونلا يف هنأ لاق نمف ئضي نلآا نلآا ىلا ةملظلا يف وهف هاخأ ضغبي - 2٦ :١7 لسرلا لامعا :سيسكربلاا نيدي نأ عمزم هيف اموي ماقأ دق هنلأ 3١ ناسنلأا دي ىلع لدعلاب اهلك ةنوكسملا ذإ دحأ لكل ناميلأا ىطعأو هنيع يذلا تاوملأا نم هماقأ – ١ ٩ :2 0 انحوي :سدقملا ليجنلاا يدي رظنأو انه ىلا كعبصأ تاه 3١ لاو يبنج يف اهعضو كعبصأ تاهو انمؤم لب انمؤم ريغ نكت ربتعيو اموت دحأ وه اضيأ مويلاو نلعأ ذأ ةريغصلا ةيديسلا دايعلأا نم ةسوملم ةقيرطب هتمايق ةقيقح برلا للاخ مهل ةوق نوكتل هذيملاتل ةحضاو ..هلك ملاعلا يف مهريشبتو مهتزارك (3١-١٩ :20انحوي( سادقلا ليجنإو هذيملات ىلا برلا لوخد نع انثدحي ةقلغم باوبلااو اعم نوعمتجم مهو اموت نكي ملو ةمايقلل لولأا مويلا يف نماثلا مويلا يف ةيناث ةرم مث مهعم نلعأ دف ناكو مهعم امرت ناكو ةمايقلل هسفنب برلا سملي نأ هتبغر نع هاطعأ لاعفو ةمايقلا ةقيقح ض دكأتيل ريماسملا رثأ ىف هيدي عضي نأ برلا انمؤم نوكي ىتح حوتفملا هبنج ىفو ..تاوملاا نم برلا ةمايقب ادهاشو ةمايقلا ةوق نع دهشي مويلا ليجنإو لوخد نع انربخي امدنع اهتيلاعفو جرخ كشلابو ةقلغم باوبلأاو برلا ملف قلغم رهو اضيأ ربقلا نم برلا هل حتفي نم ىلا اجاتحم برلا نكي يكل رجحلا ناكلاملا جرحد دقو ربقلا يذلا غرافلا ربقلا ةقيقح ذيملاتلا ىري كيرحت نودب ىتح برلا هنم جرخ مويلا ةقلغملا باوبلاا رثكأ ام ..نافكلاا ةمايقلا ةوقو ةمعن ىلا جاتحت يتلا ..ةايحلاو رونلاو لملاا اهل دوعي يكل سوفنو ةقلغم باوبأب ئلم مويلا ملاع ةساعتلا نم طئاوح ءارو ةنوجسم

This was how Saul appeared to be a mighty king, but he was going crazy in his house and was caught by an unclean spirit, until he nearly killed his beloved son in his outburst of anger and unhappiness. Thus Nebuchadnezzar the king used to show that he was a great and mighty king, but he was carrying a heart empty of love and faith until the Lord struck him because of his pride and he looked like an animal eating grass for seven years. Ananias and Sapphira used to appear as if they were believers participating in Christian thought and a holy life, but from the inside their faith was shaken, the love of money and fear of the future filled them, and this cover soon collapsed and their lies and their hypocrisy were revealed, and because of this they perished. Behind the phenomena of modern civilization, progress and technology that have reached strange fields and behind these huge walls live exhausted and painful human souls.

The streets of big cities are full of loitering, unemployment, sex, drugs and crime. Young people who are supposed to carry the torch of progress and civilization live in a state of loss and suspicion of the future. Behind the walls of these beautiful mansions you may see houses full of all means of luxury and comfort, but as soon as you enter behind these walls you hear sounds of grumbling, constant disagreements, anxiety and fear. A husband and wife are in a state of quarrel and challenge each other, children drowning in a world of their own that consists of television, loud music, and friends who have nothing to speak except of violence, sex and amusement; a completely contradictory picture of the well-groomed, organized, upscale exterior. But the time must come when explosions occur and the truth of life is exposed behind shut doors and its rotten odours emerge from psychological breakdowns, divorce, division, and mental, psychological and physical devastation. Man builds for himself many walls and closes all doors thinking that he will live in safety, but in reality he is hiding his troubles, fear, and feelings of insecurity. This is

رظنم انعدخي مك ..كشلاو فوخلاو مللااو مك ..ةيجراخلا مهتنيزو يجراخلا سانلا فيزملا يدسجلا لامجلا ءايرلا ءاطغب عدخن باب نع ربعي امنأ اذه لك نأ ةقيقحلاو ةسيعت ةبعتم سوفن هفلخ نم ئبخي قلفم ناك اذكه ..ةملأتم ةبضاغ ةيضار ريغ ناك هنكلو ىوق رابج كلم هنأ لواش ودبي داك ىتح سجن حور هتغابيو هتيب يف نجي ..هتساعتو هبضغ ةروث يف هبيبح هنبأ لتقي كلم هنأ كلملا رصنذخوبن رهظي ناك اذكه نم اغراف ابلق لمحي ناك نكلو رابج ميظع ببسب برلا هبرض ىتح ناميلااو بحلا اناويح درجم هتقيقح ىلع هرهظأو هئايربك ناك اذكه ..تاونس ةعبس ةدمل بشعلا لكأي نينمؤم امهنأك نارهظي ةريفسو اينانح ةسدقم ةايحو يحيسم ركف يف نوكراشي ازوزهم مهناميأ ناك لخادلا نم نكلو مهلأمي لبقتسملا نم فوخلاو لاملا ةبحمو فشكنأو ءاطغلا اذه راهنأ ام ناعرسو ءارو ..اوكله هببسبو مه مهئايرو مهبذك ايجولونكتلاو مدقتلاو ةثيدحلا ةيندملا رهاوظ نمكت ةبيجع تلااجم ىلا تلصو يتلا ةيرشب سوفن ةمخضلا طئاوحلا هذه ءارو ةئيلم ةريبكلا ندملا عراوش ..ةملأتمو ةبعتم تاردخملاو سنجلاو ةلاطبلاو عكستلاب فوس هنأ ضورفملا بابشلا ..ةميرجلاو ىف شيعي ةيندملاو مدقتلا اذه لعشم لمحي فلخ ..لبقتسملا نم ككشتو عايض ةلاح اتويب ىرت امبر ةليمجلا تلايفلا هذه راوسأ نكلو ةحارلاو ةيهافرلا لئاسو لكب ةئيلم عمست ىتح طئاوحلا هذه فلخ لخدت نأ ام قلقلاو ةرمتسملا تافلاخلاو رمذتلا تاوصأ كارع ةلاح ىف هتجوزو جوز ..فوخلاو نوقراغ دلاوأو ..اضعب امهضعبل ىدحتو نويزفيلتلا نم نوكتت مهب ةصاخ ايند يف ثيدح لا ءاقدصأو ةبخاصلا ىقيسوملاو ةروص ..وهللاو سنجلاو فنعلا ىوس مهل مدنهملا يجراخلا رظنملل امامت ةضقانتم يذلا تقولا يتأي نأ دبلاو ..يقارلا مظنملا ةايحلا ةقيقح فشكنتو تاراجفنلاا هيف ثدحت اهحئاور جرختو ةقلغملا باوبلاا فلخ ماسقناو قلاط ةيسفن تارايهنا نم ةنفعلا ناسنلاا نأ ..يدسجو يسفنو يلقع بارخو هسفن ىلع قلغيو ةريثك طئاوح هسفنل ىنبي نامأ ىف شيعي فوس هنأ اناظ باوبلاا هفوخو هبعاتم ئبخي هنأ عقاولا يف نكلو هارت ام امامت اذه ..ناملاا مدعب هروعشو وكسيدلا تلافح ىلع بابشلا بلاكت يف مويلا عون اهلك اهنأ ..ةعلاخلا نكامأو صقرلاو نم صلختلا يف ةبغرلاو ناملاا مدع نم

exactly what you see today in young people clashing over disco parties, dancing and pornographic places. It is all a kind of insecurity and the desire to get rid of this feeling through indulging in amusement and inflamed bodily feelings, but it won’t cure anything.

This is what we see today on youth following the lewd fashions of semi-naked clothes and inappropriate activities under the pretext of gaining self-confidence. And the interest of others is a clear expression of the state of feelings of instability and inner insecurity. Perhaps others resort to focusing on food and fascination with it and in its forms and colours wasting their time, health and life. Another type of escape and occupy the emptiness of the heart is by surrounding themselves with walls of the desires of the body. How long will you live behind shut doors? How long will this life’s wilderness, its pleasures, and its fake beauty close you? You absolutely need the risen Christ who enters inside shut doors, to give you complete peace, and put fear outside. Why you do not be frank with yourself and face this reality like the prodigal son who said “How many of my father’s hired servants have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger!” Don’t live frighten, but come and tough the Lord Jesus, He alone is able to cure this kind of trouble. The world has completely failed to cure it. Rather, all the theories and methods of psychological treatment are completely impotent in the face of the terrible race of mental illnesses that is sweeping the world today, and this failure will certainly increase day by day; because the only solution is to return to the bosom of the loving Lord. Do you know, beloved, that one quiet session in which you pour yourself before God and with your confession father is much more successful than all universal means that are no more than temporary painkillers that do nothing? Raised hearts and poured souls before God enters into the depths of God’s love and touches Him. Moreover, it dwells in His open side and finds a wonderful peace that the world can never give. All the books of the world written do not hold and do not fulfil to describe the wonderful love of Christ and the wonderful comfort that He gives to his lovers.

يف سامغنلاا للاخ نم روعشلا اذه ةبهتلملا ةيدسجلا رعاشملاو وهللا ام اذه ..ائيش جلاعت نأ تاهيه نكلو نايتفلاو تايتفلا قايسنا نم مويلا هارن سبلام نم ةعيلخلا تاضوملا ءارو ةجحب ةقئلا ريغ ةطشنأو ةيراع هبش نيرخلاا مامتهاو سفنلا ةقث باستكا مدعب روعشلا ةلاح نع حضاو ريبعت ..يلخادلا نانئمطلاا مدعو رارقتسلاا بابكنلاا ىلا رخلآا ضعبلا أجلي امبر هلاكشأ ىفو هيف نتفتلاو ماعطلا ىلع ..هرمعو هتحصو هتقو اعيضم هناولاو لغشو بورهلا عاونأ نم رخآ عون هتطاحا قيرط نع بلقلا غارف ىتم ىلا ..دسجلا تابغر نم طئاوحب ىتم ىلا ةقلغملا باوبلاا فلخ شيعت اهتاذلمو ةايحلا هذه رفق كيلع قلغتسي امامت جاتحت تنأ ..فيزملا اهلامجو يذلا تاوملاا نم مئاقلا حيسملا ىلا ةقلغملا باوبلاا لخاد ىلا لخدي حرطيو لماكلا كملاس كحنميو نوكت لا اذامل ..جراخ ىلا فوخلا عقاولا اذه هجاوتو كسفن عم احيرص نم مك لاق يذلا رطاشلا نبلاا لثم انه انأو ازبخ عبشي ىبأ دنع ريجأ وأ فوخ يف شعت لا ..اعوج كلهأ ..عوسي برلا عم سملات لاعت كش نم عونلا اذه جلاعي نأ رداق هدحو هنأ ىف امامت ملاعلا لشف دقل ..بعاتملا جلاعلا تايرظن لك نأ لب اهجلاع مامأ امامت زجعت هبيلاسأو يسفنلا يذلا بيهرلا ةيسفنلا ضارملاا قابس اذه دادزي فوسو مويلا ملاعلا حاتجي نلأ ..موي ءارو اموي ديكأتلاب لشفلا ناضحأ ىلا ةدوعلا وه ديحولا لحلا بيبحلا اهيأ ملعت له ..بحملا برلا اهيف بكست ةئداه ةدحاو ةسلج نأ ىهل كفارتعا بأ عمو الله مامأ كسفن ةيملاعلا لئاسولا لك نم امامت حجنأ ةتقؤم تانكسم اهنوك نع ديزت لا يتلا ةعوفرملا بولقلا نأ ..ائيش ىدجت لا ىلا لخدت الله مامأ ةبوكسملا سوفنلاو لب هعم سملاتتو كلا بح قامعأ املاس دجتو حوتفملا هبنج يف نكست ىطعي نأ ادبأ ملاعلا عيطتسي لا ابيجع لا اهلك ةبوتكملا ملاعلا بتك نأ ..هلثم حيسملا بح فصت يكل يفت لاو عست اهحنمي يتلا ةبيجعلا ةحارلاو بيجعلا ..هيبحمل

Papal Message of Resurrection Feast 2024

HH Pope Tawadros II

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, One God, Amen. May His grace and mercy be upon us from now and forever, Amen. Christos Anesti, Alithos Anisti. Christ is risen, truly He is risen.

I congratulate you, beloved ones, on the glorious feast of Resurrection. I congratulate all the Coptic Orthodox churches and monasteries on the continents of the world, in Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, South America, and on the continent of Australia and in the city of our great God, Jerusalem. I congratulate you on this feast we celebrate after fasting, this Great Lent, the Holy Fast. This fast, which contains ascetic practices and spiritual life, fills and satisfies us.

When we come to the Resurrection and the dawn of the Resurrection, we envision many scenes. One of these is the scene of the Marys trying to offer spices. But they were concerned with this question: Who will roll away the stone for us (Mark 16:3(? This dilemma is not only attributed to the Marys but also confronts us in our daily lives as well. We face many circumstances and situations in our lives, and sometimes, the stone remains apparent. This stone could be a sin. It could be laziness, excessive preoccupation with work, or even your own self, or priorities and their arrangement. Who will roll away the stone for us? The stone here represents an obstacle for the person. Who will move it? Of course, it is clear to us that the Marys were women. When they stood in front of a large stone that was blocking the door of the tomb, it was not easy for them to move it. It was causing a problem.

In our daily lives, we face many problems, and the question comes: Who will roll away the stone? Who solves the problem? Who will remove this obstacle? Who opens the dead end? I remind you of the rich young man (Luke 18:18-23(. The rich young man who lived and went and asked Christ an outstanding question and said, what must I do to inherit eternal life? Great question. A young man was searching for his eternity. After Christ explained to him to keep the commandments, he said to him, “All these things I have kept from my youth.” He said to him, “You lack one thing.” One step ahead. What is one step? Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor so that you may have treasure in heaven, and come, follow me, carrying the cross. The book tells us that this young man departed sad (Luke 18:23(. A stone was in front of him, and he could not overcome it. His wealth was a stone. I remind you of the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector (Luke 18:9-14(. When they entered to pray, this Pharisee’s self-righteousness stood before him, and the feeling that he was the best. As for the man who was the tax collector, he left justified because he said one phrase. Oh God, have mercy on me, a sinner (Luke 18:13(. Who will roll away the stone for us?

The second point is the Marys; although the question preoccupied them and they faced difficulties, the truth was that they had diligence and determination. What did they do? They prepared the spices and themselves and left at dawn to go out (Mark 16:1( to place these spices on the body of Christ, who had died on the wood of the cross. Their concern was who would roll away the stone. This question did not deter them; it ignited their determination. They persevered with unwavering hope and a steadfast belief that something was inevitable. Saint Paul the Apostle tells us a beautiful verse: “Not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord” (Romans 12:11(. In the Book of Proverbs in the Old Testament, it says: “The lazy man does not roast what he took in hunting” (Proverbs 12:27(. This means that if you bring a hook and set it without preparing it well, you will not catch a fish. In the Old Testament, we see Nehemiah’s

circumstances in captivity. News came to Nehemiah that his country’s walls were broken down, and its gates were burned with fire. After receiving the king’s permission, he returned to his city, Jerusalem, and tried to build it. He did not have any capabilities, so he began to tell those living around the wall’s perimeter that each one should build part of the wall that was in front of his own house (Nehemiah 3:28(. And they began to work as such. He gave them a powerful slogan that said to them: “The God of heaven Himself will prosper us; therefore, we His servants will arise and build,” (Nehemiah 2:20(. This means we will take this success from God when we get up and work. Although the wall in front of him was destroyed and the doors were burned by fire. Perhaps this exact situation was with the wise virgins (Matthew 25:1-13(. They worked hard, prepared oil, prepared lamps, and waited for Christ. They stayed up even though they did not know when Christ the Bridegroom would come.

The first step, who will roll away the stone for us? This is the obstacle. The second step is diligence and effort. The third step was a good step, which was the step of the raised stone. It is the hand of our Lord when it works. They arrived at the tomb and saw the stone had been rolled away (Mark 16:4(. Please imagine their feelings. Their inner joy was that the stone that represented the problem and difficulty was lifted by Jesus Christ, and he rose from the dead. They found the stone was rolled away, the tomb empty, and the hand of God at work. Therefore, when you face any difficulty, know that the hand of our Lord is working. Prior to the Resurrection by two days, there was the cross on Friday, and on the cross Jesus Christ was crucified, and on his right was a thief and on his left was another thief, so that everyone would be considered as if they were thieves. The right-handed thief said a beautiful phrase, and I think he did not expect its result: “Remember me, O Lord, when you come into your kingdom,” and this was the result. “Today you will be with me in Paradise” (Luke 23:42-43(. Christ rose to raise us up with Him. For this reason, when you face a difficulty or a problem, work hard and be honest and know that God’s hand is working, and the result will be amazing with your faith and hope.

I extend my heartfelt congratulations on this glorious feast to all members of our community. I congratulate all the Fathers Metropolitans, Bishops, Hegumens, and Presbyters. I congratulate the deacons, the archons, and the servants. I also congratulate every Coptic family in every church and in any place. I congratulate the young men and women, and I also congratulate the boys and girls, and I congratulate the children. I congratulate you all from the land of Egypt and from the Coptic Orthodox Church, here from the cathedral, St. Mark’s Cathedral in Abbasiya, Cairo. I send this congratulations to all of you. I wish you a joyful and blessed feast, filled with the cheerfulness and deep sense of the glorious resurrection that we commemorate and rejoice in as we echo the words of our daily prayers, “Arise, O sons of light, so that we may praise the Lord of hosts.” Christos Anesti, Alithos Anisti. Christ is risen, truly He is risen.

٢٠٢٤ ديجلما ةمايقلا ديعل ةيوبابلا ةلاسرلا نىاثلا سوضروات ابنلأا ابابلا ةسادق .ينمآ دبلأا لىاو نلآا نم هتمحرو هتمعن انيلع لحت .ينمآ دحاولا هللإا سدقلا حورلاو نبلااو بلآا مساب ديجلما ةمايقلا ديعب ءابحلأا اهيأ مكئنهأ .ماق اقح ،ماق حيسلما .يتسينآ سوثيلأ ،يتسينآ سوتسيرخإ ةيبونجلا اكيرمأو ةيلماشلا اكيرمأو ابوروأو ايسآو ايقيرفأ في لماعلا تاراق في ةيسكذوثرلأا ةيطبقلا ةريدلأاو سئانكلا لك ئنهأ موصلا ،يربكلا موصلا اذه انمص نأ دعب هب لفتحن يذلا ديعلا اذهب مكئنهأ .ميلشروأ ميظعلا انهلإ ةنيدم فيو ايلاترسأ ةراق في اضيأو .اهب عبشنو ئلتنم ،ةيحور ةايح هيفو تايكسن هيف يذلا موصلا وهو .سدقلما نمدقي نأ نلواحي نهو تايمرلما دهشم دهاشلما هذه نم .ةيرثك دهاشم انضامأ تيأت ةمايقلا رجف لىإو ةمايقلا لىإ تيأن امدنعو
هنكلو طقف تايمرلما دنع نم سيل لاؤسلا اذهو ؟)3 :16 سقرم( رجحلا انل جرحدي نم ،لاؤسلا اذه نهلغشي ناك نكلو .بايطلأا اذه .رجح انتايح في ارهاظ ىقبي انايحأو ،انيف دحاو لك ةايح في ةيرثك فقاومو ةيرثك تاعوضوم هجاون .ةيمويلا انتايح في انهجاوي ،ناسنلإا تاذ نوكي نأ نكمم ،لمعلاب دئازلا لاغشنلاا نوكي نأ نكمم ،لسكلا نوكي نأ نكمم .ةيطخلا نوكي نأ نكيم رجحلا نأ انل حضاو اعبط ؟اهكرحيس نم .ناسنلإا مامأ ةبوعص لثيم انه زجحلا ؟رجحلا انل جرحدي نم .اهبيترتو تايولولأا نوكي نأ نكمم .ةلكشم ببسي ناكف .هنكرحي نأ ةلوهسب نكي لمو ،برقلا باب دسي ناك يربك رجح مامأ نفقو ءاسن نك تايمرلما نم ؟ةبوعصلا هذه ليزي نم ؟ةلكشلما لحي نم ؟رجحلا جرحدي نم ;لاؤسلا تيأيو ةيرثك تلاكشم هجاون ةيمويلا انتايح في نحنو لايمج لااؤس حيسلما لأسيل بهذو شاع يذلا ينغلا باشلا .)22-17 :10 سقرم( ينغلا باشلاب مكركذأ ؟دودسلما قيرطلا حتفي لاق ،اياصولا ظفحي نأ حيسلما هل حشر امدعبو .هتيدبأ نع ثحبي باش .عئار لاؤس ›؟ةيدبلأا ةايحلا ثرلأ لمعأ اذام :لاقو ادج لق عب بهذا« ؟ةيقابلا ةوطخلا يه ام .ةدحاو ةوطخ يقاب .»دحاو ءشي كزوعي« ;هل لاقف .»يابص ذنم اهتظفح اهلك هذه« :هل ضىم ةملكلا باشلا عمس مالف« :باتكلا انل لوقي .»بيلصلا لاماح ينعبتا لاعتو ءماسلا في زنك كل نوكيف ءارقفلا طعأو كل ام لثبم مكركذأ نأ نكيمو .رجحلا وه هانغ ناك .هاطختي نأ عطتسي لم رجحلا اذهو ،همامأ رجح كانه ناك .)22 :19 ىتم( »انيزح امأ .لضفلأا وه هنأب ساسحإو تاذلا .تاذلا همامأ تفقو سييرفلا ،ةلاصلل لاخد امدنع .)14 - 9:18 اقول( راشعلاو سييرفلا .)13 :18 اقول( »ئطاخلا انأ ينمحرا مهللا« :ةدحاو ةرابع لاق هنلأ .اربرم جرخف راشعلا لجرلا ؟رجحلا انل جرحدي نم ،داهتجا نهدنع .ناك - ةقيقحلا في - نكل ،نهمادق ةبوعص كانه تناكو نهلغش لاؤسلا نأ نم مغرلاب تايمرلما :ةيناثلا ةطقنلا :16 سقرم( اركبم رجفلا في ينشيمو نجرخي نأدتباو نهتينأ نضرحي نأدتباو طونحلا نددعأ ؟نلعف اذام .داهج نهدنع ناكو ؟رجحلا عفري نم :لغاش نهدنع ناك نكل .بيلصلا دوع لىع تام يذلا حيسلما دسج لىع طونحلا هذه نعضيو بنهذي كيل )1 كانه نأ يوق نايمإ نهدنعو ،لمأ نهدنعو ،طاشن نهدنعو ،داهج نهدنع .نوكيل نهزفح لب .نلطعتي نهلعجي لم لاؤسلا اذه »برلا نيدباع حورلا في نيراح داهتجلاا في ينلساكتم يرغ« :لوقي ذإ ةليمج ةيأ انل لوقي لوسرلا سلوب سيدقلا .ثدحتس ءايشأ تضرحأ كنأ ول ينعي اذهف ،)27 :12 لاثمأ( »اديص كستم لا ةواخرلا « :لوقي ميدقلا دهعلا في لاثملأا رفس فيو .)11 :12 ةيمور( ايمحن فقوم انمامأ تيأي ميدقلا دهعلا في .]ةدحاو[ ةكمس لاو كستم لا فوس ،اديج اهل دعتست نأ يرغ نم اذكه اهتعضوو ةرانس أدتبا ،كللما نذإ ذخأ نأ دعبو .رانلاب ةقورحم اهباوبأو ةمودهم اهراوسأ هدلاب نأ رابخأ ايمحنل تتأ دقف .يبسلا وأ سرلأا في وهو لك ينبي نأ روسلا طيحم لىع يننكاسلل لوقي أدبف ،تايناكمإ يأ هيدل سيلو ينبي نأ لواحيو ميلشروأ يه يتلا هتنيدلم عجري ءماسلا هلإ نأ« :لاق ذإ ايوق اراعش مهل لاقو .كلذك نولمعي اوأدتباو .)28 :3 ايمحن( هنيب مامأ عقي يذلا روسلا نم اءزج دحاو نأ مغر .لمعنو موقنس نحنو ،انبر نم هذخأن حاجنلا اذه نأ ينعي .)20 :2 ايمحن(»ينبنو موقن هديبع نحنو حاجنلا انيطعي ،)13 — 1 :2٥ ىتم( تمايكحلا ىراذعلا عم اضيأ فقولما اذه سفن ناك ابمر .رانلاب ةقورحم باوبلأاو امودهم همامأ ناك روسلا .سيرعلا حيسلما تيأيس ىتم نفرعي نكي لم نهنأ مغر ،نرهس .حيسلما نرظتناو حيباصلما نضرحو تيزلا نضرحو ندهتجا دقف ،ةبيط ةوطخ تناك :ةثلاثلا ةوطخلا .داهجلاو داهتجلاا :ةيناثلا ةوطخلا .ةبوعصلا يه ٥ذه ؟رجحلا انل جرحدي نم :لىولأا ةوطخلا نأ مكوجرأو .)4 :16 سقرم( اعوفرم زجحلا ندهاشو برقلا لىإ نلصو .لمعت امدنع انبر دي يهو .عوفرلما رجحلا ةوطخ يهو .تاوملأا ينب نم ماقو حيسلما ديسلا هعفر - ةبوعصلاو ةلكشلما لثيم ناك يذلا - رجحلا نأب ةيلخادلا نهتحرفو .نهرعاشم اوليختت ،مايلأا نم موي في .لمعت انبر دي نأ فرعا ،ةبوعص يأ مامأ تنأو كلذ لجلأ .تلمع دق هللا ديو اغراف برقلاو اعوفرم زجحلا ندجو بسحي كيل ،صل هلماش نعو صل هنييم نعو حيسلما ديسلا بلص بيلصلا لىعو ،ةعمجلا موي بيلصلا ناك ،ينمويب ةمايقلا لبقو »كتوكلم في تئج ىتم بر اي نيركذا« :اهتجيتن عقوتي نكي لم هنأ دقتعأو ،ةليمج ةرابع لاق ينميلا صللاو .صوصل مهنأك عيمجلا هجاوت امدنع تنأ كلذ لجلأ .هعم انميقيل حيسلما ماق دقل .)43-42 :23 اقول( ”سودرفلا في يعم نوكت مويلا ”:ةجيتنلا تناكف .كئاجربو كنايمإب ةرهبم ةجيتنلا نوكتسو دمعت هللا دي نأ فرعاو انيمأ نكو دهتجا ،ةلكشم وأ ةبوعص ةنخارلأاو ةسمماشلا ئنهأ .سوسقلاو ةصمماقلا ةنهكلا ءابلآاو ةفقاسلأا ءابلآاو ةنراطلما ءابلآا لك ئنهأ .ديجلما ديعلا اذهب مكئنهأ نايتفلا اضيأ ئنهأو تاباشلاو بابشلا ئنهأو ،ناكم يأ فيو ةسينك لك في ةيطبق ةسرأ لك اضيأ ئنهأو تامداخلاو مادخلاو - ةيئاردتاكلا نم انه .ةيسكذوثرلأا ةيطبقلا ةسينكلا نمو صرم ضرأ نم اعيمج مكئنهأ .رافصلاو لافطلأا ئنهأو تايتفلاو روعشلاو ةجهبلاو حرفلاب اءولمم اديع مكل وجرأو ،مكعيمج لىإ ةئنهتلا ٥ذه لسرأ .ةرهاقلاب ةيسابعلا في - سقرمرام ةيئاردتاك .»تاوقلا بر حبسئل رونلا ينب اي اوموق« :لوقنو ةحبستلا في موي لك اهب ليصن يتلا ةديجلما ةمايقلا في هب رعشن يذلا يوقلا .ماق اقح ،ماق حيسلما يتسينآ سوثيلأ ،يتسينأ سوتسيرخإ

Friday 10-May

Fr Daoud Lamie’s Melbourne

Visit Schedule 2024

Thursday 9-May

Arrival QR904 16:45 Melbourne Airport

Vespers & General Meeting

7pm St Athanasius Donvale

Divine Liturgy 9am St Mina & St MarinaHallam

Spiritual Convention 6pm Phillip Island Resort

Saturday Il-May

Spiritual Convention Phillip Island Resort

Sunday 12-May

Spiritual Convention Phillip Island Resort

Vespers & General Meeting 7pm St MarkPreston

Monday 13-May

Divine Liturgy 9am Archangel Michael & St.

Anthony - Oakleigh

Vespers & General Meeting 6:30pm St Mary - Kinsington

Tuesday 14-May Departure - VA841 12pm

Celebrating Glorious Feast of Holy Resurrection

St. Mary’s Church

St. John Chrysostom Church

+ Remember O Lord the Departed:

Departed to the Lord Late Mrs Sania Beshay Gendy wife of Late Mr Lotfy Habib Baselyous mother of Dr Emil Basely- ous husband of Miranda and mother of Amany wife of Mr Adel Rizkalla. She is sister of Mr Samir Beshay, Tasony Ofimia, Ayda wife of Eng Adel Sakla and Late Ferial wife of Late Samir Fanous. She is grandmother of Youanna, Joy wife of Zaky Zakhor, Rachel and Sara Baselyous. She is grandmother of Monica and Mina Rizkalla.

She is untie of Mary, Dr Phillip, Nabil, George Samir, Dr Amgad Sakla in Canada and Dr Maria, Alfred Younan and also Enas wife of Mr Tom Sherng. May the Lord repose her soul and grant peace and comfort for all family members. Funeral Wednesday 8th May 12am at St Mary’s Church

St. Mary’s Church New Building Financial Report

اودقر نيذلا براي ركذأ + هينس ةكرابملا ملأا ةمايقلا ءاجر ىلع تدقر يدنج ياشب بيبح يفطل موحرملا مرح ليمإ روتكدلا هدلاو .سويليساب ادناريم هديسلا جوز سويليساب لداع ديسلا ةجوز يناما هديسلاو ريمس ديسلا نم لك تخا.الله قزر هديسلا, هيموفا ينوسات, ياشيب هلكس لداع سدنهملا هجوز هدياع موحرملا ةجوز لايرف هموحرملا سوناف ريمس ةجوز( يوج, اناوي نم لك هدج هراسو ليشار, (روخاذ يكذ قزر انيمو اكينوم هدجو سويليساب . الله ليبن ,بيليف.د ,يرام نم لك هلاخ هتوخأو ادنكب هلكس دجمأ.د ريمس جروجو سانيا هديسلا اضيأو نايرامو ديرفلا , ايرام.د جنريش موت ةجوز ةرسلأا دارفأ لك ىزعيو اهسفن حيني برلا ةسينكب ارهظ ١2 ويام 8 ءاعبرلأا موي زانجلا ميرم ءارذعلا ةسيدقلا.

New Church, New Building and Car Park are ready We started to use the New Building and church last on Lazarus Saturday 27th April 2024. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downloaded from church website. We thank Our Lord for this great Gift Cost of building works is around $13,000,000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreciated.

Donations to St Mary’s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link

https://www.stmc.org.au/donate (Copy & Paste on Web Browser(

تارايسلا راظتنأ نكامأو ىنبملاو ةديدجلا ةسينكلا لامعتسأ انأدب بسح متت ةسينكلا تامدخ .ليربأ 27 رزاعل تبس موي نم ديدجلا ىنبملا لامعتسأ انأدب .ةرشنلا لخاد حضوملا لودجلا بسح داتعملا .ارلاود نويلم ١3 ىلاوح عورشملا ةفلكت غلبت بحسلا ةرامتسأ ءلمب ىرهش عربتب ةكراشملا كنكني زكرم للاخ نم اهعبط وأ ةسينكلاب ةدوجوملا يكنبلا ينورتكللإا ةسينكلا لمعلا اذه ىف مكتمهاسمو مكتاعربت كرابي برلا
طبارلا ىلع طغضأ ينابملا عورشمو ميرم ءارذعلا ةسينكل تاعربتلل
New Buildindg Lazarus Saturday 27th April 2024

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