Weekly Bulletin 12th November 2023

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Services at St Mary’s Church Monday: Mass 9 - 11 am Tuesday Liturgy 5:30 - 7am 7:30pm The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am Wednesday 6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults Thursday Mass 9 - 11 am - English English Midnight Praises 7:30pm English Bible Study 7:30pm Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am Friday Youth 25 and above 7-9pm Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am Saturday Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm English Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:307pm Scouts 1:30 - 3pm School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm Sunday: Sunday 1st Mass6 - .7:45am Arabic & English 2nd Mass.7:45 – .9:30am English 3rd Mass 9:30 - 11:15am Arabic Hymns Class - English 11:45 12:30pm Church Priests: Priests Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251 Email: frtadros@me.com Fr Habib Girgis Younan: 0401238177 – 94498871 Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail. com Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821 Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kensington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651 Fr Kerillos Tawadros 0411 518 399

Fr John Makary 0433 445 636

:‫مواعيد الخدمة بكنيسة العذراء‬

:‫األثنين‬ ‫ صباحا‬١١ - ٩ ‫القداس اإللهي‬ ‫ صباحا‬7 - 5:30 ::‫اإللهي‬ ‫ القداس اإللهي‬:‫الثالثاء‬ )‫(انجليزي‬ ‫ ذا‬- ‫ مساء أجتماع للكبار باإلنجليزي‬7:30 ‫واى‬ ‫ صباحا‬11 – 9 ‫ القداس اإللهي‬:‫األربعاء‬ ‫األربعاء‬ :‫الخميس‬ ‫ انجليزي‬- ‫ صباحا‬١١ - ٩ ‫القداس اإللهي‬ ‫ مساء‬7:30 ‫ انجليزي‬- ‫تسبحة نصف الليل‬ ‫ مساء‬7:30 ‫ انجليزي‬- ‫درس الكتاب المقدس‬ ‫ صباحا‬11 – 9 ‫ القداس اإللهي‬:‫الجمعة‬ ‫الجمعة‬ ‫ سنة فأكثر‬25 ‫ مساء الشباب‬9 – 7 - ‫ مساء أجتماع إعداد الخدمة‬8:30 - 7 ‫انجليزي‬ ‫ صباحا‬١١ – 8,30 ‫القداس اإللهي‬:‫السبت‬ ‫السبت‬ 5,30 – 4 ‫مدارس األحد‬ ‫ مساء‬٨:٣٠ –٧ ‫العشية واجتماع الشباب‬ ‫انجليزي‬ ‫ مساء عربي‬7 - 5:30 ‫العشية ودرس كتاب‬ :‫األحد‬ ‫ص عربي‬,7:45 – 6 ‫القداس األول‬ ‫وانجليزي‬ ‫ ص – إنجليزي‬9:30 – ,7:45 ‫القداس الثاني‬ ‫ ص عربي‬11:15 – 9:30 ‫القداس الثالث‬ 12:30 - 11:45 ‫ انجليزي‬- ‫فصل ألحان‬ ‫مساء‬ :‫األباء الكهنة بالكنيسة‬ ‫األب القمص تادرس شاروبيم‬ 0414251251 Email: frtadros@me.com :‫األب القس حبيب جرجس يونان‬ 94498871 - 0401238177 Email: habibgirgisyounan@ hotmail.com 0422431821 :‫األب القس مايكل صليب‬ Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Epsom Rd, 3031:‫عنوان الكنيسة‬ :‫ تليفون‬5 Kensington Vic 93766651 ‫األب القس كيرلس تاوضروس‬ ٠٤١١٥١٨٣٩٩ ‫األب القس جون مكاري‬ ٠٤٣٣٤٤٥٦٣٦

The Departure of St. Cyriacus. ‫نياحة القديس كرياكوس الكبير من أهل‬ member of Constantinople Council ‫كورنثوس عضو مجمع القسطنطينية‬ 13th November - 3rd Hator ‫ هاتور‬٣ - ‫ نوفمبر‬13 On this day, the holy father, St. Cyriacus, departed. ‫في مثل هذا اليوم تنيح االب القديس‬ This striver was brought up in the city of Corinth in ‫ وقد نشا هذا المجاهد في‬، ‫كرياكوس‬ Greece. He was the son of Orthodox Christian parents, ‫ ابنا ألبوين‬. ‫مدينة قورنثية ببالد اليونان‬ who taught him the church subjects. They brought ‫ فأدباه بعلوم‬. ‫مسيحيين أرثوذكسيين‬ him to Abba Peter, Bishop of Corinth, who was his ‫الكنيسة ثم قدماه إلى االب بطرس‬ cousin, and he ordained him a reader. Cyriacus read ‫ فرسمه‬، ‫ وهو ابن عمه‬. ‫أسقف قورنثيه‬ continually and searched in the interpretations of the ‫ فداوم علي القراءة والبحث‬، ‫اغنسطسا‬ Holy Scriptures until he surpassed many in it. Abba ‫ حتى‬، ‫في معاني أقوال الكتب اإللهية‬ Peter appointed him to read to the people in the church ‫ ورتب عليه األسقف‬، ‫فاق فيها كثيرين‬ and to him in his cell, and he was pleased with him. ‫ وعليه‬، ‫القراءة علي الشعب في الكنيسة‬ When he was 18 years old, his parents asked him if ‫ ولما‬. ‫ فكان مسرورا بهذا‬. ‫في القالية‬ he wished to marry, but he refused. He asked them ‫ عرض‬، ‫بلغ من العمر ثماني عشرة سنة‬ for permission to visit one of the monasteries in order ‫ وطلب منهما‬، ‫عليه أبواه الزواج فأبى‬ to be blessed by the saints therein. He continued ‫السماح له بزيارة أحد األديرة للتبرك من‬ to visit the monastery from time to time and he ‫ وداوم التردد علي‬، ‫القديسين الذين به‬ longed for the monastic garb. He went to the Holy ‫ فاشتاق إلى لباس‬، ‫الدير من وقت ألخر‬ city, Jerusalem, and met its bishop, Abba Cyril. He ‫ وذهب إلى أورشليم المقدسة‬، ‫الرهبنة‬ presented to him his wish to become a monk. Abba ‫واجتمع بالقديس كيرلس أسقفها وعرض‬ Cyril approved his wish and prophesied of him saying ‫ فاستصوب‬، ‫عليه رغبته في الرهبنة‬ that he would become a great father, would have ‫رأيه وتنبأ عنه بقوله «سيكون هذا أبا‬ many accomplishments, and many souls would be ‫كبيرا ويقوم بمجهودات كثيرة وتستضئ‬ enlightened by his teachings. He blessed him and sent ‫ ثم باركه‬. »‫بنور تعاليمه نفوس كثيرين‬ ‫وأرسله إلى االب الكبير اوتيموس أبى‬ him to the great father Euthymius (Otimus), the father ‫ فقبله فرحا والبسه ثياب‬، ‫رهبان فلسطين‬ of the monks of Palestine. ‫ ثم سلمه ألحد شيوخ الدير‬، ‫الرهبنة‬ Father Euthymius accepted him with joy and put ‫ليرشده إلى طرق العبادة ويكشف له‬ the garb of the monk on him. He handed him to one ‫ فسار هذا االب بالسيرة‬. ‫حيل الشياطين‬ of the elders of the monastery who taught him the ‫الفاضلة والتقشف الزائد وغير ذلك من‬ ways of worship and revealed to him the artifices of ‫ فأعطاه هللا‬. ‫النسك والتواضع والورع‬ Satan. Abba Cyriacus lived a virtuous life with much ‫نعمة شفاء األمراض حيث كان يشفي‬ asceticism besides humility, godliness and devoutness. ‫كل من يقصد الدير ممن به علة أو سقم‬ God bestowed upon him the gift of healing. He healed ‫ وصحب هذا‬. ‫ فشاع فضله وقداسته‬. all those who came to the monastery with all kinds of ‫القديس االب كيرلس أسقف أورشليم إلى‬ sicknesses or infirmities. His virtues and his holiness ‫مجمع القسطنطينية المائة والخمسون‬ spread everywhere. ‫الذي اجتمع علي مقدونيوس عدو‬ This holy man accompanied Abba Cyril, Bishop of ‫ فناضله وقاومه بالحجة‬. ‫الروح القدس‬ Jerusalem, to the Ecumenical council of the hundred . ‫ وتنيح في شيخوخة صالحة‬.‫والبرهان‬ and fifty that gathered at Constantinople because ‫وقد اظهر هللا من جسده بعد نياحته آيات‬ of Macedonius, the enemy of the Holy Spirit. Abba ‫كثيرة وال يزال جسده باقيا بأحد أديرة‬ Cyriacus opposed his arguments and vanquished him ‫ حتى‬، ‫ لم ينله أي تغير‬، ‫مدينة أورشليم‬ by evidences and proofs. He departed at a good old ‫ليعتقد كل من يراه إن رقاده قريب العهد‬ age. The Lord made manifest from his body after his ‫ وقد مضي عليه إلى يوم تدوين سيرته‬. departure, many signs and miracles. His body still ‫ حيث كان في‬. ‫اكثر من سبعمائة سنة‬ rests in one of the monasteries of the city of Jerusalem, ‫زمان ثاؤدسيوس الكبير في أواخر القرن‬ without any change or corruption, to the extent that ‫ شفاعته تكون معنا‬.‫الرابع المسيحي‬ anyone who sees him today would think that he just . ‫امين‬ died only a short time ago. More than 700 years have passed from the time of his departure till the writing of his biography. He lived at the time of Theodosius the ‫ظهور رأس لونجينوس الجندى الذى‬ Great in the later part of the fourth Christian century. ‫طعن جنب مخلصنا الصالح‬ His intercession be for us. Amen. ‫ هاتور‬٥ - ‫ نوفمبر‬١٥ The Appearance of the Head of St. Longinus, the ‫في مثل هذا اليوم تذكار ظهر راس‬

‫القديس لونجينوس الجندي الذي طعن‬ Soldier. ‫جنب المخلص بالحربة وهو علي‬ 15th November - 5th Hator ‫ وذلك إن الملك طيباروس‬. ‫الصليب‬ On this day was the appearance of the head of St. ‫قيصر أرسل جنديا إلى القبادوقية لقطع‬ Longinus the Soldier who pierced the side of our ‫ كما دون في اليوم‬. ‫راس هذا القديس‬ Savior, when He was on the Cross. Emperor Tiberius ‫ وقد‬. ‫الثالث والعشرين من شهر أبيب‬ Caesar sent a soldier to Cappadocia to cut off the head of this saint, as it is written in the 23rd day of the month ‫ ثم أتى بالرأس إلى‬. ‫نفذ الجندي األمر‬ ‫أورشليم وسلمه إلى بيالطس البنطي‬ of Abib. The soldier fulfilled the order and brought ‫ وهذا أراه لليهود فسروا لصنيعه‬، the head to Jerusalem, and handed it to Pontius Pilate. ‫ ثم أمر إن يدفن الرأس في بعض‬. Pilate showed the head to the Jews, who rejoiced at ‫ وكانت‬. ‫األكوام التي خارج أورشليم‬ his deed. Pilate commanded that the head be buried in ‫هناك امرأة آمنت علي يد القديس لما‬ some of the piles of dirt outside Jerusalem. ‫ ولما ضربت رقبته‬. ‫بشر بالقبادوق‬ There was a woman who had believed at the hands of . ‫شاهدت استشهاده وهي واقفة تبكي‬ St. Longinus when he preached in Cappadocia. During ‫ فأخذت‬. ‫وقد أصيبت بعد ذلك بالعمي‬ his execution, she stood, weeping, and witnessed his ‫ولدها وقصدوا أورشليم لتتبارك من‬ martyrdom. Later on she became blind. So, she took her son and departed to Jerusalem to be blessed by the holy ‫ والقبر المحي عساها‬، ‫اآلثار المقدسة‬ ‫ ولدي وصولها المدينة مات‬. ‫تبصر‬ places, and the holy sepulchre, hoping that she might ‫ فحزنت وأفرطت في‬. ‫ولدها‬ ‫الحزن‬ son her Jerusalem, in arrived she When sight. her regain ‫علي حالها وعدم وجود من يعود بها‬ died. She became very sad and grieved because of her ‫ وأثناء نومها أبصرت‬. ‫إلى بالدها‬ condition and there was no one to take her back to her ‫القديس لونجينوس ومعه ولدها الذي‬ own country. ‫ فأرشدها إلى المكان الذي دفن‬، ‫مات‬ During her sleep she saw St. Longinus, and with ‫ وأمرها إن تحمله من هناك‬، ‫فيه رأسه‬ him, was her son who had died. He directed her to ‫ فلما استيقظت بحثت عن المكان حتى‬. whereabout his head was buried and ordered her to ‫وجدته وحفرت في األرض فخرجت‬ place the for looked she up, woke she When it. remove ‫ ولما بلغت إلى‬. ‫رائحة بخور زكية‬ until she found it. She dug in the ground and a sweet ‫راس القديس ابرق منه نور فانفتحت‬ aroma of incense came out. When she reached the head of the saint, a great light shone from it and straightaway ‫ فمجدت‬، ‫عيناها وأبصرت في الحال‬ ‫السيد المسيح وقبلت الرأس وطيبته‬ her eyes were opened and she was able to see. She glorified the Lord Christ, kissed the head, perfumed ‫ ثم عادت إلى‬، ‫ووضعته مع جسد ابنها‬ ‫بالدها ممجدة السيد المسيح الذي يظهر‬ it, and placed it with the body of her son. Then she ‫ صالة هذا القديس‬. ‫عجائبه في قديسين‬ Christ Lord the glorifying country own her to returned . ‫تكون معنا امين‬ Who performed wonders through His saints. ‫نياحة القديس فيلكس بابا روميه‬ The prayers of this saint be with us. Amen. ‫ هاتور‬٦ - ‫ نزفمبر‬١٦ The Departure of St. Felix, Pope of Rome. ‫في مثل هذا اليوم تنيح االب القديس‬ 16th November - 6th Hator ‫ وقد ولد من‬، ‫فيلكس بابا رومية‬ On this day, the holy father St. Felix, Pope of Rome, 210 ‫أبوين مسيحيين في رومية سنة‬ departed. He was born of Christian parents in Rome in ، ‫ميالدية فنشاه علي اآلداب العالمية‬ the year 210 A.D. They raised him with high principles ‫ فرسمه‬، ‫وتدرج في الرتب الكهنوتية‬ and he gradually advanced in the clerical ranks. Astasius, Pope of Rome, ordained him a deacon. Pope ‫ ورسمه‬، ‫أسطاثيوس بابا رومية شماسا‬ ‫البابا يسطس قسا نظرا لما رأي فيه‬ Justus, seeing his righteousness and virtues, ordained ‫ ولما تنيح االب‬.‫من الفضيلة والتقوى‬ him a priest. ‫ الذي كان في‬، ‫ديوناسيوس بابا رومية‬ When Abba Dionysius, Pope of Rome, (who was ‫زمان القديس ثاؤناس بابا اإلسكندرية‬ contemporary of St. Thaouna, Pope of Alexandria) ‫ اختير هذا االب لبطريركية رومية‬، departed, this father was chosen for the Roman See. ‫فرعي رعية المسيح احسن رعاية‬ He shepherded the flock of Christ with the best of care. ‫ ولما ملك أوريليانوس قيصر أثار‬، When Aurelianus Caesar reigned, he incited persecution ‫االضطهاد علي المؤمنين بالمسيح‬ against the believers of the Lord Christ. He tortured ‫ واستشهد علي‬، ‫وعذبهم بعذابات أليمة‬ them using very painful methods, and many of them ‫ وإذ لحق هذا االب‬، ‫يده كثيرون منهم‬ were martyred by his hands. Since great tribulation ‫منه شدائد عظيمة وضيق كثير ابتهل‬ befell St. Felix from the Emperor, he entreated God to ‫إلى هللا إن يرفع هذا الضيق عن شعبه‬ take these tribulations away from His people. Because

of his prayers, the Emperor died in the second year of his ‫ فمات الملك في السنة الثانية من ملكه‬. reign. ‫ واضطهد هو‬، ‫ ولما ملك دقلديانوس‬. When Diocletian reigned, he also persecuted the ، ‫ وبدا في تعذيبهم‬، ‫ايضا المسيحيين‬ Christians and started torturing them. Pope Felix prayed ‫صلي هذا االب إلى هللا إال يريه عذاب‬ to the Lord to spare him from witnessing the torture ‫ فتنيح في أول‬، ‫أحد من المسيحيين‬ of the Christians. So, he departed in the first year ‫ بعدما جلس‬، ‫سنة من ملك دقلديانوس‬ of the reign of Diocletian, after he had sat upon the ‫علي الكرسي الرسولي خمس سنوات‬ Apostolic throne for five years. He left many sayings ‫ تاركا أقواال ومصنفات كثيرة‬، ‫ونصف‬ and discourses, some of which were useful teachings and ‫ صالته تكون‬. ‫ بعضها في المعتقدات‬. others were about the doctrines. ‫معنا امين‬ His prayers be with us. Amen. ‫تذكار االربعة حيوانات الغير متجسدين‬ The Commemoration of the Four Incorporeal Beasts ‫ هاتور‬8 – ‫ نوفمبر‬١٨ 18th November – 8th Hator ‫في مثل هذا اليوم تذكار األربعة‬ On this day is the commemoration of the four Incorporeal ‫حيوانات غير المتجسدين حاملي مركبة‬ Beasts who carry the throne of God. As it is mentioned ‫ كما يذكر الشاهد بذلك صاحب‬، ‫اإلله‬ by St. John who witnessed this in his Revelation saying, ‫الرؤيا بقوله «وللوقت صرت في‬ “Immediately I was in the Spirit; and behold, a throne ‫الروح وإذا عرش موضوع في السماء‬ set in heaven, and One sat on the throne. And He who sat ‫ وكان الجالس‬، ‫وعلي العرش جالس‬ there was like a jasper and a sardine stone in appearance: ‫في المنظر شبه حجر اليشب والعقيق‬ and there was a rainbow around the throne in appearance ‫وقوس قزح حول العرش في المنظر‬ like an emerald: ... and in the midst of the throne and ‫ وفي وسط العرش وحول‬، ‫شبه الزمرد‬ around the throne, were four living creatures full of eyes ‫العرش أربعة حيوانات مملوءة عيونا‬ in front and in back. The first living creature was like a ‫ والحيوان االول‬، ‫من قدام ومن وراء‬ lion, the second living creature like a calf, the third living ‫ والحيوان الثاني شبه عجل‬، ‫شبه أسد‬ creature had a face like a man, and the fourth living ‫ والحيوان الثالث له وجه مثل وجه‬، creature was like a flying eagle. The four living creatures ‫ والحيوان الرابع شبه نسر‬، ‫إنسان‬ each having six wings, were full of eyes around and ‫ واألربعة الحيوانات لكل واحد‬، ‫طائر‬ within. And they do not rest day or night, saying, ‘Holy, ‫ ومن داخل‬، ‫منها ستة أجنحة حولها‬ Holy, Holy Lord God Almighty who was, and is, and is ‫مملوءة عيونا وال تزال نهارا وليال‬ to come.’” (Revelation 4:2-8) ‫قائلة قدوس قدوس قدوس الرب اإلله‬ Isaiah the Prophet said: “I saw the Lord sitting on a ‫القادر علي كل شئ الذي كان والكائن‬ throne, high and lifted up and the train of His robe filled « ‫والذي يأتي « وقال اشعياء النبي‬ the temple. Above it stood seraphim: each one had ‫رأيت السيد جالسا علي كرسي عال‬ six wings; with two he covered his face, with two he ‫ والسيرافيم‬، ‫مرتفع وأذياله تمأل الهيكل‬ covered his feet, and with two he flew. And one cried ، ‫ ولكل واحد ستة أجنحة‬، ‫واقفون‬ to another and said, ‘Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of ‫ وباثنين يغطي‬، ‫باثنين يغطي وجهه‬ hosts: the whole earth is full of His glory.’” (Isaiah 6:1-3) ‫ وهذا نادي‬، ‫ وباثنين يطير‬، ‫رجليه‬ Ezekiel the Prophet said: “Then I looked, and behold, a ‫ذاك وقال قدوس قدوس قدوس رب‬ whirlwind was coming out of the North, a great cloud ‫ وقال‬،« ‫الجنود مجده ملء كل األرض‬ with raging fire engulfing itself, and brightness was all ‫حزقيال النبي « فنظرت وإذا بريح‬ around it, and radiating out of its midst like the color ‫ سحابة‬، ‫عاصفة جاءت من الشمال‬ of amber, out of the midst of the fire. Also from within ‫عظيمة ونار متواصلة وحولها لمعان‬ it came the likeness of four living creatures. And this ‫ومن وسطها كمنظر النحاس الالمع من‬ was their appearance; they had the likeness of a man... ‫ ومن وسطها شبه أربعة‬، ‫وسط النار‬ and each one had four wings. Their legs were straight; ‫ لها شبه إنسان‬، ‫حيوانات وهذا منظرها‬ and the soles of their feet were like the soles of calve’s ‫ وأرجلها‬، ‫ ولكل واحد أربعة أجنحة‬، feet. They sparkled like the color of burnished bronze...” ‫أرجل قائمة وأقدام أرجلها كقدم‬ (Ezekiel 1:4-7) ‫رجل العجل وبارقة كمنظر النحاس‬ St. John the Evangelist said: “After these things I heard « ‫ « وقال يوحنا اإلنجيلي‬، ، ‫المصقول‬ a loud voice of a great multitude in heaven, saying, ‫وبعد هذا سمعت صوتا عظيما من جمع‬ ‘Alleluia; Salvation, and glory, and honor, and power, ‫ الخالص‬، ‫كثير في السماء قائال هللويا‬ belong to the Lord our God,’ ... and the four living ‫والمجد والكرامة والقدرة للرب إلهنا‬ creatures fell down and worshipped God who sat on ‫ وخر األربعة الحيوانات وسجدوا‬، the throne, saying, ‘Amen, Alleluia... for the Lord God ‫هلل الجالس علي العرش قائلين «امين‬

Omnipotent reigns. Let us be glad and rejoice, and give ‫ فانه قد ملك الرب اإلله القادر‬، ‫هللويا‬ ‫ لنفرح ونتهلل ونعطه‬، ‫علي كل شئ‬ Him glory......’” (Revelation 19:1-7) ‫ وقد جعلهم الرب بقربه‬،« ‫المجد‬ The Lord set them near His throne in order for them to ‫ فوجه اإلنسان‬، ‫ليسألوه في الخليقة‬ make supplications on behalf of all the creation. The ‫ ووجه األسد‬، ‫يسال عن جنس البشر‬ beast with the man’s face makes supplications on behalf ‫ ووجه العجل‬، ‫يسال في الوحوش‬ of the human race, the one with the lion’s face makes ‫ ووجه النسر يسال‬، ‫يسال في البهائم‬ supplications on behalf of the beasts, the one with the ‫ وقد ثبت معلمو الكنيسة‬، ‫في الطيور‬ bull’s face makes supplications on behalf of the cattle, ‫تذكارهم وبنوا لهم الكنائس في مثل‬ and the one with the eagle’s face makes supplications ‫ ولربنا‬، ‫هذا اليوم شفاعتهم تكون معنا‬ on behalf of the birds. The teachers of the church built ‫المجد دائما ابديا امين‬ churches in their names and commemorated them on this ‫تذكار القديس جاؤرجيوس‬ day. ‫االسكندرى‬ Their intercession be for us and Glory be to our God, ‫ هاتور‬٧ - ‫ نوفمبر‬١٧ forever. Amen. The Martyrdom of St. George of Alexandria. ‫في مثل هذا اليوم استشهد القديس‬ ‫ كان أبوه‬. ‫جاؤرجيوس اإلسكندري‬ 17th November - 7th Hator . ‫تاجرا باإلسكندرية ولم يكن له ولد‬ On this day, St. George (Gawargios) of Alexandria, was ‫واتفق له السفر إلى اللد وحضر عيد‬ martyred. His father was a merchant in the city of Alex. ‫تكريس كنيسة الشهيد جاؤرجيوس‬ andria and had no son. It happened that he travelled to ‫فصلي إلى هللا متشفعا بقديسه العظيم‬ the city of Lydd and attended the feast of the consecra‫ فقبل الرب دعاه‬. ‫إن يرزقه ولدا‬ tion of the Church of St. George the martyr. He prayed . ‫ورزقه طفال اسماه جاؤرجيوس‬ to God, interceding with His great saint that he might ‫وكانت أمه آختا الرمانيوس والي‬ have a son. God answered his prayers, and gave him ‫ وتوفي أبواه وكان له‬.‫اإلسكندرية‬ a son, and he named him George. His mother was the . ‫من العمر خمسا وعشرين سنة‬ sister of Armenius, the Governor of Alexandria. ‫وكان صالحا رحوما بالمساكين‬ His parents died when he was 25 years old. George ، ‫ محبا للكنيسة فمكث عند خاله‬، was merciful, loving and kind to the poor and loved ‫ خرجت ذات‬، ‫وكانت له ابنة وحيدة‬ the church. He stayed with his uncle who had only one ‫يوم ومعها بعض صاحباتها للنزهة‬ daughter. One day she went with some of her friends for ، ‫ فشاهدت ديرا خارج المدينة‬، an outing. While they were walking nearby a monas‫وسمعت رهبانه يرتلون تراتيل حسنة‬ tery outside the city, she heard its monks singing sweet ‫فتأثرت مما سمعت وسالت ابن عمتها‬ hymns. She was touched by what she had heard and ‫ فأجابها بان‬، ‫جاؤرجيوس عما سمعته‬ asked her cousin George about it. He replied that those ‫هؤالء رهبان قد انقطعوا عن العالم‬ monks had forsaken the world to worship and he guided ‫ وهداها إلى اإليمان بالسيد‬، ‫للعبادة‬ her to believe in the Lord Christ. He told her about the share of the sinners of the final punishment and the share ‫ وعرفها نصيب الخطاة من‬، ‫المسيح‬ ‫ ونصيب األبرار من النياح‬، ‫العذاب‬ of the righteous of felicity. ‫ فلما عادت إلى أبيها عرفته انه‬. When she returned to her father, she told him that she ‫ فالطفها وخادعها‬، ‫مؤمنة بالمسيح‬ was a believer of Christ. He tried to reason with her, ‫ فلم تذعن‬، ‫ ووعدها ثم توعدها‬، to dissuade her, and to lure her with great promises. ‫لكالمه فأمر بقطع رأسها ونالت إكليل‬ Then he threatened her. When she did not hearken to ‫ وبعد ذلك عرف الوالي‬. ‫الشهادة‬ his words, he ordered that her head be cut off, thus she ، ‫إن جاؤرجيوس هو الذي أطغاها‬ received the crown of martyrdom. ‫ ثم‬. ‫فقبض عليه وعذبه عذابا شديدا‬ Later on, the Governor knew that George was responsi‫ فعذبوه هناك ايضا‬. ‫أرسله إلى انصنا‬ ble for her conversion. He seized him and tortured him ‫ وأخيرا قطعوا رأسه المقدس ونال‬. severely. Then he sent him to Ansena where they also ‫ وكان هناك شماس‬. ‫إكليل الشهادة‬ tortured him and finally they cut off his holy head, thus ‫ فاخذ جسده المقدس‬. ‫يسمي صموئيل‬ he received the crown of martyrdom. A deacon whose ‫ومضي به إلى منف من أعمال الجيزة‬ name was Samuel, took his holy body and carried it to ‫ ولما علمت امرأة خاله أرمانيوس‬. the city of Manf, El-Giza province. ‫ أرسلت فأخذت الجسد ووضعته‬، When the wife of his uncle Armenius knew about it, . ‫مع جسد ابنتها الشهيدة باإلسكندرية‬ she sent for the body and placed it with the body of her . ‫شفاعتهما تكون معنا امين‬ martyred daughter in Alexandria. Their intercession be for us. Amen.

‫تأمالت ىف أنجيل القداس‬ Reflections on the Eucharist Bible Reading First Sunday of the blessed month of Hator (Luke ‫األحد األول من شهر هاتور املبارك (لو‬ 8:4-15) ) 15 15--4:8 “The seed is the word of God” (Luke 8:11) ) 11:8 ‫«» الزرع هو كالم الله «» ( لو‬ The month of Hator (of the Coptic months) is very ‫شه ُر هاتور ُ من الشهور ِ املرتبطة ِ بالزراعة‬ much associated with sowing of crops in our belov‫ فمنذ ُ القديم‬... َ ‫ِ ىف بالدنا الحبيبة ِ مرص‬ ed homeland Egypt … since time immemorial the ‫أنسب‬ ‫عرف َ املرصيني أن هذا الشهر ُ هو‬ Egyptians have associated this month as the best time ُ ‫ وفيه يخرج‬... ِ ‫ُ املواعيد لزراعة ِ القمح‬ to plant wheat … and in this month the sowers will go to sow (the seeds) … as he is sowing would reflect ُ ‫ وبينام هو يزرع ُ يتأمل‬... ُ ‫الزارع ُ ليزرع‬ … this is a fertile soil … good … good for sowing … ٌ ‫ صالحة‬... ٌ ‫ جيدة‬... ٌ ‫ فهذه أرض ٌ خصبة‬... or this is how it should be … but among such fertile ... ‫ أو هكذا املفروض ُ أن تكون‬... ِ ‫للزراعة‬ fields, the sower would find patched of land with no ‫ولكن وسط هذه األرض ُ الخصبة ُ يجد الزارع‬ growth … some parts, have become a walkway … trampled down by foot and the soil has dried up, and ‫ مناطق ُ قد‬... ُ ‫ُ مناطق َ ال ينبت ُ فيها الزرع‬ the seeds find no moisture to sprout … whatever seeds ‫ مداسا ً لألقدام ِ جفت فيها‬... ً ‫صارت طريقا‬ ‫الرتبة ِ ومل تعد البذو ُر تستطيع أن تجد ُ فيها‬ falls on will be eaten by birds from the skies … Other patches of land will appear on the surface good ٍ ‫ وما يسقط ُ فيها من بذور‬... ً ‫رطوبة ً وغذاء‬ … but it might have been well turned over … and full ... ِ ‫تؤكلها طيور ُ السامء‬ within of rocks and stones … and here the juvenile ً ‫ومناطق ُ أُخرى تبدو عىل السطح ِ جيدة‬ roots cannot establish and it will dry up and die … ‫ أمتألت‬... ً ‫ ولكن يبدو أنها مل تقلب ُ جيدا‬.... and other patches at the corners and the outer bound‫ وهنا‬... ِ ‫من الداخل ِ بالحجارة ِ والصخور‬ aries … had been neglected … and left to thorns to ‫تصطدم جذور النبات الصغرية بالصخور‬ sprout and the thorns will choke any budding plant. ‫ ومناطق ُ أخرى عند‬... ُ ‫ِ فتجف ُ ومتوت‬ The sower reflects on his thoughts … and say to ‫ وت ُركت‬... ‫ أ ُهملت‬... ِ ‫األركان ِ واألطراف‬ himself; indeed this land is like man’s heart … God created him righteous … pure … undefiled … willing ‫فنبت َ فيها الشوك ُ وصار َ الشوك ُ يخنق ُ أى‬ to hear God’s word absorb it and act upon it … will ... ‫نبات ٍ ينمو فيها‬ bring forth many fruits … but there are those who ِ ‫ ويقول ُ لنفسه‬... ِ ‫ويرسح ُ الزارع ُ بفكره‬ opened their hearts to the world without any restricِ ‫حقا ً ما أشبه هذه األرض َ بقلب ِ اإلنسان‬ tion or control and let the foreigners into his heart, ‫ طاهرا‬... ً ‫ نقيا‬... ً ‫ خلقه ُ الله ُ مستقيام‬... trampled upon it and made it a wayside … and there ُ ‫ مستعد أن يسمع ُ كلمة َ الله ِ ويتأثر‬... ً are those who were happy with the easy life of the ِ ‫ ويأىت بالثمر ِ الكثري‬... ‫بها ويتفاعل ُ معها‬ world … and did train himself to endure trials and pain … and his faith has no depth in his heart … and ‫ ولكن هناك من فتح َ قلبه ُ للعامل ِ بدون‬... as soon as trails and tribulations come, it will collide ِ ‫ِ قيود ٍ أو ضوابط ٍ فدخل َ الغرباء ُ إىل قلبه‬ with a heart full of stones … and there are those who ‫ و ُهناك من‬... ً ‫وداسو فيه ِ وجعلوه ُ طريقا‬ occupied themselves with the world … and concerns ُ ‫ ومل يعود‬... ِ ‫فرح َ بحياة ِ العامل ِ السهلة‬ of the world and its riches and pleasures … has filled ِ ‫إلميانه‬ ‫ ليس‬... ِ ‫نفسه ُ عىل التجربة ِ واألمل‬ his heart … and these choked all good plants within ‫أو‬ ُ ‫التجربة‬ ‫ ومبجرد أن تأىت‬... ِ ‫عمق ٌ ىف قلبه‬ him … This week, let us reflect … on how the good earth has ... ‫الضيقة ُ تصطدم ُ بقلب ٍ مملوء ٌ باألحجا ِر‬ become: ‫ وهموم‬... ‫وهناك من شغل َ نفسه ُ مع العامل‬ A wayside … stones … thorns … ... ُ ‫ مأل بها قلبه‬... ‫العامل ِ وغناه وملذاته‬ And next week … we will reflect on how is the return ... ِ ‫وهذه خنقت كل زرع ٍ جيد ٍ ىف داخله‬ of the (trampled) wayside … the stoned earth … and ‫ كيف‬... َ ‫لنتأمل معا ً هذا األسبوع‬ the soil full of thorns ..... ُ ‫صارت األرض ُ الجيدة‬ To …. A good earth once more ...... ً ‫أشواكا‬........ً ‫ صخورا‬..... ً ‫طريقا‬ +++ Some fell by the wayside +++ ‫ لنتأمل كيف يعود‬... ِ ‫وىف األسبوع ِ القادم‬ A wayside does not exist between a day and night … ُ ‫ واألرض‬... ِ ‫ واألرض ُ الصخرية‬... ُ ‫ُ الطريق‬ a wayside (a road way) needs long time to be made … and for any piece of land to become a road way ِ ‫املليئة ُ باألشواك‬ … there are definite specifications … for example a ‫ أرض ٍ جيدة ٍ مرة ٍ أخرى‬........ ‫إىل‬ ground left open to be trampled upon … and how agoِ ‫ سقط بعض ٌ عىل الطريق‬+

nizing it is for the heart to become a wayside ُ ‫ الطريق‬... ٍ ‫أن الطريق َ ال يتكون ُ بني يوم ٍ وليلة‬ … ‫ وألى قطعة ِ أرض‬... ‫يحتاج ُ إىل وقت ٍ طويل ٍ ليتكون‬ There are ground which has secure walls ... ٍ ‫ ال بد من مواصفات ٍ معينة‬... ً ‫ٍ ىك تصري ُ طريقا‬ around it … and it has guards and closed gates ‫ أن يُسمح‬... ٍ ‫مثال ً أن ترتك بدون حراسة ٍ وال رقابة‬ which does not open regardless … but this ‫أرض‬ ... ٌ ‫ أنها طريق‬... ‫فيها للغرباء ِ أن يدوسوا عليها‬ (wayside) land is without any walls around it, َ ‫ وما أصعب ُ أن يصري ُ القلب‬... ِ ‫ٌ مفتوحة ٌ للدوس‬ gates or guards … In time of old … God asked the Israelites to ... ً ‫طريقا‬ guard against the foreigners … and to sort ‫ ولها حراس‬... ٌ ‫هناك أراىض لها أسوار محكمة‬ them out of their midst … and not to consort ‫ أما هذه فهى‬... ٍ ‫وبوابات مغلقة ٌ ال ت ُفتح إال بحساب‬ with them … and foreigners caused many trib... ٍ ‫أرض ٌ بال سور ٍ وال بوابة ٍ وال حراس‬ ulation to the children of Israel … every for‫يحرتسوا‬ ‫أن‬ ‫ائيل‬ ‫ طلب الله ُ من بنى أرس‬... ِ ‫ىف القديم‬ eign people they consorted with … introduced ‫ أن ال‬... ‫ أن يفرزوهم من وسطهم‬... ِ ‫من الغرباء‬ their idol worship to the Israelites … and a ‫ وكان الغرباء ُ سبب تعب كثري لبنى‬... ‫يختلطوا بهم‬ reader of the boog of Judges will imagine how the presence of such foreigners in the midst of ‫ أدخل‬... ‫ كل شعب ٍ غريب ٍ اختلطوا به‬... ‫أرسائيل‬ (the Israelites) caused many tribulations and ِ ‫ والذى يقرأ سفر َ القضاة‬... ‫عبادته الوثنية اليهم‬ trails, even the foreign women for example ِ ‫يستطيع ُ أن يتصور ُ كيف أن وجود هؤالء الغرباء‬ could deceive (king) Solomon the wise with all ‫وسطهم سبب لهم الكثري جدا ً من املتاعب ِ والضيقات‬ his wisdom to build a temple for the worship ‫ِ حتى أن النساء ً الغريبات َ مثال ً أستطعن َ أن يخدعن‬ of idol gods … even though king Solomon ‫َ سليامن َ الحكيم بكل حكمته ِ وجعلنه ُ يبنى معبدا‬ must have repented as it is clear from the book ‫ رغم أنه ال بد أن سليامن َ قد تاب عن‬... ‫ً ألوثانهم‬ of Ecclesiastes … but truly the presence of ... ِ ‫كل هذا كام يتضح ىف حديثه ِ ىف سفر ِ الجامعة‬ foreigners has its dangers … and (king) Solomon the wise words in the book of Proverbs ‫ وكالم‬... ‫ولكن بال شك كان وجود الغرباء ُ له خطورته‬ (Proverbs 5-7) gives us a clear indication of the ‫ُ سليامن ُ الحكيم ُ ىف سفر ِ األمثال ِ عن األحرتاس ِ من‬ dangers of those foreigners … ‫املرأة ِ الغريبة ِ يعطى دليال ً واضحا ً عىل خطورة هؤالء‬ And you beloved … has foreigners entered ... ِ ‫ِ الغرباء‬ your life … in your heart … did you open (the ‫حياتك‬ ‫ىف‬ ُ ‫الغرباء‬ َ ‫دخل‬ ‫هل‬ ... ‫الحبيب‬ ‫أيها‬ ‫وأنت‬ gates) of your heart to all foreigners to mess ُ ‫يعبث‬ ٍ ‫غريب‬ ‫لكل‬ ‫قلبك‬ َ ‫فتحت‬ ‫هل‬ ... ‫قلبك‬ ‫ ىف‬... around with (your heart). ... ‫فيه‬ There are those who let their eyes become a wayside … to view all scenes … every picture ‫ ترى كل منظر‬... ً ‫هناك من يفتح عينيه فتصري ُ طريقا‬ … without control … then he finds his eyes ُ ‫ تجد عينيه تبحثان‬... ِ ‫ بدون ضبط‬... ٍ ‫ كل صورة‬... ٍ seeking unsuitable scenes … searching for the ‫ تبحث ُ عن الغرباء ِ ليدخلوا‬... ِ ‫عن املناظر ِ غري الالئقة‬ foreigners to come into his eyes then to his ... ‫ ويدنسوا حياته‬.... ِ ‫من عينيه ِ إىل قلبه ِ وعقله‬ heart and thoughts … to defile his life. ‫فيها‬ ُ ‫ يدوس‬... ً ‫هناك من يفتح أذنيه ِ فتصري ُ طريقا‬ Also, there are those who open their ears to ُ ‫ كل األحاديث مهام كان نوعها تستطيع‬... ٍ ‫كل ذائر‬ become a wayside … trampled by every visitor ‫أن تدخل ُ وتجد ُ عشا ً ومكانا ً ومن هناك تتسلل ُ إىل‬ … all manners of speech can enter and find a nesting place and from there it slips into his ... ِ ‫قلبه ِ وتعكر ُ سالم َ حياته‬ heart to ruin the peace in his life … ... ٍ ‫ لكل ِ مناقشة‬... ً ‫ طريقا‬... ‫هناك من يفتح ُ عقله‬ And there are those who let their brains (and ‫ يظن ُ أنه أ ُعطى َ من املنطق ِ والعقل‬... ٍ ‫لكل ِ فلسفة‬ thoughts) … to become a wayside … to every ‫ِ ما يستطيع ُ أن يتذوق ُ كل شئ ٍ ويحكم ُ عىل كل‬ discussion … and all philosophies … thinking ... ٍ ‫شئ‬ he (or she) has enough logic and wisdom to .... ٍ ‫كثرية‬ ٍ ‫وأخطاء‬ ٍ ‫هرطقات‬ ِ ‫فخ‬ ‫ىف‬ ُ ‫يقع‬ ‫وبذالك‬ taste every thing and judge all things … ‫أى‬ ِ ‫عليه‬ ُ ‫تضع‬ ... ً ‫طريقا‬ ‫جسدها‬ ُ ‫تجعل‬ ‫من‬ ‫هناك‬ In this he (or she) fall into the trap of heresies ُ ‫ كل ملوك ِ املوضة ِ تستمع‬... ٍ ‫وأى زينة‬... ٍ ‫مالبس‬ and many blunders … And there are those who make their bodies a ... ‫ألحكامهم‬ wayside … she would wear any (wrong) fash‫ كل طعام ٍ ميكن ُ أن‬... ً ‫هناك من يجعل ُ بطنه طريقا‬ ion … and any (wrong) cosmetic make up … ‫ كل رشاب ٍ حتى املسكر تستطيع ُ أن ترشبه‬... ‫تجربه‬ all the masters of fashion must be obeyed … ... There are those who make of their stomachs a

‫ وكلها طرق نهايتها واحدة‬... ‫ما أكرث الطرق ىف حياتنا‬

‫ رمبا تكون قد بدأت تجعل ُ من قلبك‬... ‫ وهى الهالك‬.... wayside … every culinary food must be tried … every drink even the ones which will cause ‫ مازالت أمامك فرصة ً تعلم أن تغلق الباب‬... ً ‫طريقا‬ drunkenness must be consumed … ُ ‫ حتى ال تصري‬... ‫ أن تضع حدودا ً لزوار ِ هذا الطريق‬... Many are the waysides (and roadways) in our ... ِ ‫مداسا ً لكل الغرباء‬ lives … and all waysides have the same destiِ ‫الصخر‬ ‫ سقط آخ ٌر عىل‬+ nation … which is destruction … maybe you ‫عىل‬ ‫بل‬ ... ٌ ‫قوية‬ ٌ ‫أرض‬ ‫أنها‬ ... ‫هنا‬ ِ ‫الصخر‬ ‫ليس معنى‬ started to make your heart a wayside … but ... ِ ‫الله‬ ِ ‫كلمة‬ ِ ‫وجه‬ ‫ىف‬ ٌ ‫صخور‬ ‫أنها‬ ... ً ‫متاما‬ ِ ‫العكس‬ you still have a chance; learn to shut this door ‫ولكنها ليست صخورا ً ىف وجه ِ تجارب العامل ِ وضيقاته‬ … and place limits to the foreigners trying to enter this wayside … so that you don’t be tram- ... ٍ ‫ تتقبلها برسعة‬... ِ ‫ أنها نفوس تفرح بكلمة ِ الله‬... ِ pled upon by all foreigners … ‫ فرسعان ما تنهار تحت‬... ٍ ‫ولكن بال عمق ٍ بال أصول‬ +++ Some fell on rock +++ ... ِ ‫التجربة‬ Rock here doen not mean … that it is a solid ‫السيد‬ ‫قدمى‬ ‫تحت‬ ُ ‫تجلس‬ ... ‫يهوذا‬ ‫مثل‬ ‫أنها‬ ground … but on the absolute contrary … it ‫بل‬ ... ‫تعاليمه‬ ‫إىل‬ ُ ‫تستمع‬ ... ‫معه‬ ُ ‫تسري‬ ... ‫املسيح‬ is rock (and stones) in the way of God’s word ‫ ولكن عند الصليب ِ تنهار ُ وتضيع‬... ِ ‫تشرتك ُ ىف البشارة‬ … but it is not a rock in the face of the world ... ُ trails and tribulations … these are souls which rejoice with the word of God and readily accept ‫ تفرح ُ باإلنجيل ِ تفرح ُ بالتعاليم‬... ‫أنها مثل دمياس‬ it … but with no depth or roots … and quickly ‫ ولكن ىف منتصف الطريق ِ تنهار وترجع إىل‬... ِ ‫ِ املقدسة‬ collapse when trails occur … ‫ ويقول عنه القديس بولس ىف أمل ٍ «» دمياس‬... ِ ‫الوراء‬ This is like Judas (Iscariot) … seated under the ... »« ‫تركنى ألنه أحب العامل‬ Lord Jesus Christ’s feet … you walk with Him ‫وهو‬ َ ‫املسيح‬ َ ‫السيد‬ ُ ‫تتبع‬ ‫ان‬ ‫ما أكرث النفوس املستعدة‬ … you hear His teachings … and even partake ... ‫املوىت‬ ُ ‫قيم‬ ‫ي‬ ‫عندما‬ ... ‫أألالف‬ ُ ‫يكرس ُ الخبز ويطعم‬ ُ in the preaching … but, at the Cross you col‫أن‬ ٍ ‫مستعدة‬ ٍ ‫نفس‬ ‫كم‬ ‫ولكن‬ ... ‫عندما يُشفى املرىض‬ lapse and fail … ... »« ِ ‫ إىل الصليب‬... ِ ‫متىض معه إىل «» الجلجثة‬ Again, like Demas … you rejoice in the good news of the bible and it’s holy teachings … but, ‫ كم من كثريين يفرحون‬... ِ ‫ما أجمل أحاديث املحبة‬ half way you collapse and go backward … and ‫ ولكن ماذا عن‬... َ ‫ ويرضبون بها املثل‬... ‫جدا ً بها‬ St Paul says of him painfully “for Demas has ‫ ماذا عن محبة ِ األعداء ِ ؟؟؟؟؟‬... ِ ‫التطبيق ِ العمىل‬ forsaken me, having loved this present world” ... ِ ‫ال يوجد من ال يُعجب ُ بالحديث ِ عن الطهارة‬ (2 Timothy 4:10) … ... ِ ‫والعفة‬ ِ ‫ويفرح ُ بقصص ِ القديسني ىف حياة ِ القداسة‬ Many are those who are willing to follow the ‫ هل‬... ‫ولكن ماذا عن حياة ِ الطهارة ِ والقداسة ِ نفسها‬ Lord Christ when He breaks bread and feeds ‫مستعد ُ أن تضحى بشهواتك ولذاتك من أجل ِ الحياة‬ the multitudes … when He raises the dead … and when He cures the sick … but how many ‫املقدسة ِ ؟؟؟‬ are willing to go with Him to “Golgotha … to ‫ ولكن ال‬... ‫ما أكرث ما نسمع ُ كلمة َ اللة ِ ونفرح ُ بها‬ the Cross” … ‫ وعند األختبار العمىل ال‬... ‫نأخذها بعمق ٍ ىف داخلنا‬ How beautiful are the talks of love … many re- ‫ أليس حقا ً هذه قلوب حجرية‬... ٍ ‫تجد أى مثار ٍ فعلية‬ joice in it … but even will use it as an example ... (of love) … but what about actual practice (of ‫وتفرح‬ ‫املسيح‬ ‫السيد‬ ‫قدمى‬ ‫تحت‬ ُ ‫تجلس‬ ‫اليوم‬ ‫كنت‬ ‫أن‬ love) … what of love your enemy???? Often and many times we hear the word of God ‫ مبجرد أن تخرج‬... ‫ أستعد أذن‬... ِ ‫ وتلتذ ُ بكلمة ِ الله‬... ُ and rejoice in it … but we do not take to the ‫ أن‬... ِ ‫ُ من هذا املكان سوف تواجهك التجربة العملية‬ depth within us … and at the first practical test, ‫ فهل انت‬... ِ ‫الشيطان َ لن يرتكك تتمتع ُ بكلمة ِ الله‬ it bears no actual fruits (within us) … isn’t this .... ُ ‫مستعد ٌ ان تصمد ُ ؟؟ أم سوف تنهار‬ a stony heart ‫ وعن رشب الخمور‬.... ِ ‫كم مرة ً تسمع عن التدخني‬ If you are seated under the Lord Christ’s feet ِ ‫ وكم مرة تسمع ُ عن مضار‬.... ِ ‫ِ وعن لعب ِ القامر‬ and rejoicing … and enjoying the Word of God ‫ هذا كالم‬... ‫ كم مرة تقول صحيح‬... ِ ‫الصدقات ِ الرشيرة‬ … be prepared then … as soon as you go out ً ‫ وكم مرة ً فعال‬... ‫ ال بد أن أفعل ُ شئ‬... ‫ينطبق عىل‬ this place, you will face the practical trails … ‫تفعل ُ شيئا ً ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟‬ Satan will not leave you t enjoy the Word of God … are you ready to face (Satan)?? Or you +++ ِ ‫ وسقط آخ ٌر وسط الشوك‬+ will fail … ... ‫ هو قلب ٌ مفتوح ٌ للعامل ِ بدون ضوابط‬... ‫الطريق‬ How many times you heard about smoking ِ ‫ هى قلوب ٌ غري مستعدة ٍ للتجربة ِ والضيقة‬... ‫الصخور‬

… or drinking of alcohols … or gambling … and how . ‫ غري مستعدة ٍ لألختبار ِ العمىل‬... many times you heard of the ill effects of evil company ‫ فهى شهواتك ومحبتك للعامل‬... ‫أما األشواك‬ and friends … and how often you have said this is true .. ِ ‫ أنها رغبتك أنت أن تعيش ُ ىف شهواته‬... … these words describe me … I must do something … ‫ متاما ً كالغنى‬... ِ ‫فأنت تحب ُ غنى العامل‬ but how many time you still did nothing????? ‫الذى ضيع حياته كلها يهدم ُ ىف مخازنه‬ + and some fell among thorns ‫ وهكذا هلك‬... ‫ِ ويبنى أخرى أكرب منها‬ The wayside … is the open heart to the world without ... ‫وضاع‬ and controls … The rocks … are the hearts which are not prepared to ‫ بل‬... ‫ تخنق كلمة الله ِ بداخلك‬... ‫نفسك‬ face trails and tribulations … unprepared for the practi- ٌ ‫ فأنت رسحان‬... ً ‫أنك تكاد ال تسمع ُ شيئا‬ cal trails … ‫ وىف أمور‬... ‫باستمرار ٍ ىف عملك وىف أموالك‬ But, the thorns … are your own lusts and love of the ... ِ ‫العامل‬ world … it is your desire to live in your own lusts … ‫كل‬ ‫له‬ ‫وتقىض‬ ... َ ‫جسدك‬ ُ ‫تحب‬ ‫وأنت‬ since you love the riches of the world … exactly like the ُ ‫ تحب‬... ُ ‫ تحب ُ أن تدخن‬... ‫مطالبه‬ (foolish) rich man who wasted his life pulling down his barns and building bigger barns for himself … and was ‫ تحب شهوة َ الجسد ِ مهام كان‬... َ ‫الخمور‬ ‫ تحب ُ مظهر َ الجسد ِ حتى ولو‬... ‫نوعها‬ lost and destroyed (Luke 12:16-21) ... You by yourself … are choking the word within yourself ‫ وهكذا متر ُ عليك‬... ِ ‫ىف املالبس غري الالئقة‬ … but, you almost hear nothing … since you are preoc‫ أنها‬... ‫كلمة الله بدون حتى أن تسمعها‬ cupied continually in your work, money … and matters ... ‫تختنق ُ قبل أن تصل ُ إىل قلبك‬ of the world … ‫تعتقد‬ ... َ ‫وأنت تحب ُ تفكريك َ ومنطقك‬ You love your (physical) body … and acquire all it’s ‫أن‬ ُ ‫تعتقد‬ ... ‫ُ أنك تعرف ُ أكرث ُ من غريك‬ needs … you love to smoke … you love alcohols … ‫يقوله‬ ‫ما‬ ‫كل‬ ... ‫مبادئك هى وحدها سليمة‬ you love lusts of the body regardless of what it is … you ‫ وهكذا بهذا اإلنغالق‬... ‫اآلخرين خطأ‬ love the appearance of your body even if the clothing are not suitable … and thus, the word of God by-passes ِ ‫الفكرى ال تستمع لوصايا املحبة ِ والرحمة‬ you without hearing it … it has choked before it reaches ‫ وال تقبل التفاهم مع اآلخرين وال تقبل‬... your heart … ‫ وال حتى‬... ٍ ‫نصيحة أحد ٌ وال كلمة َ منفعة‬ You love your own thoughts and logic … believing that ... ِ ‫كلمة َ الله‬ you know more than others … you believe that your ‫متنع‬ ‫ال‬ ‫أنها‬ ... ٌ ‫مؤملة‬ ٌ ‫قاسية‬ ٌ ‫أنها أشواك‬ own principals alone are the right one … and all what ‫ ولكن قبل‬... ‫كلمة َ الله ِ أن تدخل وتنمو‬ others say is wrong … and with this you bring yourself ... ‫أن تأىت بثمر ٍ تخنقها‬ to an intellectual closure and you do not listen to any advice or words of benefit … not even to the words of ‫ أنها ال بد‬... ً ‫فالقلب ِ ال يحتمل األثنني معا‬ God … ‫من نزع األشواك وحرقها أوال ً حتى تنمو‬ It is harsh and painful thorns … it might not stop the ِ ‫كلمة َ الله ِ وتأىت بالثمر ِ الكثري‬ words of God of getting in (within you) and flourish … ‫ هل انت مشتاق ٌ أن تكون‬.... ‫أيها الحبيب‬ but before it bears fruit it is choked (to death) … ‫ كام‬... ً ‫ كام كنت أوال‬... ً ‫أرضا ً خصبة‬ For the heart cannot bear both together … therefore, it ‫تبرص‬ ‫لىك‬ ‫ أفتح عينيك‬... ‫ أذن‬... ُ ‫خلقك الله‬ is essential to pluck out the thorns and burn it first, and ‫ تعاىل وأجلس‬... ‫ أفتح أذنيك لىك تسمع‬... then the words of God will grow and bear many fruits. ‫ وأنظر أين‬... ً ‫مع نفسك جلسة ً هادئة‬ Beloved … are you eager to be a good fertile land … as you were at the beginning … as God Has created you … ‫ أنظر من أين أنفتح قلبك‬... ‫سقطت وتب‬ then open your eyes to see … and open your ears to hear ‫ أنظر كيف تحجرت ىف‬... ً ‫وصار طريقا‬ … come and set with yourself quietly … and look and ‫ أنظر كيف‬... ‫داخلك وضاع عمقك وأهملك‬ see where you have fallen and repent … see where your ‫ وتب‬... ‫ أنظر‬... ‫نبتت األشواك ومألت قلبك‬ heart was opened as wayside (roadway trampled upon) ... ‫بدموع ٍ تنقى من كل هذه الخطايا‬ … look and see where the rock within are and how ٍ ‫بثمر‬ ‫ حتى تصري ُ أرضا ً جيدة ً تأىت‬+++ you lost the depth to neglect … see how the thorns has +++ ... ‫ ومائة‬... ‫ وستني‬... ‫كامل ٍ ثالثني‬ sprouted and filled your heart … see … and repent with (real) tears to purify all these sins … to become a good earth (once more) and bear fruits, thirtyfold …. Sixtyfold and hundredfold … (Matthew 13:23) +++

Selection of Beautiful Sayings The Editorial Article by His Holiness Pope Tawadros II Keraza 13th October 2023 + Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school. + The sincerest gift to man is true love. + Everyone has two eyes but no one has the same view (Gibran Khalil Gibran). + “There are two individuals you should not stay with for a single minute: the one who does not understand you and the one who does not appreciate you” (Nizar Qabbani). + “Listen to many, speak to a few” (William Shakepseare). + “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all” (Psalm 34:19 NKJV). + “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough” (Albert Einstein). + You would know a malicious advisor if he advises you in front of people. + “A wise person benefits from his enemies; a foolish person does not benefit from his friends” (Anis Mansour). + If the herd is united, the lion will sleep hungry. + You need ingenuity to speak and you need intelligence to listen. + Every thought sees the truth from one side and reveals only part of it. + My mother taught me that a good cook is one who knows exactly when to turn off the stove. + “What is success? It is being able to go to bed each night with your soul at peace” (Paulo Coelho). + Do not let one worry make you forget a thousand blessings. + A great man is not just born; he is made with time. + A little jealousy is constructive, a lot of it is destructive. + “No matter how much you trust others, don’t open up to them from the rooms of your life except the guest room” (Shakespeare). + Life does not stop because of some disappointments just like how time does not stop when the clock breaks. + Put a little emotion in your mind to soften up, and put a little reason in your heart so that it becomes upright. + “Whoever opens his door to the needy holds in his hand the key to God’s door” (St. John of Lycopolis). + Do not lecture someone who needs a hug. + “Each of us has two personalities: one is alert in the darkness and the other is oblivious in the light” (Gibran Khalil Gibran). + The biggest mistake a person makes is believing that they do not make mistakes. + We hide in the embrace of silence when we realize that what we are trying to explain will never be understood. + Speaking is the privilege of knowledge, while listening is the privilege of wisdom. + People’s hearts appear in their eyes. + “The cheerful face is like a second sun” (John Locke). + Time is a very precious gift; spend it only with those who deserve it. + A kind word strengthens a heart and builds a life.

+ There is no way to stillness if the noise comes from deep inside you. + Life is too short to waste it with people to whom you justify your actions all the time. Whoever loves you will see the good in you, and whoever hates you, you will never be able to please (Gibran Khalil Gibran). + Even when you hug children, you feel that you are the one who needs the hug, not them. + What we may call adversity, God calls opportunity. + The strong do not hurt you; the weak do. + Do not break any of the following four in your life: trust, relationship, promises, and hearts. + “When they ordained you a priest, you became a father; when they ordained you a bishop, you became a bosom” (St. John Chrysostom). + The art of wisdom is to know what to ignore. + Age is the only thing that decreases as it increases. + Embrace silence in the face of fools. + Being smart is not to prevail in an argument, but rather to not enter into it at all. + “You’ll never be alone if you’ve got a book” (Al Pacino). Pope Tawadros II Pope of Alexandria & Patriarch of the See of St. Mark

Following the Burial Wake will be held at St Mark’s Church Hall 40-42 Gilbert St Preston

Financial Summary for St. Mary’s Church New Project

Expression of Interest Enrolment Form: https://forms.gle/ wXJj3fKVEksWzTJu5 (or scan the QR) - ٣ ‫إستمارة التقديم للحضانة (سن‬ )‫ سنوات‬٤ ٢٠٢٤ ‫ابتداء من يناير‬ ‫ الموضح‬QR ‫أستخدم ال‬

Blessed Engagement Adeil Wiesa & Warda Geed Sunday 5th November 2023 St. Mary’s Coptic Church

Blessed Baptism Baby Audrey daughter of John & Marianne Georgy Sunday 5th November 2023 St Mary’s Coptic Church

Blessed Marriage Stephen Georgeallis & Amy Mikhail Sunday 5th Nov 2023 St. Mary’s Coptic Church

Building Site 31st Oct 2023

Construction of New Buildings started Thursday 28th April

The new Building is expected to be ready December 2023. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downloaded from church website.

Cost of building works is around $13,000,000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreciated. 2022 ‫ أبريل‬٢٨ ‫أعمال اإلنشاءات بدات يوم الخميس‬ ‫ خدمات الكنيسة تتم حسب المعتاد حسب‬.٢٠٢٣ .٢٠٢٣ ‫من المتوقع االنتهاء من المشروع ديسمبر‬ .‫الجدول الموضح داخل النشرة‬ .‫ مليون دوالرا‬١٣ ‫تبلغ تكلفة المشروع حوالى‬ ‫ينكنك المشاركة بتبرع شهرى بملء أستمارة السحب‬ ‫البنكي الموجودة بالكنيسة أو طبعها من خالل مركز‬ ‫الكنيسة اإللكتروني‬ ‫الرب يبارك تبرعاتكم ومساهمتكم فى هذا العمل‬ Donations to St Mary’s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link ‫للتبرعات لكنيسة العذراء مريم ومشروع المباني أضغط على الرابط‬ https://www.stmc.org.au/donate (Copy & Paste on Web Browser)

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