Weekly Bulletin 12th July 2021

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:‫مواعيد الخدمة بكنيسة العذراء‬ Services at St Mary’s Church )‫ صباحا (أنجليزى‬7 - 5:30 ::‫األلهى‬ ‫ القداس األلهى‬:‫الثالثاء‬ Tuesday Liturgy 5:30 - 7am ‫ ذا واى‬- ‫ مساء أجتامع للكبار باألنجليزى‬8 8am The Way - Orthodox Fekkowship in ‫ صباحا‬11 – 9 ‫ القداس األلهى‬:‫األربعاء‬ ‫األربعاء‬ Englisg for adults - All ages ‫عرىب‬ ‫للكبار‬ ‫الشاممسة‬ ‫مدرسة‬ ‫مساء‬ 8 - 6:30 Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am Wednesday ‫ أنجليزى‬- ‫ مساء مدرسة الشاممسة‬8:15 - 7 6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults ‫ عرىب‬- ‫مساء فصول ألحان‬9 - 8 Arabic ; 7-8:15pm English :‫الخميس‬ Hymns Class Arabic Loc 8-9pm k do Thursday ‫مساء‬ 7:30 ‫أنجليزى‬ ‫الليل‬ ‫نصف‬ ‫تسبحة‬ w Dur n ha Cov ing 7:30pm English Midnight Praises s i d b - 1 ‫ مساء‬7:30 ‫ أنجليزى‬- ‫درس الكتاب املقدس‬ ee this English Bible Study 7:30pm tim n exten 9 Lock‫ صباحا‬11 – 9 ‫ القداس األلهى‬:‫الجمعة‬ ‫الجمعة‬ e d w d s ervi 9 – 11 am Friday: Mass SMass Friday n and ervices ed to T o‫رث‬ ces hur ‫ سنة فأك‬25 ‫ مساء الشباب‬9 – 7 are Frid a Youth 25 and above Foll 7-9pm sda con ays re restr )‫أسبوعني‬ o y‫مساء أجتامع األرسة (كل‬9-7 w d L u Family Meeting‫عاء‬7-9pm (fortnightly) i c u c i t t p al ted ed t 2nd Se urg ‫واألرب‬ l b i o e t y 5 ‫أنجليزى‬s -9‫اعداد الخدمة‬ ‫أجتامع‬pt‫ مساء‬8:30 - 7 Discipleship Clas Class ‫حد‬7-8:30pm ‫ ت واأل‬he serv per -11 Sat, Su ember s Year 10-12 Sunday School 6-9pm am ‫مدرس‬n‫فصل‬ ic ‫السب‬ -o10 ns ‫لسنوات‬ , W ‫ مساء‬9 - 6 incl ‫األحد‬ ‫ سات‬es on12 ed l Saturday: Mass: 8:30 Saturday – 10:30am i u ‫ا‬ n ‫د‬ d ‫ق‬ e‫صباحا‬ ‫القداس األلهى‬:‫السبت‬ ‫السبت‬ ‫كهنة‬ ‫خدمة‬ (Zo 10,30 i–ng8,30 ‫ا‬ ‫ح‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ا‬ t ‫با‬ om Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm he P ‫آلباء‬ ‫على‬ ‫مساء‬ 3 1:30 ‫الكشافة‬ ‫اجتامع‬ & ‫ ص يهم ا‬١١‫ر‬ ries ‫تقتص‬ You ٩ ‫عة‬ Vespers & youth meeting –7pm ‫بما ف‬ ‫يوب‬5.30 ts ‫ا‬ T ‫ي‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ليو ت‬ ‫م‬ ‫ا‬ u ‫د‬ ‫ح‬ 4 - b3 e‫الشاممسة‬ ‫مدرسة‬ ‫مساءسة‬ ‫والج سة أفرا وم وا‬ English ) ‫الكني‬ ‫ى خم‬ ‫ى الز‬ ‫ت‬ 5,30 – 4 ‫األحد‬ ‫مدارس‬ ‫ا‬ ‫م‬ Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:30-7pm ‫ة عل‬ ‫ها عل‬ ‫خد‬ ‫لخدم‬ ‫انجليزىكل‬ ‫مساء دمات‬ ‫ا‬ 7 – 5,30 ‫الشباب‬ ‫العشية واجتامع‬ Scouts 1:30 - 3pm ‫ر‬ ‫ص‬ ‫ا الخ‬ ‫قتمساءتابعو‬7‫ ت‬- 5:30 ‫العشية ودرس كتاب‬ School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm ‫عرىب‬ Sunday: Sunday :‫األحد‬ ‫األحد‬ 1st Mass 7 – 9.15am Arabic & English ‫وانجليزى‬ ‫عرىب‬ ‫ص‬ 9,15 – 7 ‫األول‬ ‫القداس‬ 2nd Mass 9.15 – 11.30am English ‫ ص – انجليزى‬11,30 – 9,15 ‫القداس الثاىن‬ 3rd Mass 9 – 11am Arabic ‫ ص عرىب‬11 – 9 ‫القداس الثالث‬ Hymns Class - English 11:45 ‫ مساء‬12:30 - 11:45 ‫ أنجليزى‬- ‫فصل ألحان‬ 12:30pm Church Priests: Priests :‫األباء الكهنة بالكنيسة‬ Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251 ‫األب القمص تادرس شاروبيم‬ Email: frtadros@me.com 0414251251 Fr Habib Girgis Younan: Email: frtadros@me.com 0401238177 – 94498871 :‫يونان‬ ‫األب القس حبيب جرجس‬ Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail. 94498871Email: - 0401238177 com Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821 habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au 0422431821 :‫األب القس مايكل صليب‬ Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., KensingEmail: frmichael@sac.edu.au ton Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651 Epsom Rd, Kensington 3031:‫عنوان الكنيسة‬ 93766651 :‫ تليفون‬5 Vic

The Martyrdom of St. John the Baptist. ‫استشهاد القديس يوحنا المعمدان‬ 12th September - 2nd Tote ‫ توت‬2 - ‫ سبتمبر‬12 On this day, the forerunner and great prophet, St. John ‫في هذا اليوم استشهد القديس السابق‬ the Baptist, son of Zacharias the priest, was martyred ‫ والنبي العظيم يوحنا المعمدان ابن‬، by the order of King Herod. When St. John rebuked ‫ على يد هيرودس‬، ‫زكريا الكاهن‬ Herod because of Herodias, the wife of his brother ‫يوحنا‬ ‫ وذلك لما بكته النبي‬. ‫الملك‬ Phillip whom he had taken as a wife, he said to him, ‫فيلبس‬ ‫أخيه‬ ‫من أجل هيروديا زوجة‬ “It is not lawful for you to have your brother’s wife.” (Mark:6:18) Herod seized the Saint and cast him into ‫ ال‬. ‫ قائال له‬. ‫آلتي اتخذها له زوجه‬ ‫ فقبض‬، ‫يحل لك أن تأخذ امرأة أخيك‬ prison; however, he feared John. An opportune day came when Herod, on his birthday, ‫ ومع‬. ‫على القديس ودفعه إلى السجن‬ gave a feast for his nobles, the high officers and the )20 : 6 ‫ذلك فقد كان يهابه (مر‬ chief men of Galilee. And when Herodias’ daughter ‫فلما اتفق عيد ميالد هيرودس صنع‬ herself came in and danced and pleased Herod. He ‫وليمة ألكابر مملكته ومقدمي الجليل‬ promised her anything she might ask for, even as ‫ فرقصت في‬. ‫ وحضرت ابنة أخيه‬. much as half of his kingdom. She went to her mother ‫ فوعدها‬. ‫ فأعجبت الملك‬. ‫الوسط‬ and asked her, “What shall I ask?” Her mother said, ‫ ولو إلى‬، ‫أن يعطيها كل ما تسأله‬ “Ask for the head of John the Baptist on a platter.” . ‫أمها‬ ‫ فخرجت إلى‬. ‫نصف المملكة‬ When Herod heard this, he was exceedingly sorry. But because of his promise and those who were sitting ‫ اطلبي رأس يوحنا‬: ‫فقالت لها أمها‬ ‫ فلما سمع الملك‬. ‫المعمدان على طبق‬ with him, he did not want to refuse her request. He ‫ وألجل المتكئين معه لم‬. ‫ذلك حزن‬ therefore commanded his servants to cut off the head ‫ فأرسل لوقته وقطع‬. ‫يرد أن يردها‬ of Saint John and they gave it to the damsel and the damsel gave it to her mother. (Mark 6:20-28) There ، ‫ وأعطاه للصبية‬، ‫رأس يوحنا‬ was great consternation that day, and their joy soon )28 – 21 : 6 ‫فأعطته ألمها (مر‬ turned into sorrow. ‫ وكان قلق عظيم في ذلك اليوم‬.

‫ وقيل أن الرأس‬، ‫وتبدل فرحهم حزنا‬

It was said that when the holy head of St. John was cut ‫وهو‬، ‫المقدس قد طار من بين أيديهم‬ off, it flew up off their hands into the air, and it cried ‫ ال يحل‬: ‫يصرخ في الجو قائال‬ out saying, “It is not right for you to take your brother’s wife.” It is also said that the head now is present at ‫ وقيل أن‬، ‫لك أن تأخذ امرأة أخيك‬ ‫ أما‬. ‫الرأس اآلن بأعمال حمص‬ Homs in Syria. ‫ فقد حمله تالميذه‬، ‫الجسد المقدس‬ As of the holy body, the disciples of St. John took it and laid it in a grave until the days of Pope Athanathi- ‫ووضعوه في قبر إلى أيام أثناسيوس‬ us, when God Willed to uncover his body. . ‫البطريرك حيث أراد الرب إظهاره‬ His blessings be with us all. Amen. . ‫ أمين‬. ‫صالته تكون معنا‬ The Departure of Isaiah the Prophet. ‫استشهاد القديس أشعياء النبي بن آموص‬ 16th September - 6th Tote ‫ ق م‬913 ‫سنة‬ On this day, the great Prophet Isaiah, the son of Amoz, ‫توت‬ ٦ - ‫ سبتمرب‬١٦ was killed by the hand of Manasseh the King who ‫بن‬ ‫اشعياء‬ ‫العظيم‬ ‫يف هذا اليوم تنيح النبي‬ sawed him with a wooden saw. ‫ مبنشار‬، ‫أموص بعد أن نرشه منيس امللك‬ This prophet prophesied in the days of five kings: ‫ هذا النبي تنبأ يف زمان خمسة‬. ‫الخشب‬ Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, Hezekiah, and Manasseh. He . ‫ وأحاز ابنه‬. ‫ ويوثام‬. ‫ عوزيا‬: ‫ملوك وهم‬ prophesied to Ahaz saying, “Behold, the virgin shall ‫ وتنبأ الحاز أن العذراء‬. ‫ ومنىس‬، ‫وحزقيا‬ conceive, and bear a Son, and shall call his name Immanuel.” (Isaiah 7:14) He also prophesied that, “His ‫ ويدعى اسمه عامنوئيل (ا‬. ‫تحبل وتلد ابنا‬ name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty . ‫ ثم تنبأ أن هذا االبن يدعى‬. )14 : 7 ‫ش‬ God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace,” (Isaiah ‫اسمه عجيبا مشريا إلها قديرا أبا أبديا رئيس‬ 9:6), and the Lord will have mercy upon the world by ‫) وأنه سريحم العامل بتقديم‬6 : 9 ‫السالم (ا ش‬ offering Himself a sacrifice for all mankind as, “He ،‫ وهو مجروح ألجل معاصينا‬،‫ذاته عن البرش‬ was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised ‫ تأديب سالمنا عليه‬، ‫مسحوق ألجل آثامنا‬ for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was ‫ الرب وضع عليه آثم‬. . . ‫ وبحربه شفينا‬، upon Him; and by His stripes we are healed..., and the .)6 ، 5 : 5 3 ‫جميعنا (اش‬ Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” (Isaiah ‫وتنبئا يف زمان حزقيا وقوى قلبه ملا حارصه‬ 53:5-6)

He prophesied to Hezekiah and encouraged him ‫ وأعلمه أن هللا سيهلكه‬، ‫سنحاريب ملك أشور‬ when Sennacherib, King of Assyria, besieged ‫ فاهلك هللا تعاىل من عسكر‬، ‫ألجل افرتائه عليه‬ Jerusalem. He informed Hezekiah that God would ‫ ش‬1( ‫سنحاريب مئة وخمسة ومثانني ألف رجل‬ perish Sennacherib because of his blasphemy against ‫ وملا‬، ‫) وطرد من بقى من الجند هاربا‬36 : 37 Him. And that night the angel of the Lord went out ، ‫ بيته ألنه ميوت‬، ‫مرض حزقيا أعلمه أن يوىص‬ and killed in the camp of the Assyrian 185,000 men ‫ وأعلمه أنه‬، ‫فلام صىل إىل هللا أرسل إليه اشعياء‬ (Isaiah 37:36), and those who were spared fled from ‫ وأراه آية يستدل‬. ‫قد زاده خمس عرشة سنة‬ the camp. And when Hezekiah the King was sick, Isaiah told ‫ وتنبأ عىل‬. )8 : 38 ‫بها عىل صدق ا لنبوة (ا ش‬ him to set his house in order, for he was to die. And ‫ما يصيب إرسائيل من الويالت لقساوة قلوبهم‬ when Hezekiah prayed to God, He sent to him Isaiah . ‫ومحبتهم للخطية وابتعادهم عن عبادة هللا‬ the prophet who made known to him that God had ‫ وبصالته أنبع‬. ‫وأنه ال يؤمن منهم إال اليسري‬ added to his days 15 years. And God showed him ‫ وملا عطش هو مرة‬. ‫هللا ماء ملا عطش الشعب‬ a sign so that he might realize the validity of his ‫ وملا بكت منىس‬. ‫أخرى أنبع هللا له عني سلوان‬ prophesy. (Isaiah 38:8) . ‫وأبنه عىل عبادة األوثان أمر بنرشه باملنشار‬ Isaiah prophesied about what would befall Israel ‫ وسبق مجيء السيد‬. ‫وتنبأ نحو سبعني سنة‬ from calamities because of the hardness of their ‫صالته‬ . ‫املسيح بتسع مئة وثالث عرشة سنة‬ hearts, love for sin and their forsaken of the worship .‫ امني‬. ‫تكون معنا‬ of God, and only a few of them would be believers. 25‫ديسقورس‬ 25 ‫نياحة البابا ديسقورس‬ Because of his prayers God sprung water when the ‫ توت‬٧ - ‫ سبتمرب‬١٧ people were thirsty. On another occasion, when ‫ م تنيح األب املغبوط‬451 ‫يف هذا اليوم من سنة‬ Isaiah himself was thirsty, God sprung for him ‫ بطل األرثوذكسية العظيم القديس ديسقورس‬، the spring of Siloam. When he rebuked Manasseh because of his evil deeds and worshipping idols, . ‫الخامس والعرشون من باباوات اإلسكندرية‬ Manasseh ordered to have him sawed. ‫وكانت نياحته يف جزيرة غاغرا بعد أن جاهد‬ He prophesied for 70 years and he came 913 years . ‫الجهاد الحسن عن األمانة األرثوذكسية‬ before the advent of the Lord Christ. ‫وذلك أنه ملا دعي إىل املجمع الخلقدوين بأمر‬ His prayers be with us all. Amen. ‫ رأى جمعا كبريا من أساقفة‬، ‫امللك مرقيان‬ The Departure of St. Dioscorus, 25th Pope of ‫ما‬ ‫ فقال‬،‫يبلغ عددهم ستامئة وثالثني أسقفا‬ Alexandria. ‫هو الذي تنقصه األمانة حتى اجتمعت هذه‬ 17th September - 7th Tote ‫الجامعة العظيمة ؟ فقالوا له ان هذه الجامعة‬ On this day of the year 451 A.D., the blessed father and the great champion of Orthodoxy, Saint ‫ فقال ان كان هذا املجمع‬، ‫اجتمعت بأمر امللك‬ ‫ وأتكلم مبا‬، ‫ فأنا أحرضه‬، ‫بأمر السيد املسيح‬ Dioscorus, 25th Pope of Alexandria, departed. His departure took place on the island of Gagra after he ‫يتكلم به الرب عىل لساين وان كان قد اجتمع‬ had fought the good fight defending the Orthodox ‫ وأذ‬، ‫ فليدبر امللك مجمعه كام يريد‬، ‫بأمر امللك‬ faith. ‫رأى أن الون بطريرك رومية قد علم أن للمسيح‬ When he was summoned to the Council of ‫ انربى‬، ‫طبيعتني ومشيئتني من بعد االتحاد‬ Chalcedon by the order of Emperor Marcianus, ‫املسيح‬ ‫لدحض هذا املعتقد الجديد فقال «ان‬ he saw a great assembly of 630 bishops. Saint ‫وهو‬ ، ‫كانسان‬ ‫ هو الذي دعي إىل العرس‬، ‫واحد‬ Dioscorus asked, «In whom is the faith lacking that ‫ ومل يفرتق يف جميع‬، ‫الذي حول املاء خمرا كإله‬ it was necessary to gather this great assembly?» ‫ واستشهد بقول البابا كريلس «ان‬، »‫أعامله‬ They told him, «This assembly has been convened ‫ كاتحاد النفس بالجسد‬، ‫اتحاد كلمه هللا بالجسد‬ by the emperor›s command.» He replied, «If this assembly has been convened by the command of our ‫ وان كانا من طبيعتني‬، ‫ وكاتحاد النار بالحديد‬، Lord Jesus Christ I shall stay and speak with what ‫ كذلك‬، . »‫ فباتحادهام صارا واحدا‬، ‫مختلفتني‬ God may give me to say; but if this assembly has ، ‫ ورب واحد‬.، ‫ مسيح واحد‬، ‫السيد املسيح‬ been convened by the emperor›s command, let the ‫ فلم يجرس أحد‬. ‫ مشيئة واحدة‬، ‫طبيعة واحدة‬ emperor manage his assembly as he pleases.» ‫من املجتمعني يف املجمع أن يقاومه وقد كان‬ When he saw that Leo, Archbishop of Rome, was ‫عىل‬ ‫فيهم من حرض مجمع أفسس الذي اجتمع‬ teaching that Christ has two natures and two wills ‫بلخاريا‬ ‫نسطور وأعلموا امللك مرقيان وامللكة‬ after the Union, he took the charge to refute this new ‫ أنه مل يخالف أمركام يف األمانة إال ديسقورس‬، belief. He stated that our Lord Jesus Christ is one, ‫ فاستحرضاه هو‬. ‫بطريرك مدينة اإلسكندرية‬ He who was invited to the wedding as a man and ‫ واستمروا‬، ‫واملتقدمني يف املجمع من األساقفة‬ changed the water into wine as a God, and that the

two natures were not separated in all of His works. Quoting ‫يتناقشون ويتباحثون إىل أخر النهار‬ Pope Cyril, he said, «The Hypostatic Union of the Word ‫ والقديس ديسقورس ال يخرج عن‬، of God with the flesh is like the union of the soul with the ‫ فشق ذلك عىل امللك وامللكة‬، ‫أمانته‬ body and like the union of fire and iron: even as they are ، ‫ فأمرت امللكة برضبه عىل فمه‬، of two different natures, by their union they became one. ، ‫ ففعلوا ذلك‬، ‫ونتف شعر لحيته‬ Likewise, our Lord Christ is one Messiah, one Lord, and ‫سقطت‬ ‫فاخذ الشعر واألسنان التي‬ one Nature.» None of those who were gathered at that : ‫قائال‬ ‫ وأرسلها إىل اإلسكندرية‬، assembly dared to contradict him. Among them were some who had attended the Council of Ephesus, which had been ‫أما بقية األساقفة‬، ‫هذه مثرة اإلميان‬ ، ‫فانهم ملا رأوا ما جرى لديسقورس‬ convened against Nestorius. Some informed the Emperor Marcianus and the Empress Belkarya that no one disobeyed ‫ ألنهم خافوا أن يحل‬، ‫وافقوا امللك‬ their commands concerning the faith except Dioscorus, ‫ فوقعوا يديهم عىل‬،‫بهم ما حل به‬ Patriarch of the City of Alexandria. They brought St. ‫وثيقة االعتقاد بان للمسيح طبيعتني‬ Dioscorus, and the leading bishops of the Council who ‫ فلام علم‬، ‫مختلفتني مفرتقتني‬ debated and discussed the matter till it was evening, but ‫ أرسل فطلب الطومس‬، ‫ديسقورس‬ St. Dioscorus would not deviate from his Orthodox belief. ‫( أي اإلقرار الذي كتبوه ) زاعام أنه‬ The emperor and empress were irritated at this, and the ‫ فلام قرأه‬، ‫يريد أن يوقع مثلهم‬ empress commanded to smite St. Dioscorus on his mouth, ‫من‬ ‫كل‬ ‫كتب يف أسفله بحرمهم وحرم‬ and to pluck out the hair of his beard. He took the hair and the teeth that were knocked out and sent them to Alexandria ‫ فاغتاظ‬، ‫يخرج عن األمانة املستقيمة‬ ، ‫امللك وأمر بنفيه إىل جزيرة غاغرا‬ saying, «This is the fruit of Faith.» ‫ونفى معه القديس مقاريوس أسقف‬ When the rest of the bishops saw what had happened to ‫ وظل املجمع‬، ‫ واثنان آخران‬، ‫ادكو‬ Dioscorus, they agreed with the emperor, being afraid of undergoing the same fate. They signed the document . ‫بخلقيدونية‬ of the belief that Christ has two distinct and separate ‫وملا مضوا بالقديس ديسقورس إىل‬ natures. When St. Dioscorus knew this, he sent for the ‫ قابله أسقفها مظهرا‬، ‫جزيرة غاغرا‬ document and pretended that he wanted to sign it too. ‫االستخفاف بشأنه واالستهانة بشخصه‬ But when he read the document, he wrote at its foot that ‫ غري أن هللا‬، ‫ ألنه كان نسطوريا‬، he excommunicated everyone who had signed it, as well ‫ديسقورس‬ ‫أجرى عىل يد القديس‬ as everyone who deviated from the Orthodox Faith. The ‫آيات وعجائب كثرية عظيمة فأطاعوه‬ emperor was enraged and he commanded to banish St. Dioscorus to the island of Gagra, along with St. Macarius, ‫ وزادوا يف إكرامه ألن‬، ‫كلهم وبجلوه‬ ‫ وأما‬. ‫هللا ميجد مختاريه يف كل مكان‬ the Bishop of Edko, and two others, and the Council of ‫القديس مقاريوس رفيقه يف املنفى‬ Chalcedon was resumed. When they took St. Dioscorus to the island of Gagra, its ‫فقال له القديس ديسقورس أنت لك‬ bishop, because he was a Nestorian, met him with contempt ‫ ثم أرسله مع‬. ‫إكليل يف اإلسكندرية‬ and disdain. However, God performed at the hands of St. ‫أحد التجار املؤمنني إىل هناك وفيها‬ Dioscorus many great signs and wonders, so that all obeyed ‫ أما القديس‬. ‫نال إكليل الشهادة‬ him, respected and revered him greatly, for God honors His ‫ فقد أكمل جهاده‬. ‫ديسقورس‬ chosen ones in every place. St. Dioscorus told St. Macarius, ‫ وانتقل من هذه الحياة‬. ‫الحسن‬ his companion in exile, «You shall receive the crown of ‫الباطلة ونال إكليل الحياة األبدية يف‬ martyrdom in Alexandria.» He sent him with one of the ‫ حيث وضع جسده‬. ‫جزيرة غاغرا‬ believing merchants to Alexandria, where he received the ‫ صلواته وبركاته تكون معنا‬. ‫هناك‬ crown of martyrdom. . ‫ أمني‬. ‫جميعا‬ St. Dioscorus, having ended his good fight, departed from this vain life and received the crown of eternal life. He ‫ق م‬1485 ‫ق‬1485 ‫نياحة موىس النبي عام‬ departed on the island of Gagra where his body was laid. ‫ توت‬٨ - ‫ سبتمرب‬١٨ His blessings and prayers be with us all. Amen. ‫يف مثل هذا اليوم تنيح الصديق‬ The Departure of Moses the Prophet. ‫ وكان قد تعب‬. ‫موىس رئيس األنبياء‬ 18th September - 8th Tote ‫مع شعب هللا إىل املوت واسلم‬ On this day also, the righteous Moses, the head of the ‫اآليات‬ ‫ هذا الذي صنع‬. ‫نفسه عنهم‬ prophets, departed. He labored on behalf of the people of God till his death and delivered up himself for them. It was ، ‫ وىف البحر األحمر‬، ‫والعجائب مبرص‬ he who worked miracles and wonders in Egypt and in the ‫هذا الذي مل يرض أن يدعى ابنا البنة‬ Red Sea. When he became of age, refused to be called the ‫ ملا تركه أبواه عىل‬، ‫فرعون التي ربته‬

son of the daughter of Pharaoh. ‫شاطئ النهر خوفا من فرعون الذي أمر‬ She brought him up when his parents left him on the ‫ فلام‬. ‫بقتل الذكور من أبناء العربانيني‬ banks of the river because they were afraid of Pharaoh ‫وجدته ابنة فرعون يف النهر أخذته وربته‬ who had commanded the slaughter of all male children of ‫ وملا كمل له أربعون سنة ورأى‬. ‫لها ولدا‬ the Hebrews. When the daughter of Pharaoh found him ‫واحدا من املرصيني قد قتل واحدا من‬ by the river, she took him and reared him as her own son. ‫ وىف‬، ‫ انتقم له وقتل املرصي‬، ‫العربانيني‬ When he had completed his 40 years, he saw an Egyptian slaying one of the Hebrews and straightaway he avenged ‫الغد رأى اثنني من العربانيني يتخاصامن‬ ‫ فقال له‬. ‫فطلب أن يصلح بينهام‬ the Hebrew and slew the Egyptian. The next day he saw ‫كام‬ ‫املعتدى «العلك تريد أن تقتلني‬ two of the Hebrews fighting and he attempted to make peace between them. He, who was in the wrong, told him,‫ فهرب موىس إيل‬. »‫قتلت املرصي باألمس‬ “Do you want to slay me as you did slay the Egyptian ‫أرض مديان وتزوج هناك ورزق ولدين‬ yesterday?” Because of this, Moses fled to the land of ‫) وملا كمل له مثانون سنه‬2 1 :2‫ (خر‬. Midian where he married and begot two sons. (Exodus 2) . ‫ ظهرت له نار يف العليقة ومل تحرتق‬. When he was 80 years old, a fire appeared to him in a ‫فلام دنا ليسمع كلمة الرب من العليقة‬ bush, but the bush was not consumed. When he moved ‫ أمره بإخراج الشعب من أرض مرص‬، close to behold this great sight, the Lord spoke to him ‫رضبات‬ ‫ثم أجرى الرب عيل يده العرش‬ from the bush and commanded him to bring out the ‫إىل‬ ‫تحول‬ ‫ أولها النهر الذي‬. ‫يف املرصيني‬ people of Israel from the land of Egypt. God worked at ‫ وأخرها قتل أبكار املرصيني (خر‬. ‫دم‬ his hands the ten plagues upon the Egyptians, the first was the river which turned into blood and the last was the ‫ ثم أخرج الشعب وشق له‬. )12 - 7 slaughter of the first born of the Egyptians. (Exodus 7-12) ‫ وأطبق املاء‬، ‫ وأجازه منه‬، ‫البحر األحمر‬ ‫ ثم أنزل له املن يف الربية‬. ‫عىل أعدائه‬ He brought the people out, and he divided the Red Sea and made them pass through it, and then he brought back ‫ وأخرج له املاء من الصخرة‬. ‫أربعني سنة‬ the water over their enemies. He brought down for them ‫ ومع هذا جميعه كانوا يتذمرون عليه‬. “Manna” in the desert for forty years, and he made the ‫ وهو‬، ‫ ومرات كثرية أرادوا رجمه‬. water flow from a rock, and in spite of that they grumbled ‫ ويسال الرب عنهم‬، ‫يطيل أناته عليهم‬ against him and many times they wanted to stone him. ‫ قال‬، ‫ حتى أنه من فرط حبه لهم‬، But he was long suffering with them, and he prayed to ‫فامح‬ ‫ إذا مل تغفر لهذا الشعب‬: ‫للرب‬ God for them, and because he loved them greatly, he ‫ وشهد الكتاب أنه‬. ‫إسمي من سفرك‬ said to God, “If You will not forgive this people their ‫كلم الرب خمسامئة وسبعني كلمة كام‬ transgression, then blot out my name from Your book.” (Exodus 31:32) The Book testified that he spoke with God ‫يكلم اإلنسان خليله حتى دعي كليم‬ ‫ وكان ملا نزل موىس من جبل سيناء‬. ‫هللا‬ five hundred and seventy times as a man talks with his friend, and he was called the mouthpiece of God. When ‫من عند الرب ولوحا الشهادة يف يده‬ Moses came down from Mt. Sinai, after being with God, ‫ فخاف بنو إرسائيل‬، ‫كان وجهه يلمع‬ with the two tables of testimony in his hands, his face was ‫أن يقرتبوا إليه فوضع عىل وجهه برقعا‬ shining. The children of Israel were afraid to come near - 29 : 34‫عندما اقرتب ليكلمهم (خر‬ him, so he put a veil on his face when he came near to ، ‫سنة‬ ‫ وملا كمل له مائة وعرشون‬. )35 talk to them. (Ex. 34:29-35) ‫إىل‬ ‫الشعب‬ ‫أمره الرب أن يعهد بقيادة‬ When he was 120 years old, God commanded him to ، )9 : 34‫يشوع بن نون تلميذه (تث‬ commit the leadership of the people to Joshua, the son of Nun, his disciple. (Deuteronomy 34:9) Moses called him ‫فدعاه وأوصاه بوصايا الرب ونواميسه‬ and commanded him with the commands of God and His ‫ وأعلمه أنه هو الذي سيدخل الشعب‬، ‫ بعد أنه عمل خيمة‬. ‫أرض امليعاد‬ Law, and informed Joshua that he was the one to bring the people into the promised land. After Moses had made ‫ كام أمره الرب‬، ‫الشهادة وجميع ما فيها‬ the Tabernacle of Witness and everything which was in it ‫ ومات موىس يف الجبل ودفن هناك‬. as God had commanded him, he died in the mountain. He ‫ وأخفى الرب جسده لئال يجده بنو‬. was buried there, and God hid his body so the children of ‫إرسائيل فيعبدوه ألن الكتاب يشهد عنه‬ Israel would not find it and worship it because the Book ، ‫أنه مل يقم يف إرسائيل نبي مثل موىس‬ testifies there never rose up a prophet in Israel as Moses. ‫وملا أراد الشيطان إظهار جسده انتهره‬ When Satan wished to reveal the body, Michael the archangel rebuked him, and prevented him from doing so ‫ ومنعه من ذلك‬، ‫ميخائيل رئيس املالئكة‬ )9‫ كام شهد الرسول يهوذا يف رسالته (ع‬. as St. Jude testifies in his epistle. (Verse 9) . ‫ أمني‬. ‫صالته تكون معنا‬ His prayers be with us. Amen.

‫تأمالت فى أنجيل القداس‬ Meditations on the Holy Liturgy Bible Readings ‫االحد االول من شهر توت المبارك‬ 1st Sunday of the Blessed Month of Tote 35 - 28 ::7 7 ‫لوقا‬ Luke 7:28-35 ‫ليس نبى أعظم من يوحنا المعمدان‬ there is not a greater prophet than John the Baptist. 28 ::7 7 ‫لوقا‬ Luke 7:28. ‫فى اليوم الثانى من شهر توت أول‬ On the 2nd day od the month of Tote, the first month ‫ اليوم‬.. ‫شهورالسنة القبطية للشهداء‬ of the Coptic year of Martyrs …. The following day ‫ تحتفل الكنيسة‬.. ‫التالى لعيد النيروز‬ to the feast of Nairoz (Coptic New Year) …the church ‫بذكرى أستشهاد القديس يوحنا المعمدان‬ celebrates the martyrdom of St John the Baptist and ‫ وفى اًول آحاد السنة‬.. ‫السابق الصابغ‬ Fore-runner … and on the first Sunday of the new Coptic year, the church (Bible) reading is for the Lord ‫القبطية ترتب الكنيسة أن تقرأ هذا الفصل‬ Jesus Christ speaking of St John the Baptist describing ‫الذى يتحدث فيه الرب يسوع المسيح عن‬ ‫القديس يوحنا المعمدان ويصفه انه أعظم‬ him as the greatest born of women. .. ‫مواليد النساء‬ For a man to be described as great is a great praise … ‫أن يوصف انسان بأنه عظيم فهذا مديح‬ but to be described in the Holy Bible as great … and even more to be described by the Lord Jesus Himself as ‫ ولكن أن يصفه الكتاب المقدس‬.. ‫كبير‬ the greatest born of women is a clear evidence of a very ‫ بل يصفه الرب يسوع نفسه‬.. ‫أنه عظيم‬ ‫أنه أعظم مواليد النساء فهذا دليل على‬ unique person there is no other like him in history of ‫شخصية فريدة ليس لها مثيل فى تاريخ‬ humanity … his birth was foretold by an angel … and was described on his birth as great before the Lord … he ‫ ووصف‬.. ‫ ولد ببشارة المالك‬.. ‫البشرية‬ was filled with the Holy Spirit in his mother’s womb … ‫فى والدته أنه سوف يكون عظيما أمام‬ ‫ وأنه من بطن أمه يمتلىء من‬.. ‫الرب‬ and he will precede the Lord with the spirit and power ‫ وأنه يتقدم أمام الرب‬.. ‫الروح القدس‬ of Elijah … to prepare for the Lord a ready people … ‫ لكى يهىء للرب‬.. ‫بروح ايليا وقوته‬ whilst still in his mother’s womb as a babe, he met ‫ وبينما هو مازال جنينا‬.. ‫شعبا مستعدا‬ the Lord as a babe (in St Mary’s womb), the Lord of ‫فى بطن أمه يتقابل مع الجنين رب‬ humanity he has met on a spiritual level … he knew .. ‫البشرية مقابله على مستوى الروح‬ Him and worshiped Him … he moved in his mother’s womb with joy as David’s joy dancing before the God’s ‫ ويركض بإبتهاج‬.. ‫ويعرفه ويسجد له‬ ‫فى بطن امه كما كان يرقص داود فى‬ ark of covenant (2 Samuel 6:14) … on his birth, his ‫ وعند‬.. ‫فرح أمام تابوت عهد الرب‬ father Zechariah the priest prophesised that he will be ‫والدته يتنبا عنه أبوه زكريا الكاهن انه‬ called the prophet of the most High and will proceed before Him to prepare the way … the angels had carried ‫يدعى نبى العلى ويتقدم أمام وجهه ليعد‬ ‫ ويحمل المالك الطفل الصغير‬.. ‫طريقه‬ him as a young child of few months to the wilderness ‫ حيث‬.. ‫وعمره شهورا بسيطة الى البرية‬ … where he was cared for by God in the wilderness, ‫يعوله هللا فى البرية يأكل جرادا وعسال‬ eating honey and wild locust and wearing camel skins … where he stayed 30 years then appears to all of Israel ‫ ويبقى فى هذه‬.. ‫بريا ويلبس وبر االبل‬ ‫البرية ثالثين سنة وبعدها يظهر امام كل‬ … and only in 6 months he fulfilled his mission and prepared the way before the way (for the Lord) … in 6 ‫ فى ستة شهور فقط أكمل كل‬.. ‫أسرائيل‬ ‫ فى ستة شهور‬.. ‫رسالته وأعد الطريق‬ months he did what no man has achieved in 60 years … just as he appeared suddenly; he also disappeared as ‫صنع ما لم يصنعه أنسان فى ستين سنة‬ ‫ وكما ظهر فجاة أختفى ومضى شهيدا‬.. a martyr leaving behind a foot-print which cannot be erased in great glory and greatness which humanity has ‫تاركا آثارا ال تمحى فى عظمة عجيبة ال‬ .. ‫تعرف لها البشرية مثيل‬ never known before or after him … St John the Baptist ‫لقد صار القديس يوحنا المعمدان نموذجا‬ has become an architype for humanity … a prime ‫ نموذجا لإلنسان صاحب‬.. ‫للبشرية‬ example of a man with a Holy mission … his mission is to prepare the Lord’s way regardless of any difficulties ‫ رسالته أن يعد طريق‬.. ‫الرسالة المقدسة‬ ‫الرب بصرف النظر عن الصعوبات‬ on the way and regardless of all human opposition to ‫ مهما كانت مضايقات‬.. ‫التى فى الطريق‬ him … putting behind him all human instruction … ‫ واضعا خلفه تعاليم الناس‬.. ‫البشر له‬ and putting in front of him only the words of God, His .. ‫ وواضعا أمامه كلمة هللا ووصاياه‬.. commandments … and teachings. .. ‫وتعالبمه‬ Before he was born … Elijah the prophet was an example for him … and after him, many have taken him ‫ كان أيليا النبى نموذجا‬.. ‫من قبل أن يولد‬ ‫ وبعده اخذ الكثيرين مثاال لهم فى‬.. ‫له‬ as an example in fulfilling their mission in truth, might .. ‫حمل الرسالة بصدق وقوة وشجاعة‬ and courage … such as St John Chrysostom … and Anba Dioscorus (25th pope of Alexandria) … the long ‫ والقديس‬.. ‫مثل القديس يوحنا ذهبى الفم‬ ‫ ويمشى الركب‬.. ‫االنبا ديسقورس‬ examples continue with many martyrs and confessors of

faith till we reach the 20th century golden mouth … ‫الطويل من شهداء ومعترفين حتى نصل الى‬ ‫ قداسة البايا‬.. ‫القديس يوحنا القرن العشرين‬ his holiness pope Shenouda III . .. ‫المعظم االنبا شنودة الثالث‬ + Elijah’s Might and Spirit. .. ‫ روح أيليا وقوته‬+ Elijah the man of the wilderness who stood ‫أيليا رجل البرية الذى يقف فى جرأة وشجا‬ courageously to rebuke Ahab the king for taking Naboth the Jezreelite’s vineyard (1st Kings 21) saying ‫عة ليعاتب آخاب الملك الذى أغتصب حقل‬ “In the place where dogs licked the blood of Naboth, ‫) ويقول‬٢١ ‫نابوت اليزرعيلى (ملوك االول‬ ‫ فى المكان الذى‬.. ‫له «هل قتلت وورثت‬ dogs shall lick your blood, even yours” and declaring ‫لحست فيه الكالب دم نابوت اليزرعيلى‬ to him the consequences of his evil doing and his ‫ ويعلن‬.. »‫تلحس الكالب دمك أنت ايضا‬ evil wife Jezebel … rebuking him in all courage and ‫له نتيجة شره وشر زوجته الشريرة ايزابل‬ strength … which made Ahab tare his clothing and ‫ جعلت آخاب‬.. ‫ ويوبخه فى جرأة وقوة‬.. ware sackcloth in humbleness before the Lord. ‫يمزق ثيابه ويلبس مسوحا ويتضع امام‬ Elijah the strong in faith … trusting in the Lord’s .. ‫الرب‬ works in him … orders the skies to obey … “As ‫ الواثق فى عمل‬.. ‫ايليا القوى فى ايمانه‬ the LORD God of Israel lives, before whom I stand, ‫ حى هو‬.. ‫ يأمر السماء فتطيعه‬.. ‫هللا معه‬ there shall not be dew nor rain these years, except at ‫الرب اله اسرائيل الذى وقفت أمامه أنه ال‬ my word.” (1st Kings 17) … and the skies obeyed ‫يكون طل وال مطر فى هذه السنين اال عند‬ and did not rain for three years and six months … ‫ وتطيع السماء‬.. )١٧ ‫قولى (ملوك االول‬ the Lord cared for Elijah where the ravens brought ‫ويمتنع المطر عن االرض ثالث سنين‬ bread and meat morning and evenings … then a poor widow in Zarephath of Sidon … afterwards Elijah has ‫ بالغربان‬.. ‫ ويعول الرب ايليا‬.. ‫وستة أشهر‬ ‫ ثم‬.. ‫تأتى له بالخبز واللحم صباحا ومساء‬ his courageous stand before the Israelites rebuking ‫ وبعدها‬.. ‫بأرملة فقيرة فى صرفة صيدا‬ them for their evil ways “As the LORD God of Israel ‫يقف ايليا وقفته الجريئة العجيبة امام كل‬ lives, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew ‫شعب اسرائيل يوبخهم هلى إنحرافهم ” حتى‬ nor rain these years, except at my word.” … then ‫ ان كان الرب‬.. ‫متى تعرجون بين الفرقتين‬ he faces Ahab and Jezebel and the 450 prophets of .. »‫هو هللا فأتبعوه وان كان البعل فاتبعوه‬ Baal … he challenges all of them trusting in his God ٤٥٠ ‫ويواجه آخاب وايزابل وانبياء البعل‬ and knowing that God will hear him and asked them ‫ ويتحداهم فى ثقة من يعرف الهه‬.. ‫رجال‬ (Baal’s prophets) to offer a sacrifice before their god ‫ويعرف ان الهه سوف يستجيب له ان يقدموا‬ to be burnt by fire and they all fail but his sacrifice .. ‫ذييحة وتنزل نار من السماء وتحرقها‬ was accepted by God and fire comes and burns the ‫ويفشلوا كلهم وينجح هو وتنزل نار من‬ sacrifice and the wood and waters. By the river, he executed all Baal’s prophets and God had mercy on ‫ وعند النهر‬.. ‫السماء تأكل الذييحة والحطب‬ ‫يذبح أنبياء البعل جميعا ويرضى هللا عن‬ the land and it rains again. .. ‫االرض وتعود االمطار‬ Elijah … the teacher and instructor who rebukes and ‫ المعلم المرشد الذى يوبخ ويعلم‬.. ‫أيليا‬ teaches according to God’s commandments … he ‫ يسمع عن اخزيا ابن‬.. ‫حسب وصايا هللا‬ hears of Ahaziah son of Ahab who on his sickness ‫آخاب عندما مرض انه يرسل ليسأل بعل‬ sends messengers for the prophets of Baal -Zebub ‫زبوب اله عقرون لكى يشفى من مرضه‬ god of Ekron to be cured of his injuries, then they were met by Elijah who in turn said his famous words ‫ويقايل ايليا رسل آخاب ويقول لهم عبارته‬ ‫المشهورة «اليس النه ال يوجد اله فى‬ “Is it because there is no God in Israel that you are ‫إسرائيل تذهبون لتسألوا بعل زبوب اله‬ going to inquire of Baal-Zebub, the god of Ekron?” ‫ كان ايليا صاحب‬.. )١ ‫ ملوك‬٢( »‫عقرون‬ (2nd Kings 1) … Elijah had a mission … which he ‫ حملها فى عظمة وقوة وجراة‬.. ‫رسالة‬ carried in greatness, strength and courage with a deep .. ‫ رجل صالة‬.. ‫وايمان ثابت ال يتزعزع‬ faith unshakable … a man of prayers … fasting and .. ‫وصوم ونسك وزهد كامل فى هذا العالم‬ asceticism in this world … and still he has another mission because of it he was carried away in chariot ‫ومازال امامه رسالة اخرى من أجلها حملته‬ ‫المركبة النارية الى السماء ومازال هناك‬ of fire to heavens and he is there waiting to come before the Lord’s second coming with Enoch to warn ‫منتظرا ليعود قبل مجىء الرب هو وأخنوخ‬ ‫ ثم يناال‬.. ‫لينذرا العالم ويثبتا الصديقين‬ the world and comfort the believers then they will ‫ هذه هى روح ايليا وقوته‬.. ‫اكليل الشهادة‬ receive the crowns of martyrdom … this is the spirit of Elijah and his strength which John the Baptist has ‫التى أخذها يوحنا المعمدان ومضى بها فى‬ taken and with such he strongly rebuked Herod and ‫ معدا‬.. ‫قوة منتهرا هيرودس وموبخا الخطاة‬ .. ‫طريق الرب‬ the sinners … preparing the way for the Lord. + But the Pharisees … refused God’s advice for them ‫ فرفضوا مشورة هللا من‬.. ‫ اما الفريسين‬+ ... ‫أنفسهم‬ ‫جهة أنفسهم‬ The Pharisees were more interested in appearances

‫ خلقوا‬.. ‫الفريسين أهتموا فقط بالمظهر‬ … they made for themselves traditions and teachings ‫ألنفسهم تقاليدا وتعاليما هى وصايا الناس‬ which is the people’s instructions and refused God’s ‫ بل رفضوا مشررة‬.. ‫ورفضوا وصايا هللا‬ directives … they even refused God’s instructions ‫ وكثيرا مايقف أهل‬.. ‫هللا من جهة أنفسهم‬ for themselves … often, people of the world take the ‫العالم هذا الموقف ويرفضون التعليم‬ same stand; refusing the correct teachings … and ‫ ويجد المعلم الشجاع صاحب‬.. ‫الصحيح‬ the courageous teachers with a holy mission find ‫الرسالة المقدسة نفسه بال بديل سوى أن‬ themselves without an alternative but to rebuke and .. ‫يوبخ وينتهر‬ warn. ‫ومن هؤالء الذين اخذوا اسلوب القديس‬ And of those who took the attitude of St John the ‫ القديس يوحنا فم الذهب‬.. ‫يوحنا المعمدان‬ Baptist … is St John Chrysostom patriarch of .. ‫بطريرك القسطنطينية‬ Constantinople ‫ويحكى لنا التاريخ عن هذا البطريرك‬ History tells us about this courageous Patriarch … so ‫ فقد حدث ان اختلس والى‬.. ‫الشجاع‬ it happened that a ruler of Alexandria had embezzled some money from a widow who went to the patriarch ‫ وذهبت تشتكى‬.. ‫االسكندرية أموال أرملة‬ ‫لالب البطريرك الذى انتظر قدوم الوالى‬ complaining, who in turn waited the arrival of the ‫ودخوله للكنيسة فاحتجزه وحبسه عنده‬ ruler to the church and upon his arrival, he detained him and ordered him to return the money to the widow ‫ وعندما‬.. ‫وامره ان يدفع اموال االرملة‬ ‫علمت االمبراطورة أودكسيا بذلك غضبت‬ … when Empress Eudoxia learned of this, she was angered because she sympathized with the Alexandrian ‫جدا فقد كانت راضية عن تصرفات الوالى‬ ‫الظالم وأرسلت جنودها ليخرجوا الوالى‬ ruler and she sent her soldiers to free the ruler by force. Upon the soldiers arrival, they found a terrifying ‫بالقوة وعندما وصلوا اليه وجدوا مالكا‬ ‫ االمر‬.. ‫مرعبا واقفا يمنعهم من الدخول‬ Angel standing at (the door) preventing their entry ‫الذى أرعب االمبراطورة فدفعت المال‬ … this made the empress fearful and she paid the ‫ ولم يكن القديس‬.. ‫ليطلق سراح الوالى‬ money for the ruler to be freed … St John Chrysostom could not accept any action which was against God’s .. ‫يحتمل التصرفات التى تضاد وصايا هللا‬ ‫ويوما أقام االمبراطور اركاديوس تمثاال‬ commandments … the Emperor Arcadius erected ‫من الفضة نصبه على عمود من البرفير‬ a statue sliver on a column of alabaster in a large ‫وأقامه فى اكبر ساحات المدينة بجوار اكبر‬ square next to largest church in town … on the day ‫ وفى حفل تنصيب التمثال‬.. ‫كنائس المدينة‬ of revealing the statue, the square was turned to a ‫تحولت الساحة المجاورة للكنيسة الى‬ huge celebration space with dancing and partying activities next to the church which was acceptable to ‫مسارح وماله وحفالت راقصة وماجنة ولم‬ ‫يطق ذهبى الفم هذا العمل بجوار الكنيسة‬ St John Chrysostom, so he in disapproval forbad the .. ‫فأخذ ينهى عن هذه االعمال ويحرمها‬ celebrations and declared it against the church … he did not take any notice of the Emperor’s warnings and ‫ولم يبال بتهديدات االمبراطورة ووعيدها‬ threats and on the day the feast for St John the Baptist, ‫ويقف القديس فى يوم عيد القديس يوحنا‬ ‫المعمدان يقول عظته المشهورة التى تبدأ‬ he stood and gave his famous sermon which began ‫بهذه الكلمات الالذعة «هوذا هيروديا‬ with the scolding words “ Again Herodias raves; again ‫ انها‬.. ‫ انها تعود فترقص‬.. ‫تثور من جديد‬ she is troubled; she dances again; and again desires ‫تطلب رأس يوحنا المعمدان من جديد على‬ to receive John’s (the Baptist) head in a charger” ‫ والعجيب ان اودكسيا تصرفت‬.. »‫طبق‬ and what is more amazing is that Empress Eudoxia ‫ فقد‬.. ‫تماما كتصرف أيزابل وهيروديا‬ acted exactly the same way as Jezebel and Herodias ‫ وطلبت عقد مجمع‬.. ‫اصرت على االنتقام‬ in seeking revenge! .. she asked for an ecumenical ‫دعت اليه مئة أسقف أغلبهم من االساقفة‬ council to be held with 100 bishops present all opposing and had grudges against St John Chrysostom, ‫المبتدعين أو الذين لهم شكاية على ذهبى‬ ‫الفم وطبعا أصدر هذا المجمع حكمه بنفى‬ condemning him to exile … so St John Chrysostom ‫ ويمضى القديس‬.. ‫القديس يوحنا ذهبى الفم‬ went to his exile in a tiring journey which is argues considering his age and health to a far exile. He spent ‫الى منفاه فى رحلة شاقة مرهقة ال تتناسب‬ approximately 3 years in exile and as he was shifted to ‫مع صحته وال مع سنه ويمضى الى منفاه‬ ‫ ويقضى‬.. ‫فى مكان نائى شاق ومتعب‬ another exile place, his health deteriorate and he was ‫فى منفاه حوالى ثالثة سنوات وأثناء نقله‬ taken to a small church on the way where he received Holy Communion and his sole departed saying “let the ‫الى منفى أخر تخور قواه وينزلوا به الى‬ ‫كنيسة صغيرة فى الطريق حيث تفيض‬ Lord be Blessed in every thing … Amen”. The Lord ‫روحه بعد ان يتناول من األسرار المقدسة‬ willed his body to return to Constantinople 31 years after departure and his remains was received by all the ‫وهو يقول «ليكن هللا مباركا فى كل شىء‬ ‫ أمين» ويشاء الرب أن يعود جسده الى‬.. congregation in a great celebration and the Emperor knelt before his body in humility and submission with ‫ سنة من نياحته‬٣١ ‫القسطنطينية ولكن بعد‬

‫حيث استقبلته الجموع فى احتفال مهيب وخر‬ tears asking for forgiveness for himself and his ‫االمبراطور امامه فى أنسحاق شديد والدموع‬ parents Arcadius and Eudoxia. ‫تنفجر من عينيه طالبا الغفران عن نفسه وعن‬ + Wisdom was justified by all it’s sons .. .. ‫والديه اركاديوس وأودكسيا‬ Maybe one of the best examples of following St .. ‫ والحكمة تبررت من جميع بنيها‬+ John the Baptist’s standards is St Anba Dioscorus ‫وربما من أروع االمثلة على هؤالء الذين‬ … protector of faith … pope of Alexandria … who stood with strength and courage against all heresies ‫ساروا على نفس منهح القديس يوحنا المعمدان‬ ‫ حامى االيمان‬.. ‫ القديس االنبا ديسقورس‬.. and faced all the powers and kings of the world … ‫ الذى وقف بقوة وجرأة‬.. ‫ بابا االسنكدرية‬.. he was the first to defend the faith against Eutyches ‫عجيبة فى وجه البدع والهرطقات وواجه‬ who denied the humanity of Christ our Lord … ‫ فقد كان اول من دافع‬.. ‫ملوك العالم وقواتهم‬ strangely the same heresy which he opposed and refuted strongly is what he was accused with later ‫ضد بدعة اوطاخى الذى حاول أن ينفى طبيعة‬ ‫ والغريب جدا ان نفس هذه‬.. ‫الرب الناسوتية‬ … and alas some historian wrongly still accuse ‫البدعة التى قاومها وفندها التصقت به فيما بعد‬ us with it … and the western churches in their attempts to refute Eutyches’ heresy; they fell in the ‫ ومع االسف مازالت تلصق بواسطة بعض‬.. opposing heresy of Nestorianism which separates ‫ واما الكنائس الغربية فى‬.. ‫المؤرخين بكنيستنا‬ ‫مسار مقاومتها لبدعة اوطيخا تجاوزوا الحدود‬ the natures of Christ … here, we see the courage ‫فى مقاومتها حتى سقطوا فى البدعة المعاكسة‬ of Anba Dioscorus not fearing anyone to face the ‫لها وهى بدعة نسطور التى تفصل بين طبيعتى‬ heretics and here again the civil authorities and ‫ وهنا ينبرى القديس االنبا‬.. ‫السيد الميسح‬ political movements within the church to hold ‫ديسقورس فى جرأة ال تهاب وجه انسان‬ the ecumenical council of Chalcedon under the ‫ليواجه المتبدعين وهنا تتدخل السلطات المدنية‬ instructions of the Emperor and civil judges sit ‫والحركات السياسية فى امور الكنيسة ويعقد‬ in judgement (for the first time in the history of ‫مجمعا فى خلقيدونية بأمر االمبراطور ويحكم‬ the church councils) … it is clear, this was not to ‫فيه قضاة مدنيين (الول مرة في تاريخ مجامع‬ discuss any heresy but to make Anba Dioscorus ‫ وكان واضحا أنه ليس لمناقشة اى‬.. )‫الكنيسة‬ and accused despite that he was supposed to head ‫بدعة ولكن من اجل تحويل االنبا دستورس‬ this council meetings … and the plot is evident by ‫الى متهم رغم انه كان مفروضا ان يرأس‬ stopping him from attending by force and passing ‫ وتحاك المؤامرة ضده ويمنع‬.. ‫هذا المجمع‬ judgement against him falsely and exiling him to the isle of Gagra … he spent there 5 years in which ‫بالقوة من ابداء رأيه وحكم عليه المجمع ظلما‬ ‫ وينفى القديس الى جزيرة‬.. ‫فى غيبته بالنفى‬ he gained all the pagan inhabitants of the island ‫ قضى هناك خمس سنوات كسب فى‬.. ‫غاغرا‬ to Christianity, then he departed (this life) to His ‫اثناءها سكان الجزيرة الوثنية الى المسيحية‬ Masters while he is in exile away from his seat … ‫ثم انتقل الى فرح سيده وهو متغرب بعيدا عن‬ but his people in Alexandria (the Coptic church) ‫ ولكن شعبه فى االسكندرية ظل وفيا‬.. ‫كرسيه‬ remained loyal to him and refused any impostor ‫له متمسكا به ورفض قبول اي دخيل موفد‬ forced upon them by the king … his people have ‫ وتحمل شعبه أشد اآلالم فى‬.. ‫من قبل الملك‬ suffered many pains in preserving the correct faith . ‫حفظهم إليمانهم السليم وتقاليدهم االرثوذكسية‬ and the Orthodox traditions. You, my beloved … do you have a Holy mission … ‫ هل انت صاحب رسالة مقدسة‬.. ‫أيها الحبيب‬ ‫ أم‬.. ‫ هل رسالتك هى حسب وصايا هللا‬.. is your mission according to God’s commandments ‫ ما أجمل ان‬.. ‫هى مكونة من وصايا الناس‬ … or according to man’s instructions … how great ‫ االنسان‬.. ‫يكون لك مبدأ مقدس فى حياتك‬ it is to have a Holy purpose in life … the man who ‫الذى رسالته هى ارضاء الناس هو انسان‬ is his mission to please the people (of the world) is ‫تلعب به االمواج والتيارات ترفعه االمراج‬ a man moved by the waves and trends, some time ‫الى فوق تارة ثم الى الحضيض تارة اخرى‬ is raise by the waves and other times is slumped to ‫ ثم تضرب به الصخور تارة ثالثة حتى‬.. the bottom … then to hit the rocks and agin such ‫ أما‬.. ‫يتحطم ويغرق ويذوب فى متاهات العالم‬ will be destroyed and drowned in the maze of the ‫اإلنسان الثابت القوى فى ايمانه فهو مؤسس‬ world … but the man who is strong and steadfast ‫ ال يستطيع العالم ان ينال من‬.. ‫على الصخر‬ in faith is anchored to the solid grounds … the ‫ وال يهتز بكل رياح العالم‬.. ‫ايمانه وقوته‬ world cannot demise his faith and strength … and ‫ انه يمضى بقوة وثبات خلف‬.. ‫وعواصفه‬ will not be shaken by the world storms and winds ‫ رافعا عينيه الى المدينة‬.. ‫معلمه حامال صليبه‬ … he continues in strength and solidarity behind His Master carrying his cross … fixing his eyes to ‫ذات االساسات منتظرا اكليله السماوى ليشترك‬ .. ‫فى افراح القديسين فى الكنيسة المنتصرة‬ the (heavenly) city with solid foundations awaiting his heavenly crown to partake in the joyous (celebration) of the triumphant church.

Nayrouz Feast - Feast of the Martyrs September 11 - 1 Tut is the first day of the Coptic New Year 1738 AM. It is Nayrouz, Martyrs' Feast. This feast is one of the feasts that have a great place in our church. In the past it was celebrated as an official public celebration. Officially, it was considered a national feast in Egypt. Nayrouz feast is undoubtedly a national holiday for the Coptic Orthodox Church, in which the Church remembers her martyred children who gave their lives for their love in the King Christ. They set the most wonderful examples of their faith, their persistence, and their courage in the face of torture and death. Death has become for them a joyful thing that they strive for. They rush to it and consider it a gate leading to the meeting of their Beloved Lord Jesus. These are some luminous examples of the holy martyrs. Let us take from them an example of steadfastness and strength of faith... + St. George. He was a commander in Emperor Diocletian's army. When the emperor issued decrees persecuting Christians, he left the army and went to the king's palace confessing his Christianity in a public assembly in front of the emperor and all his entourage. The emperor's efforts to tempt him or threaten him to abandon his true belief did not succeed with him. Nevertheless, a horrific series of tortures began, from which the saint came out unharmed and became the cause of the belief of many, including the emperor's wife herself. In the end, the emperor ordered his beheading. We celebrate his martyrdom on the 23rd of Baramouda (1 May). + St. Mercurius (Abu Sefein). He was also a soldier of the Emperor. He was famous for his bravery and good manners. An angel of the Lord appeared to him in the likeness of a human being in white clothes and gave him a sword saying to him “if you defeat your enemies, remember the Lord your God.” This happened when the saint were on his way to war. Upon his return, the angel appeared to him again and reminded him. Indeed the saint went and confessed the Lord Christ and endured many tortures, then he received the crown of martyrdom around the year 250 AD, and we celebrate his commemoration on the 25th of Hatoor (December 4). + St. Jacob of Persia. He is from a Christian family. At the beginning of the persecution he weakened and denied faith. His mother and wife grieved greatly over his denial of faith. They wrote to him a touching letter reprimanding him for his refusal to love the God Who loves him very much. He was greatly affected by their message and returned to declare his faith with courage. The king ordered that he be tortured by cutting his limbs off one by one. In all of this he thanked God and was comforted, and finally one of the guards came forward and cut his head off, and this was in the year 431 AD. + Saint Mina the Wonderworker. He is one of the most famous martyrs in Egypt. He is an Egyptian martyr who was a soldier in the King's army. He left the army and went to the desert to worship. There he spent five years in an ascetic life, and at the end of it he saw a vision of angels crowning martyrs with luminous crowns. He desired to become a martyr and set out to the place of martyrdom, declaring his faith loudly in front of everyone. After a series of tortures, his head was cut off and he was martyred with many of those who became Christians due to his faith and courage. That was around the year 309 AD when he was 24 years old. We celebrate the commemoration of his martyrdom on the 15th of Hatour (November 24).

+ St. Demiana and the Forty Virgins. She is also one of the great martyrs in Egypt. Her father was the governor of Burullus. Because of her love for virginity, her father built a palace for her in which she lived with forty virgins to worship in it. And when her father Mark weakened and denied the faith, the saint sent to him saying: I was hoping to hear the news of your martyrdom. She convinced him to return back and declare his faith. And he returned and declared his faith and was martyred. The Emperor sent his soldiers to Saint Demiana when he knew that she was the reason for her father's return to the faith. She refused to deny her faith, so she came forward with the forty virgins with courage. They confessed the faith with others around 400 individuals who attended the martyrdom. And they all came forward with courage to be martyred as well. Her body is still in the church that Queen Helena built for her near Belqas in the north Delta. + The child Kiriakos and his mother Yolita. The mother bravely confessed her Christianity while holding her young child on her hands. The governor ordered to remove her son from her and whip her harshly, but the child clung to his mother and when they took him from her and took him to the governor, he pointed his fingers in the governor's face while he loudly declared: I am a Christian, I am a Christian. The governor was very angry, and he grabbed St. Kiriakos by his feet and threw him hard on the ground, so his head was crushed and he died. The mother thanked God that her son had preceded her for glory, and finally they cut off her head. + The martyrs of Libya. A few years ago, these simple heroes presented the most wonderful examples of adherence to faith in the most difficult circumstances. They left to us for the first time in history a living video recording of their recognition of the Lord whom they loved and their martyrdom for the faith in which they lived. No strength or pain was able to prevent them from catching up with the procession of the forefathers the holy martyrs. There are many examples of these heroes. It is a procession that began and will not end until the Second Coming. In it is all kinds of heroism and strong faith; there are martyrs for chastity, martyrs for virtue, and martyrs for faith. There is also with them a long list of confessors who were tortured and passed through the crucible of pain, but they were not martyred. Moreover, there are many those who are martyred every day for their chastity, purity and Christian principles. They tolerate ridicule and mockery; tolerate people's harassment of them. It is true that blood martyrdom may be rare these days, but there is another type of martyrdom. The Church today needs this new type of martyrs who are ready to sacrifice their comfort, financial gain and the pleasures of the world for the sake of their Christianity. Beloved, ask yourself today: These martyrs gave everything they had, their whole lives. And you, what do I offer? Are you ready to sacrifice something, anything even a small thing? Are you ready today to offer something to the Lord Who loved you? You want examples! There are many examples. Quit smoking and inappropriate habits; dance parties, inappropriate movies, inappropriate clothes, excess makeup. Leave for the sake of Christ Who loved you. Put your feet on the first path of martyrdom. Perhaps a time will come when your whole life will be asked to be a price for your Christ. Will you be ready?

‫‪+*+‬عظمه المعمدان *‪*+‬‬ ‫) لقداسه البابا شنوده الثالث (‬ ‫كثيرون شهد لهم الناس بالعظمه و كانت شهادات زائفه و‬ ‫خاطئه او جاهله او متملقه ‪..‬‬ ‫* أما يوحنا المعمدان فان الذي شهد له بالعظمه هو هللا و مالكه‬ ‫‪..‬‬ ‫قال عنه مالك الرب الذي بشر آباه زكريا بميالده‬ ‫«و يكون عظيما أمام الرب» (لو ‪)15:1‬‬ ‫عجيبه هذه العباره جدا ان يكون عظيما امام الرب الذي امامه‬ ‫كل انسان شاعرا بضآلته كما قال ابونا ابراهيم «عزمت ان‬ ‫اكلم المولي و انا تراب و رماد» ( تك ‪)27:18‬‬ ‫و هكذا لصقت العظمه بيوحنا حتي من قبل ان يولد بشهاده‬ ‫الرب ‪...‬‬ ‫*»من بطن امه يمتلئ من الروح القدس « (لو‪.. )15:1‬‬ ‫حقا هذا هو سر عظمه يوحنا ‪ .‬سمعننا في الكتاب المقدس ان الروح القدس حل علي‬ ‫كثيرين ‪:‬‬ ‫حل روح الرب علي شمشون (قض ‪)25:13‬‬ ‫و علي شاول (‪1‬صم ‪)11.10:10‬‬ ‫و علي داود _‪1‬صم ‪)13:16‬‬ ‫و علي كثير من االنبياء‬ ‫***و لكن لم نسمع مطلقا عن احد منهم انه من بطن امه قد أمتأل من الروح القدس ‪,,,‬‬ ‫نالحظ هنا استعمال عباره أمتأل من الروح و ليس مجرد حلول الروح عليه‬ ‫هذا األمر قد اختص به يوحنا المعمدان لم يسبقه اليه احد ‪,,,‬‬ ‫* و لعل اعظم ما في حياه يوحنا انه عمد السيد المسيح له المجد ‪..‬‬ ‫«أتي اليه السيد المسيح ليعتمد منه كباقي الناس» (مت ‪)17.16:3‬‬ ‫*بل ان هللا ارشده اليه قبل العماد‬ ‫و في هذا يقول القديس يوحنا المعمدان ‪:‬‬ ‫«و انا لم اكن اعرفه لكن الذي ارسلني ألعمد بالماء قال لي ‪ :‬الذي تري الروح نازال و‬ ‫مستقرا عليه فهذا هو الذي يعمد بالروح القدس و انا قد رأيت و شهدت ان هذا هو ابن هللا»‬ ‫(يو‪)24.23:1‬‬ ‫*و تظهر عظمه يوحنا المعمدان في انه تمم عمله العظيم في مده قصيره لعلها سته اشهر‬ ‫او ازيد قليال ‪:‬‬ ‫‪+‬هذه السته اشهر هي الفرق بين عمره و عمر السيد المسيح حسبما قال المالك جبرائيل‬ ‫في تبشيره للعذراء بالحبل المقدس ‪..‬‬ ‫نسيبتك حبلي بابن في شخوختها و هذا هو الشهر السادس لتلك المدعوه عاقرا (لو‪)36:1‬‬ ‫* و من عظمه يوحنا المعمدان انه كان ابن الجبال تربي علي حياه الزهد و النسك‬ ‫و عاش في البراري طول عمره الي يوم ظهوره ألسرائيل ينمو و يتقوي بالروح‬ ‫(لو‪)80:1‬‬ ‫عاش ناسكا ‪.‬‬ ‫«خمرا و مسكرا ال يشرب» ‪( .‬لو‪)15:1‬‬ ‫«يلبس وبر االبل و منطقه من جلد علي حقويه» (مر‪)6:1‬‬ ‫و يأكل عسال بريا ‪..‬‬ ‫و في البريه تعلم الصاله و التأمل و تعلم الشجاعه و عدم الخوف و ايضا الصالبه و‬ ‫االيمان و تعلم القوه الناتجه عن الزهد ‪,,,‬‬ ‫*صوت يوحنا لم يمت بموت يوحنا !!!!!!!!!!!!‬ ‫و ظل هيرودس يخاف يوحنا حتي بعد موته ‪.‬‬

‫فعندما وصلت الي علمه كرازه المسيح القويه و معجزاته ‪,,‬‬ ‫قال لغلمانه ‪:‬‬ ‫«ان هذا هو يوحنا المعمدان قد قام من األموات و لذلك تعمل به القوات» (مت ‪.. )2:14‬‬ ‫ان يوحنا قد عامل هيرودس كالباقين شهد له بالحق ألنه قد كان محتاجا الي هذه الشهاده‬ ‫‪....‬‬ ‫*و في توبيخه للملك شابه ايليا النبي ‪:‬‬ ‫ايليا وبخ آخاب الملك علي عبادته لألصنام ( ‪1‬م ‪)18.17:18‬‬ ‫و تعرض بهذا لغضب زوجته ايزابل التي هددته بالقتل (‪1‬مل ‪)2.1:19‬‬ ‫‪+‬و يوحنا المعمدان وبخ هيرودس الملك و تعرض بذلك لغضب هيروديا التي اراد‬ ‫هيرودس الزواج بها ‪ .‬فتسببت في قتله (مت ‪...... )11.6:14‬‬ ‫*و هكذا سلك يوحنا بروح ايليا و قوته (لو‪)17:1‬‬ ‫و نادي قائال للناس ‪..‬‬ ‫‪».‬توبوا فقد أقترب ملكوت السموات» ( مت ‪)2:3‬‬ ‫و كان شديدا في رسالته يوبخ و ينتهر و يبكت و كان الناس يقبلون تبكيته بقلب مفتوح ‪.‬‬ ‫*وله شفاعة مثل السيدة العذراء ورئيس المالءكة ميخائيل‬ ‫‪+ Remember O Lord the Departed‬‬ ‫‪ +‬أذكر يارب الراقدين‬ ‫‪Departed to the Lord, the beloved‬‬ ‫القيامة‬ ‫رقدت على رجاء‬ ‫‪Mrs Juliette Gergis, wife of the‬‬ ‫جولييت‬ ‫السيدة‪/‬‬ ‫المرحومة‬ ‫‪late Mr Fawzy Gergis and Aunt‬‬ ‫السيد‪/‬‬ ‫المرحوم‬ ‫زوجة‬ ‫جرجس‬ ‫‪of the late Fr Macarius Wahba.‬‬ ‫فوزى جرجس وهى أيضا‬ ‫‪Mrs Gergis was truly a pioneer‬‬ ‫خالة المتنيح القمص مكاريوس‬ ‫‪and a backbone within our church‬‬ ‫‪from the early 70’s. She always‬‬ ‫وهبة‪ .‬والسيدة الفاضلة جوليا‬ ‫‪took the time to say hello and ask‬‬ ‫تعتبر من خدام الكنيسة األوائل‬ ‫‪about everyone from the youngest‬‬ ‫منذ أوائل السبعينات‪ .‬وكانت‬ ‫‪to the eldest and all of us looked‬‬ ‫تتميز بروحها المفرحة التى‬ ‫‪forward to seeing her on Sunday‬‬ ‫تحيي وتهتم بكل فرد من الكبير‬ ‫‪mornings bright and early in‬‬ ‫للصغير‪ .‬وهى الشخص الدائم‬ ‫‪the front row where she sat for‬‬ ‫الحضور صباح كل يوم أحد‬ ‫‪decades - with her beaming smile.‬‬ ‫فى أوائل الصفوف وتشنرك فى‬ ‫‪Mrs Juliette Gergis is survived‬‬ ‫كل خدمة بنشاط‪.‬‬ ‫‪by her son Hany Gergis and wife‬‬ ‫المرحومة السيدة‪ /‬جولييت هى والدة السيد‪ /‬هانى ‪Catherine, son Amir Gergis and wife Melissa,‬‬ ‫‪grandchildren Joshua and Sebastian, sisters‬‬ ‫جرجس وزوجته كاثرين والسيد‪ /‬أمير جرجس‬ ‫‪Faiza Wahba and Victoria Demian and their‬‬ ‫وزوجته مليسا وجدة كل من جوشوا وسباستيان‪.‬‬ ‫‪families.‬‬ ‫وهى شقيقة كل من السيدة‪ /‬فايزة وهبة والسيدة‪/‬‬ ‫‪We pray for the full repose of her soul and‬‬ ‫فيكتوريا دميان والمرحومة السيدة‪ /‬أنصاف جاد‬ ‫‪that Christ may grant peace and comfort to‬‬ ‫والدة السيد‪ /‬ناجى روفائيل‪.‬‬ ‫!‪the family‬‬ ‫أفراد‬ ‫كل‬ ‫ويعزى‬ ‫الرب المحب ينيح نفسها‬ ‫‪Due to COVID Restrictions the funeral‬‬ ‫األسرة‪.‬‬ ‫‪service will be limited to 10 family members‬‬

‫‪ +‬أذكر يارب الرافدين‪:‬‬ ‫رقد علي رجاء القيامة في سيدنى المرحوم‬ ‫المهندس‪ /‬ادوارد جرجس شقيق السيدة‪/‬‬ ‫أنطوانيت جرجس وخال كل من السيد‪/‬‬ ‫هاني جرجس والسيدة‪ /‬مني زوجة السيد‪/‬‬ ‫مختار يوسف‬ ‫الرب المحب ينيح نفسه ويعزى كل أفراد‬ ‫األسرة‪.‬‬

‫‪+ Remember O Lord the Departed:‬‬ ‫‪We pray for the repose of the soul of Late‬‬ ‫‪Mr Edward Gergis brother of Mrs Antoinette‬‬ ‫‪Gergis. He is uncle of Mr Hany Gergis and‬‬ ‫‪Mrs Mona Youssef wife of Mr Mokhtar‬‬ ‫‪Youssef.‬‬ ‫‪May the Lord repose his soul and grant pace‬‬ ‫‪and comfort for all family members.‬‬

:‫ من النيروز الى الصليب‬+ + From Nayroz to the Cross: ‫القترة ما بين النيروز والصليب‬ The period between the Feast of Nay)‫ سبتمبر‬27 - 11 ( ‫ توت‬17 – 1 rouz (12th September – 1st Tote) and Feast of the Holy Cross (28th Sep‫انما هى فترة لها وضع خاص روحيا‬ tember – 17th Tote) is a very special ‫ وفى‬.‫وتاريحيا فى الكنيسة القبطية‬ period for our Church and Coptic ‫خالل هذه الفترة تصلى الكنيسة‬ people. During this time the church ‫ عيد النيروز لم‬.‫باأللحان الفرايحى‬ prays in the joyful tune. Not only it ‫يكن فقط عيد كنسى نحتفل فيه بتذكار‬ is a commemoration for our fathers ‫آبائنا الشهداء القديسين وبداية السنة‬ the martyrs but also it is a national ‫القبطية بل كان عيدا قوميا وكان قدماء‬ historic festival time. Ancient Egyp‫المصريين يحتقلون به احتفاال كبيرا‬ tian used to celebrate in a very spe- ‫ فالسنة القبطية هى نفسها السنة‬.‫ومميزا‬ cial way this Feast of Nayrouz. The ‫الفرعونية القديمة وحتى بعد دخول‬ Coptic Calendar was the official and ‫العرب الى مصر فى القرن السابع ظل‬ most widely used calendar until the ‫التقويم القبطى هو التقويم الفعلى الذى‬ beginning of the 20th century when ‫معموال‬ ‫يستعمله عامة الشعب بل وظل‬ it was replaced by the western cal‫التقويم‬ ‫به فى المصالح الحكومية مع‬ endar. It was always used along with ‫العشرين‬ ‫العربى حتى أوائل القرن‬ the Arabic Hijri Calendar for many ‫ وكان‬.‫عندما استبدل به التقويم الغربى‬ centuries. The employees used to ‫من المعروف أن موظفى الحكومة‬ get their monthly salaries even on the ‫حتى‬ ‫يأخذون مرتباتهم الشهرية كاملة‬ small month (Nasi) which was only ‫أو‬ 5 ‫مدته‬ ‫فى شهر النسى الصغير الذى‬ 5 or 6 days. The Coptic Calendar was the main calendar to determine ‫ وقى الواقع كان التقويم القبطى‬.‫ أيام‬6 most of the seasons and occasions for ‫يحدد كل مناسبات الشعب واحتفاالته‬ the people and the church. Thus the ‫ وهكذا كان بداية‬.‫الكنسية وغير الكنسية‬ start of the Coptic year carries very ‫السنة القبطية له مغزى عميق وهام فى‬ ‫ وتعود‬.‫وجدان األقباط على مر التاريخ‬ deep and special meaning for the ‫األقباط أن تستمر احتفاالتهم حتى عيد‬ Copts over the ages. Celebrations continue until the Feast of the Holy ‫ وهنا يكون عيد الصليب هو‬.‫الصليب‬ Cross which is the real start of the ‫البداية الحقيقية لسنة العمل والتعب‬ New era of reconciliation and Grace. ‫ لقد أمتزج األحتفال ببداية‬.‫واألجتهاد‬ Celebrations end on the Feast of the ‫التقويم القبطى بعيد الصليب المقدس‬ Cross signifying the start of real life ‫شعار المسحية ورمزها وبداية العهد‬ of work and strife and signifying the ‫ لنحتفل‬.‫الجديد عهد النعمة والخالص‬ meaning of living with the Lord wit‫ونفرح بهذه األيام المقدسة ولنتبع‬ nessing for Him carrying His Cross ‫مخلصنا الصالح حاملين صليبه شاهدين‬ and becoming like live Gospels read ‫له ونصير أناجيل حية ومقروءة من‬ by all people. Let us sing with King ‫ كللت السنة بجودك‬.‫جميع الناس‬ David the Psalmist saying: “You ‫ فلنرتل مع داود‬.‫وأثارك تمتلىء دسما‬ crowned the year with Your Good- ‫يارب‬ ‫ “بارك‬:‫النبى والملك قائلين بفرح‬ ness and Your Paths drip with abun‫تقطر‬ ‫اكليل السنة بصالحك وأثارك‬ dance” Psalm 65:11. .11 : 65 ‫دسما” مز‬

Estimated cost for the project 8 11 million Dollars Donations collected and funds available from church income is 3.6 million Dollars Donation Accounts are listed below

Special Thanks Progress of the Building for all who keep working tirelessly for the success Project of this project. May the Lord reward them all and Good News: We are progressing to the final preparabless all their works

tion stage. Melbourne City Council has already issued the planning permit including the Child Care facility. Working drawings are being prepared. Please support this project through your prayers and contributions.

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