Weekly Bulletin 13th Baba 1741

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Services at St Mary’s Church


Mass 9 - 11 am


Liturgy 5:30 - 7am

7:30pm The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages

Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am

6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults


Mass 9 - 11 am - English

English Midnight Praises 7:30pm

English Bible Study 7:30pm

Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am

Youth 25 and above 7-9pm

Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm

Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am

Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm

Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm English

Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:30-7pm

Scouts 1:30 - 3pm

School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm


1st Mass 6:30 - 8:30 Arabic & English

2nd Mass.8:30 - 10:30 English - St Mary’s


3rd Mass 8:30 - 10:30 Arabic - St John’s

Chrysostom Church

Family Meeting fortnightly 11:30am

Hymns Class - English 11:45 - 12:30pm

Church Priests:

Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251

Email: frtadros@me.com

Fr Habib Girgis Younan: 0401238177 – 94498871

Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com

Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821

Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au

Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kensington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651

Fr Kerillos Tawadros 0411 518 399

Fr John Makary 0433 445 636

The Departure of St. Simon II, 51st Pope of the See of St. Mark 13th October - 3rd Baba.

On this day of the year 822 A.D., the pure father Abba Simon II, 51st Pope of the See of St. Mark, departed. This saint was the son of Orthodox Christian parents of the nobles of Alexandria. He nursed the milk of the faith from his childhood and he learned the doctrines of the church. He chose for himself the monastic life, so he went to the desert of Scete. He became a monk in the cell of his predecessor Abba Jacob, the Patriarch. He dwelt with Abba Jacob for many years during which he exhausted his body by strenuous ascetic life, and many worships. When Abba Marcus II became a Patriarch, he requested St. Simon from his spiritual father Abba Jacob for what was known of his good reputation and his sound judgement. He stayed with Abba Marcus until his departure. When Abba Jacob, his spiritual father, became patriarch, he kept Abba Simon with him and he benefitted from him often. When Abba Jacob departed, the bishops, priests, and elders unanimously agreed with a spiritual unity to bring forward this father for what they had seen of him (as to righteousness and Orthodox Faith( during his stay with the two Patriarchs who proceeded him. They seized him, bound him and ordained him a Patriarch. He perused an angelic life, which was well-pleasing to the Lord. And, as God wished to repose him, he did not stay on the throne but for five and a half months and departed in peace. His prayers be with us. Amen.

The Martyrdom of St.

Bacchus, the Friend of St. Sergius 14th October - 4th Baba

On this day, St. Bacchus, the friend of St. Sergius, was martyred. When Emperor Maximianus seized these saints, he tortured them severely. After having stripped them of their military ranks, he sent them to Antiochus, King of Syria, who imprisoned St. Sergius. However, he ordered St. Bacchus to be killed, his body made heavier by attaching stones to him, then cast into the River Euphrates. The Lord protected the body and the waves brought it to the shore near two ascetic holy men who were brothers. The angel of the Lord appeared to them and commanded them to go and carry away the body of the Saint. When they came to where the body was, they found an eagle and a lion protecting it. The beasts spent a whole day and a night guarding it without harming it, although they were beasts of prey, for they had been commanded by divine providence to protect the body. The two holy men took the body with great honor, singing hymns until they came to their cave where they buried it. His prayers be with us and glory be to our God, forever.

The Martyrdom of St. Paul, Patriarch of Constantinople 15th October - 5th Baba

On this day, St. Paul, Patriarch of Constantinople, was martyred. He was a disciple of Abba Alexandros, Patriarch of Constantinople. He was appointed to the patriarchy after the departure of Abba Alexandros. When he sat on the patriarchal throne, he expelled the followers of the Arian sect from Constantinople and its surroundings. When Emperor Constantine, the Great, departed, his three sons reigned after him. Constantine II reigned over Constantinople, Constans reigned over Rome and Constantius reigned over France. Constantine II held the same belief as Arius. He was sorry for what Abba Paul had done to the Arians. He asked him to stop excommunicating them, but the Patriarch did not listen to him. The Emperor became angry and exiled him from Constantinople as he had also exiled Abba Athanasius the Apostolic from Alexandria.

The two Patriarchs met in Rome, and went to stand before Emperor Constans to inform him of their concern. He wrote a letter to his brother on their behalf, ordering him to accept them and threatened him if he did not receive them - there would be no peace but war between them. When the two saints came to Constantinople, they gave the letter to Emperor Constantine, who accepted his brother’s letter and returned them to their Chairs.

However, after the slaying of his brother, Emperor Constans, in Rome, Constantine II exiled St. Paul again to the country of Armenia. A few days later, he sent to one of the followers of Arius commanding him to catch up with St. Paul there and slay him. He went to him at night and strangled him, thus he received the crown of martyrdom. He stayed four years in office. His prayers be with us and Glory be to our God, forever. Amen.

The Departure of the Righteous Hannah, the Prophetess Mother of Samuel, the Prophet 16th Oct - 6th Baba

On this day, the righteous Hannah, the prophetess, and mother of Samuel the Prophet, departed. This just woman was of the tribe of Levi. Elkanah, the son of Jeroham, married her. He also had another wife whose name was Peninnah.

Hannah had no children because she was barren. Peninnah was always reviling her because she had no children. Hannah wept and did not eat. Elkanah, her husband, comforted her saying, “Why do you weep? Why do you not eat? And why is your heart grieved? Am I not better to you than ten sons?” (1 Samuel 1: 8( She did not accept his comfort and went up to the house

of the Lord during the days of Eli the priest. She prayed and wept before the Lord. Then she made a vow, and said, “O Lord of hosts if you will give Your maid-servant a male child, then I will give him to the Lord all the days of his life.” (1 Samuel 1: 11( Eli the priest was watching her as she stood silently, for she was praying in her heart. Eli thought that she was drunk and he rebuked her but she told him, “No, my lord, I am a woman of sorrowful spirit I have drunk neither wine nor intoxicating drink, but have poured out my spirit before the Lord.” He answered her saying, “Go in peace and the God of Israel grant your petition.” (I Samuel 1:17( She believed his word, and went home. Then she conceived and brought forth a son, and she called him Samuel, which is interpreted as “being asked for”, because she said, “I have asked him of the Lord.” When she weaned him, she took him to the house of the Lord, as she had vowed. She brought the child to Eli the priest, and she said, “ ... I am the woman who stood by you here praying to the Lord. For this child I prayed, and the Lord has granted me my petition which I asked of Him. Therefore I also have lent him to the Lord; as long as he lives he shall be lent to the Lord.” (I Samuel 1:26-28( Then she praised God in that well-known praise attributed to her. She lived after this a life well-pleasing to God, and departed in peace. Her prayers be with us and Glory be to our God, forever. Amen.

The Departure of St. Paul of Tamouh 17th October - 7th Baba

On this day, Abba Paul (Paula( who was from Tamouh (El-Tamouhi( (Thmoui(, departed. Since he was inclined since his young age to solitary life, he went to Ansena Mountain. There he lived with his disciple Ezekiel, who was the witness of his virtues.

For his exceeding love to the Lord Christ, to Whom is the glory, he exhausted his body with asceticism, forsaking earthly things, with fasting and many prayers in a way that exceeds human endurance. For this, he deserved that the Lord Christ appear to him and bless him for his conduct in this life, for such is the behavior of those who are perfect and who fight against the flesh, the world and the devil till they overcome them. St. Paul said to the Lord, «All that is due to Your care, O You creator and redeemer of the human race, by Your death on our behalf, we the undeserving sinners.» The Lord Christ comforted and strengthened him. When our father St. Bishoy went to Mount Ansena, he was joined by the saint Abba Paula. The Lord Christ told Abba Paul (Paula(, «Your body will be buried with that of My chosen Bishoy.» When Abba Paula departed, his body was placed with the body of St. Bishoy. When they wanted to move the body of St. Bishoy to the wilderness of St. Macarius in Scete, they carried it onto a

boat and left St. Paul›s body behind; however, the boat would not move, until they brought the body of St. Paul and placed it beside St. Bishoy›s body. Then they brought them to the wilderness of Sheheat (Scete(. Their prayers be with us and Glory be to our God, forever. Amen.

The Martyrdom of St. Matra.

18th October - 8th Baba

On this day, St. Matra the elder, was martyred. He was a native of Alexandria, a believing Christian. When Decius reigned, he established the worship of idols. He afflicted the Christian people in every place. When his edict reached Alexandria, its people began also to be persecuted.

Some brought accusations against this saint. The Governor brought St. Matra to question him about his faith. St. Matra confessed that the Lord Christ is a true God of true God. The Governor commanded him to worship the idols and promised him much money. When he refused, he threatened to punish him, but he did not give up his faith. He shouted at the governor, “I do not worship but the Lord Christ, the creator of heaven and earth.” The Governor became angry with him, and ordered him beaten. He was severely beaten and then hanged up by his arms. They then imprisoned him and slit his face and his temples with a red hot rod. Finally, because he insisted on not giving up his faith, they cut off his head outside the city. His prayers be with us. Amen.

The Departure of St. Eumenius, the Seventh Pope of the See of St. Mark.

19th October - 9th Baba

On this day of the year 146 A.D., Saint Eumenius the seventh Pope of the See of St. Mark, departed. Pope Abremius, the fifth Pope, ordained him a deacon and he served 10 years in this position. When St. Yustus, the sixth Pope, was appointed, he saw how Eumenius excelled in knowledge and faith, so he ordained him a priest. He entrusted to him the teaching of the believers of the church of Alexandria, and asked him to look after them and to instruct them in the principles of the Orthodox faith. When Pope Yustus departed, this father was chosen Patriarch. He handed down the care of the churches and the teaching of the believers to Father Marcianus who later became his successor. He continually restored the strayed sinners, explaining to the pagans plainly the Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ and His being one in His divine essence. He stayed on the chair for 13 years and departed in peace. His prayers be with us. Amen.

First Sunday of the Blessed Month of Babah

Mark 2:1-12

“When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, your sins are forgiven you.”

Mark 2:5

+ Your sins are forgiven you

Illness or physical pain is a difficult thing for a person to suffer from and get weary of.

In fact, sickness is one of the fruits of sin and human disobedience. Man in Paradise did not know sickness, pain, or fatigue. And human also, when he/she departs to Paradise, lives in a new world in which there is no disease, no tears, no sadness, or darkness. We do not know disease except in this world.

Therefore, there is a close relationship between sickness and sin. Sin causes disease, even if it is not necessary that every disease is caused by sin. However, many diseases are caused by sin.

Moses sent twelve men to spy out the land of Canaan before they entered it, and these men came back telling about this land flowing with milk and honey. But ten of them began to frighten the people, because the inhabitants of this land were powerful giants, and they have no power over them. But Joshua son of Nun and Caleb son of Jephunneh began to encourage the people. But the people were afraid and terrified and lost their confidence in God’s work with them. God became very angry and struck the ten Men with the plague, and they died in front of the people (Number 14(.

The children of Israel fell into the sin of sexual immorality with the daughters of Moab because of the advice of Balaam the son of Beor the prophet. The Lord was angry with this rebellious people, so He struck them with a plague, and 24 thousand of them died (Numbers 25:1-15(.

David disobeyed the Lord and fell into the sin of fornication, and how difficult is the consequence of this sin. The sword did not depart from his house; his children rose up against him, lived in trouble and problems with the people of his house, even the boy who was born to him from sin got sick and died. And again, David disobeyed and he counted the people (2 Samuel 24(. And the Lord struck the people three days with the epidemic, and 70,000 men died because of this sin.

How dreadful is sin! It makes a person not only loses his health, but his humanity as well.

Because of sin, the prodigal son ended to be feeding swine, but he didn’t find bread for himself. Because of sin, the mighty Samson became a blind man who grinds in prison like oxen.

Dear Beloved, how many sins caused you diseases and caused diseases to those around you as well? How many thousands, perhaps millions, are destroying their bodies because of their addiction to alcohol, smoking, or drugs? How many millions today in the world suffer and grieve because of sexual diseases? The sin of adultery in particular became the biggest factor in its transmission and spread. Something really scary, just a mere lust, perhaps for short moments, it transmits to you a painful disease that has no cure and stays with you throughout your life, reminding you of the bitterness of sin. And the most difficult also is that you pass it on to your wife and children. A bitter and difficult comment said by one of those infected with these diseases that this disease does not kill you, but you also cannot kill it. It is a curse that clings to you and your offspring forever. How attractive and shiny sin looks from the outside! How seductive and striking it is! But beware, my beloved, that it carries within it the venom of snakes; it is deadly. Constantly think about the consequences of this sin. You wound the heart of your loving God. You cause yourself spiritual and physical destruction as well. Do not be deceived by your current health, cleverness, intelligence, and strength. For sin has cast down many wounded, and all who were slain by her were strong men.

O you tormented by sin, how beautiful is the sentence your sins are forgiven you in your ears. Those who are sick with sin desire to hear the word of forgiveness more than to hear the word “Arise, take up your bed and walk’? Which is more difficult?”

+ Which is easier, to say to the paralytic, ‘Your sins are forgiven you,’ or to say, ‘Arise, take up your bed and walk’? Really, which one is easier? Maybe it’s so easy for you when you get a headache that you take a painkiller to get rid of the headache. But did you get rid of the cause of the headache itself? It is really easy to treat the effects of the disease more than treating the cause of the disease itself. It is easy for the doctor to give the

patient pain relievers, medicines that reduce fever, medicines that relieve stomach ache, and so on. But it is not always easy to get rid of the causes of the disease itself. Getting rid of the effects of the disease may need two to three days, while getting rid of the disease itself may need months. Beloved, you need first, today, for repentance, and forgiveness of your sins. This is the practical solution to all your troubles, diseases and problems. And it is also the only solution; there is no other solution. You exhaust yourself at work and earn a lot of money, but you are not satisfied, not comfortable and unhappy. The reason is sin. You are surrounded by all the luxuries, all the reasons for comfort, but you are uncomfortable, tired, and anxious. The reason is sin.

Your house is not free of problems; disagreements, loud voice, rejection. There is no peace. The reason is sin.

Ninety percent of our family problems are aggravating and increasing, and the reason is very clear.

There is sin lies in the heart, unholy desires inside, and desire to control. Fatigue exists within you, you resort to painkillers only, but the treatment does not exist.

How many people deceive themselves! They think they are on the right path, but they keep their sins inside. They are destroying themselves.

Ananias and Sapphira, they wanted to live in communion with the Lord Jesus, but with the love of money which is within them. The result was bitter and painful.

Achan the son of Carmi wanted to share in the glories of God’s people, but without giving up greed and disobedience which was within him.

King Ahab wanted to worship God and live with God, but without angering his wicked wife Jezebel. Judas Iscariot wanted to be a disciple of the Lord Christ, and remains a thief and a robber. How??? How can you live in the light and still love the dark?

It seems that you are only interested in fulfilling your bodily needs; curing your diseases, relieving your troubles, satisfying your lusts. But you still keep your sins inside.

How easy it is to satisfy carnal needs! How easy it is to relieve the pain of diseases!

Beloved, do you want true comfort and true peace?

Come offer repentance for your sins. They are the cause of your tiredness. Leave the evil habits that dominate you. Leave the evil desires that destroy your body and your life. Leave the love of money, greed, envy, gossip, and backstabbing. This is the reason of your weariness and illness. How long will your sins be covered? Come to God and reveal your sins. Expose them before your confession father. Take out this darkness that is inside. Embarrassed? You feel ashamed? It is better to be ashamed now and feel the hurt of your sin and contempt for yourself than to spend your eternity in hell torment and regret the opportunities for repentance that you lose every day. Come to taste the sweetness of being with God; the sweetness of a luminous and pure life, the sweetness of a life of honesty, righteousness and purity. Come to enjoy the life of heaven and being with saints. Believe me, beloved, it is enough for you to taste it once and then you will be drunk with the wine of divine love and wish not to wake up in this world again. And it all starts with the most beautiful call in existence and the most beautiful word I like to hear “Your sins are forgiven you.”

Holy Prophetess Hannah as a Model for our Lives

The Prophetess Hannah, mother of the Prophet Samuel, is an important person in the Old Testament, with ardent faith and absolute trust in God’s love. By the depth of her prayer she drew the mercy of God and received what she desired, namely to bear a child. Because she was barren and childless, her husband Elkanah married another woman, Peninnah, by whom he had five children. Childlessness was considered a shame at that time. Because she was scoffed at by her rival Peninnah, and even by relatives and friends, Hannah was sad. But she did not despair, because she based her hope in God and found solace in prayer. She prayed with great intensity and deep pain. Once, while praying in the Temple, the Priest Eli scolded her, because he thought she was drunk, but in fact she was opening her heart to God. Eventually, her prayer was heard and God gave her not one or two, but six children. After Samuel, whom she dedicated to God, she gave birth to three sons and two daughters and in this way the sterile one became fertile with many children. Indeed, she surpassed Peninnah, who gave birth to five children. Wanting to show gratitude to God for the gifts of His love, she wrote a wonderful hymn, which is called the Ode of the Prophetess Hannah and is the third in a series of odes among nine odes of the hymnological canon. It is a thanksgiving and doxology to the Lord, who “solidified her heart”.

The Ode of the Prophetess Hannah, as well as her entire life and state of being, gives us the opportunity to emphasize the following:

First, the Saints are tried in their life with many and great temptations. Sometimes they are even literally crushed by certain events, but they are not frustrated and do not despair because they have trust in the love of God and they know that nothing can take place without the will or permission of God. They do not turn against those who bring to them pain and grief and became a cause for their torture and suffering, but they take refuge in God through prayer and ask for strength to bear the temptation. There are cases where people literally kneel under the weight of difficulties and sorrows. Then the only way to conquer despair is to fall into the arms of Christ with prayer, as Elder Porphyrios would characteristically say, like a small child in the arms of their father, and they would certainly receive courage and strength. Their heart will warm from the true love and will feel true comfort. Despair is inherent to those who have not tasted of the uncreated Grace of God, nor tasted the sweetness of His love and who place the support of their hope in people or things rather than God. These people, unfortunately, have nothing to support themselves on nor anything to draw strength from in order to face the difficulties and setbacks of life, and are thus led to a dead end, and sometimes to tragic acts with unfavorable outcomes for their life and their eternal future.

Second, the Prophetess Hannah was a person of prayer. She prayed with her nous and her heart and her prayer was not a typical religious duty, but an internal drive and a personal communication with the personal God of her fathers. She had love, pain and intensity, which are characteristic features of true prayer. It was a cry from the depths, the depths of her heart, to the God of knowledge, as she calls Him, because He knows all things and all people and He knows those who truly love Him.

The Prophetess Hannah knew God truly. She did not think of Him or know Him only from stories of others or from books, but she had an experience of God, hav-

ing received the Holy Spirit, “Who spoke through the Prophets”. When the Apostles received the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, whoever saw them or heard them speak, passed them off for drunks. The Prophetess Hannah, when she opened her heart to God inside the Temple, must have been “filled with the Holy Spirit”, which is why Eli passed her off for a drunk.

She received from God the gift of unceasing noetic prayer, because she loved prayer. For prayer is a gift from God and is given to those who pray. God is “the One who gives prayer to the prayerful”, as she chants in her Ode and knew from experience.

Usually people call others spiritual who are engaged in the arts and in writing, the socalled Intellectuals. In reality, however, spiritual people are those who have been given the Grace of the Holy Spirit, and these are the Saints. The inner life of spiritual people is hidden from the eyes of people of the flesh, or those who have not tasted of the Holy Spirit. This is why they are not able to understand the words and actions of the Saints and perceive certain of their actions as actions of the insane and the intoxicated.

Indeed, unceasing deep prayer and communion with the Holy Spirit is a drunkenness, but it is a sober drunkenness. And the madness of the Saints is a reasonable madness which heals our irrational madness. This is spiritual prowess and true manliness.

December 2003. Translated by John Sanidopoulos.

Blessed Engagement

George Ibrahim & Bianca Gawrgyous

Saturday 5th October 2024

St John Chrysostom Church

His Eminence

Metropolitan Asheia and His Grace Bishop Daniel

Visit to Melbourne

9th October 2024 – 3rd November 2024

Wednesday 9th October – His Eminence Arrives QF479 @ 7:35 pm

Thursday 10th October – 11 AM – Seniors meeting at AA Michael Church - Oakleigh

6 PM – Family visits at AA Michael Church

Friday 11th October - 9 AM – Liturgy at St Athanasius Church – Donvale Seniors meeting at St Athanasius Church

6 PM – Family Visits at St Athanasius church

Saturday 12th October – 9 AM – Liturgy at St George Church – St Albans - Ordination of new priest

6 PM – Vespers - St Athanasius Church - Donvale

Sunday 13th October - 9 AM – Liturgy at St John/Verena Church- Armadale - Ordination

6 PM - Family visits at St Bishoy Church

Monday 14th October- 10 AM – Clergy meeting and lunch - Donvale

6 PM – Family visits at St Mina/Marina Church

Tuesday 15th October- AM – Privatee Visits

6 PM – Family visits at St Bishoy/St Shenouda Church

Wednesday 16th October – 9 AM – Liturgy at St Bishoy/St Shenouda Church - Bulleen

6 PM – Family visits at St Mark’s Church

Thursday 17th October - 11 AM – Meeting with Tasony’s and lunch - Donvale

6 PM – Family visits at St George Church – St Albans

Friday 18th October - 9 AM – Liturgy at St Mary’s Church - Kensington

6 PM – Family visits at St Mary’s Church

Saturday 19th October – 9 AM – Liturgy at St Macarius’ Church – ordination of deacon

6 PM – Vespers at St Philopateer Church - Melton

Sunday 20th October - 9 AM – Liturgy at St Mark Church - Preston

6 PM – Family visitations at St Mark Church

Monday 21st October - AM – Visit to St. Mary’s College

6 PM – Family visits at St Severus Church

Tuesday 22nd October – AM – Private time

6 PM – Family visits at St Macarius’ Church

Wednesday 23rd October – 9 AM – Liturgy at St Bishoy/St Shenouda church - Bulleen

6 PM - Family visits at St Mary’s Church

Thursday 24th October - AM – Private time

6 PM – Family visits at St Mina’s Church

Friday 25th October Saturday 26th October - Sunday 27th October - Adelaide

Monday 28th October – AM – Private time

6 PM – Family visits at St Athanasius church

Tuesday 29th October – AM – Hospital visits

6 PM – Family visits at St John/Verena Church

Wednesday 30th October – 9 AM Liturgy at AA Michael/St Anthony’s Church - Oakleigh

6 PM – Family visits at AA Michael church

Thursday 31st October - AM – Private time

6 PM – Family visits at St George Church

Friday 1st November - 9 AM – Liturgy at St Mark’s church - Preston

6 PM – Family visits at St Severus Church

Saturday 2nd November – 8 AM – Liturgy at St Severus church - Pakenham

Seniors meeting at St Mina/Marina Church

6 PM – Vespers at St Mina/Marina Church - Hallam

Sunday 3rd November - 9 AM – Liturgy at St Mary’s church - Kensington

PM – HE travels to Perth @6:25 pm on QF777

St. Mary’s Church New Building Financial Report

New Church, New Building and Car Park are ready We started to use the New Building and church last on Lazarus Saturday 27th April 2024. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downloaded from church website. We thank Our Lord for this great Gift Cost of building works is around $13,000,000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreciated.

Donations to St Mary’s Church and Building project

can be made by the following Link


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