Services at St Mary’s Church
Mass 9 - 11 am
Liturgy 5:30 - 7am
7:30pm The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages
Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am 6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults
Mass 9 - 11 am - English
English Midnight Praises 7:30pm
English Bible Study 7:30pm
Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am
Youth 25 and above 7-9pm
Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm
Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am
Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm
Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm English
Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:30-7pm
Scouts 1:30 - 3pm
School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm
1st Mass6 - .7:45am Arabic & English
2nd Mass.7:45 – .9:30am English
3rd Mass 9:30 - 11:15am Arabic
Hymns Class - English 11:45 - 12:30pm
Church Priests:
Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251
Email: frtadros@me.com
Fr Habib Girgis Younan: 0401238177 – 94498871
Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com
Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821
Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au
Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kensington
Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651
Fr Kerillos Tawadros
0411 518 399
Fr John Makary
0433 445 636
Liturgies during the Holy Lent
11th March - 26th April 2024
Additional Liturgies
Tuesday 12 - 3pm
Thursday 5 - 7pm
The Departure of St. Mary of Egypt.
14th April - 6th Baramoda
On this day also of the year 137 A.M. (421 A.D.( the hermit St. Mary of Egypt departed. She was born in the city of Alexandria about the year 61 A.M. (345 A.D.( from Christian parents. When she became twelve years old, Satan the enemy of the human race, seduced her, led her astray, and made her his net through which he caught innumerable souls.
She continued in this sinful conduct for seventeen years until the mercy of God touched her life, she met people going to Jerusalem and she went with them. Since she did not have what to pay for the trip, she gave her self to the owners of the ship in return, until she came to Jerusalem. She also went on doing the same there. She wished to enter through the door of the church of the Resurrection, but she felt a hidden power pulling her from the back preventing her from entering the church. Whenever she tried to enter she felt as someone preventing her from doing so, and right away she realized that was because of her uncleanliness. She lifted up her eyes with a broken heart, and she wept interceding with St. Mary and asked her to intercede on her behalf before her Beloved Son. She felt encouraged and wished to enter with those entering, nothing prevented her from entering, and she prayed therein to God asking Him to guide her for what was pleasing to Him.
She stood before the icon of the blessed and pure Virgin, and asked her fervently to guide her that she might save her soul. A voice came out of the icon saying: «If you cross the Jordan river you will find rest and salvation.» She rose in haste and when she left the court yard of the resurrection and on her way she met a man who gave her three small coins with which she bought bread. Then she crossed the Jordan river to the wilderness where she lived for forty seven years. She strove strenuously for seventeen years, Satan fought against her by the fornication that she repented from. She overcame with the grace of God and she ate all this period the herbs of the desert. In the forty fifth year of her living in the desert, St. Zosima went to the wilderness, according to the custom of the monks there, during the holy Forty Days of fast for devotion and asceticism. While he was walking in the desert he saw this Saint from far and he thought that she was a shadow or mirage. He prayed to God to reveal to him the fact about this mirage, and he was inspired that it was a human being. He went toward the shadow, but it fled from him. When she saw that he is insisting on following her, she called him from behind a hill saying: «O Zosima if you wish to talk to
me, throw me a rag that I may cover myself for I am naked.» He marvelled for she called him by his name, he threw to her what she covered herself with, and she came to him. After the greetings and the metanias, she asked him to pray for her because he was a priest. He asked her to tell him the story of her life from the beginning to the present time. After she told him, she asked him to bring with him in the next year the Holy Eucharist to partake of it.
In the next year he came to her and she partook of the Holy Mysteries, then he gave her what he had from dates and lentils, she only took a handful of lentils, and she asked him to come to her in the next year. When he came to her in the next year he found that she had departed, a lion standing beside her and writing beside her saying « Bury Mary, the poor woman, in the dust of which she was created.» He marvelled from the writing and from the lion that was protecting her body and while he was thinking how he was going to dig to bury her, the lion came and dug a grave for her. He prayed over her and buried her. When he returned to his monastery, he told the monks the story of the strife of this holy woman, and they all increased in steadfastness in the Divine Mercy and progressed in the spiritual life. All the years of her life were seventy six years. May her prayers be with us and glory be to God forever. Amen.
The Departure of the Righteous Joachim, The Lord Christ Grandfather.
15th April - 7th Baramoda
On this day the righteous Joachim (Yonakhir - Zadok( departed. He was the father of St. Mary, the Theotokos, the mother of God incarnate. He was of the seed of David, and of the tribe of Judah, for he was the son of Jotham, the son of Lazarus, the son of Eldad who ascended up in genealogy to Solomon the king, the son of David whom God promised that his seed should reign over the children of Israel for ever. The wife of this righteous man, Hannah was barren, and both of them prayed and entreated God continually to give them a child. Having accepted their petition He gave them a good and sweet fruit, which satisfied all the men of the world, and removed from them the bitterness of servitude, and He made Joachim worthy to be called the father of the Lord Christ in regard of His marvelous and wondrous Incarnation. After God had pleased him with the birth of our Lady, his heart was rejoiced and he offered his offerings, and the shame had been removed from him, he departed in peace when the Virgin was three years old. May his prayers be with us. Amen.
The Martyrdom of the Holy Virgins: Agape, Eirene, and Shiona.
16th April - 8th Baramoda
On this day the three holy virgins: Agape, Eirene, and Shiona (Susinia( were martyred. They were from Thessalonica, and worshipped Christ as their parents. They chose the life of chastity and they agreed to devote themselves to the ascetic life. They fasted and prayed unceasingly, visited the convents often and participated with the virgins in their prayers and asceticism. When Maximianus the infidel, reigned, he restored the worship of the idols and shed the blood of many Christians. These saints were afraid and they fled to the mountain and hid themselves in a cave devoting themselves to their worship and asceticism. Every week, an aged Christian woman visited them bringing all things needed and took the work of their hands to sell it, and distributed the remainder as alms to the poor. One day a malicious person observed the frequent visits of this old woman to the mountain, he followed her secretly until he knew the cave that she entered. He hid himself so she did not see him on her way back, and he thought that she was hiding precious things in it. After she left the cave by a distance he entered the cave and he found the precious pearls the prides of the Christ standing praying. He bound them, dragged them away, and brought them to the Governor of Thessalonica. He asked them about their faith, they confessed that they were Christians worshipping that Who was Crucified. The Governor became wrath with them, tortured them much, then cast them into the fire, and they delivered up their souls and received the crown of martyrdom.
May their prayers be with us. Amen.
The Departure of St. Zosimus (Zocima(. (. 17th April - 9th Baramoda
On this day in the middle of the fifth century the ascetic father and the struggling monk Abba Zocima the priest, departed. This Saint was born about the middle of the fourth century from Christian and holy parents, who were from Palestine. When he was five years old they handed him to a righteous old monk, who raised him in a Christian manner and taught him the doctrine of the church, and shortly after they ordained him a deacon. He became a righteous monk and grew in virtues.
He was continually praising God and he read the Scriptures day and night and during work also. When he had completed thirty five years in the monastery they ordained him a priest. Then he increased his ascetic labors and struggle. After spending thirteen years in this struggle the enemy sowed in his mind the evil thought that he was superior to all his contemporaries in virtues and righteousness. But the Lord willed to turn him away from this thought. He sent an angel to him and
commanded him to go to the monastery which was near the river Jordan. He rose up and went to the monastery and he found therein righteous old men who were more perfect in their contending than him. He realized that he was far from what he thought in himself and he stayed there with them.
The custom of those monks during the Holy Lent, was that after they had fasted the first weak they partook the Holy Communion, then they left the monastery singing the twenty six psalm, and at the end of it, they prayed together. Then the abbot blessed them and they bed farewell to each other. Then they dispersed in the desert of Jordan and each of them carried out his spiritual fight by himself. St. Zosimus used to go out with them each year wondering in the desert asking God to show him who was more perfect than him.
As he was wondering about he met Mary the Egyptian (Coptic(. He learned from her about her life history and the reason for her wondering in the desert. She asked him to visit her after one year to give her the Holy Mysteries. He came to her in the next year and gave her the Holy Communion. In the year after he revisited her again but he found her had departed and he buried her and told the monks of the monastery concerning her strife. After he had lived ninety nine years he departed in peace. May his prayers be with us. Amen.
The commemoration of the Wonder that took place on the hand of Pope Sinuthius (Shenouda I( the Fifty Fifth Patriarch.
On this day also a great sign was made manifest through our holy father Pope Sinuthius (Shenouda I( the fifty fifth Pope of Alexandria. This Pope went to the desert of Scetis in order to fast the Holy Lent with the fathers the monks. On Palm Sunday many Arabs came to the desert of Scetis to plunder the monasteries. They stood on the rock east of the church of St. Macarius. Their swords were drawn in their hands ready to kill and steal. The bishops and the monks gathered together and decided to leave the desert before the Holy Feast of Resurrection (Easter( and they took counsel with Pope Shenouda who told them; “As for me I will not leave the desert until I complete the Pascal week. On Maundy Thursday the situation became worse. The Pope took his staff that had the sign of the cross on it and he wanted to go out to meet the Arabs saying: “It is better for me to die with the people of God” but they prevented him from going out, but instead, he strengthened and comforted them. Then he went forth to meet the Arabs with his staff in his hand. When they saw him, they retreated and fled away as if they were pursued by an army of soldiers and from this day onwards they never came back to do any harm.
The prayers of this father be with us and glory be to God forever. Amen.
John 5: 1 – 18
Healing the Paralysed
+ About this miracle:
This miracle tells about event at the pool of Bethesda which means House of Mercy. It was constructed by King Solomon as part of the Temple. Sheep used to be brought for sacrifices were washed at this lake and prepared to be offered as sacrifice for the Lord to have mercy on His people. These burnt offerings were symbol of the fulfilment of the Divine Justice for the Lord to have mercy on those offering them. Here at the Sheep Gate, we find the true Lamb Jesus Christ represented by these sacrifices Who carries our sins and healed us by His Blood shed for us. The Lord came to this place having mercy on this paralysed man who has been sick for thirty-eight years. The five porches of the lake may represent the five types of sacrifices of the Old Testament. They also point to the five senses of the human which are the sources of sensual feelings which can be the gates of blessings or it can be the outlet of evils which defy the heart.
Just think about the great Divine Wisdom where the symbolic lambs meet the Trues Lamb “Jesus Christ” at the fullness of time at the pool of Bethesda to heal our wounds and cleanse our souls.
+ We may ask???
Someone may wonder, The Lord knows for sure that this sock man wants to be healed and he has been there of the lake side for thirty eight years waiting to be healed. Why the Lord asks him if he wants to be healed?
1.To rekindle his hope again. He has been sick for long time. His hope to be healed has dried up after these long years. His hope to find a helper to put him into pool when the water is stirred by the Angel. The Lord visited him to revive his hope of healing which almost had gone.
2. The Lord respects the mans free well which He created with. St Augustine says: “God, our Father, created us without our permission but cannot save us without our cooperation”. One of the philosophers said: “thank you Lord for You have given me the freedom to disobey you and live”. These are the tender feeling of our beloved Lord. He can enter
while the doors as closed but in humbleness He says: “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.” Revelations 3:20.
3. The Lord wanted him to take part in the healing process willingly. As the Lord said “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you” Matthew 7:7. One of the saints said: God is not going to provide to a person who has no need’ which means that those who think about themselves that they have no need for God’s help have closed up for their own ways of satisfaction and worldly desires.
+ Do you want to be healed: The Lord Jesus says this every day at the Gate of Sheep which is the Gate of my heart: “I stand at the door and knock” would you allow me? I cannot enter in you life unless you open for me. Would you allow me to perform this operation which they say it is serious to widen the veins of your inner heart. You cannot get enough blood to your limbs or senses. Would you allow me?? Do not be afraid my son, I am the true Physician Who created you on My own image and likness. Would you allow me to rstore you again to your real glory and brightness?? Would you allow me to transfer My own blood to purify your corrupted nature.?? I shall tell you about my experience for such serious operations to relief your anxiety and elevate your fear and to be able to submit your heart and inner self without any doubts. Dis you hear about David the king and prophet who has fallen once in despair and sadness. I sent for him my Prophet Nathan. I restored him to life once more after he was close to death of sin. Then he rose up and with his tears hs sang this song of repentance: Psalm 50 which the whole church recites in prayers every day. Did you hear about the lost son who disobeyed his father and went to far away place to spoil himself among the fierce beasts. When I approached his heart which was stained by the mud, I found him ready to come back. Did
you hear about Augustine who composed a great heavenly song about repentance. Did you hear about St Thais the great repentant who was a courtesan living in sin and the devil used her as a tool to attract many for their destruction. I sent to her of the desert saint fathers to renew her life and restore her from the abyss pf sin and she became a great example to life of repentance and renewed hope.
If you my son wants to know more of those great examples go and read in the Synaxorium about the lives of those saints to know who are my Heavenly clinic visitors and my church which I purchased with My Blood…
+ Do you want to be healed my son:
Do not worry about the huge cost for your operation. Cost will be fully paid by My own precious blood which is capable of healing you fully. I only want you to be willing to be healed. Do you want to be healed? Do not look to me my son like this “Turn your eyes away from me, for they have overcome me.” Songs 6:5. Do not say I have no man to put me in the pool when the water is stirred. I shall make you in no need for anyone. I am the Hope for the hopeless and support for those with no support. I do not want to embarrass you and expose your weakness. I just want you to be wailing that I help you. I have given you the freedom and it is a gift I shall not take it back. When you left me to live away in the shadow of death, I did not restrict your freedom but when I knew that you regret your falls, I came to you asking if you need to be healed?
+ Do not blame me my son..
Do not blame me that I left you to suffer many years. You never asked for My help. You asked people and waited for them. You were not in need of Me. You only said I have no man. I may have come to you before but you did not look at Me. You were looking for the Angel who stirs the water who hardly give you ant chance. When I knew that you reached to your limit of despair I cam to you. Do not lose your hope. I shall let you hear My words which was said by Isaiah the Prophet which is read during this week the week of the paralysed: “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;
And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, Nor shall the flame scorch you. For I am the LORD your God, The Holy One of Israel, your Savior”. (Isaiah 43:2(. + Rise, take up your bed and walk. Become a light and blessing for everyone. Become my ambassador. Let me My words are heard through you. I let you to be as a joyful bird flying over the mountains, jumping on the hills and a new song of heavenly love. Throw away garment of sickness as I shall cloth you with My Righteousness. Rise take up your bed and walk.
I Have No Man!
by Fr Tadros Malaty�� My spirit groans with the Bethesda
sick manI entered with him as through the five porches
I entered through the five books of Moses
I fell under the Law that exposed my weakness
I discovered I was sick, in need of a heavenly Physician!
�� My life passed like 38 years, during which I lacked true love!
I have no man to put me into the water of divine love to get cured!
Who may grant me true love for my God and brethren?
Who will support me to perfect the law of love that I may be healed?
�� You often passed, O Physician of the souls!
As though You left everybody to search for me
Because I am the first among sinners!
With love You continuously repeated:
Do you want to be made well?
Because of my stupidity I did not hear your voice! I loved the noise of the world and was preoccupied with it.
I do not have two ears to hear the voice of heavenly love!
Your sweet voice, but because of my hard of hearing I did not listen to it!
�� Your wonderful Holy Spirit attracted my heart to You.
I heard Your sweet voice,
And rejoiced in your face that is fairer than the sons of men!
I have confessed to You my need for who will heal me.
�� At Your mighty word I rose from my bed
In obedience to Your command I took up my bed and walked home!
I took up the bed of my illness, I see it and remember my weakens and death, I remember Your authority, You who grant forgiveness and life. I walk, and walk until I enter my house.
I shall not rest until I reach the bosom of Your Father, my eternal dwelling!
�� You have turned for me my whole life into a continuous Sabbath, My time changed into a feast and surpassing rest.
You took me across to the pledge of eternity
So that I rejoice in sharing in the divine nature.
The Greatest Power
His Holiness Pope Tawadros II Sermon
Given on the Preparation Sunday of Great Lent – March 2024 ,10
One of the most dazzling words in a person’s life is “power.” It is a word with broad meanings, aspects, and domains. There is the power of science, knowledge, and information. There is the power of money, wealth, and treasures. There is the power of the body, health, and muscles. There is the power of understanding, literature, and philosophy. There is power of asceticism, abstention, and self-discipline. There is the power of dominance, obsession, and control. There are many other types which are too difficult to number.
One day I wondered: What is the greatest power in an individual’s life?!
Or community?!
Or the lives of others?!
The question preoccupied me while I was reading history and story books, and I found that all kinds of “power” appear on the stage of time, last for a while, and then end. This was the case with great kingdoms, empires, and mighty armies. The same with kings and emperors, tyrants and dictators. ; Those who were once distinguished and famous in their generation and those who have left a mark on humanity, whether positive or negative, all came to an end. Even Solomon the Wise says in the Book of Ecclesiastes: “Vanity of vanities, all is vanity... What profit has a man from all his labor in which he toils under the sun?” (Ecclesiastes 1:2, 3(.
The question remains: What is the greatest power in human life? What is the power that protects a person from falling into error?!
It is the power of “forgiveness” that mankind receives from God, and it is the power of “forgiveness” or pardon that a person offers to their fellow man.
Before Jesus Christ ascended to heaven after His Resurrection, He appeared to His Disciples for forty days, saying: “Thus it was necessary for the Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day, and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name to all nations…” (Luke 24: 46, 47(.
Against sins, God’s forgiveness exists: “The Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, by no means clearing the guilty…,” so that Moses the Prophet prayed and said: “... let my Lord go among us, even though we are a stiff-necked people; and pardon our iniquity and our sin, and take us as Your inheritance” (Exodus 34:69-(
A person lives in a world full of wounds, negative emotions, and abuse that befalls them from others. The result is experiencing feelings of bitterness, anger, anxiety, fear, injustice, depression, and vengeance. All of these wounds and situations can cause a state of psychological frustration from time to time. This affects the body, soul, and spirit, and consequently, behaviors and reactions, at home, church, or in society. Some of these harsh and destructive symptoms can be giving rise to hatred, despair, isolation, and an absence of joy. Forgetting, ignoring, or avoiding do not solve such issues, so the person is left standing confused with what to do?! There is no cure or way out of this situation except through forgiveness and pardon. The power of pardoning is the only rescue to
remove these negative feelings from oneself in which the soul feels deep psychological abuse.
It is known that the Law in the Old Testament is not limited to putting an end to revenge by an “eye for eye” (Exodus 21:24(, but it also prohibits a brother from hating his brother, and revenge and hatred towards one’s neighbor (Leviticus 19:1718-(. The wise Son of Sirach contemplated these laws and discovered the link between a person’s forgiveness to their brother and the forgiveness that a person seeks from God: “Forgive a wrong done you by your neighbor; then your sins will be pardoned when you pray” (Sirach 28:2 SAAS(.
The rule is very clear to humanity here: God cannot forgive someone who does not forgive his brother. The importance of this caused our Lord Jesus Christ to place this rule in the Lord’s Prayer that we repeat every day so that we do not forget it: forgiving your brother is a condition for requesting divine forgiveness (Luke 11:4; Matthew 18:23 NKJV(. Therefore, we find the Lord Christ compelled St. Peter the Apostle to not tire of forgiving (Matthew 18(, and we read that St. Stephen, the first deacon, died forgiving those who stoned him (Acts 7:10( Therefore, the one who “loves” must be aware that there are two actions to take: to forgive and to forget any offense.
The Christian person must always forgive and do so out of love, following the example of Christ (Colossians 3:13(, overcoming evil with good (Romans 12:21(. Jesus Christ not only called sinners to repent and believe, but also declared that He came to heal and forgive. Reciprocating good with good is a human act, exchanging good with evil is a satanic act, and exchanging evil with good is a divine act. Forgiveness is a difficult act for humans because it is not in their nature, but it requires a special divine power emanating from the love that God has poured into the heart of the Christian person (Romans 5:5(. With it, he or she forgives, pardons, and washes the heart and soul from being wronged and from bitterness. Thus, we pray daily: “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me” (Psalm 50 LXX, 51 MT(.
Friend, Forgiving another person who has wronged you is your decision, your will, your desire, and your choice. However, know that what you stand to gain is great, to gain a greater amount of divine mercy and inner healing that you need in your present life and the one to come. As we pray in the Great Lent hymn: “Blessed are those merciful to the poor / for mercy shall come upon them. / Christ will show them mercy on Judgement Day; / the Holy Spirit will dwell in them.” The poor here are not only those who are poor in money and necessities, but those who have poor character in behavior, conduct, demeanor, morals, and treatment.
Let your prayer be: Give me, O Lord, the energy of forgiveness and pardon to everyone who has wronged me. Fill my heart with Your love so that I can love even those who have wronged me in the course of my life. Do not let me hold a grudge against anyone. Teach me to forgive, to pardon, and to love despite my weakness, knowledge, and evil inclinations of the heart that challenge me and keep me from obeying Your precious commandment, “Forgive, and you will be forgiven” (Luke 6:37(. I promise You, Lord, to start a new page full of forgiveness, pardon, repentance, and a pure life in which I seek Your grace and Your Holy Spirit as a guide and Helper for my life. Amen.