Weekly Bulletin 14th July 2024

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Services at St Mary’s Church


Mass 9 - 11 am


Liturgy 5:30 - 7am

7:30pm The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages

Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am

6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults


Mass 9 - 11 am - English

English Midnight Praises 7:30pm

English Bible Study 7:30pm

Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am

Youth 25 and above 7-9pm

Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm

Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am

Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm

Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm English

Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:30-7pm

Scouts 1:30 - 3pm

School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm


1st Mass 6:30 - 8:30 Arabic & English

2nd Mass.8:30 - 10:30 English - St Mary’s


3rd Mass 8:30 - 10:30 Arabic - St John’s

Chrysostom Church

Hymns Class - English 11:45 - 12:30pm

Church Priests:

Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251

Email: frtadros@me.com

Fr Habib Girgis Younan: 0401238177 – 94498871

Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com

Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821

Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au

Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kensington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651

Fr Kerillos Tawadros 0411 518 399

Fr John Makary 0433 445 636

The Departure of St. Shenouda (Shenoute(, the (, Archimandrite. 14th July - 7th Abib

On this day, the ascetic father, St. Shenouda (Shenoute(, the Archimandrite, departed. This father was born in the city of Shandaweil (Shenalolet( in the district of Akhmim. His father was a farmer, who owned flocks of sheep.

When Shenouda grew up, his father entrusted him with the care of the sheep. He tended to the sheep, gave his food to the shepherd, and he spent his day fasting. His father took him to his uncle Anba Bgoul (Bigal( to bless him. Anba Bgoul laid the boy’s hands on his own head and said, “You bless me, my child, for you will be a father for many peoples.” His father left him with his uncle and returned home. One day he heard a voice from heaven saying, “Shenouda has become the Archimandrite.” Since that time, he exerted himself with many worships and intense asceticism. When Anba Bgoul (Bigal( departed, Shenouda replaced him. He followed the monastic communal rules that were formulated by St. Pakhom, and he added to them a pledge the monk had to sign before joining the monastery.

The number of monks during his days reached 1800 monks. That monastery, still standing west of the city of Souhag, has a church and is known as the monastery of Anba Bishoy.

Anba Shenouda had built another monastery, the number of its monks reached 2200 monks, which is still standing and is known as the monastery of Anba Shenouda.

Once, an army commander asked Anba Shenouda to lend him his girdle to wear during the war so that God might make him victorious. The Saint gave it to him and the commander overcame his enemies.

Anba Shenouda became a shining light to all the world with his sermons, discourses, and canons that he put for the good of the monks, hierarchies, and laity, men and women. He attended the Council of the two hundred that gathered at Ephesus with the holy father Anba Kyrillos (24th(, and he admonished Nestorius the heretic. Before his departure, he asked his disciples to support him so that he might worship his creator. He worshiped God and then commanded them to follow his footsteps and told them, “I commit you to God” then he departed in peace. May his prayers be with us. Amen.

The Martyrdom of St Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch, in Rome.

On this day also, St. Ignatius was martyred in Rome in the year 17 A.D. He was chosen Bishop for Antioch, succeeding St. Peter the Apostle, in the year 69 A.D., during the reign of Emperor Trajan. When the Emperor heard that this Saint had attracted many by his teachings to believe in the Lord Christ, he brought him and asked him, “Are you Ignatius the Theophoros?” He replied, “Yes, I am.” The Emperor inquired about the meaning of his name. The saint replied saying, “It means ‘Godbearer.’” The Emperor said, “Do you think that we do not carry our gods to support us in wars?” The Saint answered, “How can these statues be gods? Listen, there is no God except the only God that created the Heaven and Earth, and His Son Jesus Christ who was incarnated to save mankind. So if you had believed in Him, you would be content now in your kingship.”

The emperor attempted to persuade him to forsake Christianity, but he refused. The Emperor was enraged, ordered him bound with fetters, and taken to Rome to be thrown to the beasts. Ignatius responded by kissing the fetters that would be his means of receiving the crown of martyrdom. The believers tried to save him by paying bribes to the soldiers, but he refused, for he was yearning for martyrdom. He went on his way to Izmir (Smyrna(, where he wrote a letter to the Christians of Rome that said in it: “I am afraid that your love may be harmful. If you wish to prevent my death, that will not be difficult for you. But allow me to be slaughtered wherever the altar has been prepared .. I am wheat which must be ground, to make bread, to be offered to Jesus Christ. Whenever the people will not behold me anymore, I will behold our Lord Jesus Christ.”

When he arrived in Rome, they threw him to the beasts. A lion attacked him and grabbed him by his neck. The Saint delivered up his soul in the hand of the Lord. Then the lion released him and went back to his place, and the believers came and carried his body with great honor to a place they prepared for him in Antioch.

May his prayers be with us, and Glory be to God forever. Amen.

Abba Bishoy

15th July - 8th Abib

St. Bishoy is virtually unknown in the west, and that

is indeed a great pity. The example and devotion of this great man is a beacon to all. From the beginning of his life, we see that God has called him by name: Anba Bishoy was born in the town of Shesna to a family of six children. One day, his mother saw an angel in a dream, asking her to give one of her children to the Lord. She was very pleased and left the choice to the Lord to pick one of her kids. So, the Lord picked Anba Bishoy. His mother was very worried because Anba Bishoy was physically very weak, and she asked the Lord to pick a stronger child to serve Him; but the angel insisted that Anba Bishoy was the one the Lord had chosen. Human logic. He is frail Lord. He is physically weak. He is not worthy of You. But the Lord knows us better than anyone. We are weak, but He is our strength. We often cry out, “What is so special about that person? They are not worthy, not up to the task!” But the Lord’s word, “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.” (Isaiah 43:1(. For if we are weak and can still be the beloved of the Lord, what can we not do?

And St. Bishoy did much in the service of the Lord. What he did, he did simply. He was a good man. A good monk who served the Lord in others. This simple lifestyle was focused on hospitality to others. We are told:

One of Saint Bishoy’s distinguished merits was his hospitality to the strangers. One day while he was sitting outside his cell, he saw a stranger weary from walking. He invited the stranger to his cell and brought some water to wash his exhausted feet. While washing his feet, he heard the Lord’s voice saying, “My chosen Pishoy! You are an honorable man.” Realizing that he was washing the Lord’s feet, he knelt down and worshiped Him. The Lord gave him peace and comforted him..

In washing the feet of a stranger, we wash the feet of the Lord. St. Bishoy was blessed by actually washing the feet of the Lord Himself. But so often, we could serve the Lord in others. St. Bishoy, as I learned about him, reminded me much of Mother Teresa. Do you wish to see our Lord? Look to your neighbor. Serve others with Love.

St. Bishoy Also defended the faith. We are told: In his days, an old preacher appeared in the mountain of Ansina. He became so famous for his preaching that a lot of people gathered around him. It came to be

that he lost his way and the devil misled him until the point when he denied the Holy Spirit. All this news reached Anba Bishoy who went to see him taking with him sacs each having three handles, something that amazed the old preacher, and he asked Anba Bishoy the reason for that and he answered “I have a trinity, and I do everything accordingly”, and he started to explain to the people the words of the Bible until he convinced them all. It was not by walking up an yelling at people, but by a simple everyday example that St. Bishoy opened the door to their hearts. St. Bishoy had seen Christ face to face. Did it make him arrogant? Did it make him feel better than others? It is an honest question, is it not? We are told: The saint fulfilled his life of flesh and wished he could see Jesus, and in the middle of that, he got a promise from God that He will appear to him on the mountain of Shehet. So, he gathered the monks and told them the good news. Everyone was filled with joy and they were waiting for that big event to happen. On the appointed day, everybody was in a great hurry rushing to see Jesus. On their way, they passed by man who was trying to join them but had great difficulty because of his age; so he stretched out his hand asking for help, but nobody stopped or even paid him any attention. When Anba Bishoy passed by him, he stopped and carried him on his shoulders, gradually he started to feel that his load was becoming lighter and lighter, then he realized that the old man was Jesus the Lord, the one that everybody ignored. Finally, he died in peace giving his soul the freedom to go and live with the one he always wanted to be with, and that is Jesus Christ.

The Martyrdom of St. Simon Cleophas, the Apostle.

16th July - 9th Abib

On this day, St. Simon, the Apostle, was martyred. He was the son of Cleophas, brother of Joseph the Just, to whom the Virgin Mary was betrothed. He received the grace of the Holy Spirit in the Upper Room of Zion, and was ordained bishop for Jerusalem succeeding St. James the Apostle. He converted many of the Jews to the faith in the Lord Christ. The Lord wrought many wonders in his hands, and he urged the people for chastity and purity. When Emperor Trajan heard about him, he brought him, tortured him much, and then cut off his head. He was one hundred twenty years old.

May his prayers be with us, Amen.

First Sunday of the blessed months of Abib of the Coptic Calendar

Luke 10: 1-20

first say, ‘Peace to this house.’ Luke 10:5. The Lord appointed seventy others also … and sent them two by two before His face into every city and place where He Himself was about to go …

The message they carried was: The kingdom of God has come near to you … their banner and slogan was peace to this house … and their mission was to heal the sick and preach the kingdom of God … and their provisions and weapons were neither knapsack, money bags nor (extra( sandals and for their food they were to eat whatever is available …

This system established by the Lord (Jesus( for the seventy apostles still and always will be, the greatest law (for preaching( known to mankind … in this simple law, our fathers the apostles were able conquer the whole world and God’s word reached all corners of the earth … when the church adhered to this simple law, the church was strong and God’s word was spread and growing … but when God’s children forsaken this law, they were troubled and the church troubled with them … thus the world started sneak into your houses which are the church of God and your heart the temple of God … and to your house hold which are the members of God’s church … beloved, let us together consider and meditate on God’s law in the service of God’s children …

+ As lambs among wolves … Carry neither money bag, knapsack, nor sandals

Lambs among wolves … and not lions among wolves … as some of us would like to be … (in this( do you beloved know that the lamb had overcome the wolves …

The Lamb is the Lord Jesus … Who carried the whole world sins … in an amazing love and meekness … like a lamb to the slaughter … silent and did not utter a word …?

And the wolf is Satan … who subjugated our race with our fall in sin (via Adam( Israel in the land of Egypt was like a gentle lamb … and Pharaoh confronting him like a wolf ready to devour, harsh and stubborn … but this wolf was defeated before the lamb … and Pharaoh and all his army were drowned in the

Red Sea (Exodus 15:4-6( …

And what a wolf was Goliath the giant and what a gentle lamb was David … but, David the lamb was much stronger than Goliath the wolf …

One of the saints said, God sent us like lambs among wolves … so that, wolves will eat the lambs … but when all the wolves become lambs … St Moses the black strong and cruel … but, he became gentle and peaceful when he met the Lamb who is the Lord Jesus … and these lambs are not like the lambs of this world … who have given themselves long molars and paws … they are(God’s children( lambs without molars or paws … and without knapsack. Money bags nor even sandals …

No money bag … the money bag denotes the dependence on wealth and money We measure all things with money … even friendships … and even loving relationships with others … because of money we labour, worry and think about it all day long … this is the problem of money-bag … the money-bag nowadays represent an important part of the lives of many … even in their discussions and action … when the lame man looked to St Peter expecting something in return St Peter said to him … Silver and gold I do not have (Acts 3:6( for he had no money-bag … indeed, mighty is the man who has taken the money-bag out of his life , just as St Paul the apostle says … “as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing all things” (2 Corinthians 6:10(. No knapsack … the knapsack here represents the self-dependence … the knapsack is the physical food for the body … and the increased attentiveness to it is an indication of man concentration on the self, his or her physical body, wisdom and his or her human thoughts … it is truly hard to deal with those who have a knapsack … all their affairs are of self-interest … and their needs and honour … dealing with Nabal of Carmel was very problematic which made a gentle person and humble like David, infuriated and almost sought revenge (1 Samuel 25( … and Nabal was one of those who are more concerned with the knapsack … and he destroyed himself because of it …

No Sandals … sandals or foot-ware represent dependence on the world abilities … for foot-ware is a symbol of being afraid of the dangers of the way; its length and hardships … because of this man reverts to a worldly arrangements to protect him or her from the dangers of the road … but, the worldly

foot-ware is subject to ware and tare … highlighting the necessity of not depending on the world abilities

If the Israelites thought to prepare for their journey in the wilderness for forty years, probably they would have never left Egypt … but the Lord was their protector who carried them in wilderness and they had no money-bag, knapsack nor sandals … their clothing and sandals did not ware out and they needed nothing.

Greet no one along the road … this represents being preoccupied with the sinful world and not in greeting others … the problem is being preoccupied with them and being separated from God because of them … specially, if those were from people of the road … that is (to say( people of the world … be very careful (beloved( of those who await you along the way and wanting to occupy you to distance you away from your God and trying to make you forget your main goal (in life( that is your salvation and the salvation of your kinsfolk … Say peace to this house

How beautiful is the method of those who preach peace … for they seek peace and labour for it, examine (beloved( their amazing works … they say peace (to you and your house( … they heal the sick … they inform you the kingdom of God is near … beloved, this should be your method in your service (to God( and in dealing with others … you have a great responsibility toward your brethren and loved ones.

Do not say, I am only responsible for myself only … for God will ask you of the souls of your loved ones and those who are with you and those you visit and this is your effort for them. They preach peace … be a source of peace not upheaval … there are those who enter houses alight with the fires (of upheaval( and put it out … and there are those who enter houses full of peace a set it alight with fire … beloved, which one are you? Are one of those who events put you in the midst of others problems and troubles … then, be very careful not to be one of those who proclaim peace … before you give an advice to anyone, think carefully and pray that God guides you and it is better to be silent and say I don’t know than to say a word which would cause problems, split and troubles … but it is much better to flee and leave this place … than you err with a slip of a tongue which causes trouble … be careful … lack of wisdom in offering a word of

peace does not only hurt others but also hurts you … leave such problems to those who more experienced in such matters or to our father the priest … if you feel that you might be a stumbling block for others, then it is enough to pray for them fervently so that God intervenes and solves the problem … Heal the sick among them … and there are many sick who are in need of a good word that comforts them … how many troubled (people( who are in need of a word of love and support to heal them … the first step in healing the sick is the spiritual comfort … for healing the body is possible but it is much harder to heal broken spirits …

Learn (beloved( to be a sweet tongue overflowing with honey … learn to be a good listening ears in love, patience and long suffering … learn to be a loving bosom … others find it comfortable (to rely upon( … this is how to heal the sick …

Say to them the kingdom of God is near them … this is your goal as a preacher …

Beloved … how much time is lost on idle talk and unprofitable discussions … in gossiping about others … (talking( in unprofitable discussions … tell when (beloved( do you waste your time and others time … don’t you know that time is a very precious commodity … and we must be “redeeming the time, because the days are evil” (Ephesians 5:16( … train yourself to speak of the kingdom of God … let your words be peaceful to those around you … and let your actions be healing to those you live and deal with … and let all your speech an invitation for salvation and the kingdom of heavens … and then you will see Satan fall like lightning from heaven (Luke 10:18( … then you will rejoice greatly … and rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven (Luke 10:20( (Amen, Lord Jesus; give me love to love all so that they see Your love in me

Give me wisdom to comfort others that they feel Your comforting Holy Spirit, Give me knowledge to understand that I am only an instrument in Your hands and only Your hand Lord Jesus, Amen.(

Pope Tawadros II

El-Keraza 21st June 2024

The hours of a day for a person are usually divided into three equal parts: - 8 hours for sleep, which is the primary human need

- 8 hours for work, study, and research, which are hours of productivity

- 8 hours that vary from person to person but are typically spent on activities such as family, friends, worship, health, hobbies, reading, service, and personal matters. It is known that all humans share the same daily gift of time, as everyone receives 24 hours each day, regardless of their age, work, qualifications, health, or service.

People constantly seek consolation / comfort / rest, whether personal, familial, or social. One of the Ten Commandments is: “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy” (Exodus 20:8, NKJV(, which means dedicating it to acts of love, mercy, worship, and abstaining from all forms of earthly work to make it a day dedicated to God. The creation process, which spanned six days and culminated by the creation of man as male and female on the sixth day, then it is written: “... on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made” (Genesis 2:23-(.

In the context of the commandment, ‘consolation’ symbolizes liberation from work and responsibility, not laziness and sleep, despite humans spending a third of their lives in sleep and relaxation. This is considered one of the mysteries by human studies scholars: Why does a person sleep? The simple answer is to rest. The unanswered question by scientists is: Why rest?

In the history of the Israelites, they longed for the land of rest or the Promised Land, as described in the Old Testament, considering it the anticipated rest, but they never truly enjoyed it. It is said that the city of peace, Jerusalem, which was built three thousand years ago, only experienced thirty years of peace throughout its long history.

This brings the personal question: What is the greatest consolation for a human? The astonishing answer is that the greatest consolation is serving others, exerting effort, and sacrificing for them.

The inner peace felt after serving others in any field of service is profound, and perhaps this is why organizations like the Red Cross or Doctors Without Borders, which rely on voluntary service without any material benefits, exist. Their

service extends across nations and peoples without any specific purpose other than to help and serve humans in times of crisis, purely for the inner peace it brings.

Socially, the concept of consolation varies from person to person. Some consider it a vacation, a trip, traveling to other countries, strolling in gardens, or resting at home in all its forms. These, however, differ from the concepts of laziness, slackness, and avoiding work, even sleeping at non-night hours or not exerting effort in any form. It is written: “The lazy man does not roast what he took in hunting” (Proverbs 12:27(. One of the most beautiful biblical passages on this subject is from Proverbs: “Go to the ant, you sluggard! Consider her ways and be wise” (Proverbs 6:6(.

Therefore, true consolation is the exerting effort for the sake of others, as Christ came to us to complete the work of salvation for humanity, saying on the Cross: “It is finished!” (John 19:30(. The sacrifice of the Cross and its suffering was the gift of salvation for mankind and God’s joy for His creation to have eternal life: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16(.

There is, of course, a significant difference between working for a job with a salary or financial compensation and a hobby practiced without payment or material benefit, merely for the enjoyment and psychological consolation it rings, making a person spend hours and hours without exhaustion or boredom, achieving inner peace. This applies to serving others in many fields, with the goal being to make others happy, whether an orphaned child, a person with special needs, a patient, an elderly individual, or helping people in times of distress and natural disasters or conflicts and wars.

Dear reader, you will not feel true comfort unless you exert yourself in serving others:

- Parents who give so much in raising and nurturing their children.

- Teachers who impart life experiences to all their students with effort and dedication.

- Servants who tirelessly visit their children and tie them vitally to the Church.

- Priests who dedicate their lives to serving and caring for their people in all aspects.

- Church or civil officials in their service or work related to helping others and facilitating life for them.

The consolation derived from serving others, wherever they are and whenever they appear, protects a person from selfishness and self-centeredness, as it leads a person out of self-absorption to others in effort, sacrifice, and true dedication, making them feel their humanity and their purpose in life as God intended. The same applies when inviting someone to service, consecration, priesthood, or episcopacy; it is not an invitation for promotion, position, or leadership, but an invitation to “consoling effort,” meaning serving others – serving every person and the whole person.

My friend, enjoy true consolation in your effort and sacrifice for everyone.

Blessed Baptism

Baby Luke son of Mark & Rebecca Gerges

Sunday 7th July 2024

St Mary’s Church

Blessed Baptism

Evie daughter of Michael and Loza Rafla

Saturday 6th July 2024

St. Mary’s Church

St. Mary’s Church New Building Financial Report

New Church, New Building and Car Park are ready We started to use the New Building and church last on Lazarus Saturday 27th April 2024. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downloaded from church website. We thank Our Lord for this great Gift Cost of building works is around $13,000,000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreciated.

Donations to St Mary’s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link

https://www.stmc.org.au/donate (Copy & Paste on Web Browser(

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