Weekly Bulletin 15th August 2021

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Services at St Mary’s Church Tuesday Liturgy 5:30 - 7am 8am The Way - Orthodox Fekkowship in Englisg for adults - All ages Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am Wednesday 6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults Arabic ; 7-8:15pm English Hymns Class Arabic 8-9pm Thursday English Midnight Praises 7:30pm English Bible Study 7:30pm Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am Friday Youth 25 and above 7-9pm Family Meeting 7-9pm (fortnightly) Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm Year 10-12 Sunday School 6-9pm Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 10:30am Saturday Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm Vespers & youth meeting 5.30 –7pm English Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:30-7pm Scouts 1:30 - 3pm School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm Sunday: Sunday 1st Mass 7 – 9.15am Arabic & English 2nd Mass 9.15 – 11.30am English 3rd Mass 9 – 11am Arabic Hymns Class - English 11:45 12:30pm Church Priests: Priests Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251 Email: frtadros@me.com Fr Habib Girgis Younan: 0401238177 – 94498871 Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail. com Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821 Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kensington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651

:‫مواعيد الخدمة بكنيسة العذراء‬

)‫ صباحا (أنجليزى‬7 - 5:30 ::‫األلهى‬ ‫ القداس األلهى‬:‫الثالثاء‬ ‫ ذا واى‬- ‫ مساء أجتامع للكبار باألنجليزى‬8 ‫ صباحا‬11 – 9 ‫ القداس األلهى‬:‫األربعاء‬ ‫األربعاء‬ ‫ عرىب‬- ‫ مساء مدرسة الشاممسة للكبار‬8 - 6:30 ‫ أنجليزى‬- ‫ مساء مدرسة الشاممسة‬8:15 - 7 ‫ عرىب‬- ‫مساء فصول ألحان‬9 - 8 :‫الخميس‬ ‫ مساء‬7:30 ‫ أنجليزى‬- ‫تسبحة نصف الليل‬ ‫ مساء‬7:30 ‫ أنجليزى‬- ‫درس الكتاب املقدس‬ ‫ صباحا‬11 – 9 ‫ القداس األلهى‬:‫الجمعة‬ ‫الجمعة‬ ‫ سنة فأك رث‬25 ‫ مساء الشباب‬9 – 7 )‫مساء أجتامع األرسة (كل أسبوعني‬9-7 ‫ أنجليزى‬- ‫ مساء أجتامع اعداد الخدمة‬8:30 - 7 12 - 10 ‫ مساء فصل مدرس األحد لسنوات‬9 - 6 ‫ صباحا‬10,30 – 8,30 ‫القداس األلهى‬:‫السبت‬ ‫السبت‬ ‫ مساء‬3 - 1:30 ‫اجتامع الكشافة‬ ‫ مساء‬4 - 3 ‫مدرسة الشاممسة‬ 5,30 – 4 ‫مدارس األحد‬ ‫ مساء انجليزى‬7 – 5,30 ‫العشية واجتامع الشباب‬ ‫ مساء عرىب‬7 - 5:30 ‫العشية ودرس كتاب‬ :‫األحد‬ ‫األحد‬ ‫ ص عرىب وانجليزى‬9,15 – 7 ‫القداس األول‬ ‫ ص – انجليزى‬11,30 – 9,15 ‫القداس الثاىن‬ ‫ ص عرىب‬11 – 9 ‫القداس الثالث‬ ‫ مساء‬12:30 - 11:45 ‫ أنجليزى‬- ‫فصل ألحان‬ :‫األباء الكهنة بالكنيسة‬ ‫األب القمص تادرس شاروبيم‬ 0414251251 Email: frtadros@me.com :‫األب القس حبيب جرجس يونان‬ 94498871Email: - 0401238177 habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com 0422431821 :‫األب القس مايكل صليب‬ Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Epsom Rd, Kensington 3031:‫عنوان الكنيسة‬ 93766651 :‫ تليفون‬5 Vic

‫استشهاد القديس بيخيبس‬ The Martyrdom of St. Matra. ‫ مسرى‬١٠ - ‫ أغسطس‬١٦ 16th Augus - 10th Mesra ‫وفي مثل هذا اليوم استشهد القديس‬ On this day, St. Matra was martyred during the papacy ‫بيخيبس ( أي المصباح ) الذي من‬ of Pope Demetrius, the twelfth patriarch of Alexandria, ‫أشمون طناح وكان أوال من بينوسة ومن‬ and in the days of Emperor Decius. When this Saint ‫الجنود الذين تحت أمر أنطيوخس األمير‬ heard the imperial Edict read ordering the worship of ‫الذي لما سمع أنه مسيحي استحضره‬ idols, he went and took the arm of the statue of the ‫هو واألسقف األنبا كلوج واألنبا نهروه‬ idol Apollo, which was made of pure gold. He cut it in pieces, and gave them to the poor. When they searched ‫الذي من ترسا واألنبا فيلبس وسألهم عن‬ ‫ذلك فاعترفوا بأنهم مسيحيون فعذبهم‬ for the idol›s arm, and could not find it, they seized ‫ أما القديس بيخيبس فقد‬. ‫عذابا أليما‬ many because of it. St. Matra came forward and told ‫قيده وأرسله مع آخرون إلى البرامون‬ them, «I am he who took it.» They tortured him much, and then cast him into the fire, but the angel of the Lord ‫ وقضوا في السفينة عدة أيام دون أكل‬. ‫ ولما وصلوا إلى البرامون‬. ‫وشرب‬ saved him from it. Then they cut off his hands and his ‫عذبوا القديس بيخيبس كثيرا وأخيرا‬ feet and crucified him on a tree, head downwards. A ‫قطعوه بالسواطير فنال إكليل الشهادة‬ blind man came and took some of the blood that was ‫وأتي رجل من مؤمني البرامون وأخذ‬ dripping from the Saint›s mouth and smeared his eyes with it, and he regained his sight. Afterwards, the Saint ‫جسده وأرسله إلى بلده أشمون طناح وقد‬ was beheaded, and he received the crown of martyrdom. . ‫نال الشهادة معه خمس وتسعون نفسا‬ ‫صالتهم المقدسة تكون معنا ولربنا المجد‬ May his intercession be with us. Amen. ‫ آمين‬. ‫دائما‬ The Martyrdom of St. Pigebs (Bekhebs). ‫استشهاد القديس مطرا وبيخبس‬ ‫ستشهاد‬ 16th Augus - 10th Mesra ‫ مسرى‬١٠ - ‫ أغسطس‬١٦ On this day also, St. Pigebs (Bekhebs)(1) was martyred. ‫في مثل هذا اليوم استشهد القديس مطرا‬ He was from the city of Ashmoun-Tanah. He was ‫في عهد البابا ديمتريوس بطريرك‬ a soldier under the command of prince Antiochus. ‫اإلسكندرية الثاني عشر في زمان‬ When the prince knew that he was Christian, he had ‫ وذلك أنه لما سمع‬. ‫داكيوس الملك‬ him brought along with Anba Klog, the bishop, Anba Nehro, who was from Tersa and Anba Phillip, and asked ‫مرسوم الملك يقرأ مطالبا بعبادة األوثان‬ ‫مضي وأخذ يد الصنم أبلون وكانت من‬ them about their faith. They confessed that they were ‫ذهب خالص وقطعها قطعا ووزعها‬ Christian. He tortured them severely. Later on he bound St. Pigebs and sent him with others ‫علي الفقراء ولما لم يجدوها قبضوا علي‬ ‫كثيرين بسببها فأتي هذا القديس وقال لهم‬ to the Baramon. They spent many days in the ship ‫ « أنا الذي أخذتها « فعذبوه كثيرا ثم‬: without eating or drinking. When they arrived to the Baramon, they tortured St. Pigebs severely, and finally ‫طرحوه في النار فأنقذه مالك الرب منها‬ they hacked his body in pieces with a cleaver, thus he ‫فقطعوا يديه ورجليه وصلبوه علي خشبة‬ received the crown of martyrdom. A believing man from ‫وأتي رجل اعمي وأخذ من الدم النازل‬ ‫من فيه وطلي به عينيه فأبصر وبعد ذلك‬ the Baramon came and took St. Pigebs body and sent it to his hometown Ashmoun-Tanah. Ninety-five others ‫شفاعته‬. ‫قطعوا رأسه فنال إكليل الشهادة‬ ‫ آمين‬. ‫تكون معنا‬ received the crown of martyrdom along with the Saint. ‫نياحة القديس مويسيس اسقف اوسيم‬ May their prayers be with us and Glory be to God ‫مسرى‬١١ ‫مسرى‬ ١١ - ‫ أغسطس‬١٧ forever. Amen. ‫في مثل هذا اليوم تنيح األب القديس‬ The Departure of St. Moisis, Bishop of Ouseem. ، ‫األنبا مويسيس أسقف كرسي أوسيم‬ 17th August - 11th Mesra ‫كان بتوال طاهرا منذ صغره وقد درس‬ On this day, the holy father Anba Moisis (Moses), ‫علوم الكنيسة ورسم شماسا ثم قصد‬ Bishop of Ouseem, departed. He was pure and chaste ‫برية شيهيت وترهب عند رجل قديس‬ from a young age. He learned the church subjects, and ‫وقضي في خدمته ثماني عشرة سنة‬ was ordained a deacon. Then he went to the desert of ‫مداوما علي الصالة والصوم متحليا‬ Scetis and became a monk, under the direction of a ‫ ولما ذاعت فضائله‬. ‫باإلتضاع والمحبة‬ righteous man. Anba Moisis served him for eighteen years, devoting himself to praying and fasting, and was . ‫رسموه أسقفا ألوسيم بعد األنبا جمول‬ ‫فسار سيرة فاضلة صالحة وازداد في‬ adorned with humility and love. As the report of his

virtues noised throughout, he was ordained a bishop for ‫الفضيلة ورعي رعية المسيح أحسن‬ Ouseem after Anba Gamoul. He pursued a good, virtu‫ وكان زاهدا فلم يقتن شيئا في‬. ‫رعاية‬ ous life, increased in righteousness, and he shepherded ‫ وقد قاسي مع البابا ميخائيل‬. ‫كل زمانه‬ the flock of Christ with the best of care. He was ascetic ‫بطريرك اإلسكندرية السادس واألربعين‬ and did not own anything all his life. He suffered, along ‫شدائد عظيمة وصنع هللا علي يديه‬ with Pope Michael, 46th Patriarch of Alexandria, many ‫ فكان يتنبأ عن‬، ‫آيات وعجائب وكثيرا‬ tribulations. God wrought many signs and miracles on ‫الحوادث قبل وقوعها ومنها أنه قال مرة‬ his hands. Often, Anba Moisis foretold incidents before ‫ « أن الملك‬. ‫ألنبا تادرس أسقف مصر‬ their occurrences. For example, once he told Anba ‫ ولما‬. ‫ وهكذا كان‬. « ‫لن يعود إلى ملكه‬ Tadros, Bishop of Misr, that the King would not return ‫أكمل سعيه ووصل إلى شيخوخة صالحة‬ to his kingdom, and it was so. ‫ وإذ عرف وقت نياحته‬. ‫مرض قليال‬ When he completed his strife and was in a good old ‫استدعي شعبه وباركهم وأوصاهم ثم‬ age, he had a short illness. When he knew the time of ‫سألهم أن يصلوا من أجله فبكوا جميعا‬ his departure, he called his congregation, blessed them, ‫طالبين منه أن يطلب هو عنهم أمام‬ commended them, and asked them to pray for him. ‫المسيح ثم بسط يديه وصلي وودعهم‬ They all wept and asked him to remember them before ‫ بعد أن أقام علي الكرسي‬، ‫وتنيح بسالم‬ Christ. He stretched out his hand, prayed, bid them ‫نيف وعشرين سنة‬ farewell and departed in peace. He remained in his ‫ ولربنا المجد دائما‬. ‫صالته تكون معنا‬ chair for more than twenty years. ‫ آمين‬. May his prayers be with us and Glory be to our God ‫تملك الملك البار قسطنطين الكبير‬ forever. Amen. ‫ مسرى‬١٢ - ‫ أغسطس‬١٨ The Reign of the Righteous Emperor Constantine, the ‫في هذا اليوم تذكار جلوس اإلمبراطور‬ Great. ‫البار قسطنطين الكبير علي عرش رومية‬ 18th August - 12th Mesra ‫وذلك أنه لما ملك علي بريطانيا عوض‬ On this day also, is the commemoration of the en‫ م‬36 ‫أبيه قسطنديوس خلوروس سنة‬ thronement of the Righteous Emperor Constantine the ‫أبطل المظالم من سائر المملكة فانتشر‬ Great, over the city of Rome. When he reigned over ‫ فأرسل‬. ‫عدله وذاع صيته في سائر البالد‬ Byzantium, succeeding his father Constantius Chlorus ‫إليه عظماء رومية طالبين منه أن ينقذهم‬ in the year 36 A.D., he abolished the injustice through‫ فرثي‬. ‫من ظلم مكسيميانوس قيصر‬ out the kingdom. His fairness and fame spread through- ‫لمصابهم وظل يفكر في كيفية إنقاذهم‬ out the Empire. The nobles of Rome asked him to ‫فظهرت له عالمة الصليب فاعتصم بها‬ come and save them from the injustice of Maximianus. ، ‫ومضي لمحارة مكسيميانوس فهزمه‬ He sorrowed for their misfortune, and he pondered in ‫وأثناء تقهقره سقط به جسر نهر التيبر‬ what way he could deliver them. The sign of the cross ‫فغرق مع عسكره ومات شر ميته وكان‬ appeared to him, to which he adhered. Constantine ‫ذلك في السنة السابعة من ملك قسطنطين‬ went and fought against Maximianus and defeated him. ‫ولما دخل اإلمبراطور قسطنطين رومية‬ While Maximianus was retreating, crossing the bridge ‫استقبله عظماؤها وجميع سكانها باحتفال‬ over the Tiber River, the bridge broke and he perished, ‫كبير وسرور زائد وعيدوا النتصاره‬ drowning along with his soldiers. That was in the sev- ‫سبعة أيام وتقدم شعراء رومية وخطباؤها‬ enth year of the reign of Emperor Constantine. When ‫يمدحون الصليب الكريم وينعتونه‬ Emperor Constantine entered Rome, all its nobles and ‫ أما‬. ‫بخالص مدينتهم والمؤيد لملكهم‬ people welcomed him in a grand festival, and with ‫كيفية ظهور الصليب له وتغلبه به علي‬ great joy. They celebrated his victory for seven succes‫مكسيمانوس فقد كتب في خبر نياحة‬ sive days. The poets of Rome and its orators praised ‫هذا اإلمبراطور البار تحت اليوم الثامن‬ the Honorable Cross, describing it as the savior of their , ‫والعشرين من شهر برمهات‬ city and the supporter of their Emperor. ‫ آمين‬. ‫ولربنا المجد دائما‬ The account of the appearance of the Cross to Emperor ‫عيد التجلى المجيد‬ Constantine and his victory over Maximianus is written ‫طقس ف رايحى‬ under the commemoration of the departure of this ‫ مسرى‬١٣ - ‫ أغسطس‬١٩ righteous Emperor, which is on the 28th day of Baram‫في هذا اليوم تعيد الكنيسة بتذكار‬ hat. ‫تجلي ربنا ومخلصنا يسوع المسيح‬

Glory be to our God forever. Amen. ‫علي طور طابور وكان معه في‬ The Feast of Transfiguration of Our Lord on Mount ‫ذاك الوقت تالميذه بطرس ويعقوب‬ Tabor. « : ‫ويوحنا وهم الذين عناهم بقوله‬ 19th August - 13th Mesra ‫ان من القيام ههنا قوما ال يذوقون‬ On this day, the church celebrates the commemoration of ‫الموت حتى يروا ابن اإلنسان أتيا‬ the transfiguration of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on ‫ ) وقد‬28 : 16 ‫في ملكوته « (مت‬ Mount Tabor. The disciples, Peter, James and John, were ‫ فانه بعد ستة أيام‬. ‫أكمل وعده هذا‬ with Him, and about whom the Lord said, “ .... there are ‫من قوله هذا أخذ التالميذ الثالثة‬ some standing here who shall not taste death till they see ‫وصعد بهم علي جبل عال منفردين‬ the Son of Man coming in His Kingdom.” (Mt. 16:28) He ‫وتغيرت هيئته قدامهم وأضاء وجهه‬ fulfilled His promise, for six days later, He took His three ‫كالشمس وصارت ثيابه بيضاء‬ disciples, up on a high mountain, where He was trans‫كالنور وإذ موسى وايليا قد ظه را‬ figured before them. His face shone like the sun, and His ‫ وقد قصد المسيح‬. ‫لهم يتكلمان معه‬ clothes became as white as light. And behold, Moses and ‫بذلك أن يعلمنا بأنه رب موسى‬ Elijah appeared to them talking to the Lord. ‫ومقيمه من األموات واله ايليا ومن زله‬ The Lord wants to teach us that He is the Lord of Moses ‫ أن‬: ‫ وفي قول بطرس‬. ‫من السموات‬ whom He can raise from the dead, and that He is the God ‫شئت نقيم هنا ونصنع ثالث مظال‬ of Elijah whom He can bring back from heaven. ‫ أما الضعف فلتفكيره‬. ‫ضعف وأدب‬ St. Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, it is good for us to be here, ‫أن الرب في حاجة إلى ما يستره من‬ if you wish, let us make here three tabernacles: one for ‫ وأما األدب فألنه لم يطلب‬. ‫الشمس‬ you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.” This indicated ‫لنفسه ولمن معه من التالميذ ما‬ the weakness of Peter for he thought that the Lord needed ‫ وال‬. ‫طلبه للمسيح وموسى وايليا‬ something to cover Him from the sun. It also indicated ‫تعجب من نقص علم التالميذ فانهم‬ his good character, for he did not think of himself or ‫ ولما قال‬. ‫لم يكونوا قد أكملوا بعد‬ the other disciples. We should not marvel at the lack of ‫ ليري‬، ‫هذا أتت سحابة وظللتهم‬ knowledge of the disciples, for they were not yet perfect- ‫بطرس أنه غير محتاج إلى مظال‬ ed. While Peter was still speaking, behold a bright cloud ‫ وأتاهم صوت‬. ‫مصنوعة باأليدي‬ overshadowed them, so that Peter would know that Jesus ‫ليثبت في نفس التالميذ ألوهيته قائال‬ was not in need of tabernacles made by hands. Suddenly a ‫ « هذا هو أبني الحبيب الذي به‬: voice came out of the cloud saying, “This is My beloved « ‫ له اسمعوا‬. ‫سررت‬ Son, with Whom I am well pleased; listen to Him.” (Mt. ‫ولما سمع التالميذ ذلك سقطوا علي‬ 17:1-8) When the disciples heard the voice, they fell on ‫وجوههم فلمسهم يسوع بيده المباركة‬ their faces and were exceedingly afraid. Jesus came and ‫ فرفعوا‬. ‫ قوموا وال تخافوا‬: ‫وقال لهم‬ touched them with His blessed hand, saying, “Rise, and ‫أعينهم ولم يروا أحدا إال يسوع وحده‬ have no fear.” And when they lifted up their eyes, they )8 – 1 : 17 ‫(مت‬ saw no one but the Lord Jesus alone. ‫ أمين‬. ‫له المجد دائما إلى األبد‬ To Him is the Glory forever. Amen. 23 ‫تذكار معجزة القديس ثاؤفيليس‬ The Commemoration of the Great Sign, the Lord had ‫في هذا اليوم تعيد الكنيسة بتذكار‬ Manifested During the Papacy of St. Theophilus. ‫اآلية العظيمة التي صنعها هللا في‬ 20th August - 14th Augusr ‫عهد القديس ثاؤفيلس البابا الثالث‬ On this day, the church celebrates the commemoration of . ‫والعشرين‬ the great miracle which God performed during the papacy ‫ مسرى‬١٤ - ‫ أغسطس‬٢٠ of St. Theophilus, the twenty-third pope of Alexandria. ‫وذلك أنه كان في مدينة اإلسكندرية‬ There was in the city of Alexandria, a Jewish man whose .‫رجل يهودي اسمه فيلوكسينوس‬ name was Philexinos. He was very rich, feared God and ‫كان غنيا جدا وخائفا من هللا‬ ‫وعامال بشريعة موسى وكان في‬ practiced the Law of Moses. There was also in the city ‫المدينة فقي ران مسيحيان فجدف‬ two poor Christian men, one of them blasphemed saying, ‫أحدهما قائال « لماذا نعبد المسيح‬ “Why do we worship Christ and remain poor, while this ‫ وهذا اليهودي‬. ‫ونحن فق راء‬ Jewish man Philexinos is very rich?” The other man ‫فيلوكسينوسغني جدا ؟ « فأجابه‬ answered him saying, “The possessions of this world ‫الثاني قائال « مال الدنيا ليس له‬ are nothing before God, for if it was, He would not give

it to the worshippers of idols, adulterers, thieves, and ‫ ولو كان له حساب‬. ‫عند هللا حساب‬ murderers. The prophets were poor and persecuted, as ‫لما كان أعطاه لعابدي األوثان والزناة‬ also the apostles were, and the Lord said, ‘the least of ‫ فاألنبياء كانوا‬. ‫واللصوص والقتلة‬ these my brethren’” (Matthew 25:40). Satan, the enemy ‫فق راء مضطهدين وهكذا الرسل أيضا‬ of good, would not permit that man to accept any of ‫والرب يقول أخوتي الفق راء « (مت‬ the words of his friend. The rebellious friend went to ‫ ) فلم يتركه عدو الخير‬40 : 25 Philexinos the Jew and asked him to accept him as his ‫يقبل شيئا من قول رفيقه فجاء إلى‬ servant. Philexinos replied, “It is not lawful for me to ‫فيلوكسينوس اليهودي وسأله أن‬ employ anyone unless he believes in my faith, but if you ‫ فقال له « ال يحل‬. ‫يقبله في خدمته‬ want alms, I can give some to you.” This miserable man ‫أن يعاشرني إال من يدين بديني فان‬ replied, “Take me to your house, and I will adopt your ‫كنت تريد صدقة أعطيتك « فأجابه‬ faith and I will do whatsoever you command me.” ‫ خذني عندك‬: ‫ذلك المسكين قائال‬ Philexinos took him to the synagogue and the chief of ‫وأنا أعتنق دينك وأعمل جميع ما‬ the Jews asked him before all the Jewish congregation ‫ فأخذه إلى مجمعهم‬. ‫تأمرني به‬ saying, “Is it true that you have denied your Christ and ‫فسأله الرئيس أمام جماعة اليهود‬ become a Jew like us?” He replied, “Yes,” and that ‫ « أحقا تجحد مسيحك وتصير‬: ‫قائال‬ debased man rejected Christ the Lord before the Jewish ‫يهوديا مثلنا ؟ « فقال نعم « وهكذا‬ congregation. Thus to poverty in money he added ‫جحد المخدوع المسيح اإلله أمام‬ poverty in Faith. Then the chief of the Jews commanded ‫جماعة اليهود وأضاف إلى فقره في‬ them to make for him a cross of wood. They gave him a ‫المال فقر اإليمان فأمر الرئيس أن‬ reed, on the top of which was a sponge full of vinegar, ‫يعمل له صليب من خشب ودفعوا له‬ and a spear. Then they said to him, “Spit upon this cross, ‫قصبة عليها إسفنجية مملوءة خال‬ offer to him this vinegar, and pierce the cross with this ‫ثم حربة وقالوا له « أبصق علي هذا‬ spear and say, ‘I pierce you O Christ.’” That debased ‫ وقدم له هذا الخل وأطعنه‬، ‫الصليب‬ man did everything as they commanded him. When he ‫ وقل طعنتك أيها المسيح‬. ‫بالحربة‬ pierced the honorable cross with his sinful hand, blood ‫ وعندما‬. ‫ ففعل كل ما أمروه به‬. « and water flowed forth, and ran down on the ground. ‫طعن بيده اآلثمة الصليب المجيد سال‬ Then this apostate dropped dead instantly, and dried up ‫ ثم سقط‬. ‫منه دم وماء علي األرض‬ like a rock. ‫ذلك الجاحد ميتا يابسا كأنه حجر‬ Great fear fell upon all those who were present, many of ، ‫فاستولي الخوف علي الحاضرين‬ them believed and cried, saying, “One is the Lord God « ‫وآمن كثيرون منهم وصاحوا قائلين‬ of the Christians, and we believe in Him.” Then they ‫ نحن مؤمنون‬. ‫واحد هو اله النصارى‬ took the blood, and anointed their faces and eyes with ‫به « ثم أخذوا من الدم ومسحوا به‬ it. Philexinos took also some of the blood and sprinkled ‫عيونهم ووجوههم وأخذ أيضا منه‬ it on his daughter who was born blind, and she saw ‫ ورش علي ابنة له‬، ‫فيلوكسينوس‬ straightway. He believed as well as his household, and ‫ولدت عمياء فأبصرت للوقت فآمن هو‬ many others of the Jews. Afterwards, they informed ‫وأهل بيته وكثيرون آخرون من اليهود‬ Pope Theophilus about this incident. He took Abba ‫وبعد ذلك أعلموا البابا ثاؤفيلس بذلك‬ Kyrellos (Pope Kyrellos I), many of the priests and ‫ فأخذ معه األب كي رلس (ترجمته‬. people, and went to the synagogue of the Jews, where ) ‫تحت اليوم الثالث من شهر أبيب‬ he saw the cross, the blood and water. The Pope took ‫وجماعة من الكهنة والشعب وأتي إلى‬ the blood and water, blessed himself and also blessed ‫مجمع اليهود وأبصر الصليب والدم‬ the people. He wiped the blood from the floor, and ‫والماء فأخذ منه وتبارك وبارك الشعب‬ laid it in a vessel for blessing. He ordered the wooden ‫أيضا ثم نزع الدم من األرض ووضعه‬ cross carried to the church. Afterwards those present ‫في أناء للبركة وأمر بحمل الصليب‬ confessed their faith before the Pope who baptized them ‫إلى الكنيسة وبعد أن أخذ إق رار‬ in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, ‫الحاضرين باإليمان عمدهم باسم‬ and blessed them. Then they went to their homes giving ‫األب واالبن والروح القدس وباركهم‬ thanks to the Lord Christ and glorifying his Holy Name. ‫ثم مضوا إلى منازلهم شاكرين السيد‬ Glory be to our God forever. Amen. ‫لربنا‬. ‫المسيح وممجدين اسمه القدوس‬ ‫ آمين‬. ‫المجد دائما‬

St. Habib Girgis the Archdeacon 21st August - 15th Mesra Archdeacon Habib Girgis (1876-1951) was born at a time of great darkness, ignorance, and apathy in the life of the Coptic Orthodox Church. It was a period of turmoil and great struggle both inwardly and externally. Within the Church, conflict existed between the hierarchy and the laity of the Church and, externally, Protestant and Catholic missionaries from Britain and the United States challenged the intellectual and demographic hold of the Coptic Orthodox Church. There were also the pressures brought upon the Church from the rulers of the land. Habib Girgis was born in 1876 in Cairo - Egypt. His father passed away in 1882 when he was six years old. His mother continued the mission of raising him along with his other siblings in a Christian manner and enrolled him in the Great Coptic School at which he excelled. Habib Girgis was among the first to join the Theological College since its re-establishment in 1893 when Yusuf Bek Manqarius was the dean. Being at the top of his class, he was chosen to teach at the Theological College while in his final year as a student, because there were few teachers to teach theology. He graduated in 1898, and was appointed to teach full time on 17 March 1898 that same year; later, he became the dean of the College in 1918. He was an archdeacon but not ordained as a priest. Pope Cyril V trusted him and appointed him as his personal deacon and disciple. He also worked closely with Pope Yuannis XIX (192842), Pope Macarius III (1942-45), and Pope Yusab II (1946-56). As chief editor, he published The Vine (al-Karma)--a religious, moral, and historical journal. The first issue was published on 11 September 1904, and he went on to publish more than thirty religious, theological, educational, and historical books along with many sermons and educational studies. In 1900, after Cyril V issued a papal decree in 1899 concerning religious education, he established Sunday Schools as a formal type of religious education for the first time in Egypt. He was chosen to be a member of the General Sunday School Committee, established in 1918, and in 1927 he was chosen as the general secretary of the same committee. Elected several times with the highest number of votes to the Lay Council (Majlis Milli), he was nominated to the papacy after the repose of Cyril V in 1928. During that time he was also nominated as bishop. However, the Church was not yet ready for such a reformer. He was among the most important participants in the first conference for Sunday School teachers in 1941 during the papacy of Pope Yusab II. He also participated in the second such conference in 1949. Both Copts and Muslims were deeply affected by his death on Wednesday evening 21 August 1951. The Church had lost one of its most revered sons— an eloquent teacher, a visionary, an educational pioneer, a reformer, and a loyal servant of the Coptic Orthodox Church. Ref: Article by Pope Kyrillos and Archdeacon Habib Girgis Church NJ USA Watch a video about Coptic Civilisation – Saint Archdeacon Habib Girgis by His Grace Bishop Suriel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QyP3RnF1h2k

Second Sunday of the Blessed Month of ‫األحد الثاني من شهر مسري‬ Misra... ... ‫المبارك‬ Today, Sunday, August 8, 2021 - 2 Misra ٢٠٢١ ‫ أغسطس‬٨ ‫اليوم االحد‬ 1737 is the second Sunday of the blessed ‫ هو األحد‬١٧٣٧ ‫ مسري‬٢ – month of Misra, and the readings of the ‫الثاني من شهر مسري المبارك‬ Gospel of the Mass are: :‫وقراءات انجيل القداس هي‬ Pauline: Ephesians 6:1-23 “Put on the whole Pauline ٢٣ - ١ :٦‫ أفسس‬:‫البولس‬ ‫البولس‬ armor of God that you may be able to stand ‫ألبسوا سالح هللا لكي تقدروا أن‬ against the wiles of the devil ‫تثبتوا ضد مكائد إبليس‬ Catholicon: 1 John 2:7-17 “He who says Catholicon :٢ ‫ يوحنا االولى‬: ‫الكاثوليكون‬ he is in the light, and hates his brother, is ‫النور‬ ‫ من يقول أنه في‬١٧ - ٧ in darkness until now. 10 He who loves his ‫اآلن‬ ‫الى‬ ‫وهو يبغض أخاه فهو‬ brother abides in the light, and there is no ‫في الظلمة من يحب أخاه يثبت‬ cause for stumbling in him.” Acts: Acts 20:1-12 “And they brought the Acts ‫في النور وليس فيه عثرة‬ young man in alive, and they were not a ‫ أعمال الرسل‬:‫األبركسيس‬ ‫األبركسيس‬ little comforted.” ‫ وأتوا بالفتى حيا‬١٢ - ١ :٢٠ The Holy Gospel: Gospel Luke 5: 27-39 “Follow ‫وتعزوا تعزية ليست بقليلة‬ Me.” 28 So he left all, rose up, and followed ٢٧ :‫ لوقا ه‬:‫المقدس‬ ‫االنجيل المقدس‬ Him.” ‫كل‬ ‫فترك‬ ‫أتبعني‬ ‫ فقال له‬٣٩ + And He saw a publican, whose name was ‫وتبعه‬ ‫شيء وقام‬ Levi ‫ فنظر عشارا أسمه الوي‬+ Today’s Gospel tells us about the call of ‫دعوة‬ ‫إنجيل اليوم يحدثنا عن‬ Matthew the tax collector who became ‫صار‬ ‫ الذي‬...‫متي العشار‬ one of the twelve and one of the four ‫واحدا من االثني عشر وواحد‬ Evangelists. In today’s Gospel (Luke ‫ وفى انجيل‬..‫االنجيليين األربعة‬ 5: 27-39) Matthew is referred to by his Hebrew name; Levi. He was a tax collector ‫ يشار‬..)٣٩ - ٢٧ :٥ ‫اليوم (لو‬ and the taxes in those days were not like ‫الي متي باسمه العبري وهو‬ what we know today. Tax was a kind of ‫ وكان عشارا أي جامع‬....‫الوى‬ tribute or money that was taken from the ‫ضرائب والضرائب في تك‬ Jews by abuse and force to the Romans ‫االيام لم تكن بالمعنى المعروف‬ who occupied their land and were ruling ‫ كانت الضريبة هي‬...‫اليوم‬ their country. The taxes were a sign of ‫نوع من الجزية أو االتاوة‬ slavery and occupation and it reminded ‫للرومان‬ ‫التي يدفعها اليهود‬ them that they were under the control of ‫الذين احتلوا أرضهم وكانوا‬ the foreign occupier and that they had lost ‫فالضرائب‬ ..‫يحكمون بالدهم‬ their freedom. This was something very ‫العبودية‬ ‫عالمة‬ ‫عتدهم كانت‬ heavy on the consciousness of the Jew, who ‫ وكانت تذكرهم‬...‫واالحتالل‬ considered himself one of God’s chosen ‫أنهم تحت سيطرة المحتل‬ people; a distinguished, royal race over whom God Himself is their King. Hence, ‫األجنبي وانهم فقدوا حريتهم‬ the person who performed this task, i.e. tax ‫وبالطبع كان هذا شيئا ثقيال‬ collection, was hated by the Jews. Moreover, ‫جدا على نفسية اليهودي الذي‬ they considered him a traitor who agreed to

cooperate with the foreign occupier against his brothers and his own people. So the job of tax collector is outweighed the sin of adultery and murder, but of course, the owner of this profession was protected by the Romans with their power and strength, so no one could harm them. This was the situation of Levi or Matthew the publican. + Follow me The story of Matthew’s call is all summed up in one word, follow me. He left everything and followed Him. Undoubtedly, Matthew was ready for the call and was longing for it. Matthew left the tax office, left money, left the profession and followed the Lord Jesus and became one of His disciples. It was fitting for the Pharisees to rejoice in this change that happened to Matthew, but on the contrary, they criticized the Lord Himself for entering the house of a sinful man. They criticized His disciples for eating with publicans and sinners. They criticized them for not fasting like John’s disciples. Thus, instead of rejoicing at the repentance of the sinners, they wanted with their criticism to prevent the repentance of the sinner. They sentenced him to death before God judged him! How shocking is this kind of criticism. It enters the circle of condemnation. Many are standing in the way of those who follow the path of repentance; they do not enter and do not let those who want to enter. This is how the Jews with whom the Apostle Paul used to meet on his missionary journeys. Just when those from the Gentiles accepted the word of God, they get upset and provoking a fierce war against Paul. Once in one of the cities St. Paul healed one sick person, so the people of that city rejoiced for this miracle and by St. Paul to the extent they thought of him as a god. But St. Paul convinced them that he is a human like them and that they

‫كان يعتبر نفسه من شعب هللا‬ ‫ جنس مميز ملوكى‬...‫المختار‬ ‫ وبالطبع‬...‫يملك عليهم ا هلل ذاته‬ ‫كان الشخص الذي يقوم بهذه‬ ‫المهمة أي جمع الضرائب هو‬ ‫اآلخر شخصا مكروها جدا من‬ ‫ بل كانوا يعتبرونه خائنا‬..‫اليهود‬ ‫فقد رضي أن يتعاون مع المحتل‬ ‫االجنبي ضد اخوته وشعبه‬ ‫فمهنة العشار كانت تعتبر من‬ ‫ تفوق خطية الزنا‬...‫أشر الخطايا‬ ‫والقتل ولكن بالطبع كان صاحب‬ ‫هذه المهنة يحميه الرومان‬ ‫بسلطتهم وقوتهم فال يستطيع أحد‬ ‫ كان هذا هو وضع‬...‫أن يؤذيه‬ ..‫الوى أو متي العشار‬ ‫ أتبعني‬+ ‫وقصة دعوة متي تتلخص كلها‬ ‫ فترك‬...‫في كلمة واحدة اتبعني‬ ‫ وبال شك‬...‫كل شيء وتبعه‬ ...‫فإن متي كان مستعدا للدعوة‬ ‫ ترك متى‬..‫وكان مشتاقا لها‬ ‫مكان الجباية وترك المال وترك‬ ‫المهنة كلها وتبع الرب يسوع‬ ‫ وكان‬..‫وصار واحدا من تالميذه‬ ‫جديرا بالفريسين أن يفرحوا بهذا‬ ‫ولكن‬... ‫التغيير الذي حدث لمتي‬ ‫ انتقدوا الرب ذاته‬...‫على العكس‬ ...‫ألنه دخل بيت رجل خاطئ‬ ‫انتقدوا تالميذه ألنهم يأكلون مع‬ ‫ انتقدوهم ألنهم‬..‫عشارين وخطاه‬ ...‫ال يصومون مثل تالميذ يوحنا‬ ‫وهكذا بدال من ان يفرحوا بتوبة‬ ‫الخطاة أرادوا بنقدهم أن يمنعوا‬ ‫توبة الخاطئ لقد حكموا عليه‬ ...‫بالموت قبل ان يحكم هللا عليه‬ ...‫ما أعجب هذا النوع من النقد‬ ...‫أنه يدخل في دائرة اإلدانة‬ ‫كثيرون يقفون بالمرصاد للذين‬ ‫ الهم‬...‫يسلكون في طريق التوبة‬ ‫يدخلون وال يتركوا الداخلون‬

ought to leave these ignorant beliefs and ..‫يدخلون‬ worship the true God. This was in the ‫هكذا كان اليهود الذين كان يتقابل‬ morning, and in the evening the Jews ‫معهم بولس الرسول في رحالته‬ came and stirred a riot in the city until ‫ مجرد أن يقبل الذين‬..‫التبشيرية‬ they caught Paul and stoned him and left ‫من االمم كلمة هللا كانوا يتعبون‬ him when they thought he was dead. So ‫جدا ويثيرون حربا شديدة علي‬ Elymas the sorcerer whom Saint Paul ‫شفاء‬ ‫ في أحد المدن بعد‬...‫بولس‬ the Apostle met on the island of Cyprus. ‫انسان مريض فرح أهل المدينة جدا‬ After the governor of the city, Sergius ‫بالقديس بولس الرسول لدرجة انهم‬ Paul, was convinced of the Christian ‫اعتبروه الها وبالجهد أقنعهم القديس‬ faith, Elymas the sorcerer intervened ‫بولس انه بشر مثلهم وأنهم يجب ان‬ to corrupt the governor from the faith, ‫يتركوا هذه الجهاالت ويعبدوا هللا‬ which made the Apostle Paul rebuke ...‫ كان هذا في الصباح‬...‫الحقيقي‬ him, describing him as full of all deceit and became blind and unable to see. ‫وفى المساء حضر اليهود وأثاروا‬ There are many from this type, whose ‫شغب في المدينة حتى أنهم أمسكوا‬ only concern is to object; they don’t ‫بولس ورجموه وتركوه عندما ظنوا‬ appreciate anything, but their own ideas ‫ هكذا كان عليم الساحر‬..‫أنه مات‬ and thoughts. If they find a successful ‫الذي تقابل معه القديس بولس‬ spiritual work, they criticize it and bring ‫ بعد أن‬...‫الرسول في جزيرة قبرص‬ out the flaws and shortcomings. And ‫أقتنع والي المدينة سرجيوس بولس‬ if they find nothing, they criticize the officials in the church who do not move ‫باإليمان المسيحي تدخل عليم الساحر‬ ‫ليفسد الوالي عن االيمان مما جعل‬ or do anything to save those lost souls ‫بولس الرسول ينتهره ويصفه انه‬ + Those who are well have no need of a ‫مملوء من كل غش وصار أعمي‬ physician, but those who are sick. ‫ هناك كثيرون من هذا‬...‫ال يبصر‬ Neither the successful work they rejoice in nor the incomplete work do they ‫ ال‬..‫النوع الهم لهم سوي االنتقاد‬ complete it. They become like rocks in ...‫يعجبهم شيء سوي رأيهم وفكرهم‬ the way of the ship. The Pharisees did ‫ان وجدوا عمال روحيا ناجحا‬ not like anything at all; if the Lord heals ‫ينتقدونه ويخرجوا فيه العيوب‬ a person on the Sabbath, they criticize ‫ وإن لم يجدوا شيء‬...‫والنقائص‬ Him for breaking the Sabbath. If He ‫ينتقدون المسئولين في الكنيسة الذين‬ casts out a demon, they describe him ‫ال يتحركون وال يعملون شيئا إلنقاذ‬ as Beelzebub, the ruler of the demons, ...‫هذه النفوس الضائعة‬ who expels demons. If He entered the ‫ ال يحتاج األصحاء الى طبيب بل‬+ house of Zacchaeus or the house of ‫المرضي‬ the publican, they would accuse Him ‫وال‬ ‫به‬ ‫يفرحون‬ ‫الناجح‬ ‫العمل‬ ‫فال‬ of loving publicans and sinners. Even ‫ يصبحون‬...‫العمل الناقص يكملونه‬ if He entered the house of a Pharisee ..‫مثل الصخور في طريق السفينة‬ and a sinful woman came to wash His feet with her tears and wipe Them ‫ إن‬...‫الفريسيون لم يعجبهم شيء أبدا‬ with the hair of her head, the Pharisee ‫شفي الرب إنسانا يوم السبت ينتقدونه‬ criticized Him in himself that He was ‫ إذا أخرج شيطانا‬..‫أنه كاسر السبت‬ not a prophet. “This Man, if He were

a prophet, would know who and ‫يصفونه أنه ببعلزبول رئيس الشياطين‬ what manner of woman this is who ‫ إن دخل بيت زكا‬...‫يخرج الشياطين‬ is touching Him, for she is a sinner.” ‫او بيت العشا ر يتهمونه أنه محب‬ And so starts a campaign of criticism ‫ حتي إن دخل بيت‬...‫للعشارين والخطاة‬ that never end ‫الفريسي وجاءت امرأة خاطئة تغسل‬ Judas Iscariot criticized the woman ‫قدمية بدموعها وتمسحهما بشعر رأسها‬ who had anointed the feet of the Lord ‫انتقده الفريسي في نفسه انه ليس نبيا فلو‬ with ointment, and considered this as spoilage. The Bible’s judgment on ‫كان نبيا لعلم من هذه المرأة التي لمسته‬ ‫ وهكذا حملة من النقد ال‬...‫انها لخاطئة‬ him was harsh: that he did not say ... ‫تنتهي أبدا‬ this because he cared for the poor, but ‫التي‬ ‫المرأة‬ ‫انتقد‬ ‫اإلسخريوطي‬ ‫يهوذا‬ because he was a thief, and the box ‫هذا‬ ‫واعتبر‬ ‫بالطيب‬ ‫الرب‬ ‫قدمي‬ ‫دهنت‬ was with him, and he used to take ‫أتالفا وكان حكم الكتاب المقدس عليه‬ from what was thrown into it. + “No one puts a piece from a new ‫قاسيا أنه لم يقل هذا ألنه يهتم بالفقراء‬ garment on an old one. ‫بل ألنه كان سارقا وكان الصندوق عنده‬ Constructive criticism is required ...‫وكان يأخذ مما يلقي فيه‬ and very important, but it must be ‫ ليس أحد يضع رقعة من ثوب جديد‬+ accompanied by constructive action as ‫على ثوب عتيق‬ well. It is very easy to criticize a work ‫ ولكن‬...‫النقد البناء مطلوب ومهم جدا‬ while you are sitting in your place. Instead of criticizing, do a serious and ‫يجب ان يكون مصحوبا بالعمل البناء‬ ...‫أيضا‬ constructive work, and always expect ‫في‬ ‫جالس‬ ‫وأنت‬ ‫عمال‬ ‫تنقد‬ ‫أن‬ ‫جدا‬ ‫سهل‬ that any serious and constructive work ‫عمال‬ ‫أعمل‬ ..‫تنقد‬ ‫أن‬ ‫من‬ ‫بدال‬ ..‫مكانك‬ will not be free from mistakes that ‫ وتوقع دائما ان أي عمل‬..‫جادا بناءا‬ require criticism but never require ‫جاد وبناء لن يخلو من االخطاء التي‬ demolition. Also, be careful, even in directing constructive criticism. ‫تستوجب النقد ولكنها ال تستوجب ابدا‬ Advice that is given in the right place ‫ احترس أيضا حتى في توجيه‬..‫الهدم‬ and at the right time becomes very ‫ النصيحة التي تعطى في‬..‫النقد البناء‬ useful. But advice given at the wrong ‫موضعها الصحيح ووقتها المناسب‬ time and in an inappropriate manner ‫ ولكن النصيحة التي‬..‫تصبح مفيدة جدا‬ may destroy a lot and offend its ‫تعطى في وقت غير مناسب وبأسلوب‬ owner. Let’s put the piece from a new ‫غير مناسب ربما تهدم الكثير وتسيء‬ garment into new one and let’s put the new wine in the new wineskins. Let us ‫ لنضع الرقعة الجديدة في‬...‫الى صاحبها‬ ‫ ولنضع الخمر الجديدة‬..‫الثوب الجديد‬ have wisdom and discretion in every ...‫في الزقاق الجديد‬ work for the sake of building; for the ‫من‬ ‫عمل‬ ‫كل‬ ‫في‬ ‫وافراز‬ ‫ليكن لنا حكمة‬ salvation of our souls and the souls of those around us. For the repentance of ‫ من أجل خالص نفوسنا‬...‫أجل البناء‬ ‫ من أجل توبة‬..‫ونفوس من حولنا‬ sinners, for the sake of our loving God Who wants everyone to be saved and ‫ من أجل إلهنا المحب الذي‬...‫الخطاة‬ to come to the knowledge of the truth. ‫يريد أن الجميع يخلصون والى معرفة‬ ...‫الحق يقبلون‬

The Feast of Transfiguration of Our Lord on Mount Tabor. 19th August - 13th Mesra “God’s Commandments are higher than all the treasures of the earth. Whoever acquires them has received God within himself.” – St. Isaac the Syrian

“Let us disappear so He can appear with His Blessed person.” – H.H. Pope Cyril (Kyrillos) VI

“and He was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became as white as the light.” – Matthew 17:2 . “Thus is the human nature in transfiguration: when it enters into the perpetual spiritual life, and in the spiritual pleasure which is the property of the sons of God.” – H.H. Pope Shenouda III

“That is the mark of true believers: exalted splendour” – St. Augustine “For, in the splendour of high heavens, those shining with the life of righteousness, attach to Him, as do His clothes.” – St. Gregory the Great

+ Remember O Lord the Departed: Reposed to the Lord Late Mr Wasfi Beshara husband of Mr Gamalat Bishara. He is father of Mr Sherif Bishara and his wife Connie. He is father of Tasoni Hala wife of Father Abanoub Attala. He is grandfather of Youstina and Beshoy Attala. May the lord repose his soul and grant peace and comfort for all family members.

‫ أذكر يارب الراقدين‬+ ‫رقد على رجاء القيامة المرحوم‬ ‫ وصفى بشارة زوج‬/‫السيد‬ ‫ جماالت ووالد كل من‬/‫السيدة‬ ‫ شريف بشارة وزوجته‬/‫السيد‬ ‫كونى وتاسونى هالة زوجة األب‬ ‫ أبانوب عطاهلل وجد كل‬/‫القمص‬ ‫من يوستينة وبيشوى عطاهلل‬ ‫الرب المحب ينيح نفسه ويعزى‬ ‫كل أفراد األسرة‬

St Mary›s Faststing 7th - 21stst Augustst Feastst of the Assumption of St. Mary Sunday 22nd Augustst ‫صوم القديسة العذراء مريم‬ ‫ أغسطس‬٢١ - ٧ ‫عيد إصعاد جسد القديسة العذراء مريم‬ ‫ أغسطس‬٢٢ ‫األحد‬

Estimated cost for the project 8 11 million Dollars Donations collected and funds available from church income is 3.6 million Dollars Donation Accounts are listed below

Special Thanks Progress of the Building for all who keep working tirelessly for the success Project of this project. May the Lord reward them all and Good News: We are progressing to the final preparabless all their works

tion stage. Melbourne City Council has already issued the planning permit including the Child Care facility. Working drawings are being prepared. Please support this project through your prayers and contributions.

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