Weekly Bulletin 15th May 2022

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Services at St Mary’s :‫مواعيد الخدمة بكنيسة العذراء‬ Church :‫األثنني‬ Monday: ‫ صباحا‬١١ - ٩ ‫القداس األلهى‬ Mass 9 - 11 am )‫ صباحا (أنجليزى‬7 - 5:30 ::‫األلهى‬ ‫ القداس األلهى‬:‫الثالثاء‬ Tuesday ‫واى‬ ‫ذا‬ ‫باألنجليزى‬ ‫ مساء أجتامع للكبار‬8 Liturgy 5:30 - 7am ‫ صباحا‬11 – 9 ‫ القداس األلهى‬:‫األربعاء‬ ‫األربعاء‬ 8am The Way Orthodox Fellowship in ‫ عرىب‬- ‫ مساء مدرسة الشاممسة للكبار‬8 - 6:30 Englisg for adults - All ages ‫ أنجليزى‬- ‫ مساء مدرسة الشاممسة‬8:15 - 7 Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am Wednesday 6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults ‫ عرىب‬- ‫مساء فصول ألحان‬9 - 8 Arabic ; 7-8:15pm English :‫الخميس‬ Hymns Class Arabic 8-9pm ‫ أنجليزى‬- ‫ صباحا‬١١ - ٩ ‫القداس األلهى‬ Thursday ‫ مساء‬7:30 ‫ أنجليزى‬- ‫تسبحة نصف الليل‬ Mass 9 - 11 am - English ‫مساء‬ 7:30 ‫ أنجليزى‬- ‫درس الكتاب املقدس‬ English Midnight Praises 7:30pm ‫ صباحا‬11 – 9 ‫ القداس األلهى‬:‫الجمعة‬ ‫الجمعة‬ English Bible Study 7:30pm ‫ سنة فأكرث‬25 ‫ مساء الشباب‬9 – 7 Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am Friday Youth 25 and above 7-9pm )‫مساء أجتامع األرسة (كل أسبوعني‬9-7 Family Meeting 7-9pm (fortnightly) ‫ أنجليزى‬- ‫ مساء أجتامع اعداد الخدمة‬8:30 - 7 Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm 12 - 10 ‫ مساء فصل مدرس األحد لسنوات‬9 - 6 Year 10-12 Sunday School 6-9pm ‫السبت‬ ‫ صباحا‬١١ – 8,30 ‫القداس األلهى‬:‫السبت‬ Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am Saturday ‫مساء‬ 3 1:30 ‫الكشافة‬ ‫اجتامع‬ Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm ‫مساء‬ 4 3 ‫الشاممسة‬ ‫مدرسة‬ Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm 5,30 – 4 ‫مدارس األحد‬ English ‫ مساء انجليزى‬٨:٣٠ –٧ ‫العشية واجتامع الشباب‬ Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:307pm ‫ مساء عرىب‬7 - 5:30 ‫العشية ودرس كتاب‬ Scouts 1:30 - 3pm :‫األحد‬ ‫األحد‬ School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm ‫وانجليزى‬ ‫عرىب‬ ‫ص‬,7:45 – 6 ‫األول‬ ‫القداس‬ Sunday: Sunday 9:30 – ,7:45 ‫الثاىن‬ ‫القداس‬ ‫انجليزى‬ – ‫ص‬ 1st Mass6 - .7:45am Arabic & English 11:15 – 9:30 ‫الثالث‬ ‫القداس‬ ‫عرىب‬ ‫ص‬ 2nd Mass.7:45 – .9:30am English ‫ مساء‬12:30 - 11:45 ‫ أنجليزى‬- ‫فصل ألحان‬ 3rd Mass 9:30 - 11:15am Arabic :‫األباء الكهنة بالكنيسة‬ Hymns Class - English 11:45 12:30pm ‫األب القمص تادرس شاروبيم‬ Church Priests: Priests 0414251251 Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251 Email: frtadros@me.com Email: frtadros@me.com :‫األب القس حبيب جرجس يونان‬ Fr Habib Girgis Younan: 94498871Email: - 0401238177 0401238177 – 94498871 habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail. 0422431821 :‫األب القس مايكل صليب‬ com Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821 Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au 5 Epsom Rd, Kensington Vic 3031:‫عنوان الكنيسة‬ Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kensing93766651 :‫تليفون‬ ton Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651 ‫تاورضوس‬ ‫األب القس كريلس‬ Fr Kerillos Tawadros 0411 518 399

Fr John Macary 0433 445 636

٠٤١١٥١٨٣٩٩ ‫األب القس جون مكارى‬ ٠٤٣٣٤٤٥٦٣٦

The Departure of St. Athanasius the Apostolic the 20th. Pope of Alexan20‫ال‬ 20 ‫نياحة البابا أثناسيوس الرسوىل ال‬ dria. ‫ بشنس‬7 – ‫ مايو‬15 15th May – 7th Bashans ) 373 ( ‫ ش‬89 ‫يف مثل هذا اليوم من سنة‬ On this day of the year 89 A.M. (373 A.D.) the great Pope Anba Athanasius ‫تنيح البابا العظيم األنبا أثناسيوس الرسويل‬ the apostolic, the 20th. Pope of Alexandria, departed. He was born to pagan ‫العرشين من باباوات الكرازة املرقسية وقد‬ parents about the year 295 - 298 A.D. It happened that when he was in ‫ولد هذا األب من أبوين وثنيني نحو سنتي‬ school, he saw some Christian children acting the Christian rituals some as ‫ وحدث وهو يف املكتب أن‬. ‫ م‬298 ‫ و‬295 priests, some as deacons and one of them as a bishop. He asked their per‫رأي بعض أوالد املسيحيني يقومون بتمثيل‬ mission to participate with them, but they refused saying: “You are pagan, ‫الطقوس املسيحية فجعلوا البعض منهم‬ and you are not allowed to mix with us.” He answered them: “I am from ‫أسقفا‬ ‫قسوسا والبعض شاممسة وأحدهم‬ now on a Christian.” They rejoiced with him, they made him a patriarch over them in the play, they enthroned him on a high place, and they offered ‫ أن‬: ‫فطلب أن يشرتك معهم فمنعوه قائلني‬ ‫وثني وال يجوز لك االختالط بنا فقال لهم‬ him honour and respect. At that time pope Alexandros passed by, when ‫ أنا من اآلن نرصاين ففرحوا به وجعلوه‬: he saw them, he said to those who were with him about Athanasius: “This ‫عليهم بطريركا وأجلسوه يف مكان عال‬ child would be in a great position one day.” When Athanasius’ father died, his mother brought him to Pope Alexandros, ‫وصاروا يقدمون له الخضوع واتفق عبور‬ ‫البابا الكسندروس يف تلك الساعة فلام‬ who taught them the principles of the Christian faith and baptized them. ‫رآهم عيل هذه الحال قال للذين معه عن‬ They gave their money to the poor, and stayed with the Pope, who taught ‫أثناسيوس البد أن يرتقي هذا الصبي إىل‬ Athanasius the church subjects, and ordained him deacon and made him a personal secretary. The gifts of the Holy spirit increased in him. He was . ‫درجة سامية يوما ما‬ chosen Patriarch on the 8th. of Bashans of the year 44 A.M. (May 5th., 328 ‫وملا مات والد القديس أثناسيوس أتت به‬ A.D.) after the departure of Pope Alexanderos. ‫أمه إىل البابا الكسندروس فعلمهام أصول‬ Pope Alexanderos had recommended Athanasius, his deacon, for the Papa- ‫الدين املسيحي وعمدهام وفرقا كل مالهام‬ cy, who lived with St. Antonios the father of the monks and followed his ‫عيل املساكني ومكثا عند البابا البطريرك‬ example in asceticism. He manifested his brilliancy in exposing “Arius” in ‫فعلم أثناسيوس علوم الكنيسة ورسمه‬ the universal council, when Arius said about Christ that he was “similar” ‫شامسا وجعله سكرتريا خاصا له فتضاعفت‬ in essence with the Father, St. Athanasius said: “One in essence with the 8 ‫عليه مواهب الروح واختري للبطريركية يف‬ Father.” In this fashion he manifested his excellence. 44 ‫بشنس سنة‬ St. Athanasius hid himself in the mountains, after the departure of Pope Al- ‫ م بعد نياحة‬328 ‫ مايو‬5 ‫الكسندروسش‬ ‫البابا‬ exanderos for he believed of his unworthiness to this serious and important position. The people sought him until they found him, and brought him to ‫وكان البابا الكسندروس قد أويص بانتخاب‬ ‫أثناسيوس شامسه الذي انفرد مع القديس‬ the bishops, and was ordained Pope in 328 A.D. ‫أنطونيوس أب الرهبان واخذ منه النسك‬ The historian Socrates testified about him saying: “Athanasius fluency in ‫والذي ظهر نبوغه يف فضح أريوس يف‬ speech and his outspokenness in the council of Nicea brought over him all ‫املجمع املسكوين عندما قال أريوس عن‬ the hardships that he encountered in his life.” ‫السيد املسيح ( املشابه يف الجوهر ) فقال‬ After he became a Pope, he ordained for Ethiopia its first Metropolitan ‫أثناسيوس ( املساوي يف الجوهر ) وبهذا‬ whose name was Anba “Salama”. The church of Ethiopia have followed .‫ظهر نبوغه‬ the church of Alexandria since that time. The spiritual and religious state in Ethiopia had established and settled since that time. St. Athanasius was ‫ولكن أثناسيوس بعد وفاة البابا اختفي يف‬ exiled away from his Chair five times: ‫ العتقاده بعدم أهليته لهذا املركز‬- ‫الجبال‬ Although Athanasius reached the age of 72, he did not compromise in per- ‫ فسعي الشعب وراءه إىل أن عرث‬- ‫الخطري‬ forming his duties. For his steadfastness and his firm stand for justice, the ‫عليه وأحرضه إىل األساقفة فرسموه بابا سنة‬ world described him by the saying: “Athanasius against the world.” ‫ وقد شهد سقراط املؤرخ ( يف ك‬. ‫ م‬327 He wrote several books about the Arians, on the Incarnation, and other ‫ ) قائال « ان فصاحة أثناسيوس يف‬387 ‫ف‬ ‫ف‬22 subjects. Abba Cosma (The 44th. Patriarch) praised these publications by ‫املجمع النيقاوي جرت عليه كل الباليا التي‬ saying: “I ask anyone who would find the books of Athanasius to write . « ‫صادفها يف حياته‬ them on paper, and for those who could not find paper, to write them on ‫وبعد أن صار بابا رسم ألثيوبيا أول مطران‬ their clothes.” Athanasius was the first Pope to wear the monastic tunic from the hand of ‫لها هو األنبا سالمة فاستقرت األمور الدينية‬ . ‫فيها بعد أن تبعت الكرازة املرقسية‬ St. Antonios. He made it the uniform for bishops and patriarchs. He was ‫وقد نفي البابا عن كرسيه خمس مرات‬ the one who ordaine St. Antonios a priest, and then Archpriest. ‫ومع أن أثناسيوس كان قد بلغ من العمر‬ He departed in peace after he had been on the Apostolic Throne fr for‫ سنة إال أنه مل يقرص يف واجباته ولثبات‬72 ty-five years. May his prayers be with us, and glory be to God forever. ‫البابا يف الحق أيت املثل اإلفرنجي « أثناسيوس‬ Amen. ‫ وللبابا أثناسيوس كتب عدة‬. « ‫ضد العامل‬ The Departure of the Three Hebrew Young Men Hananiah, Azariah and ‫ وقد‬، ‫عن األريوسيني ويف التجسد وغريها‬ Mishael. ‫قرظ األنبا قزمان هذه املؤلفات يف قوله‬ 18th May - 10th Bashans On this day is the commemoration of the departure of the three young men ‫ من يجد شيئا منها فليكتبه حاال عيل‬: the Saints: Hananiah (Ananias), Azariah (Azarias) and Mishael (Misael). ، ‫قرطاس ومن مل يجد فليدونه عيل ثيابه‬ These Saints were the sons of Jehoiakim king of Judah. They were exiled ‫وهذا البابا هو أول من لبس زي الرهبنة‬ by Nebuchadnezzar to Babylon. When Nebuchadnezzar chose some of the ‫من يد القديس أنطونيوس وجعله زيا لكل‬ exiled young men to be in his service. These young men and Daniel, their ‫البطاركة واألساقفة وهو الذي رسم القديس‬

cousin, among those who were chosen. Ashpenaz the master of the eunuchs ‫أنطونيوس قسا فقمصا وتنيح بسالم بعد أن‬ gave them other names: he gave Daniel the name Belteshazzar, to Hanani- ‫قيض عيل الكريس املرقيس خمسا وأربعني‬ ah : Shadrach; to Mishael : Meshach; and to Azariah : Abed-Nego. These ‫ صالته تكون معنا ولربنا املجد دامئا‬. ‫سنة‬ young men purposed in their heart that they would not defile themselves ‫ آمني‬. with the portion of the king’s delicacies, nor with the wine which he drank; ‫نياحة الثالثة فتية القديسني حنانيا وعزريا‬ therefore they requested of the chief of the eunuchs that they might not ‫وميصائيل‬ defile themselves. The chief of the eunuchs said to them, “I fear my lord ‫ بشنس‬١٠ - ‫ مايو‬١٨ the king, who has appointed your food and drink. For why should he see ‫يف مثل هذا اليوم تذكار نياحة الثالثة‬ your faces looking worse than the young men who are your age? Then you ‫ حنانيا وعزاريا وميصائيل‬: ‫فتية القديسني‬ whom steward the would endanger my head before the king.” They said to ‫وهؤالء القديسون هم أوالد يهوياقيم ملك‬ the chief of the eunuchs had set over them: “Please test your servants for ‫يهوذا وكان قد سباهم نبوخذنرص إىل بابل‬ ten days, and let them give us vegetables to eat and water to drink. Then let our countenances be examined before you, and the countenances of the ‫وملا أختار هذا امللك بعض الفتيان املسبني‬ young men who eat the portion of the king’s delicacies; and as you see fit, ‫لخدمته كان هؤالء ودانيال ابن أختهم من‬ ‫ فسامهم اشفنز‬. ‫ضمن الذين اختارهم‬ so deal with your servants.” So he consented with them in this matter, and ‫ فسمي‬. ‫رئيس الخصيان أسامءا أخري‬ tested them ten days. And at the end of ten days their countenance appeared better and fatter in flesh than all the young men who ate the portion of the ‫ وحنانيا شدرخ وميصائيل‬، ‫دانيال بلطشارص‬ king’s delicacies. As for these four young men, God gave them knowledge ‫ أما هؤالء فقرروا‬. ‫ وعزاريا عبدناغو‬، ‫ميشخ‬ ‫فيام بينهم أن ال يأكلوا من غري ذبائح بني‬ and skill in all literature and wisdom; and Daniel had understanding in all ‫ارسائيل وطلبوا من رئيس الخصيان أن‬ visions and dreams. Now at the end of the days, when the king had said that they should be brought in, the chief of the eunuchs brought them in . ‫يعفيهم من طعام اللحوم ويعطيهم بقوال‬ before Nebuchadnezzar. When the king interviewed them, and among them ‫فقال لهم أخىش أن يتغري منظر وجوهكم‬ all none was found like Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah; therefore ‫ وإذا مل‬. ‫فيهلكني امللك فأجابوه « جربنا‬ they served before the king. And in all matters of wisdom and understand- ‫تنصلح وجوهنا فافعل ما تريد « ثم صاروا‬ ing about which the king examined them, he found them ten times better ‫يأكلون البقول فكانت وجوههم تتألأل‬ than all the magicians and astrologers who were in all his realm, and he ‫ ووجدوا‬. ‫حسنا وجامال بنعمة هللا‬ ‫نعمة‬ ‫يف‬ appointed them governors on all the provinces of Babylon. (Daniel 1:8-20) ‫عيني امللك فجعلهم حكاما عيل كل أعامل‬ When the king made an image of gold, and the three Hebrew young men ‫بابل وملا أقام الصورة الذهب ومل يسجدوا‬ did not worship it, those envious of them, accused them before the king ‫لها سعي بهم الذين كانوا يحسدونهم‬ asked and that they did not worship the image. The king brought them ‫فاستحرضهم نبوخذنرص وسألهم عن‬ ‫ذلك‬ them about that and they confessed that they only worship the true God. He commanded them to be casted in a burning fiery furnace. The Lord sent His ‫فاعرتفوا باإلله الحقيقي فألقاهم يف األتون‬ angel, who protected them and made the fire as a cool dew although it burnt ‫فأرسل الرب مالكه وحول اللهيب إىل ندي‬ ‫بارد مع أنه أحرق الذين رموهم يف األتون‬ the men that threw them in the fiery furnace. When the king saw that, he ‫وملا رأي امللك ذلك آمن بإلههم وزادهم‬ believed in their God and promoted them in the province of Babylon. On the tenth day of å three beds made of ebony be made, and their bodies ‫ وأعيل منزلتهم وملا كان اليوم العارش‬. ‫رفعة‬ ‫من بشنس وكانوا قامئني يصلون يف منزلهم‬ be wrapped in silk, and then placed on the beds. He also ordered a bed made of gold for himself, so that when he died, they would place him on it ‫وعند سجودهم أسلموا نفوسهم بيد الرب‬ ‫فحدثت للوقت زلزلة عظيمة يف املدينة‬ among them. Pope Theophilos, the 23rd. Patriarch, built a church after their names and ‫فارتعب امللك وتقيص من دانيال عن‬ wanted to relocate their bodies to it. He delegated St. John the short and ‫السبب فأعلمه أن الثالثة فتية قد تنيحوا‬ sent him to Babylon. When he arrived to the place where they were buried, ‫فأيت إىل املكان وحزن عليهم وأمر أن تعمل‬ he heard a voice saying: “The Lord has ordained that our bodies remain in ‫ان يكفنوا بحلل‬, ‫لهم ثالثة أرسة من عاج‬ this place, but because of your labor of love, when you return, say to the ‫من حرير ويضعوهم عليها ثم أمر أن يعمل‬ Patriarch to fill the oil lamps with oil on the night of the consecration of ‫له رسير من ذهب حتى إذا مات يوضع‬ the church, and the power of God will be revealed.” When he returned, and . ‫ وهكذا كان‬. ‫عليه بني أجسادهم‬ told the Pope, he did as he was commanded, and the oil lamps (Kandeels) ‫وملا جلس البابا ثاؤفيلس البطريرك الثالث‬ lighted up. They glorified God, and completed the consecration after the ‫والعرشون عيل الكريس املرقيس بني لهم‬ names of these Saints. ‫كنيسة وأراد نقل أجساد القديسني إليها‬ . Amen. May their prayers be with us and glory be to God forever. ‫وأوفد لذلك القديس يوحنا القصري فذهب‬ Saint Arsany | Arsanious ‫إىل بابل وملا وصل إىل حيث األجساد سمع‬ The Teacher of Kings’ Children ‫ « ان الرب قد رسم أال‬: ‫صوتا منهم يقول‬ 21st May – 13th Bashans ‫ وحتي ال‬. ‫تفارق أجسادنا هذا املوضع‬ Beginning: St. Arsany was born in Rome, about 350 A. D. His parents The Beginning: ‫يضيع تعبك فعند رجوعك قل للبطريرك‬ were Christian & very rich.. They taught him the ifferent subjects concern‫أن يعمر القناديل ليلة التكريس بالزيت‬ ing Church matters. He was later nominated as a Deacon. He was familiar ‫ وملا عاد أعلم البابا‬. ‫وستظهر قوة هللا فيها‬ with Latin, Greek nowledge, & Christian virtues in general. ‫البطريرك بذلك فعمل كام أمروه فاشتعلت‬ The Teacher of the Kings’ Sons One day, king “Theodosios the Great” asked for a irtuous wise man to teach his two children “Anorious” & ‫القناديل فمجدوا هللا وأمتوا تكريس الكنيسة‬ “Arcadious”, and he found nobody like St. Arsany, who as full of wisdom , ‫التي لهؤالء القديسني صالتهم تكون معنا‬ & virtues. He did a good job in teaching them Christian and knowledge in ‫ آمني‬. ‫ولربنا املجد دامئا‬ general..

The way to Egypt.. to Holiness St. Arsany used to pray in tears always for God in order o teach him His righteous way.. His way of salvation. Then, one day he heard a voice clearly saying: “Arsany..Arsany.. Run away from people, and you’ll be saved.” He was about Forty of age at that time when he - ecretly- left Rome with all its glory, left his great positions there, his name, belongings, in short, ALL his past life, and came to Alexandria, Egypt. Then to “Sheheat Wilderness”. The Beginning of His Monastic Life: From the beginning, St. Arsany showed great eagerness for learning. * Once while he was asking an old monk about something, another monk came and asked him: “How come do you; Father Arsany, who knows much about the great Greek & Roman knowledge, ask this illiterate monk about your thoughts?!”. St. Arsany told him with true modesty: “You’re right about my great knowledge of Greek & Roman literature.. But the “Alpha Vita” that this Egyptian knows very well, I have not learned yet..!”. (He meant the way to virtues). Learning:: It is said that St. Arsany was very intelligent and nimble, he did not need a direct guidance, but Learning he learned from every single event that happened. * It was not the monks’ habit to select the good beans from the ones ruined by mite.. Once upon a time, St. Arsany was eating beans with other monks, and he was selecting the good beans to eat. When the head of the monastery noticed that, he did not like it.. so he wanted to teach St. Arsany a esson. He picked one of the monks and excused him saying: “Please endure what I am going to do to you.. Go and sit beside Arsany, and choose the good beans from the bad”. The monk obeyed directly, and did what he has been told. Then the head of the monastery came to him and slapped him on his face saying: “How come do you choose the good beans for yourself and leave the bad for your brothers?!!”. Then St. Arsany bowed to him & to the monk saying: “This slap was not meant for you, but it was addressed to Arsany’s cheek!”. Then added: “Here he is: Arsany, the teacher to the kings’ sons, don’t know how to eat beans with the Egyptian monks”!! Some Other Stories About St. Arsany * A messenger came to him from Rome with a will from one of his deceased relatives, giving him all his possessions.. Then St. Arsany asked the messenger: - “When did this man died?” - “A year ago.” - “But I died 11 years ago!! And the dead doesn’t inherit the dead!!”. * He used to repel Satan’s wars by praying a lot.. So, one day the devils came to him in the shape of angels, blessing him for his holiness and determination (in order to make him commit the sin of pride). But he cried for God: “Be pleased, O Lord, to deliver me: O Lord, make haste to help me. Let them be ashamed and confounded together that seek after my soul to destroy it; let them be driven backward and put to shame that wish me evil.. “Oh Lord.. Don’t let me down.. for I did not do you any good at all.. But give me the strength now to do your own will, and to start doing what is right.” Just then all the devils evaporated in the air.. And St. Arsany always used to ask God to show him the right way, then he heard the same old voice again: “Arsany.. Keep your serenity, and go away from people, then you’ll be saved”. # He used always to remind himself saying: “Arsany.. Arsany.. Remember what you are out for”. In order not to lose the way, and never deviate from the hard way.. # His routine was: + when the sun rose, he started to pray + then worked in braiding palm leaves till 6:00 + then he engaged himself in reading till 9:00 + then again to prayer * In Sundays & in the Feasts, he used to stand in the desert, giving his back to the sun, and started praying with his hands up till the sun rose over on his face!!! * A noble women once came to him from Rome after hearing about his holiness, and before she was leaving after talking with him for a while, she asked him to remember her in his prayers.. But St. Arsany said to her: “I hope God erases your memory from my mind!”. She was very angry and sad because of these words, so she went to Pope Theofelos telling him about that. The Pope explained to her that what St. Arsany’s words meant, was his fear that the devil could use her against him. * He was very cautious of talking, and when he was asked about it, he answered: “Often have I spoken and regretted, but for silence I never did”. * St. Arsany was very humble, and lived over what he was getting from selling his own hand work (braiding palm leaves), and gave the rest of the money to the poor.

He used to cry a lot (to repent his sins...), and in the church he used to stand behind a certain pillar crying, till that column had a small gully from his tears! And his eyelashes started to fall from crying too much!! (P. S.: this pillar still stands here in Egypt; at El-Baramous Monastery). * It was said that when he used to stay at the royal palace in Rome, nobody wore more precious clothes than him.. Whereas after getting to the way of monasticism, no one wore less than he did! * When braiding palm leaves, one had to wet them in order to be soft enough. The water must be changed regularily, but St. Arsany used to change this water only once a year! And whenever it was less, he just added water over that rotten water. (as a kind of austerity!). When St. Macarious the Alexandrian came to him once, he asked him about that, St. Arsany answered: “Truly I say unto you, that I can’t stand this smell too, but I over burden myself with this bad smell instead of the pure smells that I got pleasure of using them in the world!”. * He told his disciples a vision, which was seen by another monk : “One day while an old monk was sitting in his room, he heard a voice telling him: “Go out, and I’ll show you the peoples’ deeds”. “When he went out he saw a black man cutting firewood, and when he started to lift it up he couldn’t. And instead of lessening the weight, he added on it!! So he couldn’t hold it again, and so on..! “Then he walked a little while and saw another man beside a well, taking water out of it and pouring it on a punctured pot, so the pot was never filled!! “Again he saw two horsemen holding a column together, and every one of them was holding it from his side, but when they came to the door, no one of them humbled himself to go behind or after his friend in order to enter the column vertically, so they stayed out!!!” Then St. Arsany started to explain this vision: + The firewood holder is like a man full of sins, and instead of repenting, he does more and more sins! + The man who was trying to fill the pot, is like a man who is used to giving donations, but that money is taken from people by force, so his reward is wasted!! + And the people who were holding the column, are the ones who are holding our Lord Jesus Christ’s yoke, with no humbleness or modesty, so they stay out of the Kingdom of the Lord!!! * Once two strangers came to “Cheheat wilderness” to see St. Arsany, they knocked, and St. Arsany opened the door for them, but he kept silent all the time.. till they were sad, and went away.. On their way back, they went to the place where St. Moses The Black lived (who used to be a thief). They knocked, and he met them very well, talked to them, and fed them too… When they left him, one asked the other about the saint he preferred. The stranger told him that the Egyptian satisfied him better. Another monk heard that, he was very confused, and prayed a lot for God to tell him the right thing saying: “Please Lord.. Uncover this matter to me.. Some people run away from people for the sake of Your Name; and others accept and meet them, for the sake of Your Name too?!!!” Then he saw a vision showing two ships, and on board of one was St. Arsany sailing in serenity accompanied by the spirit of the Lord.. And on board of the other ship St. Mosses, accompanied by God’s Angels, and they were feeding him honey. His Last Days When St. Arsany became older, about 97 years old, there came the time of the Holy Fast, so he went to his special room to stay there these 40 days, eating a little every three days.. While he was praying and meditating, the devils were very angry because of that, and they wanted to enter his room, but they couldn’t because he was praying, so they started to make a bad noise outside to disturb him, but he scolded them saying: “Why do you make this noise you enemies of truth?! If you have the power, then come.. enter.., or else fade away.. I am the servant of the Lord Jesus Christ, who destroyed all your powers”. And when he said that, the devils ran away with disgrace. After that, he was visited by the Divine Care, then he started to study the Bible more, praying a lot, and crying.. And in Lazarus Saturday, he was visited by his disciples, and he opened to them, and talked to them..When he knew that his departure was soon to come, he went out to visit his disciples as usual, and he told them: “Dear sons.. Let it be known unto you that my time had come. And I advise you not to care for anything but your own salvation”. His tears were flowing.. So everybody cried a lot, and bid him farewell.. After seven days, while his disciples were beside him, he started to cry telling them that his hour had come.. But they were very surprised of his terrified shape, so they asked him: “Even you Father fear death?!!” He answered: “The truth I say to you: the fear of this hour is with me since I’ve came to the monasticism”. Then he crossed over his body, and peace returned to his face, and died. After that a great light column appeared over the place, and his face shone.. Everybody then knew about his death, and many people came (monks and laymen) to take the blessing from his body, and a lot of sick people recovered. He died on the 13th of Bachance, (May, 21st 445 A. D.)

Meditations on the Holy Gospel readings ‫تأمالت فى أنجيل القداس‬ of the Eucharist of 3rd Sunday of Pentecostal fifty ‫األحد الثالث من الخماسين المقدسة‬ days. 42 – 1 ::4 4 ‫يوحنا‬ John 4:1-24. ‫« من يشرب من هذا الماء الذى أعطيه‬ “whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will : 4 ‫أنا فلن يعطش الى األبد « يوحنا‬ never thirst” John 4:14. 14 The Lord is Risen from death trampling death, ‫ لقد داس‬.. ‫لقد قام الرب من األموات‬ victorious over death…the Lord has crushed the bonds ‫ لقد حطم القيود‬.. ‫الموت وأنتصر عليه‬ and locks opening the doors to paradise…. the way ‫والمزاليج وفتح لنا أبواب الفردوس‬ to heavens is wide open to all who accept the Lord ‫ لقد صار الطريق مفتوحا للسماء‬.. Jesus and believe in Him…to be Baptised washing .. ‫لكل من يقبل الرب يسوع ويؤمن به‬ one’s sins in Christ’s Blood which absolves us… ‫ويعتمد مغتسال بدم المسيح الذى يطهر‬ All who offer a true repentance, confessing one’s ‫ وكل من يقدم توبة‬.. ‫من كل الخطايا‬ sins and part-take of the Lord’s Body and Blood (the ‫حقيقية معترفا بخطاياه ومتناوال من‬ Holy Eucharist) will have a part in the eternal life…. ‫جسد ودم الرب يسوع يصير له نصيب‬ Indeed, we live in an era where heaves are unlocked to ‫ حقا أننا نعيش فى‬.. ‫فى الحياة األبدية‬ mankind… But alas, how many still do not realize this .. ‫عصر قد أنفتحت فيه السماء للبشر‬ fact? Still wasting their lives searching for sins and ‫ولكن كم هم الذين مازالوا ال يدركون‬ illusions! They still tying themselves to the world’s ‫ مازالوا يضيعون حياتهم‬.. ‫هذه الحقيقة‬ wheel which is for ever spinning and sooner (or later) ‫ مازالوا‬.. ‫وراء الخطية وأوهامها‬ will drag them between the wheels grinding teeth ‫يربطون أنفسهم بعجلة هذا العالم التى‬ to lift them up then drop them to the bottom of the ‫ال تكف عن الدوران والتى سرعان‬ abyss crushed and destroyed… The Samaritan woman ‫ما تجذبهم بين تروسها وترفعهم الى‬ today after the resurrection still goes the world’s water ‫فوق ثم تلقى بهم فى أعماق الهاوية‬ well to drink…still going to Jacob’s well which he ... ‫مطحونين ومسحوقين و محطمين‬ has honed for his sheep…. Thus, this Samaritan still ‫والسامرية اليوم بعد القيامة ما زالت‬ living in the era of before the Cross! Still searching ‫ مازالت‬.. ‫تمضى الى بئر العالم لتستقى‬ for the place to worship… is it in Jerusalem or in the ‫تذهب الى بئر يعقوب التى حفرها‬ mountain… she still thirsty and hungry despite the ‫ السامرية مازالت‬.. ‫ألجل مواشيه‬ existence of the life-giving water and the heavenly .. ‫تعيش فى عصر ما قبل الصليب‬ manna…. She still does not know the way even ‫مازالت تبحث عن المكان الذى ينبغى‬ though the Truth, the Way and the Life is here… and ‫ أهو فى أورشليم أم فى‬.. ‫فيه السجود‬ you my beloved… are you still thirsty and hungry… ‫ أنها ما زالت عطشانة‬.. ‫ذلك الجبل‬ do you still don’t know the Way… are still attached ‫وجوعانة رغم وجود ماء الحياة والمن‬ to five husbands (wives)… Don’t you know that the ‫ أنها مازالت ال تعرف‬.. ‫السمازى‬ true food which fulfils is here… don’t you know ‫الطريق رغم وجود الطريق والحق‬ that the true knowledge and understanding has .. ‫والحياة‬ been given to mankind… don’t you see? IT IS THE ‫ هل كا زلت‬.. ‫وأنت أيها الحبيب‬ RESURRECTION. ‫ هل ما زلت ال‬.. ‫عطشانا وجوعانا‬ + “Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again”… ‫ هل مازلت مرتبطا بخمسة‬.. ‫تعرف‬ Do you know why you are thirsty??? Despite you ‫ أال تعرف ؟ أال تدرى أن‬.. ‫أزواج‬ drink much water! ‫ أال تدرك‬.. ‫الغذاء الذى يشبع موجودا‬ This is you are still drinking only the world’s water .. ‫سر المعرفة والفهم قد أعطى للبشر‬ which will never satisfy (alone)… there is no one ... ‫ أنها القيامة‬.. ‫أال ترى ؟؟؟‬ man can say he has been fulfilled by this world and its ‫ كل من يشرب من هذا الماء بيعطش‬+ lusts… ... ‫أيضا‬ King Solomon the wise man says “All the rivers ‫هل تدرى لماذا أنت عطشانا ؟؟؟ رغم‬ run into the sea, Yet the sea is not full; The eye is ... ‫أنك تشرب ماءا كثيرا‬ not satisfied with seeing, Nor the ear filled with ‫ألنك مازلت تشرب ماء العالم الذى ال‬ hearing” Ecclesiastes 1: 7&8) … King Solomon has ‫ ليس هناك أنسان واحد‬.. ‫يروى أبدا‬ experienced this himself… he was the richest king of ‫يستطيع أن يقول أنه شبع من هذا العالم‬

.. ‫وشهواته‬ his time and most wise.. he had thousand wives and concubines… despite all this, he never felt that he was ‫ « العين‬.. ‫يقول سليمان الحكيم عن هذا‬ ‫ال تشبع من النظر واألذن ال تمتلء من‬ fulfilled or satisfied. ‫ كل األنهار تجرى الى البحر‬.. ‫السمع‬ What does fulfil mankind…??? .. )1 ‫ (جامعة‬.. ‫والبحر ليس بمآلن‬ Money?... what did Nebuchadnezzar with the great Money ‫ لقد كان‬.. ‫لقد أختبر سليمان هذا بنفسه‬ Babylon which he has built according to his means ‫ كان له‬.. ‫أغنى ملوك عصره وأحكمهم‬ and majesty… was he fulfilled with it?... he was ‫ وكل‬.. ‫ألف أمرأة زوجات وسرارى‬ driven from men and ate grass like an ox?? (Daniel ‫هذا وشعر أنه لم يمتلىء وال شبع وال‬ 4:33) .. ‫أرتوى‬ What did money do for Judas Iscariot… did the thirty ‫؟؟؟‬... ‫مالذى يشبع األنسان‬ pieces of silver fulfil him?? ‫المال‬ ‫ وماذا فعل نبوخذنصر بكل‬.. ‫المال؟‬ What did Nabal do with all his money, and refused to ‫بابل العظيمة التى بناها بمقدرته‬ reward David for protecting and guarding his men, ‫ هل شبع منها عندما صار‬.. ‫وعظمته‬ sheep and possessions?? (1st Samuel 25). .. ‫حيوانا يأكل العشب ؟؟‬ What did the foolish rich man do with the store and ‫ هل أشبعته‬.. ‫ماذا فعل المال ليهوذا‬ barns, he thought to build for himself, thinking it will ‫الثالثين من الفضة ؟‬ last him many years to come… did he find the time to ‫ماذا فعل المال لنابال الذى رفض أن‬ be fulfilled from it?? (Luke 12:16-20). ‫يعطى داود ورجاله أجرة حراستهم‬ Because of money and love of money, mankind had ‫؟؟‬.. ‫ألغنامه وممتلكاته‬ committed the worst of sins… how many families did divide and lost the loving bond because of love of ‫ناذا فعل المال للغنى الغبى الذى بنى‬ money?... But how many nations got destroyed fully ‫لنفسه مخازن وجمع أمواال كثيرة ظانا‬ because greed and money… is there anyone was ever ‫ هل وجد وقتا‬.. ‫أنه تكفيه لسنين كثيرة‬ ‫ ؟‬.. ‫ليشبع منها‬ fulfilled with money alone???... ‫من أجل المال وحب المال صار‬ This is the first husband (wife)… a husband or wife ‫ كم من‬.. ‫األنسان يرتكب أفظع الخطايا‬ with no benefit… a failed marriage. ‫عائالت أنقسمت وضاع منها الحب‬ Gluttony, food and drink and cravings of the ‫ بل كم من بالد خربت‬.. ‫بسبب المال‬ stomach… does man ever gets fulfilled?? ‫ هل‬.. ‫بكاملها بسبب المال والطمع‬ What did Esau do with his meal of lentils… did it ... ‫هناك أحد شبع من المال ؟؟؟‬ fulfil him and replaced hi first-born rights… what did Eglon king of Moab do with food… was he fulfilled .. ‫ زوج ال ينفع‬.. ‫هذا هو الزوج األول‬ ... ‫وزواج فاشل‬ of it… he became obese... and his obesity was the .. ‫ والشراب وشهوة البطون‬.. ‫الطعام‬ cause of his death (Judges 3). ‫هل يشبع منها األنسان ؟؟‬ What has food (love of) done to mankind nowadays?? ‫ هل‬.. ‫ماذا فعل عيسو بأكلة عدس‬ Why is the spread of hyper-tension, diabetes, diseases .. ‫أشبعته وأغنته عن البكورية‬ of the colon and the heart and many others??? Why did mankind became an expert nowadays in special ‫ماذا فعل الطعام فى عجلون ملك موآب‬ ‫ لقد صار سمينا جدا‬.. ‫ هل شبع منه‬.. diets for losing weight and inventing replacement .. ‫ وكانت سمنته سببا فى هالكه‬.. food which gives no extra calories or is fattening?? )3 ‫(قضاة‬ But even, what has man done with his food which is ‫وماذا فعل الطعام فى أنسان اليوم ؟؟‬ full of chemicals and radiations which is polluting ‫لماذ أنتشرت أمراض الضغط والسكر‬ it??.. Food ha become a slow acting poison for man .. ‫واألمعاء الغليظة والقلب وغيرها‬ till it destroys man. This is the second husband (wife)… a husband (wife) ‫؟؟ لماذا صار األنسان يتفنن اليوم فى‬ ‫وسائل التخسيس واألطعمة البديلة‬ which do not fulfil… a failed marriage. ‫التى ال تسمن وال تعطى طاقة زائدة‬ Lustful eyes (vision)… and what a troubling husband ‫ بل ماذا صنع األنسان فى‬.. ‫للجسم ؟؟‬ (wife)… A sinful man’s eye follows the physical beauty… the ‫طعامه الذى مأله من المواد الكيماوية‬ ‫ لقد‬.. ‫واألشعاعات ومواد التلوث ؟‬ problem with human eyes is it only sees the external image… how often many facts is hidden behind the ‫صار الطعام سما بطيئا يتناوله األنسان‬ .. ‫يوما بعد يوم حتى يقضى عليه‬ physical beauty… so, beauty can be deceiving, and

pleasant appearance can vanity… and how ‫ وزواج‬.. ‫ زوج ال يشبع‬.. ‫هذا هو الزوج الثانى‬ much troubles this caused to those who seek ... ‫فاشل‬ it (vain beauty). .. ‫ وياله من زوج مناكف‬... ‫شهوة العيون‬ What has Ahab gained from Jezebel’s ‫عين األنسان الشريرة تجرى وراء الجمال المادى‬ beauty and the sinful one… he lost himself ‫ ومشكلة عين األنسان أنها ال ترى سوى المنظر‬.. and sank to worshipping idol gods and its ‫ وما أكثر ما تغيب عن األنسان‬... ‫الخارجى فقط‬ sinful ways (1 Kings 18-19) …. What has .. ‫الحقائق المختفية وراء هذا الجمال الجسدى‬ Samson gained form Delilah the philistine’s ‫ وكم تسبب فى‬.. ‫فالحسن غش والجمال باطال‬ beauty (Judges 16) … he lost his powers .. ‫متاعب كثيرة ألصحابه وللذين يجرون وراءه‬ and destroyed himself. This is the third .. ‫ما الذى أخذخ آخاب من جمال أيزابل الشريرة‬ husband (wife) which is of no value… .. ‫خسر نفسه وغرق فى عبادة األوثان والشر‬ + Extravagant living … Love of luxuries ‫ما الذى أستفاده شمشون من جمال دليلة الفلسطينية‬ and the world trappings… it is a very .. ‫ أهلك نفسه وضاعت قوته وعظمته‬.. troublesome husband (wife). .. ‫وهذا هو الزوج الثالث الذى ال ينفع‬ ‫هذا‬ Where are the best palaces of the world… .. ‫ محبة الرفاهية وكماليات العالم‬.. ‫تعظم المعيشة‬ where are the jewels and ornaments which ... ‫أنه زوج متعب جدا‬ the world greatest artisan have created… do ‫ أين هى الحلى‬.. ‫أين هى أفخم قصور العالم‬ you know where it is?? All are buried in the ‫والمجوهرات التى تفنن أعظم فنانى العالم فى‬ dust and trampled by foot… ‫صياغتها ؟؟ هل تعرف أين هى ؟؟ كلها مدفونة فى‬ My Beloved… do you feel that you are .. ‫التراب وتدوس عليها األقدام‬ fulfilled and more at ease after immigrating ‫ هل تشعر أنك اآلن شبعت وأرتاحت‬.. ‫أيها الحبيب‬ to this land… do you are the expensive ‫نفسك أكثر مما كنت عليه قبل أن تهاجر الى هذه‬ clothing and ride in luxury cars… is you ‫ هل أنت اآلن ترتدى المالبس الفاخرة‬.. ‫البالد‬ house full best furnishings… do you ‫ وتمأل منزلك بأفخم‬.. ‫وتركب السيارات الفارهة‬ feel satisfies and fulfilled… you did seek ‫ أنك بحثت‬.. ‫ هل تشعر بالشبع والرضا‬.. ‫األثاث‬ comfort and peace of mind… did you find ‫ هل وجدتها فى تعظم‬.. ‫عن الراحة وسالمة البال‬ them in the extravagant living which you ‫ ؟؟‬... ‫المعيشة التى تجرى وراءها فى هذه البالد‬ seek in this land.. ?? ‫هل تدرى ما الذى وصل اليه العالم فى حب القليد‬ Do you know what the world has achieved ‫والجرى وراء مظاهر العالم ؟؟؟‬ in the seeking imitations and appearances of ‫لقد وصل األمر أن العالم أخترع لنفسه موضات‬ the world??? ‫ ذهب الى القديم‬.. ‫جديدة وعندما لم يجد جديدا‬ It has become the world has invented for it ‫ وصار‬.. ‫ فصار المهلهل الممزق موضة‬.. self new fashions and found nothing new, ‫ وقريبا‬.. ‫الشعر غير المرتب المنكوش موضة‬ so it reverted back to the old and thus the ‫سوف يصير السكن فى الخرائب وربما النوم فى‬ torn and thread-bear became a fashion, ‫ فاألنسان ال يشبع أبدا‬... ‫المستنقعات موضة أيضا‬ uncombed hair became a fashion and soon ... living is a dump or sleeping in puddles .. ‫وهذا زواج رابع وفاشل أيضا‬ might be fashionable too? Man is never ‫ وربما يظن‬.. ‫ الفلسفات‬.. ‫ العلم‬... ‫حب المعرفة‬ satisfied… this is the fourth marriage and a ‫البعض أنه سوف يشبع عندما يحصل على أعلى‬ failed marriage too. ‫الشهادات والدرجات العلمية يوضع أسمه على‬ + Love of knowledge…. knowledge Science and ‫المخترعات واألكتشافات ويذكر فى المجالت‬ philosophy… some might think that he ‫ ومن هو الذى شبع أو أكتفى‬.. ‫والمؤتمرات العلمية‬ or she will be satisfied and fulfilled when ‫ يقول سفر األمثال أن الذى‬.. ‫بمعرفة هذا العالم ؟‬ they attain the highest degrees or scientific ‫ وكلما عرف األنسان‬.. ‫ يزداد حزنا‬.. ‫يزداد علما‬ achievements or having one’s name on great .. ‫أكثر كلما أدرك أنه أكثر جهال‬ discoveries and they will be published in ... ‫وهذا هو الزواج الخامس الفاشل‬ scientific magazines and conferences… ‫ لقد كانت‬.. ‫لقد أتعب حب المعرفة السامرية جدا‬ whoever was satisfied or fulfilled with the ‫ أو على األقل تدرك أين يمكنها‬.. ‫تظن أنها تعرف‬ knowledge of this world (alone)? The book ‫ وهى لم‬.. !! ‫ هذا إذا أرادت السجود‬.. ‫السجود‬ of Proverbs says those who increase their ‫ أنها تريد أن تعرف هللا ولكن‬... ‫تريد هذا حتى اآلن‬ knowledge, increase their sorrows… and ‫ أن هللا ال يعرفه األنسان‬.. ‫بدون أتباع وصاياه‬

the more man knows the more he realizes his ignorance, ‫ بل يدركه ويحس به‬.. ‫معرفة عقلية‬ and this is the fifth failed marriage… marriage .. ‫بروحه وقلبه‬ The Samaritan woman was very troubled with loving ‫ الساجدون الحقيقيون يسجدون‬+ knowledge… she thought that she knew. or at least ... ‫لآلب بالروح والحق‬ is aware where she can worship… this if she wanted ‫األنسان الذى ال يشبع هو أنسان‬ to worship!!.. and she did not want this till now… ‫ يحاول‬.. ‫عنده فراغ كبير فى داخله‬ she wants to know God but without following God’s ‫ أنه يمأل الفراغ‬.. ‫أن يمأله بالهواء‬ commandments… God, man cannot know him by .. ‫بالفراغ ولذلك فهو ال يمتأل أبدا‬ mental ability alone… but one must know Him in the ‫فهذا الفراغ ال يمأله سوى محبة هللا‬ heart and by spirit. ‫ وعندما تمأل محبة هللا هذا الفراغ‬.. + The true worshippers, worship the Father in spirit and ‫فعندئذ لن يحتاج األنسان الى أى‬ truth… ... ‫شىء آخر يشبع منه أو يرتوى منه‬ The man who is not fulfilled or satisfied is a man with ‫لقد أقام األنبا بوال سبعين سنة فى‬ a great emptiness within him… he might try to fill this ‫ يتغذى‬... ‫البرية ال يرى وجه أنسان‬ emptiness with air… he is filling voids with voids and ‫ لقد شبع‬.. ‫على نصف خبزة كل يوم‬ therefore will never be fulfilled…. ‫ أمتأل الفرغ‬.. ‫من محبة هللا فى قلبه‬ This void can be fulfilled except by God’s love… and ‫الذى فىه فلم يعد بحاجة الى العالم فى‬ the the void is filled with God’s love, man will not need ... ‫ أحب هللا فوق كل شىء‬.. ‫شىء‬ anything else to satisfy him or fulfil him… ‫نسمع عن القديسات العفيفتن الآلئى‬ St Paula (the hermit) lived seventy years in the desert ‫ يتركن‬.. ‫ضحين بكل مغريات العالم‬ without seeng another human… being fed by a half a ‫عروض الملوك واألمراء للزواج‬ loaf of bread a day… but he was fulfilled and satisfied ‫ يتركن كل أغراءات الحلى‬.. ‫منهن‬ from God/s love in his heart… the void was filled, and ‫ بل‬.. ‫والمالبس الفاخرة والقصور‬ he had no need to anything else from the world… he ‫ويفضلن أن يقدمن رقابهن للسيف‬ loved God above all other things. ‫ لم‬.. ‫وال يتركن عريسهن السماوى‬ We hear of the pure saints who has sacrificed all ‫يعد هناك فراغ فى قلوبهن لعريس‬ worldly temptations… and forsaken kings offers and ... ‫أرضى أو شهوة عالمية‬ princesses asking to marry them… they have forsaken ‫ هل أمتأل قلبك‬.. ‫وأنت أيها الحبيب‬ all the temptations, jewellery and palaces… and .. ‫من المسيح القائم من األموات‬ preferred to offer their necks to the sword instead and ‫هل أمتألت عيونك من نوره فلم‬ not leaving their heavenly bridegroom… there was no ‫تعد تشتهى أى نور آخر من األنوار‬ more void in their hearts for an earthly bridegroom or a ‫المظلمة ؟؟‬ worldly want… ‫أال تعلم أن من تعود على األنوار‬ Any you my beloved…. Is your heart fulfilled with ‫ تبدو له األنوار الخافتة‬.. ‫الباهرة‬ Christ who Has Risen from the death… is your eyes ‫ هل أمتأل قلبك بتسبيحه‬.. ‫ظالما‬ fulfilled with His light… and no longer desires any ‫ فلم يعد لسانك‬.. ‫وشكره وتمجيده‬ other light from the dimed lighting (of the world)?? ‫يذوق طعما لكالم العالم وضحكاته‬ Do not you know that (the eyes) used to very bright ‫ أن من يحب شهد‬.. ‫ونكاته الفارغة‬ Light see all dimed lights as darkness… is your heart ‫ ال يحب المرارة وال‬.. ‫العشرة مع هللا‬ full of His praises, thanking Him and glorifying Him… .. ‫ملوحة ماء العالم أبدا‬ no-longer your tongue can taste the world’s speech, ‫هل أمتأل قلبك بكلمة هللا المفرحة‬ laughter and silly jokes… who ever loves the sweetness ‫المعزية ؟؟ وعندئذ لن تستطيع أفكار‬ of knowing God cannot love the bitterness or salinity of ‫العالم الصمود أمام هذا السيف الباتر‬ the water of the world... ‫ذو الحدين الذى ينفذ الى مفارق‬ Is your heart full of the joyful and comforting Word of ‫ أيها الحبيب يليق بك‬.. ‫النفس والروح‬ God?? Then and only then, the world temptations and ‫أن تكون مع الساجدين الحقيقين الذى‬ thought will not be able to stand before the sharp sword .. ‫يسجدون للله بالروح والحق‬ (of God) which penetrates to the depth of the soul and spirit… My beloved it is time to be one of those true worshipers, who worship God in spirit and truth.

Parish Board of Deacons Elections Dioceses of Melbourne Sunday 3RD July 2022 ‫أنتخابات مجالس شمامسة الكنائس‬ ‫أيبارشية ملبورن‬ ٢٠٢٢ ‫ يولية‬٣ ‫األحد‬

The Parish Board of Deacons is a group of servants elected by the congregation to assist the priests and the congregation with their services. They play an important and vital role in the life of the parish, taking on the role of governance and management of the parish affairs. People called to this ministry contribute significantly to the wellbeing and growth of the parish. It is one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit St Paul mentions in 1 Corinthians 12:28. Under the Diocese Parish Constitution, the normal 3-cycle for the Parish Board of Deacons will commence starting on lSt May with the elections on the 3RD of July 2022. The Parish Board of Deacons consist of Six elected members and 1 co-opted member. Two of the members must be less than 35-years of aged. To nominate for the parish Board of Deacons, you must be an ordained Deacon at the rank of epsaltos and above, a person of good character, in good standing with the church and older than 21 years of age. Commencing lSt of May 2022, nominations forms for the Board of Deacons will be available. The Nominee and six other members of the parish must sign the nomination form and deliver them to the Senior Parish Priest. The Preliminary List of Candidates will be published on 29Th May 2022 and members of the community have 14 days to raise concerns regarding any candidates to Rev Fr Paul Awad, the Diocese Returning Officer. The Final List of Candidates will be Published on Sunday 19Th June 2022 with the elections held on Sunday, 3Rd July 2022 following the last Liturgy. Member of the parish, who regularly attend that parish and are 18 year or older are eligible to vote. Sunday, 1 May 2022 Sunday, 22 May 2022 Sunday, 29 May 2022 Sunday, 12 June 2022 Sunday, 19 June 2022 Sunday, 3 July 2022

Nominations Open Nominations Close 5:00PM List of Preliminary Nominees published Objections to nominees Close Final List of Candidates Published Parish Board of Deacons Elections

From Resurrection to Pentecost – by H G Bishop Youssef - Continued 4. Christ the Light of the world (John 12:46) “He who walks in darkness does not know where he is going” (John 12:35). In the midst of the dark wilderness the Israelites needed light to find their way out. God, in His divine mercy provided them with a pillar of fire (Exodus 13:21) that went constantly before them. Without that pillar it would have been impossible for them to survive. Similarly and symbolically we, the sons of the Resurrection, in order for us to know the direction in the wilderness of our life on earth, and how to reach our goal which is Heaven, we need to walk in the light of the Resurrected Jesus Christ and His divine Word. Our Lord called Himself and us the light of the world thus putting us on the same footing with Him. This is to be understood better when we remind ourselves of the unity that we have with Him, this unity being achievable only through having Him as the center of our life. One of the early Fathers described this unity by saying that Jesus Christ is the Sun, the source of righteousness and light. We are the moon which, being in itself with no light, derives its source of light from Him and in turn reflects this light to the earth. If the earth comes between the sun and the moon, this light is eclipsed and stops being reflected. That is how it is when the worldly desires come between Christ, the Sun of righteousness and us who are to reflect His light to the world; we then become dim and useless to the earth. That is why it is important that we keep the love of the world out of our hearts in order for us to continue reflecting the light of Jesus Christ to the world. Our church, in its insightful thinking, has arranged a ritual called The Bathing Prayer to be administered by the priest to newly born babies. The priest prays over water to which salt and oil have been added in compliance with our Lords words You are salt to the earth and light to the world, signifying the importance of an early realization of who we are and what our role is here on earth. A man walking in darkness is very much similar to a blind man. That is why St. John reiterates the prophet Isaiah’s words “Lord, who has believed our report? And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed? Therefore they could not believe, because Isaiah said again: He has blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts, lest they should see with their eyes, lest they should understand with their hearts and turn, So that I should heal them” (John 12:38-40). The blindness that this verse refers to is actually the resultant outcome of having refused to obey His Word. God never imposes Himself. As St. Augustine says God who created you without you will not save you without you. The first step to walk in light is to have the will to do so. Gods Word to the Israelites in Deuteronomy, “I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live” (Deuteronomy 30:19). The difference between the will and the ability is like the difference between night and day. God appreciates weak ability more than a weak will since

He can function within the first but not the second. St. Paul describes the status of unwilling people as “God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting” (Romans 1:28) which is scary. That is why a blind man with an enlightened spirit is luckier than a man with natural sight but suffering from spiritual blindness manifested in stubbornness and lack of repentance. St. Anthony described this condition best in his words to St. Didymos the blind by telling him do not grieve, my brother, because you lost the eyes that you share with all creatures, human and non-human. Rather, rejoice, because you have the enlightenment of your heart by which you can search the depth of God. The Lord Jesus Christ is the Word of God, the Logos. It follows that the light of the world is also the Word of God. The best person to attest to that is David the Psalmist who pictured his love for the Word of God by saying “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path!” (Psalms 119:105), hence he became educated in and by the word of God and could boldly say “I understand more than the ancients, because I keep Your precepts” (Psalms 119:100). 5. Christ the Way to life (John 14:6) Our Lord Jesus Christ is the only way to the Father. “No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6). In Christ, the only Begotten Son, we become children of God the Father; and in Him we can inherit the Kingdom of God. This is the readings and the theme of the fifth week before the descent of the Holy Spirit. In order for us to reach the Father, we have to become sons to the Father. The only way to achieve this sonship is through unity with His Son Jesus Christ who is the real Son of God who has raised us to the status of adopted sons to God the Father. St. Paul says, “if children, then heirs--heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ” (Romans 8:17). Unity with the Lord Jesus Christ has not only adopted us to the Father but also made us inheritors in the Kingdom of God. This unity with Christ is achieved by the Holy Spirit through His work in the mysteries of the Church.It is important for us to understand our relation with the Holy Trinity which can be explained as follows: we are children to the Father in His Son Jesus Christ through the work of the Holy Spirit in the church and its Holy mysteries. For example, during the Divine Liturgy, the Holy Spirit changes the bread and wine into the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. When we receive Holy Communion, we unite with Christ. In the same manner, in baptism, the Holy Spirit sanctifies the water of baptism so that when we get baptized in it we receive the new life in Jesus Christ “For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ” (Galatians 3:27). These are two examples of how the Holy Spirit, through the church Mysteries, unites us with Christ.After this unity we can boldly pray calling God our Father. In the past only baptized believers were allowed to pray this prayer after having received the sonship from the Holy Spirit through the church Mysteries.

Fr Daoud Lamei with VCE Students at St Mary’s Coptic College Monday 9th May

Fr Daoud Lamei with the Diocese Priests Convention

Voulanteers Required for St Mary’s Church For making Ourban, Cleaning, Kitchen and Maintenance ‫مطلوب متطوعين لعمل القربان وألعمال النظافة والمطبخ والصيانة بكنيسة العذراء مريم‬ ‫ فؤاد حبشى‬/‫الرجاء األتصال بالسيد‬ Please contact Fouad Habashy 0404886346

Blessed Baptism Babpy Sophia daughter of Matthew & Mariam Younan Saturday 7th May 2022 St Mary’s Church

Blessed Marriage Timothy Varrasso & Sandra Hennis St Mary’s Church Saturday 7th May 2022

Demolishing Old Buildings started on Thursday 28th April

Construction of New Buildings started Thursday 28th April

The new Building is expected to be ready within 12 months. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downladed from church website.

Cost of building works is around $12,000000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreaciated. ‫ أبريل‬٢٨ ‫أعمال اإلنشاءات بدات يوم الخميس‬ ‫ خدمات الكنيسة تتم حسب المعتاد‬.‫ شهرا‬١٢ ‫ من المتوقع األنتهاء من المشروع خالل‬. .‫حسب الجدول الموضح داخل النشرة‬ .‫ مليون دوالرا‬١٢ ‫تبلغ تكلفة المشروع حوالى‬ ‫ينكنك المشاركة بتبرع شهرى بملء أستمارة السحب البنكى الموجودة بالكنيسة أو طبعها‬ ‫من خالل مركز الكنيسة األلكترونى‬ ‫الرب يبارك تبرعاتكم ومساهمتكم فى هذا العمل‬ Donations to St Mary›s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link ‫للتبرعات لكنيسة العذراء مريم ومشروع المبانى أضغط على الرابط‬ https://www.stmc.org.au/donate (Copy & Paste on Web Browser) Special Thanks for all who keep working tirelessly for the success of this project. May the Lord reward them all and bless all their works

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