Weekly Bulletin 16th June 2024

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Services at St Mary’s Church


Mass 9 - 11 am


Liturgy 5:30 - 7am

7:30pm The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages

Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am

6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults


Mass 9 - 11 am - English

English Midnight Praises 7:30pm

English Bible Study 7:30pm

Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am

Youth 25 and above 7-9pm

Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm

Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am

Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm

Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm


Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:307pm

Scouts 1:30 - 3pm

School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm


1st Mass 6:30 - 8:30 Arabic & English

2nd Mass.8:30 - 10:30 English - St

Mary’s Church

3rd Mass 8:30 - 10:30 Arabic - St

John’s Chrysostom Church

Hymns Class - English 11:4512:30pm

Church Priests:

Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251

Email: frtadros@me.com

Fr Habib Girgis Younan: 0401238177 – 94498871

Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail. com

Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821

Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au

Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kensington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651

Fr Kerillos Tawadros 0411 518 399

Fr John Makary 0433 445 636

:ءارذعلا ةسينكب ةمدخلا ديعاوم :نينثلأا احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا احابص 7 - 5:30 :يهللإا سادقلا :ءاثلاثلا )يزيلجنا( ىاو اذ - يزيلجنلإاب رابكلل عامتجأ ءاسم 7:30 احابص ١١ – ٩ يهللإا سادقلا :ءاعبرلأا :سيمخلا يزيلجنا - احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - ليللا فصن ةحبست ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - سدقملا باتكلا سرد احابص ١١ – ٩ يهللإا سادقلا :ةعمجلا رثكأف ةنس 25 بابشلا ءاسم ٩ – 7 - ةمدخلا دادعإ عامتجأ ءاسم 8:30 - 7 يزيلجنا احابص ١١ – 8,30 يهللإا سادقلا:تبسلا 5,30 – 4 دحلأا سرادم ءاسم 8:30 –7 بابشلا عامتجاو ةيشعلا يزيلجنا يبرع ءاسم 7 - 5:30 باتك سردو ةيشعلا :دحلأا يبرع ص 8:30 - ٦:30 لولأا سادقلا يزيلجناو يزيلجنإ – ص ١0:30 - 8:30يناثلا سادقلا ميرم ءارذعلا ةسيدقلا ةسينك يبرع ص ١0:30 – 8:30 ثلاثلا سادقلا بهذلا مف انحوي سيدقلا ةسينك ءاسم ١2:30 - ١١:45 يزيلجنا - ناحلأ لصف :ةسينكلاب ةنهكلا ءابلأا ميبوراش سردات صمقلا بلأا 0414251251 Email: frtadros@me.com :نانوي سجرج بيبح سقلا بلأا 94498871 - 0401238177 Email: habibgirgisyounan@ hotmail.com 0422431821 :بيلص لكيام سقلا بلأا Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Epsom Rd, 3031:ةسينكلا ناونع :نوفيلت 5 Kensington Vic 93766651 سورضوات سلريك سقلا بلأا 0411518399 يراكم نوج سقلا بلأا 0433445636

The Martyrdom of St. Dabamon.

17th June - 10th Baouna

On this day, St. Dabamon, was martyred. A man named “Warshenoufa” (Ouarshenoufa( was called upon to be a bishop, but he fled to “kahmoun” (Tahmoun(, diocese of Bana. There, he found a lodging with two brothers called Dabamon (Eudaeman( and Bastamon (Episteman(. That night, the angel of the Lord appeared to him and said, “Why are you asleep while the fight is on, and the crowns are prepared? Arise and go to the governor and confess Christ to receive the crown of martyrdom.” When he rose up, he told the two brothers about his vision. They all agreed to receiving the crowns. They went to the governor and professed the Name of the Lord Christ before him. The Governor tortured them, and put them in prison. Then, he took them with him from Benchileel to Sanhour. He asked them to raise incense for the idols, but they refused. The Governor tortured them again and the Lord sent his angel to comfort them.

Then he took them to Sa, where the priest of the idols told the governor that a woman named Dabamon from Degwah had cursed the gods. She was a righteous and charitable woman who had a daughter named Youna. They weaved fabrics and painted beautiful drawings on them. They sold it and gave whatever was left as alms. The governor sent an executioner named Eulogi. When he saw her righteousness and her good nature, he refrained from killing her, and took her with him to the governor. There she met St. Warshenoufa and his two companions. The governor tortured her excessively and ordered to squeeze her with the press. The Lord strengthened her and raised her whole again. Meanwhile, Eulogi, the executioner that brought her, professed the Lord Christ. He was beheaded, and received the crown of martyrdom. The governor also ordered Dabamon to be beheaded outside the city. They took her out, and the women were around her weeping, but she was rejoicing. They cut her head off and she received the crown of martyrdom. May her prayers be with us. Amen.

The Martyrdom of St. Claudius. 18 June - 11th Baouna

On this day, the honorable St. Claudius, was martyred. He was the son of Ptolemy (Abtelmawos(, who was Emperor Numerianus’ (1( brother. He was loved by the people of Antioch for his courage and good appearance. Because they loved him so greatly, they painted a picture of him on the doors of the city of Antioch.

When Diocletian reneged the faith and incited the persecution against the Christians, this Saint agreed with St. Boctor (Victor( Ebn Romanus to be martyred for the sake of the Name of Christ.

Satan appeared to them in the form of an old man and told them, “O my sons, you are young men, the sons of nobility, and I am afraid for you from this infidel Emperor; so if he asked you to worship the idols, accept his command, and in your houses you can worship Christ in secret.” They realized that he was satan disguised as an old man and told him, “O

فايسلاو نوماباد سيدقلا داهشتسا ةنوؤب ١٠ - ةينوي ١٧ ةسيدقلا تدهشتسا مويلا اذه لثم في اناسنأ نأ كلذو ، هيفوص اهمأو نوماباد ةيفقسلأل بلط دق ةفونشرو يعدي ، انب سيرك نم نومحط لىإ برهف نوماطصب نايعدي ناوخأ هفاضتساف كلام هل رهظ ةليللا كلت فيو . نومابادو مئاق داهجلاو مئان تنأ اذالم لائاق برلا لياولا لىإ قلطنا مق ةدعم ليلاكلأاو ةداهشلا ليلكإ لانتل حيسلماب فترعاو نيوخلأا ليع ايؤرلا صق ظقيتسا المو . ليلكلإا لاون ليع اعيمج اوقفتاف . مساب همامأ اوفترعاو لياولا لىإ اوبهذو في مهاقلأو مهبذعف . حيسلما ديسلا لىإ ليلشنب نم هعم مهذخأ مث نجسلا ناثولأل يرخبتلا مهيلع ضرعو روهنس هكلام لسري برلا ناكو مهبذعف ، اوبأف اص لىإ مهب هجوت كانه نمو . مهيزعي ةأرما نع مانصلأا ةنهك هملعأ ثيح بست نوماباد يعدت ةوجد ةيحانب ةنسحم ةحلاص ةأرما تناك هذهو ةهللآا ناجسنت اتناكو انوي يعدت ةنبا اهلو ةليمجلا موسرلا اهيلع نماسرتو ةشمقلأا لسرأف . ماهنع لضفي ابم ناقدصتتو . اذهو . يجولوأ يعدي افايس لياولا اهيلإ لماجو ةيرسلا نسح اهنم يأر اذإ هعم اهذخأو اهلتق نع عنتمأ . عابطلا سيدقلاب تلباقت كانهو لياولا لىإ ايرثك لياولا اهبذعف . هاقيفرو ةفونشرو برلا ناكو ةصرعلماب اهصرعب رمأو كلذ ءانثأ فيو . ةحيحص اهديعيو اهيوقي دق ناك يذلا فايسلا – يجولوأ فترعا هسأر اوعطقف حيسلما ديسلاب – اهضرحأ نأ لياولا رمأ دقو . ةداهشلا ليلكإ لانو اهب اوجرخف ةنيدلما جراخ اهتبقر عطقت تناكف يه امأ تايكاب اهلوح ءاسنلاو تلانو اهسأر اوعطقف ةروسرم ةحرف ةداهشلا ليلكإ ينمآ . انعم نوكت اهتلاص سويدلاقا سيدقلا داهشتسا ةنوؤب ١١ - ةينوي ١٨ سيدقلا دهشتسا مويلا اذه لثم في يخأ سومالطبأ نب سويدولقأ ليلجلا وه سويراموذ نبا( سويرامون كللما هتيرس تدرو دقو ، سطسي ديهشلا .) يرشمأ رهش نم شراعلا مويلا تحت ةيكاطنإ لهأ عيمج نم ابوبحم ناك هل مهتبحلمو هتعاجشو هتروص نسحل باب ليع اهوقلعو ةروص هل اولمع سونايدلقد رفك المو ةيكاطنإ ةنيدم اذه قفتا ينيحيسلما ليع داهطضلاا راثأو سونامور نب رطقب سيدقلا عم سيدقلا

you who are filled with all evil, go away from us.” Straightway the old man changed his appearance and became like a black slave and told them, “Behold, I will go before you to the Emperor and instigate him to shed your blood.” he Emperor brought St. Claudius and proposed to him the worship of the idols, and promised to give him his father’s position. Claudius neither accepted his promise, nor submitted to his order. He spoke to him boldly and fearlessly reviling him for worshipping the idols. The Emperor did not dare to harm him for the people of Antioch loved him. Romanus, St. Victor’s father, advised the Emperor to send him to Egypt to be killed there. He sent him with a letter to the Governor of Ansena (Antinoe( stating in it: “Claudius neither obeyed our orders, nor hearkened our words. Persuade him with all your power first, and if he does not return on his counsel, cut off his head.”

When the Saint heard that, he called Sidrakhos, his sister’s husband, asked him to care for his sister, his possessions and bid him farewell. The Saint went with the soldiers to Egypt. When he arrived to Arianus, the governor of Ansena, he received him standing, kissed his hand, and said, “O my master Claudius, do not transgress the command of the Emperor.” The Saint replied, “I was not sent to you for you to lead me astray by your words, but that you might fulfil what the emperor commanded.” They argued with each other till Arianus became enraged with the answers of the Saint, and he drove the spear into the Saint. He delivered up his pure spirit and received the crown of martyrdom. Some of the believers, took his body and shrouded it. They placed it with the body of St. Victor who was martyred shortly before that. After the end of the time of persecution, Victor’s mother came, and took their bodies to Antioch.

May their prayers be with us. Amen.

The Commemoration of Archangel Michael. 19th June - 12th Baouna

On this day, the church celebrates the commemoration of the honorable Archangel Michael, intercessor of the human race.

The one who appeared to Joshua the son of Nun, encouraged him, and told him, “Nay, but as captain of the hosts of the Lord am I now come.” He made the city of Jericho to fall into his hands, and he stopped the sun for him.

May his intercession be with us. Amen.

The pagans in Alexandria worshipped the idol Zuhal, who had a statue and a temple, that was built by Cleopatra on the twelfth day of the month of Baounah.

During the reign of Emperor Constantine, Pope Alexandros preached to the people, explaining to them the error of worshipping the idols that do not move or reason, which are made by human hands, and the error of offering sacrifices to them. He changed the temple of this idol to a church in the name of Michael the Archangel, and destroyed that statue. He asked them to distribute these sacrifices to the poor that Christ had called His brothers, to receive the intercession of the angel Michael. This church was called, at that time, the church of El-Kaisariah.

It was said also that this feast was taken after the Ancient Egyptians. They believed that the flood of the Nile started on

حيسلما مسا لجأ نم داهشتسلاا ليع لاقو خيش هبش في ناطيشلا ماهل رهظف دعب بابشلا نس في ماتنأ يدلو اي : ماهل نم ماكيلع فاخأو رباكلأا هدلاوأ نمو ، ادجسا ماكل لاق ناف . رفاكلا كللما اذه نأ ماكنكيم ماكلزنم فيو . هاقفاوف ناثولأل لىإ نانثلاا نطفف . ةيفخ حيسلما ادبعت ائلتمم اي هل لااقو خيش يز في ناطيش هنأ لدبت تقوللو . انع بهذا شر لك نم : ماهل لاقو دوسأ دبعك راصو هصخش ليع هضرحأو كللما لىإ ماكقبسأ انأ اذوه . ماكمد كفس سويدولقأ سيدقلا كللما ضرحتساو نأ هدعوو ناثولأا ةدابع هيلع ضرعو لىإ تفتلي ملف . هيبأ ناكم هلعجي هايإ اخبوم ةأرج لكب هبطاخو هدوعو ليع كللما سرجي ملف ناثولأا هتدابع ليع راشأف هل ينيكاطنلاا ةبحلم ىذأب هسيم نأ رطقب سيدقلا دلاو ريزولا سنامور هيلع هلسرأف كانه لتقيل صرم لىإ هلاسرإب هل لوقي انصنأ لياو لىإ باتكب ابوحصم لاو انرملآ عضخي لم سويدولقأ نا هيف ناف لاوأ كدهج لكب هفطلاف انلوقل نعذأ . هسأر عطقاف هيأر نع عجري لم يعدتسا كلذب سيدقلا ملع مالف هلام ليع هاصوأو هتخأ جوز سخيردص المو . صرم لىإ دنجلا عم ضيمو هعدو مث افقاو هلبقتسا انصنأ لياو انايرأ لىإ لصو سويدولقأ يديس اي : لائاق هيدي لبقو لم سيدقلا هباجأف كللما رمأ فلاخت لا متتل لب ، كملاكب ينيغطتل كيلإ لسرأ ينب نانثلاا لظو . كللما هب كرمأ ام ةبوجأ نم انايرأ ظاتغا نأ لىإ درو ذخأ حورلا ملساف هبرحب هنعطو سيدقلا نم موق تيأو . ةداهشلا ليلكإ لانو هوعضوو هونفكو هدسج اوذخأو يننمؤلما دق ناك يذلا رطقب سيدقلا دسج عم ضيقنا ىتح ليلقب كلذ لبق دهشتسا لىإ ماهتذخأو رطقب مأ تتأف داهطضلاا . ةيكاطنإ ينمآ . انعم نوكت ماهتلاص ليئاخيم ليلجلا ةكئلالما سيئر ديع ةنوؤب ١2 - ةينوي ١9 ةسينكلا لفتحت مويلا اذه لثم فى ليلجلا كلالما ءماسلا دنج سيئر راكذتب يذلا شربلا سنج في عيفشلا ليئاخيم سيئر انأ « هل لاقو نون نب عوشيل رهظ ةقلماعلا مطحو هدضعو . « هللا دنج هل فقوأو هدي في احيرأ ةنيدم طقسأو ينمأ . انعم نوكت هتعافش .سمشلا نودبعي ةيردنكسلإاب نوينثولا ناك هتنب يذلا لاثمتلا بحاص لحز منصلا رهش نم شرع نياثلا مويلا في ارتابويلك

the eve of the twelfth of the month of Baounah by “the coming down of the drop.” That is to say, the tear of “Isis,” the goddess of fertility and motherhood. The tear that she shed grieving for her husband “Osiris,” the god of agriculture and abundance, who was killed by “Typhon” the god of evil. This feast was replaced in Christianity by the feast of Michael the Archangel (Tareekh El-Omah El-koptiah(.

The Departure of St. Euphemia. This day also, marks the martyrdom of St. Euphemia. She was the wife of a man who feared God, and gave much alms. He kept three festivals each month: the commemoration of the angel Michael, on the twelfth day(1(; the commemoration of the Mother of God (Theotokos(, on the twenty-first day; and the commemoration of the Nativity of our Lord, on the twenty-ninth day of each month. When the day of his departure drew near, he commanded his wife, to keep this custom, to not stop the giving of alms, and to do the acts of charity especially on these three festivals. He painted a picture of the honorable angel Michael and gave it to her. After the departure of her husband, she continued to fulfill his will. Satan was jealous of her, and he came to her disguised as a monk, who talked to her expressing his pity for her. He advised her to get married, to bring forth children, and to refrain from doing charitable deeds lest she finish her money. He told her also that her husband had received the Kingdom and he had no need of the alms giving. She answered saying, “I have vowed not to consort with another man after my husband.” She went on saying, “If birds as the doves and the ravens do not take second mates, how then can men who are created in the form and likeness of God do this?” The devil left her angry. When the feast of the Angel had come, and she had prepared all what she needed as her custom, Satan appeared to her in the form of an angel and said to her, “Peace be to you, the angel Michael has sent me to you, commanding you to cease from these alms, and to marry a believing man.” Then he told her, “A woman without a man is like a ship without a captain,” and he began to bring her proofs out of the Holy Bible in regard of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, and others like them who married wives and pleased God. She replied saying, “If you are an angel of God, where is the Cross, the symbol of your military service? For the soldier of the King never goes to any place without this symbol with him.” When Satan heard these words from her, he returned to his original form, and jumped on her to choke her. She cried for the angel Michael, whose feast she was celebrating, and he delivered her immediately from him. The angel Michael told her, “Go and arrange your affairs, for you shall depart from this world today. And behold the Lord has prepared for you what eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, nor has it occurred to the heart of man,” then he gave her the greeting of peace, and went up into heaven.

After, St. Euphemia had celebrated the feast of the angel Michael, she sent for the father the bishop and the priests. She gave them all her money to give to the poor and the needy. Then, she took the Picture of the honorable angel Michael and prayed before it. She laid it upon her face and breast, then departed in

ذخأ ينطنطسق كللما مايأ فيو ، هنوؤب عيمجلا ظعو في سوردنسكلا ابابلا لا يتلا ناثولأا ةدابع أطخ مهل ارهظم حئابذلا ميدقت أطخو كرحتت لاو لقعت لىإ منصلا اذه لكيه لوح مث . اهل نأ دعب ليئاخيم كلالما مساب ةسينك اوحبذي نأ مهنم بلطو لاثمتلا مطح ليع اهوعزويو يحلا هلل حئابذلا ىتح هتوخأ مهاعد نيذلا ءارقفلا ليئاخيم كلالما ةعافش كلذب اوبسكي ذئتقو يمست ةسينكلا هذه تناكو . طوطخم نع( ةيراسيقلا ةسينكب . )موكلا ينبشب نع ذخأ اضيأ ديعلا اذه نا ليق دقو نودقتعي اوناك نيذلا ءامدقلا ينيصرلما ةيناثلا ةليللا في ئدتبت لينلا ةدايز نأ ) ةطقنلا لوزن ( ةنوؤب رهش نم ةشرع ءمانلاو بصخلا ةهلآ سيزيإ ةعمد يأ ليع انزح اهتقارأ يتلا ةعمدلا يهو هلتق يذلا يرخلا هلا سيريزوا « اهجوز شرلا هلا « نوفيت « ةيحيسلما في ديعلا اذه لدبتسا دقو خيرات( ليئاخيم ةكئلالما سيئر ديعب ) ةيطبقلا ةملأا ائماد دجلما انبرلو . انعم نوكت هتعافش ينمآ . ةيموفوا ةسيدقلا ةحاين ةسيدقلا تحينت مويلا اذه لثم فى يقتي لجرل ةجوز تناكو ةيميفوأ متهي ناكو .ةيرثك تاقدص لمعيو هللا كلالما راكذت يهو رهش لك دايعأ ةثلاثب ةدلاو راكذتو ، شرع نياثلا في ليئاخيم راكذتو ، نيشرعلاو يداحلا في هللإا . نيشرعلاو عساتلا في ديجلما دلايلما هتجوز صيوأ هتافو ةعاس تند المو لمع عطقت لا نأو ةداعلا هذه ظفحب ةثلاثلا دايعلأا في اصوصخ تاقدصلا ، ليئاخيم كلالما ةروص تضرحأف ذيفنت ليع ترباث اهجوز ةافو دعبو في اهاتأو ناطيشلا اهدسحف ، هتيصو دكؤيو اهثدحي لعجو ، بهار لكش نأ اهيلع راشأ مث اهيلع قفشم هنأ اهل لمع نع فكت ناو ادلاوأ قزترل جوزتت نا اهل لاقو اهلام ذفني لائل تاقدصلا لىإ جاتحي لاف توكللما لان دق كجوز عم تعطق يننأ ةلئاق هتباجأف ةقدص دعب لجرب قصتلا لا نأب ادهع سيفن رويطلا تناك اذإ اهلوقب تدازو يجوز رخآ اركذ فرعت لا نابرغلاو ممايلاك اوقلخ نيذلا شربلاب ليوأف . لولأا دعب ، اذكه اونوكي نأ هلاثمو هللا ةروص في . ابضاغ ناطيشلا اهكترف تزهج دقو كلالما ديع موي تيأ المو


May his intercession be with us and Glory be to God forever. Amen.

The Commemoration of the Archangel Gabriel, the Announcer of Daniel the Prophet.

20th June - 13th Baouna

On this day also, the church in Egypt celebrates a feast for the honorable angel Gabriel. The angel Gabriel announced Daniel with the return of the children of Israel from captivity, the coming of the Lord Christ, the time of His coming, that He would be killed, the destruction of Jerusalem, and that no other Messiah would come after Him except the anti-Christ. This angel is the one who announced to Zachariah the birth of John, and six months later, he came with the glad tidings of the salvation of the world when he announced to the Virgin Mary saying, “And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name JESUS. He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest; ... And He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of His kingdom there will be no end.” (Luke 1:31-33( Therefore, our church has arranged this feast to venerate this honorable angel. May his intercession be with us and Glory be to God forever. Amen.

The Martyrdom of Sts. Apakir, John, Ptolemy and Philip.


June - 14th Baouna

On this day also, Sts. Apakir, John, Ptolemy and Philip, were martyred. St. Apakir was born in the city of Damanhur, and had a rich brother called Philip. They had agreed with two priests, one called John and the other called Ptolemy, to receive the crown of martyrdom. They went to the city of Kartsa (Kartes(, and confessed the name of the Lord Christ before the Governor. The governor ordered to shoot them to death with arrows, but the arrows did not touch them. They were then cast into red hot fire, but the angel of the lord delivered them from it. Then the governor commanded to tie them to the tails of horses, and to drag them from Kartes to the city of Damanhur, but the Lord guarded them from any harm. The governor commanded that their heads be cut off outside the city of Damanhur. They received the crown of martyrdom. People from the city of Sa came and took the body of St. Apakir, built for him a church, and laid his body inside it. Many signs and wonders took place through him. The people of Damanhur came and took the bodies of John, Ptolemy, and Philip, wrapped them in expensive shrouds and buried them there. May their prayers be with us and Glory be to God forever. Amen.

كلام يز في ناطيشلا اهل رهظ اهتداعك مزلي ام لك اهيلإ هلسرأ ليئاخيم كلالما نا لائاق ملاسلا اهاطعأو مث نمؤم لجرب جوزتتو تاقدصلا كترت نأ اهرمأي سيئر يرغب ةنيفسك لجر نودب ةأرما نا اهل لاق ميهاربإ نع ةلدأ سدقلما باتكلا نم اهل دروي راصو اوجوزت نمم مهيرغو دوادو بوقعيو قحساو نيأف هللا كلام تنك نا ةلئاق هتباجأف هللا اوضرأو جرخي لا كللما يدنج نلا كتيدنج ةملاع بيلصلا اهنم عمس مالف . ةملاعلا هذه هعمو لاإ ناكم لىإ ديري اهيلع بثوو لولأا هلكش لىإ داع ملاكلا اذه ديعلا بحاص ليئاخيم كلالماب تثاغتساف . اهقنخ كنلأ كرومأ يبتر ايه اهل لاق مث لاحلا في اهصلخف كل دعا دقو لماعلا اذه نم ينلقتنت مويلا اذه في رطخي لمو نذأ هب تعمس لاو ينع هرت لم ام برلا امأ ءماسلا لىإ دعصو ملاسلا اهاطعأو شرب بلق ليع بلأا اهيلإ تعدتسا ديعلا ءاهتنا دعب اهنأف ةسيدقلا ليع اهعيزوتل اهلاومأ مهل تملسو ةنهكلاو فقسلأا ينمآ انعم نوكت اهتلاص ملاسب تحينت مث ينجاتحلما »لايبرغ« ليئابرج ليلجلا ةكئلالما سيئر راكذت ةنوؤب ١3 - ةينوي 2٠ ديعت نأ ةيصرلما رايدلاب ةداعلا ترج مويلا اذه في عوجرب لايناد شرب يذلا ليئابرج ليلجلا كلاملل هئيجم تقوو حيسلما ديسلا ءيجبمو ليئاسرإ ينب ةنيدم كلذ دعب برختو لتقي هنأب هملعأ ماك . اذهو باذكلا حيسلما لاإ هدعب تيأي لاو ميلشروأ ةتس دعبو انحوي ةدلاوب ايركز شرب يذلا وه كلالما ءارذعلا شرب امدنع لماعلل صلاخلا ةراشبب تيأ رهشأ هنيمستو انبأ نيدلتو ينلبحتس تنأ اه « لائاق كليمو يعدي ليعلا نباو مايظع نوكي اذه عوسي 3١ : ١ ول( »ةياهن هكللم نوكي لاو بوقعي تيب ليع اذهل ايمركت ديعلا اذه انتسينك تبتر اذهلو ) 33 –. ليلجلا كلالما ينمآ . ائماد دجلما انبرلو . انعم نوكت هتعافش سومالطباو انحوي هيقيفرو يركابا سيدقلا داهشتسا ةنوؤب ١٤ - ةينوي 2١ انحويو يركابأ نوسيدقلا دهشتسا مويلا اذه لثم في يركابأ سيدقلا دلو دقو . سبليفو سومالطبأو هل ناكو لينلا رهن بيرغ يرص وبأ سيرك نم روهنمدب ينسق عم قفتا دق اذه ناكو سبليف يمسي ينغ خأ اوعمتجاو سومالطبأ رخلأاو انحوي همسا ماهدحأ اوبهذف ةداهشلا ليلكإ لين ليع مهيأر اوعمجأو اعم رمأف ، حيسلما ديسلاب لياولا مامأ اوفترعاو اسطرق لىإ مهحرط مث . مهنم ندت ملف ماهسلاب مهومري نأ رمأف . اهنم برلا كلام مهصلخف ةلعتشم ران في روهنمد لىإ اسطرق نم ليخلا بانذأ في اوطبري نأ عطقب لياولا رمأ مث ،ىذآ نود مهظفح برلا نكلو ةداهشلا ليلكإ اولانف روهنمد ةنيدم جراخ مهسوؤر اونبو يركابأ سيدقلا دسج اوذخأو اص نم موق تيأو لهأ مهذخأ دقف نورخلآا ةثلاثلا امأ ةسينك هيلع . كانه مهونفدو ةنيثم نافكأب مهونفكو روهنمد ينمآ . ائماد دجلما انبرلو . انعم نوكت مهتلاص

Reflections on the Gospel of the Mass

Sixth Sunday of Holy Pentecostal Sundays

John 16:23 - 33

“Seek, and receive, that your joy may be complete”

John 16:24

Here we present a brief explanation of this chapter of the Bible taken from the sayings of St. Augustine. + John 16:23:

The words that the Lord said to his disciples: ‘A Little while, and you will not see me and again a little while you will see me’ (v.16( were vague and difficult for the disciples. Therefore, they asked each other what little He was saying about him. We don’t know what he’s talking about. Making it even harder for them and perhaps saddening them so much, he told them that I am going to my Father and that you will see me no more (v.10(. And of course what was mysterious to the students at that time has become very clear to us now. Shortly after the Lord had spoken to His disciples, the Lord accepted the suffering of the cross and disappeared from His disciples for a short period (three days( and rose from the dead and saw Him again. But for a little while too. Then he went up to the father and they did not see him after that. “And here is what is meant by the word “don’t see me either”. meaning “never see me later” in my form as a body that is capable of death. “But surely they saw him in the glorified body that triumphed over death. In this way, too, we understand what the Lord meant by saying to His disciples, “You will weep and mourn, and the world will rejoice. You will be sad, but your sadness will turn into joy. You are now in sadness. But I will also see you and your hearts will be happy and no one will take away your joy from you. “They grieve because of the Lord’s death, crucifixion, and suffering. But immediately after this, they were filled with joy at His resurrection from the dead. The word “world” here refers to the enemies who persecuted and crucified him. The world here is the evil one and everyone who befriends him, according to the words of the Apostle Saint James, “Friendship with the world is enmity of God” (James 4:4(. For the love of the world has become enmity towards God, reaching in its violence the offering of the only begotten Son to the crucifixion. The Lord compares the suffering and sorrow of His disciples to that of the woman who gives birth (v.21(. And this is a kind of sadness that leads to joy. Because it ends with the birth of a human being. And this birth is the resurrection of the Lord from the dead, and it is the birth of all humanity in His person. And it is a

سادقلا ليجنا فى تلامأت ةسدقلما ينسماخلا داحآ نم سداسلا دحلأا ٣٣ -٢٣: ١٦ وي انحوي »لاماك مكحرف نوكيل اوذخأت اوبلطأ« ٢4 :١٦ نم لصفلا ذهل اصرتخم احشر انه مدقن سيدقلا لاوقأ نم اذوخأم سدقلما باتكلا سونيطسغأ -: ٢٣ :١٦ انحوي + دعب « :هذيملاتل برلا اهلاق يتلا تمالكلا « يننورت ليلق دعبو يننوصربت لا ليلق لىع مهفلا ةبعصو ةضماغ تناك )١٦ ع( وه ام مهنيب مايف اولءاست كلذلو ..ذيملاتلا اذابم ملعن انسل ..هنع لوقي يذلا ليلقلا اذه ابمرو مهيلع ةبوعص رملاا داز مامو ..ملكتي بىأ لىا بهاذ نىأ مهل لاق هنأ ادج مهتنزحأ ناك ام عبطلابو ..)١٠ ع( اضيأ يننورت لاو حبصأ تقولا كلذ في ذيملاتلا لىع اضماغ برلا ثيدح دعبف ..نلآا نحن انل ادج احضاو ملاآ برلا لبقت ةطيسب ةترفب هذيملات عم ةطيسب ةترفل هذيملات نع ىفتخاو بيلصلا ةرم هوأرو تاوملاا نم ماق مث )مايأ ةثلاث( دعص ..اضيأ ةطيسب ةترفل نكلو ..ىرخأ انهو ..كلذ دعب هوري لمو بلاا لىا اهدعب يننورت لا يأ ..اضيأ يننورت لا ةملكب دصقي لباق دسجلل سبلاك تيروص في ادبأ دعب مايف دسجلا في هوأر ديكأت لكب نكلو ..توملل ..تولما لىع صرتنلما دجملما هلوقب برلا هدصق ام مهفن اضيأ اذهبو لماعلاو نوحونتو نوكبتس مكنأ« هذيملاتل لوحتي مكنزح نكلو نونزحتس متنأ ..حرفي نكلو ..نزح في نلاا كلذك متنأ ..حرف لىا دحأ عزني لاو مكبولق حرفتف اضيأ مكارأس توم ببسب نونزحي مهف ..“ مكنم مكحرف ةشرابم اذه دعب نكلو ..هملاآو هبلصو برلا هملكو ..تاوملأا نم هتمايقب حرفلاب اولأتما نيذلا ءادعلأا لىا اهب يرشي انه »لماعلا« ريشرلا وه انه لماعلاو .. هوبلصو هودهطضأ بوقعي سيدقلا لوق بسح هقداصي نم لكو دقف لماعلل ابحم نوكي نأ دارأ نم« لوسرلا لماعلا ةبحمف ..)4:4 بوقعي( »هللل اودع راص لىا اهفنع في تلصو هللل ةوادع تراص دق ..بلصلل ديحولا نبلاا ميدقت ةأرلما ملاآب مهنزحو هذيملات ملاآ برلا نراقيو يذلا نزحلا نم عون اذهو ..)٢١ ع( دلت يتلا ..ناسنأ ةدلاوب يهتني هنلأ ..حرفلا لىا ىدؤي ..تاوملاا نم برلا ةمايق يه ةدلاولا هذهو يهو ..هصخش في اهلك ةيشربلا ةدلاو يهو

birth after which there is no death. Therefore, her joy is permanent. As the apostle Paul says, knowing that Christ, have being raised from the dead, dies no more. Death no longer has domination over him (Romans 6:9(. Here, too, we need more attention and depth to understand the words that followed, which are that which say, “And on that day you will no longer ask Me anything. “And the verb you ask me means not only asking with hope or urgency, but also interrogative. This is exactly what this verb means in its Greek origin from which this translation is taken. But does this mean that we should not ask for anything or inquire about something after the resurrection of the Lord from the dead? Of course, this is unbelievable and never happened, for after the resurrection of the Lord and before His ascension, His disciples asked, Lord, will You at this time restore the kingdom to Israel? (Acts 1:6(. St Stephen also begged him and asked him to receive his spirit at his martyrdom (Acts 7:59(. Of course, it is not reasonable that we can ask the Lord Jesus while he is in the dead body and we cannot ask him while he is in the risen body. Rather, what is meant is that we will understand everything by the action of the Holy Spirit who dwells in us. The spirit himself asks for us and intercedes for us. And so that we may have questions as perishing mortals. As survivors and faithful and standing with him from the dead. Thus, too, we can understand the preceding verses in a deeper sense when we understand that this little that he mentions in verse 16 is our earthly life. That is, the days of our estrangement on earth. It’s just a little bit in which we don’t see the Lord in the flesh. And soon it ends and we see Him and live with Him. And the time of the body is the time of sadness and pain, but it is like the sadness of the woman who is preparing for childbirth. It soon changes to joy. And this joy is a permanent joy because it is not followed by another death. Because we will be in a life of eternal joy in the heavens, never in which there is sorrow. We will never need anything. That this These words are Encouraging Promises for the Universal Church which The Lord assured her “ I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matthew 27:20(. And this whole time is just a little although it sounds a lot to us and maybe we may feel hardship while the world is around us rejoices but there is The truth is that we live in

حرف اهحرفف كلذلو ..توم اهدعب سيل ةدلاو حيسلما نأ ينلماع سلوب لوسرلا لوقي ماك ..مئاد دوسي لا ..اضيأ تويم لا تاوملاا نم ميقأ امدعب ..)٩ :٦ ةيمور( دعب تولما هيلع مهفنل ثركأ قمعتو مماتها لىا اضيأ انه جاتحنو اهيف لوقي يتلا يهو اذه تعبت يتلا تمالكلا لعفلاو ..»ائيش يننولأست لا مويلا كلذ فىو« لب حاحلإ وأ ءاجرب بلطلا طقف ىنعي لا يننولأست اذه هينعي ام اماتم اذهو ..ماهفتسلاا اضيأ ىنعي ..ةمجترلا هذه هنم ةذوخألما نيانويلا هلصأ في لعفلا ائيش بلطن نأ بجي لا اننأ اذه ىنعي له نكلو ..تاوملأا نم برلا ةمايق دعب ءشي نع سرفتسن وأ ةمايق دعبف دبأ ثدحي لمو لوقعم يرغ اذه عبطلاب اذه في له براي هذيملات هلأس هدوعص لبقو برلا اضيأو ..)٦ :١ عأ( ليئاسرأ لىا كللما درت تقولا لبقي نأ سونافتسأ سيدقلا هنم بلطو هاجرت سيل عبطلابو .. ) ٥٩ :٧ عأ( هداهشتسا دنع هحور عوسي برلا نم بلطن نأ عيطتسن اننأ لوقعلما نم هنم بلطن نأ عيطتسن لاو تئالما دسجلا في وهو مهفن فوس اننأ دوصقلما لب ..ماقلما دسجلا في وهو ..انيف لحي يذلا سدقلا حورلا لعفب ءشي لك انل نوكت كيلو ..انيف عفشيو انع بلطي هسفن حورلا هعم ينئماقو ينصلخمو ينجانك ..ينكلاه شربك ةلئسا تايلآا مهفن نًا عيطتسن اضيًا اذكهو ..تاوملاا نم ليلقلا اذه نأ مهفن امدنع قمعأ موهفبم ةقباسلا ..ةيضرلاا انتايح وه انمًا ١٦ ددع في هركذي يذلا ىرن لا ليلق درجم اهنًا ..ضرلاا لىع انتبرغ مايأ يأ شيعنو هارنو يهتني ام ناعسرو ..دسجلاب برلا هيف هنكلو لملااو نزحلا نامز وه دسجلا نامزو ..هعم لدبتي ام ناعسر ..ةدلاولل دعتست يتلا ةأرلما نزحك هعبتي لا هنلأ مئاد حرف وه حرفلا اذهو ..حرف لىا في مئاد حرف ة ايح في نوكن فوس اننلأ ..رخآ توم يأ لىا جاتحن نلو ..ادبأ نزح هيف سيل تاومسلا ..ادبأ ءشي ةسينكلل ةعجشم دوعو يه تمالكلا هذه نًا مايلاا لك مكعم انأ اه« برلا اهل دكأ يتلا ةعماجلا رهدلا اذهو ..)٢٠ :٢٨ ىتم( »رهدلا ءاضقنا لىاو انل ةبسنلاب يرثك ودبي هنًا مغرلاب ليلق درجم وه هلك نكلو حرفي انلوح لماعلا مانيب قيضلاب رعشن ابمرو حرفلا دعولا اذه ءاجر لىع شيعن اننأ ةقيقحلا في في نيرباص ..ءاجرلا في ينحرف « لوسرلا عم ينلئاق .. )١٢ :١٢ :ةيمور( « قيضلا بلآا نم متبلط ام لك نأ« انل برلا دكؤيو ديحولا طشرلا دجن انهو ..“ مكيطعي ىمسأب ضراعتت نًا ادبأ بجي لا انتابلط نا يأ ..يمسإب سيلو ..حيسلما مساب متت يتلا انصلاخ ةقيرط عم ..فورحلاب مسلاا ركذ درجم وه انه دوصقلما اضيًا مئادلا ئيادفلا صيلاخلا هلمع للاخ نم دوصقلما لب

the hope of this promise of joy, saying with the Apostle, “Rejoicing in hope patient in tribulation”


And the Lord assures us “that all that you asked of the Father in my Name He gives you “... And here we find the only condition

In my name. That is, our requests should never contradict the way we are saved in the name of Christ. Nor is it just that the name is mentioned just in letters. Rather, what is meant through his redemptive salvation work which is eternal forever. When we do not receive what we have asked for, we never think that the Lord has rejected our request, but in fact the time for receiving it has not yet come. Hence, we understand the word gives you. (And in the original translation: He will give you( and did not say give. He will give you. That is, to give to each individual according to his needs and what is suitable for him.

John 16:24: -

“Until now, you have not asked anything in My Name. Ask, and will receive, that your joy may be full.” This perfect joy is certainly not physical joy but spiritual joy. And this joy is so great that no other joy can be added to it. It is undoubtedly a complete joy. You don’t need any other joy with him from any kind. And this perfect joy is linked to the request in the name of Christ, who is truly for a blessed life. In fact, when we ask for something else, not through His Name. It’s as if we never asked for anything. When compared to something great, it pales as if it doesn’t exist. This corresponds to the Apostle’s saying, “If anyone thinks himself to be something when he is nothing, he deceives himself” (Galatians 6:3(. And here we must understand that “whatever you asked for” means absolutely anything. Rather, it means something that is nothing, in comparison to the life of blessing and grace in Christ. And we understand the words of the Lord, “Until now you have not asked for anything in my name.”. In two ways: you did not ask for anything in my name because you did not yet know it very well. Or because you asked for things that are worthless and are nothing next to the things you should ask. And therefore He says to them, “Ask, and you will receive, so that your joy may be complete.. that is, ask in my name, and you will receive what you want. He is very great and fills you with great and complete joy, with which you do not need any other joy.”

+ John 16 : 25 :-

“These things I have spoken to you in figurative language, but the time is coming when I no longer speak to you in figurative language.” The hour in question here must be understood as a future period of

نظن لا هانبلط ام لانن لا امدنعو ..دبلاا لىا نأ عقاولا في لب انبلط ضفر دق برلا نأ ادبا انه نمو ..دعب تيأي لم هلاونل بسانلما تقولا :ةمجترلا لصأ فىو( ..مكيطعي ةملك مهفن لب ..يطعي لقي لمو )مكيطعي فوس وه مابسح درف لكل ىطعي يأ ..مكيطعي ..هل حلاص وه امو هتاجايتحا عم بسانتي - : ٢4: ١٦ انحوي اوبلطا ..يمسإب ائيش اوبلطت لم نلاا لىا« ..»لاماك مكحرف نوكيل اوذخأت ايدسج احرف سيل لماكلا حرفلا اذه حرفلا اذهو ..يحور حرف هنكلو ديكأتلاب هفاضأ نكيم لا هنأ ةجردل ادج مايظع نوكي ..لماك حرف كش لاب وهف ..هيلا رخآ حرف يأ ..عون يأ نم رخآ حرف يأ لىا هعم جاتحت لا يذلا بلطلاب طبترم لماكلا حرفلا اذهو ةايح لجأ نم اقح وه يذلا حيسلما مساب ..ةكرابم سيلو رخآ ائيش بلطن امدنع ةقيقحلا فىو ائيش بلطن لم اننأكف ..همسأ للاخ نم وه ابم هتنراقم دنع ءشيلا اذهف ..ادبأ اذهو ..دوجوم يرغ هنأك ادج لءاضتي ميظع هنأ ادحأ نظ نا« لوسرلا لوق عم بسانتي ةيطلاغ(« هسفن شغي ائيش سيل وهو ءشي ..)٣ :٦ اهنأ »متبلط ام لك“ مهفن نأ بجي انهو ءشيلا ىنعت لب ..اقلطم ءشي يأ ىنعت ةكبرلا ةايحب ةنراقلماب ءشي لا وه سيل يذلا برلا لوق مهفنو ..حيسلما ديسلا في ةمعنلاو :ينتقيرطب ..»يمساب ائيش اوبلطت لم نلآا لىا« هوفرعت لم مكنلأ ىمسأب ائيش اوبلطت لم مكنأ ءايشأ متبلط مكنلأ وأ ..ةفرعلما قح دعب راوجب ءشي لا برتعت لب اهل ةميق لا برتعت لوقي اذلو ..اهوبلطت نأ يغبني يتلا ءايشلاا يأ ..لاماك مكحرف نوكيل اوذخأت اوبلطا مهل وهو ..نوديرت ام نوذخأتف يمسإب اولأسأ لا لماك ميظع حرفب مكلأيمو ادج ميظع ..رخآ حرف يأ لىا هعم نوجاتحت - : ٢٥ : ١٦ انحوي + لا ةعاس تىأت نكلو ..لاثمأب مكتملك دق « انه ةدوصقلما ةعاسلا ..»لاثمأب مكملكأ لوقي ةيلبقتسم ةترف اهنأ لىع مهفن نأ بجي اهجو ذئنيح نكل« سلوب يوابوطلا اهنع يه لاثمأب اهعمسن يتلا ءايشلااو ..»هجول في نلاا رظنن اننإف « لوسرلا اهنع لوقي ام ذئدنعو ..)١٢ :١٣ سوثنروك١( »زغل في ةآرم اقح هارن اننلأ ..»ةينلاع بلآا نع مكبرخأ« نبلاا هبغرو ةسربم نكلو ..نبلاا صخش في

which blessed Paul says, “but then face to face.” And the things that we hear in figurative language what the apostle says about, “For we now see in a mirror dimly” (1 Corinthians 13:12(. And then “I will tell you about the Father plainly”. for we truly see him in the person of the Son. But with the pleasure and desire of the Son, according to him also, “No one knows the Father except the Son and the one to whom the Son wills to reveal him” (Matthew 11:27(.

+ John 16:26:-

“And in that day, you will ask in my name” And what is it that we will ask on this day when we see the Father. Since we will never need anything. That is, even what you cannot think of or imagine. You can ask Him in the name of Christ even in that place where there is an abundance and abundance of everything. We can also understand that the Lord promised His disciples to move them from a state of physical understanding to a state of spiritual understanding. In the case of physical understanding, man understands spiritual things as if they were proverbs that he does not yet realize their essence and reality. And it does not taste its true taste. But when he turns to spiritual understanding, then he realizes the meaning of these things and obtains insight and inner enlightenment so that he sees clearly and openly and they become in need of nothing. They feel full joy and fullness. And through the name of Christ they receive and pray to what is indescribable and unspeakable.

+ John 16:27:-

“The Father himself loves you because you have loved Me.”

Did the Father’s love for us begin with our love for the Son?? That is, we are the cause of it??

The apostle himself answers in his letter, “And we love him because he first loved us (1John 4:19(. That is, his love is still previous. And this is the strange secret. The love of God is a gift from God. The Lord Himself has given us the grace to love Him. Who loved us when we didn’t love him. While we were angering him with our evil deeds, he loved us too. While we were not pleasing Him He loved us so that he could have his love in us when we made his pleasure. Because we couldn’t love the son unless we had loved the father too. And the father loves us because we loved the son. Thus, in reality, we have received the grace to love the father and the son, for love dwells in our hearts through both their souls. In this spirit we have come to love the Father and the Son. The Lord loved us and rejoiced in us when He created us.

We became His own pleasure.

بلآا فرعي دحأ سيل« اضيأ هلوق بسح ىتم( »هل نلعي نأ نبلاا دارأ نمو نبلاا لاإ )٢٧ :١١ -:٢٦ :١٦ انحوي + ..“ ىمسأب نوبلطت مويلا كلذ فىو « اذه في هبلطن فوس يذلا ىرتاي وه امو نل اننأ ثيح ..بلآا هيف نياعن يذلا مويلا يذلا ىتح هنأ يأ ..ادبأ ءشي يأ لىا جاتحن كنكيم ..هليختت وأ هروصتت نأ عيطتست لا كلذ في ىتح حيسلما ديسلا مساب هبلطت نأ ..ءشي لك نم ةرفوو ضيف هيف يذلا ناكلما دعو دق برلا نأ مهفن نأ اضيأ اننكيمو يدسجلا مهفلا ةلاح نم مهلقني نآ هذيملات مهفلا ةلاح فىو ..يحورلا مهفلا ةلاح لىا ةيحورلا ءايشلاا ناسنلاا مهفي يدسجلا ..اهتقيقحو اههنك دعب كردي لا لاثمأ اهنأك امدنع نكلو ..يقيقحلا اهمعط قوذي لاو كردي ذئنيحف يحورلا مهفلا لىا لوحتي ةرانتساو ةيرصب لانيو روملاا هذه ىنعم ةينلاعو حوضوب ىري هنأ ىتح ةيلخاد لب ..ءشي يأ لىا ينجاتحم يرغ نوحبصيو للاخ نمو ..لماك ءلاتماو حرفب نورعشي لا ام لىا نولصيو نولاني حيسلما ديسلا مسأ ..هب قطني لاو فصوي -: ٢٧ : ١٦انحوي + ..“ نيومتببحأ دق مكنلأ مكبحي هسفن بلآا« ؟؟نبلال نحن انبحب أدب دق انل بلآا بح له ؟؟هيف ببسلا نحن اننأ يأ لوقيف هتلاسر في هسفن لوسرلا بيجي :4 وي١( لاوأ انبحأ وه هنلأ هبحن نحنو« )١٩ سرلا وه اذهو ..اقباس لازام وه هبح نأ يأ .هللا نم ةبه يه هللا ةبحم نأ ..بيجعلا يذلا ..هبحن نأ همعن هسفن برلا اناطعأ دقل هبضغن نحن مانيبف ..هبحن لم امدنع انبحأ انك مانيب ..اضيأ انبحي ناك ةريشرلا انلماعأب نوكي نأ عيطتسي ىتح انبحي ناك هسرن لا نكن لم اننلأ ..هتسرم لمعن امدنع انيف هبح انببحأ دق نكن لم ام نبلاا بحن نأ عيطتسن ..نبلاا انبحأ اننلأ انبحي بلااو ..اضيأ بلاا كيل ةمعن انلن دق عقاولا في نحن اذكهو انبولق في بحلا نكس دقف نبلااو بلاا بحن انصر حورلا هذهب ..ماهيلك ماهيحور للاخ نم حرفو برلا انبحأ دقف ..نبلااو بلاا بحن ..انقلخ امدنع انب .. هتسرم نحن انصر دقف

+ Feast of Pentecost:

Next Sunday 23rd June is the Feast of Pentecost – Fiftieth day after Resurrection when the Holy Spirit filled the Holy Disciples as the Lord promised them that He will send His Holy Spirit the comforter to fill them and stay with them forever and asked them not to depart from Jerusalem until they are filled with this special power from the Highest. On that day, the Holy Spirit descended upon them as cloven tongues of fire and they started to talk in tongues and to teach so much that three thousand believed that day as they heard a sermon from St Peter. It is the Birthday of the church of the New Testament and the start of the preaching mission of the disciples all over the world. Let us ask the Lord to work in us and make us honest witnesses to him and live Gospels read by all people. At St Mary’s Church the service programme will be: 5:30am Matins prayers and the procession of the Resurrection.

6:30 - 8:30 am First Liturgical Service

8:30 - 10:30 am Second Liturgical Service


8:30 - 10:30 am third Liturgical Service


11:30 - 1:30 pm Kneeling Down (Sajda) Prayers.

Holy Apostles Fasting starts on Monday 24th June.

+ 40th Day Commemoration:

Next Saturday 15th June at St. Mary’s Church for Late Mrs Sania Beshay Gendy wife of Late Mr Lotfy Habib Baselyous mother of Dr Emil Baselyous husband of Miranda and mother of Amany wife of Mr Adel Rizkalla. She is sister of Mr Samir Beshay, Tasony Ofimia, Ayda wife of Eng Adel Sakla and Late Ferial wife of Late Samir Fanous. She is grandmother of Youanna, Joy wife of Zaky Zakhor, Rachel and Sara Baselyous. She is grandmother of Monica and Mina Rizkalla.

She is untie of Mary, Dr Phillip, Nabil, George Samir, Dr Amgad Sakla in Canada and Dr Maria, Alfred Younan and also Enas wife of Mr Tom Sherng.

May the Lord repose her soul and grant peace and comfort for all family members.

:ىتسقيطنبلا ديع + ديع وه ةينوي 23 مداقلا دحلأا موي حورلا لولح ديع – ىتسقيطنبلا دعب نيسيدقلا ذيملاتلا ىلع سدقلا نم برلا ةمايق نم موي نيسمخ هنأ برلا مهدعو امك تاوملأا ىزعملا سدقلا حورلا مهل لسري بلطو دبلأا يلإ مهعم ثكمي ىذلا ميلشروأ اوقرافي لا نأ برلا مهنم .. يلاعلأا نم ةوق اوسبلي ىتح نيسمخلا موي مهل برلا دعو متو ةيلع ىف اعم نوعمتجم مه امنيب لثم مهيلع حورلا لحف نويهص دحاو لك ىلع ةمسقنم ران ةنسلأ تاغلب نوملكتي اوقفطف مهنم ةبهوم سدقلا حورلا مهحنمو ىف سفن فلاآ ةثلاث نمآف ميلعتلا سيدقلل ةدحاو ةظع نم مويلا اذه دلايم ديع هنأ .. لوسرلا سرطب لمع ةيادبو ديدجلا دهعلا ةسينك .. ةنوكسملا ىف ىزاركلا لسرلا اضيأ انيف لمعي نأ سودقلا الله حور نم بلطنل نم ةءورقمو ةيح ليجانأ .. هل ءانمأ دوهش ريصنف ظعي الله نأك حيسملل ءارفسك ىعسن .. سانلا عيمج .. انب دحلأا موي ميرم ءارذعلا ةسينك ىف ةمدخلا جمانربو :يلي امك مداقلا ةمايقلا ةرودو ركاب روخب عفر احابص 5:30 احابص 8:30 - 6:30 لولأا سادقلا - احابص 10:30 - 8:30 يناثلا سادقلا ىزيلجنأ - احابص 10:30 - 8:30 ثلاثلا سادقلا ىبرع ةدجسلا ةلاص رهظلا دعب 1:30 - 11:30 .هينوي 24 نينثلاا موي لسرلا موص أدبي
:نيعبرلأا ىركذ + ميرم ءارذعلا ةسيدقلا ةسينكب ميحارتلا ماقت نيعبرلأا ىركذل ةينوي ١5 مداقلا تبسلا موي مرح يدنج ياشب هينس ةكرابملا ملأا /ةموحرملل روتكدلا هدلاو .سويليساب بيبح يفطل موحرملا يناما هديسلاو ادناريم هديسلا جوز سويليساب ليمإ ديسلا نم لك تخا.الله قزر لداع ديسلا ةجوز هجوز هدياع هديسلا, هيموفا ينوسات, ياشيب ريمس ةجوز لايرف هموحرملا هلكس لداع سدنهملا سوناف ريمس موحرملا (روخاذ يكذ ةجوز( يوج, اناوي نم لك هدج انيمو اكينوم هدجو سويليساب هراسو ليشار, . الله قزر جروجو ليبن ,بيليف.د ,يرام نم لك هلاخ ديرفلا , ايرام.د هتوخأو ادنكب هلكس دجمأ.د ريمس جنريش موت ةجوز سانيا هديسلا اضيأو نايرامو ةرسلأا دارفأ لك ىزعيو اهسفن حيني برلا

Link for booking



“And the Lord, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed.” (Deutronomy 31:8)

Heaven gained another angel, our dearest Soad Nour passed away peacefully on the 9th of June 2024.

She was the beloved wife to the late Mr Lotfi Nour, mother to Adel Noor, the late Atef Nour, Afaf Farag and the late Susie Gooley. She was the sister to the late Wedad Zaki, Nabila Koudos and the late Wasfy Zaki and auntie of Flora, Salwa, Sonia, the late Nivien, George, Peter and Wagdy. She was dear to her grandchildren, blessed to know her great grandchildren and was a dear friend to many. Details for the wake are:

Wednesday the 12th of June 2024 at 6:30pm

St George’s Coptic Orthodox Church

77-79 Henry St, St Albans

Funeral details:

Monday the 17th of June 2024

11:30am at St George’s Coptic Orthodox Church: 77-79 Henry St, St AlbansDetails for the wake are:

Wednesday the 12th of June 2024 at 6:30pm

St George’s Coptic Orthodox Church

77-79 Henry St, St Albans

نيدقارلا براي ركذأ+ ةموحرلما ةمايقلا ءاجر لىع تدقر موحرلما ةجوز رون داعس :ةديسلا لداع نم لك ةدلاوو رون ىفطل /ديسلا رون فطاع /موحرلماو جرف فافعو رون .لىوج ىزوس /ةموحرلماو ءاسم ٦:3٠ ةينوي ١2 ءاعبرلأا موي ءازعلا سجرجرام ةسينكب ١١:3٠ ةينوي ١٧ يننثلأا موي زانجلا زنبلأ تناس - سجرجرام ةسينكب احابص دارفأ لك ىزعيو اهسفن حيني برلا .ةسرلأا

Selection of Beautiful Sayings

The Editorial Article by His Holiness Pope Tawadros II

0 “We live in a time when if they hear good things about you, they hide it it؛ if they hear bad things, they broadcast it؛ and if they don’t hear anything at all, they invent it” (Gibran Khalil Gibran( (

0 You must choose to search for joy every morning and not wait for it to come.

0 Beauty should not be in the body but in the spirit.

0 Happy people do not have everything but are content with anything.

0 Your coffee gets cold if you ignore it. So, what about those you love?

0 If we are not in the places we love, we are then strangers wherever we are.

0 Those who fear the lord, others do not fear them, nor do they fear for them.

0 All voices are in my ears, except Your voice is in my heart.

0 Goals are dreams that we turn into plans with practical steps to achieve them.

0 No matter the circumstance, when we see roses, we smile.

0 To live a happy life: do not brag, talk less, learn daily, help others, laugh more, and ignore nonsense.

0 One of the highest types of spiritual leisure is having true pleasure in being alone with yourself. For he who is not at ease with himself cannot be at ease with anyone else.

0 The most important rule for failure is to please all people.

0 A noble goal cannot be achieved through corrupt means. A

0 Everyone disappears and only the creative ones remain.

0 Arrogance comes to those who are aware of their shortcomings.

0 Strong fences make good neighbors.

0 Water remains water whether you serve it in cups of gold or pottery, so be like water. Do not be affected by superficial things, and be the jewel of your soul.

0 life taught me that a shock weakens you for a moment and strengthens you for a lifetime.

0 A bad companion is like a mosquito: you only feel it after being bitten. A

0 No one talks bad behind your back except those who hate your success.

0 Sometimes people do not understand you, not because you are difficult, but because you are simpler than they expect.

0 Don’t stop until you become proud of yourself.

0 Morals and decency are the elegant garment of the soul. Anyone who thinks that appearances make a person elegant is mistaken.

0 A wise man asked a smoker to put out his cigarette in his clothes. The smoker A said: “Am I crazy to burn my clothes?” The wise man replied calmly: “My friend, are your clothes more precious than your lungs?”

0 I watered trees, and they yielded fruit, but I gave water to humans, and they rejected.

0 Do not believe those who say, “Your secret is safe in a well” (Egyptian saysay ing(، because the well provides water for all the villagers.

0 The strongest and most dangerous scream of a woman is her silence.

0 If your morals do not elevate you, your office will not elevate you.

0 My family taught me to speak, and people taught me to be silent. (Czech proverb(

0 “Anger is a wind which blows out the lamp of the mind” (Robert Green Ingersoll(.

0 Obesity is more deadly than hunger. (German proverb( hunger.

0 Whoever lends money to his friend loses both. (French proverb( (

Blessed Marriage

Eian Sako & Mary Wiesa

Saturday 25th May 2024

St. Mary’s Church

Blessed Marriage

Christopher Appla & Maria Morcos

St Mary’s Church

Sunday 9th June 2024

Marriage Preparation Course 12nd, 13RD and 14TH .July 2024

Marriage is a Sacrament and a Sacred Institution established by God and revered by the Orthodox Church. It is vital of all couples entering into this Holy Estate to give it the full and honest attention that it deserves.

The Marriage Preparation Course is designed to help couples planning for a marriage or who are newly married to explore and deepen their relationship. Important topics included in the course include the following with a variety of speakers: ‘Art of Communication’, ‘Conflict Resolution’, ‘Discovering yourself’, ‘The Engagement Period’, ‘Boundaries’, ‘Physical & Sexual Health’, ‘Budgeting’, ‘After the Honeymoon’, ‘The Christian Family’ and ‘The Crowning Ceremony’. The Diocese of Melbourne Marriage Preparation Course provides a great opportunity to enrich your relationship and prepare for the lifelong commitment of marriage. The Course runs from Friday 12/07/2024(6:3. -9:00 PM(, Saturday 13/07/2024 (10:00 AM-6:15 PM(, and Sunday 14/07/2024

(1:00 PM - 8:00 PM(. All sessions are held at the Pope Shenouda III Auditorium, Donvale (100 Park Road Donvale(. We strongly encourage every engaged couple, those about to become engaged and tliose in their first year of marriage to attend this course. Based on the evidence of the benefits of such courses, the Holy Synod of the Coptic Orthodox Church has deemed it a compulsory prerequisite before marriage is granted in the Church.

The cost is only $100 per couple, which includes: course booklets, lunches, tea/ coffee, etc.

Please Register at: https://tinyurl.com/MPCJuly2024 or use the QR Code For further details please Contact: Fr Daniel Ghabrial on 0403 336 725 or Fr Samuel Elias on 0412 884 434.

St. Mary’s Church New Building Financial Report

New Church, New Building and Car Park are ready

We started to use the New Building and church last on Lazarus Saturday 27th April 2024. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downloaded from church website. We thank Our Lord for this great Gift Cost of building works is around $13,000,000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreciated.

Donations to St Mary’s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link

https://www.stmc.org.au/donate (Copy & Paste on Web Browser( New

تارايسلا راظتنأ نكامأو ىنبملاو ةديدجلا ةسينكلا لامعتسأ انأدب بسح متت ةسينكلا تامدخ .ليربأ 27 رزاعل تبس موي نم ديدجلا ىنبملا لامعتسأ انأدب .ةرشنلا لخاد حضوملا لودجلا بسح داتعملا .ارلاود نويلم ١3 3 ىلاوح عورشملا ةفلكت غلبت بحسلا ةرامتسأ ءلمب ىرهش عربتب ةكراشملا كنكني زكرم للاخ نم اهعبط وأ ةسينكلاب ةدوجوملا يكنبلا ينورتكللإا ةسينكلا لمعلا اذه ىف مكتمهاسمو مكتاعربت كرابي برلا
طبارلا ىلع طغضأ ينابملا عورشمو ميرم ءارذعلا ةسينكل تاعربتلل
Buildindg Wednesday
May 2024

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