7:30pm The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages
Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am
6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults
Mass 9 - 11 am - English
English Midnight Praises 7:30pm
English Bible Study 7:30pm
Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am
Youth 25 and above 7-9pm
Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm
Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am
Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm
Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm English
Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:30-7pm
Scouts 1:30 - 3pm
School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm
1st Mass 6:30 - 8:30 Arabic & English
2nd Mass.8:30 - 10:30 English - St Mary’s Church
3rd Mass 8:30 - 10:30 Arabic - St John’s
Chrysostom Church
Family Meeting fortnightly 11:30am
Hymns Class - English 11:45 - 12:30pm
Church Priests:
Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251
Email: frtadros@me.com
Fr Habib Girgis Younan: 0401238177 – 94498871
Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com
Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821
Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au
Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kensington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651
Fr Kerillos Tawadros 0411 518 399
Fr John Makary 0433 445 636
The Martyrdom of the Forty-Nine Saints, the Elders
of Sheheat (Scetis(.
3rd February - 26th Toba
On this day, the forty-nine elder priests of Sheheat, Martinos, the envoy of the emperor, and his son, were martyred. Emperor Theodosius the Less, the son of Emperor Arcadius, did not have a son. He wrote to the elders of Sheheat asking them to pray to God to grant him a son. St. Isidor wrote back to him saying that God did not will for him to have a son who would participate with the heretics after him. When the Emperor read the message, he offered thanks to God. Some people gave him the advice to marry another wife to have offspring from her to inherit the empire after him. He said to them, “I cannot do anything except what the elders of Sheheat demanded.” He sent an envoy whose name was Martinos to consult with them about that. Martinos had a son named Zius who accompanied him on his visit to the elders in order to receive their blessings.
When they arrived and the elders read the message, they took the messenger to the body of St. Isidor, for he had departed. They called on him saying, “Our father, we have received a letter from the Emperor. What shall we say to him?” A voice came from the pure body saying, “What I had said before, I also say now, that the Lord will never give him a son to participate with the heretics, even if he marries ten women.” The elders wrote back to the Emperor recounting what they heard. When the messenger wanted to return, the pagan berbers attacked the monastery. One of their great elders, whose name was Anba Yuannis, called upon the brethren and said, “The berbers have come to kill us. Whoever amongst you would like to become a martyr, let him stand, and whoever is afraid, let him hide in the palace.” Some of them hid in the palace, but he remained with the forty-eight elders, who were all slaughtered by the berbers.
Martinos and his son were hiding. The son looked up and saw the angels placing the crowns of glory on the elders who were killed. The son said to his father, “I see spiritual beings putting crowns on the heads of the elders. I shall go to receive a crown like them.” His father replied, “And I also shall go with you, my son.” Both revealed themselves to the berbers. They were killed and received the crown of martyrdom. After the berbers had gone, the monks who were hiding in the palace came down, took the bodies, and placed them in a cave. They sang and said praises before the cave every night. Some people from the city of Batanoon came and took the body of Anba Yuannis and returned to their city. The elders of the monastery returned the body after a while. Also, some people from El-Fayyoum came and stole the body of Zius, the son of Martinos. When they arrived at the lake of El-Fayyoum, the angel of the Lord returned him to where the body of his father was. The elders also tried to separate the body of Zius, the son, from the body of his father several times, but they could not. Every time they moved the body of Zius, the angel of the Lord would return it to its place. One of the fathers heard one night, in a vision, someone saying, “Praise God, we were not
separated in the flesh, nor are we separated when we are with Christ. Why do you want to separate our bodies?”
When persecution became rampant and the attacks on the monastery continued, the fathers relocated the bodies, to a cave which they built beside the church of St. Macarius. At the time of Anba Theodosius, 33rd Pope of Alexandria, they built a church for them. When Anba Benjamin, 38th pope, came to the wilderness, he established a feast day for them on the 5th day of Amshir, which was the day of the relocation of their bodies to this church.
In time, the church building deteriorated, and they moved the bodies to one of the cells until the time of Ibrahim ElGohary, who built a church for them around the end of the 18th century, where they placed the bodies of the saints. The church is still in existence today in the monastery of St. Macarius.
The cell in which the bodies were kept is known today in Coptic as the cell of Ehme’ Epseet, or the cell of the fortynine. Their prayers be with us. Amen.
The Departure of St. Anastasia.
3rd February - 26th Toba
On this day also, St. Anastasia departed. She was from a noble family in the city of Constantinople. She was very beautiful and had a great moral character. Emperor Justin, who was married, wanted to marry her. She refused and went and told his wife. The Empress sent her to Alexandria on a private ship. She built her a convent outside the city of Alexandria and named it after her. When the Emperor knew where she was, he sent for her, but Anastasia escaped and hid herself in the wilderness of Sheheat (Scetis(, disguised as a prince. She met with Anba Daniel, the archpriest of the wilderness, and revealed her story to him. He brought her to a cave, and asked one of the elders to fill a water pot for her once every week, and to place the pot at the door of the cave and leave. She remained in this place for 28 years, without anyone knowing that she was a woman. She used to write her thoughts on pieces of pottery, and leave them at the door of her cave. The elder who brought her the water used to take the pieces of pottery without knowing what was written on them and give them to St. Daniel.
One day he brought a piece of pottery to St. Daniel who wept when he read it, and said to his disciple, «Come with me now to bury the body of the saint in that cave.» When they entered her cave, they received blessings from each other. St. Anastasia said to Anba Daniel, «For the sake of God, bury me with what I have on my body.» Then she prayed and bade them farewell and departed in peace. They wept and buried her. When the disciple was caring for her burial, he found out that she was a woman, and he marvelled in silence. After they buried her, and they returned to their place, the disciple knelt before St. Daniel and said, «For the sake of God, tell me her story, for I have seen that she was a woman.» The elder told him her story, that she was from
one of the noble families of Constantinople, and how she surrendered herself to Christ, forsaking the vain glory of this world.
Her prayers be with us and Glory be to our God forever. Amen.
The Commemoration of the Archangel Suriel.
4th February - 27th Toba
On this day also, the church commemorates the honorable Archangel Suriel. He was with Ezra, the righteous prophet, and instructed him about many hidden mysteries. He is also the intercessor on behalf of sinners. His intercession be with us. Amen.
The Martyrdom of St. Sarapion.
On this day, St. Sarapion was martyred. He was a native of the City of Binosah (Babousah(, a town of Lower Egypt. He was wealthy, had many possessions, and he was also a charitable man.
At the time of the persecution, he heard that the governor of Alexandria, Armanius, had arrived in Lower Egypt, the northern part of the country, to torture the Christians. He went out with his friend, Theodore and another friend who was a shepherd called Thomas. They all confessed the Name of Christ before the Governor, who cast them into prison.
When the people of his town heard about his arrest, they came carrying arms to kill the Governor and to free the saint. The saint constrained them and told them that he wanted to be martyred in the name of Christ and they went away.
The Governor took the saint with him to Alexandria on a ship, and there he tortured St. Sarapion with the pressing wheel (Hinbazin(, and threw him in a ditch filled with fire. Then he put him in a cauldron full of pitch and bitumen and lit fire under him. Through it all, the Lord was with him and delivered him safely. At last they crucified him and threw arrows at him.
The angel of the Lord came and brought St. Sarapion down, and crucified the Governor in his place. They continued to throw arrows at the Governor as if he was the saint, while he was crying and saying, “I am Armanius.” The saint said to the Governor, “The Lord God lives, you will not be brought down from the tree, until you bring out those who are in prison and spread the accounts of their struggle.” The Governor did as the saint told him. The number of martyrs that were beheaded on that day was 540 souls. Then the Governor gave the responsibility of torturing the Saint to one of the princes, whose name was Orion. He traveled with the saint by sea to his own town. At night the ship was ashore at one of the villages, and they slept. In the morning, Orion found that the place where the ship was ashore was the town of the saint, and he marvelled, and he heard a voice saying, “This is his town, you should get him out of the ship.”
After they had tortured the saint, they beheaded him, and he received the crown of martyrdom. Orion wrapped the body of the saint in his tunic and delivered him to his family.
His prayers be with us. Amen.
The Martyrdom of Saints Pistis, Helpis, Agape, and Their Mother, Sophia.
7th February - 30th Toba
On this day, the holy and blessed virgins, Pistis, Helpis, Agape, and their mother, Sophia, were martyred. St. Sophia was from a rich and noble family in Antioch. When she had these three girls, she called them Pistis, which means faith, Helpis, which means hope, and Agape, which means love. When they grew up, she went with them to Rome to teach them the worship of God and His fear. Emperor Hadrianus (Hadrian(, the infidel, heard about them and he summoned them before him. Their mother preached to them, and encouraged them to be steadfast in the faith of the Lord Jesus Christ, saying to them, “Let not your determination grow faint or weak, and let not the glory of the world entice you, lest you lose the eternal glory. Be patient and persevere until you meet your Bridegroom, the Christ, with Whom you will enter into the everlasting joy.” The oldest sister was 12 years old, the second was 10 years old and the youngest was 9 years old. When they came before the Emperor, he asked the oldest to worship the idols, promising her that he would marry her to one of the great men in his kingdom, and that he would bestow on her many delights and pleasures, but she refused. He ordered her to be beaten with hammers, mutilating her breasts, and to place her in a cauldron of boiling water over the fire. The Lord was with her, saved her, and He granted her strength and peace, and everyone was astonished and glorified God. Then the Emperor commanded that she be beheaded. Then they brought the second daughter before the Emperor. He also beat her severely and also placed her in the boiling water, then they brought her out and beheaded her. With the youngest daughter, her mother feared that she would weaken, so she encouraged and strengthened her. When the Emperor ordered her placed in the pressing wheel (Hinbazin(, she cried to Christ, and He sent His angel who broke it. The Emperor then ordered her to be thrown into the fire. She prayed and made the sign of the cross on her face. Then she threw herself in it. All those who were present saw three men in white robes surrounding her, and the fiery furnace was as cold as the dew. They marvelled, and many believed in the Lord Christ, and they were all beheaded.
The Emperor ordered afterwards that her sides be pierced with hot rods, but the Lord strengthened her and she did not feel the pain. Finally, she was beheaded. Their mother carried their bodies outside the city, sat and wept, and asked them to ask the Lord Christ to take her soul also. The Lord granted her wish and her spirit went immediately to her Creator. Some believers came and carried the bodies and buried them with great honors.
Emperor Hadrian was struck with small pox in his eyes, and he became blind. The worms grew in his body and he died a dreadful death, and God avenged the death of these saintly virgins.
Their prayers be with us and Glory be to our God forever. Amen.
Meditation on the fourth week of Tobe on liturgy
John 9: 1-38
As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world. (John 9:5( + A born blind man
The Lord Jesus met a person who was blind from birth. It is a difficult to live blind, living in pitch black life, doesn’t see the light, and doesn’t know the figure or form of anything; since he didn’t see anything from birth. Indeed, he is blind in sight, but God gave him an inner insight that made him see what others could not see. There were other blind people who met the Lord Jesus on the same day, some of them seem sighted to people but they are blind. The problem of these people is the believing that they are sighted. Hence, they do not want to be cured of their blindness. They are blind and want to remain blind. The Lord met other blind people, they know they are blind, but they are afraid of the light. They are blind and fearful to see
The first type. A blind but is sighted. Blessed is that blind person but mindful. In the eyes of the world he is blind. Moreover, there are those people who search for the cause of blindness; “who sinned, this man or his parents that he was born blind?” God sees and knows that he was blind to glorify the name of the Lord, so that the works of God appear in him. O, how many are these blind people who in the eyes of the world are blind, but the works of God appear in them with magnificent power. David was in the eyes of the world a blond little boy, a shepherd. No one cares about him. Even his father and brothers saw David as the youngest brother, a simple person. As for God, the situation was completely different. This little boy defeats the mighty, and the simple man became the greatest kings of his time and era. David became the grandfather of the Lord Jesus according to the flesh. He is the man of prayer, praises and psalms, the man of the flute,
harps and ten strings. The Lord said on him “I examined David’s heart and found him a man after My own heart.
Peter was a fisherman at Lake Gennesaret. And the disciples were all very simple people in the eyes of the world. For the world they were ignorant people, but God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise (1 Cor.1:27(. These simple people after the Resurrection have turned the world upside down and shattered the fortresses of paganism and destroyed it throughout the whole world. Indeed, there are those who accepted to become blind in the eyes of the world to see the heavenly glories.
Saint Arsanious, the teacher of the king’s sons has reached the highest rank in the eyes of the world. But he left all this exaltation and disappeared from the world and became blind in the sight of the world. In the wilderness he saw what he could not see; his inner eyes were opened to the glories of the saints and the sweetness of being with God. Saints Maximous and Domadious were children of the emperor and the future to be emperors. However, all of this had no value in their eyes, so they preferred to become blind in the eyes of the world, but their spiritual eyes opened to the heavenly Jerusalem. Beloved, how beautiful it is, and how wonderful it is for us to become blind in the eyes of the world, but the works of God to perform in us.
The world might see the life of purity as unachievable, and unusual in their view. Moreover, they may label holiness, simplicity, and asceticism as awkward. Indeed, as a Christian, I seem to the world a human being who has been blind since my birth. But how beautiful it is to be blind from world’s impurities and desires, than to live and indulge in the vices and sins of this world. How lovely it is for the world to say to you that you are ignorant, O Christian. If I will be ignorant of this world’s deceit and its evil methods, then welcome to this ignorance. It is the key to the kingdom of heavens, and with it we have acquired the wisdom that the world lost, but did not know its way yet. This is the blindness in which
there is salvation of the soul. As for the other blindness there is destruction of the soul.
+ One thing I know: that though I was blind, now I see
The second type is a very difficult type; the blind appears to have sight. In addition, he claims that he is not just having a sight but rather a teacher of the sighted. Unfortunately, the painful reality is that he is more blind than the blind person. One day Korah, Dathan, and Abiram rose up against Moses and Aaron, and with them one hundred and fifty of the leaders of the congregation. They claimed that they knew the commandments and wills of God more than Moses and Aaron. They asked that they also become priests and offer incense to the Lord, even though some of them are not of the tribe of Levi. All of them were not from the children of Aaron; however, they dared and raised incense before the Lord. What was the end of these blind people? The earth opened its mouth and swallowed them all alive. (Num.16(. Many claim to know everything; they deceive themselves with many things, and deceive those around them as well. How many parents teach their children to be violent against violence, and insult who insulting them? How many people claim that they are knowledgeable and giving advices to others? How many homes were ruined from these advices? They were ruined from corrupt advices. These are advices that are given from blind people to other blind people. How many advisors give instructions that destroy the others’ lives and the lives of their wives and children?
A lady thinks she can give astounding advice to her friend which ends up in destroying the friend’s family. It ends up into unbearable hell. How cruel are these blind guides? How many problems they cause and how many troubles they fall into?
Beloved, beware of those people. Be cautious with yourself in what you hear from others. Remember, the only accurate measures of how true these instructions are the Bible, your confession father, and your spiritual guide.
Measure and weigh these instructions on the scale of the Bible and God’s commandments. Learn from your confession father and your spiritual guide. On contrary, these blind guides are like the scribes and Pharisees; they came to the man who was blind claiming that ‘This Man is not from God, because He does not keep the Sabbath’ (John 9:16(. How beautiful was the reply of the blind man. He said to them: One thing I know: that though I was blind, now I see. I know also that I have two eyes that Christ has lit them with his light. I will not follow anyone but the Lord Jesus and His commandments
+ As for how he sees now, we do not know The third type is a strange type; they have two eyes that see and are not blind. But they are afraid of the light. Henceforth, they close their eyes just like the parents of the blind man. They are the ones who know their son the most and know that he was born blind. They were supposed to be the most joyful people and the first to preach this great miracle. Amazingly, they were terrified; fear of the Jews. Many see the light and know that it is good but are afraid to live in it. Why? Fear of people’s criticism. Some even are scared to live righteous life due to sarcasm. Beloved, what do you want from them? To praise you!! ‘The scripture says “Woe to you when all men speak well of you’ (Luke 6: 26(. Forget the people and their words and search for your own salvation
Fear of losing positions. Many people are dishonest and deceitful to gain praise or a worldly praise. They fear perdition, though they entered this world empty and will leave it empty. So why do you fear? Fear of the difficulties of the narrow way. It is true that the way is difficult and the door is narrow. It is also true that life with God will never be free of pain and fatigue, but it is a life full of joy, consolation and peace. The sweetness of life with Christ makes all the troubles and pains to vanish. Rather, you will enjoy and rejoice in pain because of the excellence and sweetness of life with Christ. Do not be afraid, beloved, come today to the Lord Jesus, worship under His feet, and say to him “Lord, I believe.”
The Commemoration of the Ecumenical Council in Constantinople. 8th Feb - 1st Amsher
On this day of the year 381 A.D., one hundred and fifty fathers assembled upon the order of Emperor Theodosius the Great, in the city of Constantinople. They assembled to judge Macedonius, Patriarch of Constantinople, and Sabellius and Apollinaris, for their blasphemy against God the Word and the Holy Spirit. When this blasphemy became widespread, the fathers of the church were concerned about the peace of the church, and made these heresies known to Emperor Theodosius. He ordered that a council be assembled, and invited Abba Timothy, 22nd Pope of Alexandria; Abba Damasus, Pope of Rome; Abba Petros (Peter(, Patriarch of Antioch; and Abba Cyril (Kyrillos(, Patriarch of Jerusalem. They came to the council with their bishops, except the Pope of Rome, who delegated others to attend on his behalf. When the holy council convened in Constantinople, they called upon Macedonius. Abba Timothy, Pope of Alexandria, who was presiding over the council, asked him, “What is your belief?” Macedonius answered that the Holy Spirit was created like any other creature. Abba Timothy said, “The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God. If we say as you claim that the Spirit of God is created, we are saying, in essence, that His Life is created, and therefore, He is ‘lifeless’ without it.” He advised Macedonius to renounce his erroneous belief. When he refused, Macedonius was excommunicated, anathematized and striped of his rank.
Then Abba Timothy asked Sabellius, “And you, what is your belief?” He answered, “The Trinity is one being and one person.” Abba Timothy said, “If the Trinity is as you claim, then the mentioning of the Trinity is groundless, and your baptism is futile, because it is in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and the Trinity would have suffered pain and died, and the saying of the gospel would be invalid, when it is said that the Son was in the Jordan River, and the Holy Spirit descended upon Him in the likeness of a dove, and the Father called upon Him from heaven.” Then Abba Timothy advised him to renounce his belief. When Sabellius did not accept, Abba Timothy excommunicated, anathematized and striped him of his rank.
Then Abba Timothy asked Apollinaris, “And you, what is your belief?” Apollinaris said, “The Incarnation of the Son was by His union with the human flesh without the rational being, for His divinity replaced the soul and the mind of the human being.” Abba Timothy replied, “God the Word united with our nature to save us, therefore if He only united with the animal body, then He did not save mankind but the animals. Humans will rise on the day of Resurrection with the rational and speaking soul with which there will be the communication and the judgement, and with it they will be granted the blessing or the condemnation. Accordingly, the Incarnation would be in vain. If that was the case, why did He call Himself a man if He did not unite with the rational speaking soul?” Then Abba Timothy advised him to turn away from his erroneous belief, but he also refused. He excommunicated Apollinaris as he did the other two friends. Ultimately, the council excommunicated these three and all those who agreed with them. Then they completed the creed that was established by the fathers at the Council of Nicea until its saying, “Of Whose Kingdom shall be no end.” The fathers of the Council of Constantinople added, “Truly we believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, Giver of Life... to the end.” They put down many canons that are still in the hands of the believers today. The prayers of these holy fathers be with us. Amen.
St. Mary’s Coptic Orthodox College new Extension Junior Primary School Corner 0f 22 - 26 Thorpdale & Ventor Cresscent, Coolaroo Vic 3048
St Mary’s Coptic Orthodox Collge New project of building a special extension for Junior Primary School (Foundation & Year one and Year 2( is starting this month on a land opposite to the current school site (1850 square meters(. Building should be ready before the end of 2025 and ready to strat by the new school year 2026.
Building details: Three stories each has 4 class rooms. Capacity is 200 - 220 students. It also has indoor and roof playing areas, assembly hall, library and offices. It will provide more secluded area for Junior Primary students. Total contract cost 10 Million Dollars.
The school currently accomodate 1088 students. The new extension is very vital to meet the ever increasing enrolments at the current site.
Fraser Rise School Site New Extension 2 SIRIANNI
St Mary’s Coptic Orthodox College will be purchasing a new land at Fraser Rise. Contract will be signed on 14th February.
Land Size: 4.8 Hectars (48,000 sq meters)
Price: 16 Million Dollars to be paid on two years. 20% on signing the contract.
The laand is allocated for an independant school (primary and secondary)
A survey has been sent to all church members. The response so far is very positive.
The location of this land is very suitable to many of our families living in the west.
Blessed Marriage
Sammy Phommachanh & Erini Eskander
Saturday 25th January 2025
St Mary’s Church
Blessed Marriage
Daniel Karam & Martina Jajo
Sunday 26th January 2025
St Mary’s Church
Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) in the General Division
Mr Bassilios Aziz Morcos, Keilor VIC 3036
For service to the community of Brimbank.
Rotary Club of Brimbank Central
• Vice President, since 2015.
• Member, since 1980.
• President, 2003-2004.
• Chairman, Membership Committee.
• The Paul Harris Award, 2002. Australian Egyptian Association
• Founder.
• President, 1973-1992.
Multicultural Community
• Founding Member, Ethnic Communities Council of Victoria, 1974.
• Founding Board Member, St Mary’s Coptic Orthodox College, 1985.
• Teacher, Kealba Secondary School, 1992-1993.
• Teacher, Altona North Technical School, 1971-1991.
Professional other
• Director, Metro Lane, 1991-2015.
• Councillor, Brimbank City Council, 1980-1982.
Awards and Recognition
• Leading by Example, Generation to Generation award, Coptic Orphans, 2023.
• Australian Egyptian of the Year Award, Egyptian Cultural Association of Victoria, 2012.
• Centenary Medal, For service to the community through Brimbank, 2003.
St Mary’s Church extend special congratulations to Mr Bassillios Morcos for recieving the Medal of the Order of Australia for his continous valuable services for the community and the church. He is truely offering a model example for our youth and all the church members. May the Lord grant him continued success and good health.
New Church, New Building and Car Park are ready We started to use the New Building and church last on Lazarus Saturday 27th April 2024. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downloaded from church website. We thank Our Lord for this great Gift Cost of building works is around $13,000,000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreciated.
Donations to St Mary’s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link
https://www.stmc.org.au/donate (Copy & Paste on Web Browser(