Services Friday 15th April - Sunday 17th األحد- أبريل15 مواعيد الخدمة أيام الجمعة April أبريل17 End Lent Friday Friday 15th April 8am Early Morning Prayer 8:30 Unction of the Sick 10am - 12:30pm Divine Liturgy
Lazarus Saturday Saturday 16th April 8:30am Eaely Morning Prayer 9-11am Divine Liturgy Palm Sunday Vespers Saturday Evening 16th April 5:30 - 7 pm Early Morning Prayer and Palm Procession: 6 - 8am Sunday 17th April 8 - 11am Divine Liturgy 11:30am General Funeral Prayers 5:30 - 8pm Monday Eve Pascha Prayers Passion Week starts Sunday 17th April Evening.
جمعة ختام الصوم أبريل15 الجمعة صباحا رفع بخور باكر8 صباحا صالة القنديل8:30 العام بعد12:30 - صباحا10 الظهر القداس األلهى سبت لعازر أبريل16 السبت صباحا رفع بخور باكر٨:٣٠ صباحا القداس األلهى١١ - ٩
أحد الشعانين مساء السبت: رفع بخور العشية 7:30 - 5:30 أبريل16 مساء رفع بخور باكر ودورة :السعف ١٧ صباحا يوم األحد8 - 6 أبريل صباحا القداس األلهى11 - 8 صباحا صالة الجناز11:30 العام مساء صلوات8 - 5:30 بصخة ليلة األثنين ومعها تبدأ صلوات أسبوع اآلالم
English Services for Passion Week
During Passion Week starting frfom Palm Sunday 17th April up to the Feast of Holy Resurrection SUnday 24th April, all English services will be conducted at the site of the Uniting Church 76 McCracken St Kensington just across the Road from St Mary’s Church
+ Palm Sunday: Today Sunday 17th April is Palm Sunday. We celebrate the victorious entry of our Lord to Jerusalem. On that day also, He presented Himself as a meek lamb prepared for slaughter for our salvation. People received him crying Hosanna Son of David. Let us today prepare our hearts to receive Him through real repentance, good deeds and prayers. Let us declare in eagerness that He is our Saviour. Hosanna in the Highest. + Passion Week: This is the Holiest week of the year. On the past, people used to consecrate all their times during their week for worship and contemplation. Church services used to be continues during day and night with very little time for rest. Let us sanctify ourselves and our times to follow the steps of our Saviour on His way to the Golgotha and the Cross. Abstaining from food should be up to sunset or as directed by your father of confession. You should not resort to any sort of indulgence such as Television or picnics or fancy foods. Just fix your eyes and attention to the Cross of the Lord. Follow Him in His Passions to rejoice also in His resurrection.
+أحد الشعانني: اليوم األحد 17أبريل هو أحد الشعانني املبارك نحتفل بتذكار دخول الرب اىل أورشليم كملك منترص وأيضا كحمل وديع يعد نفسه كذبيحة من أجل خالص العامل .أستقبلته الجموع بسعف النخيل وهم يصيحون أوصنا ياابن داود أوصنا ىف األعاىل .لنجهز اليوم قلوبنا ألستقبال الرب املخلص .لنفرشها بالتوبة ونزينها بالفضائل ونعطرها ببخور الصلوات ونعلن بأشتياق أنه هو مخلصنا .أوصنا ىف األعاىل. +أسبوع اآلالم: هذا األسبوع من أقدس أسابيع السنة وأهمها ..تعودت الكنيسة ىف القديم أن يتفرغ الجميع للعبادة ىف هذا األسبوع وال ينشغلوا ىف أى نوع من األعامل األخرى ..وكانت صلوات البصخة املقدسة وقراءاتها توزع عىل مدار كل ساعات النهار والليل مع فرتات راحة بسيطة ..لنقدس أنفسنا ىف هذه األيام املقدسة ولنكرس كل أوقاتنا لنستفيد من كل لحظة فيها متتبعني خطوات الرب اىل الصليب ..الصوم األنقطاعى ىف هذه األيام حتى الغروب أو حسب أرشاد أب األعرتاف ..وال يليق أبدا األنشغال بأى نوع من أنواع الرفاهية الجسدية مثل التليفزيون أو الرحالت أو التفنن ىف األطعمة ..االنشغال الوحيد هو بالرب ذاته وأالمه من أجلنا ..ال تحول عينيك عن الصليب ..أجعله ينطبع ىف فكرك وقلبك وأعدد نفسك لىك تصلب أهواءك وذاتك مع الرب املخلص لىك تفرح أيضا وتقوم معه + Programme of Passion Week: +برنامج أسبوع اآلالم: This is the programme of Passion Week هذا برنامج أسبوع اآلالم بكنيسة العذراء at St Mary’s Church starting from tonight مريم أبتداء من مساء اليوم األحد ١٧ Sunday 17th April and up to Saturday أبريل وحتى ليلة عيد القيامة املجيد night the Feast of Holy Resurrection 24th مساء السبت ٢٤أبريل القادم األحد ١٧أبريل :أحد الشعانني April. صباحا -خدمات أحد الشعانني املبارك Sunday 17th April: مساء مساء :بصخة املساء 8,30 - 5,30 Morning - Palm Sunday Service وىف نهايتها عظات بالعرىب واألنجليزى 6am - 8am Early Morning Prayers and
تأمالت ىف أحداث اليوم ويتكرر هذا 8am - 11am Palm Sunday Divine Liturgy. الربنامج ىف كل أمسيات األسبوع 11:15am General Funeral Prayers ) (أجازة رسمية- أبريل١٨ األثنني Evening Pascha 5.30 - 8.30pm. English & ظهرا بصخة النهار12 - صباحا9 Arabic Sermons at the end - contemplation مساء بصخة املساء8,30 – 5,30 on the day events. This programme is the أبريل٢٠ أبريل & األربعاء١٩ الثالثاء same all the evenings of this week. صباحا الساعة األوىل من7:30 - 6:30 Monday 18th April Public Holiday) بصخة النهار 9am - 12noon Day Pascha ظهرا الساعة12 - صباحال9:30 5.30-8.30pm Night Pascha الثالثة اىل الحادية عرشة من بصخة النهار Tuesday 19th April & Wednesday 20th April مساء بصخة املساء8 - 5:30 6:30am - 7:30am 1st Hour of Day Pascha خميس العهد: أبريل٢١ الخميس 9:30am - 12noon 3rd Hour - 11th Hour of باكر بعد الظهر تشمل1 - صباحا6 Day Pascha خميس العهد وصلوات اللقان (غسل 5:30 - 8pm Night Pascha األرجل) وسواعى النهار وقداس Thursday 21st April: Great Thursday: خميس العهد 6 am-1pm Early Morning, Lakan Prayers مساء بصخة املساء9 – 5 (Washing Feet), Day Hours and Holy mass الجمعة العظيمة: أبريل٢٢ الجمعة of the Great Thursday ص وحتى7,30 تبدأ من الساعة مساء6 الساعة 5 – 9pm Night Pascha :أبريل ٢٣ الفرح ليلة سبت Friday 22nd April: Great Friday: مساء11 تبدأ مساء الجمعة الساعة Starts at 7.30am and ends about 6pm صلوات ليلة أبوغالمسيس التى يقرأ Saturday Eve (23rd April): فيها سفر الرؤيا بالكامل وتنتهى Apocalypse Service which includes reading صباحا6 - 4 بالقداس األلهى من all the Book of Revelation starts at 11pm ٢٤ ليلة عيد القيامة املجيد األحد Friday night and ends with the Holy Mass أبريل Saturday morning 4-6am. تبدأ صلوات عيد القيامة املجيد مساء - مساء7 أبريل الساعة٢٣ السبت Feast of Holy Resurrection Sunday 24th رفع بخور باكر April: ويتخلله مساء 8 يبدأ القداس األلهى Starts at Saturday Evening 23rd April: 7pm مساء 9 الساعة متثيلية القيامة Early Morning Prayers نتمتع مباركة أياما الرب 8pm Holy Mass starts and including the Holy يجعلهامقدسة نصاحب الرب ىف فيها بحياة Resurrection Play at 9pm. آالمه وصلبه وموته عنا وقيامته من May the Lord grant us to benefit from these األموات ومينحنا أن نفرح بقيامته blessed days following the Lord in His Sufاملقدسة ferings, crucifixion and His Holy Resurrec بالحقيقة قام.. املسيح قام tion. May we all rejoice in His Holy Resur- أليسوس آنستى.. أخرستوس آنستى rection. Christ Has Risen. Truly He Has Risen
EVENTS OF PASSION WEEK: PALM SUNDAY: SUNDAY At that day the people of Israel used to choose the lamb of Passover and), keeps it for several days to be slaughtered at the Passover. The Lord entered Jerusalem at that day and was received by the people as the pure Lamb to be offered for our Salvation and was received and accepted as a Saviour by all the ·people. PASCHA MONDAY: MONDAY During that week the Lord used to spend the day at the temple teaching and• the evening at Bethany at the Mount of Olives. At the morning of that day the lord felt hungry and saw a fig tree with many leaves but no fruit and The Lord cursed this fruitless tree. On that day, the lord drove out all those who bought and sol!! in the temple and overturned their tables as: they defiled His House the House of Prayer. PASCHA TUESDAY: On the morning, the disciples saw the fig tree which was cursed by the Lord as· it dried up and withered away and marvelled. The Lord talked to the111about faith. The Lord answered the questions of the. Pharisees about the taxes and Cesare money. The Lord talked to His disciples about His Second Coming and the destruction of the temple and Jerusalem. PASCHA WEDNESDAY: The Lord left the temple on Tuesday intending not to enter it again and so He spent that day at Bethany teaching His disciples. Main events are the betrayal of Juda as he went on that day to consult with the Jews how to deliver the Lord to them and they promised him thirty pieces of silver the price of a slave. In contrast, we witness the woman who poured the perfume on the Feet of the Lord GREAT THURSDAY: The day of slaughtering the lamb the eve of Passover which commemorate the exodus of the people of Israel from Egypt with The Mighty Hand of the Lord. On that day the Lord established for us the Eucharist not as a symbol but as the real Truth. The Lord also washed the feet of His disciples giving us an example to follow in Humbleness and denying oneself. At the evening, they went to the Garden where The Lord was delivered by the kiss of Juda and was arrested and tried during the night. GOOD FRIDAY: The day of the Crucifixion of our Lord. The Lord offered Himself as the acceptable burnt offering for the whole world. JOYOUS SATURDAY: A night to spend at Heaven to go in spirit with St John the Evangelist to watch and observe events of the eternity and the Glory of Heavens to wait with all the Heavenlies for our True Bridegroom. GLORIOUS FEAST OF HOLY RESURRECTION: Early Morning before sunrise we conclude this wonderful procession when we witness the Victorious Resurrection of our Lord announcing New Covenant and New Life conquering the death and paving our way to Heavens. CHRIST IS RISEN ... TRUELY HE IS RISEN
How beautiful is Your Journey to the Cross My Beloved Jesus Letters from a child to the Crucified Jesus by Fr Tadros Malaty 4. Palm Sunday Take Me with You wherever You go! My Beloved Savior, Savior, I heard You were going to Jerusalem before the Passover festival. I am looking forward to being with You, wherever You go. The shepherds have entered the city from all the various gates of Jerusalem to lead the lambs, and hundreds of thousands of lambs are sold for the families during the Festival of Pasch. Each lamb is slaughtered against its will and eaten grilled by fire. But You, on the other hand, You are the Lamb of God who sacrificed Yourself; You take away the sins of the world. Lord, You were crucified by Your own will, and You have provided Your body and blood as food and drink for us to allow us to live forever. You did this because You love all Your children of the world. You died and rose again, and we as Your children are alive again every time we partake of Your Body and Your Blood during Communion. Every Sunday when I go to visit You in Your Home, I seek You early to meet with You. I ask that as I partake in Your body and Every Sunday when I go to visit You in Your Home, I seek You early to meet with You. I ask that as I partake in Your body and blood, I can become more like you. During the Passover Festival, the whole city came to meet You and each family brought their children to see You. They came bearing gifts for You, Jesus. Each family received You with flowers as You entered the city of Jerusalem, riding on a donkey. My Lord, please forgive me for not receiving You with flowers, and olive branches every time I meet with You. Please, Oh Lord, accept my heart, filled with love. I beg of You to build Your new Jerusalem inside my heart so that Your Holy Spirit abides in me always. You alone are the only One who understands the language of my heart. As Your child, I am now opening my heart for You to build Your new home and heaven within me. I love You Jesus. Sincerely, Your child 5. Inside the Temple My heart records a message for You from inside the Holy Church My Lord Jesus, Every time I visit Your Holy Church, my heart records a private message for You. How kind you are to let me, a sinner, into your Holy Sanctuary. Lord, when the scribes and Pharisees tried to make us stop praising you, I became afraid, but You told me: “Fear not, for I am with you. Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10). Now I know that I do not need to be afraid. On behalf of the Pharisees and scribes, it was known that if we, Your believers, stopped praising you, the stones will begin to praise You and witness for You. Perhaps the first stone that came to praise You was Dimas the thief, when he sang: “Remember me Oh Lord, When You come into Your Kingdom!” The second stone was when we the children were not able to go to Calvary to praise You, yet a captain of a hundred of soldiers, swallowed his pride as he began to see Your light and praise You saying, “truly, You are the Son of God.”
You never cease to amaze me, as the blind man sees and the lame man walks into Your temple, you are an all-powerful God and my faith is committed to You alone. Open the eyes of my heart, for I want to see You shining in Your glory. I want to heal my inner feet, by being a good Christian to my peers. Help me to be like You so that all who see me see You inside of me. I love you. With love, Your child in Christ 6. The Departure from Bethany Are You hungry, You who feed all creations?! My Sweet Lord Jesus, Behold, I stand in the way with Your disciples in front of the fig tree. You cursed it, because You were hungry, and it did not bear fruit for You to eat. Tell me: Are You hungry, You who feed all creations? In the desert, You sent “Manna” the bread of heaven to the children of Israel, and took care of Your people for forty years. My question for You is, if You can send food down from the heaven to save Your people, why didn’t You send food down for Yourself? Wouldn’t You be able to ask heaven to rain Manna for You? Also, why did You curse the tree that You created? Now I understand, that Your hunger and thirst was analogous to Your hunger and thirst for my love for You. You desire my heart, and my attention at all times, so that you can make me happy on earth and one day even happier up above in heaven. You did not ask for food from heaven, because You are not in need of physical food and water. You cursed the fruitless fig tree to instill Your cross in my heart, the tree of life, so I stretch my hands to enjoy fruit of the Holy Spirit. Lord, I too am thirsty and hungry for Your love. Going to church every Sunday is not enough. I want to live and breathe Your love, and I will do so by reading the Bible and praying the psalms every morning and night. By doing this I pray that I will always have You by my side throughout the day. I want to thank You Lord for all Your blessings. Sincerely, Your beloved child 7. Holy Tuesday The Wedding My Lord Jesus Christ, I sit down at Your feet, and wait to hear parables of Your Power and Love. You say that we are Your bride and we prepare ourselves for You, heavenly Bridegroom, and King of Kings. While You speak, my heart goes out to the children of Bethlehem who were martyred. They were waiting to meet You in the hades, to see You face to face. What do You ask me to prepare for my wedding day? I pray that you be the center of my marriage, and the glue that holds my Spouse and I together. Without you, nothing is possible. Lord, enter my heart, for I miss you dearly. Please look to me with the wise virgins, that I always be prepared for Your coming and my heart will forever be full of the oil of Your grace, mercy and compassion. Your fiery Holy Spirit pours out the oil of unconditional love into my heart, so that I may be raised up with You one day in Paradise. You granted me Your divine commandments as jewellery more precious than gold and precious stones. Please, help me to keep Your commandments. Sometimes it is hard to obey my mother and father but teach me to be obedient and calm. Teach me the importance of a good listener. Help me remember to be slow to speak and quick to listen.
Meditation on Holy Liturgy Bible Readings. Palm Sunday تأمالت في إنجيل قداس أحد الشعانين Matthew 21:1-17, Mark 11:1-11, Luke 19:29-48 & John لو،11 ،11--1:11 مر،17 ،17--1:21 مت 12:12-19. 19--12:12 يو،48 19 ،48--29:19 “Hosanna to the Son of David. Blessed is He who comes in «أوصنا البن داود مبارك األتي باسم the name of the LORD. Hosanna in the highest” Matthew 9:21 الرب أوصنا في األعالي» مت 21:9. حضر الرب يسوع عيد الفصح مرات كثيرة وفي كل مرة كان ينفذ الناموس The lord Jesus has attended many pass-over celebration فيختار هو وتالميذه خروف الفصح meals (in previous years) and in each He would have حسب الشروط المطلوبة وينفرد طقس observed the law, together with His disciples chosen a العيد بمنتهى التدقيق أما هذه المرة فكان paschal lamb according to canons of the law as required. الوضع مختلفا فقد كان الرب يسوع هو The law for the paschal lamb is very specific and الذبيحة المقدمة،نفسه خروف الفصح meticulous, but this celebration was different. The Lord Himself is the Paschal Lamb sacrifice which is offered for عن خطايا العالم كله ما أوصى الناموس بتتميمه وما ظل الشعب اليهودي the sins of the world as the law specified and the Jews had practiced this very carefully and thoroughly for hundreds يتممونه بمنتهى التدقيق والحرفية مئات السنين لم يكن كل هذا إال استعدادا and hundreds of years which was a preparation and an ورمزا وإشارة إلى الفصح الحقيقي indication of the True Paschal Lamb who will sacrifice العتيد أن يقدم نفسه عن خالص العالم Himself for the salvation of the whole world. Today, The واليوم يدخل الرب يسوع إلى.كله Lord Jesus enters Jerusalem as gentle Lamb to be examined أورشليم حمال وديعا يفحصه الجميع by all, seen by the eyes and hearts of all and found to be without a blemish. The true teacher who is offering comfort بعيونهم وقلوبهم ينظرون إليه فيجدونه صحيحا قائما معلما مريحا،بال عيب to the burdened hearts, examined by all to see the Saviour of mankind and they shout, “Hosanna to the Son of David, لقلوب المتعبين يراه الجميع فيرون فيه Hosanna in the highest” (Matthew 21:9). Laying upon his فادي البشرية كلها فيصرخون ارحمنا يا يضعون. ابن داود أوصنا في األعالي shoulders all of their heavy burdens, troubles and heart على كتفيه كل أحمالهم ومتاعبهم felt bitterness, for Him to carry it in peace, meekness and ومرارة نفوسهم ويحملها عنهم في gentleness of the Lamb and surrendering as the donkey He وداعة واستسالم ووداعة الحمالن is riding and the obedience and harmony of the colt which واستسالم األتان الذي يركبه وفي رضا is following! .وفي فرح ابن األتان الذي يتبعه The meek saw Him and became joyful and took off the heavy garlands of the world and put it under His feet. The خلعوا عنهم زينة،رأه الودعاء ففرحوا ،العالم الثقيلة وطرحوها تحت قدميه humble saw Him and delighted and emerged carrying رأه البسطاء فتهللوا وانطلقوا يحملون the white palms revealing their white hearts which is in له سعف النخيل األبيض مظهرين له gladness declaring Him king on their hearts fervent to receive Him. Those who are suffering, burdened and heavy قلوبهم البيضاء المتهللة به معلنين أنهم laden saw Him and comforted, waving the olive branches قد قبلوه ملكا يسكن في قلوبهم المستعدة رأه المتعبين والمتألمين.الستقباله and asking Him to heal them and anoint them with the فارتاحوا ولوحوا له بأغصان الزيتون oil of grace and to give their hearts peace and solace. The طالبين أن يشفيهم ويدهنهم بزيت نعمته children saw Him and emerged praising and singing for رأه.وأن يمنح قلوبهم سالما وراحة they have seen in Him, the future they desire and in Him األطفال فانطلقوا يسبحون ويرتلون فقد they wanting to live a better life. And you, my beloved, what do you see in the Lord entering رأوا فيه المستقبل الذي من أجله يريدون Jerusalem? Is your heart willing to receive Him like them? أن يعيشوا لتكون لهم حياة ويكون لهم .أفضل + He was gentle: وأنت أيها الحبيب ماذا ترى في الرب Thus, wanted the Lord to enter Jerusalem in gentleness الداخل إلى أورشليم؟ هل تجد قلبك and serenity not known to mankind, for all nations used مستعدا مثلهم الستقباله؟ to welcome their kings in much hustle and noise with the sounds of gun salutes and shoutings of cheers and fiery : وديعا+ speeches, but the Lord has a different approach. The Lord هكذا أراد الرب أن يدخل أورشليم فس is seeking the humble hearts, calm and void of malice, وداعة وهدوء لم تتعود عليه البشرية فقد cheating and deceitful in appearance. He is who Isiah تعودت البشرية أن تستقبل ملوكها في the prophet describes as “He will not cry out, nor raise صخب وضجيج بين أصوات المدافع His voice, or cause His voice to be heard in the street. A هتافات صاخبة وخطب نارية صارخة bruised reed He will not break, and smoking flax He will ولكن للرب أسلوب مختلف فالرب يريد not quench” (Isaiah 42:2-3) and He is who instructed us to القلوب الوديعة الهادئة الخالية من الغش be “humble as doves” (Matthew 10:16). إنه هو نفسه.والنفاق وخداع المظهر
الذي يقول عنه النبي أشعياء «ال Gentleness, humbleness and serenity are the attributes God loves in mankind and is pleased with it. The Bible states the يصيح وال يخاصم وال يسمع أحد في قصبة مرضوضة،الشوارع صوته our Lord Jesus loved Lazarus and used to go to his house »ال تقصف وفتيلة مدخنة ال تنطفئ near Jerusalem and it is with Lazarus that Jesus preformed وهو الذي أوصانا «كونوا ودعاء one of the greatest miracles, He raised Lazarus from death .»كالحمام after 4 days (John 11) and strangely, we don’t hear much about Lazarus or what he said for he was a gentle and humble الوداعة والرقة والهدوء من الصفات .التي يحبها هللا ويرتاح لصاحبها man and the Lord loved his humbleness. فيقول الكتاب عن لعازر أن الرب When Elijah fled from Jezebel and Ahab to the mountain يسوع كان يحبه وأنه كان يرتاح جدا of Horeb, God spoke to him and He said, “What are you أن يأتي إلى بيته بالقرب من أورشليم doing here, Elijah?”, So he answered, “I have been very ومع لعازر هذا صنع واحدة من zealous for the LORD God of hosts; for the children of Israel أعظم المعجزات إذ أقامه من الموت have forsaken Your covenant, torn down Your altars, and بعد أربعة أيام والعجيب أننا ال نسمع killed Your prophets with the sword. I alone am left; and عن لعازر أي شئ ال نسمعه قد تكلم they seek to take my life.” 1Kings 19) and The Lord God wanted to teach him a lesson in calmness and humbleness the أو فعل شيئا لعازر كان إنسانا هادئا Lord God asked him to go out of the cave And behold, the .وديعا ارتاح الرب إلى وداعته وأحبه عندما هرب إيليا من إيزابل وأخاب LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind tore into the انطلق إلى جبل هللا حوريب ودخل mountains and broke the rocks in pieces before the LORD, مغارة وبات فيها وهنا بدأ الرب يكلمه but the LORD was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake; and ويسأله مالك هنا يا إيليا ويقول إيليا له after the earthquake a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire; قد غرت غيرة للرب إلة الجنود ألن and after the fire a still small voice (1Kings 19:11-12). The بني إسرائيل قد تركوا عهدك ونقضوا مذابحك وقتلوا أنبيائك بالسيف وبقيت Lord then spoke to Elijah and told that He have reserved seven thousand in Israel, all whose knees have not bowed to أنا وحدي وهم يطلبون نفسي وأراد الرب أن يعلمه درسا في الهدوء Baal (1kings 19: 18), seven thousand still worshiping God والوداعة وطلب منه أن يخرج من with humbleness, calmness and silent. Mordecai the humble and gentle man in the palace of king الجبل وإذا بالرب عابر وريح عظيمة وشديدة قد شقت الجبال وكسرت Ahasuerus and was more honoured than Haman the king’s الصخورولم يكن الرب في الريح counsellor who was strong and powerful, but he feared Mordecai to the extent that he plotted to kill Mordecai (Book وبعد الريح زلزلة ولم يكن الرب في الزلزلة ثم نار ولم يكن الرب في النار of Esther 6-9). David the shepherd boy, handsome bright وبعد النار صوت منخفض خفيف eyed, tending to the sheep, psalmist of Israel was stronger وإذا بصوت الرب يتكلم مالك ههنا يا than Goliath the giant and loud spoken (1 Samuel 17)! Indeed, the meek shall inherit the earth (Matthew 5:5) as the إيليا ويخبره الرب أنه ما زال هناك ،سبعة أالف ركبة لم تنحني لبعل Lord Jesus said. The Lord offered Himself as an example سبعة أالف شخص ما زالوا يعبدون of gentleness “learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in .الرب في هدوء ووداعة وصمت heart” (Matthew 11:29). إن مردخاي اإلنسان الهادئ الوديع Many, believe that to solve problems, one needs to be stern, firm and brutal, forgetting that this attitude will complicate في قصر الملك أحشويرش كان أقوى من هامان وزير الملك الصاخب the issues and create more problems! Makes friends foes. العاتي الجبار لدرجة أن هامان كان How many husbands thought that with strictness and يشعر بصغر نفسه أمام مردخاي toughness they will well manage their affairs at home, and زصار يدبر له المؤامرات ليقتله will control his kids and the wife will be obedient? Alas, إن داود الفتى الوديع.)(سفر أستير such attitude creates a great gap between them and instil راعي،األشقر مع حالوة العينين a void which is hard to fulfil? Even, if they achieve some temporally results, soon the problems re-appear and is more مرنم إسرائيل الحلو كان أقوى،الغنم حقا.من جليات الجبار الكثير الكالم complicated. Even with the spiritual issues in the church إن الودعاء يرثون األرض كما يقول services, some believe that, with strictness and forbidding الرب يسوع بل إن الرب يعطي نفسه and strictness some of the problems will be corrected! مثال في الوداعة «تعلموا مني ألني Forgetting that, these issues should be treated with love and .»وديع ومتواضع القلب humbleness. This does not mean no strictness, but strictness is required blended with love and be assured that what cannot كثيرون يعتقدون أن إصالح األمور يحتاج إلى الشدة والقوة والعنف be solved with love cannot be solved with force! وينسون أن أسلوب الشدة والعنف إنما There are some, who believe that, the humble and loving attitude is simply sluggishness and slackness, maybe it takes في الواقع يعقد األمور أكثر ويخلق
longer time to solve the problems, but it is a successful مشاكل أكثر ويجعل من األصدقاء and complete solution for the problems, solving it from it’s كم مرة يعتقد الزوج أنه بأسلوب.أعداء roots and always love never fails. الشدة والعنف سوف يجعل أمور بيته تستقيم ويضبط أوالده ويضمن طاعة + Very great multitude spread their clothes on the road: What is meant with clothes is the outer garment, which زوجته وهو ال يدري أن هذا األسلوب is normally a decorative garment people of that time used إنما يزيد بعدهم عنه ويخلق بينه وبينهم فراغا يصعب ملئه بعد ذلك وحتى إن to wear over their everyday clothing. This represents the عالج بقية األمور فإنه عالج مؤقت outer appearance of mankind. This hinders the wearer in وسرعان ما تتفجر األمور وتتعقد his movement as it is a heavy clothing. The Lord resides حتى في األمور الروحية.المشاكل in hearts of the humble and He does not want external وفي خدمات الكنيسة يعتقد البعض أن obstacles which stops the Lord from coming into your أسلوب القطع والغضب والشدة سوف heart! Many are these obstacles which man wraps himself in it and it stop man from a holy union with God and many يعالج األخطاء ويعتقدون أن المشاكل تحل باألوامر والنواهي وينسون أن are these unnecessary apparel and attire which man ties هذه األمور ال تعالج إال بأسلوب الحب himself with it! ليس معنى هذا الخلو من.والوداعة Many of the obstacles for spiritual growth in fact are man فالحزم مطلوب ولكن ممتزجا،الحزم made obstacles and can easily be removed if he (or she) بالحب وتأكد تماما أن الذي ال تستطيع wills to take off and spread under the Lord Jesus Christ’s أن تعالجه بالمحبة ال يمكن معالجته feet. Some of these obstacles are being busy and it is very .بالشدة easy to use this excuse, for one can always “I am busy” and have no-time! I am occupied, even if one is not, still وهناك من ال يعجبه هذا األسلوب الهادئ صحيح ان،ويعتقد أنه رخاوة وتباطؤ it is easy to say so and create some venture to occupy one هذا األسلوب يأخذ وقتا طويال لعالج self. King David and prophet was fully occupied with his المشاكل ولكنه عالجا ناجحا يعالج kingdom but found enough time to praise (the Lord) seven إنه.المشاكل من أعماقها وجزورها times every day and wake in middle of night to praise .عالج دائم فالمحبة ال تسقط أبدا God for His just mercy and wetting his bed with his tears and remembering his sins all the time. However, Felix the : والجمع األكثر فرشوا ثيابهم+ governor had time to listen to St Paul many time, hoping المقصود بالثياب هنا الثوب الخارجي that St Paul might offer him a bribe to let him go, but وهو عادة ثوب مزخرف تعود الناس في had no time for repentance but only time for bribery and ذلك الوقت أن يلتفوا به فوق مالبسهم worldly pleasures. العادية وهو يمثل مظهر اإلنسان وزينته Offer, this treasured time under the feet of the Christ our الخارجية وهي عادة تعطل اإلنسان في Lord and let the Lord trample over it and bless every الرب يسكن.حركته ألنها مالبس ثقيلة second of your life making it a holy lasting period for في قلوب الودعاء وأيضا ال يريد الرب repentance and redemption. عوائق خارجية تمنعه من الدخول إلى Also, from these fabricated obstacles is outward قلب اإلنسان وما أكثر تلك األثقال التي compliments! Because we care more for what others think يلف بها اإلنسان نفسه وتحرمه من العشرة المقدسة مع هللا ما أكثر تلك and we try to please the people (more than God); we dress التكليفات والمظاهر التي ال ضرورة لها and adorn ourselves for the people, but we even go to .التي يقيد اإلنسان نفسه بها church for the people and allow extra feat for the people. إن الكثير جدا من عوائق النمو الروحي It is of grat importance that we please the people, to be social we even part-take of others unacceptable pleasures في الواقع هي عوائق من صنع اإلنسان نفسه ويستطيع بسهولة لو أراد أن to complement them! We were like the worldly people so that we are similar, we would furnish our houses with يخلعها ويطرحها تحت أقدام الرب يسوع ومن هذه العوائق المشغولية.المسيح worldly decorations like others! Thus, the people’s view ما أسها هذا العذر فاإلنسان يستطيع أن a law and a canon to adhere to and what of God’s canons and commandments? Put away all these world interest out ،يعتذر عن أي شئ بكلمة أنا مش فاضي أنا مشغول وحتى لو كان اإلنسان of your heart and home and place it under The Lord Jesus Christ’s feet and say to Him; for you Lord, I have taken off, غير مشغول فما أسهل أن يخلق لنفسه .المشاغل عندما يريد أم يكون مشغوال my adornment and leave the worldly pleasures and all the إن داود الملك والنبي مع كل مشاغل lusts of the world. Lord, all I care for, is your acceptance ملكه كان يجد الوقت ليسبح الرب سبع and Your Love is grater prize than all the world treasures. مرات كل يوم ولكي يقوم في نصف + cut down branches from the treed... And cried out, الليل يسبح أحكام عدله ولكي يعوم saying: Hosanna to the Son of David How often, can our prayer become mere rituals? We utter سريره بدموعه ولكي يضع خطيته أمامه it without wanting to suffer in applying it in our lives! Just وفيلكس الوالي رغم أن عنده.كل حين
الوقت لكي يستدعي بولس مرات كثيرة ليسمعه متوقعا أن look at one example; the Lord’s Prayer, we pray and say “let it be according to Your يقدم له بولس رشوة ليطلقه لم يكن عنده وقت للتوبة كان will” but we always want what we desire in عنده وقت فقط للرشوة واللهو العالمي. ?our hearts, how can the Lord do His will قدم هذا الوقت الثمين تحت قدمي السيد المسيح ،دع الرب We pray and say “forgive us our trespasses يسير عليه فيباركه ويجعل من كل ثانية في عمرك دهرا as we forgive those who trespass against مقدسا للتوبة والخالص. ومن العوائق المصطنعة أيضا المجامالت الخارجية فنحن us”, but we do not forgive others, how can ?we then receive forgiveness نهتم جدا برأي الناس وإرضاء الناس فنلبس ونتزين ألجل If you are carrying a palm for the Lord الناس بل نذهب للكنيسة من أجل الناس نعمل عمال إضافيا and your heart is not shouting “Hosanna من أجل الناس .من المهم جدا رضا الناس عنا نشارك الناس في لهوهم غير الالئق من أجل مجاملتهم ،نرتدي مثل to the Son of David” then you are a person carrying empty symbols. If you are waving مالبسهم حتى ال يكونوا أفضل منا نفرش بيوتنا ونزينها the tree branches and your heart is empty زينة عالمية مثلهم وهكذا صار رأي الناس قانونا ووصية of peace and is not shouting “Hosanna in ملزمة وأين هي وصايا هللا؟ اخرج كل هذه االهتمامات highest” then you live in bare and false, التي ترضي الناس من قلبك ومن بيتك وأطرحها تحت أقدام facade. It is bleak to become just one of السيد المسيح وقل له من أجلك يا رب أنا سوف أخلع زينتي the crowd, run, clap and cheer like the وأطرح عني محبتك للهو العالم وشهوته المهم يا رب أن ?others without knowing what one does ترضى أنت عني أن أكسب رضاك وحبك أفضل من كل Be aware of this, for many of those who ثروات العالم. +قطعوا أغصانا من الشجر وكانوا يصرخون أوصنا البن were cheering with the crowd went to the )temple and their they made it (the temple داود: a “den of thieves”! For worship to them كم تتحول صالتك إلى مجرد شعارات ترددها ولكنك ال is simply outer appearances (rituals) and تريد أن تضحي من أجل تطبيقها في حياتك انظر فقط إلى compliments. When the true goal of life مثال واحد الصالة الربانية نصلي ونقول لتكن مشيئتك with God is lost, the temple within you, ولكنك تريد دائما ما تشتهيه في قلبك فكيف يحقق الرب مشيئته .نصلي ونقول اغفر لنا ذنوبنا كما نغفر نحن أيضا your heart, becomes a den of thieves for the world. للمذنبين إلينا ولكنك ال تغفر ألحد فكيف تنال الغفران .إن Ask yourself, today and seek the true كنت تحمل مجرد سعفا أمام هللا وقلبك ال يصرخ ارحمني يا ابن داود فأنت شخص حامل شعارات جوفاء .إن كنت تلوح answer clearly “what is the purpose of your باألغصان وقلبك خالي من كل سالم وال يصرخ أوصنا في life with God? Is just to pass the time? Just ?a leisure pursuit? Facade before others األعالي فأنت تعيش في مظاهر زائفة .ما أصعب أن تصير مجردا وواحدا في الزحام يعدو ويصفق ويهلل مثل اآلخرين Fearing others reprimand? Is it to achieve worldly glory and profit? Is it to seek وال يدري ماذا يفعل احترس من هذا فالكثيرون جدا من هؤالء الذين كانوا يهللون وسط الزحام ذهبوا إلى الهيكل leadership and fame? Is it because others do ?)it? Is it for the ritual (of worship وهناك حولوه إلى مغارة لصوص فالعبادة عندهم مجرد Examine yourself carefully, for the Lord مظهرية مجرد مجامالت وعندما يضيع الهدف الحقيقي مع الحياة مع هللا عندئذ يتحول الهيكل في داخلك وهو قلبك إلى seeks gentle, humble and lowly hearts. The Lord, wants souls who submit to Him all مغارة للصوص العالم. and give away the worldly exterior and أسأل نفسك اليوم وابحث عن هذه اإلجابة بوضوح ما هو all it’s lusts leaving behind the burden هدفك من الحياة مع هللا؟ هل هو مجرد قضاء وقت؟ مجرد of the world and it’s empty glory for the تسلية؟ المظهر أمام الناس؟ خوفا من تأنيب اآلخرين؟ هل Kingdom of Heavens. For yourself, where هو تحقيق أرباح وأمجاد عالمية؟ هل هو حبا في الرئاسة والشهرة؟ هل لمجرد أن اآلخرين يفعلون هذا؟ أي حبا في are among all of them? Are you among the ?Pharisees and Scribes envious and hateful التقليد؟ Are you among the traders? Even if they راجع نفسك جيدا فالرب يريد له قلوبا وديعة هادئة متضعة were selling doves. Are among the money يريد نفوسا تسلم له كل شئ وتتخلى عن مظاهر العالم exchangers, even if they were exchanging وشهواته تطرح عنه كل ثقل العالم ومجده الباطل من أجل money with temple shekels? Or are among ملكوت السموات .وعن ذاتك فأين أنت وسط كل هؤالء؟ those who are carrying the palms with pure هل أنت بين الكتبة والفريسيين الحاسدين الحاقدين؟ هل white hearts and those who are waving the أنت بين الباعة؟ حتى وإن كانوا يبيعون حماما .هل أنت tree branches, peace loving and shouting بين الصيارفة وإن كانوا يغيرون األموال لشاقل القدس أم from their hearts “Hosanna Son of David, أنت بين حاملي السعف األبيض القلوب النقية ،بين ملوحي Hosanna in the Highest, blessed is He who األغصان ،محبي السالم والصارخين من قلوبهم. comes in the name of The Lord” Amen. «ارحمنا يا ابن داود أوصنا في األعالي ،مبارك األتي باسم الرب».
Holy Babtism Baby Isaiah (Macarius) son of Joseph & Dolagy Mourise Sunday 10th April 2022 St. Mary’s Church
Holy Baptism Baby Alfie son of Anthony & Christine Crivelli Sunday 10th pril 2022 St. Mary’s Church
كوبتك هوب تشاريتي نداء عيد القيامة المجيد )1:41 » (مز.ب ْ «طُوبَى لِلَّ ِذي يَ ْنظُ ُر إِلَى ا ْل َم ُّ فِي يَ ْو ِم الش َِّّر يُنَ ِّجي ِه ال َّر.ين ِ س ِك ،األحباء شعب إيبارشية ملبورن وتوابعها يسر كوبتك هوب تشاريتي،بما إننا في الفترة المباركة للصوم األربعيني المقدس ومع اقتراب عيد القيامة المجيد 2022 أن تعلن عن نداء عيد القيامة لعام فإن نداء «كوبتك هوب شاريتي» لعيد القيامة يقوم بدعم إخوتنا،بفضل حب وكرم شعبنا القبطي األرثوذكسي . عبر القرى والمحافظات األكثر فقراً في جميع أنحاء مصر،إخوة الرب، وأخواتنا وتؤكد «كوبتك هوب شاريتي» أن جميع التبرعات الخاصة بسالل عيد القيامة التي يتم جمعها هي لتوفير هذه - عائلة في برنامجنا «أسرة ألسرة624 بما في ذلك،السالل ليتم توزيعها على أكبر عدد ممكن من العائالت .»Family to Family وغيرها، والسكر، واللبن، والزبد، والدقيق، واألرز، دوالرً ا لكل سلة لعيد القيامة سيوفر اللحم50 تبرعك بقيمة .مما يجعل اإلحتفال بعيد القيامة وقتًا خاصً ا إلخواننا وأخواتنا المحتاجين الرجاء التبرع مع، للمساهمة في عطاء «كوبتك هوب تشاريتي لعيد القيامة» أو المساعدة في الدعم المستمر الخاص بناPayPal » إلى الحساب البنكى التالي أو عبر حسابEaster Hamper Appeal« اإلشارة إلى :على Account Name: Coptic Hope Charity Limited ATF BSB: 063-159 Account Name: 10686722 . دوالر لمن يطلبها2 سيتم إصدار إيصاالت لخصم الضرائب لجميع التبرعات التي تزيد عن جميع األموال التي تجمعها «كوبتك هوب تشاريتي» هي لألغراض الوحيدة الخاصة بالخدمات التي تقدمها .«كوبتك هوب تشاريتي» للفقراء والمحتاجين . ودعمكم، وكرمكم، نود أن نشكركم على محبتكم،»باإلنابة عن «كوبتك هوب تشاريتي : أو البريد اإللكتروني715 411 0423 موبايل، الرجاء االتصال بناجي بانوب،لمزيد من المعلومات Coptic Hope Charity Easter Hamper Appeal - 2022 “Blessed is he who considers the poor; The Lord will deliver him in time of trouble.” Psalm 41:1 Beloved congregation of the Diocese of Melbourne and Affiliated Regions, As we enter the blessed and holy season of The Holy Lent and the Feast of the Glorious Resurrection, Coptic Hope Charity is pleased to announce the Easter Hamper Appeal - 2022. With the love and generosity of the Coptic Orthodox congregation, Coptic Hope Charity Easter Hamper Appeal supports our less fortunate brothers and sisters across the poorest villages and provinces throughout Egypt. Coptic Hope Charity confirms that all donations collected for the Easter Hamper Appeal is to provide hampers to be distributed amongst as many families as possible, including the 624 families in our Family-to-Family program. Your gift of $50 for each Easter Hamper will provide; Meat, rice, flour, butter, milk, sugar etc to make celebrating the Feast of Resurrection a special time for our less fortunate brothers and sisters. To contribute to Coptic Hope Charity Easter Hamper Appeal or assist with ongoing support please donate with reference “Easter Hamper Appeal” to the following bank account or via our Paypal account at Account Name: Coptic Hope Charity Limited ATF BSB: 063-159 Account Name: 10686722 Tax deductible receipts for all donations above $2 will be issued upon receipt. All funds raised by Coptic Hope Charity are for the sole purposes of the services provided by Coptic Hope Charity to serve the poor and in need. On behalf of Coptic Hope Charity, we would like to thank you for your love, generosity and support. For further information please call Nagy Banoub on 0423 411 715 or email:
Contact our fathers the new priests on the following numbers Fr Kerillos 0411 518 399 Fr John 0433 445 636
Reception of Father Keillos Tawadros & Father John Macari St Mary’s Church Saturday 9th April 2022
Welcome Our beloved Abonas Please pray for us all.
New Buildings works starting 21st March 2022 Buildings has been evacuated. Power and gas have been disconnected ready for the construction works. The new Building is expected to be ready within 12 months. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downladed from church website. Cost of building works is around $12,000000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreaciated. ٢٠٢٢ مارس٢١ البدء فى مشروع المبانى يوم المقاول وضع.تم إخالء المبنى وفصل الكهرباء والغاز أستعدادا للعمل فى المبانى الجديدة خدمات الكنيسة تتم. شهرا١٢ من التزع تألنتهاء من المشروع خالل.سورا حول المبانى .حسب المعتاد حسب الجدول الموضح داخل النشرة . مليون دوالرا١٢ تبلغ تكلفة المشروع حوالى ينكنك المشاركة بتبرع شهرى بملء أستمارة السحب البنكى الموجودة بالكنيسة أو طبعها من خالل مركز الكنيسة األلكترونى الرب يبارك تبرعاتكم ومساهمتكم فى هذا العمل Good News - أخبار سارة
Department of Education offered $1,000,000 grant for the child care Donations to St Mary›s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link للتبرعات لكنيسة العذراء مريم ومشروع المبانى أضغط على الرابط (Copy & Paste on Web Browser) Special Thanks for all who keep working tirelessly for the success of this project. May the Lord reward them all and bless all their works