Weekly Bulletin 17th March 2024

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Services at St Mary’s Church


Mass 9 - 11 am


Liturgy 5:30 - 7am

7:30pm The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages

Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am

6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults


Mass 9 - 11 am - English

English Midnight Praises 7:30pm

English Bible Study 7:30pm

Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am

Youth 25 and above 7-9pm

Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm

Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am

Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm

Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm English

Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:30-7pm

Scouts 1:30 - 3pm

School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm


1st Mass6 - .7:45am Arabic & English

2nd Mass.7:45 – .9:30am English

3rd Mass 9:30 - 11:15am Arabic

Hymns Class - English 11:45 - 12:30pm

Church Priests:

Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251

Email: frtadros@me.com

Fr Habib Girgis Younan:

0401238177 – 94498871

Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com

Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821

Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au

Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kensington

Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651

Fr Kerillos Tawadros

0411 518 399

Fr John Makary

0433 445 636

يزيلجنا - احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - ليللا فصن ةحبست

ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - سدقملا باتكلا سرد احابص ١١ – ٩ يهللإا سادقلا :ةعمجلا رثكأف ةنس 25 بابشلا ءاسم ٩ – 7

يزيلجنا - ةمدخلا دادعإ عامتجأ ءاسم 8:30 - 7 احابص ١١ – 8,30 يهللإا سادقلا:تبسلا 5,30 – 4 دحلأا سرادم ءاسم 8:30 –7 بابشلا عامتجاو ةيشعلا يزيلجنا يبرع ءاسم 7 - 5:30 باتك سردو ةيشعلا :دحلأا

يزيلجناو يبرع ص,7:45 – 6 لولأا سادقلا

يزيلجنإ – ص ٩:30 – ,7:45 يناثلا سادقلا

يبرع ص ١١:١5 – ٩:30 ثلاثلا سادقلا

ءاسم ١2:30 - ١١:45

:ءارذعلا ةسينكب ةمدخلا ديعاوم:نينثلأا احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا احابص 7 - 5:30 :يهللإا سادقلا :ءاثلاثلا )يزيلجنا( ىاو اذ - يزيلجنلإاب رابكلل عامتجأ ءاسم 7:30 احابص ١١ – ٩ يهللإا سادقلا :ءاعبرلأا :سيمخلا
يزيلجنا - ناحلأ لصف :ةسينكلاب ةنهكلا ءابلأا ميبوراش سردات صمقلا 0414251251بلأا Email: frtadros@me.com :نانوي سجرج بيبح سقلا بلأا 94498871 - 0401238177 Email: habibgirgisyounan@ hotmail.com 0422431821 :بيلص لكيام سقلا بلأا Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Epsom Rd, 3031:ةسينكلا ناونع :نوفيلت 5 Kensington Vic 93766651 سورضوات سلريك سقلا بلأا 0411518399 يراكم نوج سقلا بلأا 0433445636 Liturgies during the Holy Lent 11th March - 26th April 2024 Additional Liturgies Tuesday 12 - 3pm Thursday 5 - 7pm Next Tuesday 19th March Feast of the Holy Cross - Cross procession during the Matins- Joyful Palm Subday Tune -No abstaining ريبكلا موصلا للاخ ةيفاضأ تاسادق 2024 ليربأ 26 - سرام ١١ ءاسم 3 - ١2 2 ءاثلاثلا ءاسم 75 سيمخلا ةبشخ فاشتكأ ديع سرام ١٩ مداقلا ءاثلاثلا - ركاب ةلاص ىف بيلصلا ةرود ماقت - بيلصلا ايعاطقنا ماصي لا - ىنيناعشلا نحللاب ىلصي

Commemoration Of the Appearance Of The Glorious Cross.

19th March - 10th Baramhat

The church celebrates the appearance of the glorious Cross of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ twice:

The First on the sixteenth day of the month of Tute, 326 A.D. by the hands of the righteous Empress St. Helen, the mother of Constantine the great, the righteous Emperor. This Saint when her son Constantine accepted the Faith in the Lord Christ, she vowed to go to Jerusalem. Her righteous son prepared everything needed to fulfill this holy visit.

When she arrived to Jerusalem with multitude of soldiers, she asked about the place of the Cross but no one would tell her. She took one of the jewish elders and pressured him by hunger and thirst until he was forced to direct them to the place where they might find the Cross at the hill of Golgotha. She ordered them to clear out the site of Golgotha where they found three crosses and that was in the year 326 A.D. However, they did not know the cross upon which Our Lord Christ was crucified, they brought a dead man and they laid upon him one of the crosses and then the other but he did not rise up but when they laid the third cross upon him he rose up immediately, then they realized that this was the Cross of Our Lord Christ. The Empress and all the believers kneeled down before the Holy Cross, and she sent a piece of it with the nails to her son Constantine. Immediately after, she built the churches that were mentioned on the Sixteenth day of the blessed month of Tute. The Second celebration that the church commemorates the Cross is on the Tenth day of the month of Baramhat by the hands of Emperor Heraclius, in 627 A.D. When the Persians were defeated by Heraclius they retreated from Egypt to their country. On their way back they passed through Jerusalem, a persian prince entered the church of the Cross which was built by Empress Helen. He saw a great light shinning from a piece of wood located on a place decorated with gold. He thrust his hand to it and there went forth from it fire which burned his fingers. The Christians told him that this is the base of the Holy Cross and they told him how it was discovered and no one was able to touch it except a Christian. He deceived the two deacons who were standing to guard it and gave them much money so they would carry this piece and go with it with him to his country. They took it and put it in a box and went with him to his country along with those who were captured from the city of Jerusalem. When Emperor Heraclius heard that, he went with his army to Persia, fought with them and slew many of them. He traveled about this country searching for this piece of the Holy Cross but he could not find it, for the Persian prince had dug a hole in his garden and ordered the two deacons to put the box in it and buried it and then he killed them. One of the captives of that Persian prince which was the daughter of one of the priests, was looking out of the window by chance and saw what happened. She went to Heraclius the Emperor and told him what she saw. He went

نيطنطسق ناميلإا نيطنطسق اهنبا لبق نأ تقو ميلشروأ ىلا ىضمت نأ ترذن - حيسملاب

هذه مامتلإ ئش لك رابلا اهنبا دعأف . ميلشروأ تلصو املو . ةسدقملا ةرايزلا ناكم نع تلأسو ميظع ركسع اهعمو اخيش تذخأف دحأ هب اهملعي مل بيلصلا

عوجلاب هيلع تقيضو ، دوهيلا نم داشرلإا- ىلا رطضا ىتح ، شطعلاو بيلصلا دوجو لمتحي يذلا ناكملا نع فيظنتب تراشأف– . ةثجلجلا ناميكب هيف ، نابلص ةثلاث ىلع ترثعف ، ةثجلجلا اوفرعي مل املو . م 326 ةنس ىف كلذو حيسملا ديسلا هيلع بلص يذلا بيلصلا دحأ هيلع اوعضوو اتيم اورضحأ ، رخلآا ىف اولمع اذكو ، مقي ملف نابلصلا هتقول ماق ثلاثلا هيلع اوعضو امل مهنكلو حيسملا ديسلا بيلص هنأ كلذب اوققحتف . نمؤملا بعشلا لكو ، ةكلملا هل تجسف نيطنطسق اهنبا ىلا هنم اءزج تلسرأو ،

دييشت ىف تعرسأو ، ريماسملا عم

رشع سداسلا مويلا ىف ةروكذملا سئانكلا

يناثلا لافتحلااو . كرابملا توت رهش نم ىف بيلصلا راكذت ةسينكلا هيف ميقت يذلا ناكو . تاهمرب رهش نم رشاعلا مويلا

627 ةنس ىف لقره روطاربملإا دي ىلع

سرفلا دترا امل هنأ كلذو . ةيدلايم مامأ مهدلاب ىلا رصم نم نيمزهنم

تيب ىلع مهرورم دنع هنأ ثدح ، لقره

بيلصلا ةسينك سرفلا ءارمأ دحأ سدقملا اءوض ىأرف . ةنلايه ةكلملا اهتديش ىتلا ةعوضوم ةيبشخ ةعطق نم عشي اعطاس ريملأا دمف . بهذلاب ىلحم ناكم ىلع تقرحأو ران اهنم تجرخف ، اهيلإ هدي هذه نأ ىراصنلا هملعأف - . هعباصأ هيلع اوصق امك ، سدقملا بيلصل ةدعاق . عيطتسي لا هنأو ، هفاشتكا رمأ اضيأ ىلع لاتحاف . ىحيسملا لاإ اهسمي نأ لزجأو ، اهتسارحب نيمئاق اناك نيسامش ةعطقلا هذه لامحي نأ

ةنلايه ةسيدقلا دي ىلع بيلصلا روهظ م 326 ةنس ةكلملا تاهمرب ١٠ - سرام ١٩ ميركلا بيلصلا روهظب ةسينكلا لفتحت : حيسملا عوسي انصلخمو انبرل يذلا رهش نم رشع سداسلا مويلا ىف لولأا ةرابلا ةكلملا ىلع م 326 ةنس توت روطاربملإا ةدلاو ، ةنلايه ةسيدقلا - ةسيدقلا هذه نلأ ، ريبكلا
ىلع ءاطعلا امهل اهاذخأف ، هدلاب يلإ هعم اهب ابهذيو يلإ هعم اهب ابهذو قودنص يف اهاعضوو ميلشروأ بعش نم مهابس نم عم هدلاب بهذف ، كلذب مورلا كلم لقره عمسو مهلذخو مهبراحو سرفلا دلاب يلإ هشيجب يف فوطي لعجو . نيريثك مهنم لتقو ملف ةعطقلا هذه نع ثحبي دلابلا كلت يف رفح دق ناك ريملأا نلأ . اهيلع رثعي

with the bishops, priests and the soldiers to the place. They dug there and found the box, they took the piece of the Holy Cross out, in 628 A.D., wrapped it in magnificent apparel and Heraclius took it to the city of Constantinople and kept it there.

May the blessings of the Holy Cross be with us and Glory be to God forever. Amen.

The Commemoration of the revealing of the virginity of St. Demetrius the Twelfth Pope of Alexandria.

21st March - 12th Baramhat

On this day also the church celebrates the commemoration of the revealing of the virginity of St. Demetrius the Twelfth Pope of Alexandria. The angel of the Lord appeared to St. Julian, the Eleventh Pope, before his departure and said: “You are going to the Lord Christ, the one who will bring you tomorrow a cluster of grapes, is the one fit to be a Patriarch after you.” On the morrow, this saint came with a cluster of grapes, Abba Julian held him and told the people: “This is your Patriarch after me,” and told them what the angel told him. After the departure of Abba Julian they took him and ordained him Patriarch on the 9th day of Baramhat (March 4th., 188 A.D.( and he was married.

Since no married Patriarch ever before this father been enthroned over the See of Alexandria, satan entered the hearts of the laity and made them talk and grumble against the Patriarch and the one who recommended him. The angel of God appeared to St. Demetrius and told him about that and ordered him to remove the doubt from their hearts by revealing to them his relation with his wife. When St. Demetrius refused, the angel told him: “It is not meet that you save your self alone and let others be perished because of you. But because you are a shepherd you should fight to save your people also”.

On the next day, after he had finished celebrating the Divine Liturgy, he asked the people not to leave the church. He brought flamed charcoal, and brought his wife from the place of the women and the congregation wondered at his action, not knowing what he was going to do. He prayed and walked on the blazing fire, he took a piece of the blazing fire and put it in his shawl, then he took another piece and put it in his wife’s shawl. He prayed again for a long time and both shawls did not burn. The congregation marvelled and asked him to tell them why he did that. He told them of his strife with his wife, and how his father and her father married them against their will, and they have lived together as a brother and sister since they were married forty-eight years ago, the angel of the Lord each night covered them with his wings, and no one knew that before that time until the angel of the Lord ordered him to reveal his secret.

The congregation marvelled for what they had seen and heard, they praised and glorified God asking the Saint to pardon them for what they had done or said and to forgive them. He accepted their apology, forgave them, blessed them, and sent them to their homes glorifying the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit talking about what they saw of wonders from this Saint.

ةفقاسلاا هعمو

يلع اورثعف اورفحو . عضوملا كلذ

ةعطقلا اوجرخأف هيف امب قودنصلا

ىف اهوفلو م 628 ةنس ىف ةسدقملا ةنيدم ىلا لقره اهذخأو ةرخاف بايث انبرلو . كانه .اهعدوأو ةينيطنطسقلا . نيمآ . امئاد دجملا

سويرتميد ابابلا ةيلوتب روهظ ١2 2 لا ىردنكسلاا

تاهمرب ١2 2 - سرام 2١ ١ راكذتب ةسينكلا ديعت مويلا اذه لثم ىف

ابنلأا ميظعلا سيدقلا هيلوتب روهظ يناثلا ةيسقرملا ةزاركلا اباب سويرتميد

سونايلوي سيدقلا نأ كلذو . رشع هل رهظ ةحاين ةليل رشع يداحلإ ابابلا ضام تنأ « : هل لاقو برلا كلام ادغ كيلإ لخدي يذلاف حيسملا ديسلا ىلا حلصي يذلا وه ، بنع دوقنع هعمو ناك املف . ! كدعب اكريرطب نوكي نأ

دوقنع هعمو سيدقلا اذه لخد دغلا

لاقو سونايلوي بلأا هكسمأف بنع

. « ىدعب مككريرطب اذه « : بعشلل

هوكسمأف . كلاملا هل هلاق امب مهفرع مث

4 ( تاهمرب ٩ ىف اكريرطب هوماقأو

+ اجوزتم ناكو ) م ١88 ةنس سرام

ةيردنكسلإا ىسرك ىلع مسر نكي ملو لخدف . بلأا اذه لبق جوزتم كريرطب مهتلعجو سانلا ةماع بلق ىف ناطيشلا

نمو وه هنومذيو هرمأب نوثدحتي

هملعأو برلا كلام هل رهظف . همدق

نم كشلا عزني نأ هرمأو .! ب كلذب

مامأ هتأرما عم ةرمآ راهظإب بولقلا

كلاملا هل لاقف . لاوأ عنتماف بعشلا

طقف كسفن صلخت لا نأ بجي «( : كنلأو . كببسب كلهي كريغ عدتو

.اضيأ كبعش صلاخ ىف دهتجاف عار

، سادقلا ةمدخب ماق دغلا ناك املف

دعب فارصنلاا مدعب بعشلا رمأ مث ةدقوم اران رضحتساو ، ةمدخلا ةياهن

. ءاسنلا تيب نم هتجوز بلطو ،

مهو ، كلذ نم بجعتي بعشلا

عضوب نيسامشلا رمأو ةرفح هناتسب امهلتق مث اهمدرو اهيف قودنصلا اذه ةنبا يهو هايابس ىدحإ كلذ تأرو . ةقاط نم علطتت تناكو ،ةنهكلا دحأ لقره ىلا تعرسأف ةفدصلا قيرطب دصقف هتأر دق تناك امب هتملعأو كلملا ىلا ركسعلاو ةنهكلاو
ناكو ىلصو . كلذب دصقي اذام نوردي لا ، ةدقتم يهو هيمدقب رانل ا ىلع فقوو ، هرازا ىف اهعضوو ةيمك اهنم ذخأ مث هتجوز رازا ىف ىرخأ ةيمك عضو مث ملو ، ىلصي وهو لايوط اتقو ثبلو ، بجعتف . نيرازلاا نم ئش ١ قرتحي يذلا ببسلا نع هولأسو بعشلا عم هربخب مهملعأف ، لمعلا اذهل هعفد امهجاوز امهيوبأ نا لاقو ، هتأرما

May his prayers be with us. Amen.

The Martyrdom of the Forty Martyrs of Sebastia. 22nd March - 13th Baramhat

On this day also the holy forty martyrs of the city of Sebastia were martyred. Emperor Constantine the great had appointed his friend Lecius ruler for the east and commanded him to treat the Christians well. When he arrived to his headquarter, he ordered his subordinate to worship the idols but they refused and cursed his idols. That night some of the soldiers and their children, from the city of Sebastia, made an agreement among themselves to go to the governor confessing their faith. While they were sleeping the angel of the Lord appeared to them, strengthened them and comforted their hearts.

In the morning they stood before the Governor and confessed their faith in the Lord christ, he threatened them but they were not afraid. He commanded his men to stone them, but the stones came back upon those who stoned them. He ordered to throw them in a nearby lake, which was icy. Their organs were severed because of the excessive cold. One of them whose strength was weakened, went out of the icy water and entered the bath house nearby the lake. The heat in the bath house melted the ice that was on him but he died quickly, and lost his reward.

One of the guards saw angels descending from the heaven and in their hands crowns, they placed them over the heads of the thirty nine martyrs and remained one crown in the hand of the angel. The guard went down into the lake shouting “I am christian...I am christian.” He took the crown that was in the hand of the angel and was counted among the martyrs. Among the martyrs, were young men, whose mothers encouraged and strengthened them. Because they remained in the lake for a long time and they did not die, the Governor wished to break their legs, but the Lord took their souls and reposed them. He ordered to burn their bodies and to cast them after that into the sea. As they were carrying them out of the lake, they found a young man alive, so they left him. His mother took him and tried to threw him on the wagon with his mates but they put him off the wagon again for he was still alive. His mother took him and he died in her bosom so she put him back on the wagon. They took them outside the city and cast them into the fire which did not harm them, then they casted them into the river.

On the third day those holy martyrs appeared to the Bishop of Sebastia in a vision and told him: “Go to the river and take our bodies.” He went with the priests, deacons and the people to the river and found the bodies. They carried the bodies with great honor and placed them in a beautiful shrine, and their strife was heard in all th e countries.

May their prayers be with us and Glory be to God forever. Amen.

اوأر امم بعشلا بجعتف

طرف امع زواجتي نأ سيدقلا نم نيبلاط ىلاعت


مهل رفغو ؟ مهرذع لبقف. . مهل رفغيو مهنم بلأا نيدجمم مهتويب ىلا مهفرص مث ، مهكرابو

نم هوأر ام نيعيذم ، سدقلا حورلاو نبلااو . نيمآ انعم نوكت هتلاص . سيدقلا اذه بئاجع

ةيطسبسب اديهش نيعبرلاا داهشتسا تاهمرب ١3 3 - سرام 22

نوعبرلأا نوسيدقلا دهشتسا مويلا اذه لثم ىف كلملا نأ كلذو . ةيطسبس ةنيدمب اديهش

هقيدص سويكيل ىلو دق ناك ريبكلا نيطنطسق اريخ نييحيسملاب هاصوأو قرشلا ىلع هلبق نم

هيسوؤرم رمأ ةيلاولا رقم ىلا لصو امل هنكلو

ىفو . هتهلآ اومتشو اوعنتماف مانصلأا ةدابعب

نم مهدلاوأو دونجلا ضعب قفتا يلايللا ىدحإ

نيفرتعم هيلإ اومدقتي نأ ىلع ةيطسبس ةنيدم برلا كلام مهل رهظ نومئان مه امنيبو مهناميإب

اوفقو حابصلا ىفو . مهبولق تبثو مهعجشو حيسملا ديسلاب اوفرتعاو يلاولا– بجاح مامأ

اومجري نأ رمأو . اوفاخي ملف كلملا– مهددهف

.اهيلسرم ىلع دترت ةراجحلا تناكف ، ةراجحلاب

نأ رمأف . ةدمجتم ءام ةكرب مهراوجب ناكو

نم مهؤاضعأ تعطقتف مهوحرطف هيف اوحرطي . دربلا ةدش

مهدحأ ىوق تراخو مامح ةكربلا راوجب ناكو

ديلجلا هترارح تباذأو مامحلا اذه ىلا دعصف

ةعرسب تامو هباصعأ تلخناف هيلع ناك يذلا

. ءادهشلا فاصم نمض راص اذكهو . ةكئلام ىأر سارحلا دحأ ناف نوقابلا امأ

ىلع اهوعضو ليلاكأ مهديبو ءامسلا نم تلزن

ليلكإ ىقبو . نيثلاثلاو ةعستلا ءادهشلا سوؤر

ةكربلا ىلا لزنو سراحلا عرسأف . كلاملا ديب

« يحيسم انأ . يحيسم انأ « : حيصي وهو كلاملا ديب اقلعم ناك يذلا ليلكلإا ذخأف .

نيب ناكو . ءادهشلا فوفص ىلا مضناو ،

مهتاهمأ تناكو ، نسلا راغص ضعب ءادهشلا

انامز ةكربلا ىف اوثكم ذإو . مهتبثتو مهيوقت

، مهناقيس رسكي نأ كلملا دارأ ، اوتومي ملو

اوطحي نأ رمأف . مهحارأو مهسوفن برلا ذخأف اوقرحي نأ دعب رحبلا ىف اوحرطيو ةلجع ىلع

هوكرتف ، تمي مل ريغص ىبص مهنيب ناكو .

هئاقفر عم ةلجعلا ىلع هتحرطو همأ

ةنس نيعبراو نامث امهل ناو امهتدارأ ريغب تخأو خأ ةشيع ناشيعي امهو امهجاوز ذنم مل ادحأ ناو ، هيحانجب برلا كلام امهللظي ، برلا كلام هرمأ نأ ىلا ، نلآا لبق كلذ فرعي . كلذ راهظإب الله اوحبسو اوعمسو
هتلمحف ىلع تامو همأ هتذخأف يح هنلا ايناث هولزنأف ىلا مهب اوجرخو . مهعم هتعضوف . اهقنع مهسمت ملف رانلا ىف مهومرو ةنيدملا جراخ ثلاثلا مويلا ىفو . رحبلا ىف مهومر مث . ىذأب اولاقو ايؤر ىف ةيسبس فقسلا نوسيدقلا رهظ ذخأو ماقف . انداسجأ ذخو رهنلا ىلا مله : هل اهعضوو مارتحاب اهلمحف داسجلأا دجوو ةنهكلا راطقلأا لك ىف مهركذ عاشو . صاخ لحم ىف . امئاد دجملا انبرلو . انعم نوكت مهتاولص .

Meditations on the bible readings

First Sunday of the holy lent Matthew 6:19-33

Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth Matthew 6:19.

The life mankind leads nowadays is a complicated one and more specifically is life in this (western( country we live in … it had made man pre-occupied and worried about the materialistic matters (in his or her life( … many of the used to be in past “nice to have” had become a necessity of life … but, there are more necessities added it the list which man worries about (all the time( … maybe life for the primitive man was much simpler and the list of matters to worry about would have not exceeded 10 items, such as his or her daily food and clothing, but man nowadays has a list which include thousands of items … to the extent that one’s memory no longer good enough to maintain all what one has to remember which became a source of continuous worries and responsibilities because of all its complications … these (complications( makes the only solution for the (modern( man is a return to the simple life without all the complications, but this does not mean one will not have ambitions and goals to fulfil but what is required today is to work and plan without the worries … and the only way to do this is to put all your worries on Him Who is willing and able to carry them for you and this is the Lord Jesus …

The remedy which is offered by the Lord Jesus contain three principals …

Do not lay up for yourselves treasures … the good (simple( eye … and do not worry about your life …

+ Do not lay up treasures on earth …

Treasures here refers to the love of possession for the sake of ownership alone … and not for useful benefits … for there are those who gather money for the love of money … a collector of money … and there are those who would gather money to deploy in a profitable project … and the difference between both is great … and how many things man gathers just for the love of possession … just for the desire of possessing and its ownership and this

سادقلا ليجنإ ىف تلامأت

سدقملا موصلا نم لولاا دحلاا 33 - ا٩ :6 ىتم ضرلأا ىلع ازونك مكل اوزنكت لا ١٩ :6 ىتم

اهيف شيعي ىتلا ةدقعملا ةايحلا نإ هجو ىلعو امومع مويلا ناسنلاا ىتلا دلابلا هذه لثم ىق صوصخلا ركفي ناسنلاا تلعج .. اهيف شيعن تلوحت .. ةيداملا هرومأ ىف اريثك

ىضاملا تايلامك نم ريثك هدنع ىلانه نأ لب .. تايرورض ىلا ةديدج تايلامكو ةديدج تايرورض ةايح ىف موي لك رهظت تحبصأ ءايشلأا ةمئاق ىلا فاضتو ناسنلاا لوعي ناسنلاا حبصأ ىتلا ةريثكلا ىئادبلا ناسنلاا ناك امبر .. اهمه لا ةطيسب ةايح ىف شيعي ىذلا اهيف ركفي ىتلا ءايشلأا ةلمج ديزت

ءايشأ ةرشع نع اهمه لوعيو

هماعط ةرئاد نع جرخت لا ابيرقت

مويلا ناسنأ امأ هسبلامو طيسبلا

ءايشلأا فلاآ هدنع لمشت ةمئاقلاف

لا عبصأ ناسنلاا لقع نأ ةجردل ..

ىتلا ءايشلأا هذه لك ركذتيل عستي

هبعتو هقلقو همه ردصم تحبصأ جلاعلا لعجي هلك اذهو .. رمتسملا ةايحل دوعي نأ ناسنلال ديحولا سيلو ديقعتلا نم ولخلاو ةطاسبلا

هحومط ناسنلاا ىغلي نا اذه ىنعم مويلا بولطملا لب هراكفأو هلامأو

مه لاب نكلو ركفتو لمعت نأ وه

ىقلت نأ كلذل ديحولا قيرطلاو .. دعتسمو عيطتسي نم ىلع هلك كمه ..عوسي برلا وهو كنع هلمحي نأ عوسي برلا همدقي ىذلا جلاعلاو .. ماسقأ ةثلاث نم جلاع وه انه


نيعلا .. ازونك مكل اوزنكت لا

عمجي نم كانهف .. ديفم لامعتسا ىوهي .. لاملا ةبحم درجمل لاملا عمجي نم كانهو .. لاملا عمج عورشم ىف همادختسأ لجلأ لاملا
مكتايحل اومتهت لا .. ةطيسبلا ىلع ازونك مكل اوزنكت لا + .. ضرلاا ءانتقلاا ةبحم
زمرت انه زونكلا ىلأ سيلو .. ءانتقلاا درجمل

desire would rule over such man till it destroys him or her …

There are those who collect money … like the foolish rich man … who demolished his barns and built grater ones and said to himself eat, drink, and be merry but God said to him, Fool, this night your soul will be required of you; then whose these things will be which you have provided??? (Luke 12: 13-25( …

Also, like Gehazi who destroyed himself and brought a curse on all his offspring because of his greed and love of money (2Kings 5:19-27( … and similarly Achan son of Carmi who destroyed himself and brought troubles to all the congregation of (the Israelites( because of his love of money (Joshua 7( …

There are those who love to possess things to imitate their friends and acquaintances … must buy a new house and a new car as well as furniture and many other things … them implicate ones self in many debts and huge repayments; lots of worries with no end … and there are those because of love of money who will plan and scheme and get tangled in many problems and court or cases for no reason … and many who will pursue compensation claims for fictious injuries which in reality does not exist … trouble themselves for months and maybe years for the money … and there are those who will associate themselves in gambling … horse races and lottery for the sake of a quick win (of money( … all are treasures which will rust and be ruined and it spoils man’s thoughts …

How beautiful it is to be wise in our materialistic dealings … thoughtful in our reactions … putting one’s salvation first … the salvation of one’s house hold as a priority … don’t let the worries about money destroy your life and your relationship with God … And there are those who will desire the position or status and honour because of peoples praise … and because of this, one might implicate one’s self in many predicaments beyond his or her capacity … trying to appear

ىسفناي ىلك هسفنل لاقو ربكأ نزاخم

نينسل ةريثك تاريخ كل ىعبشا و

ىبغاي .. توصلا هءاج نكلو .. ةديدع

تددعأ ىذلا اذهف .. كسفن بلطت ةليللا

؟؟؟ نوكي نمل

بلجو هسفن كلها ىذلا ىزيحج لاثمو

ةبحم ببسب هلسن لك ىلع ةنعللا ىمرك نب ناخغ لاثمو .. ءانتقلاا

بعشلا لك ردكو هسفن كلها ىذلا .. لاملا ةبحم ببسب

ةيداملا ءايشلاا ءانتقا بحي نم كانه

نأ دبلاف .. هباحصا ديلقت درجمل

ديدج ثاثاو ةرايسو تيب ىرتشي

هسفن طرويو .. ةريثك ىرخا ءايشاو لا مومهو ةريثك طاسقأو نويد ىف

لاملا ةبحم لجا نم كانهو .. ىهتنت

اياضق ىف لخديو ربديو ططخي نم نم مكو .. ببس لاب ةريثك لكاشمو ضيوعت اياضق ىف نولخدي نيريثك

ةدوجوم ريغ ضارمأ وأ تاباصإ نع

انينس امبرو اروهش هسفن بعتيو .. طروي نم كانهو .. لاملا لجا نم

ليخلا قابسو .. رامقلا باعلا ىف هسفن .. عيرس بسك لجا نم بيصنايلاو

راكفا دسفتو أدصتو دسفت ازونك اهلكو .. ناسنلاا

كتلاماعم ىف اميكح نوكت نا لمجا ام

.. كتافرصت ىف اينأتم .. ةيداملا صلاخ .. لاوأ كسفن صلاخ اعضاو لعجت لاو .. ةمدقملا ىف كتيب لهأ

كتقلاعو كتايح دسفت لاملا تامامتها .. الله عم

بصنملا وا زكرملا ىنتقي نم كانهو

.. نينثلاا نيب ريبك قرفو .. ديفم ناسنلاا اهينتقي ىتلا ءايشلاا رثكأ امو ةوهش درجمل .. ةينقلا بح درجمل ىتح ةوهشلا هذه هيلع كلتمتو
ءانتقلاا .. هتايح كلهت ىنغلا لثم .. لاوملاا ىنتقي نم كانهف ىنبو هنزاخم مده ىذلا .. ىبغلا
لجا نمو .. سانلا حيدم وا ةماركلا وا ةريثك ءابعا هسفن ىلع عضب امبر كلذ رهظي نأ لواحي .. اهب هل ةقاط لا ملاك لجأ نمو .. هل سيل رهظمب قهريو هسفن قهري مهحيدمو سانلا ىلخادلا هملاس رضيو هتيب لهأ

in a position which is not true … and merely for the praise of others, troubles ones-self and his or her house hold impairing ones inner peace and make his or her life into hell …

Beloved, be assured that you will never satisfy all the people … even, if you gathered many treasures of peoples’ praise, then in one instant … or with a simple word or action unintended, all these treasure will be burned … seek for yourself God’s acceptance of you … this will never vanish …

+ If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light …

The good eye here means to be distant from life’s unnecessary complications … the (simple( good eye means the eye which sees no more than apparent (in simplicity( … and will not implicate one in details and assumptions and predictions for no reasons … Often, we will trouble ourselves because of people’s gossip … or because people’s actions Simplicity is to learn to close one’s eyes … to control one’s sight and not to see what we shouldn’t see … simplicity to learn to shut one’s mouth a little … and learn to be silent … for often much talk is not free from sin …

Simplicity is to learn for one to block his or her ears a little … for not all talk should be heard … and not all we hear should concern us …

How troubling is the evil eye which examines and searched for mistakes in every thing … (searching( for lust and evil … problems … and harms …

The Lord had condemned the worker with an evil eye … the owner was critical of the worker whom he agreed with Him to be paid a dinar for working all day and complained when they found that the landlord paid those who worked less hours the same wages … let us learn how to live in simplicity with joy and a good heart Simplicity is to be joyful … with inner peace … to live accepting (God’s will( happily and depending on God … indeed, it is better for a dry morsel in quietness than a house full of feasting with strife (Proverbs 17:1(

+ Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink … If Moses thought for single moment, while standing before the shore lines of the Red Sea

.. ميحج ىلا هتايح لوحيو

ىضرت نل كنا بيبحلا اهيأ دكأت

كسفنل تعمج ولو .. ادبأ سانلا ةظحل ىفف سانلا ىضر نم ازونك

فرصت وأ ةطيسب ةملكب لب .. هذه لك قرتحت دوصقم ريغ

ءاضر نع كسفنل ثحبأ .. زونكلا .. ادبأ عيضي لا اذهف .. كيلع الله كدسجف ةطيسب كنيع تناك نإ + .. ارين نوكي هلك اهب دوصقم انه ةطيسبلا نيعلا ىتلا ةابيحلا تاديقعت نع دعبلا ةطيسبلا نيعلا .. اهل ةرورض لا

‘اميف ىرت لا ىتلا نيعلا اهانعم لخدت لا .. رهظي امم رثكأ هارت تانبمختو تلايوأتو تلايصفت ىف .. اهل ببس لا

ملاك ببسب انسفنا بعتنام رثكا ام .. سانلا تافرصت .ببسب .. سانلا

ضمغت نأ ملعتت نا ةطاسبلا نم

ىرت لاف كرظن طبضتو .. كينيع .. هارت نا ىغبنيلا ام

كمف قلغت نا ملعتت نا ةطاسبلا نم

ةرثكف .. تمصلا ملعتتو .. لايلق

.. ةيصعملا نم ولخت لا ملاكلا

كينذا دست نأ ملعتت نأ ةطاسبلا نم

.. عمسي ملاك لك سيلف .. لايلق

متهت نأ ىغبني عمسي ام لك سيلو .. هب

ىتلا ةريرشلا نيعلا بعصأ امو

نع ءىش لك ىف ثحبتو صحمت

.. رشلا و ةوهشلا نع .. ءاطخلاا

.. بعاتملا نع .. لكاشمل ا و

نيعلا وذ لماعلا برلا نادأ دقل

لمعلا بر دقتنا ىذلا .. ةريرشلا

لوط لمعلا ىلع هعم قفتا ىذلا

قياضت هنكل رانيد لجلا راهنلا ىطعي لمعلا بر دجو امدنع اتقو اولغتشا نيذلا نيرخلآا لامعلا

ةايح ملعتنل .. رجلأا سفن هنم لقأ

ةطاسبو حرف اهيف ىتلا ةطاسبلا

.. بلق ملاس اهيف .. حرف اهيف ةطاسبلا لاكتإو اضر ةايح اهيف .. ىلخاد ةسباي ةمقل نأ اقح .. الله ىلع تيب نم ريخ .. ةملاس اهعمو .. ماصخ هيفو حئابذ نلآم

and just about to cross to the Sinai desert (Exodus 14( on how would he cater for the needs of 750 thousand families, in the wilderness in food and drink, he would have not able to take one step in the Sinai desert … then how one would contemplate forty years in the wilderness without any food, drink or clothing???

And if St Paul the apostle thought for one moment how is he going to face Europe, Asia … and the whole of the pagan Roman Empire with the Gospel of salvation, maybe he would have not taken one step …

But all of them, have put before them that without the Lord, they cannot achieve anything … the fact of the matter is greater than their comprehension but God is capable of organizing all things … and because of this, they did not worry at all … and in absolute trust (in God( they approached and faced all the difficulties which exceeds any human power with strength and success …

Beloved … you the one who your hand on the head and lamenting and thinking … with much worries … repayments … daily needs … requests … travels … study … exams … work opportunities visitations and meetings

The remedy is very simple … just do what you can fully … all you can with honesty and trust … the rest which you can not bear it’s worries … leave it to the Lord and He shall supply as He sees for your benefit … and let there be peace in your heart with quietness and trust …

For God caters for the birds of the air … will He not cater for you …

For God dresses the lilies of the fields … will He not dress you …

You are of more value than many birds of the air and lilies of the fields (Matthew 6:26-34( … but you who the Lord has made and given you authority over all these, so don’t you think the Lord will not forget who you are?

… do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat? or What shall we drink? or What shall we wear? For after all these things the Gentiles seek … seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you (Matthew 6:31-33(.

ةيربلا ىف ةنس نيعبراب كلاب امف

؟؟؟ سبلام لاو بارش لاو ماعط ةظحل لوسرلا سلوب ركف ول

..ايسآو ابروأ هجاوي فيك ةدحاو ةينثولا ةينامورلا ةيروطاربملاا

مل امبر صلاخلا ليجناب اهلك ةيتاعلا .. ةدحاو ةوطخ مدقت دق نكي مهنأ مهمامأ اوعضو مهلك ءلاؤه نإ اولمعي نا اوعيطتسي نل برلا نودب مهريكفت نم ربكأ رملاا نأ .. ءىش

كلذلو .. هربدي نا رداق الله نكلو ىف لب .. ةرملاب ءىش مه اولوعي مل

تابوعص اوهجاوو اومدقت ةلماك ةقث ىفو ةوق ىف نكلو رشبلا ةقاط قوفت .. ةرصن

كدي عضت نم اي .. بيبحلا اهيا لوعتو .. ركفتو ركفتو كدخ ىلع تامزلتسم .. طاسقأ .. ةريثك مومه

ةسارد .. ريواشم .. تابلط .. .. لمع صرف .. تاناحتما .. .. تلاباقم .. تارايز كبجاوب مق .. ادج طيسب جلاع اذه هلمعت نأ عيطتست ام لك .. لاماك ىذلا ىقابلا اما .. ةقثو ةنامأب هلمعأ

كرتا .. همه لوعت لا هعيطتست لا احلاص هاري ام بسح هريدي برلا

و ءودهو ملاس كبلق ىف نكيل .. رويط لوعي الله نا .. نانئمطا .. تنأ كلوعي لافأ .. ءامسلا

لافأ .. لقحلا قبانز سبلي الله نإ

نم لضفأ تنا مك .. تنأ كوسكي

نم مظعا تنا مك.. ةريثك رويط

كطلس ىذلا تنا لب .. لقحلا بشع

امبو نولكتأت امب مكتايحل اومتهت لا + .. نوبرشت وهو ةدحاو ةظحل ىسوم ركف ول عمزمو رمحلأا رحبلا ءىطاش ىلع ىفوي فيك ىف ءانيس ةيرب ربعي نا ةبربلا ىف ةرسأ فلا 750 تاجاتيحا نأ ع اطتسا امل بارشو ماعط نم .. ءانيس ىف ةدحاو ةوطخ وطخي لاب
هذه لك ىلع اناطلس كاطعأو برلا لا .. ؟تنا كسني برلا نا دقتعت له برشن اذاموأ لكان اذام نيلئاق اومتهت اهبلطت اهلك هذه ؟؟سبلن اذام وأ ؟ً؟ هربو الله توكلم لاوا اوبلطا .. مملاا .. مكل دازت اهلك هذهو

The text of the addition to the Synaxarium book on the 12th of Baramhat regarding Saint Hegomen Bishoy Kamel Also on this day, we commemorate the departure of the venerable father, Archpriest Bishoy Kamel, the priest of St. George Church – Sporting - in Alexandria. He was born in Damanhour on December 6, 1931, from a pious Christian family. Then he moved to Alexandria for university studies, and obtained a Bachelor of Science in 1951, then a Bachelor of theological Seminary in 1955, and also a diploma in psychology.

He began to participate in the Sunday school service at the Church of the ST. Virgin Mary in Moharem Bek , until he became superintendent for youth service in Alexandria. After which he was ordained a priest to the new church named after Martyr Saint George in Sporting, on December 2, 1959.

Hegomen Bishoy was distinguished by his purity of life, fiery service, love of prayer and solitude, and a paternal spirit full of tenderness and encouragement. He used to stand before the Altar at Mass, listening fervently, like a blazing fire. It was as if he had been ignited by the fire of the Divine Sacrifice slaughtered for the life of the world. His rich experience with the Divine Liturgy was an inexhaustible spiritual fuel, igniting his meek heart with kindness, holiness, joy, and the spirit of giving. He used to say: The benefit of our attendance at the Mass lies when we discover the secret of love in the sacrifice, and that it embodies divine love, so our heart breaks with love for that love that we came to see sacrificed for us on the Altar. Hence, our souls and hearts are crushed before this Divine secret.

لقتنا مث ،ةيقت ةيحيسم لصحو ،ةيعماجلا سويرولاكب لىع ماع في مولعلا مث ،م١٩٥١ سويرولاكب ماع في ةيكييرلكلإا

ةمولبد اضيأو ،١٩٥٥ ..سفنلا ملع في ةمدخ في كراشي أدب ةسينكب دحلأا سادم ءارذعلا ةديسلا يتح ،كب مزحبم ةمدخل ائيمأ راص

.ةيردنكسلإاب بابشلا لىع انهاك ميس مث يتلا ةئشانلا ةسينكلا

رام ديهشلا مسا لىع ١٩٥٩ برمسيد ٢ في ،جنتروبسب سجرج

ةمدخلاو ،ةيرسلا ةواقنب يوشيب صمقلا زيتم

ةوبلأا حورو ،ةولخلاو ةلاصلا بحو ،ةيرانلا ..عيجشتلاو ونحلاب ةؤلملما يغصي ،سادقلا في حبذلما مامأ فقي ناك رانب لعتشا دق هنأكو .ةبهتلم رانك ،ةرارحب

Hegomen Bishoy Kamel, by the grace of God, was able to build seven new churches in the city of Alexandria, under very difficult adverse conditions. And he cared about providing them with priests and deacons from among his spiritual children. He also founded the first church in the American West in 1970, then another church in New Jersey in 1974 AD. .

Abouna Bishoy was preoccupied with spreading the kingdom of God. He was seeking every soul so that it might taste the tenderness of the bosom of the Heavenly Father, and enjoy union with Christ.

He cared about childhood, and he was the first to open a nursery in the bosom of the church in 1972 AD, so that they could breastfeed them with unadulterated milk. He also opened in 1976 a orphanage for children who are subjected to harsh conditions, and called it “St. George’s House”. He was a student of his holy Bible, so the Lord opened his mind, discovered its treasures, and delved into its depths. Henceforth, he produced many deep spiritual pamphlets and books, which were characterized by simplicity and tenderness, with a richness of spirit in them.

Patients were the luckiest people to feel his tenderness. He would spend the nights standing beside them, listening, and encouraging them to carry the cross with thanks and joy. He used to call cancer the “paradise disease”, as in it a person is preparing to go to heaven. God allowed him in his last years to

..لماعلا ةايح نع ةحوبذلما ةيهللإا ةحيبذلا يهللإا سادقلا عم ةينغلا هتبرخ تناكو

عيدولا هبلق لعشي ،بضني لا ايحور ادوقو

ناكو ..لذبلا حورو ،حرفلاو ةسادقلاو ةيحلماب

امدنع سادقلل انروضح ةدئاف نمكت :لوقي

دسجت اهنأو ،ةحيبذلا في بحلا سر فشتكن

كلذ في ابح انبلق رطفنيف ،يهللإا بحلل

لىع انلجلأ احوبذم هانرل انضرح يذلا بحلا اذه مامأ انبولقو انسوفن قحسنتف ،حبذلما ”.يهللإا سرلا

نم ،هللا ةمعنب لماك يوشيب صمقلا نكتم ،ةيردنكسلإا ةنيدم في ةديدج سئانك عبس ءانب ،ةبوعصلا ةغلاب ةسكاعم فورظ لظ في

نم ةسمماشو ةنهك ءابآب اهديوزتب متهأو في ةسينك لوأ سسأ ماك ..ينيحورلا هئانبأ

في ىرخأ ةسينك مث ،١٩٧٠ماع كييرملأا برغلا

.م١٩٧٤ ماع في سيرجوين .هللا توكلم راشتناب يوشيب انوبأ لغشنا نانح قوذتت ىتح سفن نك ءرو ىعسي ناكف

.حيسلماب داحتلااب عتتمو

تاهمرب ١٢ موي راسكنسلا باتكل ةفاضلاا صن لماك يوشيب صمقلا سيدقلا صوصخب ةحاين راكذتب ديعن اضيأ مويلا اذه لثم في نهاك ،لماك يوشيب صمقلا ليلجلا بلأا .ةيردنكسلإاب جنتروبس سجرج رام ةسينك ةسرأ نم ،م١٩٣١برمسيد ٦ في روهنمدب دلو ةساردلل ةيردنكسلإل
،يوماسلا بلآا نضح راد حتتفا نم لوأ ناكف ،ةلوفطلاب متهأ ،م١٩٧٢ ماع في ةسينكلا نضح في ةناضح حتتفا ماك ..شغلا ميدعلا بنللا مهعضري ىتح نوضرعتي نيذلا دلاولأل أجلم ١٩٧٦ ماع في .”سجرج رام تيب” هماسأو ،ةيساق فورظل ،هنهذ برلا حتفف ،سدقلما هباتك لىع ذملتت

be afflicted with this disease, and he continued in his faithful service despite weakness of the flesh, until the end.

He endured the cross of illness with thanksgiving and praise, and his soul was released into the heavenly kingdom on Wednesday 12 Baramhat, corresponding to March 21, 1979 CE. His Holiness Pope Shenouda III attended the prayer on his pure body, along with many bishops and priests, and nearly fifty thousand people, who filled the church, its courtyard and the surrounding streets. His body was placed in a shrine at Saint George Sporting Church.

+ From his sayings:

+ Through baptism we have taken all the graces, blessings and capabilities. And through repentance we benefit from these possibilities.

+ We carry Christ in our lives, and the Church believes that Christ never leaves us. This belief means that we have become more than ourselves. It means that there is an unlimited divine addition to our limited humanity.

+ Christianity is not ethics, but the life of Christ in people. Ethics without Christ is self-glory, but in Christ is the sweet fragrance of Christ.

+ The Church is compassionate towards the world, to lift up the souls that have been stricken by the waves of the world to drown them. Hence, the church is a rescue ship and a ship for survival. It does the Good Samaritan’s works with all races.

+ The first work of the church today is to be poured out as a drink offering on the sacrifice of the faith of her children (Philippians 2:17(, through prayer, fasting, teaching, and liturgies. Then she sends them out into the world, to serve, to endure, and to love endlessly; to the possibility of Christ who is in them.

The Holy Synod of the Coptic Orthodox Church recognized his holiness on June 9, 2022 AD. The blessing of his prayers be with us, and glory be to God forever, Amen.

لىإ قلاطنلال ناسنلإا أيهتي هيف ذإ ،”سودرفلا

لظو ،ضرلما اذهب باصي نأ ةيرخلأا هتاونس في هل هللا حمسو

،دسجلا فعض نم مغرلا لىع ةنيملأا هتمدخ في ارمتسم .ةياهنلا ىثح

لىإ هحور تقلطناو ،حيبستو ركشب ضرلما بيلص لمتحا

سرام ٢١ قفاولما ،تاهمرب ١٢ ءاعبرلأا موي ةيئماسلا رادخلأا

ابابلا ةسادق ،رهاطلا هدسج لىع ةلاصلا ضرح دقو .م١٩٧٩

امو ،ةنهكلاو ةفقاسلأا ءابلآا نم ديدعلا عم ،ثلاثلا ةدونش اهءانفو ةسينكلا اولأم ،صخش فلأ ينسمخ نم برقي

ةسينكب صاخ رازم في هدسج عدوأو .اهب ةطيحلما عراوشلاو .جنتروبس سجرج رام :هلاوقأ نم +

،تايناكملإاو تاكبرلاو معنلا لك انذخأ ةيدومعلماب نحن +

.تايناكملإا هذهب عفتنن ةبوتلابو

نأ نمؤت ةسينكلاو ،انتايح في حيسلما نولماح نحن +

نم ثركأ انصر اننأ ينعي نايملإا اذه ...ادبأ انقرافي لا حيسلما انتيشربل ةدودحم يرغ ةيهلإ ةفاضإ كانه نأ ينعي .انسفنأ .ةدودحلما

في حيسلما ةايح يه لب ،تايقلاخأ تسيل ةيحيسلما + ،تاذلل ميخضت يه حيسلما نودب تايقلاخلأا ...شربلا .ةيكذلا حيسلما ةحئار يه حيسلما في نكل

اهتمطلا يتلا سوفنلا لشتنتل ،لماعلا لىع ونحت ةسنكلا + ةنيفسو ذاقنإ ةنيفس ةسنكلاف .اهقرغتل لماعلا جاومأ

.سانجلأا لك عم حلاصلا يرماسلا لمع لمعت ،ةاجن

ةحيبذ لىع بكسنت نأ وه مويلا ةسنكلل لولأا لمعلا + ميلعتلاو موصلاو ةلاصلاب ، )١٧ :٢في( اهدلاوأ نايمإ اوبحيو اولمتحيو اومدخيل ،لماعلا لىإ مهلسرت مث ،تاسادقلاو .مهيف دوجولما حيسلما ةيناكمإ لىإ ...ةياهن لاام لىإ


نم ديدعلا جرخأف ..هراوغأ في صاغو ،هزونك فشتكاو عباطب تمستا يتلاو ،ةقيمعلا ةيحورلا تابيتكلاو تاذبنلا .اهيف حورل١ ىنغ عم ،ةقرلاو ةطاسبلا افقاو ليايللا ضىقي
ضىرلما ناك
ناكف .هنانحب اعتتم
بيلصلا لمح لىع مهعجشيو ،يغصي مهبناجب ضرم” مسا ناطسرلا ضرم لىع قلطي ناكو .حرفو ركشب ..ءماسلا
ةيطبقلا ةسينكلل سدقلما عمجلما فترعا دقو ،انعم نوكت هتلاص ةكرب .م٢ ٠٢٢ ماع وينوي ٩ موي هتسادقب .ينمآ ،دبلأا لىإ مئادلا دجلما انبرلو
ةعمجلا - يننثلأا - عوبسلأا طسو تاسادق للاخ ميرم ءارذعلا ةسيدقلا ةسينكب سدقلما موصلا ص ١١ - ٩ يننثلأا رهظلا دعب ٣ - ١٢ & احابص ٧ - ٥ ءاثلاثلا احابص ١١ - ٩ ءاعبرلأا ءاسم ٧ - ٥ & احابص ١١ - ٩ سيمخلا احابص ١١ - ٩ ةعمجلا

Holy Synod Declaration about Homosexuality

Thursday 9th March 2029

God created each individual as a unique and distinct being. The Holy Scriptures state, “Then God said, ‘Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness’” (Genesis 1:26(. This implies that God intended humanity to reflect His holiness, righteousness, and freedom. The creation of man and woman is emphasized: “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God, He created them; male and female, He created them. God blessed them and said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it’” (Genesis 1:27-28(.

The Church’s faith centres around the concept that God created human beings in holiness, male and female, and bound them through the sacred bond of marriage. This is reflected in the verse, “That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh” (Genesis 2:24(. The call for humans to live in holiness continues throughout the Scriptures (1 Thessalonians 4:3-5, Hebrews 12:14, 1 Thessalonians 4:7( God granted humans the freedom of will with the purpose of living according to His holy will and design, including the institution of marriage between a male and a female. Those who experience same-sex attractions but restrain themselves from engaging in such behaviours are acknowledged for their struggles. They face the struggles of thoughts, desires, and attractions, like others (who practice fornication with the other gender(. However, for those who engage in same-sex sexual behaviours, their situation is akin to others who fall into the sin of fornication. They need genuine repentance, and both require spiritual and psychological support, which has proven their effectiveness with unwanted same-sex attractions. However, those who choose to engage in their samesex inclinations, abandoning themselves to engaging in same-sex activities, rejecting spiritual and psychological treatment, and willingly breaking God’s commandments, find themselves in a worse state than those living in fornication. Therefore, they should be warned and restricted from communion until they present true repentance.

The Church, holding that the Holy Scriptures are the eternal and truthful word of God in all generations condemns and warns against sexual practices between individuals of the same sex. For instance, the Apostle Paul states, “ For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. 27 Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due (Romans 1: 26-27(. Other passages, such as 1 Corinthians 9:6, Leviticus 22:18, and Leviticus 13:20, also address similar issues.

Hence, the Coptic Orthodox Church firmly rejects any form of sexual deviation, encompassing all types of sexual practices outside the sacred framework of marriage. The Church vehemently opposes using cultural differences as a justification for engaging in same-sex relationships under the guise of absolute human freedom, recognizing that such practices lead to the destruction of humanity. The Church affirms its belief in human rights and freedom while emphasizing that the freedom of the created being is not absolute to the extent of transgressing the Creator’s laws.

The Church also underscores its pastoral role in assisting its members who struggle with same-sex attractions, not rejecting or abandoning them but providing support and encouragement for psychological and spiritual healing. The Church places its trust in its Holy Christ, Who is capable of healing, transforming, and nurturing beyond what we ask or think.

لمعن هللا لاقو« ناسنلإا ةقلخ لىع ناسنلإا نوكي



ناسنلاا هللا قلخف« ةيرحلاو برلاو ةسادقلا في هتروص مهكرابو .مهقلخ ىثناو اركذ .هقلخ هللا ةروص لىع .هتروص .)٢٨،٢٧:١كت(››ضرلأا اولأماو اوثركأو اورثما مهل لاقو هللا ةسادقلا مف ناسنلإا قلخ هللا نا ةسينكلا نايما وه اذه سودق هلإ هنلأ سدقلما جاوزلا طابرب ماهطبرو ىثناو اركذ ادسج نانوكيو هتأرماب قصتليو همأو هابأ لجرلا كتري كلذل”

.)٢٤ :٢ كت( ».ادحاو :٤ ست١( ةسادقلا في ايحي نا ناسنلإل هللا ةوعد ترمتساو

.)٧:٤ست١(و )١٤:١٢بع(و )٥-٣ هتئيشم قفو ايحي نا فدهب ةدارلإا ةيرح ناسنلإا هللا ىطعا هللا هعضو يذلا يهللإا ميمصتلا بسح ايحي ناو ،ةسدقلما .ىثنأب طبتري اركذ :جاوزلل

تايكولسلا نع هسفن طبضيو ةيلثم لويم نم نياعي نم نإ رظنلاو ركفلا بورح هل ىقبتتو .هداهج هل بسحي ةيسنجلا في لعفلاب طقسي نم اما ،ينييرغلا نأش هنأش تاباذجنلااو طقسي يذلا ييرغلا ناش هنأشف ،ةيلثم ةيسنج تايكولس لىإ جاتحي ماهلاكو .ةيقيقح ةبوت لىإ جاتحي ،انزلا ةيطخ في لويلما عم اهتيلعاف تتبثا يتلا ،ةيسفنلاو ةيحورلا ةعباتلما هلويم عم حلاصتي نا راتخا نم امأ ،ةبوغرلما يرغ ةيلثلما

جلاعلا اضفار ،ةيلثلما ةيسنجلا تاسرماملل هسفن اكرات ةيلثلما ،هللا ةيصو سرك ةرحلا هتدارإب راتخاو ،سيفنلاو يحورلا

نع ىهنيو ءاوها لىا هللا مهملسأ كلذل« :سلوب سيلقلا لوقي لاثمف

يذلاب يعيبطلا لماعتسلاا نلدبتسا مهثانا نلا ،ناوهلا ىثنلاا لماعتسا ينكرات اضيا روكذلا كلذكو ،ةعيبطلا فلاخ ءاشحفلا ينلعاف ،ضعبل مهضعب مهتوهشب اولعتشا ،يعيبطلا

لم ماكو .قحلما مهللاض ءازج مهسفنأ في ينلئانو ،روكذب اروكذ نهذ لىا هللا مهملسا ،مهتفرعم في هللا اوقبي نا اونسحتسي ثدحتن كلذكو ،)٢٨ – ٢٦ :١ ور( .قيلي لا ام اولعفيل ضوفرم .)١٣:٢٠لا( ،)٢٢:١٨لا( ،)١.-٩:٦وك١( لثم يرخأ دهاوش ىمسي ام ،ةيسكذوثرلأا ةيطبقلا ةسينكلا ضفرت اذه لىعو ةسرمام عاونا لك لماشلا ماعلا هموهفم في سينجلا فارحنلااب عطاق لكشب ضفرتو .جاوزلا في سدقلما راطلإا جراخ سنجلا ةيلثلما تاقلاعلا ريبرتل تافاقثلا فلاتخا ةركفب عرذتلا ايرمدت ببست يتلا ،ناسنلإل

ةيــسنجلا ةــيضق في ةيــسكذوثرلأا ةــيطبقلا ةــسينكلا يأر سدــقلما عــمجلما نــم رداــصلا نــليبلا بــسح ةــيلثلما ةيــسكوذوثرلأا ةــيطبقلا ةــسينكلل ٢٠٢٤ سرام ٧ سيمخلا نع سدقلما باتكلا لوقي ذإ ،اديرف ازيمتم ناسنلاا هللا قلخ »انهبشك انتروص لىع ناسنلإا
نم دارا هللا نا يأ ،)٢٦
ناب نمؤت ةسينكلا نا ثيحو رذحيو نيدي وهو ،روصعلا لك في ةحلاصلا قحلا ةملك ،سنجلا سفن نم يننثا ينب ةيسنجلا تاسرمالما
بجي اذل
في اي حي نمم أدرأ هلاح حبصي .ةبوت ميدقت ينحل ةكشرلا نم وه هيدهعب سدقلما باتكلا
ةقلطلما ةيرحلا تايمسم تحت قوقحب لماكلا اهنايما لىع دكؤت ذا ةسينكلاف ،ةيناسنلإل ةقلطم تسيل قولخلما ةيرح نا اضيأ دكؤت ،هتيرحو ناسنلاا .قلاخلا عئاشر سركو يدعتلا دح لىا ةدعاسم في يوعرلا اهرودب اهكستم لىع ةسينكلا دكؤت ماك مدع لىع كلذكو ،ةيلثلما لويلما نم نوناعي نمم اهئانبأ لىا لاوصو مهل اهتدناسمو اهمعد ميدقتل وأ مهل اهضفر سودقلا اهحيسم في اهتقث ةعضاو .يحورلاو سيفنلا ءافشلا وا بلطن مام ادج ثركأب يمنيو يرغيو يفشي نأ رداقلا .ركتفن

.ش١740 740 ريشمأ 28 ..م2024 سرام 7 سيمخلا سدقملا عمجملل ةماعلا ةسلجلا

سيدقلا ريد يف يوبابلا رقملاب سوجول زكرم يف ،سيمخلا مويلا حابص نم ةرشع ةيداحلا يف تدقع ةسادق ةسائرب ةيسكذوثرلأا ةيطبقلا ةسينكلل سدقملا عمجملل ةماعلا ةسلجلا ،نورطنلا يداوب يوشيب ابنلأا

.اوضع ١33 مهددع غلابلا هئاضعأ نم ١١0 روضحو ،يناثلا سورضاوت ابابلا

نم كلذو يعارلا ةمدخو ةايح يف رمثلا ةيمهأ نع اهيف ثدحت ،ةسلجلا حاتتفا يف ةملك ابابلا ةسادق ىقلأو .(٩ - 6 :١3 ول( »ةرمثملا ريغ ةنيتلا لثم« للاخ

ةدملو يضاملا نينثلاا موي نم اءدب ةيونسلا اهتاعامتجا تدقع دق ةيسيئرلا سدقملا عمجملا ناجل تناك اهناجل نم اهل ةمدقملا ريراقتلا ةشقانمل ،ةيسابعلا يف ةيسقرملا ةيئاردتاكلاب يوبابلا رقملا يف ،مايأ ةثلاث .اهرارقلإ مويلا ةماعلا ةسلجلا يف عمجملا ءاضعأ ىلع تضرع يتلا اهتايصوت تردصأو .ةيعرفلا رشنيس( سدقملا عمجملا نع هتردصأ نايب للاخ نم »ةيسنجلا ةيلثملا« ةيضق يف اهيأر ةسينكلا تنلعأو .(اقحلا ةيباتكلا تايلآا نم ديدعلاب اهيأر ةمعاد .ةيلثملا ةيسنجلا تاقلاعلل اهضفر ىلع اهنايب يف ةسينكلا تدكأو .الله اهقلخ يتلا ةيناسنلإا ةعيبطلل ةيفانملا تاقلاعلا هذه لثم ضفر حوضوب نلعت يتلا

:يلاتلاك ،م2024 سرام ةرود - سدقملا عمجملا تايصوتو تارارق صن ءاجو تارارقلا :لاوأ .طولفنمب - (نابهرلل( يبطشلا سردات ريملأا سيدقلا ريدل ةينابهرلا ةايحلا ةداعإ -١ .رصقلأاب - (تابهارلل( براحملا يقرشملا سورضاوت ريملأا ريدل ةينابهرلا ةايحلا ةداعإ -2 .اينروفيلاكب - (نابهرلل( لوسرلا سلوب سيدقلا ريدب فارتعلاا -3 .ةيليعامسلإا قيرطب - (نابهرلل( دوسلأا ىسوم سيدقلاو سردات سيدقلا ريدب فارتعلاا -4

.اسنهبلاب (نابهرلل( ليئاخيم ةكئلاملا سيئرو ءارذعلا ةديسلا ريدب فارتعلاا -5 عم يتوهلالا راوحلا قيلعت ررقت ةيقرشلا ةيسكذوثرلأا ةلئاعلا يف ةقيقشلا سئانكلا عم رواشتلا دعب -6

ريياعم عضوو ،ةنس نيرشع ذنم هتيادب نم راوحلا اهدصح يتلا جئاتنلا مييقت ةداعإو ،ةيكيلوثاكلا ةسينكلا

.لابقتسم راوحلا اهيلع ريسي ةديدج تايلآو تاهجلا عم لصاوتلاب موقيل تايشرابيلإاب عورف ءاشنإ عم ةيكريرطبلاب ماعلا ينفلا بتكملا سيسأت -7

.سئانكلاب ةصاخلا تاءارجلإا ءاهنإو ةعونتملا ةيموكحلا مسا لمحي بتكم سيسأت -8 HIGH راعشلا راصتخا يهو Hands in God’s Hand صتخم وهو

.لخادلا يف ةمدخلل ةجاتحملا قطانملا نيبو جراخلا يف ةيطبقلا ةسينكلا ءانبأ نيب لصاوتلل ةيطبقلا تايفشتسملل ةماعلا ةناملأا رارغ ىلع ،ةرهاقلاب ةيطبقلا تايفشتسملل ةماعلا ةناملأا سيسأت -٩


:تايصوتلا مهأ :ايناث

جهانم لخاد عمتجملا يف يباجيلإا رودلاو ةنطاوملا حور ليصأت ىلع عجشت تاعوضوم عضو -١

.ةيسنكلا ةيبرتلا لك اهيلع عضوت ،يعامتجلاا لصاوتلا تاونق ىدحإ ىلع اهب ةصاخ ةحفص ةسينك لكل نوكي نأ -2

.ةسينكلاب ةيحورلا تاضهنلاو تاظعلاو تاسادقلل صاخ فيشرأو ةسينكلا ةطشنأ ،ةيسنجلا ةيلثملا تاقلاعلا لاكشأ ةفاك ضفرب تباثلا اهفقوم ىلع ةيسكذوثرلأا ةيطبقلا ةسينكلا دكؤت -3 ايأ ةكرابم يأ نأ ربتعتو ،ىثنأو اركذ ناسنلإا هب الله قلخ يذلا نوناقلاو سدقملا باتكلا اهتفلاخمل كلذو .ضوفرم رمأ اذهو ،ةيطخلل ةكرابم ،تاقلاعلا هذه لثمل اهعون ناك .ةيلاتلا

ةروطخب ةيعوتلا -4 ةيمنتلا ءاكرش ةنجل نيبو اهنيب قيسنتلاو تايشرابيلإاب ةيعامتجلاا ةياعرلاو ةيمنتلا بتاكم لمع ليعفت -5 .ةيعامتجلااو ةماعلا تامدخلا ةيفقسأ للاخ نم ةيسكذوثرلأا ةيطبقلا ةسينكلاب ىلع صرحلاو لخد ةبحاصو ةجتنم رسأ ىلإ ناسحلإا ىلع ةدمتعملا رسلأا ليوحتب مامتهلاا ةرورض -6 ةيذغتلا يعارت مهل ةكرب ةطنش ميدقتب مامتهلااو ،»كلملا تنب« عورشم نم ةدافتسلااو ،مهئانبأ ميلعت .ةميلسلا تاعامتجا يف كلذكو جاوزلا ىلع نيلبقملا تارود يف ةيسفنلا ةحصلا تاعوضوم ةفاضإ ةرورض -7 .بابشلا تاعامتجاو ةمدخلا دادعإ
لايجلأا يف تاقاعإو تابارطضا نم هنع جتني امو براقلأا جاوز

قيثوت ةيمهأ -١0 ،ايحور مهتعباتمو مهل ةيبيردت تارود لمعو سرادملاب ةيحيسملا ةينيدلا ةيبرتلا يسردمب مامتهلاا -١١ .ةيشرابيإ لكب لوؤسم نهاك بأ قيرط نع مهل ةيرود تاعامتجا بيترتو ةديدجلا بتكلا تارادصإو ىرخأ تاغل ىلإ يطبقلا ثارتلا نم تمجرت يتلا بتكلا لك عيمجت -١2 .ةمجرتلا ةيجاودزا يدافتلو ةدئافلا ةكراشمل كلذو دحاو عقوم يف جراخلا يف ةيشرابيإ لكب ةصاخلا لجلأو ،ايبويثإ يف ةقيقشلا ةيسكذوثرلأا ةسينكلا ةدحو لجأ نم ةيسكذوثرلأا ةيطبقلا ةسينكلا ىلصت -١3 عيمجلا نيب ةبحملاو ملاسلا معي نأ.

General Meeting of the Holy Synod 2024 (March 7, 2024(

On March 7, 2024, at 11 am, the Holy Synod of the Coptic Orthodox Church, led by H.H. Pope Tawadros II, and with the attendance of 110 of the current 133 members, held the general meeting at the Logos Center of the Papal Residence in St. Bishoy Monastery - Wadi El-Natrun, Egypt.

His Holiness the Pope gave an introduction, speaking about the importance of bearing fruits in life and a shepherd’s service through the parable of the barren fig tree in Luke 13:6-9.

The main committees of the Holy Synod held their annual meetings over the previous three days starting Monday at the Papal Residence in St. Mark’s Cathedral in Abbasiyya - Cairo, to discuss the reports submitted to them by their subcommittees. They issued recommendations that were presented to the members of the synod in the March 7th general session for approval.

The Church declared its belief on the issue of homosexuality through a statement issued by the Holy Synod (to be published later(. In the statement, the Church emphasized its rejection of same-sex relations, supporting her belief with many biblical verses that clearly declare the rejection of such relationships that are contrary to the human nature that God has created.

The following are the decrees and recommendations of the Holy Synod for the March 2024 session:

First: Decrees

1- Restoration of the monastic life to the Monastery of St. Theodore (Tadros( of Shotb in Manfalout - Sohag, Egypt.

2- Restoration of the monastic life to the Convent of St. Theodore (Tawadros( the Oriental, the Warrior in Luxor, Egypt.

3- Recognition of the Monastery of St. Paul the Apostle in California, USA.

4- Recognition of the Monastery of St. Theodore & Saint Moses the Black on the Ismailia Road, Egypt.

5- Recognition of the Monastery of St. Mary & Archangel Michael in Bahnasa -

،ينوناق راشتسمو ،نهاك :نم نوكتت يكيريلكلإا سلجملا ىلإ ءوجللا لبق ةيرسأ ةحلاصم ناجل لمع -8 .يئاسن رصنعو ،يسفن بيبطو .ةبوطخلا لبق ةبولطملا تاصوحفلا نمض تاردخملا ليلحت ةفاضإ -٩ .ةسينكلاب ليلكلإل ةيسقطلا تاولصلا عم جاوزلا دوقع

Minya, Egypt.

6- After consulting with the sister churches of the Eastern Orthodox family, it was decided to suspend the theological dialogue with the Catholic Church, reevaluate the results achieved by the dialogue from its beginning twenty years ago, and establish new standards and mechanisms for the dialogue to proceed in the future.

7- Establishing the General Technical Office in the Patriarchate, and branches of it in the dioceses to communicate with various government agencies and finalize procedures related to churches.

8- Establishing an office bearing the name H.I.G.H., an abbreviation of “Hands in God’s Hand” that is intended to connect members of the Coptic Church abroad and areas in need of service inside Egypt

9- Establishing the General Secretariat of Coptic Hospitals in Cairo, similar to the General Secretariat of Coptic Hospitals in Alexandria Second: Recommendations

1- Developing topics that encourage the consolidation of the spirit of nationalism and the positive role in society within Church education curricula.

2- Each church should have its own page on one of the social media platforms, on which all church activities should be shared, and a special archive of liturgies, sermons, and spiritual revivals.

3- The Coptic Orthodox Church affirms its firm position of rejecting all forms of homosexual relationships, because they violate the Holy Bible and the law by which God created man as male and female, and the Church considers any blessing of such relations, whatever its type, to be a blessing for sin, and this is unacceptable.

4- Raising awareness of the danger of blood-related marriage and the resulting disorders and disabilities in subsequent generations.

5- Integrating the tasks of the development and social care offices in the dioceses and coordinating among them and the Development Partners Committee of the Coptic Orthodox Church through the Bishopric of Public & Social Services.

6- Focusing on transforming families dependent on charity into productive and income-earning families, to ensure the education of their children, to benefit from the “Daughter of the King” project, and to provide them with a blessing bag that considers proper nutrition.

7- The necessity to add mental health topics in pre-marital classes, as well as in servant’s preparation classes and youth meetings.

8- Establishing family reconciliation committees before resorting to the Clerical Council for Family Affairs, consisting of a priest, a legal advisor, a psychiatrist, and a female representative.

9- Adding a drug test to the tests required before engagement.

10- The importance of documenting marriage contracts with the ritual prayers of the Crowning in the Church.

11- Caring for teachers of Christian religious education in schools, conducting training courses for them, following-up with them spiritually, and arranging periodic meetings for them through a dedicated priest in every diocese.

12- Collecting all books that have been translated from the Coptic heritage into other languages and new book releases for each diocese abroad in one site in order to share the benefit, and avoid duplication of translation.

13- The Coptic Orthodox Church prays for the unity of the sister Orthodox Church in Ethiopia, and for peace and love to prevail among all.

New Bishops Ordination

Today 9th March 2024, His Holiness led the Vespers Raising of Incense at St. Mark›s Cathedral in Abbasiyya, Cairo, in the presence of the metropolitans and bishops of the Holy Synod.

A general bishop and a monk-priest were c+++alled to be abbots:

Bishop Thomas for the Monastery of St. Mary & Archangel Michael in Bahnasa - Minya, Egypt

Hegumen Fr. Ekladius El-Soryani as Bishop Ekladius for the Monastery of St. Pachomius Al-Shayib - Luxor, Egypt

Three general bishops enthroned:

Bishop Mikhail to be Bishop of Helwan & Al-Maasara - Cairo, Egypt

Bishop Joseph to be Bishop of the new Diocese of Namibia, Zimbabwe, Botswana and Malawi

Bishop Axios to be Bishop of Mansoura - Dakahlia, Egypt

One monk was called to be ordained and enthroned:

- Hegumen Fr. Anastasi El-Soryani as Bishop Bidaba for the Diocese of Nag Hammadi - Qena, Egypt

The ordination rite for all the monks will be completed in tomorrow›s divine Liturgy.

Blessed Baptism

Carol Farag , daughter of Mina and Simone Farag.

Sunday 10th March 2024

St. Mary's Church

Blessed Baptism

Marcelino Hanna

Son of Meachel hanna & Rita Messak

Sunday 10th March 2024

St. Mary's Church

Blessed Marriage

Timothy Abrahams & Claire Ishak

Saturday 9th March 2024

St. Mary’s Church

Blessed Engagement

Lachlan Laracy-Cowland & Jessica Askander

Saturday 9th March 2024

St. Mary’s Church

Financial Summary for St. Mary’s Church New Project as on 27th February 2024 ابنلأا ةفابن ةرايز جمانرب اينملا قشر فقسأ ماف 31 - 15 نروبلمل 2024 سرام



Construction of New Buildings started Thursday 28th April

The new Building is expected to be ready March 2024. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downloaded from church website. Cost of building works is around $13,000,000. Your support and donations will be

2022 ليربأ 28 سيمخلا موي تادب تاءاشنلإا لامعأ بسح داتعملا بسح متت ةسينكلا تامدخ .2024 سرام عورشملا نم ءاهتنلاا عقوتملا نم .ةرشنلا لخاد حضوملا لودجلا .ارلاود نويلم ١3 3 ىلاوح عورشملا ةفلكت غلبت بحسلا ةرامتسأ ءلمب ىرهش عربتب ةكراشملا كنكني زكرم للاخ نم اهعبط وأ ةسينكلاب ةدوجوملا يكنبلا ينورتكللإا ةسينكلا لمعلا اذه ىف مكتمهاسمو مكتاعربت كرابي برلا Donations to St Mary’s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link طبارلا ىلع طغضأ ينابملا عورشمو ميرم ءارذعلا ةسينكل تاعربتلل https://www.stmc.org.au/donate (Copy & Paste on Web Browser(
very appreciated.
Site 13th March 2024
at the new church

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