Weekly Bulletin 17th September 2023

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Services at St Mary’s Church

Monday: Mass 9 - 11 am


Liturgy 5:30 - 7am

7:30pm The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages

Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am

6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults

Arabic ; 7-8:15pm English (Zoom)

Hymns Class Arabic 8-9pm (Zoom)


Mass 9 - 11 am - English

English Midnight Praises 7:30pm

English Bible Study 7:30pm

Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am

Youth 25 and above 7-9pm

Family Meeting 7-9pm (fortnightly)

Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm

Year 10-12 Sunday School 6-9pm

Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am

Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm

Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm


Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:307pm

Scouts 1:30 - 3pm

School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm


1st Mass6 - .7:45am Arabic & Eng-


2nd Mass.7:45 – .9:30am English

3rd Mass 9:30 - 11:15am Arabic

Hymns Class - English 11:4512:30pm

Church Priests:

Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251

Email: frtadros@me.com

Fr Habib Girgis Younan:

0401238177 – 94498871

Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail. com

Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821

Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au

Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kens-

ington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651

Fr Kerillos Tawadros

0411 518 399

Fr John Macary 0433 445 636

:ءارذعلا ةسينكب ةمدخلا ديعاوم:نينثلأا احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا احابص 7 - 5:30 :يهللإا سادقلا :ءاثلاثلا )يزيلجنا( ىاو اذ - يزيلجنلإاب رابكلل عامتجأ ءاسم 7:30 احابص ١١ – ٩ يهللإا سادقلا :ءاعبرلأا يبرع - رابكلل ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8 - 6:30 يزيلجنا - ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8:١5 - 7 يبرع - ناحلأ لوصف ءاسم٩ - 8 :سيمخلا يزيلجنا - احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - ليللا فصن ةحبست ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - سدقملا باتكلا سرد احابص ١١ – ٩ يهللإا سادقلا :ةعمجلا رثكأف ةنس 25 بابشلا ءاسم ٩ – 7 )نيعوبسأ لك( ةرسلأا عامتجأ ءاسم٩-7 يزيلجنا - ةمدخلا دادعإ عامتجأ ءاسم 8:30 - 7 ١0 تاونسل دحلأا سردم لصف ءاسم ٩ - 6 ١2احابص ١١ – 8,30 يهللإا سادقلا:تبسلا ءاسم 3 - ١:30 ةفاشكلا عامتجا ءاسم 4 - 3 ةسمامشلا ةسردم 5,30 – 4 دحلأا سرادم ءاسم 8:30 –7 بابشلا عامتجاو ةيشعلا يزيلجنا يبرع ءاسم 7 - 5:30 باتك سردو ةيشعلا :دحلأا يزيلجناو يبرع ص,7:45 – 6 لولأا سادقلا يزيلجنإ – ص ٩:30 – ,7:45 يناثلا سادقلا يبرع ص ١١:١5 – ٩:30 ثلاثلا سادقلا ءاسم ١2:30 - ١١:45 يزيلجنا - ناحلأ لصف :ةسينكلاب ةنهكلا ءابلأا ميبوراش سردات صمقلا 0414251251بلأا Email: frtadros@me.com :نانوي سجرج بيبح سقلا بلأا 94498871Email: - 0401238177 habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com 0422431821 :بيلص لكيام سقلا بلأا Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Epsom Rd, 3031:ةسينكلا ناونع :نوفيلت 5 Kensington Vic 93766651 سورضوات سلريك سقلا بلأا 0411518399 يراكم نوج سقلا بلأا 0433445636

The Departure of Isaiah the Prophet.

17th September - 6th Tote

On this day, the great Prophet Isaiah, the son of Amoz, was killed by the hand of Manasseh the King who sawed him with a wooden saw. This prophet prophesied in the days of five kings: Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, Hezekiah, and Manasseh. He prophesied to Ahaz saying, “Behold, the virgin shall conceive, and bear a Son, and shall call his name Immanuel.” (Isaiah 7:14) He also prophesied that, “His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace,” (Isaiah 9:6), and the Lord will have mercy upon the world by offering Himself a sacrifice for all mankind as, “He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him; and by His stripes we are healed..., and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” (Isaiah 53:5-6) He prophesied to Hezekiah and encouraged him when Sennacherib, King of Assyria, besieged Jerusalem. He informed Hezekiah that God would perish Sennacherib because of his blasphemy against Him. And that night the angel of the Lord went out and killed in the camp of the Assyrian 185,000 men )Isaiah 37:36(, and those who were spared fled from the camp. And when Hezekiah the King was sick, Isaiah told him to set his house in order, for he was to die. And when Hezekiah prayed to God, He sent to him Isaiah the prophet who made known to him that God had added to his days 15 years. And God showed him a sign so that he might realize the validity of his prophesy. (Isaiah 38:8)

Isaiah prophesied about what would befall Israel from calamities because of the hardness of their hearts, love for sin and their forsaken of the worship of God, and only a few of them would be believers. Because of his prayers God sprung water when the people were thirsty. On another occasion, when Isaiah himself was thirsty, God sprung for him the spring of Siloam. When he rebuked Manasseh because of his evil deeds and worshipping idols, Manasseh ordered to have him sawed. He prophesied for 70 years and he came 913 years before the advent of the Lord Christ. His prayers be with us all. Amen. The Departure of St. Dioscorus, 25th Pope of Alexandria.

18th September - 7th Tote

On this day of the year 451 A.D., the blessed father

نب يبنلا ءايعشأ سيدقلا داهشتسا ربمتبس ١7 - م ق ٩١3 3 ةنس صومآ توت 6ميظعلا يبنلا حينت مويلا اذه يف هرشن نأ دعب صومأ نب ءايعشا اذه . بشخلا راشنمب ، كلملا يسنم كولم ةسمخ نامز يف أبنت يبنلا هنبا زاحأو . ماثويو . ايزوع : مهو نأ زاحلا أبنتو . ىسنمو ، ايقزحو . همسا ىعديو . انبا دلتو لبحت ءارذعلا نأ أبنت مث . )١4 4 : 7 ش ا( ليئونامع اريشم ابيجع همسا . ىعدي نبلاا اذه ا( ملاسلا سيئر ايدبأ ابأ اريدق اهلإ ميدقتب ملاعلا محريس هنأو )6 : ٩ ش لجلأ حورجم وهو ،رشبلا نع هتاذ ، انماثآ لجلأ قوحسم ،انيصاعم . . انيفش هربحبو ، هيلع انملاس بيدأت 3 شا( انعيمج مثآ هيلع عضو برلا . .(6 ، 5 : 5 هبلق ىوقو ايقزح نامز يف ائبنتو ، روشأ كلم بيراحنس هرصاح امل هئارتفا لجلأ هكلهيس الله نأ هملعأو ركسع نم ىلاعت الله كلهاف ، هيلع فلأ نينامثو ةسمخو ةئم بيراحنس نم درطو )36 : 37 ش ١( لجر ضرم املو ، ابراه دنجلا نم ىقب هنلأ هتيب ، ىصوي نأ هملعأ ايقزح لسرأ الله ىلإ ىلص املف ، تومي هداز دق هنأ هملعأو ، ءايعشا هيلإ لدتسي ةيآ هارأو . ةنس ةرشع سمخ : 38 ش ا( ةوبنل ا قدص ىلع اهب ليئارسإ بيصي ام ىلع أبنتو . )8 مهتبحمو مهبولق ةواسقل تلايولا نم هنأو . الله ةدابع نع مهداعتباو ةيطخلل هتلاصبو . ريسيلا لاإ مهنم نمؤي لا املو . بعشلا شطع امل ءام الله عبنأ نيع هل الله عبنأ ىرخأ ةرم وه شطع ىلع هنبأو ىسنم تكب املو . ناولس . راشنملاب هرشنب رمأ ناثولأا ةدابع ءيجم قبسو . ةنس نيعبس وحن أبنتو ةرشع ثلاثو ةئم عستب حيسملا ديسلا .نيما . انعم نوكت هتلاص . ةنس 25سروقسيد ابابلا ةحاين توت 7 - ربمتبس ١8 8 حينت م 45١ ةنس نم مويلا اذه يف ةيسكذوثرلأا لطب ، طوبغملا بلأا سماخلا سروقسيد سيدقلا ميظعلا ةيردنكسلإا تاواباب نم نورشعلاو

and the great champion of Orthodoxy, Saint Dioscorus, 25th Pope of Alexandria, departed. His departure took place on the island of Gagra after he had fought the good fight defending the Orthodox faith.

When he was summoned to the Council of Chalcedon by the order of Emperor Marcianus, he saw a great assembly of 630 bishops. Saint Dioscorus asked, «In whom is the faith lacking that it was necessary to gather this great assembly?» They told him, «This assembly has been convened by the emperor›s command.» He replied, «If this assembly has been convened by the command of our Lord Jesus Christ I shall stay and speak with what God may give me to say; but if this assembly has been convened by the emperor›s command, let the emperor manage his assembly as he pleases.»

When he saw that Leo, Archbishop of Rome, was teaching that Christ has two natures and two wills after the Union, he took the charge to refute this new belief. He stated that our Lord Jesus Christ is one, He who was invited to the wedding as a man and changed the water into wine as a God, and that the two natures were not separated in all of His works. Quoting Pope Cyril, he said, «The Hypostatic Union of the Word of God with the flesh is like the union of the soul with the body and like the union of fire and iron: even as they are of two different natures, by their union they became one. Likewise, our Lord Christ is one Messiah, one Lord, and one Nature.» None of those who were gathered at that assembly dared to contradict him. Among them were some who had attended the Council of Ephesus, which had been convened against Nestorius. Some informed the Emperor Marcianus and the Empress Belkarya that no one disobeyed their commands concerning the faith except Dioscorus, Patriarch of the City of Alexandria. They brought St. Dioscorus, and the leading bishops of the Council who debated and discussed the matter till it was evening, but St. Dioscorus would not deviate from his Orthodox belief. The emperor and empress were irritated at this, and the empress commanded to smite St. Dioscorus on his mouth, and to pluck out the hair of his beard. He took the hair and the teeth that were knocked out and sent them to Alexandria saying, «This is the fruit of Faith.» When the rest of the bishops saw what had happened to Dioscorus, they agreed with the emperor, being afraid of undergoing the same fate. They signed the document of the belief that Christ has

ارغاغ ةريزج يف هتحاين تناكو . نع نسحلا داهجلا دهاج نأ دعب امل هنأ كلذو . ةيسكذوثرلأا ةناملأا رمأب ينودقلخلا عمجملا ىلإ يعد نم اريبك اعمج ىأر ، نايقرم كلملا نيثلاثو ةئامتس مهددع غلبي ةفقاسأ هصقنت يذلا وه ام لاقف ،افقسأ ةعامجلا هذه تعمتجا ىتح ةناملأا ةعامجلا هذه نا هل اولاقف ؟ ةميظعلا ناك نا لاقف ، كلملا رمأب تعمتجا انأف ، حيسملا ديسلا رمأب عمجملا اذه برلا هب ملكتي امب ملكتأو ، هرضحأ رمأب عمتجا دق ناك ناو يناسل ىلع امك هعمجم كلملا ربديلف ، كلملا كريرطب نولا نأ ىأر ذأو ، ديري نيتعيبط حيسملل نأ ملع دق ةيمور ىربنا ، داحتلاا دعب نم نيتئيشمو نا« لاقف ديدجلا دقتعملا اذه ضحدل ىلإ يعد يذلا وه ، دحاو حيسملا لوح يذلا وهو ، ناسناك سرعلا يف قرتفي ملو ، هلإك ارمخ ءاملا لوقب دهشتساو ، »هلامعأ عيمج الله هملك داحتا نا« سلريك ابابلا ، دسجلاب سفنلا داحتاك ، دسجلاب اناك ناو ، ديدحلاب رانلا داحتاكو امهداحتابف ، نيتفلتخم نيتعيبط نم ديسلا كلذك ، . »ادحاو اراص دحاو برو .، دحاو حيسم ، حيسملا . ةدحاو ةئيشم ، ةدحاو ةعيبط ، يف نيعمتجملا نم دحأ رسجي ملف نم مهيف ناك دقو همواقي نأ عمجملا عمتجا يذلا سسفأ عمجم رضح نايقرم كلملا اوملعأو روطسن ىلع فلاخي مل هنأ ، ايراخلب ةكلملاو سروقسيد لاإ ةناملأا يف امكرمأ . ةيردنكسلإا ةنيدم كريرطب يف نيمدقتملاو وه هارضحتساف اورمتساو ، ةفقاسلأا نم عمجملا راهنلا رخأ ىلإ نوثحابتيو نوشقانتي جرخي لا سروقسيد سيدقلاو ، كلملا ىلع كلذ قشف ، هتنامأ نع هبرضب ةكلملا ترمأف ، ةكلملاو ، هتيحل رعش فتنو ، همف ىلع نانسلأاو رعشلا ذخاف ، كلذ اولعفف ىلإ اهلسرأو ، تطقس يتلا ناميلإا ةرمث هذه : لائاق ةيردنكسلإا ام اوأر امل مهناف ةفقاسلأا ةيقب امأ، ، كلملا اوقفاو ، سروقسيدل ىرج

two distinct and separate natures. When St. Dioscorus knew this, he sent for the document and pretended that he wanted to sign it too. But when he read the document, he wrote at its foot that he excommunicated everyone who had signed it, as well as everyone who deviated from the Orthodox Faith. The emperor was enraged and he commanded to banish St. Dioscorus to the island of Gagra, along with St. Macarius, the Bishop of Edko, and two others, and the Council of Chalcedon was resumed.

When they took St. Dioscorus to the island of Gagra, its bishop, because he was a Nestorian, met him with contempt and disdain. However, God performed at the hands of St. Dioscorus many great signs and wonders, so that all obeyed him, respected and revered him greatly, for God honors His chosen ones in every place. St. Dioscorus told St. Macarius, his companion in exile, «You shall receive the crown of martyrdom in Alexandria.» He sent him with one of the believing merchants to Alexandria, where he received the crown of martyrdom.

St. Dioscorus, having ended his good fight, departed from this vain life and received the crown of eternal life. He departed on the island of Gagra where his body was laid.

His blessings and prayers be with us all. Amen.

The Departure of Moses the Prophet.

19th September - 8th Tote

On this day also, the righteous Moses, the head of the prophets, departed. He labored on behalf of the people of God till his death and delivered up himself for them. It was he who worked miracles and wonders in Egypt and in the Red Sea. When he became of age, refused to be called the son of the daughter of Pharaoh.

She brought him up when his parents left him on the banks of the river because they were afraid of Pharaoh who had commanded the slaughter of all male children of the Hebrews. When the daughter of Pharaoh found him by the river, she took him and reared him as her own son. When he had completed his 40 years, he saw an Egyptian slaying one of the Hebrews and straightaway he avenged the Hebrew and slew the Egyptian. The next day he saw two of the Hebrews fighting and he attempted to make peace between them. He, who was in the wrong, told him, “Do you want to slay me as you did slay the Egyptian yesterday?” Because of this, Moses fled to the land of Midian where he married and begot two sons. (Exodus 2)

When he was 80 years old, a fire appeared to him in

،هب لح ام مهب لحي نأ اوفاخ مهنلأ داقتعلاا ةقيثو ىلع مهيدي اوعقوف نيتفلتخم نيتعيبط حيسملل ناب ، سروقسيد ملع املف ، نيتقرتفم رارقلإا يأ ( سموطلا بلطف لسرأ نأ ديري هنأ امعاز ) هوبتك يذلا يف بتك هأرق املف ، مهلثم عقوي جرخي نم لك مرحو مهمرحب هلفسأ ظاتغاف ، ةميقتسملا ةناملأا نع ارغاغ ةريزج ىلإ هيفنب رمأو كلملا سويراقم سيدقلا هعم ىفنو ، لظو ، نارخآ نانثاو ، وكدا فقسأ . ةينوديقلخب عمجملا ىلإ سروقسيد سيدقلاب اوضم املو ارهظم اهفقسأ هلباق ، ارغاغ ةريزج ةناهتسلااو هنأشب فافختسلاا ، ايروطسن ناك هنلأ ، هصخشب سيدقلا دي ىلع ىرجأ الله نأ ريغ ةريثك بئاجعو تايآ سروقسيد ، هولجبو مهلك هوعاطأف ةميظع دجمي الله نلأ هماركإ يف اودازو سيدقلا امأو . ناكم لك يف هيراتخم هل لاقف ىفنملا يف هقيفر سويراقم ليلكإ كل تنأ سروقسيد سيدقلا دحأ عم هلسرأ مث . ةيردنكسلإا يف اهيفو كانه ىلإ نينمؤملا راجتلا سيدقلا امأ . ةداهشلا ليلكإ لان نسحلا هداهج لمكأ دقف . سروقسيد ةلطابلا ةايحلا هذه نم لقتناو . ةريزج يف ةيدبلأا ةايحلا ليلكإ لانو . كانه هدسج عضو ثيح . ارغاغ اعيمج انعم نوكت هتاكربو هتاولص . نيمأ . يبنلا ىسوم ةحاين م ق١485 ماع توت 8 - ربمتبس ١٩ قيدصلا حينت مويلا اذه لثم يف دق ناكو . ءايبنلأا سيئر ىسوم توملا ىلإ الله بعش عم بعت عنص يذلا اذه . مهنع هسفن ملساو ىفو ، رصمب بئاجعلاو تايلآا ضري مل يذلا اذه ، رمحلأا رحبلا يتلا نوعرف ةنبلا انبا ىعدي نأ ئطاش ىلع هاوبأ هكرت امل ، هتبر رمأ يذلا نوعرف نم افوخ رهنلا . نييناربعلا ءانبأ نم روكذلا لتقب رهنلا يف نوعرف ةنبا هتدجو املف هل لمك املو . ادلو اهل هتبرو هتذخأ

a bush, but the bush was not consumed. When he moved close to behold this great sight, the Lord spoke to him from the bush and commanded him to bring out the people of Israel from the land of Egypt. God worked at his hands the ten plagues upon the Egyptians, the first was the river which turned into blood and the last was the slaughter of the first born of the Egyptians. (Exodus 7-12) He brought the people out, and he divided the Red Sea and made them pass through it, and then he brought back the water over their enemies. He brought down for them “Manna” in the desert for forty years, and he made the water flow from a rock, and in spite of that they grumbled against him and many times they wanted to stone him. But he was long suffering with them, and he prayed to God for them, and because he loved them greatly, he said to God, “If You will not forgive this people their transgression, then blot out my name from Your book.” )Exodus 31:32( The Book testified that he spoke with God five hundred and seventy times as a man talks with his friend, and he was called the mouthpiece of God. When Moses came down from Mt. Sinai, after being with God, with the two tables of testimony in his hands, his face was shining. The children of Israel were afraid to come near him, so he put a veil on his face when he came near to talk to them.

(Ex. 34:29-35)

When he was 120 years old, God commanded him to commit the leadership of the people to Joshua, the son of Nun, his disciple. (Deuteronomy 34:9) Moses called him and commanded him with the commands of God and His Law, and informed Joshua that he was the one to bring the people into the promised land. After Moses had made the Tabernacle of Witness and everything which was in it as God had commanded him, he died in the mountain. He was buried there, and God hid his body so the children of Israel would not find it and worship it because the Book testifies there never rose up a prophet in Israel as Moses. When Satan wished to reveal the body, Michael the archangel rebuked him, and prevented him from doing so as St. Jude testifies in his epistle.

(Verse 9)

His prayers be with us. Amen.

نييرصملا نم ادحاو ىأرو ةنس نوعبرأ هل مقتنا ، نييناربعلا نم ادحاو لتق دق نم نينثا ىأر دغلا ىفو ، يرصملا لتقو حلصي نأ بلطف نامصاختي نييناربعلا نأ ديرت كلعلا« ىدتعملا هل لاقف . امهنيب . »سملأاب يرصملا تلتق امك ينلتقت جوزتو نايدم ضرأ يلإ ىسوم برهف املو )2 ١ :2رخ( . نيدلو قزرو كانه يف ران هل ترهظ . هنس نونامث هل لمك ةملك عمسيل اند املف . قرتحت ملو ةقيلعلا بعشلا جارخإب هرمأ ، ةقيلعلا نم برلا هدي يلع برلا ىرجأ مث رصم ضرأ نم اهلوأ . نييرصملا يف تابرض رشعلا لتق اهرخأو . مد ىلإ لوحت يذلا رهنلا جرخأ مث . )١2 - 7 رخ( نييرصملا راكبأ هزاجأو ، رمحلأا رحبلا هل قشو بعشلا لزنأ مث . هئادعأ ىلع ءاملا قبطأو ، هنم جرخأو . ةنس نيعبرأ ةيربلا يف نملا هل هعيمج اذه عمو . ةرخصلا نم ءاملا هل اودارأ ةريثك تارمو . هيلع نورمذتي اوناك لاسيو ، مهيلع هتانأ ليطي وهو ، همجر ، مهل هبح طرف نم هنأ ىتح ، مهنع برلا حماف بعشلا اذهل رفغت مل اذإ : برلل لاق ملك هنأ باتكلا دهشو . كرفس نم يمسإ ملكي امك ةملك نيعبسو ةئامسمخ برلا ناكو . الله ميلك يعد ىتح هليلخ ناسنلإا دنع نم ءانيس لبج نم ىسوم لزن امل ههجو ناك هدي يف ةداهشلا احولو برلا هيلإ اوبرتقي نأ ليئارسإ ونب فاخف ، عملي برتقا امدنع اعقرب ههجو ىلع عضوف لمك املو . )35 - 2٩ ٩ : 34رخ( مهملكيل نأ برلا هرمأ ، ةنس نورشعو ةئام هل نون نب عوشي ىلإ بعشلا ةدايقب دهعي هاصوأو هاعدف ، )٩ : 34ثت( هذيملت وه هنأ هملعأو ، هسيماونو برلا اياصوب دعب . داعيملا ضرأ بعشلا لخديس يذلا امك ، اهيف ام عيمجو ةداهشلا ةميخ لمع هنأ نفدو لبجلا يف ىسوم تامو . برلا هرمأ ونب هدجي لائل هدسج برلا ىفخأو . كانه هنأ هنع دهشي باتكلا نلأ هودبعيف ليئارسإ املو ، ىسوم لثم يبن ليئارسإ يف مقي مل ليئاخيم هرهتنا هدسج راهظإ ناطيشلا دارأ دهش امك . كلذ نم هعنمو ، ةكئلاملا سيئر هتلاص )٩ع( هتلاسر يف اذوهي لوسرلا . نيمأ . انعم نوكت

Meditations on the Eucharist Bible readings

First Sunday of the blessed month of Tote Luke 7:28-35

“there is not a greater prophet than John the Baptist” Luke 7:28.

John the Baptist was not pronounced as great by a (mortal) person … but pronounced great by God Himself … there is great differences between our human understanding and God’s description of greatness … John (the Baptist) in the world point of view is a simple man … if the world evaluated his dress … he wore camel hair … or evaluated according to his food; he only ate locusts and wild honey (Matthew 3:4 & Mark 1:6) … even his dwelling; he dwelt in the wilderness and barren desert since his infancy … the measures of greatness according to the world do not apply to him … his principles and teachings worried the world leaders (at the time) … troubled them … in their view John is a dissident who is agitating the crowds … arrest and imprison him … in the view of the world, he is a prisoner among the criminals and evil doers … this is John the Baptist according to the world view … but, before God, he was the greatest born to a woman … the greatest prophet … as a matter of fact, John the Baptist greatness was not in his appearance … but it was from within … in his holly message which he delivered in total honesty and complete amazing self-denial … being steadfast (in delivering) his message with strength and without hesitation … to the end … even to martyrdom.

+ there is not a greater prophet than John the Baptist John the Baptist received a special message to deliver … he received it whilst still in his mother’s womb … he accepted it with joy … and leaped with elation in his mother’s womb declaring that his mission has started … and all his life was dedicated for this special message … his childhood was not like other children … nor he had a period of youth like his peers … but, he grow and raised in the wilderness forgetting who he is or his needs and physical desires … he was taught and trained to be the “voice of one crying in the wilderness” (Isaiah 40;3 & John 1:23) … a voice witnessing and declaring prepare the way for the Lord … make straight the way of the Lord … and this voice penetrated every heart and house … and declared to all humany the coming of the Lord Jesus (Christ) … the Lamb of God who takes the sin of the world. Do you too, have a holy message in your life which you strive for it in strength … and honesty … in self-denial?? Thus were our fathers the martyrs … they had one aim … that is the heavenly kingdom … for this aim, they dedicated all their lives … they accepted martyrdom with joy … they rejoiced in being insulted and prosecuted for the sake of Christ’s name to have a share in heavens and their desires for the everlasting (life) … died to the world before the physical death … and when the executors came to kill them, they only found an outer shell to kill … but they and their souls had transcended to the houses of the righteous and the saints. History tells us of St Agnus the martyr who was born in Rome, late third century A.D … when she was twelve years old, all her desires were in the Lord and she vowed her life to her Heavenly Bridegroom … a young man by the name of

سادقلا ليجنا فى تلامأت كرابلما توت رهش نم لولاا دحلاا ٣٥ - ٢٨ : ٧ ول اقول نا دمعلم ا انحوي نه مظعأ ىبن سيل ٢٨ :٧ ميظع هنأب نادمعلما انحوي ناسنأ فصي لم ناتشو .. ةمظعلاب هتاذ هللا هفصو لب .. هللا موهفمو ةمظعلا فى ناسنلاا موهفم ينب ابمر .. طيسب ناسنأ لماعلا رظن فى انحوي .. وهف .. هسبلم ةيحان نم لماعلا هيلع مكحي ةهج نم هيلع مكحي وأ .. لبلاا ربو سبلي نم وأ .. ايرب لاسعو ادارج لكأي وهف همماط رافقلاو ىرابرلا فى نكسي وهف هنكسم ةهج ةمظعلا سيياقم .. ةركبلما هتلوفط ذنم قبطنت لا اهلك لماعلا اهقبطي ىتلا ةيجراخلا لماعلا ماكح تقلقأ هتاظعو هءدابم .. هيلع مهرظن فى .. مهتبعتأو مهسوفن تجعزأ .. .. بعشلا مهيلع جيهي رئاث ناسنإ انحوي رظن فى حبصأ .. نجسلا فى هوقلاو هوكسمأ اذه .. شرلا لىعافو ينمرجلما ينب ينجس لماعلا هللا مامأ هنكلو .. لماعلا رظن فى انحوي وه مظعأ .. ءاسنلا ديلاوم مظعأ .. مايظع ناك نادمعلما انحوي ةمظع عقاولا فى .. ءايبنلاا فى .. هلخاد فى تناك لب .. هرهظم فى نكت لم راكنا و ةنامأب اهلمك ىتلا ةسدقلما هتلاسر .. عجارت مدعو ةوقو تابث فى .. بيجع تاذ داهشتسلاا لىا .. ىهتنلما لىا نادمعلما انحوي نم مظعأ ىبن سيل + اهب موقيل ةصاح ةلاسر نادمعلما انحوي ملست .. حرفب اهلبقو .. همأ نطب فى وهو اهملست .. انلعم همأ نطب فى جاهتبإب دجسو ضكر لب انحوي ةايح تلكشتو .. تأدب دق هتلاسر نا نكي لم .. ةصاخلا ةلاسرلا هذه لجأ نم اهلك هل نكي لم .. نيرخلآا لافطلاا لثم ةلوفط هل فى بىرتو أشن لب .. هنارقأ لثم بابش ةلحرم تابغرو هتاجايتحأ سىنو وه نم سىنو ةيبرلا توص درجم نوكيل ملعتو بردتو .. هدسج ودعأ نلعيو دهشي توص .. ةيبرلا فى خراص .. هميقتسم هلبس اوعنصأ .. برلا قيرط .. تيب لكو بلق لك فى توصلا اذه لخدو .. عوسي برلا ءىجم نع ةيشربلا لكل نلعأو .. لماعلا ةيطخ عفري ىذلا هللا لمح فى ةسدقم ةلاسر بحاص اضيأ تنأ له .. ةنامأ فى .. ةوق فى اهلجأ نم ىعست كتايح ؟؟ تاذ راكنأ فى ناك .. ينسيدقلا ءادهشلا انؤابآ ناك اذكه تاومسلا توكلم وهو .. دحاو فده مهل اهلك مهتايح اومدق فدهلا اذه لجأ نم .. نأب اوحرف .. حرف فى داهشتسلال اومدقت .. لجأ نم حيسلما مسأ لجأ نم اوبذعيو اوناهي ةثرك نم .. ءماسلا فى بيصن مهل يرصي نأ اوتام .. ةيدبلال مهقايتشأو ءماسلاب مهقلعت امدنعو .. دسجلاب اوتويم نأ ليق لماعلا نع

Procopius who was the son of the town prefect, became infatuated by her … but she refused his advances for marriage … the young man tried interesting her with promises and sweet talk but she completely rejected him saying … how can I deny my vow and betray my Heavenly Bridegroom, God who I live by His love … the young man decided to take revenge from her, thinking that she was in love with another … he, complained to his father the prefect who in turn asked for her, then she politely explained that she was a Christian and vowed herself to God … the prefect was enraged and given her a choice between paganism and marrying his son or death … but she took no notice of his threats … she was tied up with chains and dragged to the pagan temple … she only crossed herself with the sign of the Cross … when such threats did not succussed, they threaten her with interning her to a brothel … but she declared assuredly, that she is not scared since the Lord’s angels will protect her from harm … and surely, the solders carried her to a brothel and undressed her naked but her hair grow and covered her nakedness to the amazement of everyone, and as soon as she entered this brothel a heavenly light lit the place which made everyone in the )brothel( petrified and no one dared to come near her except Procopius who dared to enter the place to defile her purity … then he was smitten by the Lord’s angel dead and his father the prefect, came and pleaded with saint to pray for his son and revive him from death … and indeed she prayed for him and the young man rose (from death) shouting; there is no true God but the God of the Christians … this became known in the city and the pagan priests were enraged and asked the governor to put Agnes to death and St (Agnes) approached the place of execution with great courage and entered the (lit) fires which did not harm her and then the governor ordered that she be beheaded and she received the crown of martyrdom and purity … at about the age thirteen years old. Also, one of the beautiful stories of the martyrs is the story of a boy called Shenoussi … his age at the time was about 12 years … from a town called Balkiem (El-Santa – north western Egypt now) … he longed in his heart to become a martyr … he had a vision of the Lord’s angel who strengthened him and encouraged him to proceed … he went and bid his mother farewell without telling her of his intentions and after he prayed, he went on his way till night fall where he entered a village to spend the night and the Lord’s angel led him to a house of a Christian woman called Meriam who the solders had arrested her to present to the governor on the next day … and on the next day the solders took him along to the governor where he confessed the Lord Christ (as his God) and in-turn the governor put him to the wheel for torture whereby the wheel was broken in two halves, then he was

لاكيه ىوس مهمامأ اودجي لم مهولتقيل نودلاجلا تىأ لىا مهسوفن تقلطنأ دقف مه امأ .. هولتقي ايجراخ .. ينسيدقلا راربلاا نكاسم ىتلا سنجأ ةسيدقلا نع ءادهشلا خيرات انل كىحي امو .. ىدلايلما ثلاثلا نرقلا رخاوأ فى امورب تدلو اهقاوشأ لك تهجتأ ىتح شرع نىاثلا اهماع تغلب نأ قلعتو .. ىوماسلا اهسيرعل اهسفن ترذنو برلا وحن .. ةنيدلما مكاح نبإ سويبكورب ىعدي باش بلق اهب اهءارغأ باشلا لواحو .. جاوزلا ضرع تضفر اهنكلو نأ لى اشاح .. ةلئاق اماتم تضفرف دوعولاو ملاكلاب لاا ايحأ لا ىذلا ىهللاا سىيرع نوخأ نأو ىدهع ثكمأ اصخش بحت اهنأ انظ اهنم مقتني نأ باشلا ررق .. هبحب اهاعدتسأ ىذلا مكاحلا هوبلأ اهاكشو .. هنم لادب رخآ مكاحلا راثو .. ةيحيسم اهنأو اهرذن نع بداب هتمهفأف .. تولما وأ هنبأ نم جاوزلا و ةينثولا ينب اهيرخو ادج اهورجو ديدحلاب اهوديقو .. هديدهتب متهت لم اهنكلو ةملاعب اهسفن تمسرف ىه امأ .. ناثولاا لكيه لىا لىا اهلاسرأب اهودده اهباهرأ فى حلفي لم المو .. بيلصلا نلأ فاخت لا اهنأ تنلعأ ةقث فى اهنكلو .. داسفلل روخام دونجلا اهلمح لاعفو .. ءوس لك نم اهظفحي برلا كلام اهرعش راص نكلو اهنورعي اوذخأو داسفلل روخام لىا نأ امو لكلا بجعت ىتح اهدسج لك ىطغيو ومني لك لعج ءماسلا نم رون ءاضأ ىتح تيبلا اذه تلخد اهنم بترقي نأ دحأ سرجي ملف بعتري تييلا فى نم اهتراهط دسفيل تيبلا لخدو سراجت سوييكورب نأ يرغ مكاحلا هوبأ تىأو اتيم رخف برلا كلام هبضر ذئنيحو .. .. تولما نم هنبأ ميقتو لىصتل ةسيدقلل للذتي راصو لاا قح هلا سيل خصري وهو باشلا ماقف تلص لاعفو ةنهك جاهو ةيمور لك فى برخلا شرتنأو .. ينيحيسلما هلا تمدقتو سنجأ توتم نأ مكاحلا نم اوبلطو ناثولاا نايرنلا فى تلخدو مادعلاا ناكم لىا ةأرج فى ةسيدقلا .. اهسأر تعطقف لىاولا رمأ ذئدنعو ىذاب اهستم لم ىتلا لىاوح رمعلا نم اهلو .. ةيلوتبلاو ةداهشلا ليلكأ تلانو .. ةنس 1٣ ٣ .. سىونش ىتفلا ةصق ءادهشلل ةعئارلا صصقلا نمو ةطنسلا( ميكلب هدلب نم .. ةنس 1٢ لىاوح اضيأ هرمعو كلام هل رهظو .. داهشتسلال هبلق فى قاتشأ .. )ايلاح بهذف .. داهشتسلال ضىلما لىع هزفحو هعجشو برلا ىتح هقيرط فى راسو لىصو اهبرخي نأ نود همأ عدوو كلالما هدشرأو تيبيل ةيرق لىا لخدو ليللا هيلع سىمأ دق دونجلا ناك ميرم اهمسأ ةيحيسم ةأرمأ لزنم لىا فىو .. لىاتلا مويلا فى لىاولل اهيمدقتل اديهتم اهوديق ديسلاب فترعأف لىاولا لىا اهعم دنجلا هقاس لىاتلا مويلا لىا سركنأف هوصرعيل راصعلما لىع لىاولا هقلعف حيسلما هيلع طلسو هتحت دقوأو ديدح ريسر لىع هعضوو يننثأ ناك اذه لك فىو تاعاس ةثلاث ةدلم هيبنج لىع لعاشم سىونش دهاش .. هنوبذعي مه مايفو .. الماس هميقي برلا لىع سليفؤاث اهلفطو ةراس ىعدت عمجلا طسو ةأرمأ كىل ضرحأ سليفؤاثاي لائاق سىونش خصرف .. اهفتك نىافلا يرغ هتوكلم فى حيسلما عم حرفتو ليلكلاا ذخات سيدقلا ىملعماي انب ضمأ لائاق دريو لفطلا ملكتيو .. ىهلاو كىلم عوسي نلا ه ديرت ىذلا ناكلما لىا سىونش حيسلما ديسلاب تفترعأ ملكتي اهنبأ ةراس تدهاش المو ..

put on a metal bed and afire lit under him and torches on his sides for three hours but with all these the Lord kept him unhurt … while he was tortured … Shenoussi saw among the crowds a woman called Sarah carrying her babe called Theofeeliss on her shoulder … so, Shenoussi shouted out; Theofeeliss come to receive the crown (of martyrdom) and rejoice with Christ in His everlasting kingdom … and the babe speaks saying; take us our teacher saint Shenoussi to the place you desire for Jesus is my King and God … and when Sarah saw her child speak, she confessed the Lord Christ saying; no God but Jesus of Nazareth the God of saint Shenoussi … the governor ordered that she be killed with her suckling babe … as for Shenoussi; he was tied up with chains and tortured many tortures from imprisonment, beatings and torments … but God made an instrument for many to repent and strengthen many in their faith and finally he was beheaded with the sword. Also, the church history tells us of the saint Dolgay the courageous mother from the town of Essena (in southern Egypt) … and her four sons; Soros, Herman, Abanova and Chantas when Arianus the ruler entered their city, they courageously went before him confessing the Lord Christ and refusing to bow before the pagan idols who tried to convince then by failed … and the mother Dolagy heard the news that her sons were arrested by the ruler … he fled to where they were and stood encouraging them and strengthening them (in their faith in Christ) which enraged the ruler and ordered her to be imprisoned with them … in this night, our lady Saint Mary the Virgin appeared to them strengthening and inspiring them and revealed to them the great promised which awaits them …. In the morning, when called in by the ruler who tried to threaten them while they kept on shouting with their mother; we Christians … so, the ruler ordered them to be beheaded and this to be done in her lap one son after the other … and she kept on praying praising (God) till she was beheaded with her sons to become the first fruit of the martyrs of Essena and their holy remains still till today, kept in the church which bears their names in the town of Essena.

Those saints had a message … their aim was the heavenly kingdom … their mission was to keep the orthodox faith from generation to generation … and here we are today the sons and daughter of those martyrs … but, are we still steadfast on keeping this holy mission?? Or we have become soft and wavering (in our faith)?? Our forefathers had no intention of negotiating or wavering in anything that reduced their faith or purity and righteousness … and this is the strong, steadfast faith we received today … do you keep on (this faith)?? Do we pass it on tour children strong and steadfast as we received it?? Beloved … history will record that you went to Aus-

.. سىونش سيدقلا هلا ىصرانلا عوسي لاا هلا سيل ةلئاق هوديقف سىوش امأ .. عيضرلا اهنبأو ىه اهلتقب لىاولا رمأو بضرو نجس ينبام ةيرثك تاباذع هوبذعو لسلاسلاب ةيرثك سوفن نايمأ و ةبوت فى ببس هللا هلعج .. بيذعتو .. فيسلا دحب هسأر اوعطق ايرخأو ةعاجشلا ملاا ىجلاود ةسيدقلا ’ةسينكلا خيرات ركذيو نامرهو سروس ةعبرلاا اهدلاوأو .. انسأ ةنيدم نم مهتنيدم لىاولا سونايرأ لخد الم نيذلا ساطنشو افونابأو ينضفرو حيسلما ديسلاب ينفترعم ةعاجشب همامأ اومدقت ملاا تعمسو .. لشفف مهءارغأ لواحو ناثولال دوجسلا تراطف .. لىاولا مهيلع ضبق نيذلا اهدلاوأ برخب ىجلاود لىاولا ظاتغأ ىتح مهيوقتو مهعجشت تفقوو كانه لىا مهل ترهظ ةليللا كلت فىو .. اعيمج مهسبحب رمأو ادج نع مهل فشكتو مهيوقتو مهعجشت ءارذعلا ةديسلا حابصلا فىو .. مهرظتنت ىتلا ىمظعلا ةنيمثلا ديعاولما لا مهو مهديدهتو مهءارغأ لواحو لىاولا مهاعدتسأ رمأو .. نويحيسم نحن .. مهمأ عم فاتهلا نع نوفكي اهيتبكر لىع اهدلاوأ حبذي نأ لىع مهسوؤر عطقب لىاولا لىصتو لترت كلذ ءانثأ فى ىه تناكو .. رخلآا ولت دحاولا ءادهش ةروكاب اهدلاوأو ىه تناكو اهسأر تعطق ايرخأو لمحت ىتلا ةسينكلاب ةرهاطلا مهداسجأ تلازامو انسأ .. مويلا لىا انسأ ةنيدبم مهءماسأ وه مهفده .. ةلاسر باحصأ ينسيدقلا ءلاؤه ناك ميقتسلما نايملاا ظفح ىه مهتلاسر .. تاومسلا توكلم ءادهشلا ءلاؤه ءانبأ مويلا نحن اهو .. ليج لىا ليج نم اننأ مأ ؟؟ ةسدقلما ةلاسرلا هذه لىع ظفاحن انلزام له .. نىدأ مهدنع نكي لم انؤابآ ؟؟ اهيف لهاستنو نواهتن انصر وأ مهنايمأ سيم ءشى ىأ فى لزانتلا وأ ضوافتلل دادعتسأ ىذلا تباثلا ىوقلا نايملاا وه اذهو .. مهتراهطو مهتفع هملسن له ؟؟ هيلع ظفاحن له .. مويلا نحن هانملتسأ ؟؟ هانملست ماك ايوق مايلس اندلاولا تبهذ كنأ كنع ادبأ خيراتلا بتكي نل .. بيبحلا اهيأ ئوس نكلو .. مايظع وأ اريزو اهيف تحبصأو ايلاترسأ لىا نايملاا ةلعش تظفح نأ ةايحلا رفس فى كمسأ شقني فى ينكلاسلا ءلاؤه لكل اهب تأضأو ةئيضم كيف ىتلا .. كلوح نم ةملظلا ءاسنلا ديلاوم فى ميظعلا .. ءايبنلاا فى ميظعلا انحوي نأ .. هئماظعو لماعلا كولم ءماسأ لك قوف همسأ برلا عضو .. تاومسلا توكلم فى ميظع هنأ .. ليجلا اذه سانأ هبشا نبم + عجاتري ىذلا ليجلا .. هنايمأ فى تبثي لا ىذلا ليجلا وه كشلاب .. ينسيدقلا هءابأ نم هملتسأ مايف نواهتيو ماهم .. ةيدام بساكم نم ققح ماهم .. كلاه ليج نم هيلا لصو ماهم .. تاينتقمو لاومأو تاورث نم عمج هتياهن نوكي فوس ريشرلا نواهتلما ليجلا .. مدقتو ملع اذأ ةيطخلا .. ةيطخلا بوعشلا راع نأ .. كلاهلا لىا لىع ضىقتو هدسفت اهنإف بوعشلا نم بعش ينب تلخد ناسنلأل لقتنت يتلا ميثارجلا نأ .. هدجمو هتراضح لك بوعش ثركأ ننيب تشرتنأ يتلا ةيسنجلا ةيحابلأا للاخ لب .. هلك بعشلل بعر ردصم تراص مويلا امدقت لماعلا برحلا رطخ ىزاوي ابم مويلا ءمالعلا هنراقي اهرطخ نأ ةحضاو ةملاعو اراذنأ حبصأ ىذلا .. ةثلاثلا ةيلماعلا ىتلا ةيطخلا .. بوعشلا ءلاؤه ينب بارخلا ةسجر لىع

tralia to become great or a minister (of government) … but your name will be inscribed in the book of )everlasting( life if you kept the flame )everlasting faith within you and enlightened to all those who are in the darkness around you.

John the Baptist, the great among the prophets … the great among those born to women; the Lord had put his name above all the names of kings and greats of the world … for he is great in the kingdom of heavens.

+ To what shall I liken the men of this generation …

The generation which is not steadfast in faith … the generation which is wavering and soft on what they received from their saintly fathers … without a doubt is a lost generation … no matter how much material gains they achieve … or how much wealth they gather … no matter how much knowledge they attain … a wavering generation is evil and it’s end will be destruction … the disgrace of nations is sin … sin when it penetrates a nation’s people it will defiles and destroys all its civilization and glory … it is the germ that transmitted among the people because of their sexual promiscuity which widespread among most advanced nations of the world today and has become a source of fear for the people … and its dangers are compared by scientists to the dangers of a third world war … which had become a warning and an indication of the abomination of desolation (Matthew 24:15-16) among those nations … the sin, they became drunk with it for long years, thinking that God does not see it nor is heavens aware of the rush after their sexual deviances and lusts of the body and it will pass without being punished … unaware that they will be strongly punished receiving in their bodies the wages of their evil doings indeed. The holy bible tells us the story of a great king (of Israel) like Joash … he reigned for forty years on Israel and he was one Israel’s most orthodox kings in fulfilling God’s commandments … in his days lived Jehoiada the chief priest who advised the king and guided him in fulfilling the Go’s commandments … Jehoiada grew old and died at the age one hundred and thirty years of age … after his death, the leaders of Judah came and bowed down to the king and the king listened to them (Chronicles 24:17-18) and (the king) was deceived with their obedience and hypocrisy and listened to their advice and left worshiping the Lord and brought idol images worshiped idols … then came Zechariah the priest son of Jehoiada to warn (the king) … the king commanded his death and he was stoned in court (of the house of the Lord) (2 Chronicles 24:20-22) … and as he died he said “the Lord look on it and repay” … and indeed the Lord looked and repaid … his enemies rose against Joash and defeated him and left him sick with many illnesses, then his servants conspired against him and killed him … he was not buried among the kings … but was buried in the commoners burial place because his bones were not fit to be with the bones his saintly fathers like David the king and psalmist … be careful beloved that, after you have progressed in faith, you regress and be deceived with the prise and hypocrisy of the world and its false appearances and be aware of being deceived by (the world false) philosophy … and its deceiving logic … there is only one way to heaven and its pass-word is the Blood of the Lord Christ alone … a narrow and hard road with no deviations but it is a sure way, true and a life which will lead you to the procession of the triumphant saints and in it you will join with the bent knees of the saintly martyrs to dwell in the bosom of the saints in the heavenly kingdom.

ينناظ ةليوط انينس اهركسب اوحنرت سحت لا ءماسلاو ىري لا هللا نأ ذوذشلا ءارو اذه مهعافدنأ نأو نودب ريم فوس دسجلا تاطقسو فوس مهنأ ينلماع يرغ .. باقع مهداسجأ فى ينلئان ةوسقب نوزاجي .. قحلما مهللاض ءازج كلم نع سدقلما باتكلا انل كىحي ينعبرأ كلم .. شآوهي لثم ميظع ثركأ نم ناكو .. ليئاسرأ لىع ةنس اذيفنتو ةماقتسأ ليئاسرأ كولم شيعي همايأ فى ناكو .. هللا اياصول ناك ىذلا ميظعلا نهاكلا عادايوهي كلسي فيك هملعيو كللما دشري عادايدوهي خاشو .. هللا اياصو فى .. ةنس ينثلاثو ةئم هرمعو تامو بعشلا ء اسؤر تىأ هتوم دعبو عدخنأو مهل حمسف كللما اوقلتمو عمتسأو مهءايرو هل مهعوضخب تىأو برلا ةدابع كرتو مهتروشلم دبعو اهل دجسو مملاا ةهلأب نيأ نهاكلا ايركز ماقو .. ىراوسلا كللما رمأف .. رذنيو رذحيل عادايوهي برلا تيب لخاد فى هومجرو هلتقب )٢٤ حاحصأ ةيناثلا مايلاا رابخأ( رظني برلا لوقي وهو تامو .. بلاطو برلا رظن لاعفو .. بلاطيو هومزهو شآوهي لىع ءادعلاا ماقف .. تنف مث ةيرثك ضارمأب اباصم هوكرتو نفدي لمو .. هولتقو هديبع هيلع روبق فى نفد لب .. كوللما روبق فى سملت نأ اقحتسم نكي ملف بعشلا لثم ينسيدقلا هءابآ ماظع هماظع اهيأ رذحأ .. لترلماو كللما دواد تمدقت ام دعب كنأ نم بيبحلا رذحأ ءارولا لىا دوعت نأ نايملاا فى هءايرو لماعلا قلبم عدخنت نأ نم نأ نم رذحأ ةعادخلا هرهاظمو عداخلما ةقطنمو .. هتافسلفب عدخنت ءماسلا لىا دحاو قيرط دجوي .. مد وه هيف رورلما زاوج قيرط قيض قيرط .. هدحو حيسلما ديسلا هنكلو ىرخأ عورف هل سيل بركو وهف ةايحو قح هنأ ديكأ قيرط ينسيدقلا ةصرن بكوم فى كدوقي ءادهشلا بكر لىا مضنت هيفو ناضحأ فى مهعم نكستل ينسيدقلا .. تاومسلا توكلم فى ينسيدقلا

+ From Nayroz to the Cross:

The period between the Feast of Nayrouz (12th September – 1st Tote) and Feast of the Holy Cross (28th September – 17th Tote) is a very special period for our Church and Coptic people. During this time the church prays in the joyful tune. Not only it is a commemoration for our fathers the martyrs but also it is a national historic festival time. Ancient Egyptian used to celebrate in a very special way this Feast of Nayrouz. The Coptic Calendar was the official and most widely used calendar until the beginning of the 20th century when it was replaced by the western calendar. It was always used along with the Arabic Hijri Calendar for many centuries. The employees used to get their monthly salaries even on the small month (Nasi) which was only 5 or 6 days. The Coptic Calendar was the main calendar to determine most of the seasons and occasions for the people and the church. Thus the start of the Coptic year carries very deep and special meaning for the Copts over the ages. Celebrations continue until the Feast of the Holy Cross which is the real start of the New era of reconciliation and Grace. Celebrations end on the Feast of the Cross signifying the start of real life of work and strife and signifying the meaning of living with the Lord witnessing for Him carrying His Cross and becoming like live Gospels read by all people. Let us sing with King David the Psalmist saying: “You crowned the year with Your Goodness and Your Paths drip with abun- dance” Psalm 65:11.

:بيلصلا ىلا زورينلا نم + بيلصلاو زورينلا نيب ام ةرتقلا )ربمتبس 28 - ١2 ( توت ١7 – ١ ايحور صاخ عضو اهل ةرتف يه امنإ ىفو .ةيطبقلا ةسينكلا ىف ايخيراتو ةسينكلا ىلصت ةرتفلا هذه للاخ مل زورينلا ديع .ىحيارفلا ناحللأاب راكذتب هيف لفتحن يسنك ديع طقف نكي ةنسلا ةيادبو نيسيدقلا ءادهشلا انئابآ ءامدق ناكو ايموق اديع ناك لب ةيطبقلا اريبك لاافتحا هب نولفتحي نييرصملا ةنسلا اهسفن ىه ةيطبقلا ةنسلاف .ازيممو لوخد دعب ىتحو ةميدقلا ةينوعرفلا لظ عباسلا نرقلا ىف رصم ىلا برعلا ىذلا يلعفلا ميوقتلا وه يطبقلا ميوقتلا لاومعم لظو لب بعشلا ةماع هلمعتسي ميوقتلا عم ةيموكحلا حلاصملا ىف هب نيرشعلا نرقلا لئاوأ ىتح يبرعلا ناكو .ىبرغلا ميوقتلا هب لدبتسا امدنع ةموكحلا يفظوم نأ فورعملا نم ىتح ةلماك ةيرهشلا مهتابترم نوذخأي وأ 5 هتدم ىذلا ريغصلا ىسنلا رهش ىف يطبقلا ميوقتلا ناك عقاولا ىقو .مايأ 6 هتلاافتحاو بعشلا تابسانم لك ددحي ةيادب ناك اذكهو .ةيسنكلا ريغو ةيسنكلا ىف ماهو قيمع ىزغم هل ةيطبقلا ةنسلا دوعتو .خيراتلا رم ىلع طابقلأا نادجو ديع ىتح مهتلاافتحا رمتست نأ طابقلأا وه بيلصلا ديع نوكي انهو .بيلصلا بعتلاو لمعلا ةنسل ةيقيقحلا ةيادبلا ةيادبب لافتحلاا جزتمأ دقل .داهتجلااو سدقملا بيلصلا ديعب يطبقلا ميوقتلا دهعلا ةيادبو اهزمرو ةيحسملا راعش لفتحنل .صلاخلاو ةمعنلا دهع ديدجلا عبتنلو ةسدقملا مايلأا هذهب حرفنو نيدهاش هبيلص نيلماح حلاصلا انصلخم نم ةءورقمو ةيح ليجانأ ريصنو هل كدوجب ةنسلا تللك .سانلا عيمج دواد عم لترنلف .امسد ءىلتمت كراثأو براي كراب” :حرفب نيلئاق كلملاو يبنلا رطقت كراثأو كحلاصب ةنسلا ليلكإ . ١١ : 65 زم ”امسد

Departed in the Lord the very blessed mother Mrs Emeli

Ibrahim Awad.

+ Wife of the late Mr Ramzi

Attia Mikhail

+ Mother of :

- Dr Sameh Mikhail , husband of Mrs Victoria Mikhail

- Mrs Samah Morcos, wife of Mr Victor Morcos.

+ Grandmother of:

- Abanob, Maria, and Demiana Morcos

- Mina and Monica mikhail.

+ Sister of:

- Mr Maher Ibrahim

- Late Mrs Aida Ibrahim.

+ Sister in law of:

- Mr Farouk Mikhail

- Mr Adel Mekhael.

Wake details:

Funeral prayers was held on Wednesday 13/09/2023 11:30 am at ST MARY’s Church.

We pray for the repose of her soul in the paradise of joy and to give the family comfort of the Holy Spirit.

Blessed Marriage

Anthony Keriakos & Monica

Saturday 2nd September

Archangel & St Anthony’s Church

نكسيل بر اي هتلبق و هترتخا نمل ىبوط دبلأٱ ىلإ كرايد يف لأ ةديسلا ةيئامسلا داجملأا ىلإ تلقتنا ميهاربا يليمإ ةكرابملا ملأاو ةلضافلا .ضوع ةيطع ىزمر ذاتسلأا حينتملا ةجوز ليئاخيم ليئاخيم حماس روتكدلا نم لك ةدلاوو .ليئاخيم ايروتكف ةديسلا جوز سدنهملا ةجوز صقرم حامس ةديسلاو صقرم روتكف :نم لك ةدجو ،صقرم هنايمد ،صقرم ايرام ،صقرم بونابأ .ليئاخيم اكينوم و ليئاخيم انيم ةرهاقلاب ميهاربإ رهام ذاتسلأا نم لك تخأو .ميهاربا ةدياع هحينتملاو سورضاوت دامع سدنهملا نم لك ةلاخو ،بحم لضافلأاو سورضاوت لداع روتكدلاو .رهام ييحمو ىزوس جوز ليئاخيم قوراف ذاتسلأا نم لك خأ ةجوزو ليئاخيم لداع ذاتسلأاو ليئاخيم نيليفيا ةديسلا .ليئاخيم ةدياع هذاتسلأا جوز ميعنلا سودرف ىف ةرهاطلا اهحورل احاين بلطن قحسإو ميهاربإ نيسيدقلا ءابلأا نضح ىف .بوقعيو ىف هنيكسلا برلا بكسيل ةرسلأل ةلاصلا مكلأسن .اعيمج انبولقو مهبولق ١١:30 ربمتبس ١3 ءاعبرلأا موي زانجلا ميقأ احابص
“…having a desire to depart and be with Christ, which is far better.” (Philippians 1:23)

St. Mary’s Church has spent a number of months researching an effective model to ensure we operate our intended childcare + kindergarten at the highest possible standard that maintains alignment to our Christian values and commitment to our community & neighbourhood.

After a competitive open EOI tender which attracted five candidates and three short-listed submissions, we are pleased to provide the parish with the latest progress;-

The church will be establishing a not-for-profit entity to operate the childcare. This model will focus on affordable local care in a Christian community setting with a strong impact purpose, creating a truly unique social enterprise.

This vision is made possible through the appointment of independent Directors who will oversee the governance and management of the centre.

We are pleased to be appointing Mr Jason Roberts, Mr Benjamin Marcos and Mr Mena Mikhail, selected through the aforementioned EOI process based on their experience in the early education sector and commitment to our vision. The Directors currently operate Early Education Holdings, which owns a number of community centres located across NSW.

The Directors will be working diligently to establish a curriculum and team of educators/carers, as well as appoint an advisory committee in due course.

Over the months ahead, the parish will be working on the necessary provider and service approvals in anticipation of our first intake in early 2024.

More exciting updates will be provided in due course.

If you would like to learn more about this community project, apply for a role, or enrol your child, please directly contact Fr. John Makari at 0433 445 636 or Mr. Mena Mikhail at 0431 057 383.

St. Mary’s
Childcare & Kindergarten Project Aug 31, 2023 Update




Isend my warmest wishes to everyone celebrating Nayrouz.

On this day,Copts around Australia honour the martyrs of theirfaith and the sacrifice they made to protect Christianity. This celebration, and the centuries of tradition it drawa upn, resonateswith many Copts who have made their home in Australia.

Today, Australia has one of the world’s largest Coptic diaspora communities, and celebrations like Nayrouz show the warmth and joy you bring to our multicultural country.

It gives me great pride that the first Coptic Church in Australia and the first Coptic church outside of Egypt— was established at Sydenham, in my electorate of Grayndler.

It was a great moment for Australia’s Coptic community when Pope Tawadros II visited our shores in 2017. As His Holiness said at the time,

“We have the power of faith in our hearts.”

I wish you a happy and prosperous Nayrouz.

May it bring peace and hope to all.

Dear Reverend Fathers a Blessed feast of Nayrous and praying that 1740 of the Martyrs brings with it joy and uplifting to your reverence’s and the whole blessed congregation of the Diocese of Melbourne through the grace and tender mercies of our Lord.

September 2023

The above letter has been received from the Hon. Mr Anthony Albanese Prime Minister of Australia Greeting the Coptic Congregation for the new year. We extend our thanks to the Hon, Prime Minister for his warm greeting and pray that the good Lord guide the Government of Australia to do that which is good in His sight.

Expression of Interest Enrolment Form: https://forms.gle/ wXJj3fKVEksWzTJu5 (or scan the QR) - 3 نس( ةناضحلل ميدقتلا ةرامتسإ )تاونس 4 2024 رياني نم ءادتبا حضوملا QR لا مدختسأ Church New Building Project Financial Summary End of August 2023

Construction of New Buildings started Thursday 28th April

The new Building is expected to be ready December 2023. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downloaded from church website.

Cost of building works is around $13,000,000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreciated. 2022

ليربأ 28 سيمخلا موي تادب تاءاشنلإا لامعأ بسح داتعملا بسح متت ةسينكلا تامدخ .2023 ربمسيد عورشملا نم ءاهتنلاا عقوتملا نم .ةرشنلا لخاد حضوملا لودجلا .ارلاود نويلم ١3 3 ىلاوح عورشملا ةفلكت غلبت بحسلا ةرامتسأ ءلمب ىرهش عربتب ةكراشملا كنكني زكرم للاخ نم اهعبط وأ ةسينكلاب ةدوجوملا يكنبلا ينورتكللإا ةسينكلا لمعلا اذه ىف مكتمهاسمو مكتاعربت كرابي برلا Donations to St Mary’s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link طبارلا ىلع طغضأ ينابملا عورشمو ميرم ءارذعلا ةسينكل تاعربتلل https://www.stmc.org.au/donate (Copy & Paste on Web Browser)

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