Weekly Bulletin 18th February 2024

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Services at St Mary’s Church Monday: Mass 9 - 11 am Tuesday Liturgy 5:30 - 7am 7:30pm The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am Wednesday 6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults Thursday Mass 9 - 11 am - English English Midnight Praises 7:30pm English Bible Study 7:30pm Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am Friday Youth 25 and above 7-9pm Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am Saturday Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm English Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:30-7pm Scouts 1:30 - 3pm School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm Sunday: Sunday 1st Mass6 - .7:45am Arabic & English 2nd Mass.7:45 – .9:30am English 3rd Mass 9:30 - 11:15am Arabic Hymns Class - English 11:45 - 12:30pm Church Priests: Priests Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251 Email: frtadros@me.com Fr Habib Girgis Younan: 0401238177 – 94498871 Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821 Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kensington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651 Fr Kerillos Tawadros 0411 518 399

Fr John Makary 0433 445 636

:‫مواعيد الخدمة بكنيسة العذراء‬

:‫األثنين‬ ‫ صباحا‬١١ - ٩ ‫القداس اإللهي‬ ‫ صباحا‬7 - 5:30 ::‫اإللهي‬ ‫ القداس اإللهي‬:‫الثالثاء‬ )‫(انجليزي‬ ‫ ذا واى‬- ‫ مساء أجتماع للكبار باإلنجليزي‬7:30 ‫ صباحا‬11 – 9 ‫ القداس اإللهي‬:‫األربعاء‬ ‫األربعاء‬ :‫الخميس‬ ‫ انجليزي‬- ‫ صباحا‬١١ - ٩ ‫القداس اإللهي‬ ‫ مساء‬7:30 ‫ انجليزي‬- ‫تسبحة نصف الليل‬ ‫ مساء‬7:30 ‫ انجليزي‬- ‫درس الكتاب المقدس‬ ‫ صباحا‬11 – 9 ‫ القداس اإللهي‬:‫الجمعة‬ ‫الجمعة‬ ‫ سنة فأكثر‬25 ‫ مساء الشباب‬9 – 7 ‫ انجليزي‬- ‫ مساء أجتماع إعداد الخدمة‬8:30 - 7 ‫ صباحا‬١١ – 8,30 ‫القداس اإللهي‬:‫السبت‬ ‫السبت‬ 5,30 – 4 ‫مدارس األحد‬ ‫ مساء‬٨:٣٠ –٧ ‫العشية واجتماع الشباب‬ ‫انجليزي‬ ‫ مساء عربي‬7 - 5:30 ‫العشية ودرس كتاب‬ :‫األحد‬ ‫األحد‬ ‫ص عربي وانجليزي‬,7:45 – 6 ‫القداس األول‬ ‫ ص – إنجليزي‬9:30 – ,7:45 ‫القداس الثاني‬ ‫ ص عربي‬11:15 – 9:30 ‫القداس الثالث‬ ‫ مساء‬12:30 - 11:45 ‫ انجليزي‬- ‫فصل ألحان‬ :‫األباء الكهنة بالكنيسة‬ ‫األب القمص تادرس شاروبيم‬ 0414251251 Email: frtadros@me.com :‫األب القس حبيب جرجس يونان‬ 94498871 - 0401238177 Email: habibgirgisyounan@ hotmail.com 0422431821 :‫األب القس مايكل صليب‬ Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Epsom Rd, 3031:‫عنوان الكنيسة‬ :‫ تليفون‬5 Kensington Vic 93766651 ‫األب القس كيرلس تاوضروس‬ ٠٤١١٥١٨٣٩٩ ‫األب القس جون مكاري‬ ٠٤٣٣٤٤٥٦٣٦

Sunday Liturgies - Two Liturgis Early Morning Prayer 6:14am First Liturgy 7-9am Second Liturgy 9 - 11am ‫يقام قداسين يوم األحد‬ ‫ صباحا‬٦:١٥ ‫بخور باكر‬ ‫ صباحا‬١١ - ٩ ‫ ص & القداس الثانى‬٩ - ٧ ‫القداس األول‬

` The Martyrdom of St. James the Apostle, Son of Alphaeus. ‫استشهاد القديس يعقوب الرسول‬ 18th February - 10th Amsher ‫ أمشري‬١٠ - ‫ فرباير‬١٨ On this day, St. James the Apostle, son of Alphaeus, was ‫يف مثل هذا اليوم استشهد القديس يعقوب‬ martyred. After he had preached the Gospel in many cities, ‫ وذلك انه بعدما نادي‬. ‫الرسول ابن حلفا‬ he returned to Jerusalem and entered the temple of the ، ‫بالبرشي يف بالد كثرية عاد إىل أورشليم‬ Jews. He preached the gospel publicly and proclaimed the ‫ وكرز باإلنجيل جهارا‬، ‫ودخل هيكل اليهود‬ faith of the Lord Christ and His resurrection. . ‫ وباإلميان بالسيد املسيح وقيامة األموات‬، The Jews abducted him and brought him to Claudius, the ‫فاختطفه اليهود وأتوا به إىل اكلوديوس نائب‬ deputy of the Roman emperor, and told him that he was ‫ملك رومية وقالوا له إن هذا يبرش مبلك أخر‬ preaching another king instead of Caesar. Claudius ordered ‫ فأمر إن يرجم بالحجارة فرجموه‬، ‫غري قيرص‬ him to be stoned to death, until he departed in peace. The ‫حتى تنيح بسالم فاخذ قوم من املؤمنني‬ faithful took his body and buried him beside the temple. ‫تكون‬ ‫ صالته‬.‫جسده ودفنوه بجانب الهيكل‬ His prayers be with us all. Amen. .‫معنا آمني‬ The Martyrdom of St. Justus, Son of Emperor Numerian. ‫نوماريوس‬ ‫بن‬ ‫يسطس‬ ‫القديس‬ ‫استشهاد‬ 18th February - 10th Amsher ‫ أمشري‬١٠ - ‫ فرباير‬١٨ On this day also, St. Justus, son of Emperor Numerian, ‫يف مثل هذا اليوم استشهد القديس يسطس‬ was martyred. When he returned from war, he found that Emperor Diocletian had married his sister and had become ‫ وذلك انه ملا عاد من‬. ‫ابن امللك نورماريوس‬ ‫ وجد إن دقلديانوس قد تزوج أخته‬، ‫الحرب‬ the new emperor. Emperor Diocletian had apostatized ‫ وانه قد ارتد عن اإلميان بالسيد‬، ‫وصار ملكا‬ the faith in the Lord Christ, and St. Justus was greatly ‫ وملا اجتمع وجوه‬.‫املسيح فعز عليه ذلك كثريا‬ sorrowful for what happened. ‫ مل‬، ‫اململكة وأكابرها لتجلسه ملكا عوض أبيه‬ When the nobles of the empire met together to enthrone him in place of his father, he did not accept, for he .‫يقبل مفضال اململكة السامئية عيل األرضية‬ preferred the heavenly kingdom over the earthly. He ‫وتقدم إىل دقلديانوس واعرتف أمامه باسم‬ came before Diocletian and declared his faith in the Lord ‫املسيح فأرسله هو أبايل ابنه وثاؤكليا زوجته‬ Christ. The Emperor sent St. Justus with his son Abali ، ‫ وأمره إن يالطفهم أوال‬، ‫إىل وايل اإلسكندرية‬ and his wife Theoclea to the Governor of Alexandria, and ‫ فلام وصلوا‬. ‫وإن مل يذعنوا يقطعوا رؤوسهم‬ commanded him to persuade them first and to behead them ، ‫اإلسكندرية ومعهم بعض من غلامنهم‬ if they did not obey. ‫ وإذ مل يستطع تحويلهم‬، ‫قابلهم الوايل بلطف‬ When they arrived in Alexandria, the Governor received ‫عن اإلميان باملسيح له املجد أرسل يسطس‬ them and treated them well to persuade them. As he could ‫ وثاؤكليا زوجته‬. ‫ أبايل إىل بسطة‬، ‫إىل انصنا‬ not change their deep conviction in their faith in the Lord ‫ حتى‬، ‫ وقد اخذ كل منهم غالما معه‬. ‫إىل صا‬ Christ, to Whom is the Glory, he sent St. Justus to Antinoe ‫ فعذبوهم‬. ‫إذا اكمل جهاده يهتم بجسده‬ (Ansena), Abali, his son, to Basta (near Zagazig, Sharkia), . ‫وقطعوا رؤوسهم فنالوا إكليل الشهادة‬ and Theoclea to Sa (Salhagar, Gharbia). Each of them took .‫صالتهم تكون معنا آمني‬ a servant with him so when they completed their strife, ‫الفرمى‬ ‫ايسيذورس‬ ‫استشهاد القديس‬ the servant would take care of the body. They tortured ‫ أمشري‬١٠ - ‫ فرباير‬١٨ them, beheaded them, and they received the crown of ‫يف مثل هذا اليوم تنيح القديس الناسك العامل‬ martyrdom. ‫ كان أبواه من‬. ‫األنبا ايسيذوروس الفرمي‬ Their prayers be with us all. Amen. ‫ وكان قريبا للقديسني‬، ‫أغنياء مرص ووجوهها‬ The Departure of St. Isidore of Pelusium. ‫ ومل‬، ‫ثاؤفيلس وكريلس باباوي اإلسكندرية‬ 18th February - 10th Amsher On this day also, the ascetic, scholar and holy man, Anba ‫ فأدباه بكل أدب وعلامه‬، ‫يكن له اخوة سواه‬ Isidore of Pelusium (El-Pharma), departed. His parents ‫ ثم تعلم اللغة اليونانية‬. ‫كتب الكنيسة‬ were among the rich and noble people of Egypt. He was ‫ وكان‬. ‫وأتقنها وبرع فيها حتى فاق كثريين‬ related to Pope Cyril and Pope Theophilus, patriarchs of ‫ وملا علم إن أهل‬. ‫مع ذلك ناسكا متواضعا‬ Alexandria. ‫البالد واألساقفة عازمني عل تقدمته بطريركا‬ He was the only child of his parents, who cared about his ‫ هرب ليال إىل جبل‬، ‫عيل الكريس املرقيس‬ education. They taught him the books of the church, and ‫ ثم انتقل منه‬، ‫الفرما وترهب يف دير هناك‬ the Greek language in which he excelled and surpassed ‫ أقام بها وحده عدة سنوات‬، ‫إىل مغارة صغرية‬ many. He was also ascetic and humble. When he knew that ‫ وقد وضع يف أثنائها عدة كتب أكرثها‬. the people of Alexandria and the bishops wanted to make ‫ ورشح كتبا كثرية من‬,‫عن امللوك والرؤساء‬ him the Patriarch of Alexandria, he took flight by night to ‫ وقد وجد يف بعض‬. ‫العهدين القديم والجديد‬ Pelusium and became a monk in a monastery there. ‫كتب السري إن عدد الرسائل التي أرسلها إىل‬ Then he went to a small cave where he lived alone for ‫البطاركة واألساقفة وغريهم يبلغ مثاين عرشة‬

‫ وكانت مواهب الروح القدس‬. ‫آلف رسالة‬ several years. During these years, he wrote many books ‫ وملا وصل إىل شيخوخة صالحة‬. ‫تتدفق عليه‬ about emperors and governors. He also commented . ‫مرضية انتقل إىل الرب صالته تكون معنا آمني‬ on many books of the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. His epistles that he sent to bishops and patriarchs ‫جالسيوس الناسك‬ were counted as eighteen thousand epistles. The gifts of ‫ أمشري‬12 – ‫ فرباير‬٢٠ the Holy Spirit poured upon him, and he reached a good ‫يف مثل هذا اليوم تنيح األب الناسك املجاهد‬ old age, then departed to the Lord in peace. ‫ وقد ولد من أبوين‬، ‫القديس جالسيوس‬ His prayers be with us all. Amen. ، ‫ فربياه تربية مسيحية‬، ‫مسيحيني‬ ‫وعلامه‬ The Departure of St. Gelasius. . ‫ ثم قدماه شامسا‬، ‫علوم الكنيسة‬ ‫فاجهد‬ 20th February – 12th Amsher ‫ وذهب‬، ‫نفسه يف طاعة املسيح وحمل نريه‬ Also on this day, St. Gelasius, the struggling ascetic, departed. He was born of Christian parents, who ‫ وبعد زمن رسم‬. ‫فرتهب يف برية شيهيت‬ brought him up in the Christian faith. They taught him ‫قسا فأرشده مالك الرب إىل مكان بعيد‬ the church subjects, and then he was ordained a deacon ‫وهناك جمع حوله جامعة من الرهبان‬ in the church. He labored in his obedience to Christ and ‫ وكان يعد‬، ‫ فكان لهم خري مثال‬، ‫نفسه‬ in carrying His yoke. ‫ وقد تناهي يف‬. ‫كواحد منهم‬ ‫الصرب‬ ‫وطول‬ a became and Shiheet of wilderness He went to the ‫ حتى أمكنه نسخ‬، ‫االناة‬ ‫الكتاب‬ ‫املقدس‬ monk. Afterwards, he was ordained a priest, and the ‫ ووضعه يف الكنيسة‬، ‫ليق‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ا‬ ‫فيه‬ ‫من‬ ‫يشاء‬ where place distant a to him angel of the Lord guided ‫ وحدث إن زاره مرة رجل‬. ‫من الرهبان‬ many monks gathered around him, and he was a great example for them. He considered himself as one of ‫غريب ورسق هذا الكتاب وعرضه للبيع‬ them. He was patient and long suffering to the point ‫ وأراد إن يعرف‬، ‫فاشرتاه أحد األشخاص‬ that he transcribed the Holy Bible and placed it in the ‫قيمته فذهب به إىل القديس‬ ‫جالسيوس‬ church for the other monks to read. . ‫وأراه إياه فعرف انه كتابه‬ ‫فقال‬ ‫له‬ ‫بكم‬ One day a stranger visited him and stole the transcribed ‫باعك صاحبه ؟ فقال بستة عرشة دينارا‬ Bible and went to try to sell it to someone. That person ‫ فقال له انه رخيص فاشرتاه وعاد به إىل‬. wanted to know its value, so he went to St. Gelasius : ‫ وملا جاء البائع ألخذ مثنه قال له‬. ‫منزله‬ and showed him the Bible. St. Gelasius knew that it was his book and asked him, “For how much did he ‫أنني عرضته عيل األب جالسيوس فقال إن‬ sell it to you?” He answered, “For sixteen Dinari.” The ‫ أما قال لك شيئا أخر‬: ‫ فقال له‬. ‫الثمن كثري‬ saint said to him that it was cheap, and so the man took ‫ ثم‬. ‫ إنني ال أريد بيعه‬: ‫ فقال ال فقال‬. it and went to his home. ‫اخذ الكتاب وتوجه به إىل األب‬ ‫جالسيوس‬ When the seller came back to him to pick up the price, ‫وقدمه له باكيا نادما عيل فعله فلم يقبله‬ he said to him, “I have shown the Bible to Father Gela، ‫ وبعد إلحاح شديد ودموع كثرية‬، ‫منه‬ sius and he said that the price was too high.” The seller The else?” ‫ وقد منحه الله نعمة‬. ‫قبل إن يسرتده‬ anything ‫عمل‬ you tell father the asked, “Did buyer replied, “No.” The man who stole the Bible said, ‫ منها انه اهدي إىل الدير يف‬، ‫املعجزات‬ “I do not want to sell it.” He took the book and went to ‫ وبعد طهيه‬. ‫أحد األيام مقدارا من السمك‬ Father Gelasius and gave it to him weeping and regret‫وضعه الطباخ يف املطبخ ووكل بحراسته‬ ting what he did. The saint did not accept it from him. ‫أحد الغلامن وهذا أكل منه جزءا كبريا‬ . However, after the man had insisted with many tears, ‫فلام عرف الطباخ ذلك غضب عيل‬ ‫غالمه‬ the saint at last accepted it from him. ‫آلته أكل منه قبل وقت األكل وقبل إن‬ God granted this saint the gift of performing miracles. ‫ ورضبه رضبة أصابت منه‬، ‫يباركه الشيوخ‬ One day, the monastery was presented with an amount of fish. After they were cooked, the cook asked one of ‫ فذعر الطباخ وذهب إىل القديس‬، ‫مقتال‬ the servants to guard it, but the servant ate a great part ‫ فقال له‬، ‫جالسيوس واخربه مبا جري منه‬ of it. When the cook knew what had happened, he was ‫خذه وضعه بالكنيسة أمام الهيكل‬ ‫واتركه‬ . angry at that servant, for he ate before the time of eat‫ثم جاء الشيخ والرهبان إىل‬ ‫الكنيسة‬ ‫وصلوا‬ ing and before the elders had blessed it. The cook beat ‫ وبعد ذلك‬، ‫صالة الغروب‬ ‫خرج‬ ‫الشيخ‬ ‫من‬ him with a deadly hit that killed him. ‫ ومل يعلم أحد‬، ‫الكنيسة فقام الغالم وتبعه‬ The cook was afraid of what he had done and went to St. Gelasius and told him what had happened. The saint ‫ وملا اكمل‬. ‫من الرهبان بهذا إال بعد نياحته‬ told him to take the body and put it in the church in ‫هذا األب حياته بشيخوخة صالحة أراد‬ front of the altar and to leave it there. The saint and the ‫الرب إن يريحه من أتعاب هذا العامل فتنيح‬ monks came to the church, prayed the Vespers prayer, ‫ صالته تكون معنا‬.‫تاركا هذا التذكار الحسن‬

and then the saint departed from the church, and the boy .‫ولربنا املجد دامئا أبديا آمني‬ rose up and followed him. The monks did not know of ‫نياحة القديس ساويرس بطريرك انطاكية‬ this miracle until the saint had departed. ‫ أمشري‬14 – ‫ فرباير‬٢٢ When this father finished the course of his life in a good ‫ م تنيح‬538 ‫يف مثل هذا اليوم من سنة‬ old age, the Lord wanted him to rest from the labors of ‫األب القديس ساويرس بطريرك إنطاكية‬ this world, and he departed leaving us with this good ‫الذي كان من أسيا الصغرى وكان جده‬ memory. His prayers be with us and Glory be to our God forever. ‫يسمي ساويرس وقد رأي يف رؤيا من‬ Amen. ‫ إن الولد الذي البنك سيثبت‬: ‫يقول له‬ The Departure of St. Severus, Patriarch of Antioch. ‫ ويدعي اسمه عيل اسمك‬، ‫األرثوذكسية‬ 22nd February – 14th Amsher ‫ساويرس‬ ‫وملا رزق ابنه هذا القديس اسامه‬ On this day of the year 538 A.D., the holy father St. ‫الكنسية‬ ‫العلوم‬ ‫فتعلم الحكمة اليونانية ثم‬ Severus, Patriarch of Antioch, departed. He was from ‫وفيام هو سائر خارج املدينة إذ بقديس‬ Asia Minor. His grandfather, whose name was also Sever‫حبيس يخرج من مغارته ويصيح به قائال‬ us, saw in a vision someone telling him, “The child who is for your son will strengthen Orthodoxy, and his name ‫ مرحبا بك يا ساويرس معلم األرثوذكسية‬: will be after your name.” When his son had this saint, he ‫ فتعجب ساويرس كيف‬. ‫وبطريرك إنطاكية‬ called him Severus. He was taught the Greek wisdom and ‫ وكيف علم مبا‬، ‫يدعوه باسمه وهو مل يعرفه‬ church subjects. ‫ وقد منا ساويرس يف الفضيلة‬. ‫سيكون منه‬ Once, the saint was strolling outside the city, a shut‫وترهب بدير القديس رومانوس وذراع‬ in saint came out of his cave crying, “Welcome to you ‫ فلام تنيح بطريرك إنطاكية‬. ‫بره ونسكه‬ Severus, teacher of Orthodoxy, and Patriarch of Antioch.” ‫اتفق رأي األساقفة عيل تقدمه بطريركا‬ Severus marvelled at how he called him by his name, for ‫ م فاستضاءت‬512 ‫عيل املدينة وذلك سنة‬ he did not know him before, and how he foretold what would become of him. ‫الكنيسة بتعاليمه التي ذاعت يف املسكونة‬ Severus grew in virtue and became a monk in the monas- ‫كلها كام كان من األباء الذين حرضوا مجمع‬ tery of St. Romanus. The fame of his righteousness and ‫أفسس ومل يلبث قليال حتى مات امللك‬ his ascetic life spread out. When the Patriarch of Antioch ‫يوسطينيانوس‬ ‫أنسطاسيوس وملك بعده‬ departed, the bishops had a consensus to ordain him the . ‫وكان عيل عقيدة مجمع خلقيدونية‬ Patriarch of the city in the year 512 A.D. The church ‫فاستدعي هذا األب وأكرمه كثريا عساه‬ was illuminated by his teachings which spread to all the universe, and he was one of the fathers who attended the ‫ فغضب عليه غضبا‬. ‫يذعن لرأيه فلم يقبل‬ Universal Council at Ephesus. ‫شديدا ولكنه مل يخش غضب امللك فأمر‬ Shortly after, Emperor Anastasius died and Justinian, ‫ وعلمت بذلك تاؤدورة زوجة امللك‬. ‫بقتله‬ who was Chalcedonian in faith, reigned after him. He ‫وكانت أرثوذكسية املعتقد فأشارت عيل‬ called upon this holy father and gave him great honors ‫ا‬ ‫رس‬ ‫ فخرج‬. ‫القديس إن يهرب من وجهه‬ to persuade him to change his stand and to follow the ‫يف‬ ‫واألديرة‬ ‫وجاء إىل ارض مرص وطاف البالد‬ Emperor’s belief, but the Saint refused. The Emperor ‫زي راهب وكان يثبت املؤمنني عيل األميان‬ became angry, but the Saint did not fear his anger, and ‫ وأقام يف مدينة سخا عند أرخن‬، ‫املستقيم‬ so the Emperor ordered him to be killed. Theodora, the Emperor’s wife who was Orthodox in faith, knew about ‫قديس يسمي دوروثاؤس وقد اجري الله‬ what the Emperor intended to do, so she told the saint to ‫عيل يديه أيات كثرية وتنيح مبدينة سخا‬ flee from his face. ‫ صالته تكون‬.‫ونقل جسده إىل دير الزجاج‬ St. Severus escaped to the land of Egypt and traveled .‫معنا آمني‬ everywhere and visited monasteries disguised as a monk. ‫احد‬ ‫اشيا‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ب‬ ‫ابن‬ ‫النبي‬ ‫زكريا‬ ‫القديس‬ ‫نياحة‬ He strengthened the faith of the believers in the Orthodox ‫االثني عرش‬ doctrine. He dwelt in the city of Sakha in the home of a ‫ أمشري‬١٥ - ‫ فرباير‬٢٣ holy lay leader called Doretheos. God performed through him many miracles. He departed in the city of Sakha, and ‫يف مثل هذا اليوم تنيح القديس زكريا النبي‬ his body was relocated to the monastery of El-Zugag. ‫ابن براشيا أحد االثني عرش نبيا وهو من‬ His prayers be with us all. Amen. ‫ ولد يف ارض جلعاد وسبي‬. ‫سبط الوي‬ The Departure of St. Zechariah, the Prophet. ‫نبوته‬ ‫ وهناك أبتدأ‬. ‫إىل ارض الكلدانيني‬ 23rd February - 15th Amsher ‫سنة‬ ‫وهي‬ ‫يف السنة الثانية مللك داريوس‬ On this day St. Zechariah the Prophet, the son of Berechi‫صاداق‬ ‫يهو‬ ‫بن‬ ‫ فتنبأ عن يهوشع‬.‫م‬.‫ ق‬520 ah, one of the twelve minor prophets, departed. He was

‫ بأنهم يبنيان الهيكل‬، ‫وزربابل من شالتئيل‬

from the tribe of Levi, born in the land of Gilead, and was ‫وتنبأ ايضا عن دخول الرب أورشليم‬ exiled to the land of the Chaldeans. ‫راكبا عيل حامر وعيل جحش ابن أتان‬ In exile, he started to prophesy, in the second year of King ‫ وعن الثالثني من الفضة التي أخذها‬. Darius, 520 B.C. He prophesied about “Jeshua, the son of ‫يهوذا اإلسخريوطى أجرة تسليمه سيده‬ Jozadak,” and “Zerubbabel, the son of Shealtiel,” that they ‫ وعيل حزن بني إرسائيل‬، ‫إىل اليهود‬ would rebuild the temple. (Ezra 5:1; 6:14) ‫كثرية‬ ‫الذين مل يؤمنوا به كام تنبأ بأشياء‬ He prophesied also about the entrance of the Lord to Je‫غري هذه وهو النبي الذي قتل بني‬ rusalem riding a donkey, the foal of a donkey (Zechariah 9:9); the thirty pieces of silver that Judas Iscariot received ‫الهيكل واملذبح وقد دفن بأورشليم يف‬ to deliver his Master to the Jews (Matthew 26:14-15); the .‫ صالته تكون معنا امني‬. ‫مقربة األنبياء‬ scattering of the disciples on the night of the crucifixion; ‫نياحة القديسة اليصابات أم يوحنا‬ the coming of Christ in glory; and the grief of the children ‫املعمدان‬ of Israel who did not believe in Him (Zechariah 12:10). He ‫ أمشري‬16 – ‫ فرباير‬٢٤ also prophesied about many other things. ‫يف مثل هذا اليوم تنيحت الصديقة‬ He was the prophet who was killed between the altar and . ‫البارة أليصابات أم يوحنا املعمدان‬ the temple. He was buried in Jerusalem in the tomb of the ‫وقد ولدت هذه القديسة بأورشليم من‬ prophets. His prayers be with us. Amen. ‫أب بار اسمه متثات من سبط الوي‬ Departure of St. Elizabeth, the Mother of St. John the Bap‫ واسم أمها صوفية‬، ‫من بيت هارون‬ tist. 24th February – 16th Amsher ‫ وكان ملتثات ثالث بنات اسم الكربى‬. On this day the upright and righteous St. Elizabeth, moth‫مريم وهي أم سالومي التي اهتمت‬ er of St. John the Baptist, departed. This holy woman was . ‫بالعذراء مريم أثناء امليالد البتول‬ born in Jerusalem to a righteous father called Matthan from ‫القديسة‬ ‫واسم الثانية صوفية وهي أم‬ the tribe of Levi and from the house of Aaron the priest. Her . ‫أليصابات والدة يوحنا املعمدان‬ mother’s name was Sofia. Matthan had three daughters. The first was called Mary, the mother of Salome, the midwife ‫والصغرى هي القديسة حنة والدة‬ who cared for the Virgin St. Mary during her virginal birth. ‫ فتكون إذن‬. ‫العذراء مريم أم املخلص‬ The name of the second daughter was Sofia, the mother of ‫سالومي وأليصابات والسيدة العذراء‬ St. Elizabeth, the mother of St. John the Baptist. The young- ‫ فلام تزوج القديس‬. ‫مريم بنات خاالت‬ est daughter was St. Hannah, the mother of the Virgin St. ، ‫زكريا الكاهن بالقديسة أليصابات‬ Mary, the mother of the Savior. Therefore, Salome, Eliza‫سار االثنان بالرب والقداسة أمام الله‬ beth and the Virgin St. Mary were cousins. ‫كام يقول البشري عنهام « وكان كالهام‬ When St. Zacharias the priest married St. Elizabeth, they lived in righteousness and holiness before God, as the evan‫بارين أمام الله سالكني يف جميع‬ gelist said, “They were both righteous before God, walking ‫وصايا الرب وأحكامه بال لوم « وكانت‬ in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blame- ‫ فداومت مع بعلها‬. ‫هذه البارة عاقرا‬ less.” (Luke 1:6) ‫عيل الطلبة إىل الله فرزقهام القديس‬ This upright woman was barren. She and her husband ‫ وقد تباطأ الله تعايل‬. ‫يوحنا الصابغ‬ continually supplicated God who gave them St. John the ‫عن أجابتهام رسيعا ليك يكمل الوقت‬ Baptist. God was slow in answering their prayers until the ‫الذي تحبل فيه العذراء مريم بكلمة‬ time when the Virgin Mary conceived with the Word of God. When they were stricken in age, God sent His angel ‫ إذ انه ملا تقدم االثنان يف العمر‬. ‫الله‬ Gabriel to Zacharias to announce to him, “Your wife Eliza‫ أرسل الله مالكه جربائيل إىل زكريا‬، beth will bear you a son, and you shall call his name John,” ‫ واعلمه‬، ‫فبرشه بحبل أليصابات بيوحنا‬ (Luke 1:13) and the angel told him what would become of ‫ و ملا‬. ‫مبا يكون من أمر هذا القديس‬ St. John. ‫أليصابات‬ ‫زارت العذراء مريم القديسة‬ The Virgin St. Mary visited St. Elizabeth to congratulate her on her pregnancy. “And it happened, when Elizabeth heard ‫ تهلل القديس‬، ‫لتبارك لها بثمر بطنها‬ ‫يوحنا وهو جنني يف بطن أمه وامتألت‬ the greeting of Mary, that the babe leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.” (Luke 1:41) ‫ وملا ولدت يوحنا‬. ‫أليصابات من النعمة‬ When she gave birth to St. John, the shame of her bar‫ وملا‬. ‫زال العار عنها وعن عشريتها‬ renness was lifted up from her and her people. When she ‫أكملت أيامها بالرب والطهارة والعفاف‬ completed her days in purity, righteousness and chastity, she . ‫ صالتها تكون معنا‬. ‫تنيحت بسالم‬ departed in peace. Her intercession be with us and Glory be . ‫ولربنا املجد دامئا أبديا امني‬ to our God forever. Amen.

Reflections on the Liturgy’s Holy Bible ‫تأمالت ىف أنجيل القداس‬ The 2nd Sunday of blessed month of Amsheer ‫األحد الثاىن من شهر أمشري املبارك‬ John 6: 5-14 14 – 5 ::66 ‫يوحنا‬ “And Jesus took the loaves, and when He had given ‫«وأخذ يسوع األرغفة وأعطى التالميذ‬ thanks He distributed them [a]to the disciples, and the :6 ‫والتالميذ أعطوا املتكئني» بوحنا‬ disciples to those sitting down” John 6:11. ‫وافهامنا‬ ‫عقولنا‬ ‫لقد سيطرت لغة االرقام عىل‬ The language of numbers (and logcal facts) is con‫أن‬ ‫بل‬ .. ‫باالرقام‬ ‫ فرصنا نقيس كل ىشء‬.. trolling our thoughts and understanding … we measure ‫تقاس‬ ‫صارت‬ ‫االيام‬ ‫كرامة االنسان هذه‬ all things with numbers … even, our human worth, now ‫ املحية والتفاهم هع االخرين‬.. ‫باالرقام‬ a days is measured with numbers … love and under‫ بل صار االنسان‬.. ‫صارت له مقياس باالرقام‬ standing with others has a numerical measure as well ‫ رصنا ننىس أن‬.. ‫نفسه رقام ويعامل كرقم‬ … even man himself is allocated a number and treated as a number … we have forgotten that numbers is a ‫االرقام هى أخرتاع برشى ال وجرد له اال‬ human discovery and only exist in our earthly world … ‫ أما ىف السامء وىف يد الله‬.. ‫عىل االرض‬ in heavens and in God’s hand such numbers has no ex‫ االرقام‬.. ‫فهذه الحسابات ليس لها وجود‬ istence … numbers made man’s thoughts limited, hence ‫جعلت عقل االنسان ضيق جدا أذ وضعت‬ it established a measuring tool for length and depth … ‫ ولكن أيها‬.. ‫له مقايبيس وأطوال وأعامق‬ my beloveds let us reflect together on the numbers in ‫الله‬ ‫الحبيب تعال لنتأمل معا ىف األرقام ىف يد‬ God’s hand … in God’s hand, the little is not little … .. and before God, there is no plenty … which makes a ‫الله‬ ‫وأمام‬ .. ‫قليال‬ ‫ليس‬ ‫القليل‬ ‫الله‬ ‫يد‬ ‫ففى‬ new understanding of little and plenty … ‫ فانه يوجد مفهوم جديد‬.. ‫ليس هناك كثري‬ 5000 families eat (to fulfilment) from 5 loaves and 2 .. ‫للقليل وللكثري‬ fishes and the remains is 12 baskets full of fragments ‫خمسة آالف أرسة تأكل من خمس خبزات‬ … this is a sentence full of numbers but not in our logical number language … what numbers are these??? ‫وسمكتني ويفيض عنهم أثنتى عرشة قفة‬ What accounting is this??? ‫ جملة مملوءة من األرقام‬.. ‫مملوءة كرسا‬ + Where shall we buy bread, that these may eat ???... ‫ أى أرقام هذه‬.. ‫ولكن ليس فيها لغة األرقام‬ The Lord asked His disciple Philip this difficult ques.. ‫؟؟؟ وأى حساب هذا ؟؟؟‬ tion … the answer in this world (logical number) lan‫هؤالء‬ ‫ليأكل‬ .. ‫لنبتاع‬ ‫ من أين نجد خبزا‬+ guage is very difficult … it is sufficient to ask anyone .. ‫؟؟؟‬ about the preparations required to feed 10 people only ‫السؤال‬ ‫ا‬ ‫هذ‬ ‫فيلبس‬ ‫تلميذه‬ ‫يسوع‬ ‫الرب‬ ‫سال‬ to know how difficult this question is … ‫ اجابته صعبه جدا بلغة العامل‬.. ‫الصعب‬ Many would answer as Philip did … Two hundred denarii worth of bread is not sufficient for them … despite ‫ يكفى أن تسأل أى شخص عن الرتتيبات‬.. ‫واملجهود الذى يحتاجه إطعام عرشة أشخاص‬ the Lord’s question was “from where” and not “how much”??? .. ‫فقط لتعرف مدى صعوبة السؤال‬ The children of Israel wailed and were afraid when they ‫ ال يكفيهم‬.. ‫كثريون يجيبون إجابة فيلبس‬ saw Egyptians armies behind them and the sea ahead ‫ رغم أن سؤال الرب هو‬.. ‫خبز مبائتى دينار‬ of them (Exodus 14:10) … they forgotten that the Lord ‫«من أين « ؟؟؟ وليس كم يكلف ؟؟؟‬ can open the sea as passage for them and a tomb for the ‫رصخ بنو إرسائيل وأرتعبوا عندما رأوا‬ Egyptians coming after them … Moses cried to the Lord in the wilderness … the people ‫ نسوا‬.. ‫املرصيون خلفهم والبحر أمامهم‬ ‫أن‬ are hungry and in need of food … they want meats … ‫الرب يستطيع ان يفتح ىف البحر طريقا لهم‬ but how can Moses feed them meats in the wilderness .. ‫ومقربة للمرصيني اآلتني خلفهم‬ … but would the Lord’s hand be found to be wanting ‫ الشعب‬.. ‫رصخ موىس اىل الرب ىف الربية‬ … (The Lord), gave them manna in the wilderness to .. ‫ أنهم يريدون لحام‬.. ‫جائع يريد طعاما‬ gather every morning except on the sabbath for 40 years … and when they craved for meats and remem‫ ولكن‬.. ‫كيف يطعمهم موىس لحام ىف الربية‬ bered the pots of meats in the land of Egypt (Numbers ‫ أعطاهم املن ىف‬.. ‫هل تقرص ذراع الرب‬ 11) … the Lord gave them quails … 3 feet deep above ‫الربية أربعني سنة يجمعونه كل صباح ماعدا‬ the ground of the earth (Numbers 11:31) … ‫ وعندما اشتهت نفوسهم اللحم‬.. ‫يوم السبت‬ The People (of Israel) stood around the walls of Jericho ‫ ارسل‬.. ‫وتذكروا قدور اللحم ىف أرض مرص‬ … the strong and secured city … what shall they do …

how can they enter the city walls … such requires ar- ‫ وجمعوها حول املحلة نحو‬.. ‫لهم الرب السلوى‬ maments, artilleries and much man-power … this is .. )١١ )١١ ‫ذراعني فوق وجه األرض (عدد‬ according to human logic … but according to God’s ‫ املدينة‬.. ‫ووقف الشعب حول أسوار أريحا‬ accounting, it only require for the people to walk ‫ كيف يقتحمون‬.. ‫ ماذا يفعلون‬.. ‫القوية املحصنة‬ around the walls (of Jericho) once every day and on ‫ االمر يحتاج اىل مدافع ودبابات‬.. ‫هذه االسوار‬ the seventh day to circle the walls 7 times then shout .. ‫ هذا حسب حسابات البرش‬.. ‫وقوات ضخمة‬ in a great voice for the walls to fall by it-self (Joshua ‫أما ىف حساب الله فال تحتاج سوى أن يدوروا‬ 6:1-21). ‫اليوم‬ ‫حول السور مرة كل يوم وسبعة مرات ىف‬ Gideon went to fight Midianites who oppressed ‫السور‬ ‫السابع ويهتفون بصوت عظيم فيسقط‬ and enslaved the children of Israel for 7 years … he .. )5 )5 ‫من تلقاء نفسه (يشوع‬ gathered an army of 32,000 men … a huge num‫نزل جدعون ليحارب مديان الذين أذلوا بنى‬ ber … maybe the people can be proud with such a number if they triumphed over the Midianites … The ‫ ومعه‬.. ‫إرسائيل ىف عبودية قاسية سبع سنني‬ Lord asked Gideon to call on who ever is scared to ‫ ورمبا يفتخر‬.. ‫ عدد كبري‬.. ‫ ألفا‬٣٢ ‫جيشه‬ stay behind thus 22,000 retreated and only 10,000 ‫ وطلب‬.. ‫الشعب بعدده إذا أنترصوا عىل مديان‬ remained … then Lord asked Gideon to take them to ‫الرب من جدعون أن يناديهم أن كل خائف‬ the waters to drink and select the fighters … there He ‫ ألفا وبقى‬٢٢ ‫ فرجع منهم‬.. ‫أو مرتعد فلريجع‬ excluded those who knelt on their knees and selected ‫ وطلب الرب من جدعون أن‬.. ‫عرشة آالف‬ the remainder … their number were 300 men … and ‫الرجال‬ ‫ينزل بهم اىل املاء ليرشبوا وهناك يختار‬ this was Gideons army to fight the Midianites who ‫من‬ ‫كل‬ ‫ وهناك إستبعد‬.. ‫الذين سوف يحاربون‬ were as numerous as locusts from their huge num‫ وكان‬.. ‫جثا عىل ركبتيه ليرشب وأبقى اآلخرون‬ bers … and they were defeated and their kings were ‫ وكان هذا هو الجيش‬.. ‫عددهم ثلثامئة رجل‬ destroyed (Judges 7:1-25) Thus we see the Lord does not deal with numbers as ‫الذى حارب به جدعون مديان الذين كان‬ per our human logic … the Lord works with little to ‫ وهزمهم‬.. ‫عددهم كثريا جدا كالجراد ىف الكرثة‬ be blessed more the than the plenty! .. )٧ )٧ ‫ (قضاة‬.. ‫وقىض عىل ملوكهم‬ You (my beloved) don’t want to sacrifice an hour on ‫هكذا تجد أن الرب ال يتعامل بلغة األرقام‬ Sunday (for the Lord) … on the the excuse that your ‫ فالرب يعمل ىف القليل فيصري بركة‬.. ‫البرشية‬ debts and great … do think when you give the Lord’s .. ‫أكرث من الكثري‬ day to the world, you will pay your debts??? ‫األحد‬ ‫يوم‬ ‫عمل‬ ‫بساعات‬ ‫تضحى‬ ‫أنت ال تريد ان‬ Aren’t you forgetting the blessing of the little in ‫تظن‬ ‫وهل‬ .. ‫كثرية‬ ‫ديون‬ ‫عليك‬ ‫ بحجة ان‬.. God’s hand …? You do not want to give your tithe and your offerings ‫أنك عندما تعطى يوم الرب للعامل سوف تسدد‬ .. ‫ديونك ؟؟؟‬ … which is least asked of you … with the excuse .. ‫أنك تنيس بركة القليل ىف يد الله‬ that you have too many commitments … aren’t you aware that every time you are short in your tithe, .. ‫أنت ال تريد دفع عشورك وبكورك ونذورك‬ you are accumulating more debts for your self many ‫ بحجة ان عليك‬.. ‫وهى أقل ما يطلب منك‬ times more … for one has to pay his debts on earth ‫ وانت ال تدرى انك ىف كل مرة‬.. ‫إلتزامات كثرية‬ ...! ‫تقرص ىف دفع عشورك إمنا تضيف عىل نفسك‬ No one knows, how the Lord will ask for His ‫ إذ البد ان تستوىف االرض‬.. ‫ديونا أكرث مضاعفة‬ debts??? .. ‫سبوتها‬ You skimp one hour to spend in prayers and reading ‫؟؟؟‬ ‫ديونه‬ ‫الرب‬ ‫يستوىف‬ ‫سوف‬ ‫كيف‬ ‫يدرى‬ ‫ومن‬ the bible everyday with the excuse that you have no .. time … indeed, maybe this why your time has no ‫أنك تبخل بساعة تقضيها قى الصالة وقراءة‬ profit and not blessed … the work which requires 2 ‫الكتاب املقدس كل يوم بحجة ان معندكش‬ hours, you finish in 10 hours … give the Lord’s time ‫ صحيح ولهذا السبب فإن وقتك أيضا‬.. ‫وقت‬ to the Lord and see how the Lord will bless the little time to become plenty … ‫ العمل الذى يحتاج اىل ساعتني‬.. ‫ليس فيه بركة‬ You shut your ears when asked for help and works ‫ اعط للرب وقته‬.. ‫تعمله ىف عرشة ساعات‬ of mercy to a friend or maybe a stranger … with the ‫وسوف ترى كف يبارك الرب ىف الوقت القليل‬ excuse that you haven’t got enough … strangely, by .. ‫فيصري بركة أكرث من الكثري‬ this you judge yourself … for what you have will ‫إنك تسد أذنيك عن طلب مساعدة أو عمل من‬

‫أعامل الرحمة لصديق أو رمبا إنسان غريب عنك‬ not be enough … you are forgetting, the blessing of sharing and works of love and mercy … ‫ والغريب‬.. ‫ بحجة ان ليس عندك ما يكفى‬.. + They filled twelve baskets with the fragments .. ‫ فالذى عندك‬.. ‫جدا إنك بهذا تحكم عىل نفسك‬ When you forget … then look at the fragments … ‫ أنك تنىس بركة املشاركة‬.. ‫فعال لن يكفيك‬ the evidence and witness of God’s gifts is around us .. ‫وأعامل املحبة والرحمة‬ all the time … open any newspaper and observe the .. ‫مملوءة‬ ‫قفة‬ ‫ ومألوا أثنتى عرشة‬+ news, then you will find a thousand reasons to thank ‫الشواهد‬ ‫ان‬ .. ‫الكرس‬ ‫اىل‬ ‫فلتنظر‬ .. ‫عندما تنىس‬ God for His care of you specifically … for you are not ‫افتح‬ .. ‫ار‬ ‫ر‬ ‫بإستم‬ ‫حولنا‬ ‫موجودة‬ ‫الله‬ ‫عىل أعامل‬ one of the victims of earth quacks, fires, wars, famines ‫سوف‬ ‫وعندئذ‬ ‫األخبار‬ ‫اىل‬ ‫وانظر‬ ‫أى جريدة‬ or floods, fatal diseases, nor car accidents … you were ‫تجد الف سبب يجعلك تشكر الله عىل عنايته‬ not one of those thousands and even millions who are ‫ فانت لست من‬.. ‫بك انت عىل وجه الخصوص‬ suffering and live in distress around the world! The widow of Zarephath of Sidon … had a little of ‫ وال‬.. ‫ضحايا الزالزل وال الحرائق وال ألحروب‬ flour and oil to make a morsel of bread for herself and ‫ وال األمراض الفتاكة‬.. ‫ وال الفيضانات‬.. ‫املجاعات‬ her son to eat, then die from hunger (1Kings 17:8-16) ‫ فامزلت أنت لست‬.. ‫ وال حوادث السيارات‬.. … but she gave what she had to the man of God and ‫ الذين‬.. ‫ بل املاليني‬.. ‫واحد من كل هؤالء اآلالف‬ kept the fragment for herself and her son … here is the .. ‫يعيشون ىف معاناة وأمل ىف جميع أنحاء العامل‬ blessing of the little … the tin of flour nor the jar of oil ‫ مل يكن عندها إال القليل‬.. ‫ان أرملة رصفة صيدا‬ is decrease or finished. ‫من الدقيق والزيت ما يكفى لعمل كعكة‬ When the children of Israel crossed the Jordan river … ‫ذلك‬ ‫تأكلها هى وابنها وميوتان من الجوع بعد‬ they took whole stones from under the priests feet who ‫ ولكن قدمت ماعندها لرجل الله وأبقت‬.. carried the Ark of covenant (Joshua 1 to 4) to set up an altar for the Lord … and this became a witness for ‫ كوار‬.. ‫ وهنا بركة القليل‬.. ‫الكرس لنفسها وإلبنها‬ .. ‫الدقيق ال يفرغ وكوز الزيت ال ينقص‬ them and all generations to come of the Lord’s work with them ‫ أخذوا‬.. ‫عندما عرب بنو إرسائيل نهر األردن‬ The priests kept Goliath’s sword … to remind them ‫معهم حجارة صحيحة من تحت أقدام الكهنة‬ and as witness of the Lord’s great works for the young ‫ وصارت‬.. ‫حامىل التابوت وأقاموها مذبحا للرب‬ David the shepherd boy … when David was fleeing .. ‫شهادة لهم ولكل األجيال بعمل الرب معهم‬ from Saul, he went to Ahimelech the priest … and ‫ تذكارا‬.. ‫لقد احتفظ الكهنة بسيف جليات‬ asked for a sword … he was given Goliath’s sword … ‫وشهادة لعمل الله العظيم مع داود الفتى‬ but David could not use it for any evil … nor to kill ‫شاول‬ ‫ وعندما كان داود هاربا من‬.. ‫الصغري‬ Saul his enemy … for it is a permanent reminder of ‫ وطلب منه سيفا‬.. ‫وذهب اىل أخياملك الكاهن‬ God’s mercy and care (1 Samuel 21) … ‫ ومل يستطع داود ان‬.. ‫ أعطاه سيف جليات‬.. The lord has kept the mountain of Mokattam in Cairo as a witness … from it’s name and location of God’s ‫ وال حتى أن يقتل به شاول‬.. ‫يستعمله ىف أى رش‬ mercy with His people … even when persecution ‫ فهو تذكار دائم برحمة الله وعنايته‬.. ‫عدوه‬ and suffering is heightened …observe, God does not .. )٢١ )٢١ ‫(صمؤيل االول‬ leave Himself without a witness … He who looked ‫لقد أبقى الله جبل املقطم ىف القاهرة شاهدا‬ and cared for His people in the past will look after and .. ‫ من أسمه ومن موقعه برحمة الله لشعبه‬.. care for His people today and for ever … ‫ أنظر أن الله ال‬.. ‫عندما يشتد االضطهاد واألمل‬ In your life there are many true evidence of God’s ‫ الذى أعتنى بشعبه ىف‬.. ‫يرتك نفسه بال شاهد‬ mercy for you … how great are the fragments in your .. ‫األبد‬ ‫القديم هو أيضا يعتنى بشعبه اليوم واىل‬ life … just reflect on what is around you to see God’s ‫الباقية‬ ‫أن ىف حياتك الكثري جد ا من الشواهد‬ abundant mercy in all your life and house hold … in your work … in all your affairs … the blessings of the ‫ ما أكرث الكرس ىف‬.. ‫والدالة عىل رحمة الله بك‬ ‫ فقط تأمل من حولك سوف تجد بركة‬.. ‫حياتك‬ five loaves and two fishes is evident in every man’s ‫ ىف بيتك‬.. ‫الله ىف الكثري جدا من جوانب حياتك‬ life … but there are those who offer the five loaves and two fishes to be blessed (by the Lord) and those ‫ أن بركة الخمس‬.. ‫ ىف كل أمورك‬.. ‫ ىف عملك‬.. who look at it and wounder how can we feed five ‫خبزات والسمكتني موجودة ىف حياة كل إنسان‬ thousands (with them) ‫ ولكن هناك من يقدم للرب الخمس خبزات‬.. My Beloved, have you learned the blessings of five ‫والسمكتني ليباركها وهناك من يضعها أمامه‬ loaves and two fishes … start by putting them in ‫ويظل يعمل بعقله كيف ميكن أن تكفى خمسة‬ God’s hand … the little time you have … put it in

God’s hand and see what He can do … a single day .. ‫آالف‬ for Joshua was not sufficient to overcome his ene‫أيها الحبيب هل تعلمت بركة الخمسة خبزات‬ my … the Lord has given him two days in one day .. ‫ أبدأ بأن تضعها ىف يد الله‬.. ‫والسمكتني‬ … give to the Lord His share first and you will find ‫ ضعه ىف يد الله وسوف‬.. ‫الوقت القليل عندك‬ plentiful mercy ‫ أن يوم واحد ليشوع مل‬.. ‫ترى ماسوف يفعله به‬ Your financial affairs are troublesome … your needs are many … your debts are endless … put the little in ‫ فأعطاه‬.. ‫يكن يكفى ليتغلب عىل اعداءه‬ ‫ إعط للرب نصيبه‬.. ‫الرب يومني ىف يوم واحد‬ God’s hand … and let the Lord arrange it for you … .. ‫أوال وسوف تجد الكثري جدا من الربكات‬ do not be afraid … for a small portion of oil with the ‫ مصاريفك كثرية‬.. ‫أمررك املالية متعبة‬ poor widow … the Lord blessed it on Elisha’s hand ‫ ضع القليل الذى ىف يدك‬.. ‫ ديونك ال تنتهى‬.. … so she filled from it many containers and paid all ‫ ال‬.. ‫ ودع الرب يترصف فيه‬.. ‫بني يدى الله‬ her debts Learn to thank the Lord for all His care of you … ‫ فدهنة زيت صغرية عند األرملة الفقرية‬.. ‫تخف‬ learn the words of being thankful … many have only ‫ ومألت منها أواىن‬.. ‫ باركها الرب عىل يد أليشع‬.. learned how to complain … and object … everything .. ‫كثرية جدا وسددت منها كل ديونها‬ is lacking in their eyes or unwanted for them … no‫ تعلم‬.. ‫تعلم أن تشكر الله عىل كل عنايته بك‬ doubt the food of one small poor child is not enough ‫ كثريون تعودوا فقط أن يتذمروا‬.. ‫كلمة الشكر‬ for one man … but with thanks in God’s hand is ‫ كل ىشء عندهم ناقص أو غري‬.. ‫ أن يشتكوا‬.. sufficient for thousands to fulfilment and fragments ‫فقري‬ ‫ بال شك أن طعام صبى واحد‬.. ‫مرغوب فيه‬ are left over abundant too. ‫يد‬ ‫ ولكن مع الشكر ىف‬.. ‫ال يكفى رجل واحد‬ Be careful, not imagine that this blessing (in God’s .. ‫الله يكفى لآلالف ويشبعوا ويفيض عنهم ايضا‬ hand) means disorder … or it means not to be ‫ أو‬.. ‫وإياك ان تظن أن الربكة معناها الفوىض‬ careful and organised … for the blessings (from God) becomes a bessing for thousands through good ‫ فالربكة‬.. ‫معناها عدم االهتامم وعدم النظام‬ organisation … The lord Jesus asked His disciples ‫ فقد طلب‬.. ‫تصري بركة لآلالف من خالل النظام‬ to seat the people in groups of fifty on the grass … ‫الرب يسوع من تالميذه ان يجلس الجموع‬ homogenous groups and loving of each other … it ‫ جامعات‬.. ‫خمسني خمسني عىل العشب‬ is a hundred groups representing the church of God ‫ أنهم مئه مجموعة‬.. ‫منظمة متآلفة متحابة‬ which is spread all over the earth from one end to ‫يرمزون اىل كنيسة الله املنترشة واملمتدة من‬ other, well organised and in order … all is fed on the .. ‫وترتيب‬ ‫ ىف نظام‬.. ‫أقصاء املسكونة اىل أقاصيها‬ same food from one Hand … which is the Body of .. ‫واحدة‬ ‫وكلها تتغذى عىل طعام واحد من يد‬ the Lord Jesus and His Blood … which sufficient for ‫ أنه يكفى العامل‬.. ‫وهو جسد الرب بسوع ودمه‬ the whole world with more. .. ‫كله ويزيد‬ The Lord was also careful in establishing traditions ‫ فلم يكن‬.. ‫بل قد أهتم الرب بالطقس أيضا‬ … it was not difficult for the Lord to distribute the food by Himself after He has blessed it … but the ‫صعبا ان يوزع الرب الطعام بنفسه بعد أن باركه‬ Lord gave it the his twelve disciples to pass on to the ‫ ولكن الرب أعطى االثنى عرش االثنى عرش‬.. people … here is the Lord setting up the traditions ‫ فها الرب نفسه يضع أساس‬.. ‫أعطوا الجموع‬ and offices of the church, priesthood and it’s services ‫ الله ليس عنده مانع‬.. ‫طقس الخدمة والكهنوت‬ … God has no objection to distribute His blessings ‫أن يوزع بركاته ونعمه عن طريق تالميذه الذين‬ and grace through His disciples whom He has given ‫ سلطان‬.. ‫ سلطان التوزيع‬.. ‫أعطاهم السلطان‬ them the authority (for the priesthood) … the author‫ بل أنهم شهود عىل عمل الله‬.. ‫إعطاء الربكة‬ ity to distribute … the authority to give the blessing ‫اثنتى‬ .. ‫ فقد أمرهم أن يجمعوا الكرس‬.. ‫أيضا‬ … but they were witnesses for God’s work as well … ‫عرشة قفة مملوءة كل واحد منهم يحمل قفة‬ for He has commanded them to gather the left over .. ‫شهادة عىل عمل الله وبركته لشعبه وأوالده‬ fragments … twelve baskets full … each is carrying ‫أنها الشهادة القوية التى عندما رآها الجموع‬ a basket as a witness to God’s work and grace to His people and His sons and daughters … .. ‫شهدوا جميعا‬ It is the powerful witness which when seen by the .. ‫هذا هو بالحقيقة النبى اآلىت اىل العامل‬ multitudes, all witnessed “This is truly the Prophet who is to come into the world.”

Blessed Baptism Baby Luke son of Benjamin & Tanya Roufail Saturday 10th Feb 2024 St. Mary’s Church

Icons for the Iconstasis at The New Church

Marriage Preparati.n Course 22 ND) 23 RD and 24TH March 2.24 Marriage is a Sacrament and a Sacred Institution established by God and revered by the Orthodox Church. It is vital of all couples entering into this Holy Estate to give it the full and honest attention that it deserves. The Marriage Preparation Course is designed to help couples planning for a marriage or who are newly married to explore and deepen their relationship. Important topics included in the course include the following witfi a variety of speakers: ‹Art of Communication›, ‹Conflict Resolution›, ‹Discovering yourself›, ‹The Engagement Period›, ‹Boundaries›, ‹Physical & amp; Sexual Health›. ‹Budgeting›, ‹After the Honeymoon›. ‹The Christian Family› and ‹The Crowning Ceremony›. The Diocese of Melbourne Marriage Preparation Course provides a great opportunity to enrich your relationship and prepare for the lifelong commitment of marriage. The Course runs from Friday 22/03/2024 (6:30 - 9:00 PM), Saturday 23/03/2024 (10:00 AM - 6: 15 PM), and Sunday 24/03/2024 (1:00 PM - 8:00 PM). All sessions are held at the Pope Shenouda III Auditorium, Donvale (100 Park Road Donvale). We strongly encourage every engaged couple, those about to become engaged and those in their first year of marriage to attend this course. Based on the evidence of the benefits of such courses, the Holy Synod of the Coptic Orthodox Church has deemed it a compulsory prerequisite before Marriage is granted in the Church. The cost is only $100 per couple, which includes course booklets, lunches, tea/ coffee, etc. Please Register at: http://tinyurlcom/Mar2Q2^MPC or use the QR Code. For further details please Contact Fr Daniel Ghabrial on 0403 336 725 or Fr Samuel Elias on 0412 884 434. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSes8gzUEbz27syBJKHTelck2L5Ps2MeeTcPG2g7jvk8dWA0qw/viewform?usp=sf_link Condolences and Funeral of the late Leila Hazim beloved Wife, Mother, Grandmother and Great Grandmother (ahe is mother of Michelene wife of Nashaat Morcos) Condolences: Tuesday 13 February St George›s Antiochian Orthodox Church in the Social Centre at the back from 6-9pm. Funeral: Thursday 15 February St George›s Antiochian Orthodox Cathedral at 11 am Address: 36 Shaftesbury Parade, Thornbury VIC 3071

Visit Program of His Grace Bishop Daniel of St Shenouda Monastery to Melbourne ================== From Tuesday 20/2/24-Monday 26/2/24 Tuesday 20/2/24: Arrive in Melb QF 449 @3.35pm. Wednesday 21/2/24: Holy Liturgy at St Mark Ch (Hammal @9am). Friday 23/2/24: Holy Liturgy at St Athanasius Ch (Hammal @9am). *Full Deacons Ordination. Saturday 24/2/24: Holy Liturgy at St Mina & St Marina Ch (Hammal @8am). *Priests Ordination. Sunday 25/2/24: Holy Liturgy at St John & St Verena Ch (Hammal @8am). *Priest Ordination. Monday 26/2/24: Depart to Sydney QF 442 @12.30pm-2.00pm Syd. My Words of Condolences: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, One God, Amen. I wish to extend my condolences to You Michael,Elina,All the family, the relatives and friends and to all the congregation for the departure of our very dear in Christ Tant Linda. In his Second Epistle to Timothy, St. Paul says: “For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved his appearing.” (II Timothy 4:6-8). It is natural to feel sorrow at the parting of a loved one. But at the same time, as Christians, we hold the firm belief that what we are suffering now is a separation which may be long or short, but is not an eternal loss of contact. As Christians, we believe that death is not the end of existence. It is a transition; it is a transformation. It is the start of our Heavenly Life. May her pure soul rest in peace and may our Lord Jesus Christ bless All the mourning relatives and friends with His own comfort and solace. Glory be to God forever and ever.Amen. Bishop Anba Daniel, All the Fathers and the Brothers at St Shenouda Monastery. Sydney Australia. Date: Thursday 8/2/24.

Financial Summary for St. Mary’s Church New Project as on 31st Jan 2024

Building Site 18th January 2024

Construction of New Buildings started Thursday 28th April

The new Building is expected to be ready February 2024. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downloaded from church website.

Cost of building works is around $13,000,000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreciated. 2022 ‫ أبريل‬٢٨ ‫أعمال اإلنشاءات بدات يوم الخميس‬ ‫ خدمات الكنيسة تتم حسب المعتاد حسب‬.٢٠٢٤ .٢٠٢٤ ‫من المتوقع االنتهاء من المشروع فبراير‬ .‫الجدول الموضح داخل النشرة‬ .‫ مليون دوالرا‬١٣ ‫تبلغ تكلفة المشروع حوالى‬ ‫ينكنك المشاركة بتبرع شهرى بملء أستمارة السحب‬ ‫البنكي الموجودة بالكنيسة أو طبعها من خالل مركز‬ ‫الكنيسة اإللكتروني‬ ‫الرب يبارك تبرعاتكم ومساهمتكم فى هذا العمل‬ Donations to St Mary’s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link ‫للتبرعات لكنيسة العذراء مريم ومشروع المباني أضغط على الرابط‬ https://www.stmc.org.au/donate (Copy & Paste on Web Browser)

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