Weekly Bulletin 19th December 2021

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Services at St Mary’s Church Tuesday Liturgy 5:30 - 7am 8am The Way - Orthodox Fekkowship in Englisg for adults - All ages Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am Wednesday 6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults Arabic ; 7-8:15pm English Hymns Class Arabic 8-9pm Thursday English Midnight Praises 7:30pm English Bible Study 7:30pm Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am Friday Youth 25 and above 7-9pm Family Meeting 7-9pm (fortnightly) Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm Year 10-12 Sunday School 6-9pm Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 10:30am Saturday Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm Vespers & youth meeting 5.30 –7pm English Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:307pm Scouts 1:30 - 3pm School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm Sunday: Sunday 1st Mass 7 – 9.15am Arabic & English 2nd Mass 9.15 – 11.30am English 3rd Mass 9 – 11am Arabic Hymns Class - English 11:45 12:30pm Church Priests: Priests Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251 Email: frtadros@me.com Fr Habib Girgis Younan: 0401238177 – 94498871 Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail. com Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821 Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kensington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651

:‫مواعيد الخدمة بكنيسة العذراء‬

)‫ صباحا (أنجليزى‬7 - 5:30 ::‫األلهى‬ ‫ القداس األلهى‬:‫الثالثاء‬ ‫ ذا واى‬- ‫ مساء أجتامع للكبار باألنجليزى‬8 ‫ صباحا‬11 – 9 ‫ القداس األلهى‬:‫األربعاء‬ ‫األربعاء‬ ‫ عرىب‬- ‫ مساء مدرسة الشاممسة للكبار‬8 - 6:30 ‫ أنجليزى‬- ‫ مساء مدرسة الشاممسة‬8:15 - 7 ‫ عرىب‬- ‫مساء فصول ألحان‬9 - 8 :‫الخميس‬ ‫ مساء‬7:30 ‫ أنجليزى‬- ‫تسبحة نصف الليل‬ ‫ مساء‬7:30 ‫ أنجليزى‬- ‫درس الكتاب املقدس‬ ‫ صباحا‬11 – 9 ‫ القداس األلهى‬:‫الجمعة‬ ‫الجمعة‬ ‫ سنة فأك رث‬25 ‫ مساء الشباب‬9 – 7 )‫مساء أجتامع األرسة (كل أسبوعني‬9-7 ‫ أنجليزى‬- ‫ مساء أجتامع اعداد الخدمة‬8:30 - 7 12 - 10 ‫ مساء فصل مدرس األحد لسنوات‬9 - 6 ‫ صباحا‬10,30 – 8,30 ‫القداس األلهى‬:‫السبت‬ ‫السبت‬ ‫ مساء‬3 - 1:30 ‫اجتامع الكشافة‬ ‫ مساء‬4 - 3 ‫مدرسة الشاممسة‬ 5,30 – 4 ‫مدارس األحد‬ ‫ مساء انجليزى‬7 – 5,30 ‫العشية واجتامع الشباب‬ ‫ مساء عرىب‬7 - 5:30 ‫العشية ودرس كتاب‬ :‫األحد‬ ‫ ص عرىب وانجليزى‬9,15 – 7 ‫القداس األول‬ ‫ ص – انجليزى‬11,30 – 9,15 ‫القداس الثاىن‬ ‫ ص عرىب‬11 – 9 ‫القداس الثالث‬ ‫ مساء‬12:30 - 11:45 ‫ أنجليزى‬- ‫فصل ألحان‬ :‫األباء الكهنة بالكنيسة‬ ‫األب القمص تادرس شاروبيم‬ 0414251251 Email: frtadros@me.com :‫األب القس حبيب جرجس يونان‬ 94498871Email: - 0401238177 habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com 0422431821 :‫األب القس مايكل صليب‬ Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Epsom Rd, Kensington 3031:‫عنوان الكنيسة‬ 93766651 :‫ تليفون‬5 Vic

The Departure of St. Nicholas, the Confessor, Bishop of Myra ‫نياحة القديس نيقوالوس أسقف مورا‬ (Mora). ‫ كيهك‬١٠ - ‫ ديسمبر‬١٩ 19th December - 10th Keiahk ‫يف مثل هذا اليوم تنيح القديس البار‬ On this day also the righteous St. Nicholas (1), Bishop of ‫ كان من مدينة مورا‬. ‫نيقوالوس أسقف مورا‬ Mora (Myra), departed. He was from the city of Mora, his ‫ و قد‬. ‫ اسم أبيه ابيفانيوس و أمه تونة‬، father’s name was Epiphanius and the name of his mother was ‫ و مل يكن‬.‫جمعا إىل الغني الكثري مخافة هللا‬ Tona. They were rich, as well as God-fearing, people. They ‫ و ملا‬. ‫لهام ولد يقر أعينهام و يرث غناهام‬ had no children to bring joy to their hearts and to inherit their ‫ تحنن هللا عليهام و رزقهام‬، ‫بلغا سن اليأس‬ wealth after their deaths. They remained without a son until ‫ الذي امتأل بالنعمة اإللهية‬، ‫هذا القديس‬ they grew old and they were enveloped with despair. God had ‫ و ملا بلغ السن التي تؤهله‬. ‫منذ طفولته‬ pity on them and gave them this saint. He was filled with the ‫ اظهر من النجابة ما دل عيل‬، ‫لتلقي العلم‬ Divine grace since his young age. When he reached school ‫إن الروح القدس كان يلهمه من العلم اكرث‬ age, he demonstrated, through intelligence and knowledge, ‫ و منذ حداثته‬. ‫مام كان يتلقى من املعلم‬ that he learned far more from the Holy Spirit than he did from ‫ فقدم شامسا ثم‬. ‫وعي كل تعاليم الكنيسة‬ his teachers. He learned all the doctrine and the teachings of ، ‫ترهب يف دير كان ابن عمه رئيسا عليه‬ the church since his young age and was ordained deacon. ‫فعاش عيشة النسك و الجهاد و الفضيلة حتى‬ Then he became a monk in a monastery wherein his cousin ‫رسم قسا و هو يف التاسعة عرشة من عمره‬ was the abbot. He lived an ascetic and a righteous life, and ‫ و اعطاه هللا موهبة عمل اآليات و شفاء‬. was ordained a priest when he was 19 years old. God gave him ‫ حتى ليجل عن الوصف ما أجراه‬، ‫املريض‬ the gift to work signs and wonders and to heal the sick. .‫من آيات و قدمه من إحسانات و صدقات‬ St. Nicholas is too illustrious to describe all the signs that were ‫و منها انه كان مبدينة مورا رجل غني احني‬ performed by his hands, but an example of his good deeds and ‫عليه الدهر و فقد ثروته حتى احتاج للقوت‬ benevolent works follows: ‫الرضوري و كان له ثالث بنات قد جاوزن سن‬ There was a very rich man in the city of Mora who lost all ‫الزواج و مل يزوجهن لسوء حالته فوسوس له‬ his wealth. He had three daughters who had passed the age of ‫الشيطان إن يوجههن للعمل يف أحد املواخري‬ marriage, and he could not marry them because of his poverty. ‫ و لكن الرب كشف للقديس نيقوالوس ما‬، Satan tempted the man to think that he should make his ‫ فاخذ من مال أبويه‬، ‫إعتزمه هذا الرجل‬ daughters live in sin so that they might get their food by means ‫ و وضعها يف كيس و تسلل ليال‬، ‫مائة دينار‬ of fornication. God revealed to St. Nicholas the thoughts ‫دون إن نشعر به أحد و ألقاها من نافذة‬ which were in this man’s head, and what he intended to do. St. ‫ و كانت دهشة الرجل عظيمة‬،‫منزل الرجل‬ Nicholas took 100 dinars of his father’s money and tied it up ‫عندما وجد الكيس و فرح كثريا و استطاع‬ in a sack. During the night, secretly and without anyone seeing ‫ و يف ليلة‬. ‫إن يزوج بهذا املال ابنته الكربى‬ him, he threw the money into the window of that poor man’s ‫أخرى كرر القديس عمله و القي بكيس ثان‬ house. When the man found the gold, he was astonished and ‫ و متكن الرجل من تزويج‬، ‫من نافذة املنزل‬ rejoiced exceedingly and was able to give his eldest daughter ‫ إال إن الرجل اشتاق إن يعرف‬. ‫االبنة الثانية‬ away in marriage. During another night the saint threw another ‫ و يف املرة‬، ‫ فلبث ساهرا يرتقب‬، ‫ذلك املحسن‬ hundred dinars into the man’s house and the man was able to ‫ ارشع إىل‬، ‫الثالثة حاملا شعر بسقوط الكيس‬ give his second daughter away in marriage. The man wanted ‫ فعرف انه‬، ‫خارج املنزل لريي من الذي ألقاه‬ to know who this charitable person was. The third time when ‫ فخر عند‬، ‫اآلسف الطيب القديس نيقوالؤس‬ the saint threw the gold into the house, the man was watching ‫ ألنه أنقذ فتياته من‬، ‫قدميه و شكره كثريا‬ and immediately when he felt the drop of the sack, he ran ‫فقر املال و ما كن سيتعرضن له من الفتنة‬ out of his house to see who was throwing the gold to him. ‫ بل‬، ‫ إما هو فلم يقبل منهم إن يشكروه‬. He found the kind bishop St. Nicholas and the man bowed ‫أمرهم إن يشكروا هللا الذي وضع هذه الفكرة‬ down at his feet and paid him great homage and thanked him ‫ و منها انه طرد شياطني كثرية من‬. ‫يف قلبه‬ because he saved his daughters from poverty and from a life of ‫ و كان يبارك يف‬، ‫أناس و شفي مريض عديدين‬ sin. The saint refused to accept any thanks and asked them to ‫ و يفضل‬، ‫الخبز القليل فيشبع منه خلق كثري‬ thank the Lord Who put this thought in his heart. ‫ و قبل انتخابه لرتبة‬. ‫عنه اكرث مام كان أوال‬ St. Nicholas drove out the devil and his angels from people, he ‫األسقفية رأي ذات ليلة يف حلم كرسيا عظيام‬ healed many sick people, and he blessed little bread to satisfy ‫و حلة بهية موضوعة عليه و إنسانا يقول له‬ many people, with much more left over. ‫ البس هذه الحلة و اجلس عيل هذا الكريس‬: Before being selected bishop, he saw in a vision, a great throne ‫ ثم رأي يف ليلة أخرى السيدة العذراء تناوله‬، and magnificent vestments placed on it and a man said to him, ‫بعضا من مالبس الكهنوت و السيد املسيح‬ “Put on these vestments and sit on this throne.” Another night .‫يناوله اإلنجيل‬ he saw our Lady, St. Mary, giving him the vestments of the ‫و ملا تنيح أسقف مورا ظهر مالك الرب لرئيس‬ priesthood and our Lord Jesus Christ gave him the Gospel. ‫األساقفة يف حلم و اعلمه بان املختار لهذه‬ When the Bishop of Mora departed, the Angel of the Lord ‫ و‬، ‫الرتبة هو نيقوالؤس و اعلمه بفضائله‬

appeared to the Archbishop and told him the one who was chosen ‫ملا استيقظ اخرب األساقفة مبا رأي‬ for this rank was Nicholas and described his virtues to him. When he ‫ و علموا انها من‬، ‫فصدقوا الرؤيا‬ woke up he told the bishops what he had seen, and they all believed ‫ و اخذوا القديس و‬، ‫السيد املسيح‬ that vision. They knew that it was from the Lord Jesus Christ. They ‫ و بعد قليل‬. ‫رسموه أسقفا عيل مورا‬ took St. Nicholas and made him Bishop over the city of Mora. ‫ملك دقلديانوس و آثار عبادة األوثان‬ Shortly thereafter, Diocletian reigned, and incited the pagan worship. ‫ و ملا قبض عيل جامعة من املؤمنني‬، When Diocletian arrested many of the believers, he heard about this ‫و سمع بخرب هذا القديس قبض عليه‬ saint. He seized him and tortured him severely for many years. The ‫ و‬، ‫هو ايضا و عذبه كثريا عدة سنني‬ Lord Christ strengthened him, protected him, and raised him whole ‫كان السيد املسيح يقيمه من العذاب‬ from all these tortures so that he might become a mighty branch ‫ساملا ليكون غصنا كبريا يف شجرة‬ of the tree of faith. When Diocletian was tired of torturing him, ‫ و ملا ضجر منه دقلديانوس‬. ‫اإلميان‬ he cast him into prison. Saint Nicholas wrote to his congregation ‫ فكان و هو يف‬، ‫ألقاه يف السجن‬ from prison to teach, encourage and confirm them in the faith. He ‫السجن يكتب إىل رعيته و يشجعهم‬ remained in prison until God perished Diocletian and established ‫ و مل يزل يف السجن إىل‬. ‫و يثبتهم‬ the reign of Constantine the Just. Constantine brought out all the ‫ و أقام‬، ‫إن اهلك هللا دقلديانوس‬ confessors from prison, among them was St. Nicholas, who returned ‫ فاخرج الذين‬، ‫قسطنطني امللك البار‬ to his city. ‫ و‬. ‫كانوا يف السجون من املعرتفني‬ When the Council of Nicea convened in the year 325 A.D. to judge ‫ و عاد إىل‬، ‫كان القديس من بينهم‬ Arius, he was one of the 318 fathers assembled there. ‫ و ملا اجتمع مجمع نيقية‬. ‫كرسيه‬ Having finished his course and guarded his flock, he departed to be ‫ م ملحاكمة اريوس كان هذا‬325 ‫سنة‬ with the Lord. He sat on the episcopal throne for more than 40 years, ‫ و ملا اكمل‬. ‫االب بني األباء املجتمعني‬ and all the days of his life were about 80 years. ‫سعيه انتقل إىل الرب بعد إن أقام‬ His prayers be with us and Glory be to our God forever. Amen. ‫عيل الكريس األسقفي نيف و أربعني‬ (1) St. Nicholas is the true personality behind the story of St. Claus ‫ و كانت سنو حياته تناهز‬. ‫سنة‬ or Baba Noel, who leaves presents for children on Christmas Eve. . ‫الثامنني‬ The Departure of the Saint Abba Pijimi. ‫صالته تكون معنا و لربنا املجد دامئا‬ 20th December - 11th Keiahk . ‫ابديا امني‬ This day marks the departure of the saint Abba Pijimi. He was a : ‫مالحظة‬ native of Feesha, diocese of Masil. When he was 12 years old, and ‫القديس نيقوالوس أو نيقوال هو‬ while he was shepherding his father’s sheep, the angel of the Lord ‫الشخصية الحقيقية وراء قصة سانت‬ appeared to him in the form of a young man and told him, “Let us ‫كلوز أو بابا نويل الذي يرتك الهدايا‬ go and become monks.” Abba Pijimi agreed and went with him to .‫ألطفال ليلة عيد امليالد املجيد‬ the desert of Scete; to a place where three elder monks dwelled, ‫نياحة القديس االنبا بيجمى السائح‬ then the angel disappeared. The saint dwelt with them for 24 years ‫ كيهك‬١١ - ‫ ديسمرب‬٢٠ until they departed. ‫يف مثل هذا اليوم تنيح القديس األنبا‬ Then he left that place and went into the desert, a distance of three ‫ كان من أهل فيشا من‬، ‫بجيمي‬ days travel. The devils appeared to him in the form of wild beasts, ‫ وفيام هو يف الثانية‬، ‫كريس ميصيل‬ pigs and serpents. They surrounded him to devour him. He was ‫ وكان يرعى غنم‬، ‫عرشة من عمره‬ able to discern their intent by the spirit. He prayed and they were ‫ ظهر له مالك الرب يف زي‬، ‫أبيه‬ vanished. Then he lived in a valley there for three years, fasting a ‫صبي وقال له « هلم بنا منيض ونصري‬ week at a time; and at the end of the week, he ate a handful of dates ‫ وأتيا‬، ‫ فوافقه عيل ذلك‬، « ‫رهبانا‬ and drank a little water. ‫إىل برية شيهيت إىل موضع به ثالثة‬ He prayed the Lord’s prayer: “Our Father, who art in heaven......”, ، ‫ وحينئذ غاب املالك عنه‬، ‫شيوخ‬ he recited it day and night. Once he fasted for 40 days and another ‫وأقام القديس عند هؤالء الشيوخ‬ time he fasted for 80 days, to the point that his skin cleaved to his ‫ ثم‬، ‫أربعة وعرشين سنة حتى تنيحوا‬ bones. Then an angel brought him bread to eat and water to drink. ‫ترك املكان وانطلق يف الجبل مسرية‬ That bread and water lasted for many years. ‫ فظهرت له الشياطني‬، ‫ثالثة أيام‬ Afterwards, the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a vision at ، ‫يف شبه وحوش وخنازير وثعابني‬ night and commanded him to return to his city. Abba Pijimi built a ‫ فعرف‬، ‫أحاطوا به يريدون افرتاسه‬ small cell on the outskirts of his city. He dwelt there alone, devoting ‫ ثم‬، ‫ وصيل فتبددوا‬، ‫ذلك بالروح‬ himself to worshiping and asceticism. He became a good model and ‫أقام يف واد هناك ثالث سنني يصوم‬ a good example for everyone who saw him. The people of his town ‫ ويف آخر كل أسبوع‬، ‫أسبوعا أسبوعا‬ came to him to be nourished with his spiritual teachings. ‫يأكل ملء قبضة يده مترا مع قليل‬ One day the angel of the Lord lifted him up and brought him to the ‫ وكانت صالته أبانا الذي يف‬،‫من املاء‬ land of Euphrates(1), for its people had gone out of the Orthodox ‫الخ يتلوها بالليل والنهار‬... ‫السموات‬ way. He converted them all to the Faith and returned to his place. ‫ ومرة أخرى‬، ‫ وصام مرة أربعني يوما‬،

Once he was carrying some baskets to the village to sell ‫ وعند‬، ‫ حتى لصق جلده بعظامه‬، ‫مثانني يوما‬ and he became weary and sat down to rest. The power of ، ‫ذلك أىت إليه مالك بخبز ليأكل وماء ليرشب‬ the Lord lifted him up with his baskets and carried him to ‫ وبعد ذلك‬، ‫فلم يفرغ الخبز وال املاء سنني كثرية‬ where he wished to go. ‫حرض له مالك الرب يف رؤيا الليل وأمره إن يعود‬ One day the great saint Abba Shenouda saw an exceedingly ‫ فذهب إليها وبني مسكنا خارجا عنا‬، ‫إىل بلده‬ shining pillar and heard a voice telling him, “This is Abba ‫ وانفرد فيه للعبادة والنسك وصار أمنوذجا‬، ‫قليال‬ Pijimi.” Abba Shenouda went to him, walking until he ‫ وكان أهل بلدة يأتون إليه‬، ‫صالحا لكل من يراه‬ came to Abba Pijimi’s city. They recognized each other ‫ وحمله يف بعض‬، ‫ويتغذون بتعاليمه الروحية‬ through the divine guidance. Abba Shenouda visited with ‫األيام مالك الرب إىل ارض الفرات ( ويف نسخة‬ him for a few days then returned to his monastery. ‫ الن اهلها كانوا قد حادوا عن‬، ) ‫أخرى الفاران‬ When the day of his departure from this world drew near, ، ‫ فردهم جميعا إىل اإلميان‬، ‫الطريق املستقيم‬ he called his disciple and informed him of his departure ‫ وذات مرة كان يحمل القفف‬، ‫وعاد إىل موضعه‬ and commanded him to bury his body in the place where ، ‫ فتعب وجلس ليسرتيح‬، ‫إىل الريف ليبيعها‬ he was. He fell ill and was feverish and, while in this ‫فحملته قوة هللا ومعه القفف إىل املكان الذي‬ condition, he saw a company of saints approaching him. ‫ ويف أحد األيام رأي القديس‬، ‫كان يقصده‬ He delivered up his soul into the hands of God. The angels ‫ وسمع‬، ‫العظيم االنبا شنوده عمودا منريا جدا‬ carried his soul and ascended with it, chanting hymns. ‫ فقصد‬، ‫صوتا يقول له « هذا االنبا بجيمي‬ Abba Pijimi lived for 70 years, 12 years in the world and ‫إليه ماشيا إىل إن وصل إىل بلده فعرفا بعضهام‬ 58 in worship. ، ‫بإرشاد الهي ومكث عنده االنبا شنوده أياما‬ His prayers be with us and Glory be to our God forever. ‫ وملا قربت ايام انتقاله من‬، ‫ثم عاد إىل ديره‬ Amen. ‫ وأمره إن‬، ‫ دعا خادمه وعرفه بذلك‬، ‫هذا العامل‬ The Martyrdom of Saints Behnam and Sarah, His Sister. ‫ ثم أصيب‬، ‫يرتك جسده يف املكان الذي هو فيه‬ 23rd December - 14th Keiahk ‫بحمي فرأي جامعة من القديسني قد حرضوا‬ On this day, Saints Behnam and Sarah, his sister, the ‫ واسلم روحه بيد الرب فحملتها املالئكة‬، ‫إليه‬ children of Sennacherib, King of Persia, were martyred. ‫ وكانت حياة هذا‬، ‫وصعدوا بها وهم يرتلون‬ One day Behnam was out with 40 of his slaves hunting in ‫ أقام منها اثنتي عرشة سنة‬، ‫القديس سبعني سنة‬ the wilderness. He saw a huge wild beast, so he went after ، ‫ ومثان وخمسني سنة يف العبادة‬، ‫يف العامل‬ it for a long distance, and he was separated from his slaves. ، ‫صالته تكون معنا ولربنا املجد دامئا ابديا امني‬ Night fell upon him and he had to sleep in that place. ‫استشهاد القديس بهنام وسارة أخته‬ During his sleep he saw someone who told him to go to St. ‫ كيهك‬١٤ - ‫ ديسمرب‬٢٣ Matthew who dwelt in that mountain and he would pray ‫يف مثل هذا اليوم استشهد القديسان بهنام‬ for his sister so that the Lord would heal her. His sister was .‫وسارة أخته من أوالد سنحاريب ملك الفرس‬ afflicted with an incurable disease, she was leprous. ‫وذلك انه ذات يوم خرج بهنام مع أربعني رجل‬ When St. Behnam woke up and was joined by his slaves, ‫ فرأي وحشا كبريا‬، ‫من غلامنه للصيد يف الجبل‬ they searched for St. Matthew until they found him in ‫ حتى افرتق عن غلامنه‬، ‫فطارده مسافة طويلة‬ a cave. He knelt between his hands, told him about the ‫ فاضطر إن يقيض ليلته‬، ‫وقد أمىس عليه الليل‬ vision and they asked him to accompany them to the city. « ‫ فنام ورأي يف نومه من يقول له‬، ‫يف مكانه‬ Behnam went before him to the city and told his mother ‫اذهب إىل القديس متي املسكني يف هذا الجبل‬ about the vision and the presence of St. Matthew out of the ‫وهو يصيل عيل أختك ( وكانت مصابة مبرض‬ city. Because of her love and trust in Behnam she allowed ‫ فلام استيقظ من نومه‬.« ‫عضال ) فيشفيها الرب‬ his sister to go with him in secret. When they arrived to ‫ وبحثوا عن القديس متي حتى‬، ‫اجتمع بغلامنه‬ where the saint was, he prayed for her and the Lord healed ‫ فسجد بهنام بني يديه واعلمه‬، ‫وجدوه يف مغارة‬ her. St. Matthew preached and taught them the way of life. ‫بالرؤيا وطلب منه الذهاب معه إىل املدينة فقام‬ He prayed also and a spring of water rushed forth and he ‫ وقد سبقه بهنام وميض فاعلم والدته‬. ‫معه‬ baptized them in the name of the Father, the Son and the ، ‫الرؤيا وبوجود القديس متي خارج املدينة‬ Holy Spirit, the one God, then he returned to his cave. .‫ونظرا ملحبتها له سمحت بذهاب أخته معه رسا‬ When King Sennacherib knew that his daughter was cured, ‫وملا وصال إىل حيث القديس متي صيل عليها‬ he called her and asked her how she was cured. She told ، ‫ ثم وعظها وعلمها طريق الحياة‬، ‫فشفاها الرب‬ him, «The Lord Jesus Christ granted me the healing at the ‫ فعمدها باسم‬، ‫وصيل ايضا فانبع الرب عني ماء‬ hands of St. Matthew and not through the stars that you ‫ وعاد‬، ‫االب واالبن والروح القدس اإلله الواحد‬ worship.» The king became angry and threatened to punish ‫ وملا علم امللك سنحاريب بشفاء‬. ‫إىل مكانه‬ them if they did not change their noble opinion. ‫ استدعاها إليه وسألها عن كيفية شفائها‬، ‫ابنته‬ During the night, St. Behnam and his sister decided to ‫فقالت له « إن الرب يسوع املسيح هو الذي‬ go together to St. Matthew before their deaths. While on ‫ وليست‬، ‫وهبها الشفاء عيل يد القديس متي‬ their way secretly to the saint, surrounded by some of their ‫ فغضب امللك‬، « ‫الكواكب التي يعبدها هو‬ friends, their father became aware of what they were about ‫عيل ولديه وهددهام بالعقاب فلم يرجعا عن‬

to do, and he sent his men after them. They found them on ‫ وملا كان الليل تشاور القديس‬. ‫رأيهام الصالح‬ their way to the saint and they slew them. St. Behnam, his ‫بهنام وأخته ليك يذهبا معا إىل القديس متي‬ sister and their companions received the crown of life in the ‫ فسارا إليه خفية مع‬، ‫ليودعاه قبل موتهام‬ Kingdom of Heaven. ‫ وإذ علم امللك بذلك أرسل‬، ‫بعض أصدقائهام‬ When the men that killed St. Behnam and his sister went ، ‫وراءهام من لحقهام يف الطريق وقتلهام‬ back, they found the king possessed by an evil spirit, which ‫ وملا‬. ‫فناال إكليل الحياة يف ملكوت السموات‬ tormented him painfully. The queen sent for St. Matthew, ‫ وجدوا إن امللك قد‬، ‫عاد قاتلو بهنام وأخته‬ begging him to come. When he arrived, he prayed for ، ‫ وصار يعذبه عذابا أليام‬، ‫أصابه روح نجس‬ the king and the Lord healed him immediately. The saint ‫فأرسلت امللكة إىل القديس متي متوسلة إن‬ preached to them, and the king and his wife, along with all ‫ وملا جاء صيل عليه فشفاه الرب يف‬، ‫يحرض‬ those in the city, believed. The king built a monastery for St. ‫ واخذ القديس يف تعليمهام فآمنا هام‬.‫الحال‬ Matthew and placed the bodies of St. Behnam, and his sister, ‫ ثم بني امللك للقديس‬، ‫وكل من يف املدينة‬ his children, in it. St. Matthew dwelt in it for a long while. ‫متي ديرا عظيام ووضع فيه جسدي ابنيه‬ The Lord worked many signs of healing and wonders through ‫ وسكن فيه القديس متي زمنا‬، ‫بهنام وأخته‬ the bodies of Sts. Behnam and Sarah, his sister. ‫ واظهر الرب من جسديهام آيات‬، ‫طويال‬ Their prayers be with us. Amen. . ‫ صالتهام تكون معنا امني‬.‫كثرية للشفاء‬ The Commemoration of the Departure of St. Luke the Stylite ‫نقل جسد القديس لوكاس العمودى‬ and the Relocation of His Holy Relics. ‫ كيهك‬١٥ - ‫ ديسمرب‬٢٤ 24th December - 15th Keiahk ‫يف مثل هذا اليوم تذكار نياحة القديس لوقا‬ On this day we commemorate the departure of St. Luke, the ‫ وقد ولد‬. ‫ ونقل أعضائه املقدسة‬، ‫العمودي‬ Stylite, and the relocation of his holy relics. He was born in ‫ ثم‬، ‫بإحدى بالد الفرس من أبوين مسيحيني‬ Persia, to Christian parents. He became a soldier and was ‫تجند وتدرج يف مراتب الجندية حتى صار‬ promoted until he became a centurion (an officer over a ‫ وبعد ذلك احب‬، ‫أمريا عيل مائة جندي‬ hundred soldiers). ‫ وترهب بأحد‬، ‫العزلة فرتك العامل وكل مجده‬ Later in his life, he wanted to live a solitary life. He left the ‫ وملا اشتهر فضله قدموه قسا‬، ‫أديرة املرشق‬ world and all its vainglory and became a monk in one of the ‫ ومن ذلك الحني بدا حياة‬، ‫عيل ذلك الدير‬ monasteries of the east. When his virtues were known, he was ‫ فكان يصوم‬،‫التقشف ومالزمة الصوم والصالة‬ ordained a priest for that monastery. ‫ستة ايام متواصلة ثم يفطر يف اليوم السابع‬ From this time on, he devoted himself to the ascetic life in ‫بعد خدمة القداس عيل قربانه صغرية وقليل‬ continual prayers and fasting. He used to fast six days at a ‫ ثم أقام عيل صخرة عالية‬، ‫من البقل األخرض‬ time and then break his fast on the seventh day after Mass, by ‫ فسمع يوما صوت مالك‬، ‫مدة ثالث سنني‬ eating a “Korbana” and some green pulses (beans). Then he ‫ فنزل فأراه صليبا من‬، ‫يدعوه باسمه إن ينزل‬ lived on the top of a high rock for 3 years. One day, he heard ‫ وتبع الصوت وكان الصليب يتقدمه إىل‬، ‫نور‬ the voice of an angel calling him by his name to go down. ‫ وهناك مكث مدة‬، ‫إن أىت إىل بعض الجبال‬ When he went down, the angel showed him a cross of light. ‫ ثم‬، ‫من الزمان يعلم زائريه طريق الخالص‬ He followed the voice and the cross went before him until ‫أوحى إليه من هللا إن يأيت قرب القسطنطينية‬ he came to some mountains. There he stayed for some time, ‫ فأىت إىل ضيعة قريبة منها وأقام عيل صخرة‬، teaching his visitors the way of salvation. ‫هناك عيل شكل عمود مدة خمسة وأربعني‬ He was inspired by God to go near Constantinople. He went ‫ فأعطاه هللا‬، ‫ يجاهد الجهاد الروحي‬، ‫سنة‬ and dwelt in a village nearby, on the top of a rock, in the ‫ فكان‬، ‫نعمة النبوة وموهبة عمل املعجزات‬ shape of a pillar, for 45 years fighting the spiritual fight. God ‫ وملا‬، ‫يشفي كل من يقصده من املريض‬ granted him the gift of prophecy and the gift of performing ‫اكمل سعيه املقدس تنيح يف اليوم الخامس‬ miracles. He healed everyone who went to him. ‫ فميض تلميذه واعلم‬، ‫عرش من شهر كيهك‬ When he completed his holy course, he departed on the 15th ‫ فأخذ معه الكهنة‬، ‫االب البطريرك بنياحته‬ day of Kiahk. His disciple went and told the Patriarch about ‫ وجاء إىل حيث جسد‬، ‫والصلبان واملجامر‬ his departure. The Patriarch went with the priests, crosses ‫ وحملوه بالصالة إىل القسطنطينية‬، ‫القديس‬ and censors and came to where the body of the saint was. ‫ الذي هو اليوم‬، ‫يف اليوم الثالث من نياحته‬ They carried him to Constantinople on the third day of his ‫ ووضعوه يف‬، ‫السابع عرش من شهر كيهك‬ departure, with hymns and prayers, and they placed him in ، ‫ وبعدما صلوا عليه صالة الثالث‬، ‫الهيكل‬ the sanctuary and that was on the 17th day of Kiahk. After ‫ وضعوه‬، ‫وتبارك املؤمنني من جسده الطاهر‬ they prayed on him the third day prayer and the believers ‫ وقد‬، ‫يف تابوت رخام بجوار أجساد القديسني‬ present received the blessing of his pure body, they put him ، ‫ظهر هللا من جسده آيات كثرية‬ in a marble sarcophagus next to the bodies of the saints. God ‫صالته تكون معنا ولربنا املجد دامئا ابديا‬ revealed many signs and miracles from his body. His prayers . ‫امني‬ be with us all and Glory be to our God forever. Amen.

+ The Advent Fasting: Thursday 25th November the Advent Fasting started. It continues for 43 days and ends by the Feast of Holy Nativity at 7th January. It is allowed to eat fish during this fasting except on Wednesdays and Fridays and usually we abstain from food until 3pm. For those who got health reasons they can consult their father of confession. The Advent Fasting is a preparation for the Feast of Incarnation of our Lord. We fast 40 days taking an example of the Lord’s Fasting and from Moses Fasting for 40 days before receiving the Law and Commandments. We fast also extra three days in commemoration of the days fasted by people during the time of St Abraam the 62th Pope of Alexandria for the miracle of moving the mountain. The blessed month of Keiahk falls during the Advent days in which we sing and read all about the Incarnation of the Lord. Let us all pursue fasting in humility and repentance and offer our hearts to be holy sanctuary for our Lord the Child of the Manager the Incarnated Lord.

:‫ صوم الميالد المجيد‬+ ‫ نوفمبر بدأ صوم الميالد‬٢٥ ‫يوم الخميس‬ ‫ يوما وينتهي يوم عيد‬٤٣ ‫المجيد ومدته‬ ‫ وهذا‬.. ‫ يناير القادم‬7 ‫الميالد المجيد‬ ‫الصوم من األصوام التي يسمح فيها بأكل‬ ‫األسماك ماعدا أيام األربعاء والجمعة‬ ‫ويصام فيها انقطاعيا حتى الساعة الثالثة‬ ‫بعد الظهر وفى حاالت المرض يستشار‬ ‫ وصوم الميالد هو أستعداد‬.‫أب االعتراف‬ ‫لعيد التجسد اإللهي الستقبال الرب الكلمة‬ ‫المتجسد ويصام أربعين يوما كمثال‬ ‫صوم الرب األربعيني وكمثال صوم‬ ‫موسى أربعين يوما قبل تسلمه الوصايا‬ ‫والناموس ويصام أيضا ثالثة أيام أضافية‬ ‫كمثال صوم الكنيسة في أيام البابا أبرآم‬ ‫ من أجل أتمام‬62 ‫ابن زرعة البطريرك‬ ‫معجزة نقل الجبل المقطم أيام الخليفة‬ ‫ ويتخلل هذا الصوم أيضا‬.‫المعز الفاطمي‬ ‫شهر كيهك الذي تركز فيه الكنيسة على‬ ‫القراءات الخاصة بقصة تجسد الرب‬ ‫يسوع وتسبح فيه الكنيسة التسابيح الخاصة‬ ‫بالتجسد وبوالدة األله القديسة العذراء مريم‬ ‫ الرب المحب يعطينا بركة هذا الصوم‬.. ‫المقدس فنصومه بطهارة وبر وخشوع‬ ‫ونقدم فيه صوما روحيا ممزوجا بدموع‬ ‫التوبة ومعدين قلوبنا لتكون هيكال مقدسا‬ ‫لطفل المزود الرب المتجسد‬

+ Doxologies of Keiahk Doxologies and Praises of the blessed month of Keiahk starts at St. Mary’s church next Saturday 11th December 7 - 11 pm. During the week it will be held on Monday & Thursday (starting Mon 13th Dec) every week 6:30 - 9 pm.

:‫ تسبحة شهر كيهك‬+ ‫فى كنيسة العذراء مريم تبدأ تسبحة‬ ‫شهر كيهك (المعروفة أيضا بسبعة‬ ‫ أى سبع ئيؤطوكيات وأربعة‬- ‫وأربعة‬ ‫تسابيح) يوم سبت أبتداء من السبت‬ .‫ مساء‬11 - 7 ‫ ديسمبر‬١١ ‫كما تقام التسبحة خالل األسبوع يوم‬ ‫ مساء‬9 - 6:30 ‫األثنين والخميس‬

The Second Sunday of the blessed month of Kiahk ‫األحد الثاني من شهر كيهك المبارك‬ Luke 1: 26- 38 ٣٨ - ٢٦ ::١ ١ ‫لوقا‬ “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the ‫«الروح القدس يحل عليك وقوة العلى‬ power of the Highest will overshadow you; ‫تظللك فلذلك القدوس المولود منك يدعى‬ therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will »‫أبن هللا‬ be called the Son of God. (Luke 1: 35) ٣٥ ::١ ١ ‫لوقا‬ +++ ‫ سالم لك أيتها الممتلئة› نعمة‬+ +“Rejoice, highly favoured one, +++ (Full of grace) ‫ ممتلئة من‬... ‫أنها ممتلئة نعمة‬ She is full of grace; full of good deeds, she lives in ‫حياة‬ ‫في‬ ‫ تعيش‬... ‫األعمال الصالحة‬ a life of righteousness, holiness, and purity. Those ‫الذين‬ ‫وفى‬ ... ‫البر والقداسة والطهارة‬ who live like this, the Lord will work strongly ‫بقوة‬ ‫الرب‬ ‫يعمل‬ ‫يسلكون في هذه الحياة‬ within them. He makes them pure vessels that He ‫بل يجعله أناء طاهرا يحل فيه ويفيض‬ will dwell in them and pours out of it on others. ..‫منه على اآلخرين‬ Indeed, how beautiful is the life of purity. purity Many people today have forgotten the meaning of purity. ‫ كثيرون‬... ‫حقا ما أجمل حياة الطهارة‬ In fact, there are those who have come to believe ‫ بل هناك من‬..‫اليوم نسوا معنى الطهارة‬ that the life of purity is something from the distant ‫أصبحوا يعتقدون أن حياة الطهارة شيء‬ past, or that it is something that does not exist ‫ أو أنها شيء‬..‫من الماضي السحيق‬ except perhaps in monasteries, in the wilderness ...‫ليس له وجود اال ربما في االديرة‬ that is specific to monks alone; although the life ‫ شيء خاص بالرهبان‬... ‫في البراري‬ of purity is a basic virtue for a Christian whether ‫ رغم أن حياة‬...‫والراهبات وحدهم‬ married or unmarried. It is the foundation of many ‫الطهارة هي فضيلة أساسية للمسيحي‬ other virtues. It is enough to see the pure Virgin deserved to give birth to the Lord Jesus, to know the ‫ بل‬... ‫سواء المتزوج أو غير المتزوج‬ ..‫أنها أساس كثير من الفضائل األخرى‬ status of the life of purity in the eyes of God. ‫ويكفي أن ترى العذراء الطاهرة قد‬ See what the psalmist says in the psalm: “With the ‫استحقت أن يولد منها الرب يسوع‬ pure You will show Yourself pure” Psalm 18:26 ‫لتعرف مكانة حياة الطها ره في نظر‬ Our teacher Paul says to his disciple Timothy: ... ‫هللا‬ “Keep yourself pure” 1 Timothy 5:22 ‫أنظر ماذا يقول المرتل في المزمور‬ He also says to his disciple Titus: “To the pure all things are pure” Titus 1:15 ‫»مع الطاهر تكون طاهرا» مز‬... God loved the pure and works in and with them. ١٨:٢٦ Look at Joseph the Chaste; Chaste The Bible says about :‫يقول معلمنا بولس لتلميذه تيموثاؤس‬ him: “because the Lord was with him; and whatever ٥:٢٢ ‫تي‬١ »‫«أحفظ نفسك طاهرا‬ he did, the Lord made it prosper.” Genesis 39:23 ‫ « كل شيء‬:‫ويقول أيضا لتلميذه تيطس‬ His purity was the secret of his success all the days ١٥ :١ ‫طاهر للطاهرين» تي‬ of his life. And in the life of purity, other virtues ... ‫أحب هللا األطهار وعمل فيهم ومعهم‬ such as honesty, goodness and sincerity grew in ‫ يقول عنه‬...‫العفيف‬ ‫أنظر الي يوسف العفيف‬ him, and he earned with them other talents such as ‫معه‬ ‫كان‬ ‫الرب‬ ‫ «ألن‬:‫الكتاب المقدس‬ interpreting dreams. Chastity is not meant here in ‫تك‬ »‫ينجيه‬ ‫مهما صنع كان الرب‬ particular virginity in particular; the life of chastity ٣٩:٢٣ and purity is required from everyone. ‫كانت طهارته هي سر نجاحه كل‬ The life of purity includes chastity of eyes; pure ‫ وحياة الطهارة نمت‬....‫أيام حياته‬ and chaste looking. Note here that looking alone is sufficient to fall into major sins; such as fornication. ‫فيه فضائل أخرى كالصدق واالمانة‬ Whoever looks and desires has committed adultery ‫واالخالص واستحق معها مواهب‬ in his heart. Note here that looking is first. ‫ وليس المقصود‬..‫أخرى كتفسير األحالم‬ And a sin like envy; looking plays an essential role; ‫ فحياه العفة‬...‫بالعفة هنا البتولية بالذات‬ he looks and desires what others have. ... ‫والطهارة مطلوبة من الجميع‬ David, the righteous and holy king had fallen into ‫ النظر‬..‫فحياة الطهارة فيها عفة النظر‬

the most difficult sin because of a glance ‫ والحظ هنا أن النظر وحده يكفي‬...‫الطاهر العفيف‬ at a time of lukewarm. This caused him ‫ من نظر‬..‫ مثل الزنا‬...‫للسقوط في خطايا كبيرة‬ to shed many tears with which he wet his ‫ الحظ هنا أن النظر أوال‬...‫فأشتهى فقد زنا في قلبه‬ bed, and it became his food day and night ... to repent of this sin. In the chaste eyes you ‫ يلعب النظر فيها دور‬..‫وخطية كخطية الحسد‬ can see simplicity, humility, and sincerity. ... ‫ ينظر ويشتهى ما للغير‬...‫أساسي‬ As for the evil eye, you see envy, jealousy, ‫ سقط فى أصعب‬...‫إن داود الملك البار القديس‬ lust, revenge, a tired eye that cannot bear to ‫ واحتاج‬...‫خطية بسبب نظرة عابرة في وقت فتور‬ look at it. The life of purity includes the chastity of ‫االمر منه أن تذرف هذه العين دموع كثيرة بلل بها‬ ‫ وصارت طعامه ليال ونهارا ليتوب عن‬..‫فراشه‬ the ears. How many ears have lost the life ‫هذه الخطية‬ of chastity and purity? In fact, there is a socalled fornication of the ears. If fornication ..‫ صدق‬..‫ أتضاع‬..‫العين العفيفة تري فيها بساطة‬ ..‫ شهوة‬...‫أما العين الشريرة فترى فيها حسد غيرة‬ is the desire for what is not yours, then ..‫ عين متعبة ال تحتمل أن تنظر اليها‬..‫انتقام‬ fornication of the ears is hearing what does not belong to you, hearing what you should ‫ وكم من أذان‬...‫االذان‬ ‫حياة الطهارة فيها عفة االذان‬ not hear. ‫ بل هناك ما يسمى‬..‫فقدت حياة العفة والطهارة‬ How many ears long to hear about the ..‫ إن كان الزنا هو اشتهاء ما ليس لك‬..‫بزنا األذان‬ private lives of others! How many ears ‫ سماع ما ال‬..‫فزنا اآلذان هو سماع ما ال يخصك‬ rejoice with inappropriate conversations! ... ‫يجب أن تسمعه‬ How many ears have become restless ‫ كم‬...‫كم من آذان تشتهي أن تسمع سيرة اآلخرين‬ except in the sound of noise, clamour and ‫ كم من آذان‬..‫من آذان تفرح بأحاديث ال تليق‬ loud dancing music! Those ears have lost ‫أصبحت ال تستريح إال في صوت الضجيج‬ their chastity. ‫لقد‬ ..‫والصخب والموسيقى الراقصة الصاخبة‬ Indeed, when God wanted to speak to ...‫فقدت تلك اآلذان عفتها‬ Elijah, He did not speak to him in the ‫في‬ ‫يكلمه‬ ‫لم‬ ...‫أيليا‬ ‫يكلم‬ ‫إن هللا عندما أراد أن‬ sound of a storm, or in the sound of ‫ وال‬...‫صوت العاصفة وال في صوت الزالزل‬ earthquakes, nor in the glow of fire, but ‫ بل في صوت منخفض خفيف‬...‫في وهج النيران‬ in a still, small voice that needs the ears ‫يحتاج الى آذان مدربه على الهدوء والصمت‬ trained in calmness and silence as Elijah’s ears to hear (1 Kings 19). ... )١٩ ‫كآذان إيليا ليسمعها (ملوك االول‬ We no longer enjoy the quiet melodies ‫أننا أصبحنا ال نتمتع بألحان الكنيسة الهادئة‬ and deep spiritual prayers of the Church, ‫وصلواتها العميقة الروحانية ألننا أصبحنا نحب‬ because we love the noisy life. Learn, ...‫ تعلم أيها الحبيب حياة الهدوء‬...‫حياة الصخب‬ beloved, the quiet life. Learn how to be ...‫تعلم كيف تصمت عندما ال يكون ضرورة للكالم‬ silent when it is not necessary to speak. ‫ عندئذ سوف تسمع أشياء كثيرة‬...‫تلم عفة اآلذان‬ Learn the chastity of the ears. Then you ‫ سوف تسمع أصوات‬...‫ال تستطيع أن تسعها اآلن‬ will hear many things that you cannot hear ..‫السماء التي تعتقد أنها اختفت من حياتك الى األبد‬ it now. You will hear the voices of heaven ‫ وكم من ألسنة أصبحت‬...‫اللسان‬ ‫وهناك أيضا عفة اللسان‬ that you thought they disappeared from ‫اللسان‬ ‫الى‬ ‫نحتاج‬ ‫اننا‬ ..‫وتحلف‬ ‫ال تتكلم إال لتشم‬ your life forever. ..‫أنسان‬ ‫كرامة‬ ‫أو‬ ‫حياء‬ ‫يخدش‬ ‫العفيف الذي ال‬ And there is also the chastity of the tongue. tongue How many tongues have become tongues ‫ الذي يقول‬...‫ الذي ال يشهد زور‬... ‫الذي ال يكذب‬ ‫ الذي يعرف‬... ‫ما يعنيه وليس ما يخدع به الناس‬ to swear and curse! We need the chaste ... ‫متى يتكلم ومتي يصمت‬ tongue that does not infringe the modesty or dignity of a person, the one who does ‫ كم نحتاج الى أن‬...‫كم نحتاج اليوم الى حياة العفة‬ not lie, and the one who does not bear ...‫نعيشها ونعلم أوالدنا أن يعيشوا فيها‬ false witness. We need a tongue that says ‫ أنظر‬...‫الصوم‬ ‫من أقوى التداريب علي حياه العفة الصوم‬ what he means and not deceives people; ‫ إن عفتهم وطهارتهم‬...‫الثالثة‬ ‫الى دانيال والفتية الثالثة‬ the tongue who knows when to speak and ‫ظهرت واضحة فى حياة الصوم التي كانوا‬

when to be silent. ...‫يعيشون فيها‬ How much we need today to live a chastity life. ...‫ بل قوة‬...‫وليست العفة والطهارة ضعفا‬ How much do we need to live it and teach our ‫اإلنسان الطاهر ال يغلبه السجن وال‬ children to live in it? Fasting is one of the most ‫ وال‬... ‫ وال قوة النيران‬...‫أفواه األسود‬ powerful exercises on chastity life. Look at Daniel ..‫مؤامرات الناس األشرار‬ and the three youth; youth their chastity and purity were ‫تعالى أنظر اآلن الي هذه البشارة المفرحة‬ evident for the fasting life in which they lived. ..‫التى استحقتها هذه العذراء العفيفة‬ Chastity and purity are not weakness, but strength. ‫ قوة العلى‬..‫ الروح القدس يحل عليك‬+ A pure person is not overcome by prison, nor by ...‫تظللك‬ the mouths of lions, nor by the power of fire, nor ‫عبارة‬ ‫تورد‬ ‫الترجمات‬ ‫معظم‬ ‫أن‬ ‫الحظ‬ the conspiracies of evil people. ‫أن‬ ‫رغم‬ ..»‫عليها‬ ‫المنعم‬ ‫أيتها‬ ‫لك‬ ‫«سالم‬ Come now, look at the joyous good news that this ‫الترجمة االصلية هي «سالم لك أيتها‬ chaste virgin deserved. ‫ والفرق بين العبارتين‬..»‫الممتلئة نعمه‬ ‫ فالعبارة االولى تضع العذراء‬...‫كبير‬ + The Holy Spirit will come upon you; the power of the Most High will overshadow you... ‫مريم في وضع ال يختلف كثيرا عن أي‬ Note that most translations include the phrase ‫ أما العبارة الثانية فتضعها‬..‫امرأة أخرى‬ “Rejoice, O you who is highly favoured.” ‫في مركز يليق بحياة القداسة والبر التي‬ Although the original translation is “rejoice, O ‫ أما البشارة المفرحة فهي‬...‫كانت تسلكها‬ full of graces.” The difference between the two ‫ هذا هو نسل‬... ‫تجسد الرب من العذراء‬ phrases is great; the first phrase places the Virgin ‫المرأة الذي سوف يسحق رأس الحية التي‬ Mary in a position that is not much different ‫ وهنا بعض‬...‫كانت تنتظره األجيال كلها‬ from any other woman. As for the second phrase, ‫الحقائق التي ينبغي أن نالحظها ونؤكد‬ it places her in a position befitting the life of :‫عليها‬ holiness and righteousness that she used to live. As ‫قالها‬ ‫التي‬ ...‫عظيما‬ ‫عظيما‬ ‫يكون‬ ‫عبارة‬ ‫ إن‬+ for the joyful announcement, it is the incarnation ‫معني‬ ‫تعطي‬ ‫ال‬ ‫يسوع‬ ‫الرب‬ ‫عن‬ ‫لمالك‬١ of the Lord from the Virgin. He is the Seed of the ‫ وال تساوى‬..‫العظمة األرضية العالمية‬ woman who will bruise the head of the serpent that was waiting for Him all generations. Here are ‫أبدا عظمة السيد المسيح بعظمة يوحنا‬ some facts that should be noted and emphasized: ‫ فهذه العظمة هي عظمة‬...‫المعمدان مثال‬ + The phrase “He He will be great” great that the angel said ‫مطلقة ليست منسوبة الى أي عظمة‬ about the Lord Jesus does not mean the earthly ‫ فعظمة يوحنا المعمدان كانت‬..‫أخرى‬ greatness. The greatness of Christ is never equal )١٥ :١ ‫عظمة أمام الرب (لوقا‬ to the greatness of John the Baptist, for example. ‫ كلمة يسوع مأخوذة من االصل‬+ Christ’s greatness is absolute greatness that is ‫اليوناني» ايسوس» أو األصل العبري‬ not attributed to any other greatness, while the ‫«يهوه‬ ‫ ومعناها‬...»‫«يشوع‬ greatness of John the Baptist was greatness before ...‫ أي هللا مخلص (أو يخلص‬...»‫مخلص‬ the Lord (Luke 1:15). ‫ وأول من نكر بهذا‬... )‫أو خالص دائم‬ + The word Jesus is taken from the Greek “Isos” ‫االسم في الكتاب المقدس هو بشوع بن‬ or the Hebrew “Joshua” meaning “Jehovah is ... )١ :١ ‫نون (يشوع‬ Saviour.” It means God is saviour (or saves or ...‫االسم‬ ‫لقب‬ ‫اما كلمة المسيح فهي‬ permanent salvation). The first person to be called ‫(كريستوس باليونانية) وهي نفسها كلمة‬ by this name in the Bible is Joshua the son of ‫ أي الممسوح (أي المخلص أو‬...‫مسيا‬ Nun (Joshua 1:1). As for the word Christ, it is the title of the name (Christos in Greek) and it is the ‫المكرس) أي يسوع المسيح هو المخلص‬ same as the word Messiah, meaning the anointed ..‫الممسوح ألجل خالص العالم‬ (meaning the Saviour or the consecrated one). ‫ يظهر الثالوث المقدس واضحا في‬+ Hence, Jesus Christ is the anointed Saviour for the ... ‫المالك‬ ‫ك‬ ‫عبارات المال‬ sake of the salvation of the world. ‫ قوة العلي‬...‫الروح القدس يحل عليك‬ + The Holy Trinity appears clearly in the ‫ القدوس المولود منك يدعي ابن‬...‫تظللك‬

expressions of the angel. ....‫ ويتضح أي عمل كل أقنوم‬...‫هللا‬ The Holy Spirit will come upon you, the power of ‫ وهللا اآلب‬...‫فالروح القدس يحل ويمأل‬ the Most High will overshadow you, The Holy One ‫ واالبن هو قدوس‬..‫هو ضابط الكل‬ who is born of you is called the Son of God. And it .‫وهو ابن هللا اآلتي لخالص العالم‬ becomes clear what work every hypostasis will do. ‫وهذا يوضح أيضا أن العذراء مريم لم‬ The Holy Spirit comes and fills, God the Father is ‫تلد السيد المسيح االنسان فقط بل الذي‬ the Pantocrator, and the Son is holy and He is the ‫ولدته هو هللا بكامل الهوته وناسوته ولم‬ Son of God who is coming to save the world. ‫يكن مرور الالهوت مرورا خياليا كما‬ This also shows that the Virgin Mary did not give ‫ ولم تكن الوالدة والدة‬...‫قال أوطاخي‬ birth to Christ, the man only, but the one she gave ...‫إنسان فقط كما قال نسطور‬ birth to is God in all his divinity and humanity. ‫تدعي‬ ‫ان‬ ‫ولذلك استحقت العذراء مريم‬ The passing by of the Divine was not an imaginary ‫ وهو نفسه اللقب الذي تطلقه‬...‫أم هللا‬ passage, as Eutyches said, and birth was not the ‫الكنيسة عليها مريم ثيؤطوكوس أي‬ birth of a human being only, as Nestorius said. ‫ أما كونها حملت‬...‫مريم والدة اإلله‬ That is why the Virgin Mary deserved to be called the Mother of God. It is the same title that the ‫ فهذا مثال‬.... ‫الالهوت ولم تحترق‬ Church gives to Mary Theotokos, Theotokos meaning Mary, ‫العليقة التي رآها موسي النبي في البرية‬ the Mother of God. As for the fact that she bore ‫والنيران تشعل جواها ولم تمسسها‬ the Divine and she did not burn; it is just like the ..‫بأذية‬ burning bush of Moses the Prophet that was not ‫ اضطربت العذراء من رؤية‬+ consumed. ‫ وهذا سر انها لم تستطيع أن‬...‫المالك‬ + The Virgin was troubled by seeing the angel, and ‫ وهذا االضطراب‬... ‫ترد تحية المالك‬ this is why she was unable to return the angel’s ‫ليس جزع أو رعب بل هو خوف‬ greeting. This trouble is not panic or terror, but ‫طبيعي من شيء غير متوقع‬ rather a natural fear of something unexpected. And ‫لم‬ ‫موقف‬ ‫في‬ ‫وانطباع طبيعي لفتاة عفيفة‬ a natural impression of a chaste girl in a situation ..‫تتعوده من قبل‬ she was not used to before. St. Ambrose said: “the ‫وكما يقول القديس امبروسيوس أن‬ meek and quiet Virgin took refuge in silence and did not speak except to ask about something she did not ‫العذراء الوديعة الهادئة الذت بالصمت‬ understand.” “How can this be, since I do not know ...‫ولم تتكلم إال لتسأل عن شيء لم تفهمه‬ a man?” Her final response was the most expressive ‫كيف يمكن أن يكون لي هذا وانا لم‬ expression of trust in God’s promises and complete ‫ وكانت جابتها الختامية‬...‫أعرف رجال‬ submission to Him. ‫أبلغ تعبير في الثقة في مواعيد هللا‬ +++ “Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be ..‫والتسليم الكامل له‬ to me according to your word.” +++ ‫ هوذا أنا أمة الرب ليكن لي كقولك‬+++ + The angel informed the Virgin Mary of news that +++ she did not know and that no one knew. The news ‫ أعلم المالك العذراء مريم بخبر لم‬+ was Elizabeth’s pregnancy. Elizabeth hid herself ‫ وهو خبر حبل‬..‫تعرفه ولم يعرفه أحد‬ and did not tell anyone about her pregnancy. Even the Virgin Mary, her cousin, did not know anything. ‫ فأليصابات أخفت نفسها‬... ‫اليصابات‬ ‫ فحتى العذراء‬...‫ولم تخبر أحدا بحبلها‬ In this is the most beautiful analogy to the evil ‫هذا‬ ‫ أن في‬..‫مريم نسيبتها لم تعرف شيئا‬ world fallen into sin. In the eyes of many, the world cannot give good, but in the eyes of God, this barren ‫أجمل تشبيه للعالم الشرير الساقط في‬ ‫الخطية الذي أصبح في نظر الكثيرين‬ world, which is unable to give birth to goodness, will be filled with good. And now the time has come ‫ال يستطيع أن يعطي خيرا ولكن فى‬ for all humanity to be born again in the Lord Christ, ‫نظر هللا أن هذا العالم العاقر العاجز‬ to be renewed and become a new creation in Christ ‫عن أن يلد خيرا سوف يمتأل خيرا وها‬ Jesus ++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++ ‫الوقت قد حان لتولد البشرية كلها من‬ ‫جديد في السيد المسيح وتتجدد وتصير‬ ‫خليقة جديدة في المسيح يسوع‬

Archdeacon Rewis (Mokhtar Fam) 1930 - 2021 Departed to the Lord last Saturday 11th December 2021 Archdeacon Rewis. He was a blessed man who served his family, the Church and community with a dedicated heart full of love and humblness. + Family man: He was a very dedicated man who served his family with true love. He was blessed to bring up his two blessed daughters Haidy and Meriam in the fear of God and planted in them the love of service and witnessing for Christ. He supported his Late wife Isis during her sickness. He was a great support for his father in Law of blessed memory Father Isaac Boutros whose blessings has brought wonderful fruit in the family shown in Father Mark Attala his son in law, Father Athanasius Attia and Father Shenouda Boutros. After the departure of his blessed wife he used to help and support his daughters and even in regular occassions provide meals he cooked himself showing his true love and support. He continued to live in his house providing a wonderful place for his grandchildren to attend and meet together. + Church committe member: Since his arrival to Australia on 1971 he was an active member at the church committes and board of deacons. He served on 1974 as a church trasurer. He showed much commitment to the church mission as a new church at that time. DUring this early time the church went through som teething issues. He was a real example of a pecae maker between all groups and showing a good example of tolerance and love. + Sunday School servant: He carried with him his good experience of serving Sunday which he started back in Egypt as a young servent at Anba Rewis Church in Cairo. He was truely an energizing factor to for organising the service. He also seved actively at the Sunday and youth camps and activities. For many years he used to transport the children to attend Sunday School at the church using his own car which became a mobile Sunday School flowing with activities. + St Anthony’s Monastery: At 1982 he showed very special interest on pirchasing a piece of land at the country side of Melbourne which can be a centre of camping and activities and later on to accomodate a Monaster on the name of St Anthony. It was an ambitious project. Soon he was able to find a 35 Acres piece of land at Heathcote. The price requiered was $32,000. It was considered quite cheap but a big amount of money at that time. He took undertaking to purchase this land with no cost on the church. He managed to get enough donations along with two dedicated servants to pay the monthly instalment of $611.00 It was an amazing effort which was endorsed by the church

general assemply. He asked to keep his participation with the other servants to stay confidential. It is about time to announce his distiguised role in the project. He went on to ger get plans for church and retreat house to be built which was completed around 1986. All buildings cost were covered by donations he collected himself. His Holiness Pope Shenouda III of good memory opened officially this monastery on 1991. His Holiness also appointed few monks to populate and run the Monastery. His Holiness has also authorised and extension to the church and the retreat house. Archdeacon Rewis (Mokhtar Fam at that time) worked deligently with the fathers the monks to get all building works to continue and finish. He continued to arrange monthly execursions to the Monastery which became a populay hub for families and youth to visit and enjoy spiritual uplifing and meetings. + Deacon and then Archdeacon: on 21st March 2004 His Grace Bishop Suriel ordained three consecrated deacons from the deacons of St. Mary’s Church (Moktar Fam as Deacon Rewis, Gamal Mankarious as Deacon Steven and Asim Maged as Deacon Paul to seve in the churches of the Diocese and at the Coptic School. Deacon Rewis continued his distiguished service at the church. He started a very special service of one to one visitations for the youth especially those who were not attending church services for long time. It was very succesful and source of enrichment and spiritual uplifiting for many young people. On 23rd April 2009 he was promoted as an Archdeacon to be able to help the fathers the priests in administring the Holy Communion. He was 79 years old at the time. He was a great help and support for the church priests. Even with his old age God granted him a good health and steady hands. His gentle charachter, encouraging natural smile and good spritual wisdom was an aspiration for many members of the congregation. + As soon as the days of his service were completed he departed to his own home (Luke 1: 23) During last year as his health started to detriorate he moved to the Coptic Hostel in Hallam. His room was just opposite to the Hostel Chapel. He spent his time serving in the Chapel and giving spiritual talks and Bible study to the other residents of the Hostel. He was a real blessings for all those who met or dealed with him. Few months ago he had a stroke which affected him and slowed his speech. He continued to help and encourage everyone as much as his health allowed him. On the morning of Saturday 11th December he departed peacefully during his sleep. His blessed soul just flied to heaven to meat the Lord and enjoy the company of the saints he loved Saint Mary and Saint Rewis. May the Lord bless us through his prayes and support his family and all the people he served for over fifty years in Melbourne and many other years in Egypt. Funeral Sat 18th December 12:30pm at St John & St Verena Church, Armadale

+ Remember O Lord the Departed: Reposed to the Lord Late Mrs Adeel Soliman mother of George, Yousry, Michail and Mary Manoly and mother of Mother Marina. She is also grandmother of Magdoline wife of Onsy Ibrahim May the Lord repose her soul and grant peace and comfort for all family members.

:‫ أذكر يارب الراقدين‬+ ‫رقدت على رجاء القيامة‬ ‫ أديل‬/‫المرحومة السيدة‬ ‫سليمان والدة كل من‬ ‫جورج ويسرى ومايكل‬ ‫واألم مارينا ومارى‬ ‫مانولي وجدة مجدولين‬ .‫زوجة أنسى أبراهيم‬ ‫الرب ينيح نفسها ويعزى‬ .‫كل أفراد األسرة‬

Departed to the Lord Late Mrs Hekmat Tawadros wife of Mr Erian Tawadros and mother of John and Tony Tawadros. She is relative for Tawadros and Gergis families. May the Lord repose her soul and grant peace and comfort for all family members.

‫رقدت على رجاء القيامة‬ ‫ حكمت‬/‫المرحومة السيدة‬ /‫تاوضروس زوجة السيد‬ ‫عريان تاوضروس ووالدة‬ ‫كل من جون وتوني‬ ‫تاوضروس وقريبة عائلت‬ .‫تاوضروس وجرجس‬ ‫الرب ينيح نفسها ويعزى‬ ‫كل أفراد األسرة‬

Departed to the Lord Mr Tony Orafly husband of Sophie Orfali, father of Clauidne Fazlon and Linda Lomas, Father in law to Michael and Mark and loving Gedou to Mia, Elijah, Noah and Christian. He is brother to Joseph, Marcelle and Georgette Orfali. Azza (Wake) at St Mary’s Church next Sunday 19th December 12 noon. May the Lord repose his soul and grant peace and comfort for all family members.

‫رقد علي رجاء القيامة‬ ‫ توني‬/‫المرحوم السيد‬ /‫أورفلي زوج السيدة‬ ‫صوفي أورفلي ووالد كل‬ ‫من كلودين فازلونوزوجها‬ ‫مايكل ولندا لوماس‬ ‫وزوجها مارك وهو أيضا‬ ‫جد كل من ميا واليجا ونوا‬ ‫وكريستيانز وهو أيضا‬ ‫شقيق كل من جوزيف‬ ‫ومارسيل وجورجيت‬ .‫أورفلي‬ ‫تتلقي األسرة الزاء يوم‬ ‫ ديسمبر‬١٩ ‫األحد القادم‬ ‫بكنيسة العذراء مريم‬ .‫ ظهرا‬١٢ ‫الساعة‬

Coptic Hope Charity Christmas Hamper Appeal – 2022 “Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men.” Luke 2:14 Beloved congregation of the Diocese of Melbourne and Affiliated Regions, As we approach the festive and holy season of Christmas and the Feast of the Glorious Nativity, Coptic Hope Charity is pleased to announce the Christmas Hamper Appeal 2022. With the love and generosity of the Coptic Orthodox congregation, Coptic Hope Charity Christmas Hamper Appeal supports our less fortunate brothers and sisters across the poorest villages and provinces throughout Egypt. Coptic Hope Charity confirms that all donations collected for the Christmas Hamper Appeal is to provide hampers to be distributed amongst as many families as possible, including the 695 families in our Family to Family program. Your gift of $50 for each Christmas Hamper will provide; Meat, rice, flour, butter, milk, and sugar etc to make celebrating Christmas a special time for our less fortunate brothers and sisters. To contribute to Coptic Hope Charity Christmas Hamper Appeal or assist with ongoing support please donate with reference “Christmas Hamper Appeal” to the following bank account or via our PayPal account at www.coptichope.org.au Account Name: Coptic Hope Charity Limited ATF BSB: 063-159 Account Name: 10686722 Tax deductible receipts for all donations above $2 will be issued upon receipt. All funds raised by Coptic Hope Charity are for the sole purposes of the services provided by Coptic Hope Charity to serve the poor and in need. On behalf of Coptic Hope Charity, we would like to thank you for your love, generosity, and support. For further information please call Nagy Banoub on 0423 411 715 or email: info@ coptichope.org.au Departed to the Lord Archdeacon ‫انتقل الى االمجاد السمائيه‬ Labib Boutros Macar from the St ‫ لبيب بطرس‬/ ‫األرشيذياكون‬ Mark Church - Elazbakia Cairo ‫مقار كبير شمامسه الكنيسه‬ He is husband of Late Elen ‫المرقسيه الكبرى بكلوت بك‬ Eskander Wahba. He is father of ‫األزبكيه‬ Alfred Boutros and grandfather ‫ ايلين اسكندر‬/ ‫زوج المرحومه‬ of Mina and Monica. He is ‫ الفريد لبيب بملبورن‬.‫وهبه والد م‬ husband of sister of Late Wahib ‫باستراليا وجد كال من مينا‬ Eskander and Late Leweez ‫ومونيكا الفريد بأستراليا‬ Eskander husband of Mrs Faiza ‫وزوج شقيقه كال من المرحومين‬ Eskander. He is uncle of Adel, ‫وهيب اسكندر وهبه ولويس‬ Hany and Mervat Mansour. He is ‫اسكندر وهبه زوج السيده فايزه‬ relative of Fr Mikhail Wahba at ‫جاد بملبورن وعم كال من عادل‬ St George Church - Eldaher Cairo ‫وهانى وميرفت منصور‬ and his brother Wadie Wahba and ‫القمص‬ ‫وزوج عمه كال من‬ Reposed Fr Macarius Wahba and his ‫وإخوه‬ ‫بالظاهر‬ ‫مارجرجس‬ ‫كنيسه‬ ‫كاهن‬ ‫ميخائيل وهيب‬ brother Joseph Wahba. ‫كاهن‬ ‫وهبه‬ ‫مكاريوس‬ ‫القمص‬ ‫والمتنيح‬ ‫بأستراليا‬ ‫وديع وهبه‬ Azza at St Mary’s Church next Sunday ‫وهبه‬ ‫چوزيف‬ ‫وشقيقه‬ ‫العذراء‬ ‫السيده‬ ‫كنيسه‬ 19th December 1:30 - 3pm. ‫ ديسمبر من الساعة الواحدة‬١٩ ‫والعزاء يوم االحد الموافق‬ May the Lord repose his soul and ‫والنصف الى الساعة الثالثة ظهرا بكنيسة السيدة العذراء‬ grant peace and comfort for all family ‫ الرب ينيح نفسه ويعزى كل أفراد‬.‫بكنسنجتون بملبورن‬ members.


Estimated cost for the project 10 - 11 million Dollars Donations collected and funds available from church income is 3.6 million Dollars Donation Accounts are listed below

Donations to St Mary›s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link ‫للتبرعات لكنيسة العذراء مريم ومشروع المبانى أضغط على الرابط‬ https://www.stmc.org.au/donate (Copy & Paste on Web Browser) Special Thanks for all who keep working tirelessly for the success of this project. May the Lord reward them all and bless all their works

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