Services at St Mary’s Church
Mass 9 - 11 am
Liturgy 5:30 - 7am
7:30pm The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages
Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am
6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults Thursday
Mass 9 - 11 am - English
English Midnight Praises 7:30pm
English Bible Study 7:30pm
Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am
Youth 25 and above 7-9pm
Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm
Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am
Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm
Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm English
Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:30-7pm
Scouts 1:30 - 3pm
School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm
1st Mass 6:30 - 8:30 Arabic & English
2nd Mass.8:30 - 10:30 English - St Mary’s Church
3rd Mass 8:30 - 10:30 Arabic - St John’s Chrysostom Church
Family Meeting fortnightly 11:30am Hymns Class - English 11:45 - 12:30pm
Church Priests:
Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251
Fr Habib Girgis Younan: 0401238177 – 94498871
Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821
Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kensington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651
Fr Kerillos Tawadros
Feast of Glorious Epiphany Sunday 19th January
Epiphany Paramon: Saturday 18th January Liturgy 8-10am Epiphany Eve 18th January: 6 - 11:30pm Including Matines, Lakan and Liturgy
Paramouni of Holy Theophany (Epiphany(.
18th January - 10th Toba
On this day it has been the tradition of the Orthodox Church, following the teachings of the holy fathers of the church, to fast until dusk, eating only what is permitted to be eaten during the holy forty days (Lent(. If Christmas day or Epiphany falls on Wednesday or Friday, the saintly apostles ordained that the believers eat all the food that one is permitted to eat during the Pentecostal days (the postresurrection fifty days(. They are feasts to the Lord. The Paramouni days are fasted to compensate for the feast days, so that we may have the blessings of both the fast and the feast.
In the custom of our Coptic Orthodox church, if the Paramouni day falls on Saturday or Sunday, it is the tradition to fast on the Friday that precedes them also. Then they pray on water before midnight and they wash and bless everyone who wants to be blessed. The reason to complete this before midnight is because of the fear that the little children may break their fasting by drinking water.
We ask Christ to purify us, cleanse us from all our abominations, forgive our sins, and make us worthy to receive the revelation of the glory of His divine nature in our hearts and in our deeds, as He revealed His glory in the Jordan River.
To Him be the Glory with His Good Father and His Holy Spirit, now and forever, and to the end of ages. Amen.
The Holy Theophany of Our Lord, God and Savior, Jesus Christ (Baptism of the Lord christ(. 19th January - 11th Toba
On this day of the year 31 A.D., our Master, Lord and God, Jesus Christ, was baptized at the hands of St. John the Baptizer (the dyer(. The feast is called in Greek the Feast of Theophany or the Feast of the Revelation of the Divine Nature of the Lord, for the Holy Trinity was revealed: our heavenly Father was heard from heaven saying, «This is My beloved Son,» and the Son standing in the Jordan river, and the Holy Spirit was descending in the form of a dove, and alighting upon Him.
St. John the Baptist bore witness that the Lord Christ, when He had been baptized, came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened to Him and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon Him. And suddenly a voice came from heaven saying,
«This is My beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased.»( Matthew 3:16-17(
St. John the evangelist said about this day, «The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, ‹Behold! The Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world. This is He of Whom I said, ‹After me comes a Man Who is preferred before me, for He was before me.› I did not know him but that He should be revealed to Israel, therefore I came baptizing with water.›» (John 1:29-31(
The glory of our Lord Jesus Christ was revealed on this day, that He is the Son of God and that He is the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world. For this reason, this feast has become a great feast for all believers, in which they are purified with water after the example of the baptism of our Lord, to Whom is the glory, to obtain forgiveness of their sins.
Glory, honor and worship to our Lord God, now and forever more and to the end of ages. Amen.
The Martyrdom of St. Theodore El-Mishreke (the Oriental(. 20th January - 12th Toba
On this day also of the year 36 A.D., the church celebrates the commemoration of the martyrdom of the courageous prince, St. Theodore El-Mishreke (The Oriental(. He was born in the City of Tyre in 270 A.D. In his youth, he enlisted in the Roman army and was promoted to the rank of commander. His father’s name was Sadrikhos, “Adrakos” who was a high ranking official during the reign of Emperor Numerianus (283-284 A.D.(, and his mother was the sister of Basilides, the minister.
When Emperor Numerianus died in the war against the Persians, his son, Justus, was fighting in the west. The two officials Sadrikhos and Basilides continued to run the affairs of the Empire, until the infidel Diocletian took charge of the Empire, and started to persecute the Christians. At that time, St. Theodore was in charge of the army that was fighting against the Persians. He saw a vision at night: a ladder was extended between earth and heaven, and at the top of the ladder the Lord sat on a great throne, surrounded by hosts of angels chanting. He also saw under the ladder a great beast which was the devil. The Lord said to St. Theodore, “Your blood will be shed for My Name’s sake.” The saint asked the Lord, “How about my friend Lawondius?” The Lord replied, “Not only Lawondius, but Banikaros, the Persian, also.”
During a truce, between the Roman and Persian armies, St. Theodore met with Banikaros, the commander of the Persian army. St. Theodore guided him to Christianity and he believed in Christ. Emperor Diocletian ordered that Prince Theodore be brought to him. The prince came back with his army and with him were Lawondius and Banikaros. When St. Theodore knew that the Emperor was going to ask him to worship idols, he told his soldiers, “Whoever among you wants to fight for the Name of the Lord Christ, let him come and join me.” They all shouted in one accord, “We die with you and your God is our God also.” When he arrived in the city, he left his soldiers outside and went alone to the Emperor who received him well. The Emperor inquired about the war and the army and he asked St. Theodore to worship Apollo.
The saint answered in great courage and faith, “I do not know any god that I can worship except my Master, Jesus Christ.” Diocletian commanded his soldiers to nail the Saint to a tree and to brutally torture him. But the Lord was strengthening and comforting him. Finally, he delivered up his pure soul into the hand of the Lord Whom he loved. He received the crown of eternal glory in the kingdom of heaven. The Emperor sent the priests of Apollo to the soldiers of the saint, to call upon them to worship the idols. They all shouted, “We have no king except our Master, Jesus Christ, Lord of Lords, and King of Kings.” When the Emperor heard what they said, he had them all beheaded. They received the crowns of martyrdom and eternal bliss.
Their prayers be with us all. Amen.
The Commemoration of the Miracle at Cana of Galilee.
21st January - 13th Toba
On this day, the church celebrates the commemoration of the miracle that our Lord Jesus Christ performed at Cana of Galilee. It was the first miracle that our Lord Jesus performed after His baptism. He was invited to the wedding with His virgin mother, St. Mary, and also
some of His disciples.
When they ran out of wine, the mother of Jesus said to Him, “They have no wine.” Jesus said to her, “Woman, what does your concern have to do with Me? My hour has not yet come.” His mother said to the servants, “Whatever He says to you, do it.”
There were set there six water pots of stone. Jesus said to them. “Fill the water pots with water.” And they filled them up to the brim. He said to them, “Draw some out now and take it to the master of the feast.”
When the master of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, he said to the bridegroom, “Every man at the beginning sets out the good wine and when the guests have well drunk, then that which is inferior; but you have kept the good wine until now.”
This was the beginning of the signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee and manifested His glory and His disciples believed in Him. (John 2:1-11( To Him is the Glory with His Good Father and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen.
The Martyrdom of St. Demiana. 21st January - 13th Toba
On this day also, St. Demiana was martyred. This chaste and fighter virgin, was the daughter of Mark, Governor of El-Borollus, ElZaafran, and Wadi Al-Saysaban(1( in the Northern delta of the valley of the Nile. She was the only daughter to her parents. When she was one year old, her father took her to the church of the monastery of AlMaymah. He offered alms, candles and oblations so that God might bless her and keep her in His care. When she was fifteen years old, her father wanted her to be wed. She refused, and told him that she had vowed herself a bride to the Lord Christ. When she saw that her father was pleased with her intention, she asked him to build her a place where she could worship God in seclusion with her virgin friends. He fulfilled her wish and built her the house that she wanted. She lived in it with forty other virgins. They spent their time reading the holy scripture and in worship. Shortly after, Emperor Diocletian sent for Mark, St. Demiana›s father, and ordered him to worship the idols. He refused at first, but after the Emperor appeased him he obeyed his order and worshipped the idols and forsook the Creator of the Universe. When Mark returned to his official seat, and St. Demiana knew what had transpired, she rushed to meet him. She did not greet him, but said, «What is it that I heard about you? I would have preferred to hear about your death rather than to hear that you have renounced your faith and forsaken the God Who created you from non-existence into being, to worship gods made by hands. Take note that if you do not return to your first faith and renounce the worship of stones, you are not my father and I am not your daughter,» and she left him. Her father was greatly moved by the words of his daughter, and he wept bitterly. In haste, he went to Diocletian and confessed the Lord Christ. When the Emperor could not convince him with threats and promises, he ordered him beheaded. When Diocletian knew that the one who turned Mark from worshipping the idols was St. Demiana, his daughter. He sent her a prince to try first gently to convince her to worship idols, and if she disobeyed him to behead her. The prince went to her with two hundred soldiers and the instruments of torture. When he arrived at her palace, he said to her, «I am a messenger sent from Emperor Diocletian. I came to call upon you according to the Emperor›s
orders, to worship his gods, so that he can grant you all that you want.» The saint shouted in his face saying, «May God denounce the messenger and the one by whom he was sent. Don›t you have any shame at all to call stones and wood gods which are inhabited by devils? There is no god in heaven or on earth except one God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Eternal Creator, the Everlasting, Who is everywhere, Who knows all the secrets, and Who can throw you in hell where is the everlasting torment. As for me, I am the maidservant of my Master and my Savior Jesus Christ, and His Good Father and the Holy Spirit, the Holy Trinity, Him I confess and upon Him I depend, and in His Name I die, and by Him I live forever.»
The prince became exceedingly angry and ordered her to be placed in the Hinbazeen (the squeezing press(, until her blood poured out of her body on the ground. The virgins were standing weeping over her. When they put her in prison, the angel of the Lord appeared to her, touched her body with his illumined wings, and she was healed of all her wounds. The prince used all his evil imagination to torture St. Demiana, once by tearing her flesh and another time by placing her in boiling oil. Through it all the Lord raised her up safely. When the prince saw that all his attempts were in vain, before the steadfastness of this pure virgin he ordered her beheaded, and all the other virgins with her. Thus, they all received the crowns of martyrdom. Their prayers be with us and Glory be to our God forever. Amen.
The Departure of Obadiah, the Prophet.
January - 15th Toba
On this day, Obadiah, one of the prophets of the children of Israel, departed. He was the son of Hananya, the prophet from the tribe of Judah. Obadiah prophesied in the days of King Jehoshaphat, King of Judah.
It was said that Obadiah was the head of the fifty men who were sent by King Ahaziah, for the third time, to Elijah the Prophet. He came to Elijah in humility and pleaded with him not to destroy him as those who proceeded him, for fire had come down from heaven and burned them. He asked Elijah to have compassion upon him and to come with him to go to see King Ahaziah. The Prophet went with him as was told by the angel of the Lord. (2 Kings 1:15( Thus, Obadiah realized that to serve Elijah the Prophet was far more noble than to serve earthly kings, and that if he were to accompany him, it would lead him to the service of the Heavenly King. He left the service of the King and followed Elijah, and was filled with the grace of God.
He prophesied for more than twenty years. He prophesied about the destruction of the land of Edom, for they rejoiced for the distress of the people of God. (Obadiah 1-16( He also prophesied about the salvation of Jerusalem and her victory over the Family of Esau, and her victory over all her enemies. (Obadiah 17-21( He lived more than seven hundred years before the advent of the Lord Christ.
He departed and was buried in the tomb of his fathers. His prayers be with us and Glory be to our God forever. Amen.
Meditations on the Holy Bible Readings
The Feast of Epiphany
The Holy Feast of Theophany
John 1:18-34
I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and He remained upon Him (John 1:32( God has revealed Himself to mankind in His birth as a human from the pure saint Mary the Virgin … thus God became among us as God incarnate in the flesh like us … for our salvation and to release us from our slavery to evil … God revealed His Glory and His oneness with the Father and the Holy Spirit in His Baptism in the Jordon river, in the manifestation of the Holy Trinity glorified in His oneness and Unity (of God( … The Son emerging from the water and The Holy Spirit descending like a dove and The Father testifying and saying “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” (Matthew 3:17( … for this reason, the Feast of Epiphany is called the Holy Theophany … for the Feast of Epiphany is the Feast of the Manifestation of The Son incarnate in the flesh in Oneness with The Father and The Holy Spirit … also, it is the feast of the establishment of the Sacrament of Baptism … and since then, no longer baptism is just (symbolic( washing in waters for repentance as it was John the Baptist baptism … but Baptism became a true death (of the old man( with the Lord Jesus and to be born again and a true resurrection with Him from the death (of the old sin( (Romans 6:3 & 1Peter 1:3( … in Baptism the old man dies (to sin( and receives a new birth spiritually as a new members in the Body of the Lord Jesus Christ (His Church( … being washed from the original sin … and we become a new creation in Christ … therefore Baptism is the gate to Christianity and without (baptism( man cannot receive the right of forgiveness of sins in Christ’s Blood which is shed for us … without baptism there is no salvation and indeed how amazing is this Sacrament … truly it is a great (Sacrament( that the Lord has established it by Himself … and in His Person He has made all mankind holy in Him … and it is worthy to meditate on this Sacrament which the Lord has established (for us( … with many symbols in the Old Testament then He established it as the start of the Church of the New Testament … also, it is right to practice this in owe and reverence … and it is right to be diligent in this sacrament and it’s continual blessings in all our lives and our children’s lives.
+ Symbols of Baptism in the Old Testament +++
Many are the prototypes of (this sacrament( in the Old Testament … one of them is the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters, an indication for procession of life from matter (Genesis 1:2( … also, the great flood in which only eight people were saved by through water, there is an antitype which now saves us – Baptism (1 Peter 3:20( … again the crossing of the Israelites through the red sea and the drowning of pharaoh and his soldiers (Exodus 14( is a prototype of Baptism and declaring the faith … to submerge in the depth of the waters and the renunciation of
the devil and entering a new life … and the descending of the Holy Spirit represented in the cloud which protected them (1 Corinthian 10( … also, Aaron was not consecrated into the priesthood till he was washed in water first (Exodus 29( … again, all priests had to in the bronze laver prior to their entrance to the Tent of Meeting (Exodus 30:17-21( … and Elijah’s offering was not consumed by fire from heaven till he poured water on the sacrifice 3 times (1 kings 18:20-40( and Elijah himself did not ascend to heaven till he crossed the Jorden river (2 kings 2:10( … even the Israelites did not enter the land of Canaan till they crossed the Jordon river which opened before them to cross around the Ark of Covenant as sign among them and a consecration of them (Joshua 3:16-17(.
All of these were prototypes to the Baptism of the Lord Christ … prototypes and foretelling of the sacrament of baptism … then came John the Baptist’s baptism another prototype foretelling of the establishment of the sacrament of baptism … John (the Baptist( baptised by water for repentance … his baptism was an indication and a promise to leave sin and offering a true repentance … but it had no powers to forgive sin and renewal of man … also, so was baptism by the disciples before the crucifixion … and so is all baptism which is effected without declaring the full belief in the Lord Jesus Christ as the Saviour and He is God incarnate in the flesh … the baptism of Jehovah’s witness for example cannot be considered a true baptism because it is void of the requirements of the sacrament … it lakes the belief in Christ as the Lord (God( the saviour … also, it is administered outside the holy rite of the sacrament of priesthood which the Lord has given to His disciples and they in turn given by the laying of hands to the bishop and priests after them … and thus every baptism is administered with great care … so baptism with sprinkling of water is void the meaning of baptism of being buried with Christ and a new birth in Christ, therefore we should be very diligent in accepting and administering this holy sacrament lest we become lacking before God and be excluded from receiving salvation by the Blood of (our( Lord Jesus Christ. + Baptism in the early Church +++ Naturally there were many who accepted the Christian Faith … in one sermon by St Peter the apostle and disciple 3000 souls believed (Acts 2:14-42( … what is meant here is 3000 families … and the natural way for baptism then for such large number of people was to have them baptised in rivers and lakes as the Ethiopian eunuch was baptised (Acts 8:26(, but as churches were established and more stable Christian congregations founded, baptism fonts were built in the churches … some of these fonts still existing till today in historical old churches which attest to the originality of the this rite of baptism by full emersion for grown ups and children alike …
And it was necessary to test the faith (of the new comers( … because most of the converts to the (Christian( faith were pagan … therefore it was essential to teach them and be assured of their true faith prior to their baptism … and those were called the “catechumens” … and the acceptance of a catechumen had a specific rite and tradition of placing the hands and anointing by placing the sign of the cross on the forehead … then the catechumen will be allowed in the church in a specific place (normally at the back of the church( to be taught and hear the sermons without partaking of the holy sacrament (of Eucharist(, and the early church since the apostolic era established 2 groups of the catechumens
The first group … were the pagans accepting the faith … and those were taught first and tested (in the true faith( … also, the children of pagans, it was a condition to reach the age of 7 years at least prior to accepting them as catechumens … and the church would appoint for them suitable “god parents” to monitor and instruct them after baptism.
The second group … children of believers … and those were accepted by the church immediately without any age limitations for their baptism after taking the parents affirmation and the god parents which was a condition of (baptism( …
But naturally there was special exceptions … any of the catechumen about to die … the church accepted them immediately after them declaring the true faith and receiving the sacrament of baptism without waiting. The catechumen would undergo various stages of spiritual instructions … which is the stage of the listeners and this stage they only listen … then the kneelers and those were allowed attend all the readings and the sermon and the litanies … then the stage of the enlightened and those were the ones whose names were submitted to the bishop in preparation for their baptism … usually this was done in the last week of the great lent.
+ The importance of baptising infants +++
From the above, it is clear that baptising infants was existing in the early church since the beginning … what is meant by infants here is the children of believers … despite this, still till today some who will not baptise infants on account that they do not understand and declare the accepting of faith in Lord Jesus Christ … and the inability to discern the true faith … and the answer to such is summarised in the following points:
+ Baptism is essential and a must … without it man is not entitled to enter the kingdom of heavens … the Lord Jesus Christ the children to come to Him (Matthew 19:14( and declared for such is the kingdom of heavens despite their simpleness in thinking and inability to discern …
+ Children are equally in the original sin like the grown up and there is no other way for the remission of this sin other than baptism.
+ In old, the Lord (God( ordered for the (male( children to be circumcised at 8 days old and circumcision was a holy rite to be part of the people of God … and this is a prototype of baptism and it is unacceptable to allow the prototype to be practiced in the old testament and we do not allow it be practiced in the new testament era …
To forbid children from receiving the sacrament of baptism is a strange heresy against the bible and the teachings of the apostles and the testimony of the church fathers since old … Also, delaying the baptism of children … is unacceptable and suitable and the church imposes spiritual punishments on the parents who delay the baptism of their children for any reason … and (the church( considers delaying the baptism (of children( for reasons of the place or awaiting a specific priest or awaiting a specific season as unacceptable and a mistake … the suitable age for baptism is anytime after their birth, but is preferred to be 40 days for boys and 80 days for girls to allow the mother partake in the sacrament … and we should not delay it beyond these ages … as it is unacceptable to pledge to baptise ones children in a specific place … for baptism is essential and cannot be pledged or have conditions placed upon it or restrictions ..
+ Baptism of Blood +++
This is another type of baptism which is recognised by the church … baptism of blood is the baptism of martyrdom … there are many martyrs who declared their belief prior to their martyrdom without having the chance to be baptised by water … but they were baptised in their own blood … such was the baptism of the thief on the right who declared his faith clearly on the cross … and there is the famous story of a mother who baptised her child in a time of danger by wounding her breasts and anointed the child with her blood … and God accepted this baptism … but these are special circumstances in time of danger (and urgency( and have its own justifications.
In the cases of, extreme urgency it is possible to baptise children and grown up without full emersion (in water( in cases of near death.
+ Can baptism be repeated (re-baptised(???
Baptism is administered only once in a life time … even if the person renounced the (Christian( faith … then repented and returned to the true faith, will not be re-baptised … but there might be some baptism which is not in accordance with the rites which is set by the bible and teachings of the fathers and the apostles … in this case it is not considered re-baptism but a correct baptism for the first time.
Let us take this blessed sacrament as a blessing for our lives and to protect the cloak of Holy Grace which we received in baptism and to bring up our children in the fear of God as it is befitting of the Holy Baptism which we received them (the children( in after their new birth (in baptism( … (Amen(.
The Marriage at Cana of Galilee
The Lord Jesus Christ began His early ministry of preaching and teaching following His commanding Satan to “be gone”. It was during this time that the Lord Jesus Christ was invited to a wedding that was located in Cana of Galilee. Cana was a small village to the north of Nazareth where the Lord Jesus Christ grew up.
The Lord Jesus brought the twelve apostles with Him to the wedding at Cana. St. Mary, the mother of the Lord Jesus, attended the wedding too. St. Mary was invited, because she was a friend of the wedding party’s family and did attend because she lived neared Cana.
The wedding party was a very nice one that made the bride and groom happy. But suddenly, and without expecting it to be so, the wine was gone before the wedding party was over! The wedding’s hosts became very upset and did not know how this could happen and what they could do to not embarrass themselves or the bride and groom.
St. Mary was also very concerned as to the family’s lack of wine, and believed within her heart, that her Son, the Lord Jesus Christ had the divine power to make more wine appear. St. Mary told the Lord Jesus privately, “They have no wine” (John 2:3(. The Lord Jesus asked, “Woman, what does your concern have to do with Me? My hour has not yet come” (John 2:4(. The Lord Jesus Christ did not want to have everyone see His miracles just yet.
But the Lord Jesus Christ would listen to His mother because He loved her. The Lord Jesus would help everyone in need, when they asked Him. St. Mary loved her only Son very much and knew that He would do what was right.
To further show us that St. Mary knew her One Son very well and had faith in His ability to do the right thing, St. Mary told the servants, “Whatever He says to you, do it” (John 2:5(. alt=There were six large stone jars in the place where they were eating. These jars were for water that was going to be used for washing. The Lord Jesus Christ told the servants politely, “Fill the waterpots with water” (John 2:7(.
The servants obeyed the Lord Jesus, and they filled the jars full of water. The Lord Jesus then instructed them, “Draw some out now, and take it to the master of the feast” (John 2:8(. When the servant poured the water into the cup, it had been miraculously changed into wine! The servants were astonished and the planner of the wedding could not imagine from where the delicious tasting wine came from!
The planner of the wedding told the groom who had just been married, “Every man at the beginning sets out the good wine, and when the guests have well drunk, then the inferior. You have kept the good wine until now!” (John 2:10(. The wine must have tasted extraordinarily good as it was from a miracle of the Lord!
Changing water to wine at the Wedding at Cana of Galilee was the very first miracle that the Lord Jesus Christ performed written in the Holy Bible and He was just beginning as the Lord Jesus would perform many more.
No other person on earth could work miracles like the Lord Jesus. The disciples saw the miracle performed at the Wedding in Cana of Galilee and believed in the Lord Jesus Christ even more than they had before. What a great blessing the changing of water into wine was for the wedding planner, the bride and groom along with their families, the people who attended and yes, for the apostles themselves.
The Lord Jesus loved his mother very much and listened to her. He changed the water into wine and saved the wedding from disgrace. The Lord Jesus listened to His mother, St. Mary and obeyed her. If you follow what the Lord Jesus Christ does and shows to us by His Holy example, you can become a good person and follower of the Lord Jesus Christ today.
The Lord Jesus never tricked anyone with His miracles but rather helped those whom needed Him and He did not lie. He respected His Holy mother. If we trust God and love the Lord Jesus, anything is possible and we open up our lives to the wonderful things each day the Lord Jesus Christ provides to us. The Lord Jesus Christ loves us so much, and we should love Him back.
Nativity Dinner with our Rev. Fr. Habib-Girgis Younan and Rev. Fr. Kyrillos Tawadrous 7th January 2025
Wednesday 15 Jan: 9am - Divine Liturgy at St Macarius Church, Yarrambat
Thursday 16 Jan: 9am - Divine Liturgy at St Athanasius Church, Donvale
Diocese Clergy meeting at the Diocese HQ, Donvale
Friday 17 Jan: Visit to Adelaide (Fri 17Sat 18 Jan(
Tuesday 21 Jan: 9am - Divine Liturgy at St Bishoy and St Shenouda Church, Bulleen
Wednesday 22 Jan: 9am - Divine Liturgy at Archangel Michael and St Anthony Church, Oakleigh
Friday 24 Jan: 9am - Divine Liturgy at St Mina and St Marina Church, Hallam
6:30pm - YIC meeting at St Mary Church, Kensington
Saturday 25 Jan: 9am - Divine Liturgy at St Philopater Church, Melton
6pm - Vespers, and general meeting at St Bishoy and St Shenouda Church, Bulleen
Sunday 26 Jan: Divine Liturgy at St George Church, St Albans
Monday 27 Jan: 1:25am - Depart to Manilla - 5J50
Feast of Wedding of Cana of Gallilie 13th Toba - 21st January
The Martyrdom of St. Demiana. 21st January - 13th Toba
The Martyrdom of St. Theodore El-Mishreke (the Oriental( 20th January - 12th Toba
Blessed marriage
David Heenes & Sandra Toma Sunday 12th January 2025 St Mary’s Church
New Church, New Building and Car Park are ready We started to use the New Building and church last on Lazarus Saturday 27th April 2024. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downloaded from church website. We thank Our Lord for this great Gift Cost of building works is around $13,000,000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreciated.
Donations to St Mary’s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link (Copy & Paste on Web Browser(