Services at St Mary’s Church Monday: Mass 9 - 11 am Tuesday Liturgy 5:30 - 7am 7:30pm The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am Wednesday 6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults Thursday Mass 9 - 11 am - English English Midnight Praises 7:30pm English Bible Study 7:30pm Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am Friday Youth 25 and above 7-9pm Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am Saturday Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm English Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:307pm Scouts 1:30 - 3pm School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm Sunday: Sunday 1st Mass6 - .7:45am Arabic & English 2nd Mass.7:45 – .9:30am English 3rd Mass 9:30 - 11:15am Arabic Hymns Class - English 11:45 12:30pm Church Priests: Priests Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251 Email: Fr Habib Girgis Younan: 0401238177 – 94498871 Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail. com Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821 Email: Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kensington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651 Fr Kerillos Tawadros 0411 518 399
Fr John Makary 0433 445 636
:مواعيد الخدمة بكنيسة العذراء
:األثنين صباحا١١ - ٩ القداس اإللهي صباحا7 - 5:30 ::اإللهي القداس اإللهي:الثالثاء )(انجليزي ذا- مساء أجتماع للكبار باإلنجليزي7:30 واى صباحا11 – 9 القداس اإللهي:األربعاء األربعاء :الخميس انجليزي- صباحا١١ - ٩ القداس اإللهي مساء7:30 انجليزي- تسبحة نصف الليل مساء7:30 انجليزي- درس الكتاب المقدس صباحا11 – 9 القداس اإللهي:الجمعة الجمعة سنة فأكثر25 مساء الشباب9 – 7 - مساء أجتماع إعداد الخدمة8:30 - 7 انجليزي صباحا١١ – 8,30 القداس اإللهي:السبت السبت 5,30 – 4 مدارس األحد مساء٨:٣٠ –٧ العشية واجتماع الشباب انجليزي مساء عربي7 - 5:30 العشية ودرس كتاب :األحد ص عربي,7:45 – 6 القداس األول وانجليزي ص – إنجليزي9:30 – ,7:45 القداس الثاني ص عربي11:15 – 9:30 القداس الثالث 12:30 - 11:45 انجليزي- فصل ألحان مساء :األباء الكهنة بالكنيسة األب القمص تادرس شاروبيم 0414251251 Email: :األب القس حبيب جرجس يونان 94498871 - 0401238177 Email: habibgirgisyounan@ 0422431821 :األب القس مايكل صليب Email: Epsom Rd, 3031:عنوان الكنيسة : تليفون5 Kensington Vic 93766651 األب القس كيرلس تاوضروس ٠٤١١٥١٨٣٩٩ األب القس جون مكاري ٠٤٣٣٤٤٥٦٣٦
The Departure of St. Anna (Hannah), the mother of the Theotokos نياحة القديسة حنة والدة القديسة العذراء 21st November - 11th Hator. Hator القديسة مريم On this day, the pious and righteous St. Anna (Hannah), the mother هاتور١١ - نوفمرب٢١ of our Lady, the holy virgin St. Mary, the Mother of God, departed. يف مثل هذا اليوم تنيحت القديسة البارة التقية This holy woman was the daughter of Matthan, the son of Levi, حنة والدة السيدة العذراء القديسة مريم والدة the son of Melki, who was a descendant of Aaron the priest. Her وكانت هذه الصديقة ابنة ملاثان بن الوي،اإلله mother’s name was Mary (Mariam) and she was from the tribe of واسم أمها، بن مليك من نسل هارون الكاهن Judah. وكان ملاثان هذا ثالث بنات، مريم من سبط يهوذا Matthan had three daughters. The first was called Mary after her األوىل مريم باسم والدتها وهي أم سالومي القابلة mother, and she was the mother of Salome, the midwife. The والثانية صوفية أم أليصابات والدة القديس، second was Sophia, the mother of Elizabeth, the mother of St. والثالثة هي هذه القديسة حنة، يوحنا املعمدان John the Baptist. The third was St. Anna (Hannah), the wife of the زوجة الصديق يواقيم من سبط يهوذا ووالدة righteous man Joachim, who was of the tribe of Judah. She was ،السيدة العذراء القديسة مريم أم مخلص العامل the mother of our Lady, the holy virgin St. Mary, the Mother of بذلك تكون السيدة البتول وسالومي وأليصابات the Savior of the world. That makes our Lady the Virgin St. Mary, وإن كنا ال نعلم عن هذه الصديقة، بنات خاالت Salome, and Elizabeth cousins. Although we know little about St. إال إن اختيارها لتكون أما لوالدة اإلله، شيئا يذكر Anna, having been chosen to be the mother of the Mother of God بالجسد لهو دليل عيل ما كان لها من الفضائل in the flesh is an indication of her virtues and righteousness, which والتقوى التي ميزتها عن غريها من النساء حتى distinguished her from other women to have this great grace. وإذ كانت عاقرا كانت،نالت هذه النعمة العظيمة Because she was barren, she entreated God to take away her فرزقها ابنة، تتوسل إىل الله إن ينزع هذا العار shame. So the Lord gave her a daughter that delighted her eyes and هي العذراء، قرت بها عيناها وأعني كل البرش the eyes of all mankind; she is the Virgin St. Mary, the Mother of ، شفاعتها تكون معنا امني، مريم أم مخلص العامل the Savior of the world. تذكار رئيس املالئكة الجليل ميخائيل Her intercession be for us all. Amen. هاتور١٢ - نوفمرب٢٢ The Commemoration of the Honored Archangel Michael. املالك بتذكار يف مثل هذا اليوم تعيد الكنيسة 22nd November - 12th Hator القائم، الجليل ميخائيل رئيس األجناد السامئية On this day the church celebrates the feast of the honored يف كل حني أمام كريس العظمة يشفع يف جنس Archangel, Michael, the head of the hosts of heaven, who stands at هذا الذي رآه يشوع بن نون وهو مبجد، البرش all times before the great throne of God, interceding on behalf of فجزع منه وخر ساجدا له قائال « هل لنا، عظيم the human race. فقال «كال بل انا رئيس جند، »أنت أو ألعدائنا Joshua, the son of Nun, saw him in great glory and was frightened . « قد دفعت بيدك أريحا وملكها،الرب انظر by him and fell on his face to the earth and said to him, «Are you for us, or for our adversaries?» So he said, «No; but as Commander واملالك ميخائيل رفيق القديسني يقويهم ويصربهم ويحتفل بتذكاره وتوزع. حتى يكملوا جهادهم of the army of the Lord... I have given Jericho into your hand, ... من كل12 ( باسمه الصدقات يف اليوم الثاين عرش and its king.» (Joshua 5:13-15, 6:2) ومن عجائبه إن إنسانا محبا لإلله يدع. )شهر The Archangel Michael was with all the saints and martyrs. He strengthened them and enabled them to endure patiently until they كانا يصنعان تذكار، ذوروتاؤس وزوجته ثاؤبستى املالك ميخائيل يف اليوم الثاين عرش من كل شهر finished their strife. Festivals of commemoration are held and alms ، فانعم الرب عليهام بالغني والفرج بعد الضيق، offered in his name on the twelfth day of each Coptic month. وذلك انه ملا اشتد الضيق بهذين البارين ومل يكن An example of one of his wonders: A God-fearing man whose ، لهام ما يكمالن به العيد أخذا ثيابهام ليبيعاها name was Dorotheus and his wife Theopista, held a festival of فظهر املالك ميخائيل لذوروتاؤس يف زي رئيس commemoration for the honored angel Michael on the twelfth day بل مييض بضامنته، جليل وأمره إال يبيع ثيابه of each month. It happened that this righteous family fell on hard times and had nothing to celebrate with for the commemoration of ويأخذ منه خروفا بثلث دينار، إىل صاحب أغنام وإىل صياد ويأخذ منه حوتا من السمك بثلث، the honored Michael. They took their clothes to sell so that they ، وإال يفتح السمكة حتى يحرض إليه، دينار might have a feast. Michael the Archangel appeared to Dorotheus ، وإىل صاحب قمح ويأخذ منه ما يحتاج إليه and commanded him not to sell his clothes, but to go to a sheep ودعا الناس للعيد، فصنع الرجل كام أمره املالك master and to take from him a sheep worth one-third of a dinar. He was also to go to a fisherman and to take from him a fish worth ثم دخل إىل الخزانة لعله يجد فيها خمرا، كعادته one-third of a dinar but Dorotheus was not to slit open the fish until فوجد اآلنية مملوءة خمرا وكذا، لتقديم القرابني he came back to him. Finally, he was to go to a flour merchant and وبعد، فتعجب ودهش، خريات كثرية متنوعة to take from him as much flour as he needed. إمتام مراسيم العيد وانرصاف الحارضين حرض Dorotheus did as the Angel commanded him. He invited the ، املالك إىل ذوروثاؤس بالهيئة التي رآه بها أوال people, as was his custom, to the feast honoring the Archangel وأمره إن يفتح بطن السمكة فوجد فيها ثالمثائة Michael. When he went into his storeroom looking for wine for the فقال له «هذه األثالث، دينار وثالث أثالث ذهب offering, he found that all the containers had been filled with wine أما الدنانري،هي مثن الخروف والسمكة والقمح
الن الرب قد ذكركام وذكر، فلكام وألوالدكام and many other good things. He marvelled and was astonished. فعوضكام عنها بها، صدقاتكام التي تقدمانها After they had finished the celebration and all the people had »يف هذه الدنيا ويف اآلخرة مبلكوت السموات departed, the Archangel appeared to Dorotheus as before and وفيام هام يف حرية مام جري قال لهام «انا، commanded him to cut open the belly of the fish. He found 300 dinars of gold and three coins each is a third of a dinar. He told him هو ميخائيل رئيس املالئكة الذي خلصتكام من انا الذي قدمت قرابينكام، جميع شدائدهام these three coins were for the sheep, the fish and the flour, and the 300 dinars were for him and his children. God had remembered وسوف ال تفتقران إىل، وصدقاتكام أمام الرب them and their oblations and had rewarded them here, in this world فسجدا له وغاب، »شئ من خريات هذا العامل and in the kingdom of heaven on the last day. As Dorotheus and his هذه إحدى عجائب، عنهام صاعدا إىل السامء wife were astonished at this matter, the Archangel Michael said to شفاعته تكون، هذا املالك الجليل التي ال تحيص them, «I am Michael the Archangel who delivered you from all your . ولربنا املجد دامئا ابديا امني، معنا tribulations and I have taken your oblations and alms up to God, you استشهاد القديس مرتينوس أسقف ثراىك shall lack no good thing whatsoever in this world.» They prostrated هاتور١٤ - نوفمرب٢٤ themselves before him and he disappeared and went up into heaven. يف مثل هذا اليوم تنيح القديس العظيم This was one of the innumerable miracles of this honored Angel. وقد ولد مبدينة،مرتينوس أسقف مدينة ثراىك His intercession be for us and Glory be to our God, forever. Amen. ونشا، تدعي سافارية من أبوين مسيحيني The Departure of St. Martinus (Martin) Bishop of Tours (Thrace) ومل، وديعا عابدا محافظا عيل اإلميان القويم 24th November - 14th Hator ، يفرت عن مقاومة األريوسيني فحنقوا عليه On this day, the great St. Martinus (Martin), Bishop of Tours وإذ بالغوا، وكمنوا له مرارا يف الطريق ورضبوه (Thrace, in France), departed. He was born to Christian parents in a وذهب فسكن يف، يف مطاردته ترك املدينة city called Sorpeia. He grew up to be gentle and a worshipper who مغارة قريبة من ساحل البحر األبيض وكان kept the Orthodox faith. He did not spare any effort in resisting the وذاع، وملا شاع خربه، يتغذى بنباتات األرض followers of Arius, who were enraged by him. Consequently, they فسار، اختاروه ألسقفية ثراىك، صيته يف البالد waited for him on a road several times and beat him. وزاد يف املحبة والرحمة عيل، سرية رسولية When they continued chasing him, he left the city. He went to واجري الله عيل يديه، كثريين من الناس آيات live in a cave near the shore of the Mediterranean Sea. There, he منها انه كان مارا فابرص إنسانا أوقف، كثرية sustained himself by eating plants. مدعيا إن له، ومنع أهله من دفنه، جنازة ميت When his reputation spread throughout the country, he was chosen فتوسل إليه القديس إن، عليه أربعامئة دينار to be Bishop of Tours (Thrace). He lived an apostolic life, and grew فصيل وابتهل إىل الله، يطلق امليت فلم يقبل in charity and mercy towards many people. The Lord performed فقام امليت يف الحال، إن يظهر الحقيقة وبكت many miracles through him. مظهرا كذبه أمام، الرجل الذي ادعي عليه Once when he was passing by, he saw a person stopping a funeral ، وعيل اثر ذلك مات الرجل الظامل، الحارضين and preventing the deceased person’s family from burying him, أما الذي قام من املوت بصالة القديس فقد عاد claiming that the deceased owed him 400 dinars. This holy father واكمل هذا االب، إىل منزله وعاش سنني كثرية entreated him to release the dead body, but the man refused. St. ، حياته بسرية مرضية وتنيح بسالم Martinus prayed and entreated God to make the truth known. استشهاد القديس مارمينا العجايبى The dead man was raised immediately and he rebuked the man هاتور١٥ - نوفمرب٢٥ who falsely accused him, exposing his lies before those present. يف مثل هذا اليوم استشهد القديس مينا امللقب Subsequently, the unjust man died and the man who was raised up كان والده اوذكسيوس من أهايل،باآلمني املبارك from death through the prayers of St. Martinus, went back to his فحسده أخوه وسعي به،نقيوس وواليا عليها home and lived many years. فنقله إىل أفريقيا وواله عليها ففرح، عند امللك This holy father completed his distinguished life and departed in ، به أهلها ألنه كان رحوما خائفا من الله peace. وذهبت يف أحد، أما أمه إذ مل يكن لها ولد His prayers be with us, and Glory be to our God forever. Amen. األيام إىل الكنيسة يف عيد السيدة البتول والدة The Martyrdom of Saint Mari-Mina, the Wonder Worker ونظرت األوالد يف الكنيسة، اإلله الكائنة باتريب 25th November - 15th Hator مبالبسهم النظيفة مع والديهم فأنها تنهدت On this day St. Mina, who is called the blessed faithful, was وبكت أمام صورة السيدة العذراء متوسلة بها martyred. His father, Eudoxius, was a native of the city of Nakiyos فخرج صوت، إىل ابنها الحبيب إن يرزقها ولدا (Nikiu) and was its Governor. His brother was envious of him and ففرحت مبا سمعت، »من الصورة قائال «امني he brought charges against him before the Emperor. The Emperor وملا، وتحققت إن الرب قد استجاب صالتها transferred him to Afrikia and appointed him Governor over it. قال، عادت إىل منزلها وأخربت زوجها بذلك The people were pleased with him because he was merciful and وقد رزقهام الله هذا، »له «فلتكن إرادة الله God-fearing. القديس فأسمياه مينا كالصوت الذي سمعته His mother Euphemia had no children. One day she went to church on the feast of our Lady, the Virgin, the Mother of God, at Attribes. وملا نشا علامه الكتابة وهذباه باآلداب، والدته وملا بلغ من العمر إحدى عرشة، املسيحية She saw the children in the church wearing their beautiful clothes
with their parents. She heaved a sigh and wept before the icon of Our ثم والدته، سنة تويف والده بشيخوخة صالحة Lady St. Mary, entreating her to intercede for her before her beloved فكرس هذا القديس حياته، بعد ثالث سنوات Son, in order that He would give her a son. A voice came from the حتى انه، للصوم والصالة والسلوك املستقيم icon saying, “Amen.” She rejoiced in what she had heard and realized ، أقاموه مكان أبيه، من حب الجميع له وألبيه that the Lord had heard her prayers. When she returned to her home وملا ارتد، ومع هذا فانه مل يتخل عن عبادته and told her husband about it, he replied, “May God’s Will be done.” ، دقلديانوس واصدر أوامره بعبادة األوثان The Lord gave them this saint and they called him Mina, according to ترك، واستشهد كثريون عيل اسم السيد املسيح the voice that his mother heard. When he grew, his parents taught him هذا القديس واليته وميض إىل الربية حيث أقام reading and writing and they reared him in a Christian manner. When وذات، هناك أياما كثرية يتعبد لله من كل قلبه he was eleven years old, his father departed at a good old age. Then يوم رأي السامء مفتوحة والشهداء يكللون his mother departed three years later. St. Mina devoted his life to fast وسمع صوتا يقول «من تعب،بأكاليل حسنة ing, praying and to living a Christian life. Because of everyone’s love فعاد، »عيل اسم املسيح ينال هذه األكاليل towards him and his father, they placed him in his father’s position. In باسم إىل املدينة التي كان واليا عليها واعرتف spite of that, he did not forsake his worshipping. اصله فالطفوه أوال لعلمهم برشف، املسيح When Diocletian had reneged Christianity and issued his orders to ، توعدوه ثم، ووعدوه بعطايا مثينة، وجنسه worship idols, many were martyred for the Name of the Lord Christ. وملا ، بتعذيبه وإذ مل يننث عن رأيه أمر القائد St. Mina left his position and went to the desert, where he stayed أرسله ، باملسيح عجز عن تحويله عن إميانه many days worshipping God with all his heart. ولكنه ، عليه التأثري إىل أخيه عساه يتمكن من One day he saw the heavens open and the martyrs crowned with السيف بحد رأسه بقطع وأخريا أمر، فشل ايضا beautiful crowns. He heard a voice saying, “He who toils for the الرياح يف رماده وتذرية ، وطرح الجسد يف النار Name of the Lord Christ shall receive these crowns.” He returned to ينله مل ليال وثالث ايام ثالثة فلبث الجسد فيها، the city over which he was Governor and confessed the Name of the فتقدمت أخته وبذلت أمواال كثرية للجند، فساد Lord Christ. Knowing that he belonged to a noble family, they tried ووضعته يف فرد ( جوال، حتى آخذت الجسد to dissuade him from his faith and promised him honors and precious ) خوص وعزمت عيل التوجه إىل اإلسكندرية gifts. When he did not change his mind, they threatened him and the أخيها فركبت ومعها جسد، كام أوصاها أخوها Governor ordered him to be tortured. When the Governor failed to وقد حدث أثناء، إحدى املراكب إىل اإلسكندرية turn him away from his faith in the Lord Christ, he sent him to his سريهم إن طلعت عليهم وحوش بحرية الفرتاس brother so that he might influence him but he failed also. Finally, he فصلت آخت، ففزعوا ورصخوا، ركاب املركب ordered his head to be cut off with the sword, his body to be cast in وبينام، القديس إىل الله واستشفعت بأخيها the fire and his ashes to be scattered in the wind. The body remained كان الركاب يف فزع واضطراب خرجت نار من in the fire for three days and three nights, but it was not harmed. فغطست، الجسد إىل وجوه تلك الوحوش His sister came and gave the soldiers a lot of money and they let her وملا عادت إىل الظهور ثانية، لوقتها يف املاء take the body. She put it in a sack made of fronds and decided to go to ، فغطست ومل تعد بعد، لحقتها النار ايضا Alexandria, as her brother had previously advised her. She embarked ، وملا وصلت املركب إىل مدينة اإلسكندرية with her brother’s body on one of the ships to Alexandria. خرج اغلب الشعب مع االب البطريرك وحملوا During their trip, sea beasts came out of the water and attacked the وادخلوه، الجسد الطاهر بكل إكرام واحرتام passengers aboard the ship. They were frightened and screamed with املدينة باحتفال مهيب وأودعوه يف الكنيسة fear. The Saint’s sister prayed to the Lord and asked for the interces وملا انقيض زمان، بعدما كفنوه بأكفان غالية sion of her brother. While the passengers were in fear, fire went forth ظهر مالك الرب للقديس املكرم، االضطهاد from her brother’s body and burned the faces of the beasts. They واعلمه بأمر، البطريرك أثناسيوس الرسويل dived immediately into the water and as they reappeared, the fire burned them again. They finally dived and did not reappear. الرب إن يحمل جسد القديس مينا عيل جمل When the ship arrived at the city of Alexandria, most of the people وال يدع أحدا يقوده بل،ويخرجه من املدينة went out with the father, the Patriarch. They carried the holy body حتى يقف يف املكان الذي، يتبعه من بعيد with reverence and honor and entered the city with a venerable celeيريده الرب فساروا وراء الجمل حتى وصلوا bration and placed it in the church, after they shrouded it in expensive ، إىل مكان يسمي بحرية بياض بجهة مريوط shrouds. When the time of persecution ended, the angel of the Lord وحينئذ سمعوا صوتا يقول “ هذا هو املكان appeared to the honorable Patriarch, Anba Athanasius, the Apostolic. الذي أراد الرب إن يكون فيه جسد حبيبه مينا The angel informed him of the Lord’s command which was to place فأنزلوه ووضعوه يف تابوت وجعلوه يف بستان، the body of St. Mina on a camel and to take it out of the city without ، جميل وجرت منه عجائب كثرية letting anyone lead it, but to follow it from a distance until it stopped و حدث بعد ذلك إن ثار أهايل الخمس املدن at a place that the Lord had designated. They walked behind the فتأهب األهايل،عيل البالد املجاورة لإلسكندرية camel until they arrived at a place called Lake Bayad, in the district واختار الوايل إن يأخذ معه، للقاء هؤالء الرببر of Marriot. There they heard a voice saying, “This is the place where جسد القديس مينا ليكون له منجيا وحصنا the Lord wishes the body of his beloved Mina to be placed.” They أخذه خفية وبربكة هذا القديس تغلب، منيعا lowered the body and placed it in a coffin, then they situated it in a وقد صمم، وعاد ظافرا منصورا، عيل الرببر
beautiful garden and many miracles happened through the body. الوايل عيل عدم إرجاع جسد القديس إىل Later on, the people of Pentapolis (the five cities) rose against the ، مكانه األصيل وأراد أخذه إىل اإلسكندرية cities around Alexandria. The people were getting ready to face the وفيام هم سائرون مروا يف طريقهم عيل بحرية Berbers, and the Governor decided to take the body of St. Mina with فربك الجمل الحامل له، بياض مكانه األصيل him to be his deliverer and his strong protector. He took the body فنقلوه، ومل يربح مكانه رغم الرضب الكثري secretly and through the blessings of this saint, he overcame the ، عيل جمل ثان فلم يتحرك من مكانه ايضا Berbers and returned victorious. ثم صنع تابوتا من، فتحقق إن هذا أمر الرب The Governor decided not to return the body of the Saint to its origiالخشب الذي ال يسوس ووضع فيه التابوت nal place and wanted to take it to Alexandria. On the way back, they وتبارك منه وسافر إىل، الفضة ووضعه يف مكانه passed by Lake Bayad, St. Mina’s original place. The camel carrying وملا أراد الرب إظهار جسده املقدس، مدينته the body knelt down and would not move in spite of frequent beatكان يف الربية راعي غنم قد غطس منه يوما ما ings. They moved the body over another camel, but again this second خروف اجرب يف بركة ماء كانت بجانب املكان camel did not move from its place. The Governor finally realized that ثم خرج ومترغ يف، الذي به جسد القديس this was the Lord’s command. He made a coffin from decay-resistant فلام عاين، تراب ذلك املكان فربئ يف الحال wood and placed the silver coffin in it. He then returned it to its place الراعي هذه األعجوبة بهت وصار يأخذ من and invoked St. Mina’s blessings, then returned to his city. تراب ذلك املكان ويسكب عيل املاء ويلطخ به When the Lord wanted to disclose the location of St. Mina’s holy أو به عاهة فيربا يف الحال، كل خروف اجرب body, He did it in this manner. There was a shepherd in the desert. وشاع هذا األمر يف كل األقاليم حتى سمع، One day a sheep with mange slipped down into the water of a well وكانت له ابنة وحيدة، به ملك القسطنطينية near the place of the saint’s body. The sheep then came out of the فأرسلها أبوها إىل هناك، مصابة مبرض الجذام water and rolled over in the sand of that place, and instantly the sheep فأخذت، واستعلمت من الراعي عام تفعل، was healed. When the shepherd saw this miracle, he was amazed. He من الرتاب وبللته باملاء ولطخت جسمها took some of the sand and mixed it with water and smeared it over يف فرأت ، ونامت تلك الليلة يف ذلك املكان every sheep with mange, as well as on those with other infirmities, نومها القديس مينا وهو يقول لهه «قومي and immediately they were healed. »باكرا واحفري يف هذا املكان فتجدي جسدي The news of these miracles spread in all the countries until the ، وملا استيقظت وجدت نفسها قد شفيت، Emperor of Constantinople heard of them. He had an only daughter املقدس وملا حفرت يف املكان وجدت الجسد and she was leprous. Her father sent her to the place where the saint’s فأرسلت إىل والدها وأعلمته باألمر ففرح كثريا body was and she inquired from the shepherd how these miracles were happening. She took some of the sand, moistened it with water, وأرسل املال والرجال، وشكر الله ومجد اسمه كرست يف اليوم، وبني يف ذلك املوضع كنيسة smeared it on her body and slept the night in that place. In her sleep ، الخامس عرش من شهر بؤونة she saw St. Mina saying to her, “Arise early and dig in this place, and و ملا ملك أركاديوس وانوريوس أمرا إن تبني you will find my body.” When she woke up, she found herself cured. هناك مدينة وكانت الجامهري تتقاطر إىل تلك She began digging as she was told and she found the holy body. She ، الكنيسة يتشفعون بالقديس الطوباوي مينا sent word to her father, informing him of the news. The Emperor وقد رشفه الله باآليات والعجائب التي كانت rejoiced exceedingly, thanked the Lord and glorified His Name. He ومع دخول العرب، تظهر من جسده الطاهر then sent men and money and built a church in that place and it was مرص اعتدي البعض عيل املدينة وتهدمت consecrated on the fifteenth day of the Month of Baounah. ، الكنيسة ومل تبق إال آثارها When Arcadius and Honorius reigned, they ordered a city to be و عندما ارتقي غبطة البطريرك املتنيح البابا built there. Multitudes of people came to that church asking for the االنبا كريلس السادس كريس الكرازة املرقسية intercession of the blessed St. Mina. The Lord had honored him with اهتم بإقامة دير كبري يف تلك املنطقة باسم، many signs and wonders that appeared from his pure body. When the انفق عليه مبالغ طائلة، القديس مار مينا Arabs came to Egypt, some of them attacked the city and the church وبالدير كنيستان يزورهام شعب الكرازة، was destroyed, only ruins remained. When His Grace, the late Pope كام اشرتي ايضا مائة، املرقسية للتربك والصالة Abba Kyrillos the Sixth was ordained Patriarch over the See of St. وقد رسم عددا، فدان وأقام سورا الحاطتها Mark, he took interest in building a large monastery in this area من األباء الرهبان الذين نالوا قسطا وافرا من (Marriot) in the name of St. Mina. He spent a great deal of money . الثقافة العلمية والدينية in establishing it. There are now many churches in the monastery, البابا االنبا كريلس، شفاعة القديس مار مينا visited by many Orthodox worshippers who go there to receive blessings and to pray. He also bought one hundred acres of land and built تكون معنا ولربنا املجد دامئا ابديا، السادس a fence around it. He ordained a number of monks who had a high . امني degree of scientific and religious education. The intercession of Mari-Mina be with us and Glory be to our God forever. Amen.
تأمالت فى أنجيل القداس Meditations on the Holy Bible readings Second Sunday of the blessed month of Hator األحد الثانى من شهر هاتور المبارك (Matthew 13:1-9) ) 9 – 1:13 ( مت “yielded a crop: some a hundredfold, some sixty, بعض مئة وآخر... ً «»فأعطى ثمرا some thirty” (Matthew 13:8) ) 8:13 8:13(مت ستين وآخر ثالثين «» (مت In it, we read the chapter of the Gospel of the اليوم هو األحد الثاني من شهر Mass on the same topic as last Sunday. It is the وفيه نقرأ فصل.. هاتور المبارك parable of the Sower (Matthew 13:1-9), and as أنجيل القداس عن نفس موضوع we spoke last week about the land that does not bear fruit. Today we are talking about the land that وهو مثل الزارع.. األحد الماضي ) وكما تكلمنا9 – 1 :13 ( متى bears fruit... and it also represents the conditions األسبوع الماضي عن األرض التي of a person whose life has begun to give spiritual نتكلم اليوم عن.. ال تعطى ثمرا fruit... A person who has experienced newness and seriousness in his spiritual life and tasted وهى.. األرض التي تعطى ثمرا the sweetness of fellowship with God... And, of أيضا تمثل حاالت أإلنسان الذي course, there are degrees: there are three types of بدأت حياته تعطى ثمرا روحيا land. One piece of land gives thirty... and another إنسان اختبر الجدية فى حيا ته.. sixty... and another hundred. The difference in the الروحية وتذوق حالوة العشرة amount of fruit is not due to a defect in the land, توجد وبالطبع هنا أيضا.. مع هللا but rather to the amount of effort and work exمن أنواع فهناك ثالثة.. درجات pended for the fruit. Thus, also every human being ارض تعطى ثالثين.. األراضي has a spiritual stature, and every human has energy واخزي مئة.. واخزي ستين.. in spiritual matters. The difference in stature does واختالف كمية الثمر ليس مرجعه not mean the existence of defects or shortcomings. إلي عيب في األرض بل مرجعه They are all fruitful lands. And they are all acceptable souls before God. But each is in their degree. إلي كمية الجهد والعمل المبذول glory For a star is distinguished from a star on glory. فهكذا أيضا لكل.. من أجل الثمر There are saints and there are ascetics and there are إنسان قامة روحية ولكل إنسان طاقة martyrs. There are virgins and there are married واختالف القامة.. في الروحيات people. Each one has a direction and energy. In ال يعنى وجود عيوب أو نقائص spiritual work كلهم و.. فكلها أراضى مثمرة.. But everyone works with one goal, which is to كل ولكن .. نفوس مقبولة أمام هللا reach the full stature of Christ. There are high فنجما يمتاز عن نجم.. فى درجته spiritual statures such as David the prophet, the فهناك قديسين وهناك.. فى العلو psalmist, and the king. To whom the Lord bears يوجد بتولين.. نساك وهناك شهداء witness, I searched the heart of David, the son لكل واحد اتجاه.. ويوجد متزوجين of My servant Jesse, and found him according to My own heart. The sweet psalmist of Israel who ولكن.. وطاقة فى العمل الروحي plays his harp for King Saul, and the unclean spirit الجميع يعملون بهدف واحد وهو departs from him. His life with God is an everlast.. الوصول الى ملء قامة المسيح ing for his entire life. In his early youth, he stands فهناك قامات روحية عالية مثل داود before Goliath the mighty and says to him: You والذي يشهد.. النبي والمرتل والملك come to me with a sword, a spear, and a shield, and له الرب انه قد فحصت قلب داود I come to you with the power of the Lord of hosts. ابن يسى عبدي فوجدته حسب قلبي He was great even in his repentance. As a human مرنم إسرائيل الحلو الذي يضرب.. being, he sinned. But he set the most wonderful على قيثارته لشاول الملك فيفارقه examples in repentance and accepting the most حياته مع هللا هي.. الروح النجس difficult punishment from the hand of God with في شبابه المبكر.. عشرة العمر كله joy. God loved him so much that the Lord bore witness about him and said, “For the sake of my يقف أمام جليات الجبار ويقول له servant David. John the Baptist also had a high أنت تأتى إلى بسيف ورمح وترس
spiritual stature by giving full fruit. He was great عظيما.. وأنأ آتى إليك بقوة رب الجنود before God. The Lord chose him and prepared فهو كإنسان أخطأ.. حتى فى توبته him to be a forerunner, baptizer, and to prepare ولكئه ضرب أروع األمثلة فى التوبة the way of the Lord before him, and from his وقبل اصعب عقوبة من يد هللا بفرح mother’s womb he was filled with the Spirit.” أحبه هللا جدا حنى صار الرب يشهد.. A voice of one crying out in the wilderness. He يوحنا.. به ويقول من اجل داود عبدي gave testimony to the Lord that no man had ever .. المعمدان أيضا قامة روحية عالية witnessed and bore witness to the truth. Saint كان عظيما أمام.. يعطى ثمر كامال Anthony, the star of the desert and the father Anthony سابقا اختاره الرب واعده ليكون.. هللا of monks is also of great stature. He taught the صابغا ليعد طريق الرب أمامه ومن world monasticism, asceticism, and consecrat.. بطن امه امتأل من الروح القدس ing the heart and body to God. He attracted the شهد للرب.. صوت صارخ فى البرية hearts of thousands to the love of God through the example of his life and his wonderful strug- وشهد شهادة.. شهادة لم يشهدها إنسا ن gle. So they populated the wilderness and turned األنبا أنطونيوس كوكب البرية.. الحق it into an earthly heaven. هذا أيضا قامة عالية.. وأب الرهبان They became part of that angelic group about علم العالم الرهبنة والنسك وتكريس.. whom the Bible says that the world was not جذب قلوب اآلالف.. القلب والجسد هلل worthy of them. them What else can we say about إلي محبة هللا بنموذج حياته وجهاده the heroes of faith that St. Paul the Apostle tells الى فعمروا البرية وحولوها.. الرائع us about in the Book of Hebrews (Chapter 11). ضمن صاروا من.. سماء أرضية They were attracted by the love of Christ; so, تلك الطغمة المالئكية التي يقول عنها they forgot themselves and their bodies and set الكتاب المقدس إن العالم لم يكن مستحقا off behind Him in a love that cannot be ex ماذا نقول أيضا عن أبطال.. لهم pressed and a joy that cannot be uttered. There are also saints and warriors that we do not hear األيمان الذين يحدثنا عنهم القديس بولس much about their struggle and toil. But God sees الرسول فى سفر العبرانيين (أصحاح and knows the amount of fruit they achieved. فنسوا.. جذبتهم محبة المسيح.. )11 There are those who achieved a hundred, and أنفسهم ونسوا أجسادهم وانطلقوا وراءه there are those who gave sixty and those who فى حب ال يعبر عنه وفى فرح ال ينطق gave thirty. Each one according to the talents وهناك أيضا قديسون ومجاهدون.. به given to him. There are those who took ten .. ال نسمع كثيرا عن جهادهـم وتعبهم talents and gained another ten on top of them, الذي ولكن هللا يرى ويعلم مقدار الثمر and there are those who took five and gained حققوه فهناك من حقق مئة وهناك من another five on top of them. There are also those .. أعطى ستين ومن أعطى ثالثين who took one talent and did not gain anything كل واحد حسب الوزنات المعطاة له beyond it. There are those who lived a short life according to the standards of their time, but their فهناك من أخذ عشر وزنات وربح.. entire life was summed up in a strong and wonفوقها عشرة أخرى وهناك من أخذ Enoch, about whom the Book derful phrase, like Enoch .. خمسة وربح فوقها خمسة أخرى says, “And Enoch walked with God, and was وهناك أيضا من أخذ وزنة واحدة ولم not found, because God took him.” There are هناك من عاش حياة.. يربح فوقها شيئا those who completed their struggle, all of it in قصيرة بمقياس عصره ولكن حياته six months, which was greater than tens of years مثل رائعة كلها تلخصت فى عبارة قوية for others. Like John the Baptist. There are those «وسار الكتاب أخنوخ الذي يقول عنه who started with the spiritual and produced fruit, then continued with the carnal and spoiled all the »أخنوخ مع هللا ولم يوجد ألن هللا أخذه وهناك من كمل جهاده كله فى سته.. fruit, like King Saul. And there are those who شهور كانت أعظم من عشرات السنين saw their fruit wasted and died with regret, like Eli the priest. There are those who gave fruit مثل يوحنا المعمدان.. عند اآلخرين
وهناك من بدأ بالروحيات ت وأعطى ثمرا ثم silently and rejoicing. Like Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus. أكمل بالجسديات وأفسد الثمر كله مثل شاول There are those who bore witness to the وهناك من رأى ثمره يضيع ويموت.. الملك Lord and offered their lives as acceptable متحسر اعليه مثل عالى الكاهن وهناك من Longinus, the soldier who saw the fruit, like Longinus قدم ثمرا صامتا مفرحا مثل يوسف الرامى Lord on the cross. And there are those who وهناك من شهد للرب.. ومثل نيقوديموس offered fruit in the last moments of their الجندي وقدم حياته ثمرا مقبوال مثل لنجينوس thief And there are those lives, like the right thief. من وهناك .. الذى عاين الرب على الصليب who had the opportunity to bear fruit and اللص مثل قدم ثمرا فى آخر لحظات عمره missed it, like the left thief. And like Demas, وهناك من كانت أمامه فرصة.. اليمين whom St. Paul says about. (Demas has for ومثل.. الثمر وأضاعها مثل اللص اليسار saken me, having loved this present world). ديماس الذي يقول عنه القديس بولس (ديماس There are those who were satisfied with having little fruit, but they were fruitful. هناك من.. )تركنا ألنه أحب العالم الحاضر And there are those who strove and laboured رضى ان يكون ثمره قليال ولكنه كان مثمرا and gave much fruit. Without a doubt, St. وهناك من جاهد وتعب وأعطى ثمرا.. Paul the apostle had more fruit than others, بال شك القديس بولس الرسول كان.. كثيرا as he said about himself, “I laboured more له ثمرا أكثر من اآلخرين اذ يقول عن نفسه than rest of the apostles”. On the last day, فى اليوم.. »«تعبت أكثر من باقي الرسل the saints will come carrying their virtues فضائلهم األخير سوف يأتي القديسون حاملين and the martyrs will come carrying their أيها وأنت .. ويأتي الشهداء حاملين عذاباتهم torments. And you, beloved, what will you .. الحبيب ماذا سوف تحمل معك أمام هللا carry with you before God? Be careful, there فهناك من.. أحترس هناك ثمار غير مقبولة are unacceptable fruits. There are those who سوف يأتي ويقول للرب أليس باسمك أخرجنا will come and say to the Lord, “Have we not cast out demons in Your name? Have we شياطين أليس باسمك صنعنا قوات ورغم ذلك not done mighty works in Your name?” and لم يكن لهم.. سوف يقول لهم أنى ال أعرفكم yet He will say to them, I do not know you. ثمار المحبة ولم يكن لهم جهاد مقدس وتعب They did not have the fruits of love, and they كان لهم إيمان.. من أجل ملكوت السموات did not have holy struggle and labour for the .. فقط ولكن بال جهاد وال تعب وال أعمال sake of the kingdom of heaven. They only حساب أنه يقول لك قدم.. الرب يريد ثمرا had faith, but without striving, or labour, or عنه أبحث .. أسرع وراجع نفسك.. وكالتك deeds. The Lord wants fruit. He tells you to عليه تحاسب فى حياتك فإنه مطلوب وسوف give an account of your stewardship. ويويل هذا اإلنسان الذي يقف أمام هللا فارغا Hurry and examine yourself. Search for it لقد أمر الرب أن يطرح صاحب.. بال ثمر in your life, for it is wanted and you will be الوزنة الواحدة غير المثمرة إلي الظلمة held accountable for it. Woe to this man who stands before God empty and without fruit. .. الخارجة وسماه بالعبد الشرير والكسالن The Lord commanded that the owner of the .. ألنه لم يكن له ثمر one talent that did not produce fruit be cast أين الثمر؟ ليس من.. أسأل نفسك اليوم into the outer darkness and called them an بل قدم ستين.. الضروري أن تقدم ثمر مئة evil and slothful servant, because they did أو ثالثين قدم حسب الطاقة وحسب الوزنات not have fruit. Ask yourself today: Where is حسب المحبة التي في قلبك.. المعطاة لك the fruit? It is not necessary to offer a hunثالثين لتقدم للرب ثمرا مقبوال.. سوف تقدم dredfold. Rather, give sixty or thirty accord.. وستين ومئة ing to capacity and according to the talents given to you. According to the love that is in your heart you will offer. Let us offer to the Lord acceptable fruit: thirty, sixty, and hundred.
The Blessings of Love The Editorial Article by His Holiness Pope Tawadros II Keraza 16th June 2023 St. Paul the Apostle has set for us a basic canon for Christian conduct according to the commandment; he handed it down to his disciple St. Timothy and to us when he said, “Now the purpose of the commandment is love from a pure heart, from a good conscience, and from sincere faith” (1 Timothy 1:5). It is with this trilogy of life (love - conscience - faith) that the Christian man succeeds in the lifelong journey towards the kingdom. It is clear all the Pauline epistles revolve around these three [virtues] in various expressions and concepts without straying from their definitions, even when he spoke of pastoral care issues, such as the sinner of Corinth (1 Corinthians 5:1), or Philemon and the runaway bondservant, and others. In our historic visit to the Vatican on the commemoration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the first meeting between the two Churches in 1973 in Rome between Pope Shenouda III and Pope Paul VI, we relied on the basic canon set for us by St. Paul the Apostle. That is the purpose of the commandment is love from a pure heart, a good conscience, and faith without hypocrisy. Our speeches and homilies delivered during this visit (May 92023 ,14-), revolved around these original biblical themes. It was a very joyful meeting with H.H. Pope Francis and the fathers of the Catholic Church. We, the Coptic delegation, felt sentiments of gratitude, joy, and warm welcome through the love of Christ that brings us all together. Christian love was manifested in many instances during the visit, which made us live and experience the words of Saint Paul in reality. I would like to mention some of these events as a historical glorious record in the life of our holy Church: 1In the first meeting with Pope Francis in St. Peter’s Square, we approached each other with kisses of love. In a gentle gesture of love, His Holiness took hold of my encolpion (pectoral cross) that I was wearing and kissed the icon of the Virgin Mary on it. It was a sudden gesture for me and lasted a few seconds, yet carried many meanings, abundant love, and great humility as if it were a practical lesson in accepting the other 2In St. Peter’s Square, I delivered a spiritual word to the masses of the Catholics. Pope Francis introduced me to the present crowds and I gave my word in Arabic, which has been translated into several languages. His Holiness also delivered a welcome speech on this golden occasion. This weekly meeting which takes place at 10 am every Wednesday in the Vatican, is reserved only for Pope Francis, and no other speaker. Our speech was the first of its kind in the history of the Vatican in which I spoke to attendees of many nationalities. The whole event lasted about an hour and ended with both of us giving the apostolic blessing to the crowds present. 3As we entered St. Peter’s Square, the deacons of the Coptic Church sang the Hymn of the Resurrection “Xrictoc Anecth”, and it was warmly received. This marks the first time that a Coptic hymn was heard in front of an audience, including the Pope and the fathers of the Catholic Church 4The next day (Thursday, May 5th, 2023) was the private meeting in the office of H.H. Pope Francis. The conversation was on several topics in terms of Church service and God’s work, rejecting conflicts and wars, and the ability to cooperate in church activities in various social fields, while confirming that we pray for each other as was agreed upon in our previous meeting (May 2013) 5The meeting of the two delegations was led in Christ’s love, where a speech was given on the necessity of dialogues and visits for the path of unity. Pope Francis gave a speech expressing the meaning of Christian unity in which explained that it is not the dominance of one party over another, nor the absorption of one into the other, but it is walking together towards the kingdom
6Our gift to the Catholic Church was a box containing pieces of clothes of the Coptic martyrs in Libya that are smeared with their blood, and some of their hand zip ties during their martyrdom in February 2015, with official documents from the Church signed by me and His Eminence Metropolitan Bevnotious of Samalout - Minya, Egypt, the diocese of the village of Al-Awar from which these martyrs are 7It was then our surprise that when Pope Francis received the sacred relics of the martyrs, he paused, and then announced that he was going to erect an altar bearing the name of the Coptic martyrs in St. Peter’s Basilica. This was preceded by His Holiness canonizing these martyrs, and adding their story to the Synaxarion of the Catholic Church to celebrate them on February 15th of each year, which is the day set by our Holy Synod to celebrate contemporary martyrs annually 8Then another surprise came in which we were presented with a part of the relics of St. Catherine of Alexandria, the martyr, and virgin. We received it with respect and reverence to be placed in St. Katherine of Alexandria & St. Verena Convent of Diocese of Los Angeles – California, USA, which is currently in the initial steps of establishment, under the supervision of His Eminence Metropolitan Serapion of Los Angeles. The relics were presented to His Eminence during the meeting of the Immigration Lands Affairs Committee in Cairo on May 30th 9This was followed by a joint ecumenical prayer in the Roman Pope’s church, in which all the attendees participated in the hymns of the glorious Resurrection. In the end, we said goodbye to His Holiness with joy, in which case he again took hold of my encolpion and kissed it, affirming love and humility from a pure heart 10On the occasion of our visit, the Vatican issued a documentary book with photos in English about the journey of fifty years, beginning with the first step of Pope Shenouda III’s visit to Rome, his meeting with Pope Paul VI, and the issuance of a joint statement that was considered to be the basis for any future meetings, dialogues, and visits over the fifty years (19732023- AD). The book contains all the letters, words, and statements exchanged between the two churches 11Thereafter, we visited several Vatican offices: the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity, the Dicastery for the Eastern Churches, and the Secretaries-General of the Synod of the Catholic Church. In each meeting, eloquent words were said amid the welcome of the cardinal fathers responsible for each office 12In a strong gesture of love by Pope Francis, we were offered the Archbasilica of St. John Lateran (Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano) in Rome for prayer. This was the first time the head of another church prayed on its main altar as it is reserved only for the Roman Pope in which he prays his first liturgy after being entrusted with the Apostolic See. The main reason for this was to gather the Copts of Rome in one place since our churches have limited capacity. We prayed the Vespers Raising of Incense and the Liturgy of May 14th, 2023 in the presence of many officials of the Vatican, embassies, and Egyptian agencies affiliated with the embassy. Over two thousand people attended from many regions. The liturgy was heavenly and crowned with joy and thanksgiving It was a truly historic visit and a confirmation of the Day of Friendship between the two churches, that is the tenth of May every year, which marks the day Pope Kyrillos VI was ordained Pope in 1959, the day of Pope Shenouda III’s first visit to the Vatican in 1973, the day I visited the Vatican in 2013, and then our visit this year in 2023, is so that generations continue to work in love from a pure heart, a good conscience, and faith without hypocrisy, which is the purpose of Christ’s commandment to us. Pope Tawadros II Pope of Alexandria & Patriach of the See of St. Mark
Financial Summary for St. Mary’s Church New Project
Expression of Interest Enrolment Form: wXJj3fKVEksWzTJu5 (or scan the QR) - ٣ إستمارة التقديم للحضانة (سن ) سنوات٤ ٢٠٢٤ ابتداء من يناير الموضحQR أستخدم ال
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St. Mary’s Church group which attended the Melbourne City Council sitting to discuss the Church application on Tuesday 19th November 2019 Melbourne City Council approves St Mary’s Church application for a new services building including a Child Care Facility Tuesday 19th November 2019 We thank the Lord our God for these great news. We really felt the hand of the Lord and the Intercession of St. Mary and St. John Crysostom. Many thanks for this group which worked hard to getr project approved and starting. We like to stress that there are still have many work to be done in the next few months: we still need to complete: Internal financial analysis Obtain financial approval from the diocese management Obtain loan approval from the bank Finalise minor plan amendments Obtain and submit working drawings Have working drawings approved by council Produce tender documentation (full specifications) and release to builders Receive and evaluate tender responses from builders Negotiate with a builder Obtain demolition permit Etc This is several months worth of work.
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Blessed Engagement Matthew Awad & Veronia Ghali Saturday 11th November 2023 St Mary’s Church
Orientation Day Foundation 2024 St. Mary’s Coptic College
Building Site 31st Oct 2023
Construction of New Buildings started Thursday 28th April
The new Building is expected to be ready December 2023. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downloaded from church website.
Cost of building works is around $13,000,000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreciated. 2022 أبريل٢٨ أعمال اإلنشاءات بدات يوم الخميس خدمات الكنيسة تتم حسب المعتاد حسب.٢٠٢٣ .٢٠٢٣ من المتوقع االنتهاء من المشروع ديسمبر .الجدول الموضح داخل النشرة . مليون دوالرا١٣ تبلغ تكلفة المشروع حوالى ينكنك المشاركة بتبرع شهرى بملء أستمارة السحب البنكي الموجودة بالكنيسة أو طبعها من خالل مركز الكنيسة اإللكتروني الرب يبارك تبرعاتكم ومساهمتكم فى هذا العمل Donations to St Mary’s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link للتبرعات لكنيسة العذراء مريم ومشروع المباني أضغط على الرابط (Copy & Paste on Web Browser)