Weekly Bulletin 1st August 2021

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Services at St Mary’s Church Tuesday Liturgy 5:30 - 7am 8am The Way - Orthodox Fekkowship in Englisg for adults - All ages Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am Wednesday 6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults Arabic ; 7-8:15pm English Hymns Class Arabic 8-9pm Thursday English Midnight Praises 7:30pm English Bible Study 7:30pm Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am Friday Youth 25 and above 7-9pm Family Meeting 7-9pm (fortnightly) Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm Year 10-12 Sunday School 6-9pm Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 10:30am Saturday Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm Vespers & youth meeting 5.30 –7pm English Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:30-7pm Scouts 1:30 - 3pm School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm Sunday: Sunday 1st Mass 7 – 9.15am Arabic & English 2nd Mass 9.15 – 11.30am English 3rd Mass 9 – 11am Arabic Hymns Class - English 11:45 12:30pm Church Priests: Priests Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251 Email: frtadros@me.com Fr Habib Girgis Younan: 0401238177 – 94498871 Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail. com Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821 Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kensington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651

:‫مواعيد الخدمة بكنيسة العذراء‬

)‫ صباحا (أنجليزى‬7 - 5:30 ::‫األلهى‬ ‫ القداس األلهى‬:‫الثالثاء‬ ‫ ذا واى‬- ‫ مساء أجتامع للكبار باألنجليزى‬8 ‫ صباحا‬11 – 9 ‫ القداس األلهى‬:‫األربعاء‬ ‫األربعاء‬ ‫ عرىب‬- ‫ مساء مدرسة الشاممسة للكبار‬8 - 6:30 ‫ أنجليزى‬- ‫ مساء مدرسة الشاممسة‬8:15 - 7 ‫ عرىب‬- ‫مساء فصول ألحان‬9 - 8 :‫الخميس‬ ‫ مساء‬7:30 ‫ أنجليزى‬- ‫تسبحة نصف الليل‬ ‫ مساء‬7:30 ‫ أنجليزى‬- ‫درس الكتاب املقدس‬ ‫ صباحا‬11 – 9 ‫ القداس األلهى‬:‫الجمعة‬ ‫الجمعة‬ ‫ سنة فأك رث‬25 ‫ مساء الشباب‬9 – 7 )‫مساء أجتامع األرسة (كل أسبوعني‬9-7 ‫ أنجليزى‬- ‫ مساء أجتامع اعداد الخدمة‬8:30 - 7 12 - 10 ‫ مساء فصل مدرس األحد لسنوات‬9 - 6 ‫ صباحا‬10,30 – 8,30 ‫القداس األلهى‬:‫السبت‬ ‫السبت‬ ‫ مساء‬3 - 1:30 ‫اجتامع الكشافة‬ ‫ مساء‬4 - 3 ‫مدرسة الشاممسة‬ 5,30 – 4 ‫مدارس األحد‬ ‫ مساء انجليزى‬7 – 5,30 ‫العشية واجتامع الشباب‬ ‫ مساء عرىب‬7 - 5:30 ‫العشية ودرس كتاب‬ :‫األحد‬ ‫األحد‬ ‫ ص عرىب وانجليزى‬9,15 – 7 ‫القداس األول‬ ‫ ص – انجليزى‬11,30 – 9,15 ‫القداس الثاىن‬ ‫ ص عرىب‬11 – 9 ‫القداس الثالث‬ ‫ مساء‬12:30 - 11:45 ‫ أنجليزى‬- ‫فصل ألحان‬ :‫األباء الكهنة بالكنيسة‬ ‫األب القمص تادرس شاروبيم‬ 0414251251 Email: frtadros@me.com :‫األب القس حبيب جرجس يونان‬ 94498871Email: - 0401238177 habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com 0422431821 :‫األب القس مايكل صليب‬ Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Epsom Rd, Kensington 3031:‫عنوان الكنيسة‬ 93766651 :‫ تليفون‬5 Vic

Repose of St. Joseph the Carpenter ‫نياحة القديس يوسف البار‬ 2nd August - 26th Abib ‫ أبيب‬٢٦ - ‫ أغسطس‬٢ On this day, the righteous man St. Joseph, the ‫في مثل هذا اليوم تنيح القديس‬ carpenter, who was worthy to be called the father ‫البار الشيخ يوسف النجار الذي‬ of Christ in the flesh, departed at a good old age. ‫استحق أن يدعي أبا للمسيح‬ The Holy Gospel bore wit‫ هذا الذي شهد‬. ‫بالجسد‬ ness that he was a righteous ‫عنه اإلنجيل أنه كان‬ man, and God chose him to ‫صديقا وقد اختاره هللا‬ be betrothed to the all-pure, ‫ليكون خطيبا لكلية‬ our lady, the Virgin St. Mary. ‫الطهر سيدتنا مريم‬ When he finished his course, ‫العذراء فلما أكمل سعيه‬ his strife, his toil in the jour‫وجهاده وتعبه مع السيد‬ ney together with the Lord and ‫والسيدة بمجيئه بهما‬ the Virgin Lady from Beth‫من بيت لحم إلى أرض‬ lehem to the land of Egypt, ‫مصر وما قاساه من‬ and the tribulations that befell ‫ ولما حضر‬، ‫اليهود‬ him from the Jews, he depart‫الوقت الذي ينتقل فيه‬ ed in peace. When the time ‫من هذا العالم إلى عالم‬ came for him to depart from ‫اإلحياء حضر السيد‬ this world, to the world of the ‫المسيح نياحته ووضع‬ living, the Lord Christ was ‫يده علي عينيه وبسط‬ present at his departure, and laid His hand upon ‫يديه واسلم الروح ودفن في‬ his eyes. He extended his arms, and delivered up ‫قبر أبيه يعقوب وكانت جملة‬ his soul, and was buried in the tomb of his father ‫حياته مائة وإحدي عشرة سنة‬ Jacob. All the days of his life were one hundred 52‫ سنة غير متزوج و‬40 ‫منها‬ and eleven years; forty years before his marriage, ‫ سنة مترمال‬19‫سنة متزوجا و‬ fifty-two years married, and nineteen years a ‫وكانت نياحته في السنة السادسة‬، widow. His departure was in the sixteenth year of . ‫عشرة لميالد السيد المسيح‬ the advent of the Lord Christ. May his prayers be ‫ آمين‬. ‫صالته تكون معنا‬ with us. Amen. ‫نياحة القديسة مريم المجدلية‬

The Departure of St. Mary Magdalene. ‫ أبيب‬٢٨ - ‫ أغسطس‬٤ 4th August - 28th Abib ‫في مثل هذا اليوم تنيحت القديسة‬ On this day, St. Mary Magdalene, departed. The ‫ وهي التي تبعت‬، ‫مريم المجدلية‬ Lord Christ cast seven demons out of her, she ‫السيد المسيح فأخرج منها سبعة‬ followed Him, and she served Him during His ‫ فخدمته وقت آالمه‬، ‫شياطين‬ passion, crucifixion, death, and burial. She came ‫وصلبه وموته ودفنه وهي التي‬ early with the other Mary to the sepulcher, and ‫بكرت مع مريم األخرى إلى القبر‬ saw the stone had been rolled back and the angel ‫ورأت الحجر مدحرجا والمالك‬ was sitting on it. When they became frightened ‫جالسا عليه ولما خافتا قال لهما‬ the angel told them, «Do not be afraid, for I know ‫المالك ال تخافا فآني أعلم أنكما‬ that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is ‫تطلبان يسوع المصلوب ليس‬ not her; for He is risen.» (Matthew 28:1-7) The : 28 ‫هو ههنا ألنه قام « (مت‬ savior appeared to her and told her, «Go to my ‫ وهي التي ظهر لها‬. ) 7 – 1 brethren, and say to the, I ascend to my Father, ‫ « اذهبي‬: ‫المخلص وقال لها‬ and your Father; and to my God, and your God.» ‫وأعلمي اخوتي وقولي لهم إني‬ (John 20-17) ‫أصعد إلى أبي وأبيكم والهي‬ She came and told the disciples about the res‫ فأتت وبشرت التالميذ‬. « ‫ألهكم‬

urrection of the Lord, and after the ascension of the Lord, she remained ministering to the disciples. She received the gifts of the Spirit of Comfort, fulfilling the prophesy of Joel the prophet which said, «And it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions.» (Joel 2:28) This saint preached with the disciples, and brought back many women to the Faith of Christ. The apostles ordained her a deaconess, to teach the women, and to assist in their baptism. She received many insults and humiliation from the Jews, and she departed in peace while she was still ministering unto the disciples. May her prayers be with us and Glory be to God forever. Amen. The Martyrdom of St. Ouarshenoufa (Warshenofius). 5th August - 29th Abib On this day also, St. Ouarshenoufa (Warshenofius) was martyred. He was well learned, righteous, and pious. When they asked him to become a bishop, he fled to the city of Tahmoun (Galgamoun, or Dalgamoun), and spent the night there with two God loving, Christian brothers. The Angel of the Lord appeared to him, and told him to go to the governor, and confess Christ before him. When he woke up, he told the two brothers about the vision. They all agreed to go together to go to the governor. They came to the governor, confessed the Name of Christ before him, and he tortured them severely. Then he took them with him to Sanhour where he continued to torture them. Then he took them to the city of Sa, gathered all the confessors and read to them the edict of the emperor to worship the idols. St. Ouarshenoufa jumped and took the emperor’s edict and tore it to pieces. The governor was enraged and ordered him to be thrown in a fiery furnace and thus he received the crown of martyrdom.

‫بالقيامة وبعد صعود الرب بقيت‬ ‫في خدمة التالميذ‬ ‫ونالت مواهب الروح‬ ‫ فتمت بذلك‬. ‫المعزي‬ ‫نبوة يوئيل النبي القائلة‬ ‫ « ويكون بعد ذلك‬: ‫أني أسكب روحي علي‬ ‫كل بشر فيتنبأ بنوكم‬ ‫وبناتكم ويحلم شيوخكم‬ ‫أحالما ويري شبابكم‬ . )28 : 2 ‫رؤى « (يؤ‬ ‫هذه القديسة بشرت مع‬ ‫التالميذ وردت نساء‬ ‫كثيرات إلى اإليمان‬ ‫بالمسيح وأقامها الرسل‬ ‫شماسة لتعليم النساء‬ ‫ وقد‬. ‫وللمساعدة عند تعميدهن‬ ‫نالها من اليهود تعييرات وإهانات‬ ‫كثيرة وتنيحت بسالم وهي قائمة‬ .‫بخدمة التالميذ‬ ‫ ولربنا المجد‬. ‫صالتها تكون معنا‬ ‫ آمين‬. ‫دائما‬ ‫استشهاد القديس ورشنوفيوس‬ ‫ أبيب‬٢٩ - ‫ أغسطس‬٥ ‫في مثل هذا اليوم استشهد القديس‬ ‫ كان عالما تقيا‬. ‫ورشنوفيوس‬ ‫ورعا ولما طلبوه لألسقفية هرب‬ ‫إلى بلدة طحمون (ورد في‬ ‫مخطوط جلجمون وربما قصد‬ ‫ وبات عند أخوين‬. )‫دلجمون‬ ‫مسيحيين محبين هلل فظهر له مالك‬ ‫الرب وأمره أن يمضي إلى الوالي‬ ‫ ولما استيقظ‬، ‫ويعترف بالمسيح‬ ‫أعلم األخوين بما رأي فاتفقوا معا‬ ‫وأتوا إلى الوالي واعترفوا باسم‬ ‫المسيح فعذبهم كثيرا ثم أخذهم‬ ‫معه إلى سنهور حيث عذبهم أيضا‬ ‫ثم أخذهم إلى صا وجمع جميع‬ ‫المعترفين وقرأ عليهم أمر الملك‬ ‫بعبادة األوثان فوثب هذا القديس‬ ‫وخطف السجل وقطعه فغضب‬ ‫الوالي وأمر بطرحه في أتون‬ . ‫ وهكذا نال إكليل الشهادة‬. ‫النار‬ ‫ ولربنا المجد‬. ‫صالته تكون معنا‬ ‫ آمين‬. ‫دائما‬ ‫استشهاد القديس ابالى بن يسطس‬

May his prayers be with us, and Glory be to God ‫ مسرى‬١ - ‫ أغسطس‬٧ forever, Amen. ‫في مثل هذا اليوم استشهد‬ The Martyrdom of St. Apoli, Son of Justus. ‫القديس أبالي بن يسطس ابن‬ 7th August - 1st Mesra ‫ كان هذا‬. ‫الملك نورماريوس‬ On this day, St. Apoli (Aboli), son of Justus, son of ‫القديس ولي عهد مملكة الروم‬ Emperor Nomarius, was martyred. This Saint was ‫وقد تغيب في الحرب ولما عاد‬ the crown prince of the Roman empire. He was ‫إلى إنطاكية وجد دقلديانوس‬ away in war, and when he returned to Antioch, he ‫قد أقام عبادة األوثان ومع‬ found Diocletian had already established the pagan ‫أن أبالي كان قادرا علي قتله‬ worship of idols. Although Apoli was capable of ‫وأخذ المملكة منه إال أنه اختار‬ killing him and taking the empire over from him, ‫المملكة الباقية التي ال تزول‬ he preferred the heavenly everlasting kingdom. St. ‫فتقدم إلى دقلديانوس واعترف‬ Apoli came forward, and confessed Christ before ‫بالمسيح فالطفه دقلديانوس‬ Diocletian. In the beginning, Diocletian handled ‫كثيرا وأذ لم يفلح في جذبه‬ him gently, but when he failed to attract him to ‫إلى عبادة األوثان نفاه مع‬ the worship of the idols, he banished him along ‫أبيه يسطس وأمه ثاؤكليه إلى‬ with his father, Justus, and his mother, Theoclia ‫مدينة اإلسكندرية وكتب إلى‬ to the city of Alexandria. He wrote to Armanius, ‫أرمانيوس واليها بأن يالطفهم‬ its governor, to persuade them to offer sacrifice to ‫ وأن عصوا يفرق‬، ‫أوال‬ the gods, and if they refuse, to separate them from ‫بينهم والن أرمانيوس الوالي‬ each other. ‫كان يعرف منزلتهم الملكية‬ Armanius, knowing their royal positions, sent ‫فقد أرسل يسطس إلى أنصنا‬ Justus (the father) to Ansena (Antinoe), his wife ‫وزوجته إلى صا وأبالي ابنه‬ to the city of Sa, and Apoli, their son, to Basta. He ‫إلى بسطة وترك لكل واحد‬ also left to each of them one of their servants to ‫ ولما أتي‬. ‫منهم غالما يخدمه‬ minister unto them. When Apoli arrived in the city ‫أبالي إلى بسطة وأعترف‬ of Basta, he confessed Christ before its governor ‫بالمسيح عذبه الوالي عذابا‬ who tortured him severely. He beat him, burned ‫أليما بالضرب والحرق وتقطيع‬ him, and dismembered him. When the governor ‫األعضاء ولما رأي الوالي‬ saw that many became Christians because of what ‫أن كثيرين يؤمنون بسبب ما‬ they saw from the steadfastness of the Saint to the ‫رأوا من ثبات هذا القديس علي‬ tortures, and that the Lord was healing him from ‫التعذيب وأن الرب كان يشفيه‬ his wounds, he ordered to cut off his holy head, ‫ أمر بقطع رأسه‬، ‫من جراحاته‬ and thus received the crown of martyrdom. ‫المقدس فنال إكليل الشهادة‬ May his prayers be with us. Amen. ‫ آمين‬. ‫صالته تكون معنا‬ The Departure of St. Kyrillos V (Cyril), 112th ‫نياحة البابا القديس كريلس الخامس‬ Pope of Alexandria. ‫بابا اإلسكندرية املائة الثاين عرش‬ 7th August - 1st Mesra ‫ مرسى‬١ - ‫ أغسطس‬٧ On this day also, of the year 1643 A.M. (August 1643 ‫ويف مثل هذا اليوم من سنة‬ 7, 1927 A.D.) the righteous and honorable father ) ‫ م‬1927 ‫ أغسطس سنة‬7 ( ‫ش‬ Pope Kyrillos V, 112th Pope of Alexandria, depart- ‫تنيح األب التقي الجليل البابا كريلس‬ ed. This father was born in the city of Tezment, ‫الخامس املائة والثاين عرش من باباوات‬ governorate of Beni-Swaif in 1831 A.D. His pious ‫ ولد هذا األب يف‬.‫الكرازة املرقسية‬ parents named him John, brought him up well, and ‫مدينة تزمنت مبحافظة بني سويف‬ raised him up in the Christian morals. He had a ‫ م من أبوين تقيني فسمياه‬1831 ‫سنة‬ strong desire to study the Holy Bible and the biog- ‫يوحنا وربياه أحسن تربية وأنشأه عيل‬ raphy of the saints.

‫اآلداب املسيحية وكان ذا ميل شديد‬ When he was 12 years old, in 1843 A.D., he was ‫وأخبار‬ ‫إىل الدراسة يف الكتاب املقدس‬ ordained a deacon and carried the deaconate . ‫القديسني‬ duties ardently. Because he was inclined at a ‫وهو‬ ‫شامسا‬ ‫رسم‬ ‫م‬ 1843 ‫ويف سنة‬ young age to the life of asceticism, and solitary ‫بخدمة‬ ‫فقام‬ ‫سنة‬ ‫عرشة‬ ‫اثنتي‬ ‫ابن‬ life, he left the world, and went to St. Mary›s ‫مياال‬ ‫كان‬ ‫وملا‬ . ‫قيام‬ ‫خري‬ ‫الشامسية‬ monastery (Known by El-Sourian) in Wadi ElNatrun. There he became a disciple to the spiritual ‫بطبعه الفطري إىل الزهد والتقشف‬ elder, the hegumen, Fr. Girgis El-Far, the father ‫وحب الوحدة فقد ترك العامل وقصد دير‬ of confession of the monks. When John›s father ‫السيدة العذراء الشهري بالرسيان بوادي‬ ‫ وهناك تتلمذ لألب الشيخ‬، ‫النطرون‬ discovered where he was, he came to the mon‫الروحي القمص جرجس الفار أب‬ astery and brought him back, but because of his ‫فحرض‬ ‫اعرتاف الرهبان وعلم أبوه مبكانه‬ love for the ascetic life, he did not stay long. He ‫الذي‬ ‫إليه وأخذه ولكن حب النسك‬ returned to the wilderness, and became a monk at ‫قليال‬ ‫يلبث‬ ‫كان متملكا عليه مل يدعه‬ El-Baramous monastery in the year 1850 A.D. He ‫فعاد إىل الربية وترهب‬ excelled in his monastic duties ‫يف دير الربموس سنة‬ and became known for his ‫القيام‬ ‫ فأحسن‬. ‫ م‬1850 asceticism, purity, and gen‫واشتهر‬ ‫بواجبات الرهبنة‬ tleness, and became a good ‫والحلم‬ ‫بالنسك والعفة‬ paragon to the other monks. ‫صالحة‬ ‫قدوة‬ ‫حتى أصبح‬ He was ordained a priest in ‫فرسموه‬ ‫الرهبان‬ ‫لسائر‬ 1851 A.D., then promoted to ‫ثم‬ ‫م‬ 1851 ‫سنة‬ ‫قسا‬ Hegumen (Archpriest) in 1852 ‫وكان‬ ‫م‬ 1852 ‫سنة‬ ‫قمصا‬ A.D. The number of monks in ‫عدد الدير يف ذلك الوقت‬ the monastery then was small ‫قليال جدا وإيراد الدير‬ and its income was very little. ‫فكان‬ ‫يكاد يكون معدوما‬ This Father worked hard in ‫يف‬ ‫ويجد‬ ‫هذا األب يكد‬ transcribing and selling books ‫وتقدميها‬ ‫نسخ الكتب‬ to churches. The income was ‫مثنها‬ ‫ويرصف‬ ‫للكنائس‬ used to buy the necessities of ‫الرهبان‬ ‫طلبات‬ ‫عيل‬ the monks, such as food and ‫وذاعت‬ ‫وكسوة‬ ‫أكل‬ ‫من‬ clothing. ‫وحلم‬ ‫علم‬ ‫من‬ ‫فضائله‬ His virtues of knowledge, ‫وتقوي فرسم بطريركا يف‬ righteousness, and gentle( ‫ ش‬1591 ‫ بابه سنة‬23 ness became well known. 1874 ‫أول نوفمرب سنة‬ He was ordained a Patriarch, ‫م ) باحتفال مهيب‬ in the 23rd of Babah, 1591 ‫الكنائس‬ ‫ببناء‬ ‫االهتامم‬ ‫فوجه عنايته إىل‬ A.M. (November 1st, 1874 A.D.) in a venerable ‫اء‬ ‫ر‬ ‫الفق‬ ‫عيل‬ ‫والعطف‬ ‫وتجديد األديرة‬ celebration. He directed his attention to building ‫سنة‬ ‫ويف‬ . ‫الرهبان‬ ‫بشئون‬ ‫والعناية‬ churches, renovating monasteries, being merci‫يف‬ ‫يفرط‬ ‫أن‬ ‫من‬ ‫ينفي‬ ‫أن‬ ‫فضل‬ ‫ م‬1892 ful to the poor, and caring for the affairs of the ‫يؤنس‬ ‫األنبا‬ ‫معه‬ ‫نفي‬ ‫كام‬ ‫الرهبان‬ ‫أمالك‬ monks. In 1892 A.D., he chose to be exiled, rather ‫ازة‬ ‫ر‬ ‫الك‬ ‫ووكيل‬ ‫واملنوفية‬ ‫البحرية‬ ‫ان‬ ‫مطر‬ than to squander the properties of the monaster‫االثنان‬ ‫عاد‬ ‫ذلك‬ ‫وبعد‬ ‫وقتئذ‬ ‫املرقسية‬ ies. Anba Youanis, Metropolitan of El-Behara, . ‫من منفاهام بإكرام واحرتام زائدين‬ Menoufia, and then the deputy of the See of St. ‫وقد ازدانت الكنيسة يف عرصه‬ Mark, was also exiled with him. Afterwards, both ‫العظيم‬ ‫األب‬ ‫ منهم‬: ‫بالقديسني والعلامء‬ returned from their exile with much respect and ‫األنبا‬ ‫واإلحسان‬ ‫رجل الطهر والوداعة‬ honor.

During his papacy the church was adorned by ‫ابرآم مطران كريس الفيوم (كتب‬ knowledgeable and holy men: among them was )‫تاريخه تحت اليوم الثالث من مرسى‬ the great father, the man of purity, meekness, and ‫هذا الحرب الذي بلغت فضائله حدا‬ charity, Anba Abraam, Bishop of El-Fayoum. ‫بعيدا من الذيوع واالنتشار وبلغ من‬ This bishop›s virtues had spread vastly, and his ‫تناهيه يف اإلحسان عيل الفقراء وذوى‬ almsgiving to the poor had reached a point where ‫الحاجات أنه مل يكن يدخر نقودا بل‬ he did not save any money. All the donations he ‫كان كل ما يقدمه له أهل الخري يوزعه‬ received from the benevolent, he gave to the poor ‫عيل املحتاجني وله من العجائب التي‬ and needy. He also performed many wonders such ‫أجراها يف إخراج الشياطني وشفاء‬ as healing the sick and casting out evil spirits. . ‫املريض اليشء الكثري‬ Another was the well learned, great theologian ‫ومن العلامء األب الالهويت الخطري‬ and skillful orator, the Hegumen (Archpriest) ‫والخطيب القدير االيغومانس‬ Philotheos Ibrahim El-Tantawy, rector of the great ‫فيلوثاؤس ابراهيم الطنطاوي رئيس‬ St. Mark Church. Also, the well learned father the ‫الكنيسة املرقسية الكربى واألب العامل‬ honorable and the ascetic monk the Hegumen Fr. ‫الجليل والراهب الناسك الزاهد القمص‬ Abdel Messih Saleeb El-Baramousy, who was well ‫عبد املسيح صليب الربمويس الذي‬ educated in Coptic, Ethiopian, Greek, and Syrian ‫كان ملام إملاما تاما باللغات القبطية‬ languages. He also knew some French and Eng‫والحبشية واليونانية والرسيانية وقليل‬ lish. He was characterized with immeasurable pa‫من الفرنسية واإلنجليزية وقد تحيل‬ tience in research and examining religious books. ‫بصرب ال يجاري يف البحث والتنقيب يف‬ In return, he left valuable publications which speak ‫ثنايا الكتب الدينية فرتك مؤلفات مثينة‬ of his prominence. . ‫تنطق بفضله‬ Pope Kyrillos appointed the late Habib Girgis, ‫وقد اتخذ البابا كريلس املرحوم‬ who was the dean of the theological seminary, to ‫حبيب جرجس الذي كان مديرا للكية‬ be his deacon. He dedicated his life to the semi‫ فكرس حياته‬: ‫االكلرييكية شامسا له‬ nary and its improvement. Mr. Girgis assisted the ‫للكلية ونهض بها وساعد البابا يف‬ Pope in expanding its buildings in Mahmasha. ‫توسيع مبانيها مبهمشة وكان البابا‬ Pope Kyrillos often visited the seminary and bless‫يزورها ليبارك طلبتها وكان هذا‬ ed its students. This deacon was a skillful speaker. ‫الشامس واعظا قديرا رافق البابا يف‬ He accompanied the Pope in his pastoral visits ‫رحالته إىل الصعيد والسودان وقام‬ to Upper Egypt and Sudan. He translated many ‫برتجمة الكتب الدينية من اللغات‬ religious books from foreign languages to Arabic ‫األجنبية إىل العربية وأصدر مجلة‬ and published El-Karma periodical, to spread the ‫الكرمة لنرش الحقائق اإلميانية بأسلوب‬ facts of the faith in a positive way. He published ‫ كتاب‬: ‫ وألف كتبا كثرية منها‬. ‫إيجايب‬ many books, among them were: The Seven Sacra‫أرسار الكنيسة السبعة وكتاب عزاء‬ ments of the Church, The Consoler of the Faithful, ‫املؤمنني ورس التقوى وغريها وقد علم‬ The Mystery of Piety, and many others. He taught ‫وريب أجياال كثرية من رجال الدين‬ and nurtured many generations of clerical men ‫الذين نهضوا بالكنيسة وملئوا منابرها‬ who flourished in the church and filled it with their ‫بالوعظ وإصدار املؤلفات الدينية‬ sermons and religious publications. ‫وقد بذل البابا البطريرك أقيص جهده‬. The Pope gave the utmost of his efforts to lift his ‫يف النهوض بشعبه إىل أرقي مستوي‬ flock to the highest spiritual level, as he was pru. ‫كام أهتم بطبع الكتب الكنيسة‬ dent in printing the church books. He departed in ‫وتنيح بسالم بعد ان قيض عيل كريس‬ peace, after spending fifty-two years, nine months ‫البطريركية اثنتني وخمسني سنة‬ and six days on the Patriarchal chair. . ‫وتسعة أشهر وستة أيام‬ May his prayers be with us and Glory be to God ‫ ولربنا املجد دامئا‬. ‫صالته تكون معنا‬ forever. Amen. ‫ آمني‬.

Fourth Sunday of the blessed month of Epip ‫االحد الرابع من شهر أبيب‬ Today is Sunday 1st August 2021 - 25 Abib ... ‫االمبارك‬ 1738 is the fourth Sunday of the blessed month - ٢٠٢١ ‫ أغسطس‬١ ‫اليوم األحد‬ of Epip and the readings of the Divine Liturgy ‫ هو األحد الرابع‬١٧٣٧ ‫ أبيب‬٢٥ today are ‫من شهر أبيب المبارك وقراءات‬ Pauline:: Philippians 1:27-2:11” Therefore Pauline ‫القداس األلهي اليوم هي‬ if there is any consolation in Christ, if any ١١ :٢ - ٢٧ :١ ‫ فيلبى‬:‫البولس‬ ‫البولس‬ comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, ‫فان كان وعظ ما فى المسيح ان‬ if any affection and mercy, fulfil my joy by ‫كان عزاء ما للمحبة ان كانت‬ being like-minded.” ‫شركة ما فى الروح ان كانت‬ Catholicon:: 1 Peter 1:25 - 2:10. “As newborn ‫أحشاء ورأفة فتمموا فرحى حتى‬ Catholicon babes, desire the pure milk of the word that you ‫تفتكروا فكرا واحدا‬ may grow thereby.” :١ ‫األولى‬ ‫بطرس‬ :‫الكاثوليكون‬ ‫الكاثوليكون‬ Acts:: Acts of the Apostles 19:11-22 “Now Acts ‫مولودين‬ ‫وكأطفال‬ 10 :٢ - ٢٥ God worked unusual miracles by the hands ‫االن اشتهوا اللبن العقلي العديم‬ of Paul, so that even handkerchiefs or aprons ‫الغش لكي تنموا به للخالص‬ were brought from his body to the sick, and the :١٩ ‫ أعمال الرسل‬:‫األبركسيس‬ ‫األبركسيس‬ diseases left them and the evil spirits went out ‫على‬ ‫يصنع‬ ‫هللا‬ ‫وكان‬ ٢٢ - ١١ of them.” ‫يدى بولس قوات كثيرة حتى‬ The Holy Gospel: Gospel: John 11:1-40 “I am the ‫ومآزر‬ ‫أنهم كانوا يأخذون مناديل‬ resurrection and the life. He who believes in ‫على‬ ‫ويضعونها‬ ‫من على جسده‬ Me, though he may die, he shall live.” ‫األمراض‬ ‫عنهم‬ ‫فتزول‬ ‫المرضى‬ It is the part on the miracle of raising Lazarus - ١ :١١ ‫ يوحنا‬:‫المقدس‬ ‫األنجيل المقدس‬ four days after his death. It is one of the clear miracles that prove and testify to the divinity ‫ أنا هو القيامة والحياة من آمن‬٤٠ ‫بى ولو مات فسيحيا‬ of the Lord Jesus with strength. The Lord here meets with us in three cases that we encounter ‫وهو فصل معجزة اقامة لعازر‬ in our lives; a condition of illness, a condition ‫ وهي‬...‫من بعد موته بأربعة أيام‬ of death, and a condition of resurrection. resurrection. We ‫من المعجزات الواضحة التي‬ find in the story of Lazarus’ resurrection the ‫تثبت وتشهد لالهوت الرب يسوع‬ three cases are clear; Lazarus the sick, Lazarus ‫ وهنا يتقابل الرب معنا في‬..‫بقوة‬ the buried in the tomb, and Lazarus the risen. ‫ثالث حاالت نتعرض لها في‬ The first case represents the person exposed ‫ حالة‬...‫ حالة ا لمرض‬..‫حياتنا‬ in temptation; temptation; falling under the trial that passes ‫ ونجد‬...‫ حالة القيامة‬..‫الموت‬ in the furnace of misfortunes and tribulations. ‫في قصة اقامة لعازر الحاالت‬ For example, Job at the beginning of his trials, ‫ لعازر المريض‬....‫الثالثة واضحة‬ where the temptation has not yet touched ‫ولعازر المدفون في القبر لعازر‬ his body, in which also the Christian man is ...‫القائم من الموت‬ patient. So we find Job patient with gratitude. ‫اإلنسان‬ ‫تمثال‬ ‫الحالة االولى‬ And we find St. Paul carrying in him a thorn in ..... ‫المعرض للتجربة‬ the flesh with joy and patience. But the power ‫يمر‬ ‫الذي‬ ‫الوقوع تحت االختبار‬ of God is working powerfully in his body; the .....‫والضيقات‬ ‫في أتون التجارب‬ handkerchiefs and aprons taken from his body ‫تجاربه‬ ‫بداية‬ ‫في‬ ‫ومثال ذلك أيوب‬ heal diseases and expel evil spirits. ‫حيث لم تمس التجربة جسده‬ One of the saints was so longing to experience

the disease that he asked the Lord to grant ‫ وفيها يتجلد اإلنسان المسيحي‬..‫بعد‬ him the disease of a leper. And he set out to ‫ فنجد أيوب صابرا محتمال‬...‫تجلدا‬ serve the lepers with joy and patience until ‫ ونجد بولس يحمل معه‬...‫بشكر‬ the disease struck him, so she accepted it ‫شوكة في الجسد في فرح وصبر‬ with thankful joy. Saint Anba Samuel the ‫ويحس بقوة هللا تعمل بقوة في‬ Confessor before he was sold as a slave and ‫جسده فالمناديل والمآزر المأخوذة‬ one of his eyes got blind, he was tied up with ‫من جسده تشفى األمراض وتخرج‬ a hard-hearted maidservant, but his tongue ..‫األرواح الشريرة‬ was always rejoicing. And he became a ‫أحد القديسين كان يشتاق الي تجربة‬ blessing for everyone around him. St. James ‫المرض لدرجة انه طلب من الرب‬ the Persian the sawnsawn- Asunder; they cut off ...‫أن يهبه مرض انسان مجذوم‬ all his limbs, and this did not prevent him ‫وانطلق يخدم مرضى الجذام بفرح‬ from praying and thanking God for His love ‫وصبر حتى‬ to him, apologizing that he had neither hands ‫اصابه المرض فتقبله‬...‫شاكرا‬ ‫فرحا‬ to raise nor feet to stand on, but he still had a ...‫القديس االنبا صموئيل المعترف‬ tongue of thanksgiving. ‫ وتفقع أحد‬...‫قبل ان يباع عبدا‬ The pure substance of the Christian man ‫قاسية‬ ‫ وان يربط مع جارية‬...‫عينيه‬ appears in a time of trial and a time of ‫متهلال‬ ‫القلب وكان لسانه دائما‬ adversity. Mary and Martha stood before the ..‫ وصار بركة لكل من حوله‬...‫فرحا‬ sick Lazarus, not in despair or in worldly ‫القديس يعقوب المقطع قطعوا كل‬ grief, but with all hope and confidence they ‫اعضاءه ولم يمنعه هذا عن أن‬ sent a very brief message to the Lord Jesus ‫له‬ ‫يصلى ويشكر هللا على محبته‬ ‘Lord, behold, the one You love is sick’. In the time of illness, they remembered God’s ‫معتذرا أن ليس له يدين يرفعها وال‬ love for them. The very special love; behold, ‫رجلية يقف عليهما ولكن مازال له‬ ‫لسان يشكر‬ the one you love is sick. A special love distinct from every other love. It is enough to ‫المعدن النقي لإلنسان المسيحي‬ remind God of His love for us and with this ‫يظهر في وقت التجربة ووقت‬ love we do not need to ask for anything. We ‫ مريم ومرثا وقفتا أمام‬....‫الشدائد‬ know the extent of his love and in boldness ‫لعازر المريض ليس في يأس وال‬ for this love we ask and we are sure that He ‫ لكن بكل رجاء‬...‫في حزن عالمي‬ will give the best and most wonderful things ‫وثقة ارسلتا رسالة مختصرة جدا‬ that love offers. With the sick Lazarus we find ‫ يارب هوذا الذي‬...‫الي الرب يسوع‬ the phrase, “Behold, the one You love is sick. ..‫تحبه مريض‬ The second condition or stage is the state of ‫في وقت المرض تذكروا محبة هللا‬ death. Lazarus in the grave, there is no hope ‫ هوذا‬...‫ المحبة الخاصة جدا‬...‫لهم‬ in the world. King Hezekiah once became ‫ محبة خاصة‬...‫الذي تحبه مرض‬ in the same situation; he heard with his ears ‫ يكفي‬...‫مميزة عن كل محبه أخري‬ the testimony of his death “Set your house in ‫ ومع هذه‬...‫ان نذكر هللا بمحبته لنا‬ order, for you shall die and not live” (Isaiah ‫المحبة ال نحتاج أن نطلب شيئا‬ 38:1). Job heard it from his wife; “Do you ‫هذا‬ ‫وبداله‬ ‫ اننا نعلم مقدار حبه‬...‫أبدا‬ still hold fast to your integrity? Curse God ‫يقدم‬ ‫سوف‬ ‫الحب نطلب ونتأكد أنه‬ and die “(Job 2:9). A similar situation in ‫مع‬ ...‫المحبة‬ ‫تقدمه‬ ‫أحسن وأروع ما‬ which Paul the Apostle went through when ‫ نجد عبارة هوذا‬...‫لعازر المريض‬ the people stoned him and left him thinking

that he was dead (Acts 14:19). Perhaps ..‫الذي تحبه مريض‬ Paul the Apostle went through this state of ‫ هي حالة‬...‫الحالة او المرحلة الثانية‬ death while he was thankful to God, as he ‫ ال رجاء‬...‫ لعازر في القبر‬....‫الموت‬ ‫الموت‬ witnessed before St. Stephen expressing it ..‫في العالم‬ with gratitude and joy forgiving to those ‫صار حزقيا الملك يوما في نفس‬ who stoned him. St. Paul is proud of it ..‫ يسمع بأذنيه شهادة موته‬...‫الموقف‬ saying: “For I bear in my body the marks »‫«أوص بيتك ألنك تموت وال تعيش‬ of the Lord Jesus” (Galatians 6:17). St. ... )١ :٣٨ ‫(أشعياء‬ Polycarp entered the fire with his feet ‫ «أنت‬...‫سمعها أيوب من زوجته‬ saying ‘for 85 years I worship God and »!‫متمسك بعد بكمالك بارك هللا ومت‬ I did not see a single day in which He ... )٩ :٢ ‫(أيوب‬ abandoned me, shall I leave him now?’ And ‫حالة مر بها بولس الرسول عندما‬ the fire became a crown around him, dying ‫رجمه األهالي وتركوه ظانين انه ميت‬ slowly, but did not burn his body. The three ‫ ربما مر بولس‬... )١٩ :١٤ ‫(أعمال‬ young men entered the furnace of fire, passing through the valley of the shadow of ‫الرسول بحالة الموت هذه وهو يشكر‬ death. With them there was a Fourth, like ‫هللا فقد شاهد من قبل القديس أستفانوس‬ a Son of God (Daniel 3:25). David sensed ... ‫يعبر بها شاكرا فرحا غافرا لراجميه‬ the presence of God and said in the psalm, ‫ «أنى‬:‫ويفتخر بها القديس بولس قائال‬ »‫حامل في جسدي سمات الرب يسوع‬ “If I walk in the valley of the shadow of )١٧ :٦ ‫(غالطية‬ death, I will fear no evil, for You are with ‫النار‬ ‫في‬ ‫بوليكاربوس‬ ‫دخل القديس‬ me” (Psalm 23:4). ‫أعبد‬ ‫سنة‬ ٨٥ ‫لي‬ ‫يقول‬ ‫بقدميه وهو‬ And while Lazarus crosses the valley of ‫هللا ولم أري فيها يوما واحد تخلى فيه‬ death, faith still speaks in the mouth of ‫ وصارت النار‬..‫ فهل أتركه اآلن‬...‫عني‬ Mary and Martha, ‘O Lord, if you were here, my brother would not have died. The ‫هالة من حوله تشويه شويا وال تحرق‬ Lord reassures them and strengthens them; ...‫جسده‬ “I am the resurrection and the life. life. He ... ‫دخل الفتية الثالثة في أتون النار‬ who believes in Me, though he may die, ‫ ومعهم‬...‫عابرين وادي ظل الموت‬ he shall live”. And at the grave the Lord )٢٥ :٣ ‫رابع شبيه باين اآللهة (دانيال‬ shares our sorrows. He weeps because of ... our grief, and not over a dead person who ‫أحس داود بهذا وخبر في المزمور‬ knows He will rise. He cries for His love ‫قائال «ان سرت في وادي ظل الموت‬ for us in us. Our Lord is very gentle. Look ‫ال أخاف شرا ألنك أنت معي» (مزمور‬ how He loved him. ..)٤: ٢٣ In the third stage with the power of His ..‫وبينما لعازر يعبر وادي الموت‬ divinity, The Lord commands Lazarus to ‫مازال االيمان يتكلم في فم مريم ومرثا‬ go out “Lazarus, come forth!” and we meet ...‫يا سيد لو كنت ههنا لم يمت أخي‬ the resurrected Lazarus, the new Lazarus. ‫ انا هو‬...‫والرب يطمئنهم ويقويهم‬ He is an example of the Christian person ‫ من آمن بى‬...‫القيامة والحق والحياة‬ emerging from the baptismal font rising ‫ وعند القبر يشارك‬..‫ولو مات فسيحا‬ from the death of the world, renewed in a ‫حزننا‬ ‫ أنه يبكي ن أجل‬..‫الرب أحزاننا‬ new life with the Lord Jesus. And in the ‫سوف‬ ‫أنه‬ ‫وليس على ميت يعرف الرب‬ thought of the resurrection, the children of ...‫ يبكي من أجل حبه لنا فينا‬...‫يقوم‬ God live like Paul, who looks up to heaven

in longing, saying, “ having a desire ‫ انظروا كيف كان‬..‫ان الرب رقيق جدا‬ to depart and be with Christ, which ....‫يحبه‬ is far better” (Philippians 1:23). And ‫ وبقوة الهوته يأمر‬..‫الثالثة‬ ‫وفى المرحلة الثالثة‬ the prophet says in the Old Testament, ..‫ هلم خارجا‬..‫الرب لعازر بالخروج‬ “For Your servants take pleasure in her ...‫ونتقابل مع لعازر القائم من األموات‬ stones, and show favour to her dust” ‫ وهو مثال لإلنسان‬...‫لعازر الجديد‬ (Psalms 102:14). And like the bride of ‫ قائما من‬..‫المسيحي الخارج من العمودية‬ the song pleading with her lover, saying: ‫موت العالم متجددا في حياة جديدة مع‬ “Tell me, O you whom I love, where ‫الرب يسوع محي أنفسنا‬ you feed your flock, where you make ‫ مثل‬...‫وفى فكر القيامة يعيش أوالد هللا‬ it rest at noon tell me” (Song 1:7). And ‫بولس الذي يتطلع الى السماء في شوق‬ like St. John the Theologian, he looks ‫قائال «لي اشتياق أن انطلق واكون مع‬ anxiously and longingly and meditates ..)٢٣ :١ ‫ ذاك أفضل جدا» (في‬...‫المسيح‬ on heaven saying “Then I saw a new ‫عبيدك‬ ‫ويقول النبي في العهد القديم «ألن‬ heaven and a new earth” (Revelation ‫يا رب قد سروا بحجارتها وحنوا الي‬ 21:1). The heavenly Jerusalem is like ‫ومثل‬ ... )١٤ :١٠٢ ‫ترابها» (مزامير‬ a bride prepared to receive her Groom. ‫«أخبرني‬ ‫قائلة‬ ‫عروس النشيد تناجي حبيبها‬ Like the saints looking at our heavenly ‫تربض‬ ‫أين‬ ‫يامن تحبه نفسي أين ترعي‬ inheritance which it does not perish ‫ ومثل‬... )٧ :١ ‫عند الظهيرة» (نش‬ seeking a better portion “ wandered in ‫لهفة‬ ‫القديس يوحنا الالهوتي ينظر في‬ deserts and mountains, in dens and caves ‫رأيت‬ ‫«ثم‬ ... ‫وشوق ويتأمل في السماء‬ of the earth because of the greatness of :٢١ ‫(رؤيا‬ »‫سماء جديدة وأرضا جديدة‬ their love in the King Christ (Hebrews ‫ أورشيلم السمائية مثل عروس مهيئة‬..)١ 11:38). Their eyes set daily on heaven, ‫مثل القديسين ناظرين‬...‫الستقبال عريسها‬ waiting for Him who proceeded to prepare a place for us. Who will come in ‫ طالبين‬...‫الى ميراثنا السماوي الذي ال يفني‬ the clouds, and every eye shall see Him, ‫ «تائهين في برارى وجبال‬..‫نصيبا أفضل‬ comforting one another, saying “The ‫وشقوق االرض من أجل عظم محبتهم‬ Lord is near” ..)٣٨ :١١ ‫ (عبرانيين‬:‫في الملك المسيح‬ Very strange and marvellous is the ‫تتعلق أنظارهم كل يوم بالسماء منتظرين‬ thought of the resurrection. It captured ‫ الذي سوف‬...‫ذاك الذي سبق ليعد لنا مكانا‬ the minds of the saints, occupied their ‫ معزين‬..‫يأتي في السحاب وتنظره كل عين‬ hearts, and set out to be away from ‫ عجيب‬...‫بعضهم بعضا قائلين الرب قريب‬ the whole world on a journey of love ‫وعجيب جدا هو فكر القيامة لقد أسر عقول‬ for Him Who loved them first. They ‫القديسين وشغل قلوبهم وانطلقوا متغربين‬ arose high like eagles over the whole ‫عن العالم كله في رحلة حب لمن أحبهم‬ world, and the earth and everything in it ‫ وارتفعوا مثل النسور فوق العالم‬..‫أوال‬ diminished before them until it became ‫كله وتضاءلت عندهم األرض وكل ما فيها‬ just a waste. Let us arise and become ..‫حتى صارت مجرد نفاية‬ with our heavenly Beloved; from the ‫ من‬..‫لننطلق ونصير مع حبيبنا السماوي‬ stage of trial, sickness of Lazarus, to ‫ لعا زر المريض الي‬..‫مرحلة التجربة‬ the stage of death with him. Let us arise ...‫القبر‬ ‫ لعا زر في‬...‫مرحلة الموت معه‬ in the horizons of His glory, from the ‫الى‬ ‫االموات‬ ‫الى آفاق مجده قائمين معه من‬ dead, to the joy and glory that cannot be ...‫فرح ومجد ال ينطق به‬ uttered.

St. Mary’s Motherhood & the Incarnation Fr Tadros Malaty Fr. John Damascene summed up our belief in the “Theotokos” by saying, “This name contains the whole mystery of the Incarnation”. St. Gregory Nazianzus declared the necessity of giving St. Mary her right of motherhood, as a result of our belief in the divine Incarnation: “If anyone does not accept Holy Mary as Theotokos, he is cut off from deity”. If anyone should say that Christ passed through the Virgin as through a channel, and was not fashioned in a way that is divine as well as human. he is equally godless. If anyone should say that he was fashioned and only afterwards did God dwell in him, he also is condemned. If anyone should speak of the Son of God the Father as different from the son of Mary, and not the same person, so shall he forfeit his share in adoption ”. Through the Incarnation, St. Mary did not give her Son His divine personality and nature, but, as St. Cyril clarifies, this in no way diminishes the rightfulness of her title. Other mothers, too, do not confer souls and personalities on their sons, yet they are no less truly mothers, not only of the flesh, but really of the human person, created by God, that subsists in this flesh. So, St. Mary is the Mother of Jesus who is God. Someone perhaps asks: Why, instead of descending from heaven without a human body, or at least with a heavenly body formed by the hand of God, did the Word of God choose to be born of a mother? (Gal. 4:4) 1. By taking flesh in the womb of the Virgin Mary, the Son of God became not a merely man but a member of human race, a descendant of Adam, of the seed of Abraham and of the royal line of David. Through His true sonship to St. Mary, He integrated Himself with the humblest realities of our human existence…. Through St. Mary’s motherhood our blood ran in His veins to be shed by Him for the remission of our sins. 2. Through the Virgin’s motherhood of God, the Redeemer united in Himself the two parties to be reconciled: God and man. He, as the Perfect High Priest and Mediator, willed to save us from within; not as a stranger, but as a Brother. 3. St. Augustine states that if the Son of God refused to be incarnated in the womb of the Virgin, women would despair as if they are defiled creatures. His sonship to St. Mary restored that sex and declared the goodness of all creatures. Her Motherhood & The Word of God St. Augustine states: “Mary conceived in her mind before she conceived in her body”. Indeed St. Mary is blessed for she was chosen as the Mother of the Word of God, but before she bore Him physically she had borne Him spiritually through her faith. She was a typical hearer of the Word; listening to it; obeying it, keeping and pondering it in her heart. In the words of St. Augustine , “Mary’s motherhood would have been of no profit to her if she had not joyfully borne Christ in her heart”.

“I am the resurrection and the life. He who ‫«أنا هو القيامة والحياة من آمن يب ولو مات‬ ٢٥:١١ ‫فسيحيا» يو‬ believes in Me, though he may die, he shall ‫يف هذا العامل الذي نعيش فيه أصبحنا نرسع يف‬ live” John 11:25. In todays world, we lead a very fast paced life ‫ فكل شئ حولنا مييض برسعة اإلنسان‬،‫كل شئ‬ ‫أصبح يأكل برسعة ومييش برسعة بل كل ما‬ style in every thing (we do), all our surround‫كان يعتربه رسيعا من عرشة سنوات مضت‬ ings are very fast. Mankind, eats and walks ‫الْ َي ْو َم أصبح يف منتهى البطء حتى النوم أصبح‬ quickly and what we considered to be fast, ‫اإلنسان يريد أن ينام برسعة ويستيقظ برسعة‬ some 10 years ago, today is considered very ‫فيستعمل منوم‬ slow, even sleep, some want ‫لينام ومنبه‬ to achieve quickly and wake ‫ليستيقظ الحياة‬ up quickly, so they will use ‫حول اإلنسان‬ sleeping drugs and alertness .‫تتغري برسعة‬ drugs to keep us awake. Life ‫يكاد يستحيل‬ around (modern) man is ever ‫أن تنظر إىل‬ changing, one can not look at ‫مكان معني يف‬ one place for a week without ‫فرتة أسبوع‬ noticing some change. Even ‫مثال وال تجده‬ what is called new inventions ‫قد تغري وتبدل‬ after a few days it becomes ‫حتى ما يسمى‬ old news and everywhere. In ‫باملخرتعني‬ such a whirlpool of speed, ‫الحديثة قد ال‬ mankind had forgotten him‫مير عليها أيام‬ self and no longer has the ‫قليلة وتصبح‬ time for one’s self and ap‫أشياء قدمية‬ plies the same speed rules to ‫الرسعة موجودة‬ his or her relation with God. ‫وف‬ Therefore, there is no time ِ ‫يف كل شئ‬ ‫دوامة هذه‬ for meditations and prayers ‫الرسعة نىس‬ nor self-examination. Man‫اإلنسان نفسه‬ kind is demanding similar ‫مل يعد يجد وقتا‬ speed (in God’s relationships) ‫ بل‬،‫لنفسه أبدا‬ in quick measures and short ‫أصبح يطبق نفس الرسعة يف عالقته مع الله فلم‬ sounds and this speed trend one will forget ‫يعد هناك وقت للتأمل والصالة ومراجعة النفس‬ what has passed. Such a person is excusable to see everyday a ‫وف‬ ِ ‫صار يطالب بقداسات رسيعة وأصوام قصرية‬ .‫غمرة الرسعة أصبح اإلنسان ينىس ما فات‬ new and hear new thing all the time and thus this person is faced with contradictory news ‫ومعذور هذا اإلنسان فهو يرى يف كل يوم جديد‬ ‫ويسمع كل يوم أشياء جديدة لقد امتألت أفكار‬ all the time. Among all this, one might rush without knowing towards self-destruction and ‫اإلنسان وتصوراته باملتناقضات والتغيريات وسط‬ there must be a way for one to stop, recovers ‫هذا كله قد يندفع اإلنسان بدون أن يدري نحو‬ ‫الهالك وال بد من وسيلة يتوقف بها اإلنسان‬ one’s breath and see where to one is going. ‫يسرتد أنفاسه ويرى أين يسري وإىل أين يتجه‬ This maybe is one of the reasons which made the Lord slow in replying to Martha’s message ‫ورمبا كان هذا من األسباب التي يتباطأ فيها‬ ‫الرب يف االستجابة لرسالة مريم مرثا «إنه هوذا‬ “he whom You love is sick” (John 11:3) and ‫الذي تحبه مريض» رغم أن هذا البطء أدى إىل‬ despite this slowness in reply has resulted in Lazarus’ death and much grief and sadness to ‫وفاة لعازر وسبب أحزانا كثرية ملريم ومرثا بل‬ Mary and Martha and even the Lord Himself ‫إن الرب نفسه حزن لحزنها ولكن هذه األربعة‬ ‫أيام الطويلة جدا كشفت قلب الله املحب لنا‬ was saddened for their sorrow, but these four long days had revealed God’s loving heart to ‫جعلتنا نتالمس مع حبه لنا رفعت عيوننا لندرك‬ .‫الهوته وقوته‬ us and made us touch His love to us and left our eyes to see His divinity and powers.


‫ مارك رفلة وزوجته‬/‫رزق السيد‬ ‫مونيكا بمولود أسموه ثيؤودور‬ ‫الرب يبارك فى المولود فيصير بركة‬ ‫لوالديه وللكنيسة‬ New Born Babpy Theodore son of Mark and Monica Rafle May the Lord bless the baby to be a source of blessings for his parents and the Church

+ Start of St Mary›s Fasting: :‫ بدء صوم القديسة العذراء مريم‬+ Next Saturday 7th August St Mary’s ‫يبدأ صوم القديسة العذراء مريم يوم السبت القادم‬ Fasting strarts. You can follow the ‫ يمكنك متابعة برنامج القدسات‬.‫ أغسطس‬٧ ‫والعظات اليومية فى كنيسة القديسة مريم فى‬ program for the daily Liturgies, .‫نشرة السبوع القادم‬ Vespers, Doxologies and sermon at St :‫ أغسطس‬٧ ‫برنامج يوم السبت‬ Mary’s Church in next week Bulletin. ‫ صباحا عربى (كنيسة‬١١ - ٩ ‫القداس األلهى‬ For next Saturday 7th August: )‫العذراء) وأنجليزى (كنيسة القديس يوحنا‬ Liturgy 9 - 11am Arabic & English ‫ مساء‬٥:٣٠ ‫العشية تبدأ‬ Vespers 5:30pm Arabic (St Marys) and ‫ شفاعة القديسة العذراء مريم‬:)‫العظة (العربى‬ English (at St John’s) Sermon 6 - 6:45pm - Arabic Sermon by ٦:٤٥ - ٦ ‫ القمص تادرس شاروبيم‬- ‫والقديسين‬ Fr Tadros about St Mary’s Intercession. ١٠ ‫مساء يتبعها التماجيد والتسبحة حتى الساعة‬ ‫مساء‬ You should book on the available ‫ فردا (كنيسة‬٨٠ ‫عدد الحاضرين المسموح بهم‬ application (St Mary Booking). Max - ‫ فردا فى كنيسة القديس يوحنا‬٤٠ )‫العذراء‬ attendance at St Mary’s 80. At St ‫الرجاء الحجز على التطبيق المتاح‬ John’s 40

DUE TO VIRUS COVID-19 THE MEMBER OF FUNERAL FUNDS UNABLE TO PAY THEIR ANNUAL CONTRIBUTION, THEREFORE WE LIKE TO ASK THEM TO PAY DIRECT TO CBA BANK A/C : COPTIC CHURCH FUNERAL FUND BSB 063002 A/C 00912015 Please add your name to identify the payment For any question please contact the member of your church or Milad Guirguis 0414428291.

:‫ أذكر يارب الراقدين‬+ َ ْ ُ :116 ‫» (مز‬.‫َي الرَّبِّ َموْ ت أتقِيَائِ ِه‬ َ ‫َزي ٌز فِي‬ ِ ‫«ع‬ ِ ‫ع ْين‬ )15 /‫انتقلت إلى األمجاد السماوية األم الفاضلة السيدة‬ /‫سعاد سعد هللا عبد المسيح والدة الشماس المبارك د‬ ‫ ليليان‬/‫أيمن تواضروس زوج الخادمة المحبة السيدة‬ ‫تواضروس ووالد كل من ماريا ومارك وفيلوباتير‬ .‫تواضروس‬ ‫الرب ينيح نفسها ويعزى كل أفراد األسرة‬ + Remember O Lord the Departed:

“Precious in the eyes of the Lord is the death of his saints.” (Psalm 116:15) Passed to the heavenly glories, the virtuous mother, Mrs. Souad Saad Allah The mother of the blessed deacon, Dr. Ayman Tawadros, husband of Mrs. Lilian Tawadros, and father of Maria, Mark and Philopateer Tawadros. May the Lord repose her soul and grant peace and comfort for all the family.

St Mary›s Faststing 7th - 21stst Augustst Feastst of the Assumption of St. Mary Sunday 22nd Augustst ‫صوم القديسة العذراء مريم‬ ‫ أغسطس‬٢١ - ٧ ‫عيد إصعاد جسد القديسة العذراء مريم‬ ‫ أغسطس‬٢٢ ‫األحد‬

Estimated cost for the project 8 11 million Dollars Donations collected and funds available from church income is 3.6 million Dollars Donation Accounts are listed below

Special Thanks Progress of the Building for all who keep working tirelessly for the success Project of this project. May the Lord reward them all and Good News: We are progressing to the final preparabless all their works

tion stage. Melbourne City Council has already issued the planning permit including the Child Care facility. Working drawings are being prepared. Please support this project through your prayers and contributions.

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