Weekly Bulletin 1st December 2024

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Services at St Mary’s Church


Mass 9 - 11 am


Liturgy 5:30 - 7am

7:30pm The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages

Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am

6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults


Mass 9 - 11 am - English

English Midnight Praises 7:30pm

English Bible Study 7:30pm

Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am

Youth 25 and above 7-9pm

Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm

Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am

Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm

Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm English

Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:30-7pm

Scouts 1:30 - 3pm

School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm


1st Mass 6:30 - 8:30 Arabic & English

2nd Mass.8:30 - 10:30 English - St Mary’s


3rd Mass 8:30 - 10:30 Arabic - St John’s

Chrysostom Church

Family Meeting fortnightly 11:30am

Hymns Class - English 11:45 - 12:30pm

Church Priests:

Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251

Email: frtadros@me.com

Fr Habib Girgis Younan: 0401238177 – 94498871

Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com

Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821

Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au

Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kensington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651

Fr Kerillos Tawadros 0411 518 399

Fr John Makary 0433 445 636

The Martyrdom of Saints Cosmas, Damian, Their Brothers and Their Mother

December - 22nd Hator

On this day, saints Cosmas and Damian, their brothers, Anthimus, Leontius (Londius( and Euprepius (Abrabius(, and their mother Theodata, were martyred. They were from one of the Arab countries. Their mother feared God and was compassionate and merciful towards strangers. She became a widow, while her children were still young. She raised them and instilled in them the fear of God and the love of righteousness. Cosmas and Damian studied medicine and they treated the sick, free of charge. As for their brothers, they went to the desert and became monks. When Diocletian renounced the faith and ordered the worship of idols, he was told that Cosmas and Damian were preaching in the Name of Christ, and urging others not to worship idols. He ordered them to be brought to the Governor of the city, who tortured them severely by beating them and burning them. He then asked them the whereabouts of their brothers. Upon finding out, he brought them and their mother. He ordered them to raise incense before the idols, but they refused. He then ordered the five to be squeezed through the wheel. When they experienced no harm, he took them out and cast them into a red hot furnace for three days and three nights, then into hot boiling water. Finally he placed them on red-hot iron beds. Through all this, however, the Lord raised them up whole and unharmed to reveal His glory and the honor of His saints. When the Governor became weary of torturing them he sent them to the Emperor who also tortured them. Their mother constantly encouraged and comforted them. The Emperor rebuked her, but she admonished him for his cruelty and for worshipping idols. He ordered her head to be cut off and she received the crown of everlasting life. Her body remained on the ground and no one dared to bury it for their fear of the Emperor. St. Cosmas screamed at those present saying, «Men of this city, is there not one merciful person among you who will cover the body of this poor old widow and bury her?» Straightaway, Victor, the son of Romanus, came forwarWhen the Emperor heard what Victor had done, he ordered that he be exiled in the land of Egypt, where he received the crown of martyrdom. The next day, the Emperor ordered the heads of the saints Cosmas, Damian, and their brothers to be cut off. They then received the crown of life in the kingdom of heaven. At the end of the era of persecution, many churches were built in the name of these saints and God made manifest many signs and wonders therein.

Their prayers be with us and Glory be to our God forever. Amen.

The Departure of St. Cornelius the Centurion.

2nd December - 23rd Hator

On this day, St. Cornelius the centurion, departed. He was a captain over one hundred soldiers in Caesarea of Palestine and he worshipped the stars.

When he heard the Apostles preaching and saw the miracles performed at their hands, which were above and beyond any human power or pagan gods, he was astonished, confused, and he started to doubt his gods. He forsook the worship of the stars and opened his heart to the Lord through prayers, fasting and merciful deeds. In his prayers he repeated, «O Lord God, I am confused in my knowledge of You, direct me and guide me to You.» The Lord had compassion on him, accepted his prayers and his compassionate deeds, and sent an angel to announce to him that his prayers and alms had ascended before God and had been accepted by Him. He ordered him to send men to the city of Joppa, to bring St. Peter the Apostle, who was lodging with Simon the tanner and who would tell him what he must do. Cornelius did as the Lord said and had St. Peter brought to his house.

As Peter was coming in, Cornelius met him and fell down at his feet and worshipped him. But Peter lifted him up saying, «Stand up; I myself am also a man.» When Peter went in the house, he found many Gentiles who had come together. Then he said to them, «You know how unlawful it is for a Jewish man to keep company with or to go to one of another nation. But God has shown me that I should not call any man common or unclean. Therefore, I came without objection as soon as I was sent for. I ask, then for what reason have you sent for me?»

So Cornelius said, «Four days ago I was fasting until this hour; and at the ninth hour, I prayed in my house, and behold, a man stood before me in bright clothing, and said, ‹Cornelius, your prayer has been heard and your alms are remembered in the sight of God. Send, therefore, to Joppa and call Simon here, whose surname is Peter. He is lodging in the house of Simon, a tanner, by the sea. When he comes, he will speak to you.› So I sent to you immediately and you have done well to come. Now therefore, we are all present before God, to hear all the things commanded you by God.» Peter then opened his mouth and said, «In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality. But in every nation, whoever fears Him and works righteousness, is accepted by Him.» Then he preached to them of Jesus Christ, the Lord of all, and explained to them the mystery of His incarnation, crucifixion, resurrection, ascension and the workings of miracles in His Name. Cornelius, his household, all his men and most of those who were with him, believed and were baptized in the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Straightaway the Holy Spirit descended upon them. (Acts ١0( Afterwards, Cornelius left the military service and followed the Apostles. St. Peter then ordained him a Bishop over the city of Caesarea of Palestine. He went there and proclaimed the Name of Christ, showing them the error of worshipping idols. Their minds were illuminated with the knowledge of God and they believed in Him. He strengthened them with the signs and miracles he performed before them and he baptized them all and among them was Demetrius the Governor. Then he departed in peace and received the crown of glory of the apostles. His prayers be with us. Amen.

On this day, we commemorate the twenty-four incorporeal priests of the Most High, who are sitting around His throne. They are exalted above all the saints and the spiritual hosts. Because of their closeness to God, they intercede on behalf of the human race and offer the prayers of the saints as incense, in the golden censers in their hands, before the Glorious and Blessed Lord. St. John the Evangelist said in Revelation, «After these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven. And the first voice which I heard was like a trumpet speaking with me, saying, ‹Come up here and I will show you things which must take place after this.› Immediately I was in the Spirit, and behold, a throne set in heaven, and One sat on the throne. And He who sat there was like a jasper and a sardius stone in appearance; and there was a rainbow around the throne, in appearance like an emerald. Around the throne were twentyfour thrones, and on the thrones I saw twenty-four elders sitting, clothed in white robes, and they had crowns of gold on their heads.

(Revelation 4-4:١( ... each having a harp, and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints» (Revelation 5:8( who are on earth raising it to the Almighty.

St. John continued saying, «I heard the Four living creatures praising God and saying, ‹Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, Who was and is and is to come.› Whenever the living creatures give glory and honor and thanks to Him Who sits on the throne, Who lives forever and ever. The twenty-four elders fall down before Him Who sits on the throne and worship Him Who lives forever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying, ‹You are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power, for You created all things, and by Your Will they exist and were created.› (Revelation ١١-4:8( And when a command went forth from God they fell down, and worshipped saying, ‹Great and marvelous are Your works, Lord God Almighty! Just and true are Your ways, O King of the saints, who shall not fear You, O Lord, and glorify Your Name? For You alone are Holy. For all nations shall come and worship before You, for Your judgments have been manifested.›» (Revelation 4-١5:3( The fathers of the church arranged this feast to commemorate them.

Their intercession be for us and Glory be to our God forever. Amen.

The Martyrdom of St. Mercurius Known as the Saint with the Two Swords

4th December – 25th


On this day, St. Mercurius, known as the saint with the two swords (Abu-Saifain(, was martyred. He was born in the city of Rome. His parents were Christians and they called him Philopateer (which means “Lover of the Father”(. They reared him in a Christian manner. When he grew, he enlisted in the army during the days of Emperor Decius, the pagan. The Lord gave Philopateer the strength and the courage, for which he earned the satisfaction

of his superiors. They called him Mercurius and he grew very close to the Emperor. When the berbers rose up against Rome, Decius went out to fight them, but when he saw how many they were, he became terrified. St. Mercurius assured him saying, “Do not be afraid, because God will destroy our enemies and will bring us victory.” When he left the Emperor, an angel appeared to him in the shape of a human being, dressed in white apparel. The angel gave him a sword saying, “When you overcome your enemies, remember the Lord your God.” (That is why he is called, “of the two swords”, “Abu-Saifain”, one is the military sword and the other is the sword of the divine power( When Emperor Decius conquered his enemies and Mercurius came back victorious, the angel appeared to him and reminded him of what he told him previously, that is, to remember the Lord his God.

Decius, and his soldiers with him, wanted to offer up incense to his idols and St. Mercurius tarried behind. When they informed the Emperor of what had happened, he called St. Mercurius and expressed his amazement at his abandoning of his loyalty to him. The Emperor reprimanded him for refusing to come and offer incense to the idols. The Saint cast his girdle and his military attire down before the Emperor and said to him, “I do not worship anyone except my Lord and my God Jesus Christ.” The Emperor became angry and ordered him to be beaten with whips and stalks. When the Emperor saw how the people of the city and the soldiers were attached to St. Mercurius, the Emperor feared that they might revolt. So instead, he bound him in iron fetters and sent him to Caesarea where they cut off his head. He thus completed his holy fight and received the crown of life in the kingdom of heaven. His prayers be for us and Glory be to our God forever. Amen.


Martyrdom of St. James the Mangled (Sawn(. (. 6th December - 27th Hator

On this day, St. James the mangled, was martyred. He was one of the soldiers of Sakrod, the son of Shapur, King of Persia. Because of his courage and his uprightness, he was promoted to the highest rank in the king’s court. He found favor and access to the king, who even counselled with him in many affairs. In this way, he influenced St. James greatly to the extent that he turned his heart away from worshipping the Lord Christ.

When his mother, his wife, and his sister heard that he adopted the king’s belief, they wrote to him saying, “Why have you forsaken the faith in the Lord Christ and worshipped the created objects, the fire and the sun? Know that if you persist in what you are doing, we will disown you and you will become a stranger to us.” When he read their letter, he wept and said, “If by doing that, I have become a stranger to my own family

and my people, how would the situation be with my Lord Jesus Christ?” Consequently, he resigned from the king’s service and devoted his time to reading the holy books. When the news reached the king, he summoned St. James. When the King saw the change that had befallen him, he ordered that James be beaten severely and if he did not change his belief, he was to be cut up with knives. They cut off his fingers, his hands, his legs and his arms. Each time they cut off a piece of his body, he praised the Lord and sang saying, “Have mercy upon me O Lord according to Your great compassion.” (Psalm 50:1( Eventually, nothing was left of him except his head, his breast and his loins. When he knew that his time was near, he entreated the Lord to have mercy and compassion upon the world and the people therein. He apologized for not standing in the presence of the mighty Lord and said, “I have neither legs to stand before Thee, nor hands to lift up to Thee, behold the parts of my body have been cast around me, O Lord receive my soul.” Straightaway, the Lord Christ appeared to him, comforted, and strengthened him and his soul rejoiced. Before he delivered up his soul, one of the guards made haste and cut off his head. He thus received the crown of martyrdom. Some of the believers then came forward and took his body, wrapped it and buried it. When his mother, his sister, and his wife heard that he was martyred, they rejoiced for his soul and came to where the body was and kissed it, weeping. They shrouded it in expensive cloth and poured sweet scents and perfumed oil over it. A church and a monastery were built in his name during the reign of the righteous Emperors Arcadius and Honourius. When the king of Persia heard the news of the miracles and wonders which appeared through the body of St. James and of the other honored martyrs, he ordered all the bodies of the martyrs in all parts of his kingdom, to be burnt. Some of the believers came and took the body of St. James and brought it to Jerusalem and entrusted it to St. Peter El-Rahawy, Bishop of Gaza.

The body remained there until the reign of Marcianus, who persecuted the Orthodox Christians everywhere. St. Peter, the Bishop, took the body to Egypt. There he went to the city of Behnasa, where he stayed in a monastery occupied by devoted monks. It happened that at the sixth hour, while they were praying in the place where the holy body laid, St. James appeared to them with many other martyrs of Persia. They joined them in singing, blessed them and disappeared. Before leaving, however, St. James told them that his body should stay there as the Lord commanded. Despite this, when Anba Peter the Bishop, decided to return to his country, he took the body with him. When he arrived at the seashore, the body was taken from their hands and returned to the place where it had originally been. His prayers be with us and Glory be to our God forever. Amen.

Meditations on the Holy Bible Readings

Forth Sunday of the blessed month of Hator

Mark 10: 17-31

“take up the cross, and follow Me.” Mark 10:21

Then Jesus looking at him and loved him … for He perceived good willingness in him … observed in him a longing for knowledge and memorizing (the commandments( … he was mentally and physically willing for a holy life …. All he needed is to actually emerge (into action( … to be liberated from the ties of physical body ( (needs( and the complications of intellectual consideraconsidera tions, that is carry his cross and follow the Lord Jesus … but this is what this young man found to be very problematic … it was easy for him to gain knowledge … he was able to memorize … but it was problematic for him to leave everything and follow the Lord Jesus …

Many appreciate knowledge … and many more are interested in memorizing (the law( but they all stop at this level … knowledge in it self is a blessing … and memorizing (the law( is desirable … such leads a person to the ( entrance of spiritual life … for they are instruments of help … but, if one does not advance to use these instruments to struggle and labour (in spirituality(, what then it’s benefits??

+ You know the commandments … How great (and sweet( is knowledge … the knowledge ( of God’s commandments … it is good to go deeply into it … spiritual knowledge give a person much wisdom and depth … but knowledge alone without advancement in spirituality and a life of struggles (and repentance( ( becomes just mere scientific knowledge … and it is a letter without spirit … indeed a such is fatal … King Solomon was wise … the wisest among men of his time and those before and after him, he spoke of all things … men came from all corners of the earth to hear the (sayings( of wisdom from Solomon … the queen ( of Sheba came to hear his wisdom (1 Kings 10( … the ( words of wisdom uttered by Solomon, still considered the greatest and best lessons for anyone who wants to be taught and engage with wisdom, but king Solomon’s wisdom did not protect him from falling into worship of pagan idols, in his old age … and king Solomon falls into the very thing he ofter warned against … that is the foreign woman … she who gained his heart and made him divert away from God’s commandments … just mere knowledge absolute can trouble it’s owner … and can cause him or her problems and depending on knowledge alone can lead one o destruction …

Macedonius I was … a bishop of Constantinople (342 – 360AD( … and despite this, he fell in the heresy of denying the Lord Holy Spirit … and because of him the second ecumenical council of Constantinople was held, and the finale part of the creed of faith was formulated “ Truly, we believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Life-Giver … etc”.

Eutyches was an archimandrite of a monastery … and

an abbot to many monks … an elder who had many years of worship (and devotions( and despite of all this, he fell ( in the heresy claiming that the Human nature of the Lord Jesus Christ had completely been absorbed by His Divine nature and the Human nature had disappeared within the Divine nature (of Christ( which is a dangerous heresy which would eliminate the principal of salvation and redemption and is opposing the teaching of the Holy Gospels

Similarly, Nestor who upheld that the natures of the Lord Jesus Christ were not one (no hypostatic union( … he was a patriarch of Constantinople … and because of his heresy, the ecumenical council of Ephesus was held and presided by Anba Cyril the pillar of faith who formulated the beginning of the creed “We exalt you, the mother of true Light …. Etc”, and also, Jahaveh’s witnesses who claim that they study the holy bible in depth and at the same time deny the Divinity of the Lord Christ and the Holy Trinity and further more they deny the existence of hell or the everlasting punishment of sinners and they do not believe of the end of the world … etc, and they labour in searching for verses which supports their heresy and disregard the all the verses which refutes their beliefs … they even produced a new translation for the holy bible omitting many verses and adding a few to support their view …. All those, are people of mere knowledge … scientific knowledge bloated them … fully willing to argue long arguments and tiring mental discussions which is void of the spirit of faith and works of love … and because of this, they rush and commit sin diverting from the principal Christian beliefs … how many are those who argue against a well establish (and proven( facts like the intercession of the saints for example … disregarding God’s love and honouring His saints … forgetting, the many and countless miracles which the simple (at heart( had received many ( blessings which others are not enjoying through the intercession of the saints …

Good to know … but much better to know for the spiritual fruits and not for the knowledge sake … good to know the commandments … but much better to live and fulfil the commandments …

The one who knows only … becomes a mere logic without the spirit … books contain much knowledge within it’s pages … but it is a mere papers which can be burned with a small spark … and all the fires of the world cannot burn the faith and love in the heart (of the one who lives the commandments( + all these things I have kept from my youth .. Great for man to memorize the commandments … keep … that is to be diligent in keeping the commandments, but how much severer it is to memorize letter (of the commandments( only.

The Jews were very fastidious in memorizing the commandments … the number of commandments which is dictated by the law (of Moses( exceeds six hundreds com- ( com mandments … almost, no man could memorize all of them

and the Lord Jesus came and changed these commandments from its strict literal meaning to an absolute spiritual meaning … for the pharisee who kept the commandments thought it is not lawful to do good deed on the sabbath … for such is to break the commandment … the commandment of keeping the Sabbath …

And, the over zealous Jew who cares for the literal of the commandment will not associate with sinners and tax-collectors … as, they are un-pure according to the law and it is not lawful to be in contact with them lest they will be tainted with their impurity … even, if this contact (or association( for the salvation of their souls … With this over zealous attitude in keeping the literal meaning (of the commandments(, the researchers who were looking (, for an out of the commandment to break it … yet, at the same time keeping the commandment … for it was important to keep the appearance of commandment only and not the spirit and essence (of the commandment(. .

Are you beloved, one of those who keep the appearance of the commandment only … how many commandments become a harsh routine because of this type of keeping (the commandment( … what do you do during fasting?? You ( keep the fast?? Very good … but do you keep it in appearance only … all you care about is what type of food you allowed to consume and the number of hours you abstain from eating … or you practice the fast with (true( spiritual ( struggles … to get rid of the bad habits … and be more emerged in prayers … for your growth in righteousness, grace and (spiritual( stature … are you a mere keeper of the ( rituals?? Memorize the hymns and tunes … more concerned of the number of vowels, constants and the length of a tune … more engrossed with when to stand, kneel or sit and what is allowed and not allowed in the traditions … this is a also, a blessed attitude … for accuracy is required … but literal accuracy without understanding the tradition and its meaning makes the tradition a harsh, boring routine which is tiring … since traditions which is not practiced with spirituality and the spirit of prayers (in it( will lose its effectiveness and meaning … rituals and traditions supposed to enhance one’s depth in prayers … it is a method to help and not an objective in its own right … our fathers the saints a number liturgies (the tradition and ritual of the Holy Eucharist( and ( they all agree in principals even though they might differ in order, words and ritual …

St Peter had different styles in serving to that of St Paul the apostle but both of them served with the same one Spirit … therefore, no one will say I follow Paul or Apollos (1 Corinthian 3:4( …

To keep the ritual is good but to break the commandments of love for the ritual is not acceptable … thus the ritual becomes a fatal literal practice … + One thing you lack ..

The problem with the Jews is that they have encapsulated themselves … they knew the law and memorized well … but they imprisoned themselves within the jurisdictions of

its limited (literal( worship … and continued to revolve ( in it with total literal interpretations only … they were supposed to gain from the law the energy to emerge and head towards the spiritual, heavenly and deep knowledge of the Lord Jesus (Christ( … but they became only ( instruments of memorizing (in keeping the law(. . In keeping the commandments, one learns how to be tied to God … but this alone is not enough … we must learn how to be separated from the world in order to be tied to God … or the commandment will become a mere theoretical theory … it was easy for Saul of Tarsus who learned under the feet of Gamaliel, teacher of the law to become an overzealous and diligent in his worship … but he had to emerge from this limited path … to be separated from his limited world to become St Paul the apostle of great struggles, arising carrying his cross following the Lord Jesus …

And you beloved … is all you care for is knowledge and memorizing (the commandments( only?? What benebene fits is the mere knowledge?? Isn’t any small computer nowadays can hold much more knowledge than you can?? What is the benefit of memorizing alone?? Isn’t any small recorder nowadays will repeat the words more accurately and orderly than you can?? But, my beloved come … and enter to the depth and make your knowledge and memorizing (the commandments( an energy ( which makes you go the depth of the spirituality … learn to leave and let go … learn to reject the world and its ties … leave all for the sake of the One … and in the One you shall have all in all

The law will teach to give the tithe strictly but the Lord Jesus wants more than the tithe … He wants all of you

The law will teach to dedicate one day (the sabbath( to ( the Lord very precisely and strictly … but the Lord Jesus wants every single moment of your life … and all your times …

The law will ask for physical purity of the body … but the Lord Jesus will transcend you to purity of spirit, heart and thought … The law will make you stay in middle of the road … but the Lord Jesus will haste you to heavens and heavenly Jerusalem …

The law will persuade you of mental and physical comfort … but the Lord Jesus will fulfil your heart with spiritual peace and happiness .. Truly, the Lord Jesus will allow tribulations and persecutions (in this world( … but in the age to come, He will give you eternal life … do not stay in the middle of the road, beloved or you will let other surpass you and you become last … carry your cross … leave the world and separate from loving (the world( and transcend with the ( Lord Jesus to become part of the first … for many who are first will be last, and the last first (Matthew 19:30(. (

St Mary’s Coptic College Year 12 End of the year Celebration

St Mary’s Coptic College Year 6 End of the year Celebration

St Mary’s Coptic College participating at the Coptic Ortphan Celebration 23rd Nov 2024

+ The Advent Fasting:

Sunday 25th November the Advent Fasting started. It continues for 43 days and ends by the Feast of Holy Nativity at 7th January. It is allowed to eat fish during this fasting except on Wednesdays and Fridays and usually we abstain from food until 3pm. For those who got health reasons they can consult their father of confession. The Advent Fasting is a preparation for the Feast of Incarnation of our Lord. We fast 40 days taking an example of the Lord’s Fasting and from Moses Fasting for 40 days before receiving the Law and Commandments. We fast also extra three days in commemoration of the days fasted by people during the time of St Abraam the 62th Pope of Alexandria for the miracle of moving the mountain. The blessed month of Keiahk falls during the Advent days in which we sing and read all about the Incarnation of the Lord. Let us all pursue fasting in humility and repentance and offer our hearts to be holy sanctuary for our Lord the Child of the Manager the Incarnated Lord. + Doxologies of Keiahk Doxologies and Praises of the blessed month of Keiahk starts at St. Mary’s church next Saturday 15th December 7 - 11 pm. During the week it will be held on Monday & Thursday every week 6:30 - 9 pm.

The reception of Fr. Moses at St. George church Melbourne 23/11/2024


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Orders close on 1st December 2024


Coptic Hope Charity Announcement

“So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7

Dearest Congregation,

Coptic Hope Charity is pleased and excited to announce that we once again will be running our Annual Christmas Appeal to support our brothers and sisters in Egypt.

With your love, support, and generosity this appeal allows us to send much needed food hampers containing day to day needs for the less fortunate in all regions of Egypt. Our aim this year is to send 4850 Christmas food hampers. Each food hamper will cost $70, which provides enough food for up to a family of 4. Larger families will receive multiple hampers.

Please assist us in sending the less fortunate in Egypt a Christmas message of hope and most importantly Christ’s love. Whether you can donate one hamper, or ten hampers, they all count. You can join us by donating to the below bank account (a tax deductable receipt will be provided to all donors)

Account Name: Coptic Hope Charity Limited ATF BSB: 063-159

Account Number: 10 686 722

Please use the reference ‘Food Hamper’

At Coptic Hope Charity we sponsor more than 1000 families on an ongoing basis. We would love to increase this support to many more families. This cannot be done without your ongoing support. If you would like to become a regular donor and sponsor a family for as little as $60 per month, please fill in our sponsorship form on our Facebook page (a tax-deductible receipt will be provided to all donors). For any further information please contact Nagy Banoub on 0423 411 715 / nsbanoub@yahoo.com May our Lord reward you all, wishing you all a blessed fast of the Holy Nativity.

Blessed Baptism Mohrael daughter of Mina & Maria Narouz

Tuesday 5th November 2024

St Mary’s Church

*** Summer Club for 7-12

- Start Date Sunday 8th of December 2024

- End Date: Friday 31st of January 2024

-Sports training at St Mary’s college - Every Sunday 12-3pm (in total 8 Sundays) starting 08/12/2024

New Church, New Building and Car Park are ready

We started to use the New Building and church last on Lazarus Saturday 27th April 2024. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downloaded from church website. We thank Our Lord for this great Gift Cost of building works is around $13,000,000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreciated.

Donations to St Mary’s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link


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