Weekly Bulletin 1st October 2023

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Services at St Mary’s Church

Monday: Mass 9 - 11 am


Liturgy 5:30 - 7am

7:30pm The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages

Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am

6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults

Arabic ; 7-8:15pm English (Zoom)

Hymns Class Arabic 8-9pm (Zoom)


Mass 9 - 11 am - English

English Midnight Praises 7:30pm

English Bible Study 7:30pm

Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am

Youth 25 and above 7-9pm

Family Meeting 7-9pm (fortnightly)

Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm

Year 10-12 Sunday School 6-9pm

Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am

Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm

Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm


Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:307pm

Scouts 1:30 - 3pm

School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm


1st Mass6 - .7:45am Arabic & Eng-


2nd Mass.7:45 – .9:30am English

3rd Mass 9:30 - 11:15am Arabic

Hymns Class - English 11:4512:30pm

Church Priests:

Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251

Email: frtadros@me.com

Fr Habib Girgis Younan:

0401238177 – 94498871

Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail. com

Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821

Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au

Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kens-

ington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651

Fr Kerillos Tawadros

0411 518 399

Fr John Macary 0433 445 636

:ءارذعلا ةسينكب ةمدخلا ديعاوم:نينثلأا احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا احابص 7 - 5:30 :يهللإا سادقلا :ءاثلاثلا )يزيلجنا( ىاو اذ - يزيلجنلإاب رابكلل عامتجأ ءاسم 7:30 احابص ١١ – ٩ يهللإا سادقلا :ءاعبرلأا يبرع - رابكلل ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8 - 6:30 يزيلجنا - ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8:١5 - 7 يبرع - ناحلأ لوصف ءاسم٩ - 8 :سيمخلا يزيلجنا - احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - ليللا فصن ةحبست ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - سدقملا باتكلا سرد احابص ١١ – ٩ يهللإا سادقلا :ةعمجلا رثكأف ةنس 25 بابشلا ءاسم ٩ – 7 )نيعوبسأ لك( ةرسلأا عامتجأ ءاسم٩-7 يزيلجنا - ةمدخلا دادعإ عامتجأ ءاسم 8:30 - 7 ١0 تاونسل دحلأا سردم لصف ءاسم ٩ - 6 ١2احابص ١١ – 8,30 يهللإا سادقلا:تبسلا ءاسم 3 - ١:30 ةفاشكلا عامتجا ءاسم 4 - 3 ةسمامشلا ةسردم 5,30 – 4 دحلأا سرادم ءاسم 8:30 –7 بابشلا عامتجاو ةيشعلا يزيلجنا يبرع ءاسم 7 - 5:30 باتك سردو ةيشعلا :دحلأا يزيلجناو يبرع ص,7:45 – 6 لولأا سادقلا يزيلجنإ – ص ٩:30 – ,7:45 يناثلا سادقلا يبرع ص ١١:١5 – ٩:30 ثلاثلا سادقلا ءاسم ١2:30 - ١١:45 يزيلجنا - ناحلأ لصف :ةسينكلاب ةنهكلا ءابلأا ميبوراش سردات صمقلا 0414251251بلأا Email: frtadros@me.com :نانوي سجرج بيبح سقلا بلأا 94498871Email: - 0401238177 habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com 0422431821 :بيلص لكيام سقلا بلأا Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Epsom Rd, 3031:ةسينكلا ناونع :نوفيلت 5 Kensington Vic 93766651 سورضوات سلريك سقلا بلأا 0411518399 يراكم نوج سقلا بلأا 0433445636

The Martyrdom of St. Cyprian (Cyprianus) and St. Justina. 2nd October - 21st Tote

On this day also in the year 257 A.D. the honorable St. Cyprian (Cyprianus) and St. Justina, were martyred. Cyprianus was an infidel and a magician. He learned magic in the countries of northwest Africa until he excelled over his fellows. His excessive impudence and his arrogance made him go to Antioch to challenge the magicians there and to pride himself over them of his knowledge.

When he arrived there, his fame spread. A young man, the son of one of the nobles of the city, heard about him. This young man lusted for a Christian virgin who was called Justina. He saw her going to church and his heart became inflamed with her love. He was unable to obtain what he desired of her either by money, threat, or magic.

He sought Cyprian and complained to him about his condition, that he might make him gain favor with Justina’s heart and fulfill his desire of her. Cyprian promised him the fulfillment of his desire. He used all the trickery of his sorcery but failed. Every time he sent her a host of demons, they found her praying, so they came back defeated.

When Cyprian failed, he called the demons and told them, “If you do not bring Justina to me, I shall adopt Christianity.” The chief of the demons thought out a device to deceive him. He ordered one of his soldiers to disguise himself and to take the form of Justina and then go to Cyprian. He hastened and made it known to Cyprian her coming, so he rejoiced and waited for her. Then Satan, disguised as Justina, came to him, and Cyprianus rejoiced, and rose up to embrace her. Because of his great joy in her, he told her, “Welcome, Queen of Women, Justina.” Upon the mere mention of her name, Satan, disguised as her, melted away and disappeared like smoke, and an unpleasant smell spread out of him. Cyprianus knew that this was a deceitful trick of Satan who could not stand before the mentioning of her name. Immediately Cyprian rose up and burnt his books of magic. He was baptized by the patriarch of Antioch who put on him the monastic garb. After a while he ordained him a deacon, then a priest. Later on, after he had grown in virtues and in the doctrine of the church, they ordained him bishop of Carthage in the year 351 A.D. He took St. Justina and made her the head of a convent there. When the Ecumenical Council convened at Carthage, this saint was one of those who attended it. When Emperor Decius heard of them he had them brought before him, and he demanded them to raise incense for the idols. When they refused, he inflicted upon them many tortures and finally cut off their heads with the sword. Their prayers be with us, and Glory be to our God, forever. Amen.

The Martyrdom of Saints Cotylas (Kobtlas) and Axoua, his Sister, and Tatas, his Friend.

3rd October - 22nd Tote

On this day, Saints Cotylas (Kobtlas) and his sister Axoua, the children of Sapor, King of Persia, and Cotylas’ friend, Tatas, were martyred. Sapor worshipped fire and the sun. He inflicted many tortures on the believers, and no man through-

ةسيدقلاو فقسلأا سونايبرك سيدقلا داهشتسا هنيتسوي توت ٢١ - ربوتكأ ٢ سيدقلا دهشتسا م 357 ةنس نم مويلا اذه فىو ناك . ةنيتسوي ةسيدقلا و سونايبرك ليلجلا برغلما دلابب رحسلا ملعت ، ارحاسو ارفاك سونايبرك نأ هتردقبم رورغلا هلمح مث . هبارتأ في قاف ىتح ةرحسلا نم اهيف نم ىدحتيل ةيكاطنإ لىإ بهذي غلبو . هركذ عاش اهلصو المو هملعب مهيلع رختفيو ىوه دق ناك ، اهرباكأ دلاوأ نم باش عماسم دق ناك . ةنيتسوي ىعدت ءارذع ةيحيسم ةباش اهبحب هبلق بهتلاف . ةعيبلا لىإ اهباهذ ءانثإ اهآر ديدهتلاب لاو لالماب لا هبرأم اهنم غلبي لم هنكلو . هلاح هل اكشو رحاسلا. كلذ دصقف ، رحسلاب لاو هدارم اهنم غلبيو هيلإ ةنيتسوي بلق ليمتسي هلعل لك لمعتسا مث . . هلمأ غولبب سونايبرك هدعوف . اهيلإ لسرأ مالك هنلأ . حلفي ملف هرحس بيلاسأ نودوعيف لىصت ةئماق أهنودجي ينطايشلا نم ةوق نا : مهل لاقو ينطايشلا اعد ، زجع المو . ةبيخلاب طبنتساف .ةيحيسلما قنتعأ ةنيتسوي لىإ اوضرحت لم دحأ رمأ هنأ كلذو ، اهب هعدخي ةليح ينطايشلا يربك هيتأيو اهتروص في رهظيو اهيزب نيزتي نأ هدونج لظو حرفف . اهئيجبم سونايبرك ملعاف قبس مث . هيلإ لخد دق اهب هبشتلما ناطيشلاب اذإو . اهبقري هجاهتبا مظعلو . اهقناعيل ماقو سونايبرك حرفف . دنعف ، ةنيتسوي ءاسنلا ةديسب ابحرم : اهل لاق اهب اهب هبشتلما ناطيشلا لحنا طقف اهمسا هركذ اهنأ سونايبرك ملعف . ةهيرك ةجئار هنم تحافو ةلابق فقي نأ عطتسي لم يذلا ناطيشلا نم ةعدخ نم دمعتو ، هبتك قرحأو هتقول ماقف ، اهمسا ركذ دعبو . ةنبهرلا سابل هسبلا يذلا ةيكاطنإ كريرطب ةليضفلا في مدقت المو . اسقف اسماش همسر كلذ ةنس ةنجاطرق لىع افقسأ هولعج ةعيبلا مولع فىو لىع ةسيئر اهماقأو ةنيتسوي ةسيدقلا ذخأو . م 35١ سدقلما عمجلما عتمجإ المو . كانه تابهارلل ريد . هيف ينعمتجلما دحأ سيدقلا اده ناك ةنجاطرقب بلطو ماهضرحتسا سويقاد كللما اذهب ملع المو ماهبقاع هاعيطي لم المو . مانصلأل يرخبتلا ماهنم . فيسلا دحب ماهيقنع بضر ايرخأو ةيرثك تابوقع . ينما . ايدبأ ائماد دجلما انبرلو . انعم نوكت ماهتلاص : ةظحلام ينب هتاعبط ضعب في يطبقلا راسكنسلا طلخي رخآ سيدقو ةنجاطرق فقسأ سونايبرك سيدقلا لعلو ، هديمعت لبق ارحاس ناك ةيكاطنإ في ناك يزنيزنلا سويروغيرغ سيدقلا هردصم طلخلا كلذ .١٢ – 8 نيشرعلاو ةعبارلا هتلاقم في يرس بتاك صيهفقلإا سويلوي سيدقلا داهشتسا هعم نمو ءادهشلا توت ٢٢ - ربوتكأ 3 صيهفقلإا سويلوي سيدقلا دهشتسا مويلا اذه فى يرس بتاك )اينلما ةظفاحبم نشفلا زكربم صوفقا( مماتهلال حيسلما ديسلا هماقأ يذلا اذه . ءادهشلا مهلاسرإو مهنيفكتو ينسيدقلا ءادهشلا داسجأب ةلاولا بولق لىع برلا لسرأ دقو . مهدلاب لىإ ةدابع لىع هومغري لمو ، دحأ هل ضرعتي ملف اوهس

out the country dared to mention the Name of Christ. His son, Cotylas, had a friend named Tatas who was a ruler over the country of Maydasayeen.

Certain people laid an accusation against Tatas before the king that he was a Christian. The king sent to him a governor named Tumakher to verify the validity of what was said and if it was true, to torture him. When Cotylas, the son of the king, heard that, he also went to that country, to his friend Tatas. When the governor arrived and found that he was Christian, he ordered his men to cast him in a furnace. St. Tatas made the sign of the Cross over the fire and the fire died out. Cotylas marvelled and asked him, “How did you learn this magic, 0 my brother?” He replied, “This is not magic but it is through faith in the Lord Christ.” Cotylas asked, “If I believed, would I be able to do the same?” Tatas answered that with faith you can do more than this. Cotylas, the son of the king, believed in Christ, then he drew near the fire and made the sign of the Cross over it, the fire backed a distance of 12 cubits.

The governor sent to the king to inform him what had happened, and the king had them brought to him. He ordered to cut off the head of Tatas who thus received the crown of martyrdom. However, he tortured his son, Cotylas, with different kinds of tortures. He cast him in prison and sent for his sister Axoua, so she might persuade him to return to his father’s belief. St. Cotylas preached her and turned her heart to the belief in the Lord Christ. He sent her to a priest who baptized her secretly.

She returned to her father saying, “I wish that you had what my brother and I have, for there is no God but Jesus Christ.”

The king became angry and commanded to torture her, until she yielded up her soul in the hand of the Lord Christ. They tied Cotylas to the tails of horses and dragged him over the mountains until he yielded up his spirit. Then they cut his body into pieces and they cast it out for the birds to consume it. When the soldiers departed, the Lord commanded saintly priests and deacons who went secretly at night and took the holy body which was shining as snow. They hid it in a place until the end of the days of persecution. Their intercession be for us all. Amen.

The Martyrdom of Saints Cotylas (Kobtlas) and Axoua, his Sister, and Tatas, his Friend.

3rd October - 22nd Tote

On this day, Saints Cotylas (Kobtlas) and his sister Axoua, the children of Sapor, King of Persia, and Cotylas’ friend, Tatas, were martyred. Sapor worshipped fire and the sun. He inflicted many tortures on the believers, and no man throughout the country dared to mention the Name of Christ. His son, Cotylas, had a friend named Tatas who was a ruler over the country of Maydasayeen.

Certain people laid an accusation against Tatas before the king that he was a Christian. The king sent to him a governor

مدختساو ءادهشلاب ةيانع هللا هظفحو . ناثولأا يرس نوبتكي اوناكف . ةياغلا هذهل ملاغ ةئاثملاث مهدلاب لىإ اهب نوضيمو ، ينسيدقلا ءادهشلا ىواديو هسفنب ءادهشلا مدخي ناكف وه امأ . نم دب لا« نولوقيو هل نوعدي اوناكو ، مهحارج دادع في بسحتل حيسلما مسا لىع كمد كفس كلم لاز مالف . »ءادهشلا كلمو سونايدلقد كللما دارأ . رابلا ينطنطسق هل متي نأ حيسلما ديسلا نوسيدقلا هب أبنت دق ام ءادهشلا دادع في بسحيل ضىيم نأ برلا هرمأف . دونمس لىاو سويناقرأ لىإ حيسلما ديسلاب فترعيو هبذعف كانه لىإ قلطناف ناكو ةيرثك تاباذع لياولا لىصو . هيوقي برلا تعلتباو ضرلأا تقشنإف ةئامو انثو ينعبس مانصلأا اوناك انهاك ينعبرأو هل اهومدق الم ، اهنومدخي لا( لياولا رمأك اهل دجسيل ؛ اهنب راوجب اهراثآ لازت ةيرثأ ةثعب اهتفشتكإ دقو بيرتأ ةسينك اياقب عم ديسلاب نمآ هتهلأ كلاه لياولا ىأر مالف )ةميظعلا بيرتأ لىاو لىإ سيدقلا ةبحص ضىم مث . حيسلما اديدش تاباذعب سويلوي سيدقلا بذع يذلا ضعب في ناكو . هيوقي حيسلما ديسلا ناكو ، ناثولأا فىايف ( بيابرلا اونيزف مانصلأل ديع مايلأا فعسو ليثماتلاو ليدانقلاب ) ناثولأا لكايه وأ ادغ لافتحلااب اوءدبيل باوبلأا اوقلغأو ، لخنلا عطقو هكلام لسرأف برلا نم سيدقلا بلطو ، قرحأو دامرلاب اههوجو برغو مانصلأا سوؤر مويلا حابص اوتأ المو . اببرلا ةهلآ عيمجو فعسلا ديعلاب لافتحلال سابللاب نولبسرتم مهو لياتلا لىاو نمأف ، اهفعض اوفرع ، مهتهلآب لمأ ام اوأرو حيسلما ديسلاب بعشلا نم يربك ددعو بيرتأ ، هوط( هوط لىإ كانه نم سيدقلا ضىم مث ، لىاوو دونمس لىاو هعمو )اطنط برقي اهاياقب عنتماف . اهيلاو سوردنكسلااب عمتجاو ، بيرتأ بضرب رمأف ايرخأ عجر هنكلو ، مهبيذعت نع لاوأ ساينويو سردات هادلوو سويلوي مهو . مهقانعأ في هعماجو ، بيرتأو دونمس ايلاوو ، هديبعو سفن ةئماسمخو فلأ مهددع غلبي ةميظع لىإ هيدلوو هدسج اولمحو ، هعم اودهشتسا نوكت هتعافش . اهلهأ نم ناك هنلأ ، ةيردنكسلإا . ايدبأ ائماد دجلما انبرلو ، انعيمج عم ساتاتو هتخأ وسكأو سلاتوك سيدقلا داهشتسا هقيدص توت ٢٢ - ربوتكأ 3 سلاتبوك نوسيدقلا دهشتسأ مويلا اذه في سطاطو ، سرفلا كلم روفاس لاجن هتخأ اوسكأو رانلا دبعي ناك روفاس نآ كلذو . هقيدص

named Tumakher to verify the validity of what was said and if it was true, to torture him. When Cotylas, the son of the king, heard that, he also went to that country, to his friend Tatas. When the governor arrived and found that he was Christian, he ordered his men to cast him in a furnace. St. Tatas made the sign of the Cross over the fire and the fire died out. Cotylas marvelled and asked him, “How did you learn this magic, 0 my brother?” He replied, “This is not magic but it is through faith in the Lord Christ.” Cotylas asked, “If I believed, would I be able to do the same?” Tatas answered that with faith you can do more than this. Cotylas, the son of the king, believed in Christ, then he drew near the fire and made the sign of the Cross over it, the fire backed a distance of 12 cubits.

The governor sent to the king to inform him what had happened, and the king had them brought to him. He ordered to cut off the head of Tatas who thus received the crown of martyrdom. However, he tortured his son, Cotylas, with different kinds of tortures. He cast him in prison and sent for his sister Axoua, so she might persuade him to return to his father’s belief. St. Cotylas preached her and turned her heart to the belief in the Lord Christ. He sent her to a priest who baptized her secretly. She returned to her father saying, “I wish that you had what my brother and I have, for there is no God but Jesus Christ.” The king became angry and commanded to torture her, until she yielded up her soul in the hand of the Lord Christ. They tied Cotylas to the tails of horses and dragged him over the mountains until he yielded up his spirit. Then they cut his body into pieces and they cast it out for the birds to consume it. When the soldiers departed, the Lord commanded saintly priests and deacons who went secretly at night and took the holy body which was shining as snow. They hid it in a place until the end of the days of persecution. Their intercession be for us all. Amen.

The Departure of Jonah, the Great Prophet 5th October - 24th Tote

On this day, the great prophet Jonah, the son of Amittai, departed. It was said that he was the son of the widow of Zar-e-phath whom Elijah the Prophet had raised from the dead. Jonah followed Elijah, served him and received the grace of prophesying. God inspired him to go to the city of Nineveh to admonish its people and to warn them that after three days the city shall be overthrown. Jonah pondered in his heart saying, “If God wished to destroy them He would not forewarn them. I fear that if I go to them and convey to them this warning, they might repent and God would not destroy them. I would be a liar and no one will listen to me and probably may be get killed because I conveyed to them a false message from God. So I will arise and flee.”

What did this prophet think of? How could anyone flee from the face of God? By escaping, he wanted to get away from the city of Nineveh. He did not want to admonish them knowing that God is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and repentant of the evil. He thought that by staying away from Nineveh the Lord would send another prophet to preach to this city. The escape of Jonah the Prophet, and his having been cast into the sea are to make manifest the miracle of his remaining in the belly of the whale for three days and then coming out safely.

اذهلو . ايرثك يننمؤلما بذعي ناكو . سمشلاو هدهع في حيسلما مسا ركذي نأ دحأ سرجي لم سطاط همسا قيدص سلاتبوك هنبلا ناكو . . هنأ مهضعب هب شىوف ينيسديلما ةروك لىع اسيئر فرعيل ، رخاموط لياولا هيلإ لسرأف ، يحيسم . هبذع احيحص ناك اذإ ىتح لوقلا اذه ةحص وه قلطنا كللما نبا سلاتبوك كلذب ، عمس المو مالف . سطاط هقيدص لىإ ةروكلا كلت لىإ اضيأ نوتأ هل دعي نأ رمأ ، ايحيسم هدجوو لياولا ضرح ةملاع سطاط سيدقلا مشرف . هيف حرطيو ران سلاتبوك بجعتف . تأفطناف رانلا لىع بيلصلا ؟ »يخأ اي رحسلا اذه تملعت فيك« هل لاقو نايملإا نم هنإ لب رحسلا نم اذه سيل« هباجأف لعفأ ايحيسم انأ تنك اذإو« هل لاقف . »حيسلماب »اذه نم ثركأ لعفت نايملإاب« هباجأ »؟ اذكه مدقت مث . حيسلماب كللما نبا سلاتبوك نمأف . سمخ ةعجار تأفطناف ، اهيلع مشرو رانلا لىإ اذهب هغلبي كللما لىإ لياولا لسرأف ، اعارذ ةشرع سأر عطقب رمأو . كللما ماهاعدتساف . رملأا هدلو سلاتبوك امأو . ةداهشلا ليلكإ لانو سطاط . هبذعي مدقلم هملسو . باذعلا عاونأب هبذعف اهلعل اوسكأ هتخأ هيلإ لسر مث نجسلا في هحرطف اهظعوف . هيبأ ةديقع لىإ هدرتو هبلق ليمتست لىإ اهلسرأ مث . حيسلماب نايملإا لىإ اهبلق لامأو كتيل ة ةلئاق اهيبأ لىإ تداعو اهدمعيل . سق هناف . يخآو انأ هيلع تلصح ام لىع لصاح تنك رمأو كللما بضغف . حيسلما عوسي لاإ هلا سيل ؟ . حيسلما دي في حورلا تملسأ ىتح ماهبيذعتب هب اوقلطناو ليخلا لايذأ في هوطبرف سلاتبوك امأ هدسج اوعطق مث . حورلا ملسأ ىتح لابجلا قوف فصرنا المو . ءماسلا رويط هلكأتل كانه هوقلأو ، ينسيدق سوسق لىإ عوسي برلا ىحوأ دونجلا دسجلا اوذخأو ، ليللا في ةيفخ اوضمف سماشو لىإ ناكم في هوفخأو جلثلاك ئضي وهو سدقلما نوكت عيمجلا ةعافش . داهطضلاا نمز ءاضقنا . ينمأ ،انعم م ق 900 ةنس يبنلا نانوي ةحاين راكذت توت ٢٤ - ربوتكأ 5 نب نانوي ميظعلا ىبنلا حينت مويلا اذه لثم في يذلا ، اديص هفصر هلمرأ نبا هنأ ليقو ياتمأ لانو همدخو هعبتف ، تولما نم يبنلا ايليا هماقأ لىإ هتدوعو هبورـهو نانوي ةصق( . ةوبنلا ةمعن دهعلا في نانوي رفس في ليصفتلاب ةنودم يونين . سدقلما باتكلا في ميدقلا لىإ ضىيم نأ هيلإ لىاعتو كرابت هللا ىحوأ دقف مايأ ةثلاث دعب هنأ اهلهأ رذنيو يونين ةنيدم ناك ول« لائاق هسفن في ركفف ة مهتنيدم بلقنت شىخأو ، مهراذنإب ينبلط الم مهكلاه ءاشي هللا لاف اوبوتيف راذنلإا اذه مهغلبأو مهيلإ ضىمأ نأ ينقدصي دحأ دوعي لاف ابذاك انأ نوكأو . مهكلهي هللا نع بذكلا تلقن نيلأ لتقأ ابمرو . دعب مايف يبنلا اذه نظ هاسع اذماف . »برهأو مقأف ، ؟ هللا هجو نم برهي نأ دحأ عيطتسي فيك ؟ هنلأ يونين ةنيدم نع دعتبي نأ برهلاب دارأ هنا فوؤر هللا نأ هتفرعلم مهراذنإب مايقلا ءاشي لم

This was a symbol of, and evidence for, the resurrection of our Savior from the sepulcher, unchanged, after three days. Jonah rose up to flee from the presence of the Lord and went down to Joppa; he found a ship going to Tarshish and sailed on it. The Lord sent out a great wind and there was a mighty tempest in the sea and the ship was about to break. The people were all afraid, and cried every man to his god. They said everyone to his fellow, “Come and let us cast lots, that we may know because of whom this evil has befallen us.” And when they had cast lots, it fell upon Jonah. They said to him, “What have you done that brought such an affliction on us?” He replied, “Cast me in the sea and you shall be saved.” They begged the Lord’s pardon, then they cast him into the sea, and a great whale swallowed him. He remained in its belly for three days and three nights and then he was cast out on the seashore. He rose up straightaway and came into Nineveh. He preached to its people and they all repented: The King, the nobles, and the poor, the old and the young. They all cried to God with fasting and everyone turned from his way and the Lord accepted their repentance and had mercy upon them. Jonah returned to the land of Israel and died there. He was more than 900 years before the advent of the Lord Christ. He prophesied in the days of Amos and his son Hosea. He lived nearly 100 years, out of which he prophesied more than 70 years. His prayers be with us, and Glory be to our God, forever. Amen.

The Angels’ Annunciation of John the Baptist to Zacharias 6th October - 25th Tote

On this day it was announced to Zacharias, the priest, the birth of John the Baptist. Zacharias was well advanced in years and his wife, Elizabeth, was barren and her time for begetting children had passed.

Zacharias was praying and beseeching God persistently to give him a child because the children of Israel reviled anyone without a son and treated him with ignominy. They would say about him that he was without the blessing that God had told Adam in these words: “Be fruitful and multiply.” The Lord had compassion on him and He hearkened to his petition. He sent him Gabriel the Angel to announce to him the birth of John. The angel came to him while he was in the sanctuary, as it is mentioned in the Holy Gospel (Luke 1:11), and announced to him the birth of the great prophet John, and that he should precede the Christ as it was said by the prophets, “He shall go before Him.” He asked the angel, “Whereby shall I know this? For I am an old man, and my wife well advanced in years.” The angel told him that he was sent from God to announce that to him and it is not seemly for him to doubt. He then told him that he shall be dumb till the birth of the child. On the day of John’s circumcision, they asked him about the child’s name. He asked for a tablet and wrote on it John and straightaway his mouth opened. Then he spoke and praised God and prophesied concerning his son John and the Lord Christ. He prophesied about his son that he would be a prophet and he should go before the face of the Lord. The prayers of this priest be with us, and Glory be to our God, forever. Amen.

هنأ نظو ،شرلا ليع مدان بضغلا ئطب ، ميحرو راذنلإ هيرغ ايبن هللا لسري يونين نع هداعتباب يبنلا نانوي بوره ناك دقو . ةنيدلما كلت في هدوجوب ةيلآا رهظي ىتح رحبلا في هحرطو نوكيل ، الماس هجورخو ، مايأ ةثلاث توحلا نطب ةثلاث دعب برقلا نم صلخلما مايق لىع لايلدو ازمر هجو نم برهيل نانوي ماقف . اداسف ري لمو مايأ لىإ ةبهاذ ةنيفس دجو ثيح افاي لىإ لزنو برلا لسرأف . . شيشرت لىإ اهباكر عم علقأف شيشرت رحبلا في ميظع ءون ثدحو ةديدش احير برلا خصرو اوفاخف ، سركنت ةنيفسلا تداك ىتح ماله ضعبل مهضعب لاق مث . ههلإ لىإ دحاو لك . ةيلبلا هذه نم ببسب فرعنل ةعرق ىقلن ام هل اولاقف ، نانوي ةعرقلا تباصأ اوعترقا مالف لاقف ؟ كببسب اذه انيلع ءاج ىتح هتلعف يذلا اورفغتساف ، اوملستف رحبلا في نيوحرطا مهل ثكمو . ميظع توح هعلبف هوحرط مث هللا دنع هفذق مث لايل ثلاثو مايأ ةثلاث هفوج في رذنأو ، يونين لخدو كلذ دنع ماقف ، يونين يرقفلاو ميظعلاو كللما ، مهعيمج اوباتف اهلهأ عجرو ينئماص هللا لىإ اوخصرو ، لفطلاو خيشلاو هللا لبقف ، ةئيدرلا هقيرط نع مهنم دحاو لك ضرأ لىإ تيأو نانوي ماق مث ، مهمحرو مهتبوت نم ثركأب حيسلما ديسلا ءيجم قبسو . اهب تامو ايزوع هنباو صومآ نامز في أبنتو . ةنس ةئماعست اهنم أبنت . ةنس ةئالما نم برقي ام شاع دقو . انبرلو . انعم نوكت هتلاص . ةنس ينعبسو فين ينمآ ايدبأ ائماد دجلما نادمعلما انحوي دلايبم نهاكلا ايركز ةراشب شربلما لايبرغ ةطساوب توت ٢5 5 - ربوتكأ ٦ انحوي دلايبم نهاكلا ايركز شربُ مويلا اذه لثم في خاشو برك دق ناك اذه ايركز نلأ . نادمعلما نامز ضىمو ارقاع تنأك تاباصيلأ هتجوزو ، ةبلطلاو ةلاصلا لىع اموادم ايركز ناكو . اهلمح اوناك ليئاسرإ ىنب نلأ ، ادلو هقزري نأ هللا لىإ . هردق نوصقنتسيو ، ادلو قزري لم نم نويرعي هللا اهلاطعأ يتلا ةكبرلا ميدع هنا هنع نولوقيو بلطلا اموادم قيدصلا ناك اذهلو ، مدلأ لىاعت عمسو هيلع هللا ننحتف . ادلو هللا هقزري نأ انحويب هشربيل كلالما ليئابرج هل لسرأو . هتبلط سدقلما ليجنلإا لوقي ماك لكيهلا في وهو هاتاف . مدقتي هنأ هملعأو ، انحوي ميظعلا يبنلاب هشربو ايدانم نوكيل ءايبنلأاب ليق ماك حيسلما ءيجم اذه لي نوكي فيك« لائاس كلاملل لاقف ، همامأ . »اهمايأ في ةمدقتم تيأرماو ، خيش لجر انأو اذهب هفرعيل هاتأ هللا لبق نم هنأ كلالما هملعاف هنأ هملعأ مث . هيف كشي نأ يغبني لاف . برخلا هناتخ موي فىو ، انحوي دلوي نأ لىإ اتماص ىقبيس انحوي هيف بتكو احول بلطف . همسا نع لئس أبنتو ، هللا حبسو ملكتو هناسل قلطنا لاحللو . هنبا ناو . حيسلما ديسلا نعو انحوي هنبا نع ةلاص . برلا هجو مامأ قلطنيو ، ايبن نوكيس ايدبا ائماد دجلما انبرلو . انعم نوكت نهاكلا اذه ينمآ .

Third Sunday of Tote

Luke 19: 1 – 10

“for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.” (10)

Do you feel shy sometimes? This is good. Shyness is a good character for a humble person. But, not all shyness is good. There is a required and even holy shyness. There is also unacceptable shyness.

Zacchaeus can justify for himself why he cannot meet the Lord Jesus. Very pressing crowd, he is a sinner whom people do not welcome among them and also, he is a rich person and do not like to be tossed around in the crowd. There is also another reason. He was of short stature. This may make him subject to be mocked by children or ridiculed by adults. One of these reasons is enough to make a normal person hesitate and try to find another suitable chance to see Jesus and talk to Him. In fact Zacchaeus do not shy anymore in doing the wrong things. He is a Tax Collector. He is even a chief Tax Collector. He robs the people from their money. He put them in trouble without mercy. Here we find Zacchaeus deciding not to be shy also in doing the right things. When he lost his shyness in doing the wrong things he fell into many sins and troubles. When he lost his shyness in doing the right thing, Salvation came to his house. Ask yourself if you also feel shy in doing the right or the wrong things??

+ a chief tax collector:

What a job !! it is exactly as if somebody say that his job is a robber, or a gangster!

These days there are many who bride themselves about committing sin. Glorifying the wrong and unethical became a common habit. Human start-

كرابلما توت رهش نم ثلاثلا دحلأا ١0 – ١ :١9 9 اقول ام صلخيو بلطي كىل ءاج ناسنلأا نبأ نلأ ١0 0 :١9 اقول كله دق اذه ؟؟؟ لجخي ىذلا عونلا نم تنأ له نم هتاذ دح فى لجخلاف .. ليمج ءشى لك سيل نكلو .. عضتلما ناسنلأا تافص هيف بوغرم لجخ كانهف .. لاوبقم لجخلا .. بسانم يرغ لجخ كانهو .. سدقمو بسانم رذع اكز ىدل ناك كشلابو عطتسي لم اذالم هسفنل هب للعي ماحزلاف .. عوسي برلا لباقي نأ ءىطاخ ناسنإ اضيأ وهو .. ديدش مهطسو هلوخب سانلا بحري لا هتناكم هلو ىنغ ناسنإ هنأ ماك .. نأ بحي لا اعبطو .. عمتجلما فى .. ماحزلا طسو هلوخدب دحأ هلدهبي نم نم كانهو .. هعفدي نم كانهف كانه هنأ ماك .. اذكهو .. همحزي يرصق ناسنإ وهو .. مهم ببس اضيأ دق اذهو .. ظوحلم لكشب ةماقلا تاكنو لافطلأا ةيرخسل هضرعي .. ةلدهبلا اذمالف .. رابكلا دق بابسلأا هذه نم دحاو ببس نإ عجاتري ىتح ىداع صخش ىأ ىفكي عيطتسأ ىرخأ ةصرف رظتنلأ هسفنل لوقيو .. هعم ثدحتأو عوسي ىرأ نأ اهيف لمع فى هؤايح دقف دق ىذلا .. اكز نكلو .. راشع وهف .. ديعب نامز ذنم .. أطخلا سانلا لاومأ زتبي .. نيراشعلل سيئر لب اذه ررق .. مهلكاشمو مهاذأ فى ببستيو لمع فى اضيأ هؤايح دقفي نأ ناسنلأا دقف امدنع .. ةليضف نم اهلايو .. باوصلا بعاتمو اياطخ فى طقس ةيطخلا فى هؤايح باوصلا لمع فى هؤايح دقف امدنعو .. ةيرثك .. تيبلا اذه لهلأ صلاخ ثدح .. كؤايح دقفت شى ىأ فى .. بيبحلا اهيأ تنأو لعف فى مأ باوصلا لعف فى .. لجخت ىتمو .. .. ؟؟ أطخلا :نيراشعلل سيئر وهو + ماك اماتم .. ةفيظو نم اهلاي .. ةفص نم اهلاي صل هنأ هتفيظو نأ .. هسفن نع ناسنإ لوقي .. قيرط عطاق وأ .. لتاق وأ .. أطخلا ديجتمو .. شرلاب راختفلأا نأ بيجعلاو مايلأا هذه فى ةعئاشلا تافصلا نم تحبصأ ناسنلأا دقفي ام ايرثكف .. ديدجب اذه سيلو يرصي شرلا فى سمغنيو ةيطخلل هتيساسح

ed to lose their sensitivity about committing wrong things. Getting more indulged into sinful behaviour is the norm which many feel proud of. When the two Angels entered the house of Lot in Sodom (Gen 19) the whole city came to the door demanding that Lot bring out his guests for them to know them in a carnal way. No shame at all. That became normal. This sinful act became part of their normal life. The Lord was very angry about the people of this city and decided to burn the whole city by fire from heaven. In a war between Moab and Israel (Numbers 25), king of Moab realised he cannot conquer the armies of Israel as God supported them. He decided to defeat them by sin. He sent the evil women of Moab to tempt the men of Israel to the sin. Those women had no shame and dragged the men of Israel to the sin. The Lord was very angry. He ordered Moses to kill those who indulged shamelessly into the sin. As the people of Israel were mourning crying, a man came with a Moabite woman introducing here without shame to others. Phinehas the priest was enraged with zeal and entered the tent killing the two offenders. The Lord praised his zeal and blessed him. On that day 24 thousand were killed. There are also those who shamelessly turned the Temple of God the den of thieves (Matthew 21). The Lord was angry and turned the tables of the money changers and drove those who bought and sold out of the Temple.

Some have canonized the wrong to the level that St Paul describes: “For it is shameful even to speak of those things which are done by them in secret.” (Eph 5:12) and St Peter says about it: “In regard to these, they think it strange that you do not run with them in the same flood of dissipation, speaking evil of you. (1Pet 4:4). Do you feel ashamed of your sins. Do you still feel embraced from your sins or you

.. اضيأ هب رختفيو لب .. هتايح نم ءزج )١9 نيوكت( مودس فى طول تيب ناكلالما لخد امدنعف راشرلأا ةنيدلما لىاهأ نكلو .. ةفايض طول ماهل عنص عيمجلا .. خيشلا لىا ثدحلا نم تيبلا مامأ اوعمتجأ .. طول فويض عم شرلا اوسرايم نأ نوبلطي ؟؟اذالم .. ةنيدلما لىاهأ طسو شرلا ىترشسأ اذكه .. لجخ نودب اوقحتسأ كلذلو .. أطخ اذه نأ لوقي نم مهنيب سيل .. ءماسلا نم اتيبركو اران هللا لزني نأ .. بعصلا باقعلا .. ةنيدلما هذه قرحيو لا هنأ بآوم فرع .. بآومو ليئاسرأ ينب برح فىو )٢5 ددعلا رفس( برحلا فى ليئاسرأ مزهي نأ عيطتسي تانب بآوم كلم لسرأ .. ةيطخلاب مهمزهي نأ ررقف .. انزلا ةيطخ فى طقسي بعشلا أدبو تاريشرلا بآوم ىودع تلقتنأو بآوم تانب دنع لجخ كانه نكي لم .. ادج برلا بضغو .. ليئاسرأ ىنب لىا لجخلا مدع ةيطخلاب اوسجنت نيذلا ءلاوؤه لتقي نأ سىوم رمأو .. هتيطخ لىع كىبي بعشلا مانيبو كلذ ءانثأ فىو .. ةأرلما هتوخأ لىا مدقو ءاج ليئاسرأ ىنب نم لجرب اذا ءايح وأ لجخ نودب اذكه .. اهعم نىزي ىتلا ةينايدلما لخاد لىا لخديو برلا ةيرغ نهاكلا ساحنيف يرغيو .. حدمو .. ماهلتقيف حمرلاب ةأرلماو لجرلا نعطيو ةميخلا ملاس قاثيم هاطعأو هكرابو نهاكلا ساحنيف ةيرغ برلا .. افلأ ٢٤ مويلا اذه فى ليئاسرأ نم كلهو .. ةراغم لىا هللا تيب اولوحي نأ اولجخي لم نم كانهو نوعيبي مهدجوف لكيهلا لىا برلا لخد .. صوصلل تيب لوحت .. مماحلا ةعابو ةفرايصلا ىأرو نوترشيو اذكه .. لكاشمو تاقسرو تامواسمو ةراجت تلا هللا درطو اطوس عنصو ادج برلا بضغو .. لجخ نودب .. ةفرايصلا دئاوم بلقو مماحلا ةعاب لىا رملأا لصو ىتح .. أطخلا ضعبلا فترحأ اذكهو روملأا نأ : لوسرلا سلوب هنع لوقي ىذلا ىوتسلما درجم .. )١٢ :5 سسفأ( حيبق اهركذ اسر مهنيب ةثداحلا .. اهلعاف وه مكف حيبق اهركذ نيذلا مملأا نأ : لوسرلا سرطب سيدقلا لوقي ماكو .. تامدانلماو رطبلاو رمخلا نامدإو ةراعدلا فى اوكلس لىا مهعم نوضكرت لا مكنأ نوبرغتسي هيف ىذلا رملأا )٤:٤ سرطب ١( ينفدجم اهنيع ةعلاخلا ضيف مأ كاياطخ نم لجخت تلزام له .. بيبحلا اهيأ تنأو هءاقدصأ وعدي ىذلا نع لوقت اذام ؟؟ اهب رختفت تنأ .. رومخلا .. رماقلا باعلأ .. شرلاب ةئيلم تارهس لىا .. ةريشر ثيداحأ ضىتمو ةقئلا يرغ سبلام سبلت ىتلا نع لوقت اذام فشكت ءايح وأ لجخ نودب اذكه .. قيرطلا فى اهب لا ابمر لب .. هللا لكيه ىه ىتلا اهدسج ءاضعأ ... ةسينكلا لىا اهب ضىتم نأ لجخت نم عنانملا اننأ .. ىحيسلما ءايحلا نم يرثكلا اندقف دقل

are proud of it? A friend can invite you to party full of loud music, drinking, may be drugs and gambling. Another may feel it is ok to dress in unproperly clothes in full show for everyone to see. Your body is a sanctuary for the Lord you should not defile it or make it look cheap. We lost a lot of the Christian shyness and modesty. We allow ourselves to take part in inappropriate conversations full of obscene words and gestures with no sense of shame. We may also defend the wrong as it became normal. We find many excuses for ourselves and our children to copy the behaviour of worldly people and indulge with them the fulness of world lusts and desires. No shame anymore in proceeding to evil. What about shyness in the wright things?? + So he ran ahead and climbed up into a sycamore tree: How hard was it for Zacchaeus to do that? It was also painful. Zacchaeus have gone over the big hurdle of shyness. He could overcome his own bride and went to climb the tree.

This type of shyness has caused issues for many. One of the beloved disciple Peter had went throu8gh this hard experience. In his early weakness at the crucifixion night he denied the Lord in front of a maid servant three times. He also had another experience with a big difference. After Pentecost, there were a lot of discussions among the Apostles about circumcision and if it was necessary for the gentiles to be circumcised first. St Peter had his own experience when he was called to the house of Cornelius to lead him the faith in Christ (Acts 10). Even he baptised those Gentiles he also withdrew and separated himself out of shyness when he came back to Antioch because certain men came from James, and was blamed by St. Paul (Galatians 2: 11 – 14). You may feel shy to sign yourself by the cross in public or even to pray before taking part in a meal before your friends, or also to pray in your home in front of your

انحبصأ .. عيمجلا مامأ انلع .. ةبذهم يرغ تكن لوقن نأ نيرخلآا طسو شرلا نكامأ لىا بهذن نأ نم عنانم لا ةزيمم نكامأ رومخلل تحبصأ .. ءايح وأ لجخ نودب نيأ .. اهلماعتسأو اهتدهاشلم نيرخلآا وعدن انلزانم فى انصر اننأ رملأا لصو لب ؟؟.. ىحيسلما انلجخ بهذ اندلاوأو انسفنلأ راذعلأا قلتخنو .. أطخلا نع عفادن سماغنلأا فى مهتاراجمو لماعلا لهأب ةبشتلا فى رارمتسلأل .. لماعلا تاوهش فى فى لجخلا نع اذماف .. أطخلا فى لجخلا مدع وه اذه ؟؟ باوصلا .. ةزيمج لا دعصو امدقتم ضكر + لعفي نأ اكز لثم صخشل لمؤم وه مك .. بعص وه مك لجخلا زجاح اذه هلمع فى اكز ىطخت دقل .. اذه ةماركلا زجاح .. هيلع نوكحضيو سانلا هاري نأ نم .. ةزيمج قلستي هلثم اصخش نأ ةيصخشلا ادج هنم بعت .. نييرثكلا بعتأ اذه لجخلا عوضوم نأ ىقق .. لوسرلا سرطب .. عوسي برلا ذيملات نم ذيملت ذيملت هنأ فترعي نأ لجخ بيلصلا دنع لولأا هفعض اذه لثمو.. تارم ةثلاث ةيراج مامأ برلا ركنأو ىصرانلا ناك ناو .. ىرخأ ةرم اضيأ سرطب هنم بعت لجخلا ذيملاتلا أدب ادنعف .. .. يربك قراف عمو .. رخآ لكشب عوضوم لوح ةيرثك تاشقانم تراث .. مملأا نوشربي لبق لاوأ اودوهتي نأ مملأل مزلي لهو .. ةلرغلاو ناتخلا اذه فى ةيلمع ةبرخ سرطبل ناكو .. نايملأا فى مهلوخد لماعأ .. ةئلما دئاق سويلينرك نايمأ ىهو ( عوضولما جرحم فقولم سرطب ضرعت .. اذه مغرو )١0 لسرلا ذا .. )١٤ – ١١ :٢ ةيطلاغ( لوسرلا سلوب سيدقلا هتكب نم مهضعب دمعو ينيممأ شرب ىذلا سرطب سيدقلا نأ موق ضرحو ةيكاطنأ لىا عجر امدنع .. سويلينرك لاثمأ عم مهمامأ لكأي نأ لجخ .. بوقعي سيدقلا دنع نم نأ سلوب سيدقلا رطضأ مام .. هسفن زرفي راصو مملأا .. اذه لىع همولي دق ةرم مك .. اههجاون ىتلا لجخلا فقاوم ثركأ ام وأ لمعلا فى كءلامز امأ بيلصلا مشرت نأ نم لجخت كتيب لهأ مامأ لىصت نأ لجخت ةرم مك .. ةساردلا لىصت كنأ كتداع رهظت نأ لجخت ةرم مك .. كءاقدصأو لجخت ةرم مك .. كءاقدصأ مامأ ماعطلا لوانت لبق لاجخوأ افوخ كدسج ىطغت ةقئلا سبلام ىدترت نأ دق )ةضوم شوم( فلختم كنأ ضعبلا كنع لوقي نأ لوقت نأ لجختو كل تمدق رمخ سأك ضفرت نأ لجخت .. مهتقادص دقفت دقو كنم اورخسي لائل بشرت لا كنأ مزتلم ىحسم كنأ نيرخلآا فرعي نأ اقح لجخت له .. سىكوذوثرلأا كديلقتو ةيحيسلما كءداببم تنأ .. ةليضف سيل كتيحيسلم كءافخإ نإ بيبحلا اهيأ لااثم مهيطعت .. لماعلا مامأ كحسلم دهشت نأ بلاطم لاو ارخف سيل .. برلاو ةسادقلاو ةليضفلا ةايحل انسح نكاسلا برلل ةداهش لب .. كتاذ وأ كلئاضفب ازازتعأ

family. You do not want to be mocked by your friend for showing your Christianity. Or even take part in an inappropriate practice just to be accepted and praised by friends. Today many people will be ready to criticise you for your Christian and Orthodox principles and practices. Do not be shy. Stand strong and be a good witness for Christ for the whole world. Not just by talk but also by being a good example in the life of righteousness, chastity and honesty. Show Christ Who is in you. This is the new martyrdom in this world we are living in today. Our fathers were ready to give their life and never deny the name of Christ. It came time when our fathers accepted to have very heavy iron crosses to be hanged to their necks and chests. They were proud of withstanding the persecution for the Lord. Today we should learn from them and stand strong witnessing for the Lord and declaring that we are followers of the Lord crucified for the Salvation of the world.

6th October - 25th Tote

صلخلما ىدافلا مسلأ انلاعإو .. كيف اظفحو اصرحو .. كيلع ىعد ىذلا ءارو فارحنلأا نم كسفنل انوصو .. شرلا نابلصلا نولمحي انؤابآ ناك دقل مهرودص لىع ةليقثلا ةيديدحلا انصر نحن لهف .. مهباقر فى ةقلعمو نلعنو انسفنأ مشرن نأ لجخن نم بولصلما اذه عابتأ اننأ نيرخلآل ؟؟ لماعلا صلاخ لجأ ةزيمجلا قوف بيبحلا اهيأ دعصأ .. قئلا يرغلا لجخلا اذه ةرجش .. ةايح ديرتو بئات ناسنإ كنأ نلعأ نأ برلا حرفي فوس ذئدنعو ..برلا يرصيو .. كتيب لخديو .. كوعدي ... تيبلا اذه لهلأ اصلاخ
The Angels’ Annunciation of John the Baptist to Zacharias

+ From Nayroz to the Cross:

The period between the Feast of Nayrouz (12th September – 1st Tote) and Feast of the Holy Cross (28th September – 17th Tote) is a very special period for our Church and Coptic people. During this time the church prays in the joyful tune. Not only it is a commemoration for our fathers the martyrs but also it is a national historic festival time. Ancient Egyptian used to celebrate in a very special way this Feast of Nayrouz. The Coptic Calendar was the official and most widely used calendar until the beginning of the 20th century when it was replaced by the western calendar. It was always used along with the Arabic Hijri Calendar for many centuries. The employees used to get their monthly salaries even on the small month (Nasi) which was only 5 or 6 days. The Coptic Calendar was the main calendar to determine most of the seasons and occasions for the people and the church. Thus the start of the Coptic year carries very deep and special meaning for the Copts over the ages. Celebrations continue until the Feast of the Holy Cross which is the real start of the New era of reconciliation and Grace. Celebrations end on the Feast of the Cross signifying the start of real life of work and strife and signifying the meaning of living with the Lord witnessing for Him carrying His Cross and becoming like live Gospels read by all people. Let us sing with King David the Psalmist saying: “You crowned the year with Your Goodness and Your Paths drip with abun- dance” Psalm 65:11.

:بيلصلا ىلا زورينلا نم + بيلصلاو زورينلا نيب ام ةرتقلا )ربمتبس 28 - ١2 ( توت ١7 – ١ ايحور صاخ عضو اهل ةرتف يه امنإ ىفو .ةيطبقلا ةسينكلا ىف ايخيراتو ةسينكلا ىلصت ةرتفلا هذه للاخ مل زورينلا ديع .ىحيارفلا ناحللأاب راكذتب هيف لفتحن يسنك ديع طقف نكي ةنسلا ةيادبو نيسيدقلا ءادهشلا انئابآ ءامدق ناكو ايموق اديع ناك لب ةيطبقلا اريبك لاافتحا هب نولفتحي نييرصملا ةنسلا اهسفن ىه ةيطبقلا ةنسلاف .ازيممو لوخد دعب ىتحو ةميدقلا ةينوعرفلا لظ عباسلا نرقلا ىف رصم ىلا برعلا ىذلا يلعفلا ميوقتلا وه يطبقلا ميوقتلا لاومعم لظو لب بعشلا ةماع هلمعتسي ميوقتلا عم ةيموكحلا حلاصملا ىف هب نيرشعلا نرقلا لئاوأ ىتح يبرعلا ناكو .ىبرغلا ميوقتلا هب لدبتسا امدنع ةموكحلا يفظوم نأ فورعملا نم ىتح ةلماك ةيرهشلا مهتابترم نوذخأي وأ 5 هتدم ىذلا ريغصلا ىسنلا رهش ىف يطبقلا ميوقتلا ناك عقاولا ىقو .مايأ 6 هتلاافتحاو بعشلا تابسانم لك ددحي ةيادب ناك اذكهو .ةيسنكلا ريغو ةيسنكلا ىف ماهو قيمع ىزغم هل ةيطبقلا ةنسلا دوعتو .خيراتلا رم ىلع طابقلأا نادجو ديع ىتح مهتلاافتحا رمتست نأ طابقلأا وه بيلصلا ديع نوكي انهو .بيلصلا بعتلاو لمعلا ةنسل ةيقيقحلا ةيادبلا ةيادبب لافتحلاا جزتمأ دقل .داهتجلااو سدقملا بيلصلا ديعب يطبقلا ميوقتلا دهعلا ةيادبو اهزمرو ةيحسملا راعش لفتحنل .صلاخلاو ةمعنلا دهع ديدجلا عبتنلو ةسدقملا مايلأا هذهب حرفنو نيدهاش هبيلص نيلماح حلاصلا انصلخم نم ةءورقمو ةيح ليجانأ ريصنو هل كدوجب ةنسلا تللك .سانلا عيمج دواد عم لترنلف .امسد ءىلتمت كراثأو براي كراب” :حرفب نيلئاق كلملاو يبنلا رطقت كراثأو كحلاصب ةنسلا ليلكإ . ١١ : 65 زم “امسد

Smith’s Bible Dictionary

(pure), a tax-collector near Jericho, who, being short in stature climbed up into a sycamore tree in order to obtain a sight of Jesus as he passed through that place. (Luke 19:1-10) Zacchaeus was a Jew, as may be inferred from his name and from the fact that the Saviour speaks of him expressly as “a son of Abraham.” The term which designates his office -”the chief among the publicans” -is unusual, but describes him, no doubt, as the superintendent of customs or tribute in the district of Jericho, where he lived. The office must have been a lucrative one in such a region, and it is not strange that Zacchaeus is mentioned by the evangelists as a rich man. The Saviour spent the night probably in the house of Zacchaeus, and the next day pursued his journey. He was in the caravan from Galilee which was going to Jerusalem to keep the Passover.

Easton’s Bible Dictionary

Pure, a superintendant of customs; a chief tax-gather (publicanus) at Jericho (Luke 19:1-10). “The collection of customs at Jericho, which at this time produced and exported a considerable quantity of balsam, was undoubtedly an important post, and would account for Zacchaeus being a rich man.” Being short of stature, he hastened on before the multitude who were thronging about Christ as he passed through Jericho on his way to Jerusalem, and climbed up a sycamore tree that he might be able to see him. When our Lord reached the spot he looked up to the publican among the branches, and addressing him by name, told him to make haste and come down, as he intended that day to abide at his house. This led to the remarkable interview recorded by the evangelist, and to the striking parable of the ten pounds (Luke 19:12-27). At Er-riha (Jericho) there is a large, venerable looking square tower, which goes by the traditional name of the House of Zacchaeus.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia ZACCHAEUS

za-ke’-us (Zakchaios, from zakkay, “pure”):

(1) A publican with whom Jesus lodged during His stay in Jericho (Luke 19:110). He is not mentioned in the other Gospels. Being a chief publican, or overseer, among the tax-gatherers, Zaccheus had additional opportunity, by farming the taxes, of increasing that wealth for which his class was famous. Yet his mind was not entirely engrossed by material considerations, for he joined the throng which gathered to see Jesus on His entrance into the city. Of little stature, he was unable either to see over or to make his way through the press, and therefore scaled a sycomore tree. There he was singled out by Jesus, who said to him, “Zacchaeus, make haste, and come down; for to-day I must abide at thy house” (Luke 19:5). The offer thus frankly made by Jesus was accepted eagerly and gladly by Zaccheus; and the murmurings of the crowd marred the happiness of neither. How completely the new birth was accomplished in Zaccheus is testified by his vow to give half of his goods to the poor, and to make fourfold restitution where he had wrongfully exacted. The incident reveals the Christian truth that just as the publican Zaccheus was regarded by the rest of the Jews as a sinner and renegade who was unworthy to be numbered among the sons of Abraham, and was yet chosen by our Lord to be His host, so the social outcast of modern life is still a son of God, within whose heart the spirit of Christ is longing to make its abode. “For the Son of man came to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10).

Church New Building Project Financial Summary As on 18th Sep 23 Expression of Interest Enrolment Form: https://forms.gle/ wXJj3fKVEksWzTJu5 (or scan the QR) - 3 نس( ةناضحلل ميدقتلا ةرامتسإ )تاونس 4 2024 رياني نم ءادتبا حضوملا QR لا مدختسأ

Construction of New Buildings started Thursday 28th April

The new Building is expected to be ready December 2023. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downloaded from church website.

Cost of building works is around $13,000,000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreciated. 2022

ليربأ 28 سيمخلا موي تادب تاءاشنلإا لامعأ بسح داتعملا بسح متت ةسينكلا تامدخ .2023 ربمسيد عورشملا نم ءاهتنلاا عقوتملا نم .ةرشنلا لخاد حضوملا لودجلا .ارلاود نويلم ١3 3 ىلاوح عورشملا ةفلكت غلبت بحسلا ةرامتسأ ءلمب ىرهش عربتب ةكراشملا كنكني زكرم للاخ نم اهعبط وأ ةسينكلاب ةدوجوملا يكنبلا ينورتكللإا ةسينكلا لمعلا اذه ىف مكتمهاسمو مكتاعربت كرابي برلا Donations to St Mary’s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link طبارلا ىلع طغضأ ينابملا عورشمو ميرم ءارذعلا ةسينكل تاعربتلل https://www.stmc.org.au/donate (Copy & Paste on Web Browser)

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