Weekly Bulletin 20th August 2023

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Services at St Mary’s Church

Monday: Mass 9 - 11 am


Liturgy 5:30 - 7am

7:30pm The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages

Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am

6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults

Arabic ; 7-8:15pm English (Zoom)

Hymns Class Arabic 8-9pm (Zoom)


Mass 9 - 11 am - English

English Midnight Praises 7:30pm

English Bible Study 7:30pm

Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am

Youth 25 and above 7-9pm

Family Meeting 7-9pm (fortnightly)

Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm

Year 10-12 Sunday School 6-9pm

Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am

Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm

Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm


Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:307pm

Scouts 1:30 - 3pm

School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm


1st Mass6 - .7:45am Arabic & Eng-


2nd Mass.7:45 – .9:30am English

3rd Mass 9:30 - 11:15am Arabic

Hymns Class - English 11:4512:30pm

Church Priests:

Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251

Email: frtadros@me.com

Fr Habib Girgis Younan:

0401238177 – 94498871

Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail. com

Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821

Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au

Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kens-

ington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651

Fr Kerillos Tawadros

0411 518 399

Fr John Macary 0433 445 636

:ءارذعلا ةسينكب ةمدخلا ديعاوم:نينثلأا احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا احابص 7 - 5:30 :يهللإا سادقلا :ءاثلاثلا )يزيلجنا( ىاو اذ - يزيلجنلإاب رابكلل عامتجأ ءاسم 7:30 احابص ١١ – ٩ يهللإا سادقلا :ءاعبرلأا يبرع - رابكلل ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8 - 6:30 يزيلجنا - ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8:١5 - 7 يبرع - ناحلأ لوصف ءاسم٩ - 8 :سيمخلا يزيلجنا - احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - ليللا فصن ةحبست ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - سدقملا باتكلا سرد احابص ١١ – ٩ يهللإا سادقلا :ةعمجلا رثكأف ةنس 25 بابشلا ءاسم ٩ – 7 )نيعوبسأ لك( ةرسلأا عامتجأ ءاسم٩-7 يزيلجنا - ةمدخلا دادعإ عامتجأ ءاسم 8:30 - 7 ١0 تاونسل دحلأا سردم لصف ءاسم ٩ - 6 ١2احابص ١١ – 8,30 يهللإا سادقلا:تبسلا ءاسم 3 - ١:30 ةفاشكلا عامتجا ءاسم 4 - 3 ةسمامشلا ةسردم 5,30 – 4 دحلأا سرادم ءاسم 8:30 –7 بابشلا عامتجاو ةيشعلا يزيلجنا يبرع ءاسم 7 - 5:30 باتك سردو ةيشعلا :دحلأا يزيلجناو يبرع ص,7:45 – 6 لولأا سادقلا يزيلجنإ – ص ٩:30 – ,7:45 يناثلا سادقلا يبرع ص ١١:١5 – ٩:30 ثلاثلا سادقلا ءاسم ١2:30 - ١١:45 يزيلجنا - ناحلأ لصف :ةسينكلاب ةنهكلا ءابلأا ميبوراش سردات صمقلا 0414251251بلأا Email: frtadros@me.com :نانوي سجرج بيبح سقلا بلأا 94498871Email: - 0401238177 habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com 0422431821 :بيلص لكيام سقلا بلأا Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Epsom Rd, 3031:ةسينكلا ناونع :نوفيلت 5 Kensington Vic 93766651 سورضوات سلريك سقلا بلأا 0411518399 يراكم نوج سقلا بلأا 0433445636


Feast of Transfiguration of Our Lord on Mount Tabor.

19th August - 13th Mesra

On this day, the church celebrates the commemoration of the transfiguration of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on Mount Tabor. The disciples, Peter, James and John, were with Him, and about whom the Lord said, “ .... there are some standing here who shall not taste death till they see the Son of Man coming in His Kingdom.”

)Mt. 16:28( He fulfilled His promise, for six days later, He took His three disciples, up on a high mountain, where He was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became as white as light. And behold, Moses and Elijah appeared to them talking to the Lord.

The Lord wants to teach us that He is the Lord of Moses whom He can raise from the dead, and that He is the God of Elijah whom He can bring back from heaven.

St. Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, it is good for us to be here, if you wish, let us make here three tabernacles: one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.” This indicated the weakness of Peter for he thought that the Lord needed something to cover Him from the sun. It also indicated his good character, for he did not think of himself or the other disciples. We should not marvel at the lack of knowledge of the disciples, for they were not yet perfected. While Peter was still speaking, behold a bright cloud overshadowed them, so that Peter would know that Jesus was not in need of tabernacles made by hands. Suddenly a voice came out of the cloud saying, “This is My beloved Son, with Whom I am well pleased; listen to Him.”

(Mt. 17:1-8) When the disciples heard the voice, they fell on their faces and were exceedingly afraid. Jesus came and touched them with His blessed hand, saying, “Rise, and have no fear.” And when they lifted up their eyes, they saw no one but the Lord Jesus alone.

To Him is the Glory forever. Amen.

The Commemoration of the Departure of St. Mary Known as Marina, the Ascetic.

21st August - 15th Mesra

On this day, the church celebrates the commemoration of the departure of the nun St. Marina, who was the daughter of a very rich Christian man. Her name was Mariam, and her mother died when she was a little girl. Her father raised her, and brought her up well. When he wanted to give her in marriage, and to go himself and become a monk in one of the monasteries, she told him, «O my Father, why would you save your own soul, and destroy mine?» He answered saying, «What shall I do with you? You are a woman.» She told him, «I will take off my woman›s dress and will put on the garb of a man.» She rose up straightway, shaved off the hair on her head and put on the garb of a man. When her father saw her strong determination and persistent desire, he gave

ديجلما لىجتلا ديع ىحيارف سقط ىسرم ١٣ - سطسغأ ١٩ ليجت راكذتب ةسينكلا ديعت مويلا اذه في روط ليع حيسلما عوسي انصلخمو انبر هذيملات تقولا كاذ في هعم ناكو روباط انحويو بوقعيو سرطب : هلوقب مهانع نيذلا مهو اموق انهه مايقلا نم نا « اوري ىتح تولما نوقوذي لا هتوكلم في ايتأ ناسنلإا نبا لمكأ دقو ) 28 : ١6 تم( « ةتس دعب هناف . اذه هدعو ذخأ اذه هلوق نم مايأ مهب دعصو ةثلاثلا ذيملاتلا نيدرفنم لاع لبج ليع ءاضأو مهمادق هتئيه تيرغتو تراصو سمشلاك ههجو ذإو رونلاك ءاضيب هبايث مهل ارهظ دق ايلياو سىوم دصق دقو . هعم نمالكتي انملعي نأ كلذب حيسلما نم هميقمو سىوم بر هنأب نم هلزنمو ايليا هلاو تاوملأا سرطب لوق فيو . تاومسلا عنصنو انه ميقن تئش نأ : . بدأو فعض لاظم ثلاث لىإ ةجاح في برلا نأ هيركفتلف فعضلا امأ لم هنلأف بدلأا امأو . سمشلا نم هترسي ام ام ذيملاتلا نم هعم نلمو هسفنل بلطي بجعت لاو . ايلياو سىومو حيسملل هبلط اونوكي لم مهناف ذيملاتلا ملع صقن نم ةباحس تتأ اذه لاق المو . دعب اولمكأ دق لىإ جاتحم يرغ هنأ سرطب ييرل ، مهتللظو توص مهاتأو . يديلأاب ةعونصم لاظم « : لائاق هتيهولأ ذيملاتلا سفن في تبثيل هل . ترسر هب يذلا بيبحلا ينبأ وه اذه « اوعمسا ليع اوطقس كلذ ذيملاتلا عمس المو ةكرابلما هديب عوسي مهسملف مههوجو اوعفرف . اوفاخت لاو اوموق : مهل لاقو تم( هدحو عوسي لاإ ادحأ اوري لمو مهنيعأ )8 – ١ : ١7 ينمأ . دبلأا لىإ ائماد دجلما هل ةكسانلا انيرام ةسيدقلا ةحاين ىسرم ١٥ - سطسغأ 2١ ةحاين راكذتب ةسينكلا ديعت مويلا اذه في ةنبا تناك ىهو . ةبهارلا انيرام ةسيدقلا ميرم يمست تناكو ادج ينغ يحيسم لجر اهابرف ادج ةيرغص يهو اهمأ نم تمتيتف لىإ وه ضييمو اهجوزي نأ دارأ المو اهبدأو اهوبأ صلخت يدلاو اي اذالم « هل تلاق ةريدلأا دحأ عنصأ اذام اهباجأف « ؟ سيفن كلهتو كسفن

all his possessions to the poor, keeping only a very little for himself, and he called her Marina instead of Mariam (Mary). Then he went to one of the monasteries, and lived in one of the cells with his daughter, for ten years, fighting the spiritual fight. Then her father, who was an old man, died. St. Marina was left by herself, and she doubled her fasting, prayers and increased her asceticism. No one knew that she was a woman, and they attributed her soft voice to her intense asceticism and vigilant prayers.

Once the abbot of the monastery sent her, together with three monks, to the city on certain business of the monastery, and they lodged in an inn. That same night, one of the king›s soldiers lodged in that inn, and he saw the daughter of the owner of the inn, and he defiled her virginity. He instructed her to tell her father, «that the young monk, Father Marina, did that to me.» When she had conceived, and her father knew that, he asked her and she answered saying, «that it was the young monk, abba Marina, who did that to me.» Her father then became angry, went to the monastery and began to curse and insult the monks. The Abbot met with him, comforted and calmed him down and then sent him away. The Abbot then called this saint and rebuked her much. When she knew what had happened, she wept and bowed down and said, «I am young, I have sinned, forgive me O my Father.» The Abbot was furious with her, and cast her out of the monastery. She dwelt outside of the monastery for a long time. When the daughter of the inn keeper had the baby, her father took him to St. Marina, set him down before her and left. She took the child, moved among the surrounding shepherds and nursed him with milk. She increased her fasting and prayers for the three years, that she was expelled from the monastery. The monks felt pity upon her and asked the Abbot to readmit her. The Abbot consented to their request and readmitted her to the monastery after he had laid heavy penalties and severe rules upon the Saint. She performed very hard labors, such as cooking, cleaning, and watering, as well as her regular monastic duties.

When the child grew, he became a monk. After St. Marina had completed forty years, she fell ill for three days then departed in peace. The Abbot ordered to take off her old ragged clothes and dress her with new ones prior to carrying her to the place of praying. When they removed her clothing, and found that she was a woman, they all shouted out saying, «God have mercy.» They informed the Abbot who came, marvelled, and wept because of what he had done to her. The Abbot then called the inn keeper and told him that the monk Marina was a woman not a man. The inn keeper went to where her body was and wept much. After they prayed over her body, they came forward to be blessed from her body. One of the monks had sight only in one eye, he put his face close to her body and immediately he gained sight in his blind eye. After she was buried, God allowed a devil to torment the inn keeper›s daughter and the soldier, her friend, and brought them to where the Saint was buried and both confessed their iniquity in front of everyone. God manifested innumerable miracles through her blessed body. May her

ينع عزنا هل تلاقف « ؟ ةأرما تنأو كب تضهنو « لاجرلا يز ينسبلأو ، ءاسنلا يز اهسبلام تعلخو اهرعش تقلحو لاحلا في ةيوق اهوبأ اهآر مالف . لاجرلا يز تسبلو هلام لك عزو اهتبغر ليع ةممصم اهمزع في ايرسي ائيش هنم هل يقبا نأ دعب ءارقفلا ليع . ميرم نم لادب انيرام اهماسأو وه ةيلاق في نكسو ةريدلأا دحأ دصق مث نادهاجي ماهو يننس شرع ايضقو هتنبأو تيقبو خيشلا حينت اهدعبو ةدابعلا في اهتاولص تفعاضف اهدحو ةسيدقلا دحأ ملعي لمو اهكسن في تدازو اهماوصأو اهتوص ةقر نأ نونظي اوناك لب ةأرما اهنأ اهتاولص في اهرهسو اهكسن ةدش نم وه انمإ نم ةثلاث عم اهلسرأ ريدلا سيئر نأ قفتاو قدنف في اولزنف ريدلا حلاصم ءاضقل نابهرلا كلت هيف لازان كللما دونج دحأ ناكو تيبملل قدنفلا بحاص ةنبا يدنجلا صربأف ةليللا اهيبلأ لوقت نأب اهنقلو اهفافع ليع يدتعاف يذلا وه باشلا بهارلا انيرام بلأا نا « كلذ اهوبأ فرعو تلمح مالف « كلذ لعف يذلا وه انيرام بلأا نأ « تلاقف اهلأس كلذل اهوبأ بضغف « لعفلا اذه بي لعف . مهنعليو نابهرلا بسي أدبو ريدلا لىإ تيأو هفصرو هرطاخ بيط سيئرلا هب عمتجا المو ايرثك اهخبوو ةسيدقلا هذه يعدتسا مث تلاقو ، برخلا ليع تفقو امدنع تكبف بيأ اي لي رفغاف تأطخأ دقو باش نيأ « ريدلا نم اهدرطو سيئرلا اهيلع قنحف « . ةليوط ةدم بابلا ليع تيقبف هلمح ادلو قدنفلا بحاص هنبأ تدلو المو هتذخأف اهمامأ هحرطو ةسيدقلا لىإ اهوبأ انبل هيقستو ةاعرلا ينب هب لقتنت تراصو ثلاث ةدم اهتلاصو اهموص في تداز مث . اهيلع ننحت نأ لىإ ريدلا جراخ يهو يننس اهلوخدب نذأي نأ مهسيئر اولأسو نابهرلا عضو نأ دعب ريدلا اهلخدأو مهلاؤس لبقف تراصف . ادج ةليقث ينناوق ةسيدقلا ليع يقسو ةفاظنو يهط نم ةقاش لاماعأ لمعت ينناوقلاو ةينابهرلا ضورفلا نع اجراخ ءالما . اهيلع تعضو يتلا تلمكأ نأ دعبو بهرت يبصلا برك المو ةثلاث تضرم ةنس ينعبرأ انيرام ةسيدقلا اهسبلام عزنب سيئرلا رمأف تحينت مث مايأ . ةلاصلا عضوم لىإ اهلمحو اهيرغ اهسابلأو اوحاصف ةأرما اهودجو اهبايث اوعزن امدنعو اوملعأو « محرا براي « ينلئاق اعيمج ام ليع امدان كيبو بجعتو تيأف سيئرلا نأب هفرعو قدنفلا بحاص يعدتسا مث لعف ثيح لىإ بهذف ةأرما وه انيرام بهارلا اهتثج ليع ةلاصلا دعبو ايرثك كيبو يه بهار مهنيب ناكو اهنم اوكرابتيل اومدقت صربأف اهيلع ههجو عضوف ةدحاو ينعب

The Assumption of the Body of the Pure Virgin St. Mary. 22nd August - 16th Mesra

On this day, was the assumption of the body of our pure Lady St. Mary, the Mother of God. While she was keeping vigil, praying in the Holy Sepulchre, and waiting for the happy minute of her liberation from the bonds of the flesh, the Holy Spirit informed her of her forthcoming departure from this vain world. When the time drew near, the disciples and the virgins of the Mt. of Olives (Zeiton) came and the Lady was lying on her bed. Our Lord, surrounded by thousands and thousands of angels, came to Her. He consoled her, and announced her with the everlasting joy which was prepared for Her. She was happy, and she stretched out her hands, blessed the Disciples, and the Virgins. Then, she delivered up her pure soul in the hand of her Son and God, Jesus Christ, Who ascended her to the higher habitations. As of the pure body, they shrouded it and carried it to Gethsemane.

On their way, some of the Jews blocked the way in the face of the disciples to prevent the burial. One of them seized the coffin. His hands were separated from his body, and remained hanging until he believed and repented for his mischievous deed. With the prayers of the holy disciples, his hands were reattached to his body as they had been before.

St. Thomas was absent at the time of St. Mary’s departure, but he came after the burial. On his way back to Jerusalem, St. Thomas saw angels carrying St. Mary’s pure body and ascending with it to heaven, and one of the angels said to him, “Hurry and kiss the pure body of St. Mary.” When he arrived to the disciples, they informed him about St. Mary’s departure. He told them, “I will not believe, unless I see her body, as you all know how I did doubt the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ before.” They took him to the tomb, to uncover the body but they did not find it, and they were perplexed and amazed. St. Thomas told them how he saw the pure body ascending to heaven, carried by angels.

The Holy Spirit then told them, “The Lord did not Will to leave Her Holy body on earth.” The Lord had promised his pure apostles that they would see her in flesh another time. They were waiting for the fulfillment of this truthful promise, until the sixteenth day of the month of Misra, when the promise of seeing her was fulfilled. They saw her sitting on the right hand of her Son and her Lord, surrounded by the angelic Host, as David prophesied and said, “At your right hand stands the queen.” (Psalm 45:9) St. Mary’s life on earth was sixty years. She spent twelve years of them in the temple, thirty years in the house of the righteous St. Joseph, and fourteen years in the care of St. John the Evangelist, as the Lord commanded her saying, “Woman behold your Son,” and to St. John, “Behold your Mother.” ay Her intercession be with us. Amen.

with us and Glory be to our God forever. Amen.
ةنبا بذعف اناطيش هللا رمأ تنفد المو . تقولل لىإ ماهب تيأو اهبحاص يدنجلاو قدنفلا بحاص . عيمجلا مامأ ماهبنذب نانثلاا رقأو اهبرق ثيح اهتلاص ةيرثك بئاجع اهدسج نم هللا رهظأ دقو ينمآ . ائماد دجلما انبرلو انعم نوكت ءارذعلا ميرم ةسيدقلا دسج دوعص ىسرم ١6 6 - سطسغأ 22 انتديس دسج دوعص ناك مويلا اذه لثم في تناك مانيب اهنأف هللإا ةدلاو ميرم ةرهاطلا كلذ ةرظتنمو سدقلما برقلا في ةلاصلا ةمزلام تاطابر نم قلطنت هيف يذلا ديعسلا تقولا نم اعيسر اهلاقتناب سدقلا حورلا اهملعأ دسجلا ذيملاتلا ضرح تقولا اند المو لئازلا لماعلا اذه ةعجطضم ةديسلا تناكو نوتيزلا لبج ىراذعو ضرح دق حيسلما ديسلاب اذإو . اهريسر ليع اهازعف . ةكئلالما نم فولأ فولأ هلوحو اهيلإ تسرف اهل ةدعلما ةئمادلا اهتداعسب اهملعأو مث ىراذعلاو ذيملاتلا تكرابو اهدي تدمو كلذب عوسي اههلأو اهنبا ديب ةرهاطلا اهحور تملسأ دسجلا امآ ةيولعلا نكاسلما لىإ اهدعصأف حيسلما مه مايفو ةينماسجلا لىإ هولمحو هونفكف رهاطلا ذيملاتلا هجو في دوهيلا ضعب جرخ هب نوبهاذ تلصفناف توباتلاب مهدحأ كسمأو هنفد عنلم مدنو نمآ ىتح ينتقلعم اتيقبو همسج نم هادي ينسيدقلا ذيملاتلا تاولصبو هلعف ءوس ليع اموت نكي لمو . اتناك ماك همسج لىإ هادي تداع هروضح قفتاو ، اهتحاين تقو اضراح لوسرلا ةكئلالما عم رهاطلا اهدسج يأرف اهنفد دنع لبقو عسرأ « : مهدحأ هل لاقف هب نيدعاص هلبقو عسرأف « ميرم ةسيدقلا ةرهاطلا دسج اهتحاينب هوملعأ ذيملاتلا لىإ هروضح دنعو . متنأف اهدسج نياعأ ىتح قدصأ لا انأ « : لاقف حيسلما ديسلا ةمايق في تككش نيأ فيك نوفرعت دسجلا نع اوفشكو برقلا لىإ هعم اوضمف . « اموت مهفرعف اوبجعتو لكلا شهدف هودجي ملف عم رهاطلا دسجلا دهاش هنأ فيك لوسرلا . هب نيدعاص ةكئلالما نأ أشي لم برلا نأ « : سدقلا حورلا مهل لاقو دعو دق برلا ناكو « ضرلأا في اهدسج يقبي يرخأ ةرم دسجلا في مهل اهيري نأ راهطلأا هلسر ىتح قداصلا دعولا كلذ ماتمإ نيرظتنم اوناكف مت ثيح ىسرم رهش نم شرع سداسلا مويلا اهنبا ينيم نع ةسلاج يهو اهتيؤرب مهل دعولا ةوبن كلذب تتمو ةكئلالما تماغط اهلوحو اههلإو كللما ينيم نع ةكللما تماق « : ةلئاقلا دواد . ةنس ينتس ضرلأا ليع اهتايح ونس تناكو « ينثلاثو لكيهلا في ةنس ةشرع يتنثا اهنم تزاج ةشرع عبرأو . رابلا فسوي سيدقلا تيب في ةنس برلا ةيصوك ، لييجنلإا انحوي سيدقلا دنع ةنس « كمأ هذه « : انحويلو « كنبا اذه « : هل لئاقلا ينمآ . انعم نوكت اهتعافش

Second Sunday of the blessed month of Mesra Luke 5: 27 – 29

So, he left all, rose up and followed Him. Luke 5: 28. This bible chapter begins with the story of St Matthew the apostle and his repentance … who was a publican tax and tithe gatherer (tax collector), and his known name at that time was Levi … he was seated at the tax office … when the Lord Jesus went pass and saw him … Levi (St Matthew) was not used for any one to show interest in him, nor respect or greetings … for he is hated on account of his position (as a tax collector) by all … all would avoid casual contacts with him (at all times) … for he represents all that is hated by )Jews( of greed and cruelty … also, he is the ugly face of the Roman occupier of the Jewish homeland and is an example of those who betray their fellow countrymen and collaborates with the occupiers partaking in their cruelty, harshness and tyranny … and perhaps one of the things which was very painful for the Jews who dealt with him, was that his name was Levi … one of the most revered names )by the Jews( for the name’s relationship with the temple services and the law … but, God had an amazing plan … for this person who is despised by all … and hated by all … is found to be a “chosen vessel” … and was chosen as one of the twelve … to become St Matthew the Evangelical … and his name means (Matthew = the gift of God) … thus, Levi the tax collector had become the gift of God for the deliverance of many souls … Beloved … do you think God hates the sinners and does not welcome them … do you think God nolonger Loves you on account of your evil doings and sins … or because you have gone faraway from God … true, many people (might) not like you because of your evil doings … but God still Loves you …

+ Follow Me

Amazing and powerful is these (two) words … for it comes a midst the bleak darkness … a whispering voice among the loud noise of the world, but it has a much stronger echo than sound of thunder … there are many who have heard this voice … so, this )whispering( voice and the weak light filled many to fullness … so that they were filled and overflown to others like rivers of running living waters after they were a (dry) pools of corruption and sin … one of those is St Augustine (of Hippo 354 -430 AD) … who lived in the fourth century AD … despite he was born to and raise by St Monica … but, he did not follow the righteous life and diverted to evil, sin and a life of )lustful( physical pleasures trying to find comfort in his pleasures … he also, focussed on the world philosophy trying to find comfort and fulfilment … he followed bad company of friends in order to find solace and gratification … for twenty years and

كرابلما ىسرم رهش نم نىاثلا دحلأا ٣٩ – 27 :٥ اقول ١8 8 :٥ اقول »هعبتو ماقو ءشي لك كترف« سب دقلا ةبوت ةصقب ليجنلاا اذه لصف أدبي عماج يأ( اراشع ناك يذلا ...... لوسرلا ىتم تقولا كلذ فى فورعلما همسا ناكو )بئاضرلا ةيابجلا ناكم دنع اسلاج ناكو ..ىولا وه لمو ... كانه هآرو عوسي برلا برع امدنع ... يأ دحأ يأ هل رهظي نأ ادوعتم ىولا نكي مكحب وهف .... ةيحتلا وأ ماترحلاا نم عون عيمجلا نم هوركمو ذوبنم هتفيظوو هلمع نأ ناسنإ ديري لاو هءاقل لكلا شىاحتي ... ةوسقلاو عشجلاو عمطلل ةروص وهف ... هاري نيامورلا للاتحلال لمؤلما هجولا وه هنا ماك ... هينطاوم نوخي ىذلا ناسنلإل زمرو مهدلابل هتوسق في هكراشيو لماظلا لتحلما عم لماعتيو ءايشلاا نم ناك ابمرو ... هنايغطو هتوبرجو نأ دوهيلا نم هعم لماعتي نم اهل لمأتي يتلا ىذلا لياغلا بوبحلما مسلاا ... ىولا همسا سومانلاو ةعيشرلابو هتمدخو لكيهلاب طبترا ناسنلاا اذهف ... ةبيجع دصاقم هللل نكلو ... ... عيمجلا نم ذوبنلما ... عيمجلا ضوفرلما ادحاو هراتخاو... اراتخم اءانإ هيف هللا دجو سيدقلا وه راصو ... شرع ينثلاا نم شرع نم ( همسا سرفي ام بسحو ... لييجنلإا ىتم ةبه راشعلا ىولا راص ... ) هوهي ةبه = ىتم .. ةيرثك سوفن صلاخ لجلأ هللا راشرلاا هركي هللا نا نظت له ... بيبحلا اهيا كبحي دعي لم هللا نا نظت له ... مهديري لاو ايرثك هنع تدعتبا كنلأ ... ةيرثك كروشر نلأ كروشر ببسب كنوبحي لا سانلا نا حيحص ... لازام هللا نكلو ... كتافصرتو ... ... كبحي ىنعبتأ + طسو تىأت اهنأ ... ةرابعلا هذه ةيوقو ةبيجع طسو سماه توص اهنأ... ةديدشلا ةملظلا نم ىوقأ ىدصو يننر هل نكلو لماعلا جيجض اوعمس نويرثك كانه ... دوعرلا توص ... ءوضلا اذهو توصلا لأمف ... توصلا اذه لىع اوضافو اولأتماف ..هلك مهنايك فيعضلا ةقفدتم ةيوق ةيح ءام راهنأ اضيا نيرخلآا ... ةبطخلاو داسفلل عيباني اوناك نأ دعب يذلا ... سونيطسغأ سيدقلا وه ءلاؤه دحأ دلو هنا مغرو ..يدلايلما عبارلا نرقلا في شاع لم هنكل ... اكينوم ةسيدقلا دي نلع بىرتو ةيطخلاو شرلا لىا هجتا لب ةليضفلا ةايح ايحي هتحار اهيف دجي نا لواحي ةيدسجلا ةذللاو

behind him was the righteous St Monica, trying to light up a lamp with her tears so that her son does not fully perish to destruction (in sins) … these tears which St Ambrose saw and said to her; be assured woman … that the son of these tears will not perish And one day during this period of sinful indulgences which Augustine used to challenge his body and abilities with it to the perfection enjoyment of sins, he heard whispering low sound from behind him saying take and read and when he looked, he found a young child carrying a copy of one of St Paul’s epistles and without thinking, Augustine took the epistle and pocketed it in his dress and at night he sat to read it … and the low whispering voice started to be louder in his heart “follow Me” … and his eyes and heart eagerly take in the word of the epistle … and in the following day … he rushes to the same place and searches for the boy and asked him for rest of the epistles … to read and read … and his eyes is opened and he screams towards the heavens wanting to know this excellent beauty his eyes had opened to … and he said; “Late have I loved You, beauty so old and so new: late have I loved you. And see, you were within and I was in the external world and sought you there, and in my unlovely state I plunged into those lovely created things which you made. You were with me, and I was not with You. The lovely things kept me far from You, though if they did not have their existence in You, they had no existence at all. You called and cried out loud and shattered my deafness. You were radiant and resplendent, You put to flight my blindness. You were fragrant, and I drew in my breath and now pant after You. I tasted You, and I feel but hunger and thirst for You. You touched me, and I am set on fire to attain the peace which is Yours” (Confessions of St Augustine, Penguin publication 1961 by R.S. Pine). Thus, St Augustine’s life changed and he was baptised by St Ambrose … the Lord blown on the smouldering wick to light up and enlighten the world … and Augustine became a bishop and a teacher (and father) of the church and led many to repentance, and caused many souls to be saved.

And St Moses the Black … the black slave who ran away from his master and became a highway robber… and a very terrifying person … just the mention of his name would instil fear in many … but behind all these dark obstacles … his soul was eager within him to know God … and one day he met with St Isidore in the wilderness … and there under (St Isidore’s) feet, he sat to hear and learn … and the high-way robber became a great saint and a father to many monks … And you beloved … the Lord Who loves you still calling you “follow Me” … this whispering quite voice is still being heard in the ears of the sinners … even while they are seated at tax-collection place (the

لماعلا تافسلف لىا هجتا ... هتذلو هجتا ... هءلاتماو هتحار اهيف دجي نا لواحي هءازع مهيف دجي نا لواحي شرلا ءاقدصا لىا اماع نيشرع لىع ديزت ةدلم هفلخو ... هحرفو ةرابلا هما تناك عومدلاب كيبتو هءارو ثهلت اهعومدب لواحت يهو ... اكينوم ةسيدقلا ىتح اهنبلا قيرطلا ئضي لايدنق لعشت نا اهآر يتلا عومدلا هذه ... اماتم كلهي لا نا ... ةأرما اي ىقت اهل لاقف زوبرما سيدقلا ... كلهب نا نكيم لا عومدلا هذه نبا ةيطخلا ةنوعرو عافدنلاا مايأ نم موي فىو ىتح اهيف ىدحتي سونيطسغأ ناك يتلا ةيطخلاب عتمتلاو ننفتلا في هتاردقو هدسج هفلخ نم ىداني اقيقر اتفاخ اتوص عمس لمحي ايرغص لافط دجيل تفتلاو أرقأ ..ذخ .. سيدقلا لئاسر ىدحا نم ةخسن هدي في ةلاسرلا سونيطسغأ ذخأي روعشلا فىو سلوب سلجي ليللا في تيبلا فىو هبيج في اهعضيو تفاخلا توصلا أدب انهو ... أرقيل هانيعو ... ايجيردت هبلق في ولعي ينعبتا مويلا فىو ... باتكلا روطس نماهتلت هبلقو نع ثحبي ناكلما سفن لىا عسري ... لياتلا لئاسرلا ةيقب بلطيو لفطلا وحن خصريو هانيع حتفنتو ... أرقيو أرقيو لماجلا اذه سمليو فرعي نأ ديري ءماسلا لوقيو ... هانيع هيلع تحتفنا يذلا قئافلا قئافلا لماجلا اهيأ ادج ارخأتم كتببحأ دقل ادج اديدج كنكلو ادج ميدقلا تنا ... في تنك انأ نكلو ليخاد فى تنك دقل ... لى طرفل اديعب كنع ثحبأ تنك كجراخ ةيرثك ةيدسج تاذلم في سيفن تقرغأ تيوقش ىدانت تنك ... كعم انا نكأ لمو يعم تنك ... ... مصلأاك تنك اناو نيذا في خصرت تنك ... في تقشرأو يفعض زجاوح تسرك كنكلو انأ اهو ... ةديدج ةايح يننيطعأ ... ليخاد شطعو عوجو مهن في كلكآ كقوذأ كب قترحأ لب كيف شيعأ نا ىهتشأ ةبعتلما انسوفنف ... كبح في نيايك لك لعشتو ... كيف لاا اهتحار دجت نل دي لىع دمعتو سونيطسغأ ةايح تيرغتو في برلا خفن ... زوبرما سيدقلا ةنوكسلما تءاضأو تلعتشاف ةنخدلما ةليتفلا في مالعمو افقسأ سونيطسغأ راصو ... ... ةيرثك سوفنل صلاخو ةبوت ببسو ةسينكلا يذلا دوسلاا دبعلا .. دوسلاا سىوم سيدقلاو قيرط عطاق لىا لوحتو هديس نم بره يرثي همسا درجم ... افيخم اناسنا راصو ...

place of evils) …

And you beloved, the Lord is calling you come and “follow Me” … enough of these sins which you live by for the Lord means you specifically … and He wants you in particular …

+ I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance +++

Many would delay their repentance, prayers and fasting … with the excuse they are not ready (yet) … for they still live in sin … many refuses to go to church with the justification that they still commit evil and they cannot enter the church …

Do you think the church is only open for the saints???

Do you think that all means of grace are only offered to the righteous only??? If this was the case, then all churches would be shut and no human being will dare to pay (or enter) … or to left up his or her hands to (heavens) above …

In the holy Liturgy the priest calls out warning the congregation: The Holies are for the Holy (the saints) but the congregation with a true feeling of being undeserving (of receiving this sacrament) reply with a loud voice saying:

One is the Holy Father +++ One is the Holy Son +++ One is the Holy Spirit.

Beloved … if the thief on the right (of the Lord in the Crucifixion( looked at his many sins and felt ashamed and did not say to the Lord Jesus “Lord remember me when You come into Your kingdom” (Luke 23:40) … what do you think he would have received then … then he would have lost the kingdom (of heavens)?

If the Canaanite woman was embarrassed to ask the Lord Jesus to heal her daughter because she was a stranger )and not a Jew( and a sinful person … her daughter would have not been ever healed (Matthew 15:21-28).

Manasseh king of Judah was a very wicked man … he committed many evils … and mad the people of Judah and Jerusalem commit abominations )before the Lord) (2 Chronicles 33:1-9) … which infuriated the God and brought upon them the captains of the king of Assyria’s armies and they captured Manasseh and took him in bronze fetters (shackles) to Babylon … and there, Manasseh lifted his eyes heavens and pleaded before God with many tears … and God heard his supplications and returned him to Jerusalem to offer thanks giving offertories and destroyed all the idol altars … a true repentance accepted before God … very late but God accepted it and delivered him for his tribulations … How beautiful is this repentance which turns sinners, highway robbers and thieves into saints and inheritors of the kingdom of heavens?

زجاوحلا هده فلخ نكلو ..سوفنلا في بعرلا نا ةقاتشم سفن هلخاد في تناك ... ءادوسلا سروذيسيا سيدقلا عم لباقت امويو ..هللا فرعت ملعتي سلج هيمدق تحت كانهو ... ةيبرلا في اسيدق لىا صللا قيرطلا عطاق لوحتو ... عمسيو ... نييرثك نابهرل باو مايظع نا ..ينعبتا ..ىداني لازام هللا نا ... بيبحلا اهيا ناذآ في يودي لازام ئداهلا قيقرلا توصلا اذه ..ةيابجلا ناكم دنع نوسلجي مهو ىتح ... ةاطخلا ... ينعبتا كيداني بحلما برلا بيبحلا اهيا تناو ام نىا ... اهيف شيعت يتلا اياطخلا هذه نم كافك ... ىرخا ةرم لىا عجرت نا كديراو كبحا تلز تنا كديريو ... تاذلاب تنا كدصقي هللا نا ... تاذلاب ةبوتلا لىا ةاطخ لب اراربا اوعدلا تآ لم + +++ ... مهماوصاو مهتاولصو مهتبوت نولجؤي نويرثك نوشيعي اولازام مهنا ..نيدعتسم يرغ مهنا ةجحب باهذلا نع نوعنتيم نويرثك ... ةيطخلا في لاو شرلا في نوشيعي اولازام مهنا ةجحب ةسينكلل ... ةسينكلا لوخد نوعيطتسي ؟؟؟طقف ينسيدقلل ةحوتفم ةسينكلا نا نظت له راربلأل لاإ مدقت لا ةمعنلا طئاسو نا نظت له سئانكلا تقلغلأ لاحلا وه اذه ناك ول ؟؟؟طقف لىا هيديأ عفري وأ ..لىصي نأ ناسنا ؤرج المو اهلك قوف بعشلا رذحيو نهاكلا ىداني يهللإا سادقلا في ينسيدقلل تاسادقلا :لائاق مدعب يقيقح روعشب هلك بعشلا نكلو ... ينلئاق نوخصري قاقحتسلاا نبلاا وه دحاو +++ سودقلا بلاا وه دحاو سدقلا حورلا وه دحاو +++ سودقلا هاياطخ لىا رظن ينميلا صللا ناكول ... بيبحلا اهيا براي نيركذا عوسي برلل لوقي نا لجخو ةيرثكلا في نوكي هبيصن نظت اذام ... كتوكلم في تئج اذإ ؟توكللما سرخل ... ةلاحلا هذه عوسي برلل مدقتت نا هبناعنكلا ةأرلما تلجخ ول الم ... ةريشر ةناسنإ اهنأو سنجلا ةبيرغ اهنأ ةجحب ...ادبأ اهتنبا تيفش عنصو ... ادج اريشر ليئاسرا كلم سينم ناك دقل ميلشروأ ناكسو اذوهي لضأو ... ةيرثك اروشر لسرأو ادج هللا بضغو ... )٣٣ مايلأا رابخأ2( سينم اوذخأو ... هدونجو روشأ كلم مهيلع هب اوبهذو ساحن نم لسلاسب هوديقو ةمازخب ..لباب لىا مامأ للذتيو ءماسلا لىا هينيع سينم عفري انهو هدريو هللا بيجتسيو ... عومدلاب كيبيو هللا

And you beloved … this might be your last chance … who knows???????

Do not deceive yourself … you have spent many times in sin and it is clear that you did not benefit from it nor you will profit from )sin( … but, on the contrary, you went from bad to worse because of sin … what have you gained from quarrelling with your brethren and loved ones??? With others????? Have you achieved anything … defiantly, nothing … what have gained from smoking or drinking alcoholic (drinks) or gambling??? From evil friends and company??? From gossiping about others??? What have you achieved from the worldly pleasures and lusts?? Are you full? Have you been filled and satisfied? Are you happy and your heart is full with peace … have you solved all your problems?

Therefore … now is the right time to return to God … Who still loves you … and still waiting for you … and still calling you … enough delaying and postponing … enough temporary useless solutions … for you are mending an old garment with a piece of the new garment … and such will never work … it is time for an essential solution …

+ Old Garments … Old Wine …

An old garment full of holes … the more you patch it the more holes appear in it …

The only solution is to change this (old garment) with a new garment … and this is the true repentance …

Now you have gained a new garment (in the sacrament of confession) … be aware of sins … be careful lest you make new holes (of sins) in it and ruin the new garment … and be careful not to patch it with old pieces … worn-out patches … there is only one way to patch a new garment with new patch (only) like it … a life of continual renewal (in the sacrament of life in repentance).

Repentance must be endless … every day … and every hour …. Do not delay or postpone lest the whole garment is ruined and worn-out … Be meticulous in practicing the sacrament of confessions … with an endless repentance … carful to always partake of (holy) communion (in the Eucharist) … adhering to all means of God’s grace in your life … lest you be deceived by the evil one and makes you loose your crown and the new garment ..

AMEN – LORD JESUS, I hear Your call.

مدهيو ركشلا حئابذ مدقيل دوعيو ميلشروا لىا ... هللا ماما ةلوبقم ةيقيقح ةبوت ... ناثولاا حباذم .... هتقيض نم هذقنأو هلبق هللا نكلو ادج ترخأت عاطقو راشرلاا لوحت يتلا ةبوتلا هذه لمجأ ام توكلم ثيراوو ينسيدق لىا صوصلاو قرطلا تاوماسلا ... كل ةصرف رخآ تناك ابمر ..بيبحلا اهيأ تنأو ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ملعي نم اتاقوأ تيضق تنأ ..كسفن عدخت نأ كايإ ائيش اهيف ديفتست لم كنأ حضاوو ةيطخلا في ةيرثك كلاح ءاس سكعلا لىع لب ..ائيش ديفتست نلو كماصخ نم تذخأ اذام ...ادج اهببسب تبعتو ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟نيرخلآا عم ؟؟؟كءابحاو كتوخإ عم نم تذخأ اذام ..لا عطقلاب ... ائيش تققح له نم ؟؟؟رماقلا باعلأ وأ رومخلا نمو ينخدتلا اذام ؟؟؟نيرخلآا ةيرس كسم نم ؟؟؟ءوسلا ءاقدصا ؟تعبش له ؟؟؟هتاوهش لماعلا تاذلم نم تققح ..ملاسلاب كبلق لأتما له تحرف له ؟تيوترا له ؟ كلكاشم تلح له كلكاشم تلح له لىا عجرتو دوعتل بسانلما تقولا وه اذه ... نذا كرظتني لازامو .... كبحي لازام يذلا ... هللا ... لاولح كافك ... لايجأت كافك ... كيداني لازامو ... قيتعلا بوثلا عقرت كنإ ... اهنم ةدئاف لا ةتقؤم رملأا نا ..ادبا يدجي نل اذهو .... ةديدج ةعقرب ..يرذج لح لىا جاتحي .. ةقيتعلا رمخلا .. قيتعلا بوثلا + هعقرت مالكو... بوقثلاب ئلم حبصأ قيتعلا بوثلا ..ابوقث دادزي ديدج بوثب بوثلا اذه يريغت وه ديحولا لحلا ..ةلماكلا ةبوتلا يه هذهو... نم سترحا ... ا ديدج ابوث تذخا دق تنأ اه ..بوثلا اذه فلتتو بقثت لائل سترحأ ..ةيطخلا ..ةيلاب ... ةيمدق عقرب هعقرت نأ نم رذحاو ةيمدق هعقرت نأ نم رذحاو ديدجب لاا ديدجلا بوثلا عيقترل ةقيرط دجوي لا نأ دب لا ةبوتلا ..ةرمتسم ديدجت ةايح ..هلثم لجؤت لا ..ةعاس لك في ..موي لاك في ..رمتست ..أرهتيو هلك بوثلا فلتي ىتح نواهتتو ..ةرمتسلما ةبوتلا ... رمتسلما فاترعلاا لىع سرحا طئاسو لىع صرحا ..رارمتساب لوانتلا لىع سرحأ ريشرلا كعدخي لائل ..كتايح في رارمتساب ةمعنلا ..ديدجلا كبوثو كليلكا كدقفيو ينيدانت كعمسآ نيإ ،عوسي بير اي معن ـ ينما

St. Habib Girgis the Archdeacon

21st August - 15th Mesra

Archdeacon Habib Girgis (1876-1951) was born at a time of great darkness, ignorance, and apathy in the life of the Coptic Orthodox Church. It was a period of turmoil and great struggle both inwardly and externally. Within the Church, conflict existed between the hierarchy and the laity of the Church and, externally, Protestant and Catholic missionaries from Britain and the United States challenged the intellectual and demographic hold of the Coptic Orthodox Church. There were also the pressures brought upon the Church from the rulers of the land.

Habib Girgis was born in 1876 in Cairo - Egypt. His father passed away in 1882 when he was six years old. His mother continued the mission of raising him along with his other siblings in a Christian manner and enrolled him in the Great Coptic School at which he excelled.

Habib Girgis was among the first to join the Theological College since its re-establishment in 1893 when Yusuf Bek Manqarius was the dean. Being at the top of his class, he was chosen to teach at the Theological College while in his final year as a student, because there were few teachers to teach theology. He graduated in 1898, and was appointed to teach full time on 17 March 1898 that same year; later, he became the dean of the College in 1918. He was an archdeacon but not ordained as a priest. Pope Cyril V trusted him and appointed him as his personal deacon and disciple. He also worked closely with Pope Yuannis XIX (192842), Pope Macarius III (1942-45), and Pope Yusab II (1946-56). As chief editor, he published The Vine (al-Karma)--a religious, moral, and historical journal. The first issue was published on 11 September 1904, and he went on to publish more than thirty religious, theological, educational, and historical books along with many sermons and educational studies. In 1900, after Cyril V issued a papal decree in 1899 concerning religious education, he established Sunday Schools as a formal type of religious education for the first time in Egypt. He was chosen to be a member of the General Sunday School Committee, established in 1918, and in 1927 he was chosen as the general secretary of the same committee. Elected several times with the highest number of votes to the Lay Council (Majlis Milli), he was nominated to the papacy after the repose of Cyril V in 1928. During that time he was also nominated as bishop. However, the Church was not yet ready for such a reformer. He was among the most important participants in the first conference for Sunday School teachers in 1941 during the papacy of Pope Yusab II. He also participated in the second such conference in 1949. Both Copts and Muslims were deeply affected by his death on Wednesday evening 21 August 1951. The Church had lost one of its most revered sons— an eloquent teacher, a visionary, an educational pioneer, a reformer, and a loyal servant of the Coptic Orthodox Church.

Ref: Article by Pope Kyrillos and Archdeacon Habib Girgis Church NJ USA

Watch a video about Coptic Civilisation – Saint Archdeacon Habib Girgis by His Grace Bishop Suriel:


HH Pope Shenouda III

According to the gospel of the apostle saint Mark, the story of the Transfiguration was mentioned like this:

[Now after six days Jesus took Peter, James, and John, and led them up on a high mountain apart by themselves, and He was transfigured before them. His clothes became shining, exceedingly white, like snow, such as no launderer on earth can whiten them. And Elijah appeared to them with Moses, and they were talking with Jesus. Then Peter answered and said to Jesus: “Rabbi, it is good for us to be here; and let us make three tabernacles: one for You, one for Moses, and one for Elijah”, because he did not know what to say, for they were greatly afraid. And a cloud came and overshadowed them; and a voice came out of the cloud, saying: “This is My beloved Son, hear Him!” Suddenly, when they had looked around, they saw no one anymore, but only Jesus with themselves.] )Mark 9: 2 -8(.

And in the narration of the apostle saint Luke, he added saying: “And behold, two men talked with Him, who were Moses and Elijah, who appeared in glory and spoke of His decease which He was about to accomplish at Jerusalem. But Peter and those with him were heavy with sleep, and when they were fully awake, they saw His glory and the two men who stood with Him” (Luke 9: 30-32).


The expression “glory” is mentioned more than once in the gospel of Luke.

As regards His divinity, it is evident in that in a moment, He was transfigured to his illuminating brightful aspect, whose brightness was magnificent...... and about which it was said: “His clothes became shining, exceedingly white, like snow, such as no launderer on earth can whiten them” (Mark 6:2).

His divinity is also evident in the manner of His capacity to bring Elijah and Moses to be present with Him.....

In how He brought them with Him.....! in how they spoke with Him......! and suddenly disappeared......!

In His sudden appearance, and His sudden disappearance! How did they come with Him in a moment?! And how did they disappear in a moment?! Where did they come from?!

And where did they go to?!

Yes, how was Christ the Lord able to bring Elijah, body and soul, from that place which we do not know, since he was elevated alive to heaven in a chariot of fire, out of the earth. (2 Kings 2:11). And we do not know to what place in heaven!

His calling Elijah to stand with Him on the mount of the Transfiguration, then his dismissal in a single moment, undoubtedly that refers to the power of His divinity........ Then, how could He bring the soul of Moses, who was dead and buried, and “no one knows his grave to this day” (Deut. 34:6). It is known that the prophets and the righteous of the Old Testament were, before the Redemption, lying on hope, in their place of waiting “into the lower parts of the earth” (Eph. 4:9).

There is no doubt also that the calling of Elijah happened according to the power of His divinity.

The Lord willed to show to his disciples that He had put on this human body, simply out of His humility, and His self-abnegation.

But at that time, they did not understand His divine nature. This glorious transfiguration was supposed to establish an equilibrium in the moral condition of the apostle s when they will see the Lord at the time of His crucifixion, in an aspect which the prophet Isaiah described saying: “He has no form or comeliness; and when we see Him, there is no beauty that we should desire Him” (Is. 53:2).

All this is added to the testimony of the Father for Him, with a voice which they heard out of the cloud which overshadowed them, saying: “This is My beloved Son. Hear Him!” (Mark 9:7), (Luke 9:35).

This testimony of the Father was heard during the baptism of repentance when the Lord humbled Himself “(Matt. 3:17), (Luke 2:23).

And this testimony was also heard during the glory of the Transfiguration...... He is the beloved Son, whether in His humility or in His glory......


Feast of the Assumption of St Mary

Tuesday 22nd August 2022

First Mass: 5 -7am

Second Mas: 8 - 10am

St Mary’s Church - Kensington

Feast of Holy Transfiguration

Saturday 19th August 2023

Divine Liturgy 9 - 11 am

ميرم ءارذعلا ةسيدقلا دسج داعصإ ديع 2023 سطسغأ 22 ءاثلاثلا احابص 7 - 5 لولأا سادقلا احابص 10 - 8 ىناثلا سادقلا نوتنجنسنيك - ميرم ءارذعلا ةسيدقلا ةسينكب
ديجملا ىلجتلا ديع 2023 سطسغأ 19 تبسلا احابص 11 - 9 ىهللأا سادقلا ميرم ءارذعلا ةسيدقلا ةسينك
St Mary’s Church

Congratulations 17th Anniversary for the Ordination of Rev Fr Habib Girgis Younan

20th August 2023

May The Lord bless his services for many years

7th - 21st Augustst

Feast of the Assumption of St. Mary

Tuesday 22nd August

St Mary’s Fasting

+ Remember O Lord the Departed:

It is with great sadness that we celebrate Joy Briggs-Khalil’s new eternal life with our Risen Saviour. Joy is the wife of Jarred and the precious daughter of the late Fay and Shawky Khalil, the sister of Suzie Botross wife of Peter Botross and the Aunt of Luke, Jirah and Kanan.

Neice to the extended Khalil family and the Nour family.

Joy has requested that we celebrate her funeral with a dress code of bright colours.

Funeral at St Mary’s Coptic Orthodox Church in Kensington at 11.30 Wednesday 16th August

Burial at Eltham Cemetery 2pm

Third day prayers, Agape meal and

:نيدقارلا براي ركذأ + ليلخ ىوج ةموحرملا ةمايقلا ءاحر ىلع تدقر ىقوش /ديسلا مورملا ةنباو زجيب دراج /ديسلا ةجوز /ةديسلا ةقيقش ىهو .ةقياف /ةموحرملا هتجوزو ليلخ رتيب /ديسلا ةجوز ىزوس نم لك ةلاخ ىهو سرطب ىهو .ناناكو اريجو كول /ديسلا نم لك خأ ةنبأ اضيأ /ةديسلاو ليلخ فيطل ليلخ لداع /ديسلا ةجوز ولول ىرام /ةديسلاو سويسانثأ ىرازن /ديسلا موحرملا ةجوز ليلخ تلائاع ةبيرقو ىدادغب رونو ١6 6 ءاعبرلأا موي زانجلا ماقي ١١:30 ةعاسلا سطسغأ .نوتنجنسنيكب ميرم ءارذعلا ةسيدقلا ةسينكب احابص مويلا تاولص ماقتو .ماثلأ نفادمب ةنفدلا ميسارم متت .لافنودب سويسانثأ سيدقلا ةسينكب ثلاثلا دارفأو اهجوز ىزعيو اهسفن حيني بحملا برلا .اهيبحم لكو اهترسأ

Blessed Marriage

Kyrollos Dearnatossian & Talissa Taskvski

5th August 2023

St Macarius Church Yarrambat

Expression of Interest Enrolment Form: https://forms.gle/ wXJj3fKVEksWzTJu5 (or scan the QR above) - 3 نس( ةناضحلل ميدقتلا ةرامتسإ )تاونس 4 2024 رياني نم ءادتبا هلاعأ حضوملا QR لا مدختسأ

Construction of New Buildings started Thursday 28th April

The new Building is expected to be ready early November 2023. Church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downloaded from church website. Cost of building works is around $13,000,000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreciated. 2022

for all who keep working tirelessly for the success of this project. May the Lord reward them all and bless all their works

ليربأ 28 سيمخلا موي تادب تاءاشنلإا لامعأ متت ةسينكلا تامدخ .مداقلا 2023 ربمفون رهش ةيادب عورشملا نم ءاهتنلاا عقوتملا نم .ةرشنلا لخاد حضوملا لودجلا بسح داتعملا بسح .ارلاود نويلم ١3 3 ىلاوح عورشملا ةفلكت غلبت اهعبط وأ ةسينكلاب ةدوجوملا يكنبلا بحسلا ةرامتسأ ءلمب ىرهش عربتب ةكراشملا كنكني ينورتكللإا ةسينكلا زكرم للاخ نم لمعلا اذه ىف مكتمهاسمو مكتاعربت كرابي برلا
Special Thanks
Donations to St Mary’s Church and Building project can be
by the following Link طبارلا ىلع طغضأ ينابملا عورشمو ميرم ءارذعلا ةسينكل تاعربتلل https://www.stmc.org.au/donate (Copy & Paste on Web Browser) Current Building Site 1st August 2023

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