Weekly Bulletin 21st January 2024

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Services at St Mary’s Church Monday: Mass 9 - 11 am Tuesday Liturgy 5:30 - 7am 7:30pm The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am Wednesday 6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults Thursday Mass 9 - 11 am - English English Midnight Praises 7:30pm English Bible Study 7:30pm Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am Friday Youth 25 and above 7-9pm Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am Saturday Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm English Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:30-7pm Scouts 1:30 - 3pm School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm Sunday: Sunday 1st Mass6 - .7:45am Arabic & English 2nd Mass.7:45 – .9:30am English 3rd Mass 9:30 - 11:15am Arabic Hymns Class - English 11:45 - 12:30pm Church Priests: Priests Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251 Email: frtadros@me.com Fr Habib Girgis Younan: 0401238177 – 94498871 Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821 Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kensington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651 Fr Kerillos Tawadros 0411 518 399

Fr John Makary 0433 445 636

:‫مواعيد الخدمة بكنيسة العذراء‬

:‫األثنين‬ ‫ صباحا‬١١ - ٩ ‫القداس اإللهي‬ ‫ صباحا‬7 - 5:30 ::‫اإللهي‬ ‫ القداس اإللهي‬:‫الثالثاء‬ )‫(انجليزي‬ ‫ ذا واى‬- ‫ مساء أجتماع للكبار باإلنجليزي‬7:30 ‫ صباحا‬11 – 9 ‫ القداس اإللهي‬:‫األربعاء‬ ‫األربعاء‬ :‫الخميس‬ ‫ انجليزي‬- ‫ صباحا‬١١ - ٩ ‫القداس اإللهي‬ ‫ مساء‬7:30 ‫ انجليزي‬- ‫تسبحة نصف الليل‬ ‫ مساء‬7:30 ‫ انجليزي‬- ‫درس الكتاب المقدس‬ ‫ صباحا‬11 – 9 ‫ القداس اإللهي‬:‫الجمعة‬ ‫الجمعة‬ ‫ سنة فأكثر‬25 ‫ مساء الشباب‬9 – 7 ‫ انجليزي‬- ‫ مساء أجتماع إعداد الخدمة‬8:30 - 7 ‫ صباحا‬١١ – 8,30 ‫القداس اإللهي‬:‫السبت‬ ‫السبت‬ 5,30 – 4 ‫مدارس األحد‬ ‫ مساء‬٨:٣٠ –٧ ‫العشية واجتماع الشباب‬ ‫انجليزي‬ ‫ مساء عربي‬7 - 5:30 ‫العشية ودرس كتاب‬ :‫األحد‬ ‫األحد‬ ‫ص عربي وانجليزي‬,7:45 – 6 ‫القداس األول‬ ‫ ص – إنجليزي‬9:30 – ,7:45 ‫القداس الثاني‬ ‫ ص عربي‬11:15 – 9:30 ‫القداس الثالث‬ ‫ مساء‬12:30 - 11:45 ‫ انجليزي‬- ‫فصل ألحان‬ :‫األباء الكهنة بالكنيسة‬ ‫األب القمص تادرس شاروبيم‬ 0414251251 Email: frtadros@me.com :‫األب القس حبيب جرجس يونان‬ 94498871 - 0401238177 Email: habibgirgisyounan@ hotmail.com 0422431821 :‫األب القس مايكل صليب‬ Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Epsom Rd, 3031:‫عنوان الكنيسة‬ :‫ تليفون‬5 Kensington Vic 93766651 ‫األب القس كيرلس تاوضروس‬ ٠٤١١٥١٨٣٩٩ ‫األب القس جون مكاري‬ ٠٤٣٣٤٤٥٦٣٦

‫ يناير‬٢٠ ‫عيد الغطاس المجيد السبت‬ ‫ صباحا‬١٠ - ٨ ‫ القداس‬:‫ يناير‬١٩ ‫برمون عيد الغطاس الجمعة‬ ‫ باكر واللقان والقداس‬- ‫ مساء‬١١ - ٦ ‫ يناير‬١٩ ‫ليلة عيد الغطاس‬ Feast of Glorious Epiphany 20th January Epiphany Paramon: Friday 19th January Liturgy 8-10am Epiphany Eve 19th January: 6 - 11pm Including Matines, Lakan and Liturgy English service will be at the Uniting Church Mckraken st.

The Martyrdom of St. Theodore El-Mishreke (the Oriental). ‫استشهاد القديس تادرس املرشقى‬ 21st January - 12th Toba ‫ طوبة‬١٢ - ‫ يناير‬٢١ On this day also of the year 36 A.D., the church celebrates the ‫ م تعيد الكنيسة‬36 ‫يف مثل هذا اليوم من سنة‬ commemoration of the martyrdom of the courageous prince, St. ‫بتذكار استشهاد القديس الشجاع القديس‬ Theodore El-Mishreke (The Oriental). He was born in the City of ‫ وقد ولد مبدينة صور سنة‬. ‫ثاؤدورس املرشقي‬ Tyre in 270 A.D. In his youth, he enlisted in the Roman army and was ‫ انتظم يف الجندية‬، ‫ وملا بلغ دور الشباب‬. ‫ م‬275 promoted to the rank of commander. His father’s name was Sadrikhos, ‫ وكان أبوه صداريخوس‬. ‫ وارتقي إىل رتبة قائد‬، “Adrakos” who was a high ranking official during the reign of Emperor ‫ وأمه أخت واسيليدس‬، ‫وزيرا يف عهد نوماريوس‬ Numerianus (283-284 A.D.), and his mother was the sister of Basilides, ‫ فلام مات امللك نورماريوس يف حرب‬. ‫الوزير‬ the minister. ‫ وكان ولده يسطس يف الجيش املحارب‬، ‫الفرس‬ When Emperor Numerianus died in the war against the Persians, his ‫ فقد ظل الوزيران صداريخوس‬. ‫جهة الغرب‬ son, Justus, was fighting in the west. The two officials Sadrikhos and ‫ إىل ان ملك‬، ‫وواسيليدس يدبران شئون اململكة‬ Basilides continued to run the affairs of the Empire, until the infidel ‫ م وأثار االضطهاد‬33 ‫دقلديانوس الوثني سنة‬ Diocletian took charge of the Empire, and started to persecute the ‫ أما القديس ثاؤدورس فكان يف‬. ‫عيل املسيحيني‬ Christians. At that time, St. Theodore was in charge of the army that ‫هذه األثناء متوليا قيادة الجيش املحارب ضد‬ was fighting against the Persians. He saw a vision at night: a ladder ‫ وقد رأي يف رؤيا الليل كان سلام من‬. ‫الفرس‬ was extended between earth and heaven, and at the top of the ladder the ‫ وفوق السلم جلس الرب عيل‬، ‫األرض إىل السامء‬ Lord sat on a great throne, surrounded by hosts of angels chanting. He ‫منرب عظيم وحوله ربوات من املالئكة يسبحون‬ also saw under the ladder a great beast which was the devil. The Lord . ‫ ورأي تحت السلم تنينا عظيام هو الشيطان‬. said to St. Theodore, “Your blood will be shed for My Name’s sake.” ‫وقال الرب للقديس ثاؤذورس سيسفك دمك عيل‬ The saint asked the Lord, “How about my friend Lawondius?” The ‫ فقال له وصديقي الونديوس ؟ فقال له‬، ‫اسمي‬ Lord replied, “Not only Lawondius, but Banikaros, the Persian, also.” ‫ بل وبانيقاروس الفاريس ايضا‬. ‫الرب ليس هو فقط‬ During a truce, between the Roman and Persian armies, St. Theodore ‫ وعندما عقدت هدنة بني جيش الروم وجيش‬، met with Banikaros, the commander of the Persian army. St. Theodore ‫ وأرشده إىل الدين املسيحي فآمن باملسيح‬، ‫الفرس‬ guided him to Christianity and he believed in Christ. ‫ ثم رأي دقلديانوس ان يستقدم األمري ثاؤذورس‬. Emperor Diocletian ordered that Prince Theodore be brought to him. ، ‫فحرض بجيشه ومعه الونديوس وبانيقارروس‬ The prince came back with his army and with him were Lawondius ‫وإذا علم ثاؤذورس ان امللك سيدعوه إىل عبادة‬ and Banikaros. When St. Theodore knew that the Emperor was going ‫األوثان قال لجنوده من أراد منكم الجهاد عيل‬ to ask him to worship idols, he told his soldiers, “Whoever among you ‫ فصاحوا جميعا‬. ‫اسم السيد املسيح فليقم معي‬ wants to fight for the Name of the Lord Christ, let him come and join . ‫ وإلهك هو إلهنا‬، ‫بصوت واحد نحن منوت معك‬ me.” They all shouted in one accord, “We die with you and your God is ‫ ودخل عيل‬، ‫وملا وصل املدينة ترك جنوده خارجا‬ our God also.” When he arrived in the city, he left his soldiers outside ‫ وسأله عن الحرب‬. ‫امللك الذي احسن استقباله‬ and went alone to the Emperor who received him well. The Emperor ‫بشجاعة اإلميان انا ال اعرف يل إلها اسجد له سوي‬ inquired about the war and the army and he asked St. Theodore to ‫ فأمر دقلديانوس الجنود‬. ‫سيدي يسوع املسيح‬ worship Apollo. ، ‫ان يسمروه عيل شجرة وان يشددوا يف عذابه‬ The saint answered in great courage and faith, “I do not know any god ‫ وأخريا اسلم روحه‬. ‫ولكن الرب كان يقويه ويعزيه‬ that I can worship except my Master, Jesus Christ.” ‫ ونال إكليل املجد‬، ‫الطاهرة بيد الرب الذي احبه‬ Diocletian commanded his soldiers to nail the Saint to a tree and to ‫ ثم أرسل امللك كهنة‬، ‫األبدي يف ملكوت السموات‬ brutally torture him. But the Lord was strengthening and comforting ‫ابللون إىل جنود القديس يدعونهم إىل عبادة‬ him. Finally, he delivered up his pure soul into the hand of the Lord ‫ فرصخوا جميعا قائلني ليس لنا ملك إال‬. ‫األوثان‬ Whom he loved. He received the crown of eternal glory in the kingdom . ‫ ملك امللوك ورب األرباب‬، ‫سيدنا يسوع املسيح‬ of heaven. The Emperor sent the priests of Apollo to the soldiers of the ‫فلام بلغ مسامع دقلديانوس أرسل فقطع رؤوسهم‬ saint, to call upon them to worship the idols. They all shouted, “We ‫ ونالوا األكاليل النورانية والسعادة الدامئة‬، ‫جميعا‬ have no king except our Master, Jesus Christ, Lord of Lords, and King . ‫ صلواتهم تكون معنا امني‬. of Kings.” When the Emperor heard what they said, he had them all ‫عيد عرس قانا الجليل‬ beheaded. They received the crowns of martyrdom and eternal bliss. ) ‫( عيد سيدى صغري‬ Their prayers be with us all. Amen. ‫ طوبة‬١٣ - ‫ يناير‬٢٢ The Commemoration of the Miracle at Cana of Galilee. ‫يف هذا اليوم تحتفل الكنيسة بتذكار األعجوبة‬ 22nd January - 13th Toba ‫ وهي‬. ‫التي صنعها السيد املسيح يف قانا الجليل‬ On this day, the church celebrates the commemoration of the miracle ‫األعجوبة األوىل التي صنعها السيد املسيح بعد‬ that our Lord Jesus Christ performed at Cana of Galilee. It was the ‫ وكان قد دعي والقديسة مريم العذراء إىل‬. ‫العامد‬ first miracle that our Lord Jesus performed after His baptism. He was ‫ وملا فرغت الخمر‬. ‫العرس وكذلك بعض تالميذه‬ invited to the wedding with His virgin mother, St. Mary, and also some ‫ قال لها‬. ‫قالت السيدة العذراء ليس لهم خمر‬ of His disciples. ‫ مل تأت ساعتي بعد‬. ‫يسوع ما يل ولك يا امرأة‬ When they ran out of wine, the mother of Jesus said to Him, “They ‫ ثم قالت أمه للخدام مهام قال لكم فافعلوه‬، have no wine.” Jesus said to her, “Woman, what does your concern ‫ قال لهم‬. ‫ وكانت ستة أجران موضوعة هناك‬.

have to do with Me? My hour has not yet come.” His mother said to ‫ ثم قال‬. ‫ فملئوها إىل فوق‬. ‫يسوع أملوا األجران ماء‬ ‫ فقدموا‬، ‫لهم استقوا اآلن وقدموا إىل رئيس املتكأ‬ the servants, “Whatever He says to you, do it.” ، ‫الخمر الذي تحول بأمره اإللهي فصار خمرا جيدا‬ There were set there six water pots of stone. Jesus said to them. “Fill the water pots with water.” And they filled them up to the brim. ‫ « كل إنسان‬: ‫كام شهد رئيس املتكأ إذ قال للعريس‬ ‫إمنا يضع الخمر الجيدة أوال ومتي سكروا فحينئذ‬ He said to them, “Draw some out now and take it to the master of .‫ أما أنت فقد أبقيت الخمر الجيدة إىل اآلن‬. ‫الدون‬ the feast.” ‫هذه بداية اآليات فعلها يسوع يف قانا الجليل واظهر‬ When the master of the feast had tasted the water that was made ‫مجده فأمن به تالميذه « له املجد مع أبيه الصالح‬ wine, he said to the bridegroom, “Every man at the beginning sets . ‫والروح القدس إىل األبد امني‬ out the good wine and when the guests have well drunk, then that ‫استشهاد القديسة دميانة‬ which is inferior; but you have kept the good wine until now.” ‫ طوبة‬١٣ - ‫ يناير‬٢٢ This was the beginning of the signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee . ‫يف مثل هذا اليوم استشهدت القديسة دميانة‬ and manifested His glory and His disciples believed in Him. (John ‫وكانت هذه العذراء العفيفة املجاهدة ابنة مرقس‬ 2:1-11) ‫ وكانت‬. ‫وايل الربلس والزعفران ووادي السيسبان‬ To Him is the Glory with His Good Father and the Holy Spirit ‫ وملا كان عمرها سنة واحدة أخذها‬. ‫وحيدة ألبويها‬ forever. Amen. ‫أبوها إىل الكنيسة التي بدير امليمة وقدم النذور‬ The Martyrdom of St. Demiana. ‫والشموع والقرابني ليبارك الله فيها ويحفظها له‬ 22nd January - 13th Toba ‫ وملا بلغت من العمر خمس عرشة سنة أراد ان‬. On this day also, St. Demiana was martyred. This chaste and fighter virgin, was the daughter of Mark, Governor of El-Borollus, ‫يزوجها فرفضت وأعلمته أنها قد نذرت نفسها عروسا‬ ‫ وإذ رأت ان والدها قد رس بذلك‬. ‫للسيد املسيح‬ El-Zaafran, and Wadi Al-Saysaban(1) in the Northern delta of ‫طلبت منه ايضا ان يبني لها مسكنا منفردا تتعبد يف‬ the valley of the Nile. She was the only daughter to her parents. ‫ وبنى لها املسكن‬. ‫ فأجاب سؤالها‬. ‫هي وصاحباتها‬ When she was one year old, her father took her to the church of the ‫ كن‬، ‫ فسكنت فيه مع أربعني عذراء‬، ‫الذي أرادته‬ monastery of Al-Maymah. He offered alms, candles and oblations ‫يقضني اغلب أوقاتهن يف مطالعة الكتاب املقدس‬ so that God might bless her and keep her in His care. ، ‫ وبعد زمن أرسل دقلديانوس امللك‬. ‫والعبادة الحارة‬ When she was fifteen years old, her father wanted her to be wed. ‫واحرض مرقس والد القديسة دميانة وأمره ان يسجد‬ She refused, and told him that she had vowed herself a bride to ‫ فامتنع أوال غري انه بعد ان الطفه امللك‬. ‫لألوثان‬ the Lord Christ. When she saw that her father was pleased with ‫ وترك خالق األكوان‬. ‫ انصاع ألمره وسجد لألوثان‬، her intention, she asked him to build her a place where she could ‫ وعلمت القديسة‬، ‫وملا عاد مرقس إىل مقر واليته‬ worship God in seclusion with her virgin friends. He fulfilled her ‫ أرسعت إليه ودخلت بدون سالم‬، ‫مبا عمله والدها‬ wish and built her the house that she wanted. She lived in it with ‫ ما هذا الذي سمعته عنك ؟‬: ‫أو تحية وقالت له‬ forty other virgins. They spent their time reading the holy scripture ‫ من ان اسمع عنك‬، ‫كنت أود ان يأتيني خرب موتك‬ and in worship. ‫انك تركت عنك اإلله الذي جبلك من العدم إىل‬ Shortly after, Emperor Diocletian sent for Mark, St. Demiana›s ‫ اعلم انك ان‬. ‫ وسجدت ملصنوعات األيدي‬، ‫الوجود‬ father, and ordered him to worship the idols. He refused at first, ‫ ومل ترتك عبادة األحجار‬، ‫مل ترجع عام أنت عليه اآلن‬ but after the Emperor appeased him he obeyed his order and worshipped the idols and forsook the Creator of the Universe. When . ‫ ثم تركته وخرجت‬، ‫ فلست بوالدي وال انا ابنتك‬، ‫ وأرسع‬، ‫فتأثر مرقس من كالم ابنته وبيك بكاء مرا‬ Mark returned to his official seat, and St. Demiana knew what had ‫ وملا عجز‬. ‫إىل دقلديانوس واعرتف بالسيد املسيح‬ transpired, she rushed to meet him. She did not greet him, but said, ‫امللك عن إقناعه بالوعد والوعيد أمر فقطعوا رأسه‬ «What is it that I heard about you? I would have preferred to hear ‫ وإذ علم دقلديانوس ان الذي حول مرقس عن‬. about your death rather than to hear that you have renounced your ، ‫ أرسل إليها أمريا‬، ‫عبادة األوثان هي دميانة ابنته‬ faith and forsaken the God Who created you from non-existence . ‫ وان مل تطعه يقطع رأسها‬، ‫وأمره ان يالطفها أوال‬ into being, to worship gods made by hands. Take note that if you do not return to your first faith and renounce the worship of stones, you ‫فذهب إليها األمري ومعه مئة جندي وآالت العذاب‬ ‫ انا‬: ‫ وملا وصل إىل قرصها دخل إليها وقال لها‬. are not my father and I am not your daughter,» and she left him. ‫ جئت أدعوك بناء‬، ‫رسول من قبل دقلديانوس امللك‬ Her father was greatly moved by the words of his daughter, and he wept bitterly. In haste, he went to Diocletian and confessed the Lord ‫ لينعم لك مبا تريدين‬، ‫عيل أمره ان تسجدي أللهته‬ ‫ شجب الله‬: ‫ فصاحت به القديسة دميانة قائلة‬. Christ. When the Emperor could not convince him with threats and ‫ أما تستحون ان تسموا األحجار‬، ‫الرسول ومن أرسله‬ promises, he ordered him beheaded. ‫ ليس‬. ‫ وهي ال يسكنها إال شياطني‬، ‫األخشاب آلهة‬ When Diocletian knew that the one who turned Mark from ‫ االب واالبن‬. ‫اله يف السامء وعيل األرض إال اله واحد‬ worshipping the idols was St. Demiana, his daughter. He sent her ‫ الخالق األزيل األبدي مالئ كل‬، ‫والروح القدس‬ a prince to try first gently to convince her to worship idols, and ‫ وهو الذي يطرحكم‬، ‫ عامل األرسار قبل كونها‬، ‫مكان‬ if she disobeyed him to behead her. The prince went to her with ‫ أما انا فإين عبدة‬، ‫يف الجحيم حيث العذاب الدائم‬ two hundred soldiers and the instruments of torture. When he ‫سيدي ومخليص يسوع املسيح وأبيه الصالح والروح‬ arrived at her palace, he said to her, «I am a messenger sent from ‫ وعليه أتوكل‬، ‫ به اعرتف‬، ‫القدس الثالوث األقدس‬ Emperor Diocletian. I came to call upon you according to the ‫ فغضب األمري‬. ‫ وبه أحيا إىل األبد‬، ‫ وباسمه أموت‬، Emperor›s orders, to worship his gods, so that he can grant you

all that you want.» The saint shouted in his face saying, «May God ‫وأمر ان توضع بني هنبازين وبتويل أربعة جنود‬ denounce the messenger and the one by whom he was sent. Don›t ‫ وكانت العذارى‬. ‫عرصها فجري دمها عيل األرض‬ you have any shame at all to call stones and wood gods which are ‫ وملا أودعوها السجن ظهر‬. ‫واقفات يبكني عليها‬ inhabited by devils? There is no god in heaven or on earth except one ‫لها مالك الرب ومس جسدها بأجنحته النورانية‬ God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Eternal Creator, the ‫ وقد تفنن األمري‬. ‫ فشفيت من جميع جراحاتها‬، Everlasting, Who is everywhere, Who knows all the secrets, and Who ‫ تارة بتمزيق لحمها‬، ‫يف تعذيب القديسة ديانة‬ can throw you in hell where is the everlasting torment. As for me, I ‫ ويف كل ذلك‬، ‫وتارة بوضعها يف شحم وزيت مغيل‬ am the maidservant of my Master and my Savior Jesus Christ, and His ‫ وملا رأي األمري ان جميع‬. ‫كان الرب يقيمها ساملة‬ Good Father and the Holy Spirit, the Holy Trinity, Him I confess and ‫محاوالته قد فشلت أمام ثبات هذه العذراء الطاهرة‬ upon Him I depend, and in His Name I die, and by Him I live forever.» ‫ أمر بقطع رأسها هي وجميع من معها من العذارى‬، The prince became exceedingly angry and ordered her to be placed ‫ صالتهن‬. ‫ فنلن جميعهن إكليل الشهادة‬. ‫العفيفات‬ in the Hinbazeen (the squeezing press), until her blood poured out of . ‫تكون معنا ولربنا املجد دامئا ابديا امني‬ her body on the ground. The virgins were standing weeping over her. ‫نياحة القديس دوماديوس أخى مكسيموس‬ When they put her in prison, the angel of the Lord appeared to her, ‫ طوبة‬17 - ‫ يناير‬٢٦ touched her body with his illumined wings, and she was healed of ‫يف هذا اليوم تذكار القديسني الجليلني مكسيموس‬ all her wounds. The prince used all his evil imagination to torture St. ‫ وكان أبوهام «الندينيانوس» ملك‬. ‫وأخيه دوماديوس‬ Demiana, once by tearing her flesh and another time by placing her ‫ فرزقه هذين‬، ‫الروم رجال خائف الله قويم املعتقد‬ in boiling oil. Through it all the Lord raised her up safely. When the ‫ وكانا منذ صغرهام مثل املالئكة قي الطهر‬.‫القديسني‬ prince saw that all his attempts were in vain, before the steadfastness ‫ مالزمني الصالة ومطالعة الكتب املقدسة‬، ‫والقداسة‬ of this pure virgin he ordered her beheaded, and all the other virgins ، ‫ وملا تحقق لهام زوال هذا العامل وكل مجده‬. with her. Thus, they all received the crowns of martyrdom. ‫ فطلبا من‬. ‫قررا تركه وعزما عيل العيشة الرهبانية‬ Their prayers be with us and Glory be to our God forever. Amen. ، ‫أبيهام ان يسمح لهام بالذهاب إىل مدينة نيقية‬ The Departure of St. Maximus and St. Domatius (Domadius). ‫ليصليا يف مكان اجتامع املجمع املقدس املسكوين‬ 26th January - 17th Toba ‫ ففرح أبوهام‬، ‫ م‬325 ‫ الذي انعقد سنة‬، ‫االول‬ On this day is the commemoration of the two honored saints Maxi‫وأرسل معهام حاشية من الجند والخدم كعادة أوالد‬ mus and his brother Domatius (Domadius). Their father›s name was ‫ وملا وصال أمرا الجند ان يرجعوا إىل أبيهام‬. ‫امللوك‬ Walendianus, he was one of the Roman emperors who feared God and ‫ ثم‬. ‫ويقولوا له انهام يريدان ان ميكثا هناك أياما‬ was Orthodox in faith. God gave him these two sons who were angelic ‫كشفا أفكارهام ألحد الرهبان القديسني من انهام‬ in their purity and holiness since their young age, always praying and ‫ فلم يوافقهام عيل‬. ‫يريدان لباس اإلسكيم املقدس‬ reading the holy books. ‫ وأشار عليهام ان يذهبا إليه‬، ‫ذلك خوفا من أبيهام‬ When they realized the vanity of this world and all its glory, they ‫ وكان قبل نياحته قد البسهام‬. ‫وظال عنده حتى تنيح‬ decided to leave it and live a monastic life. They asked their father to ‫ وعرفهام بأنه رأي يف رؤيا الليل‬، ‫شكل الرهبنة‬ allow them to go to the City of Nicea, to pray in the place where the ‫القديس مقاريوس وهو يقول له أوص ولديك ان‬ first Universal Council was held in 325 A.D. Their father rejoiced, and ‫ ثم قال لهام‬. ‫يأتيا إىل بعد نياحتك ويصريا يل بنينا‬ he sent an entourage of soldiers and servants with them, as was the ، ‫ أنني كنت اشتهي ان انظر هذا القديس بالجسد‬: custom for the children of kings. ‫ فبعد نياحتي امضيا إليه‬. ‫ولكنني قد رايته بالروح‬ When they arrived, they asked the soldiers to go back to their father ‫ وقد انعم الله عليهام مبوهبة شفاء املريض‬. ‫بسالم‬ and tell him that they wanted to stay there for some time. Then they ‫ وشاع ذكرهام يف تلك البالد وخصوصا بني التجار‬، revealed their thoughts to a saintly monk, that they desired to put on .‫ وتعلام صناعة رشاع ( قلوع ) السفن‬، ‫واملسافرين‬ the holy garb of the monks. The monk did not agree with them because ‫فكانا يقتاتان بثمن ما يبيعان منها ويتصدقان عيل‬ he feared their father, but he advised them to go to Syria where St. ‫ وذات يوم رأي‬. ‫الفقراء واملساكني مبا يفضل عنهام‬ Agabius abided. ‫أحد حجاب أبيهام رشاع إحدى السفن مكتوبا عليه‬ They went to St. Agabius and stayed with him until his departure. ‫ فاستفرس من صاحب‬، « ‫« مكسيموس ودوماديوس‬ Before he departed, he put on them the monastic garb, and told them ‫ كتبته‬، ‫ هذا اسم أخوين راهبني‬: ‫السفينة فقال له‬ that he saw St. Macarius in a night vision saying, «Command your two ‫ ثم‬. ‫ ليك ينجح الله تجاريت‬، ‫عيل سفينتي تربكا‬ sons to come to me after your departure, so that they may become my ‫ ان أحدهام قد تكاملت‬، ‫أوضح له أوصافهام بقوله‬ children.» Then St. Agabius told them, «I desired to see St. Macarius ‫ فعرفهام الحاجب واخذ‬، ‫لحيته واألخر مل يلتح بعد‬ in the flesh, but I have seen him in the spirit. After my departure, you ‫ وملا تحقق منه األمر‬. ‫الرجل وأحرضه أمام امللك‬ should go to him in peace.» ‫ فلام تقابلتا‬. ‫أرسل إليهام والدتهام واألمرية أختهام‬ God granted them the gift of healing the sick. Their report was heard ‫ ورغبت أمهام ان‬. ‫بالقديسني وعرفتاهام بكتا كثريا‬ in all the countries, especially among the sea merchants and the travel- ‫ وطيبا قلب والدتهام وأختهام‬،‫يعودا معها فلم يقبال‬ lers. They learned the trade of making ships› sails, and they were able ‫ فتذكروا‬، ‫ وبعد ذلك بقليل تنيح بطريرك رومية‬. to support themselves with money earned from selling them, and they ‫ ففرح والده‬. ‫القديس مكسيموس ليقيموه بدال عنه‬ gave the rest to the poor and the needy. ‫ وملا وصل هذا الخرب إىل القديس مكسيموس‬. ‫بذلك‬ One day, one of their father›s stewards saw a ship with the names ‫ فغري‬، ‫ تذكرا وصية أبيهام االنبا أغابيوس‬، ‫وأخيه‬ «Maximus and Domatius» on its sail . He inquired of the owner of the ‫ وكانا‬.‫ وقصدا طريق البحر األبيض‬، ‫االثنان شكلهام‬

ship about these names. The owner told the steward, «These are the names ‫إذا عطشا يبدل الله لهام املاء املالح مباء‬ of two monk brothers, which I have written on my ship as a blessing, so that ‫ وتعبا كثريا من السري حتى أدمت‬،‫عذب‬ God with their prayers may prosper my business.» He described the brothers ‫ فناما عيل الجبل وقد أعياهام‬،‫أرجلهام‬ to him, as one with a full beard, and the other without a beard. The steward ‫ فأرسل الله لهام قوة حملتهام‬، ‫التعب‬ recognized them and he took the man and brought him before the Emper‫ حيث القديس‬، ‫إىل برية االسقيط‬ or. When the Emperor made certain about what he had heard, he sent their ‫ وعرفاه انهام يريدان السكني‬،‫مقاريوس‬ mother and the princess, their sister, to meet them. When the women met with ، ‫ وملا أراهام من ذوي التنعم‬. ‫عنده‬ the two saints and recognized them, they wept. Their mother wanted them to ‫ظن انهام ال يستطيعان اإلقامة يف الربية‬ return with her, but the Saints refused, and they comforted the hearts of their ‫ فأجاباه قائلني‬. ‫لشظف العيشة فيها‬ mother and sister. ‫ ان كنا ال نقدر يا أبانا فأننا نعود إىل‬: After a while, the Patriarch of Rome departed, and they remembered Max‫ فعلمهام ضفر الخوص ثم‬. ‫حيث جئنا‬ imus, whom they wanted to ordain in his place. His father rejoiced when ‫ وعرفهام‬. ‫عاونهام يف بناء مغارة لهام‬ he heard this. When the news arrived to St. Maximus and his brother, they ‫مبن يبيع لهام عمل أيديهام ويأتيهام‬ remembered the command of their father Anba Agabius. They disguised ‫ فأقاما عيل هذه الحال ثالث‬. ‫بالخبز‬ themselves, and took the road along the Mediterranean sea shore, and when ‫ وكانا يدخالن‬، ‫ مل يجتمعا بأحد‬، ‫سنوات‬ they were thirsty, God transformed for them the salty water into sweet water. ‫الكنيسة لتناول األرسار اإللهية وهام‬ They became very tired of walking, and their feet were bleeding. They slept ‫ فتعجب القديس مقاريوس‬، ‫صامتني‬ on a hill because of their exhaustion and God sent them a certain power that ‫ وصيل‬، ‫النقطاعهام عنه كل هذه املدة‬ carried them to the wilderness of Scetis where St. Macarius was residing. ‫طالبا من الله ان يكشف له أمرهام‬ They told St. Macarius that they wanted to live under his guidance. When ‫وجاء إىل مغارتهام حيث بات تلك الليلة‬ St. Macarius saw that they were of rich background, he thought that they ‫ فلام استيقظ يف نصف الليل كعادته‬. would not be able to live in the desert because of its harsh living conditions. ‫ رأي القديسني قامئني يصليان‬، ‫للصالة‬ They answered him saying, «If we are not able to live here, our father, we ‫ وشعاع من النور صاعدا من أفواهها‬، will return to where we came from.» Then he taught them how to plait palm ‫ والشياطني حولهام مثل‬، ‫إىل السامء‬ leaves, and he helped in building a cave (cell) for them. He also told them ‫ ومالك الرب يطردهم عنهام‬، ‫الذباب‬ about someone who would take the work of their hands to sell and bring them ‫ فلام كان الغد البسهام‬. ‫بسيف من نار‬ back bread. ‫ صليا‬: ‫اإلسكيم املقدس وانرصف قائال‬ They lived in this manner for three years, never communicating with anyone. . ‫عني فرضبا له مطانية وهام صامتني‬ They only went to church to partake of the Divine Sacraments silently. St. ‫وملا اكمال سعيهام وأراد الرب ان ينقلهام‬ Macarius marvelled, for they did not go to him all these years. He prayed to ‫ مرض‬. ‫من أحزان هذا العامل الزائل‬ God to reveal to him their secret. He went to visit them in their cell where he ‫القديس مكسيموس فأرسل إىل القديس‬ stayed the night with them. When he woke up at midnight, as was his custom, ‫ فلام أيت‬. ‫مقاريوس يرجوه الحضور‬ to pray, he saw the two saints praying and a ray of light going from their ‫إليه وجده محموما فعزاه وطيب‬ mouths to heaven, and the devils were all around them like flies, and the angel ‫ وتطلع القديس مقاريوس وإذا‬. ‫قلبه‬ of the Lord standing with a sword of fire to protect them. The next day, St. ‫جامعة من األنبياء والقديسني ويوحنا‬ Macarius put on them the holy Eskiem, and asked them to pray for him. They ‫املعمدان وقسطنطني امللك جميعهم‬ bowed to the ground before him (made metanias) in silence. ‫قامئني حول القديس إىل ان اسلم روحه‬ When they completed their course, and the Lord wanted to take them away ‫ فبيك القديس‬. ‫الطاهرة مبجد وكرامة‬ from the sorrows of this temporal world, St. Maximus became sick. He sent ‫ طوباك يا مكسيموس‬: ‫مقاريوس وقال‬ word to St. Macarius, asking him to come. When St. Macarius arrived, he ‫ أما القديس دوماديوس فكان يبيك‬. found St. Maximus ill with a fever, and he comforted him. St. Macarius saw ‫ وسال القديس مقاريوس ان‬، ‫بكاء مرا‬ a company of prophets and saints, including St. John the Baptist and Emperor ‫يطلب عنه إىل السيد املسيح ليك يلحقه‬ Constantine, gathered around the Saint until he delivered his pure spirit in ‫ وبعد ثالثة ايام مرض هو ايضا‬. ‫بأخيه‬ dignity and in honor. St. Macarius wept and said, «Blessed are you, O Maxi‫ وعلم القديس مقاريوس فذهب إليه‬، mus.» ‫ فيام هو يف طرقه رأي جامعة‬. ‫لزيارته‬ St. Domatius, his brother, wept bitterly, and asked St. Macarius to pray on his ‫القديسني الذين كانوا قد حملوا نفس‬ behalf to the Lord Christ to take him also to be with his brother. After three ‫ حاملني نفس القديس دوماديوس‬، ‫أخيه‬ days, he also became sick, and when St. Macarius knew by the spirit he went ‫ فلام آيت‬. ‫وصاعدين بها إىل السامء‬ to visit him. On his way, he saw the company of saints who carried St. Max‫ فوضعه‬، ‫إىل املغارة وجده قد تنيح‬ imus before carrying the soul of St. Domatius ascending up to heaven. When ‫مع أخيه الذي كانت نياحته يف الرابع‬ he arrived at the cave, St. Macarius found that St. Domatius had passed away. ‫ وأمر ان يدعي‬. ‫عرش من هذا الشهر‬ St. Macarius put St. Domatius› body with his brother›s, whose departure was ‫الدير عيل اسمهام فدعي دير الرباموس‬ on the 14th day of this month. St. Macarius ordered that the monastery be . ‫ وهكذا يدعي إىل اليوم‬، ‫نسبة إليهام‬ called after their names, the monastery of «El-Baramus» as it is known until . ‫صالتهام تكون معنا امني‬ today. Their prayers be with us. Amen

‫تأمالت فى انجيل القداس‬ Meditation on Liturgy’s Gospel ‫|األحد الثانى من آحاد شهر طوبة‬ Second Sunday of blessed Tobe ‫المبارك‬ Luke 11: 27- 37 ٣٦ – ٢٧ : ١١ ‫لوقا‬ And indeed a greater than Jonah is here (Luke 11: ٣٢ ::١١ ١١ ‫هوذا أعظم من يونان ههنا لوقا‬ 32) ‫ يطلب شيئا مثيرا‬..‫العالم يطلب آية‬ The world seeks for a sign. They ask for exciting ‫ يطلب آية يراها بعين‬..‫ينجذب اليه‬ things to attract them. They seek a sign that they ..‫ بعين الحواس البشرية‬..‫الجسد‬ can see it with carnal eyes, human senses eyes. The ‫عن‬ ‫تبحث‬ ‫فاإلنسان الجسداني له عين‬ carnal man has eyes that seek bright light, ears that ‫األضواء الباهرة وأذن تلتقط االصوات‬ seek noisy sounds, and senses that search for car‫الصاخبة وحواس تبحث عن الملذات‬ nal desires. These are the signs that the world seek. ‫ هذه هى اآلية التى يطلبها‬..‫الحسية‬ How difficult these eyes and senses to distinguish ‫العالم ولكن ما أصعب أن تميز مثل هذه‬ the sound of God? They only seek signs, and they ..‫العيون واآلذان والحواس صوت هللا‬ rejoice when they see the Lord Jesus doing wonders. ‫ أنهم‬..‫أنهم فقط يريدون أن يروا آيات‬ They are ready to follow him miles and endure hard‫يهللون ويفرحون عندما يرون الرب‬ ship, seeking Him everywhere as long as He will ‫ أنهم مستعدون‬..‫يسوع يصنع المعجزات‬ ‫أن يسيروا وراءه أمياال بل ويتحملوا‬ feed them from the five loaves and two fish. Unfor‫المشاق ويبحثون عنه فى كل مكان‬ tunate, they are not ready to sit under His feet listen‫طالما سوف يشبعهم من الخمس خبزات‬ ing to His words and implementing His statutes. ‫ ولكنهم غير مستعدين أن‬..‫والسمكتين‬ Queen of Sheba heard about Solomon, so she came ‫يجلسوا تحت قدميه يسمعون كالمه‬ from the end of the earth to see him. Solomon was a ..‫وينفذون وصاياه‬ sign for her. When she saw him, and saw his glory, ..‫سليمان‬ ‫بخبر‬ ‫سبأ‬ ‫لقد سمعت ملكة‬ and heard his wisdom there was no more spirit in ‫فقد‬ ..‫لتراه‬ ‫األرض‬ ‫أقاصي‬ ‫فأتت من‬ her. She was overwhelmed by his wisdom. When ‫ورأت‬ ‫رأته‬ ‫وعندما‬ ..‫آية‬ ‫لها‬ ‫سليمان‬ ‫كان‬ Jonah went to Nineveh saying that after forty days ‫مجده وسمعت حكمته لم يعد فيها روح‬ the city would perish, he was a sign to the people ..‫ لقد بهرت بحكمته‬..‫بعد‬ of Nineveh. Immediately the city repented by the ‫وأيضا عندما ذهب يونان ينادى فى‬ call of Jonah. And indeed a greater than Solomon ‫نينوى بأنه بعد أربعين يوما تهلك‬ is here, and indeed a greater than Jonah is here. Are ..‫ كان هذا شيئا صعبا جدا‬..‫نينوى‬ you still seeking a sign in this world? What is the ‫كان يونان نفسه ومناداته كانت آية‬ sign that you need? Solomon’s sign? Jonah’s sign? ‫ فتابت المدينة كلها‬..‫نينوى‬ ‫ألهل‬ The Lord Christ’s sign? The glory, splendour, and ‫هوذا أعظم من‬ ..‫لمناداة يونان‬ honour sign? Threaten and frightening sign? Love ‫ هوذا أعظم من يونان‬..‫سليمان هاهنا‬ ‫ فهل ما زلت تبحث لنفسك عن آية‬..‫ههنا‬ and Word of God’s sign? ..‫من هذا العالم‬ She came from the ends of the earth to hear the wis‫ماهي اآلية التي تريدها؟؟ آية سليمان؟؟‬ dom of Solomon ‫آية يونان؟؟ آية السيد المسيح؟؟ آية‬ It is good to be a lover for wisdom and understand‫الخوف‬ ‫المجد والبهاء والفخامة؟؟ آية‬ ing. How beautiful to seek knowledge even to the ‫والتهديد؟؟ آية الحب وكلمة هللا؟؟‬ end of earth. However, is this only desire you have? Is this your aim in life? Then, you are seeking world- ‫ أتت من أقاصى األرض لتسمع حكمة‬+ +++ ‫سليمان‬ ly glory on behalf of the heavenly kingdom. Many ‫وما‬ ..‫والفهم‬ ‫للحكمة‬ ‫محبا‬ ‫جيد أن تكون‬ has troubled and perished because all their cares ‫أجمل أن تسعى وراء المعرفة حتى ولو‬ were on earthly glory and concerns, and they were ‫ ولكن هل هذا هو‬..‫الى أقاصي األرض‬ too busy with it. ‫فقط شهوة قلبك؟؟ هذا هو كل هدفك فى‬ Samson was caring too much to fulfil his carnal ‫الحياة؟‬ desires, though he had enormous power given by ‫أذن أتت تبحث عن آية المجد العالمي‬ God. Though he was a Nazirite to God, his carnal ..‫على حساب ملكوت السموات‬ concerns led him to destruction. These concerns led ‫كثيرون تعبوا جدا وهلكوا ألن كل‬ him to break his vow and fall. The same as Lot, he ‫اهتماماتهم كانت في مجد العالم‬ ..‫ وانشغلوا بها جدا‬..‫واهتمامات العالم‬ was a righteous person as the Bible said. However, ‫فمشكلة أنسان مثل شمشون أنه كان‬ he got too busy with Sodom amusements, though he hated there deeds. He was going to perish because of ‫ رغم القوة‬..‫مهتما اشباع رغبات جسده‬ Sodom. Even his wife perished for her attachment to ‫ رغم أنه‬..‫الخارقة التى أعطاها له هللا‬

‫ ولكن اهتماماته الجسدية‬..‫كان نذيرا للرب‬ Sodom. Saul would have been a great king and person and ‫أسلمته للهالك وجعلته يكسر نذره ويسقط‬ ..‫من رتبته ومركزه‬ beloved in the eyes of God. For God has chosen ‫ كا ن أنسانا با را حسب شهادة‬..‫لوط‬ ‫لوط‬ him to be first king of Israel. But he forgot his aim ..‫ لكنه أنشغل بمالهي سدوم‬..‫الكتاب عنه‬ and focused too much on himself and his person‫ لكنه‬..‫رغم أنه كره أفعال سدوم الشريرة‬ al glory. He forgot God’s commandments and ..‫سدوم‬ ‫أنشغل بالحياة المريحة المترفهه في‬ favoured his own pride. ‫ بل‬..‫وكاد أن يهلك ويضيع بسبب سدوم‬ How easy for a person to perish for earthly desires ‫الكاملأن‬ ‫أمرأته ضاعت فعال بسبب تعلقها‬ on behalf of his spiritual life and on behalf of ..‫بسدوم‬ God’s commandments. ‫كان فى االمكان أن يصير شاول الملك‬ A fictional story said that there were three poor ‫ فقد‬..‫أنسانا عظيما محبوبا جدا أمام الرب‬ men; carpenter, clothes seller, and the third is a ..‫أختاره هللا ليصير أول ملك إلسرائيل‬ builder. They used to meet and complain about ‫ولكنه نسى هدفه وأنشغل بنفسه ومجده‬ their bad luck and poverty. Each one started to ‫ نسى وصايا هللا وأهتم بإرضاء‬..‫الذاتي‬ wish a thing that might repair his life and gain a ..‫نفسه كرامته‬ lot of money. The carpenter wished that anything ‫ما أكثر ما يضيع االنسان نفسه بسبب‬ ‫اهتماماته العالمية على حساب حياته‬ he hit with his hand would split immediately, ..‫وعلى حساب وصايا هللا‬..‫الروحية‬ and he wouldn’t waste time in wood cutting. ‫هناك قصة خيالية تحكى عن ثالثة رجال‬ The clothes merchant hoped that every cloth he ‫فقراء أحدهم نجار واآلخر بائع قماش‬ extend, it stretches five meters extra, so that he ‫ وكان يتقابلون ويشتكون‬..‫والثالث بناء‬ has more clothes and becomes rich. The builder hopes that any two bricks he put near to each other ‫ وصار كل واحد‬..‫من سوء حالهم وفقرهم‬ ‫يتمنى لنفسه أمنية يصلح بها حاله ويكسب‬ bind without mortar, thus he will be rich. At this ‫النجار‬ ‫ فتمنى‬..‫أمواال كثيرة‬ ‫بها‬ moment an angel appeared and gives each one ‫أن أي شيء بخبطه بيده ينشق فورا حتى‬ his wish. Next day the carpenter would split the ‫ال يضيع وقتا طويال فى نشر الخشب‬ wood without saw and achieved a lot of work in ‫وتمنى بائع القماش أن أي شيء يمده يمتد‬ little time, the merchant will stretch the clothes ‫أمامه خمسه أمتار حتى يزداد القماش عنده‬ and they increase, and the builder put the blocks ‫ وتمنى البناء أن أي شيئين‬..‫ويكسب كثيرا‬ together and they bind without mortar. They ‫يجعلهما متالصقين يلتصقا فورا بدون مونة‬ became very rich. Returning home, they started to ‫ وهنا يظهر‬..‫فيبنى بسرعة ويزداد مكسبه‬ narrate what happened in the day. An insect came ..‫مالك من السماء ويعطى كل واحد أمنيته‬ on the merchant’s nose, so he hold his nose and ‫وفى الغد خرجوا ألعمالهم واذا بالنجار‬ immediately it stretched five meters. The carpen‫يشق الخشب بيديه بدون منشار بسرعة‬ ‫ وإذا‬..‫وينجز عمال كثيرا فى وقت قصير‬ ter laughed to the extent he hit his legs with his ‫بائع القماش يمد القماش فيزداد طوله‬ hands, immediately the leg was broken. The build‫ويبيع منه فال ينقص وإذا بالبناء يضع‬ er was sorry for his friends and starting hitting on ‫الطوب بدون مونة فيلتصق بسرعة ويبنى‬ his palms, but his hands stuck together. The three ..‫ وبذلك كسبوا مكسبا كبيرا‬..‫بسرعة‬ men started to shout from fear and suddenly the angel appeared to them again. They gave up their ‫ورجعوا آخر النهار فرحين جدا واجتمعوا‬ ‫معا يحكون عما حدث في هذا اليوم وفجأة‬ wishes to return back to their original life. there ‫هبطت ذبابة على طرف أنف بائع القماش‬ were convinced with their lives. ‫فأمسك بطرف أنفه ليبعدها وإذا بأنفه تمتد‬ The same thing happens to us, we may be too ‫ وضحك النجار جدا من‬..‫خمسه أمتار‬ busy in the world till it controls us and we find ‫المنظر وخبط ركبتيه بيده من شدة االنفعال‬ ourselves only a machine that works for the ‫ وتألم البناء‬..‫فانكسرت ركبته فى الحال‬ world… beloved, are you that busy with the world ‫مما حدث لرفيقيه وصار يضرب كفا على‬ needs. Are you seeking a sign in the world? O, ‫ وصرخ‬..‫كف وإذا بيديه التصقتا معا بشدة‬ many signs that busy us.. Are you astonished with ‫الرجال الثالثة من الفزع وظهر لهم المالك‬ the modern world inventions? With the means of ‫ثانية وإذا بكل منهم يتنازل عن أمنيته فى‬ amusements and bodily comfort!! Do you care ‫مقابل أن يعود الى حاله وأعلنوا جميعهم‬ only to get to your home the latest, brilliant and ..‫توبتهم واقتناعهم بما هم فيه‬ ‫وهكذا قد يشغل االنسان نفسه بمشغوليات‬ exciting inventions!! Be aware, this is the outer ‫العالم حتى يسيطر العالم عليه ويجد نفسد‬ appearance sign. Don’t make it to control you

..‫قد تحول الى مجرد آلة تعمل للعالم‬ and to control all your thoughts and to take you ‫وأنت أيها الحبيب هل أنت مشغول جدا‬ away from your spiritual concerns. Are you caring ‫ هل تبحث لنفسك عن آية من هذا‬..‫بالعالم‬ too much about your work? Caring to please your employers? Caring so much to know what’s new in ..‫ وما أكثر آيات العالم التي تشغلك‬..‫العالم‬ ‫هل أنت منبهر باختراعات العالم الحديثة؟؟‬ it? All these attributes are nice but to what extent ‫ووسائل الرفاهية والراحة الجسدية؟؟ هل‬ you are ready to give? Do you give all your time, ‫كل ما يهمك هو أن تدخل في بيتك كل‬ and effort forgetting your spiritual life? how many ‫جديد وكل مثير وكل أنيق؟؟ أحترس هذه‬ Sundays passed and you are busy with your work? ‫ ال تجعلها‬..‫هي آية المظهر الخارجي‬ How many times you didn’t pray because you are ‫تسيطر عليك وتشغل كل فكرك وتبعدك‬ too tired and exhausted? Look and see, how did ‫عن اهتماماتك‬ work and family responsibilities takeover your ‫ هل انت مهتم جدا بعملك؟؟ مهتم‬..‫الروحية‬ spiritual life? ‫جدا ان ترضى كل رؤسائك؟ مهتم جدا أن‬ Repented at the preaching of Jonah ‫تتعلم كل جديد فيه؟؟ كل هذا جميل وحسن‬ It is well known that Nineveh was destroyed ‫ولكن الى أي مدى أنت مستعد أن تعطى‬ completely and perished. The Lord had warned ‫لهذا العمل؟؟ هل تعطبه كل وقتك وجهدك‬ them many times for their evil deeds. One of these ‫وتنسى نفسك وتنسى حياتك الروحية‬ ‫تماما؟؟ كم مرة يمر عليك يوم االحد وأنت‬ warnings was Jonah’s. they did repent, however, it seems that they returned to their evil behaviours ‫مشغول فى عملك؟؟ كم مره ال تستطيع أن‬ ‫تصلى من االرهاق والتعب؟؟ أنظر كيف‬ and thus they perished. Many people do not repent ‫استولى عملك واهتماماتك العالمية على‬ till the Lord warns them and show them His anger ..‫كل أمور حياتك الروحية‬ for their sins. Though this way accomplishes God’s .. ‫ تابوا بمناداة يونان‬+ intentions to repent, however, God wants all to ‫من المعروف عن نينوى‬ repent and come back out of love and not from fear. ‫ آنها قد دمرت‬..‫نينوى‬ ‫ وقد أنذرهم الرب مرات‬..‫تماما وهلكت‬ Be aware my beloved, even threatening and chastis- ‫المرات‬ ‫ ومن هذه‬..‫كثيرة بسبب شرورهم‬ ing have limits. ‫كان االنذار الذى وجهه الرب لهم على‬ Julian the Apostate left his Christian’s beliefs want..‫ وفعال خافوا وتابوا‬.. ‫يد يونان النبي‬ ing to re-establish idolatry. Nothing of the warnings ‫ولكن يبدو أنهم قد عادوا الى خطاياهم مرة‬ did he accept. But he increased in evil. He hated ..‫أخرى ولذلك هلكوا‬ Christianity very much. One day he was going for ‫هناك كثيرون ال يقدمون توبة اال إذا‬ a war against Persia and met St. Basil the Great ‫أنذرهم هللا وأراهم شدة غضبه على‬ with other bishops. So he asked St. Basil sarcasti‫ ورغم أن هذه الوسيلة تحقق‬..‫خطاياهم‬ cally ‘where have you left the Son of the carpenter ‫ ولكن هللا‬..‫مقاصد هللا في أن يجعلهم يتوبوا‬ ‫يريد أن يأتى اليه الجميع عن طريق الحب‬ (meaning the Lord Christ). St. Basil replied ‘we ..‫وليس االرهاب والخوف‬ left Him doing a coffin for you for you have lost all knowledge and understanding. You are dead even ‫ فحتى أسلوب التهديد‬..‫أحترس أيها الحبيب‬ ..‫والتأديب له حدود‬ if you appear as alive.’ The king replied ‘I learned ‫ ترك‬..‫الجاحد‬ ‫االمبراطور يوليانوس الجاحد‬ all knowledge and science.’ The saint replied ‘ but ‫االيمان المسيحي وأراد أن يعيد الوثنية‬ you did not understand nor comprehend them.’ ‫ ولم تفلح معه كل إرشادات‬..‫مرة أخرى‬ The king ordered his soldiers to capture the saint ..‫ بل أزداد شرا‬..‫وإنذارات الكنيسة له‬ and imprison him as he will kill him after return..‫شديدة‬ ‫وصار يكره المسيحية كراهية‬ ing back. The saint replied ‘ you will not return, or ‫وذات يوم كان في طريقه للحرب‬ else God have not spoken in my mouth.’ The saint ‫باسيليوسمعالكبير‬ ‫ وتقابل مع االنبا‬..‫الفرس‬ was imprisoned with all who were with him. He ‫ومعه بعض االساقفة فسأله متهكما أين‬ took with him the icon of St. Abu Sefien (Philopatir ‫تركتم ابن النجار ويريد بذلك السيد المسيح‬ Marcorious) whom he loved much. In the prison, ‫ فأجابه القديس باسيليوس‬..‫تهكما وسخرية‬ while they were praying, and the icon in front of ‫ ألنك‬..‫في شجاعة تركناه يصنع لك تابوتا‬ the saint saw the saint disappeared from the icon . ‫ إنك ميت وأن‬..‫فقدت كل علم ومعرفة‬ after a short time, found the saint returning back to ‫ فقال له الملك لقد حفظت كل‬..‫ظهرت حيا‬ the icon but his spear was full of blood. The saint ‫ ولكنك‬..‫ فقال له القديس‬..‫العلوم والمعارف‬ ‫ وأمرهم الملك أن‬..‫لم تفهمها ولم تستوعبها‬ knew what happened and asked Abu Sefien ‘did you kill Julian?’ Abu Sefien nodded with his head. ‫ وأنه سوف يقدمه‬..‫يقبضوا عليه ويسجنوه‬ ‫للموت عندما يرجع فقال له القديس لن‬ That what happened exactly to Julian; a spear hit his side at war and fell from his horse. While dying ‫ وأمر‬..‫تعود واال فلم ينطق هللا على فمي‬

‫ وأخذ القديس معه‬..‫االمبراطور بسجنه ومن معه‬ he was shouting: You defeated me Galilean, ‫فى السجن أيقونة القديس أبو سيفين الذي كان‬ You defeated me Son of Mary. ‫ وفى السجن وبينما القديس يصلى‬..‫يحبه جدا‬ Ananias and Sapphira’s death were a sign to ‫وأمامه االيقونة يتأملها ويتشفع فى صاحبها إذا‬ many. Many were full of fear knowing that ‫ وبعد برهة‬..‫بصورة القديس تغيب عن االيقونة‬ the Lord may be patient but He punishes and ‫وجد الصورة قد عادت الى مكانها غير أن‬ chastises. When the person becomes useless ‫فشعر‬ ..‫الحربة بيد القديس كانت ملطخة بالدماء‬ and submitting to sin totally and refusing to ‫القديس باسيليوس باألمر وسأل الشهيد هل قتلت‬ repent; thus blaspheming against the Holy ..‫يوليانوس؟؟ فطأطأ القديس برأسه فى الصورة‬ Spirit, the Lord will deliver them to destruc‫ أذ‬..‫وهذا تماما ما حدث لإلمبراطور الجاحد‬ tion. My beloved, ask yourself, is this means ‫أصابته طعنة نافذة فى الحرب سقط من على‬ that you want God to use it in your life? Do ..‫فرسه وهو يصرخ لقد قهرتني ايها الجليلي‬ you want God to terrify you to repent? Do ..‫قهرتني يا أبن مريم‬ you want God to use discipline rod with you? ‫ أذ‬..‫لقد كان موت حنانيا وسفيرة آية لكثيرين‬ The Lord may still be patient waiting for your ‫ وعرفوا‬..‫جعلت كثيرين يمتلئون من الخوف‬ repentance. Hasten and repent treasuring up ..‫أن الرب قد يتأنى ويتأنى ولكنه يؤدب ويعاقب‬ for yourself wrath in the day of wrath. ‫وعندما يصير األنسان بال فائدة مستسلما للخطية‬ ..‫مصرا ومجدفا للروح القدس ويرفض التوبة‬ Greater than Solomon is here, greater than ..‫يسلمه هللا للهالك‬ Jonah is here ‫ هل هذا هو االسلوب‬..‫أسأل نفسك أيها الحبيب‬ Do you know that the Lord prepare a ban‫الذي تريد ان يستخدمه هللا في حياتك؟‬ quet for you weekly? Do you know that God ‫هل تريد ان يخيفك هللا لكي تتوب؟؟ هل تريد ان‬ attend this banquet Himself? Do you know ‫أن يستخدم معك هللا عصا التأديب؟؟ ربما كان‬ that the King of kings and the Lord of lords ‫ ولكن‬..‫الرب مازال متأنيا عليك منتظرا رجوعك‬ inviting you personally to attend? Do you ‫اسرع وقدم توبة فانك ان لم‬ know that He is waiting for you and He wants ‫رهيبةتتب انما انت تذخر‬ ‫لنفسك غضبا ودينونة‬ you? He is stretching His hand to lift you ‫من‬ ‫أعظم‬ ‫هوذا‬ ..‫هاهنا‬ ‫سليمان‬ ‫ هوذا أعظم من‬+ from your falls and sins.. He is standing at the ..‫يونان ههنا‬ door and knocking. ‫هل تعلم ان الرب يقيم لك وليمة اسبوعية؟؟‬ Do you know that He wrote special letters for ‫هل تعلم ان هللا يحضر فى هذه الوليمة بنفسه؟؟‬ you, to you personally in the Bible? Do you ‫هل تعرفا ان ملك الملوك ورب االرباب يدعوك‬ care about His letters, read them, and study ‫شخصيا للحضور؟؟‬ them? ‫هل تدرى انه ينتظرك ويريدك؟؟ انه يمد يده‬ Do you accept His invitation and come to His ‫ بل انه‬..‫مريدا ان يقيمك من سقطاتك وخطاياك‬ banquet? Or do you despise the riches of His ..‫واقف على بابك يقرع‬ ‫هل تعرف أنه قد كتب لك رسائل خاصة؟؟ لك‬ goodness, forbearance, and longsuffering. ..‫ فى الكتاب المقدس‬..‫أنت شخصيا‬ Even when you attend, you don’t respect it. ‫هل تهتم برسائله وتقرأها وتدرسها وتفهمها؟؟‬ and you don’t come forward in the banquet. ‫هل تلبى دعوته وتحضر الى وليمته؟؟ ام أنك‬ You don’t put the wedding garment, the gar‫ حتى‬..‫تستهين بلطف هللا ومحبته لك‬ ment of purity. ‫عندما تحضر وليمته فأنك ال تقدم االحترام‬ If an earthly king invited you to visit him, ‫ بل حتى ال تتقدم الى‬..‫والخشوع الالئقين‬ wouldn’t you consider this as a great honour ‫وال‬ ..‫الوليمة التي دعيت اليها وال تستعد لها‬ and prestige? How much more if the King of ‫ ثوب االستعداد والنقاوة‬..‫ترتدى ثوب العرس‬ kings and the Lord of lords invited you? How ..‫الالئقة‬ can you be lazy? How can you delay? How ‫ أال تحسب هذا‬..‫ان دعاك ملك أرضي لزيارته‬ come you postpone? ‫ فكم وكم ان يدعوك ملك‬..‫كرامه ومجدا عظيما‬ My beloved the Lord showed you a sign of ‫ كيف‬..‫ كيف تتوانى‬..‫الملوك ورب االرباب‬ love. Is this the sign you want? Open your ..‫ كيف تؤجل‬..‫تتكاسل‬ heart to see it, to understand it, and to live ‫ فهل‬..‫أيها الحبيب ان الرب يظهر لك آية حبه‬ with it. it will be a blessing in your life. ‫ افتح قلبك لتراها‬..‫هذه هي اآلية التي تريدها‬ Indeed, Greater than Solomon is here, greater ..‫وتفهمها وتعيش فيها وتصير بركة لحياتك‬ than Jonah is here. ‫ وأعظم من يونان هاهنا‬..‫فهوذا أعظم من سليمان‬ ....

The Marriage at Cana of Galilee The Lord Jesus Christ began His early ministry of preaching and teaching following His commanding Satan to “be gone”. It was during this time that the Lord Jesus Christ was invited to a wedding that was located in Cana of Galilee. Cana was a small village to the north of Nazareth where the Lord Jesus Christ grew up. The Lord Jesus brought the twelve apostles with Him to the wedding at Cana. St. Mary, the mother of the Lord Jesus, attended the wedding too. St. Mary was invited, because she was a friend of the wedding party’s family and did attend because she lived neared Cana. The wedding party was a very nice one that made the bride and groom happy. But suddenly, and without expecting it to be so, the wine was gone before the wedding party was over! The wedding’s hosts became very upset and did not know how this could happen and what they could do to not embarrass themselves or the bride and groom. St. Mary was also very concerned as to the family’s lack of wine, and believed within her heart, that her Son, the Lord Jesus Christ had the divine power to make more wine appear. St. Mary told the Lord Jesus privately, “They have no wine” (John 2:3). The Lord Jesus asked, “Woman, what does your concern have to do with Me? My hour has not yet come” (John 2:4). The Lord Jesus Christ did not want to have everyone see His miracles just yet. But the Lord Jesus Christ would listen to His mother because He loved her. The Lord Jesus would help everyone in need, when they asked Him. St. Mary loved her only Son very much and knew that He would do what was right. To further show us that St. Mary knew her One Son very well and had faith in His ability to do the right thing, St. Mary told the servants, “Whatever He says to you, do it” (John 2:5). alt=There were six large stone jars in the place where they were eating. These jars were for water that was going to be used for washing. The Lord Jesus Christ told the servants politely, “Fill the waterpots with water” (John 2:7). The servants obeyed the Lord Jesus, and they filled the jars full of water. The Lord Jesus then instructed them, “Draw some out now, and take it to the master of the feast” (John 2:8). When the servant poured the water into the cup, it had been miraculously changed into wine! The servants were astonished and the planner of the wedding could not imagine from where the delicious tasting wine came from! The planner of the wedding told the groom who had just been married, “Every man at the beginning sets out the good wine, and when the guests have well drunk, then the inferior. You have kept the good wine until now!” (John 2:10). The wine must have tasted extraordinarily good as it was from a miracle of the Lord! Changing water to wine at the Wedding at Cana of Galilee was the very first miracle that the Lord Jesus Christ performed written in the Holy Bible and He was just beginning as the Lord Jesus would perform many more. No other person on earth could work miracles like the Lord Jesus. The disciples saw the miracle performed at the Wedding in Cana of Galilee and believed in the Lord Jesus Christ even more than they had before. What a great blessing the changing of water into wine was for the wedding planner, the bride and groom along with their families, the people who attended and yes, for the apostles themselves. The Lord Jesus loved his mother very much and listened to her. He changed the water into wine and saved the wedding from disgrace. The Lord Jesus listened to His mother, St. Mary and obeyed her. If you follow what the Lord Jesus Christ does and shows to us by His Holy example, you can become a good person and follower of the Lord

Jesus Christ today. The Lord Jesus never tricked anyone with His miracles but rather helped those whom needed Him and He did not lie. He respected His Holy mother. If we trust God and love the Lord Jesus, anything is possible and we open up our lives to the wonderful things each day the Lord Jesus Christ provides to us. The Lord Jesus Christ loves us so much, and we should love Him back. Ref: https://suscopts.org/resources/literature/514/the-marriage-at-cana-of-galilee/

‫ترحب كنيسة القديسة‬ /‫العذراء مريم بالسيد‬ ‫كيرلس قالدة من‬ ‫ميسوساجا بكندا‬ ‫وهو يقوم برسم أيقونات‬ ‫شرقية الهيكل بكنيسة‬ ‫القديس يوحنا فم الذهب‬ ‫بالمبنى الجديد‬

Blessed Marriage Grant Condon & Marina Hennes Saturday 13th January 2023 St. Mary’s Church

Blessed Baptism Baby Morelia Helena daughter of Fraser & Monica Sunday 14th January 2024

Blessed Baptism Baby Gabrielle daughter of Wahib & Danielle Faltas Sunday 14th January 2024

Blessed Marriage George Matta & Mary Naam St. George’s Church Sunday 14th January 2024

Blessed Marriage David Yassa & Mel Battershell St. Mary’s Church Sunday 14th January 2024

+ Remember O Lord the Departed: We pray for the repose of the soul of Late Mr Lewis Boulos husband of Aida Boulos, father of George Boulos and wife Deanna Boulos, father of Mervet Boulos and husband Maurice Boulos, grandfather of Mitchell Boulos, Marlene Boulos and husband Abram Abu-Geimi, grandfather of Marcus Boulos and Leah Boulos. Brother of Isaac Boulos, Milad Hennes, Sobhiy Boulos and Adel Hennes. Brother in-law of Said Tawadros, Gerges Malouka and Magda Gerges May the Lord grant peace and comfort for all family members.

:‫ أكر يارب الراقدين‬+ ‫ لويس‬/‫رقد على رجاء القيامة المرحوم السيد‬ ‫ عايدة بولس والد كل من‬/‫بولس زوج السيدة‬ ‫ مرفت‬/‫السيدة‬ /‫بولس زوجة السيد‬ ‫موريس بولس‬ ‫ جورج‬/‫والسيد‬ /‫بولس زوج السيدة‬ ‫دينا بولس وجد كل‬ ‫من ميتشيل بولس و‬ /‫مارلين زوجة السيد‬ ‫أبرام أبوجيمى وجد‬ ‫من ماركوس وليا‬ .‫بولس‬ ‫وهو أيضا شقيق كل‬ ‫من السادة أيزاك‬ ‫بولس وميالد حنس‬ ‫وصبحى بولس‬ .‫وعادل حنس‬ ‫وهو أيضا زوج‬ ‫ سعيد‬/‫شقيقة السيد‬ /‫تاوضروس والسيد‬ .‫ ماجدة جرجس‬/‫جرجس تاوضروس والسيدة‬ .‫الرب ينيح نفسه ويعزى كل أفراد األسرة‬

Wake 6 - 8pm Thursday 18th January Funeral Tuesday 23rd January 11:15am at St. Mary’s Church

- ٦ ‫ يناير‬١٨ ‫األسرة تتلقى العزاء يوم الخميس‬ ‫ مساء‬٨ ‫ صباحا‬١١:١٥ ‫ يناير‬٢٣ ‫الجناز يوم الثالثاء‬ ‫بكنيسة العذراء مريم‬

Financial Summary for St. Mary’s Church New Project as on 9th Jan 2024

Building Site 18th January 2024

Construction of New Buildings started Thursday 28th April

The new Building is expected to be ready February 2024. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downloaded from church website.

Cost of building works is around $13,000,000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreciated. 2022 ‫ أبريل‬٢٨ ‫أعمال اإلنشاءات بدات يوم الخميس‬ ‫ خدمات الكنيسة تتم حسب المعتاد حسب‬.٢٠٢٤ .٢٠٢٤ ‫من المتوقع االنتهاء من المشروع فبراير‬ .‫الجدول الموضح داخل النشرة‬ .‫ مليون دوالرا‬١٣ ‫تبلغ تكلفة المشروع حوالى‬ ‫ينكنك المشاركة بتبرع شهرى بملء أستمارة السحب‬ ‫البنكي الموجودة بالكنيسة أو طبعها من خالل مركز‬ ‫الكنيسة اإللكتروني‬ ‫الرب يبارك تبرعاتكم ومساهمتكم فى هذا العمل‬ Donations to St Mary’s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link ‫للتبرعات لكنيسة العذراء مريم ومشروع المباني أضغط على الرابط‬ https://www.stmc.org.au/donate (Copy & Paste on Web Browser)

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