Weekly Bulletin 22nd August 2021

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:‫مواعيد الخدمة بكنيسة العذراء‬ Services at St Mary’s Church )‫ صباحا (أنجليزى‬7 - 5:30 ::‫األلهى‬ ‫ القداس األلهى‬:‫الثالثاء‬ Tuesday Liturgy 5:30 - 7am ‫ ذا واى‬- ‫ مساء أجتامع للكبار باألنجليزى‬8 8am The Way - Orthodox Fekkowship in ‫ صباحا‬11 – 9 ‫ القداس األلهى‬:‫األربعاء‬ ‫األربعاء‬ Englisg for adults - All ages ‫عرىب‬ ‫للكبار‬ ‫الشاممسة‬ ‫مدرسة‬ ‫مساء‬ 8 - 6:30 Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am Wednesday ‫ أنجليزى‬- ‫ مساء مدرسة الشاممسة‬8:15 - 7 6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults ‫ عرىب‬- ‫مساء فصول ألحان‬9 - 8 Arabic ; 7-8:15pm English :‫الخميس‬ Hymns Class Arabic Loc 8-9pm k do Thursday ‫مساء‬ 7:30 ‫أنجليزى‬ ‫الليل‬ ‫نصف‬ ‫تسبحة‬ w Dur n ha Cov ing 7:30pm English Midnight Praises s i d b - 1 ‫ مساء‬7:30 ‫ أنجليزى‬- ‫درس الكتاب املقدس‬ ee this English Bible Study 7:30pm tim n exten 9 Lock‫ صباحا‬11 – 9 ‫ القداس األلهى‬:‫الجمعة‬ ‫الجمعة‬ e d w d s ervi 9 – 11 am Friday: Mass SMass Friday n and ervices ed to T o‫رث‬ ces hur ‫ سنة فأك‬25 ‫ مساء الشباب‬9 – 7 are Frid a Youth 25 and above Foll 7-9pm sda con ays re restr )‫أسبوعني‬ o y‫مساء أجتامع األرسة (كل‬9-7 w d L u Family Meeting‫اء‬7-9pm (fortnightly) i c u c i t t p al ted ed t 2nd Se urg ‫ألربع‬ l b i o ‫ا‬ e t y 5 ‫أنجليزى‬s -9‫اعداد الخدمة‬ ‫أجتامع‬pt‫ مساء‬8:30 - 7 ‫حد و‬7-8:30pm Discipleship Clas Class per ‫ ت وال‬he serv -11 Sat, Su ember s Year 10-12 Sunday School 6-9pm am ‫مدرس‬n‫فصل‬ i ‫السب‬ -o10 ns ‫لسنوات‬ , W ‫ مساء‬9 - 6 ‫ سات‬ces on12 incl ‫األحد‬ ed l Saturday: Mass: 8:30 Saturday – 10:30am i ‫ا‬ u ‫د‬ n ‫ق‬ d e‫صباحا‬ ‫القداس األلهى‬:‫السبت‬ ‫السبت‬ ‫كهنة‬ ‫خدمة‬ (Zo 10,30 i–ng8,30 ‫ا‬ ‫ح‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ا‬ t ‫با‬ o Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm ‫على‬ he P ‫آلباء‬ 3 1:30 ‫الكشافة‬ ‫اجتامع‬ ‫ تصر‬m &‫مساء‬ ‫ ص يهم ا‬١١ries You ‫ليا تق‬ ٩ ‫عة‬ Vespers & youth meeting –7pm ‫بما ف‬ ‫يوب‬5.30 ts T ‫ليو ت‬ ‫ا‬ ‫م‬ u ‫ح‬ ‫د‬ 4 - 3 ‫مدرسة الشاممسة‬ ‫مساءسة‬ ‫والج سة أفرا وم وا‬ English ‫ الكني‬be) ‫ى خم‬ ‫ى الز‬ ‫ت‬ 5,30 ‫ –خدما‬4 ‫مدارس األحد‬ Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:30-7pm ‫ة عل‬ ‫ها عل‬ ‫لخدم‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ك‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ا‬ ‫انجليزى‬ ‫العشية واجتامع الشباب‬ Scouts 1:30 - 3pm ‫ مساء خدما‬7 ‫ص–ر‬5,30 ‫ت‬ ‫عوا ال‬ School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm ‫ق مساءتابعرىب‬7‫ ت‬- 5:30 ‫العشية ودرس كتاب‬ Sunday: Sunday :‫األحد‬ ‫األحد‬ 1st Mass 7 – 9.15am Arabic & English ‫وانجليزى‬ ‫عرىب‬ ‫ص‬ 9,15 – 7 ‫األول‬ ‫القداس‬ 2nd Mass 9.15 – 11.30am English ‫ ص – انجليزى‬11,30 – 9,15 ‫القداس الثاىن‬ 3rd Mass 9 – 11am Arabic ‫ ص عرىب‬11 – 9 ‫القداس الثالث‬ Hymns Class - English 11:45 ‫ مساء‬12:30 - 11:45 ‫ أنجليزى‬- ‫فصل ألحان‬ 12:30pm Church Priests: Priests :‫األباء الكهنة بالكنيسة‬ Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251 ‫األب القمص تادرس شاروبيم‬ Email: frtadros@me.com 0414251251 Fr Habib Girgis Younan: Email: frtadros@me.com 0401238177 – 94498871 :‫يونان‬ ‫األب القس حبيب جرجس‬ Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail. 94498871Email: - 0401238177 com Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821 habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au 0422431821 :‫األب القس مايكل صليب‬ Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., KensingEmail: frmichael@sac.edu.au ton Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651 Epsom Rd, Kensington 3031:‫عنوان الكنيسة‬ 93766651 :‫ تليفون‬5 Vic

The Assumption of the Body of the Pure Virgin St. ‫إصعاد جسد القديسة مريم العذراء‬ Mary. ‫ مرسى‬16 - ‫ أغسطس‬22 22nd August - 16th Mesra ‫يف مثل هذا اليوم كان صعود جسد سيدتنا‬ On this day, was the assumption of the body of our ‫الطاهرة مريم والدة اإلله فأنها بينام كانت‬ pure Lady St. Mary, the Mother of God. While she ‫مالزمة الصالة يف القرب املقدس ومنتظرة‬ was keeping vigil, praying in the Holy Sepulchre, and ‫من‬ ‫ذلك الوقت السعيد الذي فيه تنطلق‬ waiting for the happy minute of her liberation from ‫بانتقالها‬ ‫رباطات الجسد أعلمها الروح القدس‬ the bonds of the flesh, the Holy Spirit informed her of her forthcoming departure from this vain world. When ‫رسيعا من هذا العامل الزائل وملا دنا الوقت‬ the time drew near, the disciples and the virgins of the ‫حرض التالميذ وعذارى جبل الزيتون وكانت‬ Mt. of Olives (Zeiton) came and the Lady was lying ‫ وإذا بالسيد‬. ‫السيدة مضطجعة عيل رسيرها‬ on her bed. Our Lord, surrounded by thousands and ‫من‬ ‫املسيح قد حرض إليها وحوله ألوف ألوف‬ thousands of angels, came to Her. He consoled her, ‫الدامئة‬ ‫ فعزاها وأعلمها بسعادتها‬. ‫املالئكة‬ and announced her with the everlasting joy which was prepared for Her. She was happy, and she stretched out ‫املعدة لها فرست بذلك ومدت يدها وباركت‬ her hands, blessed the Disciples, and the Virgins. Then, ‫التالميذ والعذارى ثم أسلمت روحها الطاهرة‬ she delivered up her pure soul in the hand of her Son ‫بيد ابنها وألهها يسوع املسيح فأصعدها إىل‬ and God, Jesus Christ, Who ascended her to the higher ‫املساكن العلوية آما الجسد الطاهر فكفنوه‬ habitations. As of the pure body, they shrouded it and ‫وحملوه إىل الجسامنية وفيام هم ذاهبون به‬ carried it to Gethsemane. ‫خرج بعض اليهود يف وجه التالميذ ملنع دفنه‬ On their way, some of the Jews blocked the way in ‫من‬ ‫وأمسك أحدهم بالتابوت فانفصلت يداه‬ the face of the disciples to prevent the burial. One of ‫عيل‬ ‫جسمه وبقيتا معلقتني حتى آمن وندم‬ them seized the coffin. His hands were separated from his body, and remained hanging until he believed and ‫سوء فعله وبصلوات التالميذ القديسني عادت‬ repented for his mischievous deed. With the prayers ‫ ومل يكن توما‬. ‫يداه إىل جسمه كام كانتا‬ of the holy disciples, his hands were reattached to his ‫ واتفق حضوره‬، ‫الرسول حارضا وقت نياحتها‬ body as they had been before. ‫عند دفنها فرأي جسدها الطاهر مع املالئكة‬ St. Thomas was absent at the time of St. Mary’s ‫وقبل‬ ‫ « أرسع‬: ‫صاعدين به فقال له أحدهم‬ departure, but he came after the burial. On his way ‫فأرسع‬ « ‫جسد الطاهرة القديسة مريم‬ back to Jerusalem, St. Thomas saw angels carrying St. ‫ وعند حضوره إىل التالميذ أعلموه‬. ‫وقبله‬ Mary’s pure body and ascending with it to heaven, and one of the angels said to him, “Hurry and kiss the pure ‫ « أنا ال أصدق حتى أعاين‬: ‫بنياحتها فقال‬ body of St. Mary.” When he arrived to the disciples, ‫جسدها فأنتم تعرفون كيف أين شككت يف‬ they informed him about St. Mary’s departure. He ‫ فمضوا معه إىل القرب‬. « ‫قيامة السيد املسيح‬ told them, “I will not believe, unless I see her body, as ‫وكشفوا عن الجسد فلم يجدوه فدهش الكل‬ you all know how I did doubt the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ before.” They took him to the tomb, ‫وتعجبوا فعرفهم توما الرسول كيف أنه شاهد‬ . ‫الجسد الطاهر مع املالئكة صاعدين به‬ to uncover the body but they did not find it, and they ‫يشأ‬ ‫ « أن الرب مل‬: ‫وقال لهم الروح القدس‬ were perplexed and amazed. St. Thomas told them how he saw the pure body ascending to heaven, carried by ‫أن يبقي جسدها يف األرض « وكان الرب قد‬ angels. ‫وعد رسله األطهار أن يريها لهم يف الجسد‬ The Holy Spirit then told them, “The Lord did not ‫مرة أخري فكانوا منتظرين إمتام ذلك الوعد‬ Will to leave Her Holy body on earth.” The Lord ‫الصادق حتى اليوم السادس عرش من شهر‬ had promised his pure apostles that they would see ‫مرسى حيث تم الوعد لهم برؤيتها وهي‬ her in flesh another time. They were waiting for the fulfillment of this truthful promise, until the sixteenth ‫جالسة عن ميني ابنها وإلهها وحولها طغامت‬ « : ‫املالئكة ومتت بذلك نبوة داود القائلة‬ day of the month of Misra, when the promise of seeing her was fulfilled. They saw her sitting on the right hand ‫قامت امللكة عن ميني امللك « وكانت سنو‬ of her Son and her Lord, surrounded by the angelic ‫ جازت منها‬. ‫حياتها عيل األرض ستني سنة‬ Host, as David prophesied and said, “At your right ‫اثنتي عرشة سنة يف الهيكل وثالثني سنة يف‬ hand stands the queen.” (Psalm 45:9) St. Mary’s life on ‫ وأربع عرشة سنة‬. ‫بيت القديس يوسف البار‬ earth was sixty years. She spent twelve years of them in the temple, thirty years in the house of the righteous ‫ كوصية الرب‬، ‫عند القديس يوحنا اإلنجييل‬ ‫ « هذه‬: ‫ « هذا ابنك « وليوحنا‬: ‫القائل له‬ St. Joseph, and fourteen years in the care of St. John « ‫أمك‬ the Evangelist, as the Lord commanded her saying,

“Woman behold your Son,” and to St. John, “Behold your Mother.” May Her intercession be with us. Amen. The Martyrdom of St. Eudaemon, of Armant (ElArmanti). 24th August - 18th Mesra On this day also, St. Eudaemon (Wadamon), of the city of Armant (El-Armanti), was martyred. One day, he had visitors in his house, who were heathen, and they were saying to each other, «We have heard that a lady arrived to the city of Ashmonain carrying a young Child who resembled the children of Kings.» Others asked, «Did this Child(1) come to the land of Egypt?» and everyone was talking about this Child. After the guests had left, Eudaemon rose up, rode his donkey and went to the city of Ashmonain. When he arrived, he saw the Child Jesus with his mother Mariam (Mary), and he kneeled before Him. As the Child saw what Eudaemon had done, the Child smiled and said, «Peace be with you Eudaemon, you have labored and come here in person to assert what you have heard from your guests about Me. Thence I will stay in your home, which will be a house for Me forever.» St. Eudaemon marvelled and said, «O My Lord I wish that You will come and live in my house and I will be Your servant forever.» The Child replied saying, «Your home will be a house for Me and My mother forever. When you return home and the heathen hear that you came to Me, they will be sorry and hurt, and they will shed your blood in your house. Don›t be afraid because I will receive you in My heavenly kingdom forever, the place of perpetual joy, which has no end. You will be the first martyr in Upper Egypt.» Then Eudaemon kneeled down before the Lord Christ, the Child, Who blessed him, then he returned to his home. Upon Eudaemon›s return to Armant, the heathen heard about his arrival. The news that Eudaemon had visited the Child Jesus, spread in the city. They came to him in haste asking, «Is all that they say about you true?» Eudaemon replied saying, «Yes, I went to the Lord Christ, Who blessed me and said, ‹I am coming to dwell in your house with My mother, forever.›» The heathens shouted out as one person, drew their swords, and killed him. Thus, Eudaemon received the crown of martyrdom on this day. When paganism was abolished, and Christianity spread in the land, the Christians converted the house of St. Eudaemon into a church, and named it after St. Mary and her Son, to Whom is the everlasting Glory. This church is the one called El-Gishouna, which means «the church of the living,» in the outskirts of Armant, which still exists now. May God have mercy on us through the intercession of our Lady the Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, and

‫ آمني‬. ‫شفاعتها تكون معنا‬ ‫استشهاد القديس ودامون االرمنتي‬ ‫ مرسى‬١٨ - ‫ أغسطس‬٢٤ ‫يف مثل هذا اليوم استشهد القديس ودامون‬ ‫ كان يف بيته ومعه ضيوف‬. ‫من مدينة أرمنت‬ : ‫ فقال لعضهم لبعض‬. ‫من عابدي األوثان‬ ‫« هوذا قد سمعنا أن امرأة وصلت إىل بالد‬ ‫االشمونني ومعها طفل صغري يشبه أوالد‬ ‫امللوك « وقال آخرون هل هذا الطفل جاء إىل‬ ‫البالد املرصية ؟ وصار كل منهم يتحدث عن‬ ‫ فلام انرصف الضيوف نهض ودامون‬. ‫الصبي‬ ‫ وملا‬، ‫وركب دابته ووصل مدينة االشمونني‬ ‫وصل أبرص الطفل يسوع مع مريم أمه سجد‬ : ‫ فلام رآه الطفل تبسم يف وجهه وقال له‬. ‫له‬ ‫ قد تعبت وأتيت إىل‬. ‫« السالم لك يا ودامون‬ ‫هنا لتحقيق ما سمعت من حديث ضيوفك‬ ‫عني لذلك سأقيم عندك ويكون بيتك مسكنا‬ ‫يل إىل األبد « فاندهش القديس ودامون وقال‬ ‫ « يا سيدي أين اشتهي أن تأيت إىل وتسكن‬: ‫يف بيتي وأكون لك خادما إىل األبد « فقال‬ ‫ أنا‬، ‫ « سيكون بيتك مسكنا يل‬: ‫له الصبي‬ ‫ووالديت إىل األبد ألنك إذا عدت من هنا وسمع‬ ‫عابدو األوثان أنك كنت عندنا يعز عليهم‬ ‫ذلك ويسفكون دمك يف بيتك فال تخف ألين‬ ‫أقبلك عندي يف ملكوت السموات إىل األبد‬ ‫مكان الفرح الدائم الذي ليس له انقضاء وأنت‬ ‫ « فقام‬. ‫تكون أول شهيد يف بالد الصعيد‬ ‫الرجل وسجد للسيد املسيح فباركه ثم انرصف‬ . ‫راجعا إىل بيته‬ ‫فلام عاد ودامون إىل أرمنت سمع عابدو‬ ‫األوثان بوصوله وشاع الخرب يف املدينة أن‬ ‫ فجاءوا إليه مرسعني‬. ‫ودامون زار يسوع‬ ‫ هل الكالم الذي يقولونه عنك صحيح‬: ‫وقالوا‬ ‫ « نعم أنا ذهبت إىل السيد‬: ‫؟ فقال لهم‬ ‫ أنا أيت وأحل يف بيتك‬: ‫املسيح باركني وقال يل‬ ‫مع والديت إىل األبد « فرصخوا كلهم بصوت‬ ‫ ونال إكليل‬. ‫واحد وأشهروا سيوفهم عليه‬ . ‫الشهادة يف مثل هذا اليوم‬ ‫وملا أبطلت عبادة األوثان وانترشت املسيحية‬ ‫يف البالد قام املسيحيون وجعلوا بيته كنيسة‬ ‫عيل اسم السيدة العذراء مريم وابنها الذي له‬ ‫ وهذه الكنيسة هي التي تسمي‬. ‫املجد الدائم‬ ‫الجيوشنه وتفسريها « كنيسة الحي « بظاهر‬ . ‫أرمنت وهي باقية إىل اآلن‬ ‫الله يرحمنا بشفاعة سيدتنا مريم العذراء‬ ‫ وشفاعة الشهيد ودامون املؤمن‬، ‫والدة اإلله‬ ‫ آمني‬. ‫ ولربنا املجد دامئا‬. ‫الطاهر‬

the intercession of the martyr Eudaemon, the pure faithful, and Glory be to our God forever. Amen. Saint Augustine Bishop of Hippo, Doctor of the Church (A.D. 430) 28th August - 22nd Mesra Introduction “And Thou, O Lord, how long? How long? Is it to be tomorrow and tomorrow? Why not now? Why not this very hour put an end to shame?” These words of repentance marked the beginning of Augustine’s new life. A few years after he came in contact with God, he said, “Our hearts, O Lord, were made for you, and they are restless until the rest in you.” Saint Augustine is one of the greatest Fathers of the Church. He was an original thinker who became recognized as a remarkable leader of Christian faith. One of the guiding forces in Saint Augustine’s life was his Christian mother, Saint Monica. His Childhood and Youth Saint Augustine, who used commonly to be called Austin in English, was born on November 13, 354 at Tagaste, a small town of Numidia in north Africa, not far from Hippo. His father, Patricius, was a pagan and of a violent disposition; but through the example and prudent conduct of his wife, Saint Monica, he was baptized a little before his death. As a child, Saint Monica instructed him in the Christian religion and taught him how to pray; falling dangerously ill, he desired baptism and his mother got everything ready for it: but he suddenly grew better, and it was put off. His father wanted him to become a man of learning and cared very little about his character. In his writings, Augustine accuses himself of often studying by constraint, disobeying his parents and masters, not writing, reading, or minding his lessons so much as was required of him; and this he did not for lack of wit or memory, but out of love of play. But he prayed to God with great earnestness that he might escape punishment at school. He later on did so well with his studies that he went to Carthage in 370 when he was still 17. He studied rhetoric with eagerness and pleasure; but his motives were vanity and ambition, and to them he joined loose living. Years away from Christ At Carthage, he entered into relations with a woman (to whom he remained faithful until he sent her away from him 15 years later). She bore him a son, Adeodatus, in 372. His father had died in 371, but he continued at Carthage and switched to philosophy and the search for the truth. He also studied the Scriptures but from a subjective attitude. He was offended with the simplicity of style, and could not relish their humility or penetrate their spirit. Then he fell into Manichaeism - a combination of pagan religions and philosophy. The darkening of the understanding and clumsiness in the use of the faculties helped to betray him into his company; and pride did the rest. “I sought with pride”, he says, “what only humility could make me find. Fool that I was, I left the nest, imagining myself able to fly; and I fell to the ground.” For nine years he had his own schools of rhetoric and grammar in Tagaste and Carthage, while his devoted mother, Saint Monica, spurred on by the assurance of a holy bishop that “the son of so many tears could not perish”, never ceased by prayer and gentle persuasion to try to bring him to conversion and reform. In 383 he departed to Rome, secretly, lest his mother should prevent him from going to the big city. He opened a school or rhetoric, and then was appointed by the government as a teacher in Milan, where his mother, and his friend Alipius joined him. Saint Monica’s only ambition was to convert her son to Christianity. His Repentance In Milan, Saint Augustine came under the influence of Saint Ambrose the bishop; he began to go to his sermons, not so much with an expectation of profiting by them as

to gratify his curiosity and to enjoy the eloquence. He found that the discourses more learned than the heresies he adopted and began to read the New Testament especially Saint Paul’s writings. In the same time, the mother of Adeodatus his son left back to Africa leaving the child behind. Saint Augustine’s spiritual, moral and intellectual struggle went on; he was convinced of the truth of Christianity, but his will was weaker than the worldly temptations, and delayed his return to Christ for many months. “Soon, in a little while, I shall make up my mind, but not right now” he kept telling himself. In his half desires of conversion he was accustomed to beg of God the grace of chastity, but was at the same time in some measure afraid of being heard too soon. He realized that his problem was a moral one. The Divine truth for which he was seeking would never be his unless he first overcame his weakness. Soon after, Pontitian, an African, came to visit Saint Augustine and his friend Alipius; he told them about two men who had been suddenly turned to the service of God by reading about the life of Saint Anthony. His words had a powerful influence on the mind of Saint Augustine. He was ashamed his will has been so weak and said to Alipius: “What are we doing to let the unlearned seize Heaven by force, whilst we with all our knowledge remain behind, cowardly and heartless, wallowing in our sins? Because they have outstripped us and gone before, are we ashamed to follow them? Is it not more shameful not even to follow them?” He rushed to the garden, greatly upset; tears filling his eyes, he threw himself on the grass under a fig tree and reproached himself bitterly crying out: “And Thou, O Lord, how long? How long? Is it to be tomorrow and tomorrow? Why not now? Why not this very hour put an end to shame?” As he spoke these words he heard a child’s voice singing “Tolle lege! Tolle lege!” (Take up and read! Take up and read!). He could not remember any childhood game he played with any such words. He remembered that Saint Anthony was converted from the world by hearing a single verse. He took up Saint Paul’s epistles and read the first chapter that met his eyes: “Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying. But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, fulfil the lusts thereof.” (Romans 13:13-14) When he told Alipius what he had experienced, Alipius took the book and read, he found the next words to be: “Him that is weak in the faith receive ye” and applied them to himself and joined his friend in his resolution. This high point in the conversion of Saint Augustine took place in the September of 386, when he was 32 years old. He, his son Adeodatus and Alipius were baptized by Saint Ambrose at Easter the following year in the presence of saint Monica. She knew that her prayers were answered and died shortly after. Saint Augustine prayed: “Too late, have I loved Thee, O Beauty so ancient and so new, too late have I loved Thee! Thou wast with me, and I was not with Thee; I was abroad, running after those beauties which Thou hast made; those things which could have no being but in Thee kept me away from Thee. Thou hast called, Thou hast cried out, and hast pierced my deafness. Thou hast enlightened, Thou hast shone forth, and my blindness is dispelled. I have tasted Thee, and am hungry of Thee. Thou hast touched me, and I am afire with the desire of thy embraces.” A Priest and then a Bishop From that time, Saint Augustine went back to Tagaste, his native city, and lived for three years with his friends and shared a life of prayer, study and poverty. All things were in common and were distributed according to everyone’s needs. He had no idea of becoming a priest, but in 391 he was ordained as an assistant to Valerius, Bishop of Hippo, and he had to move to that city. He established a sort of monastery in his house, living with Saint Alipius, Saint Evodius, Saint Possidius and others according to the rule of the holy Apostles.

Valerius who had an impediment in speaking appointed Saint Augustine to preach in his own presence and he has not interrupted the course of his sermons until his death (nearly 400 sermons). He vigorously opposed the Manicheans and the Donatists. In 395 he was consecrated bishop as co-adjutor to Valerius, and succeeded him in the see of Hippo on his death soon after. He established regular and common life in his episcopal residence, and required all the priests, deacons, and subdeacons to renounce property following the regular mode of life recognized by the early Church as instituted by the Apostles. He founded a community of religious women and on the death of his sister, the first “abbess”, he addressed a letter on the general ascetic principles of the religious life; this letter is known as the “Rule of Saint Augustine”. He employed the revenues of his church in relieving the poor and in redeeming the captives. Like another Moses or Saint Paul, he said to his people: “I do not want to be saved without you. What shall I desire? What shall I say? Why am I a bishop? Why am I in the world? Only to live in Jesus Christ: but to live in Him with you. This is my passion, my honor, my glory, my joy and my riches.” There is a good example of Saint Augustine’s modesty and humility in his discussion with Saint Jerome over the interpretation of a text of Galatians. Owing to the miscarriage of a letter Saint Jerome, not an easily patient man, deemed himself publicly attacked. Saint Augustine wrote to him: “I entreat you again and again to correct me confidently when you perceive me to stand in need of it; for though the office of a bishop be greater than that of a priest, yet in many things Augustine is inferior to Jerome.” Through his 35 years as a bishop of Hippo, Saint Augustine had to defend the faith against one heresy or another. He opposed the Donatists, the Pelagians, and the Alarians. In order to finish his valuable writings, and to provide against a troublesome election after his death, he proposed to his clergy and people to choose for his coadjutor Heraclius, the youngest among his deacons, and his election was confirmed by acclamation in 426. Saint Augustine calmly resigned his spirit into the hands of God on August 28, 430, after having lived 76 years and spent almost 40 of them in the labors of the ministry. Among his greatest work is the 15 volume “On the City of God” which took him 30 years to write, and his “Confessions”. May the prayers and supplications of the great Saint Augustine be with us. Amen.

Third Sunday of the Blessed Month of Mesra... ‫األحد الثالث من شهر مسري‬ Today Sunday, August 22, 2021 - 16 Misra ... ‫المبارك‬ 1736 for the martyrs is the third Sunday ٢٠٢١ ‫ أغسطس‬٢٢ ‫اليوم االحد‬ From the blessed month of Misra and the ‫ للشهداء هو‬١٧٣٦ ‫ مسرى‬١٦ readings for this day are: ‫االحد الثالث‬ Pauline: Romans 16:17-20 but I want you Pauline ‫من شهر مسرى المبارك وقراءات‬ to be wise in what is good, and simple :‫هذا اليوم هي‬ concerning evil. And the God of peace will ٢٠ – ١٧ :١٦ ‫ رومية‬:‫البولس‬ ‫البولس‬ crush Satan under your feet shortly. ‫وأريد أتكونوا حكماء في الخير‬ Catholicon: 1 Peter 2:18 – 3:7 “For what Catholicon ‫بسطاء في الشر واله السالم‬ credit is it if, when you are beaten for your ‫سيسحق الشيطان تحت أرجلكم‬ faults, you take it patiently? But when you do .‫سريعا‬ good and suffer, if you take it patiently, this is :٢ ‫ بطرس األولى‬:‫الكاثوليكون‬ ‫الكاثوليكون‬ commendable before God.” ‫ ألنه أي مجد هو‬٧ :٣ – ١٨ Acts: 21:8-14 “For I am ready not only to be Acts ‫إذا كنتم تخطئون ويقمعونكم‬ bound, but to die in Jerusalem for the name of ‫الخير‬ ‫فتصبرون ولكن إذا صنعتم‬ the Lord Jesus.” ‫من‬ ‫وتألمتم وصبرتم فهذه نعمة‬ The Holy Gospel: Gospel Mark 3:22-34 “For whoever .‫عند هللا‬ does the will of God is My brother and My ‫ ألني‬١٤ – ٨ :٢١ :‫األبركسيس‬ ‫األبركسيس‬ sister and mother.” ‫أن‬ ‫بل‬ ‫فقط‬ ‫أربط‬ ‫أن‬ ‫مستعد ليس‬ Today is the third Sunday of the blessed month ‫أسم‬ ‫ألجل‬ ‫أورشليم‬ ‫أموت في‬ of Misra. In today’s Gospel, the Lord reveals .‫يسوع‬ ‫الرب‬ to us the spirit of blasphemy and abuse that ٢٢ :٣ ‫ مرقس‬:‫المقدس‬ ‫األنجيل المقدس‬ humans show in their dealings with God ‫ ألن من يصنع إرادة هللا هو‬٣٤ – Himself. Perhaps this was also a prophecy .‫أخي وأختي وأمي‬ about what will happen in the last days, as the ‫اليوم هو األحد الثالث من شهر‬ Book of Revelation tells us about the spirit of apostasy, blasphemy, and fornication which ‫ وفى انجيل‬..‫مسري المبارك‬ will sweep the whole world and they will not ‫اليوم يكشف لنا الرب عن روح‬ repent despite the severe misfortunes that God ‫التجديف واإلساءة التي يظهرها‬ strikes them. In today’s Gospel (Mark 3:22-35) ...‫البشر في معامالتهم مع هللا ذاته‬ you find the scribes accusing the Lord Jesus of ‫وربما كان هذا أيضا نبوة عما‬ having an unclean spirit and that by Beelzebub ‫يحدث في آخر األيام كما يحدثنا‬ the ruler of demons He casts out demons; ‫سفر الرؤيا عن روح االرتداد‬ strange and abnormal logic. ‫والتجديف والزنا التي تجتاح العالم‬ In fact, it is the logic of many today; a holy ‫كله وال يتوبون عنها بالرغم من‬ life with God is a very strange life in their ‫الضربات القاسية التي يضربهم‬ eyes. Those people who live this life are in ‫ وفى انجيل اليوم (مر‬...‫بها هللا‬ their view abnormal and illogical. Today, the ‫) تجد الكتبة يتهمون‬٣٥ - ٢٢ :٣ normal has become the evil and sinful life. The normal is becoming to live a sinful, while ..‫الرب يسوع انه به روحا نجسا‬ ‫وأنه ببعلزبول رئيس الشياطين‬ purity and chastity is an odd thing that’s not ‫غريب‬ ‫ منطق‬..‫يخرج الشياطين‬ appropriate for this era. This is how Lot was ‫هو‬ ‫ ولكن في الواقع‬...‫وشاذ‬ seen as a strange among the people of Sodom ‫ فالحياة‬..‫منطق الكثيرين اليوم‬ and Gomorrah. He tormented his righteous

‫المقدسة مع هللا هي حياة غريبة جدا‬ soul with their sinful deeds every day. The three young men were considered ‫ وهؤالء الناس الذين‬..‫في نظرهم‬ strangers in the palace of the king of ‫يعيشون هذه الحياة هم في نظرهم‬ Babylon. How do they live in the king’s ‫ اليوم أصبحت‬..‫شواذ غير طبيعيين‬ palace without tasting the wine of his drink ‫ القاعدة‬...‫القاعدة هي الشر والخطية‬ and his delicacies? They were also strangers ‫هي االباحية أما الطهارة والعفة فهي‬ in the eyes of all Babylon. ..‫شيء شاذ غير مناسب لهذا العصر‬ This is how Joseph was in the house of ‫هكذا كان لوط شاذا وسط أهل سدوم‬ Potiphar; an honest person and successful in ‫ وكان يعذب نفسه البارة‬...‫وعمورة‬ all his works. But his purity was a strange ...‫بأعمالهم االثيمة كل يوم‬ thing that they were not used to. ‫كان الفتية الثالثة يعتبروا شواذ في‬ People today look at the children of God ‫ كيف يعيشون في‬..‫قصر ملك بابل‬ and marvel at how they do not rush into the ‫قصر الملك وهم ال يتذوقون خمر‬ flood of wickedness and evil. Man today has ‫ كانوا أيضا‬...‫مشروبه وأطايبه‬ started to see the life of evil as natural thing. ...‫شواذا في بابل كلها‬ The spirit of blasphemy reached to an extent ...‫فوطيفار‬ ‫بيت‬ ‫هكذا كان يوسف في‬ that allowed some people to compose stories ...‫أعماله‬ ‫كل‬ ‫في‬ ‫انسان أمين وناجح‬ about the Lord Jesus Himself showing Him ‫لم‬ ‫غريبا‬ ‫شيئا‬ ‫كانت‬ ‫ولكن طهارتها‬ as a mere human like them, not only in the ...‫يتعودوا عليه‬ weakness of the body, but also in sin. They ‫هللا‬ ‫أوالد‬ ‫الي‬ ‫ينظرون‬ ‫الناس اليوم‬ surpassed the Scribes and the Pharisees, ‫مهم‬ ‫يندفعون‬ ‫ال‬ ‫أنهم‬ ‫كيف‬ ‫متعجبين‬ who never found any fault in the Lord Jesus ‫اإلنسان‬ ...‫والشر‬ ‫الخالعة‬ ‫فيض‬ ‫الي‬ except for His righteous works and the ‫اليوم أصبح يعلل لنفسه حياة الشر‬ miracles that He was performing. And the ‫ ووصلت روح‬..‫أنها شيء طبيعي‬ Lord confronted them by saying “Which ‫التجديف بالبعض أن يؤلفوا قصصا‬ of you convicts me of sin? As for today’s ‫عن الرب يسوع نفسه يظهرونه‬ human, his imagination is blurred by to the extent that they attribute sin to the Lord ‫فيه كإنسان مثلهم ليس في ضعف‬ himself, and this is the movie that was shown ...‫ بل أيضا في الخطية‬..‫الجسد فقط‬ a few years ago and called it “The Last ‫لقد فاقوا الكتبة والفريسين الذين‬ temptation of Christ.” It shows the Lord who ‫لم يجدوا عيبا في الرب يسوع‬ is free from all evil as a lustful person Who ‫أبدا سوي أعماله الصالحة البارة‬ is insatiable from sin. ...‫والمعجزات التي كان يصنعها‬ How disgraceful is their thinking. Despite ‫وكان الرب يواجههم بقوله من منكم‬ their acknowledgment of the reality of His ‫يبكتنني على خطية أما انسان اليوم‬ divinity, they attribute sin to His humanity. ‫فقد شطح به خياله الشرير أن ينسب‬ It is an exposed attempt to justify evil life ‫الخطية للرب نفسه وهذا هو الفيلم‬ they live in. They undoubtedly forgot all the ‫السينمائي الذي عرض منذ سنوات‬ teachings of the Lord Jesus Himself about ‫قليلة وأسموه «التجربة األخيرة‬ purity, righteousness and love. They ascribed ‫للمسيح» يظهرون فيه الرب المنزه‬ to Him what his enemies did not attribute to ‫عن كل شر كانسان شهواني ال‬ Him at that time. Even Pilate did not find in ‫في‬ ‫ وياللعجب‬..‫يشبع من الخطية‬ Him a single cause of death, so he told His ‫اعترافهم‬ ‫ فبالرغم من‬...‫تفكيرهم‬ accusers that: “I am innocent of the blood of ‫بحقيقة الهوته ينسبون الخطية الى‬ this just Person.

‫ أنها محاولة مكشوفة لتبرير‬..‫ناسوته‬ Today, they are trying to make the abnormal as the norm; sin is the natural ‫ أنهم بال شك‬..‫حياة الشر التي يعيشونها‬ thing, and it is no wonder that they are not ‫نسوا جميع تعاليم الرب يسوع ذاته عن‬ ashamed of homosexuality, but consider ‫ نسبوا‬...‫الطهارة والنقاوة والبر والمحبة‬ it a natural thing. They allow them to ‫له ما لم ينسبه له أعداءه نفسهم وصالبيه‬ enter churches, and even ordain them as ‫ حتى بيالطس لم يجد‬..‫في ذلك الوقت‬ servants and shepherds for their churches. ‫ فقال لهم أنى‬...‫فيه علة واحدة للموت‬ Many of our youth who love purity and ‫بريء من دم هذا البار‬ chastity find it very difficult to deal with ‫انهم اليوم يحاولون ان يجعلوا الشاذ‬ their colleagues in schools, universities ‫ الخطية هي الشيء‬...‫هو القاعدة‬ and work. Just because they refuse to share ‫الطبيعي وال عجب إذا انهم ال يخجلون‬ their parties, dances and relationships that ‫ بل يعتبرونه‬...‫من الشذوذ الجنسي‬ are not pure, as their colleagues look to ‫ ويسمحون ألصحابه أن‬...‫شيئا طبيعيا‬ them with amazement as if they are of a ‫ بل ويرسمون منهم‬..‫يدخلوا الكنائس‬ strange and abnormal type. ‫ أصبح كثيرون‬..‫خداما ورعاة لكنائسهم‬ Today, many are wondering which way ‫من شبابنا المحب للطهارة والعفة‬ to follow. The path of the world is full of ‫مع‬ ‫التعامل‬ ‫يجدون صعوبة شديدة في‬ many instructors who make sin to dress ‫والجامعات‬ ‫زمالءهم في المدارس‬ the garment of righteousness. A path that is ‫ لمجرد أنهم يرفضون أن‬..‫والعمل‬ full of wolves that wear sheep’s clothing; ‫وعالقاتهم‬ ‫يشاركوهم حفالتهم ورقصهم‬ full of demons who claim that they cast ‫زمالءهم‬ ‫غير العفيفة بنظر إليهم‬ out demons. They claim that the life of ‫وشاذ‬ ‫غريب‬ ‫نوع‬ ‫باستغراب كأنهم من‬ impurity and adultery gives joy, happiness ‫واليوم أصبح الكثيرون يتساءلون‬ and pleasure. They claim that the life of corruption and decadence is freedom. Any ‫ طريق العالم ملئ‬...‫أي طريق نسلك‬ ‫بالمعلمين الكثيرين الذين يلبسون‬ rational person who looks at the end of ‫ ملئ بالذئاب الذين‬..‫الخطية ثوب البر‬ the path they are walking will realize this bitter truth. It is really the road to perdition ‫ ملئ بالشياطين‬...‫يرتدون ثياب الحمالن‬ and their victims are many. Look around ...‫الذين يدعون انهم يخرجون شياطين‬ and think about the young drug victims, ‫يدعون ان حياة النجاسة والزنا تعطى‬ reflect on the victims of the terrible disease ‫ يدعون أن‬..‫فرحا وبهجة ومسرة‬ AIDS. Indeed, the Bible says, “For the ‫حياة الخالعة واالنحالل هي حرية‬ sake of an adulterous woman, man lacks a ‫ وأي انسان عاقل ينظر الى‬...‫وانطالق‬ loaf of bread.” Sin makes a person lose his ‫نهاية الطريق الذي يسيرون فيه يدرك‬ mind and lose all good qualities. Rather, ...‫حقيقته المرة‬ they lose their humanity, so he turns into a ‫ ضحاياهم‬...‫أنه طريق الهالك فعال‬ beast that only cares about his instincts. ‫ أنظر حولك وتأمل في‬...‫كثيرون جدا‬ Beware of the logic of this corrupt world. ‫ضحايا المخدرات من الشباب الصغير‬ Be sure that the path of the carnal world ‫ تأمل في ضحايا مرض االيدز‬...‫السن‬ is a mortal path. You will not become rich ‫ حقا يقول الكتاب المقدس‬...‫الرهيب‬ by stealing or gambling. You may become ‫الى‬ ‫االنسان‬ ‫«من أجل امرأة زانية يفتقر‬ rich with money, but you will become ‫االنسان‬ ‫تفقد‬ ‫ الخطية‬..»‫رغيف الخبز‬ poor in virtue and spirituality and lose ‫بل‬ ...‫الطيبة‬ ‫عقله وتفقده كل الصفات‬ the kingdom of heaven. You will never ‫تفقده انسانيته فيتحول الى شبه حيوان‬ be happy and joyful in parties, dancing,

... ‫اليهمه سوى غرائزه فقط‬ drinking and eating. You may be happy for a few moments and forget yourself. ‫ تأكد‬...‫احذر من منطق هذا العالم الفاسد‬ But you will quickly awake in the ‫تماما أن طريق العالم الجسدي طرق‬ reality of the misery and sadness life in ..‫ لن تصير غنيا بالسرقة أو القمار‬...‫مهلك‬ which you live. ‫ ولكنك سوف‬...‫ربما تصير غنيا بالمال‬ Do you really want to get the devil out ...‫تصير فقيرا في الفضيلة والروحيات‬ of your life? The only way is to live ‫ أبدا لن تصير‬..‫وتخسر ملكوت السماوات‬ with the Strong Almighty that is able ‫سعيدا وفرحا بالحفالت والرقص والشرب‬ to expel Satan. He is the Lord Jesus ‫ ربما تفرح للحظات معدودة‬...‫واالكل‬ Christ. The only way to happiness is ‫ ولكن سوف تفوق سريعا‬..‫وتنسى نفسك‬ in the commandments of God and the ‫على حقيقة التعاسة والبؤس الذي تعيش‬ holy life with Him. Do not deceive ...‫فيه‬ yourself nor let the world deceive you. ‫هل حقا تريد ان تخرج الشيطان من‬ The deception of the world is very ‫ الطريق الوحيد أن تعيش مع‬...‫حياتك‬ bitter; it will eventually lead you to a ‫القوى القادر أن يخرج الشيطان وهو الرب‬ life of blasphemy and belittling God Himself. And it may eventually lead you ‫ الطريق الوحيد للسعادة هو‬..‫يسوع وحده‬ ‫ ال‬...‫في وصايا هللا والحياة المقدسة معه‬ to blasphemy against the Holy Spirit ...‫تخدع نفسك وال تجعل العالم يخدعك‬ Himself. It is the complete loss of hope, ‫ يصل بك في النهاية‬...‫خداع العالم مر جدا‬ cutting the way to faith; it is the way of no return. Whoever walks in it must ...‫الي حيا ة التجديف واالستهانة باهلل ذاته‬ surely perish and be wasted. Why waste ‫وربما يصل بك فى النهاية الى التجديف‬ ‫ وهو الفقدان‬...‫على الروح القدس ذاته‬ your time negotiating with this world. ‫ أنه طريق‬..‫ قطع األمل‬..‫الكامل للرجاء‬ For a moment of vain pleasure! Or for a lost gain! “Redeeming your time ‫ من يسلك فيه البد حتما أن يهلك‬..‫الالعودة‬ ‫ لماذا تضيع وقتك في التفاوض‬...‫ويضيع‬ because the days are evil.” ‫ من أجل لحظة متعه‬...‫مع هذا العالم‬ Today’s world repeats the same shout that they said in the past about our ‫ افتدى‬...‫ أو من أجل مكسب ضائع‬..‫باطله‬ Lord and Saviour; they said about ...‫وقتك ألن االيام شريرة‬ Him that by Beelzebub, the ruler of ‫إن عالم اليوم يكرر نفس الصيحة التي‬ demons, Satan is expelled. Today, after ..‫قالوها في الماضي عن ربنا ومخلصنا‬ two thousand years, human is still in ‫قالوا عنه انه ببعلزبول رئيس الشياطين‬ the same thinking and the same way ‫ واليوم بعد حوالي ألفين‬..‫يخرج الشيطان‬ discussing the feasibility of the life of ‫سنة مازال اإلنسان بنفس التفكير ونفس‬ purity and righteousness. Even more, ‫الطريقة يناقش جدوى حياة الطهارة‬ they discuss the truth of life with God ‫ بل يناقش حقيقة الحياة مع هللا‬...‫والبر‬ Himself. ...‫ذاتها‬ What do you expect from this world? ‫ لنعيش نحن‬..‫ماذا تنتظر من هذا العالم‬ Let us live a life of holiness with God, ‫ لنعيش نحن‬...‫في حياة القداسة مع هللا‬ let us live as sojourners in this world ‫ ألنه ليس لنا مدينة‬....‫كغرباء في هذا العالم‬ “for here we have no continuing city, ‫ ألن وطننا الحقيقي هو في‬...‫باقية ههنا‬ but we seek the one to come in the ..‫السماوات‬ heavens.

The Legacy of Fr Macarius - by Fr Michael Salib “Three Fathers used to go and visit blessed Anthony every year and two of them used to discuss their thoughts and the salvation of their souls with him, but the third always remained silent and did not ask him anything. After a long time, Abba Anthony said to him, ‘You often come here to see me, but you never ask me anything,’ and the other replied, ‘It is enough for me to see you, Father.’” One year has passed since the departure of our beloved Fr Macarius, a year during which he has been on our minds and in our hearts. Yet, especially while at church, there is anticipation he will be around a corner, maybe in his office, the vestry, or coming out of the sanctuary with his comforting smile. For many of his spiritual children, the words of the monk in the story of St Anthony ring true, “It is enough for me to see you, Father.” Although it has been a year, it is still very surreal. While we are confident Fr Macarius is living in eternal joy, there is still a natural longing to see his face. “The priest’s own person is in no way the source or the goal of the relationship that he encourages as a priest with those entrusted to him in his ministry. It is not about making them his own children but making them children of the heavenly Father” Fr Jacques Philippe, Priestly Fatherhood: Treasure in Earthen Vessels What is Fr Macarius’ legacy? His many decades of service, both as a lay person and priest, have seen Abouna involved in all aspects of the ministry - translating books, publishing liturgical texts, pioneering English liturgical services, serving as the Vicar of a Diocese, contributing to many institutions and projects in Melbourne including the Theological College, and the everyday ministry of a parish priest. While serving in these ministries with the utmost faithfulness and dedication, his true legacy is his fatherhood. Abouna will be remembered by countless people as a father, their father, discipling his children through who he was more than by what he spoke, leading them not to himself, but to the Lord. Having no intention of leaving a legacy or being remembered by anyone, he wished to come and go without moving the air in his space. Yet he has left the greatest legacy that will be remembered by his spiritual children for all their lives. “Make peace with yourself, and both heaven and earth will make peace with you.” Mar Isaac the Syrian Fr Macarius was a man of peace and this radiated into his countenance. How many of us can recall moments when his comforting smile and gentle reassurance eased our confusions, questions and difficult life decisions? His smile and peace had a true spiritual quality and the evidence of this is that any interaction with Abouna led to a greater attachment to the Lord Himself. Abouna truly created a space where one could encounter the Lord Christ, as that is the life that he lived. «The spiritual guide is able to heal by his very presence. He guides and forms others, not primarily by words of advice but by his companionship, by the living and specific example which he sets. He teaches as much by his stillness as by his speech, by his very presence as much as by any word of counsel that he utters.» Kallistos Ware, The Inner Kingdom Most of Abouna’s ministry was hidden, preferring the individual ministry over public activity. As a spiritual father, Abouna had no intention of fixing those who came to him or using them as resources for the ministry. Rather, he paid close attention to what God was doing in their lives, uttering few words and preferring silent prayer to invite the healing presence of Christ. This was born out of Abouna’s humility in which he did not set himself above others as a manager of their lives. As a true servant of Christ and a faithful steward, his main activity was prayer. Many times he mentioned that a servant’s primary role is

to pray and he embodied this wholeheartedly. Abouna lived a life of private, prayerful, intimacy with God, which manifested itself in the fruit of his ministry. “Spread your cloak over those who fall into sin, each and every one, and shield them.” Mar Isaac the Syrian In the spirit of St Macarius the Great, Fr Macarius covered the sins of others. Gently bowing his head during confession, he assured the confessor that he was not a judge but a sojourner, heralding the faith, hope and love that is found in the Lord. He was never harsh or inflexible in his guidance, preferring the path of meekness in the image of Christ. Abouna always emphasised the Lord’s incomprehensible mercy and compassion. He dealt with others in a spirit of gentleness, attention and respect, treating each encounter as one with the Lord himself. Living a balanced Christian life, he was present, loving and concerned for his children, yet kept a non-intrusive and respectful distance. He did this through the virtues of humility and disinterested love - a love which has no interest in taking but only giving. “The souls of the righteous become heavenly light.” St Macarius the Great In his last sermon on the raising of Lazarus from the dead, only a couple of weeks before his departure, Abouna said, “Lord, I long for those loving words to say to me ‘Come forth, come out of the deadness to a new life, a life eternal’”. Truly Abouna set his gaze on the heavenly life, and this made him float above the concerns of this world, finding joy and comfort in the simple things. Abouna lived in the present moment. The most important moment was the one he was living; his reverent presence at the altar, humility when taking confession, joy in the courtyard, comforting presence at a hospital visit and the cheerful way he would answer a phone call. Along his love for the ministry, he loved sharing a coffee, going for a walk (especially by the water), enjoying nature, feeding birds and fishing. Every aspect of his life was lived as a spiritual moment. In so doing, he taught us that the Christian life is lived in the everyday, especially in the ordinary activities, that when done in Christ are an opportunity for an encounter with the Lord. Abouna went fishing with a few of his spiritual children only a few short weeks before his departure. Nothing was caught, yet Abouna enjoyed sitting by the water, cheerfully smiling and conversing. At the end of the day he lightheartedly said “Don’t worry, it’s called fishing not catching, we’ll catch some from the market on the way home.” That was how Abouna saw life, accepting the will of God and paying attention to what the Lord was calling him to do in that present momentbe it at the face of a major crisis, the bed of a person in their final moments, or at a pier enjoying a calm day with his children. “Then I will raise up for Myself a faithful priest who shall do according to what is in my heart and in My mind. I will build him a sure house, and he shall walk before My anointed forever.” 1 Samuel 2:35 A year on are we left orphaned? No. As a true spiritual father, Abouna saw all who came to him not as his children, but children of the Heavenly Father. Attaching all who came to him to the Lord Himself, he now stands amongst the heavenly praying for us all. His legacy is now carried by those who walk in his footsteps towards the Lord. Those who choose the path of meekness and humility; who prefer what is hidden to what is public; who have no other plan but the will of the Lord; who see people as beloved children of the Lord- not problems to be solved or resources to be used; who pursue silence; who choose the path of peace; who see the Lord in all things big and small; and who desire nothing more than an encounter with the Lord. “The important thing is that we walk hand in hand with the Lord Jesus Christ” Fr Macarius, First Sermon at St Mary’s. Memory eternal. Christ is Risen!

Blessed New Born

Last Thursday 12th August we welcomed into the world our little bundle of joy Emmanuella Attia, born at 5:43pm and weighing 3.45Kg. Thank God both mum and the baby are in good health Marco & Sherin Attia

Baby Julianus finally here, She was born on Monday 9/8/2021 in the morning Baby name: Julianus Guirguis Father: Maged Guirguis Mother: Gina Guirguis

May the Lord bless all the babies to become sources of joy for their parents and the church ‫الرب يبارك فى المواليد فيصيروا بركة‬ ‫لوالديهم وللكنيسة‬

Congratulatiolations Father Habib Girgis 15th Ordination Anniversary May the Lord bless your services and works ‫ حبيب جرجس يونان بعيد رسامته‬/‫نهنىء أبونا المحبوب القس‬ ‫الخامس عشر‬ ‫الرب يبارك فى خدماته وكل أنشطته ببركة القديسة العذراء مريم‬ “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.’ ” Revelation 14: 13 Dear beloved Abouna Macarius One year has passed since your departure to heaven on Thursday 27th August 2021. You never been absent from our hearts and minds. I still remember and mention your name in my prayers as I feel you are still among us. Years, days and hours pass but I can still see you and hear your voice. Abouna you left us in body only during a time of Lockdown last year. Here one year on and we still in Lockdown. Amazing that is reminds me of yoy calm quite silent nature. You always liked the quite atmosphere. You would alwys run away from crows and crowded functins. Blessed are you Abouna. Al last you found what you always wanted. Amazing that you alawys liked St Mary. It looks for sure that St Marys also liked you. Just few days after her Fast of Assumption she was so happy to see you among the Heavenly Choirs praying, praising and singing. Pray for us our beloved father that we also can conclude our days here on earth in peace. May The Lord Who supported you to conclude your journey helps us also that we can get to the end our our life her on earth and meet again and join you in the great Glory of Heaven with The Lord and and the company of St Mary and all the saints. Please Abouna pray for us that the lord support his people in these difficult days. Please pray specially for your beloved wife Tasony Christine and all your family members and all the congregation of the Coptic Church in Melbourne and all Australia. Your brother and son in Christ Fr Tadros Sharobeam

‫ُوب لِل َِّذي‬ َ ‫“ط‬ ‫ت َ ْختَا ُر ُه َوت ُ َق ِّربُ ُه لِ َي ْسك َُن‬ ‫ لَ َنشْ َب َع َّن‬.‫ِف ِديَار َِك‬ ِ ْ ‫ِم ْن خ‬ ‫ قُد ِْس‬،‫َي بَ ْي ِت َك‬ ٤:٦٥ ‫” املزامري‬.‫َه ْي َكلِ َك‬ ‫األب القس حبيب‬ ‫جرجس يونان‬ ‫يف ذكري امليالد االول‬ ‫النتقال أيب الغايل‬ ‫وأخي وحبيبي أبونا‬ ‫ ستظل‬، ‫مكاريوس‬ ‫ذكراك محفورة يف‬ ‫القلوب يا من علمتنا‬ ‫الحب الدايم والخدمة‬ ‫الباذلة املضحية‬ ‫والقلب املتضع الذي‬ ‫يسع الكل ويريح كل‬ ‫تعبان والوجه الذي ال‬ ‫تفارقه ابتسامة تشع‬ ‫االمل والرجاء لكل‬ ‫نفس مضطربة تقودها‬ ‫ صيل عنا يا‬.‫لرب االمان‬ ‫أيب ان يعيننا الله كام‬ ‫اعانك ويعطي عزاءا‬ ‫وسالما الفراد ارستك‬ ‫ولكل شعب الكنيسة‬

Services at St Mary’s Church prayed by all the Priests of the Church Saturday 21st August 2021 Vespers and Glorifications for the Feast of St Mary 5:30 - 7pm Sunday 22nd August2021 Feast of the Assumption of St Mary 8:30 - 11 pm Friday 27th August 2021 First Annual Commemoration for Father Macarius Wahbs 8:30 - 11am ‫جدول خدمات هذا األسبوع يصليها كهنة كنيسة العذراء مريم‬ ‫ مساء‬٧ - ٥:٣٠ ‫ العشية والتمجد لعيد أصعاد جسد القديسة العذراء مريم‬- ‫ أغسطس‬٢١ ‫السبت‬ ‫ أغسطس عيد أصعاد جسد القديسة العذراء مريم‬٢٢ ‫األحد‬ ‫ صباحا‬١١ - ٨:٣٠‫القداس األلهى‬ ‫ أغسطس الذكرى السنوية األولى لنياحة أبينا الحبيب القمص مكاريوس وهبة‬٢٧ ‫الجمعة‬ ‫ صباحا‬١١ - ٨:٣٠ ‫القداس األلهى‬

We Miss you Abouna so much - Please pray for us

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