Weekly Bulletin 24th March 2024

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Services at St Mary’s Church


Mass 9 - 11 am


Liturgy 5:30 - 7am

7:30pm The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages

Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am

6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults


Mass 9 - 11 am - English

English Midnight Praises 7:30pm

English Bible Study 7:30pm

Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am

Youth 25 and above 7-9pm

Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm

Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am

Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm

Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm English

Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:30-7pm

Scouts 1:30 - 3pm

School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm


1st Mass6 - .7:45am Arabic & English

2nd Mass.7:45 – .9:30am English

3rd Mass 9:30 - 11:15am Arabic

Hymns Class - English 11:45 - 12:30pm

Church Priests:

Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251

Email: frtadros@me.com

Fr Habib Girgis Younan:

0401238177 – 94498871

Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com

Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821

Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au

Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kensington

Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651

Fr Kerillos Tawadros

0411 518 399

Fr John Makary

0433 445 636


يزيلجنا - احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - ليللا فصن ةحبست

ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - سدقملا باتكلا سرد احابص ١١ – ٩ يهللإا سادقلا :ةعمجلا رثكأف ةنس 25 بابشلا ءاسم ٩ – 7

يزيلجنا - ةمدخلا دادعإ عامتجأ ءاسم 8:30 - 7 احابص ١١ – 8,30 يهللإا سادقلا:تبسلا 5,30 – 4 دحلأا سرادم ءاسم 8:30 –7 بابشلا عامتجاو ةيشعلا يزيلجنا يبرع ءاسم 7 - 5:30 باتك سردو ةيشعلا :دحلأا

يزيلجناو يبرع ص,7:45 – 6 لولأا سادقلا

يزيلجنإ – ص ٩:30 – ,7:45 يناثلا سادقلا

يبرع ص ١١:١5 – ٩:30 ثلاثلا سادقلا

ءاسم ١2:30 - ١١:45

:ءارذعلا ةسينكب ةمدخلا ديعاوم:نينثلأا احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا احابص 7 - 5:30 :يهللإا سادقلا :ءاثلاثلا )يزيلجنا( ىاو اذ - يزيلجنلإاب رابكلل عامتجأ ءاسم 7:30 احابص ١١ – ٩ يهللإا سادقلا :ءاعبرلأا :سيمخلا
يزيلجنا - ناحلأ لصف :ةسينكلاب ةنهكلا ءابلأا ميبوراش سردات صمقلا 0414251251بلأا Email: frtadros@me.com :نانوي سجرج بيبح سقلا بلأا 94498871 - 0401238177 Email: habibgirgisyounan@ hotmail.com 0422431821 :بيلص لكيام سقلا بلأا Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Epsom Rd, 3031:ةسينكلا ناونع :نوفيلت 5 Kensington Vic 93766651 سورضوات سلريك سقلا بلأا 0411518399 يراكم نوج سقلا بلأا 0433445636 Liturgies during the Holy Lent 11th March - 26th April 2024 Additional Liturgies Tuesday 12 - 3pm Thursday 5 - 7pm Next Sunday 31st March two Liturgies:
6:30 - 8:30 am Second: 8:30 - 10:30am HG Bishop Fam prays 2nd Liturgy ريبكلا موصلا للاخ ةيفاضأ تاسادق 2024 ليربأ 26 - سرام ١١ ءاسم 3 - ١2 2 ءاثلاثلا ءاسم 75 سيمخلا طقف نيسادق ماقي سرام 3١ دحلأا احابص 8:30 30 - 6:30 لولأا احابص ١0:30 :30 - 8:30 :30 ىناثلا ىناثلا سادقلا ىلصي ماف ابنلأا ةفاين

The Departure of St. Sarah the nun.

24th March - 15th Baramhat

On this day departed the righteous and ascetic St. Sarah the nun who was a native of Upper Egypt. Her parents, who were exceedingly rich, were Christians and had no other children. They raised her in a christian manner and taught her reading and writing. She was always reading the books of the church and especially the biography and sayings of the fathers the monks. She was influenced by their lives and desired the ascetic life. She went to one of the convents of Upper Egypt and dwelt there for many years serving the virgins.

Then she put on the monastic garb, persisting on fighting the lust of Satan for thirteen years until Satan was weary of her. When Satan was exasperated from her steadfastness and purity, he wished to overthrow her by the sin of pride. He appeared to her while she was standing praying on the roof of her cell and said to her: “Rejoice for you have overcome Satan.” She replied: “I am a feeble woman, and I can not conquer you except by the power of the Lord Christ” and then Satan vanished.

This Saint had many useful sayings that she used to say to the nuns. One of her sayings: “I never set my foot upon the step of the ladder, and I never go up to the next step without thinking I may die before I raise my leg so that the enemy might not entice me with the hope of a long life.” And she also said: “ IT is better for a man to show mercy even to satisfy men for the time will come that it will be to satisfy God.” She also had many other sayings written in the Paradise of the Fathers. She stayed on the banks of the river in a cave for sixty years fighting a great fight and no one saw her until she departed to the eternal bless and she was eighty years old.

May her prayers be with us. Amen.

The Martyrdom of St. Sedhom Bishay in Domiat.

26th March - 17th Baramhat

On this day also the church commemorates the martyrdom of Sedhom Bishay in Domiat on the 17th. of Baramhat year 1565 A.D. (March 25th., 1844 A.D.(. He endured the torture for the Name of the Lord Christ and his martyrdom made the rising of the Cross during the Christian funeral processions openly, for it was forbidden before. This martyr was a clerical employee in the government of the port of Domiat during the days of Mohammed Ali Basha the Governor of Egypt. A revolt of mobs in the port arose, they seized Sidhom Bishay and accused him falsely that he cursed Islam and witnessed against him before the religious judge a low uncivilized person and a donkey driver. The judge decided either he would forsake his faith or be killed, he whipped him and then sent him to the Governor of the city. After the Governor had examined his case he issued the same judgement against him as the judge did. Sidhom was steadfast in his Christian faith, not caring to be killed. They whipped, dragged him on his face down the stairs in the Governor palace, then they put him on a buffalo facing the tail and went around with him in the

اهمالعو ءابلآا رابخأ اصوصخو ةينيدلا بتكلا ةءارق تقاتشاو ةحلاصلا مهتيرسب ترثأتف . نابهرلا يتلا ةريدلأا دحأ تدصقف . ةيكسنلا ةايحلا ليإ مدخت ةيرثك يننس هيف تثكم ثيح ديعصلاب تثبلو ، ةنبهرلا يز تسبل مث . ىراذعلا ىتح ةنس ةشرع ثلاث ةوهشلا ناطيش دهاجت .اهتراهطو اهتابث نم رجضو ، اهنم ناطيشلا لك اهل رهظف ءايبركلا ةليذر في اهطاقسإ دصقف اهل لاقو اهتيلاق حطس لىع لىصت ةئماق ىهو هتباجأف . « ناطيشلا تبلغ دقف كاشرب « : كبلغأ نأ عيطتسأ لا ةفيعض ةأرما يننأ « : . اهمامأ نم ىراوتف « حيسلما ديسلا ةوقب لاإ اهلوقت تناك ةعفان ةيرثك لاوقأ ةسيدقلا هذهلو ليجر عضأ لا يننأ « : اهلوق اهنم . ىراذعلل لبق تومأ يننأ روصتأو لاإ ملسلا ةجرد لىع

في لملأاب ودعلا ىنيرغي لا ىتح . اهعفرأ نأ

ناسنلإل ديج « : اهلو ق اهنمو ، ةايحلا لوط تيأيسف . سانلا ءاضر لا ولو ، ةمحرلا لعفي

لاوقأ اهلو . « هللا ءاضر لا نوكت تقو

. نابهرلا خويش يرس بتك في هنودم ةيرثك

ةدم رهنلا ةفاح لىع ةسيدقلا هذه تماقأو

دحأ اهصربي لم مايظع اداهج دهاجت ةنس ينتس

ةغلاب مئادلا ميعنلا ليإ تلقتنا ىتح اهللاخ

. انعم نوكت اهتلاص . اماع ينناثم رمعلا نم ينمآ

طايمدب ىاشب مهديس داهشتسا تاهمرب ١٧ - سرام ٢٦

راكذتب ةسينكلا لفتحت مويلا اذه لثم فى ١٧ موي فى طايمدب ىاشب مهديس داهشتسا

١8٤٤ ةنس سرام ٢٥ ( ش ١٥٦٥ةنس تاهمرب حيسلما ديسلا مسا لىع بيذعتلا هلماتحلا ) م

عفر فى اببس هداهشتسا ناكو . تولما ىتح


دقف . ينيحيسلما

ةبهارلا ةراس ةسيدقلا ةحاين تاهمرب ١٥ - سرام ٢٤ ةدهاجلما ةسيدقلا تحينت مويلا اذه لثم في لياهأ نم تناك ةكسانلا هذه ةبهارلا ةراس لمو . ينينغ ينيحيسم اهاوبأ ناكو ،« ديعصلا ، ةيحيسم اهايبرف . اهاوس دلو ماهل نكي لىع ةموادم تناكو . ةباتكلاو ةءارقلا
نأ ىرخأ
تازانج فى انلع بيلصلا طايمد رغثب ناويدلاب ابتاك افظوم ديهشلا اذه تماقو صرم لىاو اشاب لىع دمحم مايأ فى بتاكلا لىع اوضبقو ، رغثلاب عاعرلا نم ةروث نيدلا بس هنأ اروز هومهتاو ىاشب مهديس يعشرلا ضىاقلا مايأ هيلع دهشو يملاسلإا لتقلا وأ هنيد كترب هيلع مكحف . رماحو يربرب نأ دعبو .رغثلا ظفاحم لىا هلسرأو هدلج مث .

streets of the city insulting and degrading him. The Christians in the city became afraid and locked themselves in their houses.

The mob continued to insult him and tortured him in different ways until he was about to deliver his soul; so they brought him to the door of his house and left him there. His family went out and brought him inside and five days later he departed to heaven.

His departure was a great martyrdom, and the Christians counted him among the holy martyrs. They gathered regardless of their denomination and joined in his funeral in a celebration that there was nothing like it before. The Christians carried their arms and the priest put on their vestments headed by the Archpriest Yousef Michael who was the head of the Coptic congregation in Domiat and accompanied by the priests of the other denominations. They marched in his funeral in the streets of the city and in front of him the deacons carrying the banners of the Cross, and they arrived to the church where they prayed the funeral rites. The people went on objecting this reprehensible and painful incident and talking about the patience and endurance of the different kinds of torture in silence and the steadfastness of Sidhom the martyr.

هودلجف ، لتقلاب ناهتساو ملس قوف نم

ظفاحلما صرق

، هلفسأ لىا

هب فاط مث

تعب ركسعلا

هوبكرأ نأ

ةسوماج فى بولقلماب

، ةنيدلما عراوش ىراصنلا فاخف

مهلزانم اولفقو عاعرلا امأ

نو أزهي اوعشرف

هنوبذعيو هب ةفلتخم تلااب

ملسي داك نأ لىا اوتأف . حورلا

هلزنم لىا هب

هباب لىع هوكزتو جرخف اوضمو هوذخأو هلهأ ةسمخ دعبو . لقتنا مايأ

. ءماسلا لىا

ءادهشلا نم هنوبرتعي ىراصنلا راصو ،

مهبهاذم فلاتخا لىع اوعمتجاو ينسيدقلا

The prominent people of the Christian community in Domiat deliberated as how to avoid these incidents in the future. They decided to ask the consuls of the foreign countries to mediate with the ruler of the country and the Pope the Patriarch of the Copts and sent to them detailed reports. Mr Michail Sorour the official representative of seven countries in Domiat was in charge of this mediation.

The ruler of Egypt was concerned about this incident and sent two official representatives to examine the case. So they reopened the inquiry and they realized the injustice and the ill-treatment that befell the great martyr and convicted the judge and the governor for their wrong doing, stripped them from their honor then exiled them. They asked, as a good will and to comfort the people, to allow the raising of the Cross publicly before the Christian funerals, and the ruler allowed that in Domiat. This was allowed later on all over the country during the Papacy of Pope Kyrellos IV.

The blessings of this great martyr be with us and glory be to God forever. Amen.

The Martyrdom of St. Aristobulus, the apostle.

28th March - 19th Baramhat

هل قبسي لم لاافتحا هتزانجب اولفتحاو ،

ارهج هنماثج عييشتب لفتحا ثيح ، ليثم

- ةنهكلا سبلو ةحلسلأا ىراصنلا دلقتف .

سيئر ليئاخيم فسوي صمقلا مهسأر لىعو

كترشاو مهسبلام - طايمدب طابقلأا ةعيشر

فى هب اوراسو . ىرخلأا فئاوطلا ةنهك هعم

نولمحي ةسمماشلا همامأو ةنيدلما عراوش

اوتمأو ةسينكلا لىا هب اوتأ مث بيلصلا ملاعأ

نوركنتسي سانلا راصو . ةزانجلا ضورف

نوثدحتيو ، ميللأا ثداحلا اذه ةعاظف

هب مكح ام لثبم هيلع مكح هتيضق صحف ، يحيسلما هنيدب مهديس كسمتف . ضياقلا ههجو لىع هورجو
مايظع اداهشتسا هتوم ناكو
ناولأ هلمحتو ، مهديس ديهشلا برصب رابك لوادت مث . نوكسو دلجب باذعلا هذه فىلاتل طايمد رغثب يحيسلما بعشلا اوطسوي نأ اوررقف . لابقتسم ثداوحلا لىع رملآا ضرعل كلذ فى لودلا لصانق ، طابقلأا كريرطب ابابلاو ،.، دلابلا لىاو اذه لىوتو . ةلصفلما ريراقتلا ماهيلإ اوعفرو دمتعلما روسر ليئاخيم هجاوخلا عوضولما

On this day St. Aristobulus, one of the seventy apostles that was chosen and sent to preach by the Lord before His passion, was martyred. He received along with the disciples the gifts of the Spirit the comforter, accompanied, ministered to them and preached with them the Life-giving Gospel. He turned many to the path of salvation, believed in the Lord Christ, baptized them and taught them the Divine commandments. The disciples ordained him bishop for the city of Abratabias, and he went there, preached it’s people, performed many miracles, taught and baptized them. Many tribulations and humiliation befell him from the Jews and the Greeks, who threw him out many times, and cast him with stones. Having finished his strife, he departed in peace. St. Paul had mentioned him in his Epistle to the Romans (Ch.16:10(. May his prayers be with us. Amen.

The Departure of Lazarus, the beloved of the Lord.

26th March - 19th Baramhat

On this day the righteous Lazarus, the beloved of the Lord Christ, departed. He was the brother of Martha and Mary who anointed the Lord with fragrant oil and wiped His feet with her hair. When Lazarus fell sick the sisters sent to the Lord Christ saying: “Lord, behold, he whom You love is sick.” When Jesus heard that, He said, “This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified through it.” Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. So, when He heard that he was sick, He stayed two more days in the place where He was” to magnify the miracle.

Then after this He said to the disciples, “Let us go to Judea again.” The disciples told Him, “Rabbi, lately the Jews sought to stone You, and are You going there again?” Jesus answered, “Are there not twelve hours in the day? If anyone walks in the day, he does not stumble, because he sees the light of this world. “But if one walks in the night, he stumbles, because the light is not in him.” These things He said, and after that He said to them, “Our friend Lazarus sleeps, but I go that I may wake him up.” Then His disciples said, “Lord, if he sleeps he will get well.” However, Jesus spoke of his death, but they thought that He was speaking about taking rest in sleep. Then Jesus said to them plainly, “Lazarus is dead. And I am glad for your sakes that I was not there, that you may believe. Nevertheless let us go to him.”

When the Lord came to Bethany which is nearby Jerusalem He stood before the tomb and said: “Take away the stone.” Martha, the sister of him who was dead, said to Him, “Lord, by this time there is a stench, for he has been dead four days.” Jesus said to her, “Did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God?” Then they took away the stone from the place where the dead man was lying. And Jesus lifted up His eyes and prayed then he cried with

عفرب حماسلا - رطاوخلا ةئدهتو ةيضترلل - اوبلطو .

مهل نذأف ينيحيسلما تازانج مامأ اراهج بيلصلا

ندم رئاس فى ممعت نأ لىا ، طايمد رغث فى كلذب

اذه نايمإ ةكرب . عبارلا سليرك ابابلا دهع فى رطقلا

ينمآ . ائماد دجلما انبرلو .انعم نوكت ميظعلا ديهشلا صبرق فقسأ برلا بيبح رزاعل ةحاين

تاهمرب ١٧ - سرام ٢٦

بيبح رزاعل رابلا قيدصلا حيتت مويلا اذه لثم في

برلا تنهد ىتلا ميرمو اثرم وخأ وهو عوسي برلا

ضرم الم ثدحو . اهرعشب هيلجر تحسمو بيطب

اي ( : ينتلئاق حيسلما ديسلا لىا اتلسرأ ماهنأ رزاعل

لاق عوسي عمس مالف . ضيرم هبحت يذلا اذوه ديس دجمتيل هللا دجم لجلأ لب توملل سيل ضرلما اذه :

« رزاعلو .اهتخأو اثرم بحي عوسي ناكو هب هللا نبا

ميظعتل ينموي هيف ناك يذلا عضولما فى ماقأ هنكلو .

لىا بهذنل : هذيملاتل لاق كلذ دعب مث « . ةيلآا

ناك نلآا ملعم اي ذيملاتلا هل لاق . اضيأ ةيدوهيلا

كانه لىا اضيأ بهذتو كومجري نأ نوبلطي دوهيلا

نا ةشرع ىتنثا راهنلا تاعاس تسيلأ عوسي باجأ .

اذه رون رظني هنلأ ثرعي لا راهنلا فى شىيم دحأ ناك

رونلا نلا ثرعي ليللا فى شىيم دحأ ناك نا نكلو . لماعلا

مان دق انبيبح رزاعل : مهل لاق كلذ دعبو . « هيف سيل

وهف مان دق ناك نا ( : اولاقف هظقولأ بهذأ ىنكل .

هنأ اونظ مهو . هتوم نع لوقي عوسي ناكو . ىفشي

ةينلاع ذئنيح عوسي مهل لاقف . مونلا داقر نع لوقي

كانه نكأ لم نىأ مكلجلأ حرفأ انأو . تام رزاعل :

لىا ديسلا تىأ مالف . « هيلإ بهذنل نكلو . اونمؤتل : لاقو برقلا مامأ فقو ميلشروأ نم ةبيرقلا اينع تيب

ديس اي : تيلما تخأ اثرم هل تلاقف . رجحلا اوعفرا « لقأ لمأ عوسي اهل لاقف . مايأ ةعبرأ هل نلأ تننأ دق

لىصو رجحلا اوعفرف . هللا دجم نيرت تنمآ نا كل

. اجراخ مله رزاعل : ميظع توصب خصر مث بلأا لىا

ههجوو ةطمقأب تاطوبرم هلاجرو هاديو

صرم لىاو متهاف طايمد رغثب لود عبسل يمسرلا . ةيضقلا صحفل ينيمسر ينبودنم لسرأو ، رملآاب لح يذلا روجلاو ملظلا هنم ينبتو قيقحتلا اوداعأف . ظفاحلماو ضىاقلا ةنادإ حضتاو . ميظعلا ديهشلاب ديرجتلا دعب ماهوفنو فشرلا تاملاع ماهنع اوعزنف
تيلما جرخف هوعدو هولح عوسي مهل لاقف . ليدنبم فوفلم نظي لاف ، هتوم ةقيقح نايبل كلذ ناكو . )١( بهذي تمظع دق اذهلو . قباس قافتاب ةليح كلذ نأ دحأ ينمآ . انعم نوكت رابلا اذه ةلاص . نويرثك نمآف ةيلآا لوسر ينعبسلا دحأ سلوبوطسرا ةحاين تاهمرب ١٩ - سرام ٢8 8 دحأ سلوب وطسرا سيدقلا حينت مويلا اذه لثم في ةزاركلل مهلسرأو برلا مهبختنا نيذلا لاوسر ينعبسلا حورلا بهاوم ذيملاتلا عم لان دقو . هملاآ لبق

a loud voice, “Lazarus, come forth!” And he who had died came out bound hand and foot with graveclothes, and his face was wrapped with a cloth. Jesus said to them, “Loose him, and let him go.” (John 11:1-45( That was to manifest the reality of his death, so no one would think that this was deception with previous arrangement, for that the miracle was magnified and many believed.

The prayers of this righteous be with us. Amen.

The Departure of St. Kyrellos )Cyril), Bishop of Jerusalem.

On this day of the year 386 A.D. the holy father Anba Kyrellos (Cyril(, Bishop of Jerusalem, departed. This father was chosen in the year 348 A.D. as a successor for Anba Maximus, Bishop of Jerusalem, for his knowledge and righteousness. He did not stay long on his Chair, until a contention arose between him and Acacius Bishop of Caesarea about who had the right to be in primacy over the other. Kyrellos argument in that he was the successor of St. James, one of the Twelve Disciples.

Anba Kyrellos had sold some of the church vessels and distributed the money on the needy because of a famine that befell the land of Palestine. Acacius took this chance and made an effort to obtain an order to exile him from the country. Anba Kyrellos was exiled without any one listening to his case. In the year 359 A.D., he appealed his case before the council of Seleucia. The council called Acacius to hear from him his argument, but he did not attend, so they judged by removing him from his office, and the return of Kyrellos to his Chair (Parish(. He did not stay long for Acacius went and enticed emperor Constans to assemble a council at Constantinople and the Arian bishops agreed with him. This council convened in the year 360 A.D. and ordered to exile this saint once more.

When Constans died, and was succeeded by Julian who ordered the return of all the exiled bishops to their chairs. This saint returned to his chair in the year 362 A.D. and shepherded his people faithfully and honestly, but he resisted the Arians. They went to emperor Valens the Arian who invalidated the order of his predecessor Julian stating the return of the exiled bishops to their chairs. This way St. Kyrellos was exiled for the third time, where he remained until the death of Valens in the year 379 A.D. When Theodosius the great reigned and assembled the one hundred fifty in a council against Macedonius (The second universal council(, this father attended, and opposed Macedonius, Sabilius and other heretics. This Saint composed many Homilies and Exhortations, exceedingly profitable, in the Doctrines of faith and old traditions then departed in peace. May his prayers be with us. Amen.

ةراشبلاب مهعم ىدانو مهمدخو مهبحصو ،ىزعلما اونمآف . صلاخلا قيرط لىا نييرثك درو ، ةييحلما

. ةيهللإا اياصولا مهملعو مهدمعف . حيسلما ديسلاب

، اهيلإ ضىمف سايناطيربا لىع افقسأ ذيملاتلا هماقأو . ةيرثك تايآ عنصو ، مهدمعو مهظعوو ، اهلهأ شربو

ينينانويلاو دوهيلا نم ةديدش تاناهإ هب تقحل دقو لمكأ المو . ةراجحلاب هومجرو ةديدع ارارم هودرطو ،

هتلاسر فى لوسرلا سلوب هركذ دقو . ملاسب حينت هيعس

ينمآ . انعم نوكت هتلاص . ) ١ . : ١٦ ص ( ،ةيمور لىا ميلشروأ فقسأ سليرك ابنأ ةحاين

بلأا حينت ةيدلايم 38٦ ةنس نم مويلا اذه لثم فى اذه ناكو . ميلشروأ فقسأ سليرك ابنلأا سيدقلا

سوميسكم ابنلأل افلخ م 3٤8 ةنس فى يرتخا دق بلأا ثبلي لمو هاوقتو هملعن ارظن ، ميلشروأ فقسأ

ينبو هنيب تاعزانم تلصح ىتح لايوط هيسرك لىع قح هل ماهنم نم وحن ةيصريق فقسأ سويكاكأ

هنأ كلذ فى سليرك ةجح تناكو ،رخلآا لىع مدقتلا

. لاوسر شرع ىنثلاا دحأ بوقعي سيدقلا ةفيلخ

سليرك ابنلأا عيب ةصرف سويكاكأ زهتنا نأ ثدحو

رثأ لىع ءنيزوعلما لىع اهنثم عيزوتو ةسينكلا نياولآ

ىتح يعاسلما ينطسلف فى تلصح ةديدش ةعاجم

عمتسي لمو ىفنف . دلابلا نم هيفنب رمأ لىع لصح

مامأ هاوعد فنأتسا م 3٥٩ ةتس فىو . هاوعدل دحأ

هنم عمسيف ، سويكاكأ عمجلما اعدف ، ةيكولس عمجم

ةداعإ بلطو ، لزعلاب هيلع مكحف ضرحي ملف هتجح

نلأ لايوط ثكيم لم هنكلو ، داعف هيسرك لىا سليرك

فى عمجم دقعب سنطسق كللما ىرغأف داع سويكاكأ

دقعف نويسويرلاا ةفقاسلأا هعياشو . ةينيطنطسقلا لزعب هرمأ ردصأو ،م 3٦0 ةنس فى عمجلما. اذه

هفلخو سنطسق تام المو ةيناث ةرم سيدقلا اذه

مهيسارك لىا ينيفنلما ةفقاسلأا ةدوعب رمأ سونايلوي

ذخأو م 3٦٢ ةنس فى هيسرك لىا سيدقلا اذه داعف .

مواقي ناك هنكلو ، ةماقتساو ةنامأب هبعش ىعري

لطبأ ىتح سىويرلاا زنلاف كللما لىا اوعسف ينيسويرلاا

ينيفنلما ةفقاسلأا ةدوعب ضياقلا ، هفلس سونايلوي رمأ ةرملل سيدقلا اذه لزع اذكهو . مهيسارك لىا

3٧٩ ةنس فى زنلاف تام نأ لىا ايفنم ىقبف . ةثلاثلا

ةئلما عمجم عمجو يربكلا سويسودؤات كلتم المو م

نيوكسلما عمجلما وهو ( سوينودكم

لىع ينسمخلاو سوينودكم مواقو ، بلأا اذه هيف ضرح )نياثلا فلأ دقو .- ينعدتبلما نم ماهيرغو ، سويلباسو نايملإا دئاقع فى ةديفم ةيرثك تاظعو ابتك سيدقلا نوكت هتلاص . ملاسب حينت مث ةيمدقلا تاديلقتلاو .. ينمآ . انعم

Meditations on the bible readings

Second Sundayof the holy Lent

Matthew 4: 1-11, Luke 4: 1-13

“Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God”. Matthew 4:4. + the temptation with bread:

As the Lord (Jesus( Christ had entered the battle on our behalf to triumph on our account and name … the temptations started with the temptation of the bread … whereby, Satan (the tempter( asked the Lord (Jesus( Christ to transform the stone into bread to eat in the (Lord’s( hunger …

On one side, this temptation is comparable to the first Adam who had fallen into sin by disobeying and eating from the tree (of knowledge( of knowing good and evil … so, the Lord fasting to resist the enemy and overcome him by refusing to hear him, even thought, the Lord can transform the stone into bread as He did and transformed the water into wine, in the wedding of Cana of Galilee (John 2:1-12( … and on the other side, in this temptation, the Lord allowed it to reveal Stan’s fatherhood of deception to the sinners … for a true father will not give a stone when his son askes for bread as the Lord Jesus had said (Matthew 7:9( … but, this enemy, is offering stone instead of bread to be eaten by man and becomes a hard stone in man’s stomach.

We ought, to refuse every stone offered by the enemy for us to eat instead of dread to grow … hard hearted, without love or mercy … Origen (of Alexandria 184-253 AD( saw this stone offered by the enemy as the heresies which offered by the enemy as a deceitful bread, so that we might think it is the Word of God which is fulfilling. St Luke the evangelist says “the devil said to Him, If You are the Son of God, command this stone to become bread … But Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God” (Luke 4:3-4(.

Satan, had jumped to where the Lord Christ were, and looked at the stone and addressing the Lord (Jesus( Christ saying “if You are the Son of God, command this stone to become bread”, here we see Stan approaching Christ as a human, one of the saints, but (Satan( is still doubtful within himself that He is the Lord Christ. And how Satan tried to be aware of the Lord’s Divinity?? (Satan( knew, that the nature of matter can not be changed to another nature contrasting in essence except by a Divine Power so, if the Lord Christ would transform the matter (the stone into bread( so Stan becomes aware Who He is or He is unable to transform (the stone(, then this will please Satan, since he is facing a mere weak human Whom he can face.

The Lord Christ knew what Stan thinks and He did not transform (the stone( into bread, nor He declared that He is unable to transform it, but the the Lord Christ rebuked Satan saying “Man shall not live by bread alone” (Matthew 4:4 & Luke 4:4(, and this means by God’s will man

- ١ :4 اقولو ١١ - ١ :4 ىتم ناسنلإا ايحي هدحو زبخلاب سيل« مف نم جرخت ةملك لكب لب

4:4 ىتم »هـــــــــــــــــــــــــللا :زبخلا ةبرجت + انع ةباين ةكرعملا حيسملا ديسلا لخد ذإ براجتلا تأدب ..انباسحو انمساب بلغيل نم ناطيشلا بلط دقف .. زبخلا ةبرجتب زبخ ىلإ رجحلا لوحي نأ حيسملا ديسلا ..هعوج يف هلكأيل ةبرجت لباقت هبرجتلا نإف اذه بناج نم

نايصعلا يف طقس يذلا لولأا مدآ ريخلا ةفرعم ةرجش نم لكلأا للاخ

ودعلا مواقي امئاص ديسلا ءاجف ..رشلاو هناكمإ مغر هل عامسلا اضفار هبلغيو لوح امك زبخ ىلإ رجحلا ليوحت نم ..ليلجلا اناق سرع يف رمخ ىلإ ءاملا حمس ةبرجتلا هذه نإف رخآ بناج نمو ةعداخملا ناطيشلا ةوبإ نلعيل برلا اهب

مدقي لا يقيقحلا بلأا نإف ..ةاطخلل

ديسلا لوقك زبخ هنبا بلط نإ ارجح

ارجح مدقيف ودعلا اذه امأ ..حيسملا يف لمحيف ناسنلإا هلكأيل زبخلا ضوع .ايساق ارجح هئاشحأ

لاف ودعلا همدقي رجح لك ضفرن انتيل بح لاب بلقلا ةاسق .ومننل زبخك هلكأن

نأ سوناجيروأ ةملاعلا ىري ..ونح لاو

تاقطرهلا وه ودعلا همدقي يذلا رجحلا اهنظنف شاغ زبخك ودعلا اهمدقي يتلا ..ةعبشملا الله ةملك

نإ سيلبإ هل لاقو« اقول يليجنلاا لوقي ريصي نأ رجحلا اذهل لقف الله نبا تنك سيل هنأ بوتكم لائاق عوسي هباجأف ازبخ ةملك لكب لب ناسنلإا ايحي هدحو زبخلاب »الله مف نم جرخت حيسملا ديسلا ناك ثيح ىلإ سيلبإ زفق

ديسلا بطاخو رجحلا ىلإ رظنو

لقف الله نبا تنك نإ« لائاق حيسملا نأ نورتف »ازبخ ريصي نأ رجحلا اذهل دحأك ناسنإك حيسملا نم وندي سيلبإ

ديسلا يف باتري كلذ عمو نيسيدقلا

ناطيشلا ىعس فيك نكلو .حيسملا ناك ؟؟حيسملا ديسلا توهلا نم ققحتيل

ةداملا ةعيبط رييغت نكمي لا هنأ ملعي

رهوجلا يف اهرياغت ىرخأ ةعيبط ىلإ


سادقلا ليجنا يف تلامأت سدقملا ريبكلا موصلا نم يناثلا دحلأا
حيسملا ديسلا امأف هيهلإ ةوقب لاإ زجعي وأ هرمأ يف سيلبإ كيتريف ةداملا ناطيشلا رسيف لمعلا اذهب مايقلا نع افيعض اناسنإ ىوس همامأ دجي مل هنلأ .هتمواقم نكمي دلخب لوجي ناك ام حيسملا ديسلا ملع نع نلعي ملو زبخلا ريغي ملف سيلبإ حيسملا ديسلا رهتنا .هرييغت نع هزجع

can live without food and survive, as Moses and Elijah survived with strength for forty days (and nights( without tasting food. If the Lord Christ could survive without food, then He would not transform the stone into bread, but the Lord Christ, did not say He cannot, so that (Satan( is doubting that He is a mere Human without the Divinity and also He did not say I can, so that Satan will leave Him alone, as if the Lord (Jesus( Christ is teaching us many lessons.

Notice, how the nature of the Lord Christ subjugated Adam’s greed and lust for food, so by (the first( Adam eating, we were conquered and by the Lord Christ ascetism (and fasting( we are triumphant. The physical body eats what earth produces from food and fats but the wise soul’s food is God’s Word the everlasting and the bread which the earth produces will feed the body which is essentially terrestrial brad in nature, but the Heavenly bread sent by God from above will feed the soul the everlasting; this is the heavenly bread which feeds the hosts of angels (in heavens(. + the temptation of the Cross:

In the last temptation, Satan wanted to offer to the Lord a stone as bread, but the Lord refused to command the stone into bread, offering Himself “the living bread which came down from heavens” (John 6:51( to fulfill all the faithful believers. AS Satan knew, the forthcoming (at the time( Messiah will Rule and Reign for the everlasting through the Cross and pain, so he (Satan( showed Him all the kingdoms of the world to rule over it but not through the Cross but through the easy wide road and the wide door which is worshiping Satan himself. The Lord Christ powerfully rejected this easy wide road and opened for us the way to rule with Him through His painful passions and not through evil.

As, Satan knew that the Lord Christ will come to take away his kingdom and regain to His kingdom all those who were subjugated to the deceiver so (Satan( “showed Him all the kingdoms of the world” and all the inhabitants of the world and how he rules on one by lust and another with stinginess and third by love of vanity and the misery of attracting to beauty as if Satan saying “do You want to rule over all the creations??” and showed Him all the multitudes which cannot be counted which he had authority over, and if the truth is told, if we accept to know in simplicity our miseries and recognise our sorrows, we will find that Satan rules over most of the world, that is why the Lord called him “the ruler of world” (John 14:30(. And when Satan says to Jesus, do You see all the multitudes which I have authority over?? So, Satan had showed Him (the world( in a “one moment of time” as the current time is considred one moment when compared to the everlasting, as if Satan is saying to the Lord. Have You come to fight me and take away all

لا ىتح عيطتسي لا هنأ طق لائل كلذ عيطتسأ لقي ملو هلإ لا ناسنإ هنأب

حيسملا ديسلا ناكو هنأشو ناطيشلا هكرتي .ىرخأ اسورد انميلعت ديري

تذبن حيسملا ديسلا ةعيبط نأ فيك اوظحلا دهزبو انبلغ مدآ لكأبف همهنو مدآ ةهارش .انرصتنا حيسملا ديسلا مسد نم ضرلأا هجرخت ام لكأي مسجلا

ةدلاخلا الله ةملك اهماعطف ةلقاعلا سفنلا امأ يذغي ضرلأا هب دوجت يذلا زبخلا نإف زبخلا امأ يضرلأا زبخلا هرصانع امسج

يذغي قوف نم الله هب ثعبي يذلا يوامسلا

يذلا يوامسلا زبخلا وه هذه ةيقابلا سفنلا .ةكئلاملا روهمج هب ىذغتي :بيلصلا ةبرجت + مدقي نأ سيلبإ دارأ ةقباسلا ةبرجتلا يف

ليوحت ضفر ديسلا نكل ازبخ رجحلا ديسلل يحلا زبخلا « هسفن امدقم ازبخ رجحلا اذإ نلآا.هينمؤمل اعبش »ءامسلا نم لزانلا

ىلإ كلمي مداقلا ايسملا نأ ملعي سيلبإ ناك

ملاعلا كلامم هار مللآاو بيلصلا للاخ دبلأا

للاخ امنإو بيلصلا للاخ سيل نكل كلميل

دوجسلا وهو عساولا بابلاو لهسلا قيرطلا اذهب حيسملا ديسلا ضفر .هسفن سيلبلإ

بابلا انل حتفو ةوقب بحرلا عساولا قيرطلا

للاخ لا هملاآ للاخ هعم اضيأ نحن كلمنل زرشلا

ءاج حيسملا ديسلا نأ ملعي سيلبإ ناك اذإ

هناطلسو هتوقل عضخيو هتوكلم بصتغيل

عداخملل نيعضاخ لابق اوناك نيذلا كئلوأ ناكس لكو »ةنوكسملا كلامم عيمج هارآ« هوهشلاب دحاولا ىلع كلمي فيك هارآ ملاعلا دجملا بحب ثلاثو لخبلاب رخلآا ىلعو لامجلا ةيبذاج للاخ نيرخأ سأيو لطابلا كلمت نأ ديرتأ « هل لوقي ناطيشلا نأكو ريغ عومجلا هارآو »؟؟ةقيلخلا لك ىلع ول لاقي قحلاو هل عضخت يتلا ةيصحملا كردنو انسؤوب ةطاسب يف فرعن نأ انلبق

ىلع كلمي ناطيشلا اندجول انتبيصم

ايحي هدحو زبخلاب سيل« لوقلاب ناطيشلا الله حنم اذإ هنأ كلذ ىنعمو »ناسنلإا لكأ نودب ايحي نأ هنكمأ ةوقلا ناسنلإا نيعبرأ ةوقب ايليإو ىسوم شاع امك شاعو ديسلا عاطتسا اذإف .ائيش اقوذي ملو اموي لوحي ملف ماعط نودب شيعي نأ حيسملا لقي مل حيسملا ديسلا نأ لاإ ازبخ رجحلا كشلا قرطتي
سيئر« برلا هيمسي كلذل ملاعلا مظعم عوسيل سيلبإ لوقي امدنعو .»ملاعلا اذه ؟؟يناطلسل عضاخلا بعشلا عيمج ىرتأ »نامزلا نم ةظحل يف« كلذ هارآ دق نوكي نروق نإ ةظحل يلاحلا تقولا بسحي ذإ تئجأ برلل سيلبإ لاق ذئنيح .ةيدبلأاب مه نيذلا لك ينع عزنتو يدض عراصتل نراقت نأ لواحت لا لا ؟يناطلس تحت

what I have authority over?? NO … NO, do not compare Yourself to me and don’t go into this difficult battle. Look, all I ask of You ‘to fall down and worship me” and all be Yours’ without a doubt Our Lord and Saviour wants to Rule but with Truth and Justice and every legitimacy, He (the Lord( did not want to be crowned as King without the hard labour (of the Cross(.

The Lord answered him saying “it is written, you shall worship the Lord your God, and Him alone you shall server” (Matthew 4:10 & Like 4:8(, My will is that all will be Mine and worship Me and no-one but Me, this is My Regal will. Do you want Me to fall, I the One who came to eliminate sin and free the people from sin? Let us all rejoice and be glad in Him, as we became His, and let us pray to Him to kill the sins which ruled over our bodies and He alone will Rule over us.

+ and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world: How can Satan dare this big cursed (evil( to show the Lord, the kingdoms of the world and address Him saying “All this authority I will give You, and their glory, if You will worship before me” how can you offer what is not yours? Who appointed you an inheritor of God’s Kingdom? You have stolen all these kingdoms by deceit and lying so return what you have stolen to the Son incarnate, the lord of the whole world and hear what Isaiah the prophet declared against you Satan and your soldiers “For Tophet was established of old, Yes, for the king it is prepared. He has made it deep and large; Its pyre is fire with much wood; The breath of the LORD, like a stream of brimstone, Kindles it” (Isaiah 30:33(. How do you progress Satan and only the deep hades is your kingdom and before The Lord Christ?? And how can the Lord worship you, and the Seraphim and all the heavenly hosts of angels, do not stop for one instant from praising His Name for it is written “You shall worship the LORD your God, and Him only you shall serve” (Luke 4:8(

+ If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down from here:

The third temptation is centred around vanity and glory “throw Yourself down from here” so that You can prove before all, Your Divinity, except the Lord Christ answered him “you shall not tempt the Lord your God” for God will not aid those who dare to tempt Him and Christ never given a sign to those who came to Him with the aim of asking Him for a sign, as it is written “But He answered and said to them, “An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah” (Matthew 12:39(.

It is not strange then for Satan to be conquered before the Lord Christ after these three temptations and the triumphant Lord Christ gives us the crown of victory and success as per His true saying “Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you” (Luke 10:19(.

نإ« كنم هبلطأ ام رظنا .ةكرعملا هذه

»عيمجلا كل نوكي يمامأ تدجس نأ انصلخمو انبر ديري كش نودب

،ةليضف لكو قحلاو لدعلاب نكل كلمي

بعت نودب كلمك للكي نأ ديري لا .(بيلص( كهلإ برلل بوتكم « لائاق برلا هباجأ

نأ يه يتدارإ »دبعت هدحو هايإو دجست

نودجسي لاو يننودبعي يل لكلا نوكي

0ةيكولملا ةبغرلا يه هذه ،يريغل

ديبلأ تئج يذلا انأ ئطخأ نأ ينديرتأ

.اهنم سانلا ررحأو ةيطخلا لصنلو ،هل انرص ذإ نحن جهتبنو حرفنل يف تكلم يتلا ةيطخلا لتقيل هيلإ

.انيلع هدحو كلميف انداسجأ :ةنوكسملا كلامم عيمج هارأو + دراملا ناطيشلا اهيأ ؤرجت فيكو

ملاعلا كلامم ديسلا ىرتف نيعللا

اذه يطعأ كل « لوقلاب هبطاختو

تدجس نإ نهدجمو هلك ناطلسلا

سيل ام بهت نأب دعت فيك »يمامأ

هكلمم ىلع اثراو كبصن يذلا نم ؟كل

اشغ كلامملا هذه تبصتغا كنإ ؟الله

نبلاا ىلإ هتبصتغا ام درف اروزو

ام عمساو هرسأب ملاعلا بر دسجتملا

سيلبإ دض ءايعشأ يبنلا هب حرصي

سملأا ذنم ةبترم هتفت نلأ« هدونجو

ةعساو ةقيمع كلملل اضيأ يه ةأيهم

برلا ةخفن ،ةرثكب بطحو ران اهتموك

.33:30 شأ »اهدقوت تيربك رهنك

كبيصنو ناطيشلا اهيأ مدقتت فيكف

ديسلل وه لب كل اكلم ةقيحسلا ةيواهلا كل ديسلا دجسي فيكو ؟؟حيسملا لا ةكئلاملا تامغطلا عيمجو ميفاريسلاو

همسلا حيبستلا نع نيع ةفرط نولفغي هايإو دجست كهلإ برلل»« بوتكم هنلأ

.8:4 ول »دبعت هدحو

نم كسفن حرطاف الله نبا تنك نإ + :لفسأ ىلإ انه

وهزلا اهروحم ناكف ةثلاثلا ةبرجتلا امأ ىتح »انه نم كسفن حرطا« ،ءلايخلاو

ديسلا نأ لاإ كتوهلا لأملا مامأ تبثت

.»كهلإ برلا برجت لا« هباجأ حيسملا

ىلع ؤرجي نم دعاسي لا الله نإف

نمل ةيآ طق حيسملا طعي ملو هتبرجت

باجأف« درو ذإ

يب كسفن
باعصل كسفن ضرعت لاو
هتبرجت دصقب هءاج ةيآ بلطي قسافو ريرش ليج مهل لاقو »يبنلا نانوي ةيآ لاإ ةيآ هل ىطعت لاو .3٩:١2 تم حيسملا ديسلا مامأ رقهقتي نأ ةبارغ لا ديسلا انل مدقيف براجت ةثلاثلا هذه دعب ةبلغلاو زوفلا ليلكإ رصتنملا حيسملا مكيطعأ انأ اه« قداصلا لوق دح ىلع لكو براقعلاو تايحلا اوسودتل اناطلس

“For it is written, He shall give His angels charge over You”

Look and see how Stan borrows from the holy scriptures, to use a helping tool in aiming his miserable arrow since this verse was mentioned in the Psalms does not refer to Christ, hence Christ is not in need of the angels. As to the pinnacle of the temple which meant the vast building which was built next to the temple. This is the devil of the vain glory, for when man thinks he or she has achieved great heights and desires to do great works (in vain(, surely, he or she will fall into hades.

Satan, said to Him (Christ( “If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down from here” these word only can be uttered by Satan who is trying to drag down the human spirit, from the upright high, is there anything Satan can offer except descending down?? Satan can not harm except those who will throw themselves down, in other words to leave heavens and choose earth.

And it is stated about the temptations “when the devil had ended every temptation, he departed from Him until an opportune time”, for Satan will not rest from fighting despite his bitter failure in all temptations, as it stated “he departed from Him until an opportune time”. In the rest of the chapter, is a continual struggle between Satan and the Lord Christ whether directly or indirectly or through (Christ’s( servants, therefore it is worthy of us not to be deceived when the enemy leaves us for a while, for he will come back to fight us.

When Satan heard the name of (God(, he departed Him for a while and on his return not to tempt Him but to fight Him openly and the holy bible tells us “ For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness” (Ephesians 6:12(.

Look the status of the Christian who is fighting against the rulers of the world (Satan(, since he lives on earth but he spreads his powers with the evil spirits against the heavenly and we are not rewarded with earthly rewards, in our fights against (Satan( for (Christ(, but our rewards are spiritual and is in the heavenly kingdom and the inheritance of Christ. Therefore, it worthy for us to fight Satan with all our powers for there is a crown offered to us and we ought to accept fighting against Satan, knowing that no one will be crowned, if we are not triumphant and we cannot triumph unless we fight.

We ought not fear the tribulations of this life (on earth( as it is an opportunity for triumph and the substance of this triumph and the deceiver will not stop fighting the faithful fighters and we should not be discouraged or our hearts be troubled, if we are subjected to tribulations knowing that there are crowns for us being prepared.


حيسملا نلأ ،حيسملا ىلإ ريشت لا ريمازملا حانج امأ . ةكئلاملا ىلإ ةجاح يف سيل ميقأ يذلا عفترملا ءانبلا هب دصقف لكيهلا دجملا ناطيش وه اذه .لكيهلا راوجب عفترا هنأ ناسنلإا نظي امدنعف ،لطابلا ةميظعلا لامعلااب مايقلا يهتشي ايلاع .ةيواهلا يف طقسيو

ىلإ كسفن حرطاف الله نبا تنك نإ« هل لاق ناطيشلالاإ تاملكلا هذهب قطني لا »لفسأ

ىلإ ةيناسنلإا حورلا ردحي نأ لواحي يذلا كانه له ،هلئاضفب تمس ثيح نم لفسأ رادحنلااب حصنلا لاإ ناطيشلا قفاوي ئش .؟؟لفسأ ىلإ عفدي نم لاإ يذؤي نأ سيلبإ عيطتسي لا راتخيل ءامسلا كرتي يأ ،لفسأ ىلإ هسفن .ضرلأا

لمكأ املو« ةبرجتلا نع هثيدح متخ

نإ« نيح ىلإ هقراف ةبرجت لك سيلبإ

ةعراصملا نع لمي لا ناطيشلا ناك

براجتلا لك يف ةرملا هتميزه نم مغرلاب

ةيقب ءاج دقف .»نيح ىلإ هقراف« لوقي ذإ

ديسلا نيب رمتسم عارص نع ةرابع رفسلا

ةرشابم ءاوس ةقيرط لكب سيلبإو حيسملا عدخنن لاأ انب قيلي اذهل .همادخ للاخ وأ

يكل نيح ىلإ انقرافي هنإف ودعلا انكرت نإ

.انعراصيف دوعي

نيح ىلإ هقراف (الله( مسا سيلبإ عمس امل هبراحيل امنإو هبرجيل لا كلذ دعب ءاج ذإ يف كنأ كفرعي سدقملا باتكلاو هينلاع

نيطلاسلا عم لب مدو محل عم سيل برح فأ( ةيحورلا رشلا دانجأ عم ءاسؤرلاو .(١2:6

ءاسؤر براحي يذلا يحيسملا ةعفر رظنا

ىلع شيعي هنأ عمف (نيطايشلا( ملاعلا

مامأ ةيحورلا هتوق طسبي هنكل ضرلأا أفاكن لا نحنو تايوامسلا يف رشلا حاورأ امنإ هلجأ نم انبرح يف ةيضرأ رومأب تاومسلا توكلم يه ةيحور انتأفاكم لكب دهاجن نأ انب قيلي .حيسملا ثاريمو انمزليو انل مدقم ليلكلإاف سيلبلإ ةمواقم للكي لا

.١٩:١0 ول »ئش مكرضي لاو ودعلا ةوق يكل كب هتكئلام يصوي هنإ بوتكم هنلأ« »كوظفحي رافسلأا نم سيلبإ سبتقي فيك اورظناو همهس بيوصت ىلع اهب نيعتسيل ةيهللإا يف تدرو يتلا ةيلآا هذه نلأ
برحلا يف هعم لوخدلا لبقن نأ ام بلغي نأ هل نكمي لاو بلغي مل ام دحأ .براحي مل ،طق ةايحلا هذه براجت ىشخن لاأ انب قيلي ،ةرصنلل ةدامو ةبلغلل ةمدقم ةصرف يهف كلذ عمو دهاجملا حرج نم رثكي لضملا .هبلق برطضي لا هتعاجش يف دهاجملاف ليلاكلإا نأ ملعاف براجتلل تضرعت نإ ...دعت


36 Shaftesbury

Fortieth Day Commemoration:

For Late Mrs Laila Haziem mother of Mrs Michelene Morcos wife of Mr Nahaat Morcos today Sunday 24th March 10:30am at the above address. May the Lord repose her soul and grant peace and comfort for all family members.

ةديدجلا مفلا ىبهذ انحوي سيدقلا ةسينكب لكيهلا ةيقرش

ةعمجلا - يننثلأا - عوبسلأا طسو تاسادق

للاخ ميرم ءارذعلا ةسيدقلا ةسينكب

سدقلما موصلا

ص ١١ - ٩ يننثلأا

رهظلا دعب ٣ - ١٢ & احابص ٧ - ٥ ءاثلاثلا

احابص ١١ - ٩ ءاعبرلأا

ءاسم ٧ - ٥ & احابص ١١ - ٩ سيمخلا

65/4 زم( دبلأا ىلإ كرايد يف نكسيل براي هتلبقو هترتخأ نمل ىبوط. نيعبرلأا ىركذو ركش ةجوز صقرم نيليشيم ةدلاوو ميزه ليشيم موحرملا ةجوز ميزه ىليل هديسلا ركذلا ةبيط ةموحرملل صقرم تأشن ىركذل روضحل ءاقدصلأاو لهلأا وعدتو لاصتلاا وأ روضحلاب مهاساو نم لك ةرسلأا ركشتو فصنلاو ةرشاعلا ةعاسلا نم ءادتبإ 2024 سرام 24 قفاوملا دحلأا حابص برلا ةئيشمب كلذو نيعبرلأا يلاتلا ناونعلا ىلع كلذو :
احابص ١١ - ٩ ةعمجلا Parade
Thornbury Vic 3071
Sanctuary of the New St John Chrysostom Church

Why did Jesus fast?

1. Setting an example:

“He sets before us His acts as our example,” (St. Cyril commentary on the Gospel of St. Luke( Christ humbled Himself and became man to show us how to return to the nature in which He created us and which was corrupted by the fall. If we want to be restored to Paradise then we have to follow his example by fasting.

2. To teach us that fasting is a sacrifice to God

“He raised his pure flesh to the Father as an offering and sweet incense on our behalf.” (St. Cyril of Alexandria, De recta Fide( Fasting is exactly that: offering our bodies as a sacrifice, an offering to God. In the Old Testament, people pleased God by offering animals. Christ came to show us how to please God in the New Testament. He offered his body as a sacrifice on our behalf by fasting on our behalf, and also by dying on the cross on our behalf. We cannot imitate Christ by dying on the Cross but the least we can do is imitate Him by fasting. St. Paul exhorts us in Romans 12:1 “present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God,” How to present my body as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to God? By fasting

3. To teach us that only by fasting we can conquer Satan

Christ knew that Satan will tempt Him and he fasted in order to be able to conquer Satan. Nothing can conquer Satan except prayer and fasting. When the disciples could not exorcise a demon and brought him to Jesus, he told them “This kind cannot come out except by prayer and fasting.” Do you want to conquer Satan as Jesus did? Do what Jesus did: fast and pray.

4. To blot out Adam’s sin

“And observe, I pray, how the nature of man in Christ casts off the faults of Adam’s gluttony: by eating we were conquered in Adam, by abstinence we conquered in Christ.” (St. Cyril( Our Lord took on our nature that was conquered through Adam’s gluttony and gave us victory through his fasting. You want proof that Christ’s victory over Satan became ours? Hear what the Lord has said to us: “Behold I give you power to tread upon serpents and scorpions and upon all the power of the enemy.” (Luke 10:19( His victory became our victory but to uphold this victory we have to fast and pray as he did on our behalf in order to teach us.

Why did Jesus allow Satan to tempt Him?

1. To share our humanity in everything )except for sin)

St. Cyril tells us: “He accepted all that belongs to mankind, including temptations, so that we might now walk in his steps, he being triumphant over every sin.” (De Recta Fide( In St.Gregory’s Liturgy, we say: “Thou hast resembled us in everything save for sin only.” In order to resemble us in everything, He had to allow Satan to tempt Him like any one of us. The only difference is that we fall when we are tempted but he prevailed to teach us how to prevail.

2. To be able to help us when we are tempted

St. Paul tells us in Heb 2:18: “For in that he himself hath suffered being tempted, he is able to help them that are tempted”. Jesus had to suffer the temptations so that he can sympathize with us when we are tempted. He tells us the same thing in Heb 4:15: “For

we have not a high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.”

3. To teach us that even in our weak humanity we can conquer Satan )as He did)

When Jesus was tempted, he was tempted in his flesh. He fought Satan as a man and not as God. St. Athanasius tells us that Satan would not dare to have a contest with the Divinity of Christ. The contest was between the humanity of Christ and Satan. St. Gregory of Nissa tells us: “He did not confront the devil with the power of his godhead, but triumphed over him with the body which was liable to suffering and death, so that by this body, sin should not enter the world once more, for it is through sin that death spread to all men; that by this body the impurity of sin may be blotted out; that in this body he may triumph over the prince of sin.”

4. To give us victory over Satan )through His victory)

Since Christ bore our defeated nature, his victory became our victory. St. Theodosius the 33rd Pope of Alexandria tells us in his letter to St. Severus of Antioch: For it was necessary that the nature which was defeated through Adam should as well be crowned with victory… It is a great thing that the Lord should triumph over Satan. Had he not triumphed over him in the flesh, had he not accepted all that befell his body (without sin( which is consubstantial with our body, and had he not accepted sufferings or mortified death in his flesh, the sting of death, which is sin, would have never been broken, nor would the power of death ever have been abolished. How then can we not boast of this victory, having thus been freed from captivity?”

You see how important for our salvation was the temptation of Christ?

5. To avenge Adam’s defeat

“The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me; because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound; To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn.” (Isa 61:1-2( This was the day of vengeance of our God. The day of the temptation is the day of vengeance“ And he saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor: therefore his arm brought salvation unto him; and his righteousness, it sustained him. For he put on righteousness as a breastplate, and a helmet of salvation upon his head; and he put on the garments of vengeance for clothing, and was clad with zeal as a cloke.” (Isa 59:16-17( Satan was like Goliath, He boasted that no man dared come near him, in Isa 10:14 he boasts: I will shake the inhabited cities: and I will take with my hand all the world as a nest: and I will even take them as eggs that have been left, and there is none that shall escape me, or contradict me. But, like David took on Goliath and humiliated him, our Lord took on Satan and prevailed and as David’s victory was a victory for all of Israel, our Lord’s victory became a victory for humankind. St. Cyril tells us: Having left the habitations of cities, He dwelt in deserts: there He fasted, being tempted of Satan; there He gained victory in our behalf: there He crushed the heads of the dragon. The Book of Revelations tells us that Satan is like a dragon with 7 heads, Our Lord crushed all his heads. Again St. Cyril tells us: He arose therefore and helped, having taken the form of a slave, and being made in the likeness of men: for so did He as one of us set Himself as an avenger in our stead, against that murderous and rebellious serpent, who had brought sin upon us, and thereby had caused corruption and death to reign over the dwellers upon earth, that we by His means, and in Him, might gain the victory, whereas of old we were vanquished, and fallen in Adam.

Let us conclude this sermon with this hymn of victory that St. Cyril the Great teaches us:

Come therefore and let us praise the Lord, and sing psalms unto God our Saviour: let us trample Satan under foot; let us raise the shout of victory over him now he is thrown and fallen: let us exult over the crafty reptile, caught in an inextricable snare: let us too say of him in the words of the prophet Jeremiah, “How is the hammer of all the earth broken and beaten small! Thou art found and hast been taken, because thou stoodest against the Lord.” (Jer 50: 23-24( For of old, that is before the time of the advent of Christ the Saviour of all, the universal enemy had somewhat grand and terrible notions about himself: for he boastfully exulted over the infirmity of the inhabitants of the earth, saying, “I will hold the world in my hand as a nest, and as eggs that are left I will take it up: and no one shall escape from me or speak against me.” (Isa 10:14( And in very truth there was no one of those upon earth who could rise up against his power; but the Son rose up against him, and contended with him, having been made like unto us. And therefore, as I said, human nature, as victorious in Him, wins the crown. And this in old time the Son Himself proclaimed, where by one of the holy prophets He thus addresses Satan; “Behold, I am against thee, O corrupting mountain, that corruptest the whole earth.” (St. Cyril commentary on the Gospel of St. Luke(

St Mary’s Church representative to make a reservation is Mrs Mona Amin, mobile 0423 473 630

Financial Summary for St. Mary’s Church New Project as on 27th February 2024 ابنلأا ةفابن ةرايز جمانرب اينملا قشر فقسأ ماف 31 - 15 نروبلمل 2024 سرام ىف هتفاين ىلصي ءارذعلا ةسينك 31 دحلأا موي ميرم سرام ةعاسلا سادقلا أدبي احابص 8:30



Construction of New Buildings started Thursday 28th April

The new Building is expected to be ready March 2024. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downloaded from church website. Cost of building works is around $13,000,000. Your support and donations will be

2022 ليربأ 28 سيمخلا موي تادب تاءاشنلإا لامعأ بسح داتعملا بسح متت ةسينكلا تامدخ .2024 سرام عورشملا نم ءاهتنلاا عقوتملا نم .ةرشنلا لخاد حضوملا لودجلا .ارلاود نويلم ١3 3 ىلاوح عورشملا ةفلكت غلبت بحسلا ةرامتسأ ءلمب ىرهش عربتب ةكراشملا كنكني زكرم للاخ نم اهعبط وأ ةسينكلاب ةدوجوملا يكنبلا ينورتكللإا ةسينكلا لمعلا اذه ىف مكتمهاسمو مكتاعربت كرابي برلا Donations to St Mary’s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link طبارلا ىلع طغضأ ينابملا عورشمو ميرم ءارذعلا ةسينكل تاعربتلل https://www.stmc.org.au/donate (Copy & Paste on Web Browser(
very appreciated.
Site 13th March 2024
at the new church

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