Weekly Bulletin 26th March 2023

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Services at St Mary’s Church

Monday: Mass 9 - 11 am


Liturgy 5:30 - 7am

7:30pm The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages

Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am

6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults Arabic ; 7-8:15pm English (Zoom)

Hymns Class Arabic 8-9pm (Zoom)

Thursday Mass 9 - 11 am - English

English Midnight Praises 7:30pm

English Bible Study 7:30pm

Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am

Youth 25 and above 7-9pm

Family Meeting 7-9pm (fortnightly)

Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm

Year 10-12 Sunday School 6-9pm

Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am

Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm

Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm Eng-


Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:30-7pm Scouts 1:30 - 3pm

School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm

Sunday: 1st Mass6 - .7:45am Arabic & English

2nd Mass.7:45 – .9:30am English

3rd Mass 9:30 - 11:15am Arabic

Hymns Class - English 11:45 - 12:30pm

Church Priests:

Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251

Email: frtadros@me.com

Fr Habib Girgis Younan:

0401238177 – 94498871

Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com

Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821

Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au

Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kensington

Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651

Fr Kerillos Tawadros 0411 518 399

Fr John Macary 0433 445 636

:ءارذعلا ةسينكب ةمدخلا ديعاوم :نينثلأا احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا )يزيلجنا( احابص 7 - 5:30 :يهللإا سادقلا :ءاثلاثلا ىاو اذ - يزيلجنلإاب رابكلل عامتجأ ءاسم 7:30 احابص ١١ – ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا :ءاعبرلأا يبرع - رابكلل ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8 - 6:30 يزيلجنا - ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8:١5 - 7 يبرع - ناحلأ لوصف ءاسم٩ - 8 :سيمخلا يزيلجنا - احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - ليللا فصن ةحبست ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - سدقملا باتكلا سرد احابص ١١ – ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا :ةعمجلا رثكأف ةنس 25 بابشلا ءاسم ٩ – 7 )نيعوبسأ لك( ةرسلأا عامتجأ ءاسم٩-7 يزيلجنا - ةمدخلا دادعإ عامتجأ ءاسم 8:30 - 7 ١2 - ١0 تاونسل دحلأا سردم لصف ءاسم ٩ - 6 احابص ١١ – 8,30 يهللإا سادقلا:تبسلا ءاسم 3 - ١:30 ةفاشكلا عامتجا ءاسم 4 - 3 ةسمامشلا ةسردم 5,30 – 4 دحلأا سرادم يزيلجنا ءاسم 8:30 –7 بابشلا عامتجاو ةيشعلا ىبرع ءاسم 7 - 5:30 باتك سردو ةيشعلا :دحلأا يزيلجناو يبرع ص,7:45 – 6 لولأا سادقلا يزيلجنإ – ص ٩:30 – ,7:45 يناثلا سادقلا يبرع ص ١١:١5 – ٩:30 ثلاثلا سادقلا ءاسم ١2:30 - ١١:45 يزيلجنا - ناحلأ لصف :ةسينكلاب ةنهكلا ءابلأا ميبوراش سردات صمقلا بلأا 0414251251 Email: frtadros@me.com :نانوي سجرج بيبح سقلا بلأا 94498871Email: - 0401238177 habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com 0422431821 :بيلص لكيام سقلا بلأا Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Epsom Rd, 3031:ةسينكلا ناونع 93766651 :نوفيلت 5 Kensington Vic سورضوات سلريك سقلا بلأا 0411518399 يراكم نوج سقلا بلأا 0433445636 Liturgies during the Holy Lent 19th Feb - 7th April 2023 Additional Liturgies Tuesday & Thursday 5 - 7pm ريبكلا موصلا للاخ ةيفاضأ تاسادق 2023 ليربأ 7 - رياربف ١٩ سيمخلاو ءاثلاثلا ءاسم 75

The Martyrdom of St. Sedhom Bishay in Domiat. 26th March - 17th Baramhat

On this day also the church commemorates the martyrdom of Sedhom Bishay in Domiat on the 17th. of Baramhat year 1565 A.D. (March 25th., 1844 A.D.). He endured the torture for the Name of the Lord Christ and his martyrdom made the rising of the Cross during the Christian funeral processions openly, for it was forbidden before.

This martyr was a clerical employee in the government of the port of Domiat during the days of Mohammed Ali Basha the Governor of Egypt. A revolt of mobs in the port arose, they seized Sidhom Bishay and accused him falsely that he cursed Islam and witnessed against him before the religious judge a low uncivilized person and a donkey driver. The judge decided either he would forsake his faith or be killed, he whipped him and then sent him to the Governor of the city. After the Governor had examined his case he issued the same judgement against him as the judge did. Sidhom was steadfast in his Christian faith, not caring to be killed. They whipped, dragged him on his face down the stairs in the Governor palace, then they put him on a buffalo facing the tail and went around with him in the streets of the city insulting and degrading him. The Christians in the city became afraid and locked themselves in their houses. The mob continued to insult him and tortured him in different ways until he was about to deliver his soul; so they brought him to the door of his house and left him there. His family went out and brought him inside and five days later he departed to heaven. His departure was a great martyrdom, and the Christians counted him among the holy martyrs. They gathered regardless of their denomination and joined in his funeral in a celebration that there was nothing like it before. The Christians carried their arms and the priest put on their vestments headed by the Archpriest Yousef Michael who was the head of the Coptic congregation in Domiat and accompanied by the priests of the other denominations. They marched in his funeral in the streets of the city and in front of him the deacons carrying the banners of the Cross, and they arrived to the church where they prayed the funeral rites. The people went on objecting this reprehensible and painful incident and talking about the patience and endurance of the different kinds of torture in silence and the steadfastness of Sidhom the martyr. The prominent people of the Christian community in Domiat deliberated as how to avoid these incidents in the future. They decided to ask the consuls of the foreign countries to mediate with the ruler of the country and the Pope the Patriarch of the Copts and sent to them detailed reports. Mr Michail Sorour the official representative of seven countries in Domiat was in charge of this

طايمدب ىاشب مهديس داهشتسا تاهمرب ١٧ - سرام ٢٦ راكذتب ةسينكلا لفتحت مويلا اذه لثم فى ١٧ موي فى طايمدب ىاشب مهديس داهشتسا ٢5 ( ش ١5٦5ةنس تاهمرب هلماتحلا ) م ١844 ةنس سرام ديسلا مسا لىع بيذعتلا ناكو . تولما ىتح حيسلما بيلصلا عفر فى اببس هداهشتسا . ينيحيسلما تازانج فى انلع افظوم ديهشلا اذه ناك دقف فى طايمد رغثب ناويدلاب ابتاك صرم لىاو اشاب لىع دمحم مايأ رغثلاب عاعرلا نم ةروث تماقو مهديس بتاكلا لىع اوضبقو ، بس هنأ اروز هومهتاو ىاشب هيلع دهشو يملاسلإا نيدلا مكحف . رماحو يربرب يعشرلا ضىاقلا مايأ هلسرأو هدلج مث . لتقلا وأ هنيد كترب هيلع هتيضق صحف نأ دعبو .رغثلا ظفاحم لىا كسمتف . ضياقلا هب مكح ام لثبم هيلع مكح لتقلاب ناهتساو ، يحيسلما هنيدب مهديس ملس قوف نم ههجو لىع هورجو هودلجف ، ركسعلا هب فاط مث ، هلفسأ لىا ظفاحلما صرق عراوش فى بولقلماب ةسوماج هوبكرأ نأ تعب امأ مهلزانم اولفقو ىراصنلا فاخف ، ةنيدلما تلااب هنوبذعيو هب نو أزهي اوعشرف عاعرلا هب اوتأف . حورلا ملسي داك نأ لىا ةفلتخم جرخف اوضمو هباب لىع هوكزتو هلزنم لىا لىا لقتنا مايأ ةسمخ دعبو . هوذخأو هلهأ راصو ، مايظع اداهشتسا هتوم ناكو . ءماسلا ينسيدقلا ءادهشلا نم هنوبرتعي ىراصنلا اولفتحاو ، مهبهاذم فلاتخا لىع اوعمتجاو ثيح ، ليثم هل قبسي لم لاافتحا هتزانجب ىراصنلا دلقتف . ارهج هنماثج عييشتب لفتحا صمقلا مهسأر لىعو - ةنهكلا سبلو ةحلسلأا طايمدب طابقلأا ةعيشر سيئر ليئاخيم فسوي فئاوطلا ةنهك هعم كترشاو مهسبلامهمامأو ةنيدلما عراوش فى هب اوراسو . ىرخلأا اوتأ مث بيلصلا ملاعأ نولمحي ةسمماشلا راصو . ةزانجلا ضورف اوتمأو ةسينكلا لىا هب ميللأا ثداحلا اذه ةعاظف نوركنتسي سانلا هلمحتو ، مهديس ديهشلا برصب نوثدحتيو ، رابك لوادت مث . نوكسو دلجب باذعلا ناولأ هذه فىلاتل طايمد رغثب يحيسلما بعشلا لصانق اوطسوي نأ اوررقف . لابقتسم ثداوحلا دلابلا لىاو لىع رملآا ضرعل كلذ فى لودلا ماهيلإ اوعفرو ، طابقلأا كريرطب ابابلاو ،.،


The ruler of Egypt was concerned about this incident and sent two official representatives to examine the case. So they reopened the inquiry and they realized the injustice and the ill-treatment that befell the great martyr and convicted the judge and the governor for their wrong doing, stripped them from their honor then exiled them. They asked, as a good will and to comfort the people, to allow the raising of the Cross publicly before the Christian funerals, and the ruler allowed that in Domiat. This was allowed later on all over the country during the Papacy of Pope Kyrellos IV.

The blessings of this great martyr be with us and glory be to God forever. Amen.

The Martyrdom of St. Aristobulus, the apostle.

28th March - 19th Baramhat

On this day St. Aristobulus, one of the seventy apostles that was chosen and sent to preach by the Lord before His passion, was martyred. He received along with the disciples the gifts of the Spirit the comforter, accompanied, ministered to them and preached with them the Life-giving Gospel. He turned many to the path of salvation, believed in the Lord Christ, baptized them and taught them the Divine commandments.

The disciples ordained him bishop for the city of Abratabias, and he went there, preached it’s people, performed many miracles, taught and baptized them. Many tribulations and humiliation befell him from the Jews and the Greeks, who threw him out many times, and cast him with stones. Having finished his strife, he departed in peace. St. Paul had mentioned him in his Epistle to the Romans (Ch.16:10). May his prayers be with us. Amen.

The Departure of St. Kyrellos )Cyril), Bishop of Jerusalem.

On this day of the year 386 A.D. the holy father Anba Kyrellos (Cyril), Bishop of Jerusalem, departed. This father was chosen in the year 348 A.D. as a successor for Anba Maximus, Bishop of Jerusalem, for his knowledge and righteousness. He did not stay long on his Chair, until a contention arose between him and Acacius Bishop of Caesarea about who had the right to be in primacy over the other. Kyrellos argument in that he was the successor of St. James, one of the Twelve Disciples.

Anba Kyrellos had sold some of the church vessels and distributed the money on the needy because of a famine that befell the land of Palestine. Acacius took this chance and made an effort to obtain an order to exile him from the country. Anba Kyrellos was exiled without any one listening to his case. In the year 359 A.D., he appealed his case before the council of Seleucia. The council called Acacius to hear from him his argument, but he did not attend, so they judged

هجاوخلا عوضولما اذه لىوتو . ةلصفلما ريراقتلا رغثب لود عبسل يمسرلا دمتعلما روسر ليئاخيم ينبودنم لسرأو ، رملآاب صرم لىاو متهاف طايمد ينبتو قيقحتلا اوداعأف . ةيضقلا صحفل ينيمسر . ميظعلا ديهشلاب لح يذلا روجلاو ملظلا هنم ماهنع اوعزنف . ظفاحلماو ضىاقلا ةنادإ حضتاو - اوبلطو . ديرجتلا دعب ماهوفنو فشرلا تاملاع بيلصلا عفرب حماسلا - رطاوخلا ةئدهتو ةيضترلل فى كلذب مهل نذأف ينيحيسلما تازانج مامأ اراهج فى رطقلا ندم رئاس فى ممعت نأ لىا ، طايمد رغث ديهشلا اذه نايمإ ةكرب . عبارلا سليرك ابابلا دهع ينمآ . ائماد دجلما انبرلو .انعم نوكت ميظعلا لوسر ينعبسلا دحأ سلوبوطسرا ةحاين تاهمرب ١٩ - سرام ٢8 8 سلوب وطسرا سيدقلا حينت مويلا اذه لثم في برلا مهبختنا نيذلا لاوسر ينعبسلا دحأ ذيملاتلا عم لان دقو . هملاآ لبق ةزاركلل مهلسرأو ىدانو مهمدخو مهبحصو ،ىزعلما حورلا بهاوم قيرط لىا نييرثك درو ، ةييحلما ةراشبلاب مهعم مهدمعف . حيسلما ديسلاب اونمآف . صلاخلا افقسأ ذيملاتلا هماقأو . ةيهللإا اياصولا مهملعو ، اهلهأ شربو ، اهيلإ ضىمف سايناطيربا لىع دقو . ةيرثك تايآ عنصو ، مهدمعو مهظعوو ينينانويلاو دوهيلا نم ةديدش تاناهإ هب تقحل . ةراجحلاب هومجرو ةديدع ارارم هودرطو ، سلوب هركذ دقو . ملاسب حينت هيعس لمكأ المو . ) ١ . : ١٦ ص ( ،ةيمور لىا هتلاسر فى لوسرلا . ينمآ . انعم نوكت هتلاص ميلشروأ فقسأ سليرك ابنأ ةحاين حينت ةيدلايم 38٦ ةنس نم مويلا اذه لثم فى . ميلشروأ فقسأ سليرك ابنلأا سيدقلا بلأا افلخ م 348 ةنس فى يرتخا دق بلأا اذه ناكو هملعن ارظن ، ميلشروأ فقسأ سوميسكم ابنلأل تلصح ىتح لايوط هيسرك لىع ثبلي لمو هاوقتو ةيصريق فقسأ سويكاكأ ينبو هنيب تاعزانم تناكو ،رخلآا لىع مدقتلا قح هل ماهنم نم وحن بوقعي سيدقلا ةفيلخ هنأ كلذ فى سليرك ةجح زهتنا نأ ثدحو . لاوسر شرع ىنثلاا دحأ ةسينكلا نياولآ سليرك ابنلأا عيب ةصرف سويكاكأ ةعاجم رثأ لىع ءنيزوعلما لىع اهنثم عيزوتو لصح ىتح يعاسلما ينطسلف فى تلصح ةديدش عمتسي لمو ىفنف . دلابلا نم هيفنب رمأ لىع هاوعد فنأتسا م 35٩ ةتس فىو . هاوعدل دحأ سويكاكأ عمجلما اعدف ، ةيكولس عمجم مامأ هيلع مكحف ضرحي ملف هتجح هنم عمسيف ، ، داعف هيسرك لىا سليرك ةداعإ بلطو ، لزعلاب ىرغأف داع سويكاكأ نلأ لايوط ثكيم لم هنكلو . ةينيطنطسقلا فى عمجم دقعب سنطسق كللما

by removing him from his office, and the return of Kyrellos to his Chair (Parish). He did not stay long for Acacius went and enticed emperor Constans to assemble a council at Constantinople and the Arian bishops agreed with him. This council convened in the year 360 A.D. and ordered to exile this saint once more. When Constans died, and was succeeded by Julian who ordered the return of all the exiled bishops to their chairs. This saint returned to his chair in the year 362 A.D. and shepherded his people faithfully and honestly, but he resisted the Arians. They went to emperor Valens the Arian who invalidated the order of his predecessor Julian stating the return of the exiled bishops to their chairs. This way St. Kyrellos was exiled for the third time, where he remained until the death of Valens in the year 379 A.D. When Theodosius the great reigned and assembled the one hundred fifty in a council against Macedonius (The second universal council), this father attended, and opposed Macedonius, Sabilius and other heretics. This Saint composed many Homilies and Exhortations, exceedingly profitable, in the Doctrines of faith and old traditions then departed in peace. May his prayers be with us. Amen.

The Departure of the Great Prophet Daniel. 1st April - 23rd Baramhat

On this day of the last year of king Cyrus King of Babylon, the great righteous prophet Daniel Departed. This prophet was from the tribe of Judah, and from the posterity of king David. He was taken captive along with the Israelites by Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon when he captured Jerusalem in the year 3398 of the world. He stayed in babylon for seventy years. This prophet was very young in age, however, he conducted himself in virtuous life, the Holy Spirit filled him and he prophesied in Babylon.

In the fourth year of the exile, Nebuchadnezzar the king saw a dreadful dream and was extremely frightened. When he woke up, he forgot the detail of his dream. He gathered all the wise men of Babylon to tell the king his dream and its meaning. If they failed to tell the king the dream and its interpretation they would all be killed, among those also were Daniel and the three young men. Daniel and the young men prayed to God with supplications to reveal to them the King’s dream. God answered their prayers and revealed to Daniel the dream and its interpretation. Daniel went to the king and told him his dream and its interpretation. He also told him about the kings that they are about to rule after him, and what would happen to every one of them.

Nebuchadnezzar was pleased with Daniel, and fell on his face before him. The king presented Daniel with great gifts and appointed him over the wise men of Babylon. After some time had passed, Nebuchadnezzar saw another dream, and Daniel interpreted the dream for him. Daniel told the king that because of his arrogance, God would drive him from among men, to dwell among

عمجلما. اذه دقعف نويسويرلاا ةفقاسلأا هعياشو سيدقلا اذه لزعب هرمأ ردصأو ،م 3٦0 ةنس فى سونايلوي هفلخو سنطسق تام المو ةيناث ةرم داعف . مهيسارك لىا ينيفنلما ةفقاسلأا ةدوعب رمأ ذخأو م 3٦٢ ةنس فى هيسرك لىا سيدقلا اذه مواقي ناك هنكلو ، ةماقتساو ةنامأب هبعش ىعري سىويرلاا زنلاف كللما لىا اوعسف ينيسويرلاا ةدوعب ضياقلا ، هفلس سونايلوي رمأ لطبأ ىتح لزع اذكهو . مهيسارك لىا ينيفنلما ةفقاسلأا نأ لىا ايفنم ىقبف . ةثلاثلا ةرملل سيدقلا اذه سويسودؤات كلتم المو م 3٧٩ ةنس فى زنلاف تام لىع ينسمخلاو ةئلما عمجم عمجو يربكلا )نياثلا نيوكسلما عمجلما وهو ( سوينودكم سوينودكم مواقو ، بلأا اذه هيف ضرح فلأ دقو .- ينعدتبلما نم ماهيرغو ، سويلباسو دئاقع فى ةديفم ةيرثك تاظعو ابتك سيدقلا . ملاسب حينت مث ةيمدقلا تاديلقتلاو نايملإا .. ينمآ . انعم نوكت هتلاص ىبنلا لايناد ةحاين تاهمرب ٢3 - ليربأ ١ رافسأ نم عبارلا رفسلا بحاص وه لايناد يبنلا ،لايقزحو ءايمرإو ءايعشإ رفس دعب رابكلا ءايبنلأا ةيسكذوثرلأا ةينيعبسلا ةمجترلا هبترت ام بسحب اذه ةثلاثلا ةيتفلاو يبنلا لايناد نا .قيتعلا دهعلا رافسلأ صرنتخب ىبس المو كيوللما اذوهي طبس نم اوناك م.ق 5٩٩ ةنس لباب لىإ مهلاجو دوهيلا )صرنذخوبن( اينخي ىعدي يذلا كللما ينخاوي وأ ميكاوي دهع لىع كانهو ثادحأ مهو ينيبسلما ةلمج نم اوناك ،اضيأ صرنتخب ةمدخل ينبختنلما ىسرلأا كلس في اومظن اينانحو صراشطلب مهنم لايند يعد دقو كللما في اوبترف وغاندبع ايرزعو خاسيم ليئاصيمو خاردس اهيف اوقافف ينينادلكلا ةمكح اوملعتو كيوللما طلابلا ءماكح عيمج يننس ثلاثب اهملعتب مهعوشر دعب .ينينادلكلا دوصقلما احضوم سرف نسلا يتف وهو لايناد نأ مث ابكرم ملحلا في صرنتخب هآر يذلا يسرلا لاثمتلا كلذب دي نودب لبج نم رجح عطقف ةفلتخم نداعم نم رابغلاك ادغ ىتح هقحسو لاثمتلا كلذ سركو ةيشرب ةسادق ومس لبجلاب دارلما نأ ايلج هيرسفتب نابأو دارلماو اهتللظ يتلا سدقلا حورلا ةوقو ءارذعلا يذلا عرز لاب اهنم دولولما حيسلما عوسي رجحلاب يوماسلا هكلم هب يننمؤملل ميقيس نياثلا ةئيجم في ينفيو هلإك قحسي نأ دعب لوزي لا يذلا يدبلأا :3١ لايناد( لاثمتلا اهيلإ زومرلا لماعلا كلمام عيمج ندرلأا في حيسلما روهظ نامز لىإ راشأو قبس مث ،)٢ ةيصلاخلا ةملأا نامز لىإو ةيليجنلإا ةزاركلاب هئادتباو طبضلا لىع كلذ اررحم ةيسومانلا ةدابعلا ءاغلإو وه ماك يننسلا نم اموي ينعبسلا ددعب قيقدتلاو

the beasts of the wild and would eat grass like oxen for seven years, and then God would bring him back to his kingdom, and all that happened to Nebuchadnezzar. Daniel also explained to Belshazzar, the son of Nebuchadnezzar, what the angel of the Lord had written on the wall, when king Belshazzar drank wine in the gold and silver vessels of the temple of the Lord. Daniel told the king: “ O king, the Most High gave Nebuchadnezzar your father, a kingdom and majesty, glory and honor... But when his heart was lifted up in pride, he was deposed from his kingdom and thrown from his throne into among the animals. And you, Belshazzar, although you knew all what happened to your father, yet you also lifted your heart against the Lord of heaven. They brought the vessels of the house of the Lord before you, and you , your lords, wives and concubines (mistresses) drank wine from these vessels... Then the fingers of a Hand were send from the Lord, and His writing was written: “Mene, Mene, Tekel, and Upharsin..which meant: Mene means: God has numbered your days as a king and terminated you rule. Tekel means: You have been weighed in the balances of the Lord and was found wanting. Upharsin means: your kingdom has been divided and given to the Medes and Persians after you. All of them came to pass and the king was killed with all his lords and the kingdom of the Chaldeans ended. Darius, king of Persia, ruled after him. There was an idol in Babylon named “Bael” which king Darius worshiped. When Daniel was asked why he did not worship it, Daniel answered: “I do not worship something that has no life in it.” The king said to him: “He is alive for he eats and drinks every day.” Daniel told him that could not be true. The king was angry and wanted to check the matter for himself. He put the food and the drinks in the temple of the idol and closed the door and sealed it. On the next day, he went to the temple, opened the door and did not find the food nor the drinks. But Daniel with the help of some of his companions, covered the floor of the temple with fine ashes, found the feet tracks of those who entered the temple by night and stole the food and drinks.

The king arrested the seventy priests of the idol Bael, together with their wives and children and tortured them until they told him about the secret entrance to the temple. The king then ordered them all to be killed and allowed Daniel to destroy the idol and its altar. The people rebelled against the king and asked him to deliver Daniel to their hands. The king surrendered to their demands and Daniel was cast into the den of lions. However God kept Daniel safe and destroyed his enemies.

Daniel saw in a vision the kingdoms and the kings to come after him to rule the world to the end of time. He also saw the glory of God and the Divinity of Christ the Savior. He prophesied about His coming and His death, the destruction of Jerusalem, and the abolition of the sacrifice and the offerings, and all has been fulfilled. This great prophet remained in Babylon for seventy years, then departed in peace.

May his prayers be with us, and glory be to God for ever.

هئيجم ةروص روصو )٩ :١4 لايناد( مولعم ًلامعتسم اديج اريوصت ةبيهرلا ةيلجلا نياثلا اهب احضوم ةضران ناولأك لاوقلأا ومس يدبلأا ضياقلاو عوضولما يبيهللا شرعلا همامأ يراجلا رانلا رهنو هيلع سلاجلا دوجولاب ذخأت لا يتلا ةمكحلما ءاضقو فولأو ةحوتفلما دحأ لك لماعأ فحاصمو همامأ ينفقاولا تاوبر تاوبرو همادح فولأ اوناك نيذلا ةكئلالما هبقل دقو )٧ :٩ لايناد( بغر ذإ هنلأ »بئاغرلا لجرب« هل نورهظي هسنج ءانبأ لصحي له ملعي نأ في ادج ىردزا .ةعمزلما مهلاح يه امو ةيرحلا لىع نم ءشيل ثتركم يرغ ةيدسج ةوهش لكب وه يذلا هسفن زبخلا ىتح دسجلا مزاول لىاعت هللا لىإ عضرتب راصو ناسنلإ ةوق ضرأ اعكار ائماص عاطقنا لاب موي لك تارم ثلاث شىو ذإ دوسلأا بج في حرط كلذ ببسبو يذلا هرمأ فلاخ هنأ كلملل هؤادعأ هب بلطي لاو هللإل دحأ دجسي لا نأب هردصأ هدحو كللما نم لاإ ناسنإ نم لاو هنم ائيش هل اوربد دق مه اوناكو اموي ينثلاث ةدم لىإ دوسلأا هاوفأ دس هنأ لاإ ادمع ةليحلا هذه احضوم فارخ يعارك اهنيب ماقو هللا ةوقب .اهرادتقاو ةدابعلا نسح ةوق ةرفكلل كلذب ينضار يرغ اوبأ ذإف ةثلاثلا ةيتفلا امأو نوتأ في اوحرط صرنتخب لاثمتلل دوجسلاب لك تيقب لب بطع اهنم مهقحلي ملف رانلا اكلام نلأ ةلماس مهروعش ىتح مهداسجأ نوشمتي اوراصف نوتلأا مهل ىدنو ردحنا هللا ينحبسم ىدن لىع مهلك رانلا طسو في ةحبستلا هنمضتت يذلا يرهشلا حيبستلاب لىتت( ةيجولوخيتسلاا نم ةنماثلاو ةعباسلا نوتلأا نم ىذأ مهبصي لم .)رحسلا ةلاص في ناكو رانلا ةحئار رثأ مهسبلام لىع نكي لمو يتلا ءارذعلا نم حيسلما ةدلاو لىإ ازمر كلذ ران تلبتقا ءارذعلا نإف داسف اهرماخي لم ءارذع لزت لمو اهؤاشحأ بهتلت لمو توهلالا .اضيأ ةدلاولا لبق تناك ماك امايأ ينئولمم اوفوت ينسيدقلا ةثلاثلا ةيتفلا لىإ شاع يذلا يبنلا لايناد مهنع فلختو سمتلاف سرفلا كلم )شروق( سيرك دهع ةداعاو ميلشروأ لىإ هسنج ءانبأ ةدوع هنم فيوت مث هتيغب لىع لصحف لكيهلا ءانب هتئوبن رفسو ةنس 88 رمعلا نم هلو ملاسب في يرخلأاو عبارلا وهو احاحصا ١٢ لىإ مسقي .ةعبرلأا رباكلأا ءايبنلأا رافسأ ددع

+ True Beauty:

What is the true beauty?? The Holy Bible tells us about Sara that she was very beautiful, so much that Abraham feared on his safety that in any strange place people may kill him if they know that he is her husband, and asked her to say that he is her brother. In Egypt, the chiefs of Pharaoh’s palace were astonished at her beauty. So also, Rebecca Isaac’s wife. Abimelech the king of Palestinian was attracted to her beauty. What is the secret of the beauty of St Youstina that King Tridata almost lost his mind when he saw her. What is the secret of this charm and beauty of so many of those chaste pure saints that kings and commanders were attracted to their beauty. It is a beauty which they have never seen before. un-doubtfully their countries were full with girls more beautiful in the body standard but not that beauty. It starts from inside. It is reflection of a peaceful pure heart. It expressed the life of purity and chastity they live. They are adorned with the life of righteousness. Even age or time or sickness never affect their beauty it even gets better. One day police arrested a lady for indecent crimes. She was a model of ugliness and surprisingly they found that she was one day a Miss World queen. Her beauty was just a skin from outside, one day it dried out and revealed what is underneath, just rottenness and foul smell. Look for the real beauty which never fade or change by time or circumstances. It comes from the heart and it shows the real peace that is inside you. Remember always that real beauty starts from inside not outside.

:ىقيقحلا لامجلا + سدقملا باتكلا دهشي.. يفيفحلا لامجلا وهام .. ادج رظنملا ةنسح تناك اهنأ ةراس نع نم هسفن ىلع ميهاربأ فاخي ناك ةجردل افورعم هعم عنصت نأ اهنم بلطف اهلامج هنع لوقتف ةبيرغ ضرأ ىف نوكي امدنع هولتقي اهجوز هنأ اوفرع اذا لائل اهوخأ هنأ ةراس لامج رس وه ام .. اهلامج ببسب رصم ىف نوعرف ءاسؤر هل بذجنأ يذلا امف ةقفرو قحسأ عم رركت ءيشلا سفنو كلاميبأ هل بذجنأ يتلا ةقفر لامج رس وه ىف نكي مل لامج وه له .. نيينيطسلفلا كلم هيهاضي ام اهلك نيينيطسلفلا ضرأ وأ رصم ةنيتسوي ةديهشلا ةسيدقلا لامج رس وه ام .. نأ داك ىتح كلملا هتاديرت هل بذجنأ يذلا نم ريثكلا لامج رس وهام .. هلقع هدقفي نهلامج مامأ لهذنأ يتلا تافيفعلا تاسيدقلا لاامج نكي مل كش لاب .. ءامظعو داوقو كولم ءلاؤه نم ةدحاو نكت ملف اينادسج ايملاع يملاعلا نيزتلا لئاسو نع ئيش ىأ فرعت ىلع سكعنأ ايلخاد لاامج نهلامج ناك دقل .. ملاسلاب عشت حملامو فاص لامجب نهوجو ههوشت مل لامج هنأ .. ةواقنلاو ءودهلاو تايدام هدسفت ملو ملاعلا تاوهشو ةيطخلا لب .. دسفي لاو مودي لامج هنأ .. هقلقو ملاعلا اقمع لامجلا اذه دادزي نسلا مدقت عم ىتح ملاسو ربلاو ىوقتلا ةايح سكعي ذا اريثأتو .. ءىداهلا عيدولا بلقلا ةنيز .. قيمعلا بلقلا ةمهتم ةأرمأ ىلع سيلوبلا لاجر ضبق ةرم تاردخملل ةنمدمو ةبعص ةيقلاخأ مئارجب هنم ززقتيو ةحابقلا ىف لاثم اهرظنم ناكو اوفشتكا امدنع سيلوبلا لاجر لهذو ناسنلإأ مايلأا نم موي ىف ملاعلا لامج ةكلم تناك اهنأ تطقس جراخلا نم ةرشق درجم لامجلا ناك.. لامجلا .. ةنوفع نم اهتحت ام لك تفشكو .. لخادلا نم أدبي يفيفحلا

Fifth Sunday of the Holy Lent

Healing the Paralysed

John 5: 1 – 18

Today Sunday 26th March is the fifth Sunday of the Holy Lent. We read today about the the sick man of Bethsaida. He was lying there under a banner of “I have no man”, indicating his helplessness and despair. It is a hard feeling to feel lost, helpless and giving in for a state of sickness or a specific sin or a problem. The Lord is here today calling everyone in such state “you are not alone. you are not neglected and forgotten” The Lord still remembers you stretching His hands to help you. It is a message for all those who are lying there on the shores of Bethsaida watching the Angel of healing with no hope or following the rituals of offerings and sacrifices unable to share or benefit. O you paralysed, lonely handicapped, here is the Lord by your side calling you in the fullness of His Love do you really want to be healed. Do you really want to get well or you just given up or may be enjoying your laziness? It is time to respond and say yes lord I do want to be healed please support my weakness and forgive of slackness. No more excuses for not repent and forsake your bad habits. Be assured He is calling you.

+ About this miracle: This miracle happened at the Sheep Gate at Jerusalem. It has been rebuilt by Nehemiah (Neh 3:1). Sheep used to pass through this Gate on the way to be offered on the Altar. In the Pool

سدقملا ريبكلا موصلا نم سماخلا دحلاا علخملا ءافش ١8 - ١ :5 وي داحأ سماخ وه سرام 26 دحلأا مويلا ةصاخلا لوصفلا هيف أرقنو سدقملا موصلا ضيرملا اذه .. ادسح تيب ضيرم ءافشب راعش تحت هضرم ىف شيعي ناك يذلا زجعلا نع ربعي راعش .. ناسنأ ىل سيل روعش بعصأ .. ملاستسلااو روعشلا وه ادج ناسنلإا بعتي ملاستسلاا ىلا ىدؤي زجعلاب ةلكشمل وأ ةيطخل وأ ضرم ةلاحل لكل نلعي مويلا عوسي برلا .. تنأ .. كدحو تسل تنأ زجاع تنك امك لامهم اكورتم تسل نأ دعتسم كانه برلا .. نظت اهنأ .. كزجع نم كميقيو كنيعي نودقري نيذلا ءلاؤه لكل ةلاسر .. ادسح تيب ةكرب ئطاوش ىلع ءافشلا نم ةديعب ةحمل نودهاشي اهنولاني لا مهزجع ىف نكلو موي لك مدقت حئابذ نودهاشي .. ىلع نوماني يتلا ةكربلا تاذ ىف لسغتو اهنم نوديفتسي لا مهزجع ىف نكلو اهئطاش برلا اذوه علخملا ديحولا زجاعلا اهيأ .. نانحو بح يف كلأسي كراوج ىلا فقي كنأ مأ أربت نأ ديرت اقحأ .. أربت نأ ديرتأ تحبصأ امبرو زجعلا ةلاحل كملستسأ دق ةعاس اهنأ .. اهريغت نأ ديرت لاو اهب عتمتت .. براي ديرأ معن لوقتو مويلا موقت ىكل .. ىلسكو ينواهت نع زواجتو يفعض نعأ كتاداع ىف رارمتسلاا ىف مويلا كل رذع لا ةبوتلا مدع ىف كل رذع لا .. ةقئلالا ريغ كيداني هنأ .. قث مق .. لوانتلاو فارتعلااو .. أربتأ ديرتأ .. كوعدي هنأ .. ....ةزجعملا هذه ثادحأ لوح + نأضلا باب دنع ةزجعملا هذه ثادحأ رودت تيب اهل لاقي ةكرب كانه تناك ميلشروأب ناميلس ناك ....ةمحرلا تيب ىأ ادسح ثيح – لكيهلا لجأ نم اهديش دق ميكحلا ...حئابذلل »نأضلا« نلامحلاب ىتؤي ناك دعتو ةكربلا هذه ىف حئابذلا لسغت تناكف هبعش ىلع الله ننحتيل ...ةحيبذلا ميدقتل

of Bethesda sacrifices used to be washed to prepared for offerings. This was a symbol of Christ the real lamb who died for us on the Cross. He carried our sins. “By His wounds, we are healed” Isa 53:5. Here the Lord stands by the pool to offer His mercy to the paralysed man who has been lying there for thirty-eight years. The five porches point to the five sacrifices of the Old Testament and also to the human five senses which are the entrance to human body. They can fill you with blessings or defile your whole body. Here we see a wonderful image of Lord the real Lamb in the fullness of times meeting the lambs offered as a symbol of Him.

+ Let us ask?

Does not the Lord know that this man want to be healed?? He has been sick for thirty-eight years! In fact, the Lord’s question was to clarify important points. The Lord wanted to revive the man’s hopes again. He may have given up after this long time. He may have no more hope of being healed as he said: “I have no man”. The Lord wanted to rekindle the hope in his cold heart. The Lord also wanted this man to feel his need to be healed freely. St Augustine once said: “God Who created you cannot save you without yourself”. A Christian philosopher said: “Thank You Lord for You have given me the freedom that I can disobey you and still live”. The Lord in His tender mercies do not want to force open your closed heart. He wants you to open (Rev 3:20). One of the saint

ةراشإ اهقرح نوكيو هيلإ ةمدقملا حئابذلا لبقيو الله فءارتيف ...اهيف يهللإا لدعلا صاصتقا يلإ لمحلا دجن نأضلا باب دنع انهو ...اهيمدقم ىلع يذلا ...)هيلإ زومرملا( حيسملا عوسي يقيقحلا ةكربلا دنع فقي ...انيفش هربحبو ...انماثآ لمح ثكم يذلا جولفملا ناسنلإا كلذ عم ةمحر عنصي ....اماع نيثلاثو ينامث هضرم ىف يلإ ريشت ةكربلل يتلا ةسمخلا ةقورلأا امبر ىلأ ريشت دقو ....ميدقلا دهعلل يتلا حئابذ ةسمخلا لك لخادم اهنم ناسنلإل يتلا ساوح ةسمخلا دسفيف رورشلا لك اهنم تأي دقو ....تاكربلا ....بلقلا زمرلا محلات دقف ةيهللإا ةمكحلا ةعورل اي ...لمأت »حيسملا عوسي« هيلا زومرملا عم »نلامحلا« عنصيل ...ادسح ةكرب دنع ....نامزلا ئلم ىف ....انعاجولأ ءافش انيطعيو اناياطخ نم انريهطت ؟؟؟؟لءاستن نأ انوعدي لاؤس + ضيرملا اذه نأ عوسي فرعي ملأ دحأ لءاستي دق هنس نيثلاثو ةينامث هل نأو ؟؟؟؟ىفشي نأ ديري لاؤس ناك ةقيقحلا ىف نكلو ....ءافشلا رظتني ....ةماه طاقن ةدع ضيرملل عوسي نوكي دقف ....ديدج نم ءاجرلا هيف ثعبي ىكلنينسلا هذهو ضرملا ةرتف لوطل ضيرملا اذه سيل« لاق دقف صلاخلا نم سأي دق اهددع هذهو ناكف« ءاملا كرحت ىتم ةكربلا ىف ينيقلي دحأ ىل ....وبخي داك ىذلا ءاجرلل كيرحت هل عوسي داقتفا محتقي لاف ةدارلإا ةيرح أدبم اضيأ عوسي ىنعي - سونيطسغأ سيدقلا ىأر ىلعو ....هتيرح عيطتسي لا كنودب كقلخ ىذلا الله« لاق امنيح ةفسلافلا دحأ لاقو ....»كنودب كصلخي نأ ةيرح ينتيطعأ كنلأ براي كركشأ »نييحيسملا .»شيعأو كفلاخأ نأ عيطتسا ناك نأو يذلا بحملا الله رعاشم ةقر ىه هذه هنكلو....ةقلغم باوبلااو لخدي نأ ىلع ةردق هل نأ عرقاو بابلا ىلع فقاو انأ« لوقي ةعادو ىف وهو هعمى شعتا لخدأ حتفو يتوص دحأ عمس ....»ىعم هذه نوكتو ءافشلا عوضوم ىف عوسي هكرشيل»مكل حتفي اوعرقا .اودجت اوبلطا« لاق هنلا هتبلط عبشي لا الله« لاق امنيح نيسيدقلا دحأ ىأر ىلعو ىعابشلا ءلاؤه ىنعمب ...»اينغ ىنغي لاو اناعبش مهل سيل نيذلا مهسفنا نيعأ ىف ءاينغلأاو ىرشبلا لمعلاب اوفتكا دقف الله ةنوعم ىلا ةجاح

said: The Lord does not fill a filled person nor make a rich person rich” Those who are filled or rich in their own eyes the do need God’s help. The think they are filled and satisfies by this world temporal things.

Do you want to be healed?

The Lord at the sheep Gate ask same question every day. He says I am standing at the door knocking. DO you allow me to enter? I cannot change you without your will. Like the doctor who cannot proceed to do the lifesaving operation without your consent. My son do not be afraid He is the real doctor Who created you on His own image and He is ready to restore you back to your original glory. The Lord will feed your veins with His own blood to cleanse you. One day David the Prophet fall into terrible sin. He was in a great trouble. The Lord sent to him Nathan the prophet to offer him new life through repentance and tears wetting his bed every night (Psalm 50). The Prodigal son has wasted all his livelihood away in the land of corruption, mud and wild beasts. But he was ready and willing to rise from his misery. The Lord hold him and carried him back to safety and life. So many went through this path of willingness

Like Sant Augustine and also St Paesia who was living in sin and sold her body to the devil. The wilderness fathers sent to her St John the short who led her to repentance leading her a new life in Christ. Many similar stories in our church history who has been healed by the true physician.

...ينافلا رهدلا تايطعمو ....أربت نأ ديرتأ + باب دنع نأضلا باب دنع موي لك عوسي اهلوقي ...ديرتأ »عرقأو بابلا دنع فقاو انأ« ىبلق اذإ لاإ كتايح ىف لمعأ نأ نكمي لا ...يل حمستأ هذه كل يرجا نأ ىل حمست له ...يل تحمس ىهو ....ةرطخ اهنإ اهنع اولوقي يتلا ةيلمعلا دمت نأ عيطتست لا يتلا »هبلق نييارش« عيسوت حمست له ...يفاكلا مدلا كساوحو كفارطلأ يقيقحلا بيبطلا انأف ينبا اي فخت لا ؟؟؟؟يل له ...يلاثمو يتروص ىلع كتلعجو كتلبج يذلا ؟؟؟كؤاهبو كدجم ةروص كل ديعأ نأ ىل حمست يذلا كمد ىقنأو ىمد كل لقنا نأ حمست له نع ينبا اي كل ىكحأس ؟؟؟ةيطخلا هتدسفأ ىكل ةرطخلا تايلمعلا هذه لثم ىف يخيرات ىل كسفن ملستو كحور حيرتستو كبلق نأمطي يذلا يبنلا دواد نع عمست ملأ ...جاعزنا لاب كاذنيحو سأيلا ةعولب ىف مايلأا نم موي ىف عقو ةرم ةايحلا هل تدعأو »ىبنلا ناثان« هيلإ تلسرأ للب ماق امنيحو ةيطخلا توم ...توملا دعب ىرخأ رومزملا« ةبوتلا نحل فزعو هعومدب هشارف ..مويلا اهلك ةسينكلاو هب ىلصت امبر ...»نيسمخلا ةيصو لك قفنا يذلا رطاشلا نبلاا نع عمست ملا ثيح توملا ضرأ ىف اديعب بهذو أدبم لكو هبلق نم تبرتقا ذئنيحو ...ةيراضلا شوحولا ...عوجرلل ادعتسم هتدجوف لاحولأاب ءولمملا اريصيل ...ةئاملا ىف ةئام ةيلمعلا كلت تحجن دقو نع عمست ملا ...ةيطخلا توم نم نيمئاقلل جذومن اهقرش ةسينكلا ةراثيق راص يذلا سونيطسغا ...ريطاسلأا ةأرما سييات نع عمست ملا ..اهبرغو ةدهو يف تناك امل ةريثك صصق اهنع ىكح يتلا اهلعجو ناطيشلل اهدسجو اهسفن تملسو كلاهلا دحأ اهيلإ تلسرأو ...طقاسلا هدجمو ةيزخل ةادأ اهتايح ديدجت راصو يلبق نم دفوم ةيربلا يسيدق ةايحو ةبوتلل ةدوشنأ ديدج نم اهبلق ةغايصو ....ءاجرلا حتفأف ديزملا ىنع فرعت نأ ينبأ اي تدرأ نأ انأ نم فرعتل نيسيدقلا رابخأ »راسكنسلا« اهتيرتشا يتلا يتسينك ....يتدايع راوز مه نمو ....ىمدب ...؟؟؟أربت نأ ىنبا اي ديرتأ + ةيلمعلا هذه فلكتس مك وأ فيلاكتلا ىلا رظنت لا رداقلا نيمثلا ىمد ىلع باسحلا اذه لك لعجأسف

+ Do you want to be healed:

Come forward. Do not hesitate. The Lord is offering you full free healing through His Precious Blood. Do not say I have no man to throw me into the pool. No need any more for this type man. The Lord is helper for those has none, the hope for those who are helpless. The Lord is not going to expose your weakness. The Lord just want you to restore your freedom which you lost when you went astray to live in the valley of darkness and shadows of death. Would you allow the Lord to heal you?

+ Do not blame me my son

Are you blaming the Lord for He left you for many years in your suffering? Actually, you did not ask for help. You asked the people. You were disappointed for you have no man. You were not waiting for the Lord but for a man to throw you in the pool to be healed when the Angel stirs the water. The Lord came to you when you gave up. Do not lose your hope. The Lord today is saying to you “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; You are Mine When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, Nor shall the flame scorch you.” )Isaiah 43:1,2).

+ Rise, take up your bed and walk

It is an invitation for a new start. To be an ambassador for the Lord, to be a light for the world, to be able to move freely like a bird singing every day to glorify God. You have been cleaned and robed with the Lord’s Righteousness. Now Rise, Take up your bed and walk.

انه عقوت نأ ديرأ دقف ...امامت كيفشي نأ رظنت لا ؟؟؟»أربت نأ ديرتأ« ةقفاوملاب يناتبلغ دق كانيع نأف ينبا اي اذكه ىلا يف ينيقلي نأ دحأ ىل سيل »اذكه لقت لا« لا فوس انأ »ءاملا كرحت ىتم ةكربلا ءاجر هل سيل نم ءاجر انأف دحلا كجوحأ نأ ديرأ لا انأ ...نيعم هل سيل نم نيعمو ؟....كفعض رهظأ وأ كجرحأ كتيطعأ دقف ،يل حمست نأ كنذأتسا انأ امنيح ...اهبحسأ نأ ديرأ لاو ةيرح يداو ىف تشعو اديعب تبهذو ينتكرت امنيح كتيرح نم دحأ مل توملا لظ تيتأ اذه لك نع مدان كنأ امامت تفرع ...يل حمستأ كنذأتسا كيلإ ....ينبأ اي ىنبتاعت لا + تنأف كيلع يرخأت يف ىنبأ اي ينبتاعت لا ملف ...اهلك نينسلا هذه لاوط ينبلطت مل سانلا هوجو توجر دقل ىلا اجاتحم نكت يل سيل« يل تلق كتلأس امنيح ىتح اهلك نكت ملف لبق نم كيلإ تيتأ امبرو ...»دحأ كلاملا رظتنت تنكف كل يئافش نم ديفتست ىتحو ماع لك دحاو ىفشي ناك ىذلا امنيح نكلو كصلخي نأ عيطتسي مل انه دقفت لاف ....كل ترضح تسأي دق كتدجو تاملكلا كلت ينبا اي كعمسأس ...كءاجر يتلاو يبنلا ءايعشا مف ىلع اهتقطن يتلا وه عوبسلأا اذه ىف ةسينكلا ىف اهتلعج دق ىنلأ فخت لا »علخملا ءافش »كعوبسأ تزتجا اذا ...يل تنأ كمساب كتوعد تلبق كقرفت لاف راهنلأا ىفو كعم انأف هايملا ىف بيهللاو غدلت لاف رانلا ىف تيشم اذإ ..... كصلخم كهلإ برلا انأ ىنلأ كقرحي لا .(43 شأ( ...شمأو كريرس لمحأ ىنبا اي مق + اريفس نكو ..دحأ لكل ةكرب نكو ارون نك ...كللاخ نم ظعملا ينأك ظع ...ىنع ىلع ازفاق ...لابجلا ىلع ارئاط نك ...ءامسلا منرت بح ةداشنأ نك ...للاتلا ...ةيطخلا بوثو ...ضرملا بوث ضفناو لمحا ينبا اي مق ..ىرب بوثب كوسكلأ ..شمأو كريرس

The Pool of Bethesda - First Century Jerusalem

The Pool of the Sheepmarket was just below the Fortress of Antonia.

BETHES’DA (beth-ez’da; Gk. from Aram. Beth hesda, “house of grace”). A springfed pool with five porches where invalids waited their turn to step into the mysteriously troubled waters that were supposed to possess healing virtue (John 5:2-4). The last part of v. 3 and all of v. 4, which mention a periodic disturbance of the water by an angel, are placed in brackets in the NASB because there is not sufficient attestation by early texts. Here Jesus healed the man who was lame for thirty-eight years (5:59). The place is now thought to be the pool found during the repairs in 1888 near St. Anne’s Church in the Bezetha quarter of Jerusalem not far from the Sheep’s Gate and Tower of Antonia. It is below the crypt of the ruined fourth-century church and has a five-arch portico with faded frescoes of the miracle of Christ’s healing.


BETHES’DA Heb. “beth Chesda” (house of mercy) Gk. from Aram. Beth hesda, “house of grace”(. A spring-fed pool with five porches where invalids waited their turn to step into the mysteriously troubled waters that were supposed to possess healing virtue (Jn 5:2-4). The disturbance of the water by an angel, are placed in brackets in the NASB because there is not sufficient attestation by early texts. Here Jesus healed the man who was lame for thirty-eight years. The historicity of this site was once in question. Scholars like Dr. Alfred Loisy, claimed the detail of the five porticoes was invented. They said John made it up to represent the five books of Moses, which Jesus came to fulfill. But recent archaeological discoveries have once again confirmed the Biblical account. In 1956, digging at the ancient Biblical site of Bethesda, archaeologists unearthed a rectangular pool with a portico on each side and a fifth one dividing the pool into 2 separate compartments. The place is now thought to be the pool found during the repairs in 1888 near St. Anne’s Church in the Bezetha quarter of Jerusalem not far from the Sheep’s Gate and Tower of Antonia. It is below the crypt of the ruined fourth-century church and has a five-arch portico with faded frescoes of the miracle of Christ’s healing.

Who burnt the car?

In 2011 in Egypt, it was a car burning on 6th of October Bridge. People in Egypt saw this scene on TV, however, everyone interpreted it according to his own belief. If he/she believes that no way would any Egyptian person do that but it is the doing of the terrorists; he/she will believe that the terrorists did it even if he hears the news saying that the terrorists didn’t do it. Others say that the free revolutionaries did burn the car even if the terrorists admitted that they were the ones who did it but still believe that the revolutionaries did it. Others accused the army and others accused the police. So everyone interpreted the incident depending on what

؟ةرايسلا قرحأ نم رهام اقول صمقلا ملقب ردنكسأ تفرم /ةديسلا اهتدعأ ةرايس تناك ، رصم يف 20١١ ماع يف سانلا دهاش .ربوتكأ 6 يربوك ىلع قرتحت ، نويزفلتلا ةشاش ىلع دهشملا اذه رصم يف .صاخلا هداقتعلا اقفو عيمجلا هرسف ، كلذ عمو يرصم صخش يلأ نكمي لا هنأ دقتعي ناك اذإ لب ، لاوحلأا نم لاح يأب كلذ لعفي نأ نييباهرلإا نأ قدصيس .نييباهرلإا لعف وه نإ لوقت يتلا رابخلأا عمس ول ىتح كلذ اولعف نإ نورخآ لوقيو .كلذ اولعفي مل نييباهرلإا فرتعا ول ىتح ةرايسلا اوقرحأ رارحلأا راوثلا مهنكلو كلذ اولعف نيذلا مه مهنأب نويباهرلإا مهتاو .اهولعف راوثلا نأ نودقتعي اولاز ام كلذل .ةطرشلا نورخآ مهتاو شيجلا نورخآ

he/she believes. Therefore, belief is stronger than seeing.

Another example, if you know that a specific type of a car is very popular and you know a friend who bought it and he is very happy with it and assured that this car is the best car he got in his entire life. Because you trust you friend too much, if anyone else comes and tells you that the car causes accidents and it is not that good, you wouldn’t believe him and you would believe your friend more. On the other hand, if you see a great enticing advertisement on TV about another car, but your friend tells you that car is not good. You will not buy the car as your friend’s words to you were more important than that enticing advertisement. Your belief and trust in your friend are more important than what you see. Why we say that? Because we have this question; why we can’t see God as long as He exists? Why He doesn’t make us see Him to believe in Him? But the faith is more important than seeing.

St Mary’s apparition at St Mary’s church in Al Zeitoun suburb in Cairo 1968, how many people saw her? How many people from different religions saw her? And how many people from different dogmas saw her? Miracles happened to many of them. Did their beliefs change? NO. So seeing doesn’t make difference to people but the faith.

There is another reason that faith “belief” is more important than seeing; that question, why God doesn’t show Himself to believe in Him? In fact He showed us Himself, but people didn’t believe in Him. God incarnated in the flesh as Jesus Christ the Son of man, He resurrected Lazarus from death after 4 days, the result was; people wanted to kill Lazarus so no one follows Jesus Christ and believes in Him. Jesus Christ resurrected after 3 days as He said but the result was; the Jews gave money to the Roman soldiers to deny His resurrection although they knew that He resurrected because they bribed the soldiers otherwise they wouldn’t bribe them. Well, they didn’t believe, faith is internal persuasion so the person who really search for the truth and ready to believe; God reveals Himself to him not necessarily through seeing, but within the heart and faith. Now did you realize that faith is more important than seeing?!

.هب نمؤي ام ىلع ادامتعا ثداحلا عيمجلا رسف رخآ لاثم .ةيؤرلا نم ىوقأ ناميلإا ، كلذل تارايسلا نم انيعم اعون نأ ملعت تنك اذإ ، اهارتشا اقيدص فرعتو ةريبك ةيبعشب ىظحي يه ةرايسلا هذه نأ دكأو اهب ادج ديعس وهو .اهلك هتايح يف اهيلع لصح ةرايس لضفأ صخش يأ ءاج اذإ ، اريثك كقيدصب قثت كنلأ ثداوح ببست ةرايسلا نأ كربخأو رخآ قدصتسو هقدصت نلف ، ةديج تسيل اهنأو تيأر اذإ ، ىرخأ ةيحان نم .رثكأ كقيدص نويزفلتلا ةشاش ىلع اعئار ايرغم انلاعإ نأ كربخي كقيدص نكل ، ىرخأ ةرايس نع نلأ ةرايسلا يرتشت نل .ةديج تسيل ةرايسلا كلذ نم ةيمهأ رثكأ تناك كل كقيدص تاملك كقيدصب كتقثو كناميإ .يرغملا نلاعلإا انيدل نلأ ؟كلذ لوقن اذامل .هارت امم مهأ ماد ام الله ةيؤر اننكمي لا اذامل .لاؤسلا اذه نكل ؟هب نمؤنل هارن انلعجي لا اذامل ؟ادوجوم ميرم ةسيدقلا روهظ .ةيؤرلا نم مهأ ناميلإا نوتيزلا ةيحاض يف ميرم ةسيدقلا ةسينك يف صاخشلأا ددع مك ، ١٩68 ةرهاقلا يف اهوأر نيذلا صاخشلأا ددع مك ؟اهوأر نيذلا صاخشلأا ددع مكو ؟نايدلأا فلتخم نم تازجعملا تثدح ؟اهوأر ةفلتخم دئاقع نم اذل .لا ؟مهتادقتعم تريغت له .مهنم نيريثكلل .ناميلإا لب سانلل اقرف ثدحت لا ةيؤرلا نإف »ناميلإا« ناميلإا لعجي رخآ ببس كانه لا اذامل ، لاؤسلا اذه .ةيؤرلا نم ةيمهأ رثكأ رهظأ دقل عقاولا يف ؟هب نمؤيل هسفن الله رهظي الله دسجت .هب اونمؤي مل سانلا نكل ، هسفن انل ماقأو ، ناسنلإا نبا حيسملا عوسيك دسجلا يف ةجيتنلا تناكو ، مايأ 4 دعب توملا نم رزاعل دحأ عبتي لا ىتح رزاعل لتق سانلا دارأ ؛ حيسملا عوسي ماق .هب نمؤيو حيسملا عوسي ىطعأ .تناك ةجيتنلا نكلو لاق امك مايأ 3 دعب هتمايق راكنلإ نامورلا دونجلل لاملا دوهيلا اوشر مهنلأ ماق هنأ اوفرع مهنأ نم مغرلا ىلع اونمؤي مل ، انسح .مهنوشري نلف لاإو دونجلا صخشلا نإف اذل ، يلخاد عانقإ وه ناميلإا ، .ناميلإل دعتسمو ةقيقحلا نع اقح ثحبي يذلا للاخ نم ةرورضلاب سيل هل هسفن الله نلعي له نلآا .ناميلإاو بلقلا يف نكلو ، ةيؤرلا !؟ةيؤر نم ةيمهأ رثكأ ناميلإا نأ تكردأ

New Building progress at St Mary’s Church.

New walls at the Northern side

Tuesday 21st March 2023

Construction of New Buildings started Thursday 28th April

The new Building is expected to be ready within 9 months. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downloaded from church website. Cost of building works is around $13,000,000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreciated.

Donations to St Mary’s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link

for all who keep working tirelessly for the success of this project. May the Lord reward them all and bless all their works

ليربأ 28 سيمخلا موي تادب تاءاشنلإا لامعأ بسح داتعملا بسح متت ةسينكلا تامدخ .روهش 8 للاخ عورشملا نم ءاهتنلاا عقوتملا نم .ةرشنلا لخاد حضوملا لودجلا .ارلاود نويلم ١3 3 ىلاوح عورشملا ةفلكت غلبت اهعبط وأ ةسينكلاب ةدوجوملا يكنبلا بحسلا ةرامتسأ ءلمب ىرهش عربتب ةكراشملا كنكني ينورتكللإا ةسينكلا زكرم للاخ نم لمعلا اذه ىف مكتمهاسمو مكتاعربت كرابي برلا
Special Thanks
طبارلا ىلع طغضأ ينابملا عورشمو ميرم ءارذعلا ةسينكل تاعربتلل https://www.stmc.org.au/donate
Site 23rd March
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