Weekly Bulletin 26th May 2024

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Services at St Mary’s Church


Mass 9 - 11 am


Liturgy 5:30 - 7am

7:30pm The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages

Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am

6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults


Mass 9 - 11 am - English

English Midnight Praises 7:30pm

English Bible Study 7:30pm

Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am

Youth 25 and above 7-9pm

Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm

Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am

Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm

Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm


Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:307pm

Scouts 1:30 - 3pm

School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm


1st Mass 6:30 - 8:30 Arabic & English

2nd Mass.8:30 - 10:30 English - St

Mary’s Church

3rd Mass 8:30 - 10:30 Arabic - St

John’s Chrysostom Church

Hymns Class - English 11:4512:30pm

Church Priests:

Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251

Email: frtadros@me.com

Fr Habib Girgis Younan: 0401238177 – 94498871

Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail. com

Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821

Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au

Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kensington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651

Fr Kerillos Tawadros 0411 518 399

Fr John Makary 0433 445 636

:ءارذعلا ةسينكب ةمدخلا ديعاوم :نينثلأا احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا احابص 7 - 5:30 :يهللإا سادقلا :ءاثلاثلا )يزيلجنا( ىاو اذ - يزيلجنلإاب رابكلل عامتجأ ءاسم 7:30 احابص ١١ – ٩ يهللإا سادقلا :ءاعبرلأا :سيمخلا يزيلجنا - احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - ليللا فصن ةحبست ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - سدقملا باتكلا سرد احابص ١١ – ٩ يهللإا سادقلا :ةعمجلا رثكأف ةنس 25 بابشلا ءاسم ٩ – 7 - ةمدخلا دادعإ عامتجأ ءاسم 8:30 - 7 يزيلجنا احابص ١١ – 8,30 يهللإا سادقلا:تبسلا 5,30 – 4 دحلأا سرادم ءاسم 8:30 –7 بابشلا عامتجاو ةيشعلا يزيلجنا يبرع ءاسم 7 - 5:30 باتك سردو ةيشعلا :دحلأا يبرع ص 8:30 - ٦:30 لولأا سادقلا يزيلجناو يزيلجنإ – ص ١0:30 - 8:30يناثلا سادقلا ميرم ءارذعلا ةسيدقلا ةسينك يبرع ص ١0:30 – 8:30 ثلاثلا سادقلا بهذلا مف انحوي سيدقلا ةسينك ءاسم ١2:30 - ١١:45 يزيلجنا - ناحلأ لصف :ةسينكلاب ةنهكلا ءابلأا ميبوراش سردات صمقلا بلأا 0414251251 Email: frtadros@me.com :نانوي سجرج بيبح سقلا بلأا 94498871 - 0401238177 Email: habibgirgisyounan@ hotmail.com 0422431821 :بيلص لكيام سقلا بلأا Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Epsom Rd, 3031:ةسينكلا ناونع :نوفيلت 5 Kensington Vic 93766651 سورضوات سلريك سقلا بلأا 0411518399 يراكم نوج سقلا بلأا 0433445636

The Departure Of St. Ammonius The Hermit.

28th May - 20th Bashans

On this day, of the year 73 A.M. (357 A.D.(, the holy father Abba Ammonius departed. He was born in 294 A.D., in a village near Mariot. He was, as St. Antony was, born to a righteous and rich Christian family. He lost his parents while he was young and became under the guardianship of his uncle. He longed for the life of purity, chastity, and holiness. Nevertheless, his uncle forced him to be engaged to a rich girl against his will. Since he could not disobey his uncle, he talked to his bride to be, with a spiritual dialogue and through his holy life, he was able to have a good influence on her. He made her long to the life of purity and planted in her heart the desire to consecrate her self a bride for the True Bridegroom Jesus Christ. Thus they decided to accept the marriage but decided to live as a brother and sister.

They remained like this for seventeen years, keeping themselves pure and chaste, after which his wife departed to the eternal bliss. The Saint saw in a vision St. Antonios calling him to put on the monastic garb. When he woke from his sleep, he rose up and went to St. Isidore, who put on him the holy Eskeem. He dwelt with him for some time, after which he went to mount Tounah, where was St. Antonios. St. Ammonius remained with St. Antonios for a while and became his disciple, and studied on his hands the cannons of the holy monasticism. He built for himself a cell in mount Tounah. He fervently worshipped God there, and the devil envied him. He came to him in the form of a nun and knocked his door. When he opened and asked the devil to pray with him, the devil became like a flame of fire. Then the devil went and dwelt in a woman and moved her to entice the Saint to fall in sin with her. She wore the best of her clothing and came to him at dusk, and knocked the door of his cell, saying: “I am a traveling woman, and I had lost my way, and it is dark now. Please do not let me stay outside lest the wild beasts kill me, and you become responsible for my blood.” When he opened the door and knew the snare of the devil who sent her, he started to preach her and put the fear in her heart of the tortures of hell which is awaiting the sinners, and indicated to her the delight and the bliss which is awaiting the righteous. God opened her heart, and she understood what he said to her. She knelt to his feet weeping and asked him to accept her and assist her in saving her soul. She took off her apparel and he put on her a sackcloth of hair. He cut off her hair and called her “The simple minded or the naive”. He taught her the way to righteousness and she excelled through many prayers and fasting, and surpassed many saints by her fasting and perpetual prayers. The devil tried to snare him again. This time in the form of a monk who went around in the monasteries weeping and saying: “Abba Ammonius the hermit had married and he kept the woman with him in his cell. He had put the monks to shame and disgraced the monastic garb.” When

كىاطنلاا دحوتلما سوينومأ ابنلاا ةحاين سنشب ٢٠ - ويام ٢٨ ةقفاولما ءادهشلل 73 ةنس نم مويلا اذه لثم في دلو . سوينومأ ابنأ سيدقلا حينت م 357 ةنسل وهو طويرم راوجب م ٢94 ةنس في سيدقلا اذه ةيقت ةيحيسم ةسرأ نم ناك سوينوطنأ هليمزك تابف ةثادحلا نس في وهو هيوبأ دقفو ةينغ لىإ ةهجتم هلامآ لك تناكو همع ةياصو تحت هل بطخ همع نأ يرغ ةسادقلاو ةيلوتبلا ةشيع هتردق في نكي لم المو هتدارأ يرغ ليع ةينغ ةاتف هتبيطخ ةبطاخم في ذخأ ، همع رمأ ةفلاخم نأ ةسدقلما هتيرسب عاطتسا دقو ةيحورلا لاوقلأاب ةراهطلا ةشيع اهيلإ ببحف انسح ايرثأت اهيلع رثؤي نوكتل سفنلا سيركت لىإ ليلما اهبلق في سرغو مث نمو حيسلما عوسي يقيقحلا سيرعلل اسورع ماهو ماهجاوز دقع لابقي نأ ليع نانثلاا قفتا . تخأو خأك اعم اشيعي نأ ليع نمامصم ماهو ةليوط ةدم لاحلا هذه ليع اثبل دقو ترم ىتح ةناملأاو ةفعلا طوشر ليع ناظفاحي تلقتنا اهدعبو ماهجاوز ليع ةنس ةشرع عبس في سيدقلا اذه يأرف ةيدبلأا رادلا لىإ ةجوزلا سبل لىإ هوعدي سوينوطنأ سيدقلا نأ ملح ضهن مونلا نم ظقيتسا المو ةنبهرلا ميكسأ سوروذيسيا سيدقلا ميقي ثيح لىإ بهذو نم ةدم هدنع ماقأو سدقلما ميكسلاا هسبلأ يذلا ميقي ثيح هنوت لبج كلذ دعب دصق مث نمزلا . سوينوطنأ سيدقلا سيدقلا دنع سوينومأ سيدقلا ماقأ دقو هيدي ليع سردو هل ذملتتو ةدم سوينوطنأ في ةراغم هل ينب مث ةسدقلما ةنبهرلا ينناوق ةيرثك تادابعب هسفن دهجأ كانهو . لبجلا هنوت هباب عرقو ةبهار لكش في هاتأو ناطيشلا هدسحف لوحت اعم ايلصي نأ هنم بلطو هل حتف مالف . ةأرما في نكسو ضيم مث . ران بيهل لىإ ناطيشلا تسبلف . ةيطخلا في سيدقلا عاقيا ليع اهارغأو عرقت تأدبو بورغلا وحن هيلإ تتأو اهبايث رخفأ تللض دقو ةبيرغ ةأرما يننأ : ةلئاق هتراغم باب لائل اجراخ ينعدت لاف تقولا ليع سيمأو قيرطلا مالف . يمدب بلاطلما تنأ نوكتو شحو ينلكأي ذخأ اهلسرأ يذلا ناطيشلا ةديكم فرعو هل حتف ةاطخلل دعلما ميحجلا باذع نم اهيفخيو اهظعي برلا حتفف . ينقيدصلل ةدعلما ةطبغلا اهل ركذيو ةيكاب هيمدق دنع ترخو هلوق تمهفو اهبلق اهسفن صلاخ ليع اهدعاسيو اهلبقي نأ هتلأسو صقو رعش نم ابوث اهسبلأف اهبايث اهنع تعزن مث ةليضفلا قيرط اهملع مث جذاسلا اهماسو اهرعش ، ينسيدقلا تقاف ىتح اديمح ايرس هيف تراسف . ةيلاوتلما اهتلاصو يرثكلا اهموصب هنأ كلذو يرخأ ةليح ربدف ناطيشلا داع مث لوقيو ةريدلأا ليع ددتري راصو بهار يز سبل دق كسانلا سوينومأ ابنلأا نأ : كاب وهو نابهرلل هلمعب بلجف ةراغلما في اهب ظفتحيو ةأرماب جوزت مالف سدقلما ميكسلال ةناهلإاو مكل ةحيضفلا اذه هعم ذخأ ةكئلالماب هبشتلما وللبأ ابنلأا كلذب عمس ةنوت لبج لىإ اوتأو يهون ابنلأاو باسوي ابنلأا

Abba Apollo (Ebelo(, who was like the angels, heard of that, he took with him Abba Yousab and Abba Nohi (Bohi(, and came to mount Tounah to the cell of Abba Ammonius. They knocked on the door of the cell, and when she opened to them they realized the matter. They entered and prayed together as the custom and sat to talk about the greatness of God. At the end of the day, Abba Ammonius told them, let us go to see the “Naive” for she was baking some bread. When they went out to where she was, they saw her standing in the midst of a great fire, and her hands were stretched out towards heaven praying. They marvelled exceedingly and glorified God. After they had eaten the bread, everyone went separately to sleep and the angel of the Lord revealed the story of the “Naive” with St. Ammonius to Abba Apollo, and that God brought them there to be present at the time of her departure.

About the third hour of the night, she became sick with fever. She knelt down and delivered up her soul at the hand of the Lord. They swathed her, and after praying over her, they buried her. Then Abba Ammonius told them about her virtues, and that for the eighteen years that she stayed with him, she never raised her face to look at him, and that her food was bread and salt.

After this, St. Antonios sent him to El-Natroun valley to establish there new monasteries, and many believers followed him. He organized for them their livelihood and directed them with excellence. Soon after, this holy father departed in peace.

May his prayers be with us and glory be to God forever. Amen.

Departure of St.Marcian (Martinianus( ( 29th May - 21st Bashans

On this day also, St. Marcian departed. He was born in the city of Caesarea of Palestine. He became a monk since his young age at an elderly holy man living on a mountain near by his town called mount El-Safina (The ship(. He fought a great and strenuous fight with many worships and he lived there for sixty six years, and his virtues became known. An evil woman heard of him, and she said to some of those who talked about his virtues: «For how long you will continue to praise him, while he is in a wilderness where he does not see the face of a women? If he saw me, I would stain his virginity and defile his holiness». They rebuked her for what she said, because of what they knew of the purity and holiness of this Saint, but she made a wager with them that she would go to him and make him fall in sin. She straightway, rose up, took her ornaments, her expensive apparels and her perfumes in a piece of cloth, and put on an ugly dress and covered her face. She went to a place close by where the Saint was and waited until the evening, then knocked on the door of his cell, weeping, pretending that she had lost her way, and asked him to let her stay with him until the morning. The Saint pondered about her, if he left her outside, the wild beasts might eat her, and if he brought her in, the warfare would increase against him because of

باب اوعرق مالف . سوينومأ ابنلأا ةراغم اودصقو اولخد مالف . رملأا اوققحت مهل تحتفو ةراغلما هللا مئاظع في نوثدحتي اوسلج مث ةداعلاك اولص اومله : سوينومأ ابنلأا مهل لاقف راهنلا رخآ لىإ مالف . زبخلا نم لايلق انل زبخت اهنلأ جذاسلا ينرل بيهللا طسو ليصت ةفقاو اهودجو اهيلإ اوجرخ اوبجعتف ناتطوسبم اهاديو جهوتلا ديدش وهو زبخلا نم اولكأ نأ دعبو . هللا اودجمو كلذ نم برلا كلام فرعف . مانيل دحاو لك درفنا اوبشرو نأو سوينومأ ابنلأا عم جذاسلا ةيضقب وللبأ ابنلأا . اهحاين اوضرحي كيل انه لىإ مهلسرأ برلا لايل ةثلاثلا ةعاسلا وحن اهنأ ذإ كلالما لوق مت دقو تملسأو برلل تدجسف ةديدش يمح اهتترعا مث . اهونفد ةلاصلا دعبو اهونفكف هديب اهحور تماقأ اهنأو . اهلئاضفب سوينومأ ابنلأا مهفرع ههجو يترل قوف لىإ اههجو عفرت لم ةنس 1٨ هدنع هدفوأ كلذ دعبو . احلمو ازبخ اهماعط ناكو سسؤيل نورطنلا يداو لىإ سوينوطنأ سيدقلا مظنف يننمؤلما نم روهمج هعبتف كانه ةريدأ ةليضفلاب مهسوسي رمتساو مهتشيعم لاوحأ مهل نوكت هتلاص سيدقلا بلأا اذه حينت ليلق دعبو ينمآ . ائماد دجلما انبرلو . انعم سونايترم سيدقلا ةحاين سنش ٢1 - ويام ٢9 دقو سوناينيترم سيدقلا حينت مويلا اذه لثم في ينطسلف ةيصريق ةنيدم في سيدقلا اذه دلو لبجلا في سيدق خيش دنع هتثادح ذنم بهرتو . ةنيفسلا لبج يمسي يذلا هدلب نم بيرقلا اتس كانه ماقأو . ةيرثك تادابعب هسفن دهجأ دقو ةأرما هب تعمسو هلئاضف تعاذف ةنس نوتسو لىإ « : هلئاضفب ينثدحتلما ضعبل تلاقف ةريشر ؟ ةأرما هجو رظني لا ةيرب في وهو هنودجتم يتم « هتيلوتب تسجنو هكسن تدسفلأ نيرظن ول اذه نع هنوفرعي الم اذه اهلوق ليع اهورهنف ليع مهتنهار اهنكلو ةسادقلاو رهطلا نم سيدقلا في تماق مث ةيطخلا في هعقوتو هيلإ ضيتم نأ اهروطعو ةنيمثلا اهسبلامو اهيلح تعضوو لاحلا اههجو تترسو ايرز ايز تدتراو شماق ةعطق في سيدقلا عضوم نم بيرق ناكم لىإ تبهذو تعرقو تمدقت مث . راهنلا سىمأ ىتح ترظتناو بغرتو قيرطلا تلض اهنأب ةرهاظتم ةيكاب هباب في سيدقلا يرحتف حابصلا ىتح هدنع تيبلما وأ شوحولا اهلكأتف اجراخ اهعدي نأ امأف اهرمأ حتف ايرخأو اهببسب ةبراحلما هيلع دتشتف اهلخدي .ةيلاقلا في رخآ ناكم لىإ وه ضيمو اهل تبيطتو اهيلحب تنيزتو اهبايث تسبلف يه امأ اهنأ ملعف . اهسفن نع هدوارت هيلع تمجهو « : هل لاقف . هل اهبصن ناطيشلا نم ةديصم مهل سانلا ضعب نلأ . قيرطلا يرأ ىتح ليهتم جرخو « رخلأ ينح نم انه لىإ اوتأي نأ ةداع دعب ةرم اهيف هسفنب يقلي راصو اران مضرأف ردقت لا تنك نا « : لائاق هسفن ابطاخم يرخأ نذأ فيكف ةفيعض ران قيرح عاجوأ لمتحت نأ طقسو اذه لاق « ميحجلا ران لمتحت نأ كنكيم تقرحأ يتلا رانلا لمأ ةدش نم ايكاب ضرلأا ليع

her. Finally, he opened the door to her, and went to another place in the cell. She arrayed herself in her beautiful apparel, adorned and perfumed herself, then attacked him tempting him to commit sin with her. He knew that she was a snare of Satan plotted up for him. He told her: «Wait a little for me until I look at the road, for some people are used to come to me here every now and then.» He went out and lighted a great fire, and he started throwing himself in the fire time after time saying to himself: «If you can›t bear the pain of a little fire, how can you bear the torment of the fire of hell?» Then he fell on the ground weeping from the severity of the pain from the burns that he suffered on his feet and his fingers. As he tarried, she came out and saw him in that condition. She was terrified and she returned to her senses. She stripped off her expensive raiment, knelt at his feet, and begged him to help her to save her soul. He started to preach her telling her about the vanity of this world and its lusts, and she repented with all her heart. He took her to one of the convents, and asked the abbess to take charge of her and she lived there a life of purity and ascetism that was pleasing to God to the end of her life. She reached a high degree of holliness, received the gift of healing and she healed many from their infermities. But as for St. Martinianus, fearing lest the enemy might bring to him another woman, departed to an island in the middle of the sea. He made an agreement with a sailor to sell the works of his hand, and to bring him food. However, a ship was wrecked near by the island, and a woman managed to hang on to one of the planks, and the waves washed her to this island. When the Saint saw her, he was preplexed and wanted to leave the island. The woman asked him to make her a nun and he did as she wished then gave her all what he had of bread. He crossed himself with the sign of the cross, and threw himself in the sea, hanging on the plank that she hung on and he put himself in the hand of the Almighty. The waves threw him on the land, and he wandered about in the mountains and deserts for two years until he arrived to the city of Athens, where he became ill. He called the bishop, and told him all what had happened to him, and then he gave up his soul in the hand of the Lord, and they buried him with great honor. The woman that remained on the island, the sailor continued to bring her food until she departed, then he took her body to his country. May her prayers be with us and glory be to God forever. Amen.

The Commemoration of the Entry of the Lord Christ to Egypt 1st June - 24th Bashans

On this day, our Lord Jesus Christ came to the land of Egypt when He was a two years old child, as the Bible says in (Mt. 2:13( that the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, saying: “Arise, take the young Child and His mother, flee to Egypt, and stay there until I bring you word; for Herod will seek the young Child to destroy Him.” This was for two reasons: A. If He fell in the hand of Herod, and Herod could not kill Him, he would have thought that His flesh was a phantom.

B. The second reason was to bless the people of Egypt by

هتأرف هيلإ تجرخ أطبأ مالف . هعباصأ, هيلجر عيمج تبرطضاو تفاخف . لاحلا كلت ليع اهتنيز اهنع تعزنف اهلقع اهيلإ عجرو اهساوح ليع اهنيعي نأ هتلأسو هيمدق دنع ترخو ايندلا لاوز اهفرعيو اهظعي أدبف . اهسفن صلاخ ىراذعلا تارايد دحأ لىإ اهذخأ مث . اهتاوهشو كسنلا في تشاع دقف يه امأ . اهب ملأا صىوأو تغلبو اهتايح ةيقب برلا تضرأو ةراهطلاو ءافشلا ةبهوم تلانو ةسادقلا نم ةيلاع ةجرد . نييرثك ضىرم تأربأو هيلإ تيأي نأ فاخف ، سوناينيترم سيدقلا امأ طسو ةريزج لىإ ضيمف يرخأ ةأرماب ودعلا عيبي نأ راحب عم قفتأو كانه نكسو رحبلا دعبو ، هب تاتقي ام هل ضرحيو هيدي لغش هل ىدحإ ليع حايرلا تجاه نأ ثدح ةدم تقلعتف تسركناف ةرخصب تمدطصاف نفسلا اهتفذقو بشخلا حولب اهب اوناك نمم ةأرما سيدقلا اهآر مالف . ةريزجلا كلت لىإ جاوملأا هيلإ تبلطف ةريزجلا كرت دارأو . اهرمأ في يرحت ام اهاطعأ مث . اهتبغر لىإ اهباجأف اهنبهري نأ بيلصلا ةملاعب هسفن مسرو زبخلا نم هدنع بشخلا حولب اقلعتم رحبلا في هتاذ حرطو ، دي في هسفن ملسأو هب يه تقلعت يذلا لىإ لصو ىتح جاوملأا هفذاقتت تراصف ريدقلا يرابرلا في لوجي ذخأو ناكم في رقتسي لمو برلا ةدم لاحلا هذه ليع لظ دقو ندلماو رافقلاو . هتيضق هفرعو ةسينكلا لىإ لصو ىتح ينتنس . ماركإب هونفدو هونفكف برلا ديب حورلا ملسأو راحبلا ناف ةريزجلا في تيقب يتلا ةأرلما امأ اهدسج لمحف تحينت نأ لىإ اهدقفتي ذخأ صرم لىا ةسدقلما ةلئاعلا ءىجم سنشب ٢4 - ةينوي 1 عوسي انديس تيأ كرابلما مويلا اذه لثم في ، ينتنس نبا لفط وهو صرم ضرأ لىإ حيسلما رهظ برلا كلام نأ سدقلما ليجنلإا ركذي ماك همأو يبصلا ذخو مق « : لائاق ملح في فسويل ، كل لوقأ ىتح كانه نكو صرم لىإ برهاو هكلهيل يبصلا بلطي نأ عمزم سدويره نلا )13 : ٢ تم( دي في عقو اذإ لائل ماهدحأ ينببسل كلذ ناكو هدسج نأ نظيف هلتق ليع ردقي لمو سدويره هدوجوب صرم لهأ كرابيل نياثلا ببسلاو لايخ توعد صرم نم « ةلئاقلا ةوبنلا متتف مهنيب « ةلئاقلا ةوبنلا اضيأ متتو )1 :11 وه( « ينبا لىإ مداقو ةعيسر ةباحس ليع بكار برلا اذوه بوذيو ههجو نم صرم ناثوأ فجتترف صرم نأ لاقيو . )1 : 19 شا( « اهلخاد صرم بلق هللا ةملك اهب لح امدنع تأفكنا صرم ناثوأ دهعلا توبات مامأ نوجاد أفكنا ماك دسجتلما )3 : 5 مص 1( هتدلاوو فسوي عم دجلما هل حيسلما ديسلا تيأف ةعيضب لاوأ مهرورم ناكو يمولاسو ءارذعلا راصف ءام ينع نم اوبشر كانهو ةطسب يمست لىإ اوبهذ كانه نمو ضرم لكل ايفاش اهؤام ةيبرغلا ةهجلا لىإ رهنلا اوبرعو دونمس ةينم

being among them, so that the prophecy of Hosea (11:1( could be fulfilled which says: “... out of Egypt I called My Son.” And also the prophecy of Isaiah (19:1( be fulfilled: “Behold, the Lord rides on a swift cloud, and will come into Egypt, the idols of Egypt will totter at His presence, and the heart of Egypt will melt in its midst.”

The Lord Jesus came to Egypt with Joseph, and His Virgin mother, and Salome. They passed in an estate called “Basta” where the Holy Family drank from a well, and the water of the well became a curing water for all sicknesses. Then they went to “Meniet Samannoud” and crossed the Nile to the western side. In this place, the Lord Jesus put His foot on a stone, and the trace of His foot appeared, and the stone was called “Picha Isos” in Coptic (or The heal of Jesus(. From there, they went westward to Wadi El-Natroun, and St. Mary blessed the place, for her knowledge that many monasteries would be built there. Then they went to “Al-Ashmoneen” where they settled for several days, after which they went to Mount “Qosqam”, where the monastery of St. Mary was later built, which has been known with the name “El-Moharrak monastery”.

When Herod died, the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream saying: “Arise, take the young Child and His mother, and go to the land of Israel, for those who sought the young Child’s life are dead.” (Mt. 2:20-21(. They came back to Cairo, and on their return they stayed in a cave which is today located in the church of Abu-Serga in Old Cairo. Then they passed by El-Mataryia, and they washed there from a well, and the well has been blessed since, and a tree of Balsam grew beside it, from its oil the Chrism (El-Myroun( is made which is used to consecrate new churches. From there, the Holy Family walked to El-Mahama (Mustorod(, and from there to Israel.

We ought to celebrate this feast spiritually with joy, for Our Lord Jesus honored our land. Glory to His Holy Name for ever. Amen.

The Departure of the Prophet Habakkuk

1st June - 24th Bashans

On this day also, the prophet Habakkuk departed. He was one of the twelve minor prophets, and he was from the tribe of Levi. He was a singer using stringed musical instruments as it is indicated in this verse: «The Lord God is my strength; He will make my feet like deer›s feet, and He will make me walk on my high hills. To the chief musician. With my stringed instruments.» (Habakkuk 3:19(.

He prophesied at the time of king Jehoiakim. He lived long enough to see the return of the children of Israel from exile, and he prayed saying: (Habakkuk 3:2( He prophesied about the Incarnation of Christ and His birth, saying: (Habakkuk 3:3(.

He finished his course, and departed in peace. A church after his name was built in Bartsa - El-Behera in Egypt at the time of the Christian Emperor Anastasius, and consecrated on the twenty fourth of Bashans. May the prayers of this prophet be with us. Amen.

ديسلا عضو نأ ةهجلا كلت في ثدح دقو . همدق رثأ هيف رهظف رجح ليع همدق حيسلما « يطبقلاب رجحلا هيف يذلا ناكلما يمسف نمو ) عوسي بعك ( يأ « سوسيا اخيب نورطنلا يداو لباقم ابرغ اوزاتجا كانه تنم هيف ماقيس ابم اهملعل ةديسلا هتكرابف يننومشلأا لىإ اوهتنا مث ةيحيسلما ةريدلأا لبج اودصق مث ز ةليلق امايأ كانه اوماقأو نم هيف اولح يذلا ناكلما فيو . ماقسق وهو ءارذعلا ةديسلا ريد ديش لبجلا اذه قرحلما ريدب فورعلما فسويل برلا كلام رهظ سدويره تام المو همأو يبصلا ذخو مق « لائاق اضيأ ملحلا في تام دق هنلأ . ليئاسرإ ضرأ لىإ بهذاو ٢ تم( « يبصلا سفن نوبلطي اوناك نيذلا )٢1 و ٢٠ : يه يتلا ةراغلما في اولزنو صرم لىإ اوداعف مث ةيمدقلا صربم ةجسر بيأ ةسينكب مويلا ءام ينع نم كانه اولستغاو ةيرطلما اوزاتجا ةعاسلا كلت نم ةسدقمو ةكرابم تراصف يتلا يهو مسلب ةرجش اهبرقب تنمو . سيركتل سدقلما نويرلما عنصي اهنهد نم ةلئاعلا تراس كانه نمو . اهيناوأو سئانكلا ضرأ لىإ مث ) درطسم ( ةمحلما لىإ ةسدقلما مويلا اذه في ديعن نأ انيلع بجيف ليئاسرإ انصلخم نلأ . نيروسرم ينحرف ايحور اديع كرابلما مويلا اذه لثم في انضرأ فشر دق ينمآ . دبلأا لىإ سودقلا همسلا دجلماف سقطلاب لىصيو ،يرغص ىديس ديع وهو لضفي ينسماخلا مايا في عقو اذإو ، يحيارفلا . ديعلا ةيناحورب رعشن ىتح هلوصف ةءارق سنشب ٢4 - ةينوي 1 يبنلا قوقبح ةحاين دحأ يبنلا قوقبح حينت مويلا اذه لثم في طبس نم ناكو . راغصلا ايبن شرع ىنثلإا ليع لدي ماك راتولأا ليع يننغلما نم ىولآ لعجيو تيوق ديسلا برلا « : هلوق كلذ تياعفترم ليع ينيشيمو لئايلأاك يمدق « راتولأا تاوذ تلاآ ليع يننغلما سيئرل )19 : 3 بح( تلاطو ميقايوهي كللما نامز في أبنت دقو لييئاسرلإا بعشلا عوجر دعب لىإ ادج هتايح دق براي « : لائاق ليصو لباب يبس نم في كلمع براي . تعزجف كبرخ تعمس فرع يننسلا طسو في . هيحأ يننسلا طسو ٢ : 3 بح( « ةمحرلا ركذأ بضغلا في . هتدلاوو حيسلما ديسلا دسجت نع أبنتو ) سودقلاو نمايت نم ءاج هللا « هلوقب نأ دعبو ) 3 : 3 بح( « ناراف لبج نم هل تينبو ملاسب حينت نسحلا هداهج لمكأ نامز في ةيرحبلا لماعأ نم اسطرق في ةسينك في تسركو يحيسلما كللما سويساطسنأ ةلاص سنشب رهش نم نيشرعلاو عبارلا مويلا . ينمآ . انعم نوكت يبنلا اذه

Third Sunday of Pentecost

John 4: 1- 42

The Samaritan Woman

The Samaritan woman topic is repeated twice; the first time on the fourth Sunday of the Holy Lent, this second time during the Holy Pentecost. A big difference between the two occasions; the first time the church was in a time of fasting and preparing for the suffering and crucifixion of the Lord Jesus, the second time after the Resurrection, in days of joy and happiness, in which the Church putting the wedding dress as a bride ready to receive her Bridegroom. In the lent the Samaritan and the people of Samaria represented those who failed to know the suffering Christ for them, Who is coming for the salvation of the world. They live in an enmity in the world that prevents them from even saving themselves. The second time the Samaritan woman and the people of Samaria represent those who fail in the processions of the resurrection. Salvation has been accomplished and the whole world is living in true joy after the earthly people reconciled with the heavenly, but these are still living in the past filled with enmity, hatred, ignorance and sin. “How is it that You, being a Jew, ask a drink from me, a Samaritan woman?”

This question is strange, maybe it is a question of amazement, and maybe it is a denial, maybe disbelief. There are many who meet the resurrected Christ with the same question. I am wondering about You, Lord, do You not know that I am your enemy? Do you not know that I have been estranged from you for a long time? How? I am a Samaritan, Lord! Do you still love the Samaritans?

God loves His children very much, even those who are very far from Him, and He even seeks the salvation of their souls.

ةسدقملا نيسامخلا نم ثلاثلا دحلاا 42- ١ :4 وي ةيرماسلا انه ةيرماسلا عوضوم رركت ىف ىلولأا ةرملا ...ةيناث ةرم سدقملا موصلا نم عبارلا دحلأا للاخ ىف ةيناثلا ةرملا هذهو قرفو ....ةسدقملا نيسامخلا ىف ....نيتبسانملا نيب ريبك ىف ةسينكلا تناك ىلولأا ةرملا برلا ملالآ دعتستو موص تقو ةيناثلا ةرملاو ....هبلصو عوسي ةجهبو حرف مايأ ىف ةمايقلا دعب بايثب ةسينكلا اهيف تستكا لابقتسلا ةئيهم سورعك سرعلا ىلولأا ةرملا ىف ...اهسيرع ةرماسلا بعشو ةيرماسلا تناك نع نوفلختي نيذلا ءلاؤه نولثمي نم ملأتملا حيسملا ىلع فرعتلا صلاخ لجأ نم ىتلآا مهلجأ ةوادع ىف نوشيعي نيذلا ...ملاعلا نع ىتح مهعنمت داكت ملاعلا نيب ةيناثلا ةرملاو ....مهسفنأ صلاخ ةرماسلا بعشو ةيرماسلا لثمت بكاوم نع نوفلختي نيذلا ءلاؤه .....ةمايقلا هلك ملاعلاو صلاخلا مت دقل ىقيقح حرف ىف شيعي حبصأ عم نييضرلأا حلطصا نأ دعب اولازام ءلاؤهو ....نييئامسلا ءولمملا ىضاملا ىف نوشيعي ....ةيطخو لاهجو ادقحو ةوادع ...؟برشتل هنم بلطت فيك + امبر ....لاؤسلا اذه بيجع وه امبر ...بجعت لاؤس وه ....قيدصت مدع امبر .....راكنتسا حيسملا نولباقي نوريثك كانهو سفنب تاوملأا نم ماقملا ....لاؤسلا ....براي كل بجعتا ىنا !!بجعت اودع ترص دق ىنا ملعت لاأ تبرغت دق ىنأ ملعت لاأ ...كل ىنا ...؟فيك ....اديعب انمز كنع بحت تلزاما ...براي ىرماس

God has accepted Rahab the harlot who hosted spies in Jericho. God accepted Ruth the Moabite among His people. Even He rejoiced that the Messiah would come from her descendants; so Ruth married Boaz, who was the grandfather of King David. God did not forget the evil people of Nineveh but sent Jonah to save their souls. Furthermore, God did not forget the very wicked people of Sodom, and among them was the righteous Lot. Unfortunately, their wickedness was too much to bear. Condemnation!! These are the ones who reject the Lord Who knocks on their doors over and over again. Those people say to God in arrogance and in pride: How do You ask me for this? I have my ego? Do You not know that I have my own personality? How do You ask me to reconcile with my brother? How do You ask me to confess and deal with these people?

Truly, we often meet the commandment of God with disapproval. Rather, the matter reached that there are those who place the kingdom of the heavens on one side and their implementation of the commandments of God on the other side, thus they lose the salvation of their souls and perish. Beloved, did you know that Christianity lost very much when it refused to implement the commandments of God?

Christianity in Europe flourished and grew at the time of the Romans’ persecution of Christians. It grew in love and humility, and then lost a lot when it began to resort to earthly methods in its dealings. Hence, wars, harms, and hatred began between different Christians denominations. Sects split against themselves and persecuted others. How difficult to denounce the

...؟نييرماسلا ءلاؤه ىتح ...ادج هدلاوأ بحي الله نأ ىعسيو لب ....هنع ادج نيديعبلا ....مهسوفن صلاخل ىتلا ةينازلا باحار الله لبق دقل ....احيرأ ىف سيساوجلا تفاضتسا نيب ةيبآوملا ثوعار الله لبق دقل حيسملا ىتأي نأ اضيأ حرفو لب ...هبعش نم تجوزت ثوعارف ....اهلسن نم ....كلملا دواد دج وهو زعوب ....ريرشلا ىونين بعش سني مل الله ....مهسوفن صلخيل نانوي مهلجأ لسراو مودس بعش ىتح سني مل الله نأ لب ....رابلا طول مهنيب ناكو ادج ريرشلا ...لمتحي نأ نم رثكأ ناك مهرش نكلو نوضفري نيذلا مه ءلاؤه ....!!راكنتسا ارارم مهباوبا قرطي ىذلا برلا ...فلصت ىف ...ءانع ىف ....اراركتو ....؟اذه ىنم بلطت فيك ....ءايربك ىف لاأ ....؟ةمارك ىدل هنأ براي ملعت لاأ بلطت فيك ...ريبك ىزكرم نأ ملعت فيك ....؟ىخأ عم حلطصأ نأ ىنم عم لماعتاو لزانتأ نأ ىنم بلطت ...؟سانلا ءلاؤه الله ةيصو لباقن ام اريثك اننأ ...اقح كانه نأ رملاا لصو لب ....راكنتساب ةهج ىف تاومسلا توكلم نوعضي نم ....ىرخأ ةهج ىف الله اياصول مهذيفنتو مهسوفن صلاخ نودقتفي كلذبو .....نوكلهيو ةيحيسملا نأ تفرعت له ...بيبحلا اهيأ ذيفنت تضفر امدنع ادج اريثك ترسخ ؟....الله اياصو تمنو ترهدزا ابروأ ىف ةيحيسملا نأ نامورلا داهطضا نامز ىف ترعرتو ةبحملاب ةيحيسملا تمنو ...نييحيسملل تأدب امدنع اريثك ترسخ مث عاضتلااو ...اهتلاماعم ىف ةيملاعلا بيلاسلال أجلت نيب دقحلاو لكاشملاو بورحلا تأدبف تقشنا لب ....مهضعبو نيحيسملا اهضعب تدهضاو اهسفن ىلع فئاوط ركنتسن نأ بعصأ ام اقح ...اضعب !....الله اياصو نييحيسم نع عمسن لبق نم انك ...نيينثولا ىديا ىلع نودهشتسي ....رهدزت ةيحيسملا تناكو

commandments of God! Before, we use to hear about Christians being martyred at the hands of pagans when Christianity was flourishing, then we started hearing about Christians being killed by Christian hands and Christianity began to crumble. Disbelief, this is a sinful man who yearns for the light, but is afraid that God will not accept him and asks: Are you really willing to accept me after all these sins that I made? And the loving Lord answers ‘even if you have seven demons like Magdalene, even if you deny Me in front of servant girl three times like Peter, even if you stab me like Longinus, I am still ready to accept you. + You worship Whom you do not know Many prostrators, but less worshipers! Do you know that not all prostration is an act of worship; there is prostration of respect, prostration of greetings, and prostration to gain satisfaction and friendliness. Hence, not every prostration is an act of worship. Moreover, there are those who prostrate for worship, merely prostrate with their bodies only but their minds are still proud and lost in the midst of the world. In the midst of the world, many people still prostrate to a terrifying, mighty and frightening God who severely punishes, and imposes His commandments by force. They really prostrate to what they do not know. They are still living in the pre-salvation era. Today we prostrate to Whom we love. We prostrate to kiss the Feet that were pierced for us. There is a huge difference between the prostration of fear and the prostration of love.

The prostration of love contains tears of repentance not for fear of punishment but for regret that we have wounded the heart of the lover. The prostration of love contains contempt, not a fear of the mighty, but a desire and longing to live under the feet of Him Who loves us.

نويحيسم نع عمسن انرص مث تأدبو ...ةيحيسم ىديأب نولتقي ...تتفتت ةيحيسملا ناسنلاا وه اذه ....قيدصت مدع هنكلو رونلا ىلا قاتشملا ئطاخلا له لأسيو ...الله هلبقي لاأ فئاخ لك دعب ىنلبقت نأ دعتسم تنأ اقح ؟....اهتعنص ىتلا اياطخلا هذه ىتح .....بحملا برلا بيجيو لثم نيطايش ةعبس كب ناك ولو ىنتركنأ ول ىتح ....ةيلدجملا لثم تارم ثلاث ىراوجلا مامأ لثم ىنتنعط ول ىتح ...سرطب اذه لك دعب ...ىدنجلا سونيجنل ...كلبقأ نأ دعتسم تلزام متسل امل نودجست متنأ + ...نوملعت لقأ امو ...نيدجاسلا رثكا ام !.....نيدباعلا دوجسلا لك سيل هنأ فرعت له ....مارتحلال دوجس كانهف ...ةدابع دوجسو ....ةيحتلل دوجسو سيلف ....دولاو اضرلا باستكلا ...ةدابع وه دوجس لك ...ةدابعلل دجسي نم كانهو لب ....طقف هدسجب دجسي درجمو اهئات اخماش لازامف هلقع امأ كانه لازام ملاعلا طسو فيخم هللا نودجسي نوريثك ...ةوسقب بقاعي ...بعرم رابج ...ةوقلاب هاياصو ضرفيو لا امل نودجسي اقح مهنا ىف نوشيعي اولزام ...نوملعي ...صلاخلا لبق ام رصع ...!بحن نمل دجسن مويلا اننا نم تبقث ىتلا مادقلاا لبقنل دجسن ...انلجأ دوجس نيب قرفلا ربكأ ام ....ةبحملا دوجسو ...فوخلا ...ةبوتلا عومد هيف ةبحملا دوجس امدن لب ...باقعلا نم افوخ سيل ....بحملا بلق انحرج اننلأ سيل ...قاحسنا هيف ةبحملا دوجس ةبغر لب ...رابجلا نم ةبهر

Dear beloved, do you know to whom you prostrate? Do you know why you prostrate? Do you know how to prostrate? God is a spirit, and those who worship Him must, in spirit and truth, worship.

A message from Abouna Joshua the Papal Legate for the Diocese of Sydney

Dear Beloved Fathers


Pi-Ekhrestos Aftonf; Khen O Methmi Aftonf!

Christ is Risen; Truly He is Risen!

During the recent Holy Synod, a new office was established under the auspices of the Papal Office, named “Hands In God’s Hand” (HIGH). HIGH is dedicated to mobilising international youth to serve Egypt’s marginalised and impoverished populations, inspired by Proverbs 19:17: “Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will repay him for his deed.”

Our mission is facilitated through Youth Service trips from the diaspora to Egypt. As a member of the HIGH board, I am here to support all aspects of your Youth Service trip, from arranging accommodation and transportation to organising the sourcing of food supplies, clothing, and other necessities that you would distribute to poor families. We also plan the villages you will visit and the services you will conduct. Additionally, we can assist in planning any recreational/touristic activities, as well as religious visits to monasteries and churches.

نم مادقأ تحت ايحن ىكل اقوشو ...انبحأ نمل ملعت له ...بيبحلا اهيأ ...؟دجست اذامل ملعت له ....؟دجست ...؟دجست فيك ملعت له نودجسي نيذلاو حور الله نأ نأ ىغبني قحلاو حورلابف هل .اودجسي

From Resurrection to Pentecost

HG Bishop Youssef

The Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ not only brought about victory over death, Satan, and sin but also marked the beginning of a new resurrected life to be lived fully here on earth and continued and glorified in eternal life. That is why during the fifty days after the Resurrection, and while waiting to celebrate the descent of the Holy Spirit, as promised by our Lord Jesus Christ to His disciples, our beloved church filled, directed and inspired by the Holy Spirit continues to reveal to its members who that Person of Jesus Christ their Savior truly is; and what He, in essence, has procured for them. This the church does in such a significant, related manner throughout the seven consecutive weekly Gospel readings.

The Church Gospel Readings

Thus the fifty day period between Resurrection and Pentecost becomes a period of meditation on the Holy Person of Jesus Christ: who He is, and how essential He is for us during our Journey in this life in order to reach our ultimate destination which is the heavenly Jerusalem where we will see Him face to face and be for ever with Him.

First Sunday: Christ Our Faith (John 20:28,29(

Second Sunday: Christ the Bread of life (John 6:35(

Third Sunday: Christ the Water of life (John 4:14(

Fourth Sunday: Christ the Light of the world (John 12:46(

Fifth Sunday: Christ the Way to life (John 14:6(

Sixth Sunday: Christ the Conqueror of the World (John 16:33(

Seventh Sunday: Christ announcing the Comforter (John 15:26( 1. Christ Our Faith (John 20:28,29)

The new life that exists in Christ’s Resurrection becomes ours only by and through faith. St. Paul stresses this fact clearly in 1 Corinthians 15:14 “And if Christ is not risen, then our preaching is empty and your faith is also empty.” That is why the first Sundays Gospel reading revolves around this point. Our Lord Jesus Christ appears to Thomas saying to him “put your hand in the place of the nails…and be a believer” (John 20:28,29(. In order for this belief to be genuine belief, it does not require seeing as an evidence. On the contrary, blessed are those who believe without seeing. A good example of believing without seeing is the faith that the Israelites exhibited when they agreed to leave Egypt (Egypt being a symbol of our life before the Resurrection( and head towards the yet unknown promised land (the latter being a symbol of the heavenly Jerusalem(. For the Israelites the crossing of the Red Sea was like crossing from death unto life, a resurrection (1 Corinthians 10:1,2(. St. Paul considered that crossing of the sea a baptism which in essence is a symbol of Resurrection. Romans 6 describes baptism as burial and resurrection with Christ. It was with faith that the Israelites started their journey knowing the hardships and potential enemies that were lying ahead of them in the wilderness. Likewise, the journey with Christ starts with faith. It is only through faith we find courage to denounce the world and its pleasures; knowing that by following the Resurrected Christ we will be able to reach our goal which is Heaven. However, the road will not always be easy; and trials, hardships, and obstacles are bound to cross our way. The answer is clear in the Lords words: “believe also in me” (John 14:1(.

2. Christ the Bread of life (John 6:35)

After the Israelites had left Egypt, God immediately catered for their physical need for food. So, He sent the manna from heaven to feed them on daily basis. Likewise, in our new resurrected life in Jesus, the need for spiritual food is catered for through the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ “I am the bread of life. Your fathers ate the manna in the wilderness, and are dead. This is the bread which comes down from heaven that one may eat of it and not die. I am the living bread which came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever; and the bread that I shall give is My flesh, which I shall give for the life of the world unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day” (John 6:48-54(. This

is what the Church resounds in its Gospel readings on the second Sunday after Resurrection to remind us, believers, of the need for that Spiritual Food which is given to us as for salvation, remission of sin, and eternal life to those who partake of Him (the prayer of the confession(.

3. Christ the Water of life (John 4:14)

Just as God provided the Israelites with water procured from the rock “and all drank the same spiritual drink. For they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them, and that Rock was Christ” (1 Corinthians 10:4( that God had ordered Moses to strike with his staff, so did He provide us with living water through His Son Jesus Christ from whose side had run that water while on the cross in order to quench the thirst of humanity. On the third Sunday the Church reads the Gospel of the Samaritan Woman reminding us of what the Lord had said to her “Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life” (John 4:13,14(. This is the thirst-quenching, living water, (His Grace and Mercy(, that is given to us through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. St. Augustine says, You created us to yourself and our souls will remain restless until we find comfort in you. Trying to satisfy our thirst to worldly desires is just like drinking from salty water; we end up thirstier than before drinking. Gods Word to Jeremiah in this respect is “For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters, And hewn themselves cisterns–broken cisterns that can hold no water” (Jeremiah 2:13(.

Pursuing the pleasures of this world is like drinking from salty water; it brings about more thirst, whereas drinking from the Water of Life, Jesus Christ, brings about everlasting satisfaction. The living water is the Holy Spirit that He sent to us after His ascension to Heavens “He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water. But this He spoke concerning the Spirit, whom those believing in Him would receive; for the Holy Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified” (John 7:38,39(.

His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’

Christ is risen

On the hope of Ressurction we Farewell

Our dear Father and Teacher

The Hegumen Abraam Elbaramosi

God chose to give him rest from the toil of this world last night

The Funeral was held at The Baramous Monastery Thursday 16th May 1:00

PM Egypt time

May he continue to pray for all of us that the Lord may help us as he helped him

لِيلِقَلْا فِي انًيمِأَ َتَ نًُكُ !ينُمِلأَا حُلْاصَّلْا دُبْعَلْا اهَيُّأَ مَّاعَنِ :هُدُيسَ هُلْ لاق ”.كَدُيسَ حِرَفَ لَىإِ لِخُدْا .يرِثَِكَلْا لَىعَ كَمُيقأُفَ ماق حُيسلما سيومِابرلْا مارَبا / صمُقَلْا انًمُلِعَمِو انًيبا هُمِايقَلْا ءاجر لَىعَ عدْونِ ٢٠٢٤ ويُّامِ ١٦ مويُّ لماعَلْا اذه باعَتا نمِ هُحيُّرَيُّ نا هُلِلْا هُراتخُ دُيلِيُّدْأَ فىو ابرنِاكُ فى ايلْاترسَأَ فى ةدُيُّدُعَ سئانًكُ فى مآرَبأَ انِوبأَ مدُخُ

+ Remember O Lord the Departed

Reposed to the Lord, Nabil Ibrahim. Brother of Alice, wife of Shawky Mikhail, the late Salwa, wife of Nasr Nasr, Onsy Ibrahim husband of Magdoline and George Abraham husband of Manal. He is survived by his nieces and nephews Ayman, Carol, Jacky, Paula, Robert, Eveline, Marlene, Sophie, Benjamin, George, Grace, Julia and Linda.

Funeral will be Wednesday 22nd May 11:30am.

May the Lord repose his soul in the bosom of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

نيدقارلا براي ركذأ + دقر ، ادج لضفا حيسملا عم ةمايقلا ءاجر يلع لك وخا ،ميهاربا يمزع ليبن ةموحرملا ،لئاخيم سيلا نم ، ميهاربإ يسنا ،رصن يولس ةجوز وخأو ، ماهاربأ چروچ و رصن ينهم رصن نم لك لاخ و ،لئاخيم كاردس يقوش ،يكاچ ،لوراك ،نميا نم لك ،نيلرام ،تربور ،لاوب ،يفوص نم لك مع و ،نيليڤا ادنيل و ايلوچ ،سيارج ،چروچ ،نيماچنب، ةسينكب ويام 22 ءاعبرلاا موي زانجلا ميسارم ماقت احابص ١١:30 ةعاسلا ميرم ءارذعلا هترسأ دارفأ لك ىزعيو هسفن حيني برلا

Blessed Marriage

Peter Hanna & Marika Maria Kouremnos

Saturday 19th May 2024

St. John Chrysostom Church

Blessed Baptism

Mirabella Filomena daughter of Amir & Maria Awad

Sunday 19th May 2024

St. Mary’s Church

Blessed Engagement

George Hakim & Rana Markalla

Sunday 19th May 2024

St. John Chrysostom Church

Mary’s Church New Building Financial Report


New Church, New Building and Car Park are ready

We started to use the New Building and church last on Lazarus Saturday 27th April 2024. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downloaded from church website. We thank Our Lord for this great Gift Cost of building works is around $13,000,000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreciated.

Donations to St Mary’s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link

https://www.stmc.org.au/donate (Copy & Paste on Web Browser( New

تارايسلا راظتنأ نكامأو ىنبملاو ةديدجلا ةسينكلا لامعتسأ انأدب بسح متت ةسينكلا تامدخ .ليربأ 27 رزاعل تبس موي نم ديدجلا ىنبملا لامعتسأ انأدب .ةرشنلا لخاد حضوملا لودجلا بسح داتعملا .ارلاود نويلم ١3 3 ىلاوح عورشملا ةفلكت غلبت بحسلا ةرامتسأ ءلمب ىرهش عربتب ةكراشملا كنكني زكرم للاخ نم اهعبط وأ ةسينكلاب ةدوجوملا يكنبلا ينورتكللإا ةسينكلا لمعلا اذه ىف مكتمهاسمو مكتاعربت كرابي برلا
طبارلا ىلع طغضأ ينابملا عورشمو ميرم ءارذعلا ةسينكل تاعربتلل
Buildindg Wednesday
May 2024

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