Weekly Bulletin 27th November 2022

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Services at St Mary’s Church Monday: Mass 9 - 11 am Tuesday Liturgy 5:30 - 7am 7:30pm The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am 6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults Arabic ; 7-8:15pm English (Zoom) Hymns Class Arabic 8-9pm (Zoom) Thursday Mass 9 - 11 am - English English Midnight Praises 7:30pm English Bible Study 7:30pm Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am Youth 25 and above 7-9pm Family Meeting 7-9pm (fortnightly) Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm Year 10-12 Sunday School 6-9pm Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm English Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:307pm Scouts 1:30 - 3pm School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm Sunday: 1st Mass6 - .7:45am Arabic & English 2nd Mass.7:45 – .9:30am English 3rd Mass 9:30 - 11:15am Arabic Hymns Class - English 11:4512:30pm Church Priests: Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251 Email: frtadros@me.com Fr Habib Girgis Younan: 0401238177 – 94498871 Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail. com Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821 Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kens ington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651 Fr Kerillos Tawadros 0411 518 399 Fr John Macary 0433 445 636 :ءارذعلا ةسينكب ةمدخلا ديعاوم:نينثلأا احابص ١١ - ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا احابص 7 - 5:30 :ىهللأا سادقلا :ءاثلاثلا )ىزيلجنأ( ىاو اذ - ىزيلجنلأاب رابكلل عامتجأ ءاسم 7:30 احابص ١١ – ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا :ءاعبرلأا ىبرع - رابكلل ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8 - 6:30 ىزيلجنأ - ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8:١5 - 7 ىبرع - ناحلأ لوصف ءاسم٩ - 8 :سيمخلا ىزيلجنأ - احابص ١١ - ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا ءاسم 7:30 ىزيلجنأ - ليللا فصن ةحبست ءاسم 7:30 ىزيلجنأ - سدقملا باتكلا سرد احابص ١١ – ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا :ةعمجلا رثكأف ةنس 25 بابشلا ءاسم ٩ – 7 )نيعوبسأ لك( ةرسلأا عامتجأ ءاسم٩ 7 ىزيلجنأ - ةمدخلا دادعا عامتجأ ءاسم 8:30 - 7 ١0 تاونسل دحلأا سردم لصف ءاسم ٩ - 6 ١2احابص ١١ – 8,30 ىهللأا سادقلا:تبسلا ءاسم 3 - ١:30 ةفاشكلا عامتجا ءاسم 4 - 3 ةسمامشلا ةسردم 5,30 – 4 دحلأا سرادم ءاسم 8:30 –7 بابشلا عامتجاو ةيشعلا ىزيلجنا ىبرع ءاسم 7 - 5:30 باتك سردو ةيشعلا :دحلأا ىزيلجناو ىبرع ص,7:45 – 6 لولأا سادقلا ىزيلجنا – ص ٩:30 – ,7:45 ىناثلا سادقلا ىبرع ص ١١:١5 – ٩:30 ثلاثلا سادقلا ءاسم ١2:30 - ١١:45 ىزيلجنأ - ناحلأ لصف :ةسينكلاب ةنهكلا ءابلأا ميبوراش سردات صمقلا 0414251251بلأا Email: frtadros@me.com :نانوي سجرج بيبح سقلا بلأا 94498871Email: - 0401238177 habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com 0422431821 :بيلص لكيام سقلا بلأا Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Epsom Rd, 3031:ةسينكلا ناونع :نوفيلت 5 Kensington Vic 93766651 سورضوات سلريك سقلا بلأا 0411518399 ىراكم نوج سقلا بلأا 0433445636

The Martyrdom of Saint Philip the Apostle. 27th November - 18th Hator

On this day also, of the year 80 A.D., St. Philip the Apostle, one of the Twelve Disciples, was martyred. His lot fell to go to Africa and the surrounding regions. He went and preached there in the Name of the Lord Christ. There, he performed many miracles and wonders which astounded the people. After he led the people to the knowledge of God, con firming them in the faith, he went to Herapolis, where he also led the people to the knowledge of God. The non-believers took counsel together to kill him, accusing him of disobeying the king’s order that no stranger was allowed to enter their city. They jumped him and seized him, but he smiled at them saying, “Why do you keep yourselves away from everlasting life and why don’t you think about the salvation of your souls?” But they did not pay any attention to his words, instead they tortured him severely, then they crucified him head down. During the crucifixion an earthquake took place; the people were terrified and ran away. Some believers arrived and wanted to untie him from the cross, but he asked them to leave him, so he might finish his strife and receive his crown. He delivered his soul to the hands of Christ and received the crown of eternal glory in the year 80 A.D. and was buried there.

In the sixth century A.D., his body was transferred to Rome. The Lord manifested many signs and great wonders through the body of St. Philip. His prayers be with us and Glory be to our God forever. Amen.

The Departure of Saint Cosma, 54th Pope of Alexandria. 30th November - 21st Hator

Also on this day, in the year 89 A.D., St. Cosma II, 54th Pope of Alexandria, departed. He was born in Samanoud and became a monk in the monastery of St. Macarius. When the papal chair became vacant, the bishops and the people, with one accord, agreed to choose this father. He was ordained Patriarch and he experienced great tribulations. The believers also experienced tribulations and great afflictions; however, some wonders appeared during his patriarchate. Among them, blood flowed from the icon of St. Mary in the church of St. Severus, in the desert of Scete (the Holy desert). Also, many of the icons in the churches in Egypt became wet with tears. This unusual phenomenon was believed to be a result of the afflictions and sorrows that befell the Patriarch and the believers.

In spite of all the afflictions that he experienced, the Patriarch continued teaching the believers and strengthening them diligently and with great zeal. He stayed on the Chair of St. Mark for seven years and six months, then departed in peace. His prayers be with us. Amen.

The Departure of Saint Gregory, the Wonder Worker.

لوسرلا سبليف سيدقلا داهشتسا روتاه ١٨ - برمفون ٢٧ ةيدلايم ٨0 ةنس نم مويلا اذه لثم في ينثلاا دحأ لوسرلا سبليف سيدقلا دهشتسا لىإ تجرخ دق هتعرق نإ كلذو . اذيملت شرع مساب اهيف شربو اهيلإ بهذف اهلماعأو ةيقيرفأ نإ دعب ، هللا ةفرعم لىإ اهلهأ درو ، حيسلما لهذا ام ةرهابلا بئاجعلاو تايلآا نم رهظا جرخ نايملإا ليع مهتبث نإ دعبو . مهلوقع هللا ةفرعم لىإ اضيا اهلهأ درو ، سيلوباريا لىإ اورواشت دق دلابلا كلتب يننمؤلما يرغ نإ لاإ ، ضياقلا كللما رمأ فلاخ هنا ىوعدب هلتق ليع هيلع اوبثوف ، مهتنيدم لىإ بيرغ لوخد مدعب مههوجو في مستبي ناكف وه امأ ، هوديقو ةيدبلأا ةايحلا مكنع نودعبت اذالم : مهل لائاق ملف مه امأ . مكسفنأ صلاخ في نوركفت لاو ، ايرثك اباذع هوبذعو هيلع اوبلاكتو هملاكب اوئبعي ةلزلز تثدح بلصلا ءانثأو . اسكنم هوبلص مث يننمؤلما ضعب ءاجف . اورفو عيمجلا بعتراف مهيلإ بلطف ، بيلصلا ليع نم هلازنإ اودارأو اذكهو . هليلكإ لانيو هيعس لمكيل هوكتري نإ دجلما ليلكإ لانو حيسلما ديب هحور ملسا ليجلا فيو . كانه نفدو م ٨0 ةنس يدبلأا . ةيمور لىإ هدسج لقن يحيسلما سداسلا سبليف سيدقلا دسج نم رهظي هللا ناكو انعم نوكت هتلاص . ةميظعلا بئاجعلاو تايلآا . ينما ايدبا ائماد دجلما انبرلو 54 نىاثلا ماسق بابلا ةحاين روتاه ٢١ - برمفون ٣0 حينت ةيدلايم ٨59 ةنس نم مويلا اذه لثم في نوسمخلاو عبارلا ، نياثلا ماسق سيدقلا دونمسب دلو دقو ، ةيردنكسلإا تاواباب نم لاخ المو ، سويراقم سيدقلا ريدب بهرتو ةنخارلأاو ةفقاسلأا يأر عمجا ةيكريرطبلا سيرك دقو اكريرطب مسرف ، بلاا اذه رايتخا ليع ليع ترج ماك ، ةيرثك نازحأ هب تقحل ، ةديدع براجتو ايلاب هنامز في يننمؤلما نإ اهنم ، بئاجعلا ضعب همايأ في ترهظو في يتلا ءارذعلا ةديسلا ةنوقيأ نم جرخ امد ماك ، ةسدقلما ةيبرلاب سريواس سيدقلا ةسينك تناك ةيصرلما رايدلاب يتلا تانوقيلأا ثركا نإ ةرهاظلا هذه اوللع دقو ، عومدلاب ةللبم اضيا كريرطبلا بلاا لان ام ببسب اهنا ةبيجعلا لك مغر ناكو ، نازحلأاو ءلابلا نم يننمؤلماو مهتيبثتو يننمؤلما ميلعت ليع اموادم هباصأ ام يننس عبس سيركلا ليع ماقأو طاشنو ةيرغب نوكت هتلاص ،ملاسب حينت مث ، رهشا ةتسو . ينما انعم ىبياجعلا سويروغيرغ سيدقلا ةحاين روتاه ٢١ - برمفون ٣0

30th November - 21st Hator

Also on this day, in the year 270 A.D., St. Gregory the wonder worker, departed. He was the bishop of Neocae sarea, in the province of Pontos, where he was born to rich pagan parents. He learned philosophy and wisdom at an early age and surpassed many of his colleagues. Then he went to Beirut, where he studied the Greek and Latin subjects. From there he went to Caesarea, Palestine, where the erudite Origen was, who taught him Christian philosophy. He also learned Theology and the interpreta tions of the holy books. In the year 235 A.D., he went to the city of Alexandria, the cultural center of the world at that time, to complete his studies. He returned to his town in the year 237 A.D. In the year 239 A.D., he was baptized in the holy baptism and be came a Christian, for he realized the vanity of this world and chose the way of the everlasting kingdom of heaven. He directed all his attention to the salvation of his soul. When he knew that the Bishop of his town was seeking him to assist him in the bishopric duties, he escaped to the wilderness. He devoted himself to prayers and ardent worship, forsaking the world and the futility of its glories. When the Bishop of his town departed, they sought him in order to make him the new bishop but they did not know where to find him. It happened while the people were gathered with St. Gregory, the Theologian, that they heard a voice say, «Seek Gregory the hermit and set him a Bishop over you.» They sent a party to search for him in the wilderness and in the mountains. When they did not find him, they decided to take a Bible and pray the prayer of ordination over it, as though he were present. They called him Gregory even though his given name was Theodore. St. Gregory, the Theologian, presided over this service.

The angel of the Lord appeared to St. Gregory in the wilderness and said to him, «Rise up and go to your town, for they have made you the bishop over it and refuse not, for it is the Will of God.» He did not hesitate, rose up immediately and descended from the mountain and went to his town. The people went forth to meet him with great honor, and they completed his ordination in the year 244 A.D.

The Lord performed many signs and wonders at his hands, so that he was called the wonder worker. For ex ample, two brothers who owned a lake from which they made a good living by catching large amounts of fish had a falling out because of it, for each one of them claimed his ownership of it. When they were unable to reach an agreement, they sought the wisdom of St. Gregory to help them settle their differences. He ordered that they should divide the yield of the lake equally between themselves. When they did not heed his judgement, he entreated God and the waters of the lake dried up and it became a farm land, which they divided between them. Reports of the signs and wonders which he made were heard throughout

حينت ةيدلايم ٢٧0 ةنس نم مويلا اذه لثم في فقسأ ، يبئاجعلا سويروغيرغ سيدقلا ةنيدلما يهو مورلا دلابب ةديدجلا ةيصريق دقو ، ينينثو ينينغ نيوبأ نم اهب دلو يتلا ىتح ةفسلفلاو ةمكحلا هرغص ذنم ملعت تويرب لىإ لحر مث ، هبارتأ نم نييرثك قاف نمو ، ةينيتلالاو ةينانويلا مولعلا سردف ناك ثيح ينطسلف ةيصريق لىإ ضيم كانه ةفسلفلا هيلع سردف ، سوناجيروأ ةملاعلا بتكلا يرسفتو توهلالا ملعت مث ، ةيحيسلما ةنس ةيردنكسلإا ةنيدم دصقو ، ةسدقلما ناك ام ةسارد لمكا ثيح ةيدلايم ٢٣5 ٢٣٧ ةنس هتدلب لىإ داعو ، مولعلا نم هصقني ةيدومعلماب غبطصا ٢٣9 ةنس فيو ، ةيدلايم لاوز نقيت ذإو ، ايحيسم حبصاو ةسدقلما لك هجو ، ءماسلا ةكلمم ماودو لماعلا اذه المو ، هسفن صلاخ ليع لمعلا لىإ همماتها هتدعاسلم هبلط في دجي هتدلب فقسأ نإ ملع غرفتو ةيبرلا لىإ بره ، ةيفقسلأا لماعأ في نع هفاصرنلا ةيرثكلا تادابعلاو تاولصلل اذه حينت المو ، ةلطابلا هداجمأو لماعلا اوفرعي ملف هل افلخ هنييعتل هوبلط فقسلأا اعمتجم بعشلا ناك مانيب ثدحو ، اناكم هل ، سوغولؤاثلا سويروغيرغ سيدقلا عم سويروغيرغ اوبلطا لوقي اتوص اوعمس ذإ نم اولسرأف ، افقسأ مكيلع هوميقأو حئاسلا اوثرعي لم ذإو ، لابجلاو يرابرلا في هنع ثحبي اولصيو لايجنإ اوذخأي نإ مهيأر رق هيلع هنوعديو ، ضراح هنأك ، سيركتلا ةلاص هيلع ناك قباسلا همسا نلا ، سويروغيرغ ةلاصلا هذهب ماقو اذكه اولعفف ، سرودؤاث رهظف ، سوغولؤاثلا سويروغيرغ سيدقلا : هل لائاق رافقلا في سيدقلا اذهل برلا كلام اهيلع افقسأ كوسرك دقف كدلب لىإ بهذا مق ملف ، هللا نم هنلأ كلذ نم فعتست لاو ، لبجلا نم لزنو هتقول ماقو رملأا في ددتري ةماركب هئاقلل بعشلا جرخف ، هتدلب لىإ تيأو ةيدلايم ٢44 ةنس هسيركت اولمكو ةميظع بئاجعو تايآ هيدي ليع هللا رهظا دقو ، هنا كلذ نمف ، يبئاجعلاب يمس ىتح ةيرثك رادقم ليع اهنم نلاصحي ةيرحب نيوخلأ ناك فلاخ ماهنيب عقو دقو ، كمسلا نم يربك المو ، هل اهتيكلم يعدي ماهنم لك ناك ذإ ، في ماهل لصفيل بلاا اذه لىإ ابهذ اقفتي لم ةفصانم اهلوصحم مسقي نإ مكحف ، رملأا هللا نم بلط ، همكح لابقي لم ذإو ، ماهنيب ةحلاص اضرأ تراصو ، ةيرحبلا ءام فجف يتلا بئاجعلاو تايلآا تيص عاذو ، ةعارزلل المو ، ضرلأا راطقأ عيمج لىإ اهعنصي ناك انعم نوكت هتلاص ، ملاسب حينت هيعس لمكا

the land. Finally, when he completed his strife, he depart ed in peace.

His prayers be with us. Amen.

The Martyrdom of Saints Cosmas, Damian, Their Brothers and Their Mother 1st December - 22nd Hator

On this day, saints Cosmas and Damian, their brothers, Anthimus, Leontius (Londius) and Euprepius (Abrabius), and their mother Theodata, were martyred. They were from one of the Arab countries. Their mother feared God and was compassionate and merciful towards strangers. She became a widow, while her children were still young. She raised them and instilled in them the fear of God and the love of righteousness. Cosmas and Damian studied medicine and they treated the sick, free of charge. As for their brothers, they went to the desert and became monks. When Diocletian renounced the faith and ordered the worship of idols, he was told that Cosmas and Damian were preaching in the Name of Christ, and urging others not to worship idols. He ordered them to be brought to the Governor of the city, who tortured them severely by beating them and burning them. He then asked them the whereabouts of their brothers. Upon finding out, he brought them and their mother. He ordered them to raise incense before the idols, but they refused. He then ordered the five to be squeezed through the wheel. When they experienced no harm, he took them out and cast them into a red hot furnace for three days and three nights, then into hot boiling water. Finally he placed them on red-hot iron beds. Through all this, however, the Lord raised them up whole and unharmed to reveal His glory and the honor of His saints. When the Governor became weary of torturing them he sent them to the Emperor who also tortured them. Their mother constantly encouraged and comforted them. The Emperor rebuked her, but she admonished him for his cruelty and for worshipping idols. He ordered her head to be cut off and she received the crown of everlast ing life. Her body remained on the ground and no one dared to bury it for their fear of the Emperor. St. Cosmas screamed at those present saying, “Men of this city, is there not one merciful person among you who will cover the body of this poor old widow and bury her?” Straightaway, Victor, the son of Romanus, came forward, took the body, placed it in a shroud, and buried it. When the Emperor heard what Victor had done, he ordered that he be exiled in the land of Egypt, where he received the crown of martyrdom. The next day, the Emperor ordered the heads of the saints Cosmas, Damian, and their brothers to be cut off. They then received the crown of life in the kingdom of heaven.

At the end of the era of persecution, many churches were built in the name of these saints and God made manifest many signs and wonders therein. Their prayers be with us and Glory be to our God forever.

. ينما ماهتوخأو نايمدو نامزق سيدقلا داهشتسا روتاه ٢٢ - برمسيد ١ مهمأو نامزق نوسيدقلا دهشتسا مويلا اذه لثم في سويدنولاو سوميسنا ماهتوخاو نايمدو ىدحإ نم اوناك . تيوذؤاث مهمأو سويبارباو ةبحمو ، هللا يقتت مهمأ تناكو ، برعلا دلاب اهدلاوأو تلمرت دقو . ةموحرو ، ءابرغلل هللا فوخ مهتملعو مهتبرف . لافطأ دعب ةنهم نايمدو نامزق ملعتو . ةليضفلا بحو امأ ، رجا لاب ضيرلما ناجلاعي اناكو ، بطلا دترا المو . اوبهرتو ةيبرلا لىإ اوضمف ماهتوخا ناثولأا ةدابعب رمأو ، نايملإا نع سونايدلقد حيسلما مساب ناشربي نايمدو نامزق نإ هوبرخا رمأف . ناثولأا ةدابع مدع ليع ناضحيو . يذلا ةنيدلما لياول ماهميلستو ماهراضحإب رانلاو بضرلاب باذعلا عاونأ سىقأب ماهبذع هفرع المو . ماهتوخا ناكم نع ماهلأس مث . اورخبي نإ مهرمأو مهمأ مهعمو مهضرحتسا ةسمخلا صرعي نإ رمأف . هوعيطي ملف ناثولأل مهجرخأ ىذآ مهلني لم المو .
مهبيذعت نم لياولا مهعجشتو مهيزعت مهمأ تناكو . اضيا وه هتواسق ليع هتخبوف كللما اهرهتناف . مهبرصتو تلانو اهسأر عطقب رمأف . ناثولأا ةدابع ليعو سرجي لم احورطم اهدسج لظو ، ةايحلا ليلكإ في نامزق سيدقلا خصرف ، هنفدي نإ دحأ مكيف سيلأ ةنيدلما لهأ اي« لائاق نيضراحلا زوجعلا هذه دسج ترسيف ةمحر وذ دحأ نب رطقب مدقت كلذ دنع . »؟ اهنفديو ةلمرلأا . هنفد مث هنفكو هذخأو سونامور هيفنب رمأ رطقب هلعف ابم كللما ملع الم و . ةداهشلا ليلكإ لان كانهو صرم رايد لىإ ينسيدقلا سوؤر عطقب كللما رمأ دغلا فيو ةايحلا ليلكإ اولانف ماهتوخاو نايمدو نامزق نامز ضيقنا نإ دعبو . تاومسلا توكلم في رهظاو ، ةديدع سئانك مهل تينب ، داهطضلاا مهتعافش . ةيرثك بئاجعو تايآ اهيف برلا . ينما ايدبا ائماد دجلما انبرلو انعم نوكت ينيناحورلا اسيسق نيشرعلاو ةعبرلاا راكذت روتاه ٢4 – برمسيد ٣ نيشرعلاو ةعبرلأا راكذت مويلا اذه لثم في لياعلا قحلا ةنهك نيدسجتلما يرغ اسيسق عفرا مه نيذلا ،شرعلا لوح ينسلاجلا سوقط لكو ينسيدقلا عيمج نم مظعاو
صراعلما في
لايل ةثلاثو مايا ةثلاث رانلا نوتآ في مهاقلأو مهعضو ايرخأو . مماح دقوتسم في مهحرط مث هذه فيو . ةماحم ديدحلا نم ةسرآ ليع داسف يرغب ءايحأ مهميقي برلا ناك اهعيمج بعت المو . هيسيدق ماركإو هدجم راهظلإ مهبذعف كللما لىإ مهلسرأ ،


The Commemoration of the Twenty-Four Priests 3rd December – 24th Hator

On this day, we commemorate the twenty-four incor poreal priests of the Most High, who are sitting around His throne. They are exalted above all the saints and the spiritual hosts. Because of their closeness to God, they intercede on behalf of the human race and offer the prayers of the saints as incense, in the golden censers in their hands, before the Glorious and Blessed Lord. St. John the Evangelist said in Revelation, “After these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven. And the first voice which I heard was like a trumpet speaking with me, saying, ‘Come up here and I will show you things which must take place after this.’ Immediately I was in the Spirit, and behold, a throne set in heaven, and One sat on the throne. And He who sat there was like a jasper and a sardius stone in appearance; and there was a rainbow around the throne, in appearance like an emerald. Around the throne were twenty-four thrones, and on the thrones I saw twenty-four elders sitting, clothed in white robes, and they had crowns of gold on their heads. (Revelation 4:1-4) ... each having a harp, and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints” (Revela tion 5:8) who are on earth raising it to the Almighty. St. John continued saying, “I heard the Four living crea tures praising God and saying, ‘Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, Who was and is and is to come.’ Whenever the living creatures give glory and honor and thanks to Him Who sits on the throne, Who lives forever and ever. The twenty-four elders fall down before Him Who sits on the throne and worship Him Who lives forever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying, ‘You are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power, for You created all things, and by Your Will they exist and were created.’ (Revelation 4:8-11)

And when a command went forth from God they fell down, and worshipped saying, ‘Great and marvelous are Your works, Lord God Almighty! Just and true are Your ways, O King of the saints, who shall not fear You, O Lord, and glorify Your Name? For You alone are Holy. For all nations shall come and worship before You, for Your judgments have been manifested.’” (Revelation 15:3-4)

The fathers of the church arranged this feast to commemorate them. Their intercession be for us and Glory be to our God forever. Amen.

The Departure of St. Cornelius the Centurion. 2nd December - 23rd Hator

On this day, St. Cornelius the centurion, departed. He was a captain over one hundred soldiers in Caesarea of Palestine and he worshipped the stars. When he heard the Apostles preaching and saw the miracles performed at their hands, which were above and beyond any human power or pagan gods, he was

في نوعفشي هللا نم مهبرقل ، ينيناحورلا تاولص همسإ كرابت هتزعل نومدقيو ، شربلا مهيديأب بهذ رماجم في روخبك ينسيدقلا يتلا تاقدصلاو تاولصلا اهيف نوعفري ، لييجنلإا انحوي لوقي ماك ، هللا لىإ مدقت اذه دعب« ) ايؤرلا رفس ( سيسلماغوبأ في توصلاو ءماسلا في حوتفم باب اذإو ترظن لائاق يعم ملكتي قوبك هتعمس يذلا لولاا دعب يرصي نإ دب لا ام كيرأف انه لىإ دعصا شرع اذإو حورلا في تصر تقوللو اذه سلاج شرعلا ليعو ءماسلا في عوضوم بشيلا رجح هبش رظنلما في سلاجلا ناكو رظنلما في شرعلا لوح حزق سوقو قيقعلاو نوشرعو ةعبرأ شرعلا لوحو درمزلا هبش نيشرعو ةعبرأ شورعلا ليع تيأرو اشرع ليعو ضيب بايثب ينلبسرتم ينسلاج اخيش ، ) 4 – ١ : 4 ؤر( بهذ نم ليلاكأ مهسوؤر بهذ نم تاماجو تاراثيق دحاو لك مهلو ؤر ( ينسيدقلا تاولص يه اروخب ةءولمم طباض لىإ اهنوعفري ضرلأا ليع يذلا ) ٨ : 5 . »لكلا نوحبسي تاناويحلا ةعبرلأا تعمسو« لاق هللإا برلا سودق سودق سودق « ينلئاق نئاكلاو ناك يذلا ئش لك ليع رداقلا تاناويحلا يطعت مانيحو . »تيأي يذلاو شرعلا ليع سلاجلل اركشو ةماركو ادجم ةعبرلأا رخي ، نيدبلآا دبلأا لىإ يحلا شرعلا ليع سلاجلا مادق اخيش نوشرعلاو نوحرطيو نيدبلآا دبا لىإ يحلل نودجسيو قحتسم تنأ “ ينلئاق شرعلا امأ مهليلاكأ ةردقلاو ةماركلاو دجلما ذخأت نإ برلا اهيأ كتدارإب يهو ءايشلأا لك تقلخ تنأ كنلأ ندل نم مكح جرخ اذإو « تقلخو ةنئاك ةميظع ينلئاق « نودجسيو نورخي هللإا رداقلا هللإا برلا اهيأ كلماعأ يه ةبيجعو اي كقرط يه قحو ةلداع ، ئش لك ليع دجيمو بر اي كفاخن لا نم ، ينسيدقلا كلم عيمج نلا ، سودق كدحو كنلأ ، كمسا كماكحأ نلا كمامأ نودجسيو نوتأيس مملأا . « ترهظأ دق ديعلا اذه ةسينكلا وملعم بتر دق اذل انبرلو انعم نوكت مهتعافش ، مهل اراكذت . ينما ايدبا ائماد دجلما ةئالما دئاق سويلنرك سيدقلا راكذت روتاه ٢٣ - برمسيد ٢ سويلينرك سيدقلا حينت مويلا اذه لثم في ةئم نم ةقرف ليع اسيئر ناك ، ةئلما دئاق دبعي ناكو ، ينطسلف ةيصريقب يدنج يأرو ذيملاتلا نع عمس مالف ، بكاوكلا مام ، مهيديأ ليع يرجت تناك يتلا تايلآا

astonished, confused, and he started to doubt his gods. He forsook the worship of the stars and opened his heart to the Lord through prayers, fasting and merciful deeds. In his prayers he repeated, “O Lord God, I am confused in my knowledge of You, direct me and guide me to You.” The Lord had compassion on him, accepted his prayers and his compassionate deeds, and sent an angel to announce to him that his prayers and alms had ascended before God and had been accepted by Him. He ordered him to send men to the city of Joppa, to bring St. Peter the Apostle, who was lodg ing with Simon the tanner and who would tell him what he must do. Cornelius did as the Lord said and had St. Peter brought to his house. As Peter was coming in, Cornelius met him and fell down at his feet and worshipped him. But Peter lifted him up saying, “Stand up; I myself am also a man.” When Peter went in the house, he found many Gentiles who had come together. Then he said to them, “You know how unlawful it is for a Jewish man to keep company with or to go to one of another nation. But God has shown me that I should not call any man common or unclean. Therefore, I came with out objection as soon as I was sent for. I ask, then for what reason have you sent for me?” So Cornelius said, “Four days ago I was fasting until this hour; and at the ninth hour, I prayed in my house, and behold, a man stood before me in bright clothing, and said, ‘Cornelius, your prayer has been heard and your alms are remembered in the sight of God. Send, therefore, to Joppa and call Simon here, whose surname is Peter. He is lodging in the house of Simon, a tanner, by the sea. When he comes, he will speak to you.’ So I sent to you immediately and you have done well to come. Now therefore, we are all present before God, to hear all the things commanded you by God.” Peter then opened his mouth and said, “In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality. But in every nation, whoever fears Him and works righteousness, is accepted by Him.” Then he preached to them of Jesus Christ, the Lord of all, and explained to them the mystery of His incarnation, crucifixion, resurrection, ascension and the workings of miracles in His Name. Cornelius, his household, all his men and most of those who were with him, believed and were baptized in the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Straightaway the Holy Spirit descended upon them. (Acts 10)

Afterwards, Cornelius left the military service and fol lowed the Apostles. St. Peter then ordained him a Bishop over the city of Caesarea of Palestine. He went there and proclaimed the Name of Christ, showing them the error of worshipping idols. Their minds were illuminated with the knowledge of God and they believed in Him. He strengthened them with the signs and miracles he performed before them and he baptized them all and among them was Deme trius the Governor. Then he departed in peace and received the crown of glory of the apostles. His prayers be with us. Amen.

، ةينثولا ةهللإاو شربلا يوق اهنع زجعت هتهلأ في كشلا هرواسو يرحتو لقع لهذ هبلق عفري ادبو ، بكاوكلا ةدابع كترف ، ناكو ةمحرلاو ةلاصلاو موصلاب هللا لىإ دق يننأ ، هللإا برلا اهيأ« هتلاص في لوقي كيلإ نيدهاو نيدشرأف كتفرعم في تيرحت ، هتقدصو هتلاص لبقو هيلع هللا ننحتف ، ماهدوعصو ماهلوبقب هشربي اكلام هل لسرأو افاي ةنيدم لىإ لسري نإ هرمأيو ، هيلإ دنع لازان ناك يذلا لوسرلا سرطب وعديف نإ يغبني اذام هملعيف ، غابدلا ناعمس لخد المو ، هضرحتساو لسرأف ، لعفي اعقاو دجسو سويلينرك هلبقتسا سرطب انا مق« لائاق سرطب هماقأف ، هيمدق ليع ةعماج دجو هتيب لخد المو ، »ناسنإ اضيا نوملعت متنا مهل« لاقف مملأا نم ةيربك يرغ ةطلاخم نم ينعنتم ةاروتلا ةعيشر نإ لوقأ لا نإ نيارأ دق هللا نإ لاا ، يننوتخلما كلذلف ، سجن وأ سند هنا ام ناسنإ نع ، »نوديرت اذماف ، نيومتيعدتسا ذإ تئج هذه لىإ مايا ةعبرأ ذنم« سويلينرك لاقف ةعساتلا ةعاسلا فيو ائماص تنك ةعاسلا فقو دق لجر اذإو ، يتيب في ليصا تنك سويلينرك اي لاقو ، عملا سابلب يمامأ هللا مامأ كتاقدص تركذو كتلاص تعمس بقللما ناعمس عدتساو افاي لىإ لسرأف ، لجر ناعمس تيب في لزان هنا ، سرطب ، كملكي ءاج يتم وهف ، رحبلا دنع غابد انسح تلعف تنأو ، لااح كيلإ تلسرأف نوضراح اعيمج نحن نلآاو ، تئج ذإ »هللا هب كرمأ ام عيمج عمسنل هللا مامأ دجأ انا قحلاب« لاقو هاف سرطب حتفف ، ةمأ لك في لب ، هوجولا لبقي لا هللا نإ مث ، »هدنع لوبقم برلا عنصيو هيقتي يذلا سر هملعاو ، لكلا بر حيسلما عوسيب هشرب لمعو هدوعصو هتمايقو هبلصو هدسجت هتيب لهأو سويلينرك نمأف ، همساب تايلآا اودمعتو ، هعم نيذلا ثركاو هنمالغ لكو لحف ، سدقلا حورلاو نبلااو بلاا مساب ، لاحلا في سدقلا حورلا ةمعن مهيلع عبتو ةيدنجلا سويلينرك كرت كلذ دعبو ليع افقسأ سرطب سيدقلا همسرو ، لسرلا ضيمف ينطسلف لماعأ نم ةيصريق ةنيدم ةللاض مهل انيبم ، حيسلماب اهيف شربو اهيلإ هللا ةفرعبم مهلوقع ترانتساف ،مانصلأا نم مهمامأ هعنص ابم مهتبث مث ، هب اونمآو ناكو ،اعيمج مهدمعو تازجعلماو تايلآا ملاسب حينت مث ، لياولا سويتريمد مهنيب نوكت هتلاص ، نيشربلما لسرلا ليلكإ لانو . ينما انعم

Contemplation of the Gospel of the Third Sunday of blessed month of Hator Luke 14: 25 – 35 And whoever does not carry their cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.(27) No Christianity without the Cross. Christianity was always connected to the Cross. The Lord carried His Cross to save all humanity for His great love to us. He raised us to new life by His Res urrection. The Cross is a source of our bride and joy. When we carried the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, we became strangers in this world. This world cannot bear the Cross. The Cross expose their evil deeds. The world persecutes those who carry the Cross. The Cross became a true symbol of true discipleship and adhering to the sacred life in Christ.

When you carry the Cross, you separate yourself from the world desires and lusts. Carrying the Cross, you should be ready to count the cost. There will be sufferings and hardships. Are you ready to carry the Cross?? + and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also

The word “hate” is a very difficult word. God’s commandments never taught us to hate. We learned to love our neighbour and even our enemies. Here it is not meant to hate anyone. It meant to be able to sacrifice even the closest ties in your life that connect you to others if this is necessary for the sake of your love to the Lord Christ. Many of these ties can be a source of stumbling in your spiritual life especially if they are not based on sound spiritual foundations. Remember evil Jezebel who caused her husband king Ahab to get away from God. She introduced the worship of Baal to Israel she encouraged and arranged for her husband to unlawfully acquire the Vineyard of Naboot. She even plotted to kill him. (First Kings 21). Jonadab the son of Shimeah was a friend of Am non son of David. He advised him how to rape Tamar daughter of his brother Absalom (Samuel the second 13). This caused a lot of trouble in the house of David. Absalom son of David also listened to a bad advice from Ahithophel and made him rise against his father )Samuel the first 15, 16(.

سادقلا ليجنا فى تلامأت ٣5 - ٢5 :١4 اقول كرابلماروتاه رهش نم ثلاثلا دحلأا ردقي لاف ئىارو تىأيو هبيلص لمحي لا نم ٢٧ :١4 اقول اذيملت لى نوكي نأ تطبترأ .. بيلص نودب ةيحيسم لا عوسي برلا لمح .. بيلصلاب ةيحيسلما تام .. هيشربلا صلاخ لجأ نم هبيلص هعم انماقأو .. انيف ابح بيلصلا لىع راص اذكهو .. تاوملاا نم هتمايقب امدنعو .. انحرفو انوخفردصم بيلصلا نع ءابرغ انصر عوسي برلا بيلص انلمح .. بيلصلا لمتحي لا لماعلاف .. لماعلا اذه اذكهو .. ةريشرلا هلماعأ فشكي بيلصلاف بيلصلا لىماح هللا دلاوأ دهطضي لماعلاراص ةذملتلل زمر بيلصلا لمح راصو .. عم ةسدقلما ةايحلاب كسمتلاو ةيقيقحلا .. هللا طباور نع لىخت ... بيلصلا لمح فىو لمح فىو .. هتاوهشب ةيحضتو لماعلا كانهف .. ةقفنلا باسح كانه بيلصلا بيلصلا لماح .. ملاآو بعاتمو تامازتلا نأ دعتسم تنأ لهف .. لماعلل ديج حلم وه .. ؟؟ بيلصلا لمحت هتوخأو هتأرمأو همأو هابأ ضغبي لاو + هسفن ىتح .. هتاوخأو فيك .. ادج ةبعص ةملك ضغبي ةملك ىتلا هللا اياصو فى ةضغب كانه نوكت ةبحمو .. بيرقلا ةبحم .. ةبحلما انملعت .. ودعلا ةيهاركلا انه دوصقلما سيل نكلو ةيحضتلاو لىختلا دوصقلما لب .. ةعيطقلاو ىتلا تاقلاعلا و طباورلا دشأ نع ىتح نم ايروضر اذه ناك اذأ نيرخلآاب كطبرت .. حيسلما ديسلا فى كبح لجأ لب .. تاقلاعلا هذه كبعتت ام ايرثكو كتايح فى كليطعت فى اببس نوكت ام ايرثكو اقلاعلا هذه نكت لم نأ اصوصخ .. ةيحورلا .. ميلس ىحور ساسأ لىع ةينبم ت فى اببس تناك .. ةريشرلا لبازيأ نأ ركذت لعبلا ةدابع تلخدأ .. اهجوز باخآ عايض لىع اهجوز تعجش .. ليئاسرإ لىا ناثولأاو تربد لب .. لىيعرزيلا توبان مرك باصتغإ كولم( .. لىيعرزيلا تويان لتق اهسفنب )٢١ لولأا نبأ نونمأ قيدص ىعمش نبأ بادانويو كىل ةريشرلا ةطخلا هل ربد ىذلا وه دواد

Even a good mother like Rebekah wife of Issac arranged for her son Jacob how to steal the First-born rights from his brother Esau (Genesis 27). My beloved, do you stand on the way of the salvation of your close people? Do you hold back their progress in spiritual life through your bad model in behaviour and actions? Remember that “We ought to obey God rather than men (Acts 5:29). Do not be surprised if one of them will not follow your example as he cares for his own salvation. What type of advice you give to your son or your daughter about dealing with those who hurt him. Do you blame him/her for their humble forgiving response and teach them how to force others to respect them and even to teach others a lesson to respect? The Lord taught us to love and forgive even our enemies.

How do you advice you daughter who is caring about her chastity and purity and refuse to wear revealing clothes? Dou you encour age and support her or blame her for being backward and out of fashion of this world and may give her examples of those girls whom you think they are clever and smart and how they behave and act with others. Be ready even to hate your own self for the sake of the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. How to hate yourself? Are you ready to for sake your bad habits which also offend your own children and those around you? Are you ready to reform yourself getting red of these enslaving habits like smoking or drinking wine and give good example to your children in self-control? It may be difficult, but you should be ready to sacrifice and carry your Cross. Remember that if you are not ready to even hate yourself in this regard you cannot be a disciple of the Lord. This means you refuse to be disciple for the Lord Christ and refuse to follow him. It is true that the life in Christ has many commitments. It is also true that if a life full of joy and peace. The Lord comforts His children beyond any worldly measure and support them in their distress and pain. Dear beloved be always ready to count the cost.

.. )١٣ مص ٢ ( هيخأ ةنبأ راماث نونمأ بصتغي تيب فى ةيرثك تابارطضأ مايق فى كلذ ببستو .. دواد هيبأ لىع ماق ىذلا هسفن وه دواد نبأ مولاشبأو ١5 مص ٢( .. هكلهي نأ داكو .. هصرق نم هدرطو .. )١٦، ىه قحسإ ةجور ةقفر لثم ةسيدق امأ نأ لب لىع لىوتسي كىل بوقعيل ططخلا تبتر ىتلا .. ) ٢٧كت ( هيخأ نم ةكبرلا قيرط فى فقت تنأ له .. بيبحلا اهيأ تنأو ؟؟؟؟ كتيب لهأ صلاخ ءاوس ؟؟؟ ةيحورلا مهتايح لطعت تنأ له .. مهعم كتافصرت وأ كراكفأ وأ كتروشبم .. سانلا نم ثركأ هللا عاطي نأ ىغبني هنأ ركذت ماتهم اناسنأ مهنم تدجو اذأ نذأ بجعتت لا .. كتروشم ذفني نأ عيطتسي لاو هسفن صلاخب لماع فيك كبرخأ اذأ كتنب وأ كنبلإ لوقت اذام ةبحبم هيلا اوءاسأ نيذلا هءاقدصأ وه اذه تلعف انسح هل لوقت له .. عضاوتو فرعي لم هنلا همولت كنأ مأ .. ىحيسلما فصرتلا اسرد هيطعتو .. هتماركل رأثيو هقح ذخأي فيك .. اباسح هل نولمعي نيرخلآا لعجي فيك ازاتمم اهتفعب ةمتهم اهيتدجو نأ كتنبلإ ينلوقت اذام يرغ سبلالماو ةيجراخلا ةنيزلاب متهت لاو اهتراهطو اهيملعتو كلذ لىع اهنيعجشت له ؟؟؟ ةقئلالا متهت فيكو ةراهطو ةفع ةايح فى شيعت فيك لىع اهيمولت مأ .. دسجلا ةنيز نم ثركأ لناضفلاب امو نيرخلآا تانبلل ةلثملاا اهيطعتو اهرخأت .. نيرخلآا عمو مهسفنأب هنولعفي لجأ نم كسفن ضغبت نأ دعتسم تنأ له كسفن ضغبت فيك .. حيسلما عوسي انبر بيلص يرغ كتاداع نع لىختت نا دعتسم تنأ له ؟؟؟ ؟؟؟ كلوح نمو كدلاوا اهب ثرعت ىتلاو ةسدقلما رمخلا سأك وأ ةراجيسلاب يحضت نا دعتسم له نأ حيحص ؟؟؟ كدلاوا ثرعت لا نأ لجأ نم ؟؟؟ هنأ .. ابعص نوكي ابمر ةداعلا هذه لثم سرك تنأ له نكلو .. ةيرثك تايحضت لىا جاتحي تنك نإ كنأ ركذتو .. ؟؟؟ بيلصلا اذهل دعتسم ةلمؤم ةملك كانهف .. كسفن ضغبت نأ دعتسم يرغ »اذيملت لى نوكي نأ ردقي لاف ».. ادج نا ضفرت .. عوسي برلل ذملتت نأ ضفرت كنأ ىأ .. هعم شيعت ةيرثك تامازتلإ اهل حيسلما ديسلا عم ةايحلا نإ نأ حيحص .. ملاس .. حرف ةايح اهنأ حيحص .. بعت لك لىع ىطغتو قوفت هدلاولأ هللا تايزعت بسحأو ادعتسم نك بيبحلا اهيأ نكل .. لمأو .. ةقفنلا باسح

+ and count

the cost

Today you want to build your spiritual ife. You want to be a disciple for the Lord. You want to carry the Cross. Sit today with yourself and count the cost. Life with Lord is not a picnic. The joy and inner peace and the magnificent life in Christ and the heavenly glory require you to offer many sacrifices. Be ready to bear temptations. Be ready to go through hardships. The life of the children of the Lord will for sure have sufferings. St Paul had to go through suffering more than any of the Apostles (read Second Corinthians 11: 16 – 33). His missionary was that of labours. He also rejoiced with these labours and he earned the Heavenly Crowns. He also mention his suffering from the thorn of the flesh )Second Corinthians 12: 7( which some commentators state that the apostle suffered from bouts of chronic malaria fever or some infirmity of the body which he had to endure for about fourteen years and continues through all his missionary travels. So much that “even handkerchiefs or aprons were brought from his body to the sick, and the diseases left them, and the evil spirits went out of them” (Acts 19:12). He did not get much celebrations and acknowledgments where ever he went to preach, bout more pains and sufferings. In the midst of all this, was so much consoled with the Lord’s over beyond imaginations blessings and support and he says: “Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ’s sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong” (Second Corinthians 12: 10). Many have left the glories and pleasures of this world to live with Lord Christ and they knew well that in this world they will have or comfort or worldly joy. They shall live as strangers in this world. “as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing all things” (Second Corinthians 6:10). They left behind all worldly glories and ranks such as Saint Arsenious the teacher of the King’s sons, St Maximus and Domatiums the emperor’s sons and St Damiana. Also, so many of the faithful martyrs who considered their life to be worth nothing “Yet indeed I also

.. ةقفنلا بسحيو + .. ةيحورلا كتايح ىنبت نأ ديرت مويلا تنأ ديرت .. عوسي برلل اذيملت يرصت نأ ديرت كسفن عم مويلا سلجأ .. بيلصلا لمحت نأ ديسلا عم هايحلاف ةقفنلا باسح بسحأو ملاسلاو حارفلاا نا .. ةهزن درجم تسيل حيسلما حيسلما ديسلا عم ةايحلا ةعورو لىخادلا كنم بلطتي اذه لك تايوماسلا دجمو .. نك .. براجتلل ادعتسم نك .. ةيرثك تايحضت نم ولخت لا هللا دلاوأ ةايح .. ملالآل ادعتسم .. لملأا بعاتلماو ملالآل ضرعت .. لوسرلا سلوب سيدقلا ةيناثلا سوثنروك أرقأ( .. لسرلا عيمج نم ثركأ لوسر قحب ىعد ىتح )٣٣ – ١٦ : ١١ حاحصأ .. داهجلا .. ةيوماسلا ليلاكلأا لان اهبو ملالآا هذهب حرفو سلوب سيدقلا اضيأ ملسي لمو : ١٢ وك ٢( دسجلا ةكوش ىطعأ ذأ ضرلما نم ايرلالما ضرم اهنأ لاقيو .. )٧ .. ةييرشبتلا هتلاحر لك فى همزلا ىذلا هدسج نم ةذوخألما رذآلماو ليدانلما تناكو حاورلأا جرختو ضارملأا ىفشت ةقرعب ةللبم احيدم دجي سلوب سيدقلا نكي لم .. ةريشرلا .. اهيف شربي ىتلا دلابلا ىق ةلفاح تلاابقتسإو لك طسوو .. ةعونتم تاقيضو ملاآو بعاتم لب هعم هللا تايزعت تناك بعاتلماو ملالآا هذه حرفب لوسرلا سلوب لوقيف .. لقع لك قوفت كىل تىافعض فى ىرحلاب رختفأ روسر لكب « تافعضلاب سرأ كلذل .. حيسلما ةوق لىع لحت تاقيضلاو تاداهطضلإاو تاروضرلاو مئاتشلاو ذئنيحف فيعض انأ مانيح نىلأ .. حيسلما لجلأ .. )١0 : ١٢ وك ٢( « ىوق انأ اوشيعي كىل هتمظعو لماعلا داجمأ اوكرت نويرثك مهنأ اديج نوملعي مهو .. حيسلما ديسلا عم لاو ةيدسج ةحار مهل دجوي لا لماعلا اذه فى نع ءابرغك نوشيعي فوس لب .. ةيلماع حارفأ نودهطضي .. نوكرابيف نومتشي .. هلك لماعلا لا نأك .. ءارقفك لماعلا فى نوعسي .. نوحرفيف ينكرات ..)١0 :٦ ةيناثلا سوثنروك( مهل ءشى نمو .. ةمظع وأ دجم وأ ةمارك لك مهفلخ دلاوأ ملعم سويناسرأ سيدقلا : ءلاؤه لاثمأ .. سويدامودو سوميسكم ينسيدقلاو .. كوللما .. ةنايمد ةسيدقلاو .. ءانملاا ءادهشلا ءلاؤه نم ادج نويرثكو لا لب ادج ةصيخر مهتايح اوبرتعأ نيذلا عوسيل مهتفرعم لضف لجأ نم ائيش ىواست ..)٨ :٣ ىبليف( حيسلما

count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord” (Philippians 3: 8).

Be ready to sacrifice your body’s comfort for the sake of Christ. Christianity does not deny your right to have a good comfortable life. But as a Christian you should refrain of indulging in worldly things which doe not suit you. Yes, you may look different than all other people in the yay you talk or dress or live. You cannot share many of these worldly activities which degrades you as Christian and makes you break God’s commandments. You cannot mix this world indecent pleasures with your life in the Lord. You cannot keep befriending the evil people and share their talks and ways of life and expect that in the same time you can enjoy the real joy of Life in Christ. You must choose clearly God or the world. If in real confidence choose God, you will be a blessing to this world. You are the salt of earth.

+ Salt is good You are that good salt. You are in this world to be that extra benefit for this life. Are you a good salt as Moses who became a blessing for his people and all the world? Can you be a good salt like the fathers the fathers Apostle. They left this world, but they were able to turn the world upside down lighting the darkness of this world. Ask yourself, are you a good salt? When you sit among friends, do they feel that you added special benefit and blessing to their gathering. They enjoyed spiritually your presence as you added good joyful peaceful atmosphere being in the midst.

Are you a good salt for your home? A source of blessings for them causing more joy and peace. Be careful not be a bad salt.

Remember my beloved, no salt at all is better that a bad salt which lost its flavour. Judge your self. Cain was a bad salt who introduced evil and disobedience his family and all the world. Salt which lost its flavour is a bad harmful salt which is not for a land or even a dunghill. It must be thrown outside. He who has ears to hear, let him hear!

همعنتو دسجلا ةحارب ىحضت نأ ادعتسم نك ديرت لا ةيحيسلما نأ اذه ىنعم سيل .. فى ماعنتم نوكت نأ بحت لاو .. كل ةحارلا فوس ىحيسمك ءايشأ كانه نكلو .. كتايح فلتخم كنأ دجت فوس .. كب قيلت لا اهدجت فى ، كثيداحأ فى ، كسبلام فى نيرخلآا نع فى لماعلا لهأ كراشت لا .. كتشيعم ةقيرط .. ةبخاصلا مهاقيسومو مهنوجمو مهصقر هتاذلمو لماعلا فى شيعت نأ عيطتست لا تنأف لا تنأ .. هللا عم شيعت تقولا سفن فىو مهتايح بحتو راشرلأا قداصت نأ عيطتست ةملكب ذذلتت تقولا سفن فىو .. مهثيداحأو راتخت نأ كيلع .. ةسدقلما هتشرعو هللا اذأ ةلماك ةقث فىو .. لماعلا مأ هللا .. حوضوب .. هلك لماعلل ةكرب يرصت فوس .. هللا تترخأ لماعلا حلم وه تناف .. ديج حللما + دوجوم تنأ .. ديجلا حللما اذه وه تنأ ةايحلا هيف لعجتو هحلتم كىل لماعلا اذه فى .. سىوم لثم ديج حلم تنأ له .. لضفأ حلم .. ؟؟ هلك لماعللو كبعش لكل ةكرب يرصت اذه طسو اوجرخ .. لسرلا ءابلاا لثم ديج ةملظ اوءاضأو .. اهلك ةنوكسلما اونتفو لماعلا ؟؟ .. لماعلا له .. ؟؟ ديج حلم تنأ له .. كسفن لأسأ ءاقدصلاا نم ةعومجم طسو تسلج اذا تناك كدوجو نودب هنأ كءاقدصأ رعشي اورعش كدوجوب .. ةبسانم يرغ حبصت مهتسلج عئار ليمج ىحور وجبو ملاسلاو ةحارلاب .. مهطسو .. مهل ةكرب ببس .. ؟؟؟ كتيبل حلم تنأ له حلم تنأ مأ .. مهسوفنل ةحارو ةمعن ببس ديجلا ماعطلا دسفي .. دساف لضفأ حللما مدع نأ .. بيبحلا اهيأ ىردت لاأ مكحأو كسفن لىا رظناف .. دساف حلم نم احلم نوكت نأ نم سترحأ .. كسفن لىع ةيطخلاو شرلا لخدأ ىذلا ينياق لثم ادساف .. هلك لماعلا لىا لب .. اهلك ةيرشعلا لىا لب .. ةلبزلم لاو ضرلأ حلصي لا دسافلا حللما .. اجراخ هنوحرطي .. هنوحرطي نيأ ملعت له .. عمسيلف عمسلل نانذأ هل نم

+ The Advent Fasting:

Friday 25th November the Advent Fasting started. It continues for 43 days and ends by the Feast of Holy Nativity at 7th Jan uary. It is allowed to eat fish during this fasting except on Wednesdays and Fridays and usually we abstain from food until 3pm. For those who got health reasons they can consult their father of confession. The Advent Fasting is a preparation for the Feast of Incarnation of our Lord. We fast 40 days taking an example of the Lord’s Fasting and from Moses Fasting for 40 days before receiving the Law and Commandments. We fast also extra three days in commemoration of the days fasted by people during the time of St Abraam the 62th Pope of Alexandria for the miracle of moving the mountain. The blessed month of Keiahk falls during the Advent days in which we sing and read all about the Incarnation of the Lord. Let us all pursue fasting in humility and repentance and offer our hearts to be holy sanctuary for our Lord the Child of the Manager the Incarnated Lord.

Episode 3 Can human come as a result of evolution?! - Cont https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=E.3-+15+Minutes+Apologetics Fr Luka Maher transcriped and translated by Mervet Eskander Stone-Man age “Homo-Erectus”

Another famous discovery claimed a primitive man who firstly discovered fire. You are familiar with the form of a stone-age man, holding a burning stick with a long hair and ape like jaw. They said “that is it” this is the form of something which neither man nor ape. Even our kids know well this shape/form from cartoon movies. This creature of the stone-age was shown holding a pointed stick and discovering fire. They called it “Homo- Erectus” the man who firstly discovered fire. Who discovered this creature? He was Charles Dawson in 1912. He claimed that he discovered an ape’s jaw, while the nose and the back of the skull (i.e. Occiput) is that of a human skull. He said “that is it” A human skull with a human nose, along with jaw of an ape. So this is the shape of a skull that neither belonging to a human nor to an ape. This is “man” who is still discovering fire- something between chimpanzee and man. Dawson made his discovery in 1912. The surprise is that in 1953, scientists discovered that Dawson had INTENTIONALLY fabricated his discovery. It turned out that the lower jaw was of ordinary ape, as of the nose and the back of the skull (Occiput) they dyed by potassium dichromate solution. As for the chimpanzee teeth, they were sculpted, dyed and placed inside the jaw. An intentional fraud! And it is supposed to be science. This forged creature is now called “piltdown” published in a magazine “Union Tribune with a title “Piltdown man was a hoax” It is called “the Piltdown Hoax” in the science books. Hoax means deception and forgery. It is such a forgery to the extent if you write now on Google “Homo – Erectus” or Piltdown man; Google will automatically fill in your search

:ديجملا دلايملا موص + دلايملا موص أدبي ربمفون ٢٥ ةعمحلا موي ديع موي يهتنيو اموي ٤٣ هتدمو ديجملا موصلا اذهو .. مداقلا رياني 7 ديجملا دلايملا كامسلأا لكأب اهيف حمسي يتلا ماوصلأا نم اهيف ماصيو ةعمجلاو ءاعبرلأا مايأ ادعام ىفو رهظلا دعب ةثلاثلا ةعاسلا ىتح ايعاطقنا .فارتعلاا بأ راشتسي ضرملا تلااح يهللإا دسجتلا ديعل دادعتسأ وه دلايملا موصو نيعبرأ ماصيو دسجتملا ةملكلا برلا لابقتسلا لاثمكو ينيعبرلأا برلا موص لاثمك اموي اياصولا هملست لبق اموي نيعبرأ ىسوم موص ةيفاضأ مايأ ةثلاث اضيأ ماصيو سومانلاو نبا مآربأ ابابلا مايأ يف ةسينكلا موص لاثمك ةزجعم مامتأ لجأ نم 6٢ كريرطبلا ةعرز .يمطافلا زعملا ةفيلخلا مايأ مطقملا لبجلا لقن يذلا كهيك رهش اضيأ موصلا اذه للختيو ةصاخلا تاءارقلا ىلع ةسينكلا هيف زكرت ةسينكلا هيف حبستو عوسي برلا دسجت ةصقب هللأا ةدلاوبو دسجتلاب ةصاخلا حيباستلا انيطعي بحملا برلا .. ميرم ءارذعلا ةسيدقلا ةراهطب هموصنف سدقملا موصلا اذه ةكرب اجوزمم ايحور اموص هيف مدقنو عوشخو ربو لاكيه نوكتل انبولق نيدعمو ةبوتلا عومدب دسجتملا برلا دوزملا لفطل اسدقم

with the word “hoax”. It is a hoax, yet ironically, it is still being taught to us as science. Articles about this hoax: Straus Jf. William L: the great Piltdown Hoax science 119: n.p 1954 Print and Armgnac, Ablen p. “The Piltdown hoax” Reader Digest Oct 1956: 182. Those articles say that “the man who discovered fire is the link between man and ape – this is neither a discovery nor fact”. The ape’s jaw and all these made by potassium chromate to look real, yet how we can possibly call this “science”!

Now I would like to talk about the third creature! This is a creature called “Java Man”. Java is an island in Indonesia. A famous Dutch Scientist named Sir Eugene Dubois, discovered it. He said that the primitive man was living in Indonesia and he claimed that he discovered a skull which mostly belonged to an ape and a thigh bone which is the femur which is upright (the one should belong to the ape is curved) so this must be an ape after straightening its legs. This is the creature between man and ape, and so this must be the ape-man and called it Java Man. At first when you read about this discovery you will find that the skull and the bone were found 50 feet apart, and the two were discovered in two different layers of earth. However, after he had discovered them and made up this whole story about them, German scientists came in 1907 and told him “why don’t you take us to Indonesia, so that we may find other bones?” and then we can set up a museum proving that the man’s origin was in Indonesia? But he declined and they insisted and threatened him to withdraw from him the announcement he made and question its credibility so he was forced to admit! Imagine we are talking about science, this is supposed to be “science”. He decided to confess after he had already received a number of promotions and recognitions. He confessed that the skull top (Crown) was for ordinary ape and he had found it in Indonesia. As for the bone of the femur; it belonged to an ordinary man that he found also in Indonesia in a human cemetery. He placed the two (skull and bone) next to each other and claimed that they belonged to the “Java Man”. That fraud is still taught at schools till now as science that it is the missing link between man and what resembles a chimpanzee. And that man was originally a cell that kept evolving until it became something like a man; and all the intermediate links/evolution stages in between were discovered as evidence by the forged “Java Man”!!

What do you think of this?

Similarly the so called “Neanderthal Man” turned out to be an ordinary man after testing his DNA, we started learning whether that was a human or an animal and found that the DNA matched that of a human.

Another is “Lucy’s skeleton” and other things of the sort, they keep announcing from time to time till now, only to be debunked later as inaccurate or unscientific or at least, we should be mindful of the scientific talk and be more rigorous in investigation and verifying.

Concluding this discussion about this topic with the National Geographic Issue Nov 2004, which says that “the record of fossils resembles a movie, consisting of 1000 images, 999 of which were lost in the video editing studio, means that the record of fossils comprises 1000 stages, of which we have only discovered a man and chimpanzee whatever is in the middle is “NON- Existent”.

The Evolution Chronicles itself, of Oxford University, Issue 2002 has stated the following: “The missing links are still missing”. Therefore, man and chimpanzee can never be the result of one evolving into the other because the number of chromosomes of one differs from of the other. Sadly, attempting to evade this part, some people claim “that it is” they found it! Since it is an issue of chromosomes, then mutations in chromosomes must have happened. This means that the chromosomes have undergone mutations over the years, so they changed, diversified and eventually became human; this is NOT a scientific talk at all. Because mutations ruin and deform rather than developing chromosomes. Also when chromosomes are subjected to mutations, they change and do not increase or decrease in number. They remain the same number, but only change. This why is called mutation “a change” not an “addition” The number of chromosomes in man and in chimpanzee is different. Even, if there were a degree of proximity between them, as some claim it is 97% but it is in fact less than 90% you may say but 90% is a lot..The answer is: the fact that chimpanzee and man are living beings that grow, eat and the Sun affect them etc; this already

creates an 80% resemblance between them, so it is not evolving from each other. The proof is: the resemblance ratio between man’s DNA and sweet potato plant is 60% so you don’t be surprised that there is 80% resemblance between man and chimpanzee. This doesn’t mean at all that they have evolved from each other. It means that they share physiological functions and this mandates a comparable numbers of chromosomes. The chimpanzee has 48 chromosomes and man has 46. Does this mean that the chimpanzee is more developed than man?! What would you say about the fact that man and banana have 46 chromosomes? Was man originally a banana because each of them has 46 chromosomes?! This is unfounded drivel and nothing but a fabrication of “premises” to prove a false idea. Mutations don’t not cause an evolution from chimpanzee to man. One more thing; you know if we followed the notion that mutations happened, and changed the chromosomes for the better and added more chromosomes; do you know that for the thigh bone of the chimpanzee to become upright instead of curved and become similar to human’s; it needs numerous mutations for 6 million years?! Only for the legs to be upright! You still have not changed the skull or the external shape; you still haven’t changed the physiological functions. For you to change just one bone you need 6 million years! Hence the notion of mutations is unacceptable. The final surprise when the evolution idea )Lamarck’s hypothesis which claims that man’s bent back started to be upright) turned out to be wrong, and then the fossils of the intermediate creatures turned out to be fake, and then the mutations notion turned to be impossible; do you know what most atheists today believe regarding how life came on earth? You will be surprised, 80% of the world’s atheists believe that life on earth came as a result of (it can’t be “by chance” or only big bang or the organic soup nor that the chimpanzee has evolved for all this turned out to be fake and not scientific( so what they believe in now? Led by Richard Dawkins on top, that life on earth came as a result of “outer space aliens” that came and sowed the seed of life on earth! What is the meaning of aliens being the origin of the universe?! Or which did these aliens come from?! We are not going to say that this talk is gibberish/delusional, because even aliens must also be creation of God since they could not have come through mutations either. You should note that, as long as man has denied God, he will eventually be inclined towards the metaphysics realm, to space creatures and to aliens, why? Because man has a need to be inclined to an outer force that controls him, that created him, to which he can pray and with which he can communicate. If this need was not fulfilled through God; he will try to realize it through space or aliens. Even St Paul in the first century through the Holy Bible inspiration, told us to beware of “what is falsely called knowledge” false knowledge or false science deceives man. In the epistle to St Timothy he says: “Timothy, avoid what is falsely called knowledge” 1Tim6:20. Pseudoscience and in another time he said: “because lest anyone take you captive through philosophy and empty deceit” Col 2:8

He once even said a verse, which amazed me after studied these false fossils in (2Tim 3:1314) which talks about those who deceive others: “But evil men and imposters will grow worse and worse deceiving and being deceived but you must continue in the things which you have learnt”.

Do not follow science alone because it is changeable and if you followed science, you should scrutinize it and do not be deceived by false science “pseudoscience”. We can’t be satisfied by a paper on Google with no credible references, or follow people who are desperate to prove a certain notion through FALSE changeable and unproven science.

What we learnt when we were children, the simple faith that God created me and so I love Him, He loves me and has prepared Heaven for me. It is comforting indeed to man are those such simple words.

Believers in these simple faith ideas live comfortably and reassure others, whereas, anyone who is constantly agonizing his mind, being unreconciled with himself, he will sadly end up either depressed, suicidal, deceived or a deceiver.

May God protect us all, and may we remain steadfast in the faith which has simply taken from Jesus Christ the Lord God. To God is the glory forever, Amen.

Blessed Marriage Darko Adjar & Kristine Hanna Saturday 19th November 2022 St. Mary’s Church

New Born Baby Charlotte daughter of David & Claire Rofaeil

Construction of New Buildings started Thursday 28th April

The new Building is expected to be ready within 12 months. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downladed from church website. Cost of building works is around $12,000000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreaciated.

ليربأ 28 سيمخلا موي تادب تاءاشنلإا لامعأ داتعملا بسح متت ةسينكلا تامدخ .ارهش ١2 للاخ عورشملا نم ءاهتنلأا عقوتملا نم . .ةرشنلا لخاد حضوملا لودجلا بسح .ارلاود نويلم ١2 ىلاوح عورشملا ةفلكت غلبت اهعبط وأ ةسينكلاب ةدوجوملا ىكنبلا بحسلا ةرامتسأ ءلمب ىرهش عربتب ةكراشملا كنكني ىنورتكللأا ةسينكلا زكرم للاخ نم لمعلا اذه ىف مكتمهاسمو مكتاعربت كرابي برلا Special Thanks for all who keep working tirelessly for the success of this project. May the Lord reward them all and bless all their works Donations to St Mary›s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link طبارلا ىلع طغضأ ىنابملا عورشمو ميرم ءارذعلا ةسينكل تاعربتلل https://www.stmc.org.au/donate (Copy & Paste on Web Browser) Current Building site 22nd November 2022

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