Weekly Bulletin 28th April 2024

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Services at St Mary’s Church

This Timetable is not applied this week


Mass 9 - 11 am


Liturgy 5:30 - 7am

7:30pm The Way Orthodox Fellowship

in Englisg for adults - All ages

Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am 6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults


Mass 9 - 11 am - English

English Midnight Praises 7:30pm

English Bible Study 7:30pm

Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am

Youth 25 and above 7-9pm

Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm

Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am

Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm

Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm


Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:307pm

Scouts 1:30 - 3pm

School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm


1st Mass6 - .7:45am Arabic & English

2nd Mass.7:45 – .9:30am English

3rd Mass 9:30 - 11:15am Arabic

Hymns Class - English 11:4512:30pm

Church Priests:

Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251

Email: frtadros@me.com

Fr Habib Girgis Younan: 0401238177 – 94498871

Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail. com

Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821

Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au

Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kensington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651

Fr Kerillos Tawadros

0411 518 399

Fr John Makary

0433 445 636


:ءارذعلا ةسينكب ةمدخلا ديعاوم ملالأا عوبسأ ىلع قبطنت لا :نينثلأا احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا احابص 7 - 5:30 :يهللإا سادقلا :ءاثلاثلا )يزيلجنا( ىاو اذ - يزيلجنلإاب رابكلل عامتجأ ءاسم 7:30 احابص ١١ – ٩ يهللإا سادقلا :ءاعبرلأا :سيمخلا يزيلجنا - احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - ليللا فصن ةحبست ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - سدقملا باتكلا سرد احابص ١١ – ٩ يهللإا سادقلا :ةعمجلا رثكأف ةنس 25 بابشلا ءاسم ٩ – 7 - ةمدخلا دادعإ عامتجأ ءاسم 8:30 - 7 يزيلجنا احابص ١١ – 8,30 يهللإا سادقلا:تبسلا 5,30 – 4 دحلأا سرادم ءاسم 8:30 –7 بابشلا عامتجاو ةيشعلا يزيلجنا يبرع ءاسم 7 - 5:30 باتك سردو ةيشعلا :دحلأا يزيلجناو يبرع ص,7:45 – 6 لولأا سادقلا يزيلجنإ – ص ٩:30 – ,7:45 يناثلا سادقلا يبرع ص ١١:١5 – ٩:30 ثلاثلا سادقلا ءاسم ١2:30 - ١١:45 يزيلجنا - ناحلأ لصف :ةسينكلاب ةنهكلا ءابلأا ميبوراش سردات صمقلا بلأا 0414251251
:نانوي سجرج بيبح سقلا بلأا 94498871 - 0401238177
Email: frtadros@me.com
habibgirgisyounan@ hotmail.com
:بيلص لكيام سقلا بلأا
Rd, 3031:ةسينكلا ناونع :نوفيلت 5 Kensington Vic 93766651 سورضوات سلريك سقلا بلأا 0411518399 يراكم نوج سقلا بلأا 0433445636
Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Epsom

Services Friday 26th April - Sunday

28th April

End Lent Friday

Friday 26th April

8am Early Morning Prayer

8:30 Unction of the Sick

10am - 12:30pm Divine Liturgy

Lazarus Saturday

Saturday 27th April

8:30am Eae-

ly Morning Prayer

9-11am Divine Liturgy

Palm Sunday

Vespers Saturday Evening

28th April

St Mary’s Church )Arabic( & St John Chrysotom

)English( if it was available otherwise at the Anglican Church)Mckraken Street(

5:30 - 7 pm

Early Morning Prayer and Palm Procession:

6 - 8am Sunday 9th April

8 - 11am Divine Liturgy

11:30am General Funeral Prayers

5:30 - 8pm Monday Eve Pascha Prayers

Passion Week starts Sunday 9th April Evening.

26 ةعمجلا مايأ ةمدخلا ديعاوم ليربأ 28 دحلأا - ليربأ موصلا ماتخ ةعمج ليربأ 26 ةعمجلا ركاب روخب عفر احابص 8 ماعلا ليدنقلا ةلاص احابص 8:30 رهظلا دعب ١2:30 - احابص ١0 0 يهللإا سادقلا رزاعل تبس ليربأ 27 تبسلا ركاب روخب عفر احابص 8:30 30 يهللإا سادقلا احابص ١١ - ٩ نيناعشلا دحأ )يبرع( ميرم ءارذعلا ةسينك ىف ىبهذ انحوي سيدقلا ةسينك ىف ةحاتم تناك اذا )ىزيلجنأ ( مفلا نكاركام - ناكيلجنلأا ةسينكلاوأ تيرتس تبسلا ءاسم : ةيشعلا روخب عفر ءاسم 7:00 00 - 5:30 ليربأ 8 :فعسلا ةرودو ركاب روخب عفر ٩ دحلأا موي احابص 8 - 6 ليربأ يهللإا سادقلا احابص ١١ - 8 زانجلا ةلاص احابص ١١:30 :30 ماعلا ةخصب تاولص ءاسم 8 - 5:30 تاولص أدبت اهعمو نينثلاا ةليل ملالآا عوبسأ

Reflections on the bible readings

Palm Sunday

)Matthew 21:1-17(, )Mark 11:1-11(, )Luke 19:29-48(. 21:1-17 Mark Lu ke

John 12:12-19( (

Hosanna to the Son of David, Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD … Hosanna in the highest )Matthew 21:9(

Seven days before the Passover )the Passover feast was on Friday( … that is Saturday )Lazarus Saturday( the Lord went to Bethany, where He attended the house of Simon the leper and Lazarus, whom the Lord raised from the dead )John 11:1-45( was also there … there Mary anointed the Lord’s feet with precious perfume and wiped His feet with her hair )John 11:2-3( and on the following day, the Lord departed to Jerusalem on Sunday and on this day the children of Israel would choose the lamb for Passover, and separate it from the herd to be kept till the fourteenth day of the month then sacrificed on the eve )of Passover( … Thus, while the congregation )of the Jews( were choosing the Passover Lamb … a complete lamb who is a yearling and without a blemish …

At the same time, the Lord, the Lamb of God entered Jerusalem carrying the sins of the world and the multitudes received Him with great joy … accepting Him as the Lamb without a blemish … placing on Him all their troubles, sins and worries … and just as the Passover lamb is kept till the fourteenth day of the month … the Lord stayed in Jerusalem to the day of the feast of Passover … the day of crucifixion …

With this He started his advance towards the Cross … and the events unfold very fast in these last days … to the extent that all the books of the world would not be enough to record these events … and similar to spread of the aroma of perfume ) poured by Mary( so did the aroma of the true Perfume … God’s love to the human race … quickly … strongly … and filled the world expelling all the might of the evil and darkness …

On this day, Jerusalem opened its gates to receive the Lord … Who entered Jerusalem, victorious but humble … riding a colt, a young donkey … and the multitudes received Him as a triumphant king despite that He did not ride in a regal carriage or dressed in regal robes … the people received Him with joy, happiness and yearning … even though He was on His way to the suffering of Golgotha … He was not followed by armies or guards of honour ….

نيناعشلا دحأ ، )١١-١:١١رم( ، )١77-١:2١ تم ( )١٩-١2:١2 ١ وي( ، )48-2٩:١٩ول( ىتلآا كرابم دواد نبلأ انصوأ ... ىلاعلأا ىف انصوأ ... برلا مسأب )٩:2١:2١تم( ناك حصفلا ( مايا ةعبسب حصفلا لبق تبس ( تبسلا موي ىأ ... ) ةعمجلا اينع تيب ىلإ برلا بهذ ) رزاعل ناعمس تيب ىف ءاشع رضح ثيح نم هماقأ ىذلا رزاعل ناكو صربلأا تنهد كانهو .... ارضاح تاوملأا ريثك بيطب عوسي برلا ىمدق ميرم ىفو اهسأر رعشب امهتحسمو نمثلا اهجوتم دغلا ىف برلا ماق ىلاتلا مويلا وهو دحلأا موي وهو .ميلشروأ ىلإ ىنب ةعامج ىلع ناك ىذلا مويلا سفن حصفلا فورخ اوذخأي نأ ليئارسأ عبارلا مويلا ىلإ هنوظفحيف عيطقلا نم ىف هنوحبذي مث رهشلا نم رشع ... ةيشعلا فورخ ىقتني بعشلا ناك امنيب اذكهو لاب ةنس نبأ ايلوح لامح ... حصفلا ... بيع الله لمح برلا لخد تقولا سفن ىف هتلبقتسأو ميلشروأ ملاعلا ةيطخ عفار لمحك هايأ نيلباق ... حرف ىف عومجلا ومجلا مهبعاتم هيلع نيعضاو ... بيع لاب اوظفح امكو ... مهمومهو مهاياطخو رشع عبارلا مويلا ىلإ حصفلا فورخ عوسي برلا ثكم اذكه ... رهشلا نم موي ... حصفلا موي ىلإ ميلشروأ ىف ... بلصلا بيلصلا وحن هتريسم أدب اذكهو مايلأا هذه ىف ثادحلأا ىلاوتتو ... داكت هنأ ىتح ... ادج ةعيرس ةريخلأا ... اهثادحا ليجست عست لا ملاعلا بتك هتبكس ىذلا بيطلا حاف امك اذكهو رعشو ةعرسب برلا ىمدق ىلع ميرم ر عرسب عوبسلأا اذه ىف اذكه .... عيمجلا اهب الله ةبحم ... ىقيقحلا بيطلا حاف لأمو ... ةوقب ... ةعرسب ... ةيرشبلل ةملظلا تاوق لك ادراط ءاجرلأا رشلاو ميلشروأ باوبا تحتفنا مويلا اذه ىف لخد ىذلا .... برلا لابقتسلأ ابكار .... اروصنم اعيدو ميلشروأ .... ناتآ نبأ شحجو ناتآ ىلع هنأ مغر رصتنم كلمك سانلا هلبقتسا دتري ملو كولملا ةبكرم بكري مل

But simply His modest disciples … and there were no musical orchestras before Him but just young children singing and shouting “Hosanna to the Son of David” … till the whole city was trembling from their shouts … even the stones itself was ready to shout, if those kept quite … Here, the Lord who entered Jerusalem, is longing to enter your heart too … how would you receive Him?????

+ many spread their clothes )on the road( on the They took off their garlands of beautifications and placed it under His feet … they have taken away the deceiving outer appearances and showed their true selves before God … for clothing symbolizes the outer appearance … self-righteousness … those who prepare to receive an earthly king would ware their best … covering all their bodily calamities with clothing and make up … beautifying themselves to appear in their best … but, when they received the Lord, all these decorations, they put under His feet … for, before the Lord, one cannot hide one’s calamities with a false appearances … the Lord sees all that is within )us(.

When the Lord wanted to choose a king other than Saul … the Lord sent Samuel )the prophet( to Bethlehem, to the house of Jesse to select one of his sons as a king )1 Samuel 16( … Jesse offered his sons before Samuel … all of them were strong, tall and of good appearance … but the Lord was not pleased with all of them, since the Lord does not only look at the outer appearance but the inner … and the Lord chosen the youngest, the shepherd of sheep, the youth and simple blonde boy David … for the Lord had examined his heart and found him after God’s heart … and because of this, he was chosen.

If the Lord cared for the outer appearance He wouldn’t have chosen fishermen and tax collector and the humble disciples to be His disciples … indeed, He had chosen the simplest of the world to overcome the world’s wise … and you beloved … are you ready to spread your clothing )the outer attires( u nder His feet????

You will not be able to receive Him, if you still hiding behind all these deceiving outer appearances which you preoccupy yourself with a lot

You, who only concerned with the worldly possessions … the houses …. The cars … and wealth … escape these whirlpools to receive the

حرفب سانلا هلبقتسأ .... كولملا بايث ايضام ناك هنأ مغر ... قايتشأو ليلهتو نكي مل ... ةثجلجلا ىلإ ملالأا ةلحر ىف درجم لب ... فرش سرح وأ اشيج هعبتي نكي مل ... ءاطسبلا ذيملاتلا نم ةعومجم راغص لافطأ لب ةيقيسوم قرف همامأ دواد نبأ اي انصوأ نودشنيو نولتري اوراص مهتاوصأ نم اهلك ةنيدملا تزتهأ ىتح .... نأ ةدعتسم تناك اهسفن ةراجحلا ىتح .... ... ءلاؤه تكس ول خرصت قاتشم ميلشروأ ىلإ لخادلا برلا اهو يلشروأ رلا ىرتاي فيكف .... كبلق ىلإ لخدي نأ اضيأ ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ هلبقتست فوس مهبايث اوشرف + هيمدق تحت اهوحرطو مهتنيز مهنع اوعلخ عداخملا ىجراخلا رهظملا اوعلخ .... بايثلا .... لله ةيقيقحلا مهتاوذ اورهظأو ىتاذلا ربلا ... ىجراخلا رهظملا ىلإ زمرت ... نييضرلأا كولملا لابقتسلأ نوبهذي نيذلا نأ نوطغي .... مهدنع ام لمجأ نودتري ةداع ... قيحاسملاو سبلاملاب مهدسج بويع ةروص نسحأ ىف اودبيل مهسفنأ نولمجي ةنيزلا هذه لكف برلا لابقتسأ ىف امأ ... لا برلا مامأ ... همادقأ تحت اهوعضو ... باذكلا رهظملاب كبويع ىفخت نأ نكمي .... لخادلا ىف وه ام لك ىري برلاف ريغ رخآ اكلم راتخي نأ برلا دارأ رلا ىلإ محل تيب ىلإ ليئومص لسرأف .... لواش اكلم هدلاوأ نم ادحاو راتخيل ىسي تيب .... ليئومص مامأ مهلك هدلاوأ ىسي مدقو .... مل نكلو .... ءايوقأو لاوطو ناسح مهلكو ىلإ رظني لا برلاف مهنم دحأب برلا رسي رس ريغصلا راتخأو ...ِ لخادلا ىلإ لب جراخلا ... دواد طيسبلا رقشلأا ىتفلا منغلا ىعار ... هبلق بسح هدجوو هبلق برلا صحف دقف ... هراتخأ كلذلو ام رهاظملا همهت برلا ناك ول راشعلاو كامسلأا ىدايص راتخأ ادبأ ناك راتخأ لب .... اذيملات هل ءاطسبلا ذيملاتلاو ... ءامكحلا مهب زخيل ملاعلا لاهج نأ دعتسم تنأ له ... بيبحلا اهيا تناو ؟؟؟؟؟ هيمدق تحت كبايث شُرفت تلزام تنأو هلبقتست نأ عيطتست مل كنأ ةغرافلا رهاظملا هذه لك ءارو كسفن ئبخت ت ... اريثك كسفن اهب لغشت ىتلا ملاعلا تاكلتمم وه كمامتهأ لك نم اي تنأ ... لاوملأا ... تارايسلا ... تويبلا .... ... برلا لبقتستل ةماودلا هذه نم جرخأ ... كتنيز وه كمامتهأ لك نم اي تنأ

How many long hours is wasted on such false appearances … then, you have no time for prayers … how many hours but even days and weeks spent on social commendations … keeping up appearances even on account of our salvation and the salvation of our children … Beloved, which is better for you … attending parties and long nights at friends’ places or attending God’s house.

Which is better for you … watching films and having fun with others or standing up for prayers … have you recognized, how the outer appearances have altered all your life … and made you neglect your salvation … remember, not all were willing to take off their robes … but, there were some who wanted to enter the temple with possessions … and these too, the Lord Jesus stopped them firmly as He would not let anyone with possessions enter )the temple(. The Lord Himself is standing saddened till this day, from all the possessions we carry upon our shoulders to the house of God …

For, there are those who come carrying the thoughts of work and home … to the extent that they cannot comprehend one word from the liturgy of the sermon. And there are those who come carrying the weight of wearing unsuitable attires to the house of God … complacent with the honour of the house of God and preoccupying one’s self with false burdens … And there are those who come late carrying the burden of laziness and sleeping in …

Throw your burdens at the door and take off the robes … of the outer appearances under His )the Lords( feet, then He will receive you with joy … + others cut down branches from the trees.

How beautiful are the tree branches … it is a symbol of triumph and victory …

A day )long ago(, the branches of the tree were the reason for the victory of a whole army … the solders carried tree branches and the enemy looking at them, thought they were trees from afar … and with this, they deceived their enemy and were triumphant )read the book of Judges Ch 9(.

We carry the tree branches … symbolizing that we are the branches in One tree … members of One Body that is the Body of the Lord Jesus …

We carry the tree branches … as an indication of our desire to imitate this Tree in its fruits and greeneries

For there are those who carry branches of the palm trees … and the righteous is like a palm tree … symbolizing his or her strength, flowering and adherence

ىتح رهظملا ظفح ... تلاماجملا صلاخو انسوفن صلاخ باسح ىلع ... اندلاوأ سوفن لضفأ مهيأ ... بيبحلا اهيأ رهسلاو تلافحلا روضح ... كدنع تيب ىلإ باهذلا مأ ءاقدصلأا دنع الله ةدهاشم ... كدنع لضفأ مهيأ مايقلا مأ نيرخلآا عم رازهلاو ملافلأا ... ةلاصلل ىجراخلا رهظملا لغش فيك تيأرأ صلاخ لمهت كلعجو ... اهلك كتايح ناك عيمجلا سيل نأ ركذتو ... كسفن مهبايث اوعلخي نأ دادعتسلأا اذه مهدنع لكيهلا لخدي نأ دارأ نم كانه لب ... برلا هعنم اضيأ اذهو ...ٍ عاتمب ... دحأ عدي مل ذإ مزح ىف عوسي عاتمب زاتجي مويلا ىلإ افقاو هسفن برلا نإ اهلمحن ىتلا ةعتملأا ةرثك نم انيزح ... الله تيب ىلإ انفاتكأ ىلع لك هعم لاماح ىتأي نم كانهف عمسي لا داكيو ... تيبلاو لمعلا راكفأ ةظعلا وأ سادقلا نم ةدحاو ةملك هعم لاماح ىتأي نم كانهو .... الله تيبب ةقئلا ريغ بايث لاغاشو الله تيب ةماركب انيهتسم ... ةبذاك لامحأب هسفن لاماح ارخأتم ىتأي نم كانهو ... مونلاو لسكلا ةعتمأ هعم كبايث علخأ بابلا دنع كلامحأ قلا همادقأ تحت ةيجرخلا كرهاظم ... ... حرفب كلبقتسي ذئدنعو رجشلا نم اناصغأ اوعطق + زمر اهنأ ... رجشلا ناصغأ لمجأ ام ... ةرصنلاو ةبلغلل رجشلا ناصغأ تناك موي ىف دقف ... هلمكأب شيج ةرصن ببس مهآرو رجشلا ناصغأ دونجلا لمح اراجشأ مهنأ اونظف ديعب نم ءادعلأا اوعدخي نأ اوعاطتسأ اذكهو ... رفس ىف أرقت ( .... هوبلغيو مهودع ... ) ٩احصأ ةاضقلا ىلإ زمر ... ناصغلأا لمحن اننأ اصغلأا ... ةدحاو ةرجش ىف ناصغأ اننإ دسج وه دحاو دسج ىف ءاضعأ ... عوسي برلا زمر ... ةرجشلا ناصغأ لمحن اننأ ىف رجشلا هذهب هبشتلا ىف انقايتشإ ىلإ ... هترضخو هراهدزأ

And others carry the branches of the olive tree … a symbol of inner peace and the desire for a life of grace and being filled with the fruits of the Holy Spirit …

Also, there are branches without fruits … just an appearance in looks with no fruits …

And there are branches of thorn trees …. Full od thorns, a symbol of a heart filled with hate

And some trees are only fit for burning …

And you beloved … which branch do you carry to receive with it the Lord on this day … what have you brought with you???

Did you come, still carrying your lusts and bad habits??? … is the aroma of cigarettes and smoke is eminent from you … or the smell of alcohols???

What is within your thoughts … pictures and imaginations of evil )thoughts( … and what is within your heart??? … hatred and evil )thoughts( … which tree branches are you welcoming the Lord Jesus with it …

Where are the pure and white palm tree branches??? … where are the olive tree branches which is emitting peace and joy and overflows with the goodness of grace …

But, if you have come and in your heart other branches … then be aware … the Lord will not ignore this …

+ My house shall be called a house of prayer +++ The Lord made a whip … and drove out those who sold doves and turned the tables of the money changers … and did not let anyone enter )the temple( with possessions …

There are many who are heavy hearted … still unwilling to spread their robes or carry tree branches indicating a life of grace … and to those, the Lord is patient for long times … but, they continue in their ways and take it with them to the house of God …

And here the Lord standing vigilant … and will drive them out … Your zeal for My house had consumed me …

Beloved … what is this temple that the Lord is very protective of???

It is you heart … He desires to live in it … so, prepare )your heart( to receive the Lord and God is very loving, long-suffering and merciful …

But He is willing to use the whip too, if you harden your heart )against Him( …

)Amen, Lord come and dwell in my heart for

... ليخنلا ناصغأ لمحي نم كانهف هتابث ىلإ زمر ... وهزي ةلخنلاك قيدصلاو ... برلا ىف هتوقو هراهدزأو ... نوتيزلا ناصغأ لمحي نم كانهو هقايتشأو هلخاد ىف ىذلا ملاسلا ىلإ زمر بهام نم ءلاتملأاو ةمعنلا ةايح ىلإ ... سدقلا حورلا طقف ةروص ..ٍ.رمث لاب ناصغأ كانهف .... رامث لاب نكلو .... كوشلا رجش ناصغأ كانهو ءولمملا بلقلا ىلإ زمر اكاوشأ ةءلمم اداقحأ ذخأيو ناسنلإا اهب حرفي راجشأ كانه .... ةبيط ارامثأ اهنم ... قيرحلل لاإ حلصت لا اراجشأ كانهو ىذلا نصغلا وه ام ... بيبحلا اهيأ تنأو اذه ىف عوسي برلا هب لبقتستو هلمحت ... ؟؟؟ كعم هترضحأ ىذلا ام ... مويلا كتاوهش لمحت تلزامو تيتأ له تلازام له ... ؟؟؟؟ ةريرشلا كتاداعو مأ ... ؟؟؟ كنم حوفت رئاجسلا ةحئار ... ؟؟؟ رومخلا ةحئار تلاايخو روص ... كلقع ىف ىذلا ام داقحأ ... ؟؟؟ كبلق ىف ىذلا ام ... ةريرش لبقتست ىتلا هذه ناصغأ ىأ ... ةيهاركو ... عوسي برلا اهب ءاضيبلا ةليمجلا ليخنلا ناصغأ نيأ ىتلا نوتيزلا ناصغأ نيأ ... ؟؟؟ ةيقنلا ةمعنلا مسد رطقتو احرفو املاس عشت ر ... ىرخأ ءايشأ كبلق ىفو تيتآ دق تنك نأ امأ تكسي نل برلا نلأ ... نذإ رذحأ .... ... كلذ ىلع ++++ ىعدي ةلاصلا تيب ىتيب + ىعد ةعاب درطو .... اطوس برلا عنص ملو ... ةفرايصلا دئاوم بلقو ةمامحلا ... عاتمب زاتجي دحأ عدي اولازام ... بولقلا ظلاغ نوريثك كانه وأ مهبايث اوشرفي نأ نيدعتسم ريغ ةمعنلا ةايح ىلع لدت ناصغأ اولمحي تارم مهعم برلا ىنأتي ءلاؤهلو ... لب مهحرش ىف نورمتسي مهنكلو ... ةريثك .... الله تيب ىلإ مهعم هنوذخأي ... مهدرطيو ... ابضاغ برلا فقي انهو ... ىنتلكأ كتيب ةريغ ريغي ىذلا لكيهلا اذه وه ام ... بيبحلا اهيأ .... ؟؟؟ ادج برلا هيلع هيف نكسي نأ برلا بحي ىذلا ... كبلق هنأ بحم الله نإ برلا لابقتسلأ هددعأ ايهف ... ... ادج ةانلأا ليوطو ادج موحرو ادج
in the Lord …

+ Palm Sunday:

Today Sunday 28th April is Palm Sunday. We celebrate the victorious entry of our Lord to Jerusalem. On that day also, He presented Himself as a meek lamb prepared for slaughter for our salvation. People received him crying Hosanna Son of David. Let us today prepare our hearts to receive Him through real repentance, good deeds and prayers. Let us declare in eagerness that He is our Saviour. Hosanna in the Highest.

+ Passion Week:

This is the Holiest week of the year. On the past, people used to consecrate all their times during their week for worship and contemplation. Church services used to be continues during day and night with very little time for rest. Let us sanctify ourselves and our times to follow the steps of our Saviour on His way to the Golgotha and the Cross. Abstaining from food should be up to sunset or as directed by your father of confession. You should not resort to any sort of indulgence such as Television or picnics or fancy foods. Just fix your eyes and attention to the Cross of the Lord. Follow Him in His Passions to rejoice also in His resurrection.

+ Programme of Passion Week: This is the programme of Passion Week at St Mary’s Church starting from tonight Sunday 28th April and up to Saturday night the Feast of Holy Resurrection 4th May.

Services are conducted at St Mary’s Church &St John Chrysostom )English(

:نيناعشلا دحأ + دحأ وه ليربأ 28 دحلأا مويلا لوخد راكذتب لفتحن كرابملا نيناعشلا رصتنم كلمك ميلشروأ ىلا برلا ةحيبذك هسفن دعي عيدو لمحك اضيأو هتلبقتسأ .ملاعلا صلاخ لجأ نم نوحيصي مهو ليخنلا فعسب عومجلا .ىلاعلأا ىف انصوأ دواد نبااي انصوأ برلا لابقتسلأ انبولق مويلا زهجنل اهنيزنو ةبوتلاب اهشرفنل .صلخملا تاولصلا روخبب اهرطعنو لئاضفلاب .انصلخم وه هنأ قايتشأب نلعنو .ىلاعلأا ىف انصوأ :ملالآا عوبسأ + ةنسلا عيباسأ سدقأ نم عوبسلأا اذه ميدقلا ىف ةسينكلا تدوعت .. اهمهأو اذه ىف ةدابعلل عيمجلا غرفتي نأ نم عون ىأ ىف اولغشني لاو عوبسلأا تاولص تناكو .. ىرخلأا لامعلأا عزوت اهتاءارقو ةسدقملا ةخصبلا ليللاو راهنلا تاعاس لك رادم ىلع سدقنل .. ةطيسب ةحار تارتف عم سركنلو ةسدقملا مايلأا هذه ىف انسفنأ اهيف ةظحل لك نم ديفتسنل انتاقوأ لك بيلصلا ىلا برلا تاوطخ نيعبتتم مايلأا هذه ىف ىعاطقنلأا موصلا .. بأ داشرأ بسح وأ بورغلا ىتح لاغشنلأا ادبأ قيلي لاو .. فارتعلأا ةيدسجلا ةيهافرلا عاونأ نم عون ىأب ننفتلا وأ تلاحرلا وأ نويزفيلتلا لثم وه ديحولا لاغشنلاا .. ةمعطلأا ىف لا .. انلجأ نم هملاأو هتاذ برلاب هلعجأ .. بيلصلا نع كينيع لوحت كسفن ددعأو كبلقو كركف ىف عبطني برلا عم كتاذو كءاوهأ بلصت ىكل هعم موقتو اضيأ حرفت ىكل صلخملا :ملالآا عوبسأ جمانرب + ةسينكب ملالآا عوبسأ جمانرب اذه مويلا ءاسم نم ءادتبأ ميرم ءارذعلا ديع ةليل ىتحو ليربأ 28 دحلأا ويام 4 تبسلا ءاسم ديجملا ةمايقلا مداقلا ةسيدقلا ةسينك ىف تامدخلا ماقت انحوي سيدقلا ةسينكو ميرم ءارذعلا )ىزيلجنأ( مفلا ىبهذ

Sunday 28th April:

Morning - Palm Sunday Service

6am - 8am Early Morning Prayers and Procession of Palm.

8am - 11am Palm Sunday Divine Liturgy. 11:15am General Funeral Prayers

Evening Pascha 5.30 - 8.30pm. English & Arabic Sermons at the end - contemplation on the day events. This programme is the same all the evenings of this week.

Monday 29th April & Tuesday 30th April & Wednesday 1st May

6:30am - 7:30am 1st Hour of Day Pascha

9:30am - 12noon 3rd Hour - 11th Hour of Day Pascha

5:30 - 8pm Night Pascha

Thursday 2nd May: Great Thursday: 6 am-1pm Early Morning, Lakan Prayers

)Washing Feet(, Day Hours and Holy mass of the Great Thursday

5 – 9pm Night Pascha

Friday 3rd May: Great Friday: Starts at 7.30am and ends about 6pm

Saturday Eve )4th May(: May : Apocalypse Service which includes reading all the Book of Revelation starts at 11pm Friday night and ends with the Holy Mass Saturday morning 4-6am.

Feast of Holy Resurrection Sunday 5th May:

Starts at Saturday Evening 4th May: 6:30pm Early Morning Prayers

7:30pm Holy Mass starts and including the Holy Resurrection Play at 9 pm. Liturgy ends Mid-night

May the Lord grant us to benefit from these blessed days following the Lord in His Sufferings, crucifixion and His Holy Resurrection. May we all rejoice in His Holy Resurrection.

Christ Has Risen. Truly He Has Risen

دحأ :ليربأ 28 دحلأا نيناعشلا نيناعشلا دحأ تامدخ - احابص كرابملا 8,30 - 5,30 ءاسملا ةخصب :ءاسم ىبرعلاب تاظع اهتياهن ىفو ءاسم ىزيلجنلأاو اذه رركتيو مويلا ثادحأ ىف تلامأت عوبسلأا تايسمأ لك ىف جمانربلا ليربأ 30 ءاثلاثلاو ليربأ 2٩ ٩ نينثلأا ويام ١ ءاعبرلأا & ىلولأا ةعاسلا احابص 7:30 - 6:30 راهنلا ةخصب نم ةعاسلا ارهظ ١2 - لاحابص ٩:30 :30 ةخصب نم ةرشع ةيداحلا ىلا ةثلاثلا راهنلا ءاسملا ةخصب ءاسم 8 - 5:30 دهعلا سيمخ :ويام 2 سيمخلا ركاب لمشت رهظلا دعب ١ - احابص 6 لسغ( ناقللا تاولصو دهعلا سيمخ سادقو راهنلا ىعاوسو )لجرلأا دهعلا سيمخ ءاسملا ةخصب ءاسم ٩ –5 ةميظعلا ةعمجلا :ويام 3 ةعمجلا ىتحو ص 7,30 ةعاسلا نم أدبت ءاسم 6 ةعاسلا :ويام 4 حرفلا تبس ةليل ءاسم ١١ ةعاسلا ةعمجلا ءاسم أدبت أرقي ىتلا سيسملاغوبأ ةليل تاولص ىهتنتو لماكلاب ايؤرلا رفس اهيف احابص 6 - 4 نم ىهللأا سادقلاب ويام 5 دحلأا ديجملا ةمايقلا ديع ةليل ءاسم ديجملا ةمايقلا ديع تاولص أدبت عفر - ءاسم 7 ةعاسلا ويام 4 تبسلا ركاب روخب هللختيو ءاسم 8 أدبي ىهللأا سادقلا ىهتنيو ءاسم ٩ ةعاسلا ةمايقلا ةيليثمت ليللا فصنم دنع سادقلا عتمتن ةكرابم امايأ اهلعجي برلا ىف برلا بحاصن ةسدقم ةايحب اهيف نم هتمايقو انع هتومو هبلصو هملاآ هتمايقب حرفن نأ انحنميو تاوملأا ةسدقملا ماق ةقيقحلاب .. ماق حيسملا ىتسنآ سوسيلأ .. ىتسنآ سوتسرخأ

Pascha Monday 29th April

Tree with Many Leaves

Passion Week

AprilMay 2024

Tuesday Pascha 30th April

Do not be decieved I have fortold you


Wedesday 1st May

Judas betrays the Lord

Pascha Wedesday the Ten Virgins


Friday 3rd May

Covenant Thursday 2nd May

Joyous Saturday 4th May


At that day the people of Israel used to choose the lamb of Passover and keep it for several days to be slaughtered at the Passover. The Lord entered Jerusalem at that day and was received by the people as the pure Lamb to be offered for our Salvation and was received and accepted as a Saviour by all the ·people.


During that week the Lord used to spend the day at the temple teaching and the evening at Bethany at the Mount of Olives. At the morning of that day the lord felt hungry and saw a fig tree with many leaves but no fruit and The Lord cursed this fruitless tree. On that day, the lord drove out all those who bought and sol!! in the temple and overturned their tables as: they defiled His House the House of Prayer.


On the morning, the disciples saw the fig tree which was cursed by the Lord as· it dried up and withered away and marvelled. The Lord talked to the them about faith. The Lord answered the questions of the Pharisees about the taxes and Cesare money. The Lord talked to His disciples about His Second Coming and the destruction of the temple and Jerusalem.


The Lord left the temple on Tuesday intending not to enter it again and so He spent that day at Bethany teaching His disciples. Main events are the betrayal of Juda as he went on that day to consult with the Jews how to deliver the Lord to them and they promised him thirty pieces of silver the price of a slave. In contrast, we witness the woman who poured the perfume on the Feet of the Lord


The day of slaughtering the lamb the eve of Passover which commemorate the exodus of the people of Israel from Egypt with The Mighty Hand of the Lord. On that day the Lord established for us the Eucharist not as a symbol but as the real Truth. The Lord also washed the feet of His disciples giving us an example to follow in Humbleness and denying oneself. At the evening, they went to the Garden where The Lord was delivered by the kiss of Juda and was arrested and tried during the night.


The day of the Crucifixion of our Lord. The Lord offered Himself as the acceptable burnt offering for the whole world.


A night to spend at Heaven to go in spirit with St John the Evangelist to watch and observe events of the eternity and the Glory of Heavens to wait with all the Heavenlies for our True Bridegroom.


Early Morning before sunrise we conclude this wonderful procession when we witness the Victorious Resurrection of our Lord announcing New Covenant and New Life conquering the death and paving our way to Heavens.


How to Benefit Spiritually from Pascha Week

How do we enjoy the most spiritual week of this year?

1. Our behavior inside and outside church:

It is very noticeable that many people during Passion Week act very differently inside church than they do outside church. Inside church… black curtains, sad hymns, solemn readings, and complete concentration on the suffering of Christ. However, outside of church, we often laugh, joke around, socialize, think and talk about many worldly issues. We lose all the spiritual depth that we gained inside church. Let us concentrate our thoughts, conversations, and meditations around the events of this Holy Week and the passion of our Savior.

2. Retreat:

During our regular fasting days, we put the words of the Bible before us, “Consecrate a fast, call a sacred assembly “ )Joel 1: 14(. How much more then should we apply this commandment during Holy Week? This week should be characterized by solitude and retreat with God by staying away from idle discussions, various means of entertainment and pleasures. Reserve your time for God and to spiritual activities worthy of this week.

3. Follow the steps of Christ: Meditate on the events of the week one by one, from Palm Sunday when Christ refused His worldly kingdom and the Jews gave up their hopes in Him, until they crucified and buried Him. On Palm Sunday, ask yourself: Is Christ King and Lord over everything in my life? Do I, like Christ, turn down worldly glory for spiritual and eternal glory? And during the “general funeral” afterwards, consider yourself attending your own funeral )because during this week the church will not hold funeral services(. Also, when the church denounces Judas’ betrayal with a kiss on the eve of Wednesday’s Pascha, ask yourself in prayer, “How often, O Lord, have I betrayed You?” “How many times have I told You words of love in prayers, while my actions show the opposite and my heart is far away from You?”

4. Share in the fellowship of His suffering: St. Paul said “That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His suffering, being conformed to His death” )Philippians 3:10(. Can we give ourselves an exercise this week to share in the fellowship of His suffering and be conformed to His death? )source of this article: St-Takla.org( Can we follow Him in His suffering and ascend with Him to the cross? Can we say with St. Paul “With Christ I have been crucified; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me” )Gal. 2:20(. Therefore, in order for Christ to live in us, we have to carry our cross and follow Him. If you have a cross in your life, don’t complain about it, but rather rejoice in it and bear it for Christ’s sake. “For to you it has been granted on behalf of Christ, not only to believe in Him but to suffer for His sake” )Phil. 1:29(.

5. Asceticism:

Whoever puts the suffering of Christ before Him will not take any pleasure in eating, drinking or pampering the body. But in order to succeed in pursuing asceticism, we must satisfy our souls with spiritual food so that it may thrive and overcome physical hunger.

6. Spiritual readings:

Spiritual readings are also food for the soul. The church has organized for us a treasure of appropriate readings for every day of Holy Week. This consists of Gospel readings, Old Testament prophecies that correspond to the events of each day, spiritual explanations and sermons of the church fathers and on Holy Saturday )Apocalypse night( the church reads the entire book of Revelation.

7. Hymns:

The hymns of Passion Week are moving and full of spiritual depth. Also, Hymns, like reading, preserve thoughts from wandering and guides them in a spiritual direction.

8. Prayer:

Since the prayers of the Agpeya are not used during Holy Week, we are to substitute personal prayers in their place. This is in addition to the intensive prayers of the church asking the Lord, who bore the sins of the world and died for us, to forgive and have mercy upon us according to His great mercy.

Coptic Hope Charity Easter Hamper Appeal - 2024

«Blessed is he who considers the poor; The Lord will deliver him in time of trouble.» Psalm 41:1

Beloved congregation ot the Diocese of Melbourne and Affiliated Regions,

As we begin the blessed season of The Great Holy lent and the Feast of the Glorious Resurrection, Coptic Hope Charity Is pleased to announce the Easter Hamper Appeal - 2024.

With the love and generosity of the Coptic Orthodox congregation, Coptic Hope Charity Easter Hamper Appeal supports our less fortunate brothers and sisters across the poorest villages and provinces throughout Egypt.

Our aim this year Is to present 4500 Easter Hampers where your gift of $65 for each Easter Hamper Includes Meat, rice, flour, butter, milk, sugar etc. to make celebrating the Feast of Resurrection a special time for our less fortunate brothers and sisters.

Coptic Hope Charity confirms that all donations collected for the Easter Hamper Appeal Is to provide hampers to be distributed amongst as many families as possible. Including the 1400 families in our Family-to-Family program. lo contribute to Coptic Hope Charity Easter Hamper Appeal or assist with ongoing support please donate with reference «Easter Hamper Appeal» to the following bank account or via our Paypal account at www.coptichope.org.au

Account Name: Coptic Hope Charity limited AIF

BSB: 063-159

Account Name: 10686722

Tax deductible receipts for all donations ab.ve $2 will be Issued upon receipt.

All funds raised by Coptic H.pe Charity are for the sole purposes 0f the services provided by Coptic Hope Charity to serve the poor and in need.

On behalf of Coptic Hope Charity, we would like to thank you for your love, generosity and support.

For further information please call Nagy Banoub on 0423 411 715

Construction of New Buildings started Thursday 28th April

The new Building is expected to be ready End of April 2024. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downloaded from church website.

Cost of building works is around $13,000,000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreciated.

Donations to St Mary’s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link

2022 ليربأ 28 سيمخلا موي تادب تاءاشنلإا لامعأ داتعملا بسح متت ةسينكلا تامدخ .2024 ليربأ ةياهن عورشملا نم ءاهتنلاا عقوتملا نم .ةرشنلا لخاد حضوملا لودجلا بسح .ارلاود نويلم ١3 3 ىلاوح عورشملا ةفلكت غلبت بحسلا ةرامتسأ ءلمب ىرهش عربتب ةكراشملا كنكني زكرم للاخ نم اهعبط وأ ةسينكلاب ةدوجوملا يكنبلا ينورتكللإا ةسينكلا لمعلا اذه ىف مكتمهاسمو مكتاعربت كرابي برلا
طبارلا ىلع طغضأ ينابملا عورشمو ميرم ءارذعلا ةسينكل تاعربتلل
https://www.stmc.org.au/donate )Copy & Paste on Web Browser( Building Site 10th April 2024

Blessed Baptism

Baby Amelia daughter of Anthony & Marissa Ramzy

Sunday 21st April 2024

St. Mary’s Church

St. Mary’s Church New Building Financial Report

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