Weekly Bulletin 28th July 2024

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Services at St Mary’s Church


Mass 9 - 11 am


Liturgy 5:30 - 7am

7:30pm The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages

Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am

6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults


Mass 9 - 11 am - English

English Midnight Praises 7:30pm

English Bible Study 7:30pm

Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am

Youth 25 and above 7-9pm

Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm

Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am

Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm

Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm English

Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:30-7pm

Scouts 1:30 - 3pm

School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm


1st Mass 6:30 - 8:30 Arabic & English

2nd Mass.8:30 - 10:30 English - St Mary’s


3rd Mass 8:30 - 10:30 Arabic - St John’s

Chrysostom Church

Hymns Class - English 11:45 - 12:30pm

Church Priests:

Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251

Email: frtadros@me.com

Fr Habib Girgis Younan: 0401238177 – 94498871

Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com

Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821

Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au

Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kensington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651

Fr Kerillos Tawadros 0411 518 399

Fr John Makary 0433 445 636


Martyrdom of St. Marina, of Antioch.

30th July – 23rd Abib

On this day also, is the commemoration of the martyrdom of the blessed St. Marina, who overcame the Devil. She was one of the daughters of the nobles of Antioch. Her parents were pagan. When her mother died, her father sent her to a nanny to raise her, who was a Christian. She taught Marina the Faith of Christ. When Marina reached the age of fifteen years, her father died. One day she heard her nurse talking about the biography of the martyrs and what glory they receive in the Kingdom of Heaven. She longed to become a martyr in the Name of the Lord Christ. One day St. Marina went out of her house with her maiden servants, and on her way she passed by Lopharius Ebrotus, the governor, who admired her much when he saw her. He ordered her brought to him. When the soldiers came to her, she told them that she was Christian. In turn, when they told the governor this, he was distressed for he liked her, and he had her brought to him by force. He offered her the worship of the idols and asked her to forsake God, but she refused. Then he asked her, “What is your name? and from where are you?” She told him, “I am Christian. I believe in the Lord Christ, and my name is Marina.” He tried to persuade her by many promises and promised to marry her, but she did not heed him. When she cursed and insulted him, he ordered her body scraped with iron combs, then rubbed with vinegar, salt and lime, which they did. Nevertheless, she endured with patience. They cast her in prison, thinking that she was about to die. Immediately the angel of the Lord came, and healed all her wounds. While she was standing up praying, and her hands were extended in the form of a cross, a huge and terrifying serpent came forth. When she saw it she was frightened and her whole body trembled. The serpent swallowed her up, and her soul almost departed from her. She made the sign of the cross and prayed while she was in the belly of the serpent. It split open and fell on the ground dead. St. Marina went out unharmed. The next morning, the governor ordered her brought to him. When he saw that she was well, he marvelled much, and told her, “Marina, your sorcery has become evident today, so listen to me. Worship the gods and much good would be for you, and I will give you all that I have promised you.” She looked to him and to the dumb idols with contempt and said, “I worship

the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God, the God of heavens and earth, and whatever you wish to do with me, do, for I will not heed you.” The governor ordered her hanged on the wheel, the squeezing wheel, and squeezed very tightly. They did so, then cast her in prison. The angel of the Lord came to her, and healed her. Then the Devil appeared to her and said, “O Marina, if you obey the governor that would be for your good for he is merciless, and he wishes to erase your name from the face of the earth.” She realized that he was the Devil. Straightway she caught the hair of his head, and she took an iron rod and started to beat him, saying, “Stop it O Satan.” Then she bound him with the sign of the cross, not to depart from before her until he told her all about what he does to the human race. When she pressed him, he told her, “I am the one who makes adultery, stealing, blasphemy, and earthly desires, good and desirable to the human. And if I do not overcome him, I steer sleep and laziness against him, so he will not pray and ask for the forgiveness of his sins.” The Saint straightway expelled him.

When the governor saw her he marvelled much, then he ordered to uncover her body, and to fill a large cauldron with melted lead, and to immerse her in it. When they did so, she asked the Lord to make this a baptism for her. The Lord sent his angel in the form of a dove. She immersed while saying, “In the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, one God Amen.” A voice from heaven called her and said, “O Marina you have been baptized in the baptismal water.” She rejoiced exceedingly, and those who were present heard what had happened to the saint. Many of them believed, and the governor ordered to cut off their necks, and afterwards ordered to cut off St. Marina’s holy head. The executioner took her and went outside the city, then told her, “My lady Marina, I see the angel of the Lord and with him a crown of bright light.” She said, “I ask you to tarry on me until I have prayed.” She extended her arms and prayed fervently, then told the executioner, “Do what you have been ordered to do.” She bowed her neck to the executioner who told her, “I could not do so.” The saint told him, “If you do not do so, you would not have a share in the Kingdom of God.” When he heard what she said, he took the sword and cut her neck off then he cut his neck also while he was saying, “I believe in the God of St. Marina.” He fell down beside her and he received the crown of martyrdom in the Kingdom of Heaven. The Lord had manifested from her body many signs and healing miracles. Her body is presently located in the church of the Lady the Virgin Mary in Haret El-

May her prayers and intercession be with us and Glory be to God forever. Amen.

The Martyrdom of St. Longinus the Soldier.

30th July – 23rd Abib

On this day, St. Longinus the Soldier, was martyred. He was Greek by nationality, from one of the countries of Cappadocia. When Tiberius Caesar reigned, and appointed Pilate governor of the land of Judah, Longinus was one of the soldiers that accompanied him. When the time arrived that Our Lord wished to save the creation, Longinus was one of the soldiers that were in charge of crucifying the Lord of Glory. It happened that after the Lord had delivered up His soul, Longinus pierced His side with a spear, and blood and water flowed from His Side. Longinus marvelled exceedingly when he saw this, and his amazement increased when he saw that the sun became dark, the curtain of the Temple was rent, the rocks were split, and that the dead rose up from the tombs. He believed and realized all the miracles which Our Lord performed from His Birth to His Crucifixion. When the righteous Joseph took the body of the Savior, shrouded Him, and laid it in the sepulcher, this Saint was standing there with the guards when they sealed the tomb. When Our Lord rose from the sealed tomb, Longinus was perplexed, and he asked God to explain to him this mystery. Our Lord sent to him the Apostle Peter, who told him everything which had been prophesied concerning the Redeemer. He believed, abandoned the military service, went back to his country, and preached the Name of Christ. When Pilate heard about this, he wrote to Tiberius about him, who ordered his head cut off, and thus he received the crown of martyrdom. May his prayers be with us, Amen.

+ The Martyrdom of St. Abanoub.

31st July – 24th Abib

On this day, St. Apanoub )Abba Nob( was martyred. He was born in the city of Nehisa )District of Talkha(. His parents were pure and merciful and they reared him in the fear of God. When Diocletian incited the persecution against the Christian, St. Apanoub was twelve years old, and he desired to shed his blood for the Name of Christ. One day he went to the church, and he heard the priest teaching the believers, strengthening them in the Faith, warning them from worshipping the idols, and encouraging them to deliver themselves over to death for the sake of the Lord Christ. He returned to his house, and set before him all what his father had left him of gold, silver, and apparels and told himself it is written, “The world is passing away, and the lust of it.” )I John 2:17(

Straightway he rose up, and gave all his money to the poor and needy, then went to Samanoud, walking along the river bank. He confessed the Name of the Lord Christ before Lucianus the governor, who tortured him severely. Then he hung him up upon the mast of his ship head downwards. The governor sat down to eat and to drink, and the vessel which was in his hand became a stone. The angel of the Lord came down from heaven, released the saint, and wiped up the blood that was running down from his nose and mouth. The governor and his soldiers were greatly disturbed. Strong winds blew, that made the ship to sail fast to Athribis. When they arrived, the soldiers unfastened their belts, and cast them before the governor, then confessed the Lord Christ and they received the crown of martyrdom.

The governor of Athribis tortured St. Apanoub )Abba Nob( severely, then sent him to the city of Alexandria. There, he was tortured until he delivered up his pure soul and received the crown of martyrdom. St. Julius El-Akfahsi was present, he wrote the biography of St. Apanoub, took his body and sent it with some of his men to his hometown Nehisa. Many churches were built in his name. Many signs and miracles were manifested from his body which is now located in his church in the city of Samnanoud. May his prayers be with us. Amen

Repose of St. Joseph the Carpenter 2nd August - 26th Abib

On this day, the righteous man St. Joseph, the carpenter, who was worthy to be called the father of Christ in the flesh, departed at a good old age. The Holy Gospel bore witness that he was a righteous man, and God chose him to be betrothed to the all-pure, our lady, the Virgin St. Mary. When he finished his course, his strife, his toil in the journey together with the Lord and the Virgin Lady from Bethlehem to the land of Egypt, and the tribulations that befell him from the Jews, he departed in peace. When the time came for him to depart from this world, to the world of the living, the Lord Christ was present at his departure, and laid His hand upon his eyes. He extended his arms, and delivered up his soul, and was buried in the tomb of his father Jacob. All the days of his life were one hundred and eleven years; forty years before his marriage, fifty-two years married, and nineteen years a widow. His departure was in the sixteenth year of the advent of the Lord Christ. May his prayers be with us. Amen.

Third Sunday of the blessed month of Abib of the Coptic calendar Luke 9: 10-17

“So they all ate and were [a]filled, and twelve baskets of the leftover fragments were taken up by them” Luke 9:17.

How much this materialistic world )of today( is in need of hearing of this miracle of feeding the multitudes over and over again … for man with all the scientific and technological advancements, his reliance on the materialistic world is ever-increasing … also, the more the wealth )they achieve( … the more his or her desire to obtain more wealth …

An odd news item, became known some years ago … it said … the numbers of those suffering from hunger is increasing everyday in the United States of America … Perhaps, this is very odd in it’s own right )but, there is no mistake in this news item … it speaks of those who are suffering hunger in the USA( … but what is more astonishing … was a following news item … that is, the department of agriculture of the USA, was complaining that it’s storage facilities are running out of space to store the excessive production levels of wheat and dairy which is above the demands and needs )of the country( … I don’t know how to comment on such news???

Another news item … the discoveries of new petroleum reserves in world is on the increase … whilst the idea of running out of fuel by the twenty first century was the major preoccupation of the scientist at the time, is now being irrelevant … but, the world now suffers from another problem that is excess of petrol supply more than the world demands … maybe, this is good news, however examine the following news … despite the discovery of new petrol fields in Australia … which just about to be self-sufficient with petrol usage )and supply(, still prices are on the increase … this is despite reduced demand due to current events the world is experiencing, thus prices is increasing to compensate for loss of sales by the petrol companies …

Another piece of news … to avoid lower prices of wheats and foods produce on the world markets, the USA administration will pay farmers subsidies and financial help to stop farming or reduce the areas they farm in order to reduce the resultant food produce )to keep prices steady( … alongside the last item of news is another of new scientific advancements

which increase the yields per acre of wheat to doubling the amount of wheat crops! …

Beloved, … what do you think of this news???

Aren’t we living in a strange materialistic world … a world which does not know what it wants??? It is a world which hungers as elementary produce reduces … but, still hungers even more when the same produce increases …

This hungry world, truly needs to hear the miracle of feeding the multitudes over and over again … lest the world understands the lessons and its meanings )in this miracle( … the world needs to comprehend these two lessons: The blessing of having a dry piece of bread in the Lord’s hand … & … The blessing of having )the brad( distributed by the Lords hand … + Five loaves and two fishes +++

This is the dried piece of bread … if we compared it to the USA department of Agriculture’s storage silos, but even it is less than a dried piece of bread and considered nothing ))in comparison to the huge storage of food( … but what is amazing, is that it fed many more than the large storage silos which is surrounded by hungry people …

This is the dried piece of bread when it is placed in the Lord’s hand … so, it feed thousands … but even millions and examples of this piece of dried bread in the holy bible are many …

A handful of flour and a little of oil in a jar … with the widow of Zarephath of Sidon … did not dry up for three and six months … this happened despite the fact that it was not enough to make one small cake for the widow and her son then they will die )from hunger( … )1 Kings 17: 8-16(.

A jar of oil with one of the prophet’s maidservants … a small little jar of oil not enough to fill the whole jar, on Elisha’s orders filled many large vessels … enough to pay the widows debts )and provide for her and her sons( )2 Kings 4:1-7( …

It is the blessings of the Lord Who extends His hand to bless the little to becomes abundant and more than plenty … the Lord warned His people )the Israelites( in the past from being preoccupied with other and forget the Lord their God and His commandments … the Lord stressed on His warnings that if they forgot the Lord their God, then they will lose all the blessing they live with … )read Numbers chapter 28(.

We have lost many of the blessings )given to the world( because we have abandoned the )true( source of the blessings … Beloved we lost a lot because we distant ourselves from God … many blessings promised by God, for simply following simple commandments but we still reject it … examples of


The Blessing of the day of the Lord … God has asked you to sanctify this day for the Lord … but you are too busy with world and its worldly rewards … in fact in this you are losing and not gaining anything … have you forgotten beloved that God gives you a blessing on the sixth day … that suffices till the eighth day … He geves you a blessing in the sixth year that suffices till the eighth year … and gives you a blessing in the 48th year that suffices till 51th year )after the year of Jubilee( … These, if you kept the Lord’s day … but if you neglected the Lord’s day and offered it to the world … then, a day will come when the Lord will ask you for it … and believe me beloved; the land shall enjoy its sabbaths )Leviticus 26:34(. The blessings of the tithe … have we forgotten the tithe … )offering( the first crop … and vowed offerings …

There are those who account for the tithe arithmetic … and say if I give the tenth then I am left only with nine-tenth … and there are those who account for it with the blessings … and say, if I offer the tenth then what I have will multiply ten times and nine-tenth )how??? Do you know??( …

The tithe blessings are hundred times … this is in this world … and the everlasting life in heavens … there are those who see the tithe as too much for God, then God finds the nine-tenth that left are too much for them and the effective value of this ninetenth becomes less than the tenth … and the tithe is the absolute minimum that God asked the Jews to pay of old … but we must do more than the scribes and pharisees … + He blessed … and broke them and … gave “There is one who scatters, yet increases more; and there is one who withholds more than is right, but it leads to poverty” )Proverbs 11:24(. If the five loaves of bread and two fishes were not given )to the Lord( … then, it would have stayed as five loaves of bread and two fishes … this is the wisdom of those commerce scientists of the world of today … despite it is a simple wisdom, but it is clear … for the storage silos which are full is not an indication of wealth and greatness … what is the value of full atorage silos while it is surrounded with hungry people who are dormant and lazy … wouldn’t it be much better to have empty storage silos surrounded with fulfilled people who are eager, willing and active …

There are millions in the world who suffer from hunger … despite the statistics which tells us that world produces more than the world total need of food … isn’t this alone evidence that the world does

not understand the simple wisdom of giving and distributing wealth … What would happen if all this reserve is distributed on the hungry stomachs … that they would be filled and instead of being a wasted resource of human wealth, they would become a productive resource … and the blessings will be more blessed … and instead of the hungry thinking of revenges and violence … they will think of peace and production … thus the peace will be more peaceful.

Beloved … start by yourself … look around you … there are many who are in need of you … perhaps you have a good resource of calmness and peace … then give it those around you in good words … words of encouragements … words of love …

Maybe you have good balance of faith and fear of God … then, distribute to those around you … speak to them about the kingdom of heavens … about their salvation … and perhaps you have a good balance of materialistic wealth … then, seek those who are needy … and give generously Learn to give of what you have … no matter how little it is … just learn how to share with others )of what you possess(. + They all ate and were filled +++ They were filled … an extraordinary expression to the thinking of the world for we nowadays never filled of anything … we never filled )to satisfaction( of foods, scenes, comfort or anything else and the reson for this, is that we seek comfort and fullness without God … away from God … therefore, we will continue to be hungry, troubled and worried … since there is no comfort except in Him )the Lord God(.

Beloved, do you want to be filled )to satisfaction( … there is no fulfilment in a hungry world … there is no fulfilment in a world which hungers and has little … and still hungers more when it has plenty … there is no fulfilment in a world which stumbles )and trips over itself( seeking what it does not need … and what it truly need, the world leaves behind it’s back )not to see( … True fulfilment is in the Lord Jesus … come to Him carrying your five loaves and two fishes … it might be little … just a dried piece of bread … but God will fulfill you from this little and five thousands other than you. )Amen, lord Jesus … here is my little, all my wealth, knowledge and pride I surrender to You. Lord Jesus, bestow on me your will and Your will alone suffices. Amen(.

The most Dangerous Fire

His Holiness Pope Tawadros II

In human history, fire is considered one of the components of the theory of the four elements: water, air, fire, and earth.

This article does not refer to “physical fire” that destroys and burns everything to ash, such as wildfires caused by material or environmental factors like climate change-induced forest fires or volcanic eruptions that spew destructive lava and ash. Rather, this article refers to moral fire, ignited by the tongue, as described by St. James the Apostle in his letter: “And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity” )James 3:6 NKJV(. In the Old Testament, Proverbs also states, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue” )Proverbs 18:21(.

Humans, as speaking beings, communicate through speech, listening, reading, and writing. These forms of communication underpin human civilization, distinguishing us from other living beings like plants and animals that lack these multiple forms of communication and cannot build a civilization comparable to those throughout human history.

The importance of the tongue, likened to fire, lies in its power to influence, build, and destroy; “With it we bless our God…, and with it we curse men, who have been made in the similitude of God” )James 3:9(.

St. James the Apostle dedicates a whole chapter to describing the tongue, attributing various qualities to it:

A small member that boasts great things, a world of iniquity, defiles the whole body, sets the course of nature on fire, is set on fire by hell, uncontrollable evil, full of deadly poison, and so on.

But above all these traits, it is considered “a real fire” that can ignite souls, hearts, and minds, burning, consuming, and destroying, thus misusing the tongue may negatively impact many.

A corrupt tongue speaks lies, deceit, hypocrisy, slander, and gossip; it is compared to a serpent )Psalm 140:3(, a sharp razor )Psalm 52:2(, a sharp sword )Psalm 57:4(, and a deadly arrow )Jeremiah 9:7, 18:18(. Throughout history, the tongue’s lies have been like evil arrows igniting fires between individuals, groups, nations, and peoples, as warned in the final book of the Bible, Revelation, when it described the eight categories of people who do not enter into the presence of God: “But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death” )Revelation 21:8(. This warning is reiterated in the final chapter: “Outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie” )Revelation 22:15(.

With the proliferation of social media platforms and billions of mobile devices worldwide in the hands of kids and adults, falsehoods in all forms and shapes have become prevalent in today’s world. Lying at all levels, from international and local news to scams and thefts among individuals and groups, the “human tongue” has found its ingenious means of transmitting and disseminating it. We also hear about cybersecurity that aims to protect data from being falsified or stolen and misused across various fields.

In the early Christian Church, after Pentecost, the Bible records the story of Ananias and his wife Sapphira as a stark example of lying and hiding the truth out of greed for money, honor, and fame. However, the punishment was severe as they died because of their lie )Acts 5:111-(. Today, lying has become alarmingly common in news, art, recordings, videos, and other media. Artificial intelligence has entered this field,

making it more difficult to distinguish between what is true and what is false. The first lie in any matter leads to a second, then a third, until “smooth lying” gradually dulls the conscience, making a person without moral sense, living in a world full of and breathing in deceit, fraud, and delusion.

One of the manifestations of the tongue’s fire is when some websites describe a person as “a heretic.” This harsh accusation describes someone who invents false and deviant statements about faith and doctrine. However, issuing such an accusation concerning the integrity of faith is not the right of any individual, just as only a judge has the authority to issue a ruling against an accused person. A single person judging someone as “a heretic” in this way, spreads a fire around them that quickly spreads without verification or investigation.

The only body that has the right to label someone as “a heretic” is the Holy Synod of the Church, by consensus of its members and after thorough investigations that allow the person the opportunity to defend themselves. Writings and websites that use their tongues to issue such labels or others about any person, ignite the most dangerous and destructive fire, ruining the lives of individuals and their families.

My friend, your tongue is a fire when you use it for lies and deceit against others. Know that by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned. Beware of this fire that is not easily extinguished but extends from age to age. Do not participate in such lies, for if you do, you will lose your heavenly share. Let those who have ears hear and beware.

40th Day Commemoration

Sunday 4th August 8:3010:30am At St Mary’s Church

Arabic Liturgy 40th Commemoration for Late the beloved Eryan Tawadros. Husband of the late Hakmat Tawadros, father of John Tawadros and Tony Tawadros. Grandfather to Nicole, Natalie, Ezekiel and Zachariah. Brother of the late Zaki, the late Barsum, Samir, Adly, Nagat and Nadia. Cousin to the Tawadros family. May the Lord repose his soul and comfort his family.

To Participate please speak to:

Toona Nasralla 0402 041 558

Adeeb Nasralla 0413 071 853

Fouad Habashi 0404 886 346

Fady Malek 0411 390 902

George Ibrahim 0490 119 003

Amgad Doss 0432 714 384

May the Lord reward him for all his efforts and valuable works.

Congtaulations to Samuel Rizkalla won one gold and two bronze medals at the 2024 Australian National Table Tennis Championships!!!

St. Joseph the Carpenter )Fiancé of Virgin Mary( Fiancé Mary 2nd August - 26th Abib

St. Mary’s Church New Building Financial Report

New Church, New Building and Car Park are ready We started to use the New Building and church last on Lazarus Saturday 27th April 2024. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downloaded from church website. We thank Our Lord for this great Gift Cost of building works is around $13,000,000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreciated.

Donations to St Mary’s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link

https://www.stmc.org.au/donate )Copy & Paste on Web Browser(

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