Weekly Bulletin 28th February 2023

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Services at St Mary’s Church

Monday: Mass 9 - 11 am


Liturgy 5:30 - 7am

7:30pm The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages

Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am

6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults

Arabic ; 7-8:15pm English (Zoom)

Hymns Class Arabic 8-9pm (Zoom)


Mass 9 - 11 am - English

English Midnight Praises 7:30pm

English Bible Study 7:30pm

Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am

Youth 25 and above 7-9pm

Family Meeting 7-9pm (fortnightly)

Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm

Year 10-12 Sunday School 6-9pm

Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am

Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm

Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm


Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:307pm

Scouts 1:30 - 3pm

School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm


1st Mass6 - .7:45am Arabic & Eng-


2nd Mass.7:45 – .9:30am English

3rd Mass 9:30 - 11:15am Arabic

Hymns Class - English 11:4512:30pm

Church Priests:

Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251

Email: frtadros@me.com

Fr Habib Girgis Younan:

0401238177 – 94498871

Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail. com

Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821

Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au

Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kens-

ington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651

Fr Kerillos Tawadros

0411 518 399

Fr John Macary 0433 445 636

:ءارذعلا ةسينكب ةمدخلا ديعاوم:نينثلأا احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا احابص 7 - 5:30 :يهللإا سادقلا :ءاثلاثلا )يزيلجنا( ىاو اذ - يزيلجنلإاب رابكلل عامتجأ ءاسم 7:30 احابص ١١ – ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا :ءاعبرلأا يبرع - رابكلل ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8 - 6:30 يزيلجنا - ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8:١5 - 7 يبرع - ناحلأ لوصف ءاسم٩ - 8 :سيمخلا يزيلجنا - احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - ليللا فصن ةحبست ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - سدقملا باتكلا سرد احابص ١١ – ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا :ةعمجلا رثكأف ةنس 25 بابشلا ءاسم ٩ – 7 )نيعوبسأ لك( ةرسلأا عامتجأ ءاسم٩-7 يزيلجنا - ةمدخلا دادعإ عامتجأ ءاسم 8:30 - 7 ١0 تاونسل دحلأا سردم لصف ءاسم ٩ - 6 ١2احابص ١١ – 8,30 يهللإا سادقلا:تبسلا ءاسم 3 - ١:30 ةفاشكلا عامتجا ءاسم 4 - 3 ةسمامشلا ةسردم 5,30 – 4 دحلأا سرادم ءاسم 8:30 –7 بابشلا عامتجاو ةيشعلا يزيلجنا ىبرع ءاسم 7 - 5:30 باتك سردو ةيشعلا :دحلأا يزيلجناو يبرع ص,7:45 – 6 لولأا سادقلا يزيلجنإ – ص ٩:30 – ,7:45 يناثلا سادقلا يبرع ص ١١:١5 – ٩:30 ثلاثلا سادقلا ءاسم ١2:30 - ١١:45 يزيلجنا - ناحلأ لصف :ةسينكلاب ةنهكلا ءابلأا ميبوراش سردات صمقلا 0414251251بلأا Email: frtadros@me.com :نانوي سجرج بيبح سقلا بلأا 94498871Email: - 0401238177 habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com 0422431821 :بيلص لكيام سقلا بلأا Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Epsom Rd, 3031:ةسينكلا ناونع :نوفيلت 5 Kensington Vic 93766651 سورضوات سلريك سقلا بلأا 0411518399 يراكم نوج سقلا بلأا 0433445636

Feast of Entrance into Egypt – by Bishop Dimetrius

1st June - 24th Bashans

The Church celebrates the Feast of our Lord’s Entry into Egypt on the 24th day of the month of Pashons (June 1st). This feast is among the Seven Minor Feasts of the Lord. As the Holy Family entered the land of Egypt, St. Mary the Virgin mother carried the child Jesus in her arms, with Joseph the Carpenter at her side and Salome, who accompanied them. They had done so in order to escape from Herod, who had sought to kill the Child. This was instructed to Joseph by the Archangel Gabriel in a dream where the Gabriel told him: “Get up, take the child and his mother, and flee to Egypt, and remain there until I tell you; for Herod is about to search for the child, to destroy him.’ Then Joseph got up, took the child and his mother by night, and went to Egypt, and remained there until the death of Herod. This was to fulfill what had been spoken by the Lord through the prophet, ‘Out of Egypt I have called my son” (Matthew 2:13-15 ).

The entry of our Lord Jesus Christ into the land of Egypt is an opportunity for rejoicing and delighting for the many blessings that his entry has impacted upon Egypt. The Church is aware of how important this event has been. And this is the reason it is one of the Lord’s feasts. There are several symbols and spiritual meanings that are indicated by the coming of the Lord Christ into Egypt. God’s plan for Christ’s entering the land of Egypt contains, as far as we can assume, four spiritual meanings that indicate the benefit for us from this divine plan.

1. The first spiritual meaning:

The first spiritual meaning was that the Lord has been willing to remove his anger from this land. God wanted to show how his forgiveness works and how he was going to replace the old by the new and the curse by the blessing. God is willing to abolish the curses of the plagues that he had once inflicted upon the Egyptians, when he punished them severely with the ten plagues in the old time, pouring his wrath upon them and the whole land of Egypt. Now by sending his Son to Egypt, He is restoring his favor instead of his wrath, his blessing instead of his curse; purifying everything, renewing everything: the people, the land, the water, and the air. This is the first reason for which our Lord came to bless the land of Egypt that he had once cursed. He made his entry into Egypt in order to establish there the benediction instead of the malediction. The lesson for us here is that God is teaching us about conversion. A life spent far away from God needs repentance. Otherwise this life will be condemned to perish in the hell of fire. Therefore, the person whom converts, repents, turns back from the wicked ways to God, will deserve the renewal of life in our Lord Christ Jesus, instead

رصم ضرأ ىلا برلا لوخد ديع عــيدب اــنيم .د :مــلقب سنــشب . د مــلقب سنــشب 25 – ةــينوي ١ كــلملادبع قفاوي يذلاو ماع لك نم سنشب 25يف ةيرصملا ةسينكلا لفتحت وينوي نم لولأا يركذب هلك ملاعلا سئانك ةيقب نع ةيسكذوثرلأا .رصم يلإ ةسدقملا ةلئاعلا ءيجم ةسدقملا يركذلا هذه ةيطبقلا ةسينكلا عضتو يف ةينيدلا تلاافتحلأا ميقتف ,اهدايعأ نمض اهب ترم يتلا نكاملأا اميسلاو سئانكلا عيمج اهناكم (امرفلا يلإ اهلوصو ذنم ةسدقملا ةلئاعلا رصم دودح يلع ةعقاولا )داؤفروب ةنيدم نلآا ناكملا يلإ اهلوصو يتح ةيقرشلا ةيلامشلا طويسأ ةظفاحمب قرحملا ريدلاب نلآا فورعملا نم رتموليك 500وحن دعب يلع عقي .اتلدلايذلاو سأر رصم ضرلأ ةسدقملا ةلئاعلا ةرايز ةصق لكب انل اهلجس ,ةياغلل ةقيش ةصق ,ةبيطلا )م 4١2385(سليفؤاث ابابلا ليصافتلا ديدش قيقدتب اهليصافت نود دقو ,23كريرطبلا يولم فقسأ سويرتميد ابنلأا طشنلا فقسلأا هتردصأ يذلا باتكلاب نينومشلأاو انصنأو يف ةسدقملا ةلئاعلا ةلحر ›:ناونعب ةينارطملا نأ رصم قح نمو .›رصم لك يفو يولم اذهب تصتخا أ اهنلأ ملاعلا دلاب لك يلع رختفت ةسدقملا ةلئاعلا ةرايز نوكت نأ ميظعلا فرشلا ةلئاعلا تماقا دقل .رخآ دلب يأ يلإ سيلو اهيلإ دحأو تاونس ثلاث وحن رصم يف ةسدقملا ام ةسدقملا ةلئاعلا اهللاخ تعطق .ارهش رشع اريس اهمظعم ناك رتموليك يفلأ نع لقي لا بكرم لخادب رخلآا ضعبلاو مادقلأا يلع اهللاخ تكرابتف ,ميظعلا لينلا يلع ةيعارش .اهبعشو اهلينو اهضرأ رصم ءاجرأ ةسدقملا ةلئاعلا نأ انل يسنكلا ديلقتلا ظفتحيو نم هجورخ تقو حيسملا ديسلا رمع ناكو يلإ اهقيرط يف يهو -ةنس يلاوح محل تيب 240تعطقو ,ءانيس ةريزج هبشب ترم رصم امرفلا ةنيدم يلإ تلصو يتح ارتموليك ربع ريسلا اولصاو مث مايأ ةعضب اوحارتساو 2ةفاسم دعبت (ةطسب لت ةنيدم يلإ لينلا اتلد ةيقرشلا ةظفاحمب )قيزاقزلا ةنيدم نم رتموليك اهتربتعاو سنشب 24يف مهلوصو ناكو اوهجتا مث ,رصمب ةلحرلل ةطحم لوأ ةسينكلا )درطسم ايلاح (ةمحملا يمست ةقطنم يلإ تفنأتسا .ةرجش تحت مايأ ةدع اهب اوثكمو سيبلب ةنيدم يتح اهتريسم ةريغصلا ةلفاقلا اميدق ةفورعم تناك يتلا ضرلأا سفن يهو بوقعي ءابلآا وبأ اهنكس يتلا ناساج ضرأب .فسوي هنبا دنع رصم يلإ رضح امدنع يتلا ›حانج ةينم ›يلإ ةلئاعلا كلذ دعب تلقتنأ )رمغ تيم زكرم ايلاح (دونمس ةينم يه يلإ لينلا تربع مث سوداقد ةدلبب ارورم عرفلا ربعتل دونمسب ترم ثيح اتلدلا طسو اولصاو مث سلربلا ةقطنم وحن لينلل يبرغلا لينلا اوربع مث ,اخس ةنيدم يتح ابرغ مهريس اولقتساو ديشر عرف نم ةيبرغلا ةفضلا يلإ

of deserving the condemnation to the hell of fire. Conversion is by excellence the figure of the transformation from the curses to the blessings, from the sinful nature to the renewed and purified being. As the converting person receives a new life in the Lord Jesus Christ, in the same way, as Egypt that received the Lord received a blessing compensating her old curses caused by sin. In both the converting person and the land of Egypt receiving the Lord Christ one common trait unifies their destiny: Holiness shines instead of darkness.

2. The second spiritual meaning:

The second spiritual meaning for the coming of Christ into the land of Egypt is the meaning of escape from evil. By His coming to Egypt, our Lord gave us the key of the practical application of his command to escape evil, not to resist it in (Matthew 5:39 ). Our Lord escaped from the face of the King Herod. Nevertheless, His escape is not based on cowardice and does not come out of weakness! His escape is based on divine plan; he made this journey to Egypt to fulfill the divine purpose of redemption, aiming to redeem all of mankind. We have a special remembrance for the slain children of Bethlehem on the third day of the Coptic month of Touba, when we celebrate their memory as we consider them being for us among the cloud of witnesses. Therefore, the Lord’s plan for us is that we follow His example, walk into His steps, escape from evil, escape from sin. This escape is a program that we should always remember, consider, trust, and follow.

3. The third spiritual meaning:

The third spiritual meaning for the Lord Jesus Christ’s entering into Egypt is to establish a Temple for the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt and to abolish and destroy the idolatrous temples spread and perverting the whole land. So we can consider the journey of the Holy Family to Egypt a journey with a building purpose, a foundational-minded journey aiming to install in Egypt the establishment of the Temple of God. In the Old Testament, the only temple of God was in Jerusalem. The Lord has been willing to add geographically Egypt to come to His knowledge. The Lord is willing to announce to the people of Egypt His love for them. He is calling them to acknowledge Him and to worship Him, to love Him and to adore Him; He is destining them to build His Church. Isaiah the Prophet prophesied about that saying: “So the Lord will make himself known to the Egyptians, and in that day they will acknowledge the Lord. They will worship with sacrifices and grain offerings; they will make vows to the Lord and keep them.”

)Isaiah 19: 21 ( Therefore, the Lord is not only making Himself known in Egypt in a habitual way of traditional knowledge. Rather, a deep and profound knowledge is involved, giving the Egyptians the privilege to become also the flock of God. They are from now on making vows to God and keeping them. After they were Israel’s enemies. The Holy Book of Isaiah eloquently tells the story of the journey of the Holy Family to Egypt. It is a journey that causes “the idols of Egypt to tremble and

يلإ ريسلا اولصاو مث ةيعارش ابكرم ,حلملا يداو يأ (نورطنلا يداو يهو تيهش ةيرب مساب يداولا يمسيو ,)بولقلا نازيم ينعت ةيطبق ةملك ةيطبقلا ةريدلأاب ةرماع ايلاح ةقطنملاو يف نابهرلا ددع نأ يتح نابهرلاو مهددع غلب يدلايملا عبارلا نرقلا تهجتا كلذ دعب .ابهار فلأ نيسمخ ارتموليك 60وحن ابونج ةلئاعلا يلع ترمو اقرش لينلا تربعو ,)ةيريخلا رطانقلا ايلاح (رطانقلا ارتموليك 20دعب يلعو تلحترا اهنمو ›نوأ ›يعدت ةميدق ةنيدم اولصو اوبهذ مث ةيلاحلا سمش نيع يهو اولظتسا ةيرطملا يف .ةيرطملا يلإ ةرجشلا تلازامو زيمج ةرجش تحت ةفورعم يهو نلآا يتح ةدوجوم اوبهذ كلذ دعب .›ميرم ةرجش ›مساب نيموي اهب اوماقأو ةليوز ةراح يلإ (نويلباب راوسأ يلإ ابونج اوهجتا مث ةعبس ةدم اوثكم ثيح )ةميدقلا رصم يف نلآا دجوت يتلا ةراغملا يف مايأ ةفورعملا (سويجرس سيدقلا ةسينك .)ةجرس وبأ ةسينك مساب ةماعلا دنع ابونج اوهجتاو كلذ دعب اوفرصنا يتح ابكرم اوبكرو لينلا ئطاش يلع برقلاب يداعملا ةقطنم يلإ اولصو )ةميدقلا فنم يه يتلا (سيفمم نم ةيرثلأا ءارذعلا ةديسلا ةسينك عقوم يف لينلا ئطاش يلع عقت يتلاو يداعملاب اذه يف ةسدقملا ةلئاعلا تثكم .ةرشابم مايأ ةرشع نيب ام حوارتت ةرتف ناكملا بكرم يف ابونج اوهجتا اهنمو ,رهشو برقلاب اورمو اسنهبلا يقرش ةيعارش ئطاشلا يلإ لينلا اوربعو اسنهبلا نم يلإ اولصو مايأ ةسمخ دعبو يقرشلا ›ريطلا لبج ›مساب ةفورعم ةقطنم يلإ رهنلا قيرطب اهنمو ,طولامسب .ةيلاحلا يولم زكرمب ةدابع خيشلا وبأ ريد نيب يقرشلا لبجلا نم برقلاب لمحي رئب دجوي ةدابع خيشلاو سنح ريد نم برقلاب ›ةباحسلا ريب ›مسا ةقيرطب ةممصم رئبلا .انصنأب لوتبلا يئاشنلإا نيوكتلا يف ةديرف ةيسدنه ةيحان نم لينلا اوربع .يرامعملاو اوهجتاو برغلا ةهج يلإ ةباحسلا ريب يلع اهنمو يولمب ةضورلا ةيرق يلإ ةنيدم اولصو تارتموليك ةتس وحن دعب نأ دعب .)نينومشلأا يأ (سيلوبومره اوهجتا نينومشلأا ةنيدمب امايأ اوماقأ مأ طوريد ›يمسي ناكم يلإ ابونج وبأ ريد يلإ اقرش اولحترا مث ›ةلخن يف ادحاو اموي اوحارتسا ثيح سنح ›ايرام موك ›مسا اهيلع قلطي ةيحان .انادف ١٩هتحاسم غلبت ريبك موك وهو يلإ ةسدقملا ةلئاعلا كلذ دعب تهجتا

the hearts of the Egyptians to melt.” Our Lord does not want us to love anything more than we love Him. If a person loves something more than the Lord, the Lord wants that idolatrous thing to tremble. Idols could be things such as the Ego or the ancient self-prior to conversion. By the melting of the hearts of the Egyptians, the Lord wants to teach us that conversion gives humility to the heart and repentance; two elements that are vital and necessary in the adoration of God.

4. The fourth spiritual meaning: The fourth spiritual meaning of the Lord’s journey to Egypt is the fulfillment of the prophecy of Hosea: “Out of Egypt I called my Son.” )Hosea 11: 1 ( “When Israel was a child I loved him, and out of Egypt I called my Son.” The Lord wants to teach us an important lesson concerning the traveling and the continual moving without rest. He journeyed inside Egypt without a home or a specific place of his own where he could rest. He was as a stranger that had no support and no place to lean his head upon. Thus, He wants us to be familiarized with the feeling of being strangers to both the heavenly homeland (that we didn’t reach yet!) and the earthly homeland. We want to be like our Lord Jesus Christ, considering ourselves strangers, having nowhere to rest. It is a precious lesson for us to learn that the earthly home is only a temporary one and our heavenly home is the perpetual one.

The journey of the Lord Jesus Christ with the Holy Family to Egypt was a hard and difficult one, where He was seeking souls longing for Him and souls hungry and thirsty for Him.

St. Wadamoun El-Armanty met with our Lord in the region of El-Ashmounin located in the south of Egypt. He was from a city called Armante, which is distant 500 kilometers from Mallawi or El-Ashmounin. St. Wadamoun was the first to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. Our Lord told him that he was going to be the first martyr. As St. Wadamoun was performing miracles with the power of the Lord Jesus Christ, the pagans and idolatrous people – seeing the idols trembling, crushing, and falling in destruction – persecuted him and killed him. He died effectively as the Lord Jesus Christ told him, as a martyr. In the records of our Church, he is counted with the 44 thousand or the Children of Bethlehem, as their martyrdom occurred at the same period of time, historically. This was the inauguration of the martyrdom and the starting of the sufferings for our Lord’s faith.

To our God be the eternal Glory for ever, Amen.

— Sermon By H.G. Bishop Dimetrius, Bishop of the Holy Diocese of Mallawi, Ansena and El-Ashmunein and Abbot of the Monastery of Saint Fana, Upper Egypt. The Martyrdom Of St. Thomas, the Apostle.

3rd June - 26th Bashans

On this day St. Thomas the apostle was martyred. He was born in Galilee, and the Lord chose him among the twelve disciples (Mathew 10:3). When the Lord wanted

ةظفاحم طوريد زكرم (فيرشلا طوريد اوبهذ مث ةليلق امايأ اهيف اوماقأو )طويسأ اهيفو طويسأ برق ةيصوقلا يلإ اهدعب ›ريم ›ةدلب يلإ اوهجتا مث مايأ ةثلاث اوماقأ عقي ثيح ماقسق لبج يلإ اوبهذ اهنمو سسأت (قرحملا ريد مساب فورعملا ريدلا موخاب ابنأ سيدقلا دي يلع م 342ةنس مضي يذلاو ,)ةينابهرلا ةكرشلا ةايح بأ ةراغملا ناكم تميقأ يتلا ةيرثلأا ةسينكلا .ةسدقملا ةلئاعلا اهيف تماقأ يتلا ريد يف ةسدقملا ةلئاعلا تضق نأ دعب ديسلا رمع ناكو ,رهشأ ةتس ةدم قرحملا تأدب ,تاونس سمخ يلاوح اهتقو حيسملا ةثلاث وحن تقرغتسا يتلا ةدوعلا ةلحر يلإ ةلئاعلا تهجتا قرحملا ريد نمف .رهشأ يلإ ,)فنم (اتلدلا سأر يلإ مث نينومشلأا اهتسينك هب يذلا نوتيزلا يحب ةرام ةيرطملا نأ دعبو .ءارذعلا ةديسلا مساب ةريهشلا اهتدوع تلصاو تقولا ضعب اهب تحارتسا ةيرصملا دلابلل ةيقرشلا ةيلامشلا دودحلا يلإ يف درو امك ليلجلا ةرصان يلإ اهنم دوعتل .يتم سيدقلا ليجنإ اندلابل ةسدقملا ةلئاعلا ةرايز تناك اذكه ,انبعش يلع رونلاب عش اديدج ارجف ةزيزعلا انتيصخش تمنف ,انخيراتب طاحأ ايحور اقفأو قحب ةيطبقلا ةسينكلا تحبصأو ةيونعملا .ةدئارلا يهو ةملعملا يهو ةدئاقلا يه امك ,ةكربو ةمحر اندلابل ةرايزلا تناكف يبعش كرابم .املاسو ءازع اضيأ تناك .رصم لوسرلا اموت داهشتسا سنشب 26 - ةينوي 3 اموت سيدقلا دهشتسا مويلا اذه لثم يف اذه دلو . مأوتلا هل لاقي يذلا لوسرلا نم انصلخم هراتخاو ليلجلا ميلقإ يف سيدقلا .(3 : ١0 تم( لاوسر رشع ىنثلإا ةلمج صلخملا دارأ امدنع ذيملاتلل لاق يذلا وهو اضيأ نحن بهذنل « رزاعل ميقيل يضمي نأ يذلا وهو )١6 : ١١ وي( هعم تومن يكل انسل ديس اي « لائاق ءاشعلا تقو انبر لأس ١4 وي( « ةايحلاو قحلاو قيرطلا نيأ ملعن لسرلل حيسملا ديسلا رهظ املو )6 و 5 : حورلا اولبقا مهل لاقو ةمايقلا دعب نيسيدقلا هروضح دنعف ابئاغ لوسرلا اذه ناك سدقلا مل نا مهل لاقف . برلا انيأر دق « : هل اولاق يعبصإ عضأو ريماسملا رثأ هيدي يف رصبأ نموأ لا هبنج يف يدي عضأ امك اهراثأ يف اموتو مايأ ةينامث دعب عوسي مهل رهظف . « كعبصإ تاه اموت اي « : هل لاقو مهعم اهعضو كدي تاهو يدي رصبأو انه ىلإ « انمؤم لب نمؤم ريغ نكت لاو يبنج يف لاق . « يهلاو يبر « , هل لاقو اموت باجأ . تنمآ اموت اي ينتيأر كنلأ « : عوسي هل : 20 وي( « اوري ملو اونمآ نيذلل ىبوط (2٩ – ١٩ يف ذيملاتلا يلع سدقلا حورلا لولح دعبو

to go to raise Lazarus from the dead, Thomas said to the other disciples: “ (John 11:16). He also asked the Lord at the supper: “ (John 14:5-6). When the Lord Christ appeared to the disciples after the resurrection, and said to them “Receive the Holy Spirit”, Thomas was absent. On his return, the disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord.” He said to them: “ (John 20:19-29).

After the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost in the Upper room in Zion, the apostles dispersed everywhere to preach the Gospel, Thomas went to India. He worked there as a slave at one of the friends of the king, whose name was Lukios, who brought him to the king who inquired about his profession. Thomas said: “I am builder, carpenter and a physician. He preached in his master’s palace, and Lukios’ wife believed and all his household. The king asked him about his achievements, and he said: “The palaces that I built were the souls that have become the temples of the King of Glory; the carpentry that I did was the Gospel that removes the thorns of sin; and the medicines I practiced are the Holy Mysteries which heal the poison of the evil one. The king became angry and tortured him, and bound him among four poles, cut off his skin and rubbed his wounds with salt and lime. The apostle Thomas endured the pains. Lukios’ wife saw him suffering, and she fell from the window and died. Lukios came to him and said: “If you raise my wife from the dead, I believe in your God.” Thomas went to the room where the dead body was, and said: “Arsabona (Arsonia), rise up in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.” She rose instantly and bowed to the Saint. When her husband saw that, he believed and many more with him from the people of the city, and Thomas baptized them.

Once the sea drove a huge tree to the shore that no one could lift it up. St. Thomas asked the king for permission to lift it up and to use its wood in building a church. He got the permission, he made the sign of the cross, and he raised it and later he built the church, to which he ordained a bishop and priests.

St. Thomas left and went to a city called “Kantoura” (Kontaria), where he found an old man weeping bitterly because the king killed his six children. The Saint prayed over them, and the Lord raised them up. The idol priests were angry, and wanted to stone him. The first raised a stone to throw it at him, and his hand was paralyzed. The Saint prayed over his hand, he was healed instantly, and all the idol priests believed in the Lord Christ. Then St. Thomas went to the city of “Parkenas” and other cities, where he preached in the Name of Jesus Christ. The king heard about him, and he put him in prison. When he found out that he was teaching the prisoners the way of God, he tortured him, and at last he cut his head off, and he received the crown of martyrdom. He was buried in “Melibar”, then his body was relocated to El-Raha. May his prayers be with us, and Glory be to God forever. Amen.

تاهج يف مهقرفتو نويهص ةيلع ليجنلإا ةراشبب اوزركيل ةنوكسملا دنهلا دلاب ىلإ لوسرلا اذه قلطنا ءاقدصأ دحأ دنع دبعك لغتشا كانهو ىلإ هذخأ يذلا سويقول يعديو كلملا : لاقف هتعانص نع هنم ملعتساف كلملا وهو مايأ دعبو بيبطو راجنو ءانب انأ ىتح هيف نم رشبي راص رصقلا يف لهأ نم ةعامجو سويقول ةأرما تنمآ . هتيب يتلا تاعانصلا نع كلملا هلأس مث يتلا روصقلا نا « : هباجأف اهب ماق لاحم تراص يتلا سوفنلا يه اهتينب تمق يتلا ةراجنلاو ، دجملا كلمل كاوشأ عطقت يتلا ليجانلأا يه اهب رارسأ يه ةيودلأاو بطلاو ، ةيطخلا ودع مومس نم يفشت ةسدقملا الله هبذعو كلذ نم كلملا بضغف . ريخلا خلسو داتوأ ةعبرأ نيب هطبرو اريثك لوسرلاو ريجو حلمب اهكلدو هدلج سويقول ةأرما كلذ تأرو رباص تملسأو اهتيب يوك نم تطقسف ، نم برلا هافش دقف اموت امأو اهحور نيزح وهو سويقول هاتأف هتاحارج تمقأ نا « : هل لاقو هتجوز يلع اهيلإ لخدف « كهلإب تنمآ يتجوز انوباسرأ اي « : لاقو لوسرلا اموت تضهنف « حيسملا ديسلا مساب يموق يأر املف . سيدقلل تدجسو اهتقول نم نوريثك هعمو نمآ كلذ اهجوز مهدمعف حيسملا ديسلاب ةنيدملا لهأ ةرجش رحبلا اضيأ فرجو . لوسرلا نذأتساف اهعفر دحأ عطتسي مل ةريبك . اهعفر يف كلملا اموت سيدقلا اهبشخ نم ةسينك ءانبب هل حامسلاو ةملاع لوسرلا اهيلع مسرف هل حمسف ةسينكلا ينب نأ دعبو اهعفرو بيلصلا مهكرت مث مهتبثو ةنهكو افقسأ اهل مسر ةروطنق يمست ةنيدم ىلإ يضمو نلا ةرارحب يكبي اخيش اهب دجوف مهيلع يلصف . ةتسلا هدلاوأ لتق كلملا بعصف هتلاصب برلا مهماقأف سيدقلا اودارأو مانصلأا ةنهك يلع اذه تداعف بيلصلا ةملاع عفرف همجر عوسي برلاب مهعيمج اونمآف ةحيحص اهريغو سانيكرب ةنيدم ىلإ يضم مث عمسف حيسملا ديسلا مساب اهيف يدانو . هدجو املو نجسلا هعدوأف كلملا هب هجرخأ الله قيرط نيسوبحملا ملعي اريخأو باذعلا عاونأ فلتخمب هبذعو نفدو ةداهشلا ليلكإ لانف هسأر عطق . اهرلا ىلإ هدسج لقن مث رابيلم يف دجملا انبرلو . انعم نوكت هتلاص نيمآ . امئاد

Meditations on the Eucharist Bible readings for the sixth Sunday of the Holy Pentecostal fifty days.

John 16: 23 – 33

“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace”. John 16:33 Peace and Joy, words which might appear foreign to today’s mankind and this generation, this is because we live in a world which does not comprehend the meaning of peace. We nowadays hear strange understanding of peace. We would hear of those who are fighting because of peace or those who would arm themselves with weapons of mass destruction for peace! We see those who will lose their peace for peace, therefore it is not strange that this world does not know the true meaning of peace nor it’s real essence (of peace). The real reason for mankind losing peace, is being distant from the true source of peace, that is the Lord Jesus Christ the true King of Peace. Man seeks alternative sources of peace for himself, believing his peace is in wealth and all he achieves is miseries and troubles! One might think that his or her peace lies in fulfilling his or her physical lusts and all that would be gained is sickness, pain and sadness. Other might think that peace is in knowing (prominent) people of the world and all they would get is being ignored, ingratitude and problems, then one realizes that “There is no peace, Says my God, for the wicked.” )Isiah 57:21( and there is Isiah no peace (found) in sinners. What is the secret of the peace in the Lord Jesus Christ? And why He alone and no-other can grant us peace? Because, He granted us that all we ask in His name, we receive, then we require nothing else, that is we became without worries since He loves us and we love Him and He asks the Father for our sake. This is because the Father loves you and our hearts are filled with His love. For He has overcome the world and all assuredly and power He has overcome what noone can overcome. He is the source of Glory. + whatever you ask the Father in My name He will give you:

We have an intercessor with the Father, to ask in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ is an interces-

سادقلا ليجنإ يف تلامأت نيسامخلا نم سداسلا دحلأا ةسدقملا 33-23:١6 وي »ملاس يف نوكيل اذهب مكتملك دق« 33:١6 6 وي ةبيرغ ودبت تاملك ؛حرفلا ،ملاسلا ءانبأ ىلعو مويلا ناسنإ عامسأ يف شيعن انرص اننإف رصعلا اذه .ملاسلا ىنعم فرعي لا ملاع يف ،ةبيرغ ميهافم نع عمسن انحبصأ نم براحي نمع عمسن انحبصأ ةحلسأب حلستي نعو ملاسلا لجأ ،ملاسلا لجأ نم بارخلاو رامدلا نم ملاسلا دقفي نم ىرن انحبصأ اذه نأ نذإ بجع لاو ملاسلا لجأ لاو ملاسلا ىنعم فرعي لا ملاعلا يقيقحلا ببسلاو .يقيقحلا ةمعط نع هدعب وه هملاس ناسنلإا نادقفل عوسي برلا وهو ملاسلا ردصم ناسنلإا ثحبي ،يقيقحلا ملاسلا كلم هنم ذخأي رخآ أجلم نع هسفنل لاملا يف هملاس نأ نظيو ملاسلا .ةساعتلاو ءاقشلا لاإ هنم ذخأي لاو هتاوهش عابشإ يف هملاس نأ نظي ىوس اهنم ذخأي لا هنكلو ةيدسجلا نأ نظي ،نزحلاو بعتلاو ضرملا لاو ملاعلا نم صاخشأ يف هملاس دوحجلاو ناركنلا ىوس مهنم لاني ناسنلإا كردي ذئدنعو لكاشملاو »رارشلأل يبر لاق ملاس لا« هنأ .رارشلأا دنع ملاس لاو ؟عوسي برلا يف ملاسلا رس وه ام عيطتسي هاوس سيلو هدحو اذاملو ؟ملاسلا حنمي نأ انيطعي همساب بلطن ام لك هنلأ ،ئش يف لأسن نأ جاتحن لا ذئدنعو ادج انبحي هنلأ مه لاب ريصن يأ بلآا لأسي ذئدنعو هبحن نحنو مكبحي هسفن برلا نلأ انلجأ نم بلغ هنلأ .بحلاب انبولق تلأتماف مل ام بلغ ةوق يفو ةقث يفو ملاعلا .ةبلغلا رس هدنع نإ ،دحأ هبلغي بلآا نم متبلط ام لك + :مكيطعي يمساب ،بلآا دنع ةلاد انل تراص دقل ةلاد عوسي برلا مساب بلطن نأ

sion which cannot ever fail, because we gained the right to come and offer a true repentance with tears before God, justified in the Blood of Christ our Lord and in this we receive the most wanted by the saints which is the forgiveness of sins. In the name of the Lord Jesus Chris, the skies are open for us and we receive all that we ask, isn’t this a very powerful reason for peace and comfort in your heart. The world is always searching for a magic key which open closed doors and reveal hidden treasures. The main efforts of nowadays inventors and scientists is to discover the secrets of nature, life and the human body which all still but puzzles for mankind and there are lots man still does not know or understand. However, in the Lord Jesus Christ, there are no puzzles or secrets today for us! No longer there are difficult or impossible! Prayers has opened the doors of prisons; thus, the doors of gaol were opened for St Peter, indeed, prayers broke the iron and opened the doors of gaol for St Matthias the apostle with the intercession of St Mary the Virgin. All sickness can be healed in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, but in the sacrament of unction of the sick is an amazing power to heal all ailments, even those which medicine can cure till today.

Look and see my beloved, to St Peter and St John in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ they healed the lame man (Acts 3: 1-9) which all the world wealth cannot sure! See, St Paul the apostle a poisonous serpent bites his hand and he simply shook it away and nothing happens to him (Acts 28: 3-6), the name of the Lord Jesus Christ is a limitless source of power. Dearly beloved, see what peace, comfort and tranquillity enjoys the man who feels that his God is strong, but even stronger than the whole world. Then, one fulfils all His )God( commandments being assured that His commandments is true and works for our salvation.

This mighty God, my beloved, teaches you to love the others as yourself, why then do hate and loathe? God, teaches you to be honest and true in all your works, then why live in twisted ways, lies and deception, the evidence that you have known His (God) power and His commandment,

قحلا انل راص دقف ادبأ بيخت لا الله مامأ عومدو ةبوت يف مدقتن نأ حيسملا ديسلا مد نم قاقحتسابو هانمت ئش بعصأ لانن انرص مساب .ةيطخلا نارفغ وهو نيسيدقلا حتفت تاومسلا تراص عوسي برلا سيلأ انبلط ام لك انن انرصو انل كبلق يف عنصي ببس ىوقأ وه اذه ثحبي امئاد ملاعلا نإ .ةحارو ملاس حتفي يذلا يرحسلا حاتفملا نع نع هل فشكيو ةقلغملا باوبلأا هل دوهجم لك نأ لب ةيفتخملا زونكلا ههجوم مويلا ءاملعلاو نيعرتخملا ةعيبطلاو ةايحلا رارسأ فشكل تلاز ام اهلك ،ناسنلإا مسجو كانه لاز ام ناسنلإل ةبسنلاب زاغلأ ناسنلإا هفرعي لا يذلا ادج ريثكلا .همهفي لاو دعي ملف مويلا حيسملا ديسلا يف امأ دعي مل ،رارسأ لاو زاغلأ كانه ةلاصلا .ليحتسم لاو بعص كانه اذكه نوجسلا باوبأ حتفت تراص نجسلا باوبأ تحتفنا ةلاصلاب ديدحلا تلح ةلاصلا ،سرطبل سيدقلا مامأ نجسلا باوبأ تحتفو ءارذعلا ةعافشب لوسرلا سايتم اهل راص ضارملأا لك .ميرم راص لب عوسي برلا مساب جلاع ةوق ىضرملا ةحسم رس يف ىتح ضارملأا عيمج يفشت ةبيجع اهل بطلا فرعي مل يتلا ضارملأا .مويلا ىتح جلاع نيسيدقلا ىلإ بيبحلا اهيأ رظنا عوسي برلا مساب انحويو سرطب لاومأ لك زجعت يذلا دعقملا ىفشي سيدقلا ىلإ رظنا .هءافش نع ملاعلا هديب قلعتي يذلا لوسرلا سلوب هدي نم هضفنيو ماس نابعث شحو برلا مسا نإ ،ئش هرضي لاو دودح لا ةرابج ةوق راص عوسي .اهل ةحار يأو ملاس يأ بيبحلا اهيأ يذلا ناسنلإا هب عتمتي ءوده يأو نم ىوقأ لب يوق ههلإ نأب رعشي هاياصو ذفنت ذئدنع .هلك ملاعلا ةقداص هاياصو نأ ةقث يف تنأو

is to fulfil the commandments, why then don’t you fulfil them?

+ The Father Himself loves you, because you have loved Me

Beloved, understand this amazing love, God has loved us first and sent His only begotten Son for us and because we loved His only begotten Son greatly, and in our love to His only Son, He (God) loves us. Man stand wondering before this exceptional love and cannot find any justification except that it is a love above all love. True pure love is the greatest source of joy and happiness for man. One day a man came to his fields and found a cluster of grapes being the first produce of his vineyard, he took it to give as a present to someone he loved very much, Anba Makarios the great, who in turn sent it to another monk who was sick and this monk took it to another elder monk advanced in years and so on each monk sent it to some one else till it was returned to the abbot of the monastery, who gathered all monks and put the cluster of grapes before them and said; let us all share in the cluster of love. The house which has love, has peace, joy and true happiness which expels anger, quarrels and hatred to the outside.

Ruth the Moabite became part of genealogy of the Lord Jesus Christ through her love to her mother of law. The universe has been created through the Love of the Father for us and is redeemed and saved through the Love of the Father and Son and communion of the Holy Spirit and became attached to the Father through our love to the Son. It is the bond of the everlasting Love which made all of us members in the one Body of Christ (the Church). Beloved, are you yearning for peace and joy? Then, learn to love, true and pure love which is void of lusts, pure wholesome love without requiring any benefits. Train yourself, that your love is without needs, for you love to your wife is not conditional upon her services or emotions towards you, nor is your love to your husband is conditional upon how much you benefit from him and your love to your children is unconditional without excepting pay-back later in life when they grow

.كسفن صلاخل لمعتو كملعي بيبحلا اهيأ يوقلا هللإا اذه نإ ام اذاملف كسفنك نيرخلآا بحت نأ نوكت نأ كملعي هنإ .دقحتو هركت تلز اذاملف كلامعأ لك يف اينمأو اقداص نإ ،عادخلاو شغلاو ءاوتللااب شيعت بحاص ةوق تكردأ كنأ ىلع ليلدلا يه هذهو هاياصو ذفنت كنأ ةيصولا ؟اهذفنت لا اذاملف هاياصو مكنلأ مكبحي هسفن بلآا + ينومتببحأ بحلا اذه ىلإ رظنا بيبحلا اهيأ هنبا لسرأف لاوأ انبحأ الله ،بيجعلا هنبا انببحأ نحنو انلجأ نم بيبحلا انبحي وه راص ذئدنعو ادج ديحولا نإ .ديحولا هنبلا انتبحم يف اضيأ بحلا اذه مامأ اراتحم فقي ناسنلإا قوف بح هنإ اريسفت هل دجي لاو ديرفلا نم وه ئربلا قداصلا بحلا نإ .بح .هحرفو ناسنلإا ةداعس رارسأ ربكأ دجوف هلقح ىلإ ءابحلأا دحأ ىتأ اموي هذخأف همرك ةروكاب جضان بنع دوقنع ةيده هل هيطعيل ادج هبحي ناسنإ ىلإ ريبكلا سويراقم ابنلأا وهو هتبحم هل بيبح بهار ىلإ هلسرأ هرودب يذلا خيش رخآ خأ ىلإ هلمح اذهو ضيرم رعش هل راج ىلإ هلسرأ كاذو نسم داع ىتح اذكهو هنم رثكأ هقحتسي هنأ ريدلا سيئر ىلإ ىرخأ ةرم دوقنعلا دوقنعلا عضوو نابهرلا عمج يذلا يف اعم مهلك اوكرتشيل مهاعدو مهمامأ ةبحم هيف يذلا تيبلا .ةبحملا دوقنع عزنت ةيقيقحلا ةبحملاو حرفو ملاس هيف .جراخ ىلإ بضغلاو دقحلاو ماصخلا باسنأ يف تلخد ةيبآوملا ثوعار نإ اهتبحم ةبحملا قيرط نع عوسي برلا قيرط نع قلخ ملاعلا نإ .اهتامحل ةبحمب ىدتفاو صلخو انل بلآا ةبحم ءازعو ةوقب ىزعتو انل نبلااو بلآا ىرخأ ةرم انطبتراو سدقلا حورلا هنإ ،نبلال انتبحم قيرط نع بلآاب انلك انلعج يذلا يدبلأا بحلا طابر حيسملا ديسلا دسج يف ءاضعأ ريصن قاتشم تنأ له بيبحلا اهيأ .دحاولا بحلا ،بحلا ملعت نذإ ؟حرفلاو ملاسلل بحلا ةوهشلا نم يلاخلا يقنلا رهاطلا .عفانملا نم يلاخلا ميلسلا صلاخلا

up. This unconditional love in your house will make the happiest home on earth. Do you want peace, then learn to love?

+ Indeed…I have overcome the world the world has conquered many and has crush many and many were lost. There are many strong and great people has been overcome by the world and their sins made them lose to the world! There are those who think money is the answer and is the steadiest weapon in the world and others think that prominence and desires are the most important things in life and others think that enjoyments and fulfilment of one’s needs is the most wanted in life, but all are deceiving themselves and all are worshiping the false gods which is quickly is overcome and appears as it’s true core. But our God, has overcome all these gods and all its powers.

The apostolic fathers were a punch of fishermen and lowly in the world but in the Lord, Jesus Christ were able to fascinate the whole world and before them, crumbled the mightiest kingdoms and the strongest of kings and rulers without any wars or blood shedding. They have known the true secret of success; the Lord Jesus Christ and in Him they conquered all, and all the world temptation were burned before them. Indeed, a child who is holding his father’s hand, believe he is the strongest in the world and within himself would dismiss all other powers and fears nothing. We are children who the Lord Jesus Christ is holding our hands for He is our true Heavenly Father.

Beloved, do you still worried or afraid and troubled with many issued for no reason? Then, come to the Lord Jesus Chris who has overcome the world, indeed the whole world and true there will be tribulations in the world, and indeed tribulations, pain and suffering is essential, but we trust in Hands of One who overcome the world and in Him we will over the world too, (Amen).

ببس كبحل نوكي لا نأ كسفن برد رادقمب ةطبترم كتجوزل كتبحم سيلف تسيلو كوحن اهتفطاع وأ اهتمدخ كعافتنا رادقمب ةطبترم كجوزل كتبحم نمث اهل كدلاولأ كتبحم تسيلو هنم يه هذه اوربكي امدنع مهنم هرظتنت راصل كتيب يف تدجو اذإ يتلا ةبحملا نذإ ؟ملاسلا ديرتأ .ملاعلا يف تيب دعسأ .بحلا ملعت ملاعلا تبلغ دق انأ اوقث + ،نيريثك قحس ،نيريثك ملاعلا مزه دقل نيريثك ءايوقأ كانه نإ .نيريثك عاضأ ملاعلا مهمزه ةربابجو ءامظعو نأ نظي نم كانه .ةيطخلا مهتعاضأو كانه دوجولا يف حلاس ىوقأ وه لاملا ىلغأ يه ةمظعلاو ةوهشلا نأ دقتعي نم عتملا نأ ركتفي نم كانه ةايحلا يف ئش لك ،دوجولا يف ام ذلأ يه تاوهشلاو اعيمج مهنإ ،مهسفنأ نوعدخي ءلاؤه مزهنت فوس اعيرس ةلطاب ههلآ نودبعي بلغ دقف انهلإ امأ .اهتقيقح ىلع رهظتو .تاوقلا هذه لكو ةهللآا هذه لك يدايص نم ةعومجم لسرلا ءابلأا ديسلا يف مهنكلو ملاعلا راغصو كمسلا اونتفي نأ اوعاطتسا عوسي حيسملا ىتعأ مهمامأ تراهنا دقل اهلك ةنوكسملا نودب كلامملا ىوقأو تايروطاربملإا .ءامد كفس نودبو برح وهو يقيقحلا ةبلغلا رس اوفرع دقل همامأ ئش لك اوبلغ هبو عوسي برلا نإ اقح ملاعلا تاوهش لك اورقتحا نمؤي هيبأ عارذ يف كسمي يذلا لفطلا هلخاد يفو ملاعلا يف ناسنإ ىوقأ هنأب يأ نم فاخي لاو ىرخأ ةوق يأ رقتحي عوسي برلا انب كسمي لافطأ نحنو ئش .يقيقحلا يوامسلا انيبأ فاختو قلقت تلز ام له بيبحلا اهيأ لاعت نذإ ؟ببس لاب ةريثك مومه لوعتو هلك ملاعلا بلغ يذلا حيسملا ديسلا ىلإ نأ دب لاو قيض ملاعلا يف كانه اقح قثنل نكلو ةدشلاو مللآاو قيضلا يتأي فوس هبو ملاعلا بلغ يذلا ديأ يف اننأ .اضيأ ملاعلا بلغن

+ Feast of Pentecost:

Next Sunday 4th June is the Feast of Pentecost – Fiftieth day after Resurrection when the Holy Spirit filled the Holy Disciples as the Lord promised them that He will send His Holy Spirit the comforter to fill them and stay with them forever and asked them not to depart from Jerusalem until they are filled with this special power from the Highest. On that day, the Holy Spirit descended upon them as cloven tongues of fire and they started to talk in tongues and to teach so much that three thousand believed that day as they heard a sermon from St Peter. It is the Birthday of the church of the New Testament and the start of the preaching mission of the disciples all over the world. Let us ask the Lord to work in us and make us honest witnesses to him and live Gospels read by all people. At St Mary’s Church the service programme will be:

5am Matins prayers and the procession of the Resurrection.

6 - 7:45 am First Liturgical Service

7:45 - 9:30 Second Liturgical Service

9:30 - 11:15am third Liturgical Service

12 - 2pm Kneeling Down )Sajda) Prayers. Holy Apostles Fasting starts on Monday 5th June.

Voulanteers Required for

:ىتسقيطنبلا ديع + – ىتسقيطنبلا ديع وه ةينوي 4 مداقلا دحلأا موي نيسيدقلا ذيملاتلا ىلع سدقلا حورلا لولح ديع ةمايق نم موي نيسمخ دعب امك تاوملأا نم برلا لسري هنأ برلا مهدعو ىزعملا سدقلا حورلا مهل دبلأا يلإ مهعم ثكمي ىذلا لا نأ برلا مهنم بلطو ىتح ميلشروأ اوقرافي يلاعلأا نم ةوق اوسبلي مهل برلا دعو متو .. مه امنيب نيسمخلا موي ةيلع ىف اعم نوعمتجم مهيلع حورلا لحف نويهص ةمسقنم ران ةنسلأ لثم مهنم دحاو لك ىلع تاغلب نوملكتي اوقفطف سدقلا حورلا مهحنمو ةثلاث نمآف ميلعتلا ةبهوم مويلا اذه ىف سفن فلاآ سيدقلل ةدحاو ةظع نم هنأ .. لوسرلا سرطب دهعلا ةسينك دلايم ديع لسرلا لمع ةيادبو ديدجلا الله حور نم بلطنل .. ةنوكسملا ىف ىزاركلا ءانمأ دوهش ريصنف اضيأ انيف لمعي نأ سودقلا .. سانلا عيمج نم ةءورقمو ةيح ليجانأ .. هل .. انب ظعي الله نأك حيسملل ءارفسك ىعسن موي ميرم ءارذعلا ةسينك ىف ةمدخلا جمانربو :يلي امك مداقلا دحلأا ةمايقلا ةرودو ركاب روخب عفر احابص 5 احابص 7:45 - 6 لولأا سادقلا احابص 9:30 - 7:45 يناثلا سادقلا 11:15 - 9:30 ثلاثلا سادقلا احابص ةدجسلا ةلاص رهظلا دعب 2 - 12 .هينوي 5 نينثلاا موي لسرلا موص أدبي
St Mary’s
making Ourban, Cleaning, Kitchen and Maintenance ميرم ءارذعلا ةسينكب ةنايصلاو خبطملاو ةفاظنلا لامعلأو نابرقلا لمعل نيعوطتم بولطم ناميلس نيفين /ةديسلا وأ ىشبح داؤف /ديسلاب لاصتلأا ءاجرلا Please contact Fouad Habashy 0404886346 Or Mrs Nevien Soliman 0414395538
Church For

+ I am a stranger on earth:

Adam and Eve and their offspring are just strangers on this earth. That is how people of God always feel and keep feeling until they return to their real home in Heavens. The Lord did not create us for earth but for heaven. Those created for earth such as animals, their life finishes as soon as they die, so also everything on this earth one day it is going to vanish and disappear. But, every human is going to depart to a permanent home forever. Here we are only like the transit passenger, whatever we spend here it is only temporary. We are still gazing to Heavens with the Apostles at the ascension of our Lord and still hear the Angel saying to us that Jesus Who ascended is coming back. We are waiting for Him. He is coming to take us to live with Him forever. I am just a traveller carrying my little bag in which I have my directory, the Word of my Lord which I read and recite day and night. My food is His Body and Blood offered for my Salvation. My weapons and supports are the Gifts of His Holy Spirit Which fills me and give me support, wisdom and guidance and protection from the dangers and perils of this world. He also rebukes me when I do mistakes and lead me back to the straight path. I do listen. I look forward searching for the traces of other sheep who went before me and get encouragement of their conduct and faith. When I am tired I erect my tent next to my fathers home where I can find peace and security. I am a stranger following my beloved Lord. I have assured peace for He has conquered the world.

ضرلأا ىف انأ بيرغ لك. برغتو ملاعلا اذه يف هاوحو مدآ برغت ةبرغلا روعش لظيو لظو. ضرلأا ىف مهلسن ىرخأ ةرم اودوعي ىتح ادبأ الله دلاوأ قرافي لا مل نحن .. ءامسلا وهو يقيقحلا مهنطو يلإ تاقولخملا .. ءامسلل انقلخ لب ضرلأل قلخن اهتوم درجمب لماكلاب اهتايح يهتنت ةيضرلأا ام لك اذكهو ةيدبأ اهل تسيل تاناويحلاف .. .. اموي ىنفيو يهتني فوس ضرلأا هذه ىلع هاقبلا ملاع ىلأ لقتنن افوس رشبلا نحن اننكلو يف شيعن اننأ .ادبأ لحمضي لاو ىنفي لا يذلا امبر .. تيزنارتلا بكارك امامت تقؤم نمز هنكلو تيزنارتلا ناكم ىف لايل وا ةليل ىضقي برلا دعص دقل .. هنطو سيل اذه نا امامت ملعي هيلإ ةصخاش اننويع تلاز امو تاومسلا يلإ انل نلعي كلاملا لازامو .. لسرلا ءابلآا عم شيعن نحنو .. يتأي فوس اذكه دعص امك هنأ شيعنو هعم انذخأي ىكل يناثلا هئيجم نيرظتنم ىف بيرغ رفاسم درجم انأ .. دبلأا يلإ هعم ةطيسبلا يتبيقح ىعم لمحأ ... ضرلأا هذه لايل اهيف جهلأ هاياصوو يبيبح ةملك اهبو عضومل ينلخدي ىكل هئيجم ارظتنم اراهنو هدسج وه يبارشو يماعط .. ةيدبلأا هتحار هيف اتباث لظأ ىكل ىلجأ نم همدقي يذلا همدو زييمتو لقنتلل يتاردقو يتايناكمإو يحلاس .. بهاوم نم اهذخأ راطخلأا ةمواقمو قيرطلا يف ينبحاصيو ينلأمي ىذلا سودقلا هحور ىنتكبيو يندشريو ينيزعيو يتبرغ قيرط راسملل دوعأو اهحلصأ ىكل يئاطخأ ىلع منغلا راثآ نع اثحاب يمامأ رظنأ. ميقتسملا .يقيقحلا يعارلا نوعبتي مهو ينوقبس نيذلا بصنأ .. مهناميإب ىدتقأو مهتريس نم عجشتأ .. ناملأا دجأ ثيح ةاعرلأ نكاسم دنع يتميخ .ملاعلا بلغ يذلا يبيبح عبتأ انأف ملاس يبلق يف
Feast of the Lord’s Entry to Egypt Thursday 1st June Liturgy at St Mary’s Church 9 -11am رصم ضرأ برلا لوخد ديع هينوي 1 سيمخلا ميرم ءارذعلا ةسينكب سادقلا احابص 11 - 9

Blessed Baptism

Baby Elija

son of Remon & Noha Tawadros

Sunday 21st May 2023

Blessed Marriage

John Buet & Catherine

Saturday 20th May 2023

St Mina & St Marina Church Hallam

SUNDAY 18™ JUNE 2023

Dear friends we are pleased to offer Samak Mashwi on Sunday 18th June



Fish & tahini only $20

Fish & tahini with your choice of rice or salad $25 Fish, tahini, rice and salad $30


Fish & tahini only $20 (3pieces) Fish & tahini with your choice of rice or salad $25 Fish, tahini, rice and salad $30

Please lock in your order early so you don’t miss out

Text to Nevine Soliman 0414 395 538

Name: Order: Pick up time:


Construction of New Buildings started Thursday 28th April

The new Building is expected to be ready within 6 months. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downloaded from church website. Cost of building works is around $13,000,000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreciated.

Donations to St Mary’s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link

for all who keep working tirelessly for the success of this project. May the Lord reward them all and bless all their works

ليربأ 28 سيمخلا موي تادب تاءاشنلإا لامعأ بسح داتعملا بسح متت ةسينكلا تامدخ .روهش 6 للاخ عورشملا نم ءاهتنلاا عقوتملا نم .ةرشنلا لخاد حضوملا لودجلا .ارلاود نويلم ١3 3 ىلاوح عورشملا ةفلكت غلبت اهعبط وأ ةسينكلاب ةدوجوملا يكنبلا بحسلا ةرامتسأ ءلمب ىرهش عربتب ةكراشملا كنكني ينورتكللإا ةسينكلا زكرم للاخ نم لمعلا اذه ىف مكتمهاسمو مكتاعربت كرابي برلا
Special Thanks
طبارلا ىلع طغضأ ينابملا عورشمو ميرم ءارذعلا ةسينكل تاعربتلل https://www.stmc.org.au/donate (Copy & Paste on
Browser) Current Building
concrete Slabs
May 2023 Final

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