Weekly Bulletin 29th August 2021

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:‫مواعيد الخدمة بكنيسة العذراء‬ Services at St Mary’s Church )‫ صباحا (أنجليزى‬7 - 5:30 ::‫األلهى‬ ‫ القداس األلهى‬:‫الثالثاء‬ Tuesday Liturgy 5:30 - 7am ‫ ذا واى‬- ‫ مساء أجتامع للكبار باألنجليزى‬8 8am The Way - Orthodox Fekkowship in ‫ صباحا‬11 – 9 ‫ القداس األلهى‬:‫األربعاء‬ ‫األربعاء‬ Englisg for adults - All ages ‫عرىب‬ ‫للكبار‬ ‫الشاممسة‬ ‫مدرسة‬ ‫مساء‬ 8 - 6:30 Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am Wednesday ‫ أنجليزى‬- ‫ مساء مدرسة الشاممسة‬8:15 - 7 6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults ‫ عرىب‬- ‫مساء فصول ألحان‬9 - 8 Arabic ; 7-8:15pm English :‫الخميس‬ Hymns Class Arabic Loc 8-9pm k do Thursday ‫مساء‬ 7:30 ‫أنجليزى‬ ‫الليل‬ ‫نصف‬ ‫تسبحة‬ w Dur n ha Cov ing 7:30pm English Midnight Praises s i d b - 1 ‫ مساء‬7:30 ‫ أنجليزى‬- ‫درس الكتاب املقدس‬ ee this English Bible Study 7:30pm tim n exten 9 Lock‫ صباحا‬11 – 9 ‫ القداس األلهى‬:‫الجمعة‬ ‫الجمعة‬ e d w d s ervi 9 – 11 am Friday: Mass SMass Friday n and ervices ed to T o‫رث‬ ces hur ‫ سنة فأك‬25 ‫ مساء الشباب‬9 – 7 are Frid a Youth 25 and above Foll 7-9pm sda con ays re restr )‫أسبوعني‬ o y‫مساء أجتامع األرسة (كل‬9-7 w d L u Family Meeting‫عاء‬7-9pm (fortnightly) i c u c i t t p al ted ed t 2nd Se urg ‫واألرب‬ l b i o e t y 5 ‫أنجليزى‬s -9‫اعداد الخدمة‬ ‫أجتامع‬pt‫ مساء‬8:30 - 7 Discipleship Clas Class ‫حد‬7-8:30pm ‫ ت واأل‬he serv per -11 Sat, Su ember s Year 10-12 Sunday School 6-9pm am ‫مدرس‬n‫فصل‬ ic ‫السب‬ -o10 ns ‫لسنوات‬ , W ‫ مساء‬9 - 6 incl ‫األحد‬ ‫ سات‬es on12 ed l Saturday: Mass: 8:30 Saturday – 10:30am i u ‫ا‬ n ‫د‬ d ‫ق‬ e‫صباحا‬ ‫القداس األلهى‬:‫السبت‬ ‫السبت‬ ‫كهنة‬ ‫خدمة‬ (Zo 10,30 i–ng8,30 ‫ا‬ ‫ح‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ا‬ t ‫با‬ om Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm he P ‫آلباء‬ ‫على‬ ‫مساء‬ 3 1:30 ‫الكشافة‬ ‫اجتامع‬ & ‫ ص يهم ا‬١١‫ر‬ ries ‫تقتص‬ You ٩ ‫عة‬ Vespers & youth meeting –7pm ‫بما ف‬ ‫يوب‬5.30 ts ‫ا‬ T ‫ي‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ليو ت‬ ‫م‬ ‫ا‬ u ‫د‬ ‫ح‬ 4 - b3 e‫الشاممسة‬ ‫مدرسة‬ ‫مساءسة‬ ‫والج سة أفرا وم وا‬ English ) ‫الكني‬ ‫ى خم‬ ‫ى الز‬ ‫ت‬ 5,30 – 4 ‫األحد‬ ‫مدارس‬ ‫ا‬ ‫م‬ Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:30-7pm ‫ة عل‬ ‫ها عل‬ ‫خد‬ ‫لخدم‬ ‫انجليزىكل‬ ‫مساء دمات‬ ‫ا‬ 7 – 5,30 ‫الشباب‬ ‫العشية واجتامع‬ Scouts 1:30 - 3pm ‫ر‬ ‫ص‬ ‫ا الخ‬ ‫قتمساءتابعو‬7‫ ت‬- 5:30 ‫العشية ودرس كتاب‬ School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm ‫عرىب‬ Sunday: Sunday :‫األحد‬ ‫األحد‬ 1st Mass 7 – 9.15am Arabic & English ‫وانجليزى‬ ‫عرىب‬ ‫ص‬ 9,15 – 7 ‫األول‬ ‫القداس‬ 2nd Mass 9.15 – 11.30am English ‫ ص – انجليزى‬11,30 – 9,15 ‫القداس الثاىن‬ 3rd Mass 9 – 11am Arabic ‫ ص عرىب‬11 – 9 ‫القداس الثالث‬ Hymns Class - English 11:45 ‫ مساء‬12:30 - 11:45 ‫ أنجليزى‬- ‫فصل ألحان‬ 12:30pm Church Priests: Priests :‫األباء الكهنة بالكنيسة‬ Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251 ‫األب القمص تادرس شاروبيم‬ Email: frtadros@me.com 0414251251 Fr Habib Girgis Younan: Email: frtadros@me.com 0401238177 – 94498871 :‫يونان‬ ‫األب القس حبيب جرجس‬ Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail. 94498871Email: - 0401238177 com Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821 habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au 0422431821 :‫األب القس مايكل صليب‬ Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., KensingEmail: frmichael@sac.edu.au ton Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651 Epsom Rd, Kensington 3031:‫عنوان الكنيسة‬ 93766651 :‫ تليفون‬5 Vic

The Departure of St. Takla Haymanot, the Ethiopian. ‫نياحة القديس تكال هيامنوت الحبىش‬ 30th August - 24th Mesra ‫ مرسى‬٢٤ - ‫ أغسطس‬٣٠ On this day, the great hermit and the blessed St. Takla ‫يف مثل هذا اليوم تنيح القديس املغبوط والناسك‬ Haymanot, the Ethiopian, departed. He was born in a village ‫العظيم تكالهيامنوت الحبيش وقد ولد يف قرية‬ nearby Jerusalem which was the share of Zadok and Abia‫قرب أورشليم كانت نصيبا لصادوق وأبياثار‬ thar the priests during the reign of King Soliman, son of King ‫الكاهنني يف عهد امللك سليامن بن داود فصادوق‬ David. ‫ وعزاريا ولد صادوق عيل اسم‬. ‫هذا ولد عزاريا‬ Zadok begot Azariah, Azariah begot Zadok, who was named ‫ وهكذا إىل أن‬. ‫والده وصادوق هذا ولد آلوي‬ after his grandfather, and Zadok begot Levi, and so forth till ‫ولد والد هذا القديس وكان اسمه سجاز آب‬ the father of this saint was born. His name was Tsega Ze‫( أي نعمة األب ) ثم تزوج بامرأة اسمها سارة‬ Ab (which means the Grace of the Father) and he married a woman whose name was Sarah. They were righteous, ‫وكانا كالهام بارين خائفني الله وغنيني جدا وكانا‬ God fearing and very rich. They always celebrated the ‫يعمالن تذكارا لرئيس املالئكة الجليل ميخائيل‬ commemoration of the honorable Archangel Michael on the ‫يف اليوم الثاين عرش من كل شهر ويقدمان صدقة‬ twelfth day of each Coptic month, and gave alms to the poor ‫للفقراء واملساكني أما سارة والدة هذا القديس‬ and the needy. ‫فكانت حسنة املنظر جميلة الطبع متحلية‬ Sarah, the mother of this saint, was very beautiful, meek and ‫بفضائل كثرية لذلك دعوها اكزيهاريه ( أي‬ adorned with many virtues, hence they called her «Egezi‫مختارة الله ) غري أنها كانت مرة النفس متوجعة‬ Hareya» (i.e. God has chosen her). However, She and her ‫القلب هي وزوجها ألنهام مل يرزقا ولدا يقر عينيها‬ husband were bitter and sad because they did not have any children. She went daily to the church imploring God to give ‫وكان زوجها أيضا يذهب إىل الكنيسة وقت رفع‬ ‫البخور ويعلم الشعب أصول اإلميان ويف كل مرة‬ her a child that would delight her heart. Her husband also went to the church at the time of the offering of the incense ‫كان يأخذ معه من ماله الخاص تقدمه لبيت الله‬ and taught the congregation the fundamentals of faith. Every ‫ثم اتفق االثنان عيل توزيع أموالهام عيل الفقراء‬ time he went to the church he took from his own money an ‫ ويف ذلك الحني‬. ‫واملعوزين واألديرة والكنائس‬ offering to the house of God. They both agreed to disperse ‫ فهدم‬. ‫مات امللك وجلس ملك آخر عابد األوثان‬ their money to the poor, the needy, the monasteries and the ‫الكنائس وبني هياكل األوثان وظلم وسلب وسبي‬ churches. ‫النساء وضمنهن اكزيهاريه أم القدس ولكنها‬ Meanwhile the king died, and another king reigned who ‫اسمه‬ ‫عادت إىل زوجها بسالم فمجد الله وسبح‬ worshipped the idols. The new king demolished the churches and built pagan temples. He was unjust and he plundered and ‫القدوس وبعد ذلك ظهر لهام مالك الرب يف رؤيا‬ captured women, among them «Egezi-Hareya», the mother of ‫الليل وبرشهام مبيالد هذا القديس فلام ولد وبلغ‬ St. Takla. Later she returned safely to her husband and both ‫من العمر سنة ونصفا حدث جوع يف أثيوبيا وكان‬ glorified God and praised His Holy Name. ‫اليوم الثاين عرش من شهر برمهات تذكار الجليل‬ Afterwards, the angel of the Lord appeared to them in a ‫رئيس الطغامت السامئية قد اقرتب فصارت أم‬ vision at night, and announced to them the birth of this ‫الطفل تبيك حزينة عيل خلو يدها وعدم إمكانها‬ saint. When the saint was about one and half years old, a ‫القيام بعمل التذكار فمسح الطفل دموعها بيديه‬ famine befell Ethiopia. When the twelfth day of the blessed ‫الصغريتني ولعدم إمكانه النطق أشار إليها بيده‬ month of Baramhat, the commemoration of the honorable ‫أن تدخله إىل حيث كان هناك طبق فيه قليل‬ head of the Heavenly hosts, drew near, Sarah, the mother of ‫من الدقيق فأدخلته ووضع يده يف ذلك الدقيق‬ the child, was crying because she was not able to celebrate ‫القليل فصار كثريا حتى بدأ يتدفق إىل األرض‬ this occasion. The child wiped away her tears with his little ‫فأحرضت قففا وكان كلام فرغت الطبق عاد إىل‬ hands and yet he was still unable to talk. He pointed to her ‫ وهكذا إىل أن امتألت اثنتا عرشة قفة‬. ‫االمتالء‬ to carry him to where there was a plate with a little flour in it. She took him to the plate where he dipped his hand in the ‫فعلمت أمه أن الرب معه وقدمت إليه قدور‬ flour. The flour increased until it was pouring onto the floor. ‫السمن والزيت الفارغة فوضع يده عليها فامتألت‬ She brought baskets and every time she emptied the plate, ‫ وملا حرض أبوه من الكنيسة‬. ‫أيضا بقوة الله‬ it became full again, until she had filled twelve baskets. His ‫وعلم باآلمر مجد الله كثريا ثم عمل التذكار‬ mother then knew that God was with the child. Then she ‫وأطعم الفقراء وكل الجريان وقد رشفه الله بعمل‬ brought to him the empty container of oil. He placed his hand ‫آيات كثرية يف حياته وبعد مامته وملا أكمل سعيه‬ over it and it was filled with the power of God. In the same . ‫الصالح تنيح بسالم‬ fashion, other containers in the house were filled. When Tsega . ‫صالته تكون معنا آمني‬ Ze-Ab, the father of the child, returned from the church and ‫نياحة القديس بيصاريون الكبري‬ knew what happened, he glorified God. They celebrated the ‫ مرسى‬٢٥ - ‫ أغسطس‬٣١ commemoration of the archangel Michael, fed the poor and all the neighbors. ‫يف مثل هذا اليوم تنيح األب العابد العظيم‬

God honored this saint with many miracles that he performed during his life and also after his departure. When St. Takla Haymanot completed his good strife, he departed in peace. May his prayers be with us. Amen. The Departure of St. Bessarion, the Great. 31st August - 25th Mesra On this day, the great ascetic father, St. Bessarion, departed. He was born in Misr (Egypt) to Christian parents. When he grew up, he longed for the monastic life, so he went to Anba Anthony (Antonius), under whose direction he remained for a while. Then he went to Anba Macarius, and stayed under his guidance for a while. Later on, he wandered about in the desert, never lodging in a place with a roof. He possessed absolutely nothing of this world, and he had only one coarse hairy sack-cloth. He used to carry the Gospel, and went round the cells of the monks crying. If they asked him the reason for his weeping, he would reply, “My riches have all been stolen, and I have escaped from death. My family have fallen from honor into disgrace.” His words referred to the great loss that befell the human race by the fall of the first father Adam by breaking the first commandment. Those who did not understand what his words meant would console him saying, “God shall restore what has been stolen from you.” The fathers had recorded for him many signs: Once he was walking with his two disciples, John and Dulas, by the shore of the Red Sea (salty water). When they became thirsty, St. Bessarion took some of its water and prayed over it. The water became sweet and they all drank of it. Another time, they brought to the wilderness of Scetis a mad man, who was possessed by demons, for the elders to pray over. Because the elders knew that St. Bessarion despised the glory of men, they did not want to ask him to pray over the sick man, but rather they put the man in the church where the saint usually stood. When St. Bessarion came into the church and found the man there asleep, he woke him up, and the man rose up healed and with a sound mind. God wrought many signs on his hands. He pleased God and then departed in peace. May his prayers be with us. Amen. The Martyrdom of St. Moses (Moisees) and his Sister Sarah. 1st September - 26th Mesra On this day, St. Moses (Moisees) and his righteous sister Sarah, were martyred. They were born to rich, Christian parents. When their parents departed, St. Moisees wanted to give his sister in marriage, and to hand over to her all their possessions, and to go and become a monk. She answered him and said, “If you would get married first, then I also can get married.” He said, “I have committed many sins, and I want to become a monk to blot out my sins. I can not attend to the marriage and the salvation of my soul at the same time.” She answered him saying, “O my brother, how can you cast me to the snares of this transitory world, while you seek to save your own soul?” He said, “Whatever you wish, I will do.” She said, “What you do for your self, I likewise will do for myself.” When he saw her strong determination, he dispersed all their money to the poor and the needy. He took his sister to a convent for virgins, which was outside Alexandria. He also entered one of

‫ ولد مبرص من أبوين‬. ‫القديس بيصاريون‬ ‫ وملا كرب اشتاق إىل السرية‬. ‫مسيحيني‬ ‫الرهبانية فقصد إىل األنبا أنطونيوس‬ ‫ ثم جاء إىل‬. ‫ومكث تحت تدبريه زمانا‬ ‫ ولبث مدة تحت‬، ‫القديس مقاريوس‬ ‫إرشاده وبعد ذلك هام يف الربية ال يأوي‬ ‫تحت سقف متجردا خشنا وكان يحمل‬ ‫معه اإلنجيل ويطوف عيل قاليل الرهبان‬ ، ‫باكيا فإذا سألوه عن سبب بكائه‬ ‫ « لقد ُسلب مني غناي وهربت‬: ‫يجيبهم‬ ‫من املوت وسقطت من رشف الحسب‬ ‫ « يعني بذلك عن الخسارة‬. ‫إىل مذلته‬ ‫العظيمة التي لحقت الجنس البرشي‬ ‫بسقوط األب األول آدم يف مخالفة الوصية‬ ‫األويل فكان الذي ال يفطن إىل قوله يريث‬ ‫ « الله يرد إليك ما سلب منك‬: ‫له قائال‬ ‫ وقد ذكر عنه اآلباء آيات كثرية منها‬. « ‫أنه كان سائرا مع تلميذيه يوحنا ودوالس‬ ‫عيل شاطئ البحر املالح وملا عطشا أخذ‬ ‫هذا القديس قليال من مائه وصيل عليه‬ ‫ ومرة‬، ‫فصار عذبا ورشبوا منه جميعا‬ ‫أتوا مبجنون إىل برية اإلسقيط ليصيل‬ ‫عليه الشيوخ ولعلم الشيوخ بأن القديس‬ ‫بيصاريون ال يحب املجد من الناس مل‬ ‫يشاءوا أن يسألوه من أجل املجنون بل‬ ‫وضعوه داخل الكنيسة يف املكان الذي كان‬ ‫يقف فيه القديس عادة فلام دخل وجده‬ ‫نامئا فأيقظه فقام معاىف صحيح العقل وقد‬ ‫أجري الله عيل يديه آيات كثرية ثم تنيح‬ . ‫بسالم‬ . ‫ ولربنا املجد دامئا‬. ‫صالته تكون معنا‬ ‫آمني‬ ‫استشهاد القديس مويسيس وسارة أخته‬ ‫ مرسى‬٢٦ - ‫ سبتمرب‬١ ‫يف مثل هذا اليوم استشهد القديس‬ ‫مويسيس وأخته البارة سارة وقد ولدا من‬ ‫أبوين مسيحيني غنيني وملا تنيح والدهام‬ ‫أراد القديس مويسيس أن يزوج أخته‬ ‫ويسلم لها جميع مالهام ويرتهب فأجابته‬ ‫« تزوج أنت أوال وبعد ذلك أتزوج أنا‬ ‫ « أنا صنعت خطايا كثرية‬:‫أيضا « فقال لها‬ ‫وقصدي أمحوها بالرهبنة النه ال ميكن أن‬ ‫أهتم بالزيجة وبخاليص نفيس « فأجابته‬ ‫ « وكيف تريض أن ترميني يف فخاخ‬: ‫قائلة‬ : ‫العامل وتسعي أنت إىل خالص نفسك ؟‬ ‫فقال لها أن شئت يكون لك فأجابته كل ما‬ . ‫تفعله أنت أفعله أنا أيضا‬ ‫فلام رأي قوة عزمها وزع كل مالها عيل‬ ‫الفقراء واملساكني وأدخلها ديرا للعذارى‬ ‫ ودخل هو أيضا أحد‬، ‫بظاهر اإلسكندرية‬ ‫أديرة الرجال وقيض االثنان عرش سنوات مل‬

the monasteries for men. They did not see each other for ten years. ‫يعاين إحداهام اآلخر‬ When Emperor Decius incited persecution against the Christians, ‫وملا أثار امللك داكيوس االضطهاد عيل‬ during the papacy of Pope Demetrius, the twelfth Patriarch of ‫املسيحيني يف عهد رئاسة البابا دميرتيوس‬ Alexandria, many were martyred. St. Moses (Moisees) sent to his ‫البطريرك الثاين عرش واستشهد كثريون‬ sister Sarah to bid her farewell and to inform her that he wished ‫أرسل هذا القديس إىل أخته يودعها‬ to shed his blood in the Name of the Lord Christ. She rose up immediately and asked the abbess to release her. After she took the ‫ويعرفها أنه يريد االستشهاد عيل اسم‬ blessings of her sisters the nuns, she joined her brother on his way ‫املسيح فأرسعت إىل األم الرئيسة وطلبت‬ to Alexandria. They confessed the Lord Christ before the governor. ‫منها إطالق سبيلها وبعد ما تباركت من‬ ‫أخواتها الراهبات لحقت بأخيها وهو‬ After they had been tortured severely, their heads were cut off, and ‫يف طريقه إىل اإلسكندرية واعرتفا معا‬ they received the crowns of martyrdom. May their prayers be with us. Amen. ‫بالسيد املسيح وبعد تعذيبهام بعذابات‬ The holy Patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. ‫كثرية قطعوا رأسيهام فناال إكليل‬ 3rd September - 28th Mesra .‫الشهادة‬ On this day, the church celebrates the holy Patriarchs: Abraham, ‫ ولربنا املجد دامئا‬. ‫صالتهام تكون معنا‬ Isaac, and Jacob. ‫ آمني‬. 1. Our father Abraham ‫ويعقوب‬ ‫واسحق‬ ‫اهيم‬ ‫ر‬ ‫إب‬ ‫االباء‬ ‫تذكار‬ Who can describe the virtues of he who became father to many ‫ مرسى‬٢٨ - ‫ سبتمرب‬٣ nations? He believed in God, obeyed Him, and did not doubt His ‫يف هذا اليوم نعيد آلبائنا القديسني‬ promises. The Lord appeared to him in a vision at night and told ‫إبراهيم واسحق ويعقوب‬ him, “Get out of your country, away from your family and from : ‫ أما عن أبينا إبراهيم‬+ your father’s house, to a land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; and you ‫فمن من البرش يستطيع أن يصف‬ shall be a blessing.” (Genesis 12:1-2) Then the Lord appeared to ‫فضائله هذا الذي صار أبا ألمم كثرية‬ Abraham in the form of three men. He welcomed them, for they ‫وآمن بالله وأطاع وصدق مواعيده ومل‬ were strangers, and God promised him the birth of Isaac. Abraham ‫يشك فيها فقد ظهر له الرب يف رؤيا‬ was then one hundred years old; Sarah, his wife, was advanced in ‫ومن‬ ‫الليل وقال له « اخرج من أرضك‬ age, and they believed the promise of God. When Isaac was born, Abraham, his father, circumcised him on the eighth day of his birth. ‫بيت أبيك وتعال إىل األرض التي بحاران‬ ‫« ثم ظهر له الرب يف شبه ثالثة رجال‬ Although he was sure that through his procreation all the nations ، ‫فظنهم أناسا عابرين فاستضافهم‬ of the earth would be blessed, God told him, “Take now your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and offer him there as a burnt ‫ووعده الله بوالدة اسحق وكان حينئذ‬ offering.” He did not doubt the promise of God. He began to offer ‫ابن مائة سنة وسارة زوجته تقدمت يف‬ his son as a sacrifice, confident that God would raise him, and raise ‫ وملا ولد‬. ‫أيامها فآمن االثنان بقول الله‬ offspring through him. When he fulfilled the sacrifice of Isaac by . ‫اسحق ختنه يف اليوم الثامن لوالدته‬ intention, God revealed his virtues to the generations to come by ‫ومع أنه كان واثقا من أن بنسله تتبارك‬ saying, “By Myself I have sworn, says the LORD, because you ‫جميع أمم األرض فقد قال له الله عيل‬ have done this thing, and have not withheld your son, your only ‫ « خذ أبنك وحيدك‬: ‫سبيل االمتحان‬ son, in blessing I will bless you, and in multiplying I will multiply « ‫الذي تحبه اسحق وقدمه يل محرقة‬ your descendants as the stars of the heaven.” (Genesis 22:1-18) ‫فلم يشك يف قوله تعايل بل قدمه للذبح‬ That was fulfilled and he was called the father of Christ in flesh. ‫واثقا أن الله قادر أن يقيمه ويقيم به‬ (Luke 3:34) He departed in peace when he was one hundred ‫ وملا أكمل ذبحه بالنية اظهر الله‬. ‫النسل‬ seventy-five years old. ‫ « بذايت‬: ‫فضله لألجيال اآلتية بقوله له‬ May his prayers be with us. Amen. 2. Our father Isaac ‫ أين من أجل أنك‬: ‫أقسمت يقول الرب‬ He was born by a divine promise, and he was perfect in piety and ‫فعلت هذا األمر ومل متسك أبنك وحيدك‬ obedience to God and to his father. He was willing to be sacrificed ‫ أباركك مباركة وأكرث نسلك تكثريا‬. by his father as an offering to God, although he was the son of the ‫ ) وقد‬18 – 1 : 22 ‫كنجوم السامء (تك‬ promise, and his father begot him when he was one hundred years ‫ ودعي أبا للمسيح بالجسد‬، ‫تم له ذلك‬ old. Isaac was not a child then, for the Bible said, “So Abraham ‫ ) وبعد أن بلغ مائة وخمسا‬34 : 3 ‫(لو‬ took the wood of the burnt offering and laid it on Isaac his son, ‫تكون‬ ‫ صالته‬. ‫وسبعني سنة انتقل بسالم‬ and went to the place which was afar off.” Some historians say ‫ آمني‬. ‫معنا‬ that Isaac’s age then was about thirty-seven years old. He obeyed ‫ أما أبونا اسحق فقد ولد بوعد الهي‬+ his father, and laid down his neck for slaying, but the angel of the ‫وكمل يف الرب والطاعة لله وألبيه حتى‬ Lord ordered his father not to lay his hand on the lad. As it was considered that Abraham had fulfilled the sacrifice of his son by ‫ريض أن يذبحه قربانا لله وهو أبن‬

intention, it was also considered that Isaac was sacrificed by . ‫الوعد الذي رزق به أبوه وعمره مائة سنة‬ intention. « : ‫ومل يكن اسحق صغريا ألن الكتاب يقول‬ He suffered many tribulations and sorrows. God gave him ‫أنه حمل الحطب مسافة بعيدة إىل أن صعد‬ two sons, Esau and Jacob. Isaac loved Esau for his bravery. ‫ ويقول بعض املؤرخني‬. « ‫عيل رأس الجبل‬ When Isaac was old and his eyes were so dim that he could ، ‫سنة‬ ‫أن عمره وقتئذ كان يبلغ سبعا وثالثني‬ not see, he called Esau, his older son, and said to him, “My ‫فأطاع أباه ومد عنقه للذبح إىل أن أمر املالك‬ son ... behold now, I am old. I do not know the day of my ‫أباه برفع يده فكام دعي أبوه ذابح أبنه بالنية‬ death. Now therefore, please ... go out to the field and hunt ‫هكذا دعي هو أيضا ذبيحا بالنية وقد قايس‬ game for me. And make me savory food ... that I may eat, that ‫شدائد كثرية وأحزان وتغرب ورزقه الله ولدين‬ my soul may bless you before I die.” Rebekah was listening when Isaac spoke to Esau his son. She spoke to Jacob her son, ‫هام يعقوب وعيسو وكان اسحق يحب عيسو‬ saying, “... Go now to the flock and bring me from there two ‫لشجاعته وملا شاخ وضعف برصه استدعي‬ choice kids of the goats, and I will make savory food from ‫عيسو وقال له « أنا قد شخت يا ابني ولست‬ them for your father, such as he loves ... that he may bless you ‫ أذهب تصيد يل صيدا‬. ‫أعرف يوم وفايت‬ before his death.” Jacob said to Rebekah his mother, “Look, « ‫واصنع يل طعاما آلكل حتى تباركك نفيس‬ Esau my brother is a hairy man, and I am a smooth-skinned ‫ وكانت رفقة تسمع هذا الكالم فاستدعت‬. man. Perhaps my father will feel me, and I shall seem to be a ‫صيدا‬ ‫ « يا ابني اذبح‬: ‫ابنها يعقوب وقالت له‬ deceiver to him; and I shall bring a curse on myself and not « ‫وقدمه ألبيك ليأكل ويباركك قبل أن ميوت‬ a blessing.” But his mother said to him, “Let your curse be ‫ « هوذا عيسو أخي رجل‬: ‫فقال يعقوب ألمه‬ on me, my son.” (Genesis 27:1-29) She did that by a divine ‫أشعر وأنا أملس رمبا يجسني أيب فأكون يف‬ inspiration. Jacob did as his mother ordered him, and his father ate and blessed him. Isaac departed in peace when he was one ‫عينيه كمتهاون وأجلب عيل نفيس لعنة ال بركة‬ hundred eighty years old. ‫ « لعنتك عيل يا ابني « وكان‬: ‫« قالت له أمه‬ May his prayers be with us. Amen. ‫ فصنع يعقوب ما أمرته‬. ‫هذا منها بإيعاز الهي‬ 3. The father of the Tribes Jacob )29 – 1 : 27 ‫به وأكل أبوه وباركه (تك‬ Esau, his brother, hated him for he took the blessing of their . ‫وملا بلغ عمره مائة ومثانني سنة تنيح بسالم‬ father from him. Jacob feared Esau, and fled to Laban, his ‫ آمني‬. ‫صالته تكون معنا‬ uncle. He shepherded Laban’s sheep for seven years and Laban ‫ أما أب األسباط يعقوب فقد دعاه الله‬+ gave Jacob his daughter, Leah, in marriage. Then Jacob served ‫إرسائيل كان أخوه عيسو يبغضه ألنه أخذ‬ another seven years, and Laban gave him his second daughter, ‫بركه أبيه ولهذا خاف منه وميض إىل البان‬ Rachel, in marriage. (Genesis 29:15-30) Then Laban, his uncle, told him, “The sheep that are streaked shall be your wages, then ‫خاله ورعي له غنمه سبع سنني فزوجه ابنته‬ ‫ليئة ثم رعي الغنم سبع سنني أخري فزوجه‬ all the flocks bore streaked.” (Genesis 31:4-8) God made him exceedingly wealthy. He returned with his two ‫) وكان‬30 – 15 : 29 ‫ابنته الثانية راحيل (تك‬ wives, Leah and Rachel, and God blessed him with twelve ‫ « أن أجرتك كل الغنم‬: ‫إذا قال له خاله‬ sons. He saw God face to face and wrestled with him until the : ‫الرقطاء ولدت الغنم رقطاء « وإذا قال له‬ breaking of day, and God called him Israel. ‫« أن آجرتك كل الغنم املخططة ولدت الغنم‬ He suffered many sorrows and tribulations, such as the selling ‫) وقد أغناه الله‬8 – 4 : 31 ‫مخططة « (تك‬ of Joseph his son as a servant to the Egyptians, the loss of his ‫جدا وعاد بامرأتيه ليئة وراحيل ورزقه الله‬ sight, the severe famine, and others as mentioned in the Holy ‫اثني عرش أبنا ورأي الله وجها لوجه وصارعه‬ Bible. His son Joseph then rose to power and became the ‫حتى طلوع الفجر ودعاه الله إرسائيل وقد‬ second man in Egypt after the Pharaoh, and he tried until he ‫قايس أحزانا وشدائد كثرية مثل بيع ابنه يوسف‬ was able to bring his father Jacob to Egypt, where he stayed ‫كعبد للمرصيني وفقده برصه وحدوث الغالء‬ for seventeen years. When his departure drew near he called his twelve sons and blessed them. When he blessed Judah, he ‫الشديد وغري ذلك كام جاء بالكتاب املقدس‬ said, “The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver ‫ثم صار أبنه يوسف وزيرا مللك مرص وسعي‬ from between his feet, until Shiloh comes; and to Him shall ‫حتى أحرضه إليه فأقام مبرص سبع عرشة سنة‬ be the obedience of the people.” That was a prophesy about ‫وملا دنت أيام وفاته استدعي بنيه األثنى عرش‬ the coming of the Lord Christ from his seed. When he was ‫ أن السيد‬: ‫وباركهم وخص يهوذا بامللك وقال‬ one hundred forty-seven years, he departed in peace, after ‫املسيح سيظهر من نسله وبعد ما بلغ عمره‬ commanding that he be buried in the tomb of his fathers. ‫أن‬ ‫مائة وسبعا وأربعني سنة تنيح بسالم بعد‬ Joseph carried him in the chariot of Pharaoh, brought him to the ‫أويص أن يدفن يف مقربة آبائه وحمله يوسف‬ land of Canaan, where he was buried with his fathers. ‫عيل مركبة فرعون وأيت به إىل أرض كنعان‬ May his prayers be with us and Glory be to our God forever. . ‫حيث دفن مع آبائه‬ Amen.

‫ آمني‬. ‫صلواتهم تكون معنا ولربنا املجد دامئا‬

‫العالم يبحث عن اله آخر‬ ‫العالم الذى نعيش فيه يريد ال آخر من‬ ‫نوع يناسبه ‪ ..‬والعجيب أن العالم كما هو‬ ‫الحال على مر التاريخ يعود يبحث فى‬ ‫ملفاته القديمة باحثا عن إله يناسب ميوله‬ ‫ورغباته وشهواته ووجد له كنزا بين ملفات‬ ‫العبادات الوثنية القديمة وخرافات وأساطير‬ ‫القدماء وسرعان ما عمل الشيطان فى عقول‬ ‫المفكرين فاستنبطوا أفكار قديمة وألبسوها‬ ‫ثوبا جديدا يناسب فكر االنسان اليوم ‪..‬‬ ‫وانطلق االنسان فى رفضه للله فاستبدل به‬ ‫فكرا آخر وجده في تعاليم الوثنين فى بالد‬ ‫الشرق وهو أنه ال اله بل قوة تكمن فى عقل‬ ‫األنسان وتفكيره وجسده وكثر االساتذة الذين‬ ‫ألتقطوا أفكار عبادة العقل واستنباط القوى‬ ‫الكامنة في األنسان وبها يلغوا ارتباطهم باهلل‬ ‫الخالق والفادي والديان وبدأ الشيطان خطته‬ ‫الجديدة الستعباد األنسان والسيطرة عليه‬ ‫وابعاده عن هللا ‪ ..‬خطة كلها خداع وغش‬ ‫ولكن العجيب أن هناك ماليين اليوم الذين‬ ‫بدأوا ينصاعوا لهذه االفكار ولكى يزيدهم‬ ‫الشيطان خداعا صار يعطيهم بعض الثمر‬ ‫السريع الخداع فيزداد االنسان ارتباطا‬ ‫وخضوعا له ‪ ..‬الشيطان يسعى اليوم ليكون‬ ‫عالما جديدا يسيطر عليه من خالل عقله‬ ‫وفكره ويسخر فيه كل ما وصل اليه االنسان‬ ‫من تقدم وعلم ليحكم قبضته على االنسان‬ ‫ويلغى تماما جهاده الروحي فال يصير هناك‬ ‫ضمير وال تبكيت على الخطية وال جهاد‬ ‫روحى بل ينبهراالنسان بقوى غير طبيعية‬ ‫يستبدل بها محبة هللا وعنايته وخالصه ‪..‬‬ ‫أن كل هرطقات القديم والحديث أنما تمهد‬ ‫الطريق وتعده لهذا الفكر ولهذا العالم الجديد‬ ‫‪ ..‬ال بديل أبدا للرب يسوع المخلص والفادى‬ ‫وال بديل أبدا لحياة التوبة والجهاد الروحى‬ ‫المستمر ‪..‬‬

‫‪The World is looking for new‬‬ ‫‪god‬‬ ‫‪The world today is drifting more‬‬ ‫‪and more towards new way‬‬ ‫‪of thinking in which human is‬‬ ‫‪looking for side ways and easier‬‬ ‫‪means for self glorification. Most‬‬ ‫‪of the cults today are actual‬‬‫‪ly paving the way for this new‬‬ ‫‪thinking. The devil is carrying‬‬ ‫‪out his plan to divert human‬‬ ‫‪away from God. The plan is to‬‬ ‫‪get human to believe in hime‬‬‫‪self not in God, to believe that‬‬ ‫‪he owns all what he needs of‬‬ ‫‪power. All he needs is to find‬‬ ‫‪this inner source in him. This‬‬ ‫‪is actually same old thinking‬‬ ‫‪of many pagans which is still‬‬ ‫‪surviving among Hendos and‬‬ ‫‪others. The devil is offering this‬‬ ‫‪thinking in a new dress to suit‬‬ ‫‪the modern human of today.‬‬ ‫‪Many seminars and studies are‬‬ ‫‪being made today to discover‬‬ ‫‪these super powers and the‬‬ ‫‪devil is offering so much help‬‬ ‫‪and decieving fruits that millions‬‬ ‫‪of people are turning today for‬‬ ‫‪these New Age religion which‬‬ ‫‪aims mainly to enslave human‬‬ ‫‪for the devil himeself and kill‬‬ ‫‪every feeling of guilt towards sin‬‬ ‫‪inside him. There are so much‬‬ ‫‪deception and lying in what they‬‬ ‫‪claim they can achieve but un‬‬‫‪fortunately many get decieved‬‬ ‫‪by the quick results they get in‬‬ ‫‪the beginning and they do not‬‬ ‫‪know that they are going to be‬‬ ‫‪enslaved. Be careful, there no‬‬ ‫‪other Saviour and there is no‬‬ ‫‪way for Redemption except by‬‬ ‫‪Him our Lord Jesus Christ.‬‬

‫األحد الرابع من شهر مسرى‬ Fourth Sunday of Misra Mark 13: 3-37 ‫المبارك‬ “Take heed, watch and pray” (Mark 3: 33) 37 – 3 ::١٣ ١٣ ‫مرقس‬ Today, Sunday, August 29, 2021 - 23 Misra »‫ أسهروا وصلوا‬.. ‫«أنظروا‬ 1737 is the fourth Sunday of the blessed month 33 ::3 3 ‫مرقس‬ of Misra. ٢٠٢١ ‫ أغسطس‬٢٩ ‫اليوم االحد‬ The readings of the Divine Liturgy today are: ‫هو االحد‬١٧٣٧ ‫ مسرى‬٢٣ – Pauline: 1 Thessalonians 2:13-3:13 “For what ...‫الرابع من شعر مسرى المبارك‬ Pauline is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Is it :‫وقراءات القداس اإللهي اليوم هي‬ not even you in the presence of our Lord Jesus 13:٢ ‫ تسالونيكي األولى‬: ‫البولس‬ Christ at His coming?” ‫ الن من هو رجاؤنا‬13 :3Catholicon: James 4 “whereas you do not Catholicon ‫وفرحنا واكليل افتخارنا ألستم‬ know what will happen tomorrow. For what is ‫أنتم أمام ربنا يسوع المسيح في‬ your life? It is even a vapour that appears for a ‫ظهوره‬ little time and then vanishes away.” ‫الكاثوليكون‬ ‫تعرفون‬ ‫ال‬ ‫الذين‬ ‫أنتم‬ : Acts: Acts of the Apostles 11:19-30 “When Acts ‫أمر الغد ألنها ما هي حياتكم أنها‬ he came and had seen the grace of God, he ‫بخار يظهر قليال ثم يضمحل‬ was glad, and encouraged them all that with ‫االبركسيس‬ ١١ ‫ أعمال الرسل‬:‫االبركسيس‬ purpose of heart they should continue with the ‫ورأى‬ ‫أتى‬ ‫لما‬ ‫وهذا‬ 30 - ١٩ : Lord.” ‫الجميع‬ ‫يعزى‬ ‫وكان‬ ‫فرح‬ ‫نعمة هللا‬ The Holy Gospel: Gospel Mark 13:3 - 31 “But he who . ‫أن يثبتوا فى الرب برضاء القلب‬ endures to the end shall be saved.” ‫االنجيل المقدس‬ The readings of this Sunday are the conclusion - 3 :13 ‫ مرقس‬:‫المقدس‬ ‫ والذي يصبر الى المنتهى فهذا‬31 of this Coptic year 1737. As from next ..‫يخلص‬ Sunday, September 5, 30 Misra) will be the ‫وتعتبر قراءات هذا االحد هي‬ fifth Sunday of the month of Misra, in which the readings of the fifth Sunday related to the ١٧٣٧ ‫خاتمة هذه السنة القبطية‬ miracle of satisfying the multitude are read. ‫ سبتمبر‬٥ ‫إذ أن االحد القادم‬ Today’s readings are very suitable for the ‫ مسرى) سوف يكون األحد‬٣٠ end of the year (Mark 13:3 - 37) as it talks ‫الخامس من شهر مسرى فتقرأ‬ about the end of the world and the signs of ‫فيه قراءات األحد الخامس‬ the second coming, which is a topic that is ...‫الخاص بمعجزة إشباع الجموع‬ important for every human being very much. ‫وقراءات اليوم مناسبة جدا لختام‬ A person usually forgets this fact. He lives in )٣٧ – ٣ :١٣ ‫العام (مرقس‬ a transient world that bears within it the signs ‫اذ انها تتحدث عن نهاية العالم‬ of his dissolution. In fact, the person himself is ‫وعالمات المجيء الثاني وهو‬ trying to destroy the world he lives in. ‫موضوع يهم كل انسان جدا‬ + Wars and rumours of wars.. ...‫فاإلنسان عادة ينسى هذه الحقيقة‬ When we read the signs of the end of days ..‫إذ أنه عادة ينسي هذه الحقيقة‬ mentioned in the Bible, you might expect to ‫إنه يعيش في عالم زائل يحمل‬ hear and witness huge earthquakes, terrible ‫وفى‬ ..‫في داخله عالمات انحالله‬ wars, and terrifying disturbances. In fact, ‫يسعي‬ ‫الواقع إن األنسان بنفسه‬ such things may be bearable in comparison ‫يعيش‬ ‫الذي‬ ‫لكي يخرب هذا العالم‬ to the disturbances, earthquakes, and wars ..‫فيه‬ that man makes for himself every day. It is .. ‫حروب‬ ‫وأخبار‬ ‫حروب‬ + man today who prepares ruin for himself; ‫عندما نقرأ عالمات النهاية‬ even on a tangible physical level. We hear

‫المذكورة في الكتاب المقدس‬ about pollution of the environment and the weather, which has reached very dangerous ‫ربما تتوقع أن نسمع ونشاهد‬ levels due to the use of chemicals, fuel and ‫زالزل ضخمة وحروب رهيبة‬ energy materials. Man today has become ‫ في الواقع‬..‫واضطرابات مرعبة‬ living in a tent of poisonous gases that he ‫ان مثل هذه األمور ربما نحتمل‬ made for himself without wisdom or measure ‫بالمقارنة لالضطرابات والزالزل‬ during the past years. This led to a dangerous ‫والحروب التي يصنعها اإلنسان‬ thing that scientists discovered; which is ‫ فاإلنسان اليوم هو‬..‫لنفسه كل يوم‬ the erosion of the ozone layers surrounding ‫ حتى علي‬..‫الذي يعد الخراب لنفسه‬ the earth, which protect the earth from the ‫ أصبحنا‬..‫المستوى المادي الملموس‬ intrusion of harmful radiation. ‫نسمع عن تلوث البيئة والجو الذي‬ Also, the whole earth has become ‫وصل الي معدالت خطيرة جدا‬ surrounded by a layer of gases that have ‫بسبب استخدام المواد الكيماوية‬ turned the earth into something like ‫اإلنسان‬ ..‫ومواد الوقود والطاقة‬ greenhouses in which plants are grown. This ‫من‬ ‫خيمة‬ ‫اليوم أصبح يعيش في‬ means that the temperature on the earth will ‫لنفسه‬ ‫صنعها‬ ‫الغازات السامة التي‬ increase in a regular and gradual manner. It ‫خالل‬ ‫في‬ ‫تدبير‬ ‫بدون حكمة وال‬ will lead to uncontrollable changes to the ‫الي‬ ‫هذا‬ ‫وأدي‬ ..‫الماضية‬ ‫السنوات‬ climate of the whole earth and change the ‫وهو‬ ‫العلماء‬ ‫أكتشفه‬ ‫خطير‬ ‫شيء‬ level of the ocean waters and the fluidity of ‫المحيطة‬ ‫األوزون‬ ‫طبقات‬ ‫تآكل‬ the icebergs in the Arctic and the Antarctic; ‫باألرض التي تحمي األرض من‬ which will also lead to terrible floods that drown many coastal cities. People today use ‫ كما أن‬..‫تسرب اإلشعاعات الضارة‬ ‫األرض كلها أصبحت محاطة بطبقة‬ chemicals in everything, which led to the ‫من الغازات التي حولت األرض‬ spread of new diseases that were not known to man before and have almost no known ‫الى ما يشبه الصوبات الزجاجية‬ cure until now. The havoc that man has ‫التي تزرع فيها النباتات ومعني هذا‬ invented and used in abundance never ends. ‫تزايد درجات الحرارة على األرض‬ + The brother delivers his brother and the ‫بشكل منتظم تدريجي سوف يؤدي‬ father his son. ‫التغيرات غير هادية لمناخ األرض‬ One of the things worthy of contemplation ‫كلها ويغير مستوي مياه المحيطات‬ is that man used the means of destruction ‫والي سيولة جبال الجليد في القطبين‬ against his fellow human being, but after ‫الشمالي والجنوبي وهذا أيضا سوف‬ many years, they returned to the same ‫يؤدي الي فيضانات رهيبة تغرق‬ person who used them. We heard about ‫ ان انسان‬..‫الكثير من المدن الساحلية‬ the American commander who ordered the ‫اليوم ايضا أصبح يستخدم المواد‬ spraying of the forests of Vietnam with ‫الى‬ ‫الكيماوية في كل شيء مما أدي‬ poisonous materials in order to remove the ‫انتشار امراض جديدة لم يعرفها‬ forests in which the rebels hide. After about ‫لها‬ ‫االنسان من قبل وتكاد ال يكون‬ 15 years after the end of this war, the son of ‫وقائمة‬ ... ‫عالج معروف حتى اآلن‬ this American general gets a serious illness ‫اخترعها‬ ‫وسائل الخراب التي‬ caused by the same poisonous substance that ‫تنتهي‬ ‫ال‬ ‫بكثرة‬ ‫االنسان ويستخدمها‬ he participated in spraying under his father’s ...‫أبدا‬ leadership in the war. In fact, there are .. ‫ولده‬ ‫واالب‬ .. ‫أخاه‬ ‫االخ‬ ‫يسلم‬ + thousands of soldiers who participated in this ‫التأمل‬ ‫تستحق‬ ‫التي‬ ‫االمور‬ ‫ومن‬ war who were exposed to death and diseases ‫ان االنسان استخدم وسائل التدمير‬ because of these toxic substances that man

‫ضد أخيه االنسان ولكنها بعد سنين‬ knew about its harm and its impact later on. ‫طويلة أصبحت ترتد الي نفس الشخص‬ Indeed, man sows for himself and sets up ‫ سمعنا عن القائد‬....‫الذي استخدمها‬ for himself the traps of ruin. As for the ‫األمريكى الذي أمر برش غابات فيتنام‬ spiritual ruin that man seeks, this is the ‫بالمواد السامة لكي يزيل الغابات التي‬ real ruin that surpasses all imagination. ١٥ ‫ وبعد حوالي‬..‫يختفي فيها الثوار‬ Because his material strength and the ‫سنة من انتهاء هذه الحرب يصاب‬ inventions he built, man has become ‫ابن هذا الجنرال االمريكي بمرض‬ ascribing everything to himself and he ‫خطير سببه هو نفس هذه المادة السامة‬ forgot the existence of God. It is no longer ‫التي أشترك في رشها تحت قياده أبيه‬ a strange thing to hear someone say that ‫ بل ان هناك آالف من‬...‫في الحرب‬ he does not believe in the existence of ‫الجنود الذين اشتركوا في هذه الحرب‬ God, or that he does not need God or the ‫تعرضوا للموت واألمراض بسبب‬ Church. It is no longer a strange thing to ‫األنسان‬ ‫هذه المواد السامة التي عرف‬ find people discuss the usefulness of a ...‫بعد‬ ‫عن ضررها وتأثيرها فيما‬ spiritual life and asks what its benefit is. ‫ويقيم‬ ‫لنفسه‬ ‫حقا ان االنسان يزرع‬ Rather, they discuss the most important ‫الخراب‬ ‫اما‬ ...‫الخراب‬ ‫لنفسه فخاخ‬ human principles such as the life of purity, ‫فهذا‬ ‫االنسان‬ ‫اليه‬ ‫يسعى‬ ‫الذى‬ ‫الروحي‬ and describe them as things from the past. ‫كل‬ ‫يفوق‬ ‫الذي‬ ‫الحقيقي‬ ‫الخراب‬ ‫هو‬ + The abomination of desolation, where it ‫بقوته‬ ‫يفقد‬ ‫اصبح‬ ‫االنسان‬ ...‫تصور‬ should not. ‫المادية وبالمخترعات التي اقامها‬ It is truly the abomination of desolation ‫ووسائل الدمار التي بين يديه الى درجة‬ that has begun to appear everywhere, ....‫أنه اصبح ينسب كل شيء لنفسه‬ and even in the holy places. There is no ...‫ بل أنكر وجوده‬...‫ونسى وجود هللا‬ longer any objection to the ordination of women to the priesthood against all the ‫ولم يعد شيئا غريبا أن نسمع شخصا‬ commandments and teachings of the Bible ‫ أو انه‬...‫يقول إنه ال يؤمن بوجود هللا‬ and against all the traditions and heritage ‫ ولم يعد‬...‫ال يحتاج الى هللا او الكنيسة‬ of the churches. There is no longer any ‫شيئا غريبا ان نجد من يناقش جدوى‬ objection to accepting of homosexuals into ...‫الحياة الروحية ويتساءل ما فائدتها‬ churches and even the ordination of priests ‫بل ويناقش أهم مبادئ االنسان مثل حياة‬ from them despite the commandments of ‫الطهارة والنقاوة ويصفها انها أشياء من‬ the Bible, which considers homosexuality ...‫الماضي‬ to be a sin that leads its owner to hell. .. ‫ حيث ال ينبغى‬.. ‫ رجسة الخراب‬+ And because of it, the Lord burned two ‫أنها حقا رجسه الخراب التي بدأت‬ cities in the Old Testament and an entire ‫ وحتى أيضا في‬...‫تظهر في كل مكان‬ tribe nearly perished in Israel. There is no ‫ فلم يعد هناك مانع‬...‫األماكن المقدسة‬ objection to gambling, worldly dances, ‫من رسامة السيدات للكهنوت ضد كل‬ and worldly loud music inside churches ‫وضد‬ ..‫وصايا الكتاب المقدس وتعاليمه‬ and during worship. ‫يعد‬ ‫ ولم‬...‫كل تقاليد الكنائس وتراثها‬ The signs of the end are not necessarily ‫جنسيا‬ ‫هناك مانع من دخول الشواذ‬ earthquakes and destructive wars, as these ...‫منهم‬ ‫للكنائس بل ورسامة كهنة‬ are in fact very easy and possible, next ‫تعتبر‬ ‫التي‬ ‫المقدس‬ ‫رغم وصايا الكتاب‬ to the earthquakes that cracked the most ‫بصاحبها‬ ‫تؤدى‬ ‫خطية‬ ‫الشذوذ الجنسي‬ important principles of spiritual life and ‫الرب‬ ‫أحرق‬ ‫وبسببها‬ ...‫الى الجحيم‬ the wars that destroyed human spirituality, his faith and his adherence to the existence ‫مدينتين في العهد القديم وكاد سبط كامل‬

‫ أصبح ال مانع من‬...‫أن يفني في اسرائيل‬ of God. The commandment of the book for us today is to flee; who is in ‫ألعاب القمار والرقص العالمي والموسيقى‬ Judea to the mountains, he who is on ‫العالمية الصاخبة في داخل الكنائس‬ the roof does not go down to the house ‫ إن عالمات النهاية‬...‫وخالل العبادة‬ to take anything from it, and he who is ‫ليست بالضرورة أن تكون زالزل ارضية‬ in the field does not turn back to take ‫وحروب مدمرة فهذه في الواقع هينة جدا‬ his garment. It is the same call that ‫محتملة الى جوار الزالزل التي شرخت‬ the Lord said to Lot when he rescued ‫أهم مبادئ الحياة الروحية والحروب التي‬ him from Sodom; flee for your life, ‫دمرت روحيات االنسان وايمانه وتمسكه‬ do not look back. It is the same deed ‫بوجود هللا ووصية الكتاب لنا اليوم هي‬ that Joseph the pure acted in front of ..‫ الذي في اليهودية الي الجبال‬...‫اهربوا‬ sin when his master’s wife caught him ‫والذي على السطح ال ينزل الي البيت ليأخذ‬ by his garment, so he left his garment ‫ والذي في الحقل ال يرجع الي‬...‫منه شيئا‬ in her hand and fled. Fleeing from sin, evil, and places of evil is great wisdom. ‫ انه نفس النداء الذي‬...‫الوراء ليأخذ ثوبه‬ ...‫قاله الرب للوط عندما أنقذه من سدوم‬ Fleeing from perdition is heavenly ‫ أنه‬..‫اهرب لحياتك ال تنظر الي الخلف‬ wisdom. ‫الخطية‬ ‫نفس تصرف يوسف العفيف امام‬ If a person knew the reality of these ‫فترك‬ ‫ثوبه‬ ‫عندما أمسكته أمرأه سيده من‬ beautiful scenes that the world would ‫من‬ ‫الهروب‬ ‫ إن‬...‫ثوبه في يدها وهرب‬ deceive him with. If he knew that they ‫حكمة‬ ‫هو‬ ‫الشر‬ ‫الخطية والشر وأماكن‬ carry within them the poison of deadly ‫ الهروب من الهالك هو حكمة‬....‫كبيرة‬ destruction. If he knew that they hide ...‫سماوية‬ behind them all rottenness and all ‫لو كان االنسان يعلم حقيقة هذه المناظر‬ impurity. If he knew that they were just ‫ لو عرف‬...‫الجميلة الى يخدعه بها العالم‬ a trap hidden beneath the pit burning with fire and sulphur. If he knew all this, ‫ لو‬...‫أنها تحمل في داخلها سم الهالك القاتل‬ he would flee and set off in a hurry to ‫عرف انها تخفي وراءها كل عفونة وكل‬ live in exile from the whole world, in a ‫ لو عرف انها مجرد فخ يخفى تحته‬..‫نجاسة‬ holy life with God. ‫ لو عرف‬...‫الحفرة المتقدة بالنار والكبريت‬ Today, let us learn the wisdom of ‫هذا كله لهرب وأنطلق مسرعا ليعيش في‬ escape. Let us learn to escape, and let ‫غربة عن العالم كله في حياة مقدسة مع‬ us learn to let go and not be deceived by ...‫هللا‬ the sights of this mortal world. It is just ‫ لنتعلم أن‬...‫لنعلم اليوم حكمة الهروب‬ a facade of deceit behind which there ‫نهرب ولنتعلم ان نترك وال نخدع بمناظر‬ is nothing real. Beware of deception ‫هذا العالم الفاني الزائل أنها مجرد واجهة‬ which filled this whole world and ....‫خداعة ليس وراءها أي شيء حقيقي‬ became the rule of life. The deception ‫ الذي مأل‬....‫أحترس من الخداع والغش‬ will reach such a point that someone will claim to be Christ. He will deceive, ..‫هذا العالم كله وأصبح هو قاعدة الحياة‬ ‫إن الخداع سوف يصل الي درجة أن هناك‬ if possible, even the elect. As for us, ‫ ويضل‬...‫من سوف يدعى انه المسيح‬ we are the children of light, and the ‫ا‬ ‫فإنن‬ ‫ولو أمكن المختارين أيضا أما نحن‬ works of darkness will never deceive ..‫الظلمة‬ ‫ابناء النور وال تخدعنا أبدا أعمال‬ us. The Lord has warned us and opened ‫هو‬ ‫وها‬ ...‫لقد حذرنا الرب وفتح أعيننا‬ our eyes. And behold, He says to all ‫سبقت‬ ‫قد‬ ‫انا‬ ‫يقول لنا جميعا أنظروا أنتم ها‬ of us: Behold, I have already told you ... ‫وأخبرتكم بكل شيء‬ everything.

Signs of the End Times “and what I say to you, I say to all: Watch! Mark 13:37”

1) Wars 2) Famines and 3) Earthquakes Have we seen these three things increase in frequency and intensity in the recent past? Yes. Let›s take a brief look at wars, famines, and earthquakes over the past 500 years. Wars - A Sign of the End Times According to a Wikipedia list of wars, the past 500 years have witnessed an increase in the frequency of wars: 15th Century - 29 wars 16th Century - 59 wars 17th Century - 75 wars 18th Century - 69 wars 19th Century - 294 wars 20th Century - 278 wars The first decade of the 21st Century has already witnessed 55 wars, putting humanity on course for 550 wars over the next one-hundred-year period. Have these wars increased in intensity? Yes. For most of human history, wars were fought through individual hand-to-hand combat. But the past few hundred years have witnessed the ascension of more accurate guns, machine guns, and aerial bombing. Today, a single weapon of mass destruction can kill hundreds of thousands of people. Famines - A Sign of the End Times According to a Wikipedia list of famines, the past 500 years have also witnessed an increase in the frequency of famines: 15th Century - 6 famines 16th Century - 10 famines 17th Century - 24 famines 18th Century - 28 famines 19th Century - 30 famines 20th Century - 44 famines The first decade of the 21st Century alone has already witnessed 12 famines, putting humanity on course for 120 famines over the next one-hundred-year period. Have these famines increased in intensity and severity? Yes. As the population of the world has grown, famines have caused more and more death and destruction in their wake. In fact, while the Roman Empire›s entire population at the time of Jesus is estimated to have been approximately 55 million people, the first half of the 20th Century alone witnessed these famines: The 1921 famine in Russia (5 million+ dead) The 1928-1929 famine in China (3 million+ dead) The 1932-1933 famine in Ukraine (2.6 and 10 million+ dead) The 1932-1933 famine in Kazakhstan (1.2 and 1.5 million+ dead) The 1936 famine in China (5 million+ dead) The 1942-1943 famine in China (1 million+ dead) The 1946-1947 famine in the Soviet Union (1 million+ dead) That›s an estimated 18.8 to 26.5 million who perished from famine just from

these seven famines alone! And from 1959 to 1961, the Great Chinese Famine is estimated to have killed more than 36 million people. Famines have dramatically increased in both frequency and intensity since Jesus first answered His disciples› questions. Earthquakes - Another Sign of the End Times According to a Wikipedia list of earthquakes, the past 500 years have witnessed the following number of earthquakes described as a magnitude 7.0 or greater: 15th Century - 2 earthquakes 16th Century - 3 earthquakes 17th Century - 7 earthquakes 18th Century - 13 earthquakes 19th Century - 29 earthquakes 20th Century - 123 earthquakes The first decade of the 21st Century has already witnessed 144 earthquakes with a magnitude of 7.0 or greater, putting humanity on course for 1,440 such earthquakes over the next one-hundred-year period! The dramatic increase in devastating wars, famines, and earthquakes from the time of Jesus until today is one of clearest signs of the end times. Question: «What is the abomination of desolation?» Answer: The phrase “abomination of desolation” refers to Matthew 24:15 (KJV): “So when you see standing in the holy place ‹the abomination that causes desolation,› spoken of through the prophet Daniel—let the reader understand.” This is referring to Daniel 9:27, “He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‹seven.› In the middle of the ‹seven› he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And on a wing [of the temple] he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him.” In 167 B.C. a Greek ruler by the name of Antiochus Epiphanies set up an altar to Zeus over the altar of burnt offerings in the Jewish temple in Jerusalem. He also sacrificed a pig on the altar in the Temple in Jerusalem. This event is known as the abomination of desolation. In Matthew 24:15, Jesus was speaking some 200 years after the abomination of desolation described above had already occurred. So, Jesus must have been prophesying that sometime in the future another abomination of desolation would occur in a Jewish temple in Jerusalem. Most Bible prophecy interpreters believe that Jesus was referring to the Antichrist who will do something very similar to what Antiochus Epiphanies did. This is confirmed by the fact that some of what Daniel prophesied in Daniel 9:27 did not occur in 167 B.C. with Antiochus Epiphanies. Antiochus did not confirm a covenant with Israel for seven years. It is the Antichrist who, in the end times, will establish a covenant with Israel for seven years and then break it by doing something similar to the abomination of desolation in the Jewish temple in Jerusalem. Whatever the future abomination of desolation is, it will leave no doubt in anyone’s mind that the one perpetrating it is the person known as the Antichrist. Revelation 13:14 describes him making some kind of image which all are forced to worship. Turning the temple of the living God into a place of worship for the Antichrist is truly an “abomination.” Those who are alive and remain during the tribulation should be watchful and recognize that this event is the beginning of 3 1/2 years of the worst of the tribulation period and that the return of the Lord Jesus is imminent. “Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man” (Luke 21:36).

We miss you lovely Abouna Please pray for us

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