Services at St Mary’s Church
Monday: Mass 9 - 11 am
Liturgy 5:30 - 7am
7:30pm The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages
Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am
6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults
Arabic ; 7-8:15pm English (Zoom)
Hymns Class Arabic 8-9pm (Zoom)
Mass 9 - 11 am - English
English Midnight Praises 7:30pm
English Bible Study 7:30pm
Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am
Youth 25 and above 7-9pm
Family Meeting 7-9pm (fortnightly)
Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm
Year 10-12 Sunday School 6-9pm
Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am
Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm
Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm
Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:307pm
Scouts 1:30 - 3pm
School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm
1st Mass6 - .7:45am Arabic & Eng-
2nd Mass.7:45 – .9:30am English
3rd Mass 9:30 - 11:15am Arabic
Hymns Class - English 11:4512:30pm
Church Priests:
Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251
Fr Habib Girgis Younan:
0401238177 – 94498871
Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail. com
Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821
Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kens-
ington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651
Fr Kerillos Tawadros
0411 518 399
Fr John Macary 0433 445 636
:ءارذعلا ةسينكب ةمدخلا ديعاوم:نينثلأا احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا احابص 7 - 5:30 :يهللإا سادقلا :ءاثلاثلا )يزيلجنا( ىاو اذ - يزيلجنلإاب رابكلل عامتجأ ءاسم 7:30 احابص ١١ – ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا :ءاعبرلأا يبرع - رابكلل ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8 - 6:30 يزيلجنا - ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8:١5 - 7 يبرع - ناحلأ لوصف ءاسم٩ - 8 :سيمخلا يزيلجنا - احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - ليللا فصن ةحبست ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - سدقملا باتكلا سرد احابص ١١ – ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا :ةعمجلا رثكأف ةنس 25 بابشلا ءاسم ٩ – 7 )نيعوبسأ لك( ةرسلأا عامتجأ ءاسم٩-7 يزيلجنا - ةمدخلا دادعإ عامتجأ ءاسم 8:30 - 7 ١0 تاونسل دحلأا سردم لصف ءاسم ٩ - 6 ١2احابص ١١ – 8,30 يهللإا سادقلا:تبسلا ءاسم 3 - ١:30 ةفاشكلا عامتجا ءاسم 4 - 3 ةسمامشلا ةسردم 5,30 – 4 دحلأا سرادم ءاسم 8:30 –7 بابشلا عامتجاو ةيشعلا يزيلجنا ىبرع ءاسم 7 - 5:30 باتك سردو ةيشعلا :دحلأا يزيلجناو يبرع ص,7:45 – 6 لولأا سادقلا يزيلجنإ – ص ٩:30 – ,7:45 يناثلا سادقلا يبرع ص ١١:١5 – ٩:30 ثلاثلا سادقلا ءاسم ١2:30 - ١١:45 يزيلجنا - ناحلأ لصف :ةسينكلاب ةنهكلا ءابلأا ميبوراش سردات صمقلا 0414251251بلأا Email: :نانوي سجرج بيبح سقلا بلأا 94498871Email: - 0401238177 0422431821 :بيلص لكيام سقلا بلأا Email: Epsom Rd, 3031:ةسينكلا ناونع :نوفيلت 5 Kensington Vic 93766651 سورضوات سلريك سقلا بلأا 0411518399 يراكم نوج سقلا بلأا 0433445636
The Departure of the Great Prophet Joshua Son of Nun.
3rd July - 26th Baouna
On this day, of the year 2570 of the world, the great prophet Joshua Son of Nun, departed. He was born, in the year 2460 of the world, in Egypt (Fifty three years before the deliverance of the people of Israel from the bondage of Pharaoh). He was a disciple and servant to Moses. Moses, after leading the people of Israel out of Egypt with the might of the Divine arm and the extraordinary wonders, brought them to the nearby mount of Sinai. He went up the mount taking with him Joshua, his minister, to receive the commandments. During the war of Israel against Am-a-lek, Joshua was the leader of the soldiers. When Moses chose twelve men to spy out the promised land, one from each tribe, Joshua was one of them. He completed this mission with honesty. He and Caleb alone brought forth the true and accurate information about the promised land. Therefore they alone entered this land without the people of Israel that came out of the land of Egypt. Because they had murmured and doubted in the sincerity of the promises of God, God swore in His anger that they would not enter to His rest. Their children that they begot after their deliverance from Egypt, entered this land along with Joshua and Caleb. After the death of the great prophet Moses in the year 2553 of the world, the LORD spoke to Joshua the son of Nun saying: «Moses My servant is dead. Now therefore, arise, go over this Jordan, you and all this people, to the land which I am giving to them; the children of Israel. Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given you, as I said to Moses. From the wilderness and this Lebanon as far as the great river, the River Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, and to the Great Sea toward the going down of the sun, shall be your territory. No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life; as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you nor forsake you. Be strong and of good courage, for to this people you shall divide as an inheritance the land which I swore to their fathers to give them. Only be strong and very courageous, that you may observe to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go. This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in
ىبنلا نون نبا عوشي ةحاين ةنوؤب 26 - ةيلوي 3 ملاعلل 2570 ةنس نم مويلا اذه لثم يف يف دلو . نون نب عوشي ميظعلا يبنلا حينت جورخ لبق يأ ( ملاعلل 2460 ةنس رصم نوعرف ةيدوبع نم يليئارسلإا بعشلا امداخو اذيملت ناك ) ةنس نيسمخو ثلاثب بعش جرخأ نأ دعب يذلا يبنلا ىسومل ةميظعلا بئاجعلاو يهللإا عارذلا ةوقب الله ىلإ دعص انيس لبج برق ىلإ مهلصوأو يحولا عامسل همداخ عوشي هعم اذخآ لبجلا ليئارسإ برح ءانثأ يفو . اياصولا ملاتساو املف ، دونجلل ادئاق عوشي ناك قيلامع دض نم ادحاو ، لاجر رشع ينثا ىسوم بختنا داعيملا ضرأ اوسسجتيل مهلسرأو طبس لك لكب هتمدخ متأ دقو مهنم ادحاو عوشي ناك رابخلأا امهدحو بلاكو وه ررقو ،ةنامأ لخد كلذلو . داعيملا ضرأ نع ةقداصلا بعشلا عيمج نود ضرلأا كلت طقف نانثلاا نيذلا رصم نم جرخ يذلا يليئارسلإا ديعاوم قدص يف اوكشو اورمذت مهنوكل ىلإ نولخدي لا مهنأ يلاعت مسقا دقف الله مهل اودلو نيذلا مهدلاوأ نكلو ، هتحار اولخد نيذلا مه رصم نم مهجورخ دعب حينت املو. بلاكو عوشي عم ضرلأا كلت بطاخ ملاعلل 2553 ةنس ىسوم ميظعلا تام دق يدبع ىسوم نأ « لائاق عوشي الله اذه لكو تنأ ندرلأا اذه ربعأ مق نلآاف مهل اهيطعم انأ يتلا ضرلأا ىلإ بعشلا نوطب هسودت عضوم لك ليئارسإ ينبل يأ نم ىسوم تملك امك هتيطعأ مكل مكمادقأ رهن ريبكلا رهنلا ىلإ اذه نانبلو ةيربلا رحبلا يلاو نييثحلا ضرأ عيمج تارفلا مكمخت نوكي سمشلا برغم وحن ريبكلا كتايح مايأ لك كهجو يف ناسنإ فقي لا . كعم نوكأ ىسوم يدبع عم تنك امك كنلأ عجشتو ددشت ككرتأ لاو كلمهأ لا تفلح يتلا ضرلأا بعشلا اذهل مسقت تنأ عجشتو اددشتم نك امنإ مهيطعأ نأ مهئابلآ ةعيرشلا لك بسح لمعلل ظفحتت يكل ادج اهنع لمت لا يدبع ىسوم اهب كرمأ يتلا لا بهذت امثيح حلفت يكل لاامش لاو انيمي جهلت لب كمف نم ةعيرشلا هذه رفس حربي بسح لمعلل ظفحتت يكل لايلو اراهن هيف حلصت ذئنيح كنلأ . هيف بوتكم وه ام لك (8 – ١ : ١ شي( « حلفت ذئنيحو كقيرط ارس نيسوساج لسرأو عوشي بلق يوقتف ةينازلا باحار تيب لاخدو ضرلأا اسسجت اهتيب نلا ةوكلا نم امهتلزنأ مث امهتأبخف
it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.« )Joshua 1:1-8( Joshua›s heart was strengthened and he sent out two men to spy out the land secretly. So they went, and came to the house of a harlot named Rahab, and lodged there. The woman hid them; and they swore to spare her and all her household. Then she let them down by a rope through the window, for her house was on the city wall. (Joshua 2:115) Then Joshua opened (i.e. conquered) Jericho after he had gone around its walls several times and when they shouted with a great shout the great walls of the city fell down. The people went up into the city and killed both man and beast. The two men that had spied out the country, went into Rahab›s house and brought her, her father, her mother, her brethren, and all that she had, out of the camp. Joshua spared their lives as the two spies promised her for she had spared their lives, and hid them. Then they burnt the city, and all that was therein. The gold, and the silver and vessels of brass and iron, were taken to the treasury of the house of the Lord. The Lord was with this righteous man, so he opened many cities, killed many kings, and the nations feared him. Because of the great fear, the inhabitants of Gibeon worked craftily, and went and pretended to be ambassadors. And they took old sacks on their donkeys, old wineskins torn and mended, old and patched sandals on their feet, and old garments on themselves; and all the bread of their provision was dry and moldy. And they went to Joshua, and said to him, «We have come from a far country; now therefore, make a covenant with us.« But the men of Israel said to them, «Perhaps you dwell among us; so how can we make a covenant with you?« They said to them, «From a very far country your servants have come, because of the name of the LORD your God; for we have heard of His fame ... this bread of ours we took hot for our provision from our houses on the day we departed to come to you. But now look, it is dry and moldy ... and these our garments and our sandals have become old because of the very long journey.« Joshua made peace with them, and made a covenant with them to let them live; and the rulers of the congregation swore to them. Three days later, after they had made a covenant with them, they heard that they were their neighbors who dwelt near them. Joshua called for them, and he spoke to them, saying, «Why have you deceived us, saying, ‹We are very far from you,› when you dwell near us? Now therefore, you are cursed, and none of you shall be freed from being slaves.« Joshua made them woodcutters and water carriers for the congregation and for the house of the LORD. (Joshua 9:3-27) Joshua fought with the five Amorite kings, hence the hand of the Lord had helped him by casting down great stones
نأ دعب كلذو روسلا طئاحب ناك لهأ لك يلعو اهسفن يلع اهانمأ (١5 – ١ : 2 شي( اهتيب لوح فاط نأ دعب احيرأ حتف مث وهو ةددعتم تارم اهراوسأ ةميظعلا اهراوسأ تمدهنأف فتهي ةنيدملا ىلإ بعشلا دعصو . ناسنإ نم اهيف ناك نم لك اولتقو باحار اوجرخأ ام دعب ناويحو اهل نم لكو اهتوخاو اهمأو اهابأو اوقرحأو . ةلحملا جراخ اهتريشعو ةنازخ يف اهولعج دقف رانلاب ةنيدملا باحار عوشي ايحتساو برلا تيب تأبخ اهنلأ اهيبأ تيب لكو ةينازلا نيلوسرلا لتقف قيدصلا اذه عم برلا ناكو هتفاخف ةريثك اندم حتفو اكولم لهأ لاتحا فوخلا مظعلو ،مملأا لااعنو ةيلاب ابايث اوسبلف نوعبج اتاتف مهداز زبخ اوريصو ةعقرم هل اولاقو عوشي ىلإ اوضمو . ديرن ةديعب ضرأ نم ائيج نحن عوشي مهباجأف دهعلاو ناملأا كنم اورظنا « : ليئارسإ ينب خياشمو ضرلأا هذه يف نينكاس اونوكت لائل ةديعب ضرأ نم « : مهوباجأف « اذه . مكهلإ برلا مسا يلع انئج موي انتويب نم هاندوزت انخس انزبخ وه اهو : مكيلإ ريسن يكل انجورخ هذهو . اتاتف راص دق سباي نلآا لوط نم تيلب دق انلاعنو انبايث مهل اوفلحو مهونمأف »ادج قيرطلا نوبيرق مهنأ اوعمس مايأ ةثلاث دعبو مهطسو يف نونكاس مهنأو مهيلإ نولقني اديبع مهلعجو عوشي مهنعلف . برلا تيب ةمدخل بطحلا كولم ةسمخ عوشي براحو برلا دي هتدعاس ثيح نييروملأا يلع رطملاك ةراجحلا لوزنب مامأ مهلتاقي بعشلا ناكو ءادعلأا ىلإ سمشلا فقوأف نوعبج ةنيدم لك عم كولملا ةسمخلا دابأ نأ مسق الله رماوأ بسحو مهركاسع يطعأو ليئارسإ ينب نيب ضرلأا اضرأو مهانكسل ادلاب ةنهكلا ئجتلي ندم سمخ درفا مث مهيشاومل لمكأ املو دصق ريغب لتاق لك اهيلإ لصوو نينس رشعو ةئم وحن
from heaven upon them. The children of Israel fought them before the city of Gibeon, and he made the sun stand still until the five kings and their soldiers were destroyed. Joshua divided the land according to the command of God among the children of Israel. He gave the priests cities to dwell in, and land for their cattle. He set apart five cities of refuge wherein all those who had committed a murder unintentionally might dwell. When he completed about one hundred ten years and reached a good old age, he gathered together the elders of Israel, their heads, their judges and their officers, and commanded them to keep the commandment of the Law and not to deviate from worshipping God, then departed in peace.
May his prayers be with us. Amen.
The Martyrdom of St. Ananias, the Apostle.
4th July - 27th Baouna
On this day, St. Ananias, the apostle, departed. The apostles ordained this saint bishop for the city of Damascus. He preached therein with the life-giving gospel, as he preached also in the city of Beth-Gabriel and converted many of its people to the faith, and baptized them and their children.
St. Ananias was the one to baptize the apostle Paul when the Lord sent him to him. When he baptized St. Paul, something like scales fell from his eyes, and he received his sight at once. God wrought many great miracles by his hands; and many of the Jews and Gentiles believed through his preaching. Afterwards, Lucianus the governor seized St. Ananias, and tortured him with sever tortures, such as burning his sides with fiery torches. Finally, Lucianus took him outside the city, and commanded him stoned until St. Ananias delivered up his pure soul in the hand of the Lord. May his prayers be with us. Amen.
The Martyrdom of Sts. Abba Hour and his Mother Theodora.
6th July - 29th Baouna
On this day also, Sts. Abba Hour and his mother
Theodora, were martyred. Abba Hour was a soldier in the army of Antioch. He came to Alexandria, and confessed the Lord Christ before its governor. He commanded that Abba Hour’s hands be cut off, that he be tied to the tail of an ox and dragged through the city. Then he was thrown into a pit filled with snakes which did not harm him. During all that torture, he cried out to the Lord Christ, who healed and strengthened him. His mother came to see him and she rejoiced in his strife.
They told the governor about her, and he had her brought to him. He asked her to sacrifice to the idols
خويشلا يعدتسا ةحلاص ةخوخيش ىلإ مهظعوو نيملعملاو ةاضقلاو ءاسؤرلاو يلاعت الله ةدابع نع اوديحي لا نأ مههبنو ةمزلالا ضئارفلاو موسرلا مهل عضوو . نيمآ . انعم نوكت هتلاص . ملاسب حينت مث دحأ لوسرلا اينانح سيدقلا داهشتسا نيعبسلا ةنوؤب 27 - ةيلوي 4 اينانح سيدقلا حينت مويلا اذه لثم يف افقسأ لسرلا هماقأ سيدقلا اذه لوسرلا ةايحلا ةراشبب اهيف رشبف قشمد يلع درو اضيأ ليربج تيب يف رشب امك . مهدمعو ناميلإا ىلإ اهلهأ نم نيريثك سلوب دمع يذلا وهو . مهءانبأو مه املو هيلإ برلا هلسرأ امدنع لوسرلا رصبأ مث روشق هينيع نم تعقو هدمع سيدقلا اذه يدي يلع الله يرجأ دقو . نم نوريثك هتراشبب نمأف ةريثك تايآ هيلع ضبق كلذ دعبو . مملأاو دوهيلا ةديدش تاباذعب هبذعو ريملأا سونايكول اريخأو ران لعاشمب هيبنج قرح اهنم همجرب رمأو ةنيدملا جراخ هجرخأ برلا ديب ةرهاطلا هحور ملسا ىتح نيمآ . انعم نوكت هتلاص ىاشيب ابأ ، روهابا سيدقلا داهشتسا ةنوؤب 2٩ - ةيلوي 6 نوسيدقلا دهشتسا مويلا اذه لثم يف امهمأ ةرودؤيثو ياشيب ابنأو روهابأ ةيكاطنإ دنج نم ناك روهابأ نأ كلذو مامأ فرتعاو ةيردنكسلإا ىلإ يتأف هيدي عطقب رمأف حيسملا ديسلاب اهيلاو هرجيو روث ةرخؤم يف طبري ناو ةءولمم ةرفح يف هاقلأ مث ةنيدملا يف كلذ لك يف ناكو ، هذؤت ملف يعافلأاب هيفشي ناك يذلا حيسملا ديسلاب ثيغتسي تتأ لاحلا هذه يلع وه اميفو هيوقيو اوملعأو هداهجب تحرفف هتأرو همأ ملف اهددهو اهرضحتساف اهب يلاولا ةنخاس اداوعأ اوعضي نأ رمأف . فخت ءانثأ يف تناكو ، اهيبنج يف ديدحلا نم تقحتسا اهنلأ هسدقتو برلل لترت كلذ تملسأ نأ ىلإ . همسا لجأ نم ملأتت نأ اوعضو مث ةداهشلا ليلكإ تلانو اهحور نارطقو تيز ءولمم ءانإ يف سيدقلا حورلا ملسأ ىتح الله حبسي ناكف يلغي دقف هوخأ امأ ، ةداهشلا ليلكإ لانو ءيسنلا نم لولأا مويلا يف دهشتسا امئاد دجملا انبرلو . انعم نوكت مهتلاص نيمأ .
but when she refused he became enraged at her, and frightened her but she was not afraid of his raging. He commanded to put red-hot iron rods in her sides. When they did so she rejoiced and sang hymns to venerate the Lord for He made her worthy to suffer for His Holy Name. Later on she delivered up her soul and received the crown of martyrdom.
As for St. Abba Hour (Hor), they placed him in a cauldron of boiling oil and tar, and he praised God until he delivered up his soul and received the crown of martyrdom. His brother Abba Bishai (Pishai) was martyred on the 1st day of Nasi (Intercalary days)
May their prayers be with us and Glory be to God forever. Amen.
The Martyrdom of Saint Febronia the Ascetic.
8th July - 1st Abib
On this day, St. Febronia, the ascetic virgin, was martyred. This saint was the niece of the superior of a convent that had fifty virgins, in a place called “Ouryana” in Mesopotamia. Her aunt brought her up in the fear of God and taught her the reading of the Holy Books. St. Febronia vowed herself to the Lord Christ, and she fought the good fight by asceticism, fasting for two days at a time, and unceasing in her prayers.
When Emperor Diocletian issued his edict to worship idols, many Christians were martyred by his hands. When the virgins heard that, they were afraid and left the convent and went into hiding. None was left in the convent except St. Febronia, another sister and the abbess.
On the following day, the envoys of the Emperor came, seized the abbess, and humiliated her. St. Febronia said to them, “Take me and set free this old woman.” But they took her as well, bound in ropes, and brought them to the Governor. At that time she was twenty years old, and was attractive. The Governor asked her to worship the idols and promised her many things but she refused. He ordered that she be beaten with rods, and her dress to be torn off. The abbess cried out to him saying, “May God rip you up, O wild beast, for you want to put to shame this young orphan girl.” The Governor was wrathful, and ordered St. Febronia to be squeezed by the wheel, and to comb her body with an iron comb until her flesh was completely torn. During all that, she prayed to the Lord asking for help. He then cut out her tongue and smashed her teeth so that she could not pray. But the Lord strengthened her and comforted her.
Finally, the Governor ordered her head cut off, and she received the crown of martyrdom. A righteous man took her body and shrouded it with costly shrouds, and placed it in a golden box.
May her prayers be with us. Amen.
ةكسانلا ةينورفا ةسيدقلا داهشتسا بيبأ ١ - ةيلوي 8 تدهشتسا مويلا اذه لثم يف . ةينورفأ ءارذعلا ةكسانلا ةسيدقلا يمست ةلاخ اهل تناك ةسيدقلا هذه ناك ريد يلع ةسيئر ةنايروأ نوسمخ هيف نيرهنلا نيب ادوجوم اهتملعو الله فوخب اهتبرف ءارذع ترذنف . ةيهللإا بتكلا ةءارق تدهاجو حيسملا ديسلل اهسفن موصلاو كسنلاب نسحلا داهجلا ريغب ةلاصلاو نيموي نيموي سونايدلقد ردصأ املو عاطقنا دهشتساو ناثولأا ةدابعب هرمأ يلع نييحيسملا نم نوريثك نفخف كلذب ىراذعلا تعمس هيدي ملو . نأبتخاو ريدلا نم نجرخو تخأو ةينورفأ ةسيدقلا لاإ هيف قبي دغلا ناك املو . ةسيئرلاو يرخأ اوضبقو ريدلا ىلإ كلملا لسر يتأ تلاقف . اهوناهأو ةسيئرلا يلع اوكرتاو انأ ينوذخ« ةينورفأ مهل اضيأ يه اهوذخأف . »زوجعلا هذه ناكو يلاولا ىلإ لابحلاب ةديقم نيرشع تقولا كاذ يف اهرمع تناكو رظنملا ةليمج تناكو ةنس يلاولا اهيلع ضرعف اهعبتت ملآا دوعوب اهدعوو ناثولأا ةدابع اهبرضب رمأف لبقت ملف ةريثك .اهبوث قيزمتب رمأ مث يصعلاب كقشي « : ةلئاق ملأا هيف تخرصف كنلأ سرتفملا شحولا اهيأ برلا ةميتيلا ةيبصلا هذهب ريهشتلا دصقت ةسيدقلا رصعت نأ رمأو ظاتغاف « اهدسج طشميو ةرصعملاب ةينورفأ أرهت نأ ىلإ ديدح نم طاشمأب برلا ىلإ يلصت تناكف اهمحل اهناسل عطق مث ةنوعملا هنم ةبلاط اهيوقي برلا ناكو اهنانسأ علقو اهحبذب رمأ اريخأ, . اهربصيو دحأ ذخأف ةداهشلا ليلكإ تلانف ةيلاغ فئافلب هفلو اهدسج ءايقتلأا بهذم قودنص يف هعضوو نيمآ . انعم نوكت اهتلاص
Fourth Sunday of Baouna Luke 6: 27-38
“And just as you want men to do to you, you also do to them likewise”. )31)
It may be easy to reward good works with good favours. We know very well how to please others and how to act with courtesy. We feel this what we should do out of duty. But why should you be rewarded for this? You are just acting as it should be. Even non-Christians will do the same. You do not have to be Christian to love those who love you. In fact, if you do not act in in this manner you will be considered as impolite person who has no respect to others. It is a civilised way of dealing. Even people can go further to help the strangers and people whom I do not know out of being a good human. What difference it makes to be Christian who has been redeemed and saved by your loving Christ Who died for you on the Cross and taught you to love and live according to His great love to you and all the world. You need to go much further than that reactionary level which the world applies. Christians should be able to do what the world cannot do. Our Lord has taught us to love our enemies, to do good to those who hate us and bless those who curse us or spitefully us even to pray for them. The Christian is a living blessing to the world.
+ But if you love those who love you, what credit is that to you?
Thieves love one another. Ungodly people co-operate together. The principal of treating people the same as they treat you is fair worldly principal but it is expression of weakness and inability to progress beyond your desires and human thoughts. Even in the Old Testaments you can see great saints and fathers who went much further than this limit. King Saul hated David and planned to kill him. He falls into the hands of David twice )1Sam 24, 26) and David could have killed him but he said “The Lord forbid that I should do this thing to my master the anointed, to stretch out my hand against him”
)1Sam24: 6). He preferred rather to leave the Lord to deal with him. He
كرابلما ةنوؤب رهش نم عبارلا دحلأا ) 38-27:6ول ( اولعفأ مكب سانلا لعفي نأ نوديرت ماكو ) 31:6ول ( اضيأ مهب متنأ ناسحلأا ناسنلإا دري نأ لاهس نوكي دق اننأ ... فورعلماب فورعلماو ... ناسحلأاب اضعب انضعب لماجن فيك اديج فرعن هب مايقلا بجي بجاو اذه نأ رعشن لب لضف ىأ ؟؟؟ اذه فى كل لضف ىأ نكلو ... ةدعاق وه اذه سيلأ ؟؟؟؟ ىحيسمك كل ىحيسلما اهقبطي ... لماعلا فى لماعتلا نوكت نأ ايروضر سيلف ... ىحيسلما يرغو وأ ... كبحي نم بحت ىتح ايحيسم نأ كنأف ... كعم لماعتي نم عم لماعتت نورخلآا كبرتعي فوس اذه لعفت لا تنك ةيجمه فى شيعت تلزام بذهم يرغ اناسنإ بوعشلا ىتح لب ... ماظن مدعو رخأتو مهضعب نأ لب ... ئدابلما سفن اهل ةينثولا عم فورعلما لعف لىإ كلذ نم دعبأ ضىيم ... مهنوفرعي لا نيذلاو ءابرغلا ىهلا نأ ىدانأو ... ىحيسم ناسنإ انأ نكلو هتبحم طرفل نىادف ... بحلا ىنملع دق اضيأ بحأ نأ ىنملعو ادج ىنبحأ ... في ...ِ سدقلما بحلا ةايح فى شيعأو لماعلا هقبطي ىذلا ىوتسلما اذه لهف ةيحيسلما نإ ... لا عبطلاب ؟؟؟ ىنيفكي هلعفي نأ لماعلا اذه عيطتسي لا ام لىإ ضىتم نم يرثكب دعبأ ةبحلما اياصو قيبطت اهنأ ... ضىتم اهنأ ... لماعلا هلصو ىذلا ىوتسلما اذه نوئيسي نيذلا ةبحم ... ءادعلأا ةبحم لىإ لعف لىإ لب ... انيلإ ينضغبلما ةبحم ... انيلإ مهلجأ نم ةلاصلاو ... مهعم يرخلا لضف ىأف مكنوبحي نيذلا متببحأ نأ + مكل بحي لاأ ... ماعلا أدبلما وه اذه سيلأ راشرلأا نواعتي لاأ اضعب صوصللا ةلماعلما أدبم نإ ... اضعب مهضعب نوبحيو هنأ ... فيعضو صراق أدبم وه لثلماب ءاوهأ فى نوشيعي اولازام نيذلا ءلاؤه أدبم ميدقلا دهعلا ءابآ نأ لب ... دسجلا ادبأ دحلا اذه دنع اوفقي نأ اولبقي لم ... دواد لثم مايظع اسيدق دجن ... طقسيو هلتقي نأ ديريو لواش هدهطضي ناكمإب ناكو ... ينترم دواد دي فى لواش هلعف ىذلا هشرل ءازج هلتقي نأ دواد ىعسي ىذلا وه لواش نأ اصوصخ ... هعم نأ لى اشاح لاق دواد نكلو ... هلتقيل هءارو
knew that the Lord will carry His promises to make him a king in the due time. David son Absalom one day arose against his father and plotted to take the kingdom for himself. David had to runaway )2Sam 15). On the way, Sheimei son of Gera from the house of Saul )2Sam 16) came out cursing David and throwing stones on him and describes him as a bloodthirsty person. David refused to hurt him or respond to his abuse and prayed that the Lord looks on his affliction this day. He even asked Joab the army leader not to hurt Absalom. Only once David was angry and wanted to avenge to himself from Nabal )1Sam 25) who refused to offer due help to him and sent his messengers emptyhanded. The Lord has inspired Nabal’s wife to meet David plead for her husband and ask David not to avenge for himself as this will be no grief to him and offense of heart that he has shed blood without cause )1Sam 25). These wise words from Abigail has stopped him from returning the evil with evil. One day justice must be fulfilled. The Lord will bring punishment to the evil person who does not repent. David did not hurt Nabal but the Lord struck him and died on the same night. David di not punish Sheimei but later he was punished by King Solomon as he continued his evil conduct. So also, Saul went further in his arrogance and disobedience and was killed in the war )1Sam 31). Learn to do good with no conditions or any expectations. Do not wait to be motivated by anyone to do the good things. Do not wait for your friend to be nice so that you be nice with him. Do not expect a gift to respond with a gift. Then you just got your wage but no reward. Learn to “Cast your bread upon the waters, for you will find it after many days” (Ecclesiastes 11:1). You can avoid people to get yourself away from trouble. This is the negative way to solve problems. When your heart is full or love you can say the good word and respond with the good work whatever the reaction of other people. It will be horrible if the Lord treat us according to our deeds. No one will be spared. We pray every day asking God to treat us:
نأ ضفرو ... برلا حيسم لىإ ىدي دمأ يرصي نأ دواد ناكمإب ناك ... لواش لتقي ... لواش لتق هنأ ول ليئاسرأ لىع اكلم دقف هلتقي لاو لواش كتري نأ لّضف نكلو برلا ناك نأو ةقداص هللا دوعو نأ ملعت اذه ربدي فوسف ليئاسرأ لىع اكلم هديري نأ اضيأ ثدحو ... ةصاخلا هتقيرطب دواد رطضأو هوبأ دواد نبأ مولاشبأ ىدحت قيرطلا فىو ... هنبأ هجو نم برهي نأ ىنيماينبلا ايرج نب ىعمش هيلع جرخ .... ءامد لجر هنأ هفصيو هبسيو همتشي هلتقل هلاجر دحأ لاسرأ دواد ناكمإب ناكو هبس نم لعجو ... كلذ ضفر دواد نكلو هسفنل قاحسنأو للذت ببس هتميتشو هبعش محريو هللا همحري كىل هللا مامأ سيم لا نأ هلك بعشلا صىوأ اضيأ لب ... ... ةدحاو ةرم... ءوسب مولاشبأ هنبأ دحأ لابان هناهأ ... هسفنل مقتني نأ دواد دارأ هتماركل دواد راثف ينغراف هلسر درو همتشو نكلو ... هلام لكو لابان كلهي نأ ررقو هقيرط فى لسرأ ... كلذب هل حمسي لم هللا هيلإ تتأ ىتلا ةميكحلا ةأرلما لياجيبأ ضىري نأ هتفطعتسأو ايادهلا هل تمدقو عضاوتو ةبحبم لابان نع ىفعيو اهنع كل نوكت لا ىتح شرلا نع لدعي نأو كنأ ىديسل بلق ةثرعمو ةمدصم هذه مقتنأ ىديس نأ وأ اوفع امد تكفس نظت لا نكل.. ) 25 لولأا ليئومص ( هسفنل نل لدعلا نأ اذه ىنعم نأ بيبحلا اهيأ بوتي لا ىذلا ئطخلماف ... هارجم ذخأي بقاعي نا دب لا هحلصي لاو هتيطخ نع ىذلا ىعمش نع ىفع دواد نأ حيحص ... نمايلس دي لىع هتبوقع لان نكل .. هناهأ هشرو هدانع فى رمتسأ امدنع اصوصخ هنبأ برلا هبضر لابانو ... )2لوأ كولم ( ... فى طقس لواشو ... ةليللا سفن فى تامو اهيأ ... هءادعأ مامأ لتقو برحلا ببس لاب يرخلا لعفت نأ ملعت بيبحلا نأ رظتنت لا ... اطوشرم كيرخ لعجت لا نأ رظتنت لا ... يرخلا لعفتل دحأ ككرحي نوكت ىتح كعم افيطل كقيدص نوكي ىتح كلماجي ىتح رظتنت لا هعم افيطل هل رجأ لا اذه لك نأ ... هلئماج هل درت هايلما هجو لىع كزبخ ىقلُت فيك ملعت ... ءابه عيضي نل هنأ ... اماتم دكأتو ... بولسأ... ةيرثك مايأ دعب هدجتس لب ...
“according to Your mercy and not according to our sins”.
+ Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless and pray: You could be a good person by nature, but you say I am forced not do good with those people as they are evil and full of hatred. You are trying to get yourself an excuse not to carry the Lord’s commandment to love even your enemies. Loving others is not an act of weakness. It is actually a very powerful act. It is the secret of victory. The King of Syria knew that secret power of the people of Israel was the prayers of the man of God Elisha )2King 6: 8-23). He decided to kill him. He sent a huge army to look for him. When the servant of Elisha saw the mountain surrounded with soldiers he was terrified but Elisha prayed that the Lord open his eyes to see the mountain is full of horses and chariots of fire protecting them. The Lord struck the enemy soldiers with blindness as Elisha prayed. Elisha went down to lead them to Samaria. When the king of Samaria saw them, he asked if he can kill them. Elisha stopped him and asked him to feed them and let them go back to their master. Here the Book of Kings the second says: “So the bands of Syrian raiders came no more into the land of Israel )2Kings 6: 23). They were defeated by love. Love could achieve what armies could not do. Loving the enemies is not an act of the weak to do. It only can be done by the strong in heart. The weak only can surrender, but the strong can forgive and respond to the evil with good. In the Lord, we are never weak but very strong. We should be able to carry out the commandments of true love. Why we still live in the old law of the weak while we are strong? David was not weak when he refused to kill Saul. Elisha was not weak at all when he forgave his enemies. Definitely, our Lord Jesus Christ was not weak when he forgave those who crucified Him. Also, St Stephen was very strong when he asked for forgiveness to those who are stoning him. Learn to be strong in
.... مهلكاشمو مهشرل ايدافت نيرخلآا ةعطاقم ىذلا ناسنلإا بولسأ وهو ... ىبلس بولسأ وه لوقت نأ ملعت ... دعب بحلاب هبلق ئلتيم لم ماهم ... بيطلا لمعلا لمعتو ةبيطلا ةملكلا مهلماع ول شربلا ليواي... نيرخلآا لعف در ناك ىأ وجنيو صلخي نل اقح ... مهلماعأ لثبم هللا هللا نم بلطنو موي لك لىصن اننأ ... ناسنإ ... اناياطخك سيلو براي كتمحرك : ينلئاق ىــــــلإ اونسحأ ..... مكئادعأ اوــــــــبحأ + .... اوـــــــــكراب ..... مكـــــــيضغبم ....... اوــــــــــــلص .... يرخلا بحت ناسنإ كتعيبط نوكت دق لمعأ لا نأ ىننوبرجي مهنأ .... لوقت نكلو اذهو ... مهشرو مهدقح ببسب ايرخ مهعم بوث فى لثلماب ةلماعلما نم ةروص ىرخأ ةرم لا ىتح ارذع كسفنل سمتلت كنأ.... رخآ نيرخلآل ةبحلما نأ ... ةبحلما لماعأ لمعت ةوق ىه لب ... بيبحلا اهيأ افعض تسيل كلم فرع ... ةصرنلا سر اهنأ ... ةرابج لجر دوجو فى وه ليئاسرأ ةوق سر نأ مارآ عشيلا كلهي نأ ررق كلذل ... مهنيب عشيلا هللا لبجلاب طاحأ ايوق ارارج اشيج هل لسرأف مداخ بعترأ ... ةيحان لك نم هيف ميقي ىذلا عشيلأ نكلو ... شويجلا صربأ الم هللا لجر ىيرل ملاغل ينيع حتفي نأ هللا لىإ بلط طيحت ةيران تابكرمو لايخ ءولمم لبجلا نم ثركأ مهعم نيذلا نأ ... هيمحتو عشيلأب ءادعلأا شيج هللا بضريو ... مهيلع نيذلا كسيمو مهدئاق لىا عشيلأ ضىيمو ... ىمعلاب هلك يمو مهدئاق لىا ضىيمو ... ىمعلاب هلك لىإ هعم شيجلا لك دوقيو هدوقيو هديب مهآر نأ ام ىذلا ليئاسرأ كلم ثيح ةرماسلا عشيلأ نكل ... اعيمج مهلتقي نأ بلط ىتح ةميلو مهل ميقي نأ هنم بلطو كلذ نم هعنم لىإ اودوعيل مهقلطأ مث مهيقسيو مهمعطيو ( نىاثلا كوللما رفس لوقي انهو ... مهديس لىإ لخدت مارآ شويج دعت لمو »« ) 6 حاحصأ ام ... ةبحلما مهتمزه دقل... »« ليئاسرأ ضرأ ةبحم نأ ... ةبحلما هتعنص شويجلا هنع تزجع ... هوذفني نأ ءافعضلا عيطتسي لا ئش ءادعلأا ىوس كليم لا فيعضلاف ... ءايوقلأا هذفني لب نأ عيطتسي ىذلا وهف ىوقلا امأ ... ملاستسلأا اموي نكن لم نحنو ... بحلا شرلا دريو وفعي اذمالف ... انهلإب ادج ءايوقأ نحن لب ... ءافعض فى ايحن انلزام اذالم ؟؟؟؟ ةبحلما ةيصو ذفنن لا ... ءايوقلأا نم نحن مانيب ءافعضلا سومان لمو ... لواش لتقي لم امدنع افيعض دواد نكي لم ... هئادعأ نع افع امدنع افيعض عشيلأ نكي
our Lord Jesus Christ through the law of love. Taking revenge, hatred and acts of evil are the weapons of the weak. Love always prevail and victorious.
+ To him who strikes you on the one cheek, offer the other also
The strike of the right cheek is the first strike, the unexpected one. It can be an act of someone who is close to you. Usually, this strike is done by the left hand which is the weak hand, the one who acts unnoticed. It is a symbol of acts of weakness in the dark. The strike on the left cheek is different. It is the strike which you can see it coming and you can be ready for it or to act to avoid it. You are expecting hardship and pain but you are ready to accept it with joy and love. The first strike did not defeat you and you did not lose your peace. You are strong through the Lord. Those who are defeated by the first strike will have no second. The second one is the act of the right hand. It is the strong painful premeditated and planed strike. The one who strike is the weak one. The one who can turn the lift cheek is the strong one. Be strong and accept in patience and love. The one who strike you on the right cheek want you to turn your head to the left and force you to follow him in his evil. When you turn the left cheek you are actually turning your head to the right declaring that you are steadfast in the life of Grace declaring that you will never lead to the wrong way and will be persistent in the work of good and love regardless of any challenges that may face you. Learn the virtue of turning the left cheek. It is the work of those who are strong. It shows your strong will and your persistence in the true life of love. You are following the steps of your Master looking for the heavenly life rejecting life of evil, hatred and revenge. Our Lord is merciful so we must be also. Therefore, be merciful, just as your Father also is merciful.
بلط امدنع افيعض عوسي برلا نكي لم عبطلابو افيعض سونافتسأ نكي لمو ... هيبلاصل نارفغلا ةيطخلا هذه مهل هللا ميقي لا نأ بلط امدنع بيبحلا اهيأ... ةوقلا ىهتنم اهنإ ... هنومجري مهو عوسي حيسلما فى ... ايوق شيعت فيك ملعت ... شرلاو دقحلاو ماقتنلإا امأ ... ةبحلماب ايوق ... ... راغصلا ءافعضلا حلاس اذهف سريلأا هل لوحف نيملأا كدخ لىع كمطل نم + ++++ ... لىولأا ةمطللا ىه ... نيملأا دخلا ةمطل نأ كتمطل ىتلا ديلا ابمرو .. ةعقوتم يرغلا ةمطللا دخلا ةمطل نأ ... كيلإ بيبح ناسنإ دي ىه ديلا ... ىسريلا ديلا لمع ىه اضيأ نيملأا تارماؤلما ربدتو ءافخلا فى لمعت ىتلا ةفيعضلا ىهف سريلأا دخلا ةمطل امأ ... ملاظلا فى فرعت ىتلا ةيناثلا ةمطللا اهنأ ... ادج ةفلتخم نأ فرعت كنأ ... اهل دعتستو تىأت فوس اهنأ حرفب هلبقتست كلذ مغرو ةقشمو بعت كانه لىولأا ةمطللا نم راهنت لم كنأ ... ةبحمو ... تنأف ... كملاس دقفت لم ... كباصعأ دقفت لمو بحلا كملع ىذلا كهلأب ىوق ... ءايوقلأا نم ديكأتلاب ... لىولآا ةمطللا نم راهني ىذلا ... ملستسأو راهنأ دقف ... ةيناث ةمطل هل نوكي نل ةيوقلا ديلا ... ىنميلا ديلا لمع اهنأ... عاضو كنكلو ... كل هربدت ام حوضوب ىرت ىذلا ... ةاناو برص فى لمتحت لب ... برهت لاو زتهت لا ... فيعضلا وه مطلي ىذلا نأ ... اقح... بحو ىوقلا وه اذهف سريلأا دخلا هل لوحي ىذلا امأ ىذلا نأ .. ادبا لماعلا نم مزهني لا ىذلا كسأر لوحي نأ لواحي نيملأا كدخ لىع كمطلي هعبتتو شرلا لىإ ضىتم نأ كديري ... راسيلا لىإ سريلأا دخلا هل لوحت امدنع كنكلو ةيطخلا فى كتابث انلعم ينميلا ةيحان لىإ كسأر لوحت تنأف شرلا لىإ ادبأ ضىتم نل كنأو ةمعنلا ةايح فى تناك ماهم يرخلا لمع فى تبثت فوس لب ... اهيأ ... كلوح نم دئادشلاو طوغضلا ... سريلأا دخلا ليوحت ةليضف ىنتقأ ... بيبحلا وه لب ... ءافعضلا لمع سيل ىرخأ ةرم هنأ نيذلا لمع ... ةيوقلا ةدارلأا باحصأ لمع شرلا ةايح نوضفريو ةمعنلا ةايح فى نوشيعي نيذلا ... ءماسلا ةايح نوديري نيذلا ءلاؤه ... ءماحر مه كلذكو ميحر هنأف ... مهديس نوهبشي ... اضيأ ميحر اضيأ مكابأ نأ ماك ءماحر اونوكف
Gifts of the Holy Spirit (4)
1 Corinthians 12: 8 – 10 to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit: The Lord has granted Gifts of Healing and casting out demons to many of His saints. The shadow of St Peter was healing sicknesses. The aprons and handkerchiefs of St. Paul were also healing sicknesses and casting out demons. The Lord has grant Saint Anba Abraam the Gift of casting out demons. The power of his prayers made demons scream when he lays his cross on the head of a possessed person. These Gifts are not given to everyone. There are also other Gifts. We should note that these Gifts can only work through humbleness and self-denial. These Gifts are not show and gaining people praise. Whoever tries to use this Gift with self-pride or to gain people praise will lose the Gift and cannot retain it. Simon the magician (Acts 8) asked for the Gift of Laying hands. He even offered gold and silver to the Apostles but his offer was rejected and was told to keep his silver with him for perishing. The sin of selling the Gifts of the Holy spirit for money became known as “Simony” in relation to Simon the Magician. In the book of Acts (19) we hear about the seven sons of Sceva who tried to imitate St Paul by lying hands of people who are possessed and exorcise the evil spirit to leave. The evil spirit overpowered them and prevailed against them saying: “Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are you?” )Acts 19:15(. These Gifts are not given just by request or for any special credit but according to God’s pleasure to give and work in this person and only through humiliation and humbleness. The book of the Paradise of the Fathers tells us the story of a saint who had the Gift of casting out demons but in humbleness he used to avoid any person who asks him for a prayer for a possessed person saying he is just a sinner. One day a man can to the monastery accompanied with his daughter who was possessed by a demon. The fathers the monks advised him to leave his daughter outside the cell of this saint so that he can see her as soon as he gets out. When the saint opened his door to go out he was confronted with this woman who was enraged by the evil spirit and struck him fiercely on the cheek. The saint quickly turned his other cheek as the Lord commanded. The demon screamed and went out burned as it could not stand the humbleness of the saint and his carrying out the Lord’s commandment. The more self-denial and humbleness the saints show the more this Gift grows and it even continue to work after their departure of this world. This is so evident by the miracles which happens from the relics of the saints. And we also get blessed by their prayers.
(4( سدقلا حورلا بهاوم : دحاولا حورلاب ءافشلا بهاوم رخلآو جارخإو ضارملأا ءافش بهاوم برلا ىطعأ ناك دقف ..هيسيدق نم ريثكل ةسجنلا حاورلأا تناكو ضارملأا ىفشي سرطب سيدقلا لظ سلوب سيدقلا نع ةذوخأملا رزآملاو ليدانملا ةسجنلا حاورلأا جرختو ضارملأا ىفشت ةبهوم مآربأ ابنلأا سيدقلا برلا ىطعأ .. بعتري ناك ناطيشلا نأ ىتح نيطايشلا جارخإ هبيلص سيدقلا عضي نأ درجمب ران ران خرصيو سجنلا حورلاب باصملا ناسنلإا سأر ىلع كانهف صخش لكل طعت مل بهاوملا هذهو حاورلأا جارخإ ةبهوم مهل نكت مل نيسيدق تناك امنإو .. ءافشلا ةبهوم وأ .. لاثم ةسجنلا هذه نأ ظحلان نأ بجيو .. ىرخأ بهاوم مهل لاإ ناسنلإا اذه يف برلا اهمدختسي لا بهاوملا بهاوم تسيل هذهف ..لماكلا عاضتلاا للاخ نم مهحيدم بسكل سانلا مامأ رهاظتلاو ضرعلل ةبهوم مادختسا لواحي يذلا ناسنلإا نأ لب .. ةبهوملا هذه دقفي هناف رهاظتلاو ءايربكلا حورب نوميس بلط دقف ..هل ىطعت لا اهبلط نإو نم مدقو يديلأا عضوو تونهكلا ةمعن رحاسلا راصو ..هل ىطعت مل نكلو بهذو ةضف اهلجأ لمعو بهاوم بلطي نم لكب قصتلم همسأ تراصو يدام لباقم لجلأ سدقملا حورلا ىنتقي نأ يهو ..ةينوميسلاب ىمست ةيطخ هذه باتكلا انل ىكحيو ..مهاردب الله بهاوم ناسنلإا ةعبسلا نع لسرلا لامعأ رفس ىف سدقملا اولواح نيذلا يدوهيلا لجرلا اواكسل نينب ةسجنلا حاورلأا جارخإ يف سلوب سيدقلا ديلقت نيلئاق نيباصملا سانلا ىلع نومزعي اوراصو ناسنلإا ناكف ..سلوب هب ىداني يذلا عوسي مساب مهيلع بثيو جيهي سجنلا حورلاب باصملا سلوبو هملعأ ىنآف عوسي امأ لائاق مهحرجيو هذه لثم نأ نيبي اذهو ..متنأ نمف متنأو هفرعأف قاقحتسلا لاو ناسنلإا بلطب ىطعت لا بهاوملا ىف لمعي نأ برلا ةرسم بسح لب هنم صاخ عاضتأ للاخ نم نوكت نأ دبلاو ..ناسنلإا اذه نع نابهرلا ناتسب انل ىكحيو ..تاذ راكنإو نيطايشلا جارخإ ةبهوم هل تناك يذلا سيدقلا ناسنأ يأ نم برهي ناك عاضتا يف هنكلو نم لاخ ئطاخ ناسنإ درجم هنإ لائاق هدصقي هعمو لجر ريدلا دصق موي ىفو ..حلاص يأ ىلا بهذي نأ هوحصنو سجن حورب ةبذعم هتنبأ فوس هنأ وه ةلكشملا تناك نكلو سيدقلا اذه كلذلو .. مهئيجم ببس فرعي نأ درجمب برهي سيدقلا ةيلاق جراخ ةضيرملا هتنبا لجرلا عضو جرخ امدنع لاعفو ..هجورخ درجمب اهاري ىتح ةباصملا ةأرملا ىأر ةسينكلا ادصاق سيدقلا ةدشب همطلتو موقتف اهجيهي سجنلا حورلاب اذإو دخلا سيدقلا اهل لوحي عاضتا ىفو هجو ىلع اخراص ناطيشلا اهنم جرخ ذئدنعو ..رخلآا برلا ةيصو هذيفنتو سيدقلا عاضتا مامأ اقرتحم
This is completely different than what we see today of some people who claim having these Gifts and conduct huge gathering through a lot of publicity pursuing a lot of worldly gains and people praise while there is no working Gift. Most of the action is no more that senses deception which soon gets exposed and leads to no real healing. The devil is using this technique and ways of deception. The Bible also tells us that the beast and false prophet will claim to have gifts of healing and doing miracles at the last days just to deceive people and gain more followers. Real healing by the Holy Spirit usually starts from the internal spiritual healing first. It always accompanied by feeling of peace and internal joy. Be careful as many groups today claim to have gifts of performing miracles. Their conduct and methods are not on line with the Holy Spirit works. The Holy Spirit usually works in calmness away from the fanfare of this world and through humble people with strong faith. The Holy Bible is warning us that many people will say to the Lord that through Your name we have performed miracles and they will shockingly be rejected and the Lord says to them I do not know you (Mat 7:22). It was hypocrite faith aimed at winning people praise and publicity. The miracles of healing happen only according to God’s Will and full submitting to God’s works in your life. Healing from a sickness may not be the right suitable thing for you. St Paul himself had some sickness )Thorn of the flesh( even he aprons and handkerchiefs taken off his body were healing sicknesses. He asked for himself to be healed but the Lord answered him: “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness” )2Cor 12:8(. Healing sicknesses is part of God’s plan to us according to His Will. Let us ask for the works of the Holy Spirit in our life as it pleases God not according to our human wishes. The Lord forgave the Paralytic man sins first before healing his physical sickness. The Holy Spirit works through the sacrament of Unction of the Sick that we can be healed. But, it must be preceded by prayers, repentance and confession along with internal acceptance and faith. “And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven” )James 15:5).
دادزت ةبهوملا هذه نأ بيجعلاو ..سدقملا باتكلا يف ةبحاصم لظت لب ..هتاذل هراكنأو اهبحاص عاضتاب ةبهوم لظتو ..ملاعلا نم هلاقتنا دعب ىلا سيدقلا اذهل هتعافش سانلا بلطيو هراثآو هدسجل ةبحاصم ءافشلا ام اذهو ..اضيأ ءافشلا اهتطساوب نولانيو هلاقتنا دعب ةكربب اضيأ لاننو نيسيدقلا داسجلأ ابحاصم هارن امامت فلتخي اذه كش لابو .مهتريسب لثمتلاو مهتاولص نوميقيو ضارملأا ءافش نوعدي نمم مويلا هارن امع دقلو مهسفنأ لوح ةريبك تاياعدو ةمخض تاعامتجا بسكل رهاظملا هذه ىلا اجلي امنا مهنم ريثك نأ تبث يأ كانه نوكت نأ نودب ةرهشلاو ةياعدلاو لاملا ناعرس تقؤم عادخ نع رملأا جرخي لا لب .ةبهوم لب ..ناك امم دشأ اضيرم ناسنلإا دوعيو لوزي ام نمو عادخلا يف بولسلأا اذه مدختسي ناطيشلا نأ سانلا نوعدخي فوس شحولاو لاجدلا نأ فورعملا اهلك عقاولا يف نكلو ضارمأ ءافشو تازجعم لمعب ناسنلإا ليلضت ضرغب يرصبلا عادخلا عون نم لمعب لانن يذلا يقيقحلا ءافشلا ..عابتلاا بسكو ..لاوأ يحورلا يلخادلا ءافشلاب أدبي سدقلا حورلا لمع نم ءلاتملااو حرفلاو ةحارلاب روعش هبحاصيو ترهظ دقف بيبحلا اهيأ سرتحأ ..سدقلا حورلا لواحت يتلا ةقطرهملا فئاوطلا ضعب مايلاا هذه بسكلو سانلا عادخل ةبهوملا هذه رهاظم مادختسا جرخي هنومدختسي يذلا بولسلأا نأ حضاوو عابتأ يف لمعي يذلا سدقلا حورلا لمع ةعيبط نع امامت عاضتا للاخ نمو ةيرهظم لاو جيجض نودبو ءوده ناميأ للاخ نم كش لابو ..تاذلل راكنإو قاحسناو فوس نم كانه نأ اضيأ انهبني سدقملا باتكلا .. ميلس نيطايش جارخإو ضارمأ ءافش تازجعم نولمعي برلا مامأ نوفقي فوس .. الله مامأ اولبقي نل مهنكلو ىنأ برلا مهبيجيو ..تاوق انعنص كمساب سيلأ نيلئاق حيدم بسكل ايرهظم مهناميأ ناك دقف .. مكفرعأ تسل سيلو الله بلق بسح سيلو ةيملاعلا ةرهشللو سانلا نم لاإ ءافشلا بهاوم ءارو ىرجت لا ..همسأ ديجمتل ميلستو يلخاد قاحسنا للاخ نمو لماك ناميأ للاخ ءافشلا نوكي نأ اضيأ يرورضلا نم سيلف ..الله لمعل هسفن سلوب سيدقلا ناك دقف ..كل بسانملا ءيشلا وه نع ذخؤت يتلا رزآملاو ليدانملا نأ مغر اضيرم نم هسفن وه بلط دقو ..ضارملاا ىفشت تناك هدسج هل لائاق أشي مل برلا نكلو ضرملا هقرافي نأ برلا بهاوم ..لمكت فعضلا تقو يتوق نلأ يتمعن كيفكت ..ناسنلإا لجلأ هتطخو الله لمع نم ءزج يه ءافشلا انل الله ةدارإ بسح انيف سدقلا حورلا لمع بلطنلف ءافشلا نأ ظحلاو .. ةيرشبلا انتابغر بسح سيلو برلا رفغ دقل ..يدسجلا ءافشلا نم مهأ يحورلا حورلا . ايدسج هيفشي نأ لبق لاوأ هاياطخ جولفملل ىضرملا ةحسم رس للاخ نم اضيأ لمعي سدقلا ةبوت هقبسي نأ بجي نكلو ءافشلا بهاوم لانن هب يذلا ناميلاا ةلاصف ..يلخاد ناميأو دادعتساو فارتعاو ..هل رفغت ةيطخ لعف ناك نإو ضيرملا ىفشت
What can we learn from the life of Joshua?
Answer: Joshua is best known as Moses› second in command who takes over and leads the Israelites into the Promised Land after Moses’ death. Joshua is considered one of the Bible›s greatest military leaders for leading the seven-year conquest of the Promised Land, and is often held up as a model for leadership and a source of practical application on how to be an effective leader. Let›s look at his life from a biblical perspective.
As a military leader, Joshua would be considered one of the greatest generals in human history, but it would be a mistake to credit Israel’s victory solely to Joshua’s skill as a military general. The first time we see Joshua is in Exodus 17 in the battle against the Amalekites. Exodus 17:13 tells us that Joshua »overwhelmed Amalek and his people,« and so we›re tempted to conclude that Joshua›s military expertise saved the day. But in this passage we see something odd occurring. In verse 11 we read, «Whenever Moses held up his hand, Israel prevailed, and whenever he lowered his hand, Amalek prevailed.« Eventually, Moses› arms grew so weary that a stone had to be brought for him to sit on and Aaron and Hur held his hands up. Hence, we see in this vignette that Joshua prevailed because God gave him the battle.
The same can be said of the military victories in the Promised Land. The Lord had promised sure victory and delivered it in convincing fashion. The only exception is in the battle of Ai (Joshua 7). There are several things to note about this incident. Israel broke faith with God regarding the “devoted things” )Joshua 7:1(. God had commanded the Israelites to devote everything to destruction (Joshua 6:17), and Achan had kept some of the loot from the battle of Jericho for himself. Because of this, God judged them by not giving them the victory at Ai. Another thing to note is that there is no explicit command by God to go against Ai. The purpose of putting these two battle stories side by side is to show that when God sets the program and agenda, victory follows, but when man sets the program and agenda, failure ensues. Jericho was the Lord’s battle; Ai was not. God redeemed the situation and eventually gave them the victory, but not until after the object lesson was given.
Further evidence of Joshua’s leadership qualities can be seen in his rock-solid faith in God. When the Israelites were on the edge of the Promised Land in Numbers 13, God commanded Moses to send out twelve people to spy out the land, one from each of the tribes of Israel. Upon their return, ten reported that the land, while bounteous as the Lord had promised, was occupied by strong and fierce warriors dwelling in
large, fortified cities. Furthermore, the Nephilim )giants from the Israelites’ perspective) were in the land. Joshua and Caleb were the only two who urged the people to take the land (Numbers 14:6-10). Here we see one thing that sets Joshua (and Caleb) apart from the rest of the Israelites—they believed in the promises of God. They were not intimidated by the size of the warriors or the strength of the cities. Rather, they knew their God and remembered how He had dealt with Egypt, the most powerful nation on the earth at that time. If God could take care of the mighty Egyptian army, He could certainly take care of the various Canaanite tribes. God rewarded Joshua’s and Caleb’s faith by exempting them from the entire generation of Israelites that would perish in the wilderness. We see Joshua’s faithfulness in the act of obediently consecrating the people before the invasion of the Promised Land and again after the defeat at Ai. But no more clearly is Joshua’s faithfulness on display than at the end of the book that bears his name when he gathers the people together one last time and recounts the deeds of God on their behalf. After that speech, Joshua urges the people to forsake their idols and remain faithful to the covenant that God made with them at Sinai, saying, “And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the LORD, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD” )Joshua 24:15(. So what can we learn from Joshua’s life? Can we draw principles for leadership from his life? Sure. That God gave him the victory in taking the Promised Land does not take away from his military leadership. Furthermore, he was a more-than-capable leader for the Israelites, but his skill in leadership is not the primary lesson we should draw from Joshua’s life. A better lesson would be Joshua’s faithfulness, his stand against the ten spies who brought the disparaging report about the obstacles in taking over the Promised Land, and his zeal in ensuring the covenant faithfulness of the people. But even his faith wasn’t perfect. There is the fact that Joshua sent spies into Jericho even though God had ensured victory, and then there is the overconfidence he exhibited in the battle of Ai.
The primary lesson to draw from Joshua’s life is that God is faithful to His promises. God promised Abraham that his descendants would dwell in the land, and, under Joshua, God brought the people into the land that He had promised to give to them. This act completed the mission of redemption that God started with Moses in bringing Israel out of Egypt. It is also a type that points to the ultimate redemption that Jesus brings to the community of faith. Like Moses, Jesus delivered us from bondage and slavery to sin, and, like Joshua, Jesus will bring us into the eternal Promised Land and everlasting Sabbath rest (Hebrews 4:8-10).
New Church Project Financial Report as on 25th June 2023 Paid by Church Inc. GST $4,592,261 Paid by NAB Loan $2,769,819 GST Paid by church on NAB Loan payments $182,387 Forecast payments To the Builder up to June-Nov23 $5,700,834 Delayed work So far ( Assumed for Oct / Nov 23 ) $1,488,516 Total Project Inc. GST $13,062,914 Blessed Baptism Baby Tamara )Marina) daughter of Alfred & Asma Saleh Sunday 25th June 2023 St Mary’s Church
Construction of New Buildings started Thursday 28th April
The new Building is expected to be ready within 6 months. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downloaded from church website. Cost of building works is around $13,000,000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreciated.
Donations to St Mary’s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link
for all who keep working tirelessly for the success of this project. May the Lord reward them all and bless all their works
ليربأ 28 سيمخلا موي تادب تاءاشنلإا لامعأ بسح داتعملا بسح متت ةسينكلا تامدخ .روهش 6 للاخ عورشملا نم ءاهتنلاا عقوتملا نم .ةرشنلا لخاد حضوملا لودجلا .ارلاود نويلم ١3 3 ىلاوح عورشملا ةفلكت غلبت اهعبط وأ ةسينكلاب ةدوجوملا يكنبلا بحسلا ةرامتسأ ءلمب ىرهش عربتب ةكراشملا كنكني ينورتكللإا ةسينكلا زكرم للاخ نم لمعلا اذه ىف مكتمهاسمو مكتاعربت كرابي برلا
Special Thanks
طبارلا ىلع طغضأ ينابملا عورشمو ميرم ءارذعلا ةسينكل تاعربتلل
(Copy & Paste on Web Browser) Current Building Site 30th May 2023 Ready for the Roofings