Weekly Bulletin 30th January 2022

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Services at St Mary’s :‫مواعيد الخدمة بكنيسة العذراء‬ Church )‫ صباحا (أنجليزى‬7 - 5:30 ::‫األلهى‬ ‫ القداس األلهى‬:‫الثالثاء‬ Tuesday ‫ ذا واى‬- ‫ مساء أجتامع للكبار باألنجليزى‬8 Liturgy 5:30 - 7am ‫ صباحا‬11 – 9 ‫ القداس األلهى‬:‫األربعاء‬ ‫األربعاء‬ 8am The Way - Orthodox Fekkowship in ‫عرىب‬ ‫للكبار‬ ‫الشاممسة‬ ‫مدرسة‬ ‫مساء‬ 8 - 6:30 Englisg for adults - All ages ‫أنجليزى‬ ‫الشاممسة‬ ‫مدرسة‬ ‫مساء‬ 8:15 -7 Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am Wednesday ‫عرىب‬ ‫ألحان‬ ‫فصول‬ ‫مساء‬9 -8 6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults :‫الخميس‬ Arabic ; 7-8:15pm English ‫مساء‬ 7:30 ‫أنجليزى‬ ‫الليل‬ ‫نصف‬ ‫تسبحة‬ Hymns Class Arabic 8-9pm ‫مساء‬ 7:30 ‫أنجليزى‬ ‫املقدس‬ ‫الكتاب‬ ‫درس‬ Thursday ‫صباحا‬ 11 – 9 ‫األلهى‬ ‫القداس‬ :‫الجمعة‬ ‫الجمعة‬ English Midnight Praises 7:30pm ‫ سنة فأكرث‬25 ‫ مساء الشباب‬9 – 7 English Bible Study 7:30pm Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am Friday )‫مساء أجتامع األرسة (كل أسبوعني‬9-7 Youth 25 and above 7-9pm ‫ أنجليزى‬- ‫ مساء أجتامع اعداد الخدمة‬8:30 - 7 Family Meeting 7-9pm (fortnightly) 12 - 10 ‫ مساء فصل مدرس األحد لسنوات‬9 - 6 Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm ‫ صباحا‬10,30 – 8,30 ‫القداس األلهى‬:‫السبت‬ ‫السبت‬ Year 10-12 Sunday School 6-9pm ‫مساء‬ 3 1:30 ‫الكشافة‬ ‫اجتامع‬ Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 10:30am Saturday ‫مساء‬ 4 3 ‫الشاممسة‬ ‫مدرسة‬ Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm 5,30 – 4 ‫األحد‬ ‫مدارس‬ Vespers & youth meeting 5.30 –7pm ‫ مساء انجليزى‬7 – 5,30 ‫العشية واجتامع الشباب‬ English ‫ مساء عرىب‬7 - 5:30 ‫العشية ودرس كتاب‬ Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:30 :‫األحد‬ ‫األحد‬ 7pm ‫وانجليزى‬ ‫عرىب‬ ‫ص‬ 9,15 – 7 ‫األول‬ ‫القداس‬ Scouts 1:30 - 3pm ‫ ص – انجليزى‬11,30 – 9,15 ‫القداس الثاىن‬ School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm Sunday: Sunday ‫ ص عرىب‬11 – 9 ‫القداس الثالث‬ 1st Mass 7 – 9.15am Arabic & English ‫ مساء‬12:30 - 11:45 ‫ أنجليزى‬- ‫فصل ألحان‬ 2nd Mass 9.15 – 11.30am English :‫األباء الكهنة بالكنيسة‬ 3rd Mass 9 – 11am Arabic ‫األب القمص تادرس شاروبيم‬ Hymns Class - English 11:45 0414251251 12:30pm Email: frtadros@me.com Church Priests: Priests :‫األب القس حبيب جرجس يونان‬ Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251 94498871Email: - 0401238177 Email: frtadros@me.com habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com Fr Habib Girgis Younan: 0422431821 :‫األب القس مايكل صليب‬ 0401238177 – 94498871 Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail. Epsom Rd, Kensington Vic 3031:‫عنوان الكنيسة‬ com Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821 93766651 :‫ تليفون‬5 Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kensington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651

The Departure of St. Anthony the Great (Antonius). ‫نياحة القديس العظيم انبا انطونبوس اب‬ 30th December - 22nd Toba ‫جميع الرهبان‬ On this day, of the year 355 A.D., St. Anthony the Great, ‫ طوبة‬٢٢ ‫ يناير‬٣٠ the star of the wilderness, and the father of all monks, ‫ م تنيح‬355 ‫في مثل هذا اليوم من سنة‬ departed. ‫ وأب‬، ‫القديس العظيم كوكب البرية‬ This righteous man was born in the year 251 A.D. in ‫وقد‬ . ‫ االنبا أنطونيوس‬، ‫جميع الرهبان‬ the city of Qimn El-Arouse, to rich parents who loved ‫قمن‬ ‫ في بلد‬251 ‫ولد هذا البار سنة‬ the church and the poor. They raised him up in fear of ‫محبين‬ ‫ من والدين غنيين‬، ‫العروس‬ the Lord. When he was twenty years old, his parents ‫ فربياه في مخافة هللا‬، ‫للكنائس والفقراء‬ departed, and he had to take care of his sister. ‫ مات‬، ‫ ولما بلغ عمره عشرين سنة‬. Once, he entered the church and heard the words of the Lord Christ in the Gospel, «If you want to be perfect, ‫ وحدث‬. ‫أبواه فكان عليه ان يعتني بأخته‬ go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you ‫انه دخل الكنيسة ذات يوم فسمع قول‬ will have treasures in heaven; and come, follow Me.» ‫السيد المسيح « ان أردت ان تكون كامال‬ (Matthew 19:21) ‫فاذهب وبع أمالكك وأعط للفقراء فيكون‬ He returned to his house, decided to fulfill this ‫ فعاد‬. « ‫لك كنز في السماء وتعال اتبعني‬ commandment and considered it directed to him ‫إلى بيته مصمما علي تنفيذ هذا القول‬ personally. He gave his wealth to the poor and needy, ‫توزيع‬ ‫ فاخذ في‬، ‫واعتبره موجها إليه‬ and he took his sister and placed her with some virgins. ‫ وسلم‬، ‫أمواله علي الفقراء والمساكين‬ At that time, monasticism had not yet been established. ‫ ولم يكن نظام الرهبنة قد‬، ‫أخته للعذارى‬ All those who wanted to live a solitary life went and ‫ بل كان كل من أراد الوحدة‬، ‫ظهر بعد‬ lived on the outskirts of the city. This was what St. Anthony did as he dwelt alone, worshipping and living ‫ وهكذا‬. ‫ يتخذ له مكانا خارج المدينة‬، an ascetic life. ‫ حيث‬. ‫فعل القديس العظيم أنطونيوس‬ The devil fought him there by afflicting him with ‫اعتزل للنسك والعبادة وكان الشيطان‬ boredom, laziness, and the phantoms of women. He ‫يحاربه هناك بالملل والكسل وخياالت‬ overcame the devil›s snares by the power of the Lord ‫ وكان يتغلب علي هذا كله بقوة‬، ‫النساء‬ Christ. After that, he went to one of the tombs, and he ‫أحد‬ ‫ وبعد هذا مضي إلى‬، ‫السيد المسيح‬ resided therein and closed the door on himself. Some ‫وكان‬ . ‫القبور وأقام فيه واغلق بابه عليه‬ of his friends used to bring him food. When the devil ‫يقتات‬ ‫بعض أصدقائه يأتون إليه بما‬ perceived his ascetic life and his intense worship, he ‫ فلما رأي الشيطان نسكه وعبادته‬. ‫به‬ was envious of him, and he beat him mercilessly, then ‫ حسده وهجم عليه وضربه‬، ‫الحارة‬ left him unconscious. When his friends came to visit him and found him in this condition, they carried him ‫ فلما آتي‬. ‫ضربا موجعا ة تركه طريحا‬ to the church. After he somewhat recovered, he went ‫ وجدوه علي هذا‬، ‫أصدقاؤه يفتقدونه‬ back to the same place. The devil again resumed his war ‫ وإذ وجد‬، ‫ فحملوه إلى الكنيسة‬، ‫الحال‬ against St. Antonius, only this time the phantoms were ‫نفسه تماثل إلى الشفاء قليال عاد إلى‬ in the form of wild beasts, wolves, lions, snakes and ‫ فعاود الشيطان محاربته‬. ‫مكانه االول‬ scorpions. They appeared as if they were about to attack ‫بأشكال متنوعة في صورة وحوش‬ him or cut him into pieces. But the saint would laugh ‫وكان‬ ، ‫وذئاب واسود وثعابين وعقارب‬ at them scornfully and say, «If any of you have any authority over me, only one would have been sufficient ‫ أما‬. ‫يصور له ان كال منها يهم ليمزقه‬ ‫ لو كان‬: ‫القديس فكان يهزا بهم قائال‬ to fight me.» At his saying this, they disappeared as ‫لكم علي سلطان لكان واحد منكم يكفي‬ though in smoke, for God gave him the victory over the devils. He was always singing this psalm, «Let God ‫ وعند ذلك كانوا يتوارون‬. ‫لمحاربتي‬ arise, let His enemies be scattered; let those also who ‫ إذ أعطاه الرب‬، ‫من أمامه كالدخان‬ hate Him flee before Him.» (Psalm 68:1) ‫ وكان يترنم بهذا‬. ‫الغلبة علي الشيطان‬ St. Anthony used to prepare a quantity of bread that ‫ يتبدد أعداؤه‬. ‫ « يقوم هللا‬: ‫المزمور‬ would sustain him for six months. He did not allow . « ‫ويهرب مبغضوه من أمام وجهه‬ anyone to enter his cell, and whoever came to him, stood outside and listened to his advice. He continued in ‫وكان يعد لنفسه من الخبز ما يكفيه ستة‬ ‫ ولم يسمح ألحد بالدخول‬. ‫اشهر كاملة‬ this condition of solitary worship for 20 years. Then by ‫لنصائحه‬ ‫ بل كان يقف خارجا ويستمع‬، God›s command, he went to El-Fayyoum and confirmed ‫ وقد استمر القديس علي هذا الحال‬. the brethren there in the faith, then returned to his . ‫عشرين سنة وهو يتعبد بنسك عظيم‬ monastery. During the time of persecution, he longed to become a ‫ثم مضي بأمر الرب إلى الفيوم وثبت‬

.‫االخوة الذين كانوا هناك ثم عاد إلى ديره‬ martyr. He left his monastery and went to Alexandria. ‫وفي زمن االستشهاد تاق ان يصير شهيدا‬ He visited those who were imprisoned for the sake ، ‫ فترك ديره ومضي إلى اإلسكندرية‬، of Christ and comforted them. When the Governor ‫المسيح‬ ‫وكان يفتقد المسجونين علي اسم‬ saw that he was confessing the Lord Christ publicly, not caring what might happen to him, he ordered him ‫ فلما رأي منه الحاكم المجاهرة‬. ‫ويعزيهم‬ ‫ أمر ان‬، ‫بالسيد المسيح وعدم المباالة‬ not to show up in the city. However, the saint did not ‫ ولكن القديس‬. ‫ال يظهر بالمدينة مطلقا‬ heed his threats. He faced him and argued with him in order that he might arouse his anger so that he might ‫ وكان يوجهه ويحاجه‬، ‫لم يعبا بالتهديد‬ be tortured and martyred. But God preserved him all ، ‫ لعله يسوقه للعذاب واالستشهاد‬، along, according to His will, for the benefit of many, ‫ولكن الن الرب حفظه لمنفعة الكثيرين‬ and so the Governor left him alone. Then the saint ‫و بتدبير من‬. ‫فقد تركه الحاكم وشانه‬ went back to his monastery according to God›s will, ‫هللا رجع القديس إلى ديره وكثر الذين‬ and many came to visit him and to hear his teachings. ‫ ورأي‬. ‫يترددون عليه ويسمعون تعاليمه‬ He saw that these visits kept him away from his ‫ فاخذ يتوغل‬، ‫ان ذلك يشغله عن العبادة‬ worship. As a result, he went far away to the eastern ‫قوم‬ ‫ ومضي مع‬، ‫في الصحراء الشرقية‬ desert. He travelled with some bedouins to the inner ‫أعراب إلى داخل البرية علي مسيرة ثالثة‬ wilderness for three days, until he found a spring of water and some palm trees, and then he chose to settle ‫ حيث وجد عين ماء وبعض النخيل‬، ‫ايام‬ there. On this spot now stands the monastery of St. ‫ وكان‬، ‫فاختار ذلك الموضع وأقام فيه‬ Anthony the Great. The bedouins came to him with ‫ وكان بالبرية‬. ‫العرب يأتون إليه بالخبز‬ bread, and the Lord drove away all the wild beasts ‫وحوش كثيرة طردها الرب من هناك‬ from this place, for his sake. ‫ وفي بعض األيام كان يذهب‬. ‫من اجله‬ On occasions, he would go to the monastery on the ‫ ويفتقد االخوة الذين‬، ‫إلى الدير الخارجي‬ outskirts of the desert by the Nile to visit the brethren, ‫ وبلغ‬. ‫هناك ثم يعود إلى الدير الداخلي‬ then return to his inner monastery. ، ‫لإلله‬ ‫صيته إلى الملك قسطنطين المحب‬ His fame spread abroad and it reached Emperor Constantine. The Emperor wrote to him, offering him ‫ ويطلب منه ان يصلي‬، ‫فكتب إليه يمتدحه‬ ‫ أما هو‬. ‫ ففرح االخوة بكتاب الملك‬. ‫عنه‬ praise and asked him to pray for him. The brethren were pleased with the Emperor›s letter, but St. Anthony ‫ هوذا كتب هللا ملك‬: ‫فلم يحفل به وقال لهم‬ did not pay any attention to it, and he said to them, ‫الملوك ورب األرباب توصينا كل يوم‬ «The books of God, the King of Kings and the Lord ‫ بل نعرض عنها‬، ‫ونحن ال نلتفت إليها‬ of Lords, commands us everyday, but we do not heed ‫ وبإلحاح االخوة عليه قائلين ان الملك‬، what they tell us, and we turn our backs on them.» ‫ قبل ان يكتب‬، ‫قسطنطين محب للكنيسة‬ Under the persistence of the brethren who told him, ‫ طالبا سالم المملكة‬، ‫له خطابا باركه فيه‬ «Emperor Constantine loves the church,» he accepted ‫ واعتراه الملل ذات يوم فسمع‬. ‫والكنيسة‬ to write him a letter blessing him, and praying for the . ‫ اخرج خارجا وانظر‬: ‫صوتا يقول له‬ peace and safety of the empire and the church. ‫صليب‬ ‫فخرج ورأي مالكا متوشحا بزنار‬ One day, he was bored, and he heard a voice telling ‫ وعلي رأسه‬، ‫مثال اإلسكيم المقدس‬ him, «Go out and see.» He went out and saw an ‫ ثم يقوم‬، ‫ وهو جالس يضفر‬، ‫قلنسوة‬ angel who wore a girdle with a cross, one resembling the holy Eskiem, and on his head was a head cover ‫ وأتاه‬. ‫ ثم يجلس ليضفر ايضا‬، ‫ليصلي‬ (Kolansowa). He was sitting while braiding palm ‫ يا أنطونيوس افعل هكذا‬: ‫صوت يقول له‬ leaves, then he stood up to pray, and again he sat to ‫ فاتخذ لنفسه هذا الزي من‬. ‫وأنت تستريح‬ weave. A voice came to him saying, «Anthony, do this ‫ذلك الوقت وصار يعمل الضفيرة ولم يعد‬ and you will rest.» Henceforth, he started to wear this ‫ وتنبأ عن االضطهاد الذي يسحل‬. ‫الملل‬ tunic that he saw, and began to weave palm leaves, and ‫ ثم‬، ‫بالكنيسة وتسلط الهراطقة عليها‬ never got bored again. ‫انقضاء‬ ‫ وعلي‬، ‫أعادتها إلى حالتها األولى‬ St. Anthony prophesied about the persecution that was ‫الزمان ولما زاره القديس مقاريوس البسه‬ about to happen to the church and the control of the heretics over it, the church victory and its return to its ‫ ولما‬. ‫زي الرهبنة وأنباه بما يسكون منه‬ ‫دنت ايام وفاة القديس االنبا بوال أول‬ formal glory, and the end of the age. When St. Macarius visited St. Anthony, St. Anthony ‫ مضي إليه القديس أنطونيوس‬، ‫السواح‬ clothed him with the monk›s garb, and St. Anthony ‫ واهتم به وكفنه بحلة أهداها إليه القديس‬، foretold him what would be of him. ‫ ولما‬.‫أثناسيوس الرسولي البابا العشرون‬ ، ‫شعر القديس أنطونيوس بقرب نياحته‬

When the day of the departure of St. Paul, the first ‫ وان يعطوا‬، ‫أمر أوالده ان يخفوا جسده‬ hermit in the desert, drew near, St. Anthony went to ، ‫ والفروة ألثناسيوس‬، ‫عكازه لمقاريوس‬ him. St. Anthony buried St. Paul the hermit after he ‫ ثم رقد‬. ‫والملوطة الجلد لسرابيون تلميذه‬ had clothed him in a tunic which was a present from ‫ فتلقتها‬، ‫ممددا علي األرض واسلم الروح‬ St. Athanasius the Apostolic, 20th Pope of Alexandria. ‫ وحملتها إلى‬. ‫صفوف المالئكة والقديسين‬ When St. Anthony felt that the day of his departure had approached, he commanded his disciple to hide ‫ وقد عاش هذا القديس‬. ‫موضع النياح الدائم‬ ‫ مجاهدا في سبيل‬، ‫مائة وخمس سنوات‬ his body and to give his staff to St. Macarius, and to . ‫القداسة والطهر‬ give one sheepskin cloak to St. Athanasius and the other sheepskin cloak to Anba Serapion, his disciple. ‫صالته تكون معنا ولربنا المجد دائما ابديا‬ . ‫امين‬ He stretched himself on the ground and gave up his spirit. The angels and the saints took his spirit and ‫نياحة البابا كيرلس الرابع ابى اإلصالح‬ carried it to the place of perpetual rest. 110‫ال‬ 110 ‫ال‬ This saint lived for 15 years, struggling in the way of ‫ طوبة‬٢٣ - ‫ يناير‬٣١ holiness and purity. ‫في مثل هذا اليوم تنيح االب العظيم االنبا‬ His prayers be with us and Glory be to our God ‫كيرلس الرابع بابا اإلسكندرية العاشر بعد‬ forever. Amen. The Departure of Pope Cyril IV (Kyrillos), 110th Pope ‫ وقد ولد هذا االب ببلدة الصوامعة‬. ‫المائة‬ ‫الشرقية من أعمال جرجا من أبوين تقيين‬ of Alexandria. ‫ وأسمياه داود باسم‬، ‫ م‬1816 ‫حوالي سنة‬ 31st December - 23rd Toba . ‫ واعتني والده بتربيته وتعليمه‬، ‫جد أبيه‬ On this day also, the great father Pope Kyrillos IV (Cyril), 110th Pope of Alexandria, departed. He was ‫وفي الثانية والعشرين من عمره قصد دير‬ born in the town of Sawamaa of the district of the city ‫القديس أنطونيوس لزهده في أباطيل الحياة‬ of Girga, to righteous parents in the year 1816 A.D. ‫ مما‬، ‫ وهناك سلك طريق الفضيلة والنسك‬. They gave him the name David (Daoud) after his ‫ رئيس‬، ‫جعل القس أثناسيوس القلوصني‬ grandfather. His father brought him up and educated ‫ فدأب‬، ‫الدير وقتئذ ان يلبسه ثوب الرهبنة‬ him well. He grew up despising the things of the . ‫منذ ذلك الحين علي الدرس والمطالعة‬ world and its vanities. When he was 22 years old, ‫وبعد سنتين من ترهبه تنيح رئيس الدير‬ he went to the monastery of St. Anthony, where he ‫ فاجمع الرهبان علي اختيار هذا االب‬، conducted himself virtuously and lived an ascetic life, ‫البابا‬ ‫ فرسمه االنبا بطرس الجاولي‬، ‫رئيسا‬ which convinced the abbot of the monastery, Father Athanasius (El-Kalousni), to clothe him with the garb ‫المئة والتاسع قسا وعينه رئيسا علي الدير‬ ‫ فاهتم بشئون الدير والرهبان ابلغ اهتمام‬، of the monks. He continued to read and to study the holy books. ‫ وكان حاد الذكاء وعلي قسط وافر من‬. Two years after David’s ordination as a monk, the ‫ ولذلك فانه لما‬، ‫اإللمام بالمسائل الدينية‬ abbot of the monastery departed. David (Daoud) was ‫نشب خالف بين األحباش في بعض األمور‬ chosen, by the consensus of the monks, to become ‫ استدعاه االب البطريرك االنبا‬، ‫العقائدية‬ their abbot. Pope Petros “El-Gawli” (Anba Petros ‫ وكلفه بالذهاب إلى البالد‬، ‫بطرس الجاولي‬ VII), 19th Pope of Alexandria, ordained him a priest, ‫ فقام بمهمته‬. ‫الحبشية لفض هذا النزاع‬ and he appointed him as abbot of the monastery. He ‫ وعاد االب داود من الحبشة‬. ‫خير قيام‬ took care of the state of affairs of the monastery and 1853 ‫ يوليه من سنة‬13 ‫في يوم السبت‬ those concerning the monks. ‫م وكان قد تنيح البابا بطرس الجاولي في‬ He was very sharp intellectually and was very ‫ وعند الشروع‬. ‫ م‬1852 ‫ أبريل سنة‬15 well versed in religious matters. When a problem transpired among the Ethiopians concerning some ‫ اختلفت أراء الشعب‬، ‫في اختيار خلف له‬ doctrinal issues, the Pope, Anba Petros called upon ‫ والبعض‬، ‫ فالبعض اختار االب داود‬، him to go to Ethiopia to solve these problems. He ‫ ثم استقر الرأي علي رسامته‬. ‫اختار غيره‬ performed his duty admirably. Father Daoud returned ‫ واستمر‬. ‫ م‬1853 ‫مطرانا عاما سنة‬ on July 13, 1852, to find that Pope Petros had departed ‫ اظهر خاللها من حسن‬، ‫سنة وشهرين‬ on April 15, 1852. When they tried to choose a successor to the Pope, there was a split in the people’s ‫ ما جعله أهال ألن يقام بطريركا‬، ‫التصرف‬ 1571 ‫ بشنس سنة‬28 ‫ فتمت رسامته في‬، opinions. Some wanted Father Daoud and others ‫جهده‬ ‫ وقد افرغ قصاري‬. ) ‫ م‬1854 ( ‫ش‬ wanted to choose someone else. ‫ فقد‬. ‫في سبيل تهذيب الشبان وتعليمهم‬ Finally they decided to ordain Father Daoud an auxiliary bishop in the year 1853. He performed his ‫إنشاء المدرسة القبطية أكبري بالبطريركية‬ duties as such, for a year and two months, during ‫ وفتح مدرسة أخرى في حارة السقايين‬،

which, he showed discretion and good conduct, that ، ‫وشدد في تعليم اللغة القبطية فيهما‬ made him worthy to be chosen patriarch on the 28th of ‫كما اشتري مطبعة كبيرة طبع فيها‬ Bashanse of 1571 A.M. (1854 A.D.). ‫ وعموما فان إليه‬. ‫عدة كتب كنسية‬ He devoted all his efforts to disciplining the youth and ‫ وقد‬، ‫يرجع الفضل في تقدم األقباط‬ educating them. He established the great Coptic school ‫هدم كنيسة البطريركية القديمة وشيد‬ in the patriarchate. He also established another school ‫ ولكنه لم يتمكن من إتمامها‬، ‫غيرها‬ in Haret-El-Sakkayeen. He paid great attention to the ‫الثانية‬ ‫لتغيبه في البالد الحبشية للمرة‬ teaching of the Coptic language. He also established a ‫شديد‬ ‫عالما‬ ‫ وكان هذا الحبر العظيم‬. great printing house and printed many church books. ‫ وكان‬، ‫االعتصام بقوانين الكنيسة‬ Generally, the progress of the Copts at that time attributed ‫محسنا ذا عناية شديدة بذوي الحاجة‬ to his efforts. He demolished the old church in the Patriarchate and built another, but he could not complete 23 ‫ وتنيح في‬، ‫ومحبوبا من رعيته‬ it because of his absence in Ethiopia for the second time. . ) ‫ م‬1861 ( ‫ش‬1577 ‫طوبة سنة‬ This great pontiff upheld the canons of the church, and ‫صالته تكون معنا ولربنا المجد دائما‬ was charitable to the poor and the needy, and was deeply . ‫ابديا امين‬ loved by his flock. He departed on the 23rd of Tubah in ‫ شهيدا شيوخ شيهات‬49 ‫استشهاد‬ 1577 A.M. (1861 A.D.) ‫ طوبة‬٢٦ - ‫ فبراير‬٣ His prayers be with us and Glory be to our God forever. ‫التسعة‬ ‫استشهاد‬ ‫في مثل هذا اليوم كان‬ Amen. ‫واألربعين قسيسا شيوخ شيهيت‬ The Martyrdom of the Forty-Nine Saints, the Elders of . ‫ومرتينوس رسول الملك وابنه‬ Sheheat (Scetis). ‫وذلك ان الملك ثاؤدسيوس الصغير‬ 3rd February - 26th Toba On this day, the forty-nine elder priests of Sheheat, . ‫ابن الملك أركاديوس لم يرزق ولدا‬ Martinos, the envoy of the emperor, and his son, were ‫فأرسل إلى شيوخ شيهيت يطلب إليهم‬ martyred. ‫ فكتب‬. ‫ان يسألوا هللا لكي يعطيه ابنا‬ Emperor Theodosius the Less, the son of Emperor ‫إليه القديس ايسيذوروس كتابا يعرفه‬ Arcadius, did not have a son. He wrote to the elders of ‫فيه ان هللا لم يرد ان يكون له نسل‬ Sheheat asking them to pray to God to grant him a son. St. ‫ فلما‬. ‫يشترك مع أرباب البدع بعده‬ Isidor wrote back to him saying that God did not will for him to have a son who would participate with the heretics ‫ لكن‬، ‫قرا الملك كتاب الشيخ شكر هللا‬ ‫أشار عليه قوم ان يتزوج امرأة أخرى‬ after him. When the Emperor read the message, he offered thanks to ‫ليرزق منها نسال يرث الملك من بعده‬ ‫ إنني ال افعل شيئا‬: ‫ فأجابهم قائال‬. God. Some people gave him the advice to marry another wife to have offspring from her to inherit the empire ‫ ثم‬. ‫غير ما أمر به شيوخ برية شيهيت‬ after him. He said to them, «I cannot do anything except ‫أوفد رسوال من قبله اسمه مرتينوس‬ what the elders of Sheheat demanded.» He sent an envoy ‫ وكان لمرتينوس‬. ‫ليستشيرهم في ذلك‬ whose name was Martinos to consult with them about ‫ولد اسمه ذيوس أتصحبه معه للزيارة‬ that. Martinos had a son named Zius who accompanied ‫ فلما وصال وقرا‬. ‫والتبرك من الشيوخ‬ him on his visit to the elders in order to receive their ‫ وكان القديس‬، ‫الشيوخ كتاب الملك‬ blessings. ‫الرسول‬ ‫ اخذوا‬، ‫ايسيذوروس قد تنيح‬ When they arrived and the elders read the message, they ‫وذهبوا به إلى حيث يوجد جسده‬ took the messenger to the body of St. Isidor, for he had ‫ونادوا قائلين يا أبانا قد وصل كتاب‬ departed. They called on him saying, «Our father, we ‫ فأجابهم‬. ‫من الملك فبماذا نجاوبه‬ have received a letter from the Emperor. What shall we say to him?» A voice came from the pure body saying, ‫ ما‬: ‫صوت من الجسد الطاهر قائال‬ «What I had said before, I also say now, that the Lord will ‫ وهو ان الرب‬، ‫قلته قبال أقوله اآلن‬ never give him a son to participate with the heretics, even ‫ال يرزقه ولدا يشترك مع أرباب البدع‬ if he marries ten women.» The elders wrote back to the ‫ فكتب‬، ‫حتى ولو تزوج عشر نساء‬ Emperor recounting what they heard. ‫ ولما أراد‬. ‫الشيوخ كتابا بذلك للملك‬ When the messenger wanted to return, the pagan berbers ‫ غار البربر علي‬، ‫الرسول العودة‬ attacked the monastery. One of their great elders, whose ‫ فوقف شيخ عظيم يقال له‬، ‫الدير‬ name was Anba Yuannis, called upon the brethren ‫هو‬ ‫االنبا يوأنس ونادي االخوة قائال‬ and said, «The berbers have come to kill us. Whoever ‫ فمن أراد‬، ‫ذا البربر قد اقبلوا لقتلنا‬ amongst you would like to become a martyr, let him stand, and whoever is afraid, let him hide in the palace.» ‫ ومن خاف فليلتجئ‬، ‫االستشهاد فليقف‬ Some of them hid in the palace, but he remained with ‫ فالتجأ البعض إلى‬، ‫إلى القصر‬

the forty-eight elders, who were all slaughtered by the ‫ وبقي مع الشيخ ثمانية وأربعون‬، ‫القصر‬ berbers. ‫ وكان مرتينوس‬، ‫ فذبحهم البربر جميعا‬، Martinos and his son were hiding. The son looked up ‫ وتطلع االبن‬، ‫وانبه منزويان في مكان‬ and saw the angels placing the crowns of glory on the ‫إلى فوق فرأي المالئكة يضعون األكاليل‬ elders who were killed. The son said to his father, «I ‫ فقال‬، ‫علي رؤوس الشيوخ الذين قتلوا‬ see spiritual beings putting crowns on the heads of the ‫ ها أنا أرى قوما روحانيين‬: ‫ألبيه‬ elders. I shall go to receive a crown like them.» His ‫الشيوخ‬ ‫يضعون األكاليل علي رؤوس‬ father replied, «And I also shall go with you, my son.» ‫فأجابه‬ ، ‫مثلهم‬ ‫فأنا ماض ألخذ لي إكليال‬ Both revealed themselves to the berbers. They were . ‫ وأنا أيضا اذهب معك يا إبني‬: ‫أبوه‬ killed and received the crown of martyrdom. ‫فعاد االثنان وظهرا للبربر فقتلوهما‬ After the berbers had gone, the monks who were hiding in the palace came down, took the bodies, and placed ‫ وبعد ذهاب البربر‬. ‫وناال إكليل الشهادة‬ them in a cave. They sang and said praises before ‫نزل الرهبان من القصر واخذوا األجساد‬ the cave every night. Some people from the city of ‫ووضعوها في مغارة وصاروا يرتلون‬ Batanoon came and took the body of Anba Yuannis ‫ وجاء قوم‬. ‫ويسبحون أمامها كل ليلة‬ and returned to their city. The elders of the monastery ، ‫من البتانون واخذوا جسد االنبا يوأنس‬ returned the body after a while. Also, some people from ‫ وبعد زمان أعاده‬. ‫وذهبوا به إلى بلدهم‬ El-Fayyoum came and stole the body of Zius, the son of Martinos. When they arrived at the lake of El-Fayyoum, ‫ وكذلك أتى قوم من‬، ‫الشيوخ إلى مكانه‬ the angel of the Lord returned him to where the body of ‫الفيوم وسرقوا جسد ذيوس ابن مرتينوس‬ his father was. The elders also tried to separate the body ‫ وعندما وصلوا به إلى بحيرة الفيوم‬، ‫ أعاده مالك الرب إلى حيث جسد‬، of Zius, the son, from the body of his father several times, but they could not. Every time they moved the ‫ وقد أراد األباء عدة مرات نقل‬. ‫أبيه‬ body of Zius, the angel of the Lord would return it to . ‫جسد الصبي من جوار أبيه فلم يمكنهم‬ its place. One of the fathers heard one night, in a vision, ‫ وقد‬. ‫وكانوا لكما نقلوه يعود إلى مكانه‬ someone saying, «Praise God, we were not separated in ‫سمع أحد األباء في رؤيا الليل من يقول‬ the flesh, nor are we separated when we are with Christ. ‫ نحن لم نفترق في الجسد‬. ‫سبحان هللا‬ Why do you want to separate our bodies?» ‫ فلماذا تفرقون‬، ‫وال عند المسيح ايضا‬ When persecution became ‫ ولما ازداد‬. ‫بين أجسادنا ؟‬ rampant and the attacks on the ‫الغارات‬ ‫االضطهاد وتوالت‬ monastery continued, the fathers ‫ نقل‬، ‫والتخريب في البرية‬ relocated the bodies, to a cave ‫األباء األجساد إلى مغارة‬ which they built beside the church of St. Macarius. At the ‫بنوها لهم بجوار كنيسة‬ time of Anba Theodosius, 33rd ‫ وفي‬. ‫القديس مقاريوس‬ Pope of Alexandria, they built ‫زمان االنبا ثاؤدسيوس‬ a church for them. When Anba ‫البابا الثالث والثالثين‬ Benjamin, 38th pope, came to the ‫ ولما أتى‬. ‫بنوا لهم كنيسة‬ wilderness, he established a feast ‫االنبا بنيامين البابا الثامن‬ day for them on the 5th day of ، ‫والثالثون إلى البرية‬ Amshir, which was the day of the ‫رتب لهم عيدا في الخامس‬ relocation of their bodies to this ‫من أمشير وهو يوم نقل‬ church. . ‫أجسادهم إلى هذا الكنيسة‬ In time, the church building deteriorated, and they moved the ‫ومع مرور الزمن تهدمت‬ bodies to one of the cells until ‫كنيستهم فنقلوهم إلى إحدى‬ the time of Ibrahim El-Gohary, ‫القاللي حتى زمان المعلم‬ who built a church for them around the end of the 18th ‫إبراهيم الجوهري فبني لهم كنيسة‬ century, where they placed the bodies of the saints. The ‫حوالي أواخر القرن الثامن عشر للميالد‬ church is still in existence today in the monastery of St. ‫ وال زالت موجودة‬. ‫ونقلوا األجساد إليها‬ Macarius. ‫ أما‬. ‫إلى اليوم بدير القديس مقاريوس‬ The cell in which the bodies were kept is known today ‫اليوم‬ ‫القالية التي كانوا بها فمعروفة إلى‬ in Coptic as the cell of Ehme› Epseet, or the cell of the ‫بقالية «أهميه ابسيت» ( أي التسعة‬ forty-nine. . ‫واألربعين ) صالتهم تكون معنا امين‬ Their prayers be with us. Amen.

Meditations on Liturgy’s Gospel ‫تأمالت في انجيل القداس‬ The Fourth Sunday of the blessed month of Tobe ‫االحد الرابع من شهر طوبة المبارك‬ John 9: 1-38 ٣٨ - ١ ::٩ ٩ ‫يوحنا‬ So he went and washed, and came back seeing 9:7 ٧ ::٩ ٩ ‫فمضى وأغتسل وأتي بصيرا‬ How beautiful is the life of light, but how difficult is ‫ وما أصعب حياة‬..‫ما أجمل حياه النور‬ the life of darkness. The life of light has a special joy ‫ حياة النور لها بهجة خاصة وفرح‬... ‫الظلمة‬ and deep happiness that is difficult to describe in human ..‫عميق من الصعب أن تصفه ألفاظ البشر‬ words. The person who lives in the light feels that he is ‫االنسان الذي يعيش في النور يشعر أنه يحلق‬ flying in heaven; he feels that he is freed in an atmosphere ‫ يشعر أنه منطلق في أجواء‬..‫في السماء‬ of real, uncontrived joy, a lasting joy not a fake one, a ‫ فرح دائم‬..‫من الفرح الحقيقي غير المفتعل‬ happiness of another kind that differs from the happiness ‫ سعادة من نوع آخر تختلف‬..‫غير مزيف‬ of the people of the world. He who lives in the light ‫ من يعيش في‬..‫عن سعادة أهل العالم الزائلة‬ hates darkness and never wants to return to a life of ‫النور يكره الظالم وال يريد أبدا أن يعود لحياة‬ dimness. Whatever price he will pay; pains, persecutions, ..‫ آالم‬..‫ مهما كان الثمن الذي سيدفعه‬..‫الظلمة‬ hardships, adversities; all of these are easy for the sake of ‫ كل هذا‬..‫ شدائد‬..‫ مصاعب‬..‫اضطهادات‬ the life of light, for the sake of the eternal joys of heaven. ‫ من أجل أفراح‬..‫يهون من أجل حياة النور‬ Many people look at Christianity and see in it nothing ...‫السماء الدائمة‬ but the cross; with its pains, burdens and thorns. They ‫كثيرون ينظرون الى المسيحية فال يرون‬ only remember about it the affliction, hardships and ‫ بآالمه وأثقاله وأشواكه‬..‫فيها إال الصليب‬ persecutions. Poor is the man who sees nothing in ‫فال يتذكرون عنها اال الكروب والضيقات‬ Christianity but pain. It is true that there is no Christianity ‫ مسكين هذ ا االنسان الذي‬..‫واالضطهادات‬ without the cross, and there is no Christianity without ‫ صحيح أنه‬..‫ال يرى في المسيحية اال األلم‬ struggle and fatigue. But in Christianity there is real light ‫ وال مسيحية بدون‬..‫ال مسيحية بدون صليب‬ and joy that covers all these troubles, and even makes ‫ ولكن في المسيحية نور‬..‫جهاد وتعب‬ them nothing. Whoever does not walk in the narrow path ‫وفرح‬ ‫بل‬ ..‫حقيقي يغطى على كل هذه المتاعب‬ and does not carry the cross cannot taste this light and ‫الطريق‬ ‫ من ال يسير في‬.‫ويجعلها كال شيء‬ that joy. ‫أن‬ ‫يستطيع‬ ‫الضيق وال يحمل الصليب ال‬ The Born Blind: He lived his whole life seeing nothing .‫الفرح‬ ‫يذوق هذا النور وذاك‬ but darkness. But when the Lord opened his eyes and he ‫اال‬ ‫يرى‬ ‫ال‬ ‫كلها‬ ‫حياته‬ ‫عاش‬ .‫ لمولود أعمى‬I saw the true light, and tasted the sweetness of the Lord ‫عينيه‬ ‫الرب‬ ‫فتح‬ ‫عندما‬ ‫ ولكن‬..‫الظالم‬ Jesus; he rejoiced in the light and rejoiced in it. The light ‫ وذاق حالوة الرب‬..‫ورأى النور الحقيقي‬ entered his heart. He no longer cared about any pain, even if they cast him out, offended and insulted him, he did not ‫ دخل النور‬..‫ فرح بالنور وأبتهج به‬..‫يسوع‬ care at all because he started to live in the light. There are ‫ حتى وأن طردوه‬..‫ ولم يعد يهمه أي ألم‬..‫قلبه‬ ‫من المجمع وشتموه وأهانوه لم يعد‬ those who search for the light and when they find it, they ..‫يهمه شيء‬ rejoice in it. But there are those who fear the light and flee ..‫فهو يعيش في النور‬ ‫يجده‬ ‫وعندما‬ ‫النور‬ ‫عن‬ ‫يبحث‬ ‫وهناك من‬ from it. ‫ وهناك من يخاف من النور ويهرب‬..‫يفرح به‬ +So he went and washed, and came back seeing ..‫منه‬ The blind man had an equipped heart; longing for the ...‫ مضي وأغتسل وأتى بصيرا‬+ light. As soon as he heard the voice of the Lord ordering ..‫لقد كان الرجل االعمى ذو قلب مستعد‬ him to go and wash in the Pool of Siloam, he listened ‫ بمجرد أن سمع صوت الرب‬..‫مشتاق للنور‬ to the order and set off without discussion. There is ‫يأمره أن يذهب ويغتسل في بركة سلوام‬ a difference between the position of this man and the ‫ شتان‬..‫سمع لألمر وأنطلق بدون مناقشة‬ position of someone like Naaman the Syrian whom Elisha ‫بين موقف هذا االنسان وموقف شخص مثل‬ ordered him to go and wash in the Jordan River. He ‫نعمان السرياني‬ hesitated and even annoyed that he had come all this long ‫ الذي أمره أليشع أن يذهب‬..‫السرياني‬ way to recover from his leprosy, and the prophet instead ‫ويغتسل في نهر االردن فتردد بل تضايق أنه‬ of praying to him and he recovers, he orders him to go ‫أتى كل هذه الطريق الطويل ليشف من برصه‬ ‫وإذا بالنبي بدال من أن يصلى عليه فيشفى‬ and wash in the Jordan River. Had it not been for the advice of some of his counsellors, he would have gone ‫يأمره أن يذهب ويغتسل في نهر االردن ولوال‬ back on his way without obtaining any recovery. ‫نصيحة بعض مشيريه لعاد في طريقه بدون‬ The blind man went and washed and came back seeing. ..‫أن ينال أي شفاء‬ He saw the light and was happy with it and decided ‫ رأى‬..‫لقد ذهب األعمى وأغتسل وعاد بصيرا‬ in himself to preserve it and never return to darkness. ‫النور وفرح به وقرر في نفسه أن يحافظ‬ Rather, he began to announce in joy to others about the ‫ بل بدأ يعلن‬...‫عليه وال يعود أبدا الى الظلمة‬ sweetness of the light in which he lives. Some doubted ‫في فرح لآلخرين عن حالوة النور الذي‬

him, some thought he was deceitful. There were many who ..‫فيه‬ ‫ البعض شك‬..‫يعيش فيه‬ saw the light of day, however, their hearts are devoid of ‫ فقد كان هناك كثيرون يرون‬..‫البعض كذبه‬ true light. The saying of the Book to them “eyes they have ‫نور النهار‬ but they do not see” applies to them. He witnessed to light ..‫ولكن قلوبهم خالية من النور الحقيقي‬ in the midst of a world that loves darkness. ‫ينطبق عليهم قول الكتاب لهم «أعين وال‬ This is how the children of God rejoiced in the light, and ‫ شهد للنور وسط عالم يحب‬..»‫يبصرون‬ announced it to everyone, and with it, they endured all ...‫الظلمة‬ kinds of pain with joy and happiness. We started to hear ‫هكذا فرح أوالد هللا بالنور وأعلنوه للجميع‬ strange but wonderful expressions; we hear about the ‫ومن أجله تحملوا كل أنواع االلم بفرح‬ pleasure of pain, joy in hardships, and the awesomeness of ‫ صرنا نسمع تعبيرات عجيبة ولكنها‬..‫وبهجة‬ martyrdom. Look at St. Paul in prison; he sings with Silas ‫ والفرح‬..‫ صرنا نسمع عن لذة االلم‬...‫رائعة‬ in joy in the darkness and hardship of the prison. In the ‫ أنظر الى‬..‫ وروعة االستشهاد‬..‫بالضيقات‬ dark prison of Philippi St. Paul the Apostle Apostl wrote one of ‫ يرتل هو وسيال في‬..‫بولس في السجن‬ his most comforting letters, a letter filled with joy. He tells ‫ في سجن‬..‫ في ظالم وضيقة السجن‬..‫فرح‬ them while bound with hands and feet, and says to them, ‫ كتب القديس بولس الرسول‬..‫فيلبى المظلم‬ “because I have you in my heart, inasmuch as both in my ‫ رسالة‬..‫رسالة من أكثر رسائله تعزية‬ chains and in the defence and confirmation of the gospel, ‫ يكلمهم وهو‬..‫فيلبى‬ ‫ رسالة فيلبى‬..‫مملوءة فرحا‬ you all are partakers with me of grace” (Philippians 1:7) ‫موثق مربوط اليدين والرجلين ويقول لهم‬ and he explains how his confidence became the reason ‫«ألني حافظكم في قلبي وفى وثقى وفى‬ for his blessing and glorification of God’s name more, ‫) ويشرح‬٧:١‫المحاماة عن االنجيل» (فيلبى‬ despite the fact that some people fought him. But despite ‫كيف صارت وثقه سبب بركه وتمجيد السم‬ the pain, he became more and more joyful and said, “In ‫ ولكنه‬..‫هللا أكثر رغم محاربة البعض له‬ this I rejoice I will also rejoice (Philippians 1:18). He ‫بهذا‬ « ‫بالرغم من االلم يزداد فرحا ويقول‬ says to them, “Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord” )١٨: ١ ‫ بل سأفرح أيضا (فيلبى‬..‫أنا أفرح‬ (Philippians 3:1). St. Paul remained in chains for two ‫في‬ ‫أفرحوا‬ ‫ ويقول لهم «أخيرا يا أخوتي‬... whole years in the city of Rome, and during this time he )١ :٣ ‫الرب « (فيلبى‬ preached to everyone, wrote letters and signed the letters ‫كاملتين‬ ‫سنتين‬ ‫بسلسلة‬ ‫لقد ظل بولس مقيد ا‬ in the name of the captive Paul. Captivity was for him a ‫الوقت‬ ‫هذا‬ ‫خالل‬ ‫وكان‬ ‫فى مدينة روميه‬ stage of pain that he endured with joy for the sake of the ‫يبشر الجميع ويكتب الرسائل ويوقعها باسم‬ Lord Christ. The Paradise of the Fathers tells about the repentance of ‫ كان األسر بالنسبة له مرحلة‬..‫االسير بولس‬ ..‫ألم يتحملها بفرح من أجل السيد المسيح‬ a thief who saw the glory of the saints and was captive ‫رأى‬ ‫يحكى بستان الرهبان عن توبة لص‬ by their love and hoped to enjoy it like them. This thief was the head of a gang of thieves and he wanted to enter a ‫مجد القديسين فذابت نفسه حبا في أن يتمتع‬ ‫ هذا اللص كان رئيس عصابة‬..‫به مثلهم‬ nuns’ nunnery to steal it. But the nunnery was fortified so ‫ وأراد دخول دير للراهبات‬..‫لصوص‬ the thief resorted to a trick. He wore the clothes of a monk ..‫لسرقته‬ and it was evening, he went and knocked on the door of the nunnery, saying, “I am the poor Daniel, the priest from ‫ فلجأ اللص الي‬..‫ولكن الدير كان حصينا جدا‬ ‫ اذ لبس مالبس راهب وكان الوقت‬..‫خدعة‬ Shehet, and as soon as the nuns heard this name, they ‫مساء فذهب وقرع باب الدير قائال «انا‬ rushed and opened for him and honoured him greatly. ‫المسكين دانيال القس الذي من شيهيت‬ And because of the darkness, they did not recognize his ‫وما ان سمعت الراهبات هذا االسم حتى‬ deceptions. They brought water to wash his feet, and each one of them hurried to take the blessing and kiss his hands. ‫ وبسبب‬...‫أسرعن وفتحن له وأكرموه جدا‬ ‫ واحضروا ماء‬..‫الظالم لم يميزوا خدائعه‬ Inside his heart, he was mocking their ignorance and naivety. He was thinking of implementing his plan to rob ‫لغسل رجليه وكل واحدة منهن تسارع ألخذ‬ the nunnery. The head of the monastery came with one of ‫ وهو في داخله يستهزئ‬..‫البركة وتقبل يديه‬ the nuns who was blind and asked him to pray for her to be ‫ ويفكر في تنفيذ خطته‬..‫بجهلهن وسذاجتهن‬ healed. He made the sign of the cross on her eyes and told ‫ وتقدمت رئيسة الدير ومعها‬..‫لسرقة الدير‬ ‫أحد الراهبات وكانت عمياء وطلبت منه‬ them to let her drink the rest of the water remaining. This was a mockery of water and belittling for their minds. But ‫ان يصلى من اجلها لكي تشفى فصلب على‬ the blind nun joyfully took the water and took it and drank ‫عينيها وقال لهن اعطوها فضلة ما ء اللقان‬ it and washed her eyes with it while saying, “With the ‫ وكان قوله هذا استهزاء بالماء‬..‫لتشربه‬ prayers of my father, Saint Anba Daniel,” and immediately ‫ ولكن الراهبة العمياء‬..‫واستقالال لعقولهن‬ her eyes were opened and she got her sight back. The nun ‫اخدت الماء بفرح واخذت تشربه وتغسل به‬ came forward in joy, kissing the feet of the thief, along ‫عينيها وهي تقول «بصلوات ابي القديس أنيا‬ with her fellow nuns, and saying to him, “Blessed is this ‫دانيال» وللوقت انفتحت عيناها وصارت‬

hour in which you entered our nunnery.” The thief were ‫ وتقدمت الراهبة في فرح تقبل‬..‫تبصر‬ terrified from what happened and started to ask himself; if ‫قدمي اللص ومعها زميالتها الراهبات‬ the name of Anba Danial only is able to give sight back to ‫ويقولون له مباركة هذه الساعة التي دخلت‬ the blind, how great this man would be. He started to cry ‫ وذهل اللص مما حدث‬..‫فيها الي ديرنا‬ bitterly, staying all night crying. The thieves waited outside ‫واخذ بفكر في نفسه إذا كان مجرد اسم انبا‬ for him to open the door for them to no avail. He returned ‫دنيال يفتح أعين العميان فكم وكم تكون‬ to them in the morning, had swollen eyes and the evil spirit ‫ واخذ اللص يبكي‬..‫عظمة هذ ا الرجل‬ had come out of him and he became another person and ‫ وقضى الليل كله يبكي ويقرع‬..‫بمرارة‬ left them and went to one of the monasteries and became a ‫ وانتظر اللصوص في الخارج ان‬..‫صدره‬ monk. The thief’s eyes were opened and he saw the light, ‫ وعاد إليهم في‬..‫يفتح لهم الباب بال فائدة‬ so he loved it and dwelt in the light for the rest of his life. ‫الصباح وإذا هو منتفخا لعينين وقد خرجت‬ Dear Beloved, do you love the light? Have you tasted the ‫منه النفس الشريرة وصار انسانا آخر‬ beauty and splendour of life in the light? See the right thief, ‫وتركهم وانطلق الي أحد االديرة وترهب‬ he saw a glimpse of the light; he saw the Lord of glory ‫ لقد انفتحت اعين اللص ورأي النور‬..‫فيها‬ hanging on the cross. And because his heart was opened ... ‫فأحبه وسكن في النور بقية زمان حياته‬ and filled with light he offered sincere repentance and ‫؟؟ هل ذقت‬...‫ هل تحب النور‬..‫ايها الحبيب‬ deserved to enter Paradise to live in the endless light. ‫جمال وروعة الحياة في النور؟؟ أترى‬ From the saints of this blessed month are Saints Maximus ..‫ انه رأى لمحة من النور‬..‫اللص اليمين‬ and Domadeus, Domadeus the great Saint Anba Anthony, Anthony St. Ellaria, Ellaria ‫ وألن‬..‫شاهد رب المجد علي الصليب معلقا‬ daughter of King Zenon, and St. Demiana. They all lived ‫ وقدم نفسه توبة‬..‫قلبه انفتح وامتأل بالنور‬ in the life of light and rejoiced in it. And from the greatness ‫صادقة واستحق ان يدخل الفردوس ليعيش‬ of their joy they left everything. They considered all things ..‫في النور الذي ال ينتهي‬ as loss for the sake of knowing the Lord Jesus. Even their ‫القديسين‬ ..‫المبارك‬ ‫من قديسي هذا الشهر‬ lives became worth nothing for the sake of living with the ‫العظيم‬ ‫القديس‬ ..‫ودوماديوس‬ ‫ودوماديوس‬ ‫مكسيموس‬ Lord Christ. ‫ابنة‬ ‫ايالرية‬ ‫القديسة‬ . . ‫انطونيوس‬ ‫االنبا‬ May the Lord fill your life with light, so that you ‫عاشوا‬ ‫كلهم‬ ..‫دميانة‬ ‫والقديسة‬ ‫زينون‬ ‫الملك‬ completely reject the fellowship in the life of darkness. ‫ ومن عظم‬..‫فى حياة النور وفرحوا بها‬ + “I told you already, and you did not listen. Why do you ‫االشياء‬ ‫ حسبوا كل‬..‫فرحهم تركوا كل شيء‬ want to hear it again.” He was very tired by their questions and doubts. They saw ‫ حتى‬..‫ ومن اجل معرفة الرب يسوع‬..‫نفاية‬ ‫حياتهم أصبحت ال تساوى شيئا من أجل‬ a miracle like no other. Since the world began it has been ..‫الحياة مع السيد المسيح‬ unheard of that anyone opened the eyes of one who was ‫تماما‬ ‫فترفض‬ ‫بالنور‬ ‫ليمأل الرب حياتك‬ born blind. The strange thing is that they, while they were ...‫الشركة في حياة الظلمة‬ sighted, closed their eyes and blocked their ears, so that ‫ لماذا تريدون أن‬..‫ قلت لكم ولم تسمعوا‬+ they could neither see the light nor, they hear the truth. ‫تسمعوا أيضا‬ They are like the animals of the night and like the birds ‫بأعينهم‬ ‫رأوا‬ ..‫وشكوكهم‬ ‫اسئلتهم‬ ‫اتعبوه جدا‬ of darkness; they cannot bear the light. They loved the ‫ فمنذ الدهر لم يسمع‬..‫معجزة ليس لها مثيل‬ darkness and reject the life of the light. ‫ ولكن‬..‫انه فتح أحد عيني مولود أعمى‬ Herod never tolerated the light. light He was very upset of John’s ‫العجيب انهم وهم المبصرون أغمضوا‬ words “It is not lawful for you,” and instead of repenting, ‫ حتى ال يروا النور‬...‫عيونهم وسدوا أذانهم‬ he arrested John and threw him in prison. ‫ أنهم مثل حيوانات‬..‫ يسمعوا الحقيقة‬.‫وال‬ Felix the governor was very frightened when he heard ‫ ال يتحملوا‬..‫الليل ومثل طيور الظالم‬ St. Paul talking about righteousness, self-control, and judgment, and he said to him, go, and when I get time I will ..‫ أحبوا الظلمة ورفضوا حياة النور‬..‫النور‬ ‫ أتعبته جدا‬..‫ ال يحتمل النور أبدا‬..‫هيرودس‬ call you. Felix didn’t get any time. ‫كلمات يوحنا «ال يحل لك» وبدال من أن‬ The guards of the tomb of Christ were the first ones to see the resurrection, but they never witnessed it. They lived in ..‫ قبض علي يوحنا وألقاه في السجن‬..‫يتوب‬ ‫ تعب جدا عندما سمع‬..‫الوالي‬ ‫فيلكس الوالي‬ darkness and loved darkness very much, and with bribes ‫القديس بولس يتكلم عن البر والتعفف‬ they continued in the darkness, denying that the sun had ‫ وقال له اذهب ومتى حصلت‬..‫والدينونة‬ risen and the whole world began to watch it. One of the priests came to visit a sick dying person and the ‫على وقت أستدعيك ولم يحص فيلكس على‬ priest started talking to him about repentance and that he ‫أي وقت‬ still has a chance for salvation. The patient’s eyes sparkled ..‫اخر‬ and he raised his head wondering and asking ‘Is someone ‫ أول من عاينوا القيامة‬..‫المسيح‬ ‫حراس قبر المسيح‬ like me who had spent his whole life in sin really had a ‫ كانوا يعيشون‬..‫ولكنهم لم يشهدوا بها أبدا‬ chance to repent?” The priest replied, ‘of course, yes, for ‫ وبالرشوة‬..‫في الظلمة وأحبوا الظلمة جدا‬

God does not desire the death of the sinner, as he ‫استمروا في الظالم منكرين أن الشمس قد أشرقت‬ returns and his soul lives.’ The patient’s soul was ..‫وصار العالم كله يعاينها‬ revived. He began to tell all his sins and announce ‫آتى أحد االباء الكهنة لزيارة إنسان مريض‬ his remorse for them. During that, the woman with ‫ وأخذ االب الكاهن يحدثه عن‬..‫يحتضر‬ whom he was living in sin entered the room. The ..‫التوبة وعن أنه مازال له فرصة للخالص‬ priest expected him to announce his withdrawal from ‫ولمعت عيني المريض ورفع رأسه متسائال هل‬ her and his repentance about a life of evil with her. ‫حقا من هو مثلى وقد قضى حياته كلها في الخطية‬ But suddenly he got up and hugged the woman and ‫ فاهلل‬..‫له فرصة للتوبة؟؟ فأجابه الكاهن بالطبع نعم‬ started screaming: ‘I can’t, no I can’t. I am ready to ..‫ال يشاء موت الخاطئ مثلما يرجع وتحيا نفسه‬ leave anything but her. This is how the miserable man ‫ وصار يعدد خطاياه‬..‫وانتعشت نفس المريض‬ spent his last moments, and wasted the last chance ‫ وأثناء ذلك دخلت الى الغرفة‬..‫ويعلن ندمه عنها‬ to repent.’ The ruler of darkness in which he lived all ‫المرأة‬ his life controlled him, even though he was never far ‫ وتوقع منه‬..‫التي كان يعيش معها في الخطية‬ from the life of light. ‫الكاهن أن يعلن عدم ارتباطه بها وتوبته‬ Many of those who lived in the sin of impurity stand ‫ ولكنه فجأة قام واحتضن‬..‫عن حياة الشر معها‬ before the life of chastity and purity in fear. They ‫ ال‬..‫ ال أستطيع‬..‫المرأة وأخذ يصرخ‬ think that it is very difficult and that they will not ..‫ مستعد أن أترك أي شيء اال هذه‬..‫أستطيع‬ be able to live it. Why this hesitation? If they had ‫وهكذا قضي المسكين لحظاته االخيرة وقد‬ tasted the life of purity and recognized its sweetness, ‫ سيطر عليه سلطان‬..‫ضيع آخر فرصة للتوبة‬ they would truly torment its pain and would not be ‫ رغم أنه لم يكن‬..‫الظلمة التي عاش فيها كل حياته‬ satisfied with it as an alternative. And you, beloved, ..‫بعيدا أبدا عن حياة النور‬ why do you stand hesitating in front of the life of ‫يقفون‬ ..‫النجاسة‬ ‫خطية‬ ‫كثيرون ممن عاشوا في‬ repentance? Why are you afraid of the light? ‫يظنون‬ ..‫خوف‬ ‫في‬ ‫والطهارة‬ ‫أمام حياة العفة‬ Hurry up and participate in the processions of the ‫لماذا‬ ..‫عليها‬ ‫يقدروا‬ ‫لن‬ ‫وأنهم‬ ‫جدا‬ ‫أنها صعبة‬ saints and their joys. It is an opportunity and it may ‫وذاقوا‬ ..‫الطهارة‬ ‫حياة‬ ‫ذاقوا‬ ‫لو‬ ‫أنهم‬ ‫التردد؟؟‬ ‫هذا‬ be the last. You are called to a life of light. Let the ‫عنها‬ ‫يرضوا‬ ‫ولن‬ ‫حقا‬ ‫آالمها‬ ‫الستعذبوا‬ ...‫حالوتها‬ light enter into your life and get rid of the life of ‫ لماذا تقف أمام حياة‬..‫ وأنت أيها الحبيب‬..‫بديال‬ darkness. Let the light enters into your house. Close ‫التوبة مترددا؟؟ لماذا تخاف من النور؟‬ the outlets of darkness and declare that, from now ‫القديسين‬ ‫هيا أسرع وأشترك في مواكب‬ on, it will not be in your house. house You shall have no ..‫االخيرة‬ ‫تكون‬ ‫ إنها فرصة وربما‬..‫وأفراحهم‬ fellowship with the fruitless works of darkness. ..‫ أدخل النور الى حياتك‬..‫أنت مدعو لحياة النور‬ Friends of darkness shall not enter your home. ..‫وتخلص من حياة الظلمة‬ Movies of darkness will not be shown in your home. ‫أدخل النور الى بيتك‬ Dark parties will not take place in your home. Bring ‫ أعلن‬..‫ أغلق منافذ الظلمة‬..‫بيتك‬ ‫بيتك‬ ‫في‬ ‫يكون‬ ‫أنه منذ اآلن لن‬ the light into your heart. heart Get rid of the habits of the ‫ لن يكون لك شركة مع أعمال الظلمة غير‬..‫ظالم‬ people of darkness; smoking is not appropriate for ‫ أصدقاء الظالم لن يدخلوا‬..‫المثمرة‬ you as a child of light, drinking alcohol and drugs ‫ حفالت‬..‫ أفالم الظلمة لن تعرض في بيتك‬..‫بيتك‬ is not worthy of you as one who lives in the light. ‫ أدخل النور الى قلبك‬..‫الظلمة لن تقام في بيتك‬ Places of amusement, absurdity, and lewd dancing are ..‫قلبك‬ not suitable for those who love the light. They are all ‫ التدخين غير الئق‬..‫تخلص من عادات أهل الظالم‬ ‫بك كابن للنور شرب الخمور والمخدرات ال تليق‬ works of darkness. Take the light with you to your work work; there will be no I‫ أماكن اللهو والعبث و‬..‫بك كمن تعيش في النور‬ darkness in your work after today. There will be no ‫ إنها كلها‬..‫لرقص الخليع ال تناسب من يحب النور‬ ..‫من أعمال الظلمة‬ cheating or lying; there will be honesty, truthfulness ‫ لن يكون هناك‬... ‫خذ النور معك الى عملك‬ and integrity. There will be no blind imitation of ‫ لن يكون هناك غش‬..‫ظلمة فى عملك بعد اليوم‬ those who live in darkness. I don’t share with them ‫ لن‬..‫ هناك أمانة وصدق واستقامة‬..‫وال كذب‬ their bad words. I don’t agree with them in their ‫ هناك تقليد أعمى لهؤالء الذين يعيشون في‬.‫يكون‬ inappropriate conversations, their parties or their ‫ ال‬..‫ ال اشتراك معهم في أقوالهم الرديئة‬..‫الظالم‬ corrupt behaviour. ‫أوافقهم في أحاديثهم غير الالئقة وال حفالتهم وال‬ You should live in the light as long as we have become children of light. Beware, beloved, of ..‫تصرفاتهم الفاسدة‬ darkness. Beware of taking this darkness with you to ‫ينبغي أن تعيش في النور ما دمنا قد صرنا أبنا ء‬ the grave. The darkness of the heart and with it the ‫ أحذر أيها الحبيب من الظالم أحذر من أن‬..‫النور‬ darkness of the grave means eternal doom. As for the ‫ ان ظلمة القلب‬..‫تأخذ معك هذا الظالم الى القبر‬ enlightenment of the heart, it extends to the light of ‫ أما استنارة‬..‫ومعها ظلمة القبر معناها هالك أبدى‬ eternity and life in heaven. ...‫القلب فهي تمتد الى نور االبدية وحياة السماء‬

The 53th Anniversary of our Coptic Orthodox Church in Australia: 1969-2022. He who glories let him glory in the Lord.” (1 Corinthians 1:31). By His Grace Bishop Daniel - Bishop and Abbot of St Shenouda Monastery The Coptic Orthodox Church of Australia ..... Today we give thanks and praise to God as we celebrate the 53rd Anniversary of the establishment of our Church in Australia. Christ has blessed us with many gifts, joys, successes and miracles: 1. Over 55 vibrant Churches across the continent. 2. Two bishops and over 100 priests. 3. Three monasteries and three convents. +St Anthony Monastery ... Melbourne +St Shenouda Monastery ... Sydney +St Mary and St Anthony Monastery .... Brisbane +Archangel Michael convent .... Melbourne (2015) +St Mary convent ... Sydney +St Dimiana convent ... Brisbane 4. Four successful schools. +St Mary college ... Melbourne (1991) +St Mark college ... Sydney (1996) +St Mary and St Mina college ... Sydney (1999) +St Bishoy college ... Sydney (2001) 5. Two Aged Care facilities + Coptic Aged Care ... Melbourne +St Maurice ... Sydney 6. Two thriving Theological colleges. +St Cyril Theological College ... Sydney (1982) +St Athanasius Theological College ... Melbourne (2000) 7. Mission and Evangelism work across Asia and Oceania. -Thailand ... one church one orphanage -Malaysia... one church -Indonesia ... one church -China ... one church -Japan ... one church -Singapore ... one church -Fiji ... 4 churches, 2 orphanages and one medical centre -Solomon Islands.... one church

8. Active ecumenical work with One priest serving as GS of NSW ecumenical council and One priest as immediate past president of the Victorian Council of Churches. 9. Several coptic people elected to local state and federal government. 10. Seven historical memorable papal visits: -Pope Shenouda III.. 1989, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1996 and 2002 -Pope Tawdros II ... 2017 11. The Establishment of Coptic studies at Macquarie University (2003). 12. Consecrated sisters serving teens and youth. Theotokos and St Dimiana consecrated house in Sydney (2002). 13. A generous community that has donated cheerfully to the poor and needy in Egypt, Sudan and Central Africa. 14. Many people laboured to translate, edit and publish books and booklets (liturgical, spiritual and theological books) to ensure second, third and successive generations can worship in English. 15. Witnessed to Christ in our Australian society through feeding the homeless. COCOS ... Coptic Orthodox Church Outreach Services (1996) St. Paul Mission (1998) 16.A growing Youth ministry at the parish level , at the Diocese level in conducting annual conferences and international trips . At campus level through FOCUS( Fellowship of Orthodox Christian University Students). 17. Several clergy and laity have received OAM for services to the community and one gifted and compassionate person, the recipient of Young Australian of the Year 2021 (NSW). 18. Along the journey, however we have made mistakes, lost people and isolated people. 19. It’s time to reflect upon our past , analyse the challenges and plan for our future pastoral needs with a strong spiritual emphasis. 20. Many dedicated women and men laboured, toiled, sacrificed out of love, to transplant our rich Orthodox faith and heritage in this continent. We are indebted to them and continue to be inspired by them 21. “Indeed many have laboured” as Christ said “and we have entered upon their labour.” (John 4:38) We thank you Lord and ask you to bless the Australian Coptic community that it will be a beacon of light in our continent. “Whatever you do in word or deed do ALL in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the father through Him.” (Colossians 3:17).

Nominations for Priesthood for St. Mary’s Coptic Church, Kensington HH Pope Tawadros II approved the nominations to be announced. Ordinations will be on 26th Feb 2022 bending congregation approval ‫المرشحين للرسامة الكهنوتية بكنيسة‬ ‫ ملبورن‬- ‫العذراء القديسة مريم‬ ‫وافق قداسة البابا المعظم األنبا تاوضروس‬ ‫الثانى على اعالن أسماء المرشحين‬ ٢٠٢٢ ‫ فبراير‬٢٦ ‫تتم الرسامة يوم السبت‬ ‫على أن يحصل المرشحين على موافقة‬ ‫أغلبية شعب الكنيسة وموافقة الكهنة‬ ‫والشمامسة وخدام مدارس األحد‬ Aiman Tawadros

Marco Makary

For any concerns, comments or objections please email Fr Tadros Sharobeam: frtadros@me.com ‫اذا كان لديك أى مالحظة أو تعليق أو أعتراض الرجاء ارسال أيميل لألب القمص تادرس شاروبيم على العنوان‬ ‫أعاله‬

Blessed Marriage Andrew Shehata & Shery Abdemalek Sunday 23rd January 2022 St Macarius Church

Blessed Marriage Mina Ghoubrial & Lara Freeman Sunday 23rd January 2022 St Mary’s Church

New Buildings Contracts Signed

Last Friday 21st January the contract for the New Building at St. Mary’s church was signed by the company chosen to construct the building: SJ Higgens. Contract value is $11,741,721. Trustees signatures was obtained Bank has approved the required Loan. The construction company should be able to start acquiring the site and startin demolishing of old buildings soon. This project was an outcome of so much hard working over many years. May the Lord reward all those who have planned and worked hard to get to this stage. May the Lord support us to continue and get this project accomplished for His Glory. The great support of all members of congregation is a driving and essential factor to achieve our goals. May the Lord bless you all.

‫توقيع عقد المبنى الجديد بكنيسة العذراء‬ .‫ تم توقيع عقد المبانى الجديدة بكنيسة العذراء مريم‬٢٠٢٢ ‫ يناير‬٢١ ‫يوم الجمعة الماضى‬ ١١‫وو‬٧٤١ ١١ ٧٤١‫وو‬٧٢١ ‫ قيمة العقد هى‬.‫الشركة الى حصلت على العقد هى أس جى هيجينز‬ ‫ ومن المتوقع أن تستلم الشركة موقع المبانى‬.‫ وقد وقع أمناء الكنيسة ومندوبى البنك‬.‫دوالرا‬ .‫وتبدأ اعمال الهدم والمبانى قريب خالل األسابيع القادمة‬ ‫نشكر هللا كثيرا على عمله معنا فهذا المشروع هو نتاج صلوات ومجهودات كثيرة لسنين‬ .‫ الرب يتمم هذ العمل ويبارك تعب ومحبة الجميع‬.‫طويلة‬ Donations to St Mary›s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link ‫للتبرعات لكنيسة العذراء مريم ومشروع المبانى أضغط على الرابط‬ https://www.stmc.org.au/donate (Copy & Paste on Web Browser) Special Thanks for all who keep working tirelessly for the success of this project. May the Lord reward them all and bless all their works

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