Services at St Mary’s Church :مواعيد الخدمة بكنيسة العذراء Tuesday ) صباحا (أنجليزى7 - 5:30 ::األلهى القداس األلهى:الثالثاء Liturgy 5:30 - 7am ذا واى- مساء أجتامع للكبار باألنجليزى8 8am The Way - Orthodox Fekkowship in صباحا11 – 9 القداس األلهى:األربعاء األربعاء Englisg for adults - All ages عرىب- مساء مدرسة الشاممسة للكبار8 - 6:30 Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am Wednesday أنجليزى- مساء مدرسة الشاممسة8:15 - 7 6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults عرىب- مساء فصول ألحان9 - 8 Arabic ; 7-8:15pm English :الخميس Hymns Class Arabic 8-9pm مساء 7:30 أنجليزى الليل نصف تسبحة Thursday مساء 7:30 أنجليزى املقدس الكتاب درس English Midnight Praises 7:30pm صباحا11 – 9 القداس األلهى:الجمعة الجمعة English Bible Study 7:30pm رث فأك سنة 25 الشباب مساء 9–7 Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am Friday )أسبوعني (كل األرسة أجتامع مساء9-7 Youth 25 and above 7-9pm أنجليزى- مساء أجتامع اعداد الخدمة8:30 - 7 Family Meeting 7-9pm (fortnightly) 12 - 10 مساء فصل مدرس األحد لسنوات9 - 6 Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm السبت صباحا10,30 – 8,30 القداس األلهى:السبت Year 10-12 Sunday School 6-9pm مساء3 - 1:30 اجتامع الكشافة Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 10:30am Saturday Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm مساء4 - 3 مدرسة الشاممسة Vespers & youth meeting 5.30 –7pm 5,30 – 4 مدارس األحد English مساء انجليزى7 – 5,30 العشية واجتامع الشباب Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:30-7pm مساء عرىب7 - 5:30 العشية ودرس كتاب Scouts 1:30 - 3pm :األحد األحد School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm ص عرىب وانجليزى9,15 – 7 القداس األول Sunday: Sunday ص – انجليزى11,30 – 9,15 القداس الثاىن 1st Mass 7 – 9.15am Arabic & English ص عرىب11 – 9 القداس الثالث 2nd Mass 9.15 – 11.30am English مساء 12:30 - 11:45 أنجليزى- فصل ألحان 3rd Mass 9 – 11am Arabic :بالكنيسة الكهنة األباء Hymns Class - English 11:45 األب القمص تادرس شاروبيم 12:30pm 0414251251 Church Priests: Priests Email: Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251 :األب القس حبيب جرجس يونان Email: 94498871Email: - 0401238177 Fr Habib Girgis Younan: 0401238177 – 94498871 0422431821 :األب القس مايكل صليب Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail. com Email: Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821 5 Epsom Rd, Kensington Vic 3031:عنوان الكنيسة Email: 93766651 :تليفون Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kensington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651 The above Timetable is currently replaced with a temporay Timetable for the next week - Page 14 مواعيد الخدمة الموضحة أعاله سوف تستانف بعد أسبوعين ١٤ المواعيد الحالية صفحة
The Departure of St. Freig (Abba Tegi, Anba Roweiss). نياحة القديس االنبا رويس 31st October – 21st Baba بابة21 – أكتوبر٣١ On this day also in the year 145 A.D. (1121 of martyrs) - ميالدية145 يف مثل هذا اليوم من سنة St. Freig, who is known as Abba Roweiss, departed. للشهداء تنيح القديس فريج املعروف1121 This saint was from a village called Miniet-Yamin كان القديس من ضيعة، بالقديس رويس (about 130 kilometers north of Cairo). His father’s name وكان. صغرية باألعامل الغربية تسمى منية مبني was Isaac and his mother’s name was Sarah. When he وملا ولد سمياه. اسم أبيه اسحق وأمه سارة was born, they called him Freig. He worked with his فريج وكان يعمل مع والده يف الفالحة وكان له father in farming and he had a small camel on which he قعود ( جمل ) صغري يبيع عليه امللح وحدثت carried salt and sold it. He called the camel “Roweiss” (i.e. small head). The camel used to put his head against ضائقة للمسيحيني فجاء إىل مرص وصار يتنقل من جهة إىل أخرى ومل يكن له مبيت وال مأوى his cheek as if he was kissing him. Because of his huوكان يقىض أغلب ليله ساهرا يف الصالة والنوح mility, he called himself after his camel. Persecutions befell the Christians, so he came to Cairo ومل يقنت رداء وال ثوبا وال عاممة بل كان عريانا وكان مكشوف الرأس. إال ما يسرت به جسمه and not having a house or shelter, he went from one من وعيناه محمرتني، ومنظره كسواح الرباري place to another. He spent most of his nights in prayers كرثة البكاء ومل يحلق شعر رأسه مطلقا وكان and wailing. He did not own a coat or any clothes or a وذات مرة رضبه أحد األرشار. قليل الكالم cover for his head. He was naked except for that with which he covered his loins, and his head was uncovered. بقسوة زائدة فلم يفتح فاه ة وكان حارضا يف He looked like the hermits of the desert; his eyes were ذلك الوقت القديس مرقس األنطوىن فانتهره red because of much weeping and he never cut the hair وىف أخر أيام حياته كان يقول «يا عذراء of his head. He was a man of few words -once an evil ويعنى، » ألن الحمل ثقيل عيل، خذيني man smote him severely, but he did not open his mouth. بذلك تقل حمل خطايا الشعب التي كثريا ما St. Marcus El-Antoni was present at that time and he كان ينهاهم عنها فال يستمعون لكالمه وكان rebuked the evil man. معارصا للقديس البابا متاؤس البطريرك السابع During the later part of his life, he used to say, “O والثامنني والقديس مرقيص األنطوىن يف زمان Virgin, take me because my burden is heavy.” He meant .السلطان امللبه الظاهر برقوق the burden of carrying the sin of the people for which he ومن غريب أمره أنه حبس ذاته داخل محزن often rebuked them though they did not listen to him. صغري عند أحد تالميذه املدعو ميخائيل البناء He lived in the days of the holy father Pope Mattheos, 87th Patriarch, and St. Marcus El-Antoni, in the days of مبنية السريج وأقام تسع سنني يف ذلك املكان للشهداء1121 طوبة سنة21 حتى تنيح يف El-Sultan El-Zaher Barkuk. ودفن بكنيسة العذراء بالخندق وله عدة He shut himself up in a small storeroom at the place of عجائب تتضمن أشفية وتنبؤات وإنقاذ كثريين his disciple Michael the builder, in Meniet Syreg. He stayed in that place for 9 years until his departure on the من ضيفاتهم صالته تكون معنا ولربنا املجد . دامئا أبديا أمني twenty-first of Babah of the year 1121 of the martyrs. . دامئا ابديا امني He was buried in the church of the Virgin, in Deir ElKhandaq. He performed many wonders such as healاستشهاد القديس لوقا االنجييل ing the sick, prophesying and saving many from their بابة٢٢ - نوفمرب١ troubles. يف مثل هذا اليوم استشهد القديس لوقا His prayers be with us and Glory be to our God, forever. وهو من السبعني رسوال. اإلنجييل الطبيب Amen. الذين ورد ذكرهم يف اإلصحاح العارش من His prayers be with us. Amen. وكان يصحب بطرس وبولس ويكتب. إنجيله The of Saint Luke the Evangelist وبعد نياحة هذين الرسولني مكث. أخبارهام 1st November - 22nd Baba فاتفق. هذا القديس يبرش يف نواحي رومية On this day, St. Luke the Evangelist and physician, was عابدو األوثان واليهود فيام بينهم وتوجهوا martyred. He was one of the 70 disciples mentioned بسحره إىل نريون امللك ووشوا له بأنه قد رد in the tenth chapter of gospel. He accompanied the وملا. جامعة كثرية إىل تعليمه فأمر بإحضاره Apostles Peter and Paul and wrote their account. علم القديس لوقا بذلك أعطي ما كان عنده After the martyrdom of these two Apostles, he went من الكتب لرجل صياد وقال له «احتفظ through Rome preaching. Those who worshipped »بهذه عندك فإنها تنفعك وتريك طريق هللا idols and the Jews in Rome agreed among themselves وملا مثل أمام نريون امللك قال له امللك. and went to Nero the Emperor accusing St. Luke of فأجابه القديس، »«إىل متي تضل الناس ؟ attracting many men to his teaching with his sorcery.
Nero commanded that St. Luke be brought before him. ولكني رسول يسوع، «انا لست ساحرا When St. Luke knew that, he gave all the books he had to فأمر إن يقطع. »املسيح ابن هللا الحي a fisherman and told him, “Take these and keep them for ساعده األمين قائال «اقطعوا هذه اليد they will be useful to you and will show you God’s way.” التي كانت تعلم» فقال له القديس «نحن When St. Luke came before Nero the Emperor, the ال نكره املوت واالنطالق من العامل وليك Emperor asked him, “How long will you lead the people تعرف قوة سيدي» تناول يده املقطوعة astray?” St. Luke replied, “I am not a magician, but I am ثم فصلها، والصقها يف مكانها فالتصقت an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living عند ذلك. فتعجب الحارضون. فانفصلت God.” The Emperor commanded his men to cut off his وجمع كثري قيل، آمن الوزير وزوجته right hand saying, “Cut off this hand which wrote the فكتب ، إن عدتهم مائتان وست وسبعني books.” The saint replied to him, “We do not fear death, nor the departure from this world, and to realize the power امللك قضيتهم وأمر بان تؤخذ رؤوسهم . وهكذا متت شهادتهم. مع الرسول لوقا of my Master.” He took up his severed hand and made it وجعل جسد القديس يف كيس شعر والقي reattach to its proper place, then he separated it. Those who were present marvelled and the head of the Emperor’s وبتدبري هللا قذفته األمواج إىل. يف البحر cabinet and his wife believed as well as many others and it فأخذه وكفنه، فوجد رجل مؤمن، جزيرة was said that they numbered 276. The Emperor wrote their وقد كتب هذا القديس إنجيله.ودفنه decree and ordered that their heads be cut off together with املنسوب إليه وكذلك سفر أعامل الرسل that of the Apostle St. Luke; thus their martyrdom was موجها القول لتلميذه ثاؤفيلس الذي كان completed. . ولربنا املجد دامئا ابديا امني. من األمم They placed the body of the saint in a hair sack and cast it نياحة القديس ابيب صديق القديس in the sea. By God’s will, the waves of the sea brought it ابوللو to an island. A believer found it, took it and buried it with بابة25 - نوفمرب4 great honor. This saint wrote the Gospel bearing his name يف مثل هذا اليوم تنيح القديسان الباران and the “Acts of the Apostles” addressing his words to his واألنبا أبيب، األنبا أبللو املتشبه باملالئكة disciple Theophilus who was a gentile. وقد ولد األنبا أبللو يف. العابد املجاهد His blessings be upon us and Glory be to our God, forever. مدينة أخميم واسم أبيه أماين وأمه إييس Amen. سائرين يف، وكانا كالهام بارين أمام هللا. The Departure of the Saints Apollo and Abib. ومل، محبني للغرباء والقديسني، طرقه 4th November - 25th Baba أمه ويف إحدى الليايل رأت. يكن لهام ولد On this day, the righteous saints Abba Apollo, who was ومعه شجرة، يف حلم كأن إنسانا نورانيا like the angels, and Abba Abib, the pious worshipper, فكربت وأمثرت، قد غرسها يف منزلها departed. فقال لها «من يأكل من هذه الثمرة. Abba Apollo was born in the city of Akhmim. His father’s فأكلت منها فوجدتها. يحيا إىل األبد name was Amani (Hamai) and his mother’s name was فقالت تري أيكون يل. »حلوة املذاق Eyse (Isa). They were righteous before God, walking in His way, and loving to the strangers and saints. مثرة ؟ وملا استيقظت من النوم أعلمت They did not have a son. One night Abba Apollo’s mother فعرفها انه هو ايضا قد. زوجها مبا رأت saw in a dream a shining man, who had a tree with him. He ، فمجدا هللا كثريا. رأي هذا الرؤيا عينها planted it in her house and it grew and bore fruit. He told وكان طعامهام، وزادا يف برهام ونسكهام her, “Whosoever shall eat of this fruit shall live forever.” وكانا يصومان يومني يومني، خبزا وملحا She ate from it and found it sweet and she said, “I wonder وبعد ايام حبلت فكانت تصيل كثريا، if I would have a fruit?” When she awoke from her sleep, فأسمياه أبللو وزادا، إىل إن ولدت طفال she told her husband about what she had seen. He told her وملا نشا الصبي وتعلم. يف برهام اكرث that he had seen the same vision, and they glorified the . العلوم الالهوتية اشتاق إىل الرهبنة Lord. They added to their works of righteousness and to حتى ومل يزل يزداد عنده هذا الشوق their striving. They fasted for two days on only bread and فذهبا . اجتمع بصديق له يدعي أبيب salt. After a while she conceived, and she prayed fervently until the child was born. They called him Apollo and they وكانا.معا إىل بعض األديرة وترهبا هناك وسارا سرية، ميارسان نسكيات كثرية advanced in their piety. أنبا القديس وقد تنيح. حسنة مرضية هلل When the boy had grown up and studied theology, he longed for the monastic life. This longing grew when he أما. أبيب يف الخامس والعرشون من بابه القديس أبللو فقد ميض إىل جبل ابلوج met a friend called Abib. They went together to one of وكان، واجتمعت حوله جامعة كثرية، the monasteries and became monks there. They practiced
many ascetic works. They lived a good life that was pleas. يعلمهم خوف هللا والعبادة الحسنة ing to God. The saint Abba Abib departed on the 25th of ويف بعض األيام كانوا يحتفلون بتذكار Babah. ليتم قول الكتاب، القديس أنبا أبيب Thereupon St. Apollo went to Ablug Mount and many ، املقدس «الصديق يكون لذكر ابدي gathered around him. He taught them the fear of God and وعاش أنبا أبللو. »وذكر الصديق للربكة the acceptable worship. On the 25th of Babah they celeبعد ذلك سنني كثرية وصار له عدة أديرة brated the commemoration of the saint Abba Abib to fulfill وكان يف زمان القديس. واخوة كثريين the saying of the Holy Bible, “The righteous shall be in مقاريوس الكبري الذي ملا سمع به فرح everlasting remembrance.” (Psalm 112:6) Abba Apollo ، وكتب له رسالة يعزيه هو واالخوة، lived for many years after that and he had monasteries and ويثبتهم عيل العمل بطاعة هللا وفيام many brethren. هو يكتب الرسالة عرف أنبا أبللو بالروح He was a contemporary of St. Macarius the Great who, وكان حوله جامعة كثرية يتحدثون، when heard about St. Apollo, rejoiced. St. Macarius wrote him a letter to comfort him and the brothers and to confirm فقال لهم «اصمتوا يا اخوة. بكالم هللا هوذا العظيم أبو مقار قد كتب لنا. them in their obedience to the Lord. Abba Apollo knew by »رسالة مملوءة عزاء وتعليام روحانيا the spirit that St. Macarius was writing them a letter. There were many around him speaking the Word of God. He said تلقوه، وملا وصل األخ ومعه الرسالة. to them “Listen my brethren, behold the great Abba Macar- وهذا. فرحني ثم قراؤها فتعزت قلوبهم ius is writing to us a letter full of comforting and spiritual القديس أبللو هو الذي ميض إىل القديس teachings.” When the brother arrived with the letter, they أموين وشاهد القديسة التي وقفت وسط received him with joy then read it and their hearts were وملا أراد السيد. اللهيب ومل تحرتق consoled. املسيح إن يريحه من أتعاب هذا العامل St. Apollo was the one who went to St. Ammonius and saw . صالته تكون معنا امني. تنيح بسالم the holy woman who stood in the middle of the fire but did استشهاد القديس تيمون الرسول احد not burn. السبعني واحد الشاممسة السبعة When the Lord Christ wished to relieve him from the labor بابة٢٦ - نوفمرب٥ of this world, he departed in peace. القديس يف مثل هذا اليوم استشهد His prayers be with us. Amen. وهو أحد السبعني، تيمون الرسول The Martyrdom of Saint Timon the Apostle. . رسوال الذين انتخبهم الرب وميزهم 5th November - 26th Baba القدرة كان لهذا القديس من املواهب On this day, St. Timon the Apostle, was martyred. He was . عيل شفاء املريض إخراج الشياطني one of the 70 Apostles, who were chosen and distinguished قد الزم الرب حتى صعوده إىل السامء by the Lord. This saint had the gifts and the ability to heal إىل، بعدها ثابر عيل خدمة التالميذ، the sick and to cast out devils. He followed the Lord until إن حلت عليهم جميعا نعمة الروح His Ascension into heaven and after that, he continued to minister unto the disciples till the grace of the Holy Spirit انتخبه التالميذ من بني السبعة. القدس came upon them all. The Disciples elected him one of the الشاممسة الذين أقاموهم لخدمة املوائد Seven Deacons who were appointed to serve tables. The قد شهد عنهم الكتاب «انهم كانوا، Bible testified that they were full of the Holy Spirit and بعد إن أقام. »ممتلئني نعمة حكمة wisdom. (Acts 6:2-6) يف خدمة الشاممسة مدة وضعوا عليه After he had remained in the deaconate for a period of اليد أسقفا عيل مدينة برسي الغربية time, they laid the hands on him, a bishop of the city of فبرش فيها باملسيح، من أعامل البلقاء western Besra, in Greece. He preached the Lord Christ to . وعمد كثريين من اليونانيني اليهود، them and baptized many of the Greeks and the Jews. The ، فقبض عليه الوايل عذبه بعذابات كثرية Governor seized him, and inflicted on him many tortures. . فنال إكليل الشهادة، أخريا احرقه بالنار He finally burned him and he received the crown of martyr. صالته تكون معنا امني dom. فاو اسقف مكاريوس استشهاد القديس May his prayers be with us. Amen. بأدكو The Martyrdom of the Righteous Father Saint Macarius بابة27 – نوفمرب6 Bishop of Edkow (Tkoou) املغبوط االب يف مثل هذا اليوم استشهد 6th November – 27th Baba وقد. القديس مقاريوس أسقف إدكو On this day, the blessed father St. Macarius, Bishop of Edتم فيه كالم النبي داود «طوىب للرجل kow, was martyred. In this holy man, the words of David the Prophet were fulfilled saying, “Blessed is the man who ومل يقف. الذي مل يتبع مشورة املنافقني
walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the ومل يجلس يف مجالس. يف طريق الخطاة path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful. But لكن يف ناموس الرب مرسته ويف، املستهزئني his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in His law he هذا القديس. « ناموسه يلهج نهارا وليال meditates day and night.” (Psalms 1:1-2) This saint kept وتاجر بالوزنة، هو الذي حفظ وصية سيده the commandments of His Master; traded with his talents فكم من اآليات والعجائب آجراها، فربح and gained. Many were the signs and wonders God did منها انه ملا كان يف مدينة، هللا عيل يديه through his hands. إدكو كان عندما يصعد عيل املنرب ليعظ In the city of Edkow, every time he went up on the pulpit وملا سأله بعض، الشعب يكرث من البكاء to preach to the people, he wept. When one of his disci- قال له كان ينظر، تالميذه عن سبب بكائه ples asked him the reason for his weeping, he answered وذات، خطايا الشعب وأعاملهم الرديئة that he saw the sins of the people and their ungodly مرة رأي السيد املسيح يف الهيكل واملالئكة works. On another occasion he saw our Lord Christ at يقدمون له أعامل الشعب واحدا فواحدا the altar, and the angels bringing unto Him the works of وسمع صوتا يقول «ملاذا تتواىن يا أسقف، the people, one after the other. Anba Macarius heard a voice saying, “Why, bishop, are you slack in preaching to عن وعظ شعبك « فقال « يا رب انهم ال your people?” He replied, “My Lord, they do not accept فقال يجب عيل األسقف. »يقبلون كالمي وإال فدمهم، فان قبلوا، إن يعظ الشعب my words.” So the Lord said to him, “It is meet for the وملا دعوه للذهاب إىل.»عيل رؤوسهم bishop to preach to the people and if they do not accept his words, their blood be upon their own heads.” مجمع خلقيدونية مع االب ديسقورس He was invited to go to the council of Chalcedon with ووصال إىل قرص امللك منعه الحجاب من Abba Dioscorus. On arriving at the royal palace, the الدخول لحقارة ملبسه حتى عرفهم االب guards prevented him from entering because of his mod وملا دخل. ديسقورس انه أسقف إدكو est clothes, until Abba Dioscorus told them that he was ، وسمع قول املخالفني يف السيد املسيح the bishop of Edkow. When he had gone in and heard حرم امللك يف املجمع وقد استعد إن يسلم what the infidels were saying about the Lord Christ, he نفسه للموت يف سبيل املحافظة عيل اإلميان excommunicated the Emperor in the council. He was فنفوه مع االب ديسقورس، األرثوذكيس ready to deliver himself to death for the sake of keeping االب ومن هناك أرسله، إىل جزيرة غاغرا the Orthodox faith. They exiled him with Abba Dioscorus ديسقورس مع تاجر مؤمن إىل اإلسكندرية to the island of Gagra. From there Abba Dioscorus sent فلام. »قائال له «إن لك هناك إكليل شهادة him with a believing merchant to Alexandria saying to وصل إىل مدينة اإلسكندرية واتفق وصول him, “There you have a crown of martyrdom awaiting رسول امللك بكتاب فيه األمانة الجديدة you.” Shortly after, he arrived in the city of Alexandria, the messenger of the Emperor arrived with the new Chal- وقد أوصاه، الخلقدونية القائلة بالطبيعتني امللك قائال بان من يكتب اسمه أوال عيل cedonian creed which stated the two natures of Christ. هذه األمانة يصري بطريركا عيل املدينة The Emperor had commanded him saying that, “He who فكان باملدينة مقدم القسوس اسمه. writes his name first on this creed will be the Patriarch of the city.” In the city, the head of the priests was Brotarios. وقد اخذ الكتاب ليكتب اسمه، بروتاريوس He took the paper to write his name first but St. Macarius فذكره القديس مقاريوس األسقف، أوال the Bishop reminded him of what Abba Dioscorus had بالقول الذي قاله له االب ديسقورس عند told him before he went to the council saying, “You shall ذهابه إىل املجمع وهو «انك ستستويل عيل possess my church after me.” Brotarios remembered that فتذكر الكالم وتوقف عن. كنيستي بعدي and refrained from writing. الكتابة فلام علم رسول امللك إن األسقف When the Emperor’s messenger knew that the Bishop ومل يكتب، غري موافق عيل أمانة امللك disagreed with the creed of the Emperor and did not write اسمه ايضا وثب عيل األسقف وركله his name also, he jumped over the Bishop and kicked . الشهادة فتنيح عيل األثر ونال إكليل him. St. Macarius died on the spot and thus received the يوحنا جسدي مع وأخذه املؤمنون ودفنوه crown of martyrdom. The believers took his holy body ما بذلك فتحقق ، املعمدان واليشع النبي and buried it with the bodies of St. John the Baptist and قاله هذان القديسان يف الرؤيا بهذا االب Elisha the Prophet. That fulfilled what these two saints had told this father, the Bishop, in a vision, that his body إن جسده سيكون مع جسديهام، األسقف وقد انتقل إىل السيد املسيح فائزا بإكليل، would be with their bodies. He departed to the Lord صالته تكون معنا ولربنا املجد دامئا. املجد Christ winning the crown of glory. . ابديا امني His prayers be with us and Glory be to our God, forever. Amen.
تأمالت فى انجيل القداس Meditation on Liturgy’s Gospel االحد الثالث من شهر بابة المبارك 3rd Sunday of Babah ٢٨ --٢٢ ٢٢ ::١٢ ١٢ مت Matthew 12: 22- 28 ذاتها على منقسمه «كل مملكة Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to »تخرب desolation احضر اليه مجنون اعمى+ + Then one was brought to Him who was demon:واخرس possessed, blind and mute لم يكن هذا االنسان مريضا بالجسد This man was not sick physically but rather, لم يكن... بل مريضا بالخطية.... he was sick with sin. The secret of his fatigue بل... سر تعبه هو اوجاع الجسد was not the aches of the body, but the devil’s ... تسلط الشيطان عليه domination over him. هناك امراض جسدية تسبب العمى There are physical diseases that cause blindness, اما... وربما الجنون... او الخرس... dumbness, and perhaps insanity. As for having ان يكون هناك مرض يسبب العمى والخرس والجنون معا فهذا شيء a disease that causes blindness, dumbness and ولكن مع الخطية فاألمر... نادر جدا madness together, this is a very rare thing. But with sin it is very different, it is very natural for it بل من الطبيعي جدا... مختلف جدا ان تسبب الخطية العمي والخرس to cause blind, dumbness and madness together. فالخطية تفقد... والجنون معا Sin loses man’s insight, silences his tongue, and لسانه االنسان بصيرته وتخرس loses his mind. ... وتفقده عقله Many are the likes of these sins; among the clear وما أكثر امثال هذه الخطايا examples of such sins are: anger, jealousy, and ومن االمثلة الواضحة لمثل هذه... rage. We mean sinful zeal, not holy zeal. .... النرفزة.... الغضب...الخطايا وليس....ونقصدها الغضب الخاطئ
There is holy zeal, in which a person does not lose ... الغضب المقدس his inner peace, or his balance, or his calmness, or ال يفقد... فهناك غضب مقدس his sound judgment on things. An example of that او....فيه االنسان سالمه الداخلي is the Lord Jesus Himself was angry at the sellers او حكمه... أو هدوءه...اتزانه ومثال ذلك... السليم على االشياء of doves and the money-changers in the temple الرب يسوع نفسه غضب على... when He expelled them. (Mark 11:15-16) الهيكل باعة الحمام والصيارفة في As for wrong anger; it is a very difficult thing )١٦-١٥ :١١ (مر...وطردهم in which a person loses his calmness and safety, شيء فهو... اما الغضب الخاطئ rushes in his actions and judges things in a هدوءه االنسان صعب جدا يفقد فيه wrong way. And the matter develops into insults, ويحكم تصرفاته وسالمة ويندفع في humiliation, and loud voice. And it maybe hits ...على االمور بطريقة خاطئة and fights, and may reach to killing also. ...ويتطور االمر الى شتيمة Concerning this, the wise Solomon says: “A stone وربما... وصوت عالي...واهانة is heavy and sand is weighty, but a fool’s wrath is وربما قتل...ضرب وعراك heavier than both of them.” (Proverbs 27:3) ....ايضا It suffices to look at an angry person at the time .....وفى هذا يقول سليمان الحكيم of his anger to fully realize how mad, blind and ... والرمل ثقيل...« الحجر ثقيل .....وغضب الجاهل أثقل منهما dumb he has become. )٣: ٢٧ (أمثال A person may get angry because of jealousy and envy; just as the eldest son was angry at his ويكفي ان تنظر الى انسان غضوب في وقت غضبه لتدرك تماما
brother, the prodigal son, when he returned to his father’s house, confessing his sins, and his father set up a great feast for him, and welcomed him joyfully (Luke 15:25-30). A person may be angry because of his dignity and position, just as Esau was angry at Jacob and wanted to kill him. A person may be angry for worrying about material profits and world gains. Just as Demetrius the goldsmith got angry at Paul the Apostle and stirred up the entire city of Ephesus (Acts 19-21). Saul was angry at David with envy, and he became mad in the house, and wanted to kill him with a spear. Look at Saul when he was angry with his son Jonathan, and began to curse him, and took out his spear to kill him. (1 Samuel 20:30-34) The angry person always blames others; and always says that others are the cause of his weariness, even though this is not true. It was mentioned that a father, a monk, in a monastery and always kept silent, was angry at times with the brothers, so he said to himself ‘I should go and live alone in a cell, and with this I will calm down and the pain of anger will subside’. And he actually left the monastery and lived alone in a cave. And one day he filled the bucket of water and he put it on the ground, but it rolled and its water spilled. So he filled it again and put it, but it rolled again and spilled. He repeated that a third time, but it also spilled, so he got very angry and caught it and hit it on the ground and it broke. And when he calmed down to himself, he knew that Satan had mocked him and knew that the problem of his anger was within him and not in others. So he decided to return to the brothers and bear them and strive until God save him from this sin. How much a person regrets from what he did at a time of anger! And how many problems does anger cause to himself and those around him because of his lack of control over himself and his control of his feelings?
كيف انه قد صار مجنون واعمى ....واخرس قد يغضب االنسان بسبب الغيرة كما غضب االبن االكبر...والحسد على اخية االبن الشاطر عندما رجع الى بيت ابيه معترفا بخطاياه واقام له ابوة وليمه كبيرة واستقبله فرحا (لوقا )٣٠-٢٥ :١٥ وقد يغضب اإلنسان بسبب كرامته ومركزه كما غضب عيسو على وقد يغضب...يعقوب وأراد قتله االنسان خوفا على ارباح ماديه كما غضب...ومكاسب عالميه ديمتريوس الصائغ على بولس الرسول واهاج عليه مدينة أفسس بأكملها (اع )٢١-١٩ ...غضب شاول على داود حسدا وصار يجن فى البيت واراد ان يقتله ...بالرمح وانظر الى شاول عندما غضب على ابنه يوناثان وصار يشتمه واخرج )٣٤-٣٠ :٢٠ صم١( ...رمحه ليقتله واالنسان الغضوب دائما يلوم ودائما يقول ان اآلخرين هم....غيره ....سبب تعبه رغم ان هذا ليس صحيح وذكر عن أب راهب في دير ومداوما على الصمت انه كان يغضب احيانا مع االخوة فقال في نفسة أمضى وأسكن وحدى في قالية وبهذا سوف ...اهدأ ويخف عنى وجع الغضب وفعال خرج من الدير وسكن بمفرده وفى أحد االيام مأل قلة...في مغارة ماء ووضعها على االرض ولكنها فمألها...تدحرجت وانسكب ماءها ثانيه ووضعها ولكنها تدحرجت مرة وكرر ذلك مرة...اخرى وانسكبت ثالثة ولكنها ايضا انسكبت فغضب جدا وامسكها وضربها على االرض ولما هدأ الى ذاته عرف...فتحطمت ان الشيطان قد سخر به وعرف ان سر تعبة في داخلة وليس في االخرين فقرر ان يعود الى االخوة ويحتملهم ويجاهد حتى يخلصه هللا من هذه ...الخطية وكم يندم االنسان كثيرا على ما صدر وكم من...منه في وقت الغضب مشاكل يسببها الغضوب لنفسه ولمن
حوله بسبب عدم تحكمه في نفسه Beloved, look for the things that cause your ...وضبطه لمشاعره anger; perhaps you are exhausted, perhaps you ابحث عن االمور... ايها الحبيب impose on others higher levels of tolerance, وربما تكون...التي تسبب غضبك perhaps you interfere in what does not concern ربما تكون تفرض على...مرهقا you. You need to get used to kindness and longاآلخرين مستويات أعلى من suffering. Endure the weakness of the weak. ال ربما تتدخل فيما...احتمالهم Walk worthy of the calling to which you are تعود على اللطف وطول...يعنيك called, with all lowliness and gentleness, with ... احتمل ضعف الضعفاء...االناة longsuffering, bearing with one another in love اسلك كما يحق للدعوة التي دعيت (Ephesians 4:1-4) اليها بكل تواضع القلب والوداعة There are also the evil lusts that fight you in )٤-١ :٤ وطول االناة (أفسس your body; in your desires and tendencies, and وهناك ايضا الشهوات الشريرة التي control you and turn you into a slave to sin. You في رغباتك...تحاربك في أعضاءك وميولك وتتحكم فيك وتحولك الى do not think, do not look, and do not listen. The ال تفكر وال تنظر وال....عبد للخطية examples are many: :واالمثلة كثيرة... تسمع There is no smoker who doesn’t know that ان يعرف ال....ال يوجد مدخن smoking is harmful; rather, he reads this warning هذا يقرأ أنه بل...التدخين ضار on every pack of cigarettes he buys, but he still سجائر علبه التحذير على كل smokes. What happened to him? Does he no الذي ما ...يدخن ولكنه ...يشتريها longer see, he doesn’t hear he doesn’t think? ال... هل أصبح ال يري..حدث له There is no gambler who doesn’t know that this ... ال يفكر...يسمع is wrong, but every time he realizes this wrong ال يعرف أن هذا...ال يوجد مقامر behaviour well. Especially when he loses his بل كل مرة يدرك هذا...شيء خاطئ money and comes home broke. Every time he عندما يخسر أمواله ويعود....جيدا sits around the gambling tables and loses his وكل مرة يجلس...الى بيته مفلسا money. He may hit and quarrel, and go back ....حول موائد القمار ويخسر امواله again to the same sin. What happened to him? ويعود....وربما يضرب ويتشاجر ...مرة اخري الى نفس الخطية Has he gone blind, mute, and insane? ...ماذا حدث له؟؟؟ هل أصبح اعمى There is no adulterer who does not fully know ... فقد عقله.....اخرس that what he is doing is wrong, and very harmful. يعرف ال ....زاني ال يوجد انسان Every time he commits a sin, he feels contempt وضار ....خطأ يفعله تماما ان ما with himself and feels shame and pain and feels يشعر الخطية يرتكب مرة جدا وكل that he is the most unfortunate person in the واأللم بالخزي ويشعر لنفسه world. Certainly this was the feeling of Samson ....باحتقارهانه أتعس انسان في العالم ويشعر in prison and the feeling of David after his fall وبالتأكيد كان هذا هو شعور شمشون into sin. But what do you say about this one who في السجن وشعور داود بعد سقوطه returns again to places of evil and committing ولكن ماذا تقول في...في الخطية sin. Has he become without will, without insight, هذا الذي يعود مرة اخرى الى أماكن without wisdom or understanding; insane, blind هل أصبح....الشر وارتكاب الخطية and mute? بال حكمة.... بال بصيرة...بال إرادة Dear Beloved certainly there is sins of this kind اعمي واخرس... مجنون... وال فهم ... or something similar to them inside each of us. بالتأكيد توجد في...أيها الحبيب They have controlled us and made us not think, داخلك خطايا من هذا النوع أو ما
سيطرت عليك وجعلتك ال...يشبههم see or hear. And they are the secret of all our troubles and problems; at home and at work as تفكر وال ترى وال تسمع وهي سر كل وفي.... في البيت...متاعبك ومشاكلك well. ....العمل أيضا The only remedy is to reveal this sin before الخطية هذه تكشف ان الوحيد والعالج the Lord Jesus. Come under the cross and lay الصليب تحت تعالى ...يسوع الرب امام down this heavy burden and say to him: Oh آه له وقل الثقيل الحمل هذا واطرح Lord, I have become mad, blind and dumb انى قد صرت مجنون واعمى...يارب because of sin, sin made me not think. It made الخطية...واخرس بسبب الخطية me close my eyes to the truth. It made me جعلتني أغمض عيني...جعلتني ال أفكر block my ears from every word of advice or عن الحقيقة جعلتني أسد اذني عن كل guidance. I need you, Lord to bring me back انى محتاج اليك...كلمة نصح او ارشاد to my mind, to open my eyes, to release my ان تفتح... أن تعيد الى عقلي....يارب tongue. Then in strength: ... أن تطلق لساني المعقود....لي عيني :وعندئذ في قوة + I will reject sin with all my strength. And ... سوف ارفض الخطية بكل قوة+ with all my will, I will become like the chaste سوف أصير مثل يوسف...وبكل ارادة Joseph, I cry out saying,” God forbid, to sin. أصرخ قائال حاشا الى أن...العفيف How can I do this great evil and sin against «كيف أصنع هذا الشر.....أخطئ God” (Genesis 39:9). )٩: ٣٩ العظيم وأخطئ الى هللا» (تك + I will open my eyes and see the truth and see ... how much I have lived in darkness. And see .... سوف أفتح عيني وأرى الحقيقة+ the edge of the terrible abyss to which I am وأرى....وأرى كم أنا أعيش في ظلمة hurrying with my eyes closed. حافة الهاوية الرهيبة التي أنا مسرع اليها + I will speak and declare; I will not be silent ...وأنا مغمض العينين before the evil that entered my house, entered لن أسكت امام... سوف أنطق وأتكلم+ my life. I will come to you, Lord, confessing ودخل الي....الشر الذي دخل بيتي every sin. سوف آتى اليك يارب معترفا....حياتي O Beloved, beware of resorting to the world ....بكل خطية أيها الحبيب احترس من أن تلجأ الى to heal your troubles. The devil does not ان الشيطان ال...العالم ليشفي متاعبك cast out Satan. If the world is the secret of سر إذا كان العالم هو...يخرج شيطانا your troubles, how can the world heal your ....متاعبك فكيف يشفى العالم...متاعبك troubles? The world cannot be divided against ذاته على ينقسم إن العالم ال يستطيع ان itself, for every kingdom is divided against ...تخرب ذاتها على فكل مملكة منقسمة itself is brought to desolation, and every city ...يخرب ذاته على وكل بيت or house divided against itself will not stand. هكذا...منقسم ال يعالج مرضا كما ان المرض Just as illness does not cure a disease, so also أيضا العالم الفاقد السالم والفاقد الراحة a world that lacks peace and lacks comfort ال يستطيع ان يعطى سالما وراحة لمن cannot give peace and comfort to those who ....يحتاج اليهما need it. الوحيد الذي يستطيع ان يساعدك The only One Who can help and support you ..... ويسندك هو الرب يسوع is the Lord Jesus. خذ من جسده ودمه....اعترف بخطاياك حياة أبديه وغفرانا للخطايا وشفاء من Confess your sins, take from His Body and ...أمراضك Blood eternal life, forgiveness of sins, and healing of your diseases.
DO NOT FEAR SATAN WRITTEN BY H.H. POPE SHENOUDA III. Never be afraid of the devil, for in spite of all his talents and intrigues, he is weak before God’s children as the Lord has said, “I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.” (Luke 10: 18) THE LORD TROD ON HIM ON THE CROSS He is no longer “the prince of the world” as before. The Lord said of him before the crucifixion, “Now is the judgment of this world: Now shall the prince of this world be cast out.” (John 12:31) “The prince of this world is judged.” (John 16:11) Thus, the Lord says, “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy.” (Luke. 10: 19) The Lord’s promise to us that we would tread over all the power of the enemy is a promise full of power and comfort, which removes away fear from the hearts. The church so appreciates such a divine promise, that it put it at the end of the thanksgiving prayer in order that we may mention it in our prayers every day or even every hour so as not to be afraid of the devils or all the power of the enemy. Thus, the devil has no authority over us, but we have the authority over him. Even the devils are subject unto us through the name of the Lord. (Luke 10:17) The Lord even made casting out devils foremost of the signs that follow the believers. (Mark 16:17) Of course the gift of casting out devils must be preceded by victory in the diabolic wars. Whoever overcomes the devil’s temptation and enticements and stands steady is feared by the devil and he gets power over him. There is a fine lecture by St. Anthony on the weakness of the devils... St. Athanasius published this lecture in his book “The Life of St. Anthony” which you can read so that your hearts may be strengthened and not fear the devil. There were many simple monks who did not have any education at all but could destroy the devil in the wilderness; among those is St. Paul the Simple. Martyrs and confessors also could overcome all the temptations, all his power and all his weapons. THE DEVIL DOMINATES ONLY THE PERSON WHO SUBMITS TO HIM... True are the words of the common saying, “it is the slaves who create the masters.” This means that the humility and submission of the slaves make the masters prevail and vaunt. So is the case with those who submit to the devil, but whom the Son makes free, they shall be free indeed. (John 8:36) The thing which the devil likes most is to find you afraid of him. For in your fear you become weak in front of him and get confused. You think that you will certainly fall into his hands so your spirit is broken and you yield to him unable to resist... This is what he wants of you because fear gives him power over you. However, the Lord Jesus Christ advises us not to fear at all. “It is I; be not afraid.” (Matthew 14:27) “Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” (John 14:27)
Do not be afraid then because God’s power, acting within you, is greater than the power of the devil fighting you from without. Be sure that the fear within you is more harmful to you than the devil’s war from without. Those who were afraid of Goliath the giant were weak before him and could not resist him. As for David who was not afraid, he advanced towards him boldly, relying on the Lord’s assistance, so he conquered him. The story of David and Goliath is suitable to be a symbol of the wars of the devils. Perhaps you inquire about the secret of why David was not afraid and he answers: “The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?” (Psalm 27:1) He goes on to say, “Though an army may encamp against me, my heart shall not fear: though war should rise against me, in this will I be confident.” So, face the diabolic wars with a peaceful heart, and fight the Lord’s wars trusting that you will conquer with His assistance. How severe and dangerous are the words of Revelation about fear: “But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8) Thus, the fearful are put before the non-believers and before the murderers and idolaters! You may ask, “Why?” Perhaps because he who fears the devil and submits to him fails in all these sins; or because he who fears the devil and submits to him will be afraid on the last day because he had not resisted and conquered as the selected believers have done. I wish that you would read the stories of the saints who did not fear the devils! Read about St. Anthony to whom the devils appeared in the form of lions, tigers and fierce beasts crying in dreadful voices to frighten him that he might leave the wilderness; but he was not afraid and used to answer them calmly. Read about St. Macarius the Great who slept in a tomb putting a skull under his head. When the devils talked to the person to whom the skull belonged in a loud voice, asking him to rise with them, the saint was not afraid, but raised his head a little from the skull and told it, “if you want to go, rise and go with them to hell.” As for you, do not be afraid, for the devils would not fight you with such fears as they fought the saints with. Hearken to the apostle comforting you, “No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.” (1 Corinthians 10:13) God would not allow the devil to tempt you above what you can endure, but will, with the temptation also make a way to escape, that you may be able to bear it. (1 Corinthians 10:13) So, never be afraid of the devils and their wars whether they fight with fears or sins. The devil may arouse a clamor to frighten people but he cannot do anything to a steady believer. I compare the clamor of the devil with the story of the fox and the drum. There was a drum hung to a tree blown by the wind causing an awful noise. A fox
passed by it and was alarmed by the noise. He was afraid at first, then he was encouraged and attacked it. When he saw it was empty from within, he laughed and despised it. This resembles also a big balloon which appears huge but the prick of a small pin makes it nothing... The devil is like this, clamor with no power. He tries to frighten you but has no power for he doesn’t have the absolute liberty to do what he wants. There is God, the Almighty who prevents the devil according to His own will. In the story of Job the Just, the devil did not follow his own will but was confined to the scope which God allowed him. (Job 1,2) The devil is not so powerful that you ought to fear him. The mere sign of the cross makes him escape from your face. The devil wants you to imagine him as powerful, but do not believe him. Remember always his repeated defeat before the saints. Remember those who had the power to cast him out of the people whom he overthrew, and how he cried always in fear before God’s children and escaped. Since you know the weakness of the devil, resist him bravely.
+ Remember O Lord the Departed: We Pray for the reose of the soul of Late Mrs Fawzia hanna Fam. She is wife of Late Mr Fawzy Saad. She is mother of Mrs Fifi Gergis wife of Mr Gergis Salib. She is granmother of Peter Gergis and Germaine and her husband Mina Beshay and their daughter Eva. She is mother of Mr Fouad Saad husband of Mrs Manal Saad and grandmother of Nardine and Anthony Saad. She is mother Mrs Fadis Saad wife of Late Mr Zaky Mosaad and grandmother of Marina, Fady and Mina zaky in Egypt. She is mother of Fayez saad husband of Mariam and grandmother of kerillos and Christine in Egypt. She is sister of Samir Hanna husband of Late Fayza in Egypt She is auntie of Hany and amdouh Fam in Australia May the Lord grant peace and comfort for all family members
: أذكر يارب الراقدين+ مع المسيح ذاك افضل جدا انتقلت على رجاء القيامة االم الفاضلة فوزية حنا فام زوجه المنتقل فوزي سعد ووالده كل من فيفي جرجس زوجة جرجس صليب وجدد بيتر جرجس وجيرمين وزوجها مينا بشاي وابنتهم ايفا ووالده فؤاد سعد زوج منال وجده ناردين وانطوني سعد ووالده فاديه سعد زوجة المنتقل زكي مسعد وجده مارينا وفادي ومينا زكي بمصر ووالده فايز سعد وزوجته مريم وجده كيرلس وكيرستين بمصر واخوها سمير حنا زوج المنتقلة فايزة بمصر وعمه هاني وممدوح فام باستراليا الرب ينيح نفسها ويمنح كل أفراد األسرة كل .عزاء وسالم
Church Services program starting from Friday 29th ٢٩ خدمات الكنيسة ابتداء من الجمعة October October أكتوبر Starting from next Friday 29th October, these are ٢٩ أبتداء من يوم الجمعة القادم the new limits for church services: أكتوبر هذه هى األعداد المسموح بها Religious ceremonies: ceremonies :فى خدمات الكنائس Inside the church one person for each 4 square يسمح بشخص واحد:داخل الكنيسة meters fully vaccinated. متر مربع للمطعمين بالكامل٤ لكل Max 30 persons for unvaccinated. فرد لغير٣٠ ويسمح بحد أقصى Same numbers will be allowedfor Funerals and المطعمين بالكامل Weddings. يسمح بنفس األعداد فى الخدمات الخاصة بالجنازات أو عقد الزيجات At St Mary›s Church Here are list of the new service: الخدمات بكنيسة العذراء مريم During the week :خالل األسبوع Tuesday 5 - 7am, Wednesday 9 - 11 am& Friday صباحا٧ - ٥ الثالثاء 9 - 11am صباحا١١ - ٩ األربعاء والجمعة Services can be attended only by 85 fully بكنيسة العذراء مريم١٠- ٨ السبت vaccinated persons. فرد85 - للذين مطعمين بالكامل يمكنهم حضور القداس Saturday 8-10am St Mary’s Churc for fully صباحا بكنيسة١١ - ٩ القداس vaccinated (85 persons) مخصص لغير- القديس يوحنا 9 - 11 at St Johns Church 30 person nonvaccinated فرد٣٠ - المطعمين بالكامل Sunday: 7-9am & 9 - 11an at St Marys - 85 Sunday يحضرون القداس persons fully vaccinated. 9 -11am for 45 persons fully vaccinated at St Joh’s كنيسة العذراء١١-٩ & ٩ - ٧ األحد Church فرد للمطعمين بالكامل٨٥ Please book at the Booking Application فرد٤٥ كنيسة القديس يوحنا١١ - ٩ للمطعمي بالكامل Very Important: رجاء الحجز على التطبيق المخصص It is very recommended thatThose who are not fully vaccinated produce a negative a COVID-19 :مالحظة هامة Test two days before having communion. من المفضل جدا ان تحصل عل نتيجة We need to protect everone including our fathers أختبار سلبى قبل التناول بيومين the priests and the church sevants. من.للذين هم غير مطعمين بالكامل الضرورى أن نحافظ علي صحة الجميع وخصوصا اإلباء الكهنة Donations to St Mary›s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link للتبرعات لكنيسة العذراء مريم ومشروع المبانى أضغط على الرابط (Copy & Paste on Web Browser)
Blessed Marriage Samuel Youssef & Ester Ayoub Milad Sunday 24th October 2021 St. Mary’s Coptic Orthodox Church Kensington
Progress Report of St. Mary`s Church تطورات مشروع المبانى بكنيسة العذراء طورات Building Project مريم Tender offers were recieved and opened in a فى خالل األسبوع الماضى تم فتح مظاريف special project meeting last week. The offers المناقصات الخاصة بمشروع المبانى are being studied to choose the most suitable تقوم حاليا لجنة من.الجديد لكنيسة العذراء offer. Final results will be aanounced within المختصين بدراسة تفاصيل المناقصات لختيار two weeks. من المحتمل أن تعلن نتيجة.أنسب عرض Demolishing the old building could start ومن المحتمل ان.العطاءات خالل اسبوعين on middle of November. Construcion could تبدأ عملية هدم المبانى القديمة خالل شهر start on December. Project expected to be نوفمبر وتبدأ عمليات المبانى خالل شهر finished Feb - May 2023 ديسمبر ومن المحتمل أن تنتهى عمليات Let us all pray that the Lord accompany .٢٠٢٣ اإلنشاءات خالل الشهور األول us through this project progress and make الرب يبارك هذا العمل ويعوض كل الذين it a source for his Glory and reward all .يتعبون من أجل أتمامه علي أحسن صورة those who are working hard to acoplish this الرب يبارك تشجيع واهتمام وتبرعات wonderful work. .الجميع
Estimated cost for the project 8 11 million Dollars Donations collected and funds available from church income is 3.6 million Dollars Donation Accounts are listed below
Special Thanks for all who keep working tirelessly for the success of this project. May the Lord reward them all and bless all their works
Progress of the Building Project Tender Results to be an by the end of October تعلن نتائج المناقصات فى نهاية شهر أكتوبر