Services at St Mary’s Church Monday: Mass 9 - 11 am Tuesday Liturgy 5:30 - 7am 7:30pm The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am Wednesday 6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults Thursday Mass 9 - 11 am - English English Midnight Praises 7:30pm English Bible Study 7:30pm Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am Friday Youth 25 and above 7-9pm Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am Saturday Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm English Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:307pm Scouts 1:30 - 3pm School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm Sunday: Sunday 1st Mass6 - .7:45am Arabic & English 2nd Mass.7:45 – .9:30am English 3rd Mass 9:30 - 11:15am Arabic Hymns Class - English 11:45 12:30pm Church Priests: Priests Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251 Email: Fr Habib Girgis Younan: 0401238177 – 94498871 Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail. com Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821 Email: Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kensington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651 Fr Kerillos Tawadros 0411 518 399
Fr John Makary 0433 445 636
:مواعيد الخدمة بكنيسة العذراء
:األثنين صباحا١١ - ٩ القداس اإللهي صباحا7 - 5:30 ::اإللهي القداس اإللهي:الثالثاء )(انجليزي ذا- مساء أجتماع للكبار باإلنجليزي7:30 واى صباحا11 – 9 القداس اإللهي:األربعاء األربعاء :الخميس انجليزي- صباحا١١ - ٩ القداس اإللهي مساء7:30 انجليزي- تسبحة نصف الليل مساء7:30 انجليزي- درس الكتاب المقدس صباحا11 – 9 القداس اإللهي:الجمعة الجمعة سنة فأكثر25 مساء الشباب9 – 7 - مساء أجتماع إعداد الخدمة8:30 - 7 انجليزي صباحا١١ – 8,30 القداس اإللهي:السبت السبت 5,30 – 4 مدارس األحد مساء٨:٣٠ –٧ العشية واجتماع الشباب انجليزي مساء عربي7 - 5:30 العشية ودرس كتاب :األحد ص عربي,7:45 – 6 القداس األول وانجليزي ص – إنجليزي9:30 – ,7:45 القداس الثاني ص عربي11:15 – 9:30 القداس الثالث 12:30 - 11:45 انجليزي- فصل ألحان مساء :األباء الكهنة بالكنيسة األب القمص تادرس شاروبيم 0414251251 Email: :األب القس حبيب جرجس يونان 94498871 - 0401238177 Email: habibgirgisyounan@ 0422431821 :األب القس مايكل صليب Email: Epsom Rd, 3031:عنوان الكنيسة : تليفون5 Kensington Vic 93766651 األب القس كيرلس تاوضروس ٠٤١١٥١٨٣٩٩ األب القس جون مكاري ٠٤٣٣٤٤٥٦٣٦
The Martyrdom of St. Mercurius Known as the Saint with استشهاد القديس مرقوريوس أىب سيفني بالقرن the Two Swords الثالث امليالدى 5th December – 25th Hator هاتور25 ديسمرب٥ On this day, St. Mercurius, known as the saint with the two يف مثل هذا اليوم استشهد القديس مرقوريوس swords (Abu-Saifain), was martyred. He was born in the وقد ولد هذا القديس، الشهري بايب السيفني city of Rome. His parents were Christians and they called فأسمياه، مبدينة رومية من أبوين مسيحيني him Philopateer (which means “Lover of the Father”). They وملا بلغ، فيلوباتري وأدباه باآلداب املسيحية reared him in a Christian manner. When he grew, he enlisted in the army during the days of Emperor Decius, the pagan. دور الشباب انتظم يف سلك الجندية أيام امللك وأعطاه الرب قوة وشجاعة، داكيوس الوثني The Lord gave Philopateer the strength and the courage, for which he earned the satisfaction of his superiors. They أكسبته رضاء رؤسائه فدعوه باسم مرقوريوس called him Mercurius and he grew very close to the Emper- وحدث إن ثار، وكان من املقربني لدي امللك، or. When the berbers rose up against Rome, Decius went الرببر عيل رومية فخرج داكيوس ملحاربتهم out to fight them, but when he saw how many they were, ولكن القديس، ففزع عندما رأي كرثتهم he became terrified. St. Mercurius assured him saying, “Do الله مرقوريوس طأمنه قائال “ال تخف الن not be afraid, because God will destroy our enemies and وملا، »سيهلك أعداءنا ويجعل الغلبة لنا will bring us victory.” When he left the Emperor, an angel انرصف من أمام امللك ظهر له مالك يف شبه appeared to him in the shape of a human being, dressed in إنسان بلباس ابيض اعطاه سيفا قائال له «إذا white apparel. The angel gave him a sword saying, “When you overcome your enemies, remember the Lord your God.” فلام انترص، »غلبت أعدائك فاذكر الرب إلهك داكيوس عيل أعدائه ورجع مرقوريوس ظافرا (That is why he is called, “of the two swords”, “Abu-Saifain”, one is the military sword and the other is the sword of أي إن، ظهر له املالك وذكره مبا قاله قبال the divine power). أما امللك داكيوس فأراد إن، يذكر الرب إلهه When Emperor Decius conquered his enemies and Mercu فتخلف القديس، يبخر ألوثانه هو وعسكره rius came back victorious, the angel appeared to him and وملا أعلموا امللك بذلك استحرضه، مرقوريوس reminded him of what he told him previously, that is, to ، وأبدي دهشته من العدول عن والئه له remember the Lord his God. منطقته فرمي القديس، ووبخه عيل تخلفه Decius, and his soldiers with him, wanted to offer up ولباسه بني يدي امللك وقال له «إنني ال اعبد incense to his idols and St. Mercurius tarried behind. When they informed the Emperor of what had happened, he called فغضب امللك، »غري ريب والهي يسوع املسيح وملا رأي، وأمر برضبه بالجريد والسياط St. Mercurius and expressed his amazement at his abandoning of his loyalty to him. The Emperor reprimanded him for خيش امللك إن، تعلق أهل املدينة والجند به refusing to come and offer incense to the idols. The Saint فأرسله مكبال بالحديد، يثوروا عليه بسببه cast his girdle and his military attire down before the Em وهناك قطعوا رأسه فكمل، إىل قيرصية peror and said to him, “I do not worship anyone except my جهاده املقدس ونال إكليل الحياة يف ملكوت Lord and my God Jesus Christ.” The Emperor became angry شفاعته تكون معنا ولربنا املجد. السموات and ordered him to be beaten with whips and stalks. When . دامئا ابديا امني the Emperor saw how the people of the city and the soldiers were attached to St. Mercurius, the Emperor feared that they استشهاد القديس يعقوب الفارىس املقطع هاتور٢٧ - ديسمرب٧ might revolt. So instead, he bound him in iron fetters and يف مثل هذا اليوم استشهد القديس يعقوب sent him to Caesarea where they cut off his head. He thus وكان من جنود سكراد بن صافور، املقطع completed his holy fight and received the crown of life in ولشجاعته واستقامته ارتقي إىل، ملك الفرس the kingdom of heaven. His prayers be for us and Glory be to our God forever. Amen. وكان له لدي، اسمي الدرجات يف بالط امللك The Martyrdom of St. James the Mangled (Sawn). حتى انه كان يستشريه، امللك حظوة ودالة 7th December - 27th Hator وبهذه الطريقة أمال قلبه، يف كثري من األمور On this day, St. James the mangled, was martyred. He was وملا سمعت أمه، عن عبادة السيد املسيح one of the soldiers of Sakrod, the son of Shapur, King of اعتقاده انه وافق امللك عيل، وزوجته وأخته Persia. Because of his courage and his uprightness, he was اإلميان كتنب إليه قائالت «ملاذا تركت عنك، promoted to the highest rank in the king’s court. He found ، وأتبعت العنارص املخلوقة، بالسيد املسيح favor and access to the king, who even counselled with him in many affairs. In this way, he influenced St. James greatly إال فاعلم انك إن لبثت، وهي النار والشمس تربأنا منك وحسبناك، عيل ما أنت عليه to the extent that he turned his heart away from worshipping فلام قرا الكتاب بيك وقال، »كغريب عنا the Lord Christ. When his mother, his wife, and his sister heard that he «إذا كنت بعميل هذا قد تغربت عن أهيل adopted the king’s belief, they wrote to him saying, “Why فكيف يكون أمري مع سيدي يسوع، وجنيس
ثم ترك خدمة امللك وانقطع، »املسيح have you forsaken the faith in the Lord Christ and worshipped the created objects, the fire and the sun? Know that وملا انتهي آمره، لقراءة الكتب املقدسة if you persist in what you are doing, we will disown you and وإذ رأي تحوله أمر، إىل امللك دعاه إليه you will become a stranger to us.” When he read their letter, وانه مازال مل يننث، برضبه رضبا موجعا he wept and said, “If by doing that, I have become a stranger فقطعوا، عن رأيه يقطع بالسكاكني أصابع to my own family and my people, how would the situation be ، وفخذيه وساعديه، يديه ورجليه وكان with my Lord Jesus Christ?” Consequently, he resigned from كلام قطعوا عضوا من أعضائه يرتل ويسبح the king’s service and devoted his time to reading the holy ومل، »قائال «ارحمني يا الله كعظيم رحمتك books. ، يبق من جسده إال رأسه وصدره ووسطه When the news reached the king, he summoned St. James. وملا علم بدنو ساعته األخرية سأل الرب من When the King saw the change that had befallen him, he orاجل العامل والشعب ليك يرحمهم ويتجنن dered that James be beaten severely and if he did not change his belief, he was to be cut up with knives. They cut off his معتذرا عن عدم وقوفه أمام عزته، عليهم fingers, his hands, his legs and his arms. Each time they cut ، بقوله «ليس يل رجالن ليك اقف أمامك off a piece of his body, he praised the Lord and sang saying, وهو ذا أعضايئ، وال يدان ابسطها قدامك “Have mercy upon me O Lord according to Your great com- ، » فاقبل نفيس إليك يا رب، مطروحة حويل passion.” (Psalm 50:1) Eventually, nothing was left of him وللوقت ظهر له السيد املسيح وعزاه وقواه except his head, his breast and his loins. وقبل إن يسلم الروح، فابتهجت نفسه When he knew that his time was near, he entreated the Lord to have mercy and compassion upon the world and the people فنال إكليل، أرسع أحد الجند وقطع رأسه وتقدم بعض املؤمنني واخذوا، الشهادة therein. He apologized for not standing in the presence of the ، جسده وكفنوه ودفنوه mighty Lord and said, “I have neither legs to stand before فلام سمعت أمه وأخته وزوجته بذلك Thee, nor hands to lift up to Thee, behold the parts of my body have been cast around me, O Lord receive my soul.” فرحن وأتني إىل حيث الجسد وقبلنه هن Straightaway, the Lord Christ appeared to him, comforted, ولفنه بأكفان فاخرة وسكنب عيل، يبكني and strengthened him and his soul rejoiced. Before he deliv- وبنيت له كنيسة ودير يف زمن، أطيارا غالية ered up his soul, one of the guards made haste and cut off his ، امللكني البارين أركاديوس وانوريوس head. He thus received the crown of martyrdom. Some of the وبظهور اآليات، و ملا علم ملك الفرس بذلك believers then came forward and took his body, wrapped it والعجائب من جسد هذا القديس وغريه and buried it. أمر بحرق سائر، من الشهداء الكرام أجساد When his mother, his sister, and his wife heard that he was فآىت بعض، الشهداء يف كل أنحاء مملكته martyred, they rejoiced for his soul and came to where the املؤمنني واخذوا جسد القديس يعقوب body was and kissed it, weeping. They shrouded it in expen ووضعوه عند، وتوجهوا به إىل أورشليم sive cloth and poured sweet scents and perfumed oil over it. A church and a monastery were built in his name during the فظل، القديس بطرس الرهاوي أسقف غزة reign of the righteous Emperors Arcadius and Honourius. هناك حتى ملك مرقيان امللك الذي اضطهد When the king of Persia heard the news of the miracles and فاخذ القديس، األرثوذكسيني يف كل مكان wonders which appeared through the body of St. James and بطرس األسقف الجسد وحرض إىل الديار of the other honored martyrs, he ordered all the bodies of the وأقام هناك، وميض به إىل البهنسا، املرصية martyrs in all parts of his kingdom, to be burnt. Some of the وحدث بينام، يف دير به رهبان قديسون believers came and took the body of St. James and brought it هم يسبحون وقت الساعة السادسة يف to Jerusalem and entrusted it to St. Peter El-Rahawy, Bishop إن ظهر، املوضع الذي فيه الجسد املقدس of Gaza. لهم القديس يعقوب مع جامعة من شهداء The body remained there until the reign of Marcianus, who الفرس واشرتكوا معهم يف الرتتيل وباركوهم persecuted the Orthodox Christians everywhere. St. Peter, the Bishop, took the body to Egypt. There he went to the وغابوا عنهم بعد إن قال لهم القديس، city of Behnasa, where he stayed in a monastery occupied by يعقوب إن جسدي يكون ههنا كام أمر الرب devoted monks. It happened that at the sixth hour, while they وملا أراد االنبا بطرس األسقف العودة إىل، were praying in the place where the holy body laid, St. James بالده حمل الجسد معه وملا وصل إىل البحر appeared to them with many other martyrs of Persia. They اختطف من بني أيديهم إىل املكان الذي joined them in singing, blessed them and disappeared. Before صالته تكون معنا ولربنا املجد دامئا، كان به leaving, however, St. James told them that his body should . ابديا امني stay there as the Lord commanded. Despite this, when Anba Peter the Bishop, decided to return to his country, he took the 17 استشهاد البابا بطرس خاتم الشهداء هاتور29 – ديسمرب9 body with him. When he arrived at the seashore, the body was taken from their hands and returned to the place where it يف مثل هذا اليوم استشهد القديس بطرس
had originally been. بابا اإلسكندرية السابع عرش وخاتم الشهداء His prayers be with us and Glory be to our God forever. Amen. ، وكان أبوه كبري قسوس اإلسكندرية، The Martyrdom of St. Peter, the Seal of the Martyrs, 17th Pope ، واسم أمه صوفية، اسمه ثاؤدسيوس of Alexandria. ولدا وكانا خائفني من الله كثريا ومل يرزقا 9 December – 29th Hator وهو فلام كان الخامس من شهر أبيب. This day marks the martyrdom of St. Peter, 17th Pope of Alexandria and the seal of the martyrs. His father was the archpriest ذهبت أمه، عيد القديسني بطرس وبولس فرأت النساء وهن حامالت، إىل الكنيسة of Alexandria and his name was Theodosius and his mother’s وسالت، فحزنت جدا وبكت، أوالدهن name was Sophia. They were God-fearing people and they had no children. ويف،السيد املسيح بدموع إن يرزقها ولدار On the fifth day of the Coptic month of Abib, the feast of St. تلك الليلة ظهر لها بطرس وبولس واعلامها Peter and St. Paul, his mother went to church where she saw وسوف يعطيها، إن الرب قد قبل صالتها other mothers carrying their children. She was exceedingly وأمرها إن متيض إىل، ولدا تسميه بطرس sorrowful and she wept. She besought our Lord Jesus Christ عرفت فلام استيقظت، البطريرك ليباركها with many tears, to grant her a son. That night, Peter and Paul إىل مضت زوجها مبا رأت ففرح بذلك ثم appeared to her and told her that the Lord had accepted her prayers and that He would give her a son, and to call him Peter. االب البطريرك وعرفته بالرؤيا وطلبت منه وبعد، إن يصيل من اجلها فصيل وباركها They commanded her to go to the Patriarch, to bless her. When she woke up, she told her husband about what she saw and he ويف كامل، قليل رزقت هذا القديس بطرس سبع سنني سلموه للبابا ثاؤنا مثل صموئيل was exceedingly glad. Then she went to the father, the Patriarch and told him about what she saw and asked him to pray فصار له كابن خاص وألحقه، النبي for her. He prayed and blessed her. فتعلم وبرع يف الوعظ، باملدرسة الالهوتية Shortly after, she gave birth to this saint and called him Peter. ، ثم كرسه اغنسطسا فشامسا، واإلرشاد When he was 7 years old, they gave him to Pope Theonas, as وبعد قليل قسا وصار يحمل عنه كثريا من was done with Samuel the prophet and he became as a son to وتنيح البابا ثاؤنا بعد إن، شئون الكنيسة him. He placed him in the theological school where he received فلام ، أوىص إن يكون االب بطرس خلفا له his education and excelled in preaching and counseling. He استضاءت ، جلس عيل الكريس املرقيس then ordained him as a reader, then as a deacon, and shortly وكان يف انطاكيا رئيس، الكنيسة بتعاليمه after as a priest. He relieved the Pope of many church adminisكبري قد وافق امللك دقلديانوس عيل الرجوع trative duties. فلم تتمكن، إىل الوثنية وكان له ولدان Before Pope Theonas’ departure, he recommended that Abba Peter be his successor. When he was enthroned on the See of فاتت بهام إىل، أمهام من عامدهام هناك St. Mark, the church was enlightened by his teachings. It came وقد حدث وهي يف طريقها إن، اإلسكندرية to pass in the city of Antioch, that a man of high authority had فخافت إن ميوت، هاج البحر هياجا عظيام agreed with Diocletian the Emperor, to return to paganism. فغطستهام يف، الولدان غرقا من غري عامد That man had two children and because of him, their mothماء البحر وهي تقول «باسم االب واالبن er could not baptize them there. Therefore, she took them to ورسمت ثم جرحت ثديها، »والروح القدس Alexandria. On her way there, the sea was troubled by a violent بدمها عالمة الصليب املجيد عيل جبهتي storm and she was afraid that her two sons would drown and عندئذ هدأ البحر ووصلت إىل، ولديها die without being baptized. She therefore dipped them in the ويف ذات يوم، اإلسكندرية ساملة بولديها sea three times saying, “In the Name of the Father, and the قدمتهام مع األطفال املتقدمني للمعمودية Son, and the Holy Spirit,” then she cut her breast and with her blood made the sign of the Holy Cross over their foreheads. فكان كلام هم االب البطريرك بتعميدهام، Eventually, the troubled sea calmed down and she arrived safe- وحدث هكذا ثالث، يتجمد املاء كالحجر، ly to Alexandria with her sons. On the same day, she brought فلام سألها عن أمرها عرفته مبا، مرات them to be baptized. Whenever, the Patriarch, St. Peter tried to فتعجب ومجد الله قائال، جري يف البحر baptize them, the water would solidify as stone. This happened انها معمودية، «هكذا قالت الكنيسة three times. When he questioned her, she informed him of what اريوس ويف أيام هذا البابا ظهر. »واحدة had happened to her at sea. He marvelled and praised God sayإن ا ري كث بطرس فنصحه القديس، املخالف ing, “That is what the church proclaims, that it is one baptism.” فحرمه، يعدل عن رأيه الفاسد فلم يقبل Therefore, the baptism she performed in the sea was accepted واتصل بامللك، ومنعه من رشكة الكنيسة by the Lord. إن بطرس بطريرك، مكسيميانوس الوثني Also in the days of this Pope, Arius the heretic appeared, and St. Peter advised him several times to turn from his wicked اإلسكندرية يحرض الشعب عيل أال يعبدوا thoughts, but he would not hearken to him. Consequently, he وأوفد، فحنق جدا وامتأل غيظا، اإللهة excommunicated him and prevented him from the fellowship فلام وصلوا إىل، رسال أمرهم بقطع رأسه
of the church. ودمروا اغلب، اإلسكندرية فتكوا بالشعب Arius contacted Emperor Maximianus, the infidel, and re وسلبوا، ونهبوا األموال، البالد املرصية ported to him that Peter, the Patriarch of Alexandria, incited وقتلوا منهم نحو مثامنائة، النساء واألطفال the people not to worship the gods. The Emperor was out بعضهم بالسيف والبعض، وأربعني آلفا raged, and he sent messengers with orders to cut off his head. اإلسكندرية ثم عادوا إىل، بالجوع والحبس When they arrived in Alexandria, they attacked the people وقبضوا عيل االب البطريرك وأودعوه، and destroyed most of the cities of Egypt. They robbed all their valuables, their women and children. In total, about 840 فلام علم الشعب باعتقال راعيهم، السجن thousand of them were killed, some with the sword, some with يريدون إنقاذه، تجمهروا أمام باب السجن فخيش القائد املكلف بقتله إن، بالقوة starvation and some with imprisonment. Then they returned to Alexandria and captured the father, the Patriarch, and impris وإرجاء تنفيذ األمر، يختل األمن العام oned him. فلام رأي القديس ذلك أراد إن، إىل الغد When the people heard about their shepherd’s arrest, they واشتهي، يسلم نفسه للموت عن شعبه gathered in front of the prison door and wanted to save him إن ينطلق ويصري مع املسيح بدون إن by force. The officer in charge of his slaying was worried that فأرسل ، يحدث شغب أو اضطراب بسببه the general peace would be disrupted, so he postponed the واستحرض أبناءه وعزاهم وأوصاهم إن execution till the next day. When the saint saw what had hap فام علم، يثبتوا عيل اإلميان املستقيم pened, he wanted to deliver himself to death for his people, اريوس املجدف إن القديس بطرس سيميض for he feared what might happen to his flock. He wished to استغاث إليه، إىل الرب ويرتكه تحت الحرم depart and be with Christ, without causing any disturbances or troubles. He sent for his people and he comforted them and بعظامء الكهنة إن يحله فلم يقبل وأعلمهم advised them to adhere to the true faith. إن السيد املسيح قد ظهر له هذه الليلة يف When Arius, the infidel, learned that St. Peter was departing to فأساله «من شق، الرؤيا وعليه ثوب ممزق be with the Lord, leaving him under the band of excommuniثوبك يا سيدي ؟» فأجابه إن اريوس هو cation, he entreated him, through the high priests, to absolve ألنه فصلني من أىب فحذار،الذي شق ثويب him. St. Peter refused and told them that the Lord Christ had ، إن تقبله appeared to him this night in a vision, wearing a torn robe. St. قائد بطرس القديس استدعي ذلك وبعد Peter asked Him, “My Lord, who rent Your robe?” The Lord امللك رسا وأشار عليه إن ينقب حائط replied, “Arius has rent My robe, because he separated Me السجن من الخلف يف الجهة الخالية من from My Father. Beware of accepting him.” فذهل القائد من شهامة االب، املسيحيني After this, St. Peter summoned the Emperor’s messenger in secret and advised him to dig a hole in the prison’s wall on the وفعل كام أمره وأخرجه من السجن رسا، side where there were no Christians. The officer was amazed وأىت به إىل ظاهر املدينة إىل املكان الذي، at the bravery of the father and he did as he commanded him. ، فيه قرب القديس مرقس كاروز هذه الديار He took him out of prison secretly and brought him outside وهناك جثا عيل ركبتيه وطلب من الله قائال the city, to where the tomb of St. Mark the evangelist, Egypt’s وختام، «ليكن بدمي انقضاء عبادة األوثان evangelist. There, he kneeled down and asked the Lord, “Let فاتاه صوت من، سفك دماء املسيحيني the shedding of my blood mark the end of the worship of idols السامء سمعته عذراء قديسة كانت بالقرب and be the end of the shedding of the blood of Christians.” أي يكون لك، » يقول «امني، من املكان A voice came from heaven and was heard by a saintly virgin وملا أتم صالته تقدم السياف، كام أردت who was near that place. It said, “Amen. May it be to you وقطع رأسه املقدس وظل الجسد يف مكانه according to your wishes.” When he finished his prayer, the حتى خرج الشعب من املدينة مرسعا إىل swordsman advanced and cut off his holy head. The body remained in its place until the people went out حيث مكان االستشهاد ألنه مل يكن قد hurriedly from the city to the place where he was martyred, فأخذوه الجسد الطاهر، علم مبا حدث because they did not know what had happened. They took the والبسوه ثياب الجربية وأجلسوه عيل كريس pure body and dressed it in the pontifical clothes and seated مار مرقس الذي كان يرفض الجلوس عليه him on the seat of St. Mark, which he refused to sit on during وكان يقول يف ذلك انه كان يري، يف حياته his life. He used to say that he saw the power of God sitting on قوة الرب جالسة عليه فال يجرس هو إن the Chair and therefore, he did not dare to sit on it. Then they placed his body with the bodies of the saints. He occupied the ثم وضعوه حيث أجساد القديسني، يجلس وكانت مدة جلوسه عيل الكريس احدث throne of St. Mark for 11 years. His prayers be with us. Amen.
، عرشة سنة . صالته تكون معنا امني
Contemplations on the Gospel of حد الرابع من شهر هاتور املبارك The Fourth Sunday of Blessed month of Hator 31 – 17 ::10 10 مرقس Mark 10: 17 – 31 ما أعرس دخول املتكلني عىل االموال اىل how hard it is [a]for those who trust in riches to enter 24 ::10 10 ملكوت الله مرقس the kingdom of God! (24) أو تعب بدون كثريون يريدون امللكوت ولكن Many want to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven but السامء يدخلوا كثريون يريدون أن.. جهاد without toiling or struggling. They want to enter the شيثا يرتكوا أن وبدون ولكن بدون تضحية.. Heavens without any sacrifices. They want to indulge ىف ويغرقوا العامل ىف يعيشوا يريدون أن.. in the pleasures and lusts of this world and its vanities شهواته وملذاته ويسعون وراء أباطيله وىف and in the same time win the Kingdom of Heaven. It is a very difficult dilemma. Almost impossible to achieve. نفس الوقت ال يريدون أن يفقدوا امللكوت The Lord described it as it is easier for a camel to go انها عرسة.. ما أصعب هذه املعادلة.. through the eye of the needle than for such person who الحل جدا لدرجة أن دخول جمل من ثقب swallowed like a camel to go through this narrow way فالجمل هو االنسان.. أبرة أسهل من حلها of the Cross which leads to the Kingdom of Heaven. وثقب االبرة.. املنتفخ بغنى العامل وشهواته This person needs first to get rid of all these heavy ولىك مير هذا.. هو طريق الصليب الضيق loads which blocks his way. He has to humble himself ويرتك الجمل من ثقب االبرة البد أن يتخىل and sacrifice all these world vanities. The Lord told us وتعطل كل هذه املعطالت التى تبعده how to achieve and solve this difficult problem in clear طريقه والبد أن يتضع ويتخىل عن كربياء steps: “Go your way, sell whatever you have and give وقد وضع الرب تفاصيل.. العامل ومظاهره to the poor, and come, take up the cross, and follow Me.”. هذه العملية الصعبة ىف خطوات واضحة First: Sell whatever you have: sell means to give away اذهب بع كل مالك وأعط الفقراء وتعال.. and sacrifice all the vanities. .. إتبعنى حامال الصليب Second: give to the poor: Works of righteousness and .. والبيع معناه الرتك.. بع كل مالك: أوال love to others. معناه قطع الصلة مع شهوات العامل Third: take up the cross and follow me: bear the suffer.. الكامل وهنا التخىل.. أعط الفقراء: ثانيا ings for the sake of Christ. Follow Him. This is your وعمل الرحمة واملحبة لآلخرين main goal. وىف جهاد ىف .. إتبعنى حامال الصليب: ثالثا + One thing you lack: أتبع السيد املسيح.. تعب وىف ترك العامل How much we all in this land of migration need to learn .. وأجعله هو هدفك الوحيد about this one thing? Many rushed to these countries for achieving materialistic gains under the banner of .. يعوزك شيئا واحدا+ achieving a good safe future for their children. In fact, ..ما أحوجنا جميعا اىل هذا الىشء الواحد they peruse a more luxurious comfortable life. They أندفع الكثريين.. خصوصا هنا ىف بالد املهجر seek to achieve more materialistic gains. Spiritual life is كل.. اىل هذه البالد وراء أهداف مادية not a priority for many. احة ر عن هدفهم تحقيق غنى رسيع والبحث How much we need to look carefully and ask what our واملشقة جسدية والخروج من حياة التعب main aim is to come here. What are our objectives and آخر بهدف والبعض غطى هذه االهداف.. what ways we implement to achieve them? May were أفضل مستقبل خارجى وهو البحث عن growing and progressing spiritually, but soon they start وكل مايريده فعال هو مستقبل.. ألوالده to deteriorate as they adopted this way of worldly living. Some may have reached to this sad level which St. .. مادى أفضل وليس مستقبل روحى أفضل Paul say about: “For many walk, of whom I have told ما أحوجنا أن نقف ونتأمل فيام قد خرجنا you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are وىف الطريق الذى رسمناه ألنفسنا.. من أجله the enemies of the cross of Christ” (Philippians 3: 18). فكثريون كانوا ىف حياة روحية ممتازة وىف.. There are saints who lived among us in this world but منو روحى مستمر ولكن مبجرد أن تبنوا they sacrificed every thing for there love of Christ the روحانياتهم هذه االهداف املاديه تدهورت King, The Lord gave them spiritual richness better than بالبعض االمر بل وصل..وضاعت أهدافهم all the treasures of this world. « املقدس الكتاب أن ينطبق عليهم وصف Church history tells us about St. Simon the Tanner. Tanner. We do not know much about his early life. He was a simple كثريون ممن كنت اذكرهم لكم مرارا أذكرهم االن باكيا وهم أعداء صليب ربنا يسوع poor man. He loved to keep his purity. One day he felt
that the lusts may affect him. He latterly carried out .. )18 )18 ::33 املسيح « (فيلبى the Lord commandment plucking out one of his eyes هناك قديسون عاشوا وسطنا ىف العامل وباعوا to escape offences. He lived with one eye working كل شىىء من أجل محبتهم ىف امللك املسيح during the day at the shop of a tanner. Whatever he وأعطاهم الله غنى روحى أفضل من كل خزائن earned, he used to buy bread to give the poor. He .. العامل used to spend all the night praying. In the morning he سمعان القديس عن الكنيسة تاريخ لنا يحىك takes his jar full of water and the bread to distribute وبدايته أصله عن شيئا نعرف نكاد ال .. از الخر to the sick and the disabled. Anba Abraam Ibn Zorah أن يوما أحس .. ا ري فق بسيطا إنسانا كان لكنه .. the Patriarch was praying for three days that the Lord الشهوة قد ترسبت اىل قلبه فنفذ وصية الكتاب can help him to move the mountain as ordered by حرفيا وقلع أحد عينيه وعاش بعني واحدة the Khalif. In the third day while praying St. Mary appeared to him telling him to go in the morning وكان يعمل ىف النهار عند رجىل دباغ ويأخذ to an ally where he shall meet a man with one eye أجره ويشرتى به خبزا يتصدق به عىل الفقراء carrying a jar and this man will be the one whom the واملساكني أمثاله ويقىض ليله قامئا يصىل وىف Lord will use to carry out the miracle. This man was الصباح باكرا يحمل قربة املاء وميألها ومير عىل Simon the Tanner. Simon insisted to hide himself العجزة واملرىض ويعطيهم أحتياجهم من املاء behind the Patriarch and not to be seen during the هذا اإلنسان البسيط الذى أرشدت.. والخبز miracle of moving the mountain. After the miracle he ابن القديسة العذراء مريم األب البطريرك آبرام completely disappeared, and no one knows where he فقد .. زرعة ليتم عىل يديه نقل جبل املقطم has gone. ظهرت العذراء الطاهرة لألب البطريرك وهو ىف Church history also tells us about one of the prominent Copts Fahd Ibn Ibrahim, Ibrahim, who was a scribe to اليوم الثالث من صالته من أجل أن يرشده الرب Khalif Elhaken Beamrellah the Fatimid and was very ليخرج من الشدة التى هو فيها وأرشدته أن much trusted by him. Soon, the mode of the Khalif يخرج ىف الصباح وسوف يتقابل مع إنسان حامل changed and he started to persecute Christians. He وكان هو القديس سمعان.. جرة وبعني واحدة asked his trusted scribe to adopt Islam and promised الذى أرص عىل إخفاء نفسه وسريته.. الخراز him many rewards. Fahd reused to deny his Chrisأن حتى أثناء معجز ة نقل جبل املقطم طلب tianity. The Khalif ordered him to be beheaded and متاما واختفى.. يقف خلف البابا وال يراه احد to burn his body for three day. Even so his body was .. بعد املعجزة ومل يعرف عنه أثر not burned, and his right hand was untouched by ويحىك تاريخ الكنيسة ايضا عن األرخن الجليل fire. Fahd was known for his charitable deeds and فهد ابن ابراهيم وكان كاتب الحاكم بأمر اللة how much he was merciful and kind to the poor and needy. His right had was always stretched to give to ولكن رسعان ما.. الفاطمى وحاز ثقته جدا any one who is in need. That is why The Lord has تغري مزاج الحاكم وبدأيصب جام غضبه عىل stayed not affected by fire more than any other part وعرض عىل كاتبه األمني أن يعتنق.. املسيحيني of his body. He is one of those martyrs in our histoاالسالم فيعىل من شأنه ويعطيه الهدايا الجزيلة ry whom we do not know much about his life more ولكن فهد رفض الطلب فأمر الحاكم بقطع.. than that he was one of those who preferred to sell ذلك ومع.. رأسه وحرق جسده ملدة ثالثة أيام everything and carry the Cross of Christ until death. وكأن وبقيت يده اليمنى.. مل يحرتق جسده St Anastasia the Patrician who was a Byzantine فقد ذلك وأما السبب ىف.. النار مل تقربها أبدا who lived in the sixth century A.D. who refused قيل عن فهد أنه كان رحوما جدا ال يرد سائال the approach of Emperor Justinian to marry her (he was already married). She refused to be pressed ويده اليمنى كانت متتد دامئا بالخري ولذلك by his promises and left Constantinople to Alexanفقد ظهرت فيها هذه املعجزة أكرث من بقية dria where she lived in a nunnery. When she heard انه أحد الشهداء الذين عربوا فىى.. جسده that the Emperor is keen to find her, she wore men تاريخ املسيحني وال نكاد نعرف شيئا عن تفاصيل clothes and left to the desert of Scetis where she met حياته سوى أنه فضل أن يبيع كل ثىسء ويحمل Anba Daniel the wilderness Hegumen and lived there .. الصليب ويتبع السيد املسيح حتى اىل املوت under his guidance in the inner desert for 28 years وهناك أيضا سرية القديسة الناسكة أنستاسية unknown to any one except Anba Daniel whom she التى رفضت عرض االمرباطور.. املتوحدة used to see once a week to receive the Holy Mysاءاته ر جستنيان للزواج منها ولىك تهرب من أغ teries. When she knew that her end is drawing near, وضغطه قررت الهرب من القسطنطسنية she sent him a message to come and bury her body
وأنطلقت اىل االسكندرية وسكنت ىف احدى أديرة asking him to bury her with her own clothes. She left this world which she rejected and sold away العذارى وعندما عرفت أن االمرباطور جاد ىف البحث for the sake of her love to the Lord Christ and تزيت بزى الرجال وأنطلقت اىل الصحراء اىل دير.. عنها heavenly life and glory. أبو مقار حيث قابلت االنبا دانيال أب الربية وسكنت My beloved, what are you ready to sell for the هناك تحت إرشاده ىف مغارة ىف الربية الداخلية وقضت sake of your love to Christ? سنة ال يعرف أحد رسها سوى األنبا دانيال28 هناك Are you ready to disregard your personal pride املقدسة الذى كانت تراه مرة كل أسبوع لتناول األرسار and honour and bear any insult or harsh treatالعامل وعندما أحست أنها عىل وشك الخروج من.. ment from others peacefully and return it with وأوصته أن يدفنها.. أرسلت اليه رسالة ليحرض ويدفنها love and blessing? وخرجت من العامل الذى رفضته وباعته من.. مبالبسها Are you ready to sacrifice this extra working hours in the day of the Lord and rather prefer to .. اجل محبتها ىف السامويات ومجدها spend this time participating and enjoying the وانت أيها الحبيب ماذا تبيع من اجل محبتك ىف السيد Heavenly Banquet which the Lord invite you to املسيح ؟؟؟؟ attend on that day? هل أنت مستعد أن تدوس قليال عىل كربياءك وكرامتك Are you ready to wake up earlier than normal to الشخصية وتحتمل بفرح إهانات اآلخرين لك ؟ وتقدم attend more of these heavenly moments enjoying لهم ىف مقابلها محبة وبركة ؟ even a glimpse of the life in Heaven through ىف ائدة ز ال العمل بساعات هل انت مستعد أن تضحى prayers and attending the church praises? التى السامئية الوليمة ىف تشرتك يوم الرب ؟ من اجل ان Are you ready to give away these unsuitable يقدمها لك الله ىف هذا اليوم ؟ friendships and not to defile your heart and home هل انت مستعد أن تضحى بساعة من ساعات النوم preserving your life purity and chastity? Learn to sell to buy the better portion for the وتستيقظ مبكرا حتى ال يفوتك شيئا من لحظات الوليمة sake of Christ’s love to you and for the sake of التى هى مجرد ملحات من حياة السامء ؟ the Kingdom of Heaven. Sell, and give the poor. هل أنت مستعد ان تضحى بتلك الصداقات التى Invest in the more lasting and unfading treasures تشغلك ىف امور عاملية غري الئقة من اجل أن ال يتدنس of Heaven. Sell what is going to vanish for what قلبك وال بيتك وتحفظ نفسك مقدسا للله ؟ is eternal and never vanish or lost. .. االفضل من اجل.. تعلم أيها الحبيب أن تبيع + and come, take up the cross, and follow Me. ملكوت اجل من .. من اجل محبة السيد املسيح لك For this world, the Cross of Christ is ignorance and shame. For us, we the sons and daughters of أستثمر غنى العامل من.. وأعط الفقراء.. بع..السموات أستثمر ما يفنى من أجل ما ال يفنى.. اجل غنى السامء God it is glory and great indescribable joy. One of those who had literally done that Bokaira .. وال يضمحل أبد of Rasheed who was one of the notable employوتعال أتبعنى حامال الصليب+ ees for Elhakem, the Fatimid Khalif. Under great هو عار.. صليب السيد املسيح لدى العامل هو جهالة pressure and in time of weakness he buckled هو.. ولكن عندنا نحن أوالد الله هو غنى ال يوصف.. and denied Christ and turned to Islam. Later, .. هو قوة ال توصف.. هو فرح عظيم.. مجد he came back to himself and regretted what he األضطهاد وهناك من نفذوا هذه الوصية حرفيا ىف زمان had done. He decided to announce his return to الديوان رؤساء ومنهم بقرية الرشيدى الذى كان أحد.. Christ and repentance publicly. He went to the تأثري وتحت ضعف وىف لحظة.. ىف أيام الحاكم بأمر الله palace of the Khalif carrying a Cross and shout ولكنه عاد اىل.. أسلم وترك مسيحيته.. ضغط شديد ing “Christ is the Son of God”. The Khalif tried وقرر أن يتوب ويعلن.. نفسه وندم جدا عىل ما فعل to persuade him to deny Christ but he refused. They threw him in the prison bound with heavy وترك خدمة الديوان وحمل الصليب ومىض.. توبته علنا chains. He spent all the night standing and pray« اىل قرص الحاكم وصاح عىل بابه «املسيح ابن الله ing and told those who are with him that before وحاول الحاكم ورجاله إقناعه بأن ينكر السيد املسيح Sunset he will be pardoned and released. That is وألقوة ىف السجن فقىض الليل كلة ىف الصالة.. فرفض what happened. He dedicated his life to visit the واقفا رغم القيود الثقيلة وتنبأ انه سوف يخرج من prisoners and help the sick and the poor. He used عنه عفى السجن قبل مغيب الشمس اليوم التاىل وفعال to fast daily up to Sunset and spend all the night إفتقاد اجل الحاكم فخرج من السجن وكرس نفسه من praying. اء ر بالفق جدا املسجونني واملرىض والفقراء وكان رحوما Saints also carry the Cross in their bodies as .. ويصوم يوميا اىل املساء ويقىض الليل كله ىف الصالة St. Paul say, “I bear in my body the marks of
the Lord Jesus” (Galatians 6: 17). These marks بل أن القديسني حملوا الصليب ىف أجسادهم فيقول he carried as his pains “ so that even handkerالقديس بولس الرسول أىن «حامل ىف جسدى سامت chiefs or aprons were brought from his body to ) حملها ىف جروحه وآالمه17 )17 ::66 الرب يسوع» (غالطية the sick, and the diseases left them and the evil وأمراضه التى كانت املناديل واملآذر املأخوذة من عىل spirits went out of them” (Acts 19:12). جروحة تشفى االمراض وتخرج االرواح الرشيرة (أعامل St Rewis stayed nine years suffering from a .. )12 )12 ::19 19 الرسل sever sickness. He beared with the pain silently in a lot of patience praying for all who visit him وىف قصة القديس األنبا رويس أنه قىض تسع سنني ىف and for the sick who need his prayers. When he مرض شديد صامتا ال يكلم أحد محتمال بصرب عجيب knew that his life is drawing near to the end, he يصىل من اجل الخطاة الذين يزورونه ويشفى املرىض called his disciples and blessed them. He anoint وعندما علم بنهايته بارك.. الذين يطلبون صالته ed all his body with the sign of the Cross and عالمة تالميذه واحدا واحدا ومسح جسده باملاء راشام departed in peace in the 21st of Baba which is قدميه الصليب عىل كل أعضاءه من رأسه اىل أخمص St. Mary’s commemoration whom he loved and وكان إنتقاله ىف عيد السيدة العذراء.. ثم تنيح بسالم always asked for he prayers and intercessions بابه التى أحبها جدا وطلب شفاعتها بأستمرار21 مريم and appeared often to him to encourage and .. وظهرت له مرارا عديدة تشجعه وتقوية support him. The Cross was manifested in their holy conduct, حملوا.. أنهم حملوا الصليب ىف سريتهم املقدسة patience and bearing pains and persecution in الصليب ىف صربهم وىف جهادهم وىف فرحهم بإضطهاد this world. They really followed the Lord carry حملوا الصليب من خالل التلمذة.. العامل لهم ing His Cross. Do you carry your Cross? وأنت أيها الحبيب هل تحمل.. الحقيقية للرب يسوع Your Cross is to live in purity and chastity in this صليبك أم قد تخليت عنه ؟ world which is full evil temptations and lusts. فيها تعيش التى والنقاوة هو حياة الطهارة.. صليبك Your Cross is to live if full honest and straight.. الرش اءات ر وإغ وسط عامل مىلء بالنجاسة ness in this world full of twisting and unlawful صليبك هو أمانتك وأستقامتك وإخالصك وسط عامل works. .. يشجع عىل الرسقة واإللتواء Your Cross is to destine yourself from the defiled حفالت رقصه وغناءه.. صليبك هو رفضك ملالهى العامل pleasures of this world. People will think you have backward thinking and life style for you do وحتى وإن وصفت بالتجمد.. وخالعته.. وخموره.. not follow their styles and ways of living. والرجعية والتخلف وعدم مسايرة الجو الذى تعيش Your Cross is to bear with those who hurt you or .. فيه deny you your rights. You show them all love as .. إلهانتهم.. صليبك هو إحتاملك لجحود اآلخرين the Lord commanded us. Your Cross is to carry out your responsibilities at هو أن ترد.. بفرح وإبتهاج ومرسة قلب.. لتنكرهم لك .. إساءتم مبحبة وبعمل الرحمة واالحسان home, work and community in faithfulness and work hard for the salvation of those whom you صليبك هو ان تحمل عىل كتفك مسئولية بيتك وأوالدك deal with to lead them to successful heavenly cit- بإجتهاد و أمانة وتسعى من أجل خالص نفوسهم من izens. You look after their spiritual success first تبحث.. أجل أن يصريوا من مواطنى السامء الناجحني as well as their worldly success. .. عن نجاحهم الروحى قبل نجاحهم الجسدى Do you really carry this Cross or you reject the .. هل أنت تحمل هذا الصليب أم أنت ترفض الصليب Cross? ال طريق للسامء إال من خالل.. أحذر ايها الحبيب Be aware, there no other way to Heaven except العامل.. طريق الصليب.. ثقب االبرة الضيق جدا through this narrow road that is like the narrow ولكن لالسف لن متر.. سوف يجعل منك جمال كبريا opening of the needle. The world wants to make .. من ثقب االبرة you a camel, but regrettably this camel cannot go صغرية كنملة العامل وسط يجعلك رمبا الصليب الثقيل through the eye of the needle. محتقرة وال يحس بها احد ولكنها سوف متر من ثقب The heavy Cross may make you like an ant .. اإلبرة اىل السامء which the world does not like or even does not وإتبع.. إنحنى أيها الحبيب واحمل صليبك كل يوم know that it exist, but for sure you will pass through the eye of the needle to Heaven. .. الرب يسوع Bend down my beloved and carry your Cross everyday and follow the Lord Christ.
+ The Advent Fasting: : صوم الميالد المجيد+ Sunday 26th November the Advent Fasting نوفمبر بدأ صوم الميالد المجيد٢٦ يوم األحد started. It continues for 42 days and ends by يوما وينتهي يوم عيد الميالد المجيد٤٢ ومدته the Feast of Holy Nativity at 7th January. It is وهذا الصوم من األصوام التي.. يناير القادم7 allowed to eat fish during this fasting except يسمح فيها بأكل األسماك ماعدا أيام األربعاء on Wednesdays and Fridays and usually we والجمعة ويصام فيها انقطاعيا حتى الساعة abstain from food until 3pm. For those who الثالثة بعد الظهر وفى حاالت المرض يستشار got health reasons they can consult their وصوم الميالد هو أستعداد لعيد.أب االعتراف father of confession. The Advent Fasting is التجسد اإللهي الستقبال الرب الكلمة المتجسد a preparation for the Feast of Incarnation of ويصام أربعين يوما كمثال صوم الرب األربعيني our Lord. We fast 40 days taking an examوكمثال صوم موسى أربعين يوما قبل تسلمه ple of the Lord’s Fasting and from Moses الوصايا والناموس ويصام أيضا ثالثة أيام أضافية Fasting for 40 days before receiving the Law كمثال صوم الكنيسة في أيام البابا أبرآم ابن زرعة and Commandments. We fast also extra three من أجل أتمام معجزة نقل الجبل62 البطريرك days in commemoration of the days fasted ويتخلل هذا.المقطم أيام الخليفة المعز الفاطمي by people during the time of St Abraam the الصوم أيضا شهر كيهك الذي تركز فيه الكنيسة 62th Pope of Alexandria for the miracle of على القراءات الخاصة بقصة تجسد الرب يسوع moving the mountain. The blessed month of وتسبح فيه الكنيسة التسابيح الخاصة بالتجسد Keiahk falls during the Advent days in which الرب.. وبوالدة األله القديسة العذراء مريم we sing and read all about the Incarnation of المحب يعطينا بركة هذا الصوم المقدس فنصومه the Lord. Let us all pursue fasting in humilبطهارة وبر وخشوع ونقدم فيه صوما روحيا ity and repentance and offer our hearts to be ممزوجا بدموع التوبة ومعدين قلوبنا لتكون هيكال holy sanctuary for our Lord the Child of the مقدسا لطفل المزود الرب المتجسد Manager the Incarnated Lord. : تسبحة شهر كيهك+ + Doxologies of Keiahk فى كنيسة العذراء مريم تبدأ تسبحة شهر كيهك Doxologies and Praises of the blessed month أى سبع- (المعروفة أيضا بسبعة وأربعة of Keiahk starts at St. Mary’s church next ئيؤطوكيات وأربعة تسابيح) كل يوم سبت أبتداء Saturday 9th December 7 - 11 pm. During the . مساء11 - 7 ديسمبر٩ من السبت week it will be held on Tuesdays & Thursday كما تقام التسبحة خالل األسبوع يومي الثالثاء every week 6:30 - 9 pm. مساء9 - 6:30 والخميس
Coptic Hope Charity Announcement “So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7 Dearest Congregation, Coptic Hope Charity is writing to you today to share some important news about our charity and how you can help us continue our mission of providing essential and most basic of needs to the most vulnerable members of our community in Egypt. On behalf of CHC Nagy Banoub visited Egypt in October 2023 and had the pleasure of meeting Pope Tawadros II and 30 representatives from the 16 Dioceses CHC supports. As you may know, the cost of living in Egypt has increased significantly in the past year due to various factors such as inflation, rising energy prices, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Unfortunately, this means that the people we serve are facing more hardships and difficulties than ever before. Many struggling to afford the necessities of life, such as food, shelter, clothing, and medical care. Some are experiencing homelessness, hunger, or illness. We need your help more than ever. We are asking you to please consider making a generous donation to our charity today or increasing your regular contribution to $70 per month if you are already a supporter. Don’t forget our Christmas Hamper appeal 2024. With your love, support, and generosity this appeal allows us to send much needed food hampers containing day to day needs for the less fortunate in all regions of Egypt. Each food hamper will cost $65, which provides enough food for up to a family of 4. Larger families will receive multiple hampers. You can join us by donating to the below bank account (a tax deductable receipt will be provided to all donors) Account Name: Coptic Hope Charity Limited ATF BSB: 063-159 Account Number: 10 686 722 Please use the reference ‘Food Hamper’ If you would like to become a regular donor and sponsor a family for as little as $70 per month, please fill in our sponsorship form on our Facebook page (a tax deductible receipt will be provided to all donors). For any further information please contact Nagy Banoub on 0423 411 715 / May our Lord reward you all, wishing you all a blessed fast of the Holy Nativity
Return to your rest, O my soul, For the Lord has dealt bountifully with you. (Psalm 116:7)
Baptism of Isabella Sophia, Daughter of Catherine and Daniel Youssef Sunday 26th November 2023
Visit of His Eminence Metropolitan Anba Asheia & His Grace Bishop Anba Daniel 27th Nov - 18th Dec 2023 Fri 1st Dec 2023 Vespers & General Meeting at St Mary Church. Kensington 6:30pm
Sat 9 Dec 2023 Vespers & General Meeting at St Mary Church. Kensington 5:30pm
Sun17 Dec 2023
Divine Liturgy at St Mary Church, Kensington
Departed to the Lord Mr Wafik Mikhail, husband of Nardine Mikhail, Father of Joshua and Sophia Mikhail and Andrew Bishay (fiancé of Sophia). Brother of Mary Mikhail and her family in Egypt, and Christine Mikhail and her family in Austria. Son in law of Nashaat Bebawy in Egypt and Brother in law of Christine and Nabil Girgis and uncle of Stephen, and Helen wife of Sam Ibrahim and Family. The Wake will be at St George’s Church on Sunday the 3rd of December at 5:30-7pm. The funeral prayers will be this Monday the 4th of December at 10:30am and burial will be at Bacchus March Cemetery at 1pm. The family requests your prayers and asks that condolences be offered at the Wake at church. May God repose his soul and grant comfort and peace to the family.
Financial Summary for St. Mary’s Church New Project
Purity to those in virginity Sermon 6th September 2023 HH Pope Tawadros the second Our teacher St. Peter wrote: “but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, 16 because it is written, “Be holy, for I am holy.” And if you call on the Father, who without partiality judges according to each one’s work, conduct yourselves throughout the time of your [f]stay here in fear; 18 knowing that you were not redeemed with [g] corruptible things, like silver or gold, from your aimless conduct received by tradition from your fathers, 19 but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot.” (1 Peter1:15-19). Purity to those in virginity It is the third of the specialized litanies, and the ninth of the short prayers that are said in the Mass. This request is specific to young men and women, and the evidence for this is that the request that follows it is: “A life of goodness to those in wedlock.” They are two consecutive requests: the first concerns before marriage and the second concerns after marriage. Its counterpart in the New Testament is the commandment that Saint Paul the Apostle said to his young disciple Timothy: “Keep yourself pure” (1 Timothy 5:22), and it reminds us of a phrase mentioned in the Old Testament in the Book of Ecclesiastes: “Remember your Creator in the days of your youth” (Ecclesiastes 12:1). The life of purity does not concern the body only, but it is a comprehensive life, and what is meant by virginity is not the responsibility of the body only, but what is meant is the virginity of the mind, soul, and conscience. The importance of a life of holistic purity The period of youth is an irreplaceable period that begins with adolescence, during which God gives each of us energy and passion that remain stored in his heart, so the heart begins to open to the opposite sex. The most precious gift a person gives to the other party during marriage is this reserve of affection. The real reason why some people want to separate after marriage is that the reserve of heartfelt affection was small and ended quickly. Whereas the young man/woman who preserves the blessing of our Lord, which is called emotion, and does not squander it, the day they take the decision to marry, their decision will be correct, and their marriage will last and be happy for all the years. As for the one who wastes heartfelt affection and does not value its value with relationships, telephone calls, chats, and words, year after year, and story after story, when they want to have a family, they do not find anything to fill this new entity because their affection is almost gone. how we start? Young man/woman, give your youthful strength to God. Don't say I want to be happy, work like other young people, go anywhere, see everything, and be friend with anyone. Be aware that life is a bank from which you recover what you have previously deposited in it. If you saved a little, you will find a little. When you give your youthful ability to God now; He will return it to you in old age because you preserved yourself. Young life is not an opportunity to try anything (drug addiction, bad relationships, bad friendships and so on). Be careful, because life with God always contains sweetness, tranquillity, inner joy, hope, optimism, and success. On the contrary, if you try the things of the world, you will distance yourself from God, and when a person distances himself from God, they will find in life in bitterness, alienation, and despair, and it will lead to failure, and it may even lead to suicide. Today's world is completely different. It is a world in which there is speed in everything, extreme violence among young and old, pornography in all forms until it has become a business, anxiety that fills hearts, and it is a world full of corruption. Remember that if you give your strength today to God, He will return it to you in old age, and God will give you strength and ability in terms of health, a fresh mind, and the feelings of the heart. Blindness on the reality of death
The wars surrounding young people today are of every kind (pornography, speed, addiction, violence, crime, corruption) and they have a strange goal, which is to turn a blind eye to death, that is, for a person to forget death, and then suddenly death comes to them. Music today is so loud and intense that those who play it cover their ears to protect them from the high vibrations. Why? They say: To make a person forget death. How do we forget death when we bid farewell to a loved one every day? Poets say: “Death is a cup for all human beings.” Also, television channels operate 24 hours a day, the Internet, mobile phones, and social networking sites, all of these keep you busy all the time to forget one basic fact in life, which is that one day, no one knows it, you will leave this life. Please be careful, youths. A life of purity is only difficult in the following cases: 1- For example, he wants a pure life: he lives in distraction and does not listen to those who advise him (the Bible, church prayers, parents, priests, servants), because he has no desire, so purity becomes difficult for him. This type of phrase in slang language says: “There is no benefit.” 2- Whoever relies on his limited capabilities: He thinks in himself that he is limited and incapable, and that all people say this or do that. Know that Christ said to us: “Without me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). We all have little and weak capabilities, but in the hands of Christ, a little becomes a lot. Remember the miracle of feeding five thousand men, excluding women and children, with five loaves of bread and two fish, leaving 12 baskets full of fragments left over. And know that God who lives in you can give you a blessing, so ask and may God strengthen you and support you. Ask for grace and seek it in your prayers, Gospel readings, confessions, sacramental practice, and Communion. Remember the words of the righteous Joseph: How then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?” (Genesis 39: 9). Whoever lives an aimless life: an aimless life is a breeding ground for impurity. An empty life is a life without a mission, without responsibilities, and without service. The Bible says, “Loving the world is enmity with God” (James 4:4). Do not let the things of the world enter your heart, otherwise your heart will become empty and meaningless, and you will be a hopeless and useless person in your life. If you want to live in purity, pay attention and fill your heart with study, with a profession, with a hobby, with work, with reading, with culture, with service in any form. 4- Whoever integrates into a scandalous society: A good friend lifts you up, but “bad company corrupts good morals” (1 Corinthians 15:33). Nowadays, the general climate and society are not pure and there are many bad things in it. Remember that your body is sacred and has dignity because you have been anointed with chrism. Please pay attention and protect yourself from the pitfalls of the society around you, and do not forget the story of the righteous Joseph. Saint Athanasius the Apostolic said: “One of you may say: Where is the time of persecution for me to become a martyr? Now you can be a martyr if you want: put away sin, keep yourself pure, and you will become a martyr by choice.” Saint John Chrysostom said: “The face that is sanctified by the sign of the cross cannot bow to Satan,” because the first sign of chrism was with the sign of the cross on your forehead. Conclusion: Conclusion “Purity for those in virginity”: It is a call to every young man/woman to keep their life pure, in thought and heart, and to preserve the purity of their eyes, hands, tongue, soul and conscience. If a person lives in purity, their youth will be healthy and their future will be healthy, and God looks at them because they heard the commandment, “Remember your Creator in the days of your youth” (Ecclesiastes 12:1). Whenever they want to have a family, their family will be strong, good, blessed, and joyful. May God protect all our boys, girls, young men and women. “With the purity of your heart, you will have the ability to see others, and this ability will enable you to see God” (Pope Tawadros II). Al-Keraza Magazine, November 10, 2023 AD
Building Site 21st November 2023
Construction of New Buildings started Thursday 28th April
The new Building is expected to be ready February 2024. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downloaded from church website.
Cost of building works is around $13,000,000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreciated. 2022 أبريل٢٨ أعمال اإلنشاءات بدات يوم الخميس خدمات الكنيسة تتم حسب المعتاد حسب.٢٠٢٤ .٢٠٢٤ من المتوقع االنتهاء من المشروع فبراير .الجدول الموضح داخل النشرة . مليون دوالرا١٣ تبلغ تكلفة المشروع حوالى ينكنك المشاركة بتبرع شهرى بملء أستمارة السحب البنكي الموجودة بالكنيسة أو طبعها من خالل مركز الكنيسة اإللكتروني الرب يبارك تبرعاتكم ومساهمتكم فى هذا العمل Donations to St Mary’s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link للتبرعات لكنيسة العذراء مريم ومشروع المباني أضغط على الرابط (Copy & Paste on Web Browser)