Weekly Bulletin 3rd March 2024

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Services at St Mary’s Church


Mass 9 - 11 am


Liturgy 5:30 - 7am

7:30pm The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages

Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am

6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults


Mass 9 - 11 am - English

English Midnight Praises 7:30pm

English Bible Study 7:30pm

Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am

Youth 25 and above 7-9pm

Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm

Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am

Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm

Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm


Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:307pm

Scouts 1:30 - 3pm

School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm


1st Mass6 - .7:45am Arabic & English

2nd Mass.7:45 – .9:30am English

3rd Mass 9:30 - 11:15am Arabic

Hymns Class - English 11:4512:30pm

Church Priests:

Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251

Email: frtadros@me.com

Fr Habib Girgis Younan: 0401238177 – 94498871

Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail. com

Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821

Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au

Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kensington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651

Fr Kerillos Tawadros

0411 518 399

Fr John Makary

0433 445 636

يزيلجنا - احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا

ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - ليللا فصن ةحبست

ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - سدقملا باتكلا سرد احابص ١١ – ٩ يهللإا سادقلا :ةعمجلا

رثكأف ةنس 25 بابشلا ءاسم ٩ – 7 - ةمدخلا دادعإ عامتجأ ءاسم 8:30 - 7 يزيلجنا

احابص ١١ – 8,30 يهللإا سادقلا:تبسلا 5,30 – 4 دحلأا سرادم

ءاسم 8:30 –7 بابشلا عامتجاو ةيشعلا يزيلجنا

يبرع ءاسم 7 - 5:30 باتك سردو ةيشعلا :دحلأا

:ءارذعلا ةسينكب ةمدخلا ديعاوم:نينثلأا احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا احابص 7 - 5:30 :يهللإا سادقلا :ءاثلاثلا )يزيلجنا( اذ - يزيلجنلإاب رابكلل عامتجأ ءاسم 7:30 ىاو احابص ١١ – ٩ يهللإا سادقلا :ءاعبرلأا :سيمخلا
يبرع ص,7:45 – 6 لولأا سادقلا يزيلجناو
– ص ٩:30 – ,7:45 يناثلا سادقلا يبرع ص ١١:١5 – ٩:30 ثلاثلا سادقلا ١2:30 - ١١:45 يزيلجنا - ناحلأ لصف ءاسم :ةسينكلاب ةنهكلا ءابلأا ميبوراش سردات صمقلا 0414251251بلأا Email: frtadros@me.com :نانوي سجرج بيبح سقلا بلأا 94498871 - 0401238177 Email: habibgirgisyounan@ hotmail.com 0422431821 :بيلص لكيام سقلا بلأا Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Epsom Rd, 3031:ةسينكلا ناونع :نوفيلت 5 Kensington Vic 93766651 سورضوات سلريك سقلا بلأا 0411518399 يراكم نوج سقلا بلأا 0433445636

The Martyrdom of Sts. Archippus, Philemon and Lycia the Virgin. 4th March - 25th Amsher

On this day, the Sts. Archippus, Philemon and Lycia the virgin, were martyred. They believed through St. Paul when he was preaching in Phrygia.

One day the pagans were celebrating the feast of Artamis. The saints entered their temple to see what they were doing and to see their rituals. They saw them offering sacrifices to the idol and glorifying it.

The divine zeal inflamed their hearts, and they went out of the temple and went to the church declaring the glory of the Lord Christ and magnifying His Holy Name. When the pagans heard about what the saints had done, they informed the Governor, who attacked the church and arrested them. He tortured the saints by driving hot nails in to their sides. He threw St. Archippus into a ditch and ordered him to be stoned until he gave up his pure spirit. St. Philemon and St. Lycia were also tortured with different kinds of tortures until they gave up their spirits. Their prayers be with us. Amen.

The Departure of St. Hosea, the Prophet.

5th March - 26th Amsher

On this day, St. Hosea, the prophet, one of the twelve minor prophets of Israel, departed. This righteous man prophesied during the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah, kings of Judah, and in the days of Jeroboam, the son of Joash, King of Israel. (Hosea 1:1( He mentioned in his prophecy some remarkable and marvelous things. He rebuked the children of Israel for their sins and their transgressions, and warned them in advance about the evil things that would befall them because of their offenses. He promised them the uplifting of these calamities if they returned to the Lord their God.

He also prophesied about the passions of our Savior, His resurrection and the salvation of the human race. He said, «He has torn, but He will heal us; He has stricken, but He will bind us up. After two days He will revive us; on the third day He will raise us up, that we may live in his sight. Let us know, let us pursue the knowledge of the Lord... « (Hosea 6:1-3(

He prophesied also about the abolishment of the sting of death and the dominion of hell by saying, «I will ransom them from the power of the grave, I will redeem them from death, O Death, I will be your plagues! O Grave, I will be your destruction.» (Hosea 13:14( «O Death, where is your sting? O Hades, where is your victory?» (I Corinthians 15:55( He departed at a blessed old age. His prayers be with us. Amen.

The Martyrdom of St. Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna. 8th March - 29th Amsher

On this day of the year 167 A.D., St. Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna(1(, was martyred. His life began at the end of the

اودهشيل اببرلا لىإ نوسيدقلا لخدف هديع نوحضي مهوأرف . موقلا هب موقي ام

يهللإا بحلا لعتشاف هنومظعيو منصلل

اوهجوتو اببرلا نم اوجرخو مهبولق في حيسلما ديسلا دجم يننلعم ةسينكلا لىإ

عمس المو . سودقلا همسا ينمظعمو يدل مهب اوشو ينينثولا ضعب مهرمأب

مهيلع ضبقو ةسينكلا مجاه يذلا ، لياولا

رانلا في ةماحم يرماسم عضوب مهبذعو

سبخرأ سيدقلا حرط مث مهبونج في

حورلا ملسا ىتح همجرب رمأو ةرفح في

ةيفباو نوميلف ناسيدقلا امأ ةرهاطلا

تاباذعلا نم ةيرثك عاونأب ماهوبذع دقف

ماهتلاص . حورلا مالسا ىتح ماهوكتري لمو . ينما انعم نوكت

ىبنلا عشوه ةحاين

يرشمأ 26 - سرام 5

عشوه سيدقلا حينت مويلا اذه لثم في

ءايبنأ نم ايبن شرع ينثلاا دحأ يبنلا

ايزع مايا في رابلا اذه أبنت . ليئاسرإ ينب

مايا فيو اذوهي كولم ايقزحو زاحاو ماثويو

في ركذو ليئاسرإ كلم شاوي نب ماعبري

ينب تكبو ةبيجعو ةبيرغ ءايشأ هتوبن

مهرذنأو مهتلازو مهتائيس ليع ليئاسرإ

ليع مهل اباقع مهب لحت يتلا روشرلاب

بئاصلما هذه لاوزب مهدعوو مهئمارج أبنتو مههلأ برلا لىإ اوعجر اذإ مهنع

ينب صلاخو هتمايقو صلخلما ملاآ نع

دعب انييحي انبرجيف بضر « لاقف . شربلا

همامأ ايحنف انميقي ثلاثلا مويلا في ينموي

نع أبنتو « برلا فرعنل عبتتنلف فرعنل

ميحجلا ةكوش

ةيفيباو ةيخأ نوميلفو سبخرا داهشتسا ءارذعلا يرشمأ 25 - سرام 4 نوسيدقلا دهشتسا مويلا اذه لثم في نيذلا ءارذعلا ةيفباو نوميلفو سبخرأ لوسرلا سلوب سيدقلا دي ليع اونمأ نإ قفتاو . ةيجيرف في زركي ناك مانيح موي في سيماطراب نولفتحي اوناك ينينثولا
سركو تولما ةوطس لاطبأ كتبلغ نيأ توم اي كتكوش نيأ « هلوقب . ةحلاص ةخوخيش في حينتو « ةيواه اي .ينما انعم نوكت هتلاص فقسأ سوبراكيلوب سيدقلا داهشتسا يرشبلا انحوي ذيملتو انيرمس يرشمأ 29 - سرام 8 م 167 ةنس نم مويلا اذه لثم في فقسأ سوبراكيلوب سيدقلا دهشتسا رخاوأ في هتايح ادب . يرمزاب ةيرهشلا انيرمس

first Christian century, and he became the disciple of St. John the Evangelist. He was the one about whom the Lord said, “And to the angel of the church in Smyrna write, ‘These things says the First and the Last, Who was dead, and came to life: I know your works, tribulations and poverty, but you are rich; and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. Do not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer. Indeed, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and you will have tribulation ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.’” (Revelation 2:8-10( St. Polycarp went to Rome in the year 157 A.D. to settle a dispute with Arikestus, Bishop of Rome, in regard to the Easter feast. He shepherded his flock well and remained on his chair for a long time until a good old age. He wrote many articles and discourses about the Holy Advent, death, hell, torments of hell, the Virgin St. Mary and many others. He attracted many souls to the Lord with his life-giving teaching. When Emperor Marcus Aurelius incited persecutions against Christians, they strongly pressured him saying, “Swear and we will set you free; curse Christ and we will spare your life.” Polycarp replied, “I have served my Lord Christ for 86 years and He never harmed me so how can I blaspheme against my King Who saved me?”

The Governor said, “If you do not fear the wild beasts, I will make the fire consume you if you do not repent.” St. Polycarp said, “You threatened me with fire that burns for a while, then burns out, for you do not know the everlasting fire of judgement and the eternal punishment that are awaiting the evil ones. Now why are you lingering? Do whatever you want.”

After severe tortures and many threats, the saint wished to shed his blood for Christ’s name. He commanded and taught his people to be steadfast in faith and told them that they would not see his face after that day. They wept and tried to hold him down to prevent him from leaving but they failed to stop him. He went and confessed the Lord Christ before the Governor who ordered to cut off his head after much torture; thus he received the crown of life. Some of the believers took his body, shrouded and buried it with great honor. His prayers be with us and Glory be to our God forever. Amen.

The Appearance of the Head of St. John the Baptist. 9th March - 30th Amsher

On this day we celebrate the commemoration of the appearance of the head of St. John the Baptist. Herod commanded his head to be cut off and brought on a platter and given to Herodias, according to her request.


كيل نجسلا في مكنم اضعب يقلي نإ عمزم

نك . مايا ةشرع قيض مكل نوكيو اوبرجت

« ةايحلا ليلكإ كيطعأسف تولما لىإ انيمأ

م 157 ةنس ةيمور لىإ سيدقلا رفاس دقو . ديع ناشب ةيمور فقسأ سوتيسكينا عانقلإ

ماقأو ةيوعرلا هلماعأ شرابو داع مث حصفلا

.خاش ىتح ايربك انامز ةياعرلا سيرك ليع

نع ةديدع رمايمو ةيرثك تلااقم عضوو ، باذعلاو ميحجلاو تولماو سدقلما دلايلما

تايربدت نعو ميرم ةسيدقلا ءارذعلا نعو اسوفن برلا لىإ بذجو كلذ يرغو صلخلما .ةييحلما هميلاعتب ةيرثك

ليع داهطضلاا سويليروا سقرم راثأ الم و

سيدقلا ليع قانخلا اوقيض ينيحيسلما

حيسلما متشا . كحاسر قلطنف فلحا ينلئاق

ةنس ينناثمو ةتس لائاق سوبراكيلوب باجأف .

فدجأ فيكف ارضر لي لعفي لمو هتمدخ

لياولا هل لاق مث ؟ ينصلخ يذلا كيلم ليع

لعجأسف شوحولاب فختست تنك نإ

سيدقلا لاقف . تبت اذإ لاإ ، كمهتلت نايرنلا لعتشت يتلا رانلاب نيددهت كنا سوبراكيلوب

ران فرعت لا كنلأ ئفطنت ليلق دعبو ةعاس

ظوفحلما يدبلأا صاصقلاو ةديتعلا ةنونيدلا

.كل ادب ام لعفا أطابتت اذالم نكلو راشرلأل

ةديدع تاديدهتو ةريرم تاداهطضا دعبو

مسا ليع همد كفسي نإ سيدقلا اذه دارأ

في اوتبثي نإ مهملعو هبعش صيوأف حيسلما

ههجو نوري لا فوس مهنا مهفرعو نايملإا ينلواحم هب اوقلعتو اوكبف . مويلا كلذ دعب

وه امأ . كلذ نم اونكمتي لم مهنكلو هعنم

تاباذع دعبو عوسي برلاب فترعاو بهذف

سيدقلل ذملتتو يحيسلما لولاا ليجلا برلا هينعي يذلا وهو . لييجنلإا انحوي انيرمس ةسينك كلام لىإ بتكا « هلوقب فرعا انا . . . رخلأاو لولاا هلوقي اذه . ، ينغ كنا عم كرقفو كتقيضو كلماعأ ادوهي اوسيلو دوهي مهنا ينلئاقلا فيدجتو ةتبلا فخت لا . ناطيشلا عمجم مه لب سيلبإ اذوه . هب لمأتت نإ ديتع تنأ
ليلكإ لانف هسأر عطقب لياولا رمأ اهلان ةيرثك هونفكو هدسج يننمؤلما ضعب ذخاو . ةايحلا .ماركإب ايدبا ائماد دجلما انبرلو انعم نوكت هتلاص .ينما نادمعلما انحوي سيدقلا سأر دوجو سار دوجو راكذتب ديعن مويلا اذه في رمأ الم هنا كلذو . نادمعلما انحوي سيدقلا هيمدقتو هيلإ هراضحإو هسأر عطقب سدويره ليق تبلط ماك قبط ليع ايدرويه ةاتفلا لىإ

(Mark 6:7-28( It was said that after the feast he regretted the slaying of St. John so he kept the head in his house. Aritas, the Arabic King, Herod’s father-in-law, was enraged because Herod banished his daughter and married the wife of his brother, while his brother was still alive. Aritas instigated a war against Herod in revenge for his daughter. He overcame Herod, dispersed his army and destroyed the cities of Galilee.

When Tiberius Caesar learned that the reason for these wars was the slaying of a prophet, who was great among his people, by Herod, who banished his wife, the daughter of Aritas, the Arabian king, and married his brother’s wife, he summoned Herod and Herodias to Rome. Herod hid the head of St. John in his palace and went to Rome. When he arrived there, Tiberius removed him from his position and stripped him of all his possessions and exiled him to Spain where he died. Herod’s palace was ruined and became an example for those who might think of following in his footsteps.

A few years later, two believing men from Homs went to Jerusalem to spend the holy fast (Lent( there. Night fell on them while passing by the ruins of Herod’s palace, so they spent the night there. St. John appeared to one of them and told him about his name and the whereabouts of his head and ordered him to take it to his house. When he woke up, the man told this to his friend and they went to the place where the head was buried. They dug and found a sealed pottery vessel.

When they opened that vessel, a sweet aroma spread out of it. They found the holy head, took its blessing and placed it back in the vessel. The man that saw the vision took it to his house. He put it in a safe place and put a candle in front of it. Before his departure, he told his sister about it and she went on doing the same thing.

The head was handed from one person to another until it came to the hand of a follower of Arius who attributed the wonders and miracles that happened through the holy head to the heresy of Arius. The Lord commanded someone to force him out of his house. The place of the head remained unknown until the time of St. Cyril (Kyrillos(, Bishop of Jerusalem. St. John appeared to Abba Martianus, Bishop of Homs, in his sleep and told him about the place of the head. He went there and found the head and that was on the thirtieth of the month of Amshir. The prayers of this saint be with us and Glory be to our God forever. Amen.

Abba Kyrillos the Sixth, the 116th Pope of Alexandria. On this day also of the year 1971 A.D., the holy and righteous father Abba Kyrillos the Sixth, the one hundred and sixteenth Pope of Alexandria, departed. God has accorded this pure father the gift of working great miracles even after his departure. His prayers and blessings be with us. Amen.

سورابيط ملع دقو . ميظع يبنل سدويره لتق وه بورحلا هذه هجوزتو بيرعلا ساتيرا ةنبا هدرطو هبعش في هعمو ةيمور لىإ هاعدتساف . هيخأ ةأرما نم

سيدقلا سار سدويره يفخاف . ايدويره كانه لىإ لصو مالف . رفاسو هلزنم في انحوي عيمج نم هديرجتو هعلخب سورابيط رمأ تام ثيح سلدنلأا دلاب لىإ هافن مث هلاومأ

برتعي نلم ةبرع راصو هلزنم برخو . كانه نم ينلجر نإ يننسلا نم ةدم دعب قفتاو سدقلما تيب ادصق صمح لهأ نم يننمؤلما

سىمأو كانه يربكلا موصلا ةدم ايضقيل

سدويره لزنم نم برقلاب تقولا ماهيلع

انحوي سيدقلا رهظف . ماهتليل هيف امانف

عضوبم هفرعو همساب هملعاو ماهدحلأ

مالف . هلزنم لىإ هعم هلمحي نإ هرمأو هسأر

ابهذو هقيفرل كلذ لاق همون نم ظقيتسا

سيدقلا سار ناك يذلا ناكلما ثيح لىإ

ايراخف ءاعو ادجوف ارفحو ، هيف انوفدم

ةبيط حئاور

يرنت اضيا يه ترمتساف

ىتح ناسنإ لىإ ناسنإ نم لقتني سأرلا

ام بسني راصف ، سيويرا لجر لىإ يهتنا ، سويرا ةعدب لىإ تايلآا نم سأرلا هعنصي يقبو هناكم نم هدرط نم هيلع هللا لسرأف

سيدقلا نامز ىتح لاوهجم سأرلا ناكم

سيدقلا رهظ ثيح ميلشروأ فقسأ سليرك

مونلا في صمح فقسأ سونايترم ابنلأ انحوي ناكو هذخأف . سأرلا عضوم لىإ هدشرأو اذه ةلاص . يرشمأ رهش نم ينثلاثلا في

انحوي هلتق ليع مدن ةميلولا ءاهتنا دعب هنا ساتيرا نإ قفتاو هلزنم في سأرلا يقباف هنلأ هيلع قنح، سدويره رهص برعلا كلم ، يح وهو هيخأ ةأرماب جوزتو هتنبا درط سدويره بلغف هتنبلا راثيل ابرح هيلع راثأف ليلجلا دلاب برخو هدونج لمش تتشو في ببسلا نإ
هنم تشرتنا هاحتف المو اموتخم هاداعأ مث هنم اكرابتف سدقلما سأرلا ادجوو ايؤرلا يأر يذلا لجرلا هذخأو . ءاعولا لىإ
همامأ ءاضأو هتنازخ في هعضوو هلزنم لىإ كلذب هتخأ ملعا هتافو تند المو . لايدنق لزي لمو . ليدنقلا
كلذ ايدبا ائماد دجلما انبرلو . انعم نوكت سيدقلا . ينما سداسلا سليرك ابنلاا ابابلا ةحاين سليرك ابنلاا ابابلا ةحاين راكذت مويلا اذه في دجلما انبرلو انعم نوكت هتلاص . سداسلا . ينما ايدبا ائماد

Fourth Sunday of the Blessed Month of Amsher

Luke 19: 1 – 10

“And he sought to see who Jesus was”

Ref: Gospel of St Luke – Fr Tadros Yacoub

Firstly: Some think the word ‘Zacchaeus’ means ‘the justified’ because Zacchaeus represents the triumphant Gentiles who have been justified by the blood of Jesus Christ. Secondly: Zacchaeus was a chief tax-collector; we know that this job was detested by the Jews, and was looked upon as a job for the account of the occupying Roman empire, that had the scent of betrayal to the Jewish nation. This is what the tax-collectors. Were generally described as – lovers of money, in a greedy covetous spirit, merciless regarding their Jewish brethren. At any rate, many scribes and Pharisees, due to their religious positions, and due to people’s regard of them, they managed to meet the Lord physically. They even asked Him to come to their banquets; and yet He never refused to go, for they may pull away from their apparent worship to the concept of the spiritual divine faith. But they rarely met Him on the spiritual level, or by being blessed with His divine thoughts. But as for this chief tax collector, in people’s eyes he represented the essence of defilement, and the last one to be interested in what comes from God. Yet, due to his hidden and hearty eagerness, he wished to see who Jesus was. He translated this eagerness to a simple job, which is that of climbing the sycamore tree t o see who will be kind to him, by opening the doors of hope to every human soul so as to encounter the Savior of sinners. As St. Ambrosios says, “We are presented here with the chief tax-collector; so, who of us would ever despair of himself, after obtaining grace after a deceitful life?”

Indeed, the tax-collector category was included among the adulterers (Matt.21: 31(, for these were two very distasteful categories. The former were busy asking for wealth on others’ account, whereas the latter category was looking for the physical lust on account of sanctifying the people. It was as if the two categories were destructive to the people. Despite this, the chief tax-collector was able to usurp by faith the Lord’s entrance to his house, and even to his heart. As St. Cyril the great says, “Zacchaeus was the chief tax-collector, and he was totally given to covetousness. His only aim was to increase his gains, for this was the tax-collector’s job. St. Paul called greed the worshiping of idols (Col.3: 5(. This may be appropriate to those who do not know God, for they are preoccupied with greed. Because those tax-collectors practiced t his sin openly, with no shame whatsoever, thus the Lord included them with adulterers, saying to the chief Jews (Matt.21: 31( “the tax collectors and the prostitutes are going into the kingdom of God ahead of you”. But Zacchaeus was no more counted as one of the tax collectors. He has become qualified for mercy at the hands of Christ who asks for those who are far to draw closer to Him. He also gave light to those in darkness.

St. Jerome thinks the sycamore tree here refers t o the good

ىدل ًلاًوذرم ناك لمعلا اذه

ةرمعتسلما ةينامورلا ةلودلا باسحل لمعك هيلإ ام عم اذه ،ةيدوهيلا ةملأل ةنايخلا ةحئار لمحي عمجل بح نم ةماع ةفصب نوراشعلا هب مستا ةهج نم ةمحر لاب عشجلاو عمطلا حورب لالما

يرثك عاطتسا لاوحلأا يأ لىع .دوهيلا مهتوخإ ةينيدلا مهزكارم مكحب ينيسيرفلاو ةبتكلا نم بسح ديسلا عم اوقتلي نأ مهيلإ سانلا ةرظنو

نكي لمو .مهئملاًول انايحأ هوعديو لب ،دسجلا لىإ ةيلكشلا مهتدابع نم نوبحسني مهلعل ضفري هعم اوقلات ام اردان نكل ،يحورلا يهللإا هركف اذه امأ .يهللإا هركفب عتمتلاو حورلا ديعص لىع يرهماجلا رظن يفف نيراشعلا سيئر وأ راشعلا وه ام لك نع لماكلا دعبلاو هنيعب سندلا لثيم عوسي ىري نأ يفخلا يبلقلا هقايتشا للاخ .يهلإ

طيسب لمع لىإ قوشلا اذه ةمجرتو ،وه نم

،هيلإ نحي نم ىيرل زيمجلا ةرجش دوعص وه عم يقتلتل ةيشرب سفن لكل ءاجرلا باوبأ حتفي :سويسوبرمأ سيدقلا لوقي ماكو .ةاطخلا صلخم

سأيي انم نمف ،نيراشعلا سيئر انه انل مدق[

!ةشاغ ةايح دعب ةمعن لان دقو هسفن نم دعب ةانزلا لىإ مضت نيراشعلا ةئف تناك دقل اقح ،ةياغلل ينتلوذرم ينتئف ماهنوكب ،)3١ :٢١ تم( باسح لىع ىنغلا بلط في ةكمهنم لىولأا

باسح لىع دسجلا تاوهش في ىرخلأاو ،نيرخلآا .ةعماجلل ينتبرخم ينتئفلا نأكو .ةعماجلا سيدقت نأ نيراشعلا سيئر عاطتسا دقف اذه عمو

لىإو لب ،هتيب لىإ ديسلا لوخد نايملإاب بصتغي ناك[ :يربكلا سليرك سيدقلا لوقي ماكو .هبلق

،اماتم عمطلل ملستسا دق ،نيراشعلل اسيئر اكز

وه اذه ناك ذإ ،هبساكم ميخضت ةديحولا هتياغ ةدابع عمطلا سلوب يعد دقو ،نيراشعلا لمع سيل نم بساني اذه نلأ ابمر ،)5 :3 وك( ناثوأ ناك ذإو .)عمطلاب مهلاغشناب( هللا ةفرعم مهل ،لجخ لاب ةينلاع ةليذرلا هذه نوسرايم نوراشعلا :دوهيلا ءاسؤرل لائاق ،ةانزلا عم برلا مهمض اذل توكلم لىإ مكنوقبسي نياوزلاو نيراشعلا نإ« دادع في رمتسي لم اكز نكل .)3١ :٢١ تم( »هللا

كرابلما يرشمأ رهش نم عبارلا دحلأا ١٠ – ١ :١٩ اقول ٢ :١٩ عوسي ىري نأ بلطو سردات صمقلا بلأا – اقول ليجنأ يرسفت :عجرلما بوقعي ،»ربرتلما« ينعت »اكز« ةملك نأ ضعبلا ىري :ًلاًوأ مدب اوربرت نيذلا نيصرنتلما مملأا لثيم اكز نلأ .حيسلما ديسلا نأ فرعن ماكو ،نيراشعلل اسيئر اكز ناك :ايناث ي ينعلطتم ،دوهيلا
لهأت انمإ ،نيراشعلا نيذلل ارون بهيو ،هنم برقلل نيديعبلا وعدي .ةملظلا في يرشت انه زيمجلا ةرجش نأ مويرج سيدقلا ىري بئاتلا أطي ثيح ةحلاصلا ةبوتلا لماعأ لىإ لىإ رظني اهللاخ نمو ،هيمدقب ةقباسلا اياطخلا :لوقي ىرخأ ةرم [ةليضفلا جرب نم ماك برلا لبقتي نأ لاهأ بسح ةعاس في يرغت يذلا اكز[
يذلا حيسلما

deeds of repentance, where the repentant person tramples on the previous sins with his own feet. Through this, he looks up to the Lord as if from the tower of righteousness. For a second time he says,

“Zacchaeus who was converted in a moment, became worthy of accepting Christ as a guest to him”.

Thirdly: St. Luke the evangelist mentions that Zacchaeus was a rich man (Luke19: 2(, and that he wished to see who Jesus was. He put into action this inward keenness into a job that has cost him much; for it was not an easy thing for a prestigious man, as the chief tax collector was, to climb a sycamore tree as a child would, and that people would see him there.

The evangelist may have wished to confirm that not every wealthy man is wicked; but that every person- whatever position, abilities or circumstances he had- carries inwardly the natural low that takes his heart, if he wished so, towards seeing God’s Word and being blessed with Him. God does not leave Himself with no witness in man’s life. The rich as well as the poor, if they wish, could go to the Lord and in the sharing of the free work of grace. St. Ambrosios says “Let the wealthy people know that wealth in its essence is not a sin, but rather the misusing of it is sinful. The money, that represents the stumbling block regarding the evil ones, is a means of practicing righteousness regarding the rich. Zacchaeus was rich, and therefore let us learn that not all the rich are covetous”. St. John Chrysostom says, “Abraham indeed ruled over the poor’s riches. All those who possessed wealth, in a sacred way, spent it for being God’s gift for them”. He moreover adds, “The Lord did not forbid people from becoming rich, but rather to be slaves to their wealth. He wishes us to use it as a necessity, but not to be guards to it. The slave keeps guard, whereas the landlord spends the money.

Fourthly: On one hand, the sycamore tree refers to the cross by means of which the believer encounters his Christ, and hears His divine voice, and his inward home is opened in acceptance of the Lord being transfigured in him. On the other hand, a thought integrated with this one, the tree refers to the church which is the good Shepherd’s shoulders, so as to offer him as a true fruit of love to her Groom. In other words, the church’s major role is to carry the entire world, even if he is someone as the chief tax collector. The church carries him on her shoulders, not to condemn him or hurt his feelings, but rather to grant him the possibility of meeting his Saviour. The church carries him in love and kindness, and thus kindles his heart more zealously towards the heavenly Groom. This is why, in truth, it has been said that the church is a true encounter between Christ and the repentant sinners. In it, the Lord finds His pleasure, for He can see the church offering Him in love, those souls He has died for. The sinner also finds the doors of hope wide open continuously, and the hearts and arms are ready in love to carry him to his Saviour.

Fifthly: The encounter between the Lord Jesus and Zacchaeus who was up on the sycamore tree may imply a symbolic meaning of the Lord’s salvation work: the sycamore tree here refers to the church that presents the sinful humanity to the Saviour.

انمإو ،ريشر ينغ لك سيل هنأب دكؤي نأ

هفورظ وأ هتايناكمإ وأ هزكرم ناك ايأ - ناسنإ

بحسي يعيبطلا سومانلا هلخاد في لمحيعتمتلاو هللا ةملك ةيؤر وحن - دارأ نإ - هبلق ةايح في دهاش لاب هسفن كتري لاً هللا .هب

دارأ نإ يرقفلا ماك ينغلا عيطتسي ،ناسنلإا

ةمعنلا لمعب ةكشرلاو برلا وحن قلطني نأ .ةيناجلما

ءاينغلأا فرعيل[ :سويسوبرمأ سيدقلا لوقي ةءاسإ لب ةيطخ سيل هتاذ في ىنغلا نأ

ةثرعلا رجح لثتم يتلا لاوملأاف ؛همادختسا

ةليضفلا ةسرمالم ةليسو يه راشرلأل ةبسنلاب

هنأ ملعتنل اينغ اكز ناك ...ينحلاصلل ةبسنلاب

سيدقلا لوقيو .ينعماط ءاينغلأا لك سيل

اقح كليم ناك ميهاربإ[ :مفلا يبهذلا انحوي ةقيرطب ىنغلا اوكلم نيذلا لكو ،ءارقفلل ىنغ

ماك ،]مهل هللا ةيطع هنوكب هوقفنأ ةسدقم

اونوكي نأ نع شربلا برلا عنيم لم[ :لوقي

نأ اندوي .مهانغل اديبع اونوكي نأ لب ءاينغأ

.هيلع اسارح ماقن نأ لاً ةروضرك همدختسن

].قفنيف ديسلا امأ ،سرحي دبعلا

زمرت ىهو زيمجلا ةرجش تناك نإ :اعبار ع

هحيسبم نمؤلما يقتلي هللاخ نم يذلا بيلصلل

ليخادلا هتيب حتفنيو ،يهللإا توصلا عمسيو

ىرخأ ةيحان نمف ،هيف ايلجتم ديسلا لوبقل

لىإ ةرجشلا زمرت ركفلا اذه عم ةلماكتم

لىع ةئطاخلا سوفنلا لمحت يتلا ةسينكلا

لاضلا فورخلاك وأ ةرجشلا لىع اكزك ،اهيفتك

بح ةرثم همدقتل ،حلاصلا يعارلا يبكنم لىع

ةسينكلا لمع رخآ ىنعبم .اهسيرعل قداص

سيئرك ناك ولو ،هلك لماعلا لمح وه سييئرلا

وأ هنيدتل لاً اهيفتك لىع هلمحت ،نيراشعلل

عم ءاقتللاًا ةيناكمإ هبهتل انمإو هرعاشم حرجت .هصلخم

ثركأب هبلق بهلتف فطللاو بحلاب هلمحت

ليق قحب اذهل .يوماسلا سيرعلا وحن قوش ةاطخلاو حيسلما ينب قح ءاقل يه ةسينكلا نأ اهاري ذإ ،هتذل ديسلا اهيف دجي ،ينبئاتلا

،اهلجلأ تام يتلا سوفنلا بحلاب

.هل اًفيض حيسلما »اينغ ناك« اكز نأ اقول لييجنلإا ركذي :اثلاث ث ،]3[ »وه نم عوسي ىري نأ بلط« دقو ،]٢[ هفلك لمع لىإ ليخادلا قوشلا اذه ماجترم ةناكم يذ لجر لىع لاهس
نكي لم ذإ ،يرثكلا ،يبصك ةزيمج قلستي نأ نيراشعلل سيئرك
دق لييجنلإا لعلو .اهيلع يرهماجلا هاريو
هل مدقت ةحوتفم ءاجرلا باوبأ اهيف ءىطاخلا دجيو عرذلأاو بولقلاو ماودلا لىع اهيعاصرم لىع .هصلخلم هلمحت نأ بحلاب ةدعتسم دعاصلا اكزب حيسلما ديسلا ءاقل لعل :اسماخ ديسلا لمعل ازمر لمحي زيمجلا ةرجش لىع انه زيمجلا ةرجش نأ لوقأ .صيلاخلا حيسلما ةئطاخلا ةيشربلا مدقت يتلا ةسينكلا لىإ يرشت عومجلا كتري صلخلما نأ بيجعلاو .صلخملل

The amazing thing is that the Savior leaves the surrounding crowds, joyfully gathering around Him, that is, He left the angelic hosts and the heavenly glories, and He denied Himself so as to look upon the man who has fallen; despite his evil and corruption, He meets him on a spiritual level, so as to tell him He has invited Himself in Zacchaeus, hurry and come down for I must stay at your house today. Today salvation has come to this house, because he too is a son of Abraham”. It is as if this mission represents the mystery of incarnation by which the Lord has entered our house, for He has embodied our nature. He does not dwell in this incarnation for a while, but He carried it in Him, and hid with His divinity so as to sanctify our nature eternally.

Sixthly: We may also say that the fig-tree refers to the faith seed that grows inside the heart so as to become a huge tree. Man, dwells inside it and through it he sees the Lord Jesus whom he has not seen before. At this point he is blessed with the Lord’s dwelling in him, and he has left his malice.

By means of the tree of faith, Zacchaeus met the Lord despite his personal obstruction for being of such a short stature, as well as the crowds surrounding the Lord and making Zacchaeus unable to see anything. By the live and active faith, we are able to overcome every weakness we have, and soar above every situation so as to meet our Lord Jesus. We shall see Him, and He will see us righteous in Him. We shall hear Him calling us, and listen to His voice, and respond to His words.

St. Cyril the great says: “He wished to see Jesus, and so he limbed a sycamore tree. In this way the seed of salvation grew inside him. He has seen Jesus with the eyes of godliness such is Zacchaeus’ faith. Thorough this vision, he also saw the Lord through the human eyes. The Lord therefore was gentle to him and encouraged him, telling him (Luke19: 5( “Zacchaeus, hurry and come down”.

He wished to see Him, but the crowds obstructed him; but the crowds did not obstruct him as much as the obstruction of his own sins. He was short in stature not only physically, but spiritually as well.

There was no other way by which Zacchaeus could see the Lord except by going higher and climbing this sycamore tree that Christ was going to pass by.

This story implies a symbolic meaning; for no one could see Jesus and believe in Him unless he goes up a sycamore tree. This means his subduing his members that are on the earth, such as adultery, unchastity... etc.

Furthermore, Pope Gregory the great gave a similar interpretation to the concept of St. Cyril the great in the previous last phases. He saw the sycamore tree as a tree bearing fruits of small value.

Therefore, no one would be able to see the Lord Jesus unless he is exalted by faith above the temporal and vain matters such as the sycamore tree. He is exalted up on it by his meditation on the heavenlies, and his being blessed with the heavenly wisdom.

Seventhly: St. Ambrosios thinks when Zacchaeus, being of such a short stature, climbed up the sycamore tree to see the


اذه نأك .]٩ ،5[ »ميهاربإ نبا اضيأ

لمح ذإ انتيب برلا لخد هب يذلا دسجتلا سرّ

،هيف اهلمح انمإو ،ينح لىإ اهنطقيل لاً ،انتعيبط

.ايدبأ انتعيبط سدقيل اهللاخ هتوهلاب ىفتخاو

زيمجلا ةرجش نأب لوقن نأ اضيأ اننكيم :اسداس س

بلقلا لخاد ومنت يتلا نايملإا ةرذب لىإ يرشت ىيرل ناسنلإا اهلخاد في يوأي ،ةيربك ةرجش يرصتل

،لبق نم هري لم يذلا حيسلما ديسلا اهللاخ نم

.هشر نع ايلختم هيف برلا ىنكسب عتمتي ذئدنع مغر ديسلاب اكز ىقتلا نايملإا ةرجش للاخ

ةصاخلا وأ ،هتماق صرقك هب ةصاخلا تاقوعلما هنوبجحيف ديسلا لوح سانلا رهمجتك فورظلاب

فعض لك بلغن ليمعلا يحلا نايملإاب .هنع

انبرب يقتلنل فورظلا لك قوف عفترنو ،انيف

انيداني هعمسن ،هيف اراربأ اناريو هارن ،عوسي .هتمالك عم بواجتنو هتوصل تصننف :يربكلا سليرك سيدقلا لوقي ةرجش قلست اذل عوسي ىري نأ )اكز( دارأ[

دقو .صلاخلا ةرذب هلخاد في تنم اذكه ،زيمج هتيؤربو ،)اكز نايمإ( توهلالا ينيعب حيسلما ىأر

هل طسبف ،توسانلا ينيع للاخ اضيأ هرظن هذه

.]5[ »لزناو ع سرّأ« :هل لائاق ،هعجشو هفطل

هقعت لم نكل ،عومجلا هتقاعف ،هاري نأ بلط

يرصق ناك دقل .هاياطخ هتقاع مالثم عومجلا

ايحور انمإو ،بسحف دسجلا ةهج نم لاً ةماقلا .اضيأ دعصي نأ ىوس هايرل رخآ قيرط هل نكي لم

ناك يتلا هذه زيمج ةرجش اقلستم ضرلأا قوف

.اهب ريم نأ اعمزم حيسلما

لاً ذإ ،ازمر اهلخاد في ةصقلا هذه لمحت نلآا

لم ام هب نمؤيو حيسلما ىري نأ ناسنلإ نكيم

هئاضعلأ هعماقإ ىنعبم ،زيمجلا ةرجش دعصي

.خلا ةساجنلاو نىزلا ،ضرلأا لىع يتلا

ايرسفت )يربكلا( سويروغيرغ ابابلا مدق دقو اذه

تارقفلا في يربكلا سليرك سيدقلا ركفل اهباشم

ةرجش ةزيمجلا ةرجش في ىأر ذإ ةقباسلا ةيرخلأا

دحأ ردقي لاً اذهب ؛ةميقلا فيعض ارثم لمحت

نايملإاب عفتري لم ام حيسلما ديسلا نياعي نأ ،ةزيمج ةرجشك ةهفاتلا ةينمزلا روملأا قوف

ةمكحلاب هعتتمو

يأ ،هلوح فافتللاًاب ةللهتلماو هب ةطيحلما ،ةيوماسلا داجملأاو ةيكئلالما تماغطلا كتري مغر طقاسلا ناسنلإا لىإ رظنيل هتاذ ايلخم حورلا ديعص لىع هعم يقتلي ،هداسفو هشر في هسفنب هسفن فاضتسا دق هنأ هل نلعيل
مويلا ثكمأ نأ يغبني« :ًلائاق ،هسدقيل هتيب
ذإ ،تيبلا
اذهل صلاخ لصح مويلا ...كتيب
تايهللإا في هلمأتب اهيلع ولعي .ةيوماسلا اكز دوعص في سويسوبرمأ سيدقلا ىري :اعباس ع حيسلما ديسلا ةيؤرل زيمجلا ةرجش ةماقلا يرصق ةيطخلا ببسب يذلا نمؤلما عافترا لىإ ةراشإ قوف ديسلا ةيؤر نم امورحم ةماقلا يرصق راص لب سومانلا تحت دعب دعي ملف ،سومانلا فرح ةمعنلاب نياعيل سومانلا قوف حورلاب اعفترم وه زيمجلا ةرجش دوعص نأكو .حيسلما ديسلا

Lord Jesus, this refers to the believer’s exaltation, who, due to sin, has become of such a short stature. He has been deprived of seeing the Lord, above the literacy of the law. He is no more under the law, but rather exalted by the Spirit above the law, so as to see with grace, the Lord Jesus. It is as if the climbing of the sycamore tree is the release from the literal thinking in the interpretation of the Holy Book, to the blessing of the deep spiritual thinking by means of the sacred wooden cross.

Eighthly: When the Lord Jesus entered Zacchaeus’ house, Zacchaeus heard this divine saying (Luke 19: 8( “Today salvation has come to this house, because he too is a son of Abraham”.

What does He mean by the salvation of this house?

(a( When a member in the family is sanctified, he could, by the Lord Jesus who dwells in him, to be a mystery of blessing and salvation to the rest of the members. The book of Acts reveals strongly how some people’s encounter with the Lord Jesus urged their household to meet Him as well, and become blessed with His salvation in their life. We cannot deny that a member of the Lord Jesus could be accepted, and another rejected. Even the Lord warned us by His words saying that a man’s enemies are his own people. Also, He said that the father would rise against His son, and the son against his father ...etc. This warning is continued by the words of the Lord Jesus Himself, about the believer’s mission, and how it is as the light of the world, able to, by means of Jesus the real light, to attract the people of the household to the Sun of righteousness.

(b( When a person is sanctified by the Lord Jesus. Entering into his life, the inward members of his household are sanctified as well. I mean, when the believer accepts the Lord Jesus, he presents to the Lord all the people of His household, that is, his body in all its potentials, his motives, his emotions and feelings, his thoughts and his capabilities. For God does not sanctify the spirit alone, but the body and the soul as well.

(c( He calls the house ‘son to Abraham’; He no doubt, does not mean the actual house, but rather its inhabitant, or inhabitants who were blessed with the work of the Lord Jesus in them.

Zacchaeus was called Abraham’s son not because of his biological lineage, but because of a greater thing, because he has had the same active and live faith of Abraham. By faith, Abraham left his land, his people, his household, and went after the divine call of God to a land in which he roamed so as to offer it an inheritance to his sons. Now, his son Zacchaeus has the same faith; he left his entire possessions to which he had previously clung as a land in which he dwelt, and also his own people that were as his own household. He was tied strongly to all of his possessions. But now he has loosened himself from all of these ties, and was offering his belongings to the poor. He moreover offered the rest to be given doubly to them he has previously dealt with wrongfully.

We may also say that Zacchaeus, when he was the chief tax collector, he was biologically speaking, Abraham’s son. But now, that he has comes to know the Lord, he became a son to him according to the faith, and he even became God’s son in Christ Jesus.

هذه اكز عمس

نبا اضيأ وه ذإ ،تيبلا اذهل صلاخ لصح

.]8[ »ميهاربإ

:تيبلا اذه صلاخب ينعي اذام

عيطتسي ةسرّلأا في وضع سدقتي مانيح .أ

سرّ نوكي نأ هيف نكاسلا حيسلما ديسلاب

رفس ءاج دقو .ءاضعلأا ةيقب صلاخو ةكرب ءاقل ناك فيك ةوقب فشكي لماعلأا

مهتيب لهأ عفدي حيسلما ديسلا عم ضعبلا في هصلاخب عتمتلاو هعم اضيأ ءاقللا لىإ

لبقي دق هنأ ركنن نأ عيطتسن لاً .مهتايح ىتح رخلآا ضفريو حيسلما ديسلا وضع لهأ ناسنلإا ءادعأ نأ هلوقب ديسلا انرذح نبلاًاو هنبا لىع بلأا موقي هنأو ،هتيب ثيدح هلمكي ريذحتلا اذه .خلا هيبأ لىع نمؤلما ةلاسر نع هسفن حيسلما ديسلا يقيقحلا رونلا حيسلماب رداق لماعلل رونك !برلا سمشل هتيب لهأ بذتجي نأ

ديسلا لوخدب ناسنلإا سدقتي مانيح .ب هتيب لهأ سدقتي هتايح لىإ حيسلما

ديسلا نمؤلما لبقي ذإ هنأ ينعأ ،ليخادلا يأ ،برلل هتيب لهأ لك مدقي حيسلما

هسيساحأو هعفاودو هتاقاط لكب هدسج

سدقي لاً هللاف .هتاردقو هركفو هرعاشمو سفنلاو دسجلا اهعم انمإو اهدحو حورلا .اضيأ لاب وهو ،»ميهاربإ نبا« تيبلا وعدي .ج

نكاسلا انمإ ،يدالما ىنبلما دصقي لاً كش لمعب اوعتتم نيذلا هيف ناكسلا وأ هيف

ميهاربلإ انبا اكز يعد .مهيف حيسلما ديسلا

انمإو ،دسجلا بسح هيلإ هباستنلاً سيل

يحلا هنايمإ تاذ لمح هنلأ مظعأ وه ام هضرأ ميهاربإ كرت نايملإابف .لماعلا

ةوعدلا ءارو اقلطنم هتيب لهأو هتيرشعو

اثايرم اهمدقيل اهيف لوجي ضرأ لىإ ةيهللإا تاذ لمحي اكز هنبا وه اهو ،هئانبلأ

قبس يتلا هتاكلتمم لك كرت دقف ،نايملإا ةيرشعكو ،اهيف شيعي ضرأك اهب قلعتف طبترا ،هتيب لهأك تناكو لب اهب قلعت

هذه نم لحني نلآا هنكل ،فنعب هتاكلتمبم

باتكلا يرسفت في فيرحلا ركفلا نم قلاطنا قيمعلا يحورلا ركفلاب عتمتلا لىإ سدقلما .ةسدقلما بيلصلا ةرجش للاخ اكز تيب حيسلما ديسلا لخد ذإ :انماث ن مويلا« :ةيهللإا ةرابعلا
،ءارقفلل هتاكلتمم سفن مدقيل تاطابترلاًا نلم ةفعاضم افاعضأ درل يقابلا مدقيو .مهملظف قبس ناك ينح اكز نأب لوقن نأ اضيأ اننكيم بسح ميهاربلإ انبا ناك نيراشعلل اسيئر راص ديسلا لىع فرعت ذإ نلآا امأ ،دسجلا في هلل انبا راص لب ،نايملإا بسح هل انبا .عوسي حيسلما

The Editorial Article

El-Keraza 9th February 2024

The Coptic Church has always felt the needs of her children throughout the ages. When the Apostles saw the need to serve tables for the people, they appointed deacons to serve them. When the issue of Judaization arose, almost dividing the Church at that time, they held the Council of Jerusalem to solve the problem at its roots. Our Church continues to this day to work for her children.

At the beginning of the last century, there was a growing and urgent need to provide education for the young, so our Church established Sunday school classes. There was also the need for specialized academic services, so our Church established a bishopric for education and another for scientific research. Then the Church saw many of her children in need of support, so she established a bishopric of services. Thus, from generation to generation, our Church continues to think about the needs of her children and tries to meet their needs in the best way possible. Today, another need looms on the horizon for a large segment of the Church’s children; with her remarkable love and well-known initiative, she hastens to meet this need. The expansion of our church outside of Egypt has established a long and rich history of the many churches and dioceses outside of Egypt. The product of this is a deep desire for Immigrant Copts of the first, second, third, and sometimes fourth generation over the course of about 60 years, to visit Egypt, the motherland, the land of St. Mark the Apostle, and our mother Church. Subsequently, there have been many visits from different churches and dioceses outside of Egypt Small youth groups flock to Egypt for basic services, varying from educational to medical to social. There were also other services that became a source of joy for everyone who participated in them, and everyone, the youth in particular, began to rejoice in visiting Egypt for different services.

In 2018, we held the inaugural World Youth Forum. The youth asked me at the end of the forum to come visit Egypt again the following year, and we accomplished this request for them in the form of a service week. The days of that service week were all full of happiness with services for children, the elderly, people living in shelters, the sick, and refugees in rural, desert, and urban areas. This was also the case at the 2022 World Youth Forum. When the youth returned to their respective dioceses, a large number encouraged their friends and others to the idea of a week of service in Egypt. This resulted in groups from multiple dioceses organizing different service weeks, which reinforced the need to organize this rapidly growing ministry. Therefore, we concluded that there is a great need to establish an office aimed at organizing the service between Egypt and the rest of the world; an office that acts like a bridge of communication between the children of the Coptic Church abroad and the areas in need of service at home, here in Egypt. This office symbolizes Christ whose one hand holds the youth of abroad, and the other holds the neediest groups inside Egypt. The office is called H.I.G.H., an acronym for “Hands in God’s Hands.” It is one of the services of the synodal Immigration Lands Affairs Committee, and its headquarters is in the Patriarchate in Cairo.

The office consists of three groups Working Group Outside Egypt

This group consists of a priest and a servant from each continent who act as the link between the office in Cairo and the service groups in each continent. Here are summaries of their roles:

1- Collaborate with the Cairo central office through the designated continent servant to establish a mutually agreeable service schedule. They determine this service schedule based on their number, duration, timing, and target demographics (a form is filled out to determine all these points(.

2- Contribute to developing specialized itineraries for the needs of each Coptic group from abroad, and their mission, goals, and vision.

3- Actively promote participation in Egyptian service experiences by dioceses abroad,

We Need This Office

research, and analyze the needs and deficiencies of the youth abroad to establish specialized services.

Patriarchate Coordination Office

Made up of about five individuals living in Egypt, this office serves as a central hub for coordinating the activities of service groups and the various locations they will serve. Their duties include:

1- Collect information for the places most in need of service, and distribute service groups to them without an overlap in coverage.

2- Be a central communication point between international and Egyptian servants.

3- Develop specialized itineraries to include spiritual enrichment, engaging activities, cultural immersion, and visits to monasteries and convents, aiming to provide a fulfilling experience for all participants.

4- Have follow-ups and reviews of the service and organization between members of the office and service groups to confirm quality assurance.

5- Coordinate initiatives that serve the children of the Church in Egypt, such as: children’s education programs, children’s support, friendship programs for college youth to continue studying, programs to help institutions in construction, education, small business, medical convoys, etc.

6- Track the work through periodic reports with the participating youth after returning to their dioceses.

Working Group Inside Egypt

This group consists of a priest or servant representing a region, a diocese, or a pastoral district within Egypt, who are happy to host service groups. They have previously applied to host service groups by filling out the service request form and providing necessary data about the parish requesting service in that area. Their role includes:

1- Collecting and analyzing data for the neediest churches in Egypt to work on providing and meeting their needs.

2- Preparing development programs in education and medicine, and small projects that suit each pastoral area.

3- Providing information for places within the dioceses that will host the service groups while they are in Egypt.

Some Examples of Services by the Office

Village Service: providing educational services, health care, small development projects, and visiting some homes for blessing and consolation.

Visitation Service: organizing visits to different groups such as shelters, senior homes, those with special needs, and the homeless.

Wedding Planning Service: helping a large number of females in wedding planning by providing some basic needs.

Children’s Education Service: helping families inside Egypt to continue their children’s education, and participating in bearing part of the cost of the educational process, by monthly assistance for approximately 15 years, which are the years of the education system in Egypt.

Business Service: helping some families improve their economic situation by contributing to the establishment of small businesses suitable for family members.

Friends Service: Providing the opportunity for undergraduate students from inside and outside Egypt to communicate with each other based on their majors, with possible financial aid.

We hope that our good God puts this idea into action to be of benefit to the groups of servants and youth in Egypt and abroad.

Pope Tawadros II

Pope of Alexandria & Patriach of the See of St. Mark

Blessed Marriage

Mina Elias & Lamis Moussa

St. George’s Church

Sunday 24th February 2024

Blessed Marriage

John Rizkalla & Anastasia


St. Mary’s Church

24th February 2024

The Departure of Saint Pope Cyril (Kyrillos( VI ( The 115th Successor to St. Mark the Evangelist 9th March - 30th Amsher

On March 9 (Amshir 30(, the remembrance of the departure of the Great Pope (Papa Ava( Kyrillos (Cyril( VI, the 116th successor of St. Mark the Evangelist. He was pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St. Mark befor our present pope, Papa Ava Shenouda III. Anba (His Holiness( Kyrillos was a holy man who through full dedication to the life of prayer and fasting posessed many higher gifts which included performing wonders and miracles, the gift of knowledge, and an unusual ability to lead by example. which was missing for generations before his ascending to the throne of St. Mark. He set on the chair of St. Mark for twelve years (1959-1971(. He had the honor and showed the wisdom needed to guide the Coptic Church through the difficult times of the 1960’s when the government of then Gamal Abdul-Nasser was nationalizing business, real estate, and land including those willed to the churches and monasteries. He was highly regarded by the people of Egypt from all walks of life Christian and non-Christian alike.

Pope Kyrillos VI was born August 2, 1902 as Azer Ata, the son of a church deacon from a middle class family. After completing high school, Azer went to work for a shipping company in Alexandria. Much against his family’s wishes, he resigned his job with the intention of becoming a monk and entered the monastery of Baramous (named after Sts. Maximus and Domadius( in the Western Desert of Egypt in an area called bariaat Sheheet (the prairie of the heart’s scale(. On the 25th of February, 1928, he was consecrated monk. He was given the monastic name “Mena” after St. Menas his patron saint. Three years later he was ordained a priest, July 18, 1931.

Fr. Mena attended the Helwan Theological College and was rated one of the top students. Later, he retired to a cave two miles away from the monastery to live a life of solitude. That is how he came to be known as “Abouna Mena Al-mota-Wahed” (Fr. Mena the Solitaire(. Afterwards, he was appointed abott of the Monastery of St. Samuel in the eastern desert, south of Suex near the Red Sea. He devoted a great deal of effort toward the restoration of this historic landmark.

When the monastery of St. Samuel was restored, he left that area and moved to a deserted windmill south of Cairo (the windmill belonged to the Army, and long after, it was revealed that he paid a nominal rent for it when he found out that it belonged to the Army(. This is near the historic region of “Masr Al-Kadema” (ancient Cairo(. He restored the place and built a small residence and a church on the name of St. Mena his patron saint. He found himself surronded with college students, many of them are from outside Cairo, so, he started a dormitory for students who neede this service. This informal program produced the first church affiliated dorm in modern times in Egypt, and produced countless church leaders, some of whom are our present bishops, priests, and Laity leaders. The likes of His Holiness Pope Shenouda (his successor(, the late bishop Samuel, .. etc.

After the abduction of his predecessor, the late pope Youssab (Joseph( II by militant Copts, the church was in great turmoil which did not last long, because it was the will of God the pope Youssab departed shortly thereafter.

In April, 1959, Fr. Mena Al-Mota-Wahed was elected pope and patriarch through the unique process used in the Coptic Church to elect a pope. Candidates for the honorable position are nominated, three or four of the nominees are elected by the Holy Synod as most qualified. The final selection is left to the will of God and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, by placing the names on the altar during the appointed day of final selection. A young deacon is then asked to draw a name which is then the one chosen by God from among the qualified candidates for this high calling.

In May, 1959, Fr. Mena became pope and patriarch by the laying of the hands of all the

bishops of the Coptic Church at the time, he was called pope Kyrillos VI (That means that five popes before him were called Kyrillos. The first pope Kyrillos is Cyril of Alexandria the pillar of faith(.

During his tenure as patriarch, many were attracted to monastic life and to the priesthood by his good example and sincere life style. As a teen-ager growing in Egypt at the time I used to attend Vespers regularly at the Great St. Mark Cathedral (Al-darb Al-wasse( in Cairo where his holiness lead the prayers and many of us had the blessing of seeing him, talking to him, and getting his blessings. He always paid attention to the people and spent many hours blessing and chatting with young and old. He always encouraged us during exams seasons, and prayed for our success. No wonder many joined the priesthood from the ranks of college graduates in all fields which was previously not considered the thing to do! Many books have been written about his life, wonders and miracles. The author recommends the publications of Pope Kyrillos the VI Society which are published originally in Arabic and translated to many live languages (English, French, German, .. etc.(. We are going to mention just a few, some have not published elsewhere and was related to the author by relatives and friends:

His Holiness had the gift of knowledge, so one day, he was visited by two men, one was well known to his holiness. When the gentleman introduced his friend to his holiness, Pope Kyrillos looked at the man and said: “Why don’t you like us?” I love you and like to see you here always. The man was very ashamed because he thought evil of our beloved pope and had argued with his friend about the use of meeting a ‘simple’ man. This man became a great admirer of Anba Kyrillos and his son was healed from terrible illness through the prayers of Anba Kyrillos.

Miracles of heeling and casting out of devils from a non-Christian young lady was related to me by a very dear relative. She was the daughter of his boss in a textile factory near Alexandria. She was one of 22 children, possessed by demons and was withering away. Her father loved her very much. He spent a fortune on real doctors and witch doctors as well, with no results. On day, he called my relative to his office and said, you have “Sheik Kebeer” (Great Elder(? can you introduce me to him? My relative promised to arrange a meeting, he traveled to Cairo and arranged with the pope’s secretary a meeting for the afternoon of a specified date. He was supposed to meet them at the door and introduce them to the staff to take them to the house of the patriarchate. The people were very anxious, they arrived early. His Holiness recognized them although he was not told (ordinarily, people were brought in, and they told him their needs(. Anba Kyrillos called the young lady by her first name. Put his cross on her forehead, she fell down sobbing. From that moment on, she was completely whole.

In his last days, he was gravely ill with phlebitis (blood clot in the leg(. They hooked a speaker from the great Cathedral to his bedroom at his request because he could not bear not being able to perform liturgy (which he performed almost daily during his life of priesthood(. One day the head mother of one of the convents (monasteries for nuns( wanted to speak to him on the phone, but the staff wouldn’t give out his private number. Anba Kyrillos appeared to her in a vision, gave her the number and comforted her. She did not call, but later on she was blessed by seeing him and was rendered speechless when Anba Kyrillos asked her the reason she did not call on his private line. Our Father Papa Ava (the Great Pope( Kyrillos departed on March 9, 1971. Shortly before his departure, he told one of the monks, you look like Tobia, the one mentioned in the book of Tobeet. Take care of my burial. Initially, they buried him under the Altar in the Great Cathedral in Cairo. But when his successor, the Great Patriarch, Pope Shenouda III read his will, he had to follow his wishes and move his holy body to the desert south west of Alexandria, to the Monastery of St. Mena which was renovated and immensely expanded by Pope Kyrillos to honor his good friend, patron saint, St. Mena of Marriot. That is where his place of rest. It is the custom of Apostolic Churches to wait 50 years after departure, before declaring a person a saint. And although many in our generation feel deeply about the worthiness of Anba Kyrillos, we anxiously are waiting until this day comes. His prayers and the prayers and intercessions of his patron, Saint Mena of Marriot be with us. Glory be to God forever. Amen.


Our beloved Fathers

Fr Kyrillos Tawadros & Fr John Makary for their Second Ordination Anniversary

26th February 2024

May the Lord bless all their services

+ Remember O Lord The Departed

Departed to The Lord in Egypt

Dr Wedad Mansour mother of Dr Maged Masoud and his wife Mrs Vivian Khalil and Dr Margaret Maher and her husband Dr Amir Malek, grandmother of Veronica and Livana Malek.

The family will receive condolences this Sunday 3rd March at Archangel Michael Church, Oakleigh from 4- 5.30 pm. May the Lord repose her soul and grant peace and comfort to the family.

Financial Summary for St. Mary’s Church New Project as on 27th February 2024

:نيدقارلا براي ركذأ + رصم يف ةيوامسلا داجملأا ىلإ تلقتنا روتكدلا ةدلاو روصنم دادو ةروتكدلا ليلخ نايفيف ةديسلا جوز دوعسم دجام ةجوز رهام تيرجرم ةروتكدلا و ، اناڤيلو اكينوريڤ ةدجو كلم ريما روتكدلا ةسينك يف ءازعلا ةرسلأا لبقتست و ، كلم قفاوملا مداقلا دحلاا موي ىلكواب كلاملا سرام 3 احاين بلطن ءاسم فصنو 5 - 4 ةعاسلا ةرسلأل اءازعو ةرهاطلا اهحورل

Construction of New Buildings started Thursday 28th April

The new Building is expected to be ready March 2024. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downloaded from church website. Cost of building works is around $13,000,000. Your support and donations will be

2022 ليربأ 28 سيمخلا موي تادب تاءاشنلإا لامعأ بسح داتعملا بسح متت ةسينكلا تامدخ .2024 سرام عورشملا نم ءاهتنلاا عقوتملا نم .ةرشنلا لخاد حضوملا لودجلا .ارلاود نويلم ١3 3 ىلاوح عورشملا ةفلكت غلبت بحسلا ةرامتسأ ءلمب ىرهش عربتب ةكراشملا كنكني زكرم للاخ نم اهعبط وأ ةسينكلاب ةدوجوملا يكنبلا ينورتكللإا ةسينكلا لمعلا اذه ىف مكتمهاسمو مكتاعربت كرابي برلا Donations to St Mary’s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link طبارلا ىلع طغضأ ينابملا عورشمو ميرم ءارذعلا ةسينكل تاعربتلل https://www.stmc.org.au/donate (Copy & Paste on Web Browser( Building Site 27th February 2024
very appreciated.

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