Services at St Mary’s Church
Mass 9 - 11 am
Liturgy 5:30 - 7am
7:30pm The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages
Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am
6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults
Mass 9 - 11 am - English
English Midnight Praises 7:30pm
English Bible Study 7:30pm
Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am
Youth 25 and above 7-9pm
Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm
Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am
Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm
Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm English
Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:30-7pm
Scouts 1:30 - 3pm
School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm
1st Mass 6:30 - 8:30 Arabic & English
2nd Mass.8:30 - 10:30 English - St Mary’s
3rd Mass 8:30 - 10:30 Arabic - St John’s
Chrysostom Church
Family Meeting fortnightly 11:30am
Hymns Class - English 11:45 - 12:30pm
Church Priests:
Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251
Email: frtadros@me.com
Fr Habib Girgis Younan: 0401238177 – 94498871
Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com
Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821
Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au
Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kensington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651
Fr Kerillos Tawadros 0411 518 399
Fr John Makary 0433 445 636
The Departure of the Righteous Father Abba Hilarion.
3rd November - 24th Baba
On this day in the year 472 A.D. the righteous father, Saint Hilarion, the Anchorite, departed. He was a native of Gaza, the son of pagan parents. They taught him the Greek literature and culture. He excelled and surpassed his peers, but he wished still to master it. Since there was no one in his city who could help him to fulfill his desire, he went to the city of Alexandria and joined its school. There he acquired many kinds of knowledge.
The divine zeal moved him to learn also the Christian doctrines and books. He asked for the books of the church and read them, and Abba Alexandros explained to him what was difficult for him to understand. In a short time Abba Hilarion believed in the Lord Christ, to Whom is the Glory, and the father, the Patriarch, baptized him and he received the Divine Grace. Abba Hilarion stayed with Abba Alexandros for a short time, then went to the great St. Anthony. When Abba Hilarion saw St. Anthony, he marvelled at his profound reverence and his fair appearance that was shining with the grace of the Holy Spirit. His heart was deeply moved and he desired to join the monastic life. He took off his worldly clothes and put on the monastic garb. He started practicing the monastic works with a diligent devotion, following the footsteps of his teacher.
Shortly after, he learned that his parents had died, so he went back to his city and took whatever they had left and gave it to the poor and needy. Then he joined one of the monasteries of Syria and followed the path of asceticism with great devotion. He fasted for the whole week, eating grass and legumes. God enlightened his mind, gave him the gift of prophecy, and of working signs. Later on, St. Epiphanius became a monk in the same monastery, and the abbot handed him to St. Hilarion. St. Hilarion taught him the ways of the monastic life and the doctrines of the church and prophesied that St. Epiphanius would become the bishop of Cyprus. The days of this father were 80 years: 10 years were spent in the house of his father, 7 years in the city of Alexandria and 63 years in worship. He pleased God and departed at a good old age. St. John Chrysostom (of the Golden Mouth( praised him in some of his articles and St. Basil mentioned him in some of his homilies. His prayers be with us. Amen.
The Departure of the Saints Apollo and Abib. 4th November - 25th Baba
On this day, the righteous saints Abba Apollo, who was like the angels, and Abba Abib, the pious worshipper, departed. Abba Apollo was born in the city of Akhmim. His father’s name was Amani (Hamai( and his mother’s name was Eyse (Isa(. They were righteous before God, walking in His way, and loving to the strangers and saints. They did not have a son. One night Abba Apollo’s mother saw in a dream a shining man, who had a tree with him. He planted it in her house and it grew and bore fruit. He told her, “Whosoever shall eat of this fruit shall live forever.” She ate from it and found it sweet and she said, “I wonder if I would
have a fruit?” When she awoke from her sleep, she told her husband about what she had seen. He told her that he had seen the same vision, and they glorified the Lord. They added to their works of righteousness and to their striving. They fasted for two days on only bread and salt. After a while she conceived, and she prayed fervently until the child was born. They called him Apollo and they advanced in their piety. When the boy had grown up and studied theology, he longed for the monastic life. This longing grew when he met a friend called Abib. They went together to one of the monasteries and became monks there. They practiced many ascetic works. They lived a good life that was pleasing to God. The saint Abba Abib departed on the 25th of Babah.
Thereupon St. Apollo went to Ablug Mount and many gathered around him. He taught them the fear of God and the acceptable worship. On the 25th of Babah they celebrated the commemoration of the saint Abba Abib to fulfill the saying of the Holy Bible, “The righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance.” (Psalm 112:6( Abba Apollo lived for many years after that and he had monasteries and many brethren. He was a contemporary of St. Macarius the Great who, when heard about St. Apollo, rejoiced. St. Macarius wrote him a letter to comfort him and the brothers and to confirm them in their obedience to the Lord. Abba Apollo knew by the spirit that St. Macarius was writing them a letter. There were many around him speaking the Word of God. He said to them “Listen my brethren, behold the great Abba Macarius is writing to us a letter full of comforting and spiritual teachings.” When the brother arrived with the letter, they received him with joy then read it and their hearts were consoled. St. Apollo was the one who went to St. Ammonius and saw the holy woman who stood in the middle of the fire but did not burn.
When the Lord Christ wished to relieve him from the labor of this world, he departed in peace. His prayers be with us. Amen.
The Martyrdom
of Saint Timon the Apostle. 5th November - 26th Baba
On this day, St. Timon the Apostle, was martyred. He was one of the 70 Apostles, who were chosen and distinguished by the Lord. This saint had the gifts and the ability to heal the sick and to cast out devils. He followed the Lord until His Ascension into heaven and after that, he continued to minister unto the disciples till the grace of the Holy Spirit came upon them all. The Disciples elected him one of the Seven Deacons who were appointed to serve tables. The Bible testified that they were full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom. (Acts 6:2-6( After he had remained in the deaconate for a period of time, they laid the hands on him, a bishop of the city of western Besra, in Greece. He preached the Lord Christ to them and baptized many of the Greeks and the Jews. The Governor seized him, and inflicted on him many tortures. He finally burned him and he received the crown of martyrdom. May his prayers be with us. Amen.
The Martyrdom of the Righteous Father Saint Macarius Bishop of Edkow (Tkoou( (
6th November – 27th Baba
On this day, the blessed father St. Macarius, Bishop of Edkow, was martyred. In this holy man, the words of David the Prophet were fulfilled saying, “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in His law he meditates day and night.” (Psalms 1:1-2( This saint kept the commandments of His Master; traded with his talents and gained. Many were the signs and wonders God did through his hands. In the city of Edkow, every time he went up on the pulpit to preach to the people, he wept. When one of his disciples asked him the reason for his weeping, he answered that he saw the sins of the people and their ungodly works. On another occasion he saw our Lord Christ at the altar, and the angels bringing unto Him the works of the people, one after the other. Anba Macarius heard a voice saying, “Why, bishop, are you slack in preaching to your people?” He replied, “My Lord, they do not accept my words.” So the Lord said to him, “It is meet for the bishop to preach to the people and if they do not accept his words, their blood be upon their own heads.”
He was invited to go to the council of Chalcedon with Abba Dioscorus. On arriving at the royal palace, the guards prevented him from entering because of his modest clothes, until Abba Dioscorus told them that he was the bishop of Edkow. When he had gone in and heard what the infidels were saying about the Lord Christ, he excommunicated the Emperor in the council. He was ready to deliver himself to death for the sake of keeping the Orthodox faith. They exiled him with Abba Dioscorus to the island of Gagra. From there Abba Dioscorus sent him with a believing merchant to Alexandria saying to him, “There you have a crown of martyrdom awaiting you.” Shortly after, he arrived in the city of Alexandria, the messenger of the Emperor arrived with the new Chalcedonian creed which stated the two natures of Christ. The Emperor had commanded him saying that, “He who writes his name first on this creed will be the Patriarch of the city.” In the city, the head of the priests was Brotarios. He took the paper to write his name first but St. Macarius the Bishop reminded him of what Abba Dioscorus had told him before he went to the council saying, “You shall possess my church after me.” Brotarios remembered that and refrained from writing. When the Emperor’s messenger knew that the Bishop disagreed with the creed of the Emperor and did not write his name also, he jumped over the Bishop and kicked him. St. Macarius died on the spot and thus received the crown of martyrdom. The believers took his holy body and buried it with the bodies of St. John the Baptist and Elisha the Prophet. That fulfilled what these two saints had told this father, the Bishop, in a vision, that his body would be with their bodies. He departed to the Lord Christ winning the crown of glory. His prayers be with us and Glory be to our God, forever. Amen. The Martyrdom of St. Demetrius of Thessalonica
8th November - 29th Baba
On this day, the great St. Demetrius, was martyred, in the days of Maximianus the Emperor. He was a pious Christian young
man from the city of Thessalonica. He learned various subjects, and most of all, those of the Orthodox Church. He taught and preached diligently in the Name of the Lord Christ. He converted many to the faith. Some made accusations against him to Emperor Maximianus who ordered that he be brought to him. It happened that when he came before the Emperor, a wrestler whose body was strong and huge, and who surpassed the people of his time in strength, was present. The Emperor loved this man and was proud of him to the point that he specified a large sum of money for whoever could vanquish him. A Christian man whose name was Nostor came from among the people who were present at that time and asked St. Demetrius to pray for him and to make the sign of the Cross with his holy hand over his body. The saint prayed and made over him the sign of the Holy Cross which makes those who believed therein invincible. Nostor went and asked to fight that fighter about whom the Emperor was boasting. Nostor fought him and vanquished him. The Emperor was very sorry and ashamed. The Emperor wondered how Nostor conquered him. He asked the soldiers for the secret behind that. They told him that a man called Demetrius prayed over him and made the sign of the Cross over his face.
The Emperor became angry with the saint and ordered that he be beaten until he offered incense to his idols and worshipped them. When St. Demetrius disobeyed them the Emperor ordered his men to thrust spears at him until his body would be torn to pieces and he would die. They told the saint that to frighten him and make him turn away from his faith in the Lord Christ and worship the idols. He told them, “Do whatever you please, for I will neither worship nor offer incense except to my Lord Christ the True God.” The soldiers drove the spears into him until he delivered his pure soul.
When they threw away his holy body, some Christians took it and laid it in a coffin made out of marbles. The body remained hidden until the end of the days of persecution, when the one who had hidden it revealed it. A great church was built for him in Thessalonica, and they laid his body therein. Many great signs were made by his name. Each day, sweet oil was distilled from his body which cured those who used it with faith, especially on the day of his feast. On his feast day, the oil flowed in a larger quantity than on any other day, and it dripped from the walls of the church and the pillars. Though the gathering was huge, they all received their share, from what they took off the walls and put in their containers. Those of the righteous priests who had seen this told and testified to that.
His prayers be with us and Glory be to our God,
Meditations on the Eucharist’s bible readings
Sunday fourth of the blessed month of Baba
Luke 7: 11-17
“When the Lord saw her, He had compassion on her and said to her, “Do not weep” Luke 7:13
It is a sad world … a world full of hurt and distresses … from a far, one can hear the mourning, grief and its clamours … however, still from a far away, it would appear that the inhabitants of this world live in full happiness … for they sing, dance, eat and drink … and this is exactly the same scene from a far of Sodom … thus Lot looked at it from a far and found it to be a beautiful town almost as God’s paradise … also, the same scene from a far of the city of Nain … even the name gives the same feeling … for the name Nain means a pleasurable and happy city … a very attractive name …. But as we approach the city and start to enter it, we discover the painful truth … for among the among the singing, fun and dance there are a lot of bitter pains and sadness … there are misery and tribulations … and many tears and weeping … Indeed, it is a harsh world … it would make happy once and cry tens of times … welcomes you with its wide-open gates and leads one to hades …
Among this world, man is in need of solace and peace … and often, how much man is in need of someone to wipe his tears and say to him or her do not cry … inreality God never forgets His people … and among all the hardships and the darkest times, one will find Gods’ solace present …
For, God’s children have many joys in the midst of this world … but, they would lose God’s joys if they prefer the joys and pleasures of the world above God’s joys and solace … therefore, their tribulations and miseries would increase …
+ When the Lord saw her, He had compassion on her For, God sees and has mercy upon His children … and always, there are hope in God’s solace … there was hope even, to this widow who was carrying her only son to be buried outside the city … and how great are the solace to God’s children during their pains??? How great was Daniel’s solace in the den of lions (Daniel 6( … and how great were the solace of the three young men in the midst of the fiery furnace (Daniel 3( … even, saint Paul written his epistle to the Philippians full of joy and happiness while he was in prison and shackled in chains …
Again, Jacob in his estrangement saw many joys, he would have never seen or even felt in his father’s house, escaping from his brother … for, there in Bethel (the house of God( he saw a ladder was set up on the earth, and its top reached to heaven; and there the angels of God were ascending and descending on it (Genesis 28: 10-22( … and as he was returning frightened from his brother (Esau(, at night he saw
himself wrestling with God and received the promise of blessings …
Moses the prophet saw in the wilderness what he did not see or imagine in pharaohs’ palace … he saw the burning bush and spoke to God face to face (Exodus 3( …
And the Israelites upon their exodus from land of Egypt to the arid wilderness, they received many solace and joys … the red sea parted for them to cross … the manna and quails (from heaven( … the column of fire and the sheltering clouds … the water stream from the rocks (Exodus 13,14 & 16( … what they saw during these forty years far exceeded what they saw during 430 years around the pots of meats in the land of Egypt.
The epistles sent by martyrs from the prisons prior to their martyrdom are full of joy, happiness and peace … makes one feel that they lived in heaven with all its joys and solace …
In the barren and rugged island of Patmos … there, saint John the theologian saw the revelation which he recorded in the book of Revelations …
Job the righteous was a great man … holy and pious and there was no one like him in fearing God and keeps His commandments … but, among the pain, harshness and the severe tribulation when he was tested, but still Job was adhering to his piousness … indeed, he truly suffered and was in great pain, but he learned from these trails and severe tribulations what he was not able to learn in all his previous life … and at the end of it all, he received much solace, joy and peace more than he had before the trails …
Many believe that life with God is a harsh life full of pains and trails … for many things man loves become forbidden for them … thus, it appears for the physically concerned person that in life with God, one will be deprived of all the pleasures and enjoyments of things he or she love and desire … forgetting that life with God is full of happiness, solace and joy …
Someone might say … how hard is what you ask us to do … do you want me to stop smoking … or stop drinking alcoholic drinks … furthermore, no long nights of singing and dancing with my friends … nor wearing the fashionable attires which I love … do you want me to fast and pray and be concerned only with spiritual activities … then, what is left for me to enjoy in life??? My life then will become dry without any taste or enjoyments … why all these deprivations and forbidden (fruits(??? Who ever says these word, is a very poor person indeed … who never tasted the (sweetness( of Gods solace and joys yet … for he or she is like this poor widow who is weeping (the loss( of her only son
in the city of joy and happiness … in Nain … or he or she is like Lot who went to Sodom seeking its pleasures and enjoyments … but, his pious soul was saddened and felt the pain for what he saw every day in Sodom …
For such people are forgetting that when they accept (life with( God, there are many changes in their lives … and the joys of the soul is much greater than the enjoyment of the (physical( body … Also, they are forgetting that the loving Lord is extending His loving hand to wipe all the tears … and will raise the dead person within our souls … to let the joy and happiness enter our hearts … + Young man, I say to you, arise …
In meeting God there are special blessings and joy … one will be deprived from it as long as one lives in the world (only( … with God, you will find your inner peace increasing day by day gradually … and with the pleasures of the world, you shall find hesitation, worries and hardships in your life … with the aloofness of the world including all its pleasures and lusts … the heart of a person was elevated above (God( like Nebuchadnezzar the king … then, he was stricken by God and became like animals eating the grass like an oxen for seven years (Daniel 4:31-37( … indeed, he lost his humanity because of the world … and he knew God, his sanity returned to him … and he returned to glorify God.
In the world a person like saint Moses the black was more or less a savage person lived angry and destructive like a wild animal roaming to kill and had no enjoyment in all these … but with God, his life was changed to a man full of peace and happiness in the midst of the arid wilderness …
The world kills many things within you … it destroys your love of others … to become a selfish person who loves only him or herself … again, (the world( kills your calmness to become a restless and agitated person who loves the noise and clamour and your voice becomes loud and all your talks just as screams … again, it kills the humbleness within and your meekness … to become an aloof person who cannot tolerate anyone and haughty and all small words will hurt your feelings … and you try to coverup this haughtiness by saying that you are very sensitive person … (The world( kills in you the life of righteousness … and this is the greatest danger … for what was a taboo … today, is no longer a taboo … for in the past, you used to consider revealing dresses not acceptable or suitable … but, now in your view is a fashion and normal … many actions in the past you used to consider it to be inappropriate and explicit … what has happened??? All has become normal to you …
What you were embarrassed to mention in the past … today you do it … and even encourage others to do the same … Doesn’t this simply mean that there is an important part of you which had died within you
Do you see, beloved, this harsh world kills many things within you … to become a harsh, cruel and lustful person … and in this you loose your spirituality, inner peace and happiness … and as a result you will live a journey of miseries … the miseries of the people of the world … but … you the poor widow … who lost your only son … and the most precious to you in the city of enjoyment Nain … do you know???
The loving Lord is waiting for you outside the city … He still loves you very much and He wants you to be joyful and return to you what you have lost …
God is saddened because of your sorrows … He is hurting because of your hurt … He is extremely caring for you … therefore, stop this coffin which you are carrying … stop at once … and place it under the feet of the Lord Jesus … and with your tears tell Him about your tribulations and hurt for this world which has killed in you all love, meekness and humility and every good virtue … declare to Him your true repentance and your willing to lead a life of righteousness … He will have mercy you … and will say to you do not cry
And here, the Lord will extend His hand which gives life and raise your dead (person within you( … so, your joy, happiness, humility and peace will return to you as well as your love of good virtues … then, you will have joy and solace … and your soul will be fulfilled with peace and then you will see the great difference between the life you led before and the joyful life with God … + God has visited His people ... Thus, you shall emerge in true happiness telling every one of your joy and peace … and you shall ask those who still sunken in sin and ask then to return from the time of foolishness … because God has visited His people and loves them very much and He will fill them wit every solace and joy …
Do you really want this joy … you will not find it in this world … but you shall find it In God Who loves you and wants your salvation … He wants your return … He wants to raise the dead in you … and He will present it back to you alive and full of life and grace …
My Dear Brethren,
The peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.
As October 31st draws near, I want to make all uninformed Christians in our Diocese aware of certain traditions celebrated in the United States on this day. The «Halloween» celebration pays tribute to Satan. Every act revolving around Halloween is in honor of false gods. False gods are spirits in the Satanic realm.
«We only do this for fun», some say. «We do not actually practice witchcraft», others repeat. I often wonder how one justifies the celebration of Halloween, the day Satanists have set aside as their «holy day». I am told that children «dress up» as witches, goblins, ghosts and little devils. Let me think about this for a moment, a small child dressed to resemble Satan›s darkness. Also, I am told of games played at Halloween festivals that promote fear in children as they are ushered through horror houses and rooms decorated with skeletons, black cats, and bats. Does this representation of death and darkness seem like fun? Certainly not to me, I am told that pumpkins designed with faces are «cute ways» to denote the present day meaning of Halloweenthe literature purports that pumpkin faces are symbolic of skulls. Also around Halloween I am told of theatre movies which celebrate the cult of death...Somehow I still have not found fun within all of this...Have you? Have your children? To me, this sounds more like fixation with death and mental illness to me...
Many attempt to compromise on the celebrating of Halloween. Many think the meaning behind Halloween has become obscure today. The fact of the matter is, the actual methodology of witchcraft survives until today. When our children are taught it is «alright» to celebrate heathen practices such as «Halloween» it does not give them the repulsion and resistance they need to stand against greater Satanic involvement. When celebrations such as these are taken lightly, it sets a precedence for our children to accept evil rather than resist it.
Many have asked me, «What is the harm?» My answer to this question is that occultism can be seen as a threatening storm brewing on the religious horizon gredually becoming very strong. More specifically, let›s contemplate a moment on the origin of «Halloween,» begun as a day to give tribute and praise to the dark forces of Satan. «Halloween» is derived from the word «Samhain (Sa-ween).» Samhain, the lord of the dead, called together all the wicked souls who had died within the past year and were destined to inhabit animals. The celebration of the dead honored the god of the dead on this particular night, October 31st. Bonfires were lit high on mountaintops so the spirits of the dead could find their way. Suitable food and shelter were provided for these evil spirits or they would inflict havoc, cast spells, steal infants, destroy crops, kill farm animals, and instill terror as they haunted the living. This is where «trick or treat» is derived. To worship evil spirits and false gods is against scripture. If one knows the Lord Jesus Christ before death, their spirit will be with the Lord. St Paul tells us that to be absent from the body is to be at home with the Lord Christ. If one is an unbeliever at death, the scripture says there is no second chance as «it is appointed unto man once to die and after that judgment». Therefore, prayer for the satanic is in opposition to God›s Word and a pagan practice cannot become «Christianized.» We must make a decision to be for or against Christ. Our Christian practices must display our beliefs and be an example to the others. Furthermore, Ephesians 5:6-12 states, «Let no one deceive you with empty
words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. Therefore do not be partakers with them. For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light (for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness, and truth), finding out what is acceptable to the Lord. And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. For it is shameful even to speak of those things which are done by them in secret.»
It is at this point I want the reader to stop and think about October 31st. Do we find «All Saints Day» in the Coptic Synaxarium? My Synaxarium does not contain this celebration. Please let me know if yours does. I would certainly like to read this. I was under the impression we celebrated Coptic Saints throughout the ENTIRE year, not on one particular day. While you were searching in your Coptic Synaxarium did you happen to notice two very important feasts, which occur on October 31st, and another the following day? Did you know that the Commemoration of St Mary and the Feast of Anba Roewis occur on October 31st? I am quite sure these feasts were more familiar to you as Copts than the pagan celebration of «Halloween». Am I correct? The following day is the Feast Day of the Great Evangelist St Luke. I am quite sure you also knew this. Am I again correct? I do not believe it is in Christian fellowship to celebrate Halloween. I do NOT encourage our children to dress in costumes. Costumes on this night are symbolic of celebrating Halloween. The same holds true for the acceptance of candy. Please think about the following pointsWhy do we not greet one another during the Holy Passion Week from Wednesday until Saturday morning? It is because we do not want to do anything symbolic of Judas kiss. Another thought to coincide with this thought is, on Holy Thursday we must complete the Divine Liturgy, according to Church Canons, before sunset. There is a reason for this. The Coptic Church does not want to have fellowship with the Jews eating during the Passover. Therefore, any day not set aside for Halloween; any day in which these practices are not symbolic of Satanic practices is alright for eating candy and wearing appropriate costumes. There exists 364 days in which one can eat candy and wear costumes. Only one day in which one cannot. Attend Church, the Vespers, and the Exaltation of the Saints on October 31st. Create plays and skits for the great saints St. Mary, St. Roewis, and St. Luke. The Mother of God, the poor layman who sold salt, and the Gospel writer›s life can teach us so much! Reflect upon their lives. Spiritually meet together, and then enjoy the social atmosphere of Christian fellowship, Saints› plays and Agape meal. Let›s all give thanks to God for a true Christian reason to celebrate this day!
I want to close with one final thought. Using witchcraft to foretell the future was against God›s Law and caused King Saul of Israel to lose his life. I Samuel 28:7-8 says, «Then Saul said to his servants, ‹Find me a woman who is a medium, that I may go to her and inquire of her.› And his servants said to him, ‹In fact, there is a woman who is a medium at En Dor.› So Saul disguised himself and put on other clothes, and he went, and two men with him; and they came to the woman by night. And he said, ‹Please conduct a sance for me, and bring up for me the one I shall name to you›.» (It should be noted that familiar spirits are nothing more than demons). Has anyone ever told you about the psychic phone lines and readings offered on television? I have been told of these things and am appalled that anyone would use these whether in jest or seriously. Foretelling the future by psychics is clearly addressed here. Read further to discover what happened to King Saul and his involvement with «familiar spirits».
The Lord Pronounced His sever punishment upon Saul that very night; «And the LORD has done for Himself as He spoke by me. For the LORD
has torn the kingdom out of your hand and given it to your neighbor, David. Because you did not obey the voice of the LORD nor execute His fierce wrath upon Amalek, therefore the LORD has done this thing to you this day» (I Samuel 28:17-18).
The Bible clearly warns us to flee from the occult practices. It delineates the consequences making it forbidden to mankind. I did not find one reference to «only doing this for fun.» How can one derive «fun» from celebrating darkness and honoring the «lord of the dead»?
Satan worship is prevalent today in middle schools and high schools. We address this issue frequently in our youth meetings. Literature searches have revealed that at least 100 million Americans practice some form of the occult. We know that using witchcraft to foretell the future was a crime that cost King Saul his life. What will the price we will have to pay «for just having fun» be?
Let us pray that God will grant us wisdom to abstain from this dark celebration, and in all things bring honor to His Holy Name.
Bishop Youssef Bishop, Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States

Blessed Marriage
George Hakeem & Rana Markalla
Saturday 26th October 2024
Blessed by HG Bishop Aghathon Bishop of Argantina
His Eminence Metropolitan Asheia Visit to Melbourne
9th October 2024 – 3rd November 2024
Wednesday 30th October – 9 AM Liturgy at AA Michael/St Anthony’s Church - Oakleigh
6 PM – Family visits at AA Michael church
Thursday 31st October - AM – Private time
6 PM – Family visits at St George Church
Friday 1st November - 9 AM – Liturgy at St Mark’s church - Preston
6 PM – Family visits at St Severus Church
Saturday 2nd November – 8 AM – Liturgy at St Severus church - Pakenham Seniors meeting at St Mina/Marina Church
6 PM – Vespers at St Mina/Marina Church - Hallam
Sunday 3rd November - 9 AM – Liturgy at St Mary’s church - Kensington PM – HE travels to Perth @6:25 pm on QF777
Family Meeting - Melbourne Cup Day Trip 2024
Dear Blessed Families;
We are excited to announce that we will be having a family trip on Christmas Day
TUESDAY 5-Nov-2024 to :
1- Attend the Liturgy 7-9am
2- Jump on the bus to Queenscliff Ferry
3- Then straight to Rye Beach for the day
4- Afterwards, Head back to Church leaving from the beach around 5-6pm
When: TUESDAY 5-Nov-2024
Families to arrive at Church: 07:00am
Cost (Children <2 years): Free (no seat on the bus)
Cost (Adults & Children 2- 16): $30
Fees include: Transportation Fees, Ferry Fees and Refreshment
Please bring your own lunch. ALL PAYMENTS MUST be done through a bank transfer to Church Bank Account to secure booking. (Your booking will not be confirmed unless a payment is made)
Bank details
BSB: 063-000
Account number: 1338-9822
Account name: St Vrigin Mary Coptic Orthodox Church
Please add a description as following: “FMTrip - Your Name”, Example “FMTrip Robear Hanna”
For inquiries, Please contact Robear Hanna 0450134125
40th day Commemoration
of the late Mr Mena Abdelkdous.
The family would like to thank the Fathers of the churches and all friends who comforted us either by attendance or by calling . The 40 day commemorative service will be held at St Mary’s Coptic Orthodox Church on Saturday 9/11/24 between 9-11am. Please remember us in your prayers.
*** Summer Club for 7-12
- Start Date Sunday 8th of December 2024
- End Date: Friday 31st of January 2024
-Sports training at St Mary’s college - Every Sunday 12-3pm (in total 8 Sundays) starting 08/12/2024