Weekly Bulletin 3rd October 2021

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:‫مواعيد الخدمة بكنيسة العذراء‬ Services at St Mary’s Church )‫ صباحا (أنجليزى‬7 - 5:30 ::‫األلهى‬ ‫ القداس األلهى‬:‫الثالثاء‬ Tuesday Liturgy 5:30 - 7am ‫ ذا واى‬- ‫ مساء أجتامع للكبار باألنجليزى‬8 8am The Way - Orthodox Fekkowship in ‫ صباحا‬11 – 9 ‫ القداس األلهى‬:‫األربعاء‬ ‫األربعاء‬ Englisg for adults - All ages ‫عرىب‬ ‫للكبار‬ ‫الشاممسة‬ ‫مدرسة‬ ‫مساء‬ 8 - 6:30 Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am Wednesday ‫ أنجليزى‬- ‫ مساء مدرسة الشاممسة‬8:15 - 7 6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults ‫ عرىب‬- ‫مساء فصول ألحان‬9 - 8 Arabic ; 7-8:15pm English :‫الخميس‬ Hymns Class Arabic Loc 8-9pm k do Thursday ‫مساء‬ 7:30 ‫أنجليزى‬ ‫الليل‬ ‫نصف‬ ‫تسبحة‬ w Dur n ha Cov ing 7:30pm English Midnight Praises s i d b - 1 ‫ مساء‬7:30 ‫ أنجليزى‬- ‫درس الكتاب املقدس‬ ee this English Bible Study 7:30pm tim n exten 9 Lock‫ صباحا‬11 – 9 ‫ القداس األلهى‬:‫الجمعة‬ ‫الجمعة‬ e d w d s ervi 9 – 11 am Friday: Mass SMass Friday n and ervices ed to T o‫رث‬ ces hur ‫ سنة فأك‬25 ‫ مساء الشباب‬9 – 7 are Frid a Youth 25 and above Foll 7-9pm sda con ays re restr )‫أسبوعني‬ o y‫مساء أجتامع األرسة (كل‬9-7 w d L u Family Meeting‫عاء‬7-9pm (fortnightly) i c u c i t t p al ted ed t 2nd Se urg ‫واألرب‬ l b i o e t y 5 ‫أنجليزى‬s -9‫اعداد الخدمة‬ ‫أجتامع‬pt‫ مساء‬8:30 - 7 Discipleship Clas Class ‫حد‬7-8:30pm ‫ ت واأل‬he serv per -11 Sat, Su ember s Year 10-12 Sunday School 6-9pm am ‫مدرس‬n‫فصل‬ ic ‫السب‬ -o10 ns ‫لسنوات‬ , W ‫ مساء‬9 - 6 incl ‫األحد‬ ‫ سات‬es on12 ed l Saturday: Mass: 8:30 Saturday – 10:30am i u ‫ا‬ n ‫د‬ d ‫ق‬ e‫صباحا‬ ‫القداس األلهى‬:‫السبت‬ ‫السبت‬ ‫كهنة‬ ‫خدمة‬ (Zo 10,30 i–ng8,30 ‫ا‬ ‫ح‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ا‬ t ‫با‬ om Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm he P ‫آلباء‬ ‫على‬ ‫مساء‬ 3 1:30 ‫الكشافة‬ ‫اجتامع‬ & ‫ ص يهم ا‬١١‫ر‬ ries ‫تقتص‬ You ٩ ‫عة‬ Vespers & youth meeting –7pm ‫بما ف‬ ‫يوب‬5.30 ts ‫ا‬ T ‫ي‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ليو ت‬ ‫م‬ ‫ا‬ u ‫د‬ ‫ح‬ 4 - b3 e‫الشاممسة‬ ‫مدرسة‬ ‫مساءسة‬ ‫والج سة أفرا وم وا‬ English ) ‫الكني‬ ‫ى خم‬ ‫ى الز‬ ‫ت‬ 5,30 – 4 ‫األحد‬ ‫مدارس‬ ‫ا‬ ‫م‬ Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:30-7pm ‫ة عل‬ ‫ها عل‬ ‫خد‬ ‫لخدم‬ ‫انجليزىكل‬ ‫مساء دمات‬ ‫ا‬ 7 – 5,30 ‫الشباب‬ ‫العشية واجتامع‬ Scouts 1:30 - 3pm ‫ر‬ ‫ص‬ ‫ا الخ‬ ‫قتمساءتابعو‬7‫ ت‬- 5:30 ‫العشية ودرس كتاب‬ School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm ‫عرىب‬ Sunday: Sunday :‫األحد‬ ‫األحد‬ 1st Mass 7 – 9.15am Arabic & English ‫وانجليزى‬ ‫عرىب‬ ‫ص‬ 9,15 – 7 ‫األول‬ ‫القداس‬ 2nd Mass 9.15 – 11.30am English ‫ ص – انجليزى‬11,30 – 9,15 ‫القداس الثاىن‬ 3rd Mass 9 – 11am Arabic ‫ ص عرىب‬11 – 9 ‫القداس الثالث‬ Hymns Class - English 11:45 ‫ مساء‬12:30 - 11:45 ‫ أنجليزى‬- ‫فصل ألحان‬ 12:30pm Church Priests: Priests :‫األباء الكهنة بالكنيسة‬ Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251 ‫األب القمص تادرس شاروبيم‬ Email: frtadros@me.com 0414251251 Fr Habib Girgis Younan: Email: frtadros@me.com 0401238177 – 94498871 :‫يونان‬ ‫األب القس حبيب جرجس‬ Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail. 94498871Email: - 0401238177 com Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821 habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au 0422431821 :‫األب القس مايكل صليب‬ Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., KensingEmail: frmichael@sac.edu.au ton Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651 Epsom Rd, Kensington 3031:‫عنوان الكنيسة‬ 93766651 :‫ تليفون‬5 Vic

The Departure of St. Gregory the Ascetic. ‫نياحة القديس غريغوريوس الراهب‬ 4th October - 24th Tote ‫ توت‬٢٤ - ‫ أكتوبر‬٤ On this day, St. Gregory the monk, departed. He was the ‫يف مثل هذا اليوم تنيح القديس غريغوريوس‬ son of pious, Christian and exceedingly rich parents from ‫ كان ابنا ألبوين مسيحيني بارين كثريى‬، ‫الراهب‬ one of the cities of Upper Egypt. They cared greatly to teach ‫ وقد اهتام‬. ‫الرثوة من إحدى بالد الوجه القبيل‬ their son the art of speaking, medicine and also taught him ‫بتعليم ولدهام غريغوريوس علوم الكالم ومهنة‬ the Church subjects. Next, they took him to the father Abba ‫ وأخريا قدماه‬. ‫ ثم فقهاه يف علوم البيعة‬. ‫الطب‬ Isaac, bishop of their city who ordained him a psalter to serve ‫لألب األنبا اسحق أسقف بلدهام فقدمه لخدمة‬ the altar. When they wanted him to get married, he refused. ‫ وبعد ذلك رقاه‬، ‫الكنيسة وملا أرادا تزويجه أىب‬ Later on, the bishop promoted him to a reader. Gregory was ‫وكان‬، ‫األسقف شامسا قارئا فداوم عىل الصلوات‬ devoted to praying and he was inclined to seclusion since his ‫ ولذلك كان يكرث‬. ‫مياال منذ حداثته إىل الوحدة‬ young age. He used to pay many visits to Abba Pachomius ‫ ثم أخذ من والديه‬. ‫من زيارة االنبا باخوميوس‬ (Pakhom). He took much money from his parents and brought ‫ راجيا منه‬، ‫ وقدمه للقديس باخوميوس‬، ‫ماال كثريا‬ it to St. Pachomius, beseeching him to spend it on building ‫ فقبل منه‬. ‫بتوسالت أن ينفقه عىل عامرة األديرة‬ monasteries. The saint accepted his alms and spent it on ‫القديس صدقته ورصفها يف كل عامرة أديرة الرشكة‬ building the monasteries of the holy Cenobitism. Later on, he ، ‫ وبعد حني قصد القديس باخوميوس‬. ‫املقدسة‬ went to Abba Pachomius, where he became a monk. He strug- ‫ وجاهد يف مامرسة جميع أنواع‬، ‫وترهب عنده‬ gled practicing all kinds of virtues to the point that just from ‫ حتى كان من شكله ومنظره يتعلم‬، ‫الفضيلة‬ his look and appearance the lustful person would learn purity. ‫ ومكث هكذا ثالث عرشة‬. ‫الشهوانيون العفة‬ He dwelt there for 13 years. ‫ وملا جاء القديس مقاريوس لزيارة القديس‬. ‫سنة‬ When Saint Macarius came to visit St. Pachomius, Greg‫ طلبه من القديس باخوميوس أن‬. ‫باخوميوس‬ ory asked St. Pachomius to permit him to go back with St. ‫ فمكث‬، ‫يأذن له بامليض مع القديس مقاريوس‬ Macarius. He dwelt with St. Macarius for two years, then he ‫ فأذن له‬، ‫ ثم طلب منه أن ينفرد‬، ‫عنده سنتني‬ asked him if he could live alone and St. Macarius allowed ، ‫بذلك فاقتطع لنفسه مغارة صغرية يف الجبل‬ him. He dug out a small cave for himself in the mountain ‫ وكان يأيت يف أثنائها إىل‬. ‫مكث بها سبع سنني‬ where he dwelt for seven years. He used to visit St. Macarius ‫ يف عيدي‬، ‫القديس مقاريوس مرتني يف السنة‬ twice a year, on Christmas and on Easter, to consult him in his ‫امليالد والقيامة ليسرتشد فيام يعينه عىل جهاد‬ spiritual fight. ‫ وملا أمىض يف الجهاد اثنتني وعرشين‬، ‫الروحي‬ When he completed 22 years of strife, God wished to repose ‫ فأرسل إليه مالك يعرفه‬، ‫ وأراد الرب نياحته‬، ‫سنة‬ him. God sent to him an angel who informed him that after ‫ فدعا شيوخ‬، ‫أنه بعد ثالثة أيام ينتقل من العامل‬ three days he would depart from the world. St. Gregory called . ‫الربية وودعهم وسألهم أن يذكروه يف صلواتهم‬ the elders of the desert, bade them farewell and asked them to ‫ صلواته تكون معنا‬، ‫وبعد الثالثة األيام تنيح بسالم‬ remember him in their prayers. Three days later, he departed . ‫ آمني‬. ‫وتحفظنا من الرش‬ in peace. ‫ ق م‬900 ‫تذكار نياحة يونان النبي سنة‬ His prayers be with us to keep us from every evil. Amen. ‫ توت‬٢٥ - ‫ أكتوبر‬٥ The Departure of Jonah, the Great Prophet ‫يف مثل هذا اليوم تنيح النبى العظيم يونان بن‬ 5th October - 25th Tote ‫ الذي‬، ‫أمتاي وقيل أنه ابن أرمله رصفه صيدا‬ On this day, the great prophet Jonah, the son of Amittai, ‫ فتبعه وخدمه ونال‬، ‫أقامه ايليا النبي من املوت‬ departed. It was said that he was the son of the widow of Zar- ‫ (قصة يونان وهـروبه وعودته إىل‬. ‫نعمة النبوة‬ e-phath whom Elijah the Prophet had raised from the dead. ‫نينوي مدونة بالتفصيل يف سفر يونان يف العهد‬ Jonah followed Elijah, served him and received the grace of . ‫القديم يف الكتاب املقدس‬ prophesying. God inspired him to go to the city of Nineveh to ‫فقد أوحى هللا تبارك وتعاىل إليه أن ميىض إىل‬ admonish its people and to warn them that after three days the ‫مدينة نينوي وينذر أهلها أنه بعد ثالثة أيام‬ city shall be overthrown. Jonah pondered in his heart saying, ‫تنقلب مدينتهم ة ففكر يف نفسه قائال «لو كان‬ “If God wished to destroy them He would not forewarn them. ‫ وأخىش‬، ‫هللا يشاء هالكهم ملا طلبني بإنذارهم‬ I fear that if I go to them and convey to them this warning, ‫أن أمىض إليهم وأبلغهم هذا اإلنذار فيتوبوا فال‬ they might repent and God would not destroy them. I would ‫ وأكون أنا كاذبا فال يعود أحد يصدقني‬. ‫يهلكهم‬ be a liar and no one will listen to me and probably may be ‫ ورمبا أقتل ألين نقلت الكذب عن هللا‬. ‫فيام بعد‬ get killed because I conveyed to them a false message from ‫ فامذا عساه ظن هذا النبي ؟‬. »‫ فأقم وأهرب‬، God. So I will arise and flee.” What did this prophet think of? ‫كيف يستطيع أحد أن يهرب من وجه هللا ؟ انه‬ How could anyone flee from the face of God? By escaping, he ‫أراد بالهرب أن يبتعد عن مدينة نينوي ألنه مل‬ wanted to get away from the city of Nineveh. He did not want ‫يشاء القيام بإنذارهم ملعرفته أن هللا رؤوف ورحيم‬ to admonish them knowing that God is gracious and merci‫ وظن أنه بابتعاده‬،‫ بطئ الغضب نادم عيل الرش‬، ful, slow to anger and repentant of the evil. He thought that ‫عن نينوي يرسل هللا نبيا غريه إلنذار تلك املدينة‬ by staying away from Nineveh the Lord would send another ‫ وقد كان هروب يونان النبي وطرحه يف البحر‬. prophet to preach to this city. ‫حتى يظهر اآلية بوجوده يف بطن الحوت ثالثة أيام‬

The escape of Jonah the Prophet, and his having been cast into ‫ ليكون رمزا ودليال عىل قيام‬، ‫ وخروجه ساملا‬، the sea are to make manifest the miracle of his remaining in the . ‫املخلص من القرب بعد ثالثة أيام ومل ير فسادا‬ belly of the whale for three days and then coming out safely. ‫فقام يونان ليهرب من وجه الرب ونزل إىل يافا‬ This was a symbol of, and evidence for, the resurrection of our ‫حيث وجد سفينة ذاهبة إىل ترشيش فأقلع مع‬ Savior from the sepulcher, unchanged, after three days. ‫ فأرسل الرب ريحا شديدة‬. . ‫ركابها إىل ترشيش‬ Jonah rose up to flee from the presence of the Lord and went ‫وحدث نوء عظيم يف البحر حتى كادت السفينة‬ down to Joppa; he found a ship going to Tarshish and sailed ‫ ثم‬. ‫ فخافوا ورصخ كل واحد إىل إلهه‬، ‫تنكرس‬ on it. The Lord sent out a great wind and there was a mighty ‫قال بعضهم لبعض هلام نلقى قرعة لنعرف‬ tempest in the sea and the ship was about to break. The people ‫ فلام اقرتعوا أصابت‬. ‫بسبب من هذه البلية‬ were all afraid, and cried every man to his god. They said ‫ فقالوا له ما الذي فعلته حتى‬، ‫القرعة يونان‬ everyone to his fellow, “Come and let us cast lots, that we ‫جاء علينا هذا بسببك ؟ فقال لهم اطرحوين‬ may know because of whom this evil has befallen us.” And ‫ فاستغفروا هللا ثم طرحوه‬، ‫يف البحر فتسلموا‬ when they had cast lots, it fell upon Jonah. They said to him, ‫ ومكث يف جوفه ثالثة أيام‬. ‫فبلعه حوت عظيم‬ “What have you done that brought such an affliction on us?” ‫ فقام عند‬، ‫وثالث ليال ثم قذفه عند نينوي‬ He replied, “Cast me in the sea and you shall be saved.” They ‫ وأنذر أهلها فتابوا جميعهم‬، ‫ذلك ودخل نينوي‬ begged the Lord’s pardon, then they cast him into the sea, and ، ‫ امللك والعظيم والفقري والشيخ والطفل‬، a great whale swallowed him. He remained in its belly for three ‫ورصخوا إىل هللا صامئني ورجع كل واحد منهم‬ days and three nights and then he was cast out on the seashore. ‫ فقبل هللا توبتهم ورحمهم‬، ‫عن طريقه الرديئة‬ He rose up straightaway and came into Nineveh. He preached ‫ وسبق‬. ‫ ثم قام يونان وأيت إىل أرض ومات بها‬، to its people and they all repented: The King, the nobles, and . ‫مجيء السيد املسيح بأكرث من تسعامئة سنة‬ the poor, the old and the young. They all cried to God with fast- ‫ وقد عاش ما‬. ‫وتنبأ يف زمان آموص وابنه عوزيا‬ ing and everyone turned from his way and the Lord accepted ‫ تنبأ منها نيف وسبعني‬. ‫يقرب من املائة سنة‬ their repentance and had mercy upon them. Jonah returned to ‫ ولربنا املجد دامئا‬. ‫ صالته تكون معنا‬. ‫سنة‬ the land of Israel and died there. He was more than 900 years ‫أبديا آمني‬ before the advent of the Lord Christ. He prophesied in the days ‫بشارة زكريا الكاهن مبيالد يوحنا املعمدان‬ of Amos and his son Hosea. He lived nearly 100 years, out of ‫بواسطة غربيال املبرش‬ which he prophesied more than 70 years. ‫ توت‬٢٦ - ‫ أكتوبر‬٦ His prayers be with us, and Glory be to our God, forever. ‫يف مثل هذا اليوم ُبرش زكريا الكاهن مبيالد‬ Amen. ‫ ألن زكريا هذا كان قد كرب‬. ‫يوحنا املعمدان‬ The Angels’ Annunciation of John the Baptist to Zacharias ‫ وزوجته أليصابات كأنت عاقرا ومىض‬، ‫وشاخ‬ 6th October - 26th Tote ‫ وكان زكريا مداوما عىل الصالة‬. ‫زمان حملها‬ On this day it was announced to Zacharias, the priest, the birth ‫ ألن بنى إرسائيل‬، ‫والطلبة إىل هللا أن يرزقه ولدا‬ of John the Baptist. Zacharias was well advanced in years ‫ ويستنقصون‬، ‫كانوا يعريون من مل يرزق ولدا‬ and his wife, Elizabeth, was barren and her time for begetting ‫ ويقولون عنه انه عديم الربكة التي‬. ‫قدره‬ children had passed. ‫ ولهذا كان الصديق‬، ‫أعطالها هللا تعاىل ألدم‬ Zacharias was praying and beseeching God persistently to ‫ فتحنن هللا‬. ‫مداوما الطلب أن يرزقه هللا ولدا‬ give him a child because the children of Israel reviled anyone ‫ وأرسل له جربائيل املالك‬. ‫عليه وسمع طلبته‬ without a son and treated him with ignominy. They would say ‫ فاتاه وهو يف الهيكل كام يقول‬. ‫ليبرشه بيوحنا‬ about him that he was without the blessing that God had told ‫اإلنجيل املقدس وبرشه بالنبي العظيم يوحنا‬ Adam in these words: “Be fruitful and multiply.” The Lord had ‫ وأعلمه أنه يتقدم مجيء املسيح كام قيل‬، compassion on him and He hearkened to his petition. He sent ‫ فقال للمالك‬، ‫باألنبياء ليكون مناديا أمامه‬ him Gabriel the Angel to announce to him the birth of John. ، ‫سائال «كيف يكون يل هذا وأنا رجل شيخ‬ The angel came to him while he was in the sanctuary, as it is ‫ فاعلمه املالك أنه‬. »‫وامرأيت متقدمة يف أيامها‬ mentioned in the Holy Gospel (Luke 1:11), and announced ‫ فال ينبغي‬. ‫من قبل هللا أتاه ليعرفه بهذا الخرب‬ to him the birth of the great prophet John, and that he should ‫ ثم أعلمه أنه سيبقى صامتا إىل‬. ‫أن يشك فيه‬ precede the Christ as it was said by the prophets, “He shall go ‫ وىف يوم ختانه سئل عن اسمه‬، ‫أن يولد يوحنا‬ before Him.” He asked the angel, “Whereby shall I know this? ‫ وللحال انطلق‬. ‫ فطلب لوحا وكتب فيه يوحنا‬. For I am an old man, and my wife well advanced in years.” The ‫ وتنبأ عن ابنه يوحنا‬، ‫لسانه وتكلم وسبح هللا‬ angel told him that he was sent from God to announce that to ، ‫ وان ابنه سيكون نبيا‬. ‫وعن السيد املسيح‬ him and it is not seemly for him to doubt. He then told him that ‫ صالة هذا الكاهن‬. ‫وينطلق أمام وجه الرب‬ he shall be dumb till the birth of the child. On the day of John’s ‫ آمني‬. ‫ ولربنا املجد دامئا ابديا‬. ‫تكون معنا‬ circumcision, they asked him about the child’s name. He asked ‫استشهاد القديسني ابادير وإيرايئ أخته‬ for a tablet and wrote on it John and straightaway his mouth ‫ توت‬٢٨ – ‫ أكتوبر‬٨ opened. Then he spoke and praised God and prophesied con- ‫يف مثـل هـذا اليـوم استشـهد القديسـان أباديـر‬ cerning his son John and the Lord Christ. He prophesied about ‫ ولـدا واسـيليدس وزيـر إنطاكية‬، ‫وإيـرايئ أختـه‬ his son that he would be a prophet and he should go before the ، ‫ وقـد كان أباديـر إسفهسلار يف مركـز أبيـه‬.

face of the Lord. The prayers of this priest be with us, and Glory be to our God, forever. Amen. The Martyrdom of Saints Abadir (Apater) and Eraee (Herai), His Sister 8th October – 28th Thout n this day, Sts. Abadir (Apater) and Eraee (Herai), his sister, the children of Wasilides, the minister of Antioch, were martyred. Abadir was appointed Esfeh-selar (a high ranking governmental position) in his father’s position. He had a room wherein he prayed and the Lord Christ appeared to him in the middle of the night and told him: “Rise up and take your sister Eraee, and go to Egypt to receive the crown of martyrdom and I will instruct a man whose name is Samuel to take care of your bodies and prepare them for burial.” He bid him peace then went up into heaven. This vision was seen by his sister also, in which she was told, “Hearken to your brother and do not transgress his command.” When she woke up, she trembled, and she went to her brother and told him about the vision, declaring that she would not disobey him. They vowed to each other to go and shed their blood in the Name of the Lord Christ. When his mother knew that, she and her handmaidens rent their garments, and came to St. Abadir. His mother pleaded with him not to become a martyr. He promised her that he would not go forward to Diocletian seeking martyrdom. Her heart was soothed, not knowing his intention of going somewhere else to become a martyr. Every night he used to change his apparel and go disguised to give water to the prisoners and minister to them all night, and he asked the door-keeper not to tell anyone. Later on, he saw a vision to remind him of travelling. He took his sister and went to Alexandria, then they came to Cairo. They met St. Abekragon who recognized them and blessed them. From there they came to Tomwah where they entered the church and prayed in it. Then, they went to El-Ashmunin where they met with Samuel the deacon. The following day Samuel went with them to Ansena, and they confessed our Lord Christ before Arianus the governor, who tortured them severely. Meanwhile, Saint Abadir prayed and entreated God to strengthen his faith and the faith of his sister Eraee. The Lord took their souls and carried them up to the heavenly Jerusalem and they saw the eminent ranks and the luminous habitations of the righteous; then he brought them back to their bodies. The governor wrote their decree and then adjured Abadir by his God to tell him his name and who he was. The saint replied, “Swear to me that you shall not change what you have decreed,” and when the governor swore to him, he said, “I am Abadir El-Esfeh-selar.” The governor cried out, saying, “Woe to me, 0 my Lord why did you not let me know that you are my Lord and let me go so far as to condemn you to all these severe tortures?” The saint replied, “Fear not, for you are about to receive the crown of martyrdom. The emperor will seek me and will not find me, and he will hear that you have killed me. Then he will call you, torture you and you will die in the Name of our Lord Christ. And now hasten to finish us.” Straightaway the governor ordered that their heads be cut off. The believers wrapped up


‫وكان لـه مخـدع يصلى فيـه فظهـر لـه السـيد‬ ‫ قـم خـذ‬: ‫املسـيح يف نصـف الليـل وقـال لـه‬ ‫أختـك إيـرايئ وأمضى إىل مصر لتنـاال إكليـل‬ ‫ وسأرشـد إنسـان اسـمه صموئيـل‬، ‫الشـهادة‬ ‫ وأعطـاه السلام‬، ‫يهتـم بجسـديكام ويكفنهما‬ ‫ وظهرت نفـس الرؤيا أيضا‬، ‫وصعد إىل السماء‬ ‫ وقيـل لها أسـمعي ألخيـك وال تخالفي‬، ‫ألختـه‬ ‫ فلما اسـتيقظت ارتعـدت وجـاءت إىل‬. ‫أمـره‬ ‫ وقصـت عليـه الرؤيـا مقـررة أنهـا‬، ‫أخيهـا‬ ‫ فتحالفـا على أن يسـفكا دمهما‬، ‫ال تخالفـه‬ ‫ وملا علمـت والدته‬، ‫على اسـم السـيد املسـيح‬ ‫ وأتني إىل‬، ‫بذلـك شـقت ثيابها هـي وجواريهـا‬ ‫ ومل تـزل والدتـه تسـتحلفه‬، ‫القديـس أباديـر‬ ‫أن ال يفعـل شـيئا فوعدهـا أن ال يتقـدم إىل‬ ‫قلبها‬. ‫ فطـاب‬. ‫دقلديانـوس من أجل الشـهادة‬ ‫غير عاملـة بعزمـه على املضي إىل مـكان أخـر‬ ‫ وكان كل ليلـة يغير ثيابـه‬. ‫يستشـهد فيـه‬ ‫ويخـرج متنكـرا ويقـدم املـاء للمعتقلين الليل‬ ‫ وبعـد‬. ‫ وأمـر البـواب أن ال يعلـم أحـدا‬، ‫كلـه‬ ‫ فاخذ أخته وأىت‬. ‫ذلك رأى رؤيا تذكره بالسـفر‬ ‫ ثـم خرجـا مـن اإلسـكندرية‬. ‫إىل اإلسـكندرية‬ ‫وأتيـا إىل مصر فوجـد القديـس أباكراجـون‬ ‫ ومـن هنـاك جـاءوا إىل‬. ‫فعرفهما وباركهما‬ ‫ ثم ذهبا‬، ‫طمويـه ودخال الكنسـية وصليـا فيها‬ ‫إيل االشـمونني واجتمعـا بالشماس صموئيـل‬ ‫ وىف الغـد مضي معهما إىل أنصنـا واعرتفـا‬، ‫ فعذبهام عذابا‬، ‫باملسـيح أمـام أريانوس الـوايل‬ ‫ وىف أثنـاء ذلـك كان القديـس أباديـر‬. ‫شـديدا‬ ‫يطلـب مـن املسـيح أن يقـوى إميانـه وإميـان‬ ‫ وأخـذ الـرب نفسـيهام وصعـد‬، ‫أختـه أيـرايئ‬ ‫بهـا إىل أورشـليم السمائية فرأيـا تلـك املراتب‬ ‫ ثـم أعادهام إىل‬. ‫السـامية واملسـاكن النورانية‬ ‫ أمـا الـوايل فقـد أرص أن يعرفهما‬، ‫جسـديهام‬ ‫فاسـتحلفه بإلهـه أن يعرفـه اسـمه ومـن هـو‬، ‫ القديـس أتتعهـد يل أنـك الترجع عام‬. ‫فأجابـه‬ ‫ أنـا أبادير‬: ‫ وملـا تعهـد قـال لـه‬،‫عزمـت عليـه‬ ‫ له يا سـيدى‬: ‫األسفهسلار فصرخ الـوايل قائال‬ ‫ كيـف مل تعلمني أنك سـيدى حتـى ال أعذبك‬، . ‫ ال تخـف‬: ‫بهـذا العـذاب فأجابـه القديـس‬ ‫فانـك سـتنال أنـت أيضـا إكليـل الشـهادة ألن‬ ‫امللـك سـوف يطلبني فلا يجدين ويسـمع أنك‬ ‫قتلتنـي فيأخـذك ويقتلـك ومتـوت مثلى علي‬ ‫ فكتـب‬، ‫اسـم املسـيح فـأرسع بالقضـاء علينـا‬ ‫ فلـف بعض‬. ‫الـوايل قضيتـه وقطعـوا رأسـيهام‬ ‫املؤمنين جسـديهام يف ثيـاب فاخـرة وأخذهام‬ ‫صموئيـل الشماس إىل منزلتـه املبـارك حتـى‬ ‫انقضـاء زمـان الجهـاد حيـث بنيت لهما بيعة‬ . ‫ شـفاعتهام تكـون معنـا‬. ‫عظيمـة‬ ‫ولربنا املجد دامئا أبديا امني‬ ‫استشهاد القديسة أربسيام العذراء ومن معها‬ ‫ توت‬٢٩ - ‫ أكتوبر‬٩ ‫يف مثل هذا اليوم استشهدت القديسات‬ ‫العذارى أربسيام وغاثا وأخواتهام اللوايت‬ ‫ أيام امللك دقلديانوس وذلك أنه‬، ‫كن معهام‬ ‫هذا الطاغية أراد أن يتزوج من أجمل صبية‬ ‫ وأمرهم‬، ‫فأرسل املصورين إىل جميع األصقاع‬

their bodies in fine apparels and Samuel the deacon took them to his ‫أن يصوروا له أجمل فتاة يقع نظرهم‬ house until the days of persecution were ended and a great church ، ‫عليها ثم يوصفونها له وصفا دقيقا‬ was built for them. ‫ دخلوا‬، ‫فلام وصلوا إىل نواحي رومية‬ Their intercession be for us, and Glory be to our God, forever. Amen. ‫ فوجدوا هذه القديسة‬، ‫ديرا للعذارى‬ The Martyrdom of St. Arbsima (Repsima) the Virgin and Her Sis- ‫ ومل يكن من مياثلها يف الجامل‬، ‫أربسيام‬ ters the Virgins ‫فأخذوا صورتها وأرسلوها إىل امللك ففرح‬ 9th October - 29th Touth ‫ وأرسل يدعو امللوك والرؤساء إىل‬، ‫بها‬ On this day, the holy virgins Arbsima (Repsima) and Agatha (Ghana) ‫ فلام علمت أربسيام‬، ‫االحتفال بالعرس‬ and their sisters, were martyred during the reign of Emperor Diocle- ‫وبقية العذارى بذلك بكني وخرجن من‬ tian. This infidel sought out the most beautiful damsel to marry. He ‫الدير وهن يتوسلن إىل السيد املسيح أن‬ sent artists to every country and ordered them to paint a portrait of ‫ ثم هجرن‬، ‫يعينهن ويحفظ بتوليتهن‬ the most beautiful damsel that their sights fell on and to give him an ‫الدير وأتني إىل بالد أرمينية يف والية‬ accurate description of her. When they arrived nearby Rome, they ‫تريداته وأقمن داخل معرصة يف أحد‬ entered a convent for virgins and found Saint Arbsima and none was ‫البساتني الخربة وكن يحصلن عىل قوتهن‬ like her in beauty. They painted a portrait of her and sent it to the ‫مبشقة عظمية بواسطة واحدة منهن‬ Emperor who rejoiced when he saw it. He sent to the kings and gov- ‫ وملا‬. ‫تصنع الزجاج وتبيعه ويقتنت بثمنه‬ ernors to invite them to the wedding celebrations. ، ‫طلب دقلديانوس أربسيام مل يجدها‬ When Arbsima and the virgins knew that, they wept, and left the ‫ فأرسل إىل‬. ‫وسمع أنها يف بالد أرمينية‬ convent fleeing, entreating the Lord Christ to help them and to keep ‫تريداته الوايل يعرفه بقصتها ليك يحتفظ‬ their virginity. They fled to the country of Armenia, and entered the ‫ فلام عرف العذارى ذلك تركن‬، ‫بها‬ province over which Tridates was king. There they dwelt in a winery‫ فدل بعضهم‬. ‫مأواهن واختفني يف املدينة‬ in a deserted garden. They had great trouble in getting their food, ‫ فأمر تريداته بإحضار أربسيام‬. ‫عليهن‬ so one of them made glass, sold it, and with the money they bought . ‫ وإذ مل ترد اختطفوها وآتوا بها إليه‬. their food. When Diocletian sought for Arbsima, he did not find her. ‫فلها رأى جاملها أراد أن يأخذها لنفسه‬ Later on, he heard that she was in the country of Armenia so he sent ‫ فاحرض لها أمها‬، ‫فلم متكنه من ذلك‬ to Tridates the governor to look for her. When the virgins heard that, ‫ ولكنها كانت تعزيها‬، ‫لعلها تطيب قلبها‬ they left their shelter and hid themselves in the city. But someone ‫وتصربها وتعضدها وتوصيها أال ترتك‬ informed about them. Tridates then commanded to bring Arbsima to ، ‫عريسها الحقيقي الرب يسوع املسيح‬ him and when she refused, they abducted her and brought her to him. ‫ فلام علم مبا فعلته‬، ‫وأن ال تدنس توليتها‬ When he saw her beauty, he wanted to have her for himself, but she ‫ أما القديسة‬، ‫أمها أمر بكرس أسنانها‬ did not let him. He brought her mother to persuade her but instead ‫أربسيام فقد أعطاها الرب قوة فتغلبت‬ she besought her to endure patiently. She comforted her, told her that ‫عىل الوايل بان دفعته بقوة فسقط عىل‬ she must not forsake her true Bridegroom, the Lord Jesus Christ, and‫ وخرجت وتركته ملقى عىل األرض‬، ‫ظهره‬ that she must not defile her virginity. When he knew what her mother ‫مع أنه كان مشهورا يف الحرب بالبطولة‬ had done, he commanded to break her teeth. ‫ فاعرتاه الخزي إذ غلب من‬. ‫والشجاعة‬ God gave St. Arbsima power to overcome the governor; she pushed ‫صبية عذراء وأمر بقطع رأسها فأىت الجند‬ him forcefully and he fell on his back. She left him lying on the ‫ وأخرجوا‬، ‫وأوقفوها وقطعوا لسانها‬. floor although he was well known by his might and bravery in war. ‫ وقطعوها أربا فلام استفاق الوايل‬، ‫عينيها‬ Ashamed of having been vanquished by a virgin damsel, he ordered ‫ وأمر بقتل بقية‬. ‫ندم عىل قتل القديسة‬ to cut off her head. The soldiers came and tied her, tore out her ‫ ففعل الجند كطلبه وسلخوا‬، ‫العذارى‬ tongue, plucked out her eyes, and then cut her into pieces. When the ‫وطرحوهن‬، ‫ ثم قطعوهن أربا‬، ‫جلودهن‬ governor rose up from his fall and regained his senses, he was sorry ‫ وكانت واحدة منهن مريضة راقدة يف‬، for killing the saint. He ordered to slay the rest of the virgins. The ‫ فصاحت يف الجند أن يلحقوها‬، ‫كوخ‬ soldiers pierced the soles of their feet, flayed them, cut them into ‫بأخوتهن فقطعوا رأسها أيضا ونلن‬ pieces, and then cast them out. One of them was sick and was lying ‫ وقتلوا أيضا‬. ‫جميعهن إكليل الشهادة‬ on a bed, and she cried out to the soldiers so she might join her sis- ‫ وبعد‬، ‫من أىت يف صحبتهن من رومية‬ ters. So, they cut off her head also and thus, all the virgins received ‫نياحتهن جن الوايل واحتار فيه األطباء‬ the crown of martyrdom. The soldiers also slew all who had come ‫حتى أتاه القديس غريغوريوس أسقف‬ with them from Rome. ‫أرمينية وصىل عليه فربئ من دائه وأمن‬ After their departure, the governor became mad and the physicians ‫بالسيد املسيح وأخذ أجساد القديسات‬ could not help him until Saint Gregory, Bishop of Armenia, came to . ‫الطاهرات ووضعها يف مكان مقدس‬ him and prayed over him. By this he was healed of his affliction and ‫ املجد دامئا‬.‫ ولربنا‬. ‫صالتهن تكون معنا‬ believed in the Lord Christ. He took the bodies of the holy and pure .‫أبديا آمني‬ virgins and laid them in a holy place. Their intercession be for us, and Glory be to our God, forever. Amen.

‫األحد الرابع من شهر توت المبارك‬ Fourth Sunday of the Blessed Month of Tut 50 – 36 ::7 7 ‫لوقا‬ Luke 7:36-50 »‫بسالم‬ ‫أذهبى‬ ‫خلصك‬ ‫« أيمانك قد‬ “Your faith has saved you; go in peace.” Luke 7:50 50 :7 : 7 ‫لوقا‬ A sinful woman, everyone knows that about her. She ‫ الكل يعرف عنها‬... ‫أمرأة خاطئة‬ did not cover her sins, nor did anyone. Sin became ‫ وال‬.. ‫ انها لم تستر على نفسها‬.. ‫ذلك‬ the work she lives from. Even the Holy Bible itself ‫ صارت الخطية‬... ‫يستر عليها احد‬ testifies about her that she is known in the city that ‫ حتى‬... ‫هى عملها الذى تعيش منه‬ she is sinful. Sin became the norm in her life. As for ‫الكتاب المقدس‬ righteousness and virtue, this is an ‫نفسه يشهد عنها‬ abnormal thing that does not exist ‫أنها معروفة‬ in her life. This is a very dangerous ‫فى ا لمدينة‬ situation. When lawlessness will ... ‫انها خاطئة‬ abound, the love of many will grow ‫صارت الخطية‬ cold. A kind of surrender to sin is ‫فى حياتها هى‬ created. With this surrender virtue ‫ واما‬... ‫القاعدة‬ is lost. It reaches a point where no ‫البر والفضيلة‬ ‫فهذا شيىء شاذ‬ shame or shy is felt in doing the sin. .. ‫غير موجود‬ This is the situation of Sodom; the ‫هذا وضع خطير‬ whole city, from the old man to the ‫ فمع‬.. ‫للغاية‬ child, lives in sin, and the righteous ‫كثرة االثم تبرد‬ man Lot torments his righteous soul ..‫محبة الكثيرين‬ with its sinful actions every day, but ‫يحدث نوع من‬ in silence and surrender. It is the rules ‫ومع‬ ..‫االستسالم‬ of comparison in which the world ‫هذا االستسالم‬ lives; there is no clear truth in it. ‫تضيع الفضيلة‬ The world says ‘If injustice becomes ‫ويصبح الحياء‬ the norm it becomes justice. How can ‫وال خجل فى‬ injustice become justice? He, who ... ‫االثم‬ has not seen the light in his life, thinks that darkness ‫ المدينة كلها‬.. ‫هذا هو وضع سدوم‬ is the light. Amazingly, the light turns into darkness. ‫من الشيخ الى الطفل تعيش فى الخطية‬ However, there is a single clear truth in front of it that ‫ولوط االنسان البار يعذب نفسه البارة‬ a person can compare everything, and knows the truth. ‫ ولكن فى‬... ‫بافعالها االثيمة كل يوم‬ ‫ انه قواعد النسبية‬.. ‫صمت واستسالم‬ This truth is the Lord Jesus. And so, before the Lord Jesus and His searching eyes, ‫ ليس فيه حقيقة‬.. ‫التى يعيش فيها العالم‬ .. ‫واضحة‬ this woman stood. She felt how great her iniquity was and that her sin could not be tolerated. And then, she ‫ الظلم إذا عم صارعدال‬... ‫العالم يقول‬ .. ‫ عجبا كيف يصير الظلم عدال‬... stood at His feet. The sinner feels that he does not ‫يظن‬ .. ‫الذى لم يرى النور فى حياته‬ deserve but the last rows, he does not dare to raise his ‫تحول‬ ‫لقد‬ ‫ عجبا‬.. ‫ان الظلمة هى النور‬ eyes. Rather, he looks down to his feet, to the dust, to ‫حقيقة‬ ‫هناك‬ ‫ ولكن‬.. ‫النور الى ظلمة‬ his reality, which sin has blinded him from. ‫واضحة وحيدة امامها يستطيع أن‬ The prodigal son felt that he did not deserve sonship ‫ ويعرف‬.. ‫يقارن األنسان كل شىء‬ later on; he felt that he was less than a servant. ‫ وهذه الحقيقة هى الرب يسوع‬.. ‫نفسه‬ Behind him. Repentance gives person penitence, and .. they feel that they have led themselves to destruction. ‫وهكذا امام الرب يسوع وعيناه ا‬ And then they declare that they will no longer follow .. ‫ وقفت هذه المرأة‬.. ‫لفاحصتان‬ their desires, but follow the Lord Jesus, whatever the ‫وشعرت كيف أن اثمها عظيم جدا وان‬ troubles and pains. ‫ وقفت‬.. ‫ وعندئذ‬.. ‫خطيتها لم تحتمل‬ Weeping. How beautiful are the tears; tears of ‫ الخاطىء يشعر انه ال‬.. ‫عند قدميه‬

‫ اليجروء‬.. ‫يستحق اال الصفوف االخيرة‬ repentance. They dissolve and remove all the obstacles that sin has placed in the way of eternal ‫ ان يرفع عينيه بل ينظر الى اسفل الى‬.. ‫ الى حقيقته التى‬.. ‫ الى التراب‬.. ‫القدمين‬ life. Dear Beloved, learn the virtue of weeping. .. ‫أعمته عنها الخطية‬ Acquire the gift of tears; cry here on earth, better ‫يستحق‬ ‫ال‬ ‫انه‬ ‫يشعر‬ ‫ كان‬.. ‫االبن الضال‬ than screaming and wailing there. Shedding tears .. ‫ فهو أقل من خادم‬.. ‫البنوة فيما بعد‬ now is by far better than crying and gnashing of ‫ التوبه تعطى االنسان انسحاقا‬..‫من ورائه‬ teeth later. ‫ وعندئذ‬.. ‫ ويشعر انه قاد نفسه للهالك‬.. + Her sins, which are many, are forgiven ‫شهواته‬ ‫يعلن أنه لن يسير وراء‬ Wash His feet with her tears. .. ‫ بل وراء الرب يسوع‬.. ‫فيما بعد‬ The Feet that laboured for me, walked for miles .. ‫مهما كانت المتاعب واالآلم‬ looking for me, thorns torn Them apart because of .. ‫ دموع‬.. ‫ ما اجمل الدموع‬.. ‫باكية‬ me, then nails on the cross torn Them apart for me. ‫تذيب وتزيل كل‬ ‫ انها‬.. ‫التوبه‬ I am the one who is sick with sin. ‫العوائق التى وضعتها الخطيه فى طريق‬ Wiped them with the hair of her head. ..‫ا لحياة األبدية‬ She wiped The Lord’s feet with the hair of her head; ‫ اقتنى‬.. ‫ تعلم فضيلة البكاء‬.. ‫ايها الحبيب‬ her crown, her beauty, which was a trap for others, ‫ أفضل من أن‬.. ‫موهبة الدموع ابكى هنا‬ ‫ أذرف الدموع‬.. ‫تصرخ وتولول هناك‬ which caused the destruction of many souls. How ‫ افضل من البكاء وصرير االسنان‬.. ‫اآلن‬ much she tired and spent long hours decorating, ‫فيما بعد‬ styling and beautifying this hair to make many falls .. ‫ غفرت لها خطاياها الكثيرة‬+ into sin. I will wipe Your feet My Lord to take from .. ‫تبل قدميه بالدموع‬ the dust that dirt Your feet for my sake as a tincture ‫مشت‬ .. ‫اجلى‬ ‫من‬ ‫ا لقدمين التى تعبت‬ of purity. Let my hair take from the sweat of Your ‫االشواك‬ ‫مزقتها‬ .. ‫االميال تبحث عنى‬ feet, Lord, which laboured for me, to be a perfume ‫الصليب‬ ‫على‬ ‫المسامير‬ ‫بسببى ثم مزقتها‬ of purity and holiness. Let Your feet take from .. ‫ أنا المريض بالخطية‬.. ‫من اجلى‬ the tears of my repentance, my God, a glimmer .. ‫كانت تمسحهما بشعر رأسها‬ of renewal and salvation from the bondage of the ‫ الذى‬.. ‫ جمالها‬.. ‫ تاجها‬.. ‫شعر رأسها‬ devil. Then I will keep my hair as a holy pledge; a ‫ الذى تسبب‬.. ‫كان مصيدة لآلخرين‬ symbol of your eternal love for me. Beloved, have ‫ كم تعبت‬.. ‫فى هالك نفوس كثيرة‬ you learned how to make of your members a holy ‫وقضت الساعات الطويلة تزين هذا‬ temple for God? Be careful, lest you stumble and ‫الشعر وتصففه وتجمله لتسقط الكثيرين‬ slander others with your vain worldly interests. ‫ أمسح به قدميك ياسيدى‬.. ‫فى الخطية‬ + She kissed His feet and anointed them with the ‫ليأخذ من التراب الذى تعفرت به قدماك‬ ‫ وليأخذ‬.. ‫ صبغة ا لطهارة‬.. ‫من اجلى‬ fragrant oil The expensive ointment, which I also used to attract ‫من عرق قدميك ياربى التى تعبت من‬ ‫ وليأخذ‬.. ‫ عطر النقاوة والقداسة‬.. ‫اجلى‬ others to fall into my nets, I pour it all over Your ‫ بريق التجديد‬.. ‫من دموع توبتى يالهى‬ feet, my Lord. This is a vow to leave the sin that the world tries to hide its stench with the scents of ‫ وعندئذ‬.. ‫والخالص من عبودية الشيطان‬ ‫ رمز لحبك‬.. ‫احفظ شعرى وديعة مقدسة‬ the perfume. But no way, I will pour this perfume .. ‫االبدى لى‬ on Your feet so You may anoint me Lord, with the ‫من‬ ‫تجعل‬ ‫كيف‬ ‫تعلمت‬ ‫هل‬ ... ‫أيها الحبيب‬ fragrances of Your love, so that my prayer becomes .. ‫اعضاءك هيكال مقدسا للله‬ like a pure incense rising before You. ‫احترس لئال تكون تعثر اآلحرين‬ She loved it so much .. ‫وتهللكهم باهتماماتك العالمية الباطلة‬ Instead of water for the feet, I offered tears. Instead ‫ وتقبل قدميه وتدهنهما بالطيب‬+ of oil for the head, I gave perfume for the feet. ‫ الذى كنت‬.. ‫الطيب الغالى الكثير الثمن‬ Instead of a towel, I gave my hair. ‫ايضا اجذب به اآلخرين ليسقطوا فى‬ It is the love that transcends mere duty, and this is ‫ أسكبه كله على قدميك ياسيدى‬.. ‫شباكى‬ the most beautiful characteristic of repentance; it ‫ فهذا عهد أن أترك الخطية الذى‬... brings human out of the limits of the restrictions of ‫يحاول العالم أخفاء نتانتها بروائح الطيب‬

‫ اسكب هذا الطيب‬.. ‫ ولكن هيهات‬.. the world to the horizons of endless love in Christ. ‫على قدميك لتدهنى انت ياربى بأطياب‬ + For she loved much Here we find two personalities, both of whom wanted ‫ فتصير صالتى مثل بخور ذكى‬.. ‫حبك‬ ‫صاعد أمامك‬ to express their love for the Lord Jesus; the sinful .. ‫كثيرا‬ ‫أنها أحبت‬ woman, and the Pharisee who called the Lord Jesus ‫ قدمت الدموع‬... ‫بدال من الماء للقدمين‬ to his home. However, each one expressed their .. love in a different way. Let us reflect a little on this ‫الطيب‬ ‫قدمت‬ ... ‫للرأس‬ ‫الزيت‬ ‫من‬ ‫بدال‬ strange comparison. They both agreed on the goal. .. ‫للقدمين‬ But they each had a completely different view. .. ‫ قدمت شعر رأسها‬... ‫بدال من المنشفة‬ The Pharisee wanted to appear before his colleagues; .. ‫انه الحب الذى يفوق مجرد الواجب‬ he wanted to benefit from the character of the Lord ‫ أنها تخرج‬..‫وهذه أجمل صفات التوبة‬ Jesus for his own benefit. ‫االنسان من حدود قيود العالم الى آفاق‬ The woman on the other hand, wanted to offer ..‫الحب الالنهائي في المسيح‬ sincere repentance with tears. She hid in the crowd ‫ ألنها أحبت كثيرا‬+ in the Pharisee’s house. Each one of them looked at ‫ وهنا نجد شخصيتان كالهما أراد أن‬.. Christ differently; the Pharisee, looked at him with ‫ ولكن كل‬..‫يعبر عن محبته للرب يسوع‬ a look of criticism and envy. He did not hold to the ..‫ المرأة الخاطئة‬..‫واحد بطريقة مختلفة‬ ‫والفريسي الذي دعا الرب يسوع الى‬ Lord Jesus in his heart any respect or appreciation. ‫ ولنتأمل قليال فى هذه المقارنة‬..‫بيته‬ The woman was filled with reverence, fear, and a ‫العجيبة كالهما أراد أن يكرم الرب‬ feeling of unworthiness. The Pharisee was the host, and the sinful woman was ‫ أي انهما اتفقا‬..‫يسوع ويعبر عن حبه له‬ ..‫في الهدف‬ just a curious, weak, undesirable person. ‫تماما‬ ‫مختلفة‬ ‫غاية‬ ‫منهما‬ ‫لكل‬ ‫ولكن كان‬ What did both of them do to the real guest? The ..‫اآلخر‬ ‫عن‬ Pharisee considered Christ a second-class guest, not ..‫ اراد أن يظهر أمام زمالءه‬..‫الفريسي‬ one of the guests worthy of honour. It was customary ‫اراد أن يستفيد من شخصية الرب يسوع‬ to receive guests, wash their feet, anoint their ..‫لمصلحته الشخصية‬ heads, and express their welcome by kissing and ‫ أرادت أن تقدم توبة صادقة‬..‫المرأة‬ shaking hands. Perhaps the Pharisee did this with his ‫ مختفية وسط الزحام في بيت‬..‫بدموع‬ colleagues the Pharisees. However, he did not care to ‫ وكانت نظرة كل منهما‬..‫الفريسي‬ offer any of these customs. He is only a Kind Guest, ‫ كان ينظر‬..‫ الفريسي‬..‫للمسيح مختلفة‬ a Friend of publicans and sinners. As for the woman, ‫ لم يحمل للرب‬..‫اليه بنظرة نقد وحسد‬ she washed His feet with tears. She cleaned Them ..‫يسوع في قلبه أي احترام أو تقدير‬ with the hair of her head and anointed His feet with ‫ امتألت خشوعا وخوفا وشعورا‬..‫المرأة‬ ..‫بعدم االستحقاق‬ ointment. She did not stop kissing His feet. Christ ‫ والمرأة‬..‫وكان الفريسي هو المستضيف‬ was her only guest; the only special guest most ‫الخاطئة مجرد شخص فضولي ضعيف‬ honoured in her heart. ..‫غبر مرغوب فيه‬ The Pharisee had many guests. All of them were ..‫الحقيقي‬ ‫للضيف‬ ‫ماذا فعل كالهما‬ more important than Christ. As for the woman, Christ ‫المسيح‬ ‫اعتبر‬ ..‫الفريسي‬ ..‫الرب يسوع‬ was her first and last guest. ‫الضيوف‬ ‫من‬ ‫ليس‬ ..‫ثانية‬ ‫ضيف درجة‬ The Pharisee wanted to appear at the expense of ‫ كان من العادة‬..‫المستحقين االكرام‬ Christ. Rather, he wanted Christ to be hidden so he ‫استقبال الضيوف وغسل اقدامهم ودهن‬ might appear. As for the woman, she wanted to hide ‫رؤوسهم والتعبير عن الترحيب بالقبلة‬ behind Christ; rather, she desired to be melted in her ‫ وربما صنع الفريسي‬..‫والمصافحة‬ tears at His feet and to hide her love for Him in the ‫ أما مع‬..‫هذا مع زمالئه الفريسين‬ alabaster flask. ..‫الرب يسوع فلم يهتم بشيء من هذا‬ The Pharisee did not benefit from the presence of ‫ صديق للعشارين‬..‫انه ضيف طيب‬ Christ in his house; rather, he criticized Christ and ‫ غسلت رجلية‬..‫ أما المرأة‬..‫والخطاة‬ ‫ مسحتهما بشعر رأسها دهنت‬..‫بالدموع‬ received painful judgment for himself. As for the

‫بالطيب قدميه‪ ..‬لم تكف عن تقبيل قدميه كان المسيح‬ ‫هو ضيفها الوحيد الضيف الخصوصي المكرم جدا في‬ ‫قلبها‪..‬‬ ‫الفريسي كان له ضيوف كثيرون‪ ..‬كلهم أهم من‬ ‫المسيح‪ ..‬أما المرأة فكان المسيح هو ضيفها االول‬ ‫واألخير‪..‬‬ ‫الفريسي أراد أن يظهر على حساب المسيح‪ ..‬بل اراد أن‬ ‫يخفى المسيح ويظهر هو‪ ..‬أما المرأة فأرادت ان تختفي‬ ‫وراء المسيح‪ ..‬بل اشتهت ان تذوب فى دموعها عند‬ ‫قدمية وتخفى محبتها له في قارورة الطيب الكثير الثمن‪..‬‬ ‫الفريسي لم يستفيد شيئا من وجود المسيح في بيته‪ ..‬بل‬ ‫انتقد المسيح ونال دينونة مرة لنفسه‪ ..‬أما المرأة فقد نالت‬ ‫أعظم ما يتمناه إنسان تائب‪ ..‬غفران خطاياها ‬ ‫‪..‬الفريسي اراد أن يظهر بكبريائه‪ ..‬فنزل في نظر الرب‬ ‫وظهر كمقصر‪ ..‬المرأة الخاطئة ارادت ان تختفي خجال‬ ‫من خطاياها‪ ..‬فرفعها الرب وكشف محبتها التي فاقت‬ ‫الجميع‪ ..‬أي جانب تأخذ في معاملتك مع الرب يسوع‪..‬‬ ‫جانب الفريسي أم المرأة الخاطئة‪..‬‬ ‫كيف تعبر عن حبك للمسيح‪ ..‬هل المسيح مجرد ضيف‬ ‫في بيتك‪ ..‬ضيف مهمل‪ ..‬أم هو الضيف الوحيد المكرم‪..‬‬ ‫المرأة الخاطئة‪ ..‬غفرت خطاياها ألنها أحبت كثيرا‪..‬‬ ‫المرأة الخاطئة‪ ..‬ذهبت بسالم‪ ..‬سالم حرم منه الفريسي‬ ‫وكل ضيوفه الفريسين‪..‬‬

‫‪woman, she attained the greatest desire‬‬ ‫‪of a repentant person; the forgiveness of‬‬ ‫‪her sins.‬‬ ‫‪The Pharisee wanted to show his pride,‬‬ ‫‪so he came down in the eyes of the Lord‬‬ ‫‪and appeared as a negligent. The sinful‬‬ ‫‪woman wanted to hide out of shame for‬‬ ‫‪her sins. Hence, the Lord lifted her up‬‬ ‫‪and revealed her love that surpassed all.‬‬ ‫‪Which side do you take in your dealings‬‬ ‫‪with the Lord Jesus; the side of the‬‬ ‫?‪Pharisee or the sinful woman‬‬ ‫‪How do you express your love for‬‬ ‫‪Christ? Is Christ just a guest in your‬‬ ‫‪house; A neglected guest, or is he‬‬ ‫‪the only honoured guest? The sinful‬‬ ‫‪woman, her sins are forgiven because‬‬ ‫‪she loved so much.‬‬ ‫‪The sinful woman went in peace; a‬‬ ‫‪peace that was denied to the Pharisee‬‬ ‫‪and all his guests the Pharisees.‬‬

‫أقتد بالمرأة التائبة‬ ‫القديس أمبروسيوس أسقف ميالنو‬ ‫ترفقوا بالخطاة‬

‫اغسل قدمي الرب‪:‬‬ ‫أظهر جراحاتك للطبيب فيشفيك? أزل آثار جروحك بالدموع‪ .‬فإن هذا هو ما صنعته المرأة المذكورة‬ ‫في اإلنجيل‪ ،‬فأزالت بذلك نتانة خطاياها‪ .‬لقد غسلت خطاياها بغسلها قدمي المخلص بدموعها‪.‬‬ ‫أيها الرب يسوع‪ ،‬فلتسمح لي أن أغسل قدميك مما أنطبع عليها بسيرك في داخلي (ولو أنهما لم‬ ‫يتنجسا)? ولكن من أين آتي إليك بماء الحياة الذي أغسل به قدميك! فإذ ليس لي ماء أقدم دموعًا‪.‬‬ ‫وإذ أغسل قدميك‪ ،‬إنما أثق أنني أنا نفسي أغتسل‪ ،‬حيث تقول لي‪? :‬خطاياه الكثيرة مغفورة له ألنه‬ ‫أحب كثيرً ا?‪.‬‬ ‫وإنني اعترف لك بأنني مديون لك كثيرً ا‪ ،‬فقد أعطى لي الكثير حيث دعوتني إلى الكهنوت من وسط‬ ‫أهل لذلك‪ ،‬فأحب أقل ذاك الذي أعطاني كثيرً ا‪.‬‬ ‫العامة? وأنا أخشى أن أوجد غير ٍ‬ ‫الدموع أفضل من الوليمة‪:‬‬ ‫لم يستطيع الكل أن يتساووا مع تلك المرأة‪ ،‬فقد فُضلت على سمعان الفريسي الذي صنع وليمة‬ ‫للرب‪ ،‬إذ أعطت درسًا للراغبين في نوال المغفرة‪ ،‬بتقبيلها قدمي السيد المسيح‪ ،‬وغسلهما بدموعها‪،‬‬ ‫ومسحهما بشعر رأسها وسكب الطيب عليهما‪.‬‬ ‫تقبيل قدميه كان عالمة الحب? ?ليقبلني بقبالت فمه? (نش ‪.)2 :1‬‬ ‫وإلى أي شيء يشير المسح بالشعر‪ ،‬إال إلى االزدراء بكل عظمة زخارف العالم‪ ،‬حينما نأتي طالبين‬ ‫العفو‪ ،‬ملقين بأنفسنا على األرض في بكاء‪ ،‬منطرحين على األرض إلثارة الشفقة نحونا؟‬ ‫ونشتم في الطيب رائحة حديث صالح طيب?‬ ‫داود كان مل ًكا‪ ،‬لكنه قال‪? :‬أعوم في كل ليلة سريري‪ ،‬وبدموعي أذوب فراشي? (مز ‪.)6 :6‬‬ ‫وبذلك انتفع كثيرً ا‪ ،‬إذ من بيته اختيرت السيدة العذراء‪ ،‬هذه التي قدمت لنا الطفل الذي تحمله‪ ،‬السيد‬ ‫المسيح‪ .‬هكذا أيضً ا هذه المرأة مدحت في اإلنجيل‪.‬‬

Tears in the Life of Saints - ‫الدموع فى حياة القديسين‬ By H.H. Pope Shenouda III ‫من كتاب الدموع‬ Saint Arsenius is one of the saints who became ‫الثالث‬ ‫قداسة البابا شنودة‬ very famous for his weeping. It is said that his ‫الذين‬ ‫القديسين‬ ‫ القديس أرسانيوس من‬eyelashes fell due to the intensity of his weeping, ..‫اشتهروا كثيرًا بالبكاء‬ and that two cavities formed on his cheeks be‫حتى قيل إن رموش عينيه تساقطت من‬ cause of his weeping. During summer he would wet the palm leaves with his tears, and he placed a )‫ وتكون أخدودان (حفرتان‬.‫كثرة البكاء‬ ‫ وكان في‬.‫على خده من كثرة البكاء‬ piece of cloth on his knees for his tears to fall on. ‫ وكان‬.‫الصيف يبلل الخوص بدموعه‬ At the time of his death he wept intensely and his disciples said to him, “Truly, Father, are you also ‫يضع على ركبتيه قطعة من القماش‬ afraid?” “Indeed,” he answered them, “the fear ‫ وفي ساعة موته‬.‫تسقط عليها دموعه‬ which is mine at this hour has been with me ever ‫ فقال له تالميذه “حتى أنت يا‬،‫بكى كثيرًا‬ since I became a monk.” :‫أبانا تخاف من هذه الساعة؟‍ “فقال لهم‬ If the great Saint Arsenius wept like this, then ‫إن فزع هذه الساعة مالزم لي منذ دخلت‬ what can we say about ourselves? What can we ..‫إلى الرهبنة‬ say about the fear of this hour that accompanied ‫إن كان القديس العظيم أرسانيوس يبكى‬ him? Who did it accompany? It accompanied the ‫ فماذا نقول نحن عن أنفسنا؟‬،‫هكذا‬ great Arsenius, the model of solitude and silence in ‫وماذا نقول عن فزع تلك الساعة الذي‬ “The Paradise of the Fathers”, whom Pope The‫كان يالزم؟‬ ophilus desired to meet. The saints used to say to ‫العظيم‬ ‫أرسانيوس‬ ‫يالزم‬ ‫من؟‬ ‫ويالزم‬ him, “Why do you avoid us?” He replied, “God ‫بستان‬ ‫في‬ ‫والصمت‬ ‫الوحدة‬ ‫مثال‬ knows that I love you, but I cannot live with God ‫يشتهى‬ ‫ثاوفيلس‬ ‫البابا‬ ‫كان‬ ‫الذي‬ ،‫الرهبان‬ and with men”. Arsenius the great was the one who ‫أن يقابله وكان القديسون يقولون له‬ stood for prayer at sunset, the sun being behind him and remained standing to pray until sunrise the ‫“لماذا تهرب منا يا أبتاه؟ “فيجيب “يعلم‬ next day, spending the whole night in prayer. The ‫ ولكنني ال استطيع‬.‫هللا أنني أحبكم جميعًا‬ humble Arsenius, the tutor of princes, was the one ..”‫أن أتكلم مع هللا والناس في نفس الوقت‬ ‫أرسانيوس العظيم الذي كان يقف للصالة‬ who consulted an Egyptian peasant and said, “I ‫ ويظل‬،‫وقت الغروب والشمس وراءه‬ have indeed been taught Latin and Greek, but I do not know even the Alpha Veta which this Egyptian ‫واقفًا يصلى حتى تشرق أمامه من جديد‬ ..‫مقضيًا الليل طوله في الصالة‬ knows, and I do not know even how to pick beans ،‫ معلم أوالد الملوك‬،‫أرسانيوس المتضع‬ with the monks of Scetis”. What sin did Saint Arsenius commit , to weep ،‫الذي كان يستشير ذلك المصري األمي‬ and fear this hour? After all of this, do we hurry ‫ويقول له إنه لم يعرف بعد الفا فيتا التي‬ towards comfort and joy at beginning of the path ‫ (انظر المزيد عن‬.‫يتقنها ذلك المصري‬ and boast that our sins have been forgiven? We ‫هذا الموضوع هنا في موقع األنبا تكال‬ then search for gifts? We ask for our share in the ‫ بل‬.)‫في أقسام المقاالت والكتب األخرى‬ inheritance? We then forget ourselves! Tears need ،‫يقول أيضًا إنه تعلم الالتينية واليونانية‬ contrition of heart. It is also very suitable here for a ‫ولكنه لم يعرف بعد كيف ينقى الفول مع‬ person to know himself, to account for it and blame .‫رهبان اإلسقيط‬ it. ‫أية خطايا فعلها القديس أرسانيوس حتى‬ It is said that at the time of the death of Saint Arse‫كان يبكى ويفزع من تلك الساعة؟‬ nius, Pope Theophilus said, “Truly you are blessed, ‫هل بعد كل هذا نسرع نحن إلى العزاء‬ Abba Arsenius, for you wept all your life for the ‫ ونتباهى بأن‬،‫والفرح من مبدأ الطريق‬ sake of this hour”. ‫المواهب؟‬ ‫خطايانا قد غفرت ونبحث عن‬ When Abba Poemen heard that Saint Arsenius was ‫وننسى‬ ‫الميراث؟‬ ‫ونطالب بنصيبنا في‬ dead, he said weeping, “Truly you are blessed, ‫تواضع‬ ‫إلى‬ ‫تحتاج‬ ‫‍‍ إن الدموع‬0‫أنفسنا‬ Abba Arsenius, for you wept for yourself in this ‫ ويناسبها جدًا أن يعرف اإلنسان‬،‫قلب‬ world!” “He who does not weep for himself here, .‫ ويحاسب نفسه ويلومها‬،‫ذاته‬ below, will weep eternally hereafter; so it is impos-

sible not to weep, either voluntarily or when com‫قيل إنه لما حانت وفاة القديس البابا‬ pelled through suffering.” David the prophet who :‫ قال‬،‫ثاوفيلس‬ experienced tears very well in his life was right in ‫ ألنك بكيت‬،‫“طوباك يا أنبا أرساني‬ saying, “Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy” .”‫طول حياتك من أجل هذه الساعة‬ (Ps 126:5). The saints had great sensitivity, regarding sin as ‫وعندما سمع أنبا بيمن أن القديس‬2being very wrong and that it hurts God’s loving ‫ طوباك يا أنبا‬:‫ قال‬،‫أرسانيوس قد تنيح‬ heart. They did not think about the punishment for ‫أرسانيوس ألنك بكيت على نفسك في هذا‬ sin, but they thought about the feelings of God and .”‫العالم‬ that they had not pleased Him as yet, despite the ‫هذا‬ ‫في‬ ‫نفسه‬ ‫على‬ ‫يبكى‬ ‫ال‬ ‫الذي‬ ‫“ألن‬ great loftiness that they had reached in spiritual life. ‫ ال بُد سيبكى إلى األبد في العالم‬،‫العالم‬ They see that this (short coming) when measured to the perfection they are aiming for, is the sin they are ‫ ولكن‬.‫ أما بكاؤه ههنا فباختياره‬.‫اآلخر‬ .”‫هناك فبسبب ما يناله من عقاب‬ weeping over. ‫من‬ ‫“ولكن من الحال أن يفلت إنسان‬ Weeping here is not in order for the Lord to for‫النبي‬ ‫البكاء هنا وهناك “صدق داود‬ give him a sin, for David the prophet wept after :‫فقال‬ ‫حياته‬ ‫الذي اختبر الدموع جيدًا في‬ the Lord had forgiven him his sin. This was after ‫ يحصدون‬،‫“الدين يزرعون بالدموع‬ Nathan the prophet had said to him, “The Lord also .)145 ‫باالبتهاج” (مز‬ has put away your sin; you shall not die”. (2 Sam ‫* قلب الحساس من حالة الناس‬ 12:13). The sensitive person does not only weep .‫المخدومين‬ for the sake of asking for forgiveness. He weeps however, because he grieves over himself: How did he reach the level of falling, how did he grieve the ،‫ كيف ضعفوا‬.‫* يتأثر إذ يتذكر خطاياهم‬ Holy Spirit Who dwells in him and with all courage .‫كيف جرحوا قلب هللا‬ broke the commandments of the loving God, Who created him in His image and likeness and so he ‫ وما جلبته من‬،‫* ويتأثر بنتائج الخطية‬ lost this image by his sins. ‫متاعب ومن ويالت أو بما سوف تجلبه‬ The remembrance of the Judgment brings about .‫من غضب هللا‬ tears, especially if it is accompanied by the remembrance of one’s sins and weeping over them. How ‫* بل قد يتأثر فيما هو يوبخ على‬ difficult is the phrase, “(He) will render to each one ‫ وأنه‬،‫ متذكرًا ضعفه هو أيضًا‬،‫الخطايا‬ according to his deeds”! Or the phrase, “and their ..‫ فينذر بدموع‬،‫ما كان يريد أن يوبخ‬ works follow them”! I wonder, of what type are these works which will ،‫ طالبًا معونة هللا‬،‫* وقد يبكى في الخدمة‬ follow us? Are they worthy of tears? In remembering the Judgment, the person also remembers God’s ‫ أو يبكى وهو‬.‫أو طالبًا رحمته ومغفرته‬ justice. That is why the Church places in front of us ‫ ما وصل‬،‫يعرض على هللا في صالته‬ .‫إليه األمر من ضياع‬ this truth everyday in “The Prayer Before Sleeping”, in which the person praying says, “Behold, ‫* يبكى اإلنسان في الخدمة شاعرًا‬ I am about to stand before the Just Judge in fear ً ‫ألن‬ ،‫يتدخل‬ ‫ومتوسل إلى هللا أن‬ ،‫بضعفه‬ because of my numerous sins…”. In remembering .‫األمور ال تحل بدونه‬ the Judgment and sin, we remember also the saying of the apostle: “It is a fearful thing to fall into the ‫ ومن‬،‫* أو قد يبكى من شده المشاكل‬ hands of the living God.” (Heb 10:31) Fear also, is one of the vital reasons for tears. We mean here, ‫ أو من شماتة األعداء‬،‫ضغط العدو عليه‬ fear for spiritual reasons and not fear for the sake of ‫ “صارت‬:‫ كما قال داود النبي‬.‫وتعييرهم‬ ً ‫لي دموعي خب ًزا نهارًا‬ worldly matters, as occurs to some people. ‫ إذ قيل لي‬،‫وليل‬ y brother, weep here, so that the Lord will ‫كل يوم أين إلهك؟! هذه أذكرها فاسكب‬ wipe away every tear from your eyes in the .)4 ،3 :42 ‫” (مز‬..‫نفسي على‬ age to come.


Redeeming the time ‫مفتدين الوقت‬ Ephesians 5: 15-17 17 – 15 ::5 5 ‫أفسس‬ Redeeming the time ‫مفتدين الوقت‬ How to redeem the time? Time is short and ‫كيف نفتدى الوقت؟ إن الوقت محدود‬ limited. Learn how to turn the earthly time ‫ تعلم كيف تحول‬.‫وقصير فكيف نفتديه‬ to a heavenly time. Borrow from the life ‫ حول وقتك األرضى‬.‫الوقت لحساب السماء‬ of heaven to add to your earthly time. That ‫ أستلف من حياة السماء‬.‫الى وقت سماوى‬ how our fathers the saints lived. “of whom ‫ هكذا صنع القديسين‬.‫وقتا على األرض‬ the world was not worthy. They wan‫الذين يقول عنهم الكتاب أنهم تائهين فى‬ dered in deserts and mountains, in dens ‫برارى وجبال ومغاير وشقوق األرض‬ and caves of the earth” (Heb 11:38). The ‫) وتضيف صالة قسمة‬38 :11 ‫(عب‬ Fraction prayer of the Holy Lent adds” For ‫ «من أجل عظم محبتهم‬:‫الصوم الكبير‬ their tremendous love of Christ the King”. ‫ لقد أضاف األنبا بوال‬. »‫فى الملك المسيح‬ ST Paula transferred 70 earthly years to ‫سبعين سنة من حساب األرض الى حساب‬ heavenly years. So also, St Mary of Egypt ‫ أضافت القديسة مريم المصرية‬.‫السماء‬ enjoyed 40 Heavenly years on earth. Re‫ أستثمار عجيب‬.‫أربعين سنة لحساب السماء‬ deeming the time also by making it fruitful ‫ مفتدين الوقت‬.‫ وعظيم‬.. good time. St. John the Baptist completed ‫ونفتدى الوقت أن نجعله وقتا مثمرا سبب‬ his great mission on six months. He lived ‫ يوحنا المعمدان‬.‫بركة وفائدة لكل من حولنا‬ very short life but the Lord described ‫أتم أعظم رسالة أستحق معها أن يقول الرب‬ him as the greatest among those born of .‫عنه أنع أعظم مواليد النساء فى ستة أشهر‬ women. Learn from the virtuous wife ‫لقد كانت أثمن من مئات السنوات فى تاريخ‬ mentioned in Proverbs 31 who has a good ‫ تعلم من الزوجة الفاضلة التى‬.‫البشرية‬ merchandise and She “shall rejoice in time ‫يذكرها سفر األمثال فتجارتها جيدة وهى‬ to come. “The unwise five virgins were not .)31 ‫تضحك على الزمن اآلتى ( أمثال‬ evil. They just did not redeem their time ‫مفتدين الوقت‬. wisely while the wise virgin used their ‫العذارى الجاهالت لم يكن شريرات ولكنهن‬ time properly. ‫كن مقصرات فلم يعرفن كيف يفتدين الوقت‬. For Days are evil ‫ألن األيام شريرة‬ Also, Amos the prophet describes this time ‫ بل‬.‫ما أصعب وصف األيام أنها شريرة‬ as evil time (Amos 5:13). The days are evil ‫يصف الكتاب هذا الزمان أنه « زمان‬ for we get deceived and cheated by our ‫ األيام شريرة‬.13 :5 ‫ردىء» عاموس‬ time on earth. The Lord described the rich ‫ كم تخدع األيام‬.‫ألنها مخادعة وغاشة‬ man who thought to build bigger stored to ‫ أستمع الى مثل الغنى الغبى (لوقا‬.‫األنسان‬ store food for many years to come as fool ‫) لتعرف كيف أنخدع هذا‬21 – 16 :12 (Luke 12: 16 -21). He did not know that ‫المسكين فى الزمن إذ ظن أنه مازال هناك‬ this night his soul will be required. We ‫له سنينا طويلة ولم يعلم أنه الليلة تطلب‬ care too much to know the time with such ‫ الغريب أننا أكثر جيل يهتم بقياس‬.‫نفسه منه‬ precession never known before. But we are ‫ وفى‬.‫الزمن وبدقة لم يعرفها األنسان من قبل‬ the most deceived generation also. List to ‫نفس الوقت نحن أكثر جيل ننخدع بالزمن‬ the wisdom of King Solomon: “Remem:12 ‫ يرشدنا سفر الجامعة (جامعة‬. ‫واأليام‬ ْ َ‫) ف‬1 ber now your Creator in the days of your َ ‫اذ ُكرْ خَ الِقَكَ فِي أَي َِّام‬ ‫ قَب َْل أَ ْن‬، َ‫شبَابِك‬ ْ َ َّ ‫ي أَيَّا ُم ال‬ youth, Before the difficult days come, :ُ‫سنُونَ إِذ تَقُول‬ ِّ ‫شرِّ أوْ ت َِجي َء ال‬ َ ِ‫تَأْت‬ And the years draw near when you say, “I ‫سرُو ٌر‬ ُ ‫ْس لِي فِيهَا‬ َ ‫»«لَي‬ have no pleasure in them”: Ecclesiastes 12:1

Homily on the Sinful Woman St Ephraim the Syrian 1. Hear and be comforted, comforted beloved, how merciful is God. To the sinful woman He forgave her offenses; yea, He upheld her when she was afflicted. With clay He opened the eyes of the blind, so that the eyeballs beheld the light. To the palsied He granted healing, who arose and walked and carried his bed. And to us He has given the pearls; His holy Body and Blood. He brought His medicines secretly; and with them He heals openly. And He wandered round in the land of Judea, like a physician, bearing his medicines. Simon invited Him to the feast, to eat bread in his house. The sinful woman rejoiced when she heard that He sat and was feasting in Simon›s house; her thoughts gathered together like the sea, and like the billows her love surged. She beheld the Sea of Grace, how it had forced itself into one place; and she resolved to go and drown all her wickedness in its billows. 2. She bound her heart, heart because it had offended, with chains and tears of suffering; and she began weeping (with herself): What avails me this fornication? What avails this lewdness? I have defiled the innocent ones without shame; I have corrupted the orphan; and without fear I have robbed the merchants of merchandise, and my rapacity was not satisfied. I have been as a bow in war, and have slain the good and the bad. I have been as a storm on the sea, and have sunk the ships of many. Why did I not win me one man, who might have corrected my lewdness? For one man is of God, but many are of Satan. 3. These things she inwardly said; then began she to do outwardly. She washed and put away from her eyes the dye that blinded them that saw it. And tears gushed forth from her eyes over that deadly eyepaint. She drew off and cast from her hands the enticing bracelets of her youth. She put off and cast away from her body the tunic of fine linen of whoredom, and resolved to go and attire herself in the tunic the garment of reconciliation. She drew off and cast from her feet the adorned sandals of lewdness; and directed the steps of her going in the path of the heavenly Eagle. She took up her gold in her palm and held it up to the face of heaven, and began to cry secretly, to Him who hears openly: This, O Lord, that I have gained from iniquity, with it will I purchase to myself redemption. This which was gathered from orphans, with it will I win the Lord of orphans. 4. These things she said secretly; secretly then began to do openly. She took up the gold in her palm, and carried the alabaster box in her hands. Then hastily went she forth in sadness to the perfumer. The perfumer saw her and wondered, and fell into questioning with her; and thus he began to say to the harlot in the first words he spoke: Was it not enough for you, harlot, that you have corrupted all our town? What means this fashion that you show today to your lovers— that you have put off your wantonness and hast clothed yourself in modesty? Heretofore, when you came to me, your aspect was different from today›s. You were clothed in goodly raiment, and brought little gold; and asked for precious ointment, to make your lewdness pleasant. But lo! Today your vesture is mean, and you have brought much gold. Your change I understand not; wherefore is this fashion of yours? Either clothe you in raiment according to your ability,

or buy ointment according to your clothing. For this ointment becomes not or is suited to this attire. Can it be that a merchant has met you, and brings great wealth; and you have seen that he loves it not, the fashion of your lewdness? So you have put off your lewdness and hast clothed yourself in meekness, that by various fashions you may capture much wealth. But if he loves this fashion because he is a chaste man in truth, then woe to him! Into what has he fallen? Into a gulf that has swallowed up his merchandise. But I give you advice, as a man that desires your welfare, that you send away your many lovers who have helped you nought from your youth, and henceforth seek out one husband who may correct your lewdness. 5. These things spoke the perfumer, perfumer in wisdom, to the harlot. The sinful woman answered and said to him, to the perfumer after his discourse, Hinder me not, O man, and stop me not by your questioning. I have asked of you ointment, not freely, but I will pay you its value not grudgingly. Take you the gold, as much as you demand, and give me the precious ointment; take you that which endures not and give me that which endures; and I will go to Him who endures, and willbuy that which endures. And as to that you said, about a merchant; a Man has met me today Who bears riches in abundance. He has robbed me and I haverobbed Him; He has robbed me of my transgressions and sins, and I have robbed Him of His wealth. And as to that you said of a husband; I have won me aHusband in heaven, Whose dominion stands for ever, and His kingdom shall not be dissolved. She took up the ointment and went forth. 6. In haste went she forth; forth as Satan saw her and was enraged; and was greatly grieved in his mind. At one time he rejoiced, and again at another he was grieved. That she carried the perfumed oil, he rejoiced in his inward mind; but that she was clad in mean raiment— at this doing of hers he was afraid. He clave then to her and followed her, as a robber follows a merchant. He listened to the murmurs of her lips, to hear the voice of her words. He closely watched her eyeballs (to mark) whither the glance of her eyes was directed; and as he went he moved by her feet (to mark) whither her goings were directed. Very full of craft is Satan, from our words to learn our aim. Therefore our Lord has taught us not to raise our voice when we pray, that the Devil may not hear our words and draw near and become our adversary. So then, when Satan saw that he could not change her mind, he clothed himself in the fashion of a man, and drew to himself a crowd of youths, like her lovers of former times; and then began he thus to address her: By your life, O woman, tell me whither are your footsteps directed? What means this haste? For you hastes more than other days. What means this your meekness, for your soul is meek like a handmaid›s? Instead of garments of fine linen, lo! You are clothed in sordid weeds; instead of bracelets of gold and silver, there are not even rings on your fingers; instead of goodlysandals for your feet, not even worn shoes are on your feet. Disclose to me all your doing, for I understand not your change. Is it that some one of your lovers has died, and you go to bury him? We will go with you to the funeral, and with you will (take part with you) in sorrow.

Estimated cost for the project 8 11 million Dollars Donations collected and funds available from church income is 3.6 million Dollars Donation Accounts are listed below

Special Thanks Progress of the Building for all who keep working tirelessly for the success Project of this project. May the Lord reward them all and bless all their works Good News: The project has

been submitted to Tender. We expect to get the rsults on 7th October ‫ ومن‬.‫تم طرح المشروع للمناقصة‬ ‫المحتمل أن نعرف نتيجة المناقصة يوم‬ .‫ أكتوبر‬٧

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