Weekly Bulletin 4th February 2024

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Services at St Mary’s Church Monday: Mass 9 - 11 am Tuesday Liturgy 5:30 - 7am 7:30pm The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am Wednesday 6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults Thursday Mass 9 - 11 am - English English Midnight Praises 7:30pm English Bible Study 7:30pm Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am Friday Youth 25 and above 7-9pm Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am Saturday Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm English Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:30-7pm Scouts 1:30 - 3pm School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm Sunday: Sunday 1st Mass6 - .7:45am Arabic & English 2nd Mass.7:45 – .9:30am English 3rd Mass 9:30 - 11:15am Arabic Hymns Class - English 11:45 - 12:30pm Church Priests: Priests Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251 Email: frtadros@me.com Fr Habib Girgis Younan: 0401238177 – 94498871 Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821 Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kensington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651 Fr Kerillos Tawadros 0411 518 399

Fr John Makary 0433 445 636

:‫مواعيد الخدمة بكنيسة العذراء‬

:‫األثنين‬ ‫ صباحا‬١١ - ٩ ‫القداس اإللهي‬ ‫ صباحا‬7 - 5:30 ::‫اإللهي‬ ‫ القداس اإللهي‬:‫الثالثاء‬ )‫(انجليزي‬ ‫ ذا واى‬- ‫ مساء أجتماع للكبار باإلنجليزي‬7:30 ‫ صباحا‬11 – 9 ‫ القداس اإللهي‬:‫األربعاء‬ ‫األربعاء‬ :‫الخميس‬ ‫ انجليزي‬- ‫ صباحا‬١١ - ٩ ‫القداس اإللهي‬ ‫ مساء‬7:30 ‫ انجليزي‬- ‫تسبحة نصف الليل‬ ‫ مساء‬7:30 ‫ انجليزي‬- ‫درس الكتاب المقدس‬ ‫ صباحا‬11 – 9 ‫ القداس اإللهي‬:‫الجمعة‬ ‫الجمعة‬ ‫ سنة فأكثر‬25 ‫ مساء الشباب‬9 – 7 ‫ انجليزي‬- ‫ مساء أجتماع إعداد الخدمة‬8:30 - 7 ‫ صباحا‬١١ – 8,30 ‫القداس اإللهي‬:‫السبت‬ ‫السبت‬ 5,30 – 4 ‫مدارس األحد‬ ‫ مساء‬٨:٣٠ –٧ ‫العشية واجتماع الشباب‬ ‫انجليزي‬ ‫ مساء عربي‬7 - 5:30 ‫العشية ودرس كتاب‬ :‫األحد‬ ‫األحد‬ ‫ص عربي وانجليزي‬,7:45 – 6 ‫القداس األول‬ ‫ ص – إنجليزي‬9:30 – ,7:45 ‫القداس الثاني‬ ‫ ص عربي‬11:15 – 9:30 ‫القداس الثالث‬ ‫ مساء‬12:30 - 11:45 ‫ انجليزي‬- ‫فصل ألحان‬ :‫األباء الكهنة بالكنيسة‬ ‫األب القمص تادرس شاروبيم‬ 0414251251 Email: frtadros@me.com :‫األب القس حبيب جرجس يونان‬ 94498871 - 0401238177 Email: habibgirgisyounan@ hotmail.com 0422431821 :‫األب القس مايكل صليب‬ Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Epsom Rd, 3031:‫عنوان الكنيسة‬ :‫ تليفون‬5 Kensington Vic 93766651 ‫األب القس كيرلس تاوضروس‬ ٠٤١١٥١٨٣٩٩ ‫األب القس جون مكاري‬ ٠٤٣٣٤٤٥٦٣٦

At St Mary’s Church Sunday Liturgies for next three weeks starting Sunday 28th Jan 2024 First Liturgy (Mostly English) 7-9am (Matin at 6:15am) Second Liturgy 9-11am ‫ يناير‬٢٨ ‫مواعيد القداسات بكنيسة القديسة العذراء مريم لمدة ثالثة أسابيع ابتداء من األحد‬ )‫ صباحا‬٦:١٥ ‫ صباحا (باكر‬٩ - ٧ )‫القداس األول (غالبا انجليزى‬ ‫ صباحا‬١١ - ٩ ‫القداس الثانى‬

` The Martyrdom of the Forty-Nine Saints, the Elders of Sheheat

‫ شهيدا شيوخ شيهات‬49 ‫استشهاد‬

(Scetis). ‫ طوبة‬26 - ‫ فرباير‬٤ 26th Toba - 4th February ‫يف مثل هذا اليوم كان استشهاد التسعة‬ On this day, the forty-nine elder priests of Sheheat, Martinos, the ‫واألربعني قسيسا شيوخ شيهيت ومرتينوس‬ envoy of the emperor, and his son, were martyred. ‫ وذلك ان امللك ثاؤدسيوس‬. ‫رسول امللك وابنه‬ Emperor Theodosius the Less, the son of Emperor Arcadius, did ‫الصغري ابن امللك أركاديوس مل يرزق ولدا‬ not have a son. He wrote to the elders of Sheheat asking them ‫ فأرسل إىل شيوخ شيهيت يطلب إليهم‬. to pray to God to grant him a son. St. Isidor wrote back to him ‫ فكتب إليه‬. ‫ان يسألوا الله ليك يعطيه ابنا‬ saying that God did not will for him to have a son who would ‫القديس ايسيذوروس كتابا يعرفه فيه ان الله‬ participate with the heretics after him. ‫مل يرد ان يكون له نسل يشرتك مع أرباب‬ When the Emperor read the message, he offered thanks to God. ‫ فلام قرا امللك كتاب الشيخ‬. ‫البدع بعده‬ Some people gave him the advice to marry another wife to have ‫ لكن أشار عليه قوم ان يتزوج‬، ‫شكر الله‬ offspring from her to inherit the empire after him. He said to ‫امرأة أخرى لريزق منها نسال يرث امللك من‬ them, “I cannot do anything except what the elders of Sheheat ‫ إنني ال افعل شيئا‬: ‫ فأجابهم قائال‬. ‫بعده‬ demanded.” He sent an envoy whose name was Martinos to con- ‫ ثم أوفد‬. ‫غري ما أمر به شيوخ برية شيهيت‬ sult with them about that. Martinos had a son named Zius who ‫رسوال من قبله اسمه مرتينوس ليستشريهم‬ accompanied him on his visit to the elders in order to receive ‫ وكان ملرتينوس ولد اسمه ذيوس‬. ‫يف ذلك‬ their blessings. . ‫أتصحبه معه للزيارة والتربك من الشيوخ‬ When they arrived and the elders read the message, they took the ‫ وكان‬، ‫فلام وصال وقرا الشيوخ كتاب امللك‬ messenger to the body of St. Isidor, for he had departed. They ‫ اخذوا الرسول‬، ‫القديس ايسيذوروس قد تنيح‬ called on him saying, “Our father, we have received a letter from ‫وذهبوا به إىل حيث يوجد جسده ونادوا‬ the Emperor. What shall we say to him?” A voice came from the ‫قائلني يا أبانا قد وصل كتاب من امللك فبامذا‬ pure body saying, “What I had said before, I also say now, that ‫ فأجابهم صوت من الجسد الطاهر‬. ‫نجاوبه‬ the Lord will never give him a son to participate with the here‫ وهو ان الرب‬، ‫ ما قلته قبال أقوله اآلن‬: ‫قائال‬ tics, even if he marries ten women.” The elders wrote back to the ‫ال يرزقه ولدا يشرتك مع أرباب البدع حتى‬ Emperor recounting what they heard. ‫ فكتب الشيوخ كتابا‬، ‫ولو تزوج عرش نساء‬ When the messenger wanted to return, the pagan berbers ‫ غار‬، ‫ وملا أراد الرسول العودة‬. ‫بذلك للملك‬ attacked the monastery. One of their great elders, whose name ‫ فوقف شيخ عظيم يقال‬، ‫الرببر عيل الدير‬ was Anba Yuannis, called upon the brethren and said, “The ‫له االنبا يوأنس ونادي االخوة قائال هو ذا‬ berbers have come to kill us. Whoever amongst you would like ‫ فمن أراد االستشهاد‬، ‫الرببر قد اقبلوا لقتلنا‬ to become a martyr, let him stand, and whoever is afraid, let ، ‫ ومن خاف فليلتجئ إىل القرص‬، ‫فليقف‬ him hide in the palace.” Some of them hid in the palace, but he ‫ وبقي مع الشيخ‬، ‫فالتجأ البعض إىل القرص‬ remained with the forty-eight elders, who were all slaughtered ‫ وكان‬، ‫ فذبحهم الرببر جميعا‬، ‫مثانية وأربعون‬ by the berbers. ‫ وتطلع‬، ‫مرتينوس وانبه منزويان يف مكان‬ Martinos and his son were hiding. The son looked up and saw ‫االبن إىل فوق فرأي املالئكة يضعون األكاليل‬ the angels placing the crowns of glory on the elders who were ‫ فقال ألبيه‬، ‫عيل رؤوس الشيوخ الذين قتلوا‬ killed. The son said to his father, “I see spiritual beings putting ‫ ها أنا أرى قوما روحانيني يضعون األكاليل‬: crowns on the heads of the elders. I shall go to receive a crown ‫عيل رؤوس الشيوخ فأنا ماض ألخذ يل إكليال‬ like them.” His father replied, “And I also shall go with you, my ‫ وأنا أيضا اذهب معك‬: ‫ فأجابه أبوه‬، ‫مثلهم‬ son.” Both revealed themselves to the berbers. They were killed ‫ فعاد االثنان وظهرا للرببر فقتلوهام‬. ‫يا إبني‬ and received the crown of martyrdom. ‫ وبعد ذهاب الرببر نزل‬. ‫وناال إكليل الشهادة‬ After the berbers had gone, the monks who were hiding in the ‫الرهبان من القرص واخذوا األجساد ووضعوها‬ palace came down, took the bodies, and placed them in a cave. ‫يف مغارة وصاروا يرتلون ويسبحون أمامها‬ They sang and said praises before the cave every night. Some ‫ وجاء قوم من البتانون واخذوا‬. ‫كل ليلة‬ people from the city of Batanoon came and took the body of . ‫ وذهبوا به إىل بلدهم‬، ‫جسد االنبا يوأنس‬ Anba Yuannis and returned to their city. The elders of the mon‫ وكذلك‬، ‫وبعد زمان أعاده الشيوخ إىل مكانه‬ astery returned the body after a while. Also, some people from ‫أىت قوم من الفيوم ورسقوا جسد ذيوس ابن‬ El-Fayyoum came and stole the body of Zius, the son of Marti- ‫ وعندما وصلوا به إىل بحرية الفيوم‬، ‫مرتينوس‬ nos. When they arrived at the lake of El-Fayyoum, the angel of ‫ وقد‬. ‫ أعاده مالك الرب إىل حيث جسد أبيه‬، the Lord returned him to where the body of his father was. The ‫أراد األباء عدة مرات نقل جسد الصبي من‬ elders also tried to separate the body of Zius, the son, from the ‫ وكانوا لكام نقلوه‬. ‫جوار أبيه فلم ميكنهم‬ body of his father several times, but they could not. Every time ‫ وقد سمع أحد األباء يف‬. ‫يعود إىل مكانه‬ they moved the body of Zius, the angel of the Lord would return ‫ نحن مل‬. ‫رؤيا الليل من يقول سبحان الله‬ it to its place. One of the fathers heard one night, in a vision, ‫ فلامذا‬، ‫نفرتق يف الجسد وال عند املسيح ايضا‬ someone saying, “Praise God, we were not separated in the flesh, ‫ وملا ازداد االضطهاد‬. ‫تفرقون بني أجسادنا ؟‬ nor are we separated when we are with Christ. Why do you want ‫ نقل‬، ‫وتوالت الغارات والتخريب يف الربية‬

‫األباء األجساد إىل مغارة بنوها لهم بجوار كنيسة‬ to separate our bodies?” ‫ ويف زمان االنبا ثاؤدسيوس‬. ‫القديس مقاريوس‬ When persecution became rampant and the attacks on the ‫ وملا أىت‬. ‫البابا الثالث والثالثني بنوا لهم كنيسة‬ monastery continued, the fathers relocated the bodies, to a ، ‫االنبا بنيامني البابا الثامن والثالثون إىل الربية‬ cave which they built beside the church of St. Macarius. At ‫رتب لهم عيدا يف الخامس من أمشري وهو يوم‬ the time of Anba Theodosius, 33rd Pope of Alexandria, they ‫ ومع مرور‬. ‫نقل أجسادهم إىل هذا الكنيسة‬ built a church for them. When Anba Benjamin, 38th pope, ‫الزمن تهدمت كنيستهم فنقلوهم إىل إحدى‬ came to the wilderness, he established a feast day for them on ‫القاليل حتى زمان املعلم إبراهيم الجوهري‬ the 5th day of Amshir, which was the day of the relocation of ‫فبني لهم كنيسة حوايل أواخر القرن الثامن عرش‬ their bodies to this church. In time, the church building deteriorated, and they moved the ‫ وال زالت موجودة‬. ‫للميالد ونقلوا األجساد إليها‬ ‫ أما القالية‬. ‫إىل اليوم بدير القديس مقاريوس‬ bodies to one of the cells until the time of Ibrahim El-Gohary, who built a church for them around the end of the 18th centu- ‫التي كانوا بها فمعروفة إىل اليوم بقالية «أهميه‬ ‫ابسيت» ( أي التسعة واألربعني ) صالتهم تكون‬ ry, where they placed the bodies of the saints. The church is ‫معنا امني‬ still in existence today in the monastery of St. Macarius. ‫نياحة القديسة انسطاسية‬ The cell in which the bodies were kept is known today in ‫يف مثل هذا اليوم تنيحت القديسة أنسطاسية‬ Coptic as the cell of Ehme’ Epseet, or the cell of the for‫ وهذه كانت من اعرق العائالت مبدينة‬. ty-nine. ‫ وألنها كانت جميلة وذات‬. ‫القسطنطينية‬ Their prayers be with us. Amen. ‫ فقد طلبها امللك يوستينيانوس‬، ‫أخالق حميدة‬ The Departure of St. Anastasia. ‫ فأبت ومضت فأعلمت زوجة امللك‬. ‫ليتزوجها‬ On this day also, St. Anastasia departed. She was from a ‫ فأرسلتها إىل اإلسكندرية عيل سفينة‬. ‫بذلك‬ noble family in the city of Constantinople. She was very ‫ وهناك بنت لها ديرا خارج املدينة‬، ‫خاصة‬ beautiful and had a great moral character. ‫ وملا علم امللك بأمرها أرسل يف‬. ‫سمي باسمها‬ Emperor Justin, who was married, wanted to marry her. She ‫ فهربت إىل برية شيهيت متشبهة بأحد‬. ‫طلبها‬ refused and went and told his wife. The Empress sent her to ‫ واجتمعت باألنبا دانيال قمص الربية‬. ‫األمراء‬ Alexandria on a private ship. She built her a convent outside ‫ وأمر‬، ‫ فأىت بها إىل مغارة‬. ‫وأطلعته عيل أمرها‬ the city of Alexandria and named it after her. ‫أحد الشيوخ ان ميال لها جرة ماء مرة كل أسبوع‬ When the Emperor knew where she was, he sent for her, but ‫ فأقامت‬. ‫ ويرتكها عند باب املغارة وينرصف‬، Anastasia escaped and hid herself in the wilderness of She‫ سنة دون ان يعلم أحد انها‬28 ‫عيل هذا الحال‬ heat (Scetis), disguised as a prince. She met with Anba Dan‫ وكانت تكتب أفكارها عيل شقفة من‬. ‫امرأة‬ iel, the archpriest of the wilderness, and revealed her story to ‫ فيأخذها‬، ‫الخزف وتضعها عيل باب املغارة‬ him. He brought her to a cave, and asked one of the elders to ‫الشيخ الذي كان يحرض لها املاء دون ان يعرف‬ fill a water pot for her once every week, and to place the pot ‫ما هو مكتوب فيها ويعطيها للقديس دانيال‬ at the door of the cave and leave. She remained in this place ‫ ويف بعض األيام أىت بالشقفة إىل الشيخ فلام‬. for 28 years, without anyone knowing that she was a woman. ‫قراها بيك وقال لتلميذه قم بنا نواري جسد‬ She used to write her thoughts on pieces of pottery, and leave ‫ فلام دخلوا‬. ‫القديس الذي يف املغارة الرتاب‬ them at the door of her cave. The elder who brought her the ‫ قالت لألنبا دانيال‬. ‫إليها وتباركوا من بعضهم‬ water used to take the pieces of pottery without knowing what ‫من اجل الله ال تكفني إال بالذي عيل ثم صلت‬ was written on them and give them to St. Daniel. ‫ فبكيا عليها واهتام‬. ‫وودعتهم وتنيحت بسالم‬ One day he brought a piece of pottery to St. Daniel who wept ‫ فلام تقدم التلميذ ليكفنها عرف انها‬. ‫بدفنها‬ when he read it, and said to his disciple, “Come with me now ‫ وبعد ان دفناها وعادا‬. ‫امرأة فتعجب وسكت‬ to bury the body of the saint in that cave.” When they entered ‫إىل مكانهام خر التلميذ أمام القديس دانيال‬ her cave, they received blessings from each other. St. Anasta‫ من اجل الله يا أيب عرفني الخرب ألين رأيت‬. ‫قائال‬ sia said to Anba Daniel, “For the sake of God, bury me with ‫ فعرفه الشيخ قصتها وأنها من بنات‬. ‫انها امرأة‬ what I have on my body.” Then she prayed and bade them ‫ وكيف انها سلمت نفسها‬، ‫أمراء القسطنطينية‬ farewell and departed in peace. They wept and buried her. . ‫ تاركة مجد هذا العامل الفاين‬، ‫للمسيح‬ When the disciple was caring for her burial, he found out that . ‫صالتها تكون معنا ولربنا املجد دامئا ابديا امني‬ she was a woman, and he marvelled in silence. ‫استشهاد القديس رسابيون‬ After they buried her, and they returned to their place, the dis‫ طوبة‬٢٧ - ‫ فرباير‬5 ciple knelt before St. Daniel and said, “For the sake of God, . ‫يف مثل هذا اليوم استشهد القديس رسابيون‬ tell me her story, for I have seen that she was a woman.” The ‫كان من أهل بينوسة من أعامل مرص السفيل‬ elder told him her story, that she was from one of the noble ‫ كام كان محبا للصدقة‬، ‫ ذا أموال ومقتنيات‬، families of Constantinople, and how she surrendered herself ‫ وسمع ان‬، ‫ وملا جاءت ايام االضطهاد‬. ‫جدا‬ to Christ, forsaking the vain glory of this world. ‫أرمانيوس وايل اإلسكندرية قد وصل إىل الوجه‬ Her prayers be with us and Glory be to our God forever. ‫ خرج إليه هو‬، ‫البحري يعذب املسيحيني‬ Amen. ‫وصديق له اسمه ثاؤدورس وأخر من رعاة‬ The Martyrdom of St. Sarapion.

5th February - 27th Toba ‫ واعرتفوا أمامه باملسيح‬، ‫الدواب اسمه توما‬ On this day, St. Sarapion was martyred. He was a native of the ‫فطرحهم يف السجن وسمع بذلك أهل بلده فأتوا‬ City of Binosah (Babousah), a town of Lower Egypt. He was ، ‫حاملني السالح لقتل الوايل وإطالق القديس‬ wealthy, had many possessions, and he was also a charitable ‫ولكن القديس منعهم وعرفهم بأنه هو الذي‬ man. . ‫يريد االستشهاد عيل اسم املسيح فانرصفوا‬ At the time of the persecution, he heard that the governor of ‫أما الوايل فقد اخذ القديس معه يف سفينة إىل‬ Alexandria, Armanius, had arrived in Lower Egypt, the northern ‫ وألقاه‬، ‫ وهناك عذبه بالهنبازين‬، ‫اإلسكندرية‬ part of the country, to torture the Christians. He went out with ‫ ثم وضعه يف أناء به‬، ‫يف حفرة مليئة بالنار‬ his friend, Theodore and another friend who was a shepherd ‫ ويف هذا‬. ‫زفت وقطران وأوقدوا تحته النريان‬ called Thomas. They all confessed the Name of Christ before ‫ وأخريا‬. ‫جميعه كان الرب يشفيه ويقيمه ساملا‬ the Governor, who cast them into prison. ‫ فجاء مالك‬، ‫صلبوه واخذوا يرضبونه بالنشاب‬ When the people of his town heard about his arrest, they came . ‫ وانزل القديس وصلب الوايل مكانه‬، ‫الرب‬ carrying arms to kill the Governor and to free the saint. The ‫فكانوا يرضبونه كأنه القديس وهو يرصخ قائال‬ saint constrained them and told them that he wanted to be ‫ فقال له القديس حي هو الرب‬. ‫انا أرمانيوس‬ martyred in the name of Christ and they went away. ‫انك ال تنزل من عيل الخشية حتى تخرج الذين‬ The Governor took the saint with him to Alexandria on a ship, ‫ ففعل الوايل كقول‬. ‫يف الحبس وتنرش خربهم‬ and there he tortured St. Sarapion with the pressing wheel ‫القديس وكان عدد الشهداء الذين أخذت‬ (Hinbazin), and threw him in a ditch filled with fire. Then he ‫رؤوسهم يف ذلك اليوم خمسامئة وأربعني نفسا‬ put him in a cauldron full of pitch and bitumen and lit fire under ‫ وبعد ذلك اسند الوايل أمر تعذيب القديس‬. him. Through it all, the Lord was with him and delivered him ‫ فسافر‬. ‫إىل أحد األمراء الذي يقال له اوريون‬ safely. At last they crucified him and threw arrows at him. ‫ وعند املساء رست السفينة‬. ‫به بحرا إىل بلده‬ The angel of the Lord came and brought St. Sarapion down, ‫ ويف الصباح وجد‬. ‫عيل إحدى القرى وناموا‬ and crucified the Governor in his place. They continued to ‫ان املكان الذي رست أمامه هو بلد القديس‬ throw arrows at the Governor as if he was the saint, while he ‫ فأتاه صوت قائال هذه‬. ‫الذي تعجب من ذلك‬ was crying and saying, «I am Armanius.» The saint said to the ‫ وبعد عذاب كثري قطعوا رأسه‬، ‫بلدك فأخرجوه‬ Governor, «The Lord God lives, you will not be brought down ‫ وخلع اوريون‬، ‫املقدس ونال إكليل الشهادة‬ from the tree, until you bring out those who are in prison and . ‫قميصه ولف به جسد القديس وسلمه ألهله‬ spread the accounts of their struggle.» The Governor did as the . ‫صالته تكون معنا امني‬ saint told him. The number of martyrs that were beheaded on ‫نياحة القديس أنبا بوال أول السياح‬ that day was 540 souls. ‫ أمشري‬2 – ‫ فرباير‬١٠ Then the Governor gave the responsibility of torturing the Saint ‫ م تنيح القديس‬341 ‫يف مثل هذا اليوم من سنة‬ to one of the princes, whose name was Orion. He traveled with ‫ كان هذا‬. ‫العظيم األنبا بوال أول السواح‬ the saint by sea to his own town. At night the ship was ashore at ‫ وكان له أخ يسمي‬، ‫القديس من اإلسكندرية‬ one of the villages, and they slept. In the morning, Orion found ‫ رشعا يف قسمة‬، ‫ وبعد وفاة والدهام‬، ‫بطرس‬ that the place where the ship was ashore was the town of the ‫ فلام اخذ أخوه الجزء األكرب تأمل‬، ‫املرياث بينهام‬ saint, and he marvelled, and he heard a voice saying, «This is ‫ ملاذا مل تعطني‬: ‫بولس من ترصف أخيه وقال له‬ his town, you should get him out of the ship.» ‫حصتي من مرياث أىب ؟ فأجابه ألنك صبي‬ After they had tortured the saint, they beheaded him, and he ‫ وإذ‬. ‫ أما انا فسأحفظه لك‬، ‫واخيش إن تبدده‬ received the crown of martyrdom. Orion wrapped the body of ‫ وفيام‬. ‫ مضيا للحاكم ليفصل بينهام‬، ‫مل يتفقا‬ the saint in his tunic and delivered him to his family. ، ‫ وجدا جنازة سائرة يف الطريق‬، ‫هام ذاهبني‬ His prayers be with us. Amen. ‫ فقيل له‬، ‫فسال بولس أحد املشيعني عن املتوىف‬ The Departure of the Great Saint Anba Paul, the First Hermit. ‫ وهوذا‬، ‫إنه من عظامء هذه املدينة وأغنيائها‬ 10th February – 2nd Amsheer ‫ وها هم ميضون به‬، ‫قد ترك غناه وماله الكثري‬ On this day of the year 341 A.D., the great saint Anba Paul, the ‫ فتنهد القديس وقال يف‬. ‫إىل القرب بثوبه فقط‬ first hermit, departed. This Saint was from the city of Alexandria ‫ ما يل إذن وأموال هذا العامل الفاين الذي‬: ‫نفسه‬ and had a brother whose name was Peter. ‫ ثم التفت إىل أخيه وقال له‬. ‫سأتركه وأنا عريان‬ After the departure of their father, they divided the inheritance ‫ فلست مطالبا إياك بيشء‬، ‫ ارجع بنا يا أخي‬: between them. When his brother took the greater share, Paul’s ‫ وفيام هام عائدين انفصل عنه بولس‬. ‫مام يل‬ feelings were hurt, by his brother’s action. He said to his broth‫وسار يف طريقه حتى وصل إىل خارج املدينة‬ er, “Why don’t you give me my rightful share of the inheritance ‫ فوجد قربا أقام به ثالثة ايام يصيل إىل السيد‬. of my father?” Peter responded, “You are a young man, and I ‫ أما أخوه فانه‬. ‫املسيح إن يرشده إىل ما يرضيه‬ am afraid that you might squander it. As for me, I will keep it ‫ وإذ مل يقف له عيل اثر حزن‬، ‫بحث عنه كثريا‬ for you.” When they did not agree with each other, they went to . ‫حزنا عظيام وتأسف عيل ما فرط منه‬ the governor to judge between them. On their way, they saw a ‫أما القديس بولس فقد أرسل إليه الرب مالكا‬ funeral procession. Paul asked one of the mourners about the de- ‫أخرجه من ذلك املكان وسار معه إىل إن آىت إىل‬ ceased man. Paul was told that he was one of the noble and rich ‫ وهناك أقام سبعني‬، ‫الربية الرشقية الداخلية‬

people of the city, and that he left his riches and his wealth behind, and ‫ وكان‬. ‫سنة مل يعاين أثناءها أحدا‬ that they were taking him to bury him with only his garment. ‫ وكان الرب‬، ‫يلبس ثوبا من ليف‬ St. Paul sighed in his heart and said to himself, “What do I have to ‫يرسل إليه غرابا بنصف خبزة يف كل‬ do then with all the money of this temporal world which I shall leave ‫ وملا أراد الرب إظهار قداسته‬. ‫يوم‬ naked?” He looked to his brother and said to him, “My brother, let us ‫ أرسل مالكه إىل األب العظيم‬، ‫وبره‬ return, for I shall not ask you for anything, not even for what is mine.” ‫ الذي كان يظن انه أول‬، ‫أنطونيوس‬ On their way back, Paul left his brother and went on his way until he ‫ يوجد‬: ‫ وقال له‬، ‫من سكن الربية‬ came out of the city. Paul found a grave where he stayed for three days ‫يف الربية الداخلية إنسان ال يستحق‬ praying to the Lord Christ to guide him to what pleases Him. As for his ‫ وبصالته ينزل‬، ‫العامل وطأة قدميه‬ brother, he searched for Paul diligently and when he did not find him, ، ‫الرب املطر والندي عيل األرض‬ he was very sorry for what he had done. God sent St. Paul an angel ‫ فلام سمع‬. ‫ويأيت بالنيل يف حينه‬ who took him out of this place and walked with him until they reached ‫أنطونيوس هذا قام لوقته وسار يف‬ the eastern inner wilderness. He stayed there for 70 years, during ‫ فارشده‬. ‫الربية الداخلية مسافة يوم‬ which he saw no one. He put on a tunic made of palm tree fibre. The ‫الرب إىل مغارة القديس بولس‬ Lord sent him a raven every day with a half loaf of bread. ‫فدخل إليه وسجد كل منهام لآلخر‬ When the Lord wanted to reveal the holiness of St. Paul and his ‫ وملا‬. ‫وجلسا يتحدثان بعظائم األمور‬ righteousness, He sent His angel to St. Antony (Antonius) the Great, ‫صار املساء أىت الغراب ومعه خبزة‬ who thought that he was the first to dwell in the wilderness. The angel ‫ فقال القديس بولس للقديس‬. ‫كاملة‬ told St. Antony, “There is a man who lives in the inner wilderness; the ‫ اآلن قد علمت انك‬: ‫أنطونيوس‬ world is not worthy of his footsteps. By his prayers, the Lord brings ‫ إن يل اليوم سبعني‬. ‫من عبيد الله‬ rain and dew to fall on the earth and bring the flood of the Nile in its ‫سنة والرب يرسل يل نصف خبزة‬ due season.” ‫ أما اليوم فقد أرسل الرب‬، ‫كل يوم‬ When St. Antony heard this, he rose right away and went to the inner ‫ واالن أرسع واحرض‬، ‫لك طعامك‬ wilderness, a distance of one day’s walk. God guided him to the cave ‫يل الحلة التي أعطاها قسطنطني‬ of St. Paul. He entered, and they bowed to each other, and sat down ‫ فميض‬.‫امللك ألثناسيوس البطريرك‬ talking about the greatness of the Lord. ‫إىل البابا أثناسيوس أخذها منه وعاد‬ In the evening, the raven came bringing a whole loaf of bread. St. Paul ‫ وفيام هو يف الطريق رأي‬. ‫بها إليه‬ said to St. Antony, “Now, I know that you are one of the children of ‫نفس القديس األنبا بوال واملالئكة‬ God. For 70 years, the Lord has been sending to me every day, half a ‫ وملا وصل إىل املغارة‬. ‫صاعدين بها‬ loaf of bread, but today, the Lord is sending your food also. Now, go ‫ فقبله باكيا ثم كفنه‬، ‫وجده قد تنيح‬ and bring me back in a hurry the tunic that Emperor Constantine had ‫ وملا أراد‬. ‫بالحلة واخذ الثوب الليف‬ given to Pope Athanasius.” ‫مواراة جسده الطاهر تحري كيف‬ St. Antony went to St. Athanasius, and brought the tunic from him and ‫ وإذا بأسدين يدخالن‬، ‫يحفر القرب‬ returned to St. Paul. On his way back, he saw the soul of St. Paul car‫عليه وصارا يطأطأن بوجهيهام عيل‬ ried by the angels up to heaven. When he arrived to the cave, he found ‫ ويشريان برأسيهام‬، ‫جسد القديس‬ that St. Paul had departed from this world. He kissed him, weeping, ‫ فعلم‬. ‫كمن يستأذناه فيام يعمالن‬ and clothed him in the tunic that he asked for, and he took his fibre ‫ فحدد‬، ‫انهام مرسالن من قبل الرب‬ tunic. ‫لهام مقدار طول الجسد وعرضه‬ When St. Antony wanted to bury St. Paul, he wondered how could he ‫ وحينئذ واري‬. ‫فحفراه مبخالبهام‬ dig the grave? Two lions entered the cave, bowed their heads before ‫القديس أنطونيوس الجسد املقدس‬ the body of St. Paul, and shook their heads as if they were asking St. ‫وعاد إىل األب البطريرك واعلمه‬ Anthony what to do. St. Antony knew that they were sent from God. ‫ فأرسل رجاال ليحملوا الجسد‬، ‫بذلك‬ He marked the length and width of the body on the ground, and they ‫ فقضوا أياما كثرية يبحثون يف‬. ‫إليه‬ dug the grave with their claws, according to St. Antony’s directions. St. ‫ حتى‬، ‫الجبل فلم يعرفوا له مكانا‬ Anthony then buried the holy body and went back to Pope Athanasius ‫ظهر القديس للبطريرك يف الرؤيا‬ and told him what had happened. St. Athanasius sent men to bring St. ‫واعلمه إن الرب مل يشأ إظهار‬ Paul’s body to him. They spent several days searching in the moun‫ فأرسل‬، ‫جسده فال تتعب الرجال‬ tains, but they could not find the place of his grave. St. Paul appeared . ‫واستحرضهم‬ to the Pope in a vision and told him that the Lord would not allow the ‫أما الثوب الليف فكان يلبسه األب‬ revelation of the location of his body. He asked the Pope not to trouble ‫البطريرك ثالث مرات يف السنة أثناء‬ the men, but to have them brought back. Pope Athanasius used to put ‫ ويف أحد األيام أراد إن‬. ‫التقديس‬ the palm fibre tunic on three times a year during the Divine Liturgy. ‫يعرف الناس مقدار قداسة صاحبه‬ One time, he wanted to let the people know about the holiness of the . ‫فوضعه عيل ميت فقام لوقته‬ owner of that tunic. He put it over a dead man, and the dead man rose ‫وشاعت هذه األعجوبة يف كل ارض‬ up instantly. The news of this miracle spread all around the land of ‫ صالته تكون‬. ‫مرص واإلسكندرية‬ Egypt. His prayers be with us all. Amen. .‫معنا آمني‬

Meditations on the bible readings ‫تأمالت يف أنجيل القداس‬ Forth Sunday of the Blessed month of Toba ‫األحد الرابع من شهر طوبة‬ John 9:1-38 ٣٨ – ١ ::٩٩ ‫يوحنا‬ “As long as I am in the world, I am the Light of the ٥ :٩ ‫“مادمت يف العامل فأنا نور العامل” يوحنا‬ world” John 9:5 ... ‫نتقابل هنا مع إنسان أعمي منذ والدته‬ Here we meet a blind person since birth … indeed this ‫حقا إن هذا اإلنسان مل يخطأ وال ابواه ولكنه‬ man did not sin nor did his parents, but he was (born) ‫ فهذا إنسان‬... ‫عمى ظهرت اعامل الله فيه‬ blind for the manifestation of God’s works in him … for this man was born blind for the glory of God … but in the ‫ ولكن يف نفس قصة املولود‬..‫أعمى ملجد الله‬ ..‫أعمى نتقابل مع نوعني آخرين من العمي‬ same story of the born blind, we meet another two types ‫ولكنه عمى أصعب من هذا النوع الذي‬ of blindness … which is much harsher type of blindness than the born blind … for, these (blindness) are not a ..‫ فلم يكن عمى بالجسد‬... ‫للمولود أعمى‬ mere physical blindness in the body … but it is a selec‫ولكنه عمى مقصود أنهم مبرصون ولكنهم‬ tive blindness while they see but shut their eyes to be ‫يغمضون عيونهم ويصريون عميانا أسوأ من‬ blind, which is much worse than physical blindness … ... ‫عميان الجسد‬ There are those who are blinded by hate or jealousy … ‫املولود‬ ‫والدي‬ ‫مثل‬ ..‫بالخوف‬ ‫فهناك اعمى‬ just as the Jews … ‫مثل‬ ..‫والحسد‬ ‫بالحقد‬ ‫أعمى‬ ‫وهناك‬..‫أعمى‬ + The works of God should be revealed in him ..‫اليهود‬ Many are God’s glorification in His children … and .. ‫ لتظهر اعامل الله فيه‬+ God’s children had learned to accept all tribulations and ‫ لقد تعلم‬... ‫ما أكرث ما يتمجد الله يف اوالده‬ pains with joy (for God’s glory) … knowing such trails ... ‫أوالد الله ان يتقبلوا اآلالم والتجارب بفرح‬ and sufferings are for the glory of God’s name … St Zachariah the priest and his wife St Elizabeth … ‫عاملني أن هذه اآلالم والتجارب إمنا هي ملجد‬ despite God did not grant them children for a many long . ‫أسم الله‬ years … but they did not lose their faith or belief (in God) ‫فالقديس زكريا الكاهن والقديسة أليصابات‬ … and continue till their old age righteous before God ‫ رغم ان الله مل يرزقهام نسال سنينا طويلة‬... and fulfilling His commandments without blame … they ‫ بل‬... ‫ لكنهم مل يفقدوا سالمهم أو إميانهم‬... learned to accept trails with joy even to their old age … St Paull the apostle … the Lord gave him a thorn in the ‫ظلوا حتى الشيخوخة بارين امام الله سالكني‬ ‫ فقد تعلموا ان‬... ‫يف جميع وصاياه بال لوم‬ flesh (2 Corinthians 12:7-9) … most likely, it was a dis... ‫يحتملوا التجربة بفرح ولو اىل الشيخوخة‬ ease or an illness, some researchers said it was malaria and others thought it be conjunctivitis of the eyes … and ‫ اعطاه الرب شوكة‬... ‫والقديس بولس الرسول‬ ‫ وهي غالبا مرض ما قال بعض‬... ‫يف الجسد‬ this illness stayed with St Paul all his life … and even when St Paul asked for the disease to depart from him, ‫املفرسين عنه انه املالريا وقال آخرون أنه‬ the Lord answered him “My grace is sufficient for you, ‫ وظل هذا املرض مع القديس بولس‬... ‫الرمد‬ for My power is perfected in weakness” (2 Corinthians ‫ حتى عندما طلب‬... ‫الرسول طول حياته‬ 12:9) and thus he endured sickness while he kept on hard ‫القديس بولس الرسول أن يفارقه هذا املرض‬ evangelical mission … he endured it with joy and glad‫أجابه الرب “ تكفيك نععتي ألن قويت يف‬ ness and the God was glorified in his illness … even the ‫وقت الضعف تكمل” وهكذا تحمل‬ handkerchiefs and aprons that were taken from his body ‫املرض وهو يقوم برسالته التبشريية الصعبة‬ were used to cure the sick and those suffering from evil ... ‫ تحمل بفرح ومتجد الله يف مرضه‬... spirits (Acts 19:12) … ‫حتى أن املناديل واملآزر املأخوذة عن‬ Many are the saints who had glorified God in their time ‫جسده كانت تشفى األمراض وتخرج األرواح‬ of sickness and pain … We hear of one of the church fathers who struggled with ‫الرشيرة‬ one of the difficult diseases for many years and despite ‫وما أكرث القديسني الذين مجدوا الله يف‬ the doctors had told him there was no cure of this disease ... ‫مرضهم وىف وقت آالمهم‬ … but, he with absolute satisfaction and joy used this ‫نسمع عن أحد اآلباء الذي ظل يقاوم أحد‬ disease for the redemption of many souls … ‫األمراض املستعصية سنينا طويلة ورغم‬ Thus, tribulations were a source of blessing to God’s ‫ان االطباء أخربوه بأنه ال شفاء من هذا‬ children (for the glorification of God) … ‫ ولكنه يف تعزية كاملة وفرح كامل‬... ‫املرض‬ St John the beloved written the book of revelations with ‫استخدم مرضه وضعفه سببا لخالص نفوس‬ all its beautiful meanings (and prophecies) while he was ... ‫كثرية‬ exiled in the scary harshness of the isle of Patmos … ... ‫إن الشدائد أيضا كانت بركة ألوالد الله‬ And St Paul written his letter to the Philippians which is full of joy and gladness while he was in prison and chains ‫القديس يوحنا الحبيب كتب سفر الرؤيا بكل‬

… often, Gods works are revealed in tribulations … ‫معانيه الرائعة الجميلة وهو يف املنفى يف جزيرة‬ in the stomach of a whale … Jonah prayed his deep ... ‫بطمس املخيفة املوحشة‬ prayer and felt the depth and richness of God’s love ‫والقديس بولس كتب رسالته اىل فيلبى اململوءة‬ and mercy more than when he was out side the whale’s ‫ ما‬..‫فرحا وهو يف السجن يف السالسل والقيود‬ stomach … ‫ ففي‬... ‫أكرث ما تظهر أعامل الله ىف الضيقات‬ In the harsh wilderness for 40 years the Israelites wit‫ صىل يونان صالته العميقة‬... ‫بطن الحوت‬ nessed God’s great works and it became an (amazing) ‫وشعر بعمق وغنى محبة الله ورحمته أكرث مام‬ lesson for all generations and times … ... ‫كان خارج بطن الحوت‬ And, do you let God be glorified in your life??? In His ‫ سنة شاهد بنى‬٤٠ ‫وىف الربية القاحلة ملدة‬ works with you … or you are a complaining person ‫ارسائيل من أعامل الله العظيمة ما قد صار‬ who accepts no pain or tribulation … have you learned to rejoice in a life of tribulations … for the Lord is very ... ‫درسا لكل االجيال وىف كل االوقات‬ near at such times … and He is willing to be glorified ‫وأنت هل ترتك الله يتمجد يف حياتك؟؟؟ يف‬ in your life and lives of those with you … ‫ أم إنك إنسان متذمر ال تقبل أي‬..‫أعامله معك‬ + He is of age; ask him … ‫ هل تعلمت ان تفرح بحياة‬..‫ أو أي ضيقة‬.‫أمل‬ This is another type of blindness … it is the blindness ‫األوقات‬ ‫ أن الرب قريب جدا يف تلك‬... ‫الشدائد‬ of fear … and an indication of irresponsibility … a ‫وحياة‬ ‫حياتك‬ ‫يتمجد ىف‬ ‫ ومستعد أن‬... type of no-care … a person who does not want to face ... ‫كل من معك‬ up a specific responsibility therefore acts in a way as if .. ‫ هو كامل السن أسألوه‬+ he or she do not-care and ignorance … shutting ones ... ‫ أنه عمى الخوف‬..‫هذا عمى من نوع آخر‬ eyes and becoming blind … ‫ نوع من‬... ‫أنه نوع من عدم تقدير املسئولية‬ Adam … was the first to acquire this blindness … he did not apologise or confess his sin … but simply; he ‫ إنسان ال يريد ان يتحمل مسئولية‬... ‫الالمباالة‬ blamed his woman (Genesis 3:12) … and in this, his ... ‫معينة فيترصف بنوع من التجاهل والالمباالة‬ responsibility ended, in his view … closed his eyes to ... ‫يغمض عينيه ويصري أعمى‬ the bitter reality that he too had broken the command‫ مل‬... ‫ هو أول من أصيب بهذا العمى‬... ‫آدم‬ ment and is deserving death … ‫ بل ببساطة ألقى‬... ‫يعتذر ومل يعرتف بخطئه‬ Cain … when God asked him; where is your brother ‫ وهكذا يف نظره انتهت‬... ‫اللوم عىل إمراته‬ Abel??? And very simply and careless attitude; he said “I ma my brothers’ keeper” (Genesis 4: 8-10) … he just ‫ أغمض عينيه عن الواقع املرير أنه‬..‫املسئولية‬ ‫هو أيضا كرس الوصية وصار مستحقا للموت‬ closed his eyes … and pretended he could not see … .. did not know … thinking in doing so, he will escape ‫ عندما سأله الرب أين أخوك هابيل؟؟؟‬... ‫قايني‬ the responsibility for his crime … Even, some of the saints, in moments of weakness, ‫مبنتهى البساطة والالمباالة يقول أحارس أنا‬ have fallen in this blindness … ‫ يدعى انه ال يرى‬..‫أنه يغمض عينيه‬... ‫ألخي‬ We find (father) Abraham because of his fear of being ‫ظانا انه بهذه الوسيلة‬ ... ‫ ال يعرف‬.. harmed by the people of the land he went to on account ... ‫يعفى من مسئولية الجرمية التي ارتكبها‬ of his woman (and wife) because she was beautiful so ‫حتى بعض القديسني أحبانا يف لحظات ضعف‬ he said she was his sister (Genesis 20:2) … ... ‫يصابون بهذا العمي‬ We, too exercise this type of blindness of fear on many ‫أهل‬ ‫يؤذيه‬ ‫أن‬ ‫من‬ ‫الخوف‬ ‫فنجد ابراهيم بسب‬ occasions … ‫االرض التي نزل فيها بسب امرأته ألنها حسنة‬ In the form of excuses and justifications … so that, we ‫ ونحن منارس‬.... ‫املنظر يقول عن سارة أنها أخته‬ can find an excuse and justification for all things … ... ‫عمى الخوف هذا يف أمور كثرية‬ even, we will use excuses which are the wrong itself … we offer excuses … while we are wasting times in ‫ فنحن نستطيع أن‬... ‫يف صورة اعذار وتربيرات‬ what is worthless … we offer the excuse of being tired ‫ بل احيانا نعتذر‬..‫نجد عذرا وتربيرا لكل يشء‬ and lethargic … while we exert ourselves and labour in ‫ ونحن‬..‫ نعتذر‬... ‫مبا هو خطأ يف حد ذاته‬ worthless activities … how easy it is to find an excuse ... ‫نضيع الكثري من االوقات فبام ال يفيد‬ to avoid praying or attending the church (services) … ‫نتعب‬ ‫ رغم اننا‬... ‫نعتذر باإلرهاق والتعب‬ but how can explain the long hours we spend frozen in ‫أسهل‬ ‫ما‬ ... ‫ونرهق أنفسنا يف أشياء غري مجدية‬ front of the television or the social media … how do ‫ان تجد عذرا لعدم الصالة أو لعدم الذهاب‬ you explain your bad habits??? How do you explain ‫ وكيف تعلل تلك الساعات الطويلة‬... ‫للكنيسة‬ the tens of cigarettes which is burning your lungs and ‫اليى تقضيها متجمدا امام التليفزيون أو وسائل‬ waste your money??? How do you explain the unsuit‫ كيف تعلل عاداتك‬..‫االتصال االجتامعي األخرى‬ able attires you wear??? On the beach for example …

how do you explain the loud and wild music and danc‫الرديئة؟؟؟ كيف تعلل عرشات السجائر التي‬ ing which are not suitable (for God’s children) which ‫تحرق بها صدرك وتبذر فيها أموالك؟؟؟ كيف‬ you engage in without thinking or care for your purity of ‫تعلل املالبس الغري الئقة التي ترتدينها؟؟؟ عىل‬ body and thought … ‫ كيف تعلل تلك املوسيقى‬... ‫شاطئ البحر مثال‬ Do you have enough excuses to cover all these …? ‫الصاخبة والرقص غري الالئق الذى تشرتك فيه‬ The person who is inflected with the blindness of fear ‫بدون تفكري وبدون اهتامم بطهارة جسدك‬ will find enough excuses for anything … ... ‫وفكرك‬ But, do know beloved, this type of blindness is fatal … ‫لتربير‬ ‫يكفي‬ ‫ما‬ ‫األعذار‬ ‫من‬ ‫عندك‬ ‫ياتري‬ ‫هل‬ it can lead to your self-destruction … ... ‫هذا كله‬ For you – in fact – doing nothing more than what an ‫اإلنسان املصاب بعمى الخوف سوف يجد من‬ Ostridge does when it buries it head in the sand with absolute carelessness to the eminent danger present … ... ‫االعذار ما يكفي ألى يشء‬ Thus, lived Cain and all the members of his family, shut- ‫ولكن هل تعلم ايها الحبيب أن هذا العمى من‬ ting their eyes to evil without any care … till the whole ‫ أنه ممكن ان يتسبب يف هالك‬... ‫النوع القاتل‬ earth was full of evil and aggression … which angered ..‫نفسك‬ God with the earth and brought the flood and drowned ‫النعامة‬ ‫تفعله‬ ‫مام‬ ‫أكرث‬ ‫تفعل‬ ‫ال‬ ‫الواقع‬ ‫إنك يف‬ the whole earth because of their evil … ‫بالخطر‬ ‫مباالة‬ ‫ال‬ ‫يف‬ ‫الرمل‬ ‫يف‬ ‫رأسها‬ ‫تدفن‬ ‫التي‬ Till when do you shut your eyes and pretend that you ... ‫بها‬ ‫املحدق‬ don’t see … till when do you shut your eyes to the evil within your house … tell when do you shut your eyes to ‫هكذا عاش قايني وأفراد أرسته يغمضون عيونهم‬ your bad habits … till when do you shut your eyes while ‫ حتى امتألت االرض رشا‬... ‫عن الرش وال يبالون‬ ‫ وغضب الله عىل االرض كلها وهكذا‬... ‫وطغيانا‬ you are approaching the deep abyss and just about to destroy yourself … ‫أىت الطوفان وغرقت االرض كلها بسب رشهم‬ Beloved, do not delay … it is the worst action for this ... disease … is the habit of delaying (facing the problem) ... ‫اىل متى تغمض عينيك وتدعى أنك ال ترى‬ … the problem of this sick person is that he or she ‫اىل متى تغمض عينيك عىل الرش الذي يف بيتك‬ knows they are sick but do not want to be cured … at ‫ اىل متى تغمض عينيك عن عاداتك الرديئة‬... least for now … therefore, they will delay and delay … ‫هوة‬ ‫ اىل متى تغمض عينيك وانت تقبل عىل‬... but till when??? .. ‫عميقة عىل وشك أن تسقط فيها وتتحطم‬ Do not covet, hate or anger without being careful and in ‫هذا‬ ‫ إن أسوأ يشء يف‬... ‫أيها الحبيب ال تؤجل‬ this you will live in the light of God’s love to mankind ‫ فمشكلة هذا‬..‫ هو عادة التأجيل‬... ‫املرض‬ and no longer will you see the darkness … ‫االنسان املريض أنه يعرف أنه مريض ولكنه ال‬ + Whether He is a sinner or not I do not know … How harsh and difficult is this type of blindness … ... ‫ عىل األقل حاليا‬... ‫يريد أن يشفى‬ blindness of envy and jealousy … for it indeed make ‫ ولكن اىل متى؟؟؟‬... ‫فلذلك هو يؤجل ويؤجل‬ one blind and cannot see or recognise anything … ‫ال تحقد وال تحسد وال تغضب بدون تروى‬ The Lord Jesus cures a man blind since birth … it never ‫وهكذا تعيش يف نور محبة الله للبرش وال تعود‬ happened in the entire history of mankind before, then ..‫ترى الظلمة فيام بعد‬ they say of Him … “this Man is a sinner” .. ‫أعلم‬ ‫لست‬ .. ‫ أخاطيء هو‬+ Is it to this extent man’s blindness can reach??? To see ‫الحقد‬ ‫عمى‬ ..‫العمي‬ ‫هذا‬ ‫وأصعب‬ ‫ما أشد‬ the light as darkness … and see the darkness as light … ‫ أنه يجعل االنسان فعال أعمى ال‬... ‫والحسد‬ When the Lord casts out evil spirits … they say “He ..‫يرى وال يبرص شيئا‬ casts out demons by Beelzebub, the ruler of demons” (Luke 11:15) … and when He cures a sick person on the ... ‫الرب يسوع يشفى انسانا اعمى منذ والدته‬ Sabbath … they say of Him not a keeper of the Sabbath ‫يشء مل يحدث يف تاريخ البرشية من قبل ثم‬ … exactly the same as those who buy and sell on the .. “ ‫ “هذا االنسان خاطئ‬... ‫يقولون عنه‬ Sabbath … ‫أهكذا يصل عمى االسنان اىل هذه الدرجة؟؟؟‬ Envy had blinded king Saul’s heart to great extremes ..‫ ويرى الظلمة نورا‬... ‫أن يرى النور ظالما‬ … it made him blind to Davis’s good qualities … envy ‫عنه‬ ‫ يقولون‬... ‫عندما يخرج الرب الشياطني‬ made him pursue David to the mountains seeking to kill ..‫الشياطني‬ ‫أنه بعلزبول رئيس الشياطني يخرج‬ him (1 Samuel 24-26) … envy made forget that he fell ... ‫السبت‬ ‫عندما يشفى الرب مريضا يوم‬ in David’s hand once and David spared him … he forgot ‫مثل‬ ‫متاما‬ ... ‫يقولون عنه أنه كارس السبت‬ that David saved the Israelites from the Philistines and ..‫انسان يبيع ويشرتى ويعمل يوم السبت‬ killed Goliath the mighty … he forgotten everything ‫لقد أعمى الحقد قلب شاول امللك اىل درجة‬ because of his envy and jealousy of David … Envy, blinded Saul of Tarsus to the extent that he gave ‫ جعله ال يرى صفات داود الحسنة‬... ‫رهيبة‬

up all things and dedicated himself to persecute ‫ بل دفعه الحقد ان يتبع داود ىف الجبال طالبا ان‬... the Christians and Christianity … and rushed on ‫ جعله الحقد ينىس أنه سقط يف يد داود مرة‬... ‫يقتله‬ his way (to Damascus) in order to pour his anger ‫ نىس ان داود انقذ شعب إرسائيل‬... ‫وعفا عنه داود‬ them even they were outside Jerusalem … he was ‫ نىس كل يشء‬... ‫من الفلسطينيني وقتل جليات الجبار‬ indeed blinded and when he realized his sins then ..‫بسبب حقده وحسده لداود‬ knew he was persecuting the Lord of Glory Him‫أنه‬ ‫لدرجة‬ ‫ويس‬ ‫الطرس‬ ‫أعمى الحقد عيني شاول‬ self … his eyes then were opened and scales like ‫نىس كل ىشء وكرس نفسه فقط من أجل أن يضطهد‬ fell from his eyes … he was blinded with anger ‫ واندفع يف طريقه حتى يصب‬... ‫املسيحية واملسيحيني‬ and envy … but, when the Lord opened his eyes, ‫جام حقده وغضبه عليهم حتى هؤالء الذين خارج‬ he became Paul the apostle who struggled and ‫ لقد كان فعال أعمى وعندما أدرك خطأه‬... ‫أورشليم‬ evangelized (for the Lord) … This type of blindness is very difficult and painful ... ‫وعرف كيف أنه أضطهد رب املجد نفسه‬ … it make a person only sees thing the way he ‫ لقد‬..‫انفتحتا عيناه وسقطت من عىل عينيه شبه قشور‬ or she like to see it according to their thoughts ‫ ولكن عندما فتح له‬... ‫كان أعمى من الحقد والغضب‬ and liking … for the person who is afflicted with ‫الرب عينيه تحول اىل بولس الرسول املجاهد واملبرش‬ this blindness … when they hate a person; they ... cannot see any goodness in them … every word ‫االنسان‬ ‫يجعل‬ ... ‫وصعب‬ ‫مؤمل‬ ‫العمى‬ ‫من‬ ‫النوع‬ ‫وهذا‬ they utter, it must have an evil meaning … every ‫ فاإلنسان‬... ‫ال يرى شيئا إال حسب هواه وأفكاره‬ action in their view is a crime … in their view this ‫ عندما يحقد عىل انسان ال‬... ‫املصاب بهذا العمى‬ person should not exist … ‫يستطيع‬ And of this type of blindness … is the blindness ‫ كل كلمة يقولها وراءها قصد‬... ‫أن برى فيه أي فضيلة‬ of anger … for the angry person can not see anything with a fair measure … their judgement ‫ كل عمل يفعله‬... ‫رشير‬ on events are erroneous … his or her opinion on ‫ يف رأيه هذا االنسان ال يحق له‬... ‫هو يف نظره جرمية‬ all matters are warped … the holy bible tells us ... ‫أن يوجد‬ about the angry man, even if raised a dead person ‫فاإلنسان‬... ‫ عمى الغضب‬... ‫ومن نوع هذا العمى أيضا‬ from death, his prayers will not be accepted … ‫الغضوب ال يستطيع ان يرى‬ and also, the blindness of envy and jealousy … it ..‫خاطئ‬ ‫االشياء‬ ‫عىل‬ ‫حكمه‬ ... ‫أي يشء مبقياس سليم‬ is an evil desire when take hold of a person and ..‫رأيه ىف األمور غري سليم‬ makes him or her wish evil to others … will not ‫ويقول الكتاب املقدس عن االنسان الغضوب أنه لو‬ be pleased to others having peace and goodness ‫ وأيضا منه‬...‫أقام ميتا من األموات ملا قبلت صالته‬ in their lives … desires for ones self what others ‫ أنها شهوة رشيرة تتملك عىل‬... ‫عمى الحسد والغرية‬ have … it is a harsh blindness … makes Satan plan all possible methods to lead us to destruc‫ وال يرس‬... ‫االنسان وتجعله يشتهى لآلخرين الرش‬ tion and denying us the kingdom of heavens … it ‫ يشتهى لنفسه ما‬... ‫برؤية الخري والسالم يف حياتهم‬ made the chief priests and the pharisees could not ‫ يجعل الشيطان‬... ‫ أنه عمى صعب‬... ‫هو عند غريه‬ bear hearing anything of the Lord Jesus and said ‫يدبر له كل وسيلة إلهالكنا وحرماننا من ملكوت‬ to their followers “You see that you are accom‫ال‬ ‫ أنه جعل رؤساء الكهنة والفريسني‬... ‫الساموات‬ plishing nothing. Look, the world has gone after ‫وصاروا‬ ‫يطيقون أن يسمعوا شيئا عن الرب يسوع‬ Him!” (John 12:19) ‫هوذا‬ ... ‫شيئا‬ ‫يقولون ألتباعهم “أنظروا أنكم ال تنفعون‬ Also, is the blindness caused by doubt and obses..”‫العامل قد صار وراءه‬ siveness … not trusting others … which makes a ‫ عدم الثقة يف‬... ‫ومنه أيضا عمى الشك والوسوسة‬ person imagine things which does not exist … and builds tales and stories of one’s imagination which ‫ تجعل هذا االنسان يتصور أشياء ال وجود لها‬..‫اآلخرين‬ has no basis … thus making one’s life painful to .. ‫ ويبنى من تصوراته قصصا وحكايات ال أساس لها‬... him or her and those who live with them too … ... ‫وهكذا يجعل حياته عذابا وحياة االخرين معه ايضا‬ The main reason for this type of blindness … is ‫ خلو القلب من‬..‫والسبب الرئييس يف هذا العمى‬ a heart void of love … and nothing will open the ‫ وليس يشء يفتح عيون‬... ‫الحب‬ eyes of those blind (people) except loving God ‫بالتوبة‬ ‫وعودتهم‬ .. ‫هؤالء العميان سوى حبهم للله‬ … and their return and repentance to our Loving ‫ويخلق‬ ‫بده‬ ‫الرب‬ ‫ميد‬ ‫سوف‬ ‫ وعندئذ‬... ‫اىل الرب املحب‬ Lord … then, the Lord will extend His hand and ‫ عيونا‬... ‫ عيونا ساموية‬... ‫لهم عبونا جديدة‬ create new eyes for them … heavenly eye … eyes ‫عىل‬ ‫الحامم‬ ‫كعيون‬ ‫بسيطة‬ ‫عيونا‬ .. ‫تهتم بالروحيات‬ which cares for the spiritual … simple eyes just ..‫ عيون صافية نقية‬..‫مجرى املياه‬ like the doves eyes over the water ways … pure and clear eyes.

The Commemoration of the Ecumenical Council in Constantinople. 8th February - 1s Amsher On this day of the year 381 A.D., one hundred and fifty fathers assembled upon the order of Emperor Theodosius the Great, in the city of Constantinople. They assembled to judge Macedonius, Patriarch of Constantinople, and Sabellius and Apollinaris, for their blasphemy against God the Word and the Holy Spirit. When this blasphemy became widespread, the fathers of the church were concerned about the peace of the church, and made these heresies known to Emperor Theodosius. He ordered that a council be assembled, and invited Abba Timothy, 22nd Pope of Alexandria; Abba Damasus, Pope of Rome; Abba Petros (Peter), Patriarch of Antioch; and Abba Cyril (Kyrillos), Patriarch of Jerusalem. They came to the council with their bishops, except the Pope of Rome, who delegated others to attend on his behalf. When the holy council convened in Constantinople, they called upon Macedonius. Abba Timothy, Pope of Alexandria, who was presiding over the council, asked him, “What is your belief?” Macedonius answered that the Holy Spirit was created like any other creature. Abba Timothy said, “The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God. If we say as you claim that the Spirit of God is created, we are saying, in essence, that His Life is created, and therefore, He is ‘lifeless’ without it.” He advised Macedonius to renounce his erroneous belief. When he refused, Macedonius was excommunicated, anathematized and striped of his rank. Then Abba Timothy asked Sabellius, “And you, what is your belief?” He answered, “The Trinity is one being and one person.” Abba Timothy said, “If the Trinity is as you claim, then the mentioning of the Trinity is groundless, and your baptism is futile, because it is in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and the Trinity would have suffered pain and died, and the saying of the gospel would be invalid, when it is said that the Son was in the Jordan River, and the Holy Spirit descended upon Him in the likeness of a dove, and the Father called upon Him from heaven.” Then Abba Timothy advised him to renounce his belief. When Sabellius did not accept, Abba Timothy excommunicated, anathematized and striped him of his rank. Then Abba Timothy asked Apollinaris, “And you, what is your belief?” Apollinaris said, “The Incarnation of the Son was by His union with the human flesh without the rational being, for His divinity replaced the soul and the mind of the human being.” Abba Timothy replied, “God the Word united with our nature to save us, therefore if He only united with the animal body, then He did not save mankind but the animals. Humans will rise on the day of Resurrection with the rational and speaking soul with which there will be the communication and the judgement, and with it they will be granted the blessing or the condemnation. Accordingly, the Incarnation would be in vain. If that was the case, why did He call Himself a man if He did not unite with the rational speaking soul?” Then Abba Timothy advised him to turn away from his erroneous belief, but he also refused. He excommunicated Apollinaris as he did the other two friends. Ultimately, the council excommunicated these three and all those who agreed with them. Then they completed the creed that was established by the fathers at the Council of Nicea until its saying, “Of Whose Kingdom shall be no end.” The fathers of the Council of Constantinople added, “Truly we believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, Giver of Life... to the end.” They put down many canons that are still in the hands of the believers today. The prayers of these holy fathers be with us. Amen.

Part of the Gospel of the man born blind is ‫لماذا يتلى فصل المولود أعمى فى شهر‬ read twice evry year - Fr Antonious Fikry ‫طوبة‬ ‫القمص أنطونيوس فكرى‬ This chapter of the Gospel is recited twice a ‫ُيُتلى هذا الفصل من اإلنجيل مرتين فى‬ year: ‫السنة‬ The first time: on the fourth Sunday of the bless‫من‬ ‫الرابع‬ ‫األحد‬ ‫فى‬ : ‫األولى‬ ‫المرة‬ ed month of Tubah, and here the Church tries to ‫شهر طوبة المبارك وهنا تحاول‬ highlight the gift of the Son's grace to mankind. ‫للبشرية‬ ‫الكنيسة إبراز عطية نعمة اإلبن‬ The second time: In Lent in one of the children ‫ فى الصوم الكبير فى‬: ‫المرة الثانية‬ born blind in order to accept the faith and accept ‫أحد المولود أعمى وذلك من أجل قبول‬ spiritual enlightenment because this day was ّ ‫اإليمان وقبول اإلستنارة الروحية‬ ‫ألّن‬ known to be the day when non-believers enter ‫هذا اليوم كان ُيُعرف أّنّه هو اليوم‬ the faith and is known to be one of the Chris‫الذى يدخل فيه غير المؤمنين لإليمان‬ tians. ‫ومعروف أّنّه أحد التناصير‬ ‫ وآحاد الكنيسة تسير فى خط روحى‬+ + The Church Sundays walks in a certain : ‫ُ​ُمعّيّن وتظهر فى ثالث كلمات هى‬ spiritual line and appears in three words: )3( ‫) نعمة اإلبن‬2( ‫) محبة اآلب‬1( (1) Love of the Father (2) Grace of the Son (3) ‫عطية الروح‬ Gift of the Spirit : ‫كاآلتى‬ ‫السنة‬ ‫شهور‬ ‫ وُتُقّسّم‬+ + The months of the year are divided as follows: ّ ‫& فى شهر ( توت و طوبة ) ر‬ ‫زوا‬ ‫ّك‬ & In the month of (Tut and Tuba) focus on the ‫على محبة اآلب‬ love of the Father ) ‫فى شهر ( هاتور وكيهك و طوبة‬ In the month of Hatour, Kiahk and Toba, they ‫ر ّ​ّكزوا على نعمة اإلبن‬ focused on the blessing of the son ‫& ونحن األن فى وقت تر ّ​ّكز فيه‬ And we are now at a time when the church is ‫الكنيسة مع أوالدها على عطية اإلبن‬ focusing with her children on the gift of the Son, ‫وهى تتمّثّل فى يوحنا اإلصحاح التاسع‬ ‫مثلما أعطى اإلبن المولود أعمى‬ which is represented in John chapter nine. ّ ‫إستنارة‬ ‫ألّن من أهم عطايا اإلبن‬ Just as the Son born blind gave enlightenment, ‫اإلستنارة‬ ‫نعمة‬ ‫وهى‬ ‫للبشرية‬ because one of the most important gifts of the ‫جتاز‬ ‫ُم‬ ‫هو‬ ‫وفيما‬ ( ‫اإلنجيل‬ ‫يقول‬ ‫لذلك‬ ُ Son to mankind is the grace of enlightenment. ّ ( ‫ه‬ ‫ّن‬ ‫أ‬ ‫أى‬ ) ‫أعمى‬ ‫مولود‬ ‫رجل‬ ‫نظر‬ Therefore, the Bible says (while he is passing ‫الكتاب‬ ‫ترجمة‬ ‫وفى‬ ) ‫شخص‬ ‫مجرد‬ He saw a man born blind) that is, he is (just a ‫المقدس يقول ( إذا إنسان مولود أعمى‬ person) and in the translation of the Bible it says ‫ أى النعمة التى يفتقد بها هللا البشرية‬، ) (if a man is born blind), that is, the grace with ‫هى للبشر كلهم ألى إنسان وهذه هى‬ which God visits humanity is for all mankind for ‫نعمته‬ any human being and this is his grace ّ ‫& وأهم ما يميز هذه المعجزة‬ ‫أّن‬ & The most important feature of this miracle is ‫المولود أعمى لم يطلب منه الشفاء رغم‬ ‫أّنّه فى معجزات أخرى المولودين ُعُمى‬ that the newborn is blind and did not ask him ‫طلبوا منه مثل المولود األعمى الذى‬ to be cured, although in other miracles the born ‫وآخر‬ ) ‫قال له ( يا إبن داود إرحمنى‬ blind asked him like the blind born who said to ‫المولود‬ ‫لكن هذا‬0‫تالميذه أحضروه له‬ him (O son of David, have mercy on me) and ‫أعمى م ّ​ّر يسوع عليه ووجده‬ the one of His disciples brought him to Him. But ُ‫& وهنا الكنيسة تريد أن ُت‬ ‫نعمة‬ ‫برز‬ this man who was born blind Jesus passed by ‫اإلبن تعطّفّه على اإلنسان بال سبب‬ and found him ‫حتى دون أن يطلب اإلنسان – هذه هى‬ & here the Church wants to bring out the grace 0 ) ‫نعمة اإلبن وهذه هى كلمة ( نعمة‬ of the Son by sympathizing with man without any reason, even without man asking –

Holy Baptism Babies Rapfael & Elnor (Mariam) children of Daniel & Fortona Tesgay January 2024

Blessed Marriage Patrick Whelan & Helen Riad Sunday 28th January 2024 St Mary’s Church

St Mary's Kidergarten Important Notice “ Due to an inability to reach acceptable commercial terms with its selected operating partner, Early Education Holdings, and after reviewing the Kindergarten's operational requirements going forward, the church committee has decided to proceed with managing the service, which it believes will provide the greatest benefit to the church and its parishioners"

Fr Michael Salib & Fr John Macari and St Mary’s Church Youth group meeting His Grace Bishop Moses in Egypt

Financial Summary for St. Mary’s Church New Project as on 9th Jan 2024

Building Site 18th January 2024

Construction of New Buildings started Thursday 28th April

The new Building is expected to be ready February 2024. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downloaded from church website.

Cost of building works is around $13,000,000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreciated. 2022 ‫ أبريل‬٢٨ ‫أعمال اإلنشاءات بدات يوم الخميس‬ ‫ خدمات الكنيسة تتم حسب المعتاد حسب‬.٢٠٢٤ .٢٠٢٤ ‫من المتوقع االنتهاء من المشروع فبراير‬ .‫الجدول الموضح داخل النشرة‬ .‫ مليون دوالرا‬١٣ ‫تبلغ تكلفة المشروع حوالى‬ ‫ينكنك المشاركة بتبرع شهرى بملء أستمارة السحب‬ ‫البنكي الموجودة بالكنيسة أو طبعها من خالل مركز‬ ‫الكنيسة اإللكتروني‬ ‫الرب يبارك تبرعاتكم ومساهمتكم فى هذا العمل‬ Donations to St Mary’s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link ‫للتبرعات لكنيسة العذراء مريم ومشروع المباني أضغط على الرابط‬ https://www.stmc.org.au/donate (Copy & Paste on Web Browser)

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