Services at St Mary’s Church :مواعيد الخدمة بكنيسة العذراء Tuesday ) صباحا (أنجليزى7 - 5:30 ::األلهى القداس األلهى:الثالثاء Liturgy 5:30 - 7am ذا واى- مساء أجتامع للكبار باألنجليزى8 8am The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Eng صباحا11 – 9 القداس األلهى:األربعاء األربعاء lisg for adults - All ages عرىب- مساء مدرسة الشاممسة للكبار8 - 6:30 Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am Wednesday أنجليزى- مساء مدرسة الشاممسة8:15 - 7 6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults Arabic عرىب- مساء فصول ألحان9 - 8 ; 7-8:15pm English :الخميس Hymns Class Arabic 8-9pm مساء7:30 أنجليزى- تسبحة نصف الليل Thursday مساء7:30 أنجليزى- درس الكتاب املقدس English Midnight Praises 7:30pm صباحا11 – 9 القداس األلهى:الجمعة الجمعة English Bible Study 7:30pm سنة فأكرث25 مساء الشباب9 – 7 Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am Friday )مساء أجتامع األرسة (كل أسبوعني9-7 Youth 25 and above 7-9pm أنجليزى- مساء أجتامع اعداد الخدمة8:30 - 7 Family Meeting 7-9pm (fortnightly) 12 - 10 مساء فصل مدرس األحد لسنوات9 - 6 Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm السبت صباحا10,30 – 8,30 القداس األلهى:السبت Year 10-12 Sunday School 6-9pm مساء 3 1:30 الكشافة اجتامع Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 10:30am Saturday مساء4 - 3 مدرسة الشاممسة Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm 5,30 – 4 مدارس األحد Vespers & youth meeting 5.30 –7pm Engانجليزى مساء 7 – 5,30 الشباب العشية واجتامع lish عرىب مساء 7 5:30 كتاب العشية ودرس Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:30-7pm :األحد األحد Scouts 1:30 - 3pm ص عرىب وانجليزى9,15 – 7 القداس األول School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm ص – انجليزى11,30 – 9,15 القداس الثاىن Sunday: Sunday ص عرىب11 – 9 القداس الثالث 1st Mass 7 – 9.15am Arabic & English مساء12:30 - 11:45 أنجليزى- فصل ألحان 2nd Mass 9.15 – 11.30am English :األباء الكهنة بالكنيسة 3rd Mass 9 – 11am Arabic األب القمص تادرس شاروبيم Hymns Class - English 11:45 - 12:30pm 0414251251 Church Priests: Priests Email: Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251 :األب القس حبيب جرجس يونان Email: 94498871Email: habibgirgisyounan@ - 0401238177 Fr Habib Girgis Younan: 0401238177 – 94498871 0422431821 :األب القس مايكل صليب Email: Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821 Email: Email: 5 Epsom Rd, Kensington Vic 3031:عنوان الكنيسة Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kensington 93766651 :تليفون Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651
+ Divine Liturgies during the days of the قداسات خالل أيام الصوم المقدس بكنيسة+ Holy Lent: :العذراء مريم Holy Lent satrts Monday 28th February. خالل. فبراير٢٨ يبدأ الصوم المقدس األثنين St Mary’s Church organising daily Liturأيام هذا الصوم المقدس تقام قداسات يومية gies as follows: بكنيسة العذراء مريم حسب المواعيد التالية Monday 9:30am - 12 noon (From 15/3) ١٥ ظهرا(بدءا من12 - صباحا9:30 األثنين Tuesday 5 - 7am )مارس Wednesday 8:30 - 11am صباحا7 - 5 الثالثاء Thursday 5 - 7pm صباحا١١ - 8:30 األربعاء Friday 8:30am - 11am بعد الظهر7 - ٥ الخميس Saturday 8:30 - 10:30am ظهرا12 - صباحا9:30 الجمعة Sunday (3 Liturgies as normal). صباحا10:30 - 8:30 السبت .األحد ثالثة قداسات حسب المواعيد المعتادة May the Lord grant us the Blessings of .الرب يمنحنا بركة هذا الصوم المقدس the Holy Lent.
The Martyrdom of St. Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna. استشهاد القديس بوليكاربوس أسقف سمرينا وتلميذ 8th March - 29th Amsher يوحنا البشري On this day of the year 167 A.D., St. Polycarp, Bishop of أمشري٢٩ - مارس٨ Smyrna(1), was martyred. His life began at the end of the first م استشهد القديس167 يف مثل هذا اليوم من سنة Christian century, and he became the disciple of St. John the بدا حياته. بوليكاربوس أسقف سمرينا الشهرية بازمري Evangelist. He was the one about whom the Lord said, “And to يف أواخر الجيل االول املسيحي وتتلمذ للقديس يوحنا the angel of the church in Smyrna write, ‘These things says the وهو الذي يعنيه الرب بقوله « اكتب إىل. اإلنجييل First and the Last, Who was dead, and came to life: I know your . . . هذا يقوله االول واألخر. مالك كنيسة سمرينا works, tribulations and poverty, but you are rich; and I know ، انا اعرف أعاملك وضيقتك وفقرك مع انك غني the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but هم وتجديف القائلني انهم يهود وليسوا يهودا بل are a synagogue of Satan. Do not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer. Indeed, the devil is about to throw some ال تخف البتة ممن أنت عتيد إن. مجمع الشيطان هوذا إبليس مزمع إن يلقي بعضا منكم يف. تتأمل به of you into prison, that you may be tested, and you will have tribulation ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you كن. السجن ليك تجربوا ويكون لكم ضيق عرشة ايام the crown of life.’” (Revelation 2:8-10) وقد سافر. « أمينا إىل املوت فسأعطيك إكليل الحياة St. Polycarp went to Rome in the year 157 A.D. to settle a م إلقناع انيكسيتوس157 القديس إىل رومية سنة dispute with Arikestus, Bishop of Rome, in regard to the Easter أسقف رومية بشان عيد الفصح ثم عاد وبارش أعامله feast. He shepherded his flock well and remained on his chair الرعوية وأقام عيل كريس الرعاية زمانا كبريا حتى for a long time until a good old age. He wrote many articles and ووضع مقاالت كثرية وميامر عديدة عن امليالد.شاخ discourses about the Holy Advent, death, hell, torments of hell, وعن العذراء، املقدس واملوت والجحيم والعذاب the Virgin St. Mary and many others. He attracted many souls القديسة مريم وعن تدبريات املخلص وغري ذلك to the Lord with his life-giving teaching. .وجذب إىل الرب نفوسا كثرية بتعاليمه املحيية When Emperor Marcus Aurelius incited persecutions against و ملا أثار مرقس اوريليوس االضطهاد عيل املسيحيني Christians, they strongly pressured him saying, “Swear and ضيقوا الخناق عيل القديس قائلني احلف فنطلق we will set you free; curse Christ and we will spare your life.” فأجاب بوليكاربوس قائال. اشتم املسيح. رساحك Polycarp replied, “I have served my Lord Christ for 86 years ستة ومثانني سنة خدمته ومل يفعل يل رضرا فكيف and He never harmed me so how can I blaspheme against my King Who saved me?” أجدف عيل مليك الذي خلصني ؟ ثم قال له الوايل إن The Governor said, “If you do not fear the wild beasts, I will ، كنت تستخف بالوحوش فسأجعل النريان تلتهمك make the fire consume you if you do not repent.” St. Polycarp فقال القديس بوليكاربوس انك تهددين. إال إذا تبت said, “You threatened me with fire that burns for a while, then بالنار التي تشتعل ساعة وبعد قليل تنطفئ ألنك burns out, for you do not know the everlasting fire of judgement ال تعرف نار الدينونة العتيدة والقصاص األبدي and the eternal punishment that are awaiting the evil ones. Now .املحفوظ لألرشار ولكن ملاذا تتباطأ افعل ما بدا لك why are you lingering? Do whatever you want.” After severe tortures and many threats, the saint wished to shed وبعد اضطهادات مريرة وتهديدات عديدة أراد هذا his blood for Christ’s name. He commanded and taught his peo- القديس إن يسفك دمه عيل اسم املسيح فأويص شعبه وعلمهم إن يثبتوا يف اإلميان وعرفهم انهم ple to be steadfast in faith and told them that they would not see his face after that day. They wept and tried to hold him down to فبكوا وتعلقوا. سوف ال يرون وجهه بعد ذلك اليوم أما. به محاولني منعه ولكنهم مل يتمكنوا من ذلك prevent him from leaving but they failed to stop him. هو فذهب واعرتف بالرب يسوع وبعد عذابات كثرية He went and confessed the Lord Christ before the Governor واخذ. نالها أمر الوايل بقطع رأسه فنال إكليل الحياة who ordered to cut off his head after much torture; thus he received the crown of life. Some of the believers took his body, .بعض املؤمنني جسده وكفنوه بإكرام shrouded and buried it with great honor. .صالته تكون معنا ولربنا املجد دامئا ابديا امني His prayers be with us and Glory be to our God forever. Amen. وجود رأس القديس يوحنا املعمدان The Appearance of the Head of St. John the Baptist. أمشري٣٠ - مارس٩ 9th March - 30th Amsher يف هذا اليوم نعيد بتذكار وجود راس القديس يوحنا On this day we celebrate the commemoration of the appearance وذلك انه ملا أمر هريودس بقطع رأسه. املعمدان of the head of St. John the Baptist. Herod commanded his head وإحضاره إليه وتقدميه إىل الفتاة هيورديا عيل طبق to be cut off and brought on a platter and given to Herodias, according to her request. (Mark 6:7-28) It was said that after the كام طلبت قيل انه بعد انتهاء الوليمة ندم عيل قتله feast he regretted the slaying of St. John so he kept the head in يوحنا فابقي الرأس يف منزله واتفق إن اريتاس ملك حنق عليه ألنه طرد ابنته، العرب صهر هريودس his house. Aritas, the Arabic King, Herod’s father-in-law, was enraged be- فأثار عليه حربا ليثار، وتزوج بامرأة أخيه وهو حي cause Herod banished his daughter and married the wife of his البنته فغلب هريودس وشتت شمل جنوده وخرب brother, while his brother was still alive. Aritas instigated a war وقد علم طيباروس قيرص إن السبب يف. بالد الجليل against Herod in revenge for his daughter. He overcame Herod, هذه الحروب هو قتل هريودس لنبي عظيم يف شعبه
dispersed his army and destroyed the cities of Galilee. وطرده ابنة اريتاس العريب وتزوجه من امرأة When Tiberius Caesar learned that the reason for these wars was . فاستدعاه إىل رومية ومعه هريوديا. أخيه the slaying of a prophet, who was great among his people, by فاخفي هريودس راس القديس يوحنا يف منزله Herod, who banished his wife, the daughter of Aritas, the Arabian فلام وصل إىل هناك أمر طيباروس. وسافر king, and married his brother’s wife, he summoned Herod and بخلعه وتجريده من جميع أمواله ثم نفاه إىل Herodias to Rome. Herod hid the head of St. John in his palace and وخرب منزله. بالد األندلس حيث مات هناك went to Rome. When he arrived there, Tiberius removed him from وصار عربة ملن يعترب واتفق بعد مدة من his position and stripped him of all his possessions and exiled him حمص السنني إن رجلني من املؤمنني من أهل to Spain where he died. Herod’s palace was ruined and became an قصدا بيت املقدس ليقضيا مدة الصوم الكبري example for those who might think of following in his footsteps. A few years later, two believing men from Homs went to Jerusalem هناك وأمىس عليهام الوقت بالقرب من منزل فظهر القديس. هريودس فناما فيه ليلتهام to spend the holy fast (Lent) there. Night fell on them while passing by the ruins of Herod’s palace, so they spent the night there. St. يوحنا ألحدهام واعلمه باسمه وعرفه مبوضع فلام. رأسه وأمره إن يحمله معه إىل منزله John appeared to one of them and told him about his name and the whereabouts of his head and ordered him to take it to his house. استيقظ من نومه قال ذلك لرفيقه وذهبا إىل When he woke up, the man told this to his friend and they went to حيث املكان الذي كان راس القديس مدفونا فيه the place where the head was buried. They dug and found a sealed وحفرا فوجدا وعاء فخاريا مختوما وملا فتحاه، pottery vessel. انترشت منه روائح طيبة ووجدا الرأس املقدس When they opened that vessel, a sweet aroma spread out of it. They وأخذه الرجل. فتباركا منه ثم أعاداه إىل الوعاء found the holy head, took its blessing and placed it back in the الذي رأي الرؤيا إىل منزله ووضعه يف خزانته vessel. The man that saw the vision took it to his house. He put it وملا دنت وفاته اعلم أخته. وأضاء أمامه قنديال in a safe place and put a candle in front of it. Before his departure, ومل يزل. بذلك فاستمرت هي ايضا تنري القنديل he told his sister about it and she went on doing the same thing. الرأس ينتقل من إنسان إىل إنسان حتى انتهي The head was handed from one person to another until it came to الرأس فصار ينسب ما يصنعه، إىل رجل اريويس the hand of a follower of Arius who attributed the wonders and miracles that happened through the holy head to the heresy of Ar- فأرسل هللا عليه، من اآليات إىل بدعة اريوس ius. The Lord commanded someone to force him out of his house. من طرده من مكانه وبقي مكان الرأس مجهوال The place of the head remained unknown until the time of St. Cyril حتى زمان القديس كريلس أسقف أورشليم (Kyrillos), Bishop of Jerusalem. St. John appeared to Abba Marحيث ظهر القديس يوحنا ألنبا مرتيانوس tianus, Bishop of Homs, in his sleep and told him about the place أسقف حمص يف النوم وأرشده إىل موضع الرأس of the head. He went there and found the head and that was on the فأخذه وكان ذلك يف الثالثني من شهر أمشري. thirtieth of the month of Amshir. ولربنا املجد. صالة هذا القديس تكون معنا. The prayers of this saint be with us and Glory be to our God forev. دامئا ابديا امني er. Amen. نركيسوس القديس نياحة The Departure of St. Narcissus. برمهات١ - مارس١٠ 10th March - 1st Baramhat األب تنيح م222 يف مثل هذا اليوم من سنة On this day of the year, 222 A.D., departed the father St. Narcissus, ، القديس نركيسوس أسقف بيت املقدس Bishop of Jerusalem. This father came to Jerusalem during the 190 وهذا األب قدم إىل بيت املقدس يف سنة reign of Alexander Caesar, who loved the Christians, in the year 190 A.D. This father was holy and unblemished in all his conduct. م يف عهد الكسندروس قيرص الذي كان محبا He shepherded his people with the best of care. Later, Alexander وكان هذا األب قديسا كامال يف جميع. للنصارى died and after him Maximianus Caesar reigned who incited ومل يلبث، فرعى شعبه أحسن رعاية، ترصفاته persecution against the Christians. He slew many of the bishops وقام، قليال عىل كرسيه حتى مات الكسندروس and the remaining fled leaving their parishes. God granted this وهذا أثار االضطهاد، بعده مكسيميانوس قيرص father the gift of performing wonders. On the eve of the feast of وقتل عددا ً كبريا من األساقفة، عىل املسيحيني Easter, the oil in the lamps ran out, so he ordered the lamps to be وهرب البعض تاركا كرسيه أما هذا، وغريهم filled with water and were lit. They all illuminated that night also ، األب فقد منحه هللا موهبة صنع العجائب by the light of his teachings. من ففي ليلة عيد القيامة كان الزيت قد نفذ The enemy of the good did not stop but, moved some people واستنار . فأمر أن متأل ماء فأضاءت، القناديل against him. They accused him of committing the sin of infidelity. . أيضا تعاليمه الجميع ىف تلك الليلة من ضوء God›s punishment for those liars was bitter. One of them burned to death, and the bowels of another poured out and died, the body of فحرك البعض ضده، ولكن عدو الخري مل يسكت the third wasted out from a long sickness, the fourth was killed and وكان جزاء هللا مرا، فاتهموه بخطية النجاسة، the fifth repented with tears confessing his sins. As for the saint, he ، إذ مات أحدهم محروقا، عىل أولئك الكاذبني went to the desert and disappeared there, lest his stay be a stumble وذاب جسم الثالث من، واندلقت أمعاء آخر to others. وتاب الخامس ذارفا، وقتل رابع، دوام املرض
Since nothing was known of St. Narcissus whereabouts, another . الدموع معرتفا بذنبه man was chosen in his place whose name was Dius. Dius أما القديس فذهب إىل الربية واختفى فيها لئال remained for a short period of time; he then departed. Upon Dius› وأذ مل يعرف من، يكون بقاؤه سببا يف عرثة أحد departure they chose another called Ghordinus. When the time ، اختاروا عوضه آنسانا اسمه ديوس، أمره شيئا of persecution was over, Abba Narcissus returned to Jerusalem . فقام زمانا ثم تنيح فقدموا آخر اسمه غوردينوس where he was greeted by his people with great joy. Ghordinus وملا انقىض زمان االضطهاد عاد األب نركيسوس إيل asked him to take over his Chair but, he refused preferring the solitary life. Ghordinus insisted that he stays with him in his cell. وطلب إليه. أورشليم فقابله شعبه بفرح عظيم St. Narcissus stayed with him for one year at the end of which غورينوس أن يتسلم كرسيه فلم يقبل وآثر الوحدة فألح عليه أن يبقى معه بالقالية فأقام معه. Ghordinus departed and St. Narcissus acquired his Chair. He القديس فتسلم، سنة تنيح عىل أثرها غورينوس had aged and was very week so, he asked his people to choose ، وكان قد كرب وضعف جدا. نركيسوس كرسيه another bishop, but they refused. فطلب من أبنائه أن يختاروا أسقفا آخر عليهم Alexander, Bishop of Cappadocia, came to Jerusalem to visit the Holy Land and pray. When he was about to return, after the feast, وحث أن الكسندروس أسقف القبادوقية. فأبوأ the people heard a great voice in the church of the Resurrection وملا هم، حرض إيل بيت املقدس ليصىل ويعود saying: «Go to the gate of the city, the first one to enter it, seize بالرجوع بعد العيد اذا بالشعب يسمع صوتا him, make him stay to assist Narcissus.» When, they went to عظيام يف كنيسة القيامة يقول « اخرجوا إيل باب the gate, they met the Bishop Alexander, and pleaded with him وأول من يدخل منه فهذا امسكوه، املدينة الفالىن to stay to assist Abba Narcissus. After much resistant, Bishop فكام خرجوا إيل. وأبقوه مع نركيسوس ليساعده Alexander decided to accept and stay until the departure of St. الباب التقوا باألسقف الكسندروس فرجوه أن يقيم Narcissus. ولبث، فقبل بعد متنع شيد، مع األب نركيسوس This father remained on the Episcopal Chair for thirty seven وكانت مدة جلوس هذا األب، معه اىل أن تنيح years, and all the years of his life were one hundred and sixteen وجملة، عىل كرىس األسقفية سبعا وثالثني سنة years. معنا صالته تكون.حياته مائة وست عرشة سنة May his prayers be with us. Amen. . آمني The Departure of St. Hadid the priest. نياحة االنبا حديد القس 12th March - 3rd Baramhst On this day also, the blessed father and the lover of God Anba برمهات٣ - مارس١٢ Hadid the priest departed. He was righteous and virtuous. The وىف مثل هذا اليوم تنيح األب الطوباوي املحب Lord granted him the gift of performing miracles and wonders فمنحه، وكان تقيا فاضال، لإلله أنبا حديد القس and granted him the spirit of prophecy and knowing the hidden وأعطاه روح، هللا موهبة عمل اآليات والعجائب things. He revealed what was in the hearts of his visitors and حتى أنه كان يكشف ما، النبوة ومعرفة الرسائر healed those who were sick. It was said that he raised a dead man وقيل. ويشفى أمراض املرتددين عليه، ىف القلوب through his prayers. He departed, when he was one hundred years وبعد أن بلغ من العمر مئة. انه أقام ميتا بصالته old, in a good old age. سنة تنيح بشيخوخة صالحة صالته تكون معنا May his prayers be with us and Glory be to God forever. Amen.
Lenten Bible Reading Initiative Transorming our Lives The Gospel of St Matthew lentbible
the 1st Sunday of the Holy Lent األحد األول من الصوم الكبري املقدس Matthew 6:19 – 33 33 - 19 ::66 متى “But seek first the kingdom of God and His «أطلبوا أوال ملكوت هللا وبرم وهذه كلها تزاد لكم righteousness, and all these things shall be added 33 ::66 « متى to you”. Matthew 6:33. كلام تعقدت حياة االنسان كلام أزدادت مطالبه As life gets more busy and complicated so does فبالشك أالنسان البداىئ مطالبه.. و أهتامماته man’s needs and concerns…no doubt, the needs وإهتامماته أقل بكثري جدا من مطالب وأهتاممات and concerns of the primitive man is far less than االنسان الذى يعيش قى مدنية وتقدم القرن those of modern-man living in a metropolitan city وبالشك أيضا هذا االنسان.. الحادى والعرشين in the 21st century! Without any doubt, the initial البداىئ كان أقل قلقا وأنزعاجا من إنسان اليوم man had less worries than today’s man who has الذى أصبح يعول هم أشياء كثرية جدا زادت to consider many factors. These issues of our جدا عن مقدرة عقله عىل إستيعابه فبدأ يستعني modern times got so complicated that man needs باالجهزة الحديثة ملساعدته عىل االهتامم بهذه many devices and modern apparatus to help him بل أن هذه االجهزة الحديثة أيضا.. االمور الكثرية comprehend his or her world…the same modern فياويل.. أصبحت مصدر قلق مستمر لالنسان apparatus became a great source of worries, االنسان عندما تتعطل هده االجهزة فحياته كلها it becomes a problem if one or more of these أصبحت متوقفة عىل إستمرار هذه االجهزة ىف modern devices; stops working because man’s .. عملها وعىل دقة وأهتامم القامئني بتشغيلها life became dependant on the continual accuracy إنسان اليوم أصبح يعيش ىف غابة من االسالك and correct function of such devices…todays man واالجهزة والعجالت وا ًصبح يأكل طعامه ويرشب lives in a realm of wires, devices and wheels, man رشابه ملوثا بالدخان ويعيش ىف ضوضاء فاقت كل eats and drinks his food polluted with the smoke الحدود أفقدت االنسان هدوءه وقللت من قدره and noise of such devices…to the extent that man كم يحتاج هذا اإلنسان أن يعود ويراجع.. إحتامله lost the tranquil life and reduced his or her ability رمبا لن يستطيع أن.. نفسه ويراجع نظام حياته to resist such way of life! Man needs to reconsider ولكنه.. ينفلت من عجلة هذه الحياة املزدحمة his or her way of life…maybe man cannot escape يستطيع أن يخلص نفسه من شبكة الهم و القلق the hectic modern life but he can free himself from أذا تعلم جيدا هذا الدرس الدى يعلمه الرب يسوع the web of worries and anxiety (of this world) if he هللا يريده أن ينطلق بال هم كطيورالسامء.. له heeds well the lessons that our Lord Jesus Christ وينمو بال أعوجاج وال قلق ىف زينة حقيقية مثل is teaching us… God wants us to soar like birds زنابق الحقل ولكن هل يستطيع أنسان اليوم أن of the sky without any worries or troubles and to : يعيش بال هم ؟؟ وكيف ؟؟ هذا هو الحل grow without fear or diversion in a real glow like .. لتكن عينيك بسيطة.. التكزوا كنوزا عىل االرض the blossom (lilies) of the fields. The question is .. ال تخدم سيدين can man live without worries?? How?? This is the هذه هى املبادىء الثالثة التى تخلصك من القلق answer: وعندئذ تصري إهتامماتك كلها.. والهم واالضطراب Do not lay up for yourself treasures on earth.. .. من أجل ملكوت هللا وبره.. ساموية Your eye is good.. Do not serve two masters. ال تكرنوا لكم كنوزا عىل االرض+ This three principles will free you from all anxieties أصبح االنسان.. ما أكرث كنوز االنسان ىف هذا العامل and apprehension. Then all your concerns .. يكنز االموال وا لطعام والرشاب.. يكنز كل ىشء become the heavenly (life).. For the glory of God هناك كنوز من أسلحة الدمار.. بل حتى االسلحة and His Righteousness. والخرا ب يخزنها االنسان إستعدادا لليوم الذى + Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth والغريب أن االنسان.. يهلك فيه نفسه ومن حوله (Matthew 6:19) الذى عنده أكرث من إحتياجه هو الذى يصنع لنفسه Great is the treasures of man on earth…man كنوزا ومخازن بينام االنسان الذى يقاىس من الفقر (now a days) treasures everything…money, food ولو وزعت.. والحرمان فتجده بال كنوز وال مخازن & drink and even the armour and armaments محتويات املخازن املوجودة لدى أغنياء االرض عىل .. There are a cache of weapons of destruction الفقراء ملا بقى فقري واحد أو محتاج واحد عىل treasured by man and kept for in readiness for )20 :12 يصف الكتاب املقدس (لوقا.. وجه االرض the destruction of man-kind just in case! .. It is الرجل الغنى الذى هدم مخازنه وبنى أكرب منها rather strange that man has more than his needs وصار مينى نفسه بان له خريات كثرية لسنني مديدة and makes treasures and treasuries (for keeping مقبلة بأنه غبى فالليلة سوف تطلب نفسه فهذه
it) whilst the poor man who suffers from poverty التى أعدها ملن تكون ؟؟ من الذى سوف يستفيد you will find he has no treasuries or treasures. if منها ؟؟ all of what is kept by the rich; distributed among وحب التخزين قد يدفع االنسان اىل إقتناء ما يريد the poor, there will be no poor in this world! The .. أن يخزنه ولو بطريق غري سليم كتقديم الرشوة bible in the gospel of Luke (12:20) describes the وهنا يصبح.. أو الكذب.. أو الغش.. أو الرسقة rich man who planned to build new stores for his ما خزنه االنسان مثل قنبلة زمنية تحت فراشه goods and treasure and saying to himself “take . . تنتظر الوقت املناسب لتنفجر وتهلكه your ease; eat, drink, and be merry” by a “fool! سمعت قصة مؤملة عن حادث الرتولىل باص الذى This night your soul will be required of you” (Luke 40 سقط ىف النيل بكل ركابه منذ حواىل 20:18-20), so all this you planned for who?? And سنة وذكرت االنباء أن هذه الحادثة حدثت ىف who will benefit from it?? وعندما عرضت الجثث ىف املرشحة.. أول الشهر Loving to pose and store may lead man tseek what كان من يتعرف عىل جثة قريبة يتسلمها ويتسلم he or she wants even, if meant by twisted ways! معها مرتب الشهر الذى كان ىف جيب الشخص Like paying a bribe. or stealing. or cheating…or الغارق deceit. thus, what man is collecting becomes a ومن بني هؤالء االقارب شاب آىت ليتسلم جثة time-bomb awaiting the right time to explode and والده وبني دموعه ورصاخه تعرف عىل جثة والده destroy him or her! وعندما.. ولكن مل يجدوا معها الحافظة واملرتب I hear a painful story happen some 40 years ago فتشوا الجثة املجاورة كانت املفاجأة وجدوا on a trolley-bus (in Cairo) and it was at the 1st day كان الشخص.. حافظة الرجل ومرتبه بالكامل فيها of the month when the trolley-bus plunged into the الذى بجواره ىف املرشحة نشاال رسق الحافظة Nile River and all passengers perished! All the ولكن بعد ثوان سقط الرتولىل باص ىف املاء ومات relatives came to morgue to collect the bodies of كل ما متتع به من هذا.. واملال املرسوق ىف جيبه their loved ones and collected all their belongings املال هو لحظات قليلة بني رسقة املال وبني غرقه including the month wages, one young man came لحظا ت قليلة متثل عمراالرشار عىل.. ىف املاء to seek his father but when he recognised his .. االرض father’s body, there was no wallet on him! They ويحكون قصة أخرى عن بائع لنب تعود أن يغش found his wallet in the pocket of another man’s . . اللنب باملاء ليكسب أكرث ويخزن أمواال أكرث pocket who was a pick-pocket and stole the wallet وكان لديه قرد تعود أن يشاهد صاحبه ويخلط a few seconds later perished! All he gained is a وكون هذا البائع غرياألمني ثروة كبرية.. اللنب باملاء few second of pleasure in stealing other person’s وحملها وأخذ القرد ليسافر ىف مركب اىل بلده money then died, which represent the short life of ويجد القرد رصة املال.. حامال رصة املال ىف يده evil on earth. Another story, of a seller who used بجواره ىف املركب وبعبث بها ويفك عقدتها ويلهو to cheat by adding water to the milk he sold, in بالدراهم وصار يلقيها واحدا بعد االخر ىف املاء order to gain more money to treasure. he owned فرحا بالصوت الذى تعمله ىف املاء وتنبه صاحبه a monkey who often saw him adding water to بعد فرتة ملا حدث فوجد أنه فقد نصف ماله ىف the milk and this dishonest seller collected lots .. متاما كام كسبه باضافة املاء اىل اللنب.. املاء of money from his dishonesty which he took وهكذا ذهب كل ىشء اىل أصله وأستيقظ ضمريه and sailed on a ship returning home carrying his وندم عىل عمله وتاب وتعهد أن بعيش أمينا money with him… The monkey found the bundle of . مخلصا ىف كل أعامله money while on the ship which the monkey started أن عادة التخزبن كثريا ما تؤدى باالنسان اىل to play with and throwing dinars & dirhams into بل أيضا تفقد االنسان.. اإلنحراف وإرتكاب الخطأ the sea happy with sound it makes when it hits the محبا.. فيصبح االنسان أنانيا.. كثريا من الفضائل water! After a while the dishonest man discovered وقد يكذب ليحول.. خائفا عىل ثروته... لذاتة what the monkey been doing, after he lost half his متكربا يظن أنه أفضل من اآل خرين.. االنظار عنه fortune to the waters, exactly as he added water to وتجعله أيضا ينىس نفسه ويطحن نفسه ىف.. his milk! Thus, he recognised his sin and repented العمل مهمال حياته الروحية ومهمال االهتامم and vowed to continue life in honesty. وكم من آباء وأمهات شغلوا.. بأفراد أرسته The habit of storing (treasures) often leads man to أنفسهم ىف العمل وصاروا يعملون ساعات طويلة dishonesty and evil doing. but it also, makes man إضافية ليال ونها را وبعد سنني أفاقوا ليجدوا lose many of his virtues, becoming a self-centred أنفسهم قد كدسوا ألنفسهم االموال ولكنهم فقدوا person and selfish weary for his wealth. even to أغىل ىشء ىف حياتهم الذين.. أوالدهم وبناتهم
the extent of lying to hide his or her wealth and كانوا يقولون أنهم من أجلهم يعملون ومن أجلهم becoming aloof and haughty thinking that he or أفاقوا ليجدوهم قد تاهوا وضاعوا ومل بعد.. يتعبون she is better than others! .. Also, it makes man, ينفعهم املال وال املقتنيات ليقودهم اىل طريق الصواب forget himself in collecting wealth and work .. and forgetting his spiritual life and his family أحرتس أيها الحبيب لئال تكون مرضوبا برضبة حب and loved ones… How many parents occupied أكنز لك كنزا.. االقتناء والرغبة ىف التخزين وكنز الكنوز themselves with work for long hours day and كنزا ال يفسد وال يرسقه ا لسارقون.. ىف السامء night and after years (of busy labour) find رساج الجسد هو العني+ themselves have accumulated wealth but have وهى العني النقية الطاهرة تجعل.. العني البسيطة lost their offspring! The most important thing in والعني الرشيرة تجعل الجسد كله.. الجسد كله نريا their lives which they often said they work and .. وعموما من العني تبدأ هموم االنسان.. مظلام labour hard for them, to realise that they have وال ترى.. فالعني البسيطة ترى ىف كل ىشء نقاوة gone astray, and no money or positions will .. فهى عني ال تشتهى ما لآلخرين.. الرش وال الشهوة return them (the offspring) to the righteous way! إن خطية سقوط االنسان.. وال تطلب شهوة الجسد Be careful my beloved lest you become ill with أذ رأت حواء أن.. ىف الفردوس بدأت بشهوة العيون the love of laying up treasures on earth… layup .. الشجرة جيدة لألكل وبهجة للعيون treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor .. عيون ال ترى االرض.. هناك عيون مرفوعة اىل السامء rust destroys and where thieves do not break in .. بل ترى جامل السامء and steal (Matthew 6:20) ولهذه العيون كل ما ىف األرض يعترب باطل وكأنه الىشء + The lamp of the body is the eye (Luke 11:34) .. The good and simple eye is the pure and القديس بولس الرسول أختطف اىل ا لسامء ورأى هناك innocent eye which makes the whole body full ماال تستطيع عني أن تصفه وبال شك أمام جامل السامء of light… and evil eye makes the whole body .. تضاءلت االرض كلها ىف نظره evil and dark… generally from the eye (sight) وعندئذ.. موىس النبى رأى مجرد ظل هللا من الخلف man’s concerns start…for the good eye sees صار وجهه الزائل يلمع ببهاء عظيم وأمام هذه اللمحة everything pure and untainted and does not see الرسيعة من جامل السامء تحولت ىف نظره كل أضواء evil nor lust because it is an eye which does .. االرض اىل ظلمة not covet others, because it is an eye does وهناك عيون تنظر اىل االرض واىل طني االرض وترابها not yearn for what others have.. nor it seeks :17 مثل عيون أمرأة لوط (لوقا.. تنظر اىل الخلف.. lusts of the body. man’s sin in paradise started التى.. )39 ومثل عيون زوجة فوطيفار (تكوين..)31 with desires of the eye.. Eve saw that the tree عميت عيونها الجسدية عن طهارة يوسف وأمانته was good for food and was pleasant to the eye ومثل عيون بنى.. ومل ترى فيه إال شهواتها الجسدية (Genesis 3:6) … There are eyes which are set :16 أرسائيل عندما تذمروا عىل هللا ىف الربية (خروج on heavens. eyes which do not see earthly اللحم.. ) وأشتهوا أن يروا ويرجعوا اىل خريات مرص3 matters. but only see beauty of heavens. and و الكرات وغريها من لذات مرص وعميت عيونهم عن for such eyes everything on earth is void and روءية املجد العظيم النئ أعده هللا لهم وعن أرض as if it was nothing. .. كنعان التى تفيض لبنا وعسال التى يقودهم هللا اليها St Paul the apostle was take to heaven and وأنت ما هى عينك ؟؟ ما الذى تراه عيونك ؟؟ هل saw what no word can describe, nor an eye عيونك تبحث عن جامل العامل وألوان العامل ؟؟ هل has seen (2 Corinthian 12) and from this vision عيونك تتذوق الجامل الجسدى واملناظر ا لعاملية ؟؟ everything on earth diminished in his view. فوراء هذه القرشة.. أنها عيون ال ترى سوى الرتاب Moses the prophet saw the shadow of God الخارجية من جامل الجسد ومن املناظر الرباقة توجد behind him (Exodus 3) …and since his face lit عظام نتنة وعفونة ووراء هذا املظهر الخارجى ا لجميل up with brilliance, and from this quick glance ولكن مع األسف العيون.. ال يوجد سوى الرتاب والرماد the beauty of heavenly life, all of earths lights أما.. الجسدية ال تستطيع أن ترى اال الخارج فقط became darkness for him. العيون الروحية فتنفذ وترى حقيقة شهوات الجسد There are eyes which only sees the earth, أحرتس من هذا الرساب.. أحرتس من خداع النظر.. the soil and the dust of the earth, eyes looks العاملى الذى يبهرك به العامل بكل شهواته وأباطيله behind… like Potiphar’s wife (Genesis 39).. تعلم أن تغمض عينيك.. أنها كلها خداعات باطلة.. who became blind to Joseph’s purity and تعلم أن ترفع.. الجسديتني وتفتح عيونك الروحية honesty and only saw her own physical حول عينيك من رؤية العامل اىل.. عيونك اىل فوق
lusts… like the eyes of the Israelites when .. مناظر السامء they revolted against God in the wilderness ال يقدر أحد أن يخدم سيدين+ (Exodus 16:3) and longed for land of Egypt تصور أن رجل بوليس يعمل رجل بوليس ىف الصباح and its produce… the meat and dill and other تصور أن جنديا يحارب ىف.. ويعمل لصا ىف املساء.. pleasures (foods) of Egypt and their eye تصور أن.. جيش وىف جيش االعداء ىف وقت واحد became blind to seeing the glory God has محاميا يدافع عن موكله وعن خصم موكله ىف وقت prepared for them in the land of Canaan the هل هذا ممكن ؟؟ أليس هذا مستحيال ويناىف.. واحد land milk and honey which God is leading them هكذ ا بالضبط هو حال اإلنسان الذى يخدم.. العقل to!. أنه جعل من املال.. » والحظ التعبري»يخدم.. هللا واملال Now, you, my beloved which eyes do you وىف نفس الوقت يريد أن.. سيدا يخدمه ويخضع له have? What do you see? Are your eyes seeking .. يخدم هللا the beauty of the world and it’s colours?? Do .. هناك قصة عن احد السفن أوشكت عىل الغرق your eys only taste the physical beauty and وبدأ ركاب السفينة بركبون قوارب النجاة وبعدهم worldly attractiveness? If so, then their eye ولكن أحدى البحارة كان.. نزل البحارة لريكبوا القوارب which only sees the dust, since behind these مشغوال بالبحث عن األموال والجواهر التى تحملها bright shrouds of the physical beauty of the ونجح ىف كرس الخزانة وهداه تفكريه أن.. ا لسفينة body is bones and rotten flesh and behind such يخبأ هذه األموال والجواهر ىف حزام شده عىل وسطه beauty is only dust and ashes. but alas our وأنطلق لريكب قوارب النجاة وصار مينى نفسه أنه physical eyes only see the outer image, but وجاء دوره لينزل ىف.. سوف يصبح من أرباب املاليني the spiritual eyes penetrate beyond and sees القارب وأبتسامة عريضة عىل وجهه ومد رجله ليخطو the reality of lusts. Be careful of the deception وفجأة تهب ريح عاتية ويسقط.. اىل قارب النجاة of the body vision and be careful of the world’s البحار ىف البحر وبينه وبني قارب النجاة خطوة واحدة mirage which is luring you with all its lusts and وحاول البحار أن يسبح ليصل اىل القارب ولكن ااألموال follies... It is all vain and follies. و الجواهر الثقيلة املربوطة عىل وسطه شدته اىل أسفل Learn to close your bodily eyes and to open هذا متاما حال االنسان.. اىل عمق البحر ليموت غرقا your spiritual eyes. Learn to raise your eyes ولكنه.. يريد أن ينجى من الغرق ىف بحر هذا العامل.. above to be able to see the heavenly glory. .. يريد أن يحمل معه ثروة العامل وغنى العامل وشهواته + No one can serve two masters: وهذا غري ممكن وعندئذ يغرق ويضيع وال تنفعه أموال Imagine a policeman who works as policeman كم من كثريين شغلو ا أنفسهم بهذا.. العامل وشهوا ته in the morning and a thief at night, or a soldier وشغلهم.. السيد الصعب وهو أموال االعامل ومقتنياته who fights in the camp of his people and the حتى عن خالص أنفسهم ثم.. هذا السيد عن كل ىشء enemies camp in onetime, or a lawyer who .. أودى بهم اىل الهالك ومل ينفعهم ىف ىشء defends his client and his client’s foe as well. يقصون قصة عن أنسان غنى جدا قىض كل حياته Of course, this is not possible and illogical. This ولكنه أصيب مبرض صعب.. يجمع االموال ويكدسها is exactly what happens when serve God and أن يعيش وكتب له االطباء%5 وحدد له االطباء فرصة mammon. Note the word “serve”. Mammon وكان لسان حال.. عالجا فرصته ىف النجاح قليلة جدا became a master whom you serve and in the أوالده وما جدوى العالج وملاذا يزيدون عناء أبيهم same time you want to serve God. How many وأستخرس.. فلريحل وليسرتيح ويرتك لهم ثراءه الواسع people are living in this contradiction in their فيه أوالده بضعة جنيهات مثن الدواء وتركوه ميوت life. The mammon is a hard-cruel master who أن.. أيها الجيب.. تاركا أمو اله التى مل تنفعه ىف ىشء wants you to submit fully to him and would give وال ينفع من يلتجأ.. املال سيد غري أمني وغري مخلص you no chance to serve God or to think about أما هللا فهو سيد محب جدا.. بل يرضه ويخونه.. اليه your own salvation. عندما تلتجا اليه يحملك عىل ذراعيه كام تحمل االم.. + And all these things shall be added to you .. وينقذك من كل ضيقة ويرفعك اىل السامء.. رضيعها When you serve God and God alone, the God وهذه كلها تزاد لكم+ does not ever forget your needs. God knows فهو ال ينىس أحتياجاتك.. هللا فقط.. عندما تخدم هللا very well what you need. God has prepared the إذا كان الرب قد دبر لك األبدية.. أنه يعرفها جيدا.. eternity for you and for sure will deal with all التى ال تنتهى فهل ال يدبر لك الحياة الوقتية التى ال your worldly needs which cannot be measured .. تقاس بلحظة أمام األبدية compared to your eternal life. Be assured, all .. وهذه كلها تزاد لكم.. أطلبوا ملكوت هللا وبره these things will be added to you.
The Departure of Saint Pope Cyril (Kyrillos) VI The 115th Successor to St. Mark the Evangelist 9th March - 30th Amsher On March 9 (Amshir 30), the remembrance of the departure of the Great Pope (Papa Ava) Kyrillos (Cyril) VI, the 116th successor of St. Mark the Evangelist. He was pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St. Mark befor our present pope, Papa Ava Shenouda III. Anba (His Holiness) Kyrillos was a holy man who through full dedication to the life of prayer and fasting posessed many higher gifts which included performing wonders and miracles, the gift of knowledge, and an unusual ability to lead by example. which was missing for generations before his ascending to the throne of St. Mark. He set on the chair of St. Mark for twelve years (1959-1971). He had the honor and showed the wisdom needed to guide the Coptic Church through the difficult times of the 1960’s when the government of then Gamal Abdul-Nasser was nationalizing business, real estate, and land including those willed to the churches and monasteries. He was highly regarded by the people of Egypt from all walks of life Christian and non-Christian alike. Pope Kyrillos VI was born August 2, 1902 as Azer Ata, the son of a church deacon from a middle class family. After completing high school, Azer went to work for a shipping company in Alexandria. Much against his family’s wishes, he resigned his job with the intention of becoming a monk and entered the monastery of Baramous (named after Sts. Maximus and Domadius) in the Western Desert of Egypt in an area called bariaat Sheheet (the prairie of the heart’s scale). On the 25th of February, 1928, he was consecrated monk. He was given the monastic name “Mena” after St. Menas his patron saint. Three years later he was ordained a priest, July 18, 1931. Fr. Mena attended the Helwan Theological College and was rated one of the top students. Later, he retired to a cave two miles away from the monastery to live a life of solitude. That is how he came to be known as “Abouna Mena Al-mota-Wahed” (Fr. Mena the Solitaire). Afterwards, he was appointed abott of the Monastery of St. Samuel in the eastern desert, south of Suex near the Red Sea. He devoted a great deal of effort toward the restoration of this historic landmark. When the monastery of St. Samuel was restored, he left that area and moved to a deserted windmill south of Cairo (the windmill belonged to the Army, and long after, it was revealed that he paid a nominal rent for it when he found out that it belonged to the Army). This is near the historic region of “Masr Al-Kadema” (ancient Cairo). He restored the place and built a small residence and a church on the name of St. Mena his patron saint. He found himself surronded with college students, many of them are from outside Cairo, so, he started a dormitory for students who neede this service. This informal program produced the first church affiliated dorm in modern times in Egypt, and produced countless church leaders, some of whom are our present bishops, priests, and Laity leaders. The likes of His Holiness Pope Shenouda (his successor), the late bishop Samuel, .. etc. After the abduction of his predecessor, the late pope Youssab (Joseph) II by militant Copts, the church was in great turmoil which did not last long, because it was the will of God the pope Youssab departed shortly thereafter. In April, 1959, Fr. Mena Al-Mota-Wahed was elected pope and patriarch through the unique process used in the Coptic Church to elect a pope. Candidates for the honorable position are nominated, three or four of the nominees are elected by the Holy Synod as most qualified. The final selection is left to the will of God and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, by placing the names on the altar during the appointed day of final selection. A young deacon is then asked to draw a name which is then the one chosen by God from among the qualified candidates for this high calling. In May, 1959, Fr. Mena became pope and patriarch by the laying of the hands of all the
bishops of the Coptic Church at the time, he was called pope Kyrillos VI (That means that five popes before him were called Kyrillos. The first pope Kyrillos is Cyril of Alexandria the pillar of faith). During his tenure as patriarch, many were attracted to monastic life and to the priesthood by his good example and sincere life style. As a teen-ager growing in Egypt at the time I used to attend Vespers regularly at the Great St. Mark Cathedral (Al-darb Al-wasse) in Cairo where his holiness lead the prayers and many of us had the blessing of seeing him, talking to him, and getting his blessings. He always paid attention to the people and spent many hours blessing and chatting with young and old. He always encouraged us during exams seasons, and prayed for our success. No wonder many joined the priesthood from the ranks of college graduates in all fields which was previously not considered the thing to do! Many books have been written about his life, wonders and miracles. The author recommends the publications of Pope Kyrillos the VI Society which are published originally in Arabic and translated to many live languages (English, French, German, .. etc.). We are going to mention just a few, some have not published elsewhere and was related to the author by relatives and friends: His Holiness had the gift of knowledge, so one day, he was visited by two men, one was well known to his holiness. When the gentleman introduced his friend to his holiness, Pope Kyrillos looked at the man and said: “Why don’t you like us?” I love you and like to see you here always. The man was very ashamed because he thought evil of our beloved pope and had argued with his friend about the use of meeting a ‘simple’ man. This man became a great admirer of Anba Kyrillos and his son was healed from terrible illness through the prayers of Anba Kyrillos. Miracles of heeling and casting out of devils from a non-Christian young lady was related to me by a very dear relative. She was the daughter of his boss in a textile factory near Alexandria. She was one of 22 children, possessed by demons and was withering away. Her father loved her very much. He spent a fortune on real doctors and witch doctors as well, with no results. On day, he called my relative to his office and said, you have “Sheik Kebeer” (Great Elder)? can you introduce me to him? My relative promised to arrange a meeting, he traveled to Cairo and arranged with the pope’s secretary a meeting for the afternoon of a specified date. He was supposed to meet them at the door and introduce them to the staff to take them to the house of the patriarchate. The people were very anxious, they arrived early. His Holiness recognized them although he was not told (ordinarily, people were brought in, and they told him their needs). Anba Kyrillos called the young lady by her first name. Put his cross on her forehead, she fell down sobbing. From that moment on, she was completely whole. In his last days, he was gravely ill with phlebitis (blood clot in the leg). They hooked a speaker from the great Cathedral to his bedroom at his request because he could not bear not being able to perform liturgy (which he performed almost daily during his life of priesthood). One day the head mother of one of the convents (monasteries for nuns) wanted to speak to him on the phone, but the staff wouldn’t give out his private number. Anba Kyrillos appeared to her in a vision, gave her the number and comforted her. She did not call, but later on she was blessed by seeing him and was rendered speechless when Anba Kyrillos asked her the reason she did not call on his private line. Our Father Papa Ava (the Great Pope) Kyrillos departed on March 9, 1971. Shortly before his departure, he told one of the monks, you look like Tobia, the one mentioned in the book of Tobeet. Take care of my burial. Initially, they buried him under the Altar in the Great Cathedral in Cairo. But when his successor, the Great Patriarch, Pope Shenouda III read his will, he had to follow his wishes and move his holy body to the desert south west of Alexandria, to the Monastery of St. Mena which was renovated and immensely expanded by Pope Kyrillos to honor his good friend, patron saint, St. Mena of Marriot. That is where his place of rest. It is the custom of Apostolic Churches to wait 50 years after departure, before declaring a person a saint. And although many in our generation feel deeply about the worthiness of Anba Kyrillos, we anxiously are waiting until this day comes. His prayers and the prayers and intercessions of his patron, Saint Mena of Marriot be with us. Glory be to God forever. Amen.
Ordinations of Father Kyrollos & Fr John Saturday 26th February 2022
Ordinations of Father Kyrollos & Fr John Saturday 26th February 2022
Ordinations of Father Kyrollos & Fr John Saturday 26th February 2022
Blessed Marriage Viz Buckrally & Barbara Saturday 26th February 2022 St, Mary’s Church
Blessed Marriage Frazer Beard & Monica Awad Saturday 26th February 2022 St. Mary’s Church
New Buildings works starting 21st March 2022 Everything is ready to start the new project. Builder should start to take hold of the project site anytime after 21st March. Church servants started to clear the buildings contents. Work is going actively to prepare house no 2 Kensington Road to be available to nove priests offices, church kitchen, preparing Orban facilites and preparing youth and Sunday school activities area. The new Building is expected to be ready within 12 months. Cost of building works is around $12,000000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreaciated. ٢٠٢٢ مارس٢١ البدء فى مشروع المبانى يوم مارس القادم٢١ من المتوقع أن يستلم المقاول منطقة المبانى الجديدة ابتداء من يوم .يعمل خدام الكنيسة بنشاط لنقل محتويات المبانى الحالية قبل البدء فى عملية الهدم كينسنجنتون رود يتم تجهيزه حاليا لنقل مكاتب األباء الكهنة وتجهيز المطبخ٢ المبنى رقم . يتم تجهيز الغرف وصاالت المنزل ألنشطة الشباب ومدارس األحد.ومكان لعمل القربان , شهرا١٢ من المتوقع األنتهاء من المبانى فى خالل . مليون دوالرا١٢ تبلغ تكلفة المشروع حوالى الرب يبارك تبرعاتكم ومساهمتكم فى هذا العمل Good News - أخبار سارة
Department of Education offered $1,000,000 grant for the child care Donations to St Mary›s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link للتبرعات لكنيسة العذراء مريم ومشروع المبانى أضغط على الرابط (Copy & Paste on Web Browser) Special Thanks for all who keep working tirelessly for the success of this project. May the Lord reward them all and bless all their works